#“So what fandom are you making art for pyro?” “Yes.”
pyroraptordraws · 8 months
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You know what! *Puts Zuko into a taffy stretcher and turns him into a dragon*
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safyresky · 2 years
Ello! :)
Re: Writer (& Artist) Ask Game
What are some of your OCs biggest fears? 
What are your favourite relationships between your OCs? (romantic or platonic!)
OC you most struggled to make?
Describe the setting of one or more of your wips 
What are some tropes and character dynamics found in your wips?
What’s your favourite genre to write? Is it also your favourite genre to read? 
What was your first fandom you were in? Did you make any art/fanfic for it? 
I have had a BUSY FEW DAYS but am FINALLY SITTING TO ANSWER THIS! Thanks for the ask K!
writer and artist ask game
What are some of your OCs biggest fears? 
Funnily enough I actually have an ask from AGES AGO detailing the fears of ALL the Legates! It is right here :)
But some new ones for you: Spring fears that she is not enough and will never live up to Mother Nature or her sisters. She thinks that any one of them would've made a better Legate to Mother Nature than her!
Blossom Bunny fears NOTHING. Literally. Nothing scares her. the thought of just, nothing?!?!?!?! She does NOT vibe with that, Night and Day are like "ah yes. our void." and Blossom is like "well you can fuck RIGHT OFF with that fatass krispy kreme bullshit" and then Spring beats up Jacqueline for teaching blossom swears a la this meme 😂😂😂 (casually gonna add that to my to doodle list)
What are your favourite relationships between your OCs? (romantic or platonic!)
Diteline and Blinter have my whole ass entire soul and heart 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭. I love them I love them I LOVE THEM! Blinter's whole EVERYTHING is MY everything, and Diteline's story is AMAZING (one day I will write it), and they're such fun little pairs and I just. hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh (dies)
I am also very vibing Jack's relationships with the Twins. We've explored him and Fino and how they bond over stuff, and I am EXCITED for a scene in Chapter 29 of CS that explores the Fiera/Jack side of things! I also cannot stop THINKING of the Twin Princes. My god. If Pyros ever smartened up their relationship would be HILARIOUS. In the unlikely event this happens, here are some spoilers: it's a frenemy relationship and they bond by committing patricide >:)
ALSO! I don't talk much about it but Myles and Xander are biffers. My god. those two can go on about ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING. ESPECIALLY magic tech! Their interests merge very nicely, when they work together? My GOD. These two fuckos accomplish a LOT.
OC you most struggled to make?
Myles and Olivia, funnily enough! It was sooo hard to figure out these two it was unREAL. My friend Kade had made a lil TF Legate AGES ago and Myles kinda was inspired by that as a fun fact! And then Olivia also appeared and I was like quoi??? And she was like Myles is the most nervous lil guy so I also Legate with him BUT he will be Next TF (intense AC stare) she is going to make SURE OF IT because SHE has PLANS! Head Healer has her NAME ON IT >:)
The other Legates came fairly easily! The one with the MOST development who is the MOST different from their original concept is Dite, 100% 😳😳
Describe the setting of one or more of your wips.
The Blinter Thing that started as vent art and is now uh. a something??? Takes place in Crystal Springs, ~100 or so years AFTER the Millennia War/Civil War/War of Succession! It's a new baby city, just breaking out of the confines of a monarchist regime that nobody seemed to really realize had such a tight fist over customs and traditions and laws and stuff until they got rid of those hoes and created the democracy-esque thing that Crystal Springs is known as today!
What are some tropes and character dynamics found in your wips?
Evil Uncles, for some odd reason. I have 3 Uncles and they aren't really evil? One sucks and is the WORST, the other one is like. Very right wing and innapropro in terms of jokes and just. Awkward, and the third one was an amazing guy but has since passed! so, yeah, not sure where the evil Uncles thing comes from but it is prevalent.
Redemption Arcs. Love me a good Redemption Arc. I blame ATLA 100%
And good parents! That's a character dynamic, right? Lol. But yeah, My parents suck, and I am TIRED of sucky parents, so I am going to write ALL THE GOOD PARENT DYNAMICS! HECK!
What’s your favourite genre to write? Is it also your favourite genre to read? 
