#‘​crocodile is luffys mom’ is another one
swordsmans · 2 years
What’s the Mihawk is a sentient sword theory?
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elles-home · 26 days
hey it’s one day since i read one piece chapter 1124 and im still thinking of luffy crying over not being able to save vegapunk. because like, if we’re being serious, luffy had lost two of his brothers, one when he was way too tiny (and ended up not having lost at all) but another who he tried so, so hard to save and ended up failing. and like, ace didn’t even ask to be saved, you know? luffy wanted to, because that’s his brother, and that’s what you do for your brothers.
and then, throughout the series, you see how luffy looks at death. he sees it as inevitable. especially in alabasta, when vivi talks about how she wants to save the country and take down crocodile, but without killing anyone on either side, he calls wishes idealistic and impossible. people die, but we should try to do achieve our goals anyway. you don’t have to carry this burden alone (i am not rereading alabasta rn to cite accurately)
and then, back to the whole series again. they always succeed in their goals, they cause immense property destruction sure, but most of the time they don’t kill people. at least, luffy doesn’t. and one piece rarely focuses on death of the local armies, and we are more or less lead to believe they don’t die (except for marineford). the only other arcs with deaths shown indubitably (not counting flashbacks) were in punk hazard, when law kills dofflamingo’s underlyings , in whole cake island, when big mom ate one of her kids, and wano, when people from the akazaya nine passed away, in addition to orochi and then big mom and kaido (i like to think they died. but you know, this is one piece. so i’m always skeptical of deaths in the series)
and so now back to egghead. they are off the high of defeating two emperors of the sea, luffy is declared an emperor, and they meet a guy that requests them to save him. and luffy promises, and luffy always keeps his promises. and they tried. they tried so hard, they really, really did. but they failed to save the human body, and this upset luffy so much.
because luffy loves. he loves and cares for the people he meets and these guys offered them food and told robin her long lost friend was alive and so many things happened and they tried, they really really tried, but luffy failed to save vegapunk’s human body and this isn’t the kind of failure he hasn’t had to deal with since ace passing away two years ago and suddenly it doesn’t matter how strong he is, he couldn’t even save one old man. so he’s devastated. he’s crying. he’s eating only grapes, and slowly too (nevermind they’re from elbaph and huge).
and zoro’s comment on luffy, i think it’s more like, at this point in the game, we should be aware that death is inevitable. i think he thinks luffy should accept that. he’s obviously not saying it to luffy though, he’s letting the boy grieve. but when luffy realises lilith is alive and that means so is vegapunk, he’s happy again. and the crew tells zoro luffy is good again too.
i don’t know where i was going with this. i just have really big feelings about luffy all the time.
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moongothic · 10 months
You know. If Crocodad Real. How would Luffy even react if he found out. Like really, how the fuck would he feel about it.
'Cause like how I went over in this post (briefly at the end), we don't even know how Luffy feels about Crocodile as he is right now, so can you imagine how that bombshell would impact things
Like my running theory is that Luffy still hates Crocodile but maybe not quite as much as pre-Impel Down since he kiiinda owes him etc
And Luffy does not seem to give a shit about blood connections, at least not that much. Like don't get me wrong, Luffy's family are the people who were there for him when he was a child, those are the people he cares about and his bio-parents don't really matter. But also, honestly, I think the reason Luffy doesn't give a shit about who his parents are is because he doesn't know them. Luffy cares about people who he knows and likes, and while he doesn't give a shit about Dragon right now, it's arguably because he simply just doesn't know him. If the two actually get to meet and know each other, like if Luffy takes a liking Dragon, he'll probably accept Dragon as his dad and as his family. But on his own terms. It's up to Luffy to decide
And that's why like. How would Luffy react to finding out he has another dad and that one is fucking Crocodile. Because he already hates the man. It would not be happy news for him I'm sure
The other thing is that normally Luffy does not give a flying fuck about people's sad backstories. He didn't care to hear what happened to Nami and her village for example, because what really mattered was that there was a person he cared about who was deeply hurt and in danger and he wanted to help said person. And that's where I'm so torn. Because on one hand, it would be perfectly on-brand for Luffy to not give a shit of Crocodile had a sob story to tell. But also, I could imagine Luffy being so fucking confused over the news that he'd want to hear the truth of like, who what where how why, in detail. So that, you know, he could make his own decision and figure out if he wants to considder Crocodile is other dad or disown him.
Like, both feel like things Luffy would do
So really, would the real deciding factor might be just... the circumstances where Luffy finds out???
God knows, I can not imagine Crocodile himself telling Luffy anything ever. The kid already hates him, he knows it, so he'd probably think it'd be for the best if Luffy never found out
So how else could Luffy find out then?
As far as we know, the only other person who could confirm it would be Dragon himself, and considdering how he probably feels about his ex (see: Alabasta Coup Attempt), I can't imagine him wanting to talk about Crocodile to Luffy in lenght or in a positive light. Like I can't imagine Dragon wanting to tell Luffy at all is the point, not unless he wanted to like apologize to Luffy because it is arguably his fault Luffy and Crocodile fought in Alabasta to near-death to begin with. (Sidenote since we don't know how the break-up happened to begin with, it's totally possible Crocodile could've asked Dragon to never let their kid find out what happened to his "mom")
And now, this is where I'm gonna go completely off the rails, but. As I was wondering if there was any other way Luffy could find out...
S-Croc is made with Crocodile's DNA.
(And actually before I even go into S-Croc, super quick sidenote: If Kuma can extract memories out of people and allow other people to literally see them... Like I can't tell if Kuma's memories got absorbed by Bonney when she looked into them or if Kuma's Memory Bubble is still on Egghead, but if viewing the memories isn't the same as having them inserted into a vessel permanently... Like if Kuma isn't turbo-dead, could there be a scenario where we have Kuma (or S-Bear) yeet out Croc's memories and have Luffy just look into them? Because god knows Crocodile might just refuse to speak about it and that could be the only way to get The Whole Truth if Dragon doesn't want to talk about it either?) (Of course, Crocodile would understand just How Persistent Luffy is so if Luffy just kept on annoying him about it, Crocodile could maybe give up eventually because he knows he can't get Luffy to piss off until he spills the beans)
So currently the Strawhat's plan is for them to go and escort the Vegapunks to Elbaf (if nothing goes funny after the flashback is over, which remains to be seen)
2. There is the mystery of what sex S-Croc is going to be, because there is a possibility that if Crocodile is trans then his Seraphim could be pre-T (though this entirely depends on whether or not Ivankov's HRT changes even the DNA of person. Since it's MAGIC HRT I would prefer it to, not gonna lie, and I would not appreciate any "you may look different but your DNA will tell the truth!" rhetoric in the story but I may be asking too much from Oda)
3. And there's also the mystery of what Devil Fruit ability S-Croc might have, since all the Seraphim have been given Fruit powers, and we know Vegapunk can't replicate Crocodile's Sand Logia.
All things considdered, I think the actual, most likely known ability S-Croc might end up with would be like, Mr 3's wax powers (hilariously), mainly because I could imagine it being flexible enough to work in Crocodile's fighting style, so it'd be the easiest for S-Croc to adapt to (like if you can make anything from wax, then why not sharp blades to fling at people) (Also we know Vegapunk would have access to this power since Mr 3 was in Impel Down, when they also got Daz' powers)
But also I had joked before how it'd be funny if S-Croc was a Crocodile Zoan for no reason. Like it'd be fitting since Crocodile was already the Only Logia of the OG Shichibukai, so making his Seraphim the Only Zoan would be funny as hell (if it's even possible, which we can't say if it will/won't be). Additionally, making him a Crocodile Zoan would be hysterically on-the-nose.
