catcatb0y · 1 year
Honestly though saying (or implying) that vocaloid or vocal synths in general "devalues the human voice" is SUCH an incredibly shit take for SO many reasons.
Like yeah Saki Fujita getting so many other roles in voice acting because of her contribution to Hatsune Miku (the anime cameos and stuff are usually done with her original voice, them modified to be robotic) is a bit of an outlier when most other vocaloid and sythns don't have that influence.
You can even sort of wave off the dozens upon dozens of people who go for realistic tuning- like whenever a synth has any sort of clarity, there are like five people commenting about how real they sound. Clearly people do still care about human sounding vocals, because they go nuts over realistic vtuning.
There are many different aspects of vocaloid that use human voices, too- from Set It Off's duet "Why Do I?", human rap artists using Miku's vocals as background, and the entire CONCEPT of Project Sekai which releases AND COMMISSIONS songs for vocal synths and real people.
But the sheer number of vocaloid producers who use their own vocals as back up (MikitoP, PinoochioP, and I believe Kira off the top of my head), the number of producers who can sing and/or do self covers (again Kira, GIGA, Ayase, Teniwoha, syudou and so many more), and the amount of vocal producers who have gone forward with legit musical careers after working with vocaloid (Kenshi Yonezu, most notably, who did work for years under the alias Hachi)
I mean, hell. There are vocaloid producers who go on to become vocaloid vocals themselves- like nostraightanswer, the vocal provider for DEX, who has made both vocaloid and original songs. Some even duets.
That's not even including creators like JubyPhonic, Rachie, Will Stenson, Lollia, Octavia, Razzy and Co., and SO many other HUMAN cover artists who gained following or honed their skills on none other than vocaloid covers. (And that's just a handful of English Cover artists, not like Sati Akura a Russian cover artist or Ado who has commissioned songs from vocaloid artists)
It's also not including UTAUites who input their own voices to use for covers.
"Devalues the human voice" is such blatant bs. They ARE human voices. They are OUR voices. "You'd think by now that we would have learned, behind every piece if art is a human to be heard." (- CircusP, 'Better Off Worse')
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fragmcntedsouls · 6 months
continued from here // delainey moore @lawfvlhunter
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Turning up at Laine’s apartment was a risk and there was a part of him that wondered whether or not she would be willing to accommodate him. He soon breathed a sigh of relief as the door was pushed open wider, even if no formal invitation was offered. "I didn't know where else to go."
His admittance was followed by hesitation, before eventually offering reassurance, "before you ask, no I wasn't followed and nobody knows that i’m here but --" clearing his throat, he ran a thumb across brow, exhaling unsteadily. "They came looking for me at work. OEA, I mean. Started asking questions -- I uh, slipped out the back." His jaw tightened, knowing that it wasn't safe for Sierra or the kids for him to be at the house and he wondered how selfish that made him for now turning up at Laine’s door. And now, whether or not those circumstances would encourage her to resend her invitation. 
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familiar-bonds · 2 years
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Every new town brings a handful of new familiars for you to meet! and if you missed one from a different location there are a few special familiars with a chance to show up in unexpected locations..
Weird how it says you can find those ones in the middle of the ocean there. huh.
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fyrewalks · 4 months
[ support ] sender quietly sitting down next to receiver to let them know they're there // @hauntboxed
"Don't fucking start," Nat says, voice sharp, before she even looks up from her drink to see whose foolish enough to sit next to her.
She exhales, shoulders loosing a touch of tension as she recognizes Dex's profile. Her gaze returns to the beer in front of her, label nearly picked off entirely. She balls up a bit of the soggy paper between her fingers, but doesn't say anything. She doesn't apologize for snapping, either. Dex is a big boy, he can deal with it - besides, it's the tamest thing she's said all day.
The hop was shit. The briefing after, somehow, impossibly, worse. If it were Bradley or Jake beside her right now, she would've dumped her beer on them before finding somewhere else to be. She doesn't even want to think off Bob or his stupid doe eyes, either. So, Dex should consider himself lucky.
