#—— ic.     niklaus mikaelson
shadowbrn · 6 months
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from katherine pierce ( @ac1nums ) to klaus mikaelson:     ❛ i don't want to argue with you anymore. ❜
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klaus simply leans back in his chair and keeps his eyes on katherine as she speaks. he hears what she's saying, but he'd be lying if he said he believed her. katherine lives to argue with him, lives to make his life a living hell. he doesn't see that changing any time soon. she gets a sick thrill out of seeing the vein in his forehead pulse angrily, and that drives him absolutely crazy.     ❝  is this your way of finally admitting that i'm right?  ❞     klaus asked, his smirk ever present on his face as he speaks,     ❝  because that's the only way this argument ends.  ❞
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mysticfallsresidents · 9 months
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@xxgotthedevilinsidexx sent from buffy summers to niklaus mikaelson : “ Would you believe me if I said wrong place, wrong time ? ”
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⚰️    ――――        NIKLAUS  AND  BUFFY  HAVE  HAD  AN  ON  -  GOING  BANTER  OF  SORTS  AND  A  PART  OF  NIKLAUS  ENJOYED  IT.  he  could've  killed  her  long  ago  but  he  hadn't  and  there  was  a  reason  for  that.  something  about  buffy  summers,  the  infamous  vampire  slayer  that  every  creature  feared,  had  created  a  soft  spot  in  his  cold,  dead  heart.  no  one  has  ever  challenged  him,  inspired  him,  the  way  she  did  and  he  clung  to  that  feeling;  maybe  that's  why  she  remained  alive  even  after  all  the  attempts  of  her  trying  to  kill  him,  ruin  his  grand  plans,  and  stop  his  hybrids.  but  now,  with  him  arriving  home  and  seeing  that  she  had  defeated  two  more  of  his  hybrids,  he  grew  furious.  not  only  because  two  more  of  his  creations  had  been  taken  down  by  the  slayer  but  mostly  because  during  their  battle,  she  had  ruined  all  of  his  paints.  everything  was  destroyed  and  that  made  him  more  angry  than  any  death  of  a  hybrid  would.
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HE  STOOD  THERE,  SILENT,  ABSORBING  WHAT  HAS  HAPPENED  TO  HIS  PRECIOUS,  LONG  TIME  PAINTINGS.  he's  kept  these  over  the  centuries  so,  for  them  to  be  gone  forever,  hurt  his  heart.  he  ignored  her  words  and  sauntered  over  to  the  destruction,  picking  up  the  broken  canvases  and  torn  a  part  drawings.  after  a  long  moment,  he  turns  to  face  the  slayer  with  fury  in  his  eyes,  tossing  back  down  the  useless  objects,        ❛      you  couldn't  have  done  this  outside     ?      i  couldn't  care  less  about  my  hybrids,  i  could  easily  make  more.  i'm  upset  with  the  fact  that  you  had  completely  destroyed  the  one  thing  that  i  care  about   —         ❜     he  told  her,  pressing  his  lips  together  in  a  thin  line  and  then  stomped  over  to  her,  towering  over  buffy  with  a  locked,  pained  gaze.        ❛      care  to  fill  me  in  as  to  why  you've  invited  yourself  into  my  home     ?     from  what  i  can  recall,  slayer,  've  not  bothered  you  for  some  time  as  you've  requested  and  yet  you've  made  a  point  to  come  here  and  destroy  my  things.  you've  got  five  seconds  to  explain  yourself  before  i  rid  of  something  that  is  near  and  dear  to  you     —     and  i  cannot  guarantee  that  it  will  be  something  inanimate.      ❜
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blackleatherjacketz · 3 months
Shadow and Sin: Chapter 8
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Elijah Mikaelson, Klaus Mikaelson x Female Reader
Summary: Having just recently moved to New Orleans, you get intimately acquainted with both Mikaelson brothers and don't find out who they are until it's too late.
This Chapter: Elijah gets answers about the attack while Klaus confronts you about playing hot and cold.
Warnings: Sexual References, Love Triangle, Infidelity (kind of), Lying, Manipulating, Love Bombing, Stalking, Alcohol, Face-Grabbing, Violence
Word Count: 2.6k+
Read the rest of the story HERE
Niklaus had always been cruel, ruthless and rash; often leaping before he looked, especially when it came to his own aspirations for accumulating power. Elijah had reluctantly grown accustomed to it over the centuries, always expecting a certain medieval level of mayhem, but being careless enough to put your life at risk was something he couldn’t allow to happen again. He knew that if he wanted answers and solutions, he had to approach his brother with caution, careful not to tip his hand too much toward his hidden truth.
“You know, I was beginning to worry when I didn’t hear you come in last night.” Niklaus feigns a tone of concern as he hears his brother’s footsteps echo against the walls of the courtyard, keeping his back to him as he pours two glasses of whiskey from the decanter. “I wonder what could have kept you burning that midnight oil for so long.”
Oh god, he knows… but maybe not.
“If you must know, I was busy cleaning up one of your messes in the quarter.” Elijah unbuttons his suit jacket as he approaches his brother from behind, trying to sound more annoyed than worried.
If he lets slip, even for a second, that he might have the inkling of a paramour, Niklaus would surely make it his business to find you and rip you to shreds right in front of him. He’s done it dozens of times to Rebekah’s lovers over the centuries, and to the very few women that Elijah has chosen to love by the light of day. The curse of his brother’s rage has bound Elijah to a life of secrecy when it comes to his romantic endeavors, dwindling them down to very few candidates and then eventually… to nothing.
“I’m afraid you’ll have to be a little more specific than that.” Niklaus turns around and hands him one of the glasses, a cunning smirk curling at his lips. “Getting the vampires of the city to clean up the streets after Marcel’s reign has turned into quite the tedious endeavor.”
“Niklaus, I do hope that you show a little more decorum when trying to control the human faction and their justice system in the future.” He quickly takes the glass from him and looks into his brother’s eyes, searching for any hint of remorse while finding none. “The whole point of intimidation is to keep them alive and… intimidated. The last thing we need is to draw attention from the authorities to a dead lawyer and his companion. He isn’t just some idle tourist.”
“Well, it’s hardly my fault that he wasn’t willing to comply with our long standing agreement, now is it?” He takes a sip of his whiskey and leans back against the bar, wondering why his brother is so bent out of shape over some measly lawyer’s life. He could easily be replaced by the next zombie in a suit to graduate from Tulane University, or anywhere else, really. “I simply told Isaac to make him forget my name and his curiosity about our family. Who am I to micromanage his methods of ensuring that result?”
So he DID give the order.
“So you condone this behavior in Marcel’s… in your new lackeys?” Elijah takes a breath, pointing a finger at him while the others grip his glass. “Compliance at any cost?”
“Why? Did the poor, insufferable attorney meet an unfortunate end?” Niklaus grins so wide that it wrinkles the skin around his ice cold eyes, making him look more mad than ever.
“Not quite. If I hadn’t intervened, he and the girl may very well have.” He takes a slow sip, waiting to see how his brother will react to the news of an innocent bystander getting in the way.
“Oh Elijah, always the hero, aren’t we?” Niklaus downs the rest of his drink and slams it loudly onto the bar, those chilling eyes now fixated on his brother’s expression. “What girl?”
Elijah utters a low growl of irritation to disguise just how grateful he is for the obvious confirmation that Austin was his only intended target. Niklaus appears not to have any idea that you’d be with him when he ordered the attack, the truth written plain as day across his face.
At least there’s that.
“It doesn’t matter.” He lies with a clench of his jaw, forcing himself to take another sip of the whiskey in an attempt to hide his face from his sibling. “I compelled them both to make sure they won’t be a problem in the future.” He hopes his embellishment is simple enough, even if the truth only applies to him grabbing hold of your brother and telling him to run home as fast as he could. “To keep our alliance with that faction strong.”
“Oh? And what of dear Isaac and good ole ‘what’s his name’? Is that their blood that’s ruined your precious Versace suit, brother?” He looks him over and grabs onto Elijah’s sleeve, noticing how completely stained it is with blood before bringing it up for both of them to see. “You fed someone?”
Memories of last night push themselves ahead of Elijah’s need for self preservation, the image of your face in his hands, illuminated by precious moonlight lingering in his imagination as Niklaus’ grip tightens around his wrist. He hadn’t anticipated things to escalate so quickly with you, but there was dried blood in your hair that needed washing, and only he could be sure to get all of it out for you.
How could he have known that you would offer to wash the blood off his body in return, inviting him into the warm mist of the shower along with you? How could he have predicted how perfect you’d feel in his arms, the euphoric sensation of your bare skin beneath his fingertips or your heart beating wildly against his? Water had never felt so good as it washed all the blood off your bodies, merging you two together in a blissful baptism of blood and sweat before it all washed away in a chorus of muffled moans. He never thought you’d open up to him so quickly, letting him rest beside you in your bed once you were both cleansed of the night’s horrors, but he certainly wasn’t complaining.
“Who was it?” Niklaus brings Elijah’s wrist closer to his face, nostrils flaring as he inhales the unique scent that you’d left on his sleeve as you fed, his pupils dilating before his irises glow a bright, infernal yellow.
He has to bury that thought, quickly.
“I ripped the hearts from your inept henchmen’s chests before they nearly killed the girl.” Elijah rips his arm from his brother’s grasp, his eyes narrowing as that fiery hue leaves the hybrid’s gaze. “I suggest you reel the rest of them in before things get too messy and we have to flee the city once more.”
The next few days were a hazy blur for you, trying to get ahold of your brother only to find out that you’d shattered the screen on your phone into a hundred pieces during the attack in the alley. You decided that you’d go and check on him after your slew of shifts at the hospital, counting down the hours as they passed while your patients slept surprisingly peacefully in their rooms.
After making your midnight rounds, you notice a new piece of artwork hanging at the end of the hall, the abstract painting bringing back all those deliciously heated feelings you have buried deep inside you reserved especially for Klaus. You approach it slowly, thinking that you might have lost your mind from all the trauma and sleep deprivation, but no, you’re sure of it; it’s definitely the painting that you and Klaus did together.
“You haven’t been returning my calls.” That sweet melody of his accent tightens the muscles in your abdomen, reminding you of the ache he once caused between your thighs. “If I were a weaker man, I might take offense to something like that, but luckily for you I’m very secure in my manhood.” His smile is laced with venom as he confidently takes the corner toward you.
