#15x08 commentary
azrael08 · 7 months
Weird take but I have huge grudge towards the background actors in the diner scene in 15x08, not throughout the entire scene but just at the end when Michael smites Lilith, when it pans around to the rest of the diner none of them look afraid enough, they all just look mildly shocked (except that one girl on the table behind Micheal when he leans over the booth, that girl look traumatized and I appreciate it) and it just takes me out of his whole 'Archangel power thing that Jabel had going on.
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fuckspn · 5 months
the fact that in 15x08 eileen is eating a giant burger while sam is eating a salad is definitely some kind of commentary on this show's idea of gender roles
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ain-t-bovvered · 5 years
15x08 Commentary
Bunch of tired and caffeinated Europeans ( plus a sleepy American) scream together, and then die and try to get on with their day ( lol AS IF)
@smol-and-grumpy​ (Nat)
@dean-winchesters-bacon​  (Kat)  
@waywardbaby​  (Zee)
@ain-t-bovvered  (Giulia)
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Nat : 3
Nat : 2
Nat : 1
Nat : go
Giulia: Ugh so young Kat: Adam was our brother Nat : Sobs  Zee: Babies Kat: The babes Zee: Assbutt Giulia: Assbutt Kat: Hey assbutt lol Giulia: And then he was forgotten forever Kat: Hey my demon Giulia: Fuck off chuck Zee: Future corpses? Giulia: Let’s play are they dead or tired Nat : She definitely is Nat : ah Zee: Strike out future Kat: Omg did he kill all these people? Giulia: Wow Kat: Ffs Chuck Giulia: Wow Giulia: Is that tequila sunrise Nat : Easy on the rum Giulia: Yuck Nat : pf Zee: You don’t want me cranky Nat : WEAK Kat: He is the WORST Zee: What a dick Kat: EILEEN Zee: GO GIIIIIRRRLLL Nat : Still got it, girl Giulia: I fucking swear if they kill her off again Zee: RIGHT IN THE NUTS Nat : Ah Kat: Hell ya Nat : "HEY" Zee: CONFUSED MOOSE Kat: Push him away
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Kat: THEY ARE SO CUTE Giulia: Yeah u are Giulia: Snort  Nat : You are Nat : Snorts
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Nat : Sam with his salads man Zee: And Eileen with junk food
Giulia: Well Dean looks happy
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Kat: BOOM Nat : Boom Zee: Boom Giulia: Boom Nat : Is there an echo in this chat?
Kat: I love when we speak at the same time 
Giulia: Dickdemons Nat : DICKtated Zee: What’s with his enunciation ?? And with his face Giulia: Lot’s of dicks in his mouth Giulia: Wait
S: So, he has an Achilles heel. D: Well, I'm saying he has a weak spot.
Kat: I hate it when they dumb down Dean Giulia: Yeah, not that funny sometimes Zee: That close up!!!! Giulia: MY BABY Zee: And enter cas
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Giulia: snort Zee: In all his fed up glory Giulia: DONNY Kat: Aw Donnie
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Kat: JEAN SHIRT Zee: JUST TWO LAYERS?? Nat : Ah I feel like Donatello is me Zee: NAKED Giulia: True Giulia: Me Nat : lol
Donny: Oh And, guys, when I go crazy again,
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Kat: Just shoot me Kat: Mood Zee: ALLLL THE CHICKEN Giulia: AH
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Zee: Stop it Nat : Yeah, definitely me Nat : Only with his favorite
D: Oh, yeah, a real daddy's boy.
Giulia: daddy’s boi Nat : Ah that's the part where they bring in Michael Kat: Ya Giulia: AH Zee: Hi Donnie
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Nat : Ah, yeah he cray Zee: Oh fuck Giulia: Cass is me when i explain spn to my friends
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Giulia: CHUCK
Giulia: asshole Nat : Fuck u
G: But this -- Let this one go.
Kat: Hate him so much Giulia: HE BLUFFING Nat : I gO aLL pOwERfUL Kat: Powerful, my ass Zee: God is an asshole
Donny: Really? I have to leave? Oh, that's too bad. I'll, uh -- I'll just get my stuff.
