#“had lego as their favourite toy when younger” HOW could you possibly get that
the-sun-is-also-a-star · 11 months
from the five videos you have sent my analysis is that your type is: gay in some way, listens to sad songs at 3am, thinks grey is a nice color and had Lego as their favorite toy when younger
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Survey #284
“mama, we’re all full of lies / mama, we’re meant for the flies”
When was the last time you changed a lightbulb? About a month or so back I had to change Venus’ heat lamp. Who was the last person you sent an e-mail to? I emailed my older sister the OneDrive link to her holiday pictures I did. When was the last time you visited the dentist? What about the optician? It’s been quite a few months since I went to the dentist for a normal cleaning. I haven’t seen an eye doctor in around a year or so because it’s a less pressing matter, and we can’t afford to buy me new glasses anyway. I desperately need them. Do you sleep on your side, your back or your front? My side, stomach, or like a contortion of both. Would you rather drive or be the passenger? Let me be shotgun controlling the music and I’m set for a long ride. When was the last time you received a handwritten letter? Sara sent me one I think two years ago for my birthday. If you have pets, do you buy them gifts for Christmas or their birthdays? Ha, yes. We don’t know either’s exact birthday though, so we don’t really “celebrate” those. Do you know how to ride a bike? How about ride a skateboard? A bike, yeah. I don’t know how to skateboard, though. Did you get enough sleep last night? How much sleep is enough sleep for you? No. I don’t even know what “enough sleep” is. I’m always tired. What are your favourite condiments? Do you use those often? Ketchup and honey mustard probably top the list, considering they’re the ones I use most. Peanut butter: crunchy or smooth? Do you have a favorite brand? I trust no one who can enjoy crunchy peanut butter. I like Skippy quite a bit. Do you have any life-threatening allergies? No. Have you had to take a COVID test yet? Was it positive or negative? I haven’t needed to take one. Do you think it’s okay to keep cats indoors for their entire lives? They SHOULD be. Cats are very destructive and disruptive predators of once-stable environments. They fuck up the food chain and have done a lot of damage to native populations. This is coming from a person whose house was an absolute NEST for cats to the point they were taken away. They lived outside, and I can only imagine the harm they really caused. Of course, as a kid, I didn’t understand this, but as an educated and experienced adult when it comes to this subject, it’s saddening to look back on. Please, keep your cats inside. AND FIXED. Hence our cat empire lmao. Do you think people should need a license in order to keep animals, just to make sure they knew how to properly take care of them? That would actually be LOVELY. If only. Not that it would entirely prevent illegal ownership, but I like to think most people are law-abiding citizens… Which meal of the day is your favorite? What’s your favorite thing to eat for that meal? BREAKFAST! Cinnamon rolls just gotta top the list. When was the last time you bounced on a trampoline? Would you ever want to go to one of those indoor trampoline parks? It has to have been so, so many years. My knees could NEVER take that now. I’m not interested in that. What’s your favorite thing to put on a baked potato? Butter, American cheese, and bacon bits… yum. Have you ever made money selling stuff online? What was it you were selling? I don’t think so, at least not successfully. Do you have a valid passport? When was the last time you used it? No. What was the last song you sung along to? I’m unsure. I rarely sing along to songs. What was the last piece of fruit you ate? What about the last vegetable? Fruit: apple. Vegetable: ummm I’m actually unsure. Probably broccoli. Have you ever lied to the police or a customs official? Were you ever found out? No. Are you much of a procrastinator, or would you rather get things out of the way so you can relax? I am a HEAVY procrastinator. When was the last time you took an exam of any kind? I don’t know. Probably not since I was in school. What snacks/drinks from your childhood do you wish they still made? Ah man, I know there’s some… just too many to dig through to try and remember. Are you a fan of techno? Yeah, sometimes. Who's your favorite horror movie villain/monster? I don’t particularly like one over the other. What's an 'obsession' of yours that most people would find odd or amusing? Probably how much I love Mark, given that being a “fangirl” is usually seen as juvenile. What's