#‘’yeah dean i don’t wanna run i wanna face lilith’’ BITCH? and he’s the smart guy? ok
ahsokasforce · 5 months
i’m currently on s4 of my rewatch and i forgot how fucking annoying sam is from the beginning to the very end. “i have demon blood inside me nobody understands 😭 > wait i want to start drinking MORE demon blood actually > dean’s weak i’m the one who needs to stop this > i can do anything because i’m strong and i have powers > i WILL try to kill lilith with nothing but my demon powers that pamela, cas, dean and half of the characters warned me not to encourage and yes it will work 😃 > i will blindly believe a demon” and knowing that by the end of the season reality will slap on his face so hard and he will start the apocalypse and almost kill his brother in the process… he had it coming i fear
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ain-t-bovvered · 5 years
15x08 Commentary
Bunch of tired and caffeinated Europeans ( plus a sleepy American) scream together, and then die and try to get on with their day ( lol AS IF)
@smol-and-grumpy​ (Nat)
@dean-winchesters-bacon​  (Kat)  
@waywardbaby​  (Zee)
@ain-t-bovvered  (Giulia)
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Nat : 3
Nat : 2
Nat : 1
Nat : go
Giulia: Ugh so young Kat: Adam was our brother Nat : Sobs  Zee: Babies Kat: The babes Zee: Assbutt Giulia: Assbutt Kat: Hey assbutt lol Giulia: And then he was forgotten forever Kat: Hey my demon Giulia: Fuck off chuck Zee: Future corpses? Giulia: Let’s play are they dead or tired Nat : She definitely is Nat : ah Zee: Strike out future Kat: Omg did he kill all these people? Giulia: Wow Kat: Ffs Chuck Giulia: Wow Giulia: Is that tequila sunrise Nat : Easy on the rum Giulia: Yuck Nat : pf Zee: You don’t want me cranky Nat : WEAK Kat: He is the WORST Zee: What a dick Kat: EILEEN Zee: GO GIIIIIRRRLLL Nat : Still got it, girl Giulia: I fucking swear if they kill her off again Zee: RIGHT IN THE NUTS Nat : Ah Kat: Hell ya Nat : "HEY" Zee: CONFUSED MOOSE Kat: Push him away
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Kat: THEY ARE SO CUTE Giulia: Yeah u are Giulia: Snort  Nat : You are Nat : Snorts
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Nat : Sam with his salads man Zee: And Eileen with junk food
Giulia: Well Dean looks happy
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Kat: BOOM Nat : Boom Zee: Boom Giulia: Boom Nat : Is there an echo in this chat?
Kat: I love when we speak at the same time 
Giulia: Dickdemons Nat : DICKtated Zee: What’s with his enunciation ?? And with his face Giulia: Lot’s of dicks in his mouth Giulia: Wait
S: So, he has an Achilles heel. D: Well, I'm saying he has a weak spot.
Kat: I hate it when they dumb down Dean Giulia: Yeah, not that funny sometimes Zee: That close up!!!! Giulia: MY BABY Zee: And enter cas
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Giulia: snort Zee: In all his fed up glory Giulia: DONNY Kat: Aw Donnie
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Kat: JEAN SHIRT Zee: JUST TWO LAYERS?? Nat : Ah I feel like Donatello is me Zee: NAKED Giulia: True Giulia: Me Nat : lol
Donny: Oh And, guys, when I go crazy again,
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Kat: Just shoot me Kat: Mood Zee: ALLLL THE CHICKEN Giulia: AH
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Zee: Stop it Nat : Yeah, definitely me Nat : Only with his favorite
D: Oh, yeah, a real daddy's boy.
Giulia: daddy’s boi Nat : Ah that's the part where they bring in Michael Kat: Ya Giulia: AH Zee: Hi Donnie
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Nat : Ah, yeah he cray Zee: Oh fuck Giulia: Cass is me when i explain spn to my friends
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Giulia: CHUCK
Giulia: asshole Nat : Fuck u
G: But this -- Let this one go.
Kat: Hate him so much Giulia: HE BLUFFING Nat : I gO aLL pOwERfUL Kat: Powerful, my ass Zee: God is an asshole
Donny: Really? I have to leave? Oh, that's too bad. I'll, uh -- I'll just get my stuff.
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Zee: Run Giulia: LOL Nat : snorts "too bad" Kat: Grabbed the chicken lol Giulia: awe cas is worried Nat : Cas has got no fucking patience left Zee: I get that Kat: None Giulia: UGH Kat: Oof Kat: That tone Giulia: that stare
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Giulia: AAAAAAAH Zee: Fandom going crazy Nat : Yeah
Kat: Aw
Nat : I see the fics Giulia: i’m going crazy Nat : that I won't read Kat: Rowena 😭 Giulia: They should stop zooming inf his hands because it does stuff Giulia: AWE Zee: On all their hands
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Giulia: They in hell
Zee: Welcome Giulia: Again Nat : Cas knows his way around  Nat : Ladies lol
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Zee: Yeah Giulia: Of course Zee: That didn’t go well
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Giulia: Wow
Nat : Aw come on
Zee: Are any of us winning? Kat: Nope Giulia: Well they seem more compatible Giulia: Sdbdksbdildbs Giulia: What Kat: ROWENA Kat: OMG Zee: Oh well
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Giulia: AAAAAH Nat : ROWENA Giulia: WHAT Nat : WHAT Nat : IS Nat : GOING Nat : ON Giulia: FUCK RIGHT OFF Kat: LOOK AT MY GIRL Nat : Of course she'd rule. WHAT ELSE DID WE EXPECT Zee: No one hands you anything darling Giulia: YAS GURL BAD ASS WITCH BITCH Nat : I AM SO HAPPY Giulia: YES, MAKE UP ON POINT Zee: Of course Kat: HAIR ON POINT Kat: DRESS ON POINT Nat : SHE'S QUEEN OF HELL, SHE'S ALLOWED Giulia: she deserve it
R: Did you not hear the man? [ Screaming ] Find him!