“Klaus.” His name feels like a curse on your tongue as he catches you by surprise, that slow smirk spreading across his sinfully handsome face. “What are you doing here?”
“I thought you’d be happier to see me.” He postures with his arms spread wide, his wingspan more than impressive. “I’m delighted to see you.”
“Look, I’m sorry, but my phone literally shattered to pieces the other day, and I just haven’t had time to go get it fixed.” You pull it out of your pocket to show him, knowing that he’d want physical proof. “And I’m at work, you can’t just… show up randomly and hang our painting for everyone here to see!” You lower your voice and look around the unit, realizing that there’s no one else around to hear you.
“Oh, I assure you, I can. I had hoped that you’d come by to see it in person, maybe even paint another one with me, but I understand that you’re busy with this little hobby of yours. This way you can always see our masterpiece and think of our time together, even when you’re here fighting the good fight against the inevitable clutches of death.” He smugly glances over at the crash cart before taking the stethoscope off your neck and putting it into his ears, pressing the bell against your chest. “My, your heart is racing!”
“Give me that!” You rip it off him, hurriedly placing it back onto your shoulders. “And that’s not fair. I wanted to come back, I was going to come and see it… eventually.”
How can you tell him that you’ve spent the last few nights with Elijah stroking your hair until you fall asleep? That a vampire who rips hearts out of people’s chests is able to make you feel safe and cared for?
“Eventually? Well, why the delay, love? Was it something I said? Something I did?” He smirks with a tilt of his head, his voice salacious and low. “After a night like that, I thought you’d be begging for more.”
“My brother and I,” you start shakily, “We were attacked a few nights ago, and I’m still a bit shaken up about it. So I’ve been picking up extra shifts here to stay out of trouble.”
“Attacked?” He exaggerates his feigned surprise with a raise of his eyebrow as he starts stepping toward you. “You and your brother, is it?” His tone lightens as he recognizes your familial bond with the man he ordered his men to silence, relieved that it isn't a romantic one.
“Yes.” Your legs instinctively move backwards in a mirrored motion with each stride that he takes, the heat between you building more than ever. “That’s what I said.”
“Attacked by what, exactly?” He pries further with that velvety voice of his. “A witch? A werewolf? A vampire?” He continues to advance on you, only stopping as your back hits the wall, forcing a tiny gasp out of you.
“A vampire,” you whisper, looking up into his darkening eyes as you feel his hand on your hip, pushing you against the wall a little too roughly. “You knew they were real this whole time, didn’t you?”
“Knew about them?” He smirks, seeming completely unphased by the conversation. “Love, I am one of them, have been for over a thousand years now.”
“A thousand years?” You ask, trying to ignore the stirring heat that burns bright inside your core. You wish that the time you’d spent with Elijah could wash away the feelings you have for Klaus, that his heroic actions would cancel out the obsessive pull you feel whenever you draw the same breath as him. But you can’t fight it, no matter how hard you try, and you absolutely hate yourself for it. You welcome the idea of blaming your desire for him on his supernatural powers of seduction, but part of you is afraid that it’s something more, something deeper than that. “But I’ve seen you in the daytime, I’ve watched you drink alcohol and coffee. I’ve seen your reflection in the mirror before.”
“I know it’s a hard pill to swallow, sweetheart, that you’ve been trying to convince yourself that the stories couldn’t possibly be true, but it happens to everyone before the veil is finally lifted. I knew you’d be able to handle it better than anyone else, and I can see that you’ve finally surrendered yourself over to it. So why don’t you tell me more about what happened that night? About what convinced you to embrace the truth?”
Damn, he’s good.
“We were attacked by two vampires after dinner and drinks.” It sounds so stupid when you say it out loud, but after everything you’ve seen, you can’t deny it anymore. Klaus may be bold and out of line, but he’s right. You’re done fighting your logical subconscious over what folklore can easily explain. “One of them bit me.”
“Mmmm, really?” He hums a tune of concern, grabbing onto your neck with his free hand and cautiously looking you over. “That’s funny, I don’t see any bruises or marks.”
“Another vampire came in and saved us, he gave me his blood.” You try to keep your story simple, careful not to use Elijah’s name or seem too familiar with him, lest you get found out. “He said it would heal me.”
“Did he, now?” His lips seem to take on that hypnotic quality as his voice drops down to a dangerous whisper, tempting you to lean in and kiss him. “And how did that make you feel, hmmm? Swallowing another man’s blood as it dripped down that throat of yours?”
“I was dying in an alleyway, Klaus.” You cut him off sharply, letting your anger finally break the spell of his seduction. “Where the fuck were you?” You attempt to push him off you with a huff before he grabs onto your wrists, quickly pinning them above your head with one hand.
“You don’t think I wanted to be there?! If I had known that you were in danger?” He raises his voice, despite his close proximity. “You don’t think that I would have protected you at any cost? I’m here now to make sure you’re alright!”
“Yeah, because you’ve been doing such a stellar job of protecting me so far.” You roll your eyes as you try to break out of his grasp, failing miserably as he slams your wrists back harder against the wall. He looks at you as if he knows it will only excite you more, his scent surrounding you completely as his hips dig into your belly, triggering your hormones into overdrive.
“You think that I’m here just for some frivolous tryst?” His full lips desperately ghost over yours, wiping away all thoughts of Elijah entirely. “That I share my secrets of immortality to just anyone? I mean to protect you, to guide you, to please you. I want to embrace all the darkest parts of yourself that you haven’t even discovered yet, to spend an eternity painting portraits of you throughout the ages, your cheeks freshly red from the dozens of orgasms I’ve just given you as you lay in sheets of rich opulence.” He cups your cheek, his hand nearly trembling as his eyes finally glisten with remorse. “Please, just let me prove it to you, and then my brother won’t have to save you next time.”
Your heart drops into the bitter acid of your stomach. “Your brother?”
Tags: @hcqwxrtss123 @hayleym1234 @derangedangel
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hi! i loved what you're doing with kc now, can i request something like klaus and caroline doing something mundane and human and we see them living their married couple life? can be a drabble or a full lenth, what ever you want ;p
“Maybe this one?”
“I don’t get it.”
“What’s there not to get?”
“The fabric looks so…dull.”
“It’s supposed to have a shimmering effect in the sunlight.”
“That’ll just remind me of Twilight. No.”
“They're curtains.”
Klaus clicks his tongue. “Love—”
“No. No. Do not use that tone with me, Niklaus Mikaelson.”
Ooh. Full named. He’s on thin ice now. “Sweetheart, it’s very simple. It’s a very simple choice, this one or that one.”
“It is so not a simple choice. We’re deciding on curtains for the living room. If you think that’s a simple decision you should just leave right now.”
He reminds himself that answering that is a trap.
Oh, how he wishes he could leave. There’s a new box of paints waiting for him at home, made from shells, a gift from Elijah, and he was hoping to get done with shopping and get home before three, at most.
It’s bloody six and he’s listened to Caroline drone on about stitching patterns for two fucking hours now. One would think they’d be done with the furniture by now, but no. They're just getting started on the upholstery. Heaven forbid Caroline’s exacting tastes allow any of his antique furniture pieces into the living room.
It’s from the fifteenth century, love—
It has clawed feet, Klaus. No.
I let you keep the bathtub, but I'm drawing the line on the ottoman. No.
It’s a fine piece—
A tacky one.
Well, I happen to think that of your patio table.
That had been a terribly stupid move.
So now, he’s being punished by being forced to give his opinions on furniture he doesn’t care about. He’s this close to pulling out his hair, and if he sees one more chair with birds on it he’ll be breaking it.
“Caroline—” he whines.
She shuts him up with a glare. “If I wanted to hear whining, I would’ve brought Enzo. Now, opinion.” She holds up two squares of fabric against the light. “Which one?”
Now, see. Klaus is an artist. He prides himself on being one of the best there are, not to brag, but one’s ability is refined after a thousand years. He’s been splashing colours onto surfaces ever since he can remember, the vibrant hues and shades leaving him fascinated since he was a boy. Paints, charcoal, the paint he made from various berries and flowers when he had been human…colours have never left him frazzled.
He knows for sure Caroline’s going to rip off his head when he tells her they’re the exact same colour.
Then he remembers he doesn’t particularly care about his curtains, so he says, “The one on the left.”
Caroline smiles. “There. That wasn’t so hard, was it?”
“Of course not,” he grumbles.
“Hm,” she says distractedly, pressing a quick kiss to his cheek and moving towards the counter. “We’ll get these, then. They’ll go great with your ottoman.”
Klaus’s eyes fly up to meet hers, and she gives him a small smile, one that never fails to leave him reeling. “I'm not a total dictator, you know. I don’t want it to only feel like my home, and not yours. I want it to be ours.”
It’s such a small gesture. In truth, Klaus hadn’t given the ottoman a second thought when they’d had that fight and she’d glared at him angrily and dragged it away to the attic, only focusing on how he could get her in a better mood if only to look at her smile again.
He loves it when she smiles, because oh, her smile is so beautiful. She’s so beautiful.
Caroline’s looking at him, her blue eyes concerned. “Are you okay? Did you hear what I said?”
“Yes,” he answers, drawing her in for a kiss. She goes forward with a surprised sound low in her throat, her hands resting on her shoulders. The saleslady clears her throat and Caroline jumps away from him, her face reddening as she turns to her and starts rambling about cushion covers and duvets.
Klaus watches her fondly, all traces of annoyance with her disappearing.
In truth, he’d let her cover the whole house in pink wallpaper if it meant he got to see her laugh every day.
He’d let her do anything, really.
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klaeusd · 1 year
————      𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚛   𝚘𝚞𝚝𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚎.
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𝐅𝐔𝐋𝐋   𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄   :   niklaus mikaelson.
𝐍𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄(𝐒)   klaus, nik ( only to a few ),  the original hybrid, the big bad wolf, etc.