the sweetest thing another person has said or done for you? Probably Colleen letting me live with her while I was homeless for a month or two. Said to me, actually from Colleen’s sister; I was having a crying episode over Jason and she just grabbed my head and told me with such passion that I was so beautiful, strong, and deserved the world. Safe to say I started crying more lmao but at least it wasn’t from sadness. What's the absolute best feeling in the world? Being in love. Does the person you have feelings for know you feel that way? Yeah. Do you like Tim Burton? Um, duh. How do you feel about hypnotism? I don’t believe it works. It’s just the power of suggestion. How do you feel about Pink Floyd? I’m not a big fan, but I like some songs. What’s your preferred way of keeping fit? Is it something you make time to do on a regular basis? You assume I AM fit… but I really am trying to change that with WiiFit again, once the living room is cleaned up. I plan to insert it into my morning routine. Have you ever raised a puppy? Would you want to or would you prefer to adopt an adult rescued dog? Yes, Teddy. Right now I don’t want another dog, but hypothetically, I’d absolutely go for an adult rescue. Who was the last person to come to your house? Were they an expected visitor? My younger sister. Yes. If you work, is your job the same everyday, or does it vary depending on what you have on? N/A Would you ever be interested in owning your own business? Why or why not? Well, I want to be a freelance photographer, so… It’s not off the ground enough for me to *officially* call it a business, but while it’s absolutely so exciting to picture, it’s also very anxiety-inducing, the idea of it (hopefully) getting to that point since I’m dumb as fuck in regards to business stuff. Do you have your driver’s license? If so, did you find it easy or difficult to learn and pass your test? Ugh, I don’t. I need it so badly, I know, but right now, I couldn’t even if I wanted to because my vision is too bad to possibly pass that part, and I can’t afford to see an eye doctor + get a new prescription. If you have pets, how often do you buy them new treats and toys? Venus is a snake, so… yeah, lol. She needs a bigger terrarium, though, but a 40 gallon is expensive. Roman gets a new toy every now and then, but he doesn’t play with them as much anymore. If you had to work a job that required you to do shifts, would you rather work the early, late or night shift? Early. Get it over with. Do you have a favorite type of survey to take? Yeah; I like the ones that make me think or are just questions I definitely haven’t seen before but are also interesting. Some random questions are way too specific to apply to most people. On a typical day, how long do you spend out of the house? Even before the pandemic, usually zero time. Do you live in a close-kit community? Well we’re the new family on the block, so it’s hard to tell quite yet. People were welcoming, though. Do you have a vlog? NOOOOOOOOOO. If not, have you ever considered starting a vlog? No, I would feel WAY too fuckin awkward. Did you go to AM or PM kindergarten? AM. What are your favorite YouTube channels to watch? The whole world knows Markiplier is my true favorite channel, but lately I’ve really been digging pet (particularly reptile or tarantula) channels, Snake Discovery in specific. I’ve been bingeing the fuck outta them. I’ve officially become the “I know more than you” Petco meme lmao. Which relative(s) do you look the most like? Idk. Have you ever watched a live birth video? FUCK no. I never would. That could be so fucking scarring to middle school kids, for Christ’s sake. I’ve never understood why they show them in a lot of health classes. Have you ever given birth? Fuck to the no; never plan to, either. Have you ever wished you were born the opposite gender? Nah. Have you ever worn overalls? Ugh, as a kid. They’re so hideous to me now. If you’re a girl, how old were you when you started your period? I was in the 6th grade, so 11-12. Is your mom mentally stable? I mean she has depression, but otherwise, yeah. What color hair did your first crush have? I can’t really remember who my first crush was with certainty… but I think I might. If I’m right, blond. What was the name of your first crush? ^ in minds, I think Aaron. Did you ever play on Mamamedia.com? Doesn’t ring a bell. Do you remember your first email address? Haha, yeah, it’s still my current one… Did you name your Lego characters? I was more of a Lincoln Logs kid. Do you take medication for anxiety or depression? Both. If so, does it work? Does it help you? Or does it make you feel worse? I’d probably be dead without at least my mood stabilizers. Have