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Zee: YAS
Nat : AH Giulia: AHAHAHAH Nat : SNORTS Giulia: LOVE HER
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Kat: THAT WINK Giulia: LOVE Nat : AW So if the boys would go to hell, they'd have good company as Rowena Giulia: Shut up nat Nat : I know Zee: YOU SERIOUS? Nat : Eileen, NO Kat: NO EILEEN Giulia: BAD EILEEN Nat : Yeah, you stay girl Kat: She’s gonna get herself killed
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Giulia: LOOK AT HER Zee: That’s a fucking queen Nat : Samuel please
R: Samuel, be a dear.
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S: yeah
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Giulia: WHAT SHE DESERVE Nat : Sex lol Zee: Amazon doesn’t deliver here, YET Giulia: SHE QUEEN Nat : I'M QUEEN Nat : Yes you are
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Giulia: SO AWKWARD Nat : I'm also Queen Giulia: STOP THAT U TWO, I CNNOT
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Nat : What am I picking up of you two
Kat: Auntie Rowena
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Nat : She' the mom Giulia: THANK YOU MOM ROWEENA
R: Making Napoleon so short was just bitchy. Telling Mick Jagger he had no future when I dumped him.
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Kat: I love her infinitely Nat : Ah Giulia: ROWENA IS MY MOM
Nat : There he is
Zee: HE BE HUNGRY Giulia: i don t even remember this mich universe Kat: Wow Giulia: I don’t know much Giulia: Sure u don t Zee: Now I’m hungry Nat : Ok but I'm hungry Kat: He hungry Kat: Me too Giulia: WHAT HE DOING ON THAT PIZZA WTF *Eye twitching in italian* Nat : Maybe pepper Zee: Family sucks Kat: He’s been in hell, give him a break Nat : I hope it's peppers Nat : My god. Donatello is mood Giulia: IT S TIME Kat: For what Giulia: KITCHEN TALK
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Zee: That’s adorable Kat: That’s adorable Giulia: but first Eileen talks Giulia: Awe Stop it you two Zee: The way he says “thing” Fuck him
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Zee: She’s hot Giulia: SHE GETS IT Kat: My heart Giulia: OF COURSE SHE DOES. I COULD GET IT TOO
editing Giuls: ..... what she said Kat: Stop it
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Nat : You could do worse Giulia: AH so much better Zee: Brothers Giulia: STOP MY HEART Kat: 😭😭😭 Giulia: awe shucks Next time then Kat: I miss brother talks Zee: Yeah Kat: Ugh Zee: Oh no Giulia: AH HER AGAIN Nat : Ugh ee: Not her again Giulia: She’s snazzy tho, I kinda like her Zee: The ikea yellow again Giulia: Not her wardrobe tho. The berret can stay Nat : It's so weird. Michael was so fucking powerful when he possessed Dean and now he lets himself being commanded around Giulia: Well I guess being in the same body with that wuss does things to you Kat: Different Michael personalities I guess
*Lilith gets roasted* Nat : Ah Giulia: There. U happy? Zee: You were saying Giulia: Wow Giulia: Ok Giulia: Bye lillith Giulia: And again Nat : I miss the suits tho Giulia: Guess he’s just depressed Nat : They could have dressed up Adam Giulia: The peaky blinders feel Nat : Snorts Donnie Giulia: NOW IT S TIME Kat: Donnie is a mood again
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Giulia: ME Nat : Ah pour me some bourbon too Zee: I need burbon Giulia: not yet Zee: I wanna live in the bunker Giulia: Castiel bb Kat: Unpleasant lol
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ME :
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Giulia: Why i love when cas haS these scenes tho Nat : Your father is not who you knew. Kat: You love Cas? Giulia: * Will Smith pose * a babe Zee: He should stop with that face Giulia: I know Giulia: THAT TINY MICHEAL Zee: You called me assbutt and set me on fire
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Editing Giuls: .....I’M-
Zee: I didn’t come to beg Giulia: Oh I didn t come to beg Kat: I didn’t come to beg Giulia: BITCH I GREW Zee: You grew ?
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Nat : Dean always holds the cuffs , they know Giulia: I can already see all the fics Zee: I’m gonna read Nat : Sames Kat: Right? He doesn’t need to run it in
M: Sam. You look well. Last time I saw you in the Cage... S: Yeah, it doesn't matter.
Sammy has no time for your bullshit Michael.
M: You're asking me to trust you -- you, who doomed me, you, who let Lucifer walk free while your own brother sat in hell.
Giulia: Lol micheal telling how it is Kat: Sames Giulia: SNORT Giulia: OH awkward Nat : I was right when I said Michael is in Adam and not the inside kinda way Zee: What Zee: The Zee: Fuck Nat : Michael lets you talk? lol Giulia: Dean and his Micheal ptsd Kat: 😭
Giulia: YEAH HOW ABOUT A SORRY Zee: He’s so hurt Giulia: well ....wow ok good acting Zee: Paradise is boring Kat: He really is a daddy’s boy Giulia: He looks a bit loony too Zee: A million years in hell do that to a person Giulia: Those books irk me Nat : Adam tries to talk sense into Michael Nat : I'm here for it Giulia: Mid eternity crisis Zee: Mid eternity crisis Giulia: Me Kat: Of course Nat : Parents keep secrets. Do we? Giulia: Ok but i love the different acting. He’s real good Zee: He is Giulia: U ALL DO Giulia: STOP EILEEN Nat : Eileen you stay put Kat: EILEEN NO Nat : She's gonna get killed Zee: Is that a trap ? Nat : I think it's a trap Nat : could be Giulia: AWE CUTE Nat : ah no Giulia: NOW IT S GONNA BE TIME SOON Kat: WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT
C: You know, Michael, I never really liked you. Even when I was just another angel, I thought you were too haughty, too...To paraphrase a friend, you had an entire oak tree shoved up your ass.
Nat : snorts Giulia: ENTIRE OAK TREE SHOVED UP YOUR ASS Zee: Shoved up your ass Nat : that would hurt
C: I'm looking at you, and I...I just pity you.  Because you were never God's favorite. You were just a little part of his story, a tiny part of his story.  You weren't even a star. You weren't even a star. At least Lucifer knew that God can't be trusted. But I guess he was always the smart one.