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fishybehavior · 8 months
I'm about to make the stupidest gal in all of baulders gate 3
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virtuousouls · 1 year
continued from here | @lcnelylcves
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"maybe don't act that way and i wouldn't demand anything," korra said, rolling her eyes. the other seemed grumpy and miserable and maybe korra could have approached the situation better. but she was hot headed and the way he had spoken had annoyed her. though she was sure people would ask the same of her -- and had before. "at least you're self aware."
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randomitemdrop · 9 months
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Item: Xena cereal. If eaten in late 2001 when it was released or soon after, grants 1 hour of expertise with throwing circles and ridiculous flipping skills where if you make a successful Dex check you can do a sweet flip to any spot within 200 ft. (If eaten after it’s expired, 1 hour Nauseated.)
Note: “A Taste of Honey”? They really managed to find a name for a cereal that sounds like the title of, y’know, what back then we called a Lemon FemSlash
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the-whatcherof-89 · 3 months
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Commission for @pixlemonade
Grian “Big Boss” Xelqua Aka The Legendary Poultry Man.
CR 17 N Medium Humanoid Strix
XP 102,400 (if used as npc for encounter)Strix Cleric 10 Evangelist 7
Neutral Medium humanoid, Strix Init +2; Senses Perception +29
AC 31, touch 13, flat-footed 29 (+2 Dex, +10 Armor, +4 Shield, +1 Intuition, +4 Natural) hp 115 (16d8+34)
Fort +11, Ref +19, Will +12
Speed 60 ft. Flying, Land speed 30ft. Melee Returning shortspear+16/11/6 1D8+4 RangedRanged Spell+14, Returning shortspear+17/12/7 1D8+4
Racial Dayguard, Suspicious, Darkvision 60ft, Low light vision 60ft, Hatred, Fly speed 60ft, Land speed 30ft.
Traits Obsession(Buttons, etc), Spark of creation.
Class features Aura, Channel Energy 9D6, Domains Artifice, Air), Divine obedience,Skilled (Use magic device, Fly), Protective grace +2, Aligned class (Cleric), Divine boons (Strategic warrior, Sensibility of crafting), Creator’s touch, Material transformation, Gift of tongues(Ignan, Auran), Multitude of talents(+4 sacred bonus on untrained skills).
Spellcasting CL17 DC17 spells per day 
Str 12, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 24, Cha 10
Base Atk +12/7/2; CMB +13; CMD +25
Feats Brew potions, Deific obedience, Extend spell, Craft magic weapons and armors, Craft wondrous magic items, Empower spells, Quicken spells, Maximize spells, Master crafter.
Skills Appraise +5, Craft(Metal) +20, Craft(Stone) +14, Diplomacy +4, Fly +21, Heal +10, Knowledge (arcana, history, religion) +14, engineering +9 (nobility, the planes,) +5, Linguistics +5, Perception +19, Profession(architect) +19, (engineer)+14, Sense motive +14, Spellcraft +14, Use magic device +13.
Languages Common, Draconic, Strix, Ignan, Auran.
Combat gear Manual of understanding+3(used), Returning shortspear+3, Mithral catskin breastplate+4, Caster shield(greater), Amulet of natural armor+4, Dusty rose ion stone, Headband of aerial agility+6(Wis), Rainbow lenses, Eagle cape, Belt of goat strength, Rod of thunder and lighting, Robe of useful items, Arrow magnet, Band of the colorful(pride) flight (ring of feather falling+Ring of flying improved+Colored flight), 4 Potions of cure critical wounds, Cleric kit, MWK tools(stone mason), 105GP.
Spells per day 0- All. 1-Animate ropes, Bless, Command, Divine favor, Sanctuary, Shield of faith, Summon monster I 2-Wind wall, Bear’s endurance, Sonic boom, Cat’s grace, Summon monster 2, Aid, Make whole. 3-Gaseous form, Dispel magic, Summon monster 3, Remove blindness/deafness, Blindness/deafness, Remove curse, Protection from energy. 4-Airwalk, Summon minor planar ally, Summon monster 4, Divine power, Freedom of movement, Divination. 5-Fabricate, Flamestrike, Summon monster 5, Spell resistance, Truesight, Reanimate dead. 6-Major creation, Planar ally, Animate objects, Dispel magic major, Word of return, Blade wall, Mass bull strength. 7-Elemental body(air), Regeneration, Destruction, Resurrection. 8-Whirlwind, Planar ally major, Summon monster VIII. 9-Miracle, Prismatic sphere.
