#i mean as a pisces i can confirm how much he is NOT
k-rising · 1 year
Soobin's birth chart analysis
DISCLAIMER: This is just a part of the analysis of the idol's natal chart, which wants to show a deeper perspective on the idols life. This analysis is carried out thanks to the data that appears on the birth chart. The point of this post is to entertain. [This idol hasn’t confirmed his birth time, so I used the standard 12pm time to calculate his natal chart].
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sun & mercury = ♐︎ / moon = ♓︎ / venus = ♑︎ / mars = ♎︎
soobin has both his sun and mercury in sagittarius, which makes him a very optimistic and funny person. he loves learning new things and having new experiences. also, his philosophical side might come to light from time to time when you less expect it. he's quite spontaneous and likes living in the moment.
this dude is ambitious, friendly and passionate with his sun conjunct pluto and sun sextile mars and uranus. soobin can be quite lucky at getting what he wants and he's likely to met a lot of people that can make him grow as an artist; this man knows how to make good connections.
soobin has a lot of aspects that indicates that he ain't afraid of expressing how he feels and he's able to show others how much he appreciates them... but he can also be quite good at manipulating people with his mercury sextile neptune.
soobin is an empathetic, sentimental and emotionally intuitive person with his pisces moon. he's shy when you first met him and has a silly sense of humor. it can be difficult for him to differentiate reality from his fantasy world and this can make him quite idealistic.
having capricorn as his venus sign indicates that he looks for serious and long-lasting relationships. soobin is attracted to people that are ambitious, mature and loyal. I get the feeling that he can be quite conservative regarding love, so don't try to ask him to bring more people into the relationship. this man seeks not only respect, but also emotional and financial security.
I have to say, though... he has venus conjunct neptune, which can indicate that he may be quite romantic in private ;) plus, with his venus trine jupiter and saturn I feel that he learns a lot from his partners.
having libra mars means that soobin is charming af, so people tend to like him right away. he can be quite indecisive and when conflicts arise, he acts in a passive-aggressive way. this dude prefers being a mediator rather than being involved in an actual argument. soobin has the tendency of running away from his problems and not resolving them. he's very diplomatic as well!
‧͙⁺˚・༓☾ 𝑇ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑘 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑠𝑜 𝑚𝑢𝑐ℎ 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔!  ☽༓・˚⁺‧͙
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pixlpxie · 3 months
omgg SAG RISING SQUAD YAAS! And yes yes yes yes to that. I think he gets away with things because of the dumb persona producers made him to do, and I think he decided to play a bit with people about it, I mean I remember when he said his favorite song of the moment was 3D, a song that everyone and their grandma knows what is about 👀 but everyone just went aww he loves Jk. Like have we all seen his playlist? Mingi is a young man, but he’s really smart
And pleaaase I love rambling about birth charts! so feel free to do it honey ! And thank you 🤭 gotta admit that is not all of the placements but I share most of them with him so I REALLY can relate to him that sometimes scares me, but I’ll say that is hard to have the combos he has cause he’s known to be awkward and I don’t blame him ‘cause EVERYTHING FEELS AWKWARD I hate it. And he’s good with separating himself which I admire, I feel all of his personas, off stage, on stage are pretty genuine at least 70% percent , his on stage persona is the self I think is inside him that can be rebellious and feels desired in a certain way 👀 really deep inside him he craves for that type of attention, but I don’t think is the self his romantic partner will see 24/7, that dude is a natural sub on daily basis but happens to switch at times, if you see his lives that’s probably the one they’ll see which makes me feral to know cause he’s so pouty and whiny on his lives. And with preferences I think he’s pretty open minded, unless he feels a fake vibe he’ll probably will try to avoid the person straight away , and in some videos you can tell it by his face XD. My preferences are fire+earth+wind+water placements, if it is for romance earth is first hehe🤤, so I can get why he loves Yunho a lot . AND I BET MY ASS MINGI ASKS FOR HIS READINGS FROM TIME TO TIME, he’s spiritual for sure
and just to confirm the titty thing that you wrote was too accurate for me btw XD I won’t be a sub to a man but I’ll definitely do this for a woman. Love you too babe <3
WE SAW HIS PLAYLIST??? Omg I missed all that 3D convo but honestly my sag rising ass relates so much I loved that song for a while too esp the last rap part the lyrics were too fun for no reason. And honestly you’re right most people miss that male idols at the end of the day are men so them constantly babying grown ass adults really weirds me out also its probably an innacurate perception of them like yeah Mingi is probably a little dumb in a cute way (naive would be a better word) but like he really isn’t the cute little chick y’all think he is so :D also ppl don’t really understand how unhinged sag risings/placements are he fits the vibe so much
Mingi is def a switch who likes praises like lets be real although I feel like when he’s dominating he’d really become a good dom too and yes you’re right he’s most likely an open minded person he might even like poly relationships if he has the sag influence (just an assumption pls don’t come at me) Also Id give him as many readings as he wants he just needs to meet me lmao
Anyway my placements are Pisces sun+venus, sag moon+rising, Taurus mars and aqua mercury if you’re interested in reading mine (bc id luv that if you comment on it)
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boopiddyboop · 1 year
Kim Hongjoong Natal Chart Reading
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Right on the tails of the Bang Chan natal reading, I decided to give Hongjoong’s a go. Mostly because no one else in Stray Kids has a confirmed time, and this exercise really doesn’t work without it, though I might do an analysis of Lee Know’s potential charts one day. In the meantime, I’ll continue my fixation on rapper-leaders. 
Full Disclaimer: Most of my knowledge is by traditional astrology, which involves but is not limited to: using whole signs, excluding Uranus-Pluto for natal charts, different sign rulers, and different planetary interpretations.  Astrology is subjective by nature; I do not think my way is best, simply that this is the version of interpretation that makes the most sense to me. This is not a professional service, simply a hobby meant for entertainment purposes only.  Feel free to disagree with or question my conclusions.
이제 가자~
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Sun: Scorpio - 11th house
Moon: Gemini - 6th house
Mercury: Sagittarius - 12th house
Venus: Scorpio - 11th house
Mars: Virgo - 9th house
Jupiter: Pisces - 3rd house
Saturn: Aries - 4th house
Ascendant: Capricorn
Midheaven: Scorpio - 11th house
North Node: Leo - 8th house
I saw a Tiktok recently talking about how there were no earth (sun) signs in all of Ateez (or Xikers, apparently), which I think is an interesting catch, considering I find earth signs to be more predisposed to idol life due to the insane amounts of discipline the profession takes. That being said, we can immediately clock Hongjoong’s Capricorn rising bringing balance to the force. A Sun in Scorpio being ruled by a Mars in Virgo is also helping bring a lot more earth energy into play. Capricorn’s cardinal nature helps bring leader energy while that mutable Virgo, especially in Mars, is giving him a solid work ethic.
This makes his chart ruler his Saturn in Aries, of all things. Between that and his Scorpio Sun, there’s just a lot of intensity in his countenance. Saturn ruling the chart brings severity to one's disposition, but Aries is quite youthful in nature, helping to redirect that energy. It’s no wonder he’s in the demon line with all this Saturn/Mars energy.
Sitting lonesome in the 12th house is Hongjoong’s Mercury in Sagittarius. Fire signs in Mercury are quite fun and witty, and it’s definitely helping combat that 12th house placement, which could make him much more reticent otherwise. Its ruler being Jupiter in Pisces also helps bring artistic flair to his communication style. Speaking of Jupiter in Pisces, this is a very strong placement sitting nicely in his 3rd house of communication. Unfortunately, it is in retrograde, causing it to not work as smoothly as it could, but overall this Jupiter is bringing a lot of benefits to what could’ve been a much more restricted placement of the Mercury. Jupiter is making a trine aspect with his Scorpio in Venus as well, pointing to someone with good social graces (and perhaps expensive taste). 
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Is it any wonder that he's into fashion?
However, going back to that 11th house, Hongjoong’s sun is combust both his Venus and his midheaven, hiding them. With the 11th house being the house of goals and dreams, I take this to mean that those things will tend to overshadow his relationships and public life. The midheaven can sometimes be taken to mean one's job (since this is often our most public persona), but in the case of Hongjoong and his work as an idol, I see it as his pursuit of music continuously trumping or superseding being able to publicly be himself or establish relationships. Really, his whole chart is a case of two steps forward, one step back the more that I look at it. Just like I mentioned in an earlier post, Hongjoong’s family life also seems marred by this push and pull, a good relationship with siblings in the 3rd house versus a poor placement for home in the 4th house. 
Speaking of complications, Moon in Gemini in the 6th house. Moon in air signs are already not the best at processing their emotions (trying to be too logical about it), but with it sitting both square Jupiter, square Mars, and in a house opposite his Mercury…. How do you say…. He’s lucky his work allows self-expression because otherwise his feelings may just sit there until they die. And seeing his North Node up in the 8th house of secrets, I think that’ll be the big life lesson for him- bottling up emotions for the fear of being vulnerable may be a thing he works on his whole life. 
In conclusion: Hongjoong’s chart is a complex set of checks and balances that point towards loving and loathing expressing himself. As with most charts, one singular placement does not define someone in their entirety; so too are we all composed of dozens of complex factors. I don’t mess with predictive astrology, as I think that is more subject to personal bias and thus tends to be more subject to error, but with this predispositions he’s born with, I think Hongjoong is someone who will have a very interesting life. 
Questions, comments, or requests can all go here
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Just one more for the road >.>
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clarynewme · 2 months
hello! I sent you my information in private messages. I just realized I forgot to ask a question lol. you can use any chart you’d like, but I was wondering how (and perhaps when) I’d meet my future partner. I’m curious about their first impressions, etc. feel free to share other thoughts, negative or positive! thank you so much! take care of yourself and have a lovely day :)
Hi😊 For your reading I am going to use mostly vedic astrology.
Just from the timing you could actually be meeting a potential marriage or long term partner this year👀 because in D1 chart saturn is transiting in your 5th house of dating (means serious relationships) it could also signify online dating/friendships to lovers (meeting through friends or online) because of aquarius energy. 