Uhhhhh that's a good? Question? Is general a genre? I like writing general things tbh, love continuations of things and just Really Good Stories! Fantasy and romance are FUN, and I quite like reading Fantasy! Romance hasn't hit the way it used to but I still quite enjoy reading a good romance :) Bonus if miscommunication ISN'T a major plot device, and BONUS BONUS if they're pals first! I like seeing development in relationships before hopping to the romance bits. Slow burn? sign me the FUCK UP
So yes, they are my faves to read as well as write! The more fantastical the better. Please, bury me in your magical lore in your fantasy lands! I will DIE HAPPY
What was your first fandom you were in? Did you make any art/fanfic for it? 
The first fandom I actively took PART in was the Mentalist! I wrote a couple of things for it, and they are up on my ff.net page. I liked Jane and Lisbon a lot! I feel like if I were to rewatch it, tho, I'd not ship them as much 🤔🤔🤔
Danny Phantom was deffs the OG OG OG phandom! My very first OC was a self-insert halfa named ghostliy princess (yes, spelt incorrectly) and that was my internet name ALL OVER THE PLACE up until MCR released Danger Days, and I decided my killjoy name would be Sapphire Sky and started changing it on ff.net. Only to find it was taken. So I went FULL WHITE LADY and spelt it in a way that nobody would EVER think was pronounced sapphire, and BOOM! SafyreSky Industries was born!
Nowadays if I had a Killjoy-sona, she'd be named Rainbow Vomit or Pastel Punk Puke 😂😂😂
BUT ANYWAY I did do some stuff for Danny Phantom! There was one Phanniemay that I was v active in and wrote a couple of oneshots for! I had plans for every prompt for the month, but then found it hard to balance my first full time job with art so it fell by the wayside.
Here are a couple of Danny Phantom things I wrote! I dare not reread them or the urge to rewrite will consume me, and I really need to focus on Crystal Springs lmao. I wanna crosspost ASAP but have been procrastinating/distracted bc of wedding planning 😅😅😅
The uh. Halfa self-insert OC has art, too. There is NOTHING that would get me to post it, I'm not even joking. She will never see the light of day (probably) and that's a rock fact! (or lie. idk man. I'll need a LOT of confidence to post those ones 😵
Anywho! thanks again for the ask! And if anyone wants to send more in please go crazy, I should be at my desk tomorrow? We'll see. I went on a clean the house rampage today, and it took the entire day to do the downstairs and the bathroom upstairs still needs to be cleaned sooooooo WHO'S TO SAY!
But yeah busy week over here! Work was busy and then I was also EXHAUSTED post Quebec trip. I napped every day this week. And then yesterday Richard and I watched back-to-back Disney flicks and then I passed out, lmao. And then today was groceries then cleaning the house! Which was gr8 actually, it was getting dusty as FUCK up in here. And guys, don't even get me STARTED on the furnace nonsense bc that's been. Well. NONSENSE. hhhh.
Anyway! Cheers and such! :)
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If the utapri boys were genshin characters
A/N: haha yes I have once again sold my soul to another game. I really do love the genshin characters a lot and so I decided to write about my 2 favourite fandoms together. I’m honestly not very good at keeping up with the character backstories so this is just my take on roughly how each vision is given.
(Just imagine a claymore Syo doing the spinny thing and Ai doing the entire Ningguang pose when she ults I might pass away)
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Vision: Electro 
Weapon: Sword 
When Otoya lost both his parents, he was devastated and lonely. But over the years he learnt to grow from that pain. While the memory constantly haunts him, Otoya remained cheerful. He often hung around the orphanage, always lending them a helping hand. He never wanted the kids there to go through the same pain as he did. 
Otoya finding strength and staying positive despite his childhood trauma was what granted him his vision.
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Vision: Geo 
Weapon: Polearm 
Tokiya had to learn how to be independent from a young age since his parents were hardly around to take care of him. He has run into multiple problems but has also learnt how to face them. Although quiet in nature and often found in a corner of the library, he is known to offer great life advice due to his personal experience.
Tokiya’s calm, steady nature caught the attention of the gods, who then granted him his vision.
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Vision: Cryo
Weapon: Claymore
At some point, Natsuki was aware of his split personality, and he wanted to break away from it. He knew the emotional and physical damage that Satsuki caused, and he didn’t want that. He wanted to be known as a cheerful, pure Natsuki. Over time, the appearance of Satsuki decreased steadily.
One day, when Natsuki had completely suppressed the appearance of Satsuki, he found himself gifted with a vision.
