#‘curate your dash but don’t make it my problem’ and then you go out of your way to try and pull a gotcha
gayravi · 2 years
i do think it’s funny that i currently have 15+ anons i chose not to publish because i didn’t want to start major shit on main sitting in my ask box but IM the delusional bitch here like … y’all ******* **** *** ***** *** *** ***’* **** *** ******* the writing is on the wall
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polyamorouspunk · 10 months
ok thank you for explaining! i think im still a little confused bc i thought clicking the "dont show mature content" toggle or however its phrased is how you curate your dash just in case someone reblogs someone they dont usually reblog? like for example if a blog that normally posts cute stuff reblogs something horror themed you can make sure not to see it instead of having to unfollow the cute blog? and thats different from blocking tags because the cute blog might not tag that post as violence or death or w/e even if the original posting person did? but i think maybe i just dont understand smthing about the site and ill figure it out by using it more. it took me a while just to figure out that reposting and reblogging were referring to different things so i spent a long time thinking that reblogging someone's art was bad here lol. thank you again!
If you mark a post as mature it hides it from everyone who has that setting enabled. If someone marks my post as mature it essentially black lists it. So if you think “I don’t like this I’m going to mark it mature” you have marked it mature for every single user on this platform. You have taken someone’s content and added a “Do Not Go Here” sign to every single user on this platform, not just you. If you don’t like a topic (we’ll use horror as an example) block the tag instead and then on your dash any horror that comes up will not be visible for YOU and only YOU. Adding a community label makes it the poster’s problem and blocks it for EVERYONE, not just you.
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helicarrier · 1 year
If someone asks me about my issues with DNIs, I think I’ll just refer them to this post from now on.
Tumblr, as a website, is designed for quick, casual content sharing. You can follow blogs, then immediately like and reblog posts from them. New posts are even recommended to you directly on your dash, so you don’t even need to look at their originating blogs to interact with them. DNIs put a wrench in this intuitive manner of using tumblr. They force someone to stop and detour and read a page before they touch any posts from a blog they don't know, and that contradicts how tumblr is intuitively meant to be used. If you see a post and you like it, and if there’s an icon right underneath it, your first reaction is to click the icon. I’m sure most of us have instinctively clicked “like” (or “reblog”) on a post we found interesting.
DNIs prevent this kind of “casual” interaction. Their existence means you have to stop yourself before you interact (in any way) with a cool post, find the DNI page of the person who reblogged the post and, if applicable, find the DNI of the person who made the original post as well (because they’ll also receive the notification, unless they deleted the post on their blog), read it, then return to the post. Nothing about DNIs are baked into the functionality of tumblr in an intuitive way; if anything, the only real “do not interact with me” function you will find here in tumblr’s infrastructure is the block function.
Because DNIs are so antithetical to how tumblr functions, they're an inherently futile way of preventing interaction with certain groups of people, too. Most people aren't going to read my rules or my pinned post before they interact with my content. I would not expect them to, because it doesn't occur to many people, and it's a lot of wasted time. Even people with certain kinds of users in their DNIs routinely interact with posts made by those very people, proving this point. It is so inconvenient and absurd to read a page every time someone so much as likes a post by a random blog. Those people you don't want interacting with you? They're probably reading your blog; liking your posts even if they don't expressly say they're x group from your DNI. They're doing the same to my posts, too. That's just the price we pay for being in a public space focused on content sharing. And I accept this. Other peoples' behaviour is completely out of my control. I just block people when needed, because it is my responsibility to curate my space.
And that is the crux of the matter: I refuse to pass the responsibility of curating my space onto strangers. I refuse to make it someone else's problem when they are using tumblr in the way it was meant to be used. Ideologically and functionally, it does not make sense to me.
Just think about it: tumblr is a public website. Unless your blog is password-protected, people can find it anytime, and if they really want to interact, they'll interact regardless of your DNI. It’s not like most people will say, "oh, drat, I'm a racist, I should leave!". Maybe they’ll just interact because the labels you dislike are not visible on their blog, so they'll fly under your radar. And at times where peoples' labels or behaviour are visible, the good ol' block button is the golden standard. It always has been.
If I become mutuals with someone, sure, we'll agree to scratch each others' backs, and tag whatever the other person needs tagged. But that's different from expecting every stranger who comes across my content, wherever it shows up, to follow demands that are all the way over here, on this blog. If someone reblogs one of my photosets way over in the Stranger Things fandom, and people see the reblogged post, they shouldn't need to come to my Marvel/Random Shit™ blog and read my pages before clicking the stupid little heart button. But imagine needing to do this with every single person, every single post of theirs. Sure, maybe you’re familiar with the DNIs of the people you follow. But what about all the posts they’ve reblogged? Those posts have OPs. Do the OPs of those posts have a DNI that’s favourable to you, too?
DNIs aren't even optional reads now, and everyone suffers because of that. The proliferation of DNIs has made a culture where if someone accidentally forgets to read a DNI, doesn't know that DNIs exist, or misinterprets the contents of a DNI, it’s considered acceptable to harass them for it. It's anxiety-inducing.
“...Shit, I forgot to like their DNI.”
It doesn't help that I never know what "basic DNI criteria" means, or what the "etcetera" means either, because it changes from person to person. Folks, I’ve seen homophobes with “basic DNI criteria” in their pages. That aside, you can say "bigots DNI", but a lot of transphobes don't believe they're bigots, so you could still get radfems liking your posts. You could say "bullies DNI", but many fanpols don't consider themselves bullies, because they believe if someone writes fanfiction from the perspective of Hannibal Lecter, of course their reaction to it isn’t “bullying”, it's just justified shaming!
Everyone is the hero of their own story, and everyone thinks they're the exception. They will be the exception to your DNI, too. Again, this all goes back to the "you can't control who interacts with your content" thing. It's maddening to try and think of all the angles, all the ways to "catch" people, all the ways to plug up all the holes. You may not want to hear it, but you never will. You can get the broad strokes, but you’ll never get everyone, you won’t even get close. Even if you do somehow manage to fit all the exact terms into your DNI, and you end up with a DNI longer than a CVS receipt, you’re still going to run into all the people who... Simply don’t read it. Meanwhile, you look a little too preoccupied with who’s looking at your blog on a public website, and even if a well-intended person comes across your blog, they may just check out because they’re uncomfortable with the micromanaging.
...If they can read the DNI. Look, I’m all for creative formatting, but I see so many DNIs (and carrds in general) that have hot pink writing on a red background, or baby pink on baby blue, or yellow on lime green, and I can’t read any of it, not to mention it’s a migraine risk among other things. I’m not reading dozens of these pages every other day.