Mumbo Jumbo Aka Bumbo Baggins the Mustache Man.
CR 17 N Humanoid, Dwarf
XP 102,400 (if used as npc for encounter)Dwarf Wizard (Conjurer, Creation school)15 Lore master 2
Neutral Medium humanoid Init +2; Senses Perception +20
AC 22, touch 17, flat-footed 20 (+2 Dex, +5 Deflection, +5Mage armor) Hp 135 (17d6+51)
Fort +13, Ref +13, Will +17
Speed 20 ft. Melee Father’s forgehammer+11/6 1d8+31 RangedRanged Spell+10
Racial Speed 20ft, Defensive training, Unstoppable, Stone cunning, Craftsman, Industrious urbanite, Stability, Darkvision 60ft, Weapon familiarity.
Traits Spark of creation, Socially awkward.
Class features Summon familiar (archetype Valet), Arcane bond (Familiar Cat), Create gear, Creator’s will, Summoner’s charm, Scribe scroll, Specialization  school (Conjuration), Arcane discoveries: Arcane builder(wondrous magic items), Fast study, Golem constructor(Iron), Lore, Secret of health, Applicable knowledge(Forge ring).
Spellcasting CL17 DC18 spells per day 4/6/6/6/6/5/5/4/3/1
Str 12, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 26, Wis 14, Cha 8
Base Atk +8/3; CMB +9; CMD +21
Feats Brew potions, Extend spell, Skill focus (Knowledge Arcana), Alchemical affinity, Craft wondrous magic items, Craft magic armors and weapons, Maximize spell, Empower spell.
Skills Appraise +16, Craft(Metal) +28, Craft(Redstone) +28, Fly +10, Knowledge (Arcana +31, Dungeoneering +16, Engineering+28, Nature+16, Geography+16, History+16, Local+16, Nobility+11, Planes +16, Religion+11), Linguistics +2, Perception +10, Profession(engineer)+22, Perform(oratory) +3, Spellcraft +28, Use magic device +19.
Languages Common, Draconic, Dwarf, Giant, Terran, Orchis, Acquan.
Combat gear Headband of mental prowess+4(Int, Wis, Craft metal), Amulet of spell mastery, monocle of flawlessness, Father’s forge hammer, Engineer’s workgloves, Winged boots, Belt of giant strength+2, All tools vest, Traveler’s any tool, Handy haversack, Mallet of building, Clock of resistance+5, Ring of protection+5, Ring of crafting improved(Redstone), Artificer portable lab, Mumbo’s top hat(functions as a Cap of light and a Hedge wizard Conjurer’s cloak), Conduit rod, Scrolls(Planar binding greater, Anywhere but here, Expeditious constructions), Staff of conjuration, Blessed book, Potions(4 Cure Critical wounds, 2 Invisibility, 2 Blur), Wand of Summon monster II, Wizard kit, 15GP.
Spells known Mostly Conjuration spells Forbidden schools: Necromancy, Enchantment (around 45) 
Spells typically prepared 9-Portal. 8-Summon monster VIII, Labyrinth 7-Limited wish, Wondrous mansion, Clenched hand, Reflect spells. 6-Mass bull strength, Contingency, Chain lighting, Iron wall, Dispel magic greater. 5-Telekinesis, Teleportation, Summon monster V, Wall of stone, Cone of cold. 4-Elastic sphere, Summon monster IV, Dimensional door, Stoneskin, Black tentacles, Solid fog. 3-Haste, Shrink item, Fireball, Summon monster III, Dispel magic, Resist energy. 2-Make whole, Mirror images, Glitterdust, Summon swarm, Web, See invisibility. 1-Shrink person, Magic missile, Grease, Unseen servant, Mage armor, Shield.
0-All except forbidden schools.
Background Grian and Mumbo lived in a faraway land known for their hermit residents where they are renowned for their incredible talent for architecture and his incredibly complex contraptions respectively. Both of them where building some crazy structure and as always creating some cunning brain-teaser or practical joke to have a laugh while at it. Still, when one day they were about to make their usual pranks and almost detonated each other in the attempt, Grain and Mumbo heard a voice: “Your aid… needed… someone important… lost… will you aid us?” Thinking it was a prank from another Hermit known for his Scars and his fancy Top Hats they went along and accepted only to find themselves transformed and transported into a completely different world. Now they have a mission on hand: Retrieve a lost entity from far away that bestowed part of his powers upon them.