Additionally we have rahu/ketu in pisces/virgo transiting your jupiter+ketu+venus in virgo in your 12th house, this possibly means you might meet a past life partner/soulmate through dreams; maybe you could get back with an ex or reach  closure on unfinished business if you've dated before; analysing your personal values around love, service, physical/mental health, spirituality, material or financial themes, work, routine, etc. Dreams and manisfestation are really prominent. (You should pay attention to your dreams). 
We are currently having taurus jupiter affecting your scorpio/taurus 1st/7th house axis and scorpio moon influencing you and your relationships (confirmation of meeting your future spouse as well). With moon being affected could be family/mother maybe pregnancy (for that I would have to analyse other factors). This could also indicate a transformative /intense/karmic experience might happen in your life specially around yourself/home/family environment. 
Looking at your D7 chart you have rahu/ketu in aquarius/leo in 5th/11th house, jupiter in leo , (online dating is here again). You have 7th lord mars (mars is also your 7th lord in D1) in virgo 12th house aspecting saturn in pisces 6th house (dreams/past life partner keeps showing up !!!😱😱😱) 
When jupiter, saturn, rahu/ketu are transiting in the same or opposite sign of sun, saturn, rahu/ketu in D7 chart it indicates a major event might happen during this time of your life like meeting your future spouse or a partner, engagement, pregnancy, career,success,fame, breakup, divorce etc.(This technique is by Camila Regina from tiktok).  
You are currently running jupiter dasha which is great for marriage (2024 to 2040). If we dig deeper you are in jupiter-jupiter dasha until 2026 so these 2 years are fundamental ! If you want to know specific time periods you can DM me. 
But I am leaning towards you meeting someone during full moon pisces in 18 september; near the solar eclipse 2 october (virgo) this year ; around the eclipse season in march 2025.
However from the conversation I had with you before, I think the person you heard from your friend might be a potential long term partner, because in your D1 chart you have 5th lord saturn in your 10th house cancer conjunct mercury and we are currently having a new moon in cancer. Not just that but you have moon Darakaraka in gemini (mercury is the ruler and is in cancer)...maybe you met him through hobbies/work/education/children/creativity/celebration/friends/online/siblings/communication etc and with the confirmation from saturn transit in your 5th house aquarius (friends)👀👀👀 (He could have libra/aries in big 3 placements accordingly to solar return before your birthday but if you actually meet him in person near/after your birthday he could have leo/aquarius)
NOTE1: Remember that we might have many soulmates and potential long term partners.
In regards to Mrigashira gemini moon Darakaraka  in 9th house your spouse could embody these characteristics: sensitive, nurturing, emotional, values family and home/country, charming, communicative, sociable, friendly, lucky, fortunate, creative, optimistic,curious, youthful,persuasive, spiritual/religious, tricky, flirty, well educated (have a high education),intelligent, dualistic, honest/blunt, loves travelling/arts/philosophy/adventure/freedom, adventurous, intelligent, seeks the truth, good sense of humor, know it all, use logic to process his emotions, anxious, ambivert, etc. 
He could actually be a foreigner or have different culture/ethnicity/religion(9th house energy).
Darakaraka is aspecting by 4th aspect virgo jupiter+ketu+mercury which means the relationship might be based on communication, spirituality, beliefs, understanding, expressing emotions using logic and analysis, learning together, travelling together, discussions/debates, routine, work, physical/mental health, balancing the material with spirituality, ( superficial versus deep connection and reason versus emotion).
There could be certain misunderstandings, detachment issues and criticizing/nitpicking each other. 
Lastly your moon DK is aspecting pisces rahu by 10th house which indicates your fs might be emotionally connected to his work : service, spirituality, health like alternative medicine, etc . 
Jupiter is also significator of spouse/marriage, your jupiter is in chitra virgo: bright, famous, beautiful, creative, artistic, attention to detail, independent, passionate, desire for beauty, refinement, dynamic, desire for innovation, youthful, organized, nitpicking, critical, logical, health conscious, self care, neat freak, perfectionist, hardworking, active, service oriented, etc. Examples of virgo chitra natives are Doja Cat, Harry Styles, Olivia Rodrigo, Ana de Armas, etc.
Your 7th lord aries bharani mars it's actually in 7th house. This means your partner could be attractive, well dressed, seductive, hot, influential, ambitious, competitive, assertive, active, direct, blunt, passionate, creative, romantic, intense, possessive, youthful, intense, agressive, egoistical, fast paced, goal oriented, leader, loves sports and arts, values independence, luxury, comfort and money (bharani is a venus nakshatra), mirror you (twinflame/soulmate energies -> 7th house and bharani), etc. This also shows a strong focus on creative partnerships and doing business together. (Gym dates, artistic activities, risky activities, adventure, etc) Despite the physical attraction, strong chemistry and passion, you might experience a lot of conflicts and fights cause mars is a malefic planet. 
Your 7th lord is aspecting cancer saturn in 10th house by 4th aspect. This reeinforces working together. Yet it can show problems when balancing work/career and relationships. There could be high standards, expectations, tension between desires and responsibilities and power struggles.He could be workaholic, determined, hardworking, overcoming obstacles, he could care about his reputation a lot, father/family could have some influence. Work makes him happy.
7th lord in D9 could also show future spouse characteristics and how will be the marriage.
You have 7th lord in gemini punarvasu só there is another strong confirmation of communication; balance between independence/individuality and union/friendship; hobbies/interrsts/skills; learning; intellectuality. Spouse can be social, communicative, adaptable, youthful, restless, charming, intelligent, dualistic, wise, generous, overgiving, oversensittive, nurturing, optimistic, emotional, etc.
When it comes to appearance fs would have femininie fair/smooth/soft hands/fingers; prominent chest/thighs/hips; round features; dimples; muscular, stocky; defined hips/butt; short to average height; have reddish or dark features; masculine facial features, etc(You can find more from Camila Regina tiktok🤌)
For your future spouse career I am trying out this tecnique the 10th sign from 7th lord in D1 or D9 could indicate possible fields: 
D1 Capricorn so anything related to leadership, human resources, engineering, medicine, law/legal, real estate, construction, entrepreneur, environment/aggriculture, politics, creative fields involving structure like graphic designer,event planners, father figure, CEO, boss, etc.
D9 Pisces so anything related to spirituality, philosophy, creative arts, healthcare, counselling, psychology, social/community service, education, menthorship, design, fashion, architecture, freelancing, media and communication, etc
Regarding your meeting, pay attention to symbolisms of these signs: 
Libra: library, fashion, beauty, museum, arts, law, scales, skin, wedding, arranged match, blind date, balance, self care, etc...
Pisces: fish, dreams,  manifestation, sushi, Internet, water activities, sea, beach, duplicate, spirituality, arts, music, feet, shoes, "Plenty of fish", fantasy movies, media, travelling, etc...
Aquarius: color aqua, waterfall, watercarrier, spirituality,  tarot, astrology, Internet, technology, online, science, sea animals, dam, arts, accident, sudden, Electricity, aquarium, social media, groups, friends, etc...
Aries: They can aproach you first, military, firefighter, police, speed, leader, fast things, fast food, cars, race, fights, wounds, physical, body, gym, sports, first something, "first place in", ram, horns, goat, etc...
NOTE2: libra and pisces from vedic ; aries and aquarius from tropical chart 
(This technique is by Camila Regina on tiktok💗)
Vedic Astrology placements D1/D9 (includes atmakaraka AK):
Aries/ Libra/ Virgo/Pisces/Leo/Aquarius/Gemini/Sagittarius/Cancer/Capricorn 
Mars/moon/mercury/jupiter/venus/ketu nakshatras or influence 
Okay I think I am done😅 I hope you like this reading if you do leave feedback on my page🙏 And let me know if it resonates👌it helps improving my readings🫶💜
P.S. I forgot to say you have jupiter conjunct ketu retrograde this confirms your spouse could be either a past life partner/soulmate or a past relationship you've had, an ex (in your case it's soulmate). (Retrograde and ketu are connected to the past)
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zzencat · 2 months
Hi I'm MJ (pisces) 🌸🌪🌙:)
My questions are:
1. What does my crush BM(taurus) feels for me?
2. What will happen between us in August?
3. What is his next move regarding me?
Thank uwuwu 💌💋
Hi MJ!!! thank you for taking the time to send in an ask! let’s get started :)
What does your crush BM think feel for you?
WOWWW lucky you MJ!!!!! you got the lovers card in here too!! He definitely thinks you’re someone he can be with romantically. Not yet tho, but you’re getting there. If you ever plan a family with this guy, he would definitely take you up for it!! i don’t think this guy will be just a crush for long…(YAYYY!!)
^^if this doesn’t happen, he will see you as someone who is a long-time connection to him. there’s always gonna be an attachment or significant meaning to you.
he sees you trying to be strong, but that’s a struggle for you. to the public, you might seem like you’re getting better tho and trying to improve physically and mentally. BM feels that you’re struggling deep down inside tho. you’ve definitely been trying to improve on sleep or quieting your mind from all sorts of things. all of this effort is a good move forward :)
if he’s bigger or taller than you, he might feel the need to take care and protect you
he thinks you can be ambitious and achieve great things, make big moves, usually ready for adventure or a start to something new and exciting, inspired to move again, but that it takes you a while, or WILL take you a while to get that mindset back, OR when you do decide, it’s accompanied by doubt sometimes.
What will happen between you two in August?
ok so there’s going to be celebration and meeting up with friends, probably to share the news—this is highly likely, HOWEVER, this doesn’t mean you guys will be talking about good things only. there’s a chance for both happening: breaking the good/bad news, or expressing current worries. there’s going to be a lot of doubt and imbalance in the mind. perhaps, one or the other will wonder why it’s taking so long or maybe the person who does the asking out is taking a long time to do it bc they’re scared of the uncertainty, of the chances of rejection. one or both of you will seek consolation and advice from friends or someone who has experience before it happens. and i swear, there are going to be big opportunities for you two to come together.
