#snow queen rollan
ecofinisher · 1 year
Rollda and Kaifida headcanons
I don't remember, when and why I wrote that, so I'm posting them, so I can erase it from my file.
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Rollan teaches his kids, when they’re older how to ice skate and play ice hockey.
Rollan and Gerda used to discuss together baby names before going to sleep.
Rollan and Gerda share both their chores at home.
When they have to cook for more than 6 persons, they cook together.
Rollan keeps Gerda on his lap and pets her belly for comfort and to give the baby love.
Gerda lived for Rollan’s belly rubs during her pregnancy.
Rollan will at hard times feel helpless, when Gerda during her pregnancy falls into the mood swings.
Gerda’s pregnancy would also lead her to randomly transform into a dragon or make random body parts of her dragon-self appear spontaneously.
Rollan is the big spoon, most of the times. Other times Gerda will take that spot. On colder or sadder moments the two snuggle together for warmth.
Gerda’s favorite moment of the snuggling, was to be in Rollan’s arms enjoying his warmth.
The duo chat often before falling asleep.
Rollan tries his best to make time to play with their kids.
Rollan enjoys it to play Ice Hockey with the kids.
Between Helena and Roscoe, Helena is Rollan’s favorite child.
Gerda loves her twins. She mainly admires Roscoe for being a solid copy of Rollan.
Rollan terribly misses the days, he and Gerda could be by themselves.
Rollan helped Gerda’s brother Kai about how fatherhood is like.
Gerda gets along pretty well with Rollan’s mother.
Gerda’s biggest joy is it, when she along with Rollan take their kids on the walk.
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Kai does big part of the household.
Kai is the small spoon.
Kai was frustrated during Alfida’s mood swings during her pregnancy.
Alfida was eternitally grateful for Kai’s patience around her heavy months.
Kai visited Rollan once in a while to ask for fatherhood advices.
Their future kid is a mix of the two parents.
Both Alfida and Kai chat together, how they solve their kid’s future together.
Alfida teaches her kid how to defend himself.
Kai slowly gets along with Rollan.
Kai teaches his niece and nephew how to draw.
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holl-and-clover · 5 years
So today for no reason at all i just watched The Snow Queen movies 1 & 3 and like............damn it was surprising good especially three
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desenefaine · 5 years
Crăiasa Zăpezii 3: Foc şi Gheaţă (2016) dublat in romana
Crăiasa Zăpezii 3: Foc şi Gheaţă (2016) dublat in romana *Desene Animate Dublate in Romana*
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The Snow Queen 3: Fire and Ice / Crăiasa Zăpezii 3: Foc şi Gheaţă (2016) Film animatie online dublat in romana
Împreună cu noul său prieten, Rollan, Gerda încearcă să descopere adevărul din spatele legendei care terorizează ţinutul trolilor şi, din greşeală, sunt loviţi de vraja focului şi a ghieţii. Dacă la început li se pare amuzant faptul că Rollan poate produce foc din degete, iar Gerda poate îngheţa orice, curând puterile lor scapă de sub control şi trebuie să găsească soluţia de a reveni la normalitate. Crăiasa Zăpezii şi trolul Orm nu vor lipsi nici ei, însă de această dată încurcăturile îi transportă pe toţi prin foc şi gheaţă cu mult umor şi distracţie către noi lecţii de viaţă pe care cei mici le vor învăţa.
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ecofinisher · 1 year
Dia de la Madre
Fandom: The Snow Queen - Wizart
Characters: Helena (Next Gen OC), Roscoe (Next Gen OC), Rollan, Gerda and Background Characters.
Summary: Gerda and Rollan's common children Helena and Roscoe produce together a special Mother's day gift for Gerda. With their father's help, they keep their task a secret.
AO3 link: TBA
Rollan walked together with his kids across the village passing across the few present villagers, that were making their way towards the present stores around the alley. Rollan smiled waving at a random man passing by the trio, which he recognized, and moved on with the raven-haired kids.
“Who was that?” Questioned the girl looking up at the father.
“That’s Luka. He works at the castle too,” Explained Rollan making the girl nod.
“Does he have children too?” Questioned the boy watching Rollan shake his head.
“No. He’s not married yet or anything,” Mentioned Rollan making the boy nod. “Were you interested in knowing any kid, that has also a papa working at the castle?” Questioned the Spaniard making the kids nod. “Someday I can ask anybody there, maybe you could find a new friend there,”
“That would be cool,” Commented the daughter.
The trio kept walking along the road, then turned aside to head to the entrance to a carpenter shop to see all the various objects made of wood stand in display for the visitors to see it. From the door behind the counter, the carpenter came out carrying a bar stool and noticed the trio in his shop.
“Ah, if that isn’t little Roscoe and Helena,” Said the man watching the two kids together with their father there. “Your kids are here for the Mother’s day gift, am I right?”
“Si, they want to decorate it by themselves,” Mentioned Rollan making the carpenter nod.
“Very well. Then this frame is perfect. It’s blank, well-sanded and it’s easy to insert a canvas in it,” Explained the carpenter making Rollan nod.
“What do you think kids? It’s a good shape,” Commented Rollan looking at the rectangle frame with a heart on the right corner.