(Sidenote: If there was a crocodile Zoan Fruit, what sub-category do you think it'd fall into? Like would it be Ryu Ryu like all the dinosaur-themed Zoans are, or maybe even a different model of Uo Uo (same as Kaidou)? Since "wani" could be considdered a different type of serpent-dragon, and if Vegapunk was researching how to recreate Kaidou's fruit, it's plausible he might've accidentally recreated some other related-fruit in the process or afterwards?? (Also since Kaidou's Uo Uo is a specific model (Seiryu) it would make sense if there was another Uo Uo model Fruit, and this could be an excelent opportunity to use it))
The thing about Zoans though is that, as it's been brought up once or twice before, Zoan fruits can kind of have a "mind of their own" and influence the user in unexpected ways.
And as all we Crocodad Truthers know.
Crocodiles are protective of their babies.
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ALSO: The Seraphim do have enough personal will-power that they may (slightly) disobey orders they've been given. Case-and-point, S-Snake undoing the Petrification on the Strawhats after Luffy asked her to, since S-Snake is fond of Luffy just like Hancock is
Sidenote, it was kind of made a point how Vegapunk considdered his artificial replica of Kaidou's dragon fruit a compete failure simply because instead of a blue dragon, the user would turn into a pink one instead. So if Vegapunk tried to make a Seraphim of Crocodile, knowing full-well he couldn't even give the Seraphim the same ability as the OG, and then the Seraphim turns out the wrong sex for no reason?? I could see him being confused as hell and considder S-Croc "a failed Seraphim"
So really, all we'd really need to happen would be for the Strawhats to somehow encounter the remaining three Seraphim while escorting the Vegapunks to Elbaf. Mind you, IDK how that could even happen since as far as we know they've been deployed the Emptee Bluffs
And then just have S-Croc either disobey orders to hunt Luffy or even even have him be protective of Luffy (following that Zoan Instinct, one even he can't explain, it's just Instinct). Have Sanji be like "hey why the fuck is this one a girl, isn't it supposed to be Crocodile", followed by Vegapunk explaining this Seraphim was a failure for reasons even he can't understand
Then have Jinbei remember the conversation Crocodile and Ivankov had at Impel Down (suspicious considdering Ivankov's abilities and this "failed Seraphim"), and maybe if Crocodile had any involvement with the Revolutionaries and Robin was suspicious of him she could even bring that up
Along with any other minor details that may be bothering the crew about the whole deal
And so if the Strawhats and Vegapunk just put all their braincells together and rubbed them real hard, they could maybe come to a hypothesis as to why S-Croc is a "failure" and protective of Luffy, and maybe even a potential explanation as to why The Real Crocodile was protective of Luffy in Marineford for no fucking reason
And maybe, just maybe, Vegapunk could confirm that suspicion with a DNA test. All he needs to do is check Luffy's and compare it to Crocodile's.
Not sure Luffy would want to do the DNA test, like knowing Luffy he might prefer to just ask Crocodile in person if they ever ran to each other again
But boy, if he somehow did agree to a DNA test, and there was a match... oh boy
But again. This entire scenario is BEYOND off-the-rails. Technically plausible! But honestly if Luffy is ever gonna find out (assuming Crocodad Real) then it's gonna be from Dragon
I just wanted to get the theoretical scenario out of my system okay, I had to get the brainworms out of my brain
#Moon posting#OP Meta#OP Spoilers#Crocodad#Sir Crocodile#Long post#You know I wasn't going to yeet this out of my drafts for a while but since I brought up S-Croc in the last post I figured why not#Since I went off speculating about S-Croc here in detail#Let's just get it out of my system#I'm so facinated by S-Croc I want to see that little shit in action so bad#My other assumption for what ability S-Croc could have would maybe be Magellan's Venom Fruit#Since that one is shockingly a Paramecia! AND Vegapunk would have access to it! He could replicate it!#And Crocodile did have his poison hook so like. Sure#I'm still putting my money on Doru Doru though#ALSO to circle back to the original subject (how would Luffy react if he found out)#It's entirely plausible that he might never find out even if Crocodad was real#Like there's that whole thing about Oda telling Mayumi Tanaka that Luffy's mother wasn't important to the story YEARS ago#And like. It's possible it was a white lie. It's possible Oda could've changed his mind. OP was meant to end at Alabasta at one point#It's possible that if Luffy doesn't have a mom but two dads then Oda's statement would still be true#But it's also possible Crocodile could be Luffy's other dad and it could never play into the story in a meaningful way#Like we the readers could find out just to understand the beef between Crocodile and Dragon etc#And Luffy never finds out#Nightmare scenario. I will cry.#But frankly might be just the most likely one
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Something I wanna point out is that Oda said that we have already meet Luffy's mom.
My apologies for the very autistic special interest long response this has kicked off 💀
Yes! My favorite thing about Crocodad as a theory is that when ppl shipped Kuina & Zoro, Oda went, ack that's his first cousin, don't be weird
But apparently when he heard abt Crocodad he was like, you know what, Crocodile could totally be trans. He knows Iva, he was an androgynous gremlin as a child, this is a workable theory.
Tbh, I think it's possible that the narrative reason there's so much subtext supporting Crocodad + why
Dragon was introduced way before he entered the story
Dragon & Crocodile are extremely extremely similar characters even by the standards Oda's love of repeating different pattern permutations in his story telling
is bc, before he decided to make Vivi the princess of Alabasta, Luffy was going to be the connection & the villain would be his dad. Then the morally grey revolutionary was changed, but all the narrative hints were still already baked in
One way or another Crocodile has been a more present & available father figure to Luffy then Dragon has been, though the canonical dad bar's in hell 💀☠️
I think I originally started team dad verse just bc I had so many strong opinions about the canon terrible caregivers situation in one piece. I didn't originally care one way or about Crocodile as his dad other then, yes more gestational trans dads please. But apparently over 50k words later, I've accidentally won myself over to being really intensely team Crocodad.
He's a lot conflicted and a little regretful, and still doing better then Dragon, I fear.
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assiraphales · 1 year
you havent really been liveblogging your one piece experience much, but since you seem to be through Alabasta at this i was wondering if youd be willing to share any thoughts about the series so far/your takes on the characters in their original forms?
-luffy is a little gremlin who was fed after midnight but stayed cute. 10000 points in mischief. has THE biggest heart and would die for a stranger if he thought it was a worthy cause. much more intelligent (in an unconventional way) than he's given credit for. figuring out crocodile's weakness almost immediately?? hello??
-i like how all the crew mates have different (but very valuable and nourishing) relationships with each other. usopp n luffy's is very sweet because they're still kids at heart (and probably always will be, at least a little) who live by their imaginations and for fun/joy. zoro washing chopper in the bathhouse. usopp and nami being voices of reason for very different reasons, usopp making her a weapon bc she admitted one of her weaknesses to him. nami's love for luffy coming out in concern and sternness because she knows what he's capable of but also how hard he can fall
-some of the emotional moments that affected me the most; nami getting a tattoo for belle mere, nokijo, and genzo. pell sacrificing his life for alabasta and flying the bomb into the sky. sanji n zeff's relationship.