It doesn't help that many DNIs are rude, angry, hostile pages that tell people to kill themselves. That's not right. When someone volunteers to read an information page, they are doing that person a courtesy. It is shameful people need to read things like "kill yourself", "swallow a knife", and other verbal sewage. It doesn't matter if it's directed to them or not. Simply looking for people to follow and interact with, simply liking a post, should not be an exercise in mental fortitude. Needing to read awful threats over and over again should not be a requirement for engaging on this site. Imagine having depression, intrusive thoughts, and so on, where this stuff could land twice as hard. It's gotten to the point where my eyes immediately gloss over when I open a DNI, because my mind simply doesn't want to see any more shit and is trying to protect me. I'm at the point where I don't want to open DNIs at all.
But as you guessed, there's a problem with that. Because DNIs are almost compulsory on tumblr now, ignoring them has two possible outcomes: one, you annoy a ton of people, because maybe their DNIs say they don't want you around, but you're interacting with their stuff anyways. Maybe you get labelled as the person who ignores DNIs. Two, you stop your browsing in part, or as a whole, meaning almost nobody gets likes or reblogs from you anymore, because you’re trying to not waste your time, you’re trying to preserve your sanity, etc. And this hamstrings content creators.
One of the biggest flaws in DNIs is that nobody is obligated to reveal information on themselves. Minors can easily hide their age. Bigots can hide their bigotry. People can remove info from their description until they're clear of someone's initial "new follower vibe check", then put it back. Nobody knows you're a dog on the internet. It's naive to assume people will be honest about themselves, and adhere to a DNI.
DNIs are often so incredibly vague and their attitude so charged that people can't even ask for clarification, because the writer of the DNI could be radicalized and have very unhealthy views, and absolutely attack someone for reaching out. A DNI might say, "don't interact if you support incest", but it never clarifies in real life, or fiction. There has been an enormous uptick in moral panic over fiction lately, so lots of people might ask for clarification, but if they do, the person could say "in real life and fiction, duh!", flame them because they "didn't know something so obvious, it must mean they're sus!", then flame them again because they viewed the poor person's blog and saw lots of mature content they think people shouldn't write. It's absurd, but unfortunately, that kind of panic has spread. Many people use DNIs as extensions of their unhealthy interaction, media consumption, and browsing habits.
So I usually avoid DNIs.
All in all, I don't mind if someone politely asks other people to not interact, or if they say they block for certain stuff, if there’s a clear awareness that it's not a be-all, end-all solution, and that people will still interact. As long as they put the onus on themselves, rather than other people, to curate their space, it’s cool. For example, if someone is an 18+ blog, and they ask minors not to interact? Cool, if they don’t “punish” or otherwise attack minors who find posts of theirs on other blogs, and “like” them from there without going all the way over to the OG blog to see if they’re allowed to do like it. Because again, that’s a bit of an unfair requirement to impose on people. And whatever.
Because people shouldn’t feel like they’re playing minesweeper when they want to click a heart. Between the terfs, racists, and all the other issues, we have enough on our hands already.
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chuuya-fan-page · 6 months
Regarding E’s post about Taylor Swift...
No offense, but who are you to say that? Like, let people have their fun. Who are they hurting by adding Taylor Swift to their soukoku playlists and posting about her songs/lyrics in relation to them? If it annoys you—don’t interact with it. Scroll past, press not interested/dismiss depending on the platform you’re on, filter tags/key words, block people (Blocking was made to allow people to curate their timelines and not see content they don’t want, it doesn’t mean the blocker has some sort of agenda against the person they blocked, like many people love to pretend). All these alternatives are a million times better than being mean about it. As a placeholder for blocking, you can also filter out someone’s username on Tumblr and it’ll hide all their posts from your dash the same way filtering a tag would. There are so many ways to avoid this without posting about it and spreading negativity.
If you disagree with someone in regard to a song fitting a ship (or anything fandom related, really), that’s completely okay. That’s your opinion, and you are entitled to it. What you’re not entitled to is shaming the person for it and telling them what they are and aren’t allowed to do.
Some Taylor songs genuinely fit them very well, in my opinion. Yes, also in my opinion, not all the songs people claim do actually fit them. But in their opinion the songs do, and who am I to tell them they’re wrong? My opinion isn’t in any way superior to theirs. And I’m not about to tell people what to think, or how they can interpret relationships, or what songs they’re allowed/not allowed to have in their relationship playlists. It’s not my place to. It’s not anybody’s place to.
It’s the same way the problem with the Chuuya hate page isn’t that they hate Chuuya, but instead that they’re unnecessarily loud and mean about it. Of course, I’m not trying to say that you’re “the same” or anything, because what the Chuuya hate page is doing is a thousand times worse than this, but this is the beginning of what evolves to be posts like theirs.
Not to mention that this whole mindset of “Stop making everything about X”/“Stop throwing X at everything” is rooted in ableism. What if an autistic person has Taylor as their special interest and they can’t help make everything about her? Heck, what if they have soukoku and Taylor Swift as special interests simultaneously and combining the two brings them unrestrained joy? Why should that bother you?
As an autistic person, I’m really tired of people telling me to stop making everything about my special interests. It’s genuinely out of my control, and I don’t understand why my happiness annoys them so much.
Please don’t take this as hate. The whole reason I sent this is because I like this blog, and I like to believe you’re mature enough to understand what I’m saying and where I’m coming from. Thank you for taking the time to read this <3
Hey I'm sorry that my post was read as being mean, I didn't mean for it to come across as anti-Taylor Swift. I do have my own issues with her but her music is good and I don't have a problem with people thinking a few of her songs fit whoever.
And also I'm not talking about actually explaining why you think a song fits them, that's cool as fuck. Analysis is great I love character analysis, especially if you talk about songs that represent the character and why.
Now respectfully, I think you are reading into a post too much but you did send me a well formatted ask so i'll by paragraph.
Who am I to say that? It's a take, I can have those and I wasn't shaming anyone. I said Taylor Swift makes good music but it doesn't fit everything. Which is true.
Please do not compare me to the Chuuya Hate Page as what she does is entirely different and my saying not everything works with Taylor Swift is so far away from being a bigoted shithead.
I'm not going to say much on the ablism but do know that I am also autistic. I understand where you are coming from but you also have to understand that sometimes special interests can clash. I said what I did because most of the "this Taylor Swift song fits them so well!!" is full of mischaracterization and it pisses me off because bsd is my special interest.
So, I'm not telling anyone specifically to stop doing what makes them happy, I made a very short post where I didn't even say anyone was doing anything bad. I said Taylor Swift doesn't need to be for everything.
Having said all that I do appreciate that you took the time to explain why exactly that post upset you and that's valid, however I am allowed to post whatever takes I want and you don't have to agree with me.
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doriandrifting · 10 months
I need to state my piece with canon v. fanon, and like forewarning this is just my personal perspective because ultimately you can create whatever you want and that’s a good thing!
So like I don’t mind fanon—obviously any hc, fic, artwork, etc. is going to have elements or be entirely fanon. When people are complaining about “fanon” —or at least I’ll speak for myself—it’s not about the actual fanon itself but moreso the culture around it?