you ever had a bag stolen? I don’t believe so. Who was your best friend in high school? Hannia. What book or movie gave you nightmares as a child? Ha, no books or movies, I think, but remember King Ramses from that episode of Courage the Cowardly Dog? Oh, trust me, I HAD NIGHTMARES. What song makes you cry? The most, probably “Eternally Yours” by Motionless In White. I physically cannot listen to it. Does anyone know who your first crush was besides you? Maybe Mom? Idk. How many teachers have you had crushes on? None. Did you make your Barbie dolls get crushes on each other? I actually don’t remember? I don’t think we had any male Barbies, and of course as a little kid raised in the South especially, I didn’t even realize homosexuality was a thing, so we never considered the girls dating. Did your Barbie dolls go on dates? ^ How old were you when you had your first kiss? 16. Do you have scars from self-harm? No, they’re long faded and were thankfully never very severe. Did your hair change at all when you went through puberty? Yep, it gradually turned brown. Are you taller, shorter, or the same height as your mom? We’re the same height. Would you ever consider adopting a child? I don’t want kids, period. The only possible case I see is being a stepmom, but even then I can’t visualize me being one to an actual kid-kid. Just like, maybe a mid-teen and above. Do you trim your own hair? No. What are all the things you remember being for Halloween? I’m very surprised that I don’t remember many at all. I know I was a witch multiple times. What was the name of the first pet that you loved? I adored almost every pet my family has ever had. Our first was a stray cat named Chance we took in. INCREDIBLE animal. What color was your nursery? I have zero clue. Do you exercise regularly? Ugh, no, but I genuinely plan on changing that once the living room is cleaned up and Mom moves into her room. I’m very serious about starting Wii Fit again. I WAS gonna start walking once we moved here, but I found I was too scared to alone. I’m way too paranoid. Do you have a healthy BMI? lol What photo editing software do you use? Lightroom, Photoshop, and very rarely PhotoScape if I’m being lazy with watermarking my photography. Do you live somewhere with lots of livestock or wild animals? Livestock, yeah. You pass cows all the time around here. If you’re in a more wooded area, you’ll find roadkill kinda frequently, sadly. Would you rather live somewhere rural or urban? Rural. It’s the only thing that sucks about our new home – we’re in the suburbs. Is there anything (a hobby, for example) that’s guaranteed to always make you feel better when you’ve had a bad day? Not 100%, really. If the day was truly awful, sometimes nothing helps. If you’re struggling with your mental health, who are you most likely to open up to, or would you bottle it up instead? I vent to my mom the most. What room of your house do you spend the most time in? Is this through choice or necessity? My room, and it’s by choice. The second room that I wanna make my “office” is still LOADED with stuff from moving. If you could design your own garden, what would you have in it? Do you think that dream is ever going to be achievable for you? I don’t want a garden. Does it take you a long time to fall asleep at night? What do you if you’re really struggling to get to sleep? It can take me very, very long. I dread lying down some nights just because I know I’ll be tossing and turning for a good while. If I’ve tried to sleep for a long time to no avail, I do what you shouldn’t do and get back on the laptop. Do you think it’s cruel when people keep exotic animals as pets? Or do you think it’s okay as long as they have the space, time and money to dedicate to them? This depends on the animal and situation. I do believe some rescue cases are justified for the animal’s survival, but as the question mentions, you need to be able to provide adequately for it to be moral imo. I do NOT support exotic pet ownership for the average person. If you eat meat, is there a particular animal you’d never eat? If you don’t eat meat, what’s the reason for it? I could never eat a “pet” animal, nor an animal hunted mostly for sport. Even in survival cases, I’d have a hard time eating a wild animal.
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johnnq · 6 years
Blue Light - Angst: Johnny and Lucas x Reader
Word Count: 7.1k
Warnings: Mentions of blood, mentions of recreational drug use, vulgar language in some places.
Summary: You, Johnny and Lucas are childhood best friends, but Lucas has a secret he’s been keeping for a long time - he loves you. What happens when he sees something that pushes him over the edge leaves you all in awe.