-klahadore is the biggest lil bitch thus far. but shout out to his kitty cat crew for supporting him and trying not to deadname him
-really liked the mihawk fight bc even tho zoro got WHOOPED mihawk was clearly impressed, and let him live for a reason. he also said after watching luffy and zoro together that they were a good team. which.
-luffy and zoro making each other better and worse (depending on how u look at it) and the crew just having to accept that "ok yah. that's their relationship. they're crazy bastards who enable each other and they're dreams are entwined."
-zoro being a secret goofball. I could go on about it. but one of my favorite small moments was when he told the usopp pirates that they were cannibals and ate usopp
-nami has such big dreams but she's so scared to get her heartbroken again. she lost her mom, she thought she lost her town and sister when she went along with arlong..... everything is a defense mechanism. she's a survivor. and she's so hurt. but everyday, from the crew's love to luffy's kindness, she's learning to accept that the world isn't that bleak. that good people exist
-ace's tattoo. um. JUMPSCARE. but he is neat and loves luffy lots
-tony tony chopper I would die for u. kureha is an icon and now I totally understand why people want jamie lee curtis to play her
-i'm glad that luffy n co were able to heal the giants relationship on little garden and now they're broskis who can fight n drink together without worrying about the whole "TO DEATH!!!" thing. zoro trying to chop off his legs and then posing so that he'd look cool if he died is another notable highlight from that arc
-princess vivi and nami. I know what u are. but in all seriousness she was just sixteen and infiltrated a secret assassin organization for her kingdom!!! I love that she had igaram pose for her so she could say goodbye to the strawhat crew properly
-there's just so many good people trying to do the right thing in the face of massive adversity. no matter what the odds, they'll fight to their last breath for what they believe in. and if luffy's there, he'll make sure they don't have to (die, that is)
-luffy managing to befriend the weirdest animals that want to kill him and them eventually saving him (the lapins and the kung fu dungongs)
-luffy asking zoro to save smoker's life because he couldn't swim, and smoker letting luffy go instead of arresting him so he could try and save alabasta
-sanji smoking cigarettes in the middle of a fight and constantly wearing a suit for Aesthetics
-mihawk hunting down the red haired pirates in his coffin throne boat just to show shanks the bounty on luffy's head (also way to go bestie getting it up from 30 million to 100 million in like two weeks)
-zoro sleeping everywhere but mostly near the rest of the crew so he can eavesdrop / be close to them
-the straw hat crew being a bunch of wild animal ragers and turning any event into a PARTAAYYYYY
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Can we get more mage reader with the strawhats and other crews?
Like how would the other emperors and warlord react to the strawhats having such a powerful member on their crew?
I kinda want to see Kaido and big mom fighting with one another of whose crew will get the reader (kaido knowing the reader could relate to king being another species that was nearly destroyed by the government) (big mom insisting that witches like strange things so she would marry katakuri to ensure stong grandchildren)
And do whatever you want with thw warlords I dont know too many of them well enough to give examples but I love the vibe that you are doing!
-Being a member of an Emperor’s Crew was a great thing, you had protection from the government who were vying after you because they wanted your abilities, but so did the Celestial Dragons.
-Other pirate crews wanted you too, but Luffy wasn’t sharing and to be honest, you didn’t want to join any other crew, you were happy where you were and never wanted to leave.
-However, being a member of an Emperor’s Crew meant that everyone in the world knew where you were, making you an almost constant target.
-With the looming threat of the World Government, a meeting was called, arranged by Dragon of the Revolutionary Army, with all of the Emperors, including the newer ones, like Luffy, and their crews.
-It was going to be a peaceful meeting, or else, overseen by the Revolutionary Army, on a large, neutral island, to discuss a possible siege on the World Government.
-Many weren’t keen on the idea of an alliance of any sorts, but after learning the Straw Hats were going to attend, meaning you were going to be there, they agreed to go.
-Your crew was one of the last to arrive, alongside Buggy, Crocodile, and Mihawk, the newest Emperor alliance, Luffy greeted Buggy warmly, like he was an old friend and Buggy tried yelling at him, “Don’t act so friendly to me Straw Hat!!” Luffy just tilted his head to the side, “Huh? But that’s what friends do.” Buggy denied that he was crying, overcome by Luffy’s pure heart.
-Mihawk and Zoro were cordial, greeting each other warmly, while Crocodile was a little less warmly received, being stared coldly at by Robin, but he was going to behave, and Buggy’s crew followed after.
-When you all went to the meeting arena Shanks and his crew were all laughing and drinking, watching Kaido and Big Mom arguing, while Blackbeard was off to the side, laughing.
-Luffy wanted nothing more than to bash Blackbeard’s face in, but held back, for the moment, as he greeted his dad after so many years.
-You were floating up on your broom, feeling a bit too claustrophobic on the ground, even with your crew, your legs crossed elegantly, watching the discussions and trying to ignore the stares being sent towards you by the other emperors and their crew members.
-After being asked if there should be anything else discussed, Big Mom spoke up, “Y/N, I want you to marry my son, Katakuri! You and him will have strong children!” you blinked, in complete shock before Kaido shouted, “Stay out of this Linlin! Y/N is coming back with me, her and King will get along great!”
-You knew about King, how he was just like you, being the only survivor of your races.
-Luffy was already wrestling with Shanks had flirted up to you, “Come with me instead Y/N~” and Luffy was annoyed, “Y/N’s not going anywhere!”
-You tried to argue with Big Mom and Kaido, “Don’t I get any say in this?” Blackbeard then called up, “Join me instead Y/N! You can be my queen!” you folded your arms under your chest, turning up your nose, “Ew.”
-Blackbeard instantly collapsed on his hands and knees, gloom surrounding him as his crew was trying to comfort him, telling him that you were just shy.
-Buggy then shouted that you were going with him instead and you sighed as all of the captains started to argue with each other on who you were going with.
-You sighed, laying down on your broom, looking a bit bored but more annoyed than anything, as you knew they weren’t going to listen.
-Dragon tried to keep the peace, knowing that if this continued, this alliance would dissolve before it was even formed.
-Luffy then declared loudly, “Nobody is taking Y/N!!” everyone was quickly glaring at Luffy, except for your crew and the Revolutionary Army, ready to fight.
-A new voice then spoke up, “You all can’t last ten minutes without fighting, can you?” attention turned to Law, who had come on request of Dragon, to help with the siege and his crew was behind him.
-Your eyes turned into hearts as you flew down, leaping off your broom, and immediately ran over, “Bepo~~~” leaping into the polar bear’s arms, rubbing your cheek against his own.
-Bepo blushed while Penguin and Sachi were glaring, jealous of your affections as you spoke, “I missed you, Bepo~” his head fell, looking depressed, “I’m sorry.” Which made his crew mates tease him for being so weak.
-Law sent a small smirk to the other crews, including your own, but everyone but Luffy knew that you wouldn’t leave the Straw Hats for Bepo, as Luffy shouted at him, “Don’t you take Y/N!”
-You rolled your eyes lightly before the argument got renewed, all of the different crews demanding that you join them.
-You flinched suddenly and looked up, seeing a dark shadow moving over the island behind a cover of clouds, “Broom!” your broom shot to your hands and you instantly took the skies as everyone else quickly saw what you had seen.
-King took off after you, using his wings to catch up, heading towards the shadow as everyone demanded to know what it was.
-Dragon and Sabo paled instantly, knowing what it was, Sabo shouting, “Flee the island as fast as you can! It’s a weapon that can and will wipe out this island!”
-You made it to the clouds and you barely dodged a gunshot, making you squeal before you put up a barrier around yourself before breaking the clouds, seeing a massive flying fortress that looked like a cannon, pointing straight down.
