#‘I’ve connected the dots’ ‘you didn’t connect shit’ ‘I connected them’
Isabel Lovelace as Odysseus… Lovelace a long way from home for seven years. Desperately trying to protect her crew and get them home even as they die one by one. Lovelace as god-touched but still fundamentally human, Lovelace both aided and buffeted and sent back and back and back due to the whims of a power higher than she can reasonably challenge. Lovelace as the Captain who finally returns home as the only survivor out of her crew. Is this anything
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applecherry108 · 4 months
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I have a theory. .
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lavender-0-menace · 2 years
personally, the only thing i want out of the new deadpool movie is an andrew garfield cameo in which wade goes oh he’s hot and maybe a spider-man reference that is literally it i am begging
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jackklinemybeloved · 10 months
Eusulon’s two mentors were Sir Curran and Naram. Naram is a water spirit that saved Eursolon from drowning as a child; Eursulon was initially drawn to Sir Curran because of the way light played off his armor, like the way light plays off water. Sir Curran and Naram both called Eursulon brother. Eursulon couldn’t save Sir Curran but he saved Naram. Sir Curran was why Eursulon lost his breath - Naram is how he got it back. this all means something right. Right.
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dinitride-art · 9 months
Oh fucking- Mike’s been looking for Will this entire time. He didn’t find him in season one. He found El. Brb gotta write an essay.
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soars22 · 6 months
I’ve had a wild thought.
You know how the duck was missing from the Federation video where they were explaining the Cucurucho cookies? This is a crazy theory, but after Purgatory and the Eye being ElQuackity, I wonder if the duck is Quackity-like, it’s a similar thing.
Like. Think about it.
We know that Quackity is in hell or limbo or whatever and there’s that theory floating around about how he’s in a coma (the constant beating we’ve heard in the background of his streams is totally a heart monitor) and I just- the thought hit me and wouldn’t leave me alone.
There’s too much of a coincidence for me with Quackity possibly being in a coma and the Federation duck being absent at the same time. Quackity is the duck and I don’t know how to feel about it.
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15-lizards · 8 months
Reading Dune and making connections to ASOIAF is basically just making the hamster in my head run on its wheel really fast
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orions-garden · 1 year
DROSSELMEYER was in the caravan and now CLARA the horse and they’re in the SNOW and the PEOPLE are TINY and
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zenniaphoenix · 2 years
Okay okay I realized something about bakery enemies au
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The dress and the cake have such similar designs. Both are light and spotted on top and bottom with a dark ombré in between with a triangular silhouette. I love that parallel. It’s like they’re on the same wavelength, inspired by the same things, even when they’re working against each other.
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ohlolme · 1 year
Do you guys remember how MAPPA showed the 03:41s call duration (, which is also the number of the chapter that has Gojo and Utahime together on the cover?? with the yagasuri pattern that has numerous meanings and it’s a lucky charm as the background??
yea this one
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well someone on twt pointed out that the Goodwill Event arc doesn’t actually start with part 1… it starts with part 0… (so basically Gege really spelled out THE WHOLE 03:41s duration call for us) and you know what’s weird about it? That’s the only arc that has part 0 :))) the rest of the arcs all start with part 1… so Gege WHAT WAS THE REASON!?!???
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no, really why… I know I’m reaching, but this too much of a coincidence. He really didn’t have to put that 0 in there… but he did for some reason… Gege are trying too be goofy or something??
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couldbebetterforsure · 11 months
In all the posts I’ve made for Jack Jeanne I know I haven’t spoken about Tsuki (Kisa’s currently MIA older brother who was the former big star at Univeil), and the game itself has surprisingly not given me much to work with yet. Maybe in another route or something? But I will say….there is one (stupid very stupid like holy shit this is crack territory and mostly a silly joke theory but also kinda sorta maybe makes some sense in a weird way?????) thought I have regarding Tsuki…
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thewips · 2 years
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vinmauro · 1 year
i wish i could write beautifully thought out meta posts bc i want to talk about roy and keeley and jamie and how they’re interconnected and how both roy and keeley have been apologized to by jamie as he took accountability for mistakes made. something about a cycle and breaking the cycle and ultimately becoming better people for the relationships held with each other
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gawayne · 1 year
ogh ofg the “galahad’s conception being sinful implicates rape as sin if you acknowledge it as rape, despite the church loosening punishments for rapists at the time” to “sodom being sinful implicates rape as sin if you acknowledge it as such, despite the church preferring to more harshly punish sodomy at the time” pipeline
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amateur-selfshipper · 8 months
Bro I just realized something.
Wendy and Jax’s dynamic in a nutshell is literally this scene:
Like their relationship is basically if the romantic subplot in FernGully was between Zak and Batty
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spoilersforthedamned · 9 months
I’m having thoughts
Castiel - canonically defying the narrative - assumed Dean would be able to perceive his true form. He assumed it because the moment his form touched Dean’s in hell, he was lost
Dean - bound by the narrative - was kept from perceiving Cas’s true form by the narrative. By the author’s god’s imagination. By the budget of the show.
But what is Castiel’s true form? An enormous being of wheels and eyes and four faces? Or the form that was concealed from us: the form of a gay Angel?
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