Nat : Cas, you should have seen that coming Nat : What he said Giulia: NICE CAS Zee: Jack Zee: He’s gonna pop Giulia: I DIDN T NEED THAT AGAIN Nat : so many dirty things in my head
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Giulia: FINALLY Nat : Ah this scene Zee: Yes Giulia: I WAS WAITING FOR THIS
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Zee: They’re not even looking at each other
Giulia: LEAVE Giulia: GET OUT Giulia: I WANT U DED Giulia: LOL IT S FINE  IT S FIIIIIIINE Zee: We didn’t bond Giulia: IM FINE Nat : Finally Giulia: how to call people in extra Zee: God lied to me Kat: NONONONONONONONONONONO Nat : Wouldn't u do that Kat: Wait am I ahead Nat : Yes Giulia: Of course I would are you even question that Zee: Don’t like this Kat: FUCKING HELL Nat : half the house is falling apart whenever you call someone in Nat : lol Giulia: I DON T LIKE THIS Giulia: THE FUCK Nat : Ah IT WAS A TRAP Giulia: STOP Zee: Knew it Nat : UGH Kat: DAMN IT CHUCK Giulia: AW COME ON Kat: I HATE HIM Giulia: IM FEAR Giulia: thank you micheal Nat : HE WILL HELP THEM Nat : Do we trust him Giulia: NO WE DON T
M: And, to bind the spell together, the nectar from a Leviathan blossom. Giulia: WHET Nat : A what Kat: ONG NOT THE DAMN LEVIATHANS Giulia: OH Nat : Purgatory? Giulia: PURGATORY OF COURSE Zee: Fuck no Kat: PURGATORY DEAN PLEASE YES PLEASE I NEED Nat : NO Nat : DO WE TRUST HIM Giulia: OH ARE WE GETTING PURGATORY BONDING TAKE 2?
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Zee: This will rip my heart Giulia: This michael is so depressed Kat: So our Michael can just make doors out of thin air? Giulia: Apparently
D: Adam, I want you to know... we are sorry. What happened to you... You're a good man. You didn't deserve that.
Giulia: THANK YOU DEAN Nat : Michel can apparently do more than we thought Giulia: True
A: Since when do we get what we deserve?
Zee: ADAM SHUT UP Nat : No, Adam stay. I want him to stay Giulia: IM FEAR Nat : So Two guys in Purgatory will Cas want to come back tho Nat : Alright Promo Giulia: PROMO TIME Nat : Ugh I think they'll be trapped in Purgatory longer than the 12hours Kat: Oi hey Giulia: HOLD ON Zee: The fuck?
If you want to get tagged send an ask HERE or to @waywardbaby or a smoke signal, idk whatever I’m tired af.
TAGS: @wayward-angelgirl​  @destiel-honeypie​      @mariekoukie6661​      @dragontamerm​       @closetspngirl​    @rainflowermoon​     @mattiecat​       @bunnybaby121115​  @aliaitee2​    @jacks-word-of-the-day​     @4evamc​       @dammitsammy​     @legendary-destiel​   @winchesterprincessbride​    @destielhoneybee​​      @ravenhg​ @evvvissticante​ @emoryhemsworth​​ @markofdean79​​
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bamby0304 · 6 years
The Hart II: Highway
Summary: Off on her own, without the Winchesters, Bobby, Ellen or Jo, Lizzie tries to get back to what she does best… hunting. But time is running out, Dean’s soul is on the line, and now everyone knows Lizzie is psychic like Sam. Can the brothers and Lizzie work through their problems? Or will they lose everything?
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Bamby’s Masterlist
The Hart Masterlist
The Hart II: Highway Masterlist
Part Thirty: The Hellhounds are Coming
Warnings: Angst. Violence. Hallucinations.
I was running. My heart pounding in my chest and my feet pounding on the dirt ground. Trees and bushes surrounded me as I rushed through the woods, trying to stay ahead. They were close. Too close. I could hear their growls, practically smell their meaty breaths.
The Hellhounds.
Everything hurt. Breathing in air felt like I was breathing in fire as it scrapped along my lungs. My legs ached with each step. I'd been running for so long now...
"Dean." Liz's calm voice woke me from my sleep.
I sat up from where my head had been resting on the desk in front of me. Looking over, I saw her leaning down next to me, watching me carefully.
Breathing heavily, I looked down at the book on my desk, the one I'd been reading before I fell asleep. It was open on a picture of a hellhound...
"Hey." Liz reached over to brush my hair back a little, her movements gentle and delicate. "Bad dream?"
"You could say that." I sighed, wrapping my hand around her wrist before tugging her down so she'd sit on my lap. "Would sleep better if you joined me." I grinned, at her- forcing it slightly.
Shaking her head at me, she smiled back. "You're unbelievable, Winchester."
"Dig up anything good?" Sam asked as he walked into the room, trying not to smile at Liz and I.
I shook my head at him. "No. Nothing good."
"Well, Bobby has. Finally."
Liz jumped off my lap. "Really?"
"Yeah." Sam nodded, a grin lifting the corner of his lip. "A way to find Lilith."
"Wow. With just, uh," I looked down at my watch, "thirty hours to go." Smirking, I gave a short shrug. "Hey, why don't we just make a TJ-run, yeah? You know... some senoritas, cervezas, uh, we could... what's Spanish for 'donkey show'?"
Sam chuckled lightly. "So if we do save you... let's never do that."
"Agreed." Liz gave me a playful glare.
"Hey, Dean." Sighing, Sam's smile fell as he stepped closer to the desk, looking down at me. "Look, we're cutting it close, I know. But we're gonna get this done. I don't care what it takes, Dean. You're not gonna go to hell. I'm not gonna let you. Lizzie isn't gonna let you. I swear. Everything's gonna be okay."
While listening to him, I'd paid attention but hadn't really taken anything to heart. I knew we didn't have a lot of control over my circumstances now. I'd been turning to look up at him and say exactly that, but stopped the moment my eyes landed on him.
Sam's face turned darker as if it were decaying. It was distorted, flinging to the sides rapidly in an inhumane way. I looked to Liz, seeing her face doing the same thing. It was utterly terrifying.
But it stopped just as suddenly as it had started.
Nodding slowly at them, I cautiously watched and waited for something else to happen. "Yeah, okay."
I stood on Dean's left as Sam stood on his right. We were watching Bobby as he placed a large old tracing device over a map of the United States. Three wooden legs held the stand of the device up, as a crystal ball sat in a frame up the top, with a sharp tipped, hanging pendulum pointing at the map.