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Zee: Run Giulia: LOL Nat : snorts "too bad" Kat: Grabbed the chicken lol Giulia: awe cas is worried Nat : Cas has got no fucking patience left Zee: I get that Kat: None Giulia: UGH Kat: Oof Kat: That tone Giulia: that stare
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Giulia: AAAAAAAH Zee: Fandom going crazy Nat : Yeah
Kat: Aw
Nat : I see the fics Giulia: i’m going crazy Nat : that I won't read Kat: Rowena 😭 Giulia: They should stop zooming inf his hands because it does stuff Giulia: AWE Zee: On all their hands
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Giulia: They in hell
Zee: Welcome Giulia: Again Nat : Cas knows his way around  Nat : Ladies lol
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Zee: Yeah Giulia: Of course Zee: That didn’t go well
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Giulia: Wow
Nat : Aw come on
Zee: Are any of us winning? Kat: Nope Giulia: Well they seem more compatible Giulia: Sdbdksbdildbs Giulia: What Kat: ROWENA Kat: OMG Zee: Oh well
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Giulia: AAAAAH Nat : ROWENA Giulia: WHAT Nat : WHAT Nat : IS Nat : GOING Nat : ON Giulia: FUCK RIGHT OFF Kat: LOOK AT MY GIRL Nat : Of course she'd rule. WHAT ELSE DID WE EXPECT Zee: No one hands you anything darling Giulia: YAS GURL BAD ASS WITCH BITCH Nat : I AM SO HAPPY Giulia: YES, MAKE UP ON POINT Zee: Of course Kat: HAIR ON POINT Kat: DRESS ON POINT Nat : SHE'S QUEEN OF HELL, SHE'S ALLOWED Giulia: she deserve it
R: Did you not hear the man? [ Screaming ] Find him!
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Zee: YAS
Nat : AH Giulia: AHAHAHAH Nat : SNORTS Giulia: LOVE HER
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Kat: THAT WINK Giulia: LOVE Nat : AW So if the boys would go to hell, they'd have good company as Rowena Giulia: Shut up nat Nat : I know Zee: YOU SERIOUS? Nat : Eileen, NO Kat: NO EILEEN Giulia: BAD EILEEN Nat : Yeah, you stay girl Kat: She’s gonna get herself killed
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Giulia: LOOK AT HER Zee: That’s a fucking queen Nat : Samuel please
R: Samuel, be a dear.
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S: yeah
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Giulia: WHAT SHE DESERVE Nat : Sex lol Zee: Amazon doesn’t deliver here, YET Giulia: SHE QUEEN Nat : I'M QUEEN Nat : Yes you are
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Giulia: SO AWKWARD Nat : I'm also Queen Giulia: STOP THAT U TWO, I CNNOT
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Nat : What am I picking up of you two
Kat: Auntie Rowena
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Nat : She' the mom Giulia: THANK YOU MOM ROWEENA
R: Making Napoleon so short was just bitchy. Telling Mick Jagger he had no future when I dumped him.
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Kat: I love her infinitely Nat : Ah Giulia: ROWENA IS MY MOM
Nat : There he is
Zee: HE BE HUNGRY Giulia: i don t even remember this mich universe Kat: Wow Giulia: I don’t know much Giulia: Sure u don t Zee: Now I’m hungry Nat : Ok but I'm hungry Kat: He hungry Kat: Me too Giulia: WHAT HE DOING ON THAT PIZZA WTF *Eye twitching in italian* Nat : Maybe pepper Zee: Family sucks Kat: He’s been in hell, give him a break Nat : I hope it's peppers Nat : My god. Donatello is mood Giulia: IT S TIME Kat: For what Giulia: KITCHEN TALK
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Zee: That’s adorable Kat: That’s adorable Giulia: but first Eileen talks Giulia: Awe Stop it you two Zee: The way he says “thing” Fuck him
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Zee: She’s hot Giulia: SHE GETS IT Kat: My heart Giulia: OF COURSE SHE DOES. I COULD GET IT TOO
editing Giuls: ..... what she said Kat: Stop it
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Nat : You could do worse Giulia: AH so much better Zee: Brothers Giulia: STOP MY HEART Kat: 😭😭😭 Giulia: awe shucks Next time then Kat: I miss brother talks Zee: Yeah Kat: Ugh Zee: Oh no Giulia: AH HER AGAIN Nat : Ugh ee: Not her again Giulia: She’s snazzy tho, I kinda like her Zee: The ikea yellow again Giulia: Not her wardrobe tho. The berret can stay Nat : It's so weird. Michael was so fucking powerful when he possessed Dean and now he lets himself being commanded around Giulia: Well I guess being in the same body with that wuss does things to you Kat: Different Michael personalities I guess
*Lilith gets roasted* Nat : Ah Giulia: There. U happy? Zee: You were saying Giulia: Wow Giulia: Ok Giulia: Bye lillith Giulia: And again Nat : I miss the suits tho Giulia: Guess he’s just depressed Nat : They could have dressed up Adam Giulia: The peaky blinders feel Nat : Snorts Donnie Giulia: NOW IT S TIME Kat: Donnie is a mood again
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Giulia: ME Nat : Ah pour me some bourbon too Zee: I need burbon Giulia: not yet Zee: I wanna live in the bunker Giulia: Castiel bb Kat: Unpleasant lol
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ME :
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Giulia: Why i love when cas haS these scenes tho Nat : Your father is not who you knew. Kat: You love Cas? Giulia: * Will Smith pose * a babe Zee: He should stop with that face Giulia: I know Giulia: THAT TINY MICHEAL Zee: You called me assbutt and set me on fire
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Editing Giuls: .....I’M-
Zee: I didn’t come to beg Giulia: Oh I didn t come to beg Kat: I didn’t come to beg Giulia: BITCH I GREW Zee: You grew ?