-King caught up with you and his eyes widened, knowing that we had no chance to do anything against this weapon, or so he thought.
-You glared harshly before speaking, “I’m going to bring this down, warn everyone I’m going to flood the island.” He nodded and shot back down, turning himself into a living torpedo as you began to chant, magic seals appearing all around you, focusing your magic.
-Down below everyone had been in a panic before King shouted out to be prepared for the Island flooding, as you were going to bring that weapon down.
-Luffy demanded that King take him to you, to help, before a massive explosion rocked the sky, blowing all clouds away in a several mile radius, revealing the massive weapon, but it was now on fire, large plumes of heavy black smoke escaping.
-Usopp called out your moves, using his sniper scope, as did Franky, calling out that you were dodging marine officials shooting at you as well as throwing out heavy attacks, causing more massive explosions.
-When the weapon started to fall towards the ocean, Franky spoke up, “She’s preparing something big, looks like she’s going to force it back out to sea!”
-As the weapon hit the water, a massive explosion occurred, imploding it from the inside out, a self-destruct sequence to prevent anything being traced back to the government, but thanks to Koala’s quick thinking, she had been livestreaming the whole event, showing the massive weapon, flying the flags of the World Government.
-The backlash of the explosion blew you off your broom, slamming you hard into the sea, breaking your broom and knocking you out and it was a mad scramble to get to you first.
-Thankfully, being a fishman, Jinbei got there first, holding you close before rocketing to the surface, keeping you safe before he headed back to the ship and the meeting was over with, everyone now on board with a full-scale attack on the World Government.
-Two days later you were laughing at your newest bounty poster, someone had managed to get a photo of you right before you killed him, winking and making a heart with your hands while sitting cross-legged on your broom, now with a bounty of five trillion, but still only wanted alive.
-Thankfully, you weren’t planning on leaving the Straw Hats, hugging Luffy who was pouting lightly, jealous of your high bounty, comforting him while trying not to laugh.
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blacklegsanjiii · 3 months
This is genuinely over a single line in another ask you answered about warlord!ichiji where you offhandedly mentioned he might dress like Hancock but my mind went and ran with it .
You have Sanji, who as he grew up, figured out he likes to wear suits the most often. They make him look elegant and feel clean. It ends up being kind of his signature look. And then you have Ichiji, who grew up much the same and also ended up with a sort of signature look, except he settles for long skirts and fancy tops, much more influenced by their mom and less by their dads. Overall, Ichiji and Sanji actually end up with a similar vibe to their outfits , which makes them feel like the twins they are, but they’re also distinct and unique looks for both of them that set them apart. They like looking like a matching set.
The more they grow up the more their parents comment on the similarity , and I like to think they throw it back in their faces all the time. After all , these were people that were surprised to hear they were twins when they first got adopted due to their size difference. It’s funny to mess with them that way.
- Wine
First of all, good to see you again, Wine!
Second of all, how dare you be funnier than me? I am ruined by this. I figured the suit was Baratie uniform but nope! It has to be Crocodile and Mihawk's doing. It has to be. They probably have some event as Warlords coming up where attendance is mandatory lest their bounties be unfrozen so they take the twins shopping. Sanji is looking at suit pieces and Ichiji is following Hancock around to look at skirts and tops. Crocodile picks out the pieces that will fit together for Sanji's suit but Mihawk is the one who puts in the aesthetic work. Jimbei and Doffy are watching and giving them opinions. The twins match aesthetically but they are their own person and you can see it in the way they dress themselves. Sanji probably has issues with skin showing which is why he wears suits, the dungeon and the bugs and everything, where as Ichiji like the movement of the skirts and tops he wears. Unstifled by royal clothes and training outfits. They're probably like eleven when this is happening. At the event everyone calls them adorable and such and doesn't believe their twins until their parents say they can't believe it either. Ichiji and Sanji share looks every time this is said.
As the years go by you can definitely tell they're twins. They look so similar and have almost the same mannerisms, despite their differing fashion choices they still look very much alike and they match, the patterns, the accents, the colors. Everyone is supportive of them and mentions their similarities and the twins throw it back in their faces that, outside of Mihawk - who still had his doubts, that they didn't believe they're twins. Like it's a whole thing and they do throw it back in their parents faces all the time. Especially when they're older and before Sanji sets off.
It'd also be hilarious if after years of not seeing each other they're still dressed in their style, having not really ever differed from it, which shocks the crew. They see the brothers, and they know they have other siblings, everyone does, Mihawk said it when he brought them to the first meeting. Hancock is of course cooing over her boys and Luffy. Luffy is annoyed because he's dating Sanji, or the East Blue Polycule is a thing and Zoro and Nami are being jealous and being touchy and Usopp using this as an excuse to keep an arm around his boyfriend. Ichiji and Sanji probably switch clothes at some point, for funsies. Ichiji's clothes are too big for Sanji and Sanji's too small for Ichiji, but they planned for this and did buy clothes for each other at some point to do this. Because they would because it would be funny and drive their parents up the wall. So they walk out to see everyone and Hancock chokes on her drink and Mihawk pinches the bridge of his nose. Jimbei is laughing so hard as Usopp is biting a wrench and Nami has snapped her quill as Robin lets out a wolf whistle at them.
"Did you two plan this?" Crocodile asks with amusement.
"Do you believe we're twins now?" They ask in tandem which makes Crocodile switch to anger quickly and Jimbei lose it even more.
"Have we not made it clear that we believe you? The first meeting I brought you both I said you were the dead princes of Germa." MIhawk groans.
"Our children are menaces." Hancock sighs.
"We were raised by pirates." Ichiji points out.
"Can either of you even fight?" Mihawk asks and then regrets it as Sanji leaps into a sky walk and Ichiji starts firing lasers at his younger brother.
"Menaces." Crocodile seethes as the brothers continue to fight in their own way.
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local-fire-dumpster · 7 months
unpopular opinion? but I'd rather luffy suffer from dead shonen mom syndrome than have Crocodile as his second parent like he already got one deadbeat dad he doesn't need another one actually
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the-bar-sinister · 2 months
For those of you who are curious, here's a list of some of the major structural canon-divergences we're changing about One Piece for our upcoming re-write.
TL;DR: everybody lives, all the princesses become pirates, destiny is rejected, and all the pirates team up to overthrow the government.
Brook doesn't exist, and instead a shipwrecked Carrot joins the crew during Thriller Bark
Vivi, hearing about Marineford, embraces her desire to rejoin the Straw Hats. She travels with Crocodile and the reformed Baroque Works and obtains a Devil Fruit.
Bon Clay, with the encouragement of his fellow prisoners, sneaks out of Impel Down with the intention to join up with the Straw Hats. He ends up with the reformed Baroque Works.
Vergo survives Punk Hazard and is rescued and reassembled by Doflamingo. He is sent to recover outside the city for a while.
The Straw Hats aren't separated during Dressrosa, and journey to Zou together.
Rebecca defines herself as a gladiator and warrior, and travels with the Straw Hats leaving Dressrosa while she tries to decide on her own dream.
Vergo, hearing about the mess in Dressrosa makes his way there still injured. Though he is too late to change the outcome of the battle, he's in time to free the rest of the Donquixote family from the marines, except for Doflamingo who is being transported separately.
Vivi rejoins the crew between Dressrosa and Zou. Bon Clay stays with reformed Baroque Works on Crocodile's request.