"So you need a name, that's the whole kit and caboodle. With the right name, right ritual, ain't nothing you can't suss out," Bobby explained.
"Like the town Lilith's in?" Sam asked.
Bobby looked up at him. "Kid, when I get done, we'll know the street." Reaching forward, he started to swing the pendulum as he started to chant Latin.
The three of us watched him with anticipation, waiting for the point to stop. After a moment, it did.
"New Harmony, Indiana," Bobby read. "And we have a winner."
"Alright." Sam pushed the pendulum away. "Let's go."
I was about to head for the door when Dean grabbed my arm, stopping me. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on. Let's all shut up there, Tex."
Sam frowned at his brother, confused. "What's the problem?"
"What's the problem?" Dean repeated as if it should be obvious. "Come on, where do I begin? I mean, first of all, we don't even know if Lilith holds my deal. We're going off of Bela's intel? Now when that bitch breathes, the air comes out crooked. Okay. Second, even if we could get to Lilith, we have no way to gank her. And third, isn't this the same Lilith that wants your giant head on a pike? Should I continue?"
Bobby scoffed, unamused. "Ain't you just bringing down the room."
Dean shrugged. "Yeah, well, it's a gift."
He had a lot of good points, but if I was being honest, I didn't care anymore. I just wanted Dean safe. This was it. This was the end. He had just over a day before he was going down south, and I was not talking about Australia. No. He was headed straight for hell.
Sam shook his head, trying to wrap his mind around what Dean was saying. "I'm sorry, so then what are we supposed to do, Dean?"
"Just 'cause I gotta die doesn't mean you have to, okay. Either we go in smart or we don't go in at all."
"Okay, fine. If that's the case I have the answer."
I lifted my hands in the air. "I am up for anything. What you got?"
"A sure-fire way to confirm it's Lilith and a way to get us a bona fide demon-killing ginsu."
"Damn it, Sam, no," Dean snapped.
"We're so past arguing. Dean, I am summoning Ruby. "
"The hell you are! We have enough problems as it is."
"Exactly. And we've got no time and no choice either."
"Come on man, she is the Miss Universe of lying skanks, okay. She told you that she could save me, huh. Lie. She seems to know everything about Lilith but forgot to mention, oh right. Lilith owns my soul!"
"Okay, fine. She's a liar. She's still got that knife."
"For all we know, she works for Lilith."
"Then give me another option, Dean. I mean, tell me what else."
"Sam's right." Bobby weighed in.
But Dean wasn't having any of it. "No! Damn it!" He took a breath, seeing the shocked looks on our faces because of his outburst. Once a little calmer, he tried again. "Just no. We are not gonna make the same mistakes all over again. You guys wanna save me, find something else," he stated before walking out of the room.
"I've got him," I said before hurrying off after Dean.
He walked out the front door and onto the porch, coming to a stop with a sigh, running his hand over his face.
Stepping up behind him, I wrapped my arms around his waist and pressed my cheek against his back. "There is no way I could possibly understand the stress and worry you're feeling right now. But you have to understand why Sam wants to summon Ruby."
Grabbing my hands, Dean pulled my arms away from him before pulling me so I stood in front of him. "I get it. But if we make one wrong move, he's dead too. Maybe even you."
I shrugged. "I'd rather risk my life to save yours, than just let you die. You're too important to me."
Our eyes locked then. I couldn't say the words, but he understood what I meant, what I was hinting at.
Time with Dean had built a bond with him that surpassed simple friendship. I could tell myself a million times over that we were just friends that occasionally slept together. But I couldn't fool myself anymore. My feelings for Dean had grown into something I thought I'd never feel for anyone. Feelings I'd never had for anyone before.
Which is exactly why I was willing to do whatever needed, in order to keep him alive.
Kneeling on the ground in the basement, I drew and triangle on the floor, with symbols in every point of it. Candles sat on the outside of the triangle, lit. While a bowl of a dry, green substance sat in the middle of it all.
Taking a deep breath, I began to chant, knowing this was going to piss Dean off once he found out.
"Ad construgendum ad ligandum eos pariter Et solvendum."
A sound coming from behind had me pause. But as I looked over a waited a moment, nothing happened. So, with a sigh, I got back to it.
"Et ad congregantum eos coram me."
Taking a box of matches, I pulled one out and lit it up, watching the flames for a beat before throwing it into the bowl. The contents inside ignited, the fire flaring up for a moment or two, before calming down and burning out.
Pulling myself off the floor, I looked around a waited.
"You know, phones work too." Turning around, I found Ruby leaning against a doorway, smiling at me. "Hey, Sam. How's tricks?"
I didn't return the smile, keeping my mouth in a set and angry line. "How do you get around so fast?"
"I got the Super Bowl jet pack." She shrugged and began to walk towards me. "So. You called?"
"Did you know?"
"Um... gonna need a tiny bit more."
"About Dean's deal. That Lilith holds the contract."
She didn't miss a beat as she answered. "Yes, I did."
"And... what? You didn't think that was important?"
"You weren't ready."
"For what?"
"If I told you, you two yahoos would have just charged after her half-cocked and Lilith would have peeled the meat from your pretty, pretty faces."
"Well, we're ready now," I told her. "I want your knife."
She watched me as she started walking slow circles around where I stood. "You're right about one thing. You are ready. And now's the time, too. Lilith's guard's down."
"Is that so?"
"She's on shore-leave. A little R&R."
"The hell's that mean?"
"Trust me, you don't wanna know. You didn't lose those hex bags I gave you?"
"We've got 'em."
"Good. Then she won't sense that you're coming."
"So, you'll give us the knife?" I asked, trying to watch her wat me as she continued to circle me.
"But you just said-"
"You wanna charge in with one little pig-sticker? It's a waste of a true-blue window. Like getting Hitler with that exploding briefcase. Forget it."
"Okay, then how?" I wanted her to answer, now. My patience was running thin.
She stopped in front of me. "I know how to save your brother, Sam."
"No, you don't! You told Dean you couldn't! You've been lying to me all along, so just give me your damn knife!"
"You're not the one I've been lying to."
"Oh, so you can save him?"
"No. But you can."
That left me speechless for a second. Confused. "What?"