╳   𝐅𝐋𝐀𝐖𝐒.
moody  |  short-tempered  |  emotionally unstable  |  whiny  |  controlling  |  conceited  | possessive  |  paranoid  |  liar  |  impatient  |  cowardly  |  bitter  |  selfish  |  power-hungry  |  greedy  |  lazy  |  judgmental  |  forgetful  |  impulsive |  spiteful  |  stubborn |  sadistic  |  petty  |  unlucky  |  absent-minded |  abusive  |  addict  |  aggressive  |  childish  |  callous  |  clingy  |  delusional  |  cocky  |  competitive  |  corrupt  |  cynical  |  cruel  |  depressed  |  deranged  | egotistical |  envious |  insecure  |  insensitive  |  lustful  |  delinquent  |  guilt complex  |  reclusive  |  reckless  |  nervous  |  oversensitive
honest  |  trustworthy  |  thoughtful  |  caring  |  brave  |  patient  |  selfless  |  ambitious  | tolerant  |  lucky  |  intelligent  |  confident   |  focused  |  humble  |  generous  |  merciful  | observant  |  wise  |  clever |  charming  |  cheerful  |  optimistic |  decisive  |  adaptive | calm  |  protective  |  proud  |  diligent |  considerate  |  compassionate  |  good sportsmanship |  friendly  |  empathetic  |  passionate | reliable  |  resourceful  |  sensible  |  sincere |  witty  | funny
art  |  acting  |  astronomy  |  animals  |  archery  |  sports  |  belly dancing |  bird watching  |  blacksmithing  |  boating  |  calligraphy  |  camping  |  candle making  |  casino gambling  |  ceramics  |  racing  |  chess  | music   |  cooking  |  crochet  |  weaving  |  exercise  | swordplay |  fishing  |  gardening  | ghost hunting  |  ice skating  |  magic  |  engineering  |  building  |  inventing  |  leather-working  |  martial arts  |  meditation  |  origami  |  parkour  | people watching |  swimming  |  puppetry  |  pyrotechnics  |  quilting  |  reading  |  collecting  |  shopping  |  socializing  |  storytelling  |  writing |  traveling  |  exotic dancing  |  singing
tagged by: @salvatoraes & @malka-lisitsa <3 tagging: @ealiyah, @tricursed, @seesgood, @thriev, @timewound, @potthers, @chmerical ( kat ), @divienity ( emma swan ).
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iomadachd · 1 year
———— 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚘𝚞𝚝𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚎.
𝐅𝐔𝐋𝐋 𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄 : Niklaus Mikaelson
𝐍𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄(𝐒) : The Beast, The Original Hybrid, Klaus the Mad, Nik, Klaus
(Bold - Most of the Time, Italics - Some of the Time)
╳ 𝐅𝐋𝐀𝐖𝐒. moody | short-tempered | emotionally unstable | whiny | controlling | conceited | possessive | paranoid | liar | impatient | cowardly | bitter | selfish | power-hungry | greedy | lazy | judgmental | forgetful | impulsive | spiteful | stubborn | sadistic | petty | unlucky | absent-minded | abusive | addict | aggressive | childish | callous | clingy | delusional | cocky | competitive | corrupt | cynical | cruel | depressed | deranged | egotistical | envious | insecure | insensitive | lustful | delinquent | guilt complex | reclusive | reckless | nervous | oversensitive
♔ 𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐆𝐓𝐇𝐒. honest | trustworthy | thoughtful | caring | brave | patient | selfless | ambitious | tolerant | lucky | intelligent | confident | focused | humble | generous | merciful | observant | wise | clever | charming | cheerful | optimistic | decisive | adaptive | calm | protective | proud | diligent | considerate | compassionate | good sportsmanship | friendly | empathetic | passionate | reliable | resourceful | sensible | sincere | witty | funny
🖌 𝐒𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐒 & 𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐁𝐈𝐄𝐒. art | acting | astronomy | animals | archery | sports | belly dancing | bird watching | blacksmithing | boating | calligraphy | camping | candle making | cartography | casino gambling | ceramics | racing | chess | music | cooking | crochet | weaving | exercise | swordplay | fishing | gardening | ghost hunting | ice skating | magic | engineering | building | inventing | leather-working | martial arts | meditation | origami | parkour | people watching | swimming | poetry | puppetry | pyrotechnics | quilting | reading | collecting | shopping | socializing | storytelling | writing | traveling | exotic dancing | singing
tagged by: @ofcatnaps
tagging: @shieldretired, @dilffactory (copia), @muutos (john rambo), @big-d-little-i-big-n-little-ozzo, @infestedmindspace, @trcnsitioncl (castiel), @demonstigma
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savagevillain · 1 year
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𝐅𝐔𝐋𝐋   𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄   :   niklaus mikaelson.
𝐍𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄(𝐒)   klaus, nik, bastard, the original hybrid, the great evil, etc.
╳   𝐅𝐋𝐀𝐖𝐒.
moody  |  short-tempered  |  emotionally unstable  |  whiny  |  controlling  |  conceited  | possessive  | paranoid  |  liar  |  impatient  |  cowardly  |  bitter  |  selfish  |  power-hungry  |  greedy  |  lazy  |  judgmental  |  forgetful  |  impulsive |  spiteful  |  stubborn |  sadistic  |  petty  |  unlucky  |  absent-minded |  abusive  |  addict  |  aggressive  |  childish  |  callous  |  clingy  |  delusional  |  cocky  |  competitive  |  corrupt  |  cynical |  cruel  |  depressed  |  deranged  | egotistical |  envious |  insecure  |  insensitive  |  lustful  |  delinquent  |  guilt complex  | reclusive  |  reckless  |  nervous  |  oversensitive
honest  |  trustworthy  | thoughtful  |  caring  |  brave  |  patient  |  selfless  |  ambitious  | tolerant  |  lucky  |  intelligent  |  confident  | focused  |  humble  |  generous  |  merciful  | observant  |  wise  | clever |  charming  |  cheerful  |  optimistic |  decisive  |  adaptive | calm  |  protective  |  proud  |  diligent | considerate |  compassionate  |  good sportsmanship | friendly  |  empathetic  |  passionate | reliable  |  resourceful |  sensible  |  sincere |  witty  | funny
art  |  acting  |  astronomy  |  animals  |  archery  |  sports  |  belly dancing |  bird watching  |  blacksmithing  |  boating  |  calligraphy  |  camping  |  candle making  |  casino gambling  |  ceramics  |  racing  |  chess  | music  |  cooking  |  crochet  |  weaving  |  exercise  | swordplay |  fishing  |  gardening  | ghost hunting  |  ice skating  |  magic  | engineering  |  building  |  inventing  |  leather-working  |  martial arts  |  meditation  |  origami  |  parkour  | people watching |  swimming  |  puppetry  |  pyrotechnics  |  quilting  |  reading  |  collecting  |  shopping  |  socializing  |  storytelling  |  writing |  traveling  |  exotic dancing  |  singing
tagged by: @tricursed &lt;3 tagging: @benbraeden , @witchfirst , @labonaires , @survivingpierce , @sacriels, @hcpemikaelscn , @kingmakercastle & you!
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deceptivemorals · 2 years
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twilight (verse tag will be decided later)
elijah is of unknown age whereby his earliest memory dates back to the inception in the bronze age (4.500 - 3.200 bc). he and his siblings (later known as mikaelsons) were born in a world where magic and therefore witches and shamans still existed. life was harsh back then and after his parents lost his youngest sibling, his mother who belonged to one of the 'gifted' ones, eventually decided to call upon nature to make her children stronger, resistant, and lethal so nothing could harm them.
the first vampires were born and the world had a new apex predator.
elijah and his siblings possessed super strength, speed, agility, senses, durability, and healing. not only were they immortal and possessed the ability to create new vampires (who weren't as powerful as they were), but they also possessed the ability to use mind compulsion, telepathy, illusions, and dream manipulation.
they felt like gods and acted like it.
nature, not allowing such a great imbalance, tried to eliminate vampires, and witches followed its call and tried to undo the spell that was placed on the siblings. this led the siblings, especially elijah's brother niklaus to hunt down the witches and therefore erase the ability to create and use magic.
in 2.800 b.c., when the last witch capable of using magic died, the siblings thought they were safe and that they had won so nothing could stop them. however, nature had one last ace up its sleeve:
the siblings fell into a deep slumber. they weren't capable to die and humans, who found them, buried them in a cave. a few years later the same humans wanted to bury other people in that cave and found that the siblings hadn't decayed. they assumed they were resting gods and built them a temple in which the siblings were moved.
centuries later the temple was decaying and overgrown by nature. the siblings were forgotten.
nature didn't only punish the mikaelson siblings, they also put a curse on the already existing vampires: whenever they would turn someone new into a vampire, the new ones would feel like ice-cold stone. the unusual, red color of their eyes would show the beasts they hid within them and the once so diverse powers would be strongly limited to one if any. they weren't capable to sleep, eat or drink. they would be cursed to be alone and their loneliness would only be lifted if they found their soul mates.
millennials passed and the original vampires were long forgotten – by humans as well as the new species of vampires.
elijah awoke in the 20th century when humans did archaeological excavation around the former temple. one of the workers fell down a stony pit and died, his blood seeping through the ground and reaching elijah. he woke and clawed his way out before eating the entire exploration party.
in a frenzy, elijah departed from the place where he was buried and continued to feed until he was capable of thinking properly. it, unfortunately, led to elijah not knowing where he was buried and therefore starting a search for the rest of his siblings.
personality wise, elijah is extremely sinister, ruthless, and dangerous although he's good at hiding it behind a friendly mask. elijah mood can change rather quickly from cheerful & amused to absolutely enraged in seconds, making him very unpredictable.
important to know:
every vampire descends from either him or his siblings. vampires created after the curse in 2.800 b.c. are 'new vampires' (=twilight vampires).
there's only one weapon that can permanently kill elijah but the knowledge about it & its current location is unknown and lost to the modern world.
elijah is immune to the gifts of twilight!vampires but can in turn use mind compulsion on them.
there are only very few (normal) vampires who still exist and follow the example of the original vampires. the great majority are 'new vampires' (=twilight vampires).
as far as he knows, his siblings are still buried somewhere. finding them is his main goal before wanting to re-establish their power.
unlike twilight!vampires, elijah is capable of sleeping, eating, and drinking. the sun and vervain can hurt him but they won't kill him. he does not sparkle in the sun. elijah has a spelled ring that protects him from sunlight.
twilight!vampires are more difficult to hurt as their skin is like stone
witches no longer exist as they were eradicated. their existence is unknown to the modern supernatural world.
myths refer to him & his siblings as 'the old ones', 'gods of blood', 'man eaters'.
the mikaelsons can no longer turn new vampires by feeding them their blood but they also possess no venom like twilight!vampires.
the mikaelsons are still infertile and cannot create hybrids like twilight!vampires can do.