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Nat : Dean always holds the cuffs , they know Giulia: I can already see all the fics Zee: I’m gonna read Nat : Sames Kat: Right? He doesn’t need to run it in
M: Sam. You look well. Last time I saw you in the Cage... S: Yeah, it doesn't matter.
Sammy has no time for your bullshit Michael.
M: You're asking me to trust you -- you, who doomed me, you, who let Lucifer walk free while your own brother sat in hell.
Giulia: Lol micheal telling how it is Kat: Sames Giulia: SNORT Giulia: OH awkward Nat : I was right when I said Michael is in Adam and not the inside kinda way Zee: What Zee: The Zee: Fuck Nat : Michael lets you talk? lol Giulia: Dean and his Micheal ptsd Kat: 😭
Giulia: YEAH HOW ABOUT A SORRY Zee: He’s so hurt Giulia: well ....wow ok good acting Zee: Paradise is boring Kat: He really is a daddy’s boy Giulia: He looks a bit loony too Zee: A million years in hell do that to a person Giulia: Those books irk me Nat : Adam tries to talk sense into Michael Nat : I'm here for it Giulia: Mid eternity crisis Zee: Mid eternity crisis Giulia: Me Kat: Of course Nat : Parents keep secrets. Do we? Giulia: Ok but i love the different acting. He’s real good Zee: He is Giulia: U ALL DO Giulia: STOP EILEEN Nat : Eileen you stay put Kat: EILEEN NO Nat : She's gonna get killed Zee: Is that a trap ? Nat : I think it's a trap Nat : could be Giulia: AWE CUTE Nat : ah no Giulia: NOW IT S GONNA BE TIME SOON Kat: WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT
C: You know, Michael, I never really liked you. Even when I was just another angel, I thought you were too haughty, too...To paraphrase a friend, you had an entire oak tree shoved up your ass.
Nat : snorts Giulia: ENTIRE OAK TREE SHOVED UP YOUR ASS Zee: Shoved up your ass Nat : that would hurt
C: I'm looking at you, and I...I just pity you.  Because you were never God's favorite. You were just a little part of his story, a tiny part of his story.  You weren't even a star. You weren't even a star. At least Lucifer knew that God can't be trusted. But I guess he was always the smart one.
Nat : Cas, you should have seen that coming Nat : What he said Giulia: NICE CAS Zee: Jack Zee: He’s gonna pop Giulia: I DIDN T NEED THAT AGAIN Nat : so many dirty things in my head
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Giulia: FINALLY Nat : Ah this scene Zee: Yes Giulia: I WAS WAITING FOR THIS
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Zee: They’re not even looking at each other
Giulia: LEAVE Giulia: GET OUT Giulia: I WANT U DED Giulia: LOL IT S FINE  IT S FIIIIIIINE Zee: We didn’t bond Giulia: IM FINE Nat : Finally Giulia: how to call people in extra Zee: God lied to me Kat: NONONONONONONONONONONO Nat : Wouldn't u do that Kat: Wait am I ahead Nat : Yes Giulia: Of course I would are you even question that Zee: Don’t like this Kat: FUCKING HELL Nat : half the house is falling apart whenever you call someone in Nat : lol Giulia: I DON T LIKE THIS Giulia: THE FUCK Nat : Ah IT WAS A TRAP Giulia: STOP Zee: Knew it Nat : UGH Kat: DAMN IT CHUCK Giulia: AW COME ON Kat: I HATE HIM Giulia: IM FEAR Giulia: thank you micheal Nat : HE WILL HELP THEM Nat : Do we trust him Giulia: NO WE DON T
M: And, to bind the spell together, the nectar from a Leviathan blossom. Giulia: WHET Nat : A what Kat: ONG NOT THE DAMN LEVIATHANS Giulia: OH Nat : Purgatory? Giulia: PURGATORY OF COURSE Zee: Fuck no Kat: PURGATORY DEAN PLEASE YES PLEASE I NEED Nat : NO Nat : DO WE TRUST HIM Giulia: OH ARE WE GETTING PURGATORY BONDING TAKE 2?