I’ll use Byler as an example (but I see the same stuff being said about other ships and fandoms lol). People will take traits that Mike or Will have in canon and slowly turn up the dial until they’re basically a caricature of themselves or turn them into an OC via projection. And if you want to do that it’s your business! But the problem comes in when people will literally start to fight you for side eyeing something or not acting like this interpretation is the One True Interpretation™️.
I’m gonna use an extreme example just to make my point a little clearer: a few people took the rain fight’s “It’s not my fault you don’t like girls,” removed all the nuance, and turned that into fics with Mike hurling slurs or being aggressively homophobic. Now, we know very well that in S1, Mike was Will’s #1 defender against homophobic bullies—couldn’t even stand them calling him a “fairy.” But whatever, again, you can write whatever you want. The problem for me was so many people were being like “WHAT?? You didn’t read XYZ!? It’s basically canon!” or some of the fics were tagged canon compliant, and basically nothing to suggest that anyone is acting OOC. I saw people push back on this being Mike’s canon personality, and dude people in the fandom were tearing into them. It was wild.
A less extreme example is when people project their music interest onto Will. Personally I’m definitely mutuals with some people who do that and read fics from people who do that because a lot of them are great and it doesn’t inherently bother me! What frustrates me is when people insist that if you have a different view—one that aligns with canon—that he listens to alternative music, people act like you’re weird or deluded.
Anyway, the best thing to do is just protect your peace and curate a fandom space that caters to what you’re looking to get out of it. Like everyone I follow has various interpretations and theories, a lot that are different to mine, but I’ve made a point not to follow people whose interpretations are super ooc and super insistent because I know myself and I know that I don’t like that. I personally don’t have any problems with my dash, so maybe some of this comes from the whole “did you see what was in the tag” thing, because yes, the tagging system is meant to enable you to search all of tumblr, but it’s primary function is to sort posts on people’s blogs. The general tag is gonna have a lot of different opinions, some canon compliant, some not. It’s also gonna have fans at varying levels of maturity whose interpretations may reflect that. You’re going to have fans who have watched the show once, and fans who have rewatched a million times. So find out what you like and ignore rest. You’ll have a better time. I promise!
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sheldoney · 5 months
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NOTE* this is not a canon portrayal. sheldon is basically my little string bean boy theoretical physicist oc with some bbt elements and a dash of young sheldon buuuuuuut I basically created him from scratch. I do not follow BBT or Young Sheldon religiously. I cherry pick. SELECTIVELY. If you are looking for a religious canon coded portrayal this is not the blog for you. He is one hundred percent my own creation and I love him dearly. However, I do hope you wish to follow and write with him. I offer many verses to pick from and if you don't like anything listed we can work something out and make up our own verse! THE ROOMMATE AGREEMENT | MEMES | PROMO | HEADCANONS | VERSES | RELATIONS ↓ ↓ ↓
affiliates: @qu-tipie, @smolcuriouskitten, @godclaws, @acceptedrisk, @hollowvictory, @clockchimes, @merveiilles
1. I don’t have many rules just one big one. Do not lie to me about your age. If you are underage. I’ll block you. Final word. Wanna know mine? Just ask. I am 21+ I only write with those over 21+. Discord is mobile and only available for close friends and mutuals only. I DO NOT ROLEPLAY OVER DISCORD. I AM DASH ONLY. If I do hand out my discord I am always invisible or away. Don’t take offense. Leave me a message and I will get to you as soon as I see it! I rely heavily on Tumblr IMs for other communication purposes.
2.I AM NOT A THEORETICAL PHYSICIST. I BS MY WAY AND JUST GO BY THE CANON OF THE BIG BANG THEORY. (kinda sorta not really though I am trying to redeem Sheldon as he was treated terribly and portrayed horribly on the show. He said some things I do not condone or agree with according to TBBT LORE.This is not Jim Parsons’ fault.) BTW GOOGLE IS MY BEST FRIEND. BTW This is a Jim Parsons appreciation blog also.
3. I DO SHIP SHENNY/ I SHIP SHAMY. (SELECTIVELY.) IF YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH SHENNY AS MOST DO IN THE BIG BANG FANDOM DO NOT FOLLOW THIS BLOG. I ALSO HAVE CRACKSHIPS ON THIS BLOG. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE WITH THEM DO NOT FOLLOW THIS BLOG.I also ship Sheldon and Chemistry amongst Muses. Sheldon Cooper is “canonically” asexual and not interested in coitus. But I do write him differently because I don't follow strict canon. I will not be writing smut on here or any s.exual content. I have a separate blog for “spicy” interactions. I will only be giving out the blog to Sheldon’s ships. It is NS.FW. Sheldon is not a cheater or your one night stand. Do not assume so. If you would like to pursue a relationship with Sheldon please talk to me about it beforehand.
6.I USE XKIT REWRITTEN. I trim my posts, you don’t have but I will trim yours. It is just a simple click for me. I do not roleplay in the ask box. If you have intentions of continuing a thread please @ me in something. Thank you.
7. I am very picky about who I write with. If I like your writing I will follow you. I don’t expect a follow back but do know I am interested in plotting something with you in the future. I am not a follow for follow. I am here for interactions, simply.
8. I have no problem writing in other fandoms. Especially horror/thriller/supernatural/etc...I adore crossovers.
9.I am not always available.Please be patient with me for replies. I do have a life outside of Tumblr. I keep weird hours. If it says I am online, chances are I am not. I am probably by the computer but doing something else.
10. I promise I am friendly. I just like to curate my space. Do not try to involve me in gossip or any of that malarkey, please and thanks.
11. I AM LGBTQ+ MOST OF MY FRIENDS ARE LGBTQ+ MY FACECLAIM IS LGBTQ Homophobia, Transphobia, ETC ETC ETC will not be tolerated and you will be blocked if I see it.
12.ICONS & GRAPHICS & HEADCANONS. My icons are made by @butscrewmefirst . Some icons I have gathered from insanejournal and fanpop and altered them slightly. Please use icons or gif icons/small gifs in your replies. My computer takes forever to load large images. All headcanons are my own. Please do not lift anything from this blog. Thank you.
13.EXCLUSIVE & MAINS.As of right now I have certain exclusive canon characters that I will only write with on this blog. I will not write with any other portrayals of Harley Quinn using Samara Weaving  as their faceclaim or other Heath Ledger’s Jokers. I will also not write with other Sheldon Coopers. I am sure you are all tremendous but I prefer not to interact with any other duplicates. If you would like to be a main or an exclusive in Sheldon’s universe please come and speak to me about it.
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minimalist-daydream · 1 month
April Recap
Hello all! (I don't know if I have real followers or if everyone on here is just a bot... but in any case, I wanted to try something new with this semi-neglected blog.)