“I shaped it after the drawing of their kids,” Mentioned the carpenter. “I do hope I did a good job,”
“It’s good, papi,” Said Helena while Roscoe nodded.
“Let’s take it home and start working on it,” Added Roscoe making Rollan nod.
“Good, I’m convinced,” Rollan said taking from his pants out his pocket bag. “How much will it be?”
“15 Dinar,” Said the carpenter placing the frame over the counter watching Rollan count the coins and handed them out to the man. “Perfect!”
“Muy bien. Kids, do you want me to help you carry the frame?” Asked the Spaniard watching the kids take it together off the counter with the help of the carpenter. “Alright, be careful. It needs to hold on until we’re home. Preferably, afterward too,” Commented Rollan making the carpenter chuckle.
“Remember kids. It’s an important gift for your mother. If it’s heavy for you, ask your dad to help you carry it,” Mentioned the carpenter watching the kids exchange looks with their father, which gave them a thumb up.
At home in the bedroom of the kids, the father had helped the kids put the frame over their table, which was covered by an old blanket.
“The cover is for you to avoid getting the table dirty with colors or anything. We should also in case you’re not finished stop a few hours before going to bed to give it time to dry the color and we can hide it somewhere from Mom,” Rollan explained. “Don’t worry, I’m here for you. In case, she goes looking for you two, I try to distract her,”
“Thank you, Dad,” Both kids said embracing their father from both sides and Rollan placed his hands behind their kids’ backs.
“You’re welcome. Now go take your pencil and sketch down what you want to have on it,” Suggested Rollan watching the kids get their drawing box to the table. “Are you both going to draw on the same side or will you both take a different side?” Questioned the raven-haired watching the kids look at each other, then shrug their shoulders.
“Maybe we should take a different side?” Said Roscoe looking at Helena, which gazed at her father.
“Should we?” Questioned Helena watching Rollan shrug his shoulders.
“In case both of you can’t decide, what to draw together, maybe doing a part on your own makes it easier,”
“Mama likes flowers,” Commented Roscoe. “You’re good at drawing flowers,” Said the brother looking at the long-haired girl.
“That’s a good idea,” Commented Rollan. “What about you, Roscoe? You could draw snowflakes or something different,”
“I can try it,” Mentioned Roscoe making Rollan nod, then he had an idea and bowed down at his kids.
“Or wait, I got a better idea. I’m gonna pick an old book and rip off a few pages to cut little figures in it. We can do an animal as well, then color it or leave it with the words on it instead,” Suggested Rollan watching Roscoe nod, then Rollan gave a thumb up and made his way downstairs to the living room to get to a bookshelf.
“Oh boy, what book should I take?” Questioned Rollan looking at the number of books they had in the shelf and pulled one out, which was an old Spanish tale he had from his home. “Let’s go, I haven’t read you in ages,” Rollan commented putting the book inside his vest, then he walked out of the corridor, then shrieked as he saw the door of the entrance get closed revealing Gerda, who had just arrived home.
“Wow already back home,” Rollan spoke as he saw his wife stand there by the door watching her approach him to give him a kiss on his cheek.
“I forgot to take my work utensils,” Mentioned Gerda looking into the kitchen to see it on the table along with Rollan. “You didn’t notice?”
“I have actually wondered, why the bag was there on the table, but didn’t get to the conclusion,” Commented Rollan making Gerda chuckle.
“It’s alright. Where are the children? Are the upstairs?” Questioned Gerda looking upstairs, then Rollan stepped in front of her to prevent her to get up.
“They’re in their room…...sleeping……”
“Still sleeping?” Asked Gerda with a frown earning a nod from her husband. “It’s 11 in the morning. They’re usually awake by 8 or 9,”
“Erh…..don’t worry about them. They’re in their room awake. They’re working on something together and don’t want any of us to see it,”
“And what does their work consist of?” Questioned Gerda watching Rollan place his hands on her shoulder.
“Don’t worry about it. I’ve been there and they’re just drawing with their pencils. Nothing dangerous,” Pointed Rollan out, then Gerda glimpsed upstairs slightly worried. “Confia, I’m here the entire day with them. They’re far from doing anything dangerous. I swear,” Said Rollan making Gerda nod.
“Okay, kiss them for me, if you go back to them,” Said Gerda making Rollan nod and watch Gerda enter the kitchen to get her bag, then passed by Rollan again. “See you later,” Gerda said giving Rollan a peck on his cheek and left the house making Rollan sigh relieved.
“Wow, that went well,” Rollan commented, then looked upstairs to where the bedrooms were.
A while later, the kids were working on the frame together and used a pencil to make the linings for their designs. Rollan sat down on the ground sketching a shape of a goose on the first book page.
“The picture is bigger than it looks,” Commented Helena putting her pencil down to rest her hand, then looked down at her father. Helena got down to sit beside her father and lean her head on his arms. “Dad, can you help us? My hand is tired. There’s just so much missing,” Warned Helena, then Rollan got up to look at the frame in front of her face, which was about a quarter done as opposed to Roscoe, which was about the same as her.
“Why not try to draw something else?” Questioned Rollan watching Helena shrug her shoulders.