Crocodile asks Bon Clay to break Doflamingo out of Impel Down for him, which he does. 
When Sanji is forced to depart for his wedding, Rebecca accompanies him. The Straw Hats wait exactly as long as Luffy's patience can hold before immediately chasing after.
Rebecca meets the Vinsmoke siblings before the wedding, and becomes entangled with them, helping them reach their emotions which have been suppressed by chemicals and conditioning, and encouraging them to turn against their father.
Pudding leaves the Charlotte family to seek out her own life. While she's leaving she's caught by Katakuri, who accompanies her as her bodyguard.
The renegade Vinsmokes and renegade Charlottes run into one another and put aside their differences.
The Vinsmokes hunt down and kill Judge.
Caesar remains with the Straw Hat crew becoming the funny uncle 'not so reformed' villainous teammate. 
Crocodile starts forming the former Baroque Works into Cross Guild sooner than in canon. He teams up with the Donquixote family as well as Buggy and Mihawk, and recruits Boa Hancock.
Smoker and Tashigi, who are already fed up with the Marines, are captured by Cross Guild. Crocodile asks Smoker to be free and join the pirates, and they do so.
Sabo and Koala enact the raid on Mary Geoise together. While they are fleeing, the entirety of the Revolutionary Army is wiped out at their base, rather than Lulusia being wiped out. They are rescued by Hancock, and join Cross Guild, which, after the destruction of the Revolutionary army, is now the largest anti-government organization.
While on Wano, Luffy discovers some of King and Kaidou's backstory and origin for himself and feels a sort of kinship with them.
During the fight with Kaidou, Luffy realizes that there is something wrong with Gear 5, as if he's not himself when he's using it.
Big Mom does not regain her memories and does not fight against the protagonists in the fight on Wano. She is later recovered by Perospero who takes over the family and takes care of her in her retirement.
Kaidou survives the fight with Luffy, as does King. Along with Page and Ulti they leave Wano. They are intercepted by Perospero, with whom they negotiate, and then part ways.
Caesar, Chopper and Law devise a way to heal the Pleasures from the effects of the Smile fruit.
Komurasaki, a swordswoman raised in a brothel by the yakuza, rejects her position as a princess and instead stows away on Law's ship with the Heart pirates.
Otama, Speed and O-Kiku leave with the Kidd pirates. Additionally, Basil doesn't die, and is brought by Killer to Kidd as a 'hostage', and his wounds are treated aboard the ship. They reconcile. 
Yamato joins the crew of the Straw Hats.
When Law's ship is decimated by Blackbeard, he and members of his crew are rescued by Doflamingo, who is in the area hunting marines on behalf of Cross Guild. They part ways not exactly amicably, but without trying to kill one another.
Kid's ship is intercepted by the navy, not by Shanks. They are sunk, but the crew survives, barely.
Everyone meets up on Elegia Island and saves Uta's life. Uta joins the crew of the Straw Hats.
As Luffy is growing more and more concerned about Gear 5, Shanks shows up to test his mettle and tell him about Joyboy and his duty as a god. Luffy kicks Shanks ass and rejects joyboy and his destiny.
Shanks limps away, suicidally depressed and is wrecked by Blackbeard, and rescued by Buggy.
Shanks and Buggy get back together.
The Straw Hats and Cross Guild team up to find the One Piece. Luffy learns the true extent of his supposed destiny and rejects it entirely.
Luffy claws the godhood out of his own body, and leads the straw hat/cross guild alliance as a man against the the world government.
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betmagic · 1 year
Little sunshine au
Bath time
So there’s a bit of a change with the crew’s bathing schedule in this au
With Ace and Sabo being captains of the crew ( especially since in this au they spend a lot more time with Makino , who made sure the two boys knew about basic hygiene)I think they’d set a standard for how often they should wash up. Not that they tell everyone but set an example that the others fallow - even Zoro who canonically baths at least once a week.- so the crew bathing schedule at most every other or two days. so there’s no issue with how often one should bath.
The problem comes from the youngest member Luffy.
So basically luffy doesn’t understand why he needs to take bath , his mom is made of water and he visits her at least once a day so to his logic he’s clean( even though mom tells him he’s still dirty and it’s important to take a bath). This wasn’t much of an issue back on dawn. The boys tended to bath together ; especially after Ace got his devil fruit and as a precaution since he still gets a bit weak in water ( along with his narcolepsy), so they were able to keep Luffy from getting away. ( plus Sabo had told Luffy it was important to stay with Ace until he was done to make sure he didn’t accidentally drown , something Luffy takes very seriously)
- It was no problem since the bandits had a decent bathing area ( the bandits made it a bit bigger with Garps help - saying the boys liked bathing together so of course Garp made sure they had big enough bathtub/ Dadan definitely benefited from this renovation)
or they could go to the river if needed - luffy was instructed to stay close incase something like a crocodile or bear was nearby. So the brothers are used to bathing together.
This continues when they set sail, but the ship’s bathrooms only big enough for two people ( barely). The only upside is that at least he’s contained to just the ship( luffy knows if he escapes to the ocean , mom will just plop him right back on deck- she’s definitely entertained by his antics but knows it’s important to have a proper bath- plus he’ll be forced to have another bath) instead of a whole forest. No one else noticed since it was mainly Ace or Sabo in charge of bath time.
But so after they gather a few members ( after sanji or chopper)they start rotating luffy duty around. One of those includes bathtime; which the brothers did warn them that Luffy will escape if he gets bored. Luckily it’s not an issue because some of the crew members ( Ussop and Nami ) actually had a somewhat normal upbringing / at least until they were 8/ to suggest bubbles and bath toys.
Luffy loves the bubbles so hes content to stay at lest until the bubble eventually run out. Once the bubbles are gone he gets bored.
So He decides to escape Bare naked and all!
So imagine Ace and Sabo will be in the middle of meeting with nami about where to go next and supplies they need to stick up more to some yelling * and get to the deck to see that a nude giggling 6 year old is running around deck!
Shenanigans issue and eventually the boy is caught- depending on how clean he is will determine wether he needs to go back to the bath or not- this quickly becomes a reoccurring problem.
The crew do try to troubleshoot this of course, because simply telling luffy not to won’t work.they try to have someone take a bath with him- and it includes the girls / Luffy doesn’t really understand why guys freak out over girls body’s. He doesn’t act inappropriate either being careful of where he touches ( though mostly thanks to Makino he knows not all girls are okay with being touched and only if they say it’s okay) so bathing with nami or Robin isn’t as big a deal- unfortunately this does little to help and just adds a naked crew member who forgets to cover up or loses their towel during said chase.
So It’s a common occurrence on board ( they’ve excepted that they can’t stop luffy from escaping at this point) and it’s become as competition of sorts who can catch luffy first.( there are multiple towels hidden on deck for when luffy decides to dive or some gets knocked over to grap and cover him up) luffy thinks it’s fun thus encouraged to do it as much as possible even when his brothers are in charge.
This problem would be helped when they get the sunny, having a larger bath to fit 5-7 people
** I still haven’t come up with what they call this situation,definitely something like like we got a code 319 ! Or something Let me know if anyone has ideas please! ( im begging please i need help)
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apphiarothowrites · 10 months
A sneak peek
High Noon on the Summit is not dead, it's just fighting me with everything it's got. I am Struggling hard with it, but the first two chapters are (mostly) done. The other four are.....there.