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georgiaheartsdilfs · 2 years
Can you write one where reader she's a witch, best friends witj Freya. She gets distracted by Kol and her powers go crazy when he's near her or around. Reader tries to keep her distance from him but he refuses to let it happen and get the bottom of it etc.
Uncontrollable Powers | Kol Mikaelson x Reader
my masterlist ↪M A S T E R L I S T
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Freya and I are bestfriend, I don't know how I managed to get myself in the middle of the Mikaelsons but I just did. Not that I'm complaining because the youngest Mikaelson brother keeps me on my toes.
I, like Freya was a witch. Of course, not as powerful as her but a witch nontheless.
"So, where are we going today?" I ask Freya, everyday we try to do something new... so far its been three days. "I want to stay home" she mumbles stuffing her face with crisps.
"We started this 3 days ago and you already want to give up?" I ask her sitting down next to her and she nods "yes." she says. mouth full of chips.
"fine, incendia." I say signalling all the candles in the room we were in to light up "out of all the spells, that's your favourite?" she asks and I nod.
"Freya where is Niklaus?" Kol says bursting through the doors, all the flames on the candles either go out of burn brighter and larger than before, going out of control.
"y/n" Freya grabs my arm and I take my eyes off of the hot, youngest brother as the candles go back to normal.
"you okay, darling?" Kol asks me and the candles go crazy again "uh yup, yup im fine" i nod trying to control myself, but for some reason I couldn't "right" he says "Niklaus is with our sister, looking for Marcel." Freya answers Kol's questions as he sits down opposite us.
"oh shoot, my dog needs feeding." I mumble, I didn't have a dog but I did have a reason to get away from Kol "you don't have a dog?" Freya says "yes, yes i do." I say rushing out of the room.
Walking towards the kitchen only to realise theres no real food in this house "Y/N" Klaus yells giving me a fright turning around throwing a blood bag at him in fear as he catches it "KOL HE'S HERE, your younger brother wants you." I clear my throat scratching the back of my head awkwardly.
"Well you read my mind." Klaus smiles as Kol speeds down "there's your brother, right i'm off for my dog." I clear my throat walking out of yet another room Kol seemed to be in.
"y/n!" Kol yelled and I spin around instantly "yeah Kol" I say in a high voice, internally slapping myself for sounding like an idiot. Klaus smirking at me and I roll my eyes "we know you don't have a dog." Kol says "I know." I smile before walking off.
As I walk out of the Mikaelson residence my phone buzzes and I pick up "a dog seriously?" freya's voice says over the phone, trying to hold in her laughter "yeah well I couldn't think of anything, he's just so ugh frustratingly gorgeous. how did he get the good looking genes freya." I mumble walking down the street.
"to be fair, he was the last born." freya mumbles over the phone, crossing a street and taking a left "what happened to your powers? it was like they had completely left your body." freya asked in a concerned tone.
"i-i genuinely don't know, i just heard his voice and i like went crazy." i chuckle nervously "i know you like him but, geez y/n." she chuckled breathlessly "i know i know." I sigh.
"i'll just have to keep my distance from him... easy" I shrug unlocking the door to my home "yeah not easy. he's here all the time and who else is here all the time? you." freya's muffled voice says as I put her on speaker tossing my phone on my counter as I opened my fridge.
"it wont be hard i mean, i'll just not come over." closing the fridge and squatting down to the freezer "then it will confirm your stupid crush." freya says "well what? it's not like i don't want to be near him." i huff pulling out a tub of ice cream.
"just ignore him, easy." freya says, it wasn't easy to ignore Kol Mikaelson especially when he's always in everyone's face. With his stupid british accent, that I found highly cute.
"look tomorrow come over, if your powers go bizerk again then just leave. Don't even say a word." my best friend continues "fine" i mumble "love you" i continue "love you, be safe." she says "alright bye." i smile to my phone even though she can't hear me and the call ends.
Grabbing a spoon sitting back on my sofa.
My powers had never ever done that. I'm so confused because I can usually control my stupid powers in front of Kol given that I've liked him for like a year or two, im so shocked. Maybe i like like him.
A few minutes pass of thinking and then I hear a knock at my door "hold on" i say with my mouth full of ice cream, placing it on the counter as I walk over to the door "Kol" I jump, my lights start flickering as I slam my door.
"Y/n?" his voice said through the wooden door "yup hold on." I yell the lights continue flickering, my heart beating fast. WHAT'S HAPPENING.
Opening the door again, composing myself. The lights still flickering "y/n, hey." he says "you can't be here." I say bluntly "really? you know i can walk in you invited me in, you remember?" he asked "you know your lights are flickering?" he asks again.
I nod smacking my lips "I'm familiar." I say giving him a smile "i can fix them... if you'd like?" he suggests looking up at my lights "uh, i know how to fix them thanks." i smile to him "fine well can i come in?" he asks, I give him a stern look.
"it's not like i'll eat you, your blood would probably taste foul." he scoffs "very well." he takes a step into my home, walking around looking at every speck of detail in my house from the cracks in the walls to the fact that i had ice cream on my counter.
"nice place" he chuckles "yeah it's like you've been here a few times to get away from your family, can you go now. I need to fix my lights." placing my hands on my hip and he sighs "I can fix them." he turns to me and I raise a hand, composing myself with the flick of my hand the lights fix themselves.
"told you, now leave." I point to the door "whatever." he mumbles before rushing out the door, closing it behind him.
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a few days later
I wont, I repeat I will not go to the Mikaelsons. Even if Klaus threatened to kill me.
Relaxing on my sofa, watching a random friends episode only to laugh at Joey's slow realisation to Ross grabbing his sweater off the table.
I laugh at the TV loud enough for the whole of New Orleans to hear until my phone rings.
"y/n i know you said you wouldn't come over, my family has a predicament and i-" "i love you frey, but no it's been a few days." I cut her off. I was not going to see the youngest brother and mess up my powers because I have feelings for him.
"i need you to anchor me." Freya says "what?" I ask him "Kol is in trouble" she says and I hang up the phone rushing over.
Rushing through into the Mikaelson Residence only to find Klaus and Freya sitting on the stairs with smirks on their faces, Klaus hands Freya a 100 dollar bill and claps.
"you have a crush on my little brother." he says standing up "FREYA" I whine "it was between us." I mumble "no shade here y/n, i expected you to like Elijah that's all." Klaus smirks, impressed.
"who to like elijah?" Kol says adjusting his wristwatch walking past his sister who still sat on the chair "uh. nothing" i say cutting anyone off.
The wind starts rustling and leaves fly over the courtyard, I was a powerful witch but not powerful enough to change the weather.
"god this weather is unpredictable." Kol sighs looking up at the now dark sky and I chuckle "it is isn't it." I say clearing my throat looking to Klaus and Freya who were both looking at each other.
"Kol, go somewhere else for a minute." Klaus demands Kol who rolls his eyes walking off to his room, my heart beat slows down as does the wind and the sky lightens "it is true." he says fascinated at me.
"it was shocking to me when it happened a few days ago, then she swore to never come back here." Freya laughs "I never said never, Kol you can come back down." I yell to Kol "im being bossed around in this house." he rolls his eyes exiting his room.
"y/n mind running an errand with me, Elijah is out and I need to find him a birthday present." Kol asks me "I do mind, can't you go yourself you're 100 years old." I say to him "i don't need protecting, darling." he raised an eyebrow "i know it's just-" "i think you should go" Freya says.
"ye no i agree with Freya, Y/n go with my brother." Klaus says as I raise a hand connecting my eyes to Klaus, snapping one of his limbs and he yells in pain "force me to do something again, i'll tear your eyes out." I say angrily to them both.
"come on darling." Kol says grabbing my hand as I keep my composure.
"right, you know my brother enough to know what he likes." Kol says as we get in the car, the wind starts up again but this time with rain "god this weather is just as awful as this ghastly family." he huffs turning the car on.
"he likes suits." I mumble "speak up" Kol says "your brother likes suits obviously." I say in a clear soft spoken voice and Kol nods yes but no doubt he already has the most expensive tux of the decade." Kol huffs frustratedly.
"you know i've figured what you like, more than my brother." Kol says taking a left turn towards the town centre.
"what do i like then, stalker?" I ask him, watching as he grips the wheel with one hand placing his other behind the head of my chair.
"you like chocolate ice cream, strawberry if it was real ice cream." he pauses checking for pedestrians before turning again "your very simple, you like minimalistic things." he says impressed with himself.
"you like being cocky?" I ask him, although I didn't mind him being cocky, given that it runs in the family but it looked best on him.
"i also know of your 'stupid' crush towards a person, so you call it stupid. hence your distance for what a week?" he asks "w-what." I stutter "stop the wind, y/n." he says.
I give him a confused look "it took me a few weeks." he chuckles again in a cocky tone "right like i can stop the weather, Kol." I roll my eyes as he grabs my hand, the other still on the wheel.
The wind increases, my heart beat also increases "right well proves my theory." he chuckles "let go" I mumble shaking my hand out of his grip as he laughs at me "I knew it" he says victoriously as the wind slows down a bit.
"you don't hate me?" I ask him "course not darling, just expected you to like well mannered men." he scoffed and I roll my eyes.
"now stop it seriously we need to get out of the car." he says giving me a serious look.
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shadowbrn · 6 months
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from stefan salvatore ( @pyreache ) to klaus mikaelson:     ❛ we can't keep doing this. ❜
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klaus looks at stefan, and he's quiet for a moment. he's not usually left speechless, and this current moment is no different . . . he knows exactly what to say to stefan, and he knows exactly how to get the younger vampire back on board.     ❝  how many times do we have to discuss this?  ❞     klaus asks, walking towards the younger vampire and putting a hand on the back of his neck, pulling him close with just the littlest bit of force,     ❝  no matter how many times you try to stop this . . . you're mine, stefan.  ❞     he'd claimed stefan from the moment they met, and his intensity towards the vampire had only grown over the years. there was no universe in which klaus pictured whatever this was between them ever truly stopping, and it was funny that stefan seemed to think it was coming to an end. he'd learn.
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mysticfallsresidents · 9 months
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@xxgotthedevilinsidexx sent from hayley marshall to niklaus mikaelson : “ You’re a bad idea, but I like bad ideas.”