IMPORTANT: None of the images are mine they belong to the following artists in the link. I did this for no profit only for entertainment.
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yallemagne · 11 months
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God returned with a moth chained to his hand "There's so many things that you'll never understand... So come to me, we can change night into day. You'll hold my hand so you'll never go astray." GOD DEVOURED THAT OF FATHER
Honey I'm Home - GHOST ft. DEX
This is a project I have been working on since August, and I thought there was no better time to post these frames on Halloween!
This is art of my ongoing Orice series where Jonathan is targeted by Dracula in October rather than Mina.
My Ko-fi
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doodle-do-wop · 3 months
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Zoom Ins under cut
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background toothless with Stina and Dex because of course this is also a Copper Mares AU
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Keefe still doesn't have abs but I made a deal with @myfairkatiecat and @permanently-stressed; abs for a Copper Mares fic
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thecreaturecodex · 4 months
The Laughing Hand
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Image by Jolyne Garcia, © Hasbro and Critical Role. Accessed at the Critical Role Wiki here
[Sponsored by @tar-baphon. Critical Role is not something I ever got into. And despite two official D&D sourcebooks for Critical Role and a post-OGL fantasy heartbreaker RPG written for the setting, there's no official statblock for Ganix the Laughing Hand. There are, however, plenty of dedicated fans on the CR Wiki and on Reddit who made observations about his abilities and some guesswork onto their own statblocks, which I did reference. Some things that I noticed while working on this stat block are the persistence of D&D 4e design elements into what is nominally a 5e campaign (but of course is really an entertainment podcast first and foremost). In Critical Role, the Laughing Hand is a servitor of Torog, a god from the 4e "Points of Light" setting who does not officially appear in D&D 5e except in the Critical Role sourcebooks. He can also summon minions, and has absolutely no ranged capacity, which are both very 4e design elements. I made him a servitor of Yhidothrus, being PF's giant subterranean worm divinity, gave him unholy blight so he wasn't completely helpless against an army of flying PCs and... had to get creative with the minions.]
The Laughing Hand CR 17 CE Outsider (extraplanar) This hulking giant is twice as tall as a normal man. His skin is gray and splashed with red, and his eyes burn yellow beneath his thick hooded leather cloak. One of his hands is replaced with an oversized, double-edged blade, and the other has a fanged mouth in the palm. Similar fanged mouths open up over his body at odd angles, twisted into wry, mocking smiles.
The Laughing Hand was once a mortal general named Garix. Garix dared to challenge Yhidothrus, rallying an army to slay the Ravager Worm in a mad attempt to fight and kill the concept of entropy itself. Only Garix and his prized hunting hounds were even able to reach Yhidothrus directly, and the demon lord was amused by the hubris of his human adversary. After a century of torture, Garix was transformed into the Laughing Hand, a fiend that will come back from death endlessly to inflict suffering on the world of men.
Garix finds his own torment and transformation hilarious, and unless he is trying to be stealthy, he constantly laughs from his many mouths. This laughter causes creatures to freeze in terror, being unable to flee or fight back as the Laughing Hand tears them apart. If blades are raised against him, a new mouth opens up, adding to the horrible chorus. The Laughing Hand is often mobile in combat, leaping across the battlefield in order to target vulnerable targets. He can summon ghastly shadows of his beloved hounds, which he uses to block pursuit and set up flanking.
In order to slay Garix permanently, his heart must be found—this was cut from his chest and transformed into an oversized reliquary of sorts. This structure, called the Permaheart, is on a demiplane accessible only through a handful of portals. Finding this heart is a goal of both Yhidothrus’ enemies and cultists—his cultists in order to gain leverage over one of their god’s most powerful servants. If the Permaheart is ever destroyed, the Laughing Hand’s defenses weaken, but even then he is still a powerful melee combatant.