Anyway, I know that @mangyraccooon @xamaxenta @lerya-fanfic and @itsthefandommash have been interested in how it's going. So I'm gunna post a sneak peak from the first chapter. Hopefully I can make more progress before the new year (the whole fic will go up next year, probably starting in late february sometime), so this will have to tide people over while I wrestle this monster into submission.
“Dragon’s son, is it?” Crocodile says, something weird about his voice. 
Ace turns his head back once more. Crocodile’s face is still expressionless, stoic as stone. He sighs, chains clinking as he shifts around. “You know him? Luffy never did, that I know of. Or his mom.”
“I knew him briefly. He’s not really the type to have a kid.” Crocodile says quietly, voice still a little strange. Ace squints, but the other man still isn’t really giving him an expression to work with. 
“Well yeah, he dumped Luffy with Garp who dumped him on the same mountain bandits that he also dumped me with!” Ace says with a snort. “Nobody in the Monkey family is really suited to raising a kid. Those bandits were better parents to us than anybody could have ever been!”
Talking about it makes him think of Dadan. He raises his free hand up, the chain clinking, and runs his fingers over the beads around his neck. He knows that Dadan never took off the one he made for her, she probably still wears the damn thing. He’d made it just after his eleventh birthday, because Sabo told him that her birthday was close to his own. He’d left it on her pillow and even though she never said a word about it, once she’d seen him wearing the exact same one she never took it off that he saw. 
Crocodile grunts in his cell and shifts around, shadows falling over his shoulders. “I don’t doubt that. Dragon is dedicated to what he does, a kid would have been an unnecessary and unwanted distraction for him.”
“Huh.” Ace hums, trying to think on that. His hand falls back down to his lap next to the one gripping the feathers. “What does he do? What’s so important that he’d give up his own son to focus on instead?”
“The Revolutionary Army.” Crocodile says simply, leaning his own head back against the wall of his cell. Darkness shadows him once more, reducing him to an outline and a bright pair of eyes again.
Ace jolts a little, sitting forward. “No shit!?”
Crocodile just nods slowly, the outline bobbing up and down.
Ace leans back again, looking up at the ceiling once more. Luffy’s dad works for the Revolutionary Army? No fucking wonder he didn’t want Luffy around. He thinks on the strangeness of it-how Luffy’s dad is among the most wanted in the world while his grandfather is one of the Navy’s biggest heroes and mascots. How much shame did Garp carry around, that his son and grandson are both failures and that the boy he was charged to protect against explicit execution orders also became a failure? How did Garp bear it?
Another thought pops into his mind. One that’s lingered in the darkened background of his life a few times, hidden in the shadow cast by his own… “Did you ever meet Luffy’s mom?”
When no answer comes, Ace turns his head to look. Crocodile is staring at him again, eyes sharp and cold and piercing. The shadow has fallen away. He looks almost angry, with a slight downward clench between his eyebrows and his mouth tugged down at the edges. There’s something weirdly familiar about it, a familiar chill runs up his spine-different from before-but he can’t place why.
“Yikes, what a glare.” He can’t help but say. “Sorry I asked!”
The silence drags on and on. Down the hall, the Marines’ movements start getting louder. Then, after a pause so long that Ace begins to think that Crocodile isn’t ever going to answer:
“I might have known her. If she’s who I think she is, she’s long gone.” And with that, his eyes close and he tilts his head back. The shadow comes back, swallowing Crocodile’s upper body and hiding him from view once more. Done with the conversation and checking out.
“So she’s like my mom, then.” Ace says, not expecting Crocodile to keep engaging. “Mine apparently died right after giving birth to me.”
Crocodile hums lightly under his breath, barely audible to Ace, but says nothing.
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moongothic · 5 days
It is kind of funny to think about how popular the Kuja Crocodile fan theory is when you take a step back and think about where that theory kinda originates from Now to be fair, I'm not 100% certain where the theory came from, I can only remember so much of what the fandom was theorizing back in 2008, so I may be speaking from my ass a little right now
But from what I do remember, back in Yee Olden Days, there was a lot of speculation about why the Strawhats got sent to their respective island by Kuma the way they did. A lot of people did notice how each island seemed meaningful one way or another to each Strawhat and tied into their characters except for Luffy, and everybody thought that was a bit odd. Mainly because we didn't fully know HOW Kuma's ability worked. Now, nearly two decades later, we DO know how Kuma's ability actually works; People don't magically travel to islands they have a secret connection to or anything, Kuma himself has to actively choose where he sends people off to, meaning Kuma looked at the Strawhats individually and picked out islands where he thought they'd be best off at. Luffy being sent to Amazon Lily is arguably no different; Kuma knew Luffy was the brother of the soon-to-be-executed Ace, but also a target of the WG (due to being Dragon's son). Amazon Lily was close enough to both Sabaody that Luffy would be able to return there relatively easily if he wished to, or he could try to befriend the Warlord Hancock, who was also being summoned to participate in Ace's execution, to hitch a ride from her to go and try to save his brother. The only challenge Luffy would have to overcome there was indeed befriending the Kuja, at least enough to be taken off from the island safely and alive.
But indeed, we only really know and can fully understand that now. Back in Yee Olden Days, the fans did just seem to think Kuma's ability might be a bit more mystical in nature, and thus people got really curious what Luffy's Secret Ties to the Kuja and Amazon Lily could possibly be. And naturally that lead to people speculating that maybe Luffy's mom was a Kuja. Because what other subconcious connection could Luffy possibly have to the island especially when it didn't seem like it would help him reach/achieve his dreams any faster either.
But then we get to Impel Down and Crocodile gets those transgenderism allegations thrown right in his handsome face (and people start shitposting about him being Luffy's other parent) And I think that might be where the streams crossed. People noted how Crocodile has his funny little reptile motif going on, and how the Kuja ""also have a reptile motif"", transgenderism allegations, badabing badaboom Crocodile could be a former Kuja, secret past SOLVED.
