#snow queen gerda
ecofinisher · 1 year
Rollda and Kaifida headcanons
I don't remember, when and why I wrote that, so I'm posting them, so I can erase it from my file.
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Rollan teaches his kids, when they’re older how to ice skate and play ice hockey.
Rollan and Gerda used to discuss together baby names before going to sleep.
Rollan and Gerda share both their chores at home.
When they have to cook for more than 6 persons, they cook together.
Rollan keeps Gerda on his lap and pets her belly for comfort and to give the baby love.
Gerda lived for Rollan’s belly rubs during her pregnancy.
Rollan will at hard times feel helpless, when Gerda during her pregnancy falls into the mood swings.
Gerda’s pregnancy would also lead her to randomly transform into a dragon or make random body parts of her dragon-self appear spontaneously.
Rollan is the big spoon, most of the times. Other times Gerda will take that spot. On colder or sadder moments the two snuggle together for warmth.
Gerda’s favorite moment of the snuggling, was to be in Rollan’s arms enjoying his warmth.
The duo chat often before falling asleep.
Rollan tries his best to make time to play with their kids.
Rollan enjoys it to play Ice Hockey with the kids.
Between Helena and Roscoe, Helena is Rollan’s favorite child.
Gerda loves her twins. She mainly admires Roscoe for being a solid copy of Rollan.
Rollan terribly misses the days, he and Gerda could be by themselves.
Rollan helped Gerda’s brother Kai about how fatherhood is like.
Gerda gets along pretty well with Rollan’s mother.
Gerda’s biggest joy is it, when she along with Rollan take their kids on the walk.
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Kai does big part of the household.
Kai is the small spoon.
Kai was frustrated during Alfida’s mood swings during her pregnancy.
Alfida was eternitally grateful for Kai’s patience around her heavy months.
Kai visited Rollan once in a while to ask for fatherhood advices.
Their future kid is a mix of the two parents.
Both Alfida and Kai chat together, how they solve their kid’s future together.
Alfida teaches her kid how to defend himself.
Kai slowly gets along with Rollan.
Kai teaches his niece and nephew how to draw.
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zu-is-here · 7 months
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✧ Dreamtale x The Snow Queen ✧
[3/5] Happy anniversary ♡
Dream & Nightmare by jokublog
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snowdancedreams · 3 months
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179 years of The Snow Queen (Part 1) ⛄️🧤
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sketchbot9000 · 10 days
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"Portrait of The Snow Queen"
-A painting done by an admirer
-Critique by the Demon Slayer Gerda
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ileniagennari · 3 months
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Some fluffy panels from the last chapter of The Lady in the Snow Follow me on WEBTOON and PATREON
And please help me voting TLITS on TopWebcomics.com
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tsartistry · 4 months
I absolutely love your Niobe kidnaps Lester au!! In a post you said that Niobe was dating Circe, so I'm just wondering that since Circe is a witch, would she teach Lester some witchcraft? (Other than the ones you have to be born with)
No, at least not at first! Lester's brainwashing is a continuous process. There are times when Circe needs to cull memories that bubble up from time to time. If she teaches Lester how to practice her witchcraft, there's a small risk that he might realize she's been using magic to mess with his memories.
Since Egyptian magic is different from Circe's brand of witchcraft, she and Niobe are a little more comfortable with him learning it.
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lepetitdragonvert · 10 months
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Légende et contes d’Andersen
Éditions Gründ
Artist : Jiri Trnka
The Snow Queen
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fox-from-malta · 5 months
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Drew them to decorate my presentation slides, since I decided to do it on this precious film uwu
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why did the 1957 snow queen have to come for my heart with the little robber girl like that
she lets gerda go and just EXLPODES in a whirlwind of rage and grief, slashing the ropes of all her animal captives right and left, chasing them away, yelling, freeing them, falling down and just... cries there all alone... she can't keep them anymore. she can't stand seeing them caged. she couldn't keep gerda and now she doesn't want to keep any of them either
when the critters paused and went back to her. the close up of her hand as a bunny tries nuzzling it, only for her to wave it away, only for the animals to stay with her anyway
it hurt good. im a little throat tight just thinking about it
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tackypies · 1 year
something that irks me with modern american snow queen adaptations is they want to "feminize" it by making gerda someone who doesn’t Need a Man (i.e. the journey for kai is stupid) when the snow queen was never abt gerda and kai being in love. it’s about childhood.