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Zee: This will rip my heart Giulia: This michael is so depressed Kat: So our Michael can just make doors out of thin air? Giulia: Apparently
D: Adam, I want you to know... we are sorry. What happened to you... You're a good man. You didn't deserve that.
Giulia: THANK YOU DEAN Nat : Michel can apparently do more than we thought Giulia: True
A: Since when do we get what we deserve?
Zee: ADAM SHUT UP Nat : No, Adam stay. I want him to stay Giulia: IM FEAR Nat : So Two guys in Purgatory will Cas want to come back tho Nat : Alright Promo Giulia: PROMO TIME Nat : Ugh I think they'll be trapped in Purgatory longer than the 12hours Kat: Oi hey Giulia: HOLD ON Zee: The fuck?
If you want to get tagged send an ask HERE or to @waywardbaby or a smoke signal, idk whatever I’m tired af.
TAGS: @wayward-angelgirl​  @destiel-honeypie​      @mariekoukie6661​      @dragontamerm​       @closetspngirl​    @rainflowermoon​     @mattiecat​       @bunnybaby121115​  @aliaitee2​    @jacks-word-of-the-day​     @4evamc​       @dammitsammy​     @legendary-destiel​   @winchesterprincessbride​    @destielhoneybee​​      @ravenhg​ @evvvissticante​ @emoryhemsworth​​ @markofdean79​​
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cyncity2000 · 5 years
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Getting my mom into supernatural has been...quite the experience 😅
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orionsangel86 · 5 years
Wow, that spec for 15x08 went quick! Although if Cas dies, it would be a good way to plot him meeting up with Jack, Billie, and the Empty (who are acting as the non Chuck-controlled TWF 2.0) (TWF 2.5, 3.0???)
Yeah so basically here is how I think it will all go down. Accepting the fact that this is wild speculation but I will explain WHY I think this will be the case.
1. We know Chuck wants a Sam and Dean against the world story. He is purposely totally ignoring Cas. The working theory (which I am in the middle of writing still because I am useless) is that Cas doesn’t exist in any of Sam’s vision worlds because they are what would have happened in the OG world had Cas not been around to basically play spanner in the works.
2. We have not yet seen Jack (the absolute spanner in the works and source of Chuck’s biggest fear - being replaced) or Billie, or the Empty Entity, since the end of season 14. They will most definitely be coming back into the story soon.
3. Dean’s prayer in episode 9 involves confessions, tears, and some bruised egos. We know Cas hears it, but that Dean is alone when he prays. Something prompts this desperation in Dean to the point he needs to pray to Cas. We know that before this, they hadn’t resolved their issues.
4. Chuck’s script so far only contains Sam and Dean. Once again Castiel is off the page. He isn’t controlled like they are (or that is what I got from 15x06 anyway). So Sam and Dean are no longer parts of “Team Free Will” in the sense that Chuck has at least somewhat robbed them of it (though not completely as I don’t think he has that power).
Right. So for these elements to all add up somehow, the way I see it we need a reason to link back to Jack, Billie, and the Empty Entity. We also need a big cliffhanger at the end of the Mid Season Finale as we usually get. We need something emotional enough to happen that it triggers an intimate prayer confession from Dean in the Mid Season Premiere. We need Chuck to think that he has got the upper hand at least for a time - by isolating Sam and Dean and forcing them to play out his story no doubt.