August, overall, is going to be a rollercoaster of emotions, highs and lows all because of how pessimistic and mean the mind can be. Your higher self is calling you to be patient, don’t let yourself get down over it, and have faith. it might take a bit to hear from him, but as long as he’s FOR SURE getting your signs, AND the energy reciprocates? you should be fine. i think the worst thing for August is the wait. but enjoy life and have fun while you do so (like watch concert videos in your room and bop out)!!
What is his next move regarding you?
ok so im getting confirmation that someone is going to have a major ego death. you or this person is going to have to face the fear, walk into the dark, and practicing to hear rejection or bad news. BUT the bad news is overly exaggerated by their own mind. it’s an illusion. likely BOTH of you will be mirroring each other and drowning in your own doubts. this is a big move. it’s a HUGE move. there could be someone getting into some drama with friends or family, or someone is battling with crazy inner thoughts and demons. regardless, this big move is going to change lives. there’s this constant feeling of not being prepared, not having enough, or not being enough, so that fuels the doubt and makes it go crazy. the delay is actually crazy and might not even be in august. this big move might even be pushed back bc of the incessant amount of “what ifs” and nervousness, but it’s ENTIRELY up to the person who does the asking out. the feelings are very much mutual between you two tho, that’s for sure!!
good luck MJ!! that’s all i have for you :)
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wendytestabrat · 1 year
ok their sun signs are already confirmed in canon but here are what i think their moon and risings are. and btw in astrology your rising sign is your outer shell and how u come across to others on first impression, your sun sign is like your ego and how you think of yourself, and then your moon sign is your deep emotional core. think of it like pulling back 3 layers of an onion with the rising sign on top, then the sun, then the moon.
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stan is OBVIOUSLY a taurus rising like look at his fucking deadpanned expression 24/7. it’s also why he’s rlly rational and calm compared to the other boys and ik his libra sun makes him like that too but a lot of libras are still fun and enthusiastic people, so his taurus rising makes him a more serious & mature libra rather than a retarded ditzy one LOL. and stan def has that stable and reliable essence to him that taurean people have which is what makes him a loyal friend. stan doesn’t like change it’s why he won’t fucking dump wendy and stays friends with kyle, CLASSIC TAURUS NONSENSE. he can also pop off out of nowhere like a taurus if u piss him off LOL. i’ve already talked abt how stan is a stereotypical libra so go look at that post. and then then when u peel the onion all the way down to his moon stan is DEF a pisces moon like yeah he does come across as a more rational and level-headed person bc of the taurus and libra but i mean deep down stan is still a rlly sensitive af person and he can get depressed easily and throw a huge pity party.
bruh kyle is a PISCES RISING idc what anyone says. ok picking kyle’s rising sign was actually the hardest bc there were a lot i could see him as. when it came down to it, it was a toss up between pisces and virgo for me LOL. like obviously he has virgo traits bc he’s overly critical abt everyone and everything and he overly helps people too much but that’s a pisces trait too and what virgo & pisces have in common and why they’re sister signs bc they both get overly enmeshed in other people’s drama LOL. he’s a pisces rising bc on first glance kyle comes across like he’s all sweet and innocent and wants to help everyone and save the day and he’s EXTREMELY charming, hence why cartman said “kyle you are the sweet one” but then when u get to know him better that uncaring selfish detached gemini part of him comes out LOL. and ofc he has to be a cancer moon bc kyle is literally the biggest drama queen on planet earth and is a big moody bitch. he has the typical mood swings of a gemini but it’s amplified 100x bc he’s a cancer moon duh. and he’s way too overly concerned with everyone else’s problems and he has too much empathy like a typical cancer. i hate it when gemini and cancer placements come together bc it creates the nosiest bitch ever that thinks your problems are their problems. and yeah cartman is a cancer sun, but honestly cancer moons are way more intense bc the moon rules cancer and the moon is abt your emotional side so when that’s in cancer is creates a disaster LOL.
ok cartman is a LEO rising there is no doubt about it. literally every bad trait people say leos have is really what leo risings are not leo suns. they’re the biggest attention whore narcissists on the planet. leo suns are dignified and confident (like me 😏) bc the sun rules leo so we don’t need to do that attention seeking crap LOL. that’s why cartman comes across SUPER charismatic and confident. he’s a HUGE leader and loves being the center of attention. he also has a lot of that fiery energy and gets rlly aggressive and childish at times. but yeah peeling back the onion he’s a cancer sun and scorpio moon and is actually just double water. his cancer traits are his love of his home, his mom and his loyalty to his friends etc. his kindness and sensitivity (THAT THE GOD DAMN OTHER BOYS USED AGAINST HIM AND PROVOKED HIM FOR). but yeah if u dig even deeper it’s the scorpio moon that is the true reason for cartman’s vengeful behavior and how he’s so damn good at emotionally manipulating people. cancers have those traits too but he has to have scorpio bc i mean that would explain why he takes shit as far as he does and he’s very persistent & passionate in carrying out his plans. cartman can achieve anything he wants.
yeah kenny is an AQUARIUS RISING the dude wears a fucking parka all day long and is aloof as fuck. PEOPLE THINK HE’S WEIRD, but they also think he’s friendly and nice. and yeah he’s an aries bc kenny just doesn’t give a fuck and will risk his life and put himself into dangerous ass situations that kills him like a typical aries LOL. he lives on the edge and likes to have fun which is why him and cartman get along rlly well. and he’s also a pisces moon like stan bc bro is compassionate and sensitive af deep down. kenny is just a good af & caring friend that will sacrifice himself to help u. he’s literally everything kyle claims to be but isn’t but that’s probably why kyle is just a pisces rising while kenny is a pisces moon LOL. kyle only APPEARS to be that caring self-sacrificing martyr, kenny actually IS.
she’s a gemini rising period. ok wendy comes across SUPER social, smart, & charming. she can talk to anyone and become their friend in an instant but she’s also a two-faced cunt too and she changes her mind and personality in every episode LOL. but yeah when u get to her core she’s actually a sagittarius bc not only is wendy smart, but she’s rlly passionate about her beliefs and will speak her truth even if it gets her in trouble or disliked. which kind of contradicts her gemini rising where she’ll act fake so she will be liked and popular. but yeah deep down wendy is a scorpio moon just like cartman bc she’s extremely intense and you don’t wanna fuck with her. just like cartman she’s extremely persistent and strategic abt something if she wants it. wow i just realized all four of the boys AND wendy are water moons. go figure. they’re all overly emotional sensitive ass bitches.
yeah he’s DEF a cancer rising. butters comes across like he’s gonna be an overly emotional victimized turd like cartman & kyle bc he is rlly sensitive on the outside (and he def does have his crabby moments when he does snap), but when you peel back the layers of the onion butters is actually a lot more chill & mature than that. he’s rlly loyal and reliable bc of his virgo sun and always willing to lend a hand (sometimes to the point where he gets taken advantage of) and he can be a bit of a perfectionist. (mainly bc his dad is so damn strict) but yeah u peel back the layers even more to his libra moon butters isn’t rlly an overly emotional turd he’s just this aloof ass airhead that’s overly happy, optimistic, & nice.
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ninepentz · 1 year
Missing submarine
Forensic astrology chart reading
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As we know, pieces of the titanic tour submarine have been found. Authorities believe it imploded, meaning it crushed from the inside from too much pressure on the outside. They've confirmed there are no survivors.
I'm curious what exactly happened, someone who knew the person operating the submarine said that the time connection was lost with the sub would most likely be the time when this all happened, so let's see what that tells us.
This is only an astrology reading based on the last time victims were seen, date and location. I'm not trying to assume anything about this situation, this is just my personal opinion from what I can see below.
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Their descent started at 8am, so let's take a look at that chart to see what was going on. Chart above
Cancer ascendant:
This represents the victim in a crime chart so, the ruler of cancer is the moon so we look there to get more information.
Since we have a cancer moon in the 12th at the time, maybe the focus was a lot on the son at this time. Out of all the people in the submarine he was the youngest and the only one who prob hasn't done anything like that before, so ofc everyone is kinda watching him soak it in and who wouldn't want to see him have a good time. Those 4 men (not sure about dawood) knew the excited feelings he must of been feeling bc they were once that giddy young kid too.
Sun-moon in the 12th:
So in this chart the sun and moon are seen in the 12th house, so maybe it was visible and going according to plan. Everyone saw that they were entering the water, everything seemed fine. Nothing out of the ordinary, they felt safe.
Mercury in the 11th:
Maybe there were social media posts, something to do with groups of people, social type things, being online with friends/networks. This could also explain that they were in communication with the crew above water who are making sure everything is going smoothly and accordingly. Multiple people were involved joined together
Venus/mars in the 2nd house:
Maybe things got quiet from this point, they could smell their surroundings as they were inside the submarine, they were descending slowly.. you can hear every little thing. The bubbles, under water sounds, you can feel the quality of the submarine.. it felt like a supreme simplistic experience. At this moment, there was not a lot of talking. Mostly just taking everything in.
Jupiter in the 10th:
Maybe with this aspect they thought this would be an adventure to remember and be able to brag/show off/add to their list of accomplishments. 10th house is basically the MC so this was an important moment. Maybe at this time whoever knew of the titanic best was explaining the details and history of it to the passengers.
Feel free to stalk Hammish Harding's instagram where this placement is described perfectly. He would often boast about his risky adventures that had even landed him on Guinness world records. He's done many risky, monumental things. His ig is posted above
Saturn in the 9th/pisces in the 9H:
They were very interested in what was going on in the water, the fish and what exact species they are, that kinda thing. They planned on going very deep this time it seems, with saturn in the 9th. I feel like they were determined to keep going and push through steadily. Stockton rush, I'm sure knew his submersible almost like how we know the ins and outs of our phones, fav places, songs, etc.. for him he felt like he was very familiar with his submarine so in a way he was also experimenting with how deep it can go and what reactions come from the vehicle when he does certain things. He was very technical about it.
He should of probably not taken passengers while in the process of experimenting still but what do I know. But they were determined to get it to work out well, he had no fear or thought in his mind that something as bad as what happened could go wrong.