“I don’t know, what else I should draw. I can’t draw so good like Uncle Kai,” Commented Helena sad and embraced her dad, which placed his arm behind his daughter’s back to cheer her up.
“Don’t worry, we’ll find a solution to that,” Promised Rollan. “We can cut out of my book there a flower head or any other type of animal,” Suggested the Spaniard sensing his daughter nod.
“What kind of animal?” Questioned Helena and Rollan looked down at the book at the goose he had sketched on it, afterward he had an idea and got down on his knees to have eye contact with the girl.
“Hey, I got a cool idea,” Rollan mentioned. “What about we go out pluck a few flowers and press them inside the book?”
“Uncle Kai said we need to wait two weeks for the flowers to dry inside the book,” Mentioned Roscoe. “He showed us that once when he was making a gift for auntie,”
“Oh I thought we had a great idea,” Complained Rollan making Helena nod.
“But we still can get flowers and do something else with them?” Suggested Helena noticing her father look at their table to see their paint palette and their prepared water glass. Rollan pondered about what his daughter said, then looked down at the girl.
“Hey, what do you think about using flowers as a…….uh…..a mark?” Questioned the Spaniard watching the girl tilt her head confused making Rollan smile seeing, she didn't know what he meant. 
Rollan picked Helena from under her arms making her chuckle. “I will show you, what I exactly meant. We can press the flower on a color and press it on the frame and you got a real flower design on it,”
“Really? That works?” Questioned the daughter making Rollan nod.
“I’ve seen your Uncle do that. It’s possible, don’t worry. The best option is for us to pick more than one flower and try each one out,” Suggested Rollan making Helena nod. “Roscie, do you want to come with us?”
“Can we add something else, than flowers?” Questioned Roscoe making Rollan nod.
Leaves from the trees should work too,” Rollan commented making Helena widen her eyes and grab her father’s arms.
“Papi! Papi! We can use other things from our house as well, right?” Questioned Helena. “You’re using the paper from your book,”
“Yes we can……..we can take from the sewing box a thread. We can do more than just dipping it in color. We can put it around the frame or instead we go to the next sewing shop and buy a thicker thread. Makes it a little easier for us,” Suggested Rollan, then Roscoe got up to get to his father.
“Mom says we need permission to open the box, because of the needles,” Commented Roscoe making Rollan nod.
“Look I have a different idea. I take you to the sewing shop. While we’re on our way we pick up the flowers we need for Helena. Perhaps we will hear new ideas on our way,” Offered Rollan making the kids nod. “Vamos, niños,”
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Very later at night, Rollan was by their kids’ room helping them cover their finished project and placed it on the edge of the room behind the open room door. Rollan stepped back along with the kids to see they had hidden the frame behind the used cover, then Rollan looked down at his kids and gave them a thumb up.
“Muy bien,” Complimented Rollan, then got jumped by the twins which fell over Rollan down. “Hey! Hey! Hey!”
“We did it!” The kids chanted making Rollan laugh, then sit up to embrace the kids.
“Come, let’s get you two to bed. Mom still has to wait for tomorrow for the gift. We don’t want to spoil her the surprise, right?” Questioned the raven-haired man making the kids nod. “Come, let’s get you two covered,” Stated Rollan watching the kids run to their beds, afterward he got up to watch the two lie down. “Will you wake Mama up first or, shall we do like last year for her breakfast?” Rollan asked quietly getting between the beds of the twins to see, what they would answer.
“We will give her the gift first,” Suggested Helena. “To be different from last times. What do you think Roscoe?”
“Good idea,” Commented Roscoe. “Is that okay, Dad?” Questioned the boy making Rollan smile.
“Of course,” Said the father getting down on his knees to see the boy sitting on the bed, then get under his covers. Rollan smiled, then heard someone knock on the door and he looked back to see Gerda gaze into the bedroom to see the trio in the bedroom.
“Have you brushed your teeth before bed?” Questioned Gerda making the kids nod. “Did they?” Questioned Gerda looking at Rollan, which chuckled and looked at Roscoe.
“Can I check the smile?” Asked Rollan watching Roscoe grin to show his teeth to the father. “Muy lindo,” Complimented Rollan, then looked back at Helena, which opened his mouth to show it to her father. “Check!” Responded Rollan, followed by Helena sticking her tongue out to her father, which laughed. “What was that for?” Asked Rollan jokingly, then Helena jumped out from her cover at Rollan’s arms.
“Good night,” Wished Helena making Rollan smile and peck her forehead. Helena returned to her bed and Rollan covered her, afterward Gerda came to visit the kids as well, then kneed down beside her daughter.
“Sweet dreams you two,” Wished Gerda giving Helena a kiss on her cheek, then leaned her forehead on the daughter. “Don’t let any cockroaches bite your toes,” Joked the blonde making Helena giggle as Gerda tickled her daughter on the sides.
Rollan observed his life partner with a smile making her way to Roscoe to give him a goodnight kiss on the forehead, then tickled him on his neck making him laugh, and got up, followed by Rollan.