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Vision: Hydro 
Weapon: Bow 
Masato was raised in a strict family, and began practicing kyudo from a young age. He perfected the skill quickly and won various competitions. Because of his rigorous training since young, Masato rarely went outside and thus doesn’t have many friends, and he sometimes comes across as slightly socially awkward. 
Despite that, his mastery in the Japanese archery form was what led to the gods giving him his vision. 
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Vision: Pyro 
Weapon: Bow
Ren is insanely mature for his age, already fully skilled at running his father’s business. He’s often found managing negotiations among clients. However, Ren also takes his rest time seriously, practicing his dart throwing skills or having a drink with some of his colleagues as they engage in a casual conversation.
Ren’s passionate outlook in life impressed the gods, who then granted him his vision. 
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Vision: Pyro 
Weapon: Claymore 
Anyone who knew Syo, knew that he was one of the most passionate people around. Syo was well known for being athletic, and he was often seen helping out the others with their work. Syo also trained extremely hard at being a great dancer, often appearing in festivals to showcase his talent. 
His passion and hardwork was recognised by the gods, and he was therefore granted his vision. 
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Vision: Anemo 
Weapon: Catalyst 
Cecil loved going into town to interact with the people who lived there, he was known for being a carefree and happy person who got along well with everyone. While he enjoyed being in the presence of crowds, at the end of the day you would find him unwinding up in a tall tree, playing tunes on his flute. 
The gods loved his laid back personality, and how he was never tied down by stress, eventually granting him his vision.
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Vision: Anemo
Weapon: Sword 
Reiji was well known among his peers as an extremely hard worker. He often went beyond his responsibilities to help others, sometimes taking on more work than he could handle. Nonetheless, that didn’t stop him from being his cheerful self, never failing to make his daily rounds to greet the people around him.
The gods acknowledged his dedication to the city and how he took pride in his responsibilities, this granting him his vision.
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Vision: Pyro
Weapon: Claymore
Ranmaru was often seen hiding in a secluded place jamming out on his bass. Once he had his headphones on, he often found himself ignoring everything else going on in the world. While he may seem rather unapproachable by most common folk, his close friends knew that he was the most dedicated person when it came to rock music.
The gods looked at Ranmaru’s fond love for the music and acknowledged the hard work he put in, and granted his vision.
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Vision: Hydro
Weapon: Catalyst 
Ai was made to be the perfect idol, and he was made to deliver only the best performances to his fans. Since his creation, Ai has worked hard to perfect all his techniques - from his vocal skills to facial expressions, he paid attention to all the smallest details. Often you could find him locked up in the studio for hours.
For mastering the art of being an idol, Ai was granted his vision. 
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Vision: Cryo 
Weapon: Polearm
Camus was a man who only had a few close friends. While he was known to be a gentleman to the ladies, the men often found him extremely cold hearted. You couldn’t fault him though. He feared his dad as a child and when he grew up he swore to never be that kind of man ever. It was a past that he was trying to break free from.
The gods admired his strong character and brave attitude of wanting to be a better person, and gave him his vision.
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pass3rby · 6 years
Element of Surprise
Fandom: X-men (movies) Pairing: Allerdrake (Pyro/Iceman) Summary: Everybody has to make decisions. Decisions that might or might not work out. He wasn’t in a habit of looking back either way.
Greatest thanks to my brother from another mother for bestowing an infectious prompt upon me and all the wretched jokes that accompanied his insightful comments. You’ve been a great help and an ass at the same time.  The rest of my gratitude belongs to my dear family who has an immaculate sense of recognizing each highlight and “I saw the light!” moment of my writing, reliably and effectively ruining every single one of them. You’ve been an invaluable teacher of forced multitasking (which I still fail at spectacularly).  Thank you, guys, for harassing me at the most unfortunately-picked times imaginable but standing by me still.  Love you.
St. John Allerdyce was a survivalist. And this might be a very sucky way to begin one's story, but he was nothing but cut-the-crap kind of guy, so go deal.
Where was he again? Ah, yes. Good at the pretend game, he knew how to play tough; easily irked when deprived of a fire source. Bad-tempered, really. All of these stellar qualities went well with him being a realist to the bone. Wrap it up and ship it off.
He wasn't confessing all that out of some twisted delusion of having a chance at redemption, though. Wanting to save his tar-dark soul? No. It was only so that when he says that he's done morally questionable things to pull through, it would be clear that it was no slip up, not a 'few times' kind of deal. He's actually done them more often than not. Not that he counted; just saying. That was what he meant by being a survivalist. That was what this was about.