The Laughing Hand        CR 17 XP 102,400 CE Large outsider (chaos, evil, extraplanar) Init +8; Senses darkvision 60 ft., Perception +31, see invisibility Aura mocking laughter (15 ft., DC 25)
Defense AC 33, touch 14, flat-footed 29 (-1 size, +4 Dex, +1 dodge, +4 armor, +15 natural) hp 264 (23d10+138) Fort +13, Ref +17, Will +18 DR 15/good; Immune poison; Resist cold 10, electricity 10, fire 10; SR 28 Defensive Abilities fortification (50%),rejuvenation
Offense Speed 40 ft. Melee armblade +30 (2d8+8/17-20), slam +30 (2d6+8 plus grab), bite +30 (1d8+8) Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. Special Attacks rake (bites +30, 1d8+8) Spell-like Abilities CL 17th, concentration +21 Constant—see invisibility At will—unholy blight (DC 18) 1/day—summon (8th level, 100%)
Statistics Str 27, Dex 19, Con 22, Int 13, Wis 20, Cha 18 Base Atk +23; CMB +32 (+36 grapple); CMD 47 Feats Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Critical (armblade), Improved Initiative, Great Cleave, Mobility, Nimble Moves, Outflank, Power Attack, Precise Strike, Spring Attack Skills Acrobatics +30 (+34 when jumping), Climb +34, Intimidate +30, Perception +31, Sense Motive +31, Survival +31, Swim +34 Languages Abyssal, Aklo, Common SQ mighty leap, spawn maw
Ecology Environment any land or underground (Abyss) Organization unique Treasure standard (+2 moderate fortification leather armor, other treasure)
Special Abilities Armblade (Ex) The Laughing Hand’s armblade is treated as a primary natural weapon that deals slashing damage and threatens a critical hit on a roll of 19-20. Aura of Mocking Laughter (Su) All creatures within 15 feet of the Laughing Hand must succeed a DC 25 Will save or cower in fear for 1 round. The Laughing Hand can suppress or resume this ability as a free action. Demons are immune to this effect. This is a mind-influencing fear effect and the save DC is Charisma based. Mighty Leap (Ex) The Laughing Hand suffers no penalty from making a long jump without a running start. If he does get a running start, he doubles the distance traveled. Rake (Ex) When the Laughing Hand uses his rake attack, he normally has only one bite. He gains more bites by the use of the spawn maw ability. Rejuvenation (Su) If the Laughing Hand is slain, he reforms 24 hours later in the Spiral Paths. This can be disrupted if the Permaheart, hidden on a demiplane, is destroyed. If the Permaheart is destroyed and the Laughing Hand still lives, he loses his energy resistances, his DR is reduced to 5/good and his SR reduced to 18. Spawn Maw (Su) Whenever the Laughing Hand takes 10 or more damage from a piercing or slashing weapon, a new mouth opens up in the wound. This raises the save DC of the aura of mocking laughter by +1 for as long as the maw exists (to a maximum save DC of 35 for 10 maws), and gives the Laughing Hand another bite attack it can use when it uses its rake ability. Maws spawned this way last for 1 minute before they are resorbed into the Laughing Hand’s body. Summon (Sp) Once per day as a standard action, the Laughing Hand can summon four bleak hounds. Treat these as 10th level dog animal companions, only with spider climb as a constant supernatural ability and Precise Strike and Outflank as bonus feats. These hounds last for 1 hour or until slain.
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fragmcntedsouls · 5 months
" i didn’t know where else to go. “ (Dex and Everleigh)
dex vane ✦memes 
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He knew that look – the way that her features contorted and her eyes were glazed over. He’d seen it on her face a thousand times before, even been its cause and each time he'd been a witness, he could swear that he felt a part of his soul becoming lost within a harrowing abyss. His stern expression faltered at the sight – just as it had a thousand times before. 
"I didn’t know where else to go."
His body moved reluctantly, almost a betrayal as he reached for her – pulling her closer within a moment of complete weakness. His compliance however, wasn’t for her – this was for their daughter. A daughter who had already had so much of her young life stolen from her because of the actions and the reckless choices of her parents. “You know that you can’t be here.”
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a-lil-rats-art · 2 months
The one shots I'm currently working on:
Ruewen game night ft. Keefe
The Great Imparter Heist
Dex Recruits Keefe and Tam into the Great Prankster Society
Keefe’s Hair Drying Routine
Which ones are you interested in???