“Let’s go to bed too,” Gerda said making Rollan nod, then walked to the exit, followed by Gerda who went to grab the door handle, then spotted behind the door a covered object and raised her eyebrows curious and noticed on the edge, that the frame wasn’t fully covered showing a red wooden piece making Gerda grin, having an idea, what was located back there. Gerda leaned the door of the kids and looked at Rollan, which stood in the middle of the corridor waiting for her to come. Gerda smiled and embraced the Spaniard, making him smile accepting the deed.
“The reason they were absent today was because of a surprise, right?” Whispered Gerda, then Rollan placed his index finger in front of his lips to sign Gerda to be quiet.
“They don’t want you to know,” Mentioned Rollan making Gerda nod.
“I don’t know, what they did, don’t worry…...you know tomorrow it’s mother’s day, what else should I guess?” Questioned the blonde quiet making Rollan shrug his shoulders.
“I don’t know,” Commented Rollan, then walked along with Gerda into their bedroom to get to sleep as well.
The next morning, Gerda lied with her back against Rollan’s shoulder who was sleeping on his belly with his face on the pillow. The sun had been shining slightly through the slots of the shutters. Gerda opened her eyes gently to look at the sunlight, then smiled at seeing the light and turned around to look at her husband sleeping in the usual position he would end up waking up after a certain time through the night. Gerda embraced his arm, leaning her cheek on there to remain resting along with her husband, then heard a quiet knock on the door, which rather than waking Gerda up just made her dig her cheek tighter on her husband.
“Happy Mother’s Day!” Yelled two voices making Gerda open her eyes and look back at the door to see the kids standing there looking at their mother
“Good morning,” Greeted Gerda opening her arms to see her kids race towards her, getting up on the bed to embrace their mom, which wrapped both her arms around the duo. “Thank you, children,” Gerda said sharing with both the children a kiss on their cheek.
“Mom you have to see your present,” Announced Roscoe grabbing her mother’s arm.
“Yes, we made it together for you,” Added Helena making Gerda nod and get down from her bed along with the kids. The trio walked out of the room and Roscoe went behind their room’s door to grab the covered frame by one edge with a growl.
“I think that’s too heavy for you, Roscoe,” Mentioned Helena making Roscoe nod and take his hands away. Gerda smiled and placed her hands on the covers and looked at her kids.
“Can I just remove the cover?” Questioned the blonde making the kids nod and the mother uncovered the frame to look at it amazed. “Wow, did you two decorate that?” Asked Gerda watching the kids nod, then Roscoe approached one side of the frame to explain, what they did there.
“Down on this edge here, I made various shapes of snowflakes I could come up here. This thick paper goose daddy made for me out of a book, so I could stick on here. Over the goose here I painted your favorite color. This paper here is also from the book daddy cut for Us the goose out. We saw out in the village a man repairing his accordion and Daddy suggested we could try and stick the thing from the accordion here, just out of paper. The red one did Daddy, I did the blue one, and Helena the green one,” Roscoe explained while Gerda listened to the boy. Roscoe looked at Helena, which described the other part of the frame.
“This heart here made the carpenter, that gave us the frame. He said we could write a message in there for you. The flowers down there I am the one who drew it. Between mine and Roscoe’s drawings, we followed an idea Daddy gave us and helped us with. We put a large thread in blue and pink color and wrapped it around the frame. We removed it afterward, so the color would remain there like it is now,”
“Very good idea and what about those flower drawings here?” Asked Gerda.
“Daddy said, Uncle Kai did something like that once and took us to collect some flowers to do that too,” Explained Roscoe making Gerda nod and look at the upper frame, which had a large weasel made of thick paper making Gerda smile as she recognized the animal.
“Daddy said, before we were born you used to have a weasel living with you, but she died,” Commented Roscoe making Gerda nod.
“Yeah, she had been around my entire childhood,” Mentioned Gerda neutral. “She had been the only friend I had until I found your Uncle Kai,”
“I’m sorry, mom,” Apologized Helena picking Gerda’s arm to put around herself and help to comfort her mother, then Gerda embraced her daughter giving her a kiss on the cheek.
“It’s okay,” Answered Gerda, then looked at the top of the frame to see the middle consisting of a green thread tied up onto it with small yellow flowers, making Gerda look amused by the bright color of them and reached her finger to touch it. “Oh, they aren’t dandelions,”
“Where we bought the thread the woman there showed us how to make them. We needed daddy’s help, because he needed to cut a bit of that metal thread, so we could have it fastened there,” Explained Helena earning a nod from Roscoe.
“He watched very well over us. He made sure none of us would get hurt. Okay, I think cutting the metal Daddy needed another scissor…...it looked a little difficult,” Confessed Roscoe making Gerda nod and open her arms, so her kids could give her a hug.
“This was the greatest gift you two could have given me,” Gerda said sensing both her children lean their heads closer to her chest. “You two are my treasure,” Gerda complimented sharing with her kids a long hug. “We just need to get another point later a picture we can use the frame for. Like a painting of us all four in it. This will look amazing!”