I don't know if anyone else here has recently experienced a wave of social media fatigue. The sheer amount of content online - mostly exhorting you to buy more things to fix imaginary problems - lately feels overwhelming. The other day I had a sudden wave of nostalgia for early 2000s social media, especially how things felt a little more curated - how you would seek out a handful of individuals who matched your interests. These days, with algorithms pushing hundreds of new influencers your way every day, it feels impossible to pick out the signal from the noise.
In that spirit, I thought I would start writing a little monthly recap of things that I tried and loved. This will range from everything from books, to fashion, to skincare, to hobbies... I hope to maybe start a bit of a dialogue online, to share some things that I enjoy, and to try to cultivate a lifestyle full of things that I truly love, instead of mindlessly following the latest trend I've seen online.
So without further ado, here's the April recap of Things I Tried and Loved.
Deleting social media apps for a few days
By which I mean any apps with short-form videos, i.e. Instagram and Youtube. I’ve never had Tiktok as I know I would be hopelessly addicted to it, but have managed to justify keeping Instagram and Youtube on my phone for social and “educational” purposes. The problem is, whenever I’m busy or stressed, my coping mechanism is to lie in bed and spend literally hours scrolling through Instagram Reels, until my mind feels simultaneously numb and overstimulated.
It’s usually in such a state of social media-hangover that I decide to stop spending so much time online and delete these apps from my phone. This usually lasts for a few days before, in an itchy state of withdrawal, I cave and reinstall them. But so far I’ve lasted about a week, and the longer I go on, the less I want to go back on them. It’s amazing how much time is freed up when you’re no longer spending 1-2 hours a day scrolling on your phone.
Tumblr, of course, does not count amongst the aforementioned apps. I consider it to be a more evolved form of social media.
Sizing up in jeans
I’m not sure at what point my life I decided that jeans were meant to be inherently uncomfortable. Even though I’ve eschewed skinny jeans for a while now, like a good reformed Millennial, I’ve never let go of the mentality that jeans should still be snug around the hips and waist to be “flattering”.
Now, at long last, I have come to the simple realization that I can wear whatever jeans I want. By simply going up one size from your true waist size, you can have jeans that don’t: 1) require small, awkward jumps to pull on 2) take your underwear along for a ride every time you take them off and 3) cut off your circulation every time you sit down. A miracle.
Clinique Black Honey lipstick
I am not a lipstick wearer. I have tried to embrace the “French girl” look, wherein a dash of lipstick somehow pulls your entire look together, but the truth is when you otherwise look completely haggard, wearing a bright red lipstick actually makes you look a bit insane. I’ve actually had the Clinique Black Honey Lipstick for a while, but rediscovered it kicking around in the bottom of a purse the other day. And wow, I forgot how much I love this simple product. It provides just a little bit of color without making it obvious I’m wearing a color. It does not dry out my permanently chapped lips (though I still wear some Vaseline on top of it). It feels very elegant to slip the little silver tube into my bag or purse. 5/5.
Reading about etiquette
After reading Jane Austen’s Emma and laughing at the various social mishaps that the characters get into, I went on a journey of reading about etiquette and what the hell happened to it over the past two hundred years. Not that I miss the strict dress comportment expected of men and women back then, or women in general being banned from a variety of activities, but I do think there were some romantic tendencies which we lost and were never satisfyingly replaced. Like formal balls. Handwritten letters. Ladies wearing gloves. I know that some people still write letters to their friends in fits of nostalgia, but in an age of instant communication I feel that this would probably be a one-sided effort and met with some confusion before eventually petering off.
Paying for things with cash
Like many North Americans, I am mildly irritated by the influx of tipping requests for things that we used to not tip for, like buying ice cream at a counter or getting an oil change. There is a very simple solution to this, which is to carry cash for these types of services. I haven’t carried cash in so long that I somehow forgot about this workaround. Paying with cash removes the awkward moment where the machine is tilted towards you and the cashier watches as you punch in the minimum suggested 18% tip for scooping ice cream into a cup. If you hand over exact change or the minimum amount of cash required, they cannot judge you for not reaching into your pocket and pulling out extra cash for a tip. Somehow, this feels totally different than selecting “No tip” on a machine. I don’t know why, but it does.
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litfeathers · 1 year
Okay. Here’s what I am doing to avoid leaks:
1) Not going onto YouTube. My living room account is safe since it’s all stuff like…birds, nature, and science content. But I will not be going into the YouTube app on my phone, since it definitely recommends TOH stuff.
2) I am NOT going into any tags on Tumblr. And while I almost never go onto twitter anyway, I’ll be avoiding it completely now. I will also be avoiding tumblr’s ‘for you’ tab thingy.
3) TikTok will be a MAJOR problem. I don’t use it anyway, but if you use it…I would strongly consider staying off entirely until the 21st.
4) I might still write and post fic, but I won’t be seeking any out to read until the 21st. Unless it’s a direct link on my dash from a heavily trusted author who I know is avoiding spoilers.
5) I will be very careful with the tags and comments on reblogs. It might actually be a good idea to avoid your notes entirely if you currently have some popular posts floating around. And be careful when opening asks. Consider turning off anonymous asks, or you can even turn asks off completely.
6) I will be using my tumblr dash fairly normally. It is heavily curated, I have all necessary algorithm suggestions turned off, and I trust my mutuals and the other accounts I follow. Just make sure you have these settings turned off:
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My main advice is to avoid tags everywhere, and for the love of god avoid anything with an algorithm if you don’t want spoilers.
There’s still a chance you might have an accident, but following these steps should severely reduce the odds that you will get spoiled. You can also take some extra steps like blocking certain tags on your dash if you’re extra concerned.
Dana and the TOH crew deserve better than this. And while I won’t cast judgement if you decide to watch early, DON’T TALK ABOUT IT PUBLICLY UNTIL THE 21ST. If you must talk about it, please do so privately amongst friends!!!
Okay I think that’s it. Stay safe out there. Have an angry Eda with a knife to cleanse your dash and fight the haters.
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rayshippouuchiha · 1 year
(Just venting a bit, sorry. TW for cursing and mentions of blood, bruises, cuts, general injuries, etc? I dunno what else to put here, sorry)
Ray, I don’t know WHAT it was I did or liked or, fuckin,,, interacted with somehow, but earlier today I was seeing a whole bunch of posts with pictures of people with shit like giant bruises, bloody piercings, and half-stitched cuts on my dash. I didn’t realize it at first, thought maybe I’d accidentally followed someone new while scrolling through tags, but I hadn’t; it was all “in your orbit” and “based on your likes”.
I turned those off, and it seems to have helped; my dash is back to normal, thank fuck. But I have no idea what caused it in the first place! I haven’t followed anyone new in a month, I mostly “like” things like animal pictures and writers’ posts (which are VERY DIFFERENT from half-healed injuries), I am very liberal with the block button whenever I come across something (or someone) that I don’t like,,, I curate my dash very carefully, specifically so I DON’T see shit like that, because it makes me start to either dissociate or panic! This is not a new problem! I blocked those tags for a reason, I blocked the blogs that post those things for a reason,,, only to get untagged posts randomly showing up on my dash anyway.