You could of only been five, if not younger, the first time you realised how beautiful the colour blue was. Even now, you could remember that smile wiped across your face as you stared at the Christmas lights that shone white and blue littering your family Christmas tree, of which you had helped decorate, with blue ornaments to match. 
Christmas was already your all-time favourite holiday, and always had been - after all, your parents did make it incredibly special every year, stacking presents far above how high you stood at that age. For some strange reason, the colour resonated with you from that one year on. Blue was known to usually represent coldness and harshness, and many of your future friends would always be surprised, or better yet tease you about how you could love such a colour, but to you, it represented life, growth and change and you always had something blue close to you, whether it was a keychain, a scarf, a notebook, or anything else.
Maybe it was pure coincidence that every single major event in your life leading up to that point, and past that point included blue, but you liked to think it was the universes way of reminding you that things happened for a reason, and that moments like that were destined to happen no matter what.
Then there were your two best friends since before you could even babble, Lucas and Johnny. The two boys that you were destined to play with and bond with since before you were born, curtesy of your parents and theirs planning their children's lives out to the minute. They thought your obsession with the colour was strange, and would relentlessly joke and tease about it for the years you all spent together. In fact, at one point they referred to you as 'Jack Frost's long lost sister' for a whole week just to get on your nerves.
Of course, you didn't mind this teasing so much, since you knew that they were just joking around and didn't really think all the things they said. If anything, you were glad you met the two kindest and most loving non-familial people in your life who made no jokes off-limits.
The past was a fickle thing, with the memories of petty arguments, falls, cuts and scrapes fresh in all three of your minds, as well as the memories of you and your two favourite boys playing with toys, and wandering the expanse of your seemingly infinite backyard, and laughing at Johnny as he cried about his favourite toy breaking.
They were the boys you built sandcastles with when you were all less than a foot high, and the boys you spent hours and hours constructing lego houses with, of which one of you would usually accidentally knock over and break, or in Lucas' case, knock them over deliberately to get a reaction.
You would always love them, and would always cherish the years you spent growing alongside them both, watching them turn into the men they were today. You could very clearly remember the way that the two boys would follow you everywhere as toddlers, almost like lost puppies, sulking if you didn't pay them any attention. It was a far cry from the way that you watched them become their own people, making friends and falling in love with girls who were incredibly lucky to gain such caring people in their lives... Well, not so much Lucas, but Johnny sure played the field. 
Hair pulling, playfighting in the sand, grass and snow, with a plethora of inside jokes that you all still laughed about to this day were the basis of your childhood, spending every waking moment with them both.
But there was one thing you didn't know about them. At the age of seven; at your seventh birthday in fact, in the cupboard under your stairs, holding nothing but a torch and a bible, they pinky-promised and swore on the bible itself, that neither one of them would fall in love with you, or do any of the "icky" stuff that "grown-ups" did like hold hands and kiss. Despite the fact that they were young, they both seemed entirely sure that they wanted to do anything to preserve your friendships, and that nothing, not even 'love' would get in the way of that.
"This is serious Luc!" Johnny shouted, deliberately shining the battery-powered handheld torch they had stolen into Lucas' eyes without warning, seeing the boy squirm and cover his eyes urgently as he begged Johnny to point it somewhere else.
"Okay okay Johnny, I swear, on all of my toys, all of my comic books, and my favourite socks, that I will never fall in love with Y/N" Lucas finally conceded, finally having his vision freed as Johnny flipped the switch on the torch to turn it off.
"See, That wasn't so hard was it? And I promise on my Nintendo Wii, all my Transformers figures, my racecar bedsheets, and this very torch that I will never fall in love with Y/N, and will NEVER even think about any icky stuff.."
The funniest part was, neither Lucas OR Johnny even really understood love and the way it felt to be in love because they were simply too young, but that day they made a promise that to them, was the world.
But there your best friend, Lucas stood, from a distance at the Winter Dance longingly staring at you, losing all courage he may or may not of had when he got there, once he saw you. 
That particular evening you were wearing a rose-gold gown, and had decided to have your hair pinned back into a fishtail braid that was right in the middle of being completely and utterly flawless, and a complete mess. 