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ecofinisher · 2 years
Amor Infinito (A Snow Queen fanfic)
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Chapter 1
Magicians have lived among us for decades hiding their true nature in order to remain alive and live peacefully. A few magicians under them had tried to create a better world with their magic in order to create peace. The Snow Queen, The Fire King, Loki, Hercules, Mavka, the Sandman, Saint Nicklaus, and other mythically inspired beings have taken that chance to do so, in both good and bad ways. The most recent one is the Snow Queen, once considered the most powerful magician. To be correct, she still is it. De facto, the only thing, that weakened her powers was a specific hand mirror. The hand mirror, that was created by another powerful magician under the name Vegard. 
The world took another spin on the day, his daughter found out her brother was alive and she went by herself accompanied by a minion of the queen to look for the boy. By the end, the little girl was really capable to catch the Snow Queen and send her into the mirrorlands to stop the eternal frost the sorcerer created years ago. Some humans had this bad view of magicians since the Snow Queen’s deed and one day King Harald worked on a plan to lock up all magicians in the world of the mirrorlands. To his surprise, the same girl defeated Harald as well, which to his surprise turned out to be a magician as well! Even less the girl under the name Gerda had help of a human boy, Rollan. It was thanks to him, the girl gained again force to fight for the freedom of her family and magicians. The better, her magic had gotten active at the right moment to help her take down King Harald’s powerful invention. Between Gerda and King Harald a promise was made. He apologized to everyone for what he had done and confessed, that magicians have the right to live among humans as well, despite having that one difference. The gift. Gerda learned more about herself and the issue, that happened to Rollan in the past couldn’t be changed, but he learned to let it go and so did Gerda. The two accepted it and became friends. Gerda was just as the day she met him attracted to the raven-haired and Rollan…..well, he was willing to die for the girl in order to save her family. Gerda appreciated it, despite it if she had to say farewell to him, things would have been bad in some way. Rollan accepted Gerda’s friendship and went with the flow, waiting for the moment the girl would be able to see in him something more than he was at that moment. Months had passed and Rollan heard from the trolls his mother was worried about him. That’s when Rollan thought about leaving the place to return back to his mother. He promised Gerda, when he could he would return and thought about confessing his love for her on the day of the departure. Tragically Rollan on purpose didn’t do that. He didn’t fear being rejected or being laughed at. No, Gerda would never laugh at him. In fact, she respected him and understood his feelings of being hurt or treated as a joke, when you want to help in something. He avoided confessing to her, cause he believed it was the wrong moment. It was too early to do anything, after everything he had done. It partially wasn’t his fault, but the Fire Demon in his body. Major things he had done or said during the curse of the wishing stone felt to him like things, that would need time to vanish or even not. He simply left Gerda back with one long embrace. He promised her to respond to her letters, which she offered to make to hear how he was doing. Rollan and Gerda’s friendship turned into a pen pal friendship from that day on, this letting their relationship live on from black ink on paper.
Months had passed, both sides had gotten busy with their lives and fewer letters came until one time Gerda didn’t seem to send Rollan any letter, saddening the boy, which assumed he must have turned a burden for the blonde. Within that time, Rollan receives one last letter from Gerda, thus bringing the Spaniard a new surprise. The girl was actually engaged with someone else! This was the last thing he expected to hear from her, but he accepted it. He knew and felt, that a girl like Gerda deserved someone else, rather than Rollan. This is, at least Rollan’s thoughts…..well the negative thoughts. Fate does know every place and puzzle in the world and brought Rollan back to Gerda’s sight again, cause both had belonged together.
Then why is Gerda engaged to someone else and Rollan is not doing anything about it? Sometimes happy endings take a different road. Some roads are straight, others have curves, road junctions, and road signs. Their love story has never stopped to what it seemed to the two. In reality, their path continued, just they didn’t expect in which way it was about to go……
Rollan was now 22 years old, with 17 he had left Spain to meet the trolls in the troll kingdom hoping to find the wishing stone. The trip had turned his life upside down. Everything he remembered to have witnessed there had fascinated and scared Rollan’s mother. Rollan wasn’t able to leave her mother for a longer period of time again, so he stood in her home until he finished his professional education at the guard academy. Throughout that time, Rollan slowly had an interest in visiting his friends on the other side of the continent. If he had the chance he would go up anyway, but he would be there for a couple of weeks only, rather than a longer period. He had been gone for years, all the people's live there have changed. Gerda’s too. He knows very well if he wanted to confess to her, that his feelings about her didn’t vanish at all, mostly due to the two being communicative with each other with cards. It would feel weird to say her that. Eventually, it wouldn’t, but he can’t take out that possibility. Right now, since her last letter Rollan knows she’s engaged. Rollan doesn’t know who the guy is. She has never mentioned him in any of the other letters. Perhaps he was the reason she barely wrote him anymore? She was working on their relationship and well, things around her or both of them were changing. Rollan now was out of her league or how he felt since his issue. Always. The only thing he knows about that guy was, that his name was Mars and that he was a sort of magician as well. A Chinese-Australian man, that according to her was from a prestigious family of magicians, which had an invention shop. Rollan was actually curious about the guy, cause for the inventing part it made him think of King Harald, that one king, that was a fanatic about science and inventing. Who knows, the world was evolving, things were getting better, new sorts of vehicles were improved, and new inventions appeared on the market. The last thing, that Rollan remembered to have seen was a polaroid. It would take a specific scenario from real life and print it on a piece of paper. Usually, a painter would be painting that on canvas for hours and with that apparatus…...you’ve got it in seconds! Quite fascinating.