The main point here? He kept on going. Always found a way. Pushed. Squeezed in. Got his hands dirty. Gritted his teeth. Whatever it took. Morality was overrated where he lived; nobody abided by it anyway, so why should he? He was just a 'misfit' trying to get by, same as the next guy from a broken home.
On the streets and on his own. Making it, no matter the circumstances. That was the source of his pride. He might have turned out brash as a result, distrusting on a good day and suspicious round the clock, but who gave a shit. Certainly not him, not when it kept him alive this whole time.
When the X-men found him, he didn't feel elation; not even relief and he was far from thankful, too. He suspected the worst and he kept on running from them until they corralled him in and got him on their overly flashy and disgustingly impressive jet.
They took him in; full of reassurances that he'll be alright from then on, that he'll be safe now. Who were they to tell him that? Who were they to be so sure about it, to have balls to warrant that? What was the guarantee? Their skin-tight black&yellow spandex? If so, allow him to doubt the empty promise, because those were a sight for sore eyes – literally, just to make them sore.
Everything would work itself out and quite naturally in its usual, wary and solitary way, though (after all, once you lean onto someone, you're only bound to fall sooner or later) – if only they didn't have Bobby Drake on their "team" already.
The guy was way too cheery and overly friendly. Optimistic. An impersonification of a 'Think positive!' attitude, "Not made from concentrate, one hundred percent natural". It was almost like he was shooting for some such ad twenty-four seven. Think about the descriptive adjectives for a straight-laced goody two shoes from suburbs; you name it, he's that.
Everything was perfect.
Everything was dandy.
He couldn't stand the guy. The poster boy irritated him; got on his nerves like no one else before. John was way too pragmatic to join this sort of let's pretend. But when dear Bobert started cracking, show that not everything was quite so well in his lala land… That's when John took real notice and interest.
You see, he couldn't be arsed to give a flying fuck about some fake looser, but a kid who had his whole life perfectly lined up and sorted only to get "screwed over" by mutation his parents wouldn't take well to? That was John's kind of real that he was willing to interact with.
Sure, Drake was still a sunny boy with majority of views intact and therefore headdesk-ishly naive, but he wasn't all plain "guy next door" (quotation marks because same door actually) anymore. And while John's own personality and stands had been torn down or have crumbled and been rebuilt time and time again, making him into who he was (coincidentally basically the opposite of his roommate), he and the Snowflake there suddenly had a link of communication and it held ever since then. Thus, their companionship begun.
It didn't hurt they both were element-sensitive – that wasn't to say their co-existing was a cakewalk, though. After all, like Ice and Fire, they too were diametrically different. Just a small example to draw a picture here: while Bobby was afraid of his abilities, scared of his element, John felt an undeniable thrill whenever setting free his own; he loved to see fire reign over anything in its way, watch it burn strong.
Ultimately, their mindsets resulted in both of them failing and it was all for the best that they were roommates in the end, because accidents.
Reason number two was that they were a good "confidence boost" and "recklessness dampener" (whatever) respectively for each other, too. That's what their instructors said, but if anybody asked John what it was for him, he just simply enjoyed coaxing Sub-Zero ("Very funny, you pyromaniac." "C'mon, that was weak. You'll have to do better than that, Ice Cube.") out of his shell, letting his fire frolic with its counter element. Negative and positive of the same, if you wanted to get poetic.
Of course, there was also the aspect of them both being young and as such, hormone-driven, too. He was always open to some serious self-exploring opportunity. Safe environment for that wasn't a given, not for him, and even less so in combination with someone begrudgingly-trustworthy (i.e. with no other agenda hidden behind the forementioned romping between the sheets).
It was nothing; just fooling around – one that was kept secret from their teachers and anyone, really, since Bobby-boy was too chickenshit to admit to a healthy dose of experimenting himself. John couldn't care less; he wasn't the guy's keeper after all.
Until he somehow turned out to be. What was worse? Without him even expecting it. You see, the thing was… he kinda screwed himself over. For all his puffed-up chest and big shoulders about how he was prudent and cautious, he landed himself in a swamp (or moving sand if he'd so chose to rather stay dry; same difference, though) right there. Knee deep and it was only a matter of time until it swallowed him up whole.