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thirdtofifth · 1 year
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Gray Jester Medium fey, neutral evil Armor Class 14 Hit Points 58 (9d8 + 18) Speed 50 ft. Str 10, Dex 19, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 11, Cha 17 Skills Acrobatics +6, Performance +5, Stealth +6 Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks Senses darkvision 60 ft. passive Perception 10 Languages Common, Elven, Sylvan Challenge 4 (1100 XP) Actions Multiattack. The gray jester uses Empathic Feeding. It then makes two attacks with its scepter. Scepter. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d6+4) bludgeoning damage plus 2 (1d4) psychic damage. If the target is a creature with an Intelligence score of 5 or greater, it must succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw or fall into fits of laughter and become incapacitated for 1 minute. An incapacitated creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of the each of its turns, and each time it takes damage, ending the effect on itself on a success. The target has advantage on the saving throw if it's triggered by damage. Empathic Feeding. The gray jester chooses up to three creatures within 30 feet of it with an Intelligence score of 5 or higher. Each of those creatures must succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw or take 7 (2d6) psychic damage. A creature reduced to 0 hit points by this effect is transformed into a bleak one under the gray jester's control, then that bleak one regains 10 hit points. A bleak one has the same statistics as the creature, except its Intelligence and Charisma are 1, and it is immune to psychic damage. A bleak one can be restored to the creature it was transformed from with a remove curse spell. The gray jester can have no more than twelve bleak ones under its control at one time.
These otherworldly fey feed on joy and laughter, though not to bring happiness to themselves, merely to feed an insatiable need to drain it from others. They prefer to target children, but any humanoids will do. They are always equipped with their scepter, and pearly white broken teeth shine from behind their lipless grin. They are almost entirely devoid of color. They will use their bleak ones (usually commoner or thug stat block) as bodyguards. Gray jesters stand around 6 feet tall and weigh around 110 lbs.
Originally from Heroes of Horror. A request from kingblackfire.
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monstersdownthepath · 4 months
Homebrew Horror: Dominion Disassemblers
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(Art from The Book of Unremitting Horror, pg. 66)
Though this is beyond the knowledge of any worldly being, the Dominion of the Black was not always the galactic union it is now. Until a united council with a common goal took the head of the Dominion, wars both petty and planet-scarring were common among its many factions, though in the centuries since their grand union, these squabbles have been reduced to near-nonexistence except when weapons must be tested.
Many relics from this tumultuous time remain in use even to this day, one of the most 'famous' being the Gan-Dergorin, known in the common tongue as Dominion Disassembler, monstrous, nigh-unkillable biomechanical titans with a unique behavioral quirk built into their very genetic code which made them useful in the old wars, and has them remaining useful even now, long after they're no longer needed for their original purpose: destroying Dominion technology. The war machines of the Dominion are unlike any of the minor scouting and scientific units seen on Golarion's soil, the twisted mixtures of flesh and steel nearly impossible to truly put down for good, able to continue their terrible march even as enormous portions of their bodies were torn away.
That is where the Gan-Dergorin come in. These bestial constructs have a simple tactic when facing down any enemy: tear it to pieces too small to remain active. Even the most resilient Dominion machines of terror cannot survive the thoroughness of the destruction that Disassemblers enact upon them, severing every single joint and connector from one another until their victims are rent to their smallest possible components. A Disassembler which has the time to do so will then go even further by separating all types of tissue and matter from one another, then carefully sorting the mangled gore into piles and rows based on how useful it believes its alien masters may find the components, behavior which assured a steady stream of resources for the flesh-forges of the Dominion.
Even today, their gruesome displays are useful when intimidating or punishing captive populations, though Dominion science has advanced to the point such brutal measures are no longer needed; they have much more thorough and effective means of reducing living creatures to their component parts. As such, Disassemblers are used as weapons of terror against the Dominion's enemies among the stars and within their own populations, though this isn't to say they're restricted to distant worlds.
The arrival of a Disassembler on soil beyond the Dominion's grip is an occurrence which is rare to the point of nonexistence, but it has happened both by accident (errant portals and teleportation errors) and purposeful action. On the exceedingly rare occasions when a cultist manages to establish and survive contact with entities concerned with the Dominion's war effort, they can be convinced to send one of these horrors to the cultist's world. Rarely does the cultist survive to give the war machines an actual order, allowing the machine to do what it does best: kill anything it encounters, and assure its own continued survival.