"Sam, you've got some God-given talent. Well, not 'God'-given but you get the gist."
"All that psychic crap? That's gone ever since Yellow-Eyes died."
She shook her head at me. "Not gone… dormant. Little Lizzie's proof of that. And it's not just visions either. Why do you think Lilith is so scared of you?"
"Right," I scoffed. "She's scared of me."
"If you wanted, you could wipe her off the map without moving a muscle."
"I don't believe you."
"It's the truth."
"And you decided to tell me this just now?"
"Um... demon. Manipulative's kinda in the job description. Fact is, is that you would have never considered it. Not until you were-"
"Desperate enough?" I finished for her.
We exchanged looks before she shrugged. "You don't like being different. You hate the way Dean looks at you sometimes. Like you're some kind of sideshow freak. But suck it up because we've got a lot of ground to cover, and we've gotta do it fast. But we can do it."
She wasn't right or wrong. Yeah, I hated the way I felt sometimes. But it was a little better now. Knowing Lizzie was like me. I wasn't alone in all of this. She had my back and I had hers. We understood each other.
But at the same time, she had better control and more power. She was getting better and better, while I stayed the same. That, I didn't feel too great about.
"Look. Call me a bitch, hate me all you want, but I have never lied to you, Sam. Not ever. And I'm telling you. You can save your brother, and I can show you how."
"So that's you, huh?" At the sound of Dean's voice I looked over Ruby's shoulder, seeing him standing behind her clearly not happy as he went on. "Our slutty little Yoda."
"Dean," she sighed and turned to him, her voice harder as she spoke to him. "Charming as ever."
"Aw, I knew you'd show up," Dean stated, moving towards us. "Because I knew Sam wouldn't listen." Out of guilt, I looked away, listening to him still. "But you're not gonna teach him anything, you understand me? Over my dead body."
She scoffed. "Oh. Well, you're right about that."
"What you are gonna do is give me that knife. And then you can just go crawl back into whatever slop you came from and never bother me or my brother again. Are we clear?"
"Your brother is carrying a bomb inside of him and we'd be stupid not to use it."
"Dean, look, just hold on for one-"
He cut me off, pissed. "Sam! Don't. Come on man, what, are you blind? Can't you see that this is a trick?"
"That's not true," Ruby insisted.
But he just ignored her, looking at me. "She wants you to give into this whole demonic psychic whatever, okay. I mean hell, she probably wants you to become her little anti-Christ Super Star."
Ruby was getting worked up too, now. "I want Lilith dead. That's all."
"Why?" Dean asked her.
"I've told you why!"
"Oh, right, yeah. Because you were human once and you liked kittens and long walks on the beach."
"You know, I am so sick of proving myself to you. You wanna save yourself, this is how. You dumb, spineless dick."
Shaking his head, Dean turned to leave, only to stop and swing a right hook back, hitting Ruby right in the face.
I backed away at the look in both of their eyes, knowing there was nothing I could do. Dean made the first move. It was now on.
Having taken a few steps back because of the hit, Ruby pulled herself back up and wiped away the blood from her lip. After a beat or two, she pulled back and then punched him back, once with her right fist and then her left.
"Ruby, hey!" I reached out to try and stop her.
She spun around and kicked out at me, causing me to double over. That's when she kneed me in the face, and sent me flying across the space and into a beam.
I slid to the ground, which is where I stayed as I watched her stalk over to Dean.
Dean was readying, hitting her in the face with his left fist and then making a move with his right. But she dodged him quickly, and then kneed him in the stomach. Over and over a few times, she kept kneeing him until she let him drop all together.
He tried to get up, but she just kicked out at him, sending him rolling on the floor, further away from me. He kept trying to get to his feet, but again, she was right there. Grabbing him this time, she pulled him up so they were face to face, only so she could headbutt him.
Falling back again, Dean landed on the floor, looking up as Ruby stood a few feet away from him. Yet still, he simply grinned at her.
"The hell are you grinning at?" she snarled.
"Missing something?" He pulled her knife out from his jacket.
"I'll kill you, you son of a bitch." She rushed forward, but was throw back by an invisible wall.
The three of us looked up at the ceiling, seeing a Devil's trap painted there in red.
Dean continued to grin at Ruby her angry grew with each second. "Like I said," he lowered the knife, but continued to hold it, "I knew you'd come." Turning away, he started for the stairs.
"Wait!" she called after him. "You're just gonna leave me here?"
He stopped and turned to me, ignoring her. "Let's go, Sam."
As I got up and moved to follow him, Ruby glared at us.
"Oh, oh so you're just too stupid to live, is that it? Then fine! You deserve hell! I wish I could be there, Dean. I wish I could smell the flesh sizzle off your bones! I wish I could be there to hear you scream!"
"And I wish you'd shut your pie hole, but we don't always get what we want," Dean called to her as we reached the top of the stairs.
Standing by a table, getting our weapons ready, I looked over at Sam. We were silently working, understanding what we were going into and processing the situation. But looking at my brother, I could tell there was more playing on his mind.
As if realising I was watching him, he sighed and spoke up. "We're just gonna let Ruby rot down there?"
"That's the idea," I answered simply as I looked back down at the guns.
It was that simple. She was a demon, a bad guy. We were the good guys. We couldn't afford any distractions. She wanted things from Sam that I wasn't willing to let happen. Despite the fact that yes, he used to have abilities that came from demon blood, I did not think there was much else he could do besides what we were planned.
Ruby was lying, and that was that.
But he still believed her. "Dean, what if, uh... what if Ruby's right? What if I can take out Lilith?" When I looked up at him again, showing the anger and doubt on my face, he shook his head. "Quit looking at me like that."
"What, are you gonna give her the Carrie-stare and Lilith goes 'poof'?"
"I don't know what Ruby meant. You know, maybe we should just go ask her."
"Sam, you wanted the knife. I got you the knife." Turning away, I started for the other table where more weapons sat.
"Dean, just listen to me for a second. Last time Lilith snapped her fingers and put thirty demons on our ass, and all we got's one little knife? I mean, like you said, we go in smart or we don't go in at all."
I shook my head. "Well, this ain't smart."
"We got one shot at this, Dean. Just one. So, if there's a sure-fire way then maybe we should just talk about it."