But the connection there is really weak though, isn't it? Especially when you considder that the Kuja don't really have a REPTILE theme going on with them. Yes, the snake motif is important to the Kuja, our beloved Hancock being The Snake Princess and the sisters having the Gorgon/Medusa (fake) backstory, but the animal motif is limited to just snakes, not reptiles as a whole (otherwise we could also speculate that Moria is a former Kuja because he's also named after a reptile). And more importantly, the Kuja have a big FLOWER theme going on for them, namely in, well, their names; each Kuja is named after some kind of flower/plant. Sure, Crocodile could have a secret deadname but we don't know if he does, there is no evidence to suggest either way (but also, depending on when you think he would have transitioned then him just being able to have a secret deadname is kind of up in the air (see: Crocodad timeline))
So if Kuma's ability doesn't have a magical way to send people to places they have ties to (whether the person knows it or not), and if Crocodile doesn't have any obvious, thematic connection to the Kuja, then the only reason people believe he could've been a Kuja is because... he might be trans. And... yeah. That's kind of a weak basis for a theory, isn't it
#Moon posting#OP Meta#Not even commenting on the Missing Empress because that's been Officially Debunked and doesn't matter anymore#For the record I'm not here to shit on peole who DO like the Kuja Croc theory or just enjoy it as a pure headcanon#That is absolutely fine and wonderful#As always: I'm very interested in speculating about canon and what seems like a viable theory with evidence to back it vs what doesn't#And that's what this post is about. The Kuja Croc is an Ancient Fan Theory but it really kinda is the weakest one at this point#For comparison's sake I feel like there's more evidence for the ''Crocodile is Stussy's son and Weevil's brother'' theory than Kuja Croc#Tho to be fair Croc's reintroduction to the plot did come in the arc immidiately after Amazon Lily was introduced#So like the dots could be easy to connect there (much like Ivankov's intro literally immidiately before Croc's re-intro)#And one could argue it'd be nice if the Isle of Women had more of ''a reason to exist'' in a plot relevant way#(Like that is kind of why I argue FOR trans Croc- it'd be give Ivankov's ability A Reason to Exist within the narrative)#((Not that it NEEDS one))#But also I'd argue the ''reason'' Amazon Lily is an isle of women was for the adventure Luffy ended up having on there+the friends he made#Like had the island NOT been the way it was then Luffy's experience there wouldn't have been the same nor the bonds he formed with Hancock#It would have made for a very different story there. And I think that alone is the ''justification'' for Amazon Lily being the way it is
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chososhoeso2 · 2 years
One piece theory + spoilers:
Okay so I saw this TikTok earlier. Shout out to @jinbejay for making this:
Whether the op meant it as a joke or a genuine theory, it really got me thinking. This theory doesn't sound too bad, so I wanted to research it a bit. Now I did type up a whole long thing with a lot of little bits of research I did.. and then I found a CBR article that basically said all the same things. If you'd rather just read the article, here's the link: https://www.cbr.com/one-piece-who-is-dragons-father-theory/
Everything below this point is stuff that I found on my own before I came across the article:
So there are three possible ways I think this theory could go:
There are a few things that we know with certainty:
1. Garp fucking loves taking in strays
2. The identity of Luffy's mom (*cough* Crocodile *cough*) hasn't been revealed yet
3. Garp and Rocks fought each other in the God Valley incident
4. Garp has good relationships with criminals (i.e., Dadan, Roger)
Right now, Dragon is 55 years old. The God Valley incident happened 38 years ago. So at the time of the incident, Dragon would have been 17. Rocks supposedly died during that incident which, supposing Rocks is Dragon's father, could have left Dragon as an orphan. Now 17 isn't young in the one piece world, by any means. Both Ace and Luffy set out to become pirates at the age of 17 and Luffy was only 17 when the strawhats took down Enies Lobby and two Warlords (plus impel down and marineford), so 17 really is not all that young here. We also don't know if Dragon was even at God Valley, but let's say he was (it's a theory and what's a theory without some good speculation). My main three possible routes for this theory are:
1. Garp took in Dragon at God Valley after Rocks was defeated. Dragon meets Garp's daughter and they get busy (and potentially married)
2. Garp arrested Dragon at God Valley. While imprisoned, Dragon met Garp's daughter and maybe she helped him escape? Or maybe since he wasn't a revolutionary yet, he wasn't imprisoned for long, but he still got to know Garp's daughter during that time.
3. Dragon escaped - or was never actually at - God Valley and just somehow managed to meet Garp's daughter someday.
There could obviously be other things like maybe Garp's daughter was also a criminal and her and Dragon were imprisoned together. Idk. But here's some support for option 1:
I want to note that Dadan is also 55 years old, like Dragon. Which is weird to me, bc I expected her to be closer in age to Garp. But Garp trusted her with his grandkids and blackmailed her into compliance. She was a wanted criminal, a mountain bandit. You know who else would be wanted? The son of the most notorious pirate of the age. Garp has had multiple different relationships with various different criminals, including Dadan and Roger. So it wouldn't be totally wild for him to have another criminal relation.
We know that Shanks was found as a baby by Roger and Rayleigh at God Valley, so why couldn't another random kid end up getting adopted during that incident? Also, we have seen on a couple occasions where kids are taken in by the marines. Namely Corazon and X Drake. Granted those two worked in pirate crews as undercover Marines, but still. Let's say that that was going to happen with Dragon, as well. Garp decided to take him under his wing with the grand hopes that he would become a military genius - like his wishes for Ace and Luffy. And maybe, regardless of his daughter, he even had Dragon's last name changed from Rocks to Monkey, so that he wouldn't suffer from government or pirate persecution - like how Ace ended up with the last name of Portgas instead of Gol.
However, just like with Luffy and Ace, Dragon didn't want to become a Marine. He already knew about what the government was really like. We know that Rocks was very much so against the government - whether for strictly selfish reasons (ya know, wanting to rule the world) or for the purpose of freedom, I can't say for sure. Even the main purpose for the God Valley incident was to mess up some celestial dragons and nobles. He also was interested in finding out the government's secrets. Here are some excerpts from the wiki:
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Now, if Rocks were to have a 17 year old son at that time, I'm sure he would have taught the son all about the truths of the world/world government that he had been uncovering. All of that knowledge could easily lead someone to want to become a revolutionary. I mean the world government and the celestial dragons and the slavery and the hush hush of it all... It's real fucked up. However, you could probably learn even more about it if you were to get taken in by a military hero. After all, the best weapon is knowledge.
Now, there are 16 years between the God Valley incident and the Buster Call on Ohara. That's a long time where we don't know what Dragon was up to. We know that at least a few years before he met up with Vegapunk on Ohara, he was working with the freedom fighters - of which Dragon had invited Vegapunk to join but was rejected due to lack of funding. The only other thing we know for sure from that time is that Dragon saw the execution of Roger just 2 years before the buster call (at age 31 btw). That's a decent amount of missing time.
As for options 2 and 3, we don't really have information for or against either of them. That I can think of, at least.
Also, if you don't see how Dragon and Rocks could be related, they just look so much alike. Luffy definitely looks like Garp but Dragon doesn't, which would support the Dragon marrying Garp's daughter theory. You can't tell me that Dragon and Rocks don't look similar. They have similar long black hair, the same exact hairline, similar forehead lines, and a strong nose.