Sometimes I really hate this hellsite. The algorithm can go fuck itself. And I’m gonna go get myself a soft blanket, a cup of tea, and a cat to snuggle, so I can de-stress. Today has been a day, Ray.
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Oh damn baby yeah the hellsite's been hellsiting you huh? Sorry that happened. You get you some tea, snuggle with the cat, and maybe read or watch something fluffy to get that out your head
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rationalisms · 2 years
Omg you discord post is exactly what I’ve been thinking as well. I’ve joined it for fandoms and school groups and irl community stuff and each and every time I get so anxious that I end up going ghost. Speaking specifically on fandom though, I recently deleted my account and the app (love being #free) because the one to one feel of involvement is A Lot. I love screaming into the void and shooting off a stupid post way too much so having to think through everything I say is anxiety like I don’t actually want to feel like I’m in a chat room? Idk but it’s the same with twitter, I use it to crack some jokes but the extra sense of familiarity that seems to come with frequent interactions overwhelms me and everyone else just seems to be okay with it. I realize that’s a box of a social anxiety thing in general though. Anyway not that you asked bit this is why I don’t think I’ll ever leave tumblr it caters so perfectly to the hermit in me lol
oh bud i completely feel you, it's an absolute nightmare for people with any amount of social anxiety. pretty much the only reason i use discord is for ttrpg organizational purposes, and for the one movie watching/music league group chat with my group of friends; any servers i've joined that are bigger than that i go through the exact same process every time: agonize over what to say for several days because everyone else already seems incredibly familiar with each other in a way that's so deeply terrifying and intimidating and then eventually just leaving again. which sux! i wanna Take Part In Stuff and meet people who share my interests but i'm a big ball of anxiety and that setting is my nightmare... so i definitely get you. and good on you for deciding that you're no longer getting anything out of it and pulling the plug! it can be hard especially with how much it's assumed that you have certain social media and FOMO and alla dat, so i'm glad you were able to draw a line and i hope it helps make you feel more comfortable.
i don't mind twitter as much because it feels more passive in a lot of ways. like, engagement can just be a driveby fav or even if you do reply or someone replies to you there's an inherent built-in acceptance of delay in response or even just like. Acknowledgement By Fav Can Be Enough. which imo is definitely not the atmosphere for discord at least ime. but it's still not great for fandom stuff for a ton of other reasons including the complete lack of archiving. and honestly, i abandoned my public twitter for my locked down private one for a multitude of reasons and the anxiety around having to keep up some sort of Public Persona is definitely part of it, so i absolutely understand you on that level as well.
tumblr has its own issues obviously, but like you i never felt the same sense of pressure or dread here. a big part of that is obviously the whole reblog system in itself, in that it's totally fine and even encouraged to just, idk , silently curate pretty pictures for a bit and at most commenting in the tags when you have something to say or w/e, but also being able to do the whole shooting random thoughts into the void whenever you want to instead. it's also much, much easier to curate my experience here than anywhere else lol. much more robust blacklisting functions available (albeit reliant on third party extensions) and if you didn't choose to put something on your dash then tumblr won't for the most part force it on you. so that for sure helps.
idk, i don't have the solution! because like, yes in many ways discord and twitter are suboptimal for fandom stuff but in many ways it's also down to the fact that i do obviously have pretty severe anxiety around these things and struggle with it immensely in a way that a lot of people obviously don't. which sucks but isn't their problem.
i still think we should all move to dreamwidth though. if enough of us hermits congregate there other people eventually have to follow, right? that's how we all ended up on tumblr in the first place :x
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oldcoyote · 2 years
Hey there! I just wanted to know your opinion of all these new people on tumblr that are making people who like posts feel bad. They’re saying that this is not instagram and that the likes do not help the original poster and they are on this high horse as if they’ve been here for so long saying things like “this wasn’t how it was supposed to be on tumblr, this is not how things were before” when they’ve been her just a couple of years (nothing against new people joining in, but you don’t have the right to tell people how to use a platform that is supposed to be a safe haven for many since its inception)… this is how it’s always been on tumblr. People like things to save them and they reblog things that catches their attention, many are acting as if the like option is new when it’s always been there and throwing shade to those that like stuff. Also it’s weird that people keep complaining when their post are liked and reblogged and get angry at people for that. I don’t know… tumblr seems like a hostile environment lately. I just got back after years (I asked for your opinion because we’ve been here for nearly the same time and we’re from the same tumblr time.) I don’t like that people are hostile lately and act as if throwing shade to other people is okay.
i'm very lucky that i haven't caught any of that hostility on my feed, i wasn't really aware that it was happening at all! i've been here 12 years now, if we're including the neaf blog, and liking things has always been an important function of tumblr. i think a huge part of the problem now is that notes are hidden away - previously, you were able to see the volume of people liking and reblogging your posts in notes on your dash and that would give you an immediate sense of response and reaction to what you were putting out there. we even used to have a function called like-spamming, where you would like a post repeatedly and the individual who posted it could see how many times you clicked like - hundreds of times, sometimes, for those who were enthusiastic enough to do it. it was often used for comedy but also just to show appreciation
now, notes are tucked away under the activity tab - and out of sight, out of mind. you have to go and check your post repeatedly to see what reaction there was to it - and that often can make you feel self conscious, checking to see if you've garnered the attention you desire instead of just having it presented in front of you
i absolutely do get why it's hugely important for artwork and artists specifically to reblog their posts because that's the only way the art is seen by more than a handful of people - it's vital to the survival of artists on this platform to reblog art you love. but everybody i know and follow on here does reblog the art they love, as well as liking it oftentimes, so i am missing a huge part of this discourse and can't really speak to it for that reason
i know i'm very lucky to have avoided that hostility because of how i've curated my feed over the years, and i'm so sorry that this has come up and caused frustration and stress for you now. but i will say, as someone who went through an enormous period of anguish and harm and was driven off a fandom-popular blog by people's cruelty way back when; tumblr can be and has been, in many of its alleyways, a hostile environment for a very long time.
my best advice is to curate a dashboard that brings you peace. it's a difficult thing to do and it takes time, but it's worth it. the peace i have on here now is everything <3
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nomanslannd · 1 year
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..... incoming from another dimension. Reestablished Dec, 2022
#  NOMANSLANND : Private and selective Ian Rogers also known as Nomad from Earth-616, loved and curated by Laura. The mun of this account is over twenty-five and does not interact with those under the age of eighteen, and does not do nsfw with those under the age of twenty-one.
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..... enter the void
✘ Carrd - Rules and About for Nomad  ✘ Interest tracker - Fill out to show interest ✘ Headcanons - More on Ian   ✘ Memes - Stuff to get things going    ✘ Discord - Mutuals only, just ask ✘ Draft count: 0 (26/05/24) ✘ Asks: 0 (26/05/24)
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..... more information
✘ Unable to access carrd? See guidelines, character profile and verses below the cut
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✘ Guidelines
DISCLAIMER: I don’t own the character of Ian Rogers, he belongs to MARVEL. However, I do own my original take on the characters and any head canons I have written. I also own all the graphics used, including the icons. They were made by me.