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So this is the chart of the exact time connection was lost, June 18th at 9:45 AM. I'm going to treat this like a missing persons case, we start with the ascendant representing the victim.
Leo ascendant conjunct venus and mars which are in the 12th house.. scary stuff.
This reminds me of the kylie rodney case, her chart had mars in the 12th house too connecting to the ascendant.
What I think happened here was a very sudden explosive accident-
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When reading a crime chart, the ascendant and what it aspects gives you a picture of the situation.
So now with this new chart, it's now almost 2 hours later since they entered the water, it looks like the sun and moon moved into the 11th house.
Sun-moon 11H:
The crew was now aware of something, not sure exactly what. Maybe they were trying to locate the vehicle, idk if they have sonars on their side but I wonder if they were looking for them on the map.
Mercury/uranus both in the 10th:
Maybe since mercury is in gemini it was common for communication to go in and out so, there was nothing too alarming.
Jupiter/chiron/NN in the 9th:
Coming back to this one and finishing up the rest.
Ascendant conjunct venus:
I feel like venus is representing the submarine here, it seems like they created it to look pleasing, fun, to be a big eye catcher with the remote control and all but it wasn't built to take so much pressure or atleast the focus was more on the aesthetics/money. It was just supposed to be like for leisure type of use.
Uranus square venus:
Something unexpected happened, there was friction happening where things didn't function smoothly, prob technical difficulties, it was not pleasant or predictable, things were very rocky. With venus being in the 12th house it was something unknown to them, they couldn't figure out what the problem was. If it was an implosion like everyone is saying, their deaths would of been so quick and instantaneous, that the victims wouldn't have even had time to register what happened to them before passing away. I think the placements in the 12th house def support that, they would have probably felt drugged or some weird pressure 1st if any pain at all.
Uranus in the 10th house-
So maybe it wasn't uncommon that the submarine had it's problems, it would be unpredictable. It also was probably exciting for whose ever idea this trip was or whoever chose this particular vehicle bc it's not like typical submarines. That's why it was interesting for them, it was almost like something you normally wouldn't try but your curiosity, the novelty, the unknown was alluring.
Apparently one of the warnings said "this is not for tourists, this is for adventurers." So that means it's for people who are feeling risky.
This next video clip literally just blew my mind. The founder of the oceangate company/submarine operator and some comments from titanic film maker.
Uranus-innovation, rule breaking, defying standards. This was pretty much an experimental craft.
Ascendant square uranus:
There was always the potential for danger/unpredictability with this submarine, as the founder above was saying, this isn't something you were supposed to do but he did it anyways bc he thought that he could make something better than anything else that's been done before.
Mars square uranus:
Prob this just wasn't thought through, wrong timing, rushed thinking, rushed actions, prob someone was being too bold/confident, they wanted to have fun and test limits (mars) unfortunately that didn't end well (uranus)
It could be that all the men here were too adventurous for their own good, like they've been on wild adventures often enough that you start to feel invincible as if nothing could happen to you bc it is rare for these types of accidents. If even the oceangate founder was on board obviously he didn't know or expect this would happen, so it could of been that they knew it was a risk but they weren't concerned enough. Sometimes you can get carried away by wishful thinking or just plain ego.
Mars is in the 12th-
So they weren't paying attention to detail, they were missing the signs, maybe even the lights went out or something like that. Bc the 12th house would be completely hidden, unknown, unseen, invisible, unconscious.
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Neptune in the 8th house:
Anytime I see neptune in a crime chart I always think of water, but it could also represent, gasses, drugs, confusion. A pressure malfunction could def be something when in relation to neptune, the 8th house would describe being too deep.
If there was an implosion for a fact, what would of happened was similar to an explosion, but inverted, they would have been vaporized and crushed.
Google says 👇 and link for more info about it below
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They did mention on the video above that there's only 3 other submarines like this one in the world that can go deep enough to see the titanic. So it's rare
Jupiter conjunct MC:
Since stockton rush was the owner and operator of this craft and knowing what we know now, I get the impression that the father and son + 2 other business men were the ones "visiting" if that's the right word.
They really didn't know what they were getting into, they don't operate submarines, they don't know what the company was all about/legal requirements etc, they were just there for a new experience. Jupiter would be the father and son, possibly Hamish and paul henri as well since they are like foreigners here and MC would be the person in charge of the craft, the "authorities" that represent it.
For some reason I thought all 5 of them were friends of eachother but I don't think that's the case, it was like a business relationship.
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Quote above from a recent article... would you have gotten into this craft if you knew it was experimental? Most likely not if you want your life. What a shame tbh.
Other links/newest updates I find related to this case👇
06/28/23 NEW UPDATE! Human remains found(1st vid) along with photos of the submarine debris.
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Youtuber Dallmyd, vlogged their titanic tour experience on the SAME titan submarine that went missing just days before👇
He never got the chance to complete the dive bc there was complications with the submarine the whole time he was there. Wild
Below stockton talks about he wanted to add more technology to the sub, I think he had great ideas tbh but this was def a disaster..
Someone from a different dive with stockton rush describes their difficult experience with the submarine
Shazada dazwoods sister speaks about who him and his son were...
RIP to everyone who was on board...what a horrible way to go
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Suelman, Shahzada Dawood, Stockton Rush, Paul-Henri Nargeolet, Hamish Harding.
For now this is all I got, hope that helped someone to understand the reality of what happened. There's still some aspects I didn't go through yet but if you're curious to know more, leave a like and I'll go more in depth. I have stockton rushes birthday info so I def want to look at that too
✨️Nine of Pentacles✨️
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satanandsoul · 2 years
I wanted an astrology chart reading for jisoo solo. thank you so much
Hey there! Thank you for your reply. And sorry for the late reply. 🙇🏻‍♀️
♈︎ Blackpink Jisoo Solo Debut Event Chart Analysis ♈︎
Disclaimer: All these are for entertainment purposes only. DO take my words with a grain of salt.
From my online research, I learnt that Jisoo's solo will be released at 12am EST. So I did the conversation and found that it will be 1pm in Korean time.
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Jisoo's solo debut event chart has its Cancer Ascendant at 29 degree. Judging from the Cancer Ascendant, Jisoo's solo song will be highly emotive. I will not be surprised if her song will be a love song. Or it can be a ballad. There is no way that Jisoo's solo song will be anything like Lisa's solo song in which she basically talks about how great it is to be her. In addition, the 29 degree is the degree of fame. That means that Jisoo's solo has a great chance of being a success. Leo Moon in the 1st house conjuncts Cancer Ascendant: A double confirmation that this song will be highly emotive. Leo Moon can be quite dramatic. So you can expect this song to be a melodramatic love song. Cancer Ascendant opposite Aquarius Pluto in the 7th house: This debut will attract a lot of attention from freedom-loving people (not just freedom-loving but obsessed with freedom).
Aries Sun conjuncts Aries Chiron in the 9th house: Honestly, this song will be about a wound that others have inflicted onto the protagonist of this song. Coupled with the fact that this can be a love song. It most likely will be about wounds that lover inflicts on us. These wounds can be caused by irresponsibility, carelessness, or impulsivity. If Jisoo continues to be a solo artist in the future, Sun in 9th house actually says she will have a lot of opportunities to travel overseas. Sun trines Moon: This will be an easy flow of the emotions. If Jisoo continues to be a solo artist, I can see that her songs will be reflective of her inner experience. Sun squares Cancer Mars in 12th house: Sun square Mars always points to hot-headedness. If Jisoo continues to be a solo artist, she may make some impulsive decision regarding her solo career. She may do it subconsciously though, as Mars falls into the 12th house. She can also make decisions that are mostly based on feelings rather than logics.
I will skip over Moon square Mercury as the orb is too large, 9 degrees. I will also skip over Moon trine Neptune as the orb is also too large, 7 degrees. Leo Moon in 1st house opposite Aquarius Pluto in 7th house: The emotional need to make oneself seen is in direct conflict with the obsession on collectivity. If Jisoo continues to be a solo artist, I can see her address the issues of fame. The theme of wanting to be seen on one hand and wanting to be a commoner on the other hand will continue to run through her work.
Aries Mercury conjuncts Aries Jupiter in 10th house: If this is the birth chart of a person and he or she has this aspect, I will say he or she definitely likes preaching lol.🤣🤣🤣 Jisoo may have a lot of lofty ideas that she wants to convey through her music. Jisoo may also want to use her profession as a channel to teach others about things she is passionate about. I will skip over Mercury square Pluto as the orb is too wide, 7 degrees.
Taurus Venus conjuncts Taurus Uranus in 10th house: Excellent position to show off Jisoo's otherworldly beauty. No matter what the concept of her projects will be, beauty will be a main theme. And this type of beauty is shocking in a captivating manner. In fact, showing off Jisoo's beauty can help her solo career.
Mars trines Pisces Saturn in 8th house: Saturn in 8th house can denote losses. Jisoo's boss may be restrictive in investing in Jisoo's solo career. The trine aspect here can mean that her boss is supportive of her actions, but at the same time is not really to invest too much money into her projects.
Aries Midheaven conjuncts Sun, Chiron, Jupiter, Mercury: Generally a great aspect. It shows that Jisoo is determined to make this solo project work. However, I am a little bit concerned about the Chiron conjunct Midheaven. A weakness of Jisoo will be displayed very publicly. When this conjunction takes place in Aries, I would say this weakness is related to temper, immaturity, impulsivity etc. Hopefully, I am wrong, because I honestly don't see Jisoo as an hot-tempered person.😳
I hope anon you are happy with my analysis. ☺️ And have a good day!!