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If you've already heard of this theory, then that's pretty cool. I only just found out about it but I'm all in. I'm curious if anybody agrees or disagrees with the 3 potential routes that I mentioned. Also I apologize if there are a lot of typos or if things seem jumbled or out of place, I'm really tired and wanted to post this before I fell asleep lol
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moonpaw · 11 months
Hey, so I caught up with One Piece a while ago and I'm in love! While we're discussing endgame OP, do you ever think we'll learn about or at least see Luffy's mom? I know in the beginning Oda kinda wrote the majority of women.... strangely, but I feel like he's gotten a lot better. But it's so weird to just leave out Luffy's mom for so long, at least not a mention from Garp. The fact that we still know so little about Dragon though makes me feel like we're gonna get an info dump about him sooner or later (kinda like Ace's backstory) but honestly I feel it's 50/50 either way
jokingly i think it would be funny if it was crocodile
but otherwise, if we get a background on dragon (which i REALLY think we will) we may get luffy's mom, in some form or another
and if we don't well... i won't be too sad about it, oda described what he wanted for a mom for luffy and it matches up with dadan, who did raise luffy and was a mother to him
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awesomecitys-blog · 9 months
One Piece Spoilers below
Something that’s really funny to me is that the Straw Hats are speed running being pirates, which I’ve talked about before, but it gets even funnier when look at it from the perspective of the World Government. Like, one day you get told that a random guy in a straw hat took down Buggy, Don Krieg, and Arlong, which gained the highest bounty in the East Blue, 30 million Berries. Which you think is crazy, but whatever, that just puts him on Smokers radar and nobody gets past Smoker, right? Wrong, cause according to Smoker, Dragon showed up and prevented Smoker from taking down straw hat guy. And for a while, that’s it. You don’t hear anymore about him or his crew, which you believe is because of the Grand Line being, well the Grand Line. Smoker calls you up one day and is like, hey, the Straw Hat Pirates, that what they’re called now, defeated Crocodile in Alabasta. To which you suddenly freak out, because know this Luffy kid is a threat, and you can’t have people finding out about his actions. So, the world thinks that Smoker took down Crocodile and that Luffy played a tiny part in that. In accordance, his bounty is now 100 million Berries. And then him and his crew vanish off the face of the earth, which you take to as a relief. Then Kuzan calls, informing you that the Straw Hats pulled up to Long Ring Long Land with Nico Robin in tow, he didn’t catch them, but that they’re most likely heading to Water 7. Great. Well, at least Lucci and co. are already at Water 7, so they just capture Robin, head to Enies Lobby, and… what? They did what? Scratch that, the Straw Hats broke into Enies Lobby, saved Robin, and escaped the Buster Call to boot. Increase the bounty, 300 million Berries! Poof, Luffy and crew are once again the wind, and you think they might ended up encountering Moria, so you send Kuma to warn him, as well as be there in case Moria washes up. Which he does, but so does Kuma, but at least it wasn’t public like Crocodiles. And besides, you have more pressing matters, what with the upcoming execution of one Portgas D. Ace and all the Supernovas arriving at Sabbody at the same time. Then that idiot punched a World Noble, because of course he did. So Kizaru rolls up, as does Sentomaru and some Pascifta, and the Straw Hats were totally defea… Kuma sent them away? Oh. Well, that’s basically a defeat, right? Huh? Luffy is were? Impel Down? Trying to free Ace, who’s apparently his brother? Ah, good ol’ Mellegan, I knew we could count on him to take down Luffy. Pardon me? Luffy escaped? With who? Crocodile, Mr. 1, Mr. 3, Ivonkva, Inzuma, Buggy, Jinbei, and a ton of prisoners? Gosh darn it all, I’m busy enough as it is! All right, let’s just focus on killing Ace and… GARP IT’S YOUR OWN DAMM FAMILY AGAIN! Fucking hell, Luffy just dropped out of the sky, caused so much trouble, and then vanished for two years, but at least he’s gone…he just showed up? Did we capture him? No?!?! What do you mean no?!?! Well, where the hell are they?!?! (Worth noting that Luffy’s bounty went from 300 to 400 million Berries during this time, and that Dragon was his father, which is probably why Luffy was saved by him all the way back in the East Blue.) At which point, the Straw Hats proceed to wreck havoc at Punk Hazard, according to Smoker, defeat Doflamingo, giving Luffy another bounty increase to 500 million Berries, pull another disappearing act, during which they give Big Mom a headache, which you decide warrants a bounty raise to 1.5 billion Berries, and then they hop their way into Wano, in which you have no power. But you do have spies, which inform you that they, along with their allies, dropped both Big Mom and Kaido. Because of course they did. So, you slap a bounty of 3 billion Berries on Luffys head, and the last you heard, he was gallivanting in Egghead, with Kizaru, Saturn, and a bunch of marines heading there to take down Vegapunk. Oh dear.
Like, Luffy and co. should not be where they are now, but they are and they’re pretty powerful as well.
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i-am-minty-fresh · 10 months
For the strawhat relationship thingy maybe luffy and robin??(platonically ofc)
she is kinda like a mother figure but i also think she works equally as well as just a friend
idk but i think theyre really silly and want to hear what you think as well
Okay I have the flu right now so this might not be as long as I want, but you’d be strained to call it short.
Robin and Luffy hold a special place in my heart for being the most explicit example of what being friends with Luffy can do to a Motherfucker. When Robin initially joins the crew she manipulates Luffy into taking responsibility for her, and manipulates everyone else on the crew using their abject flaws when facing an enemy (Sanji loves women, Usopp and Chopper are children who like having fun, and Nami likes money). She runs into an initial problem with getting on the good side of Zoro because Zoro believes in action above all else (like how he almost killed himself to prove Nami wasn’t bad in Arlong Park). As viewers we aren’t meant to trust Robin, and so we don't ...up until Skypeia.
Skypeia is the first time that she takes an action that would put herself in danger to protect the crew…she’s growing attached.
And who can blame her! Luffy’s heart isn’t a log pose it’s, an eternal pose meaning it doesn’t sway to unrelated distraction islands and is always accurate. He knows that Robin is a good person because she helped him not die of poisoning from Crocodile without any real reason. He’s never been afraid of her….
He’s never been afraid of her.
From Robin’s perspective this will wear off soon. She has lived her life as a dead woman, never belonging anywhere because she’s the devil’s child. She’s never been a person as much as face to throw darts at in every pirate bar and marine headquarters. She’s seeked after for either her knowledge or her power…Luffy wants neither.
Think about that. He doesn’t want either. Like what we saw with Sanji when he asked him to join his crew without (actually) seeing him fight or eating his food. Luffy wants good people on his crew and he’s not been wrong yet.
But at the same time, Luffy doesn’t dismiss either her strength or her knowledge. He understands her to be an absolute force of nature but doesn’t expect her to use that if she doesn’t want to. Luffy puts the crew's comfort above what they provide for him (which is the reason the Water 7 Usopp fight happens but that’s for another time), meaning she can kill everyone here if she wants but she can just sit in her chair and read her stories while Luffy takes care of it.
Before Enies Lobby, Robin might have assumed that Luffy underestimated her which is what her leaving was supposed to emphasize, ‘I’m too much work and I’m sorry you had to find that out now…we had fun and now it’s over’ she thought that once Luffy and Co. found out about CP9 and the buster call and her polyglyph knowledge they would take the easy way out by leaving her to die. They didn’t sign up to deal with an actual fugitive who was the sole survivor of a genocide, and she can pay them back for all that they’ve done for her by saving their lives one last time…
So they save her ass and teach her the meaning of friendship and what naught and now Robin’s in so deep she’s at like Zoro levels.
She’s crazy, she’s feral, she’s demented as fuck, and you know what she also is? A straw hat. Her crew loves her and respects her not just as a psychopath willing to break everyone’s spines nor as one of the few people in the world who can read the Road Polyglyphs necessary for Luffy to become King of the Pirates, but as another member of the spontaneous strawhat crew.
For Luffy specifically she does in fact act like a mother, but she’s like a perfect combination of mom’s that Luffy has had. Makino and Dadan. Dadan let Luffy run wild without bandaging his wounds because he doesn’t like being coddled like a child very well. Dadan’s all mama bear, violent and protective over what she has left of her cubs. Makino has that ‘normal’ mom vibe. Comfort and serenity. Someone to clap when Luffy does something cool and read to him when he’s all tuckered out. Neither of them taught Luffy the insane moral compass that he has, they only helped him grow along with it. With Dadan it was more about learning to leave the other guy bloodied and beaten, never let anyone mess with what’s yours. With Makino it was about compassion and believing people have good intentions, leaning on others whenever you need help.
Robin does both. She pets Luffy’s hair and indulges in his childish antics but she’s also raw power and protective strength. Luffy taught her to stop only using her powers for herself (more or less as a form of self-soothing, only focusing on herself as a defensive mechanism to keep herself safe) and so now she’s gonna use those powers for others. Her family. Luffy relies on her the same way he relies on any member of his crew, and in return he’s got an elite force of killing machines that will watch the world burn in order to protect him.
I don’t know if this made a lick of sense because I’m kinda drowsy and blinking in and out of consciousness but hopefully this explains everything! (I might re-read this later and re-write it when I’m not off my rocker).
Thanks for the ask!
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