"Sam." Walking back to him, I needed to get him to understand. "We are not gonna make the same mistake all over again."
"You said that but what does it even mean?"
"Don't you see a pattern here? Dad's deal, my deal, now this? I mean every time one of us is- is- is up the creek the other is begging to sell their soul. That's all this is, man. Ruby's just jerking your chain down the road. You know what it's paved with and you know where it's going." Turning again, I sat against the table and got back to work, avoiding looking at him.
Sighing, Sam came to stand on my side of the table, shaking his head at me. "Dean." He took a seat next to me, watching as I continued with the weapons. "What do you think is gonna happen? This is me, I can handle it."
My hands stopped working on the gun, but I still didn't look at him as he went on.
"And if it'll save you..."
"Why even risk it?" Finally looking up at him, I was met by him looking away for a beat before looking at me again.
"Because you're my brother. Because you did the same thing for me."
I scoffed. "I know... and look how that turned out." He looked away again then. "All I'm saying..." I choked up a little. "Sammy, all I'm saying is that you're my weak spot." When he looked surprised and confused, I gave a short nod. "You are. And I'm yours."
"You don't mean that. We're... we're family."
"I know. And those evil sons of bitches know it too. I mean, what we'll do for each other, you know, how far we'll go? They're using it against us."
"So what? We just stop looking out for each other?"
"No, we stop being martyrs, man. We- we- we stop spreading it for these demons." I picked up Ruby's knife, holding it out in front of him. "We take this knife, and we go after Lilith our way. The way dad taught us to. And if we go down, then, uh... then we go down swinging." When he just looked at me, I shrugged. "What do you think?"
He looked to the floor, thinking for a moment before turning his eyes back to me. "I think you totally should have been jamming Eye of the Tiger right there."
Rolling my eyes, I stood. "Oh, bite me. I totally rehearsed that speech, too."
He chuckled lightly. "So, Indiana, huh?"
"Yeah, where Lilith's on shore-leave."
"Yeah, I guess."
"Tell me something." I turned to him again. "The hell's a demon do for fun?"
Try as I might, Baby would not start. Looking to Sam, he was just as confused as I was, watching as I turned the keys over and over again.
Suddenly Bobby and Liz appeared at my window, not looking too pleased.
"Where do you think you're going?" Bobby held up the distributor cap from Baby in his hand.
Sighing, Sam and I got out of the car, moving to stand in front of Bobby and Liz as they waited for an explanation.
"We got the knife," I told them.
"And you intend to use it without us." It wasn't a question, Bobby knew. "Do we look like a couple of ditchable prom-dates to you?"
"No." Sam shook his head. "Of course not."
Looking from Bobby, to Liz, seeing the hurt look in her eyes, I sighed again. "This is about me... and Sam. Ok? This isn't your fight."
Bobby took a step towards me, my words hitting a nerve. "The hell it isn't! Family don't end with blood, boy. Besides, you need me."
He cut me off. "You're playing wounded. Tell me, how many hallucinations have you had so far?"
Looking down at the ground, avoiding everyone's eyes, I shifted a little, at the looks I could feel Liz and Sam give me. Then, with a short shrug, I met Bobby's gaze again. "How'd you know?"
"Because that's what happens when you've got hellhounds on your butt. And because I'm smart." with that answer, he handed me the distributor cap. "I'll follow." Turning, he walked towards his car, calling over his shoulder at us. "Don't be stopping to pee every ten minutes either."
Shaking my head at him, I looked to Liz as Sam moved around to get back in the car.
Taking a step closer, she glared up at me. "Don't, 'look' me. We're in this together, Winchester. You didn't like it when I ditched you, so don't do the same to me. Understand?" It was a rhetorical question. Pushing past my shoulder, she moved to the back door. "Now hurry up. Not like we've got all the time in the world."
"Hey, Dean?"
Keeping my attention on the road, I glanced at Sam for a moment. "Yeah?"
"You know if this doesn't, uh... this doesn't go the way we want, I want you to know-"
"No," I cut him off, shaking my head. "No, no, no, no."
"'No' what?"
"No, you're not gonna bust out the misty good-bye speech, okay?" I told him, needing things to stay the same. If he started thinking things were going bad, I'd start believing that's the only option. "And if this is my last day on earth, I do not want it to be socially awkward. You know what I do want?" Reaching over, I flicked the radio on just as Bon Jovi's Wanted Dead or Alive started.
"Bon Jovi?" Liz sounded amused and surprised.
I nodded, looking at her through the rear-view mirror with a grin. "Bon Jovi rocks, on occasion."
She smiled back at me as I began to sing along to the song.
"And I walk these streets
A loaded six-string on my back
I play for keeps"
Nudging Sam, I encouraged them both to join. "Come on."
"'Cause I might not make it back
I've been everywhere"
Finally, reluctantly, Sam started singing as well.
"Oh yeah"
Looking in the mirror again, I gave Liz a pointed look that had her rolling her eyes before she joined us as well.
"And I'm standing tall
I've seen a million faces
And I rocked 'em all
'Cause I'm a cowboy
On a steel horse I ride
I'm wanted"
The two of them were really getting into it now.
Dead or Alive
Dead or Alive
Dead or Alive..."
As they kept singing my smile faded. Neither of them noticed me fall silent, my attention seemingly back on the road. But in all honesty, I wasn't in the car anymore. No, my mind was focused on too much. On the past, the future, the 'what if's'.
I had no idea what was coming for me, and that's what scared me the most.
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belabee · 6 years
I’m Not An Angel: Chapter 3
Chapter 3: To Fly With Me Won’t Be Easy
Rating: Not rated (this will be changing in the next chapter)
Relationships: Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester, Past Sam/OMC, Past Dean/OMC
Tags: Angst with a Happy Ending, Past prostitution, (definitely more to come)
Summary: Sam and Dean run into a blast from the past, and old secrets come to light.
Chapter Summary:  Sam and Dean have a little heart to heart.
Author notes: I'd like to thank @daydreaming-scribe for betaing the first 2 chapters for me <3 :* I've uploaded the edited versions and I think they flow better now. I'd also like to thank @teamfreewillbettertogether when I got stuck in chapter 2. I've had a really hard time with writing this past year, despite my best efforts. I've been putting more effort into it lately and hopefully, I'll be able to start posting more regularly. This chapter hasn't been betaed with anything other than my own eyes and Grammarly, so please forgive any mistakes.