It was all the Ice-berk's ("I'm not stupid, John!" "Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night.") fault. If he wasn't so pure and open and easy to approach – hell, he, approaching him all of his own! – in the first place, John wouldn't have fallen into this trap.
Who was he kidding. He blew it. Big time.
But it was still all good, right? What he meant was, there was no rush or anything. They could simply keep at it the way they had up til now with Ice Ice Bobby none the wiser and everyone chilling, pun intended.
He should have known that he was never meant to have a happy end. Not ever (as if life hadn't showed him enough indications to that already) and definitely not with Snow White on top of that. When had he sunken so low as to think he even could?
Shame. Shame on you, St. John Allerdyce.
As he was forced to witness and live the changes that wafted in after Rogue's appearance and continued presence, years of evolved camaraderie and any ease connected to it began to shrivel.
He had suddenly more free time on his hands than what he knew what to do with, his subconsciousness developed an almost uncontrollable need for a facepalm at least once per every 24 hour mark, his teeth were bound to rot any day now with the diabetes-inducing teenage romance developing before his eyes and he better man-the-fuck-up right now, because he did not make it this far only to become a sob story.
So, he watched with skeptical interest as Bobby, encouraged by Rogue's supporting words, froze his mother's disgustingly milk-ruined coffee instead. John knew long before they had even opened their mouths, what side Bobby's parents would pick, what their reaction would be. He could not keep his sarcastic thoughts pointed at his roommate from emerging then.
Why did you think, all of a sudden, they won't mind? We talked about your bigoted parents so many times… You think that you having a girlfriend like a good, normal teenage boy somehow neutralizes your negative mutant points?
If not knowing better, John would say Bobby did it on purpose just to fuck with him. Nobody could be that sickeningly foolish after all. And the Drakes? He silently dared them to surprise him; to call their "Art teacher" out on his blatant lie even. To prove him wrong.
Which would be when Wolverine got shot in the head right infront of them. That did surprise him, John will give them that.
An unexpected rush of everything followed right after and with startling clarity.
One too many black eyes.
Sleeping in a cardboard box, freezing (nobody cared).
Broken jaw.
Stealing a pack of matches the first time around – to get to feel at least a bit safe (they were too tricky to operate, to strike with shaking hands, wrong move there wrong wrong wrong).
Hungry, impotent anger.
Running away.
The breath; foul and heavy with booze.
First fire (pure accident please!).
His mother on the floor, bleeding (never fighting back; just taking it run!).
Heavy hands.
Cops chasing him back into slums (you'd have to know it here better to catch me, assholes).
Bloodshot bottomless eyes. A vortex about to swallow him up, too.
Events flashing before his mind's eye at random and in no chronological order.
His heart not having a foggiest how to deal with the overabundance of adrenaline that jumped up out of nowhere.
"And the rest of you, on the ground. Now."
He could almost physically feel Wolverine, right before his feet, lifeless.
See Bobby, lying down, obedient.
"Look, kid. I said, on the ground."
Rogue, too; docile.
They can't be serious. Why were they kidding themselves? They were gonna die here.
"We don't want to hurt you, kid."
Really. The fucking cop just shot Wolverine. If they won't protect themselves… They're dead. If he's not gonna do anything now…
He gulped. Palmed his zippo; the warmed-up steel that bit slicker with sweat. Or sick memory?
C'mon, Pyro, show up. Fight.
In the pit of his stomach, hot magma twisted and curled, warming him up until he could almost sense the licks of unborn fire on his fingertips.
He won't lie down. Not until he's six feet under.
A/N: So I’ve found something of a themesong for EoS I think. If you’re wondering, you can check it here.
A bit of explanation on a side:
My idea is that St. John Allerdyce still has Australian background, he just moved to US with his family when he was a small kid or something. So... just bear with the little mess, please. I love him being "St. John" way too much as to delete half of it from my story.
Also, I’ll deviate a bit from the movies timeline (which is a tangle anyway) in this version (I got two total, don’t panic), which you’ll notice on the transition from X-2 movie to X-3.