i’d even go so far as to argue that gerda and kai are less separate individuals and more parts of a whole. kai being the one who succumbs to "growing up" too fast and being obsessed with logic, while gerda saves him with her "childhood innocence"
the ending of the snow queen even says as much: what saved kai was not "love" so much as "innocence." it’s the ability to keep your wonder and curiosity and love for the world alive, even as an adult
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the moment you treat the snow queen as "this is stupid why is this girl going so far for a boy" you lose the nuanced readings of andersen playing w/ 19th century gender roles & what he’s trying to say about human nature
like believe me the only remotely lovey dovey stuff going on is between gerda and the robber girl.
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comparativetarot · 9 months
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The Lovers. Art by Nara Lesser, from Neurotic Owl’s Faerytale Tarot.
Gerda & the Little Robber Girl
Sooooo, the lovers.  This is one of the first cards I knew I had a plan for – this one, the Devil, the Emperor, and Death.  I am in no way the first to read a bitchload of queer subtext into this chapter of The Snow Queen; I’m probably not the hundredth.  It basically screams off the page.  If you’re not familiar with Hans Christian Andersen’s original story, you can read it here.  And because chatting about it with a friend reminded me that the Toast once used this same couple for Femslash Friday, you should totally go read that one here, it’s hilarious.
But so essentially, my lovers card is about rising above yourself and sacrificing for the one you love, and the balance between two opposing personalities who both need some of what the other has, and also just a teensy muff joke, how could I resist?  When we first meet the little robber girl she’s this wild, terrifying little Tazmanian devil, jumping her (terrible) mother an biting her to protect Gerda, promising Gerda that if anyone kills her it’ll be herself, terrorizing her ‘pets’, sleeping with knives.  She’s . . . not a great romantic prospect.  But the thing is, it’s all surface level swagger and overcompensation for the fact that she is clearly a sweet soft girl underneath.  She’s bold and brash and wild, and she balances out Gerda, who’s been somewhat passive through this whole adventure and really needs a little of what the robber girl has.  She’s also clearly had a TERRIBLE home life.  The story sort of sweeps over it, but we have descriptions of her mother ‘filliping her nose till it’s red and blue’, and her eventual plans for Gerda’s escape depends on her knowing that her mother will drink herself into a stupor by midday EVERY FUCKING DAY.  She makes it sound like she’s the scary one when she sleeps with her knife, but why exactly has a child learned that that’s necessary?  She’s had an absolutely tragic life so far, and yeah, she’s lashing out at the poor animals, but that also seems to stay at empty threats.  IT’S NOT GREAT and she seems primed to repeat the treatment she’s grown up with, but there’s more in her than that.  She has a wellspring of love inside her that saves Gerda.  She gives her back her fur boots; she steals her mother’s big mittens in exchange for her pretty muff (teehee) to keep Gerda’s hands warm, she gives her her reindeer and sends her off on her quest with no real expectation that her own situation will improve at all or that she’ll ever see Gerda again.
And happily we do see her again briefly at the end, riding out looking far more prosperous and happy, off to adventure herself, and if Gerda had half of the robber girl’s bravery she’d ditch Kay and go adventuring with her.  But boo, whatever, obviously that’s not the ending Andersen was going to write.
Gerda and the Robber Girl map so nicely for me with another famously queer-inflected female friendship, Anne Shirley and Diana Barry.  They have a similar dynamic – the one who’s grown up outside society is able to declare her passion loudly and intensely; the one from the safe middle-class home is less sure but clearly wants to go where her love leads.