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⚰️    ――――       THERE  WAS  SOMETHING  ABOUT  THIS  LITTLE  WOLF  THAT  REALLY  SPARKED  SOMETHING  WITHIN  THE  ORIGINAL  HYBRID.  maybe  it  was  because  they  were  both  wolves  and  felt  magnetized  to  one  another  or  maybe  because  they  both  challenged  each  other  in  ways  they've  never  been  challenged  before.  it  didn't  matter  to  klaus,  though.  all  he  knew  right  now  was  that  he  wanted  her;  badly,  like  it  was  something  he  had  needed,  past  the  point  of  craving.  he  was  starved  for  her  and  there  was  nothing  he  wouldn't  do  to  get  her  in  the  way  he'd  like  her  to  be  in.  a  small  smirk  forms  on  the  original's  lips  as  he  slowly  stalked  closer  to  her,  her  words  fueling  the  fire  that  was  ignited  within  him,  a  fire  that  could  only  be  put  out  if  he  were  to  be  killed.  his  fingers  crawl  slowly  up  her  arm  until  he  reached  her  shoulder,  massaging  gently,        ❛      why  do  i  have  to  be  considered  a  bad  idea,  luv     ?     i  don't  know  about  you  but  i  quite  think  you   —   us   —   could  be  considered  a  lovely  idea        ❜     he  responded,  biting  into  his  bottom  lip,  studying  her  body  as  his  eyes  wandered  in  naughty  places.
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BOTH  HIS  HANDS  NOW  REACH  FOR  HER  HIPS,  SQUEEZING  THEM  BEFORE  PULLING  HER  TOWARDS  HIM  SO  THEIR  BODIES  WERE  PRESSED  AGAINST  EACH  OTHER'S.  he  chuckled  softly  under  his  breath,  feeling  her  heart  thumping  rapidly  against  his  chest  and  smelling  her  mixture  of  fear  and  desire  coming  off  of  her  in  waves.  he  invites  himself  to  move  her  hair  off  her  neck,  letting  the  tips  of  his  fingers  delicately  map  out  her  prominent  veins.  she  looked  so  delicious  pressed  against  him,  it  only  served  to  desire  her  even  more.        ❛      i  know  what  it  is  you're  looking  for,  little  wolf       ❜     he  whispered,  swiping  his  tongue  across  his  lower  lip,  his  lustful  smirk  never  faltering.        ❛      i'd  be  happy  to  indulge  in  your  desire,  what  it  is  you  crave.  nothing  is  stopping  us  and,  you  said  so  yourself,  you  like  bad  ideas.  m'  happy  to  oblige  your  curiosity.       ❜
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l-r-christian · 3 years
Heyyy I was wondering if you could do a poly!mikaelson fic you can make up the plot but I've been so obsessed with the fics lately and I need some more to feed my obsession tysm love your writing btw💕❤
Yes can do, I wanted to do more headcanons with a mix of a cute blurb
Warning: fluff and bit of NSFW
Finn and Elijah likes picking Y/N up bridal style without warning because she always letting out a cute little squeak
Y/N stopping murders not because someone was treating the family but because Kol and Klaus threaten men that keeps hitting on Y/N
Rebekah surprising Y/N with gifts, Rebekah leaves them in spots the human always goes to
Elijah and Finn always pulling Y/N out whatever mess Klaus and Kol had made
"Elijah, would you be mad if I may or may not got our beloved stuck in a tree?" "Yes, why Kol?"
Rebekah and Y/N takes long hot romantic baths together with candles and wine
Elijah loves washing Y/N's hair it isn't surprising for any of the others to find Y/N half asleep while Elijah has his sleeves rolled up washing her hair
Lazy morning kisses
Finn enjoying laying his head in Y/N's lap as she reads to him while running her fingers though his hair
Y/N gives Klaus massages to relax the hybrid
Kol enjoys leaving soft kisses on Y/N's skin
The boys love seeing Y/N in their shirts and thigh highs
Klaus and Kol threatening all vampires not to touch their lover once Y/N moves down to New Orleans with them
Finn always following Y/N if she the Mikaelson home
Each of them have their spot they feed from Y/N
Klaus and Rebekah feeds from her neck, Kol likes biting her thigh, Finn and Elijah feeds from her wrists
"I climb Finn like tree that's how we fuck Cammi." Cue Finn and Elijah choking on their drinks listening to Camille and Y/N talking
Klaus and Kol enjoys showering with Y/N as she relaxes them when washing their hair there were times they fell asleep
Like Rebekah. Finn enjoys hots baths with Y/N
Rebekah and Y/N has late night moments of eating tubs of ice cream much to Elijah's disappointment
"How can you lose a six months pregnant woman, Kol?" "I'm sorry Elijah, I don't have eyes on the back of my head!"
Protective Mikaelsons whenever there are witches
Elijah open the door for Hayley to the plantation house the Mikaelsons were staying in after having followed Klaus to New Orleans when they heard the witches were plotting against Klaus.
"Don't let me suck more than I can handle." Hayley paused and looked at Elijah who was trying to laugh. Elijah had Hayley follow him to the livingroom finding Y/N sitting in Finn's lap playing Smash with Rebekah.
"Ah little wolf. Meet Y/N the real woman carrying my child."
"Wait what?" Hayley said staring as Elijah stepped pass Hayley kissing Y/N's head. Klaus looked at Hayley with a smirk seeing how confused she was.
"Y/N here is really carrying Niklaus's child."
"So why didn't you tell that to the witches? Why let them believe that I am pregnant with his kid?!"
"To protect our beloved." Kol said watching the game from Rebekah's side as Hayley stared at the Mikaelsons finding it hard believe what she was hearing.
"So you are going to use me?"
"Yes. So for now little wolf you are stuck with us." Klaus said as Hayley's eyes looked over Y/N noticing now Finn rubbing her abdomen or how the others unconsciously had moved closer to the human woman.
"So you just want to pretend to be pregnant?"
"Yes. Don't worry you won't be leaving much." Klaus said smirking getting up for a meeting with Marcel and Kol following after as Hayley didn't know just what she was getting into.
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leossmoonn · 3 years
Accidentally in Love || Part Two
masterlist || Part One
type - klaus mikaelson x tribrid, fem!reader
type - angst, fluff
summary - the mikaelson family protects you as you are a new tribrid. one particular hybrid ends up falling in love with you
warnings / includes - language, fighting, crying, violence (fighting scenes), kissing, suggestive. werewolves can communicate telepathically when in wolf form
*gif isn’t mine*
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neither of you had spoken since you both appeared naked in each other’s arms. it hadn’t been for a lack of trying, though. on klaus’s part, at least.
he had tried to talk to you every second of the day. he would call, text, interrupt your conversations with friends. he would greet you each morning and each night with breakfast and dinner, hoping that you would stop the silent treatment. even a simple ‘hi’ from you was enough.
he was beginning to miss the way you would roll your eyes at him, and snap and yell. you wouldn’t even crack a smile if he’d smile, which was something you had used to do. he wished every day and every night that you would glare at him, but you avoided his gaze 24/7. he missed you desperately.
one month had passed and you were still icing him out. he didn’t know it was possible for someone as talkative as you to be silent to someone for so long, but here you were, dodging him at every minute.
it had gotten so bad that you had asked elijah and hayley to be the ones to train you. klaus had been so hurt by your rejection, that he went out on a serial fed. he became the ripper, taking out 1/4 of the population of california, only to return to you and feel more pain than he had ever felt in his life. he decided to make it his mission to force you to talk to him again, even if that meant caging you up in the cellar downstairs. anything to make you look at him.
“where is y/n?” klaus asked as he walked into the kitchen.
“avoiding you,” rebekah snorted. “yeah, no shit, rebekah. now, seriously, where is she?” he asked.
“i don’t know. last time i checked, she said she was in the french quarter with hayley. that was a few hours ago, though,” she answered.
“she does like to shop,” klaus nodded. “thanks, rebekah.” he began to walk away, but rebekah stopped him.
“tell me you’re not going to go after her?” she asked.
“i am. now if you’ll excuse me, i’d like to get going,” klaus said.
“she doesn’t want to see you, niklaus.”
“how do you know?” he asked. “have you not been reading the signs? she’s been laying them down right in front of you,” she snorted.
“oh, she’s just playing hard to get. that’s what all the girls i’m interested in do.”
“she doesn’t want you in her life, klaus! please, leave the poor girl alone,” rebekah begged on your behalf.
“and how do you know that, hm? besides noticing all the signs she has been showing. girls using show the opposite of what they want, rebekah, and trust me, i know. i don’t care if she doesn’t want to see me, i want to see her!”
rebekah looked at her brother long and hard, her eyes softening suddenly. “you’re in love with her.”
“nonsense! why do you people always say that? i just miss her as a friend and a student,” klaus denied.
rebekah grinned, “you are worse than a teenage girl, nik.”
“what are you going on about?” klaus asked.
“let me guess, you miss the way she would challenge you. you miss the way she would look at you, how she would smile when you smiled. you miss the way she would use her witchcraft on you, showing how strong she is compared to you. you miss her scent, warmth, laugh. you miss training her, but not just that. you miss being with her for most of the day. you’re lonely, and she was the only person filling that empty void in your heart. she made you whole.”
klaus stared at his sister, irritation coursing through his veins. “are you like a therapist now or something?”
“no, i just know you well,” rebekah smirked.
“well, you’re wrong. the only thing i miss about her is watching her fail, and being about to yell at her,” he seethed with anger and denial.
“sure, nik, sure. and tribrids aren’t real - oh, wait - they are,” she smiled sweetly.
“i’m going to find y/n,” klaus said. “good luck with that!” rebekah exclaimed.
klaus ignored her, stomping out the door. he ran to the french quarter, searching each store for you. he couldn’t find you anywhere. he was beginning to think you had already left the quarter until he saw you and hayley waiting in the line for ice cream.
he crept up against a wall, peering out from the corner. his feet planted to the ground as he stared at you. you looked so pretty. the sunlight was hitting you just right, making your skin glow and lipgloss shine. smile lines appeared out of the corner of your eyes and framed your nose. it made klaus smile widely.
he couldn’t help but gaze down south, drinking in your outfit. you were wearing light-wash jean shorts with a striped sweater and black boots. the gold necklace that rebekah had given you on your first day out rested on your collar bone. your earrings reflected into the sun, making the blue sapphire stones sparkle. you looked so cute with the sweater sleeved coming over your wrists, the body of the sweater enveloping you into a warm, soft hug. he loved all your outfits, especially the ones where you looked so comfortable in.
images of your naked body in his arms flashed through his brain. klaus shook them away, knowing it was disrespectful. he longed for it, though. you in his arms, clothed and naked, cuddling him up next to him. he pictured your legs tangled with his, your arms around his middle and hugging him close. his chin would be on the grown on your head, the sweet scent of your perfume wafting through his nose.
it seemed as the wind picked up and carried the scent into his nose in real life. he took a deep breath, closing his eyes and enjoying your perfume. he opened his eyes, setting them on you. everyone was right, he did love you.