Lucas just put this down to the fact that you hadn't put enough hairspray in before you left, knowing from all the times you did his hair before he went somewhere, or doing his hair for fun that you never put enough on. He knew that you had a tendency to underestimate things on your life quite often, but he'd never tell you. He was too nice to say something that could potentially hurt your feelings. 
Lucas immediately noticed the overhead and subtle tint of the blue overhead-lights drenching you in baby blue, like an angel beneath the ocean. He truly couldn't take his eyes off of you, almost like they were glued to you, with the strongest of adhesives.
In that moment, he could of sworn that you were really just that, an angel, The way every single part of you was so heavenly, both to him, and to anyone that had eyes had him feeling as if his jaw would snap right off if he didn't have just the tiniest of composure left in him. He was stunned how even in possibly the worst type of lighting possible in Lucas' opinion, you still managed to be flawless. But that was it; even though he always made fun of your love for blue in recent years, he truly could barely catch his breath in the pure pride and overwhelming love at how it complimented you. He could never deny that you looked gorgeous under blue lighting, even if he hated it with a passion. Gulping and his face flushed a deep red as he fiddled with his cuffs anxiously, he couldn't even grasp enough of his own attention span at once to know what was happening around him.
To him, the rest of the people in the room may as well of not been there. All he could focus on was you, and only you. Nobody else existed in that moment, and nobody else mattered. 
Lucas had been irreparably in love with you since the day of your twelfth birthday. Until that day, he had seen you as his best friend, and nothing more, and had always looked up to you as an older-sister figure, even though you were the same age. But something that day, changed. 
The moment was still crystal clear in his memory, but he couldn't quite put his finger on what drew him to you. He liked to think that it was a mix of your intoxicating smile when you blew out the candles on your cake, and the unfiltered and joyous laughter you let out when you saw what him and Johnny had spent 4 months saving their allowances combined for; and how you ran to them and hugged them ever so tightly that they almost thought you'd crush them into tiny pieces. He could never forget the way you were so mature and level-headed when on the same night as your party, you found out that your parents were separating, and sat on the stairs listening to them argue, as they told each other how much they couldn't wait to be rid of each other. 
He never let on that he did, but he knew that while Johnny and him kept everyone entertained in the living room and put the volume of the stereo slightly higher than the shouting upstairs, you held yourself and sobbed your heart out while leant up against the wall, and prayed that nobody could hear you. He heard every single sound of distress, every sniffle, every attempt to compose yourself and pretend your world wasn't crumbling and that broke his heart to hear, but he knew that him telling you he did would only cause you more embarrassment than it was worth. 
One thing he never knew, was how you smiled to yourself once you finally managed to stop crying, thanking whatever higher power there was that you had the most attentive best friends, and that you cried yourself to sleep that night after you had left your party early and asked him and Johnny to clean up for you.
Ever since that day, he had contemplated telling you how he felt many times, and had almost let his best kept secret slip many times before. Whether it was because of alcohol, overwhelming pride in your best moments, extreme loneliness, or pure desperation for the seemingly never ending simultaneous heartache and love he felt when he was near you, he always found himself stopping the words as they hung on the tip of his tongue.
He watched you date boy after boy, sitting through endless rom-coms on Saturday nights with pint after pint of ice-cream, while you would cry into his chest about how you "always attracted the worst people" and how your heart ached so much you could barely move, let alone imagine an end to it. In those moments, he was always wondering if maybe one day he would be able to tell you that he was the one you should of been dating that entire time.
Through award ceremonies in middle school where you got countless awards and words of praise, he sat with Johnny and your families, forcing himself to not saying anything other than how proud he was of you for working hard and it paying off, and how he knew you'd do well. 
When you were your lowest, he was the first one to call or text, and would be at your house in a flash to let you get all your sadness, frustration and pain out, whether that was through ranting and venting, or complete silence shared over him cradling you in his arms as you cried into chest, the warm tears quickly soaking into his shirt, and his fingers in your hair as he played with it reassuringly. 