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fauxcheva · 5 years
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tagged by : stole it off another dash
tagging : anyone who wants to !
 bonfires ,      competitiveness ,      hand   veins ,     loud   laughs ,      messy   hair ,       sneaking   out   at   2   am ,      abandoned   beaches ,     stray   dogs ,      candle   lights ,      body   language ,      creaking   floorboards ,     ouija   boards ,      having   no   regrets ,      karaoke   nights   out .
 house   plants ,     oversized   sweaters ,      soft   hands ,     fuzzy   socks ,     visiting   big   cities ,      snoozing   your   alarm   clock ,      the   color   yellow ,      vanilla - scented   candles ,      aloe   vera ,      fruit   smoothies ,      baking   cookies ,     the   mom   friend ,      loves   the   ukulele .
 femme   fatale   movies ,     in   love   with   female   villains ,      sharp   eyeliner ,     quick - witted ,      does   things   out   of   spite ,      do   no   harm   but   take   no   shit ,      in   love   with   dogs ,      probably   cries   during   sad   movies   but   won’t   admit   it ,      easily   excited ,      ripped   jeans .
 mermaids ,      easily   infatuated   by   love ,      smelling   flowers ,     picnics   in   open   fields ,     gets   sad   when   thinking   about   the   past ,     impressed   easily ,     daydreaming   in   class ,      plucking   fresh   fruit ,     loves   fashion ,     would   die   for   their   friends .
  confident   in   what   they   do ,      kill   them   with   kindness ,     high   ponytails ,      probably   wants   to   visit   paris   once ,     not   afraid   to   tell   the   truth ,      in   love   with   cute   animals ,      the   one   to   lift   others   up ,     good   at   teamwork ,      the   warm   feeling   of   summer ,     dragons .
  pastel   markers ,     the   smell  of  lavender ,     has   a   welcoming   vibe   around   them ,      actually   organized ,     scrunchies ,      neat   notes ,      loves   going   to   museums ,      probably   into   photography ,      neutral   colors ,      handwritten   letters ,     stardust .
 soft   blankets ,     cuddling   the   ones   you   love ,     always   standing   up   for   your   friends ,      hopeless   spurned   romantic ,      can   be   very   distant ,      can   be   a   little   dramatic ,     pretty   hair ,     dresses   nicely ,      tries   to   be   popular   on   social   media ,      optimistic ,      humorous .
  cottages   in   the   woods ,     in   love   with   greek   mythology ,     vintage   t - shirts ,     really   emotional   but   doesn’t   want   anyone   to   know ,      determined ,     moonlight ,     pretty   handwriting ,      into   the   retro   aesthetic ,     rainy   days ,      doesn’t   judge   people ,      cats .
  always   ready   for   an   adventure ,      street   smart ,      wants   to   travel   the   world  someday ,      doesn’t   easily   trust   people ,      alcohol ,      paintbrushes ,      can’t   sit   still ,      untied   shoelaces ,     tangled   up   earphones ,      blasting   music   at   midnight ,   eye - gazing .
 cold   aura ,     coffee   is   what   keeps   them   going ,     probably   hasn’t   slept   in   two   days ,      actually   a   big   softie ,      high - waisted   jeans ,      cute   pet   videos ,      small   apartments ,     has   too   many   notebooks ,      often   goes   to   the   library ,      writing  essays .
 loves   to   paint   and   do   any   kind   of   art ,      wants   to   live   at   the   seaside ,   knows   a   lot   of   random   facts ,      shares   food ,      messy   notes ,      bullshits   an   entire   essay ,      graffiti ,      has   their   own   distinct   style ,      wants   to   live   their   life   like   they   want   to .
 old   teddy   bears ,    unsent   love   letters ,      mom - jeans ,      loves   to   sing ,      feels   at   home   by   the   ocean ,      writes   poetry ,     hard - workers ,    always   up   for   deep   conversations ,      probably   did   the   stupid   thing ,     open   curtains ,     a   soft   breeze .
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saturngoldenchild · 2 years
Astrology observations:
Today in honor of the hyyh era🥳 thank you guys for supporting my posts. I love it here.
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one thing about Aquarius placements…they know everybody. I can confirm. I can assure you I know someone who knows someone who can get what you need done. They only got a few friends tho and their 3 friends are always mad confused on who all these people are. And they’re just like 😃 what u mean?? True social butterflies, the get along with everybody. I always think of Megan thee stallion and taehyung as examples. People have spoken about how Megan is friendly with everyone and it helped her career so much and Tae…that man ain’t got not shame he comes up to everyone.
Another thing I’ve noticed about air placements too…they’re gonna have fun. It doesn’t matter what’s going on, where they are, they’re gonna have a good time. “Oh we going grocery shopping?? Bet” they’re gonna have everyone laughing and enjoying that trip. Same with sag but them mfs always wanna be the funniest in the room 😑 it’s not that deep just be urself. If it’s a party Libra brings the drinks and helps everyone with their make up, Gemini tells the jokes, and Aquarius gives us a show.
A leo sun is going to be super shy n quiet until all the attention is on them lmao. I have this friend who never speaks like ever…give this boy the opportunity to tell a story
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U cancer moon, rising, moon in the 1st bitches always looking like a Pixar movie baby. The cutest cheeks and eyes like they can’t hurt a fly.
Earth placements are hedonistic. They like nice things, they like luxury. They take a lot of life’s aspects seriously so whatever it is that makes them happy…They like to make good moments last very long. You already know what that means for an earth mars so I’m not even gonna type it 🙄
Libra risings will be thick. That’s it.
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Fixed Venus people cant be subtle to save their life 😭😭 these mfs be so direct, when they like someone they like them and it’ll show whether intentional or not.
Cancer sun women can be the biggest gossipers omg they know everyone’s business
Every Pisces woman I’ve met has a very cute high pitched voice. They’re adorable. They will kill u if u try them.
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Venus ruled suns so possessive 😭😭 they always look like they wish a bitch would try something like calm down. And this is with everything. One of my friends is a Taurus and they give the most nasty looks to anyone who bothers me😭 they’re so sweet until then…their whole demeanor changes. I JUST WANTED TO LET YOU KNOW HES MINE. NO HES MINE YOU NEED TO GIVE IT UUUUUUP
- sorry. Next.
NO HOLD ON. A mix of Virgo n Scorpio y’all are not safe either 👀 huffing n puffing over nothing
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- now next
Earth mercury singers have a lot of vocal control. They also tend to preserve their voices very well, the older they get the better and more stable they sound.
The other day I went to a restaurant with my friends. A virgo, a Taurus, a Capricorn…argued on who pays for 5 minutes straight.
I know they say u match with the sign in ur 7th but y’all…😭😭 i can’t do a Virgo romantically. Or can I?????? All the ones I’ve met are fine. I’m conflicted. Y’all are too bossy.
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Capricorns and Tauruses cannot be kept away from each other u can’t convince me otherwise. They’re the perfect match.
Water placements…😃 so when are we gonna talk about them friends u give therapy to just to ditch u after. CANCER/PISCES MOONS IM LOOKING STRAIGHT AT U.
Saturn square mars so blunt 😭 quick example: Tyler, the creator. Enough said.
Leo and Aquarius will always fangirl together and it’s the cutest thing. They can discuss a performance/ piece of art/ artist for hours.
One thing about Virgo, aqua, Gemini placements…if it’s not hard to understand they don’t get it 😭😭 thing is if doesn’t challenge them they either don’t put the brain cells to work or are just lazy about it.
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venussaidso · 2 years
Hello! I've been interested in vedic astrology since some time. I have been into tropical one and it was somewhat accurate. But i wanna know about what vedic placements say about me. Can you please talk about my placements? Because I'm unable to understand them really.
From what I learnt in nakshatras here are my placements:
Ashlesha sun (I'm actually a Leo sun in tropical astrology and that suits me well, I wonder how this placement turns out to be)
Swati moon (scorpio moon in tropical)
Hasta rising (libra rising)
Ashwini mars (pisces mars)
Uttara phalguni venus (leo venus)
Purva phalguni Mercury (virgo Mercury)
I'm sorry i'm quite confused that's why I wrote the tropical placements too 😅 Also i saw your blog you follow loa. It's quite fascinating. I had been wondering how to use astrology for my desires. Aslo, it's alright if you don't feel like answering, no pressure. Thank you so much. 💖
Hii. Apologies on the late response.
I'm going to touch on the most important placements I see.
Ashlesha is a Mercury ruled nakshatra. It is symbolized by a Naga/coiled serpent. Ashleshas tend to look like snakes.
(Ashlesha Asc Alexa Demie)
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They hate superficiality and are all about preservation. They're very similar to Uttara Bhadrapada, both symbolized by the Nagas which maintain the cosmos. (Ashlesha - ground Naga. Uttara Bhadrapada - water Naga). I bet you're elusive.
Swati is ruled by the deity Vayu, the God Of Wind. And the nakshatra is in an air sign already. Which can indicate that you stay in your head too much. Also, it has a combination of Venus and Rahu. Rahu creates illusions and amazing realities. You might be driven by your imagination. Very artistically driven and can share amazing projects to the world. Also, question, have you been stalked?? Or the stalker? 💀 (just wanna see something)
Hasta Ascendant omggg and I just posted my moon nakshatra part 2 post today. But Hasta women are different. Since Hasta is symbolized by the hand and the word Hasta literally translate to that word, I must ask if you're crafty with your hands? Or, you must have amazing hands.
Hasta is ruled by the Sun God, Savitur. So you're very solar by nature and you may find yourself a lot of admirers or people who are curious to learn from you. Hasta is in the Virgo rashi, so I can clearly assume intellect, the need to master what you put your mind to or just curious about. You shift through interests but this makes you very knowledgeable in a lot of things. Hasta being co-ruled by the Moon can give you a mystical presence. You're probably quite feminine and reserved.
Mercury is your Chart Ruler and it is in Purva Phalguni which is Leo. Purva Phalguni is co-ruled by Venus. Again, I'm sensing creative talents here. Leo, which is ruled by the Sun, shows you're unashamedly yourself. Your Chart Ruler being conjuct your Venus, my goddd you couldn't be any more Venusian maaaaa'am. 👀
Purva Phalguni literally means place of peace/calmness. And the nakshatra is ruled by the diety Bhaga, who gives you the goods in life. Prosperity, abundance, peace, marriage, love etc. He was blinded by the Creator which gives a lesson to natives of nakshatras to enjoy life or make something of themselves and leave what's unimportant behind.