Rollan had borrowed one of them for his attendance on the last day at guard academy, which a friend of his used to take a picture of him and his mother together. That picture hung inside the living room of his mom on a wall.
Rollan stood inside the living room, looking at that image of himself with the mother. From the kitchen stepped out his mother, which looked for her son and noticed him looking at the image. The woman smiled and walked past the man, then placed her hand on his shoulder to kiss him on his cheek.
“Que pasa hijo?” Questioned the mother watching Rollan shrug his shoulders.
“Yo no sei. I’m not sure, how I’m supposed to feel about this,”
“You have finished your education and you’re going to be one of the guards here in Alicante. You should be proud of it,” Stated the mother making Rollan nod.
“Si…...I just feel something is missing like my life isn’t complete,” Said Rollan making the mother frown sadly, knowing it was a lovesickness bothering her son.
“Perhaps you need to stop answering your friend’s letters or simply tell her how you feel and receive an actual answer from her. As long as you don’t know the real answer you won’t get her out of your head,” Commented the mother. “Déjala ir,”
“If you keep holding on to something you know you can’t have, no matter how much you love it…...let it go. Trust me, that will make you feel better someday. Not today nor next week, but it will be fast, I promise,” Commented Rollan’s mother making the son nod.
Someone knocked on the door, calling their attention and Rollan walked towards the door to open it to see a man around his height with a shaved head and black pants, a green shirt, and a few envelopes in his hands.
“Buenas Tardes Leticia, Hola Rollan,” Greeted the Spaniard watching the sad Rollan wave at the friend, while Rollan’s mom smiled.
“Oye Pastor. Como estas?” Questioned Leticia making the man smile.
“Muy bien,” Responded Pastor. “Rollan, my neighbor Rodrigo had two letters here with your name. I just came here to pass them to you,” Commented the raven-haired man handing them out to Rollan to see one of the letters was from the academy and the second one had a Northern address with Gerda’s name on it. Rollan looked at the letter with a sad face, which made Pastor along with Leticia exchange sad looks.
“Amigo. There are many other women in the world. If you want we can go to the festival at the beach next weekend and you’ll get to meet a few women. What do you say?” Questioned Pastor watching Rollan shake his head.
“One woman is enough. I’m not looking for games as you do,” Responded Rollan sad making Pastor chuckle.
“Alright, but you could get to know somebody and I don’t know…...get to know her?” Suggested Pastor watching Rollan open the letter to see it was an official wedding invitation to Gerda’s wedding. “You're hereby invited to attend the ceremony of Gerda and Mars at the church of St. Peter…..expecting a response until…..they forgot the date,” Commented Pastor showing Rollan the letter, which shrugged his shoulders. “Do you plan to go there?”
“I don’t know,” Responded Rollan. “I’ve been thinking about going there some time by the end of my education,”
“Which you have reached already,”
“Si…...I don’t know. I had thought about visiting Gerda and hang out with her. Eventually hoping on something coming out for both of us,”
“You can still do that, except you’re not going to romantically progress with her due to the engagement. But you as a good friend of hers, you can show her how much her friendship means to you and I don’t know….you both remain as friends. That’s…...good too,” Mumbled Pastor knowing very well, it wouldn’t work out for everyone. “I have an idea for you. We two go there together, stay there until the wedding is over, so you have time to get to know the Gerda she is now and eventually who that guy is,”
“You know, I really want the best for her. That she’s happy and treated well. I just…...well…..”
“Thought you could be that guy?” Questioned Pastor making Rollan nod.
“Si,” Responded Rollan, then Pastor passed his hand on the friend’s shoulder.
“Put your head up, amigo. You still have her friendship. That’s something no one can take away,” Said the short-haired man making Rollan nod with a pout. “Get in. I know somebody, that can help us get a cheaper flight for us to go visit your friend. I just need to call him,”
“Yes, I’m going as a good friend,” Commented Pastor. “Maybe I’ll find on my way some Scandinavian chick,” Joked the Spaniard watching Rollan shake his head and got into the house, while Leticia glimpsed at the duo with a little smile.
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ecofinisher · 2 years
Gerda the "lady dragon"
Wizart, how could you take the fandom this away? 😭
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All that hustle and bustle for her to get her powers and we won't even get to see them anymore? 🥺
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She was gorgeous and beautiful 🥺🥺
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Or at least explain, why we don't get to see it anymore. It's not like the fandom would be drawing Rule 34 fanart of her or anything. *coughs* Bianca *coughs* Lyre (*coughs*)
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Oh yeah this is the Russian version of Gabriel Agreste, but at least he knows he messed up shit for a good reason and realized it in time. (Good in like he thought all people with magic were evil, just because one with magic went out of control, then he met Gerda and later one figured out his own son was one of them)
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I'm gonna miss her. She was so cool. 😭She will only live in my fantasy and fanfics.
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ecofinisher · 2 years
Screenshots of "interesting" moments with Meitu AI....