MATURITY: For the safety of all those involved this account is 18+ and also writes NSFW content with those over the age of 21. Please don’t take it personally but the mun of this account is 25+ and as such does not wish to write with minors. If you follow, and are under 18 you will be blocked; you’ve been warned.
BLOG: This account is private and selective and only roleplays with mutuals. However, more often than not if you follow me, I will follow you back – unless I cannot see anyway for our characters to interact. This blog is also OC friendly.
PLOTTING: You can always message me if you’d like to plot; however I do have an: interest tracker. I would appreciate it, if you have the time that you fill it out, because it’ll give me a better idea of what you know about my character, and how its best to contact you and interact.
FORMAT: I use XKIT rewritten trim reblog to keep my dash tidy. I don’t expect you to do the same, but I’d appreciate if there weren’t 4+ replies in one post because its overwhelming for me. However, if you don’t have any access to these sorts of tools, just let me know, it’s fine I understand we all have different accessibility levels. I use icons, however, I have no issue with gifs/icons or even iconless accounts.
ETIQUETTE: Please don’t leave me on read. I understand if you’re no longer feeling the conversation or plot; I just ask you come to me and let me know. I have no problem dropping a thread – I just hate waiting for a reply, and not knowing if it’ll ever come or not. You also don’t have to match my length. Let’s just agree to make the same amount of effort; if my replies are too long just let me know and I can match you. No stress.
MEMES: Like everything else, memes are mutuals only. However, if you’re a mutual you can send as many sentence starters, memes as you’d like there is literally no limit, please don’t feel shy.
FOLLOWING: I tend to follow an account for around 24-hours, or until I see activity, if the person hasn't followed by then I usually unfollow no hard feelings! I just don't follow people who don't follow back because at the end of the day this is a rp account.
GODMODDING: Godmodding is taking control of another player's character during rp. It's frowned upon and with good reason: you only control your character and no one else's.
REPLIES: I rarely reply instantly, just because I work part-time and I'm also studying. So everything goes into the queue. So it may take a few days for it to be posted. If I haven't responded in 3+ days feel free to message me, especially since tumblr can be glitchy I just might not have seen your reply or know I'm tagged in something.
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✘ Basic
Name. Ian Rogers (Zola) Alias. Nomad Age. mid-late 20s (main), younger on request Species. Human, mutate Origin. Dimension Z Parents. Arnim Zola (biological father), Mary Zola (biological mother), Steve Rogers (adopted father) and Sharon Carter (adopted mother) Identity. Secret Citizenship. Zolandia
✘ Indepth
Created in Dimension Z by Arnim Zola for an as of yet unknown purpose, Ian was rescued from his test tube by Captain America and was thought by his "father" to be dead. He and Cap were captured by the locals of the dimension, the Phrox, and were sent to be executed because they were thought to be servants of Zola. Ian was put on a chopping block, but Cap was able to break free of his shackles and managed to save Ian, being quickly struck down by the tribe's leader later. A member of the tribe took pity on them and begged their leader to let them live, saying that Cap didn't serve Zola because he had seen him fight his minions shortly before they captured them for trespassing. Their leader grudgingly agreed to let them live. Eleven years later, he and Cap were still trapped in Dimension Z. After a battle between Captain America and Ian against Zola's army, Captain America was blasted off a cliff by Zola's daughter, Jet Black, and Ian was taken to Zola. Ian refused to serve Zola, but was brainwashed to hate Cap and love the will of Zola. Ian fell into Zola's bio-mass tank, which contained the same material Zola used to make him. Since it was coded to regenerate, Ian was healed from Sharon's attack. After Cap and Jet Black left Dimension Z, he acquired Captain Zolandia's shield and began leading the Phrox against Zola's Mutates along with Sharon, who raised him like a mother. Legends of him grew and he became known as a Nomad: a man with no name, no face, and no home. During one of their raids at Zola's fortress, Sharon apparently died, but was actually captured. Nomad later resurfaced in search of his adopted father so that they could stop Zola and his invading army from conquering New York City. After a long struggle, Captain America succeeded in breaking Ian's terrible brainwash as well, making him finally realise that Cap was the good one and Zola only wanted to conquer. During this reunion, however, Ian was shot through the throat by the newly arrived Sharon Carter, who thought Ian was a threat to Cap. Many think Ian died; however he survived, and is ready to stop Hydra for good.
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✘ Verses
v: man out of dimension (main)
Based on Earth 616, follows mostly comic book canon with a few teaks
Most people in Ian's life think he died trying to take down Hydra, only a few know he survived. Sam Wilson, Bucky Barnes and a few higher ups at S.H.I.E.LD. Currently Ian's working cases, as well as fighting alongside Sam. He goes by the alias of Nomad. He has a reason for not wanting to tell his parents his alive and it has everything to do with Zola and the people who left behind.
v: stuck in another world (MCU)
Ian fell through the cracks, so Doctor Strange is not aware that he is from the multiverse
When Doctor Strange's spell goes awry, people from the multiverse are transported to the marvel cinematic universe Ian is one of them. Not knowing anything about the world; Ian is in search of Sam Wilson, the only person he believes he can trust.
v: stuck in no mans land
This verse is selective, and is used on occasion.
Ian is still stuck in Dimension Z, his father is gone and he's on the run from Zola just trying to survive while also running a resistance against the evil dictator. (in this verse Ian is 16-18-years-old.)
v; take on me (the last of us au)
This universe is completely separate from marvel and takes place in the last of us universe
Ian is a recently defected Fedra agent, turned Firefly. Ian joined Fedra to try and be of service after losing his parents and not knowing if he sister (who he hasn't seen in years) was alive. He had felt aimless and wanted a purpose in life. However it became increasingly clear that Fedra could not be trusted. That was when he defected to the Fireflies, because he realised it was the only way to take them down.
v; chasing cars (greys au)
This universe is completely separate from marvel and takes place in the greys anatomy universe.
Ian is a resident at Greys Solan Memorial hospital -- he's backstory is this: his father was a gang leader; who was abusive towards his mother. After falling pregnant she ran away; however ended up dying in child birth. Sharon, her mother's childhood friend, and her husband Steve ended up stepping forward and agreed to raise Ian as he didn't have any other living family and he couldn't be put back into his father's care.
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constable · 2 years
Basic Etiquette Expectations:
Don’t godmod unless we’ve discussed it.
I support reblog karma and so I expect you to not reblog memes from me unless you send some.
Please don’t remind me about replies/threads unless I ask (because I have a tracker and if I’m not replying it’s because I don’t have muse for it) but questions are a-okay! Bothering me about plotting is also great because I will forget we were doing that.