Gan-Dergorin CR 11 Chaotic Evil Large Construct Init +2; Senses: Darkvision 80ft, Low-light vision, blindsense 10 ft, Perception +17 Aura: Frightful Presence (60ft, DC 15) ----- Defense ----- AC 25; touch 11; flat-footed 23 (+2 Dex, +14 natural, -1 size) HP:110 (13d10+30) Fast Healing 5 Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +7 Defensive Abilities: Reassemble, Upgrade; DR 5/--; Immune Construct traits; Resist Fire 10, Cold 10, Electricity 10; Weakness Serial Number, Thorough Disassembly ----- Offense ----- Speed: 30 ft, climb 10ft Melee: Pneumatic Cleaver +19/+14/+9 (2d6+6/x3), Variable Arms +13 (2d6+3/19-20) Space/Reach: 10ft/10ft ----- Statistics ----- Str 22, Dex 15, Con --, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 6 Base Atk +13; CMB +20; CMD 32 Feats: Cleave, Cleaving Finish, Critical Focus, Improved Cleaving Finish, Great Cleave, Power Attack, Technologist(B), Weapon Focus (Pneumatic Cleaver) Skills: Climb +19, Disable Device +9 (+13 vs machinery/technology), Perception +17, Stealth +3; Racial Modifiers: +4 to Disable Device checks against complex machinery and technology Languages: Aklo (rarely speaks) SQ: Freeze (pile of metal junk), Standing Orders, Thorough Disassembly ----- Ecology ----- Environment: Any Organization: Solitary Treasure: Standard (scrap material, integrated items)
----- Combat: Disassemblers are not complicated creatures. They charge into combat with reckless abandon, using their Great Cleave and Improved Cleaving Finish to slaughter as many weak enemies as they can with a single attack before focusing down remaining foes one at a time with their Full-Attacks, using Power Attack at every opportunity. If given an option, Disassemblers prefer to target any creature capable dealing damage it cannot resist or nullify. A Disassembler will chase down any creature it believes it can kill and will not stop until its enemy escapes or it is driven back by damage.
Morale: A Disassembler brought below 1/4th of its HP maximum will immediately retreat to recover, even if it means abandoning fallen foes, Once it has regained at least half of its total HP and perhaps integrated new weapons, it will track down its foes to dispatch them. If it is slain in combat but permitted to return to function, it will Upgrade itself and track down its killers if possible, and follow its Standing Orders if not.
Reassemble (Ex): Dominion Disassemblers can reattach severed limbs and portions of their bodies by holding it to themselves for 1 full round. A Dominion Disassembler is not destroyed when it reaches 0 HP, but is rendered inert and helpless. 1d4 hours after being reduced to 0 HP, all the alien machinery within whirls back to life--it reactivates at 1 hitpoint and resumes Fast Healing. Only the thorough and comprehensive destruction of its remains using methods such as immersion in magma, acid, or a similar substance, or turning to ash via Disintegrate or similar, can prevent a Disassembler from returning to function; otherwise, it can pull itself together from even the smallest remains.
Serial Number (Ex): All Disassemblers possess a serial number etched on a plate of alien metal somewhere within their body which is kept hidden near their centers. The number cannot be observed unless the construct has been rendered helpless, and even then it requires a DC 23 Perception check to find. Any creature capable of reading and speaking Aklo can make a DC 23 Linguistics check to memorize the Serial Number or write it down perfectly.
A creature may give a verbal command to a Disassembler by speaking its entire serial number aloud and stating the action they wish it to take, in Aklo. Due to the length and complexity of each serial number, this is a full-round action which provokes an attack of opportunity, and being struck by the attack of opportunity ruins the attempt to speak the number. If left without orders, Disassemblers typically try to destroy any creature that knows their serial number. Most creatures which learn of a Disassembler's serial number can easily get rid of the creature by ordering it to take a self-destructive action, or to accept the effects of a spell which will teleport or plane shift it a great distance away.