Anyhoo… Enjoy?
Read on AO3
The boys trudged into the motel and Sam made his way to where his duffel was on his side of the room as Dean quietly shut the door behind them.
“What’re you doing?” Dean asked quietly.
Sam paused in his task of unzipping his bag. “I...uh. I figured you wanted me outta your hair as soon as possible. I mean, pick a hemisphere, right?” he replied, not meeting Dean's eyes.
God, he hated letting his brother down like this. Just another sin to add to his already long list of unatonable choices.
Not looking harder for Dean when he was in Purgatory. Allowing Dean to think that he hadn't tried at all. Ruby and the demon blood. Lilith. Saying yes to Lucifer. Everything he'd done while soulless. Sticking around when he was obviously a burden with his hallucinations. Getting Charlie involved with the Book of the Damned. Setting Amara free. Getting involved with the British Men of Letters. Trying to drown out his love for Dean by getting involved with other people.
All of them. All of them his choices that got people killed. He had no business loving Dean. He had no right to taint Dean with his affections. Dean deserved better. Dean deserved to be as far away from his impure, despicable-
Sam's internal rant of self-hatred was interrupted by two strong arms wrapping around him. Dean's hands rested on Sam's wrists, halting their task of furiously shoving his belongings into his bag.
“Sam. Stop,” Dean said, gently turning him around to face him. When Sam still wouldn't look at him (Fuck, when had he started crying?), Dean cradled his face in his hands and lifted it to force Sam to look him in his eyes.
“Oh, Sammy,” Dean said, wiped the tears away.  “Shhh, it's okay. ” Dean pulled him close, and Sam couldn't help but hide his face in Dean's neck, clutching tightly at his shirt.
Sam choked back a sob, before shoving Dean away. Dean stumbled back a couple steps with a look of hurt shock on his face.
“No, Dean. It's not okay,” he said, angrily wiping the rest of his tears away. “It's not ‘okay’. I'm sick. I'm wrong. Hell, we've known it since day one that something's not right with me.” He stalked away from his brother, furiously pacing the room, grabbing his belongings and throwing them onto his bed. “I've tried to fight this, Dean. I've been fighting this for longer than I can remember. And every time. Every time I break, I let myself be selfish. And weak,” he said with disgust.  “And every. Time. Someone gets hurt. Or worse. Dead. ” He spun around to face Dean.
“You deserve better. Even you've said so. Hell if I could, I'd bring Benny back for you. Because you were right Dean. He'd been a better brother to you, then I'd ever been,” Sam's angry tirade petered out as tears welled up in his eyes again at that last sentence.
“Oh, fuck you, Sammy” Dean said angrily. “Don't throw that old shit back in my face.”
“I'm not! I'm just reminding you what's true! We both know Benny had been more loyal, more trustworthy than I've ever been. And then there was the siren.” Sam threw his arms out to his sides, frustratedly trying to get Dean to see reason. “Even the monsters could see that you deserve a better brother.” Sam pushed past Dean to continue packing his bag.
“Sure, we're stronger together. Sure, there's nothing we can't do if we put our minds to it. But that doesn't mean we're better together. You're better off without me. And Cas is back, and Jack is doing fine now that he's got someone to guide him. And who better than the Righteous Man and an angel of the lord to guide his way. Jack would be better off not having the Boy with the Demon Blood to corrupt him. And I can just keep hunting, and you'd be safer, happier-”
Sam was cut off by Dean shoving him against the wall. “Jesus, Sammy. For once in your life just shut the fuck up and listen to me,” Dean said lowly. He rested his forehead on Sam's. “Goddammit, we’ve been through this. None of that shit matters. Come on, Sammy. You're supposed to be the smart one,” he whispered.
“Dean, we both know you're just as smart, if not more than-mmf!” Dean placed a hand over Sam's mouth.
“I thought I told you to shut up,” Dean said, cocking an eyebrow. He smirked when that got him a silent bitch face. “There's my pain in the ass little brother that I know and love.” Sam's eyes widened. “Yeah, Sammy. I love ya. I know I never say it directly. You know I suck at this touchy-feely shit. But hell, Sammy. I thought you’da figured it out when we stopped the trials. I told you, there is nothing, past or present, that I would put in front of you.”
Sam’s vision started to blur again. He shut his eyes tight to try to stop the tears that were threatening to fall. “No, Sammy. Look at me. Look at me, dammit.” He opened his eyes reluctantly. “Now you listen to me, Sammy, ‘cause you know I ain’t gonna wanna say this shit again.” Dean took a deep breath before continuing. “I know these past few years have been a roller coaster of shit - hell, our entire life has been a roller coaster of shit - and I say stupid hurtful crap all the time. But you know how I get when I get scared, when I’m hurting. You know because you know me. And all that shit about deserving better, that’s bullshit. Because there ain’t nothing better for me than you, Sammy. You think I’m mad about you loving me as much as I love you?” Sam gasped under Dean’s hand, eyes wide. “I ain’t mad about that, Sammy. I’m hurt. You deserved better than Seth. And I shoulda done more to protect you from that.” Dean slid his hand away from Sam’s mouth to cup his jaw, touching their foreheads together. “Why the hell didn’t you just tell me?” He whispered brokenly.
“What the hell was I supposed to say, Dean?” Sam whispered. “To be honest, I’ve been trying like hell to just block it out. Just lump it in with all the other nightmares, all the other shit we’ve been through. We both know that compared to everything, compared to Hell, it’s nothing. A drop in the bucket of shit that the universe has thrown at us.”
Dean snorted. “Vivid.”
“Dean,” Sam smiled exasperatedly, and Dean chuckled.
They stood there in silence for a few moments, so close that they were breathing each other's air.
“So… um… did, did you really…um..” Dean stammered out quietly, blushing.
Sam smirked. It wasn’t often that he got to see Dean flustered like this. The little brother in him who wasn't dreading the rest of that question couldn't help but want to relish in it. “Did I what?” he prodded in spite of himself.
“Did you really call out my name when you were with him ?” Dean continued, not meeting Sam's eyes for once.  Sam blushed. Damn, guess it had been too much to hope that Dean would have forgotten about that part. “Uhh, uhm, y-yeah,” he replied, looking down.