And yesss I'm definitely an LOA follower although I don't reblog much of that content anymore. I'm just silently manifesting and purifying myself ☕
Vedic Astrology is fun to study but I disregard whatever doesn't fit. How I use Astrology post the law of assumption discovery, is that I use my chart to confirm to my inner standards of how I want my reality to be. I'm like oooh I got exalted Venus yass that means I'm the baddest bitch everr etc. There is no "bad placement" in my chart. I've learned to make my own interpretations because I can only be the creator and interpreter of my own damn reality and no one else.
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oliviamillss · 3 years
understanding my own chart
(no sugarcoating)
sun in aries, 27 degrees, 8th house: i've never really thought of myself as an aries person, and i suppose that's what put me off astrology for a while. i think it makes sense that it's in a gemini degree, i tend to follow the gemini stereotypes. my sun in 8th house was not a shock to me. i'm a person who's extremely open and comfortable about anything taboo, and it all fascinates me, especially cults. i also have major trust issues, which also ties in within the 8h culture. i suppose the 8h'ness' is emphasised with my sun trine pluto
moon in sagittarius, 13 degrees, 4th house: i always try to make myself seem perfectly fine and happy, and wash over all my negative emotions with positive ones. i also would say my emotions are a lot, and something i find really difficult to deal with. i am the soppiest person out there, and get extremely attached to people, objects and places within a second. i numb my emotions down when they all get too much, however the slightest bit affects it.
moon square uranus, moon square venus and moon square ascendant: oh my god you can really tell one of my life's lessons is to do with emotions, cant you? these moon squares are really negative and affecting my life majorly. can we talk about moon square uranus for a second, because jesus christ my emotional unstability!! i literally don't know how i feel at a given moment and even then, it changes so incredibly quickly. im super sensitive to any emotion and it affects everything. moon square venus is messing everything up, my needs within a relationship vs my wants dont match up at allll. this aspect also doesn't help at all with me getting attatched so easily, it's like i literally need them to keep me alive. and onto moon square ascendant, why tf am i so scared of people knowing i have emotions??? im so terrified to express them, even happy emotions. i hate people seeing me have emotions, and feel extremely uncomfortable when anyone can see through the wall i create.
virgo ascendant, 9 degrees: i am the biggest perfectionist ever, with everything. i literally cannot show that i'm interested, or doing something until i'm absolutely perfect at it. i want people to view me as a smart person, and i tend to surround myself with smart people. i care about my looks so much, wanting to look so perfect, that i literally cannot do anything about them because i'm never going to be happy. having an exact lilith conjunct ascendant is helpful,, in a way, i guess the sexualisation of me increases my confidence? i told my friend that and he thought it was weird af. i saw a post the other day, so this is me confirming it, but i am so good at like faking innocence to get what i want from certain people, i fake submission to them, and i do it for the dumbest stuff, like being 1 person higher in the queue.
aries mercury, 1 degree, 8th house: i wouldn't necissarily think im the aries mercury stereotype, but i think my mars being in cancer, and mercury in 8th makes the difference. i do have quick thoughts though, it's like in a way keywords that have like huge sentences attatched? a significant amount of what i talk and think about is majorly taboo things, i'd say a significant amount of my life is about taboo things.
i also have a fuck ton of mercury aspects but i'm too tired to go into detail on these
pisces venus, 12 degrees, 7th house: i am the biggest romantic/idealist. if i love someone i sugarcoat everything, and make come up for excuses for every single red flag. if i fall for someone i am so incredibly in love with them, and all i can think about is them. i need constant attention and i need to feel loved, and im the biggest overthinker and clearly a lot of work lmao. i tend to see my crushes/partners as perfect, and 'out of a movie'. i also love being babied in a way, nothing weird, just i like being treated in a way that means i don't have as much responsibility as i feel like i do in the real world. my venus conjunct uranus makes everything difficult af. i struggle to get into a relationship, i prefer situationships, and the chase, rather than being fully committed to another.
cancer mars, 10th house, 2 degrees: when i'm angry, everyone knows it. not in a way that i express it physically, i just go silent af. literally its somehow deafening. sometimes i fake being okay, people can see through that though. i cry when im angry too, a lot lol. i'm also extremely competitive, i hate guessing games in case im wrong lol. i also have a need to know where i stand, and others stand in society. with mars square north node, i go significantly out of my way to spite people. also when i feel like im the best at something, i thrive in that situation, but if i think just 1 person is better, i hate myself for it
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dwlrmoon · 3 years
Astrological Analysis: I.M "Duality"
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An astrological analysis of I.M's solo album "Duality" & how his astrological placements manifest through the songs. Changkyun said that he poured his entire soul into this album, so I thought it'll be really cool to dissect the songs in the astrological lens because I'm in love with his artistry.
Observed & analyzed through western tropical astrology; we are missing information due to lack of confirmed birth time, so I can only deliver using the traditional 7 planets (mainly the personal chart) without a house system.
Having the album entitled "Duality" with songs expressing this topic (esp. the title track) reminds me of his Aquarius placements, mainly the Sun. I.M has his Sun in detriment, meaning that his Sun is "weak" or uncomfortable in that sign. As the sister sign of Leo, Aquarius symbolizes celebrities, fame, the star in tarot, as well as hopes & dreams. Aquarius can represent notoriety & infamy while simultaneously having the stereotype of the loner or outsider, not wanting to be perceived or "understood."
Using traditional rulership, Aquarius is ruled by Saturn who also rules Capricorn. If Capricorn rules authorities & conformities, Aquarius is the rebellious younger sibling refusing to conform & rather revolt, deviating from the norm. I.M placed his artistry in precedence; convincing SSE to use God Damn as the title track despite the profanity requiring him to release this album digitally in addition to him creating the tracks in his own style that may or may not be in line with k-pop or Monsta X.
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In true I.M fashion the song & MV are very concupiscent, & since I already talked about the duality that is expressed through this song, let's talk about the MV specifically. Pisces rules escapism & addiction & his Pisces Venus was very on brand to go with alcohol as the imagery of getting high to hide from his frustrations. This piece is highly self-reflective & he encourages listeners to read between the lines, it's quite Saturnian in nature. I also love how the lyrics have that duality of hating & loving whoever/whatever that is ruining/comforting him—I really associate this with his Martian Moon (him assigning Misbehave as the song that represents him is so... Aries Moon).
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No more taming 'bout my color I swing 'till I get, what’s the problem? Problem I ain't follow simply what I see I go follow what I need 'Cause I see that I'm loyal Imma go on my speed, even I'm slow
The 1st verse reminds me a lot of his Saturnian + Martian energy—no more wanting to be someone he's not, doing his own thing without care of what others may think. However, the last 2 lines really highlight the fixed modality of his Aquarius: I love that he says he's loyal even if he goes on his speed which can be slow; he doesn't care as long as he gets there.
I don't celebrate 'till I make it till the end Ain't time for the 'hol up' You want me be a shade but I'm made for a big wave Ain't time for the 'hol up'
This song has a lot of Saturnian themes esp. the chorus. It reminds us that Saturn rules time—he doesn't succumb to the challenges & distractions or "hold ups," rather focusing on his goal & only celebrating once he reaches the mountaintop. Saturn is karmic, it takes its sweet time to give you your rewards that you must work laboriously for. He knows he's made for something bigger (Aquarius), & with his perseverance (fixed), determination & passion (Aquarius Mars + Aries Moon), he will be rewarded despite all the struggles (Saturn).
Don't call me, I'm drivin' I just wanna keep on ballin’ Even though when you are hatin’ Woah Grab me when I'm fallin’ 'Cause I make myself so lonely You know that I'm howlin'
However, Saturn can be extremely isolating & Aquarius is akin to the underdog. Of course we don't know where his placements are, but his Pisces Venus contributes to that isolation. He feels lonely & he knows that, but he inevitable makes himself lonely which Aquarius natives can do when they develop that mentality of me v.s. the world sometimes. Keep in mind that Aquarius rules community yet the outsider, showcasing that wanting to be alone while wanting someone to be there for him. Saturn is burden & he's a lone wolf used to being alone carrying all that burden himself.
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The night has become cold and now it's a meaningless fight I don't wanna waste my time on the past time Endless shot, let me head to the top I don't wanna waste my time on the past time Burn the accumulated emotions, burn Burn everything without leaving anything, burn
An Aries Moon anthem? I find that Aries placements love having fire/burning imagery if not in their songs then in their MVs. Aries is Martian, cardinal & fire by nature, which means that Aries Moons may get irritated fairly quickly—a quick temper? But they get over it super quickly, kind of like blowing off steam & then letting it go right after. The Moon rules our emotions, & I think the lyrics speak for itself here. The allusion to the fight is very Martian as well.
I'm mixed and complex, yeah I don't know myself well, eh Yesterday I couldn't empty it out, yeah I'd rather burn it, yeah The tears that fell are oil Make the flame burn higher Pour it out, no more regrets Burn it all up and high, yeah
I really enjoy I.M's introspective & intrapersonal nature; he always says he doesn't know himself well & accepts that rather than fighting it. He accepts all facets of himself, & that's very refreshing. The 2nd verse made me chuckle a little bit because the first 2 lines look Aquarius while the rest is Aries. Not to mention he has an Aquarius Mars conjunct Sun, so, more Martian energy there. Cardinal + Martian give me that attitude he portrays very well in this song—throw some more oil, let it burn more so that there'll be no regrets. Another Aries placement who wrote something like this? Yoongi.
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I could die right now, yeah I can never lie, yeah You bring me to sky Let me be yours till I die When you say goodbye, yeah Bury me on your heart, yeah Don't you say that word Could you keep it till I die? You brought me back to the real love I wanna get lost here forever
There is so much to unpack in this little song... The chorus is a mixture of Saturnian commitment & Aries headstrong, passionate reckless energy motivated by his romanticist Pisces Venus. The title itself, the whole concept of this song, is fundamentally Pisces (his DSC would be really cool to talk about here, if we had the birth time, but we don't, so).