If you’re not a rp blog, don’t interact with my starter calls or plotting calls.
Don’t reblog threads you aren’t a part of.
OOC, preferred names and pronouns need to be respected.
If you don’t want me as a part of your rp experience, just block me.  You don’t have to tell me why you’re doing that and I’d rather you didn’t.
Things to Know About How I Run the Blog/Interact So You Can Decide How to Curate Your Own Experience:
This is an 18+ only blog. If you’re a minor, please don’t hang out here because I’m a real 21+ adult and it makes me uncomfy. If you do though, and I realize it, I’ll block you.
I don’t do in-character stuff in the IMs or write off-tumblr with people I don't know well.
I’m very friendly to side-blogs and multis and I set my blogs up specifically to be mobile-accessible.
I’m not going to write with you if your muse doesn’t have an easily-accessible bio or about page. This goes double for if your muse is canon-divergent.
I’m happy to rp with well-developed and interesting OCs, including relatives of canon characters, but not without plotting and available background info for reference.
I’m not mutuals-only. If you are and you’re not going to follow me back, just know that I’m not going to remember which blogs on my dash care about that and I might accidentally interact.  If that bothers you, I’m fine with you blocking me.
Just because I don't want all of your stuff on my dash all the time doesn’t mean I won’t write with you. If I’m not following you, you can still interact.
I might not want to write with you based purely on vibes. That’s fine.  We’re all here for fun.  And it’s fine for you to do the same in regards to me, but don’t tell me why you’re unfollowing/blocking/not interacting. 
I’m not going to pay any attention to your DNI list.  Curate your own experience. If something about me bothers you, you can block me, but I’m not going to do that work for you.
I’m probably not shipping or writing smut on this blog, but if there is NSFW content, it’ll be tagged ‘lemon’.  
I try to tag major triggers using the format ‘_ cw’, ‘_ tw’, or ‘_ mention’ but I’m not very consistent. If you want me to remember really specific things to tag and want me to tag it in a specific way… I’m probably going to forget.
There will be a lot of intense themes on this blog including past and current medical/domestic abuse (Mora is the worst), genocide, war, child abandonment, and changelings setting themselves up as gods (and Odo potentially liking it). This is the warning.
My brain is terrible.  I’m probably gonna vent about it and other stuff ooc.  If I think I’m being especially annoying, I’ll put it under a readmore, but if occasional negativity and vagueing is a big problem for you, you can just block my ‘ooc’ tag.
If that's not enough info, I have a 'psa' tag you can scroll through.
If you’ve read all this, let me know, yeah? Just a ‘hey, I read your rules’ is plenty for me. Or just like this post.
Odo’s bio
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burnedbyshoto · 3 years
i think i’ve figured out a reason why anime culture exhausts me.
i’ve always tried my best to curate what I see on my dash both here and on twitter. it’s much easier on tumblr, I believe, for me to block things out because on tumblr... there are just such high numbers of shippers and self shippers that I don’t have to deal with what actually exhausts me.
ship wars are dumb, and are for the most part irksome and tiring, but I feel like ship wars to me is like a family fight. it’s you and a sister or a cousin fighting over whether you should get sushi or mexican food. of course they’re two different types of foods. there’s nothing really lining them together, but at the end of the day you move on and forget because thats family. ships wars are irritating because we don’t have a way, but at least we have the common ground of loving the same series.
what exhausts me, grinds my nerves into ash, and makes me irrationally angry is when people pit series against series. I don’t see it here on tumblr, namely because I simply do not scroll on here anymore. but I know the people I follow, I know what they like, and more important what they care about and only see what they post or reblog. to the self insert part of tumblr it doesn’t matter what series is better, or what series is their favorite, they just want to fuck whoever they find arbitrarily attractive — physically or characteristically. I can deal with that. I can deal with seeing shit from fandoms that I have no part of. I don’t care to read hq, i’m putting off watching jjk until the entire first season is finished because I just want to binge it (i am very far into the manga tho), i’ve read and finished chainsaw man and loved it, i thought kny was such a simple but fascinating story, hxh sort of bored me, aot is not a series that I particularly find written or scripted in a way where I thirst after characters. i’ve read and am reading dozens more small name manga because manga, big or small, are all riveting and rich even if they’re not common names & I think it’s great to discover new mangaka!
but on twitter where it’s really, really difficult for me to curate my likes still simply because as soon as things pass 10.0k likes, it seems to show up on your timeline, and I lose my mind. what the fuck is up with people pitting series against series. using things as illogical as numbers and series to broadcast as to why things are more better. I am constantly annoyed by bitches who scream bnha is far less superior than aot and jjk across my timeline as if I care what some ugly ass white boy from minnesota thinks & continue to say with their full chest that midoriya izuku is a whining crybaby as if he’s ever truly been that. why is liking a particular anime make you superior? it’s called having an opinion & just because I don’t agree with you when I say bnha is the best manga i’ve ever read doesn’t mean I should be getting attacked. I know bnha isn’t perfect, there are obvious gleaming issues in horikoshis writings — and they’re apparent in every other mangaka’s writing too.
perfection doesn’t exist or else there would be no problems in the world, no? so it just makes me see red when people who are no longer caught up with bnha and have chose to stop watching and reading it past season 1 episode 3 (chapters 1-3 in the manga) acting like another series is better because of shit that legit has no effect on the actual quality of the storytelling.
it is my opinion to say that bnha is the best manga. it is my opinion to say that horikoshi has the best art style in the entire shonen jump magazine. it is my opinion to say that hori has amazing static scenes but lacks in movement fluidity still. it is my opinion to say that hori has created some of the most human characters in his works with his most controversial characters (ie bakugou & endeavor). it is my opinion to say hori can definitely choose to develop his female characters better but is clearly more interested in his male ones and that’s just something i’ve now accepted. I am okay with other people agreeing and disagreeing with any of that because this is the type of shit where differing opinions is okay. but it grinds disgustingly on my nerves when people who are in no way, shape or form a fan of bnha shit on it because why are you even here? get out.
I didn’t allow myself to like anime and manga until a few years ago, but holy shit, if this is how yall acted when we were in middle school and high school, no wonder why people were bullied. some of y’all are fucking nasty for no damn reason. let people be fucking happy with whatever the fuck they enjoy and go fucking be obsessed with what you like and not what others like tf is wrong with you????
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watch-grok-brainrot · 3 years
wrt the new discourse on zhiji by pumpkinpaix and hunxi, has your stance on zhiji that the other anon asked about changed?
ok. so i think it’s unfair for you to think i follow the same folk you do even if i recommend them and that i read everything from them. while the first one is true, i do follow both of them, i don’t read everything from them. i follow a few hundred folk and it’s just a lot to actually read everything so i just kinda look at my dash when i have bandwidth (i don’t have much lately) and see what i see.  if you could actually link me to things in teh future if you want my opinion, that would be greatly appreciated. i’m not mad -- just pointing out different folk curate their tumblr experiences differently. 