Standing Orders (Ex): To await further orders from their commanders, Disassemblers go into a low-power mode if they have not encountered another creature in 24 hours. In this mode, they come to rest and resemble a pile of junk, though they remain somewhat aware of their surroundings and may make Perception checks at a -5 penalty to detect nearby creatures and passively make Stealth checks to hide in plain sight as a pile of scrap. They can remain in this low-power state indefinitely, and will do so as long as they are not alerted to any creature, and spring back to full functionality instantly when alerted.
Thorough Disassembly (Ex): A Disassembler gets Technologist as a bonus feat and has a +4 bonus to Disable Device checks to sabotage or take apart complex machinery and advanced technology, and Disable Device is a class skill for it. In addition, after reducing a creature to 0 HP, the Disassembler is compelled to butcher it to prevent its return. It can resist this compulsion by succeeding a DC 20 Will save; otherwise, it must spend its next round attempting to coup de grace that creature if it is still alive, or to begin ripping it to pieces if it is dead.
Upgrade (Ex): When a Disassembler is defeated but permitted to Reassemble, it learns from its failure and seeks out methods to upgrade itself. A Disassembler has a number of Upgrade Points equal to 3 + its Wisdom modifier (6 for a typical Disassembler) that it may divide as it sees fit, and each time it is defeated, its Upgrade Points reset and may be redistributed. A Disassembler requires 1d4+1 days to make upgrades to itself as it gathers raw material from any source it can find (the DM may rule it finds parts much faster in areas with high amounts of technology), and never wastes time and resources upgrading itself unless it is defeated. It can take most of the upgrades multiple times; their effects stack. It will typically choose upgrades which prevent it from being beaten via the same methods it fell to previously.
1 Point: Gain 10 points of resistance to 1 form of elemental damage, or increases its resistance to an element by 10.
1 Point: Increase its natural armor by +1 or its DR/-- by 1.
1 Point: The Disassembler integrates a set of armor and/or a shield it can get ahold of into its body, granting itself the benefits of wearing the armor/shield (AC, magical abilities) but without suffering armor check penalties or speed reductions. It can only integrate one set of armor and one shield at a time.
2 Points: Increase its walk and climb speed by 10ft each, or gain a 10ft swim speed.
2 Points: Gain a +2 profane bonus to a saving throw of its choice.
3 Points: Gain 25% Fortification.
3 Points: Gain 1 feat it qualifies for.
Variable Arms (Ex): The Disassembler's Variable Arms natural attack can switch between slashing, piercing, or bludgeoning damage as a swift action, or change into a tool capable of fine manipulation which also acts as thieves' tools. The construct can also replace its Pneumatic Cleaver with any melee weapon it finds with 1 minute of work, losing its Cleaver attack but allowing it to use that weapon without penalty. It is considered proficient with any weapon it integrates, and wields even two-handed weapons with a single limb.
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menagerieofmagic · 5 months
Fae Fennec
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Fae Fennec
Tiny fey, neutral good
Armor Class: 13
Hit Points: 10 (3d4 + 3)
Speed: 20 ft., fly 40 ft.
STR: 3 (-4)
DEX: 17 (+3)
CON: 12 (+1)
INT: 14 (+2)
WIS: 15 (+2)
CHA: 16 (+3)
Skills: Perception +4, Stealth +5
Senses: darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14
Languages: Sylvan, Common
Challenge: 1/2 (100 XP)
Innate Spellcasting. The Fae Fennec's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 13). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:
At will: druidcraft, minor illusion
3/day each: faerie fire, healing word
Agile Flyer. The Fae Fennec doesn't provoke opportunity attacks when it flies out of an enemy's reach.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1 piercing damage.
Dust Sprinkle (Recharge 4–6). The Fae Fennec flutters its wings rapidly, releasing a cloud of magical dust in a 10-foot radius around itself. Each creature in the area must succeed on a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw or become charmed for 1 minute. A charmed target regards the Fae Fennec as a friendly acquaintance. The effect ends if the Fae Fennec or its companions do anything harmful to the charmed creature. The creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, with disadvantage if the Fae Fennec is within line of sight, ending the effect on itself on a success.
Fey Escape. When the Fae Fennec takes damage, it can use its reaction to turn invisible and fly up to its speed without provoking opportunity attacks. The invisibility lasts until the end of its next turn or until the Fae Fennec attacks, casts a spell, or deals damage.
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