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radiotorn · 2 years
hey bestie this is definitely not tori please do the tf2 ask meme odds if you are okay with that pleas thx ^_^ *frolicks away*
ANSWERING THIS SOOOO LATE but i want it OUUTT!! so here we GO
1- Who are your favorite tf2 content creators? hmhmhmmmmm….in terms of entertainment videos im sorta looking for someone but i like Kostamoinen, Winglet, STBlackST, CrazyScoutFIN, ShorK, Jesse Baumgartner & plus ive heard good things about Hoovy Tube but donnt know yet…..in terms of art…well…check my fav tag 😏 and also all my buddies and pals they're correct and right whenever they say things about thhe video game
3- Who is your favorite side character? I think Miss Pauling isn't a side character soo….i really like Heavy's family they r very awesome mode….i also have a soft spot for Olivia Mann i think too much about her and then i cry (yes…u can ask if u would like to…giggle) or MAGGIE GASP…i love mags....im going to give her the world and then more
5- Who are your LEAST favorite characters? hmmmmmm….ik ive said it before but i guess cheavy huh. OR classic soldier and scout i do not like them (the classic ones that come with cheavy ofc)
7- How did you find out about tf2? answered in the last ask for these, but from a ytp audio used in a flipnote if u rlly want it lmk
9- How long have you been in the fandom? funny enough i have the exact date bc i keep a journal. May 2nd 2021 is when i played the game for the first time so it started then
11- Favorite voice line? a LOT of them are engies lines again bc. well. like "Start prayin', boy!", "im wolverine-mean, you son of a bitch", and "you look a mite tongue-tied, son" they. he. im ok. im ok. im alright
13- What’s your favorite thing about the fandom? i stay within my small bubble most of the time, but i do technically have fandom to thank for introducing me to some really awesome people and mutuals :] so that i suppose! also the savetf2 tag is really really awesome
15- Do you have a NOTP? if so then what? scoutpauling and spyscout, to the max. one is incxst and the other is just. not right lol both are nem jó for me. the majority of them are either nice or just not my cup of tea
17- An unpopular opinion you have? hmm….yes! not in the terms of ppl not agreeing but just bc it hasnt been talked about but Maggie is Hungarian! she is to me and thats it ok. like theres more backing it up but its burried under a personal hc that is intertwined with an oc so.shrugs. shes hungarian to me even outside of self indulgence
19- RED or BLU? red :] i like the look of red bases more than the blu ones
21- What is your favorite piece from the tf2 OST? ROBOTS ROBOTS TO THE.MAX I LOVE. THIS SONG SOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!! I LOVE THAT!!! I OLOVE IT!!! it makes me feel so awesome
23- Who do you main? i kinda find myself maining someone different every once in awhile, but i'm mostly a demo or scout main! i try to at least know how to play every class a little (except spy. not yet i'm not ready)
25- What is your favorite ‘Meet the…’ video? meet the pyro i love that one…my favey….revolutionary for the time….
27- Which character would you get along the best with? OH HELL uhh hm hmmm hurm looks inside myself…realistically? probably scout or engie…but why must i choose…when we could all be friends….i have ten hands
29- Is there a character you loved at first but now you hate? nope! my love has only grown since i got into this game i find something to love in all the characters and those who i didnt like i still dont fuck with
31- Which character is overrated? i mean, i feel like scout obvs is but i also really like scout but ppl dont get him. they dont get it right u gotta get him right. i feel like that can be the case with a lot of overrated chars......spice it up with the portrayals and then it wont taste so bad even if theyre still overrated
33- Which character do you relate to most? (or as the cool kids say, “kin”) yknwo im not just saying this but i think a good blend of engie and sniper (moreso engie maybe) with like. seasoned with some pyro . like its the nonchalance with boiling autism rage and also. sparkle on. does that make sense
35- Best character design? FUUUCCKKKK U CANT ASK THATTTTT!!!….thats something i think that like. did something to me. like. getting into tf2 shaped my entire taste and outlook in a way. like. older ppl. older ppl swag is what i learned and all of them r so distinct and have their own silhouettes and outfits and AHGHGHHH its literally art to me….but ig if i HAD to choose its a tie btween heavy and demo
37- What is your favorite update? ok i have to make it clear i wasnt into the game for the time of the major updates but i think the very start of scream fortress..or ig the haunted hallowe'en special…is my favorite because i LOOVEEE scream fortress i love the halloween maps i love the season!!! I LOVE HELLTOWER MY DEAREST!!!!! I LOVE THE HALLOWEEN SEASON!!!!!! AND AUTUMN!!! …but other than that i think love and war is another aswesome one
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sufferthesea · 7 years
Tagged by my sweet @pyroinquisitor​ ! Thank you!!