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ecofinisher · 1 year
Gerda headcanons
I don't remember, when and why I wrote that, so I'm posting them, so I can erase it from my file.
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Gerda learned to be a tough girl at the orphanage.
Gerda defended the weak and the weird ones.
Gerda found Luta as a cub out on the snow.
Gerda was treated like trash by the housemaster.
Gerda still was sympathetic with foreigners, despite their behavior.
Gerda believes in the good of everybody.
Luta made Gerda’s life more tolerable.
Gerda was interested in the new boy Kai, cause he reminded her of her younger brother. (Maybe, because it was 😀)
Along with Alfida Gerda would stand up for Kai to defend his art skills.
Gerda once suggested Kai to paint for cash, but he didn’t like that idea.
Gerda and Kai escaped the orphanage, cause both couldn’t take it to life there.
Gerda made plans on how both would survive together. The most recent idea was telling their stories to school kids for money.
Gerda’s favorite season is spring. She loves variations of flowers that grow around.
Gerda likes to read and write.
Gerda used to have a diary as a teenager but lost it during the constant moving.
Gerda „gave up her life“ to take care of herself and Kai.
Kai was the reason for Gerda to move on with their lives.
Gerda knew Kai was in love with Alfida and would make him suggestions on how to move on. Kai feared rejection and preferred to be single for now.
Orm, Kai and Alfida are Gerda’s closest friends.
Gerda with the time gets desperate with their life state, but doesn’t want to bother Kai with it.
Gerda grows interested quickly, upon meeting Rollan.
Gerda learns from Rollan how to take her life easy and enjoy the bits of freedom she receives.
Gerda helped Rollan understand, he’s worthy and doesn’t need to listen to other people besides himself. People were jealous of his bravery and talent.
Gerda admires Rollan’s charm and character.
Gerda despises Rollan after the scene with the Fire King.
Gerda had dreams of how Rollan has always been a good boy but was manipulated to be evil.
Her parents helped her get over Rollan’s issue.
Gerda’s love for Rollan slowly vanished.
Gerda babysat Arrog’s triplets sometimes.
Gerda’s family met the royal troll family one day.
Gerda grows sad as all her family members have magic powers beside her. She’s mainly depressed, cause her puberty is almost over and she didn’t get anything yet.
Gerda upon encountering Rollan again, she had instantly all her good and bad moments pass through her mind.
Gerda upon getting closer with Rollan again, she was innerly happy to know he was alive.
Her positive side of her heart led her to save Rollan.
Gerda wanted immediately to get rid of Rollan, but his amnesia confused her.
Gerda softened for Rollan as he had shown her sincerity and loyalty. She began to accept him into her life again.
Gerda will always convince Kai, why she knows Rollan is good.
As Dragon-Gerda she watches over Rollan.
Gerda has joy „hunting“ Rollan as a dragon.
She likes to be in her dragon form to use it in a way of domination. She mostly enjoys to show her wild side.
When Gerda is up to marry Rollan, she adopts his last name.
Gerda learned a couple of Spanish words with Rollan. She admires the language very much and wishes to be able to communicate with Rollan that way as well.
Gerda is a good teacher.
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likehandlingroses · 1 year
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OUAT Rewatch 4x11 - Shattered Sight
[My sisters] were beautiful and kind and wonderful. And I was fearful, and I let that fear guide me.