“Jesus, Sammy.” Dean rasped out and as close as they were, Sam could feel the full body shiver that ran through his body.
“I…I'm sorry, Dean. I really am,” Sam whispered. He closed his eyes, renewed shame fulling him.
“Shh, Sammy. I told you. It's okay,” Dean said pulling Sam closer, wrapping his arms around him. Sam returned the embrace fiercely. “I told you, I'm not mad at you.” Sam closed his eyes and breathed in that nearly forgotten but still familiar scent of home. Of gun oil, and leather, and Dean. “Still, I wish I'd saved it. I'd wanted to,” he whispered.
“I don't think I would've been able to do anything even if you had, sweetheart. It's bad enough I got you mixed up with Seth-”
“Dean, what happened with Seth is on me, not you. I'm the one who decided to taint myself like that. Not that there was much left to taint.” Dean pulled back a little to look Sam in the eyes. “Why do you always do that?” Dean asked, exasperated.
Sam tilted his head, confused. “Do what?”
“That whole impure, tainted thing? You did it during the trials too. Why do you keep painting yourself as less than me?”  Sam jerked his head back a little. Surely Dean wasn't that blind.
“Because you are better than me. Always have been. You're noble and selfless. You're stronger than anyone else I've ever known, and the smartest, most beautiful person. Why do you think Heaven chose you as the Righteous Man?” Sam looked down, “I've never been anything more than the Boy with the Demon Blood, trying fruitlessly to atone for everything I've done.”
“God Sammy, for someone so smart, you sure are an idiot sometimes.” Dean cupped Sam's jaw and tilted his face up. “All that shit? Being good, and strong? All of that has always been for you. And I ain't pure, especially not after all the shit we've been through. I don't give a rat's ass what Heaven has to say about that, we both know that their sense of judgment is more than a little fucked up.”
Dean leaned forward, bringing their faces closer, their lips so close that Sam could almost taste it.
“All I've ever wanted was to be the best that I could be, for you. Because to me, you've always deserved the best.”
End Notes: The next one is gonna take a little bit since it's like twice as long as the rest of the chapters and I'm still trying to find a good point to end it XD Plus it'll actually get to the smut and I'm super nervous about that XD I'm also on twitter though I'm not very active: @belabee33
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themanicgalaxy · 4 years
SPN 3X16 No Rest for the Wicked
I am going to Attempt to make it to Cas today
oh and that ending of Demon Dean: You’re gonna die with silence? NICE
ah he’s dreaming of running from hellhounds I see
I keep want to say “hound dogs running at your feet” from hades town IT”S THE SAME NUMBER OF SYLLABLES
i know I’ve said it before, but the slow death probably hurts more
Oh he’s already hallucinating that’s great
...he’s referring to Bela in the present tense aw
Dean and Bela were interesting I’m so angry
no Sam don’t summon...NO
Dean’s just...already given up 
“well not god given but” is so fuckingfunny to me, yes do those antichrist powers
“you don’t like being different” oof
what is with the slutshaming, did he get too good of a reception in the first two seasons and then they went nuts, does he do it when he’s uncomfortable, what the hell is this about
ah so he does want to die 
“I got you the knife” oh boy
he’s getting nervous about the demon deal, and doesn’t want Sam making one of his own noooo
calling each other the weak spot
Dean’s figuring out that this shit is unhealthy? or at least not normal? oh?
shore leave in Indiana, oh that’s...a sentence
these people don’t talk like real people
“help us” note oh lord
Possesses the little girl and terrorizes the family, this is horrible oh lord
that red(blood) and green(eyes) on Dean’s face look Nice
“family don’t end in blood” TELL EM BOBBY
“because I’m smart” he’s just quietly cocky I fucking love him
“if this is my last day on earth, I do not want it to be socially awkward” ahaha
“Bon jovi rocks...on occasion” I’m FUCKING-
Boy, that zoom in on Dean’s face after he made Sam feel better OUCH
This man is TERRIFIED
oh a demon cop, and Dean just...knew because he could see it uh oh
“you’re almost hell’s bitch” THE LINE DELIVERY K I L L E D ME
Dean: Bobby, simplify it please *but more angry*
Bobby: *snark* 
I love him
ah fuck the help us note, he’s one of her minions
where’s the goddamn solidarity they’re gonna kill him
yep! he’s dead! he didn’t deserve that, he at least tried!
the “dean can see the demons” thing is great
for only having one knife, they’re doing pretty good, I wanna see more covert ops that would be NEat
THE S T A RE is so funny, they’re just that one emoji
aw he did the *presentation* arm thing
why do so many characters I like do the presentation arm thing
I do love the angsty purple veil type things
the mom saying “do it” is its own personal hell
Dean stopping them from killing the girl is...wow
“keep fighting and take care of my wheels” :( 
“remember what I taught you” father words coming from Father Figure ok
even Ruby saying she’s sorry
he’s...so resigned oh this hurts
ah and he runs
oh “It’s not ruby” OH NO
“It’s all grown up” is troubling
BOY lilith’s shot unsettling 
that kiss is...so strange 
boy the effects...ouch
but the idea of being viscerally torn into in real time like that? oof
ooo that lilith imagery was Neat
oh no Dean
wait why am i tearing up NO
ok wrap up:
1. look. I don’t have much to say overall other than...ouch. Like yeah there’s more to analyze, but fundamentally, all I can think of is this show. It’s..It’s meant to be a tragedy. Like...why do we tell tragedies over and over and over. I think that’s why everyone dies but in the end, one guy. The kripke era is about how one demon spawned a tragedy. And like...we do still go back and watch the show, knowing damn well how it ends. Like...Supernatural could have been Fascinating, and Groundbreaking. but what it is is Compelling, and a tragedy on both the storytelling and the real life level. We watch it even knowing it ends badly. That’s the definition of a tragedy. I don’t agree with it, I don’t think that’s what the show became. But for the original view, that’s what they were doing. It started as a tragedy, became something else, and then tried to shove itself back into its old box, even when it didn’t fit.
God fucking damn this show. Nothing I just wrote made sense but I needed those down there.
Dean shouldn’t have died in the end is my forever takeaway
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