“damnit,” he muttered, looking away from you. he tried to deny it, even as he ran the facts through his head. he thought you were beautiful and he missed you dearly. you were the first person he thought of in the morning, and the last person he thinks of before he goes to bed. you were in his dreams, in his brain at 3 in the afternoon. he would seek you out, make you mad and tease you because he liked it when you fought back. and there was no question that he found you attractive. you were the most stunning woman he had ever met in his thousand years.
how did he miss this? was he really that blind? he didn’t understand how he couldn’t see the blatant attraction felt towards you. the feelings of wanting to help you blossomed into more, and he was scared. perhaps that was why he denied his love for you at first. he was scared. scared of what he might do to you, scared that he might hurt you, drive you away. his last few loves didn’t work out that well. caroline fell in love with stefan salvatore, typical, and cami died. he was afraid you would die loving him, or fall in love with someone more worthy of you. both situations he didn’t want, but he supposed that if you fell in love with someone else, you wouldn’t have to face his wrath for long.
he shook his head, sighing. he didn’t know if you loved not, so there was no reason to be so pessimistic. klaus wasn’t one to be hopeful, though. it was good to think of the bad, anyways, but it would be wonderful if klaus was wrong.
he looked to you again, cursing to himself as you were gone. he began to search for you again, being unsuccessful again. he wondered if you had gone home for good. he was right as he heard you inside laughing with the girls as he approached the house.
he went in, looking at you immediately. you stopped talking, locking eyes with him. something was different about him, you thought. he didn’t look angry and depressed anymore. his eyes were full of light. it made you smile a little.
“hello, y/n,” he spoke. “hi, klaus,” you greeted.
klaus’s dead heart sung at your voice. a shiver went up his spine as you said his name. this was the first time you had ever said his name like that, soft and kind. something in you had changed as well.
“how was shopping?” he asked. “good,” you offered him a smile.
he smiled back. “good to hear.”
his words hung in the air. a thick and awkward silence fell over the whole downstairs floor. you were thankful when rebekah spoke up to relief all of you.
“where were you, klaus?” she asked. “out,” he answered vaguely.
“doing what?” you asked. “just some usual business,” klaus shrugged.
“alright. well, hayley, ready to train?” you asked.
“yep. let me call elijah,” hayley smiled, walking to the other room as she dialed elijah.
“y/n, i was wondering if you would like to train with me today instead,” klaus suggested.
“sorry, but elijah and i are in the middle of something,” you shook your head.
“oh, c’mon. just this one time, like old times,” klaus urged.
“i said no,” you spat.
suddenly you turned cold.
“why? afraid i’ll tease you again?” klaus smirked. “no, i just don’t want to be with you,” you said, averting your gaze.
your words cut through klaus’s heart like a white oak stake.
“what have i done?” klaus asked.
“it’s not you, it’s me,” you spoke truthfully.
“oh, how cliché,” he rolled his eyes. “just leave me alone, okay?” you frowned.
“fine,” he frowned back, spinning on his heel and going back out of the house.
“are you still mad at him?” rebekah asked.
“no,” you sighed. “then what is it?” she asked.
“i’m just embarrassed,” you admitted.
“about what?”
“he saw me naked, and hayley and elijah are helping me transform willingly, and that involves me being naked. i don’t want him to see me like that again.”
“it would be awkward, wouldn’t it?” rebekah smiled warmly. “but isn’t it awkward with elijah? especially with hayley there.”
you shook your head. “it used to be awkward, but it’s just what happens. elijah is respectful about it, too. but klaus he… i’m afraid he’ll just keep staring at me. i-i don’t want him to think anything on my body looks weird, or it’s not good enough.”
rebekah raised her brow. “not be good enough? y/n, do you like klaus?”
your eyes widened, heat rising up your neck. “n-no. i-i just… it’s not weird to want to be good enough for someone.”
“but you’re talking about your body being good enough. people only say that when they’re talking about someone they fancy.”
“well, i don’t like him. not one bit,” you avoided her gaze.
rebekah grinned. “oh, my god! you do!”
“shut up,” you hit her arm. “he could be listening outside.”
“i can’t believe you like him!” rebekah whispered.
“well, yeah, who wouldn’t,” you smiled a little.
“oh, this is adorable,” rebekah gushed. “don’t tell anyone,” the smile fell off your face.
“of course i wouldn’t, but does hayley know?” she asked.
“i haven’t told her, but her and elijah have been speculating for a while.”
“why can’t they know, then?” rebekah asked. “because you’re going to make it weird between klaus and i,” you explained.
“as if it isn’t weird already,” she snorted.
“please, just don’t say anything and pretend you don’t know,” you begged.
“know what?” she remarked with a wink.
you smiled, “thank you.”
“of course,” she nodded.
“alright, y/n, ready to go?” hayley walked back into the living room.
“yep,” you exhaled.
you followed hayley out to her car. you drove to your spot deep in the woods, meeting elijah.
“good afternoon, y/n,” elijah greeted. “hey, elijah,” you smiled.
“what do you want to start with today?” he asked.
“i don’t really care. anything but weights.”
“okay. bow and arrow practice?” he suggested. “sure,” you nodded.
he handed you the materials. you strapped the arrow basket on your back, taking an arrow out and aiming it at a tree a few feet away.
even though they brought you out teach you how to use your new supernatural abilities, elijah decided it would be beneficial to teach you other self defense skills than snapping someone’s neck. you agreed it would be beneficial, too. plus, it was fun.
you shot your bow and arrow a few times, working on the technique with hayley. soon after, it was time to start your transforming training.
“are you ready?” hayley asked. “i think,” you nodded.
“remember, this will be less painful than last time. you got this,” she smiled.
“thanks,” you smiled. 
you took a deep breath and you cleared your mind. you pictured yourself as a wolf and your bones started to crack. tears clouded your vision and you screamed. your vision got clearer and your point of view was more near the ground. you looked up at hayley and elijah, seeing their grinning faces. hayley then shifted into her own wolf form. she was a black and white wolf with jet black eyes. she was beautiful. 
you panted and trotted over to her. you shivered, your body shaking from side to side and naturally shedding some of your hair. you nuzzled up against hayley’s neck, huffing quietly. 
good job shifting. you have a beautiful coat, hayley thought. 
thank you. what do we do now? fight elijah?” you asked. 
haha, you wish. sometime soon. we can take a few laps around the forest, have elijah run with us and practice some attacking techniques. 
sounds good. i’ll race ya. 
you let out a happy bark, beginning to run before anyone else. you heard hayley’s bark and elijah’s laugh. you glanced behind you, seeing hayley catching up to you. elijah’s blurred past you, stopping right in front of you and aiming a plastic arrow at you. he threw it and you dodged it easily, growling on instinct. you ran to elijah, jumping up to attack him, but he moved out of the way quicker than a heartbeat. 
hayley appeared beside you, looking at you. 
sometimes wolves fight other wolves. are you ready? she asked. 
yep. hit me with your best shot, you nodded. 
hayley scratched her paws against the dirt, growling and lunging at you. you dodged her easily, running up to her and aiming at her neck. your teeth brushed her fur and you got a mouthful of it. you started to cough, a hairball forming in your throat. 
are you okay? hayley asked. 
yeah, just dying. one second, you said.
you cleared your throat a few seconds later, lunging at her immediately. her paw came in contact with your cheek and smacked you back slightly. you let out whine, stumbling back. 
i’m sorry, hayley apologised.
no worries. this isn’t real training if we didn’t get hurt sometimes. 
you recovered quickly, standing tall. you began to run the other way, picking up your speed and pushing yourself. your lungs were burning, but you knew the potential you had, and you could get there if you pushed yourself. as you turned sharply, you saw an auburn and golden blur flash to your left. you skidded on a the ground, whipping around to try and find what you saw. 
it flashed before your eyes again, disappearing into the woods. you turned around, barking and howling. your heart rate spiked up in fear as you could’ve thought what it could be. a blonde and reddish wolf emerged from the trees. your eyes widened and you halted to stood frozen.
who was this? you wondered. 
hello, love. 
i thought i told you to stay away. 
you know i can’t do that. i love bothering you too much. 
go home. 
no, please. can we talk?
no, i’m literally a wolf right now.
we can transform into human form.
ha, not around you.
i won’t look this time. i don’t want to make you uncomfortable.
oh, really?
fine. turn around.
he did so. you waited a few moments to make sure he stayed turned around. as you saw him start to shift, you turned around. you miind-liinked hayley and asked her to bring your clothes. you closed your eyes, picturing you human. you exhaled heavily as you grew taller, your bones growing into their regular length. 
elijah appeared in front of you quickly. 
“hayley has to go back and get her own clothes. she sent me.”
“no problem. thank you.” you took the clothes out off his hand, getting dressed quickly. 
“ah, brother. fancy seeing you here,” elijah said. 
“yes, well, i thought i’d take an afternoon jog,” klaus grinned. he got dressed with the clothes he had placed by a tree.
you turned around, your heart dropping to your stomach as klaus had only a pair of jeans on. his toned chest had dirt covered on it, but you found it attractive nonetheless.
“elijah, do you mind if y/n and i have a chat?” klaus asked.
elijah looked to you, raising a brow. you nodded and smiled, giving him confirmation to walk off. you turned back to klaus, queasiness settling in your chest.
“you have a beautiful coat,” he complimented. “thank you. so do you. i’ve never seen a red and blonde coat like yours before,” you said.
“it is very unique,” he grinned.
“so, what did you want to talk about?” you asked.
“i wanted to apologize for how i’ve been treating you. i know i didn’t give you much of a choice in the beginning, but i saw you as a valuable asset to my team, and i saw myself in you, too,” he answered.