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Hans' cold heart explained through 'The Snow Queen' | Theory | Analysis
I've seen posts that say Hans was actually hypnotized by the trolls on his way to the mountain, turning "evil" and though one wouldn't clearly see this possible or something the innocent trolls would do, after reading the Snow Queen, I believe that instead it's just used as a metaphor for Hans to show us that really just like Kai, there is a warm genuine heart underneath that cold blanket that covers it. If you read @a13thprincefora13thprincess's Who is this Hans? post (sorry I keep mentioning you every time I mention Hans, but your analysis is just that good! It changed my perception further on Hans - It could do to more!), it will allow you to see the sudden change in Hans' from good to evil and his reasons for his actions, scene by scene, frame by frame. She also mentions that Hans is actually the mirror in 'The Snow Queen', while as we all know, Elsa is the Snow Queen. However I also believe that both Elsa and Hans have elements of Kai too; while Anna is full on Gerda with the warm heart with Elsa/ Kai as their "true love" (in different forms) and Hans seems to be the one with the sudden cold heart. While we first see him as a genuine warm hearted man,
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he's later shown to be a cold hearted one just like Kai was, though he was eventually saved by Gerda with an act of true love (just like Elsa was saved from Hans (the mirror and the cold hearted Kai) by Anna).
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In the original story telling, Kai was struck by the mirror that the trolls made, but in 'Frozen' they're friendly, loving and family to Kristoff, so I don't think the trolls may have a direct impact on Hans' cold heart turn but then again you never know. Frozen is full of its glorious twists!
Breakdown of the original in the retelling
Originally, the trolls made the mirror to distort the appearance of everything it reflects showing the opposite of what actually is. They take the mirror all over the world and distort everything then they go on their way to God and the angels with the mirror to shove it their faces. But on the way, the mirror trembles and falls shattering into a billion pieces. Some get struck in the eye and sike in the heart making the warm hearts, turn cold. One shard struck Kai in the eye making him cold hearted. Kai had a best friend named Gerda and roses were their favourite flower as they grew in the play area they played in. Hence it is a symbolism of their love. After being struck, on a summers day, Kai goes off to the Snow Queen's ice palace. When Winter comes round, Gerda decides to find Kai believing he's still alive. On her way, in search of Kai, she befriends a few people. She also collects a horse, carriage and boots so she stays warm. At the ice palace, finally having found Kai, she shows him an act of true love with a kiss and thaws his cold heart getting rid of the shard in it too.
Now as we know, the movie isn't a direct retelling of the classic but it does keep some key elements to it. Instead of friends and being different genders, the main two protagonists are sisters, named Elsa and Anna. And the Snow Queen is Elsa with the given powers. When they were younger and they played together they built a snowman, named Olaf and it's a symbolism of their bond. But there comes a point when Elsa loses control of her powers and actually strikes Anna in the head. The family goes to the trolls who aren't evil but are the good wise ones and replace Elsa's magic in Anna's memory, with the two playing in the snow. Fearing Elsa might accidentally hurt Anna again, she locks herself in her room for years causing the sisters to fall apart. At the coronation when it's accidentally revealed Elsa has powers, she runs off to the North mountain where it's colder and more isolated and there she builds an ice palace. Just before the coronation, on summers day, Anna meets Hans, a handsome prince who she falls in love with - the warm hearted Kai. But with Elsa running off, Anna goes after her on a horse. On the way to find Elsa, Anna befriends a few people just as Gerda does. But as she does so, she is offered winter attire including a pair of boots. Given that Elsa accidentally froze the sea and hence the kmad, it's now an eternal winter. One of those friends who Anna befriends, is Kristoff who has a reindeer and a sleigh instead of a horse and a carriage. A few minutes after Anna's arrival at Elsa's palace, Elsa accidentally strikes her again but this time in the heart. When Anna is taken to trolls by Kristoff, who's his adopted family, they tell her to seek an act of true love. Anna believes her true love is Hans and seeks him for a kiss, like how Kai and Gerda do. But upon arrival to Hans, he turns out to be evil, almost as if he was stuck by the mirrors shard like Kai was in the original telling, and hence leaves Anna to die without a kiss even though he knows it wouldn't have worked anyways. Before Anna's arrival to Hans, he holds Elsa imprisoned but after she escapes she hears Anna's of Anna's death. "The shard in the eye, Kai" Hans attempts to kill Elsa but Anna sees this. At this point Anna can see Kristoff loves him truly rather than Hans but upon seeing her sister accept death she stands before Hans and saves Elsa from Hans as she literally becomes frozen. This was the act of true love that was needed and for the story just as Kai and Gerda's kiss was as it saves the other. And Elsa, realising love is the key, brings back summer in parallel to Kai and Gerda's return to their homes in summer.