We know that Adam comes back (either as Adam or OG Michael we don’t yet know.) My money is on this being part of Chuck’s big ending to get the boys to kill each other (I am also absolutely terrified that this means Lucifer may return though I really hope that every other writer bitchslapped Eugenie Ross Leming when she inevitably pitched such utter nonsense. We shall see).
So here’s how I would write this story:
Cas and Sam return with some idea on how they can overpower Chuck. Dean, having come to terms with some home truths in 15x07 will try to connect with Cas but Cas will give him the cold shoulder (and hopefully be a sassy bitch all episode). As far as unlikely allies go I’m think Amara will join the Winchesters team. I would also love it if this is when we get Rowena back in all her might as Queen of Hell since no doubt she would have gained power and respect from the demons quickly). 
Chuck will get pissed and bring back OG Michael from the cage, forcing them all to fight and face off. Right at the end I have an inkling that something will happen which causes Cas to step out to protect/save the boys, and Chuck will say some snarky comment about how he used to like Cas, but he got too close to his main characters (I would love for some meta commentary here and bronly shade - a girl can dream). Then he dead ass looks Cas in the eye and says “as I told you once before, you’re not in this story.” and smites Cas.
Cas drops down dead with burnt out eyes and Sam and Dean look on in utter horror - ideally here we would get one very important confirmation - that CAS and his own choices were real and not manipulated by Chuck. So Dean gets one answer. Chuck has managed to also send all their other allies away and smugly boasts about how they better stick to his script before he disappears.
The MSF ends with Sam and Dean alone, without allies, and with Castiel lying dead at their feet.
The MSP will begin with Cas in the Empty, woken up by Jack and the Empty entity who have been having a nice long chat with Billie - who knew Cas would be coming soon. She says something like “this is the only place we can actually talk without Chuck being able to overhear. So welcome. We are operation take down God.” or something. Cas and Jack have a tearful reunion and through some supernatural means it is revealed that they have a connection to Earth again. It is through this connection that Cas is able to hear Dean’s prayer. It’s all very emotional. But they can’t focus on that right now. They need to plot to take Chuck out, and now Cas is with them as part of that team.
So let me know what you think. This is all my brainstorming coming out about how I would write these episodes because I feel like Cas has to go to the Empty to meet Jack again and get caught up with the plan (which for some more wild spec I believe will be to trap Chuck the same way he trapped Amara and replace him with Jack.)
I DON’T think Castiel’s Empty deal will be the reason he next goes to the Empty, because Cas won’t ever be truly happy without his son alive. Even if he reunites with Dean and gets a proper sappy love confession from him. He needs to have the whole package and I actually don’t think we are going to follow through on that story now, I think it’s more likely that the Empty Entity will agree to release him from his deal if he agrees to fix all this nonsense so he can go back to sleep once its all done and dusted.
I think Chuck will smite him to get him out of the way. 
Buuut this is all wild speculation guys so take with a pinch of salt. (Though remember that I was right about the last time Cas died! If it makes narrative sense for a thing to happen, it’s likely that thing will happen. Even if all the circumstances around it are totally different to what I speculated.)
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ain-t-bovvered · 5 years
Season 15 Commentary Masterpost
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Bunch of tired and caffeinated Europeans ( plus a sleepy American) scream together, and then die and try to get on with their day ( lol AS IF)
@purpleskiesandcherrypies  (Nat)
@dean-winchesters-bacon  (Kat)  
@waywardbaby  (Zee)
@ain-t-bovvered  (Giulia)
15x01  "Back and to the Future"  
15x02 “Raising Hell”
15x03 “The Rapture”
15x04 “Atomic Monsters”
15x05 “ Proverbs 17:3 “
15x06 “Golden Time “
15x07 “Last Call”
15x08 “ Our Father, Who Aren't in Heaven “
15x09 “ The Trap “ PART1  PART2
15x10 “The Heroes’ journey”
15x11 “The Gamblers”
15x12 “Galaxy Brain”
If you want to get tagged send an ask HERE or to @waywardbaby or a smoke signal, idk whatever I’m tired af.
TAGS: @wayward-angelgirl  @destiel-honeypie      @mariekoukie6661      @dragontamerm       @closetspngirl    @rainflowermoon     @mattiecat       @bunnybaby121115  @aliaitee2    @jacks-word-of-the-day     @4evamc       @dammitsammy     @legendary-destiel   @winchesterprincessbride    @destielhoneybee    @castiellover20   @ravenhg @evvvissticante @emoryhemsworth​ @markofdean79​
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