“yeah, i know,” you sighed. “yes, and well, there’s more,” he took a deep breath.
“what is it? i’d really like to get back home,” you said.
“i may have accidentally fallen in love with you,” he spoke.
your jaw dropped and your eyes grew to the size od saucers. “y-you what?”
“i’ve fallen in love with you,” he said again, mors confident this time.
you shook your head, not believing him. “but you were just talking about caroline with kol the other day.”
“not because i’m in love with her still. what i felt for her wasn’t love, it was just infatuation. i was talking about her because she and stefan needed help, and i agreed to help them,” he explained.
“what about cami? it hasn’t been long since her death,” you said.
“i did love cami, and i still do, but i’ve moved on. i’m always going to love her, as you’re going to love anyone else that came before me, but what matters is that i have moved on, and i’m in love with you now.”
“i-i…” your voice faltered. you stared at him, brows furrowing as you tried to think things out in your head.
he hadn’t shown any sort of liking to you before. you had heard about when he’s in love with someone, he is very open about it, but with you, he wasn’t. not verbally at least. maybe in his actions, though. like the way he made you breakfast and dinner every day, how he teased you during training, how his stare lingered for a few moments, the slight softness in his voice when he talked to you. maybe he was in love with you.
“say something, please,” he pleaded.
you broke out of your daze, eyes snapping to him. without making a sound, you used your vampire speed and crashed your lips onto his. your hands settled themselves in his golden locks, pressing your chest up against his.
klaus reacted slower than he normally would. he was in shock as he stood there, frozen as his brain tried to comprehend the last few moments.
you pulled away as you didn’t feel his lips moving with yours. as you began to open your eyes, klaus’s hand snaked around your back and pushed you up against him again. his other hand went up to the back of your head, cradling it as he pressed your lips on his again. electricity exploded between you two as you moved your lips with each other’s for the first time.
your brain was on fire. you didn’t realize how heightened your emotions had become until this moment.
you let out a breathy moan at the way his lips engulfed yours. he kissed you roughly and passionately. his hand clutched your waist, massaging your curves through your shirt. you fingers pulled at his curls, enjoying the softness. you pushed your chest impossibly closer to his, wanting to be as close to him as possible.
klaus pulled away slightly, resting his forehead against yours. he kept you close, still wanting to feel your warmth.
“i take it you’re in love with me, too?” he smirked.
“i don’t know,” you hummed. “i might have to kiss you again to make sure.”
“do whatever you please, darling.”
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Cassie's Cot Kerfuffle: PART TWO
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Five Hundred Follower Celebration!
Alright, so I have no bloody clue how this happened but by some twist of fate, here we are! It's crazy, but I am super excited about it and I just wanted to thank everyone who's cared enough about my fics and/or art to click that follow button!
As some of you may know (because I've been whining about it) I had the misfortune of breaking my elbow a few weeks ago and was thus unable to write. But I am now past that stage of the healing process and I can finally get back to what I love!
First, I want to make it clear that I'm still taking requests, but seeing as I've been out of commission for a while, I have quite a few fics already waiting. (Seriously, there are so many sequels that I just haven't gotten around to.) So, in celebration of five hundred followers, I thought it might be fun for you guys to choose what comes out first!
(If you're not familiar with my work, feel free to check out my Masterlist. I will write for Finn, Elijah, Niklaus, and Kol Mikaelson along with Stefan Salvatore and Jack Kline. I will not write smut but anything else is free game. I hope you enjoy!)
I already have one fic that's nearly finished, so that will come out first, but from there I will be abiding by the results of this poll. I'm so excited to see what you guys are excited for and my gratitude for each of you is beyond words. I swear it feels like I just barely reached one hundred followers like a month ago. But lo and behold, I look at my profile one day only to get smacked in the face by the big FIVE-ZERO-ZERO! Thank you all so, so, so much.
One more thing before I get back to writing, I quickly want to offer a very special thank you to some of my very best supporters and kindest friends. @gabrielasilva1510 - You've been here for me since the very beginning. You're my all around bestie and I love you. @yn-ymn-yln - You honestly made up 86% of my confidence in the beginning and I owe you so much. @impala67-aka-baby - You are such a good friend to me and your advice is the stuff of legends. I owe all my ringtones and alarm sounds to you. @princess-charming-01 - You may not have been around as long as some others but you have been so supportive and kind, even though I've been an invalid for half the time since I met you. @heartbreakgrill - You come up with some of the best ideas I've ever heard and your comments on my fics are always so sweet. @sorry-that-i - We may not know each other super well, but thanks for the song recs. The past few weeks have been difficult and I really needed that extra boost, also you have an excellent taste in music. (Black Sheep is my favorite 😂) @r13mar - All your comments and reblogs are literally too kind and your taste in gifs never fails to make me laugh. Thanks so much to each of you for supporting me! I couldn't have gotten here without you!
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nmikaelsonimagines · 3 years
Beauty and Betrayal: A Klaus Mikaelson Imagine
Request from Anon: Could you do an imagine where Niklaus is dating a witch who is the daughter of Silas and qetesyia but nobody knew she was all they knew was that she was a witch so when Silas comes back looking for the cure somehow everyone finds out and Niklaus is furious with the news and kinda thinks she betrayed him. Sorry if this was difficult.
Hope this is okay for you lovely, and enjoy x 
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“Hello love.”
Fear. Pure unadulterated fear. It was coursing through your veins, threatening to freeze your blood before making its way to your heart and turning it into a block of ice. A single tap would have it cracking, breaking into a thousand pieces, never to be put back together. 
It was fear you felt as you heard those two words, once such an affectionate greeting, love poured into every letter. But now there was no love in them, only the tone of treachery, the mark of a murderous rage. 
Things weren’t meant to happen like this. You were supposed to be happy, supposed to keep your darkest secrets locked away until even you forgot about them, letting them dissolve into dust, and only choosing to sweep them away, glancing at them one last time as you revealed them to the person whom you could trust the most with them. 
You had thought that person would be the one standing in the lounge of your house, the one who was creating that ice-cold fear that formed cracks on the windows. But it had been the early days of your relationship with him when your secret was revealed, and now there was no use in dreaming of that night where you would open up to him about everything, as it only intensified the splintering of your heart.
You turned to face him, swallowing that fear, trying to conjure up bravery. There was anger in Klaus’s eyes, a look he had only reserved for those who wronged him. You had seen firsthand how capable he was of vanquishing those who betrayed him, and you knew now that he had added you to the top of that list. 
Fear. Pure unadulterated fear. But yet, there was still part of you that smiled inwardly when you looked at him, at the beauty of man who had endured so much hardship, who had created it for others. You had only kissed him a handful of times, but there was still something pulling you towards him, a reflex telling you to greet him with the chaste meeting of your lips and his. 
The sensible part of you told you that wouldn’t be a good idea, not now, not when he had found out who you really were. The daughter of his enemy had been sharing the contact of Klaus Mikaelson’s skin as he had held her hand, had been trusted with his love and affection. 
You imagined that he believed you deserved to pay for that. You said nothing as he stepped towards you, his silent anger more terrifying than a rage basking in bloodshed. You refused to step back, refused to run, refused to show just how scared you were. 
You weren’t his enemy. You couldn’t possibly be. 
“When were you planning on telling me about Silas? Or should I be saying your father?” Klaus’s face was inches from yours now, a sneer in his voice that had you wincing. He had never spoken to you like that before, and you thought he never would. 
“When it was the right time.”
Klaus looked down at the floor, seeming to contemplate. A dangerous thing from the mind of an Original hybrid, especially in such a situation. He turned away from you. “And when was that going to be?”
“I don’t know. Klaus, you have to understand - ”
He turned to face you again in an instant. “Understand what, Y/N?” There was that murderous rage, the one you had been expecting for. “Understand that you betrayed me? You lied to me, again and again. I trusted you, I - ” He stopped, and you couldn’t help but recoil as he took another step towards you, his hand brushing your cheek as his voice lowered. “I always thought you were so beautiful. But now I see that it doesn’t apply to your soul.”
You couldn’t help the words that left your mouth. “Like you’re so much better.”
Klaus’s lips parted in shock. “I’ve never lied to you.”
“And I’ve never lied to you. I just withheld the truth. I was going to tell you, I was.” You swallowed, taking a breath, knowing your next words would be the difference between losing Klaus forever or him trusting you. “I love you.”
“You what?”
“I love you.” You shrugged. “And despite what you may think, I’m not my father’s daughter. Just like I know you’re not your father’s son. Which is why you haven’t killed me yet, and you’re not going -”
Your words were cut off by Klaus’s lips on yours. You leaned into his touch, into the way he felt against you. It was a kiss that seemed to last for an age, but at the same time didn’t seem to last long enough. But there would be more time for that later, you knew that as he held your face in his hands, as he confessed his greatest secret. “I love you too.”
You smiled as the fear in your veins began to thaw, replaced with a feeling that warmed you to your core. You knew that when you left your house, there would be questions and Klaus wouldn’t be the only one you would have to convince. As the daughter of Silas, your friends would no doubt be wary of you now, if they weren’t already. You were dating Klaus Mikaelson, after all. 
No, you loved Klaus Mikaelson. 
You drowned out your worries as he kissed you for a second time, ready to face the world and whatever challenges it threw your way. 
You could do it all with Klaus by your side.
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myfandomchangesalot · 3 years
Am I Dreaming - Chapter Eleven
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Introduction, Chapter One , Chapter Two, Chapter Three, Chapter Four, Chapter Five, Chapter Six, Chapter Seven, Chapter Eight, Chapter Nine, Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
It has been a few weeks since the truth came out. Matt has avoided me at all costs, which I’m not surprised about. Klaus has been texting me at least once a day, but I have not replied to him at all. Rebekah has been staying with me. She keeps saying that I got custody of her after the breakup. I wish she wouldn’t fight with her brother, but she won’t listen to me. I have been busy with rehearsals for the upcoming show. It's going well. I really like all the girls that I am cast with. A new girl was actually cast as our lead and I have a slight crush on her, but I don’t know if I am ready to get my heart broken again. Her name is Emmy and she is absolutely stunning. She has gorgeous long brown hair, the prettiest light brown eyes I’ve ever seen, honestly she is perfect and that terrifies me.