Who will thaw Han's cold heart?
In the movie, Hans just gets sent back home to the family he wished to escape from given his traumatic past from the abuse from his father and brothers. As I've said, he's the shard in Kai's heart becoming the cold hearted Kai. Though it would make sense given the sudden change to Hans character, it also doesn't seem like something the trolls would do despite their own magic being capable of messing with minds. It's more of a metaphor to show that just like Kai, he was struck by a "shard" that turned him cold but can be brought back with true love. That shard may not be the trolls magic or a literal/ magical mirror shard but rather metaphoric shard for the stress Hans endures being under pressure from the responsibility of being out in charge. From finding Anna, to finding a solution for Elsa to end this winter, to making sure the people are kept warm etc. Anyone out in charge in the situation Hans was, would for sure feel the stress and end of taking it out on people and saying crazy stuff. So now you wonder who will save him from the cold heart? Given Anna saved Elsa as an act of the unconditional family love, one would now think that Hans' brothers or even father would save him from his, right? But sometimes true love isn't the same for everyone at least not in some circumstances. Elsa and Anna were always close, right from the start. Hans' brothers weren't. With a family of 13 brothers it's expected that some would have different dynamics given being in line with the throne and also given the oldest middle youngest dynamic too and other things would impact too. So what Hans needs is love of an understanding of not being loved and not ever being a monarchy and if you've read my Elsa losing her powers & Hans' Redemption post then you know exactly where I'm going with this. It's Elsa. Want to know why it is? Why would Elsa be the one for Hans, just read this linked post regarding Hans' redemption.
So the point is that the "shard" in 'The Snow Queen' is the metaphor for the anger that Anna feels, fear Elsa feels and stress is what Hans feels. Just as "Fixer Upper" explains, “People make bad choices if they're mad, or scared, or stressed. But throw a little love their way.. and you'll bring out their best. True love brings doubt the best.”. Anna was mad at Elsa for shutting her out and rejecting her marriage proposal. Elsa was scared of hurting Anna and others accidentally. Hans was stressed being in the situation he was being in charge of the kingdom.
As far as the characters compare,
Hans is the mirror shard in Kai's heart and hence the cold hearted Kai - having two faces, genuine and a cold hearted one
Elsa is the Snow Queen and Kai - having the powers of the Snow Queen and having a close bond with the other protagonist
And Anna is Gerda - having the warmest heart and saving their loved one from a cold heart
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dnangelic · 3 months
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would u guys as daisuke's classmates unanimously vote him to be the princess too
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ileniagennari · 2 months
hi, please tell me where did you get the ideas for the costumes of the characters of the snow lady?
Hi! Thank you for the question! I get inspired a lot by historical pieces! I do a lot of research because I really like go treasure hunt of info and curiosities or just photos of past ages and far places. I can show you some comparison with Gerda and Kay. Here you can see some 1910s pieces:
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Gerda loves to be elegant and with very fitting dresses. Her outfits are inspired by modern 1910s fashion and prefers a clean, linear silhouette more than complicated shapes. Even if she has german origins she has not any link to german traditional heritage since her family moved to Russia two or three generations ago and didn't really took much with them moving out. (they still have a german teacups and many decorated plates from their grandmother!)
Kay on the other hand has not a real piece of inspiration, but goes with a mix.
For example, his coat is inspired by these two very common russian coats:
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He likes to be more decorated on the belt though, so you will always see more detail on that other than on common russian blank coats:
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Other inspirations for Kay are Vaslav Nijinski's dancing outfits. I really like the shapes of the trousers and since Kay likes nice belts, he would love this kind of outfit, preferring them to common 1910 gentlemen attire. Kay mixes new and traditional ways so you will see both modern and old slavic elements in his clothing.
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