We're childish like we were when we used to play back then I let go of rationality as if I'm drawn by the wind I don't know what this feeling is Even if I try to pretend I don't know, everything seems to be obvious, yeah I don't know, I like it the way it is I don't know me well, I don't know I guess it's not a lie that I really like you I'm happy to die right now
Verse 1 truly has my heart in a grip. He has a rational & intellectually-minded Saturnian Mercury & Sun, yet once he's in love he gets enamoured & childish, rendered completely irrational. It's giving me Aries meets Pisces—of the moment, idealistic, just overwhelming emotions taking control of his Saturnian mind, which I find funny because he has Moon square Mercury.
Things of mine might go away and shape Will just change, but don't you change When I'm low, could you make me not alone? I could die right now if we were just this crazy about each other
Pisces is sentimental & can represent past lives, that feeling of being stuck in the past? Pisces Venus is visionary & idealistic, they're more in love with the idea of love than love itself sometimes. Here we see that theme of isolation again, his Aquarius could play a role here, but his Pisces placements are also desperate to be loved. The last line, like said before, is utterly Pisces because Romeo & Juliet is known to be a Pisces type of relationship, plus with that Aries Moon... it just makes sense since Aries Moons love the rush & passion.
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Somehow I have no strength to resist I stay right where I am It's not like I'm longing for someone But I'm standing there
Personally loving how his songs gradually grow more & more Piscean? The overwhelming emotion of yearning with no one to long for is so Pisces/Jupiterian Venus in general. Like I said, they're idealistic & in love with the idea of love more than anything—not the happy kind of love either. I notice that Jupiterian Venuses play with the theme of wanting a lot, mainly because they are ruled by the planet of expansion. Distance is a huge theme in Jupiterian signs, & they idealize that.
When you step on me like it's nothing I desperately want you to come back and hug mе I deeply remember your smilе that laughed at me While I was being illuminated by you
Because Pisces placements love the idea of love & the feeling of longing for someone they can get into the habit of sacrificing themselves, hence their association with the hanged man in tarot. They are too focused on the fantasy of love to take off their rose tinted glasses.
I don't really blame you I know your days by my side Have faded away Please don't disappear, oh
The hand that held me, the eyes that captured me are all blind The scattered hands, the shining eyes are gone
I don't know what else to say here, like, I think you guys understand how these verses really depicts his Pisces Venus very well... With a Venus conjunct Saturn it can really emphasize isolation & rejection as well—this aspect feels like they are deprived of love, so they crave it desperately even if it hurts them which is a theme of Pisces. Him titling this track "withered flower" in Korean is so Pisces Venus of him overall.
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chemicalpink · 3 years
JK's Birth time analysis
First and foremost, I’m just doing this to occupy my mind in something else while I go through some stuff, I will continue to use the general consensus of the community for my astrology readings, I’m just doing this for fun, remember that we as fans are in no way entitled to know JK’s exact birth time, these are just fun educated guesses on some alternative that has arisen.
Now, I must say, when I first started the astro part of my bts blog I immediately thought 1 pm for JK’s birth time, I don’t have any factual backup on this one, I’ve talked about it before, I am kind of a human tarot deck lmao things sometimes just come to me. So I started roaming around and I found that JK’s libra rising made sense to me, and it was a general consensus for his readings so I said sure let's go. You know that I endorse and adore having conversations with you guys, my craft isn’t perfect and no one else's is so it is great to hear every opinion to forge our own judgement. I do only present to you information that I can back up, which is why as much as I’d love to I won’t be taking into consideration my own personal hunch on the info I’m about to present you, although you can read it as subtext when it is in italics like this hello this is an inner thought of marinette’s.
SO the big deal: Is JK a libra rising or is JK a sagittarius rising? General consensus says 8:04 am as speculated time of birth, some others say 1-2 pm.
Either way, JK’s sect remains nocturnal so there’s not much to go from there.
When it comes to appearances, I’ll update what I said before.
Libra rising appearance:
Very youthful look that it seems like you don’t even age
Gentle smile
Charming demeanour that makes people obsessed with you
Very symmetrical features
Fit body
Contagious smile
Put together look/ clean look
Dark hair and dark eyes
Oval/Round face
Think Harry Styles, Beyoncé, Niall, Britney Spears
Sagittarius rising appearance:
Bulky thighs
Horse like face
Big forehead
Incredibly tall or more than average tall
Gain weight easily
Not really athletic
Pretty full lips
Think Kim Kardashian, Elvis, Jennifer Lawrence, Paris Hilton
Evidently, other aspects in astrology and genetics can alter these, but it is mostly true.
Now, I am not that well versed in vedic astrology since I stopped studying it due to lack of time BUT the infamous thread that looks into the possibility of JK being a sag rising is pretty elaborate, although it does run more on intuitive processes and symbolism, which are of course, valid, and it really is up to both the analyst and the ones reading the analysis to determine the weight of it. My craft is more oriented towards intersectionality so I don’t like to go by what we are able to see about him as an axis, more like confirmation about it. Idk if it makes sense. I just don't trust seemingly scripted content that much to run my analysis based on it. Everything mentioned about JK Jyestha makes sense when looking at the content presented, and it will make even more sense once we take a look at some other non western astrology systems. Again, I am not well versed in vedic astrology so right off the bat I would fight the conversion system rather than the information presented.
Regarding that thread, some of the keywords used to conclude JK’s Jyestha are as follows:
King, Winning, Ambitious, Passionate, Skillful, Eldest, 1st, Seniority, Expertise, Sensory indulgence, Celebration, Bravery, Heroic, Dragon Slayer, Warrior, Rain, Thunder, Umbrella, Protector, Provider, Scandalous, Impulsive, Bunny, Deer, Earring, Eye.
In western astrology, a general comparison on placements would look something like this.
Sun in 8° 33' Virgo
Moon in 27° 20' Leo
Mercury in 7° 49' Virgo (r)
Venus in 16° 58' Libra
Mars in 11° 7' Scorpio
Jupiter in 14° 15' Aquarius (r)
Saturn in 19° 35' Aries (r)
Uranus in 5° 28' Aquarius (r)
Neptune in 27° 33' Capricorn (r)
Pluto in 2° 55' Sagittarius
North Node in 20° 11' Virgo (r)
Chiron in 29° 45' Libra
Ascendant in 4° 20' Libra
MC in 4° 46' Cancer
1st House starts at 4° Libra
2nd House starts at 1° Scorpio
3rd House starts at 2° Sagittarius
4th House starts at 4° Capricorn
5th House starts at 7° Aquarius
6th House starts at 7° Pisces
7th House starts at 4° Aries
8th House starts at 1° Taurus
9th House starts at 2° Gemini
10th House starts at 4° Cancer
11th House starts at 7° Leo
12th House starts at 7° Virgo
In here, the main aspect I can relate JK to is Cancer MC, MC represents your public self, as well as the success level you might experience. Cancer MC is all about taking care of others, yet it can also point towards a career in arts, especifically singing and writing, it also indicates a strong possibility of psychic abilities which have been widely discussed in JK with his readings and such all while having the main troubles of being an impatient person and sometimes getting self conscious which we have heard him say before when he refers to himself knowing how to do stuff yet he doesn’t think he’s good at any of them, or his letters to himself about having to love himself more.
Another pretty JK thing I’ve noticed is his Virgo Stellium in the 12th House, which shows struggles with identity JK has, once again, being vocal about him growing up within BTS and how that has shaped him and how he has constantly been looking for himself. They often absorb the struggles of people around them. Does anyone else remember him saying he’s okay as long as his hyungs are okay? Also, singing and dancing are very powerful manifestation tools for these people huh maybe that’s why he writes and sings love songs. This aspect also indicates him having the potential to amass a large amount of wealth, some astrologers think about this stellium as an extremely karmic one, which can be translated into the whole JK’s soulmate narrative.
When it comes to his 5th house, it indicates him being a hell of a creative person, especially in a somewhat rebellious sense which I interpret as him getting a sleeve tattoo It also talks about not being traditional in relationships which I believe has come out a few times in his tarot readings.
With Sag rising, his chart would look something like this:
Sun in 8° 45' Virgo
Moon in 29° 46' Leo
Mercury in 7° 37' Virgo (r)
Venus in 17° 12' Libra
Mars in 11° 15' Scorpio
Jupiter in 14° 13' Aquarius (r)
Saturn in 19° 35' Aries (r)
Uranus in 5° 27' Aquarius (r)
Neptune in 27° 33' Capricorn (r)
Pluto in 2° 55' Sagittarius
North Node in 20° 10' Virgo (r)
Chiron in 29° 46' Libra
Ascendant in 5° 28' Sagittarius
MC in 18° 28' Virgo
1st House starts at 5° Sagittarius
2nd House starts at 7° Capricorn
3rd House starts at 12° Aquarius
4th House starts at 18° Pisces
5th House starts at 19° Aries
6th House starts at 14° Taurus
7th House starts at 5° Gemini
8th House starts at 7° Cancer
9th House starts at 12° Leo
10th House starts at 18° Virgo
11th House starts at 19° Libra
12th House starts at 14° Scorpio
In this case, his MC is in Virgo, it mainly indicates a tactful and slow success in someone’s career, these MC Virgo people are often regarded as overly responsible and as people that like to get recognised as people to whom nothing is hard enough for them to call it quits. While they openly seek perfection which ofc JK has always talked about improving himself they often love to do the stuff that others despise to do like countinc, calculating and organising.
Evidently there's no 12th House stellium, he would have a 9th House Leo stellium, which is most of the times noticeable at first glance, the moment these people open their mouths, everything is just extraordinaire, there’s a longing to be loved and to be admired in this aspect. They’re inspirational people to be around which JK is, if I remember the members saying that they get inspired when watching him make efforts. They’re also overly curious about stuff around them big doe eyes anyone?
In this case he would have a 5th House aries, meaning that there’s a need to be physically active and being creative on top of that which I mean does check out. They do tend to be openly superficial people and big-headed when they are in a successful position tho.