I am currently sitting in my living room, cuddling with my cats, and watching Criminal Minds waiting for Rebekah to get home. She said she had to deal with Damon Salvatore, because he keeps sleeping with her just to use her. I feel bad for Bekah. She is absolutely gorgeous, all she wants is love, and no man is willing to give it to her. I could fall in love with her so easily, but I couldn’t do that to her or Niklaus even if I’m mad at him. After the season 12 finale Rebekah stormed in with tears streaming down her face.
I instantly ran up to her and took her in my arms. “Bekah what’s wrong?”
“Finn is dead and Nik is leaving me.”
This was not what I expected. I personally didn’t get to know Finn that well, but I knew he was her oldest brother. “Oh honey. I am so sorry. Let's eat some ice cream in my room.” I never knew how to comfort people. I’m sorry is never enough, but I don’t know what else to say or do.
Rebekah and I head up to my room with two pints of talenti ice cream. We eat them while she tells me all these stories of Finn. Sometimes when she tells stories she makes it seem like she’s been alive for thousands of years. I guess it's just a skill of hers. After crying for a while Bekah said she was tired, so we cuddled together and fell asleep.
The next day was a Saturday and Rebekah we went shopping for the decade dance that was in a month. It was supposed to be a 70’s themed dance which I was so excited for, but Rebekah is determined to make it the 1920’s.
After shopping for like three hours Rebekah had found her entire ensemble and I had found nothing. The 1920’s was not a time for women to be curvy, so all the dresses made me look like an oompa loompa. Rebekah could tell I was getting discouraged, so she decided to drag me into a suit place.
“I know you aren’t loving the dresses, but who says you need to wear a dress! I think you would be the hottest person in a suit at the dance!”
“Fine. I’ll try on a few suits, but then we are getting Chinese food and going home.”
“Yay! Thank you V. Trust me you will not regret this.”
I did not believe Rebekah, but she’s my best friend so I thought I would humor her. The sales person was obviously not used to trying to make suits fit female bodies, but he was so encouraging saying he wished more women wore suits. We ended up deciding on matching cream pinstripe pants and vest and adding a fake little collar with a tie. I had to admit I looked hot. I should’ve never underestimated the powers of Rebekah Mikaelson.
We ended up stopping and getting Chinese food before heading home. I could tell that Rebekah was nervous about something, and I kept asking what it was but she kept ignoring me. I’ve never seen her this nervous. I wished she would tell me what was going on. After we finished our food we put on a movie and Bekah turned to me.
“Do you know who you want to take to the dance?” Bekah asked me.
“Um no. There’s a girl that I kind of like, but after everything with Nik and Matt I don-”
Rebekah cut me off and blurted out “I want to take Matt.” I stayed silent for a few seconds trying to process what she just confessed. “I know you're my best friend and he’s your ex and that is totally against girl code, but I really like him. If you don’t want me to ask him I won’t, but I needed to tell you.”
“Bekah you can ask Matt. I think you guys could be great for each other. I love you and I love him as a friend. It would make me very happy to see you both happy.”
“Thank you V, and who is this girl you like?”
“Oh her name is Emmy, but I don’t even know if she likes girls. She’s in the play with me and I just really like her vibe.”
“Well I will always be team Nik, but I say go for it! The worst she can do is say no.”
“Your right Bekah. I should just do it.”
It’s been three weeks since Bekah and I had that conversation. I took her advice and started flirting with Emmy, and she actually flirted back. We have since gone on a few dates and are planning to go to the dance together. Today is the day we are getting the dance all set up. Rebekah was doing what she does best and dictating how all the decorations should be done. Emmy and I were hanging up a few stars, but I kept almost falling off the ladder because I am such a big clutz. We are in our own little world when Caroline storms in freaking out about the dance not being 1970’s theme anymore. I decided to tune out her argument with Rebekah and just focus on the stars and the beautiful girl beside me.
After the dance was all decorated Matt offered to drive me and Rebekah home. Rebekah hasn’t asked him to the dance yet, so I am hoping that she asks him after they drop me off. The tension was definitely awkward in the truck, because of my past relationship with Matt, but I think it’s time for him to move on and be happy. We got to my house and I got out telling Bekah she needs to go to her house tonight, because Emmy was coming over and that we will see each other at the dance tomorrow. I walked in and went up to my room to try to find an outfit for tonight. We are only teenagers so there’s not a lot we can do as far as dates, but I thought I’d set up a cute little date in my backyard with Christmas lights. After finding an outfit I went downstairs to start the food. We are having chicken alfredo since it’s my favorite food. Once it was all done I saw Emmy was going to be here in 10 minutes so I rushed upstairs and threw on my outfit. I wanted to look cute, but not that I was trying too hard so I chose a little black dress with flowers on it and some knee high black platform boots.
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Emmy got here, I let her in and brought her to the backyard.
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“V, you did all of this?”
“Yeah. I wanted to do something cute since our only local restaurant is the grill which doesn't pass the vibe check.”
“I love it so much! I love all the fairy lights. This is amazing.”
“Thanks Emmy. I’m glad you like it. Sit down and I’ll bring out the food.”
After eating more food than I probably should have and spilling on myself like an idiot I brought Emmy up to my room.
“So this is my room. It’s pretty cringy, but I haven’t really changed anything since I was a kid. I’m going to use the bathroom really quickly, but feel free to look around.”
I went to the bathroom that was attached to my room and started to freshen myself up. I’m not sure if Emmy and I will have sex tonight, but I was not going to be smelly during it so I threw on some more deodorant and perfume. I made sure my hair and makeup still looked good and quickly threw in a breath strip. When I left the bathroom I saw Emmy holding the photo Nik drew.
“Who’s Nik?” She asked me.
“Oh um my ex, he drew that for me.”
“Why do you still have it?”
“I don’t know. I feel beautiful in it.”
“You do look beautiful. He’s a great artist. I just didn’t realize you still had stuff from a past relationship.”
“I just have the photo, it isn't a big deal. Come on Emmy let’s let it go.”
“I think I should go. I’ll see you tomorrow V. I had fun tonight. Bye.”
Emmy stormed off and I flopped down on my bed. Was it really that bad if I still had Nik’s picture? I don’t talk to him and Bekah hasn’t mentioned him since she said he was leaving. I sighed and decided to just go to bed.
I got up in the afternoon the next day and decided to just have a lazy day until I had to get ready. I wanted to spend some time with my kitties since I haven’t spent a lot of time with them. We played with a mouse on a stick toy and a laser pointer. Once they started to get tired I let them rest and decided to start getting ready. I put on the suit Bekah and I got and then I paired it with some red booties, simple cat eye makeup, and I slicked my hair back.
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By the time I finished getting ready. Emmy had arrived to pick me up. She came in, so we could get a few photos taken. My dad got permission from his job to start a few hours late for his shift so he could see me off to my last decade dance. I walked down the stairs and my jaw dropped. Emmy looked absolutely stunning. Her dress was a twist on the 20s and modern and it made her look amazing. I told her how beautiful she looked and we took some cute couple photos and headed on our way. I gave my dad a quick kiss to his cheek and we left.
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We got to the dance and quickly found some of our theatre friends to hangout with. I tried to find Rebekah, but she wasn't there yet. I found this weird since she was so excited, so I sent her a text asking where she was, but I never got a reply. Eventually Emmy pulled me out to the dance floor. We danced to slow songs and fast songs, not thinking about anything but each other. A little while later I felt someone approach behind me.
“You don’t mind if I cut in do you?” The voice behind me made me freeze for a second before I turned to face Niklaus.
“Yes, actually, we do.” I replied and turned back to Emmy, but before I could start dancing with her again she said “No it’s fine.”
Emmy walked away leaving Klaus and I. “Why do you always have to prove you're the alpha male?”
“I don’t have to prove anything, love. I am the alpha male.” Klaus had his signature smirk on his face which caused me to scoff. “Come on, one dance, I won’t bite.”
“Niklaus we both know that’s a lie.” I gave in and started dancing with them. “So I’m guessing the matching suits were due to Rebekah?”
“She was very insistent that I wore this exact color suit, but I assumed it was to help my sister stand out.”
“Speaking of Rebekah, where is she?” I asked, I was starting to get worried. She missed homecoming earlier this year. I couldn't imagine she would miss this.
“I have not seen her love, but don’t worry. She’s probably off flirting with your ex.”
“For your information I gave her the go ahead to date Matt. She deserves a nice guy and Matt is that.” After my last comment we danced in silence for a few seconds.
“You would’ve loved the 1920’s Veronica. Girls were reckless, sexy, fun. They literally used to dance until they dropped.”
“I don’t suppose that ever happened to their dance partners? You talk as if you were there.”
“You should be nicer to me. I’m leaving town tomorrow.”
“Rebekah said you already left her and me. I was surprised to see you here.”
“I had to see you one last time before I left. I’d invite you to come with me, but we both know you’re not ready to accept my offer. Perhaps one day, in a year or even a century, you’ll turn up at my door and let me show you what the world has to offer.”
Nik and I stared into each other's eyes, and I swear I felt a magnet pulling us together. Our lips almost touched, but I remembered where we were. “I’m sorry Nik. I can’t”
“You mark my words. Small town girl, small town life, it won’t be enough for you.” Nik released me and stormed away.
Feeling a bit deflated I go to find Emmy. She was dancing with our group of friends and I decided to join in. Maybe it will make me forget Nik. After dancing for the rest of the night it was announced that the dance was over. Emmy and I went to her car and headed to my house. The ride was quiet for the most part until we pulled up to my house.
“Was that your ex that danced with you?” Emmy asked out of the blue.
“Yes it was.”
“He’s hot. I can see why you dated him.”
“V I really like you, but I can tell you still have some feelings for him. I want you to take a little time and figure out what you want. If you decide you want me I will be here waiting for you, but until then you can do whatever you want with whoever you want.” Emmy pulled me into one last kiss. “Goodbye for now.”
I got out of the car with a heaviness in my heart and walked up to my room. I took off my suit and hopped in the shower. I wasn’t tired yet, so I went to watch TV in my living room. After a few episodes of Criminal Minds I heard a knock on my front door. I went and opened it and saw Nik.
“Nik? What are you-” I was cut off by him pulling me in for a kiss.
Word Count - 2,543
Chapter Eleven is finally here! Sorry for the long delay. Hoping to have Chapter Twelve out Friday. I know the photo of V's suit is actually white, but lets pretend it's cream and matches Nik's suit.
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