Anyway, I found @pumpkinpaix‘s post and skimmed it. I didn't see an addition by hunxi. Maybe I wasn't looking hard enough... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ it’s 6:30 am when i started this endeavor. cut me some slack. lol
tl;dr: my feelings haven’t changed. i don’t actually think my stance is that different. the point cyan made about "to use “soulmate” as a catch-all translation for 知己 changes the axis upon which the relationship moves” is more or less what i was trying to say when i rambled about all the different ways i would translate soulmate depending on context. I did say “if I were to see it in a novel or show I was trying to translate, I may translate it differently each time.” 
also, the goals of our posts were different. cyan wants to vent and contemplate and hers is a salt post. i was toasting in a warm fuzzy spot of shan he hell and wanted to share the joy and love. so of course out answers are gonna sound different.do i agree the way the english speaking fandom uses soulmates misses the point? yup. am i gonna do something about it? nah. i am so tired right now from irl. fandom isn’t something i want to spend excess bandwidth on to make myself upset. 
i get cyan’s ire. she is valid. I think cyan’s solution to translate as some sort of knowing/to know works fine. it changes the key word from a noun to a verb but it’s a nice solution if it works for her. 
cyan's point that the fandom misconstrues things and applies all the English connotations to Chinese concepts and then leans in on all the (inaccurate) english concepts while ignoring the layers of connotations of that original word is spot on. I don't think I'm quite as angry as cyan had managed to get over this one translation choice... But 1) you end up getting whiplash about different things (my annoyance lately is found family and yi-based family vs actual blood relationships and how fandom just throws familial terms around and remove all subtlety... and THEN get upset when you ship yi-based relationship folk because it’s suddenly incest? uh... what?.... *breathes in* but i’m not gonna make this a salt post....) 2) I agree it is an inherent problem with translation:  remember there are often not 1:1 translations of words from one language to another. i still maintain there are times where the word soulmates work but zhiji lets you pretend it’s never romantic if you need to. the lu xun line was not a romantic one, iirc. but i have seen soulmate, the person who knows me, bosom friend, kindred spirit, etc and they are all valid. even “this person SEES me” or “someone who gets me”, “someone i vibe with” works depending on context. as i said in my post, i would translate zhiji on a case by case basis. and let me be a little cheeky: if we don’t really look at what we’re translating and picking the words on a case-by-case and contextual bases, we risk producing something that sounds like MTL.  
anyway, i don’t really know where i’m going. this ask dragged me out of bed way too early and now i need to shower and start my day. 
have a good day nonny. and anyone else reading this. remember if you don’t actually know the language and culture, please be careful in the assumptions you make that aren’t crack posts.
i also know i leaned into the “how did this get past censorship” stuff for shl -- but the things i posted about are actually tropes/references that are usually romantic applied to wenzhou. the soulmate things is cute but i read a LOT less into the use of a single word than all the visual clues in that show... i’m still rambling. crap. need to shower. 
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sunstouch · 2 years
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please take the time to read these guidelines before following me at any of my blogs. if you don’t read my rules i will know and i will be sad.
you must be eighteen or older to follow me. if you are a minor i will block you. if your age is not posted i would prefer you send me a quick ask confirming that you are 18+.
all my blogs are literate, highly selective, and iconless, with light formatting. i mainly write multiparagraph length replies in third person limited, but i’ll do one-liner starters or crack sometimes to get a feel for each other’s characters or just for giggles. i use auto small text, unless you request i use regular size text for accessibility. i’m usually posting from mobile, but i cut threads from desktop too. i prioritize my d.iscord replies over my tumblr replies, mostly because it’s easier on mobile.
i am mutuals only for replies. non-mutuals can send asks, but i don’t always answer these. i reserve the right to be slow to follow back, not follow back at all, or unfollow/soft block at any time. i tend to overextend myself so having a small inner circles of blogs is a lot easier to handle.
personal blogs can send asks for now. but if it gets annoying (or i get rude people) i will close the askbox to personals. if you’re a personal who follows me please read this quick outline of rpc boundaries you may not be aware of. reblogging threads you do not belong to and other such rudeness will result in a hardblock.
i don’t mind if you (soft/hard)block me. totally get it. i do have memory problems so if you softblock me i might not even remember whether i followed you in the first place, and will keep pressing that follow button like a goldfish, so feel free to hardblock me if you want to prevent that from happening in the future. curate your experience, friends. be free.
i prioritize samecanon characters over othercanon characters and ocs. i generally do not interact with everyfandom ocs with verses for every story, but i can be convinced. fandomless ocs with their own canon are treated as canon characters from other fandoms. i do not get doubles anxiety. i follow doubles and interact with doubles on all of my blogs.
my blogs will cover some heavy topics and reader discretion is advised. topics covered might include death, murder, suicide, depression, graphic violence, isolation, possession, issues of consent, horror, unreality, dissociation, thematic gore, alcohol use and smoking, references to sex and nudity. i tag the heavy stuff with #horror / or #heavy / as a catch all, for horror and angst respectively.
beyond that, i tag flashing images with #flashing / and i will tag for accessibility purposes. if you have a specific trigger that needs to be tagged for your safety, you need to tell me directly. i also tag #food / at current.
i would like it if you would tag posts dealing with sui.cide and drug use, but it’s your blog and you make the decisions.
i do not write explicit interactions on tumblr. mutuals can ask to hop over to d.iscord to write or plot any of that. i prefer to have interacted and chatted for some time before we roll into any of that.
i have absolutely read your rules, verses, and probably your entire headcanons tag before i hit the follow button. i don’t send passwords but i do know yours if you want to ask me before we get started.
i don’t deal with drama. i don’t want to see callouts on my dash. if you have an issue with someone, come to me privately so we can sort it out like adults. please also for my own sanity tag your vents. i’m mentally ill. we’re all mentally ill. i don’t have a tolerance for manipulation being excused as mental illness. i love to support and encourage my friends and mutuals. i would like to feel comfortable doing so. if you post more personal and ooc stuff than writing i may not follow as easily. (going on break and filling your queue or blog with non-writing is not what i’m talking about here. please do take care of yourself.)
— information for @yournameinlights
marie-su is pretty firmly entrenched into the markcu at first glance but by nature she is able to enter any story using the same methods she uses to enter as the VieweR. if you’re interested there’s no need to send an ask, you can start interacting and sending memes as soon as we’re mutuals. HIGHLY recommend checking out her dossier as her main verse story is important to a lot of her interactions. her modern verse as a streamer is open to pretty much anyone as well.
— information for @spacempathy
josie is optimized for science fiction interactions. i’m willing to create new verses to fit any science fiction world i am familiar with. i’m also willing to go beyond that into fantasy etc. anywhere there might be need for a therapist there’s an easy place for her to slot in. interactions are available with anyone. josie is inactive rn
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