So okay, let’s talk native astrology, JK’s Tzolkin is Tz’i-Oc, noted by their need of freedom and less traditional relationships, they work tirelessly and have an innate ability to be successful and accumulate a lot of wealth once again, JK’s position in BTS shows up HE’s in a basic need of having a strong foundation, which he will not like to lead but more take the role of a caregiver that can easily turn into the one receiving care. Here’s the thing, there are a lot of Libra themes in his Day Sign and his Trecana Sign, both of them talking about justice, fairness, helpfulness, as well as him being a nomad which I interpret as having a libra/virgo mix that is really hard to miss Now, this is where it gets funny, His galactic tone is 4, which while it talks about balance and calmness and tranquility libra like it also is represented by a warrior, which is part of the twitter thread as one of the symbolisms to think about sag rising
Last but not least, JK’s bazi, since his contextual situation is leaning more towards it. I did a comparion and it caught my eye the next part:
One of the widely talked about symbols in the sag rising thread is the element of water being consistent with JK, and in his bazi, ¾ Na Yin, the element of water came out, however, they came out when his birth time is 08:04 am.
In his 08:04 bazi, some keywords are:
In his 13:00 bazi, some keywords are:
monetary loss
star of arts
heavenly doctor
So really it all boils down to: we do readings for fun, craft is personal and completely valid in any form as long as we aren’t hurting anyone. We do not know his actual birth time and we actually might never know it, each astrologer is free to work with the birth time they consider the best fitting unless a specific time is given. I myself, see a libra rising fitting, perhaps if we were to trial and error it, some other might come out but honestly, these readings are a hobby and while I dedicate myself to my craft, I certainly don’t have the time that it would require to analyze each placement so I can see for myself which I find the best fitting out of 12 signs. But hey, this was a fun educational opportunity to dive into other practices.
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wendytestabrat · 11 months
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alright let’s do this shit. this is a continuation of the post analyzing the sp character’s big 3 go read that one first. YOUR BIG THREE IS YOUR RISING, SUN, & MOON. THE THREE LAYERS OF AN ONION. YOUR RISING IS HOW YOU APPEAR, YOUR SUN IS WHO YOU ARE, AND YOUR MOON IS YOUR DEEP EMOTIONAL SIDE. and yeah i’m pretty sure all of their sun signs have been confirmed by the show bc their birthdays are all floating around on the internet LOL.
yeah jimmy is a LEO rising. there's no doubt about it. the amount of ego and superiority this one kid has is fucking insane. he's a stubborn shithead who thinks he's always right and wants to lead and be in charge. he has rizz which is why he fools all the citizens of retroville into thinking he's a brave hero even tho all the problems he fixes HE fucking caused. but yeah he's actually a pisces sun bc jimmy is an oversensitive baby who runs on his emotions for fucking everything. his imagination is out of control and he gets all of these wildass ideas to make stupid ass inventions in retaliation bc a girl was picking on him at school without making an effort to actually have the inventions work for real LOL classic piscean nonsense (which is why i hate them). and down to the final layer of the onion the boy is an aquarius moon...i mean come on do i even need to explain why? even tho jimmy is an overly sensitive beta male he still sucks at relating to people emotionally and is way too fucking logical and aloof abt shit. all he cares abt is science. if he had the choice between some pussy and some physics formulas he would choose the latter.
carl is honestly so boring i couldn't give two shits about him bc he has no development outside of being a comic relief. but bro is a cancer rising. carl comes across like a whiny ass baby that's gentle and fragile af but yeah he's actually just double earth. he's a capricorn sun bc carl is like realistic and down to earth af especially compared to jimmy with his retarded delusional ass pisces mind. carl can be the voice of reason sometimes when jimmy wants to do some dumbass shit and he'll caution him abt it & keep him grounded. carl likes to play it safe which is also why he's a taurus moon bc all bro wants to do is stay home and eat and watch the llama channel.
yeah sheen is a gemini rising he talks way too fucking much about random ass shit LOL. he always has something interesting or witty to say and sometimes he'll just reference something out of nowhere. he also has way too much fucking energy and is ADHD af. but sheen is actually a scorpio bc he's rlly passionate and focuses really intensely on his ultra lord and action figure collecting hobby. he's also rlly caring & loyal af to the people he cares abt (like libby or his dad) and brave too and willing to put himself in dangerous situations to help his friends. in my personal experience i've noticed that scorpio sun tends to bring out the more lighthearted, caring, and sensitive side of scorpio while scorpio moons and scorpio mars are the more fucked up and vengeful types LOL. and yeah he's a sag moon bc sheen is SUPER fun, enthusiastic, and optimistic and always up for an adventure. he can be brutally honest too and there are a lot of moments in the show where he roasts the shit out of another character over some dumb shit they're doing. (yeah sheen is actually way smarter than he seems he just sabotaged his brain with cartoons and sugar as he said in that one episode LOL)
yeah cindy is an aries rising which was honestly the easiest fucking rising sign to pick LOL. she comes across EXTREMELY aggressive and physically strong. cindy is competitive af and has to be #1 at everything. but yeah she's a gemini bc that bitch is the world's biggest smartass and likes to be smarter than everyone and she runs her mouth constantly and never shuts the fuck up LOL. she’s a two faced bitch who pretends to hate jimmy to be cool even tho she’s obsessed with him. cindy’s intelligent af and always has something witty and clever to say and she can charm and manipulate the shit out of anyone bc of this. and she’s social af and has like 58389392 interests and hobbies and wants to be good at everything. but yeah cindy is actually a scorpio moon bc she’s sensitive AF and rlly caring deep down in an obsessive scorpio way and the bitch WILL fucking bite back at you if you slight her over something small. she’s possessive AF and gets jealous easily too like a typical scorpio too LOL.
yeah libby is DEF an aqua rising bc the bitch is weird af and she comes across super aloof and in her own little world. i mean the bitch has headphones on like 90% of the time and is always listening to music and then when someone finally does get her attention she just rambles on abt some random shit no one cares about like how she's related to cleopatra or how she loves some random ass hip-hop group LOL (no wonder her and sheen ended up together). but yeah she's actually just a sag sun bc libby is EXTREMELY outgoing, fun & adventerous and she also has a temper if u mess with her and she doesn't have the patience for fake stupid bullshit like how she calls cindy out on her gemini ass for pretending to hate jimmy when she likes him. and then she's a libra moon bc libby is like the voice of reason sometimes in the group and the only sane sensible one LOL. she mediates A LOT of conflicts like when jimmy and cindy are fighting or sheen and carl are fighting.
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beomslight · 3 years
A few theories on Heeseung possible rising!
[This is kinda for the lols, I *do* also find holes in my post but I want to share with someone what I think. I also have no bad intentions regarding Heeseung, but I’m extremely sincere in what I think of him, good and not-so-good]
To start off, I’ve read that the Cap and Pisces rising theories are pretty popular here. Regarding the first one, I think it could also fit but I think Heeseung doesn’t carry a “commanding” energy, he’s serious yet he seems somewhat shy and relaxed; as for the latter, he might look clumsy and the 1h Lilith plus the 8h stellium would also explain how easy he can pull off those “toxic boyfriend” vibes (we’ve all seen his Ao3 tag, haven’t we? don’t get mad at me for this lmao), but I can’t see him with a 10h Pluto nor a 11h Cap Mars, since he doesn’t seem that of a go-getter in first place? and neither seems to have changed a lot on his career paths/aspirations.
Could Heeseung be a Scorpio rising?
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If Heeseung is a Scorpio rising, he’d have to be born very early in the morning, around 7AM. Recently, he revealed that his actual birthplace was Uiwang, too.
It was also revealed that he was kind of a mini-mod? mini-staff? at the training place for HYBE, and that he was contacted after his Hanlim audition even if he failed the actual audition but was lucky enough to be accepted by the company. 
As a Scorpio rising, he’d be ruled by his 3H Cap Mars which would make him sound serious but still, quick to take action, quick to move on. It squares his Sun/Mercury and  he would constantly feel the struggle of, “Is taking action okay? Am I neglecting myself for this?”, which the sextile would confirm. Taking action would be the gateway to discover himself. 
In opposition his 3H Mars, he has a 9H Jupiter. Taking action to grow and be an expert on something. He is way more famous overseas than in his homeland too, at least for now.
If he has 11H Virgo Moon, he is well respected amongs its peers, whom he values a lot since not only it’s Virgo Moon but also conjuct his Venus. Still, he doesn’t seem to reveal a lot about himself, I’m going to take a dive here and say that he looks kinda bland. Hot, but himbo-like. Even members say that he’s actually very informed and knows a lot of things, but it seems hidden or just not something we can see a lot in shows.
Positioning the ENHYPEN debut chart and his, his rising would fall in the former’s 6H, his Jupiter in its 2H and its Libra placements in its 5H. I think it seems like a good way to explain how much he adds to the group and at first one doesn’t notice. Like, he works really hard on the back vocals yk?
The downsides of this theory are that I’m not really sure a Neptune/Uranus 4h fits him and his MC falling into the group’s 3rd house is...I don’t know, I don’t think he’s that confident when talking? I do think that a Leo MC is cute, though. (Lee Heeseung you will be famous 🤩🤩🤩)
Moving on, is Heeseung a Gemini rising? 
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I just checked this one since my friend asked the tarot cards which rising could he have and she got an Ace of Swords rx.
He looks scrawny, the 1h Saturn can explain his Cap vibes, the 7h Pluto would also explain the intensity he shows in the stages and overall a 5H Libra stellium seems like a great performer to me. Decorating cute cakes also seems like a Libra moon thingy to me, if I want to pull mental gymnastics lol. Even so, his chart would be ruled by two planets in retrograde which would make him uneasy to take authority or uneasy to well, communicate correctly; even further, his Libra stellium is ruled by Virgo Venus, which means a debilitated planet too. 
With 2H Jupiter, he’s big on values...and on having fun! Not fond of commitments! With Uranus and Neptune on his 0th then Lilith 10th, it seems like everything would be a very lonely path for him.
I don’t think my arguments are very convincing, nor I tried *that* hard on them, but I’d like to add to the rising signs theory and have fun too, even if everything I say is kinda bullshit lol. Of course, if you’d like to argument some more or suggest anything else I’d be glad to listen, it’s a little bit sad on the Enhypen astrology lounge.
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