1. drink: Water! I have 7 water bottles in my room and I try to drink at least 4 of them a day.  2. phone call: AHAHAHA LIKE I TALK ON THE PHONE. (Actually, today I answered a call from my mom and almost ripped my thumb nail off on the chair trying to get to the phone.)  3. text message: I haven’t bought minutes for my phone so my last text was in June, saying “Your service ends soon”.  4. song you listened to: What Kind of Man by Florence + the Machine 5. time you cried: Teary-eyed or tears running down my face? Teary-eyed, today. Actual crying, ??? not sure!  6. dated someone twice: Nope! I’ve never dated!  7. kissed someone and regretted it: Theatre kisses don’t count (and neither do kisses on the cheek??), so I’ve never kissed anyone.  8. been cheated on: No 9. lost someone special: Yes. Many people.  10. been depressed: Yes. Gotta love that Frosty Fresh Depression  11. gotten drunk and thrown up: Never been drunk!  
12. Purple 13. Yellow 14. Soft pastels and earth tones 
15. made new friends: Yes!! 💖 16. fallen out of love: Yes! Good riddance! 👋 17. laughed until you cried: Yes!  18. found out someone was talking about you: Yep! But the people they were talking to stopped being friends with them and now want to be my friend 😂 19. met someone who changed you: Hmmm, I think so?  20. found out who your friends are: Yes!  21. kissed someone on your facebook list: If stage kisses and kisses on the cheek count, then yes! That’d be like 20 ppl 😂😂 
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: Almost all of them! Most are family, high school friends, and college friends.  23. do you have any pets: Yes, a dog! He’s old and grumpy but I love him. I used to have a bearded dragon named Sylar and I miss him dearly.  24. do you want to change your name: Sometimes, but I really like it because it’s unique even tho it’s unisex and also a surname... and no one can say it correctly.... and I never see it anywhere....  25. what did you do for your last birthday: I can’t remember? My bday is close to my sister’s and dad’s, and it was close to my graduation so I think we had a combo birthday-grad dinner.  26. what time did you wake up: Alarms at 7.30am and 8am, and I woke up at 9am (-:  27. what were you doing at midnight last night: Showering 28. name something you can’t wait for: To get another first draft of my original story done. Plot revision is a motivation killer.  29. when was the last time you saw your mom: Like 30min ago when I went to the kitchen.   30 has disappeared. RIP.  31. what are you listening to right now: Pity Party by MelMar.  32. have you ever talked to a person named Tom: I knew a kid whose middle name was Tom, so yes!  33. something that is getting on your nerves: My own procrastination.  34. most visited website: YouTube, Tumblr, FB, gmail  35. hair colour: My hair is kinda weird bc of my parents. But it’s really dark brown (from my mom) with gold and red (from my mom’s mom and dad)?? And then I have chunks of blonde from when I bleached it and had purple, pink, and blue highlights.  36. long or short hair: It’s medium but I want to grow it back to how it used to be. I used to have the longest hair at my school (to my waist)! I miss it a lot.  37. do you have a crush on someone: NO!! No one real anyway. Fictional characters? Always. Choose a show or game and I probably have a crush on one of the characters.  38. what do you like about yourself: I like what other people have said about me: I’m the most compassionate person they’ve met; I have good energy; I’m easy to talk to. I also like that I am able to write and draw fairly well. (-:  39. want any piercings: Yes but I haven’t had a good experience with my past piercings. There’s a piercing/tattoo artist I know and trust but he’s sooooo far away ))-:  40. blood type: idek  41. nickname: Immy, Bee, C.B., Hoe, literally sooo many but most are family-only nicknames. Some old nicknames are Sensei and Onee-chan/Ane-chan. I also called myself Obaa because I felt old talking to ppl who just entered the fandom haha. But never I was never called Senpai ))):  42. relationship status: Single Pringle! 43. zodiac: Taurus / Boar  44. pronouns: she/her  45. favourite tv show: idk probably anything with an Asian cast bc I like seeing my people onscreen  46. tattoos: Not yet, but if I ever get one I have a rough design done.  47. right or left handed: Right but I’m teaching myself to become ambidextrous  48. surgery: None that I remember 49. piercing: Ears 50. sport: No! I used to do cross country in elementary school? 51. vacation: Love love love any Lewis & Clark vacations. Lewis is my husband and I would die for him.  52. pair of trainers: My only tennis shoes are faded and worn-out 3 y.o. purple and gray/silver ones I bought in my WTNV phase. I don’t like shoes so I haven’t bought new ones even tho I should. 