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My favorites rn 😂
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Manga Gerda holding a robot cub 😁
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Gerda with her cute-looking "Pokemon" 🤩
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Whatever this is supposed to be.
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Parker Langerak now grew hair to get casted for Naruto.
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This is probably one of the best results I've gotten yet. Gerda in her dragon form legit looks like a League of Legends character!
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ecofinisher · 1 year
Rollan headcanons
I don't remember, when and why I wrote that, so I'm posting them, so I can erase it from my file.
Headcanons of the canon time
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Rollan’s parents are called Leticia and Pedro.
Their fanon family name is Rodriguez.
Rollan’s father disappeared on sea during a storm.
Rollan’s home place is Alicante.
Rollan still being a child supported his mother the best he could.
Rollan liked to read books, mostly about legends and heroes.
Rollan would receive gifts related to his heroes from his mother.
Rollan used to have two friends. One moved away and the second one grew up differently.
Pre-teen Rollan would at the streets practice sword fighting with a stick.
Rollan is a talented swimmer, thanks to his father.
Rollan was often made fun by his school mates, cause he was more of a boy to „live in his fantasies“
Rollan once did something extraordinary, this being loved by the town’s guard captain. From that time, Rollan got motivated to become heroic.
Rollan spent half of his childhood working himself up to become a „hero“ in the future.
His mother notified Rollan, that being a hero wasn’t a type of job, that was someting else. Rollan didn’t understand it at all.
Rollan would put himself in danger, when he wanted to show the village he was a good protector, but would fail most of the times. Yet he never gave up.
Alfida’s mom her crew screwed Rollan up several times and one day out of the blue the woman borrowed Rollan a book about legends showing him he needed to leave to be something big.
Rollan to understand the book began to study linguistics and ancient topics to be able to read the book.
Orm was one of the first trolls he met in the troll kingdom. Rollan recognized Orm, because of the troll monument.
Orm told Rollan how his face got there and Rollan was fascinated.
Rollan wanted to hear more, but Orm in exchange asked Rollan for help with certain things.
Rollan’s favorite story was about the one little girl named Gerda defeating the Snow Queen.
Rollan hasn’t experienced bullying for a long while. When he would get mocked by Orm or anyone else, he would get triggered.
Rollan learned with one of his previous friends how to smooth-talk people.
Rollan, when possesed by the Fire Demon he could see, what he was going to do, but he couldn’t stop it. He mainly suffered through the worst acts near the end Gerda gave up her powers.
After being defeated as the Fire King, his mind went blank erasing his past deeds.
Rollan gave up his heroic deeds and would just be as his new friends.
He accepted Gerda’s friendship upon reuniting after Harald’s defeat.
He has accepted his mistakes from the past and opened up to Gerda about his life. Sometime later both began to date.
Rollan got to work as a guard in Gerda’s village.
He adopted for his job a horse, named Valiente.
He would occasionally take Gerda on a ride.
Rollan is accepted quick by Gerda’s parents despite his past errors.
Rollan makes sure to take Gerda out on romantic encounters once in a while. On special occasions, he tries to make time to prepare one.
Rollan’s proposal for Gerda he kept secretly between the two only.
Rollan is the dominant one but enjoys it immensely if Gerda takes the lead as well.
Rollan is an excellent dancer.
Rollan helps Vegard out at theСнежная королева store, in case of emergency.
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ecofinisher · 1 year
Snow Queen pictures, but only of Rollan
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Rejecting responsibility for something he didn't do.
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I let you know the English dub isn't out and the only choices I had was Turkish, Russian, and Korean. Whenever it will come out, I have no plan.
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Rollan is forced to clean up the mess.
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I think he's a pirate now or he just travels along with Alfida, because both are adventurous af. Movie didn't really explain it, not even why Rollan is a fearful chicken outta nowhere too.
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TBH I liked the theory of being a florist better.
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For some reasons, the book actually has a real owner and shouldn't be stolen from where it was. I don't know, but from watching the movie it seemed like that. Also the second picture of Rollan looked hotter, before I cut it out, but now it isn't. 😂
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Wow, just like Luka Couffaine, he lost his eyelashes.
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Another OCC moment of Rollan is he being able to use his brain.
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OK, that's insulting. He's still smart, but he's got trouble with it focus.
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The last two movies he actually wore winter clothing. Why now, when they're returning to ice (Or well the world of Snow Queen I guess. Didn't the mirrorlands get broken in the last part?) he is wearing summer clothing?
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The fight is so strange. Rollan doesn't even put on any effort as he normally would to protect his friends, mostly Gerda.
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Ah great you brought some flowers, which you can only find inside the Snow Queen's castle, WHICH IS FAR BEHIND YOU SOMEWHERE AND IT'S UNPOSSIBLE TO COME FROM THERE IN 5 SECONDS!
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I don't know how many people think that, if it's a big part or just a part of it, but people believe the writers don't really like Rollan and trashed him in this movie. Or it was meant to be as a gag, but it went wrong.
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I think the reason Rollan actually exists, is because fans actually were sad he was "killed" back in the 3rd movie and hoped he would ever return, cause it wasn't his fault he had to be killed. Even with the 4th movie Rollan along with Snow Queen earned a lot of love and new fans into the franchise.