53. eating: Nothing 54. drinking: Water 55. im about to: Listen to music and finish Chap 3 of HBAM and maybe do some Kakashi Week prompts 56. waiting for: Myself to stop being lazy  57. want: To lay under my falsa blanket in bed and get some work done 58. get married: Yes!! I’m so excited to get married (-: I know it’s not all sunshine and rainbows, but it’s so awesome to think that I’ll get to spend the rest of my life loving on someone and being comfortably dorky around them  59. career: I want to be an author! Ppl tell me I should go into writing (screenplays or articles), drawing (book illustrations) or counseling, and my older sis wants me to be a teacher with her.  60. hugs or kisses: I’m selective about who gives me affection tbh, and I’m more of a hand-holder so idk 61. lips or eyes: Lips. I have a hard time keeping eye contact and paying attention to what’s being said. I feel like they’re looking into my soul.  62. shorter or taller: I luv being taller than people but I want my hubby to be taller than me!  63. older or younger: I’m both middle and oldest child in my mixed family. I want to marry someone older, but I like being the oldest in my friend group.  64. nice arms or nice stomach: Nice arms make me weak  66. troublemaker or hesitant: I used to be a troublemaker, but now I’m hesitant 
67. kissed a stranger: No, but I proposed to one during a scavenger hunt (he said yes).  68. drank hard liquor: How hard is “hard”?  69. lost glasses/contact lenses: Yes. I never wear my glasses so I misplace them a lot.  70. turned someone down: Had to turn someone down for other ppl because they wouldn’t take no for an answer  71. sex on the first date:  No! I’ve never been on a date either ahahah 72. broken someone’s heart: Possibly  73. had your heart broken: Yes! Multiple times! But it heals stronger every time!  74. been arrested: No 75. cried when someone died: Yes 76. fallen for a friend: Yeah /: 
77. yourself: Yes but then I feel full of myself  78. miracles: Yes ?? But not like, cosmic miracles? I believe in God, ya know? so His miracles ??  79. love at first sight: Yes! (reminds me of the county bailiff and grilled cheese food car guys I fell in love with when I moved down here lolol)  80. santa claus: SANTA IS THE BEST (but, practically, no)  81. kiss on the first date: On the cheek or back of the hand, sure?? I’ve never been on a date????  82. angels: Yes! 
83. current best friends’ names: Goldie 84. eye colour: Hazel (mostly green)  85. favourite movie: Jurassic Park, Across the Universe, The New World, Howl’s Moving Castle, Spirited Away 
Hopefully I filled them all in and didn’t leave Pyro’s answers hahaha
Tagging @thefoxthief @purple-possibilities @thetoxicstrawberry @ninja-crows @iyo-arts But only if you want to do it! 
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rhysnotreez · 7 years
3, 5, 6, 7
3. Any fandoms that don’t appeal to you?
Doctor Who. Look, I was a massive fan of the show a while back. I was that person, the one who wanted all Doctor Who stuff and had tshirts for it and all. I don’t want to be that person anymore.
5. Do you have a NoTP in TF2?
God yes I hate medic/scout so much. Also, sort of, like... pyro/anyone? Mostly because all the stuff I see with that involves “Here’s my personal headcanon for Pyro under the mask” and I generally do not like unmasked Pyro headcanons.
6. Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?
Well I can’t read something fluffy about Rhack anymore without feeling overwhelming guilt over it. Uh, I don’t like Zer0/Axton. I’ve seen a lot of art of it that makes me uncomfortable, or just seen it been in-your-face, or had people say it was basically canon. I used to not mind it but... I changed my mind over time. Yeah.
7. Is there anything you used to like, but now can’t stand?
As mentioned above, Doctor Who. What else, uh... I used to be a fan of Krieg/Maya and then when it was revealed Maya was ace I was kinda ehh about it because all the pairings of them I saw weren’t “Look at them in a mutually respectful relationship” and were more “Look at Maya and how she definitely loves sex and/or is willing to have all the sex to satisfy Krieg even if she DOESN’T enjoy it.”
Also I hate Gladstone.
I just hate him so much.
I thought he was okay once and I hated Pickle because meeeeeeethane but oh my god I hate Gladstone. So much. I loathe him.
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