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Oh and in this movie for some reason Rollan and Snow Queen don't know each other, although they met in the previous installment.
I think he got roasted by the Snow Queen here, the only thing I know she said something making Rollan go 😐 and all laughed about it.
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Gerda is the best thing here for Rollan. She is the only one to treat him like a person. (TBH it would be pretty dumb af, if the writers even made her like that towards Rollan) We all know from the 3rd, that Rollan didn't seem to have a decent teen/childhood and only Gerda seems to know about it.
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Bonus: Rollan with his "brother-in-law"
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ecofinisher · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Снежная королева | The Snow Queen (Movies - Wizart) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Gerda/Rollan (Snow Queen - Wizart) Characters: Gerda (Snow Queen - Wizart), Rollan (Snow Queen - Wizart), Alfida (Snow Queen - Wizart), Kai Additional Tags: Valentine's Day, Valentine's Day Fluff, Fluff, Rollda, Happens after the events of SQ5, Wrote this while sick Summary:
Gerda's happy for her first valentine's day with Rollan. She just didn't expect Rollan would exceed all her expectations so far...
NOTE: Best to read it in AO3. Entire oneshot is available there.
Brief begin down the cut:
Rollan rolled out of a ship a barrel above the bridge towards a wooden trailer he had set down to load it. Rollan shove the barrel over the little door of the trailer to put it into it, then shove it to the corner, so it wouldn’t be that close to the exit. Rollan adjusted it there, then hopped out of the cart to return to the ship and grab two medium-sized benches to bring them to the trailer as well. Rollan had placed them next to the barrel, and afterward made his way back to the ship to grab a small suitcase, which he opened to take a look into it. Inside the bag, he contained a few red table towels, white serviettes, and two kitchen towels, where he had the cutlery wrapped in. Underneath the cutlery, he had another opened-up towel, where he had plates hidden and he looked at his hand to count down all the materials he had gathered up in the bag. Rollan smiled and closed the bag again, then carried it carefully above the bridge to bring it to the trailer and placed it beneath the benches. Rollan took out from the pocket of his pants a folded sheet, which he opened up to analyze all the things he had gathered up together.
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ecofinisher · 2 years
I made memes out of screenshots from the fifth Snow Queen movie. To prevent spoilers to be seen/not seen, they're hidden under the cut.
The images might be low, they were edited on my smartphone before 😅
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It's weirdly accurate how Ila and Gerda look alike but aren't related.
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We all know this game. Rollan is no exception.....besides he sort of had a bad history with lava......
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Perhaps it's possible. The carpet is possessed by magic after all.
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We've seen it in the third movie and fourth. They have always belonged to each other. Some people may like Jack and Rose from the USA's Titanic, others are into the British tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, and Russia has them.
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Kai still despises Rollan, his unofficial brother-in-law. Rollan despite that treats him like a friend or a brother. Funnily when Rollan embraced the boy friendly, followed by getting punched gave people in the fandom a good feeling. I don't know, what Rollan was talking about on that scene, but Kai's face was......... interesting.
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Or in his case, interrupts.
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I assume all flowers are supposed to be living beings, right? Can't believe the writers made Gerda yell at him......
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ecofinisher · 2 years
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I forgot to update my fic on here. Currently, 8 chapters were added since the 15th of January.
Wattpad link as well.
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ecofinisher · 2 years
I didn't know the French dub had a different version of the credits song for the movie (Or trailer, cause I think there's an itty bit of it) but I actually love it more than both English and Russian ones. 😍
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ecofinisher · 2 years
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I love him so much, with or without eyelashes. 😭
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ecofinisher · 2 years
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A spoiler of my pretty dumbass son 😭
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Uh what happened to your body?
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Ah yes, Alfidas eostrogen is kicking in 🥲
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ecofinisher · 1 year
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Found this meme on Facebook hilarious and as I'm stuck with a writers I made random memes with it.
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I finally got to watch the English dub and the translation is worse, than I thought. At least the VA's are the same, but notably confused as well 😂 (At least Rollan speaks with Spanish accent)
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No shit, for some reason Spiderverse was kicked off the list here. Unless, of course parents aren't gonna pick an almost 3-hours movie to watch with their kids and would rather watch something else. (Well Elemental was first place and Indiana Jones I think, but you know) I don't understand the hype of the Miraculous movie tbh.
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Yes I added a little too much drama on it. BUT I LOVE IT 😂
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Ok the episode plot is different, but this is most likely to be canon.
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If anyone has seen Saberspark's review about Balto, you know I'm talking about that one goose....
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Ok the memes work in different ways, but both have a person having schadenfreude on the chaos.
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Nimona was peak. Netflix and co. did a good job on saving this from being "deleted"
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The Caliente's have a mother, that isn't theirs originally. OG characters known from other games (The Langeraks, Newbies, Specter and co....) don't exist, the lore in the game isn't really interesting or not at the level of S2/3.
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Apparently, this happened on Instagram a few days ago. Dude shot his own foot.
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Ok, I witnessed it twice, except I don't know, who leaked the one of Snow Queen.
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