He was even there for your first kiss, setting up a date between the boy you liked when you were 14, because he couldn't bear the thought of you spending Valentines Day alone like he would. He was standing in the next room, listening through the thin walls as you professed your love for the boy, and placed a juvenile and innocent kiss onto his lips. Although he fought back tears as he heard every second and spent the next week having nightmares about it, he stayed by your side and dared not say anything about his love for you.
Even now, seeing Johnny, his best friend and yours walk up to you and get so close to you that he could of sworn that his heart would of beat out of his chest, he said nothing. If anything, he almost felt even worse about the way he thought of you, and how much he wanted nothing more than you to be together.
This ballsy move from Johnny wasn't exactly shocking. Lucas had known that his best friend and the brother he never had but always wanted, had always had a thing for you, and always would. He knew from the moment that he even suggested the pinky-promise you had both made, that he wanted you all to himself. The jealousy that he felt did subside after some time, but in the back of his head; he always knew that Johnny felt something for you.
Seeing him brush his hand up against your shoulder as he asked you to dance and whispered in your ear was torture. He squirmed uncomfortably watching the sight, as he could barely hold back the single tear that carelessly fell down onto his shirt.
"Lucas?" a small and fragile voice called from behind you.
Seung; a shy girl, and the subject of few conversations. A seemingly boring girl, and a girl Lucas knew little about, and cared little about. 
Rumour had it, that she was obsessed with him and had been crushing on him since the first year of high school. Of course, he was far too busy thinking about you, and spending time with you to care about that, dropping the occasional hint that he wasn't looking for a relationship in the hopes she'd scurry off and find someone else to bother.
"Hm Seung? What is it?" he replied, the disinterest and distraction in his tone unmistakable, as he couldn't even make basic eye contact with her.
"I was wondering if you'd like to dance?" she asked.
For a moment, Lucas broke the gaze he had on you, and snapped to her. He looked into her eyes deeply, his mind full of guilt at how this girl hadn't taken the obvious hints he had given that he wasn't interested, and how she must of thought that she was even an option with you around him.
But there the problem was. You hadn't taken any of his hints either. Lucas felt like screaming right then and there, the amount of times he had desperately tried to hint at the fact he liked you, and you would shrug or laugh it off as part of your two's jokes. Instead of wanting to go over to you, Lucas' brain was rushing with the idea of dancing with Seung, just to try and make you even slightly jealous.
Who cares anymore? he thought to himself.
"You know what, Seung? I would be honoured." he replied, between almost gritted teeth.
This was wrong, so so wrong for him. He couldn't believe he was really willing to go to these lengths to make you notice him, or that he was insane enough to even think of such a sly tactic. In just a few seconds, he went from standing inches from her, to holding one of his hands around her waist, and holding her right hand with his left one, beaming down at her falsely as she perched her head on his left shoulder, and they swayed from side to side to the ambience of the unbearably slow music your high school had chosen.
Even when he was supposed to be trying to make you jealous, Lucas couldn't help but lose focus on Seung, not that he had much anyway, to stare over at you. 
She's... She's dancing with him. his mind repeated over and over, like a mantra.
"Lucas? I'm, really really glad that I decided to come to the dance." Seung said, her voice slightly muffled by the material of his suit against her mouth.
"And why would that be?" he quizzed, fake intrigue and a drip of malice following his tone closely. Truth be told, he didn't really care what Seung had to say, let alone her intentions, because all that met his gaze was the sight of you and Johnny swaying, dangerously close to one another and your lips inches apart, as he watched them crash against one another, into a kiss that Lucas could only dream of ever giving you. If it wasn't for the fact that he was used to feeling this way, and longing for you, he would of surely lost his mind, if not before, then now.
He watched closely as Johnny mouthed the words "I love you" and interlocked his fingers with yours, his heart breaking with every syllable uttered, as you got on tiptoes to whisper into his ear that you loved him too. It was almost in slow motion to Lucas, as he watched the one chance, even if it was tiny, of being able to make you his, disappear into thin air. It was almost as if the past five years of him devoting himself to a partnership that existed in nowhere but his mind and heart, were for absolutely nothing.
In the moment, Lucas didn't know what to do. Would he run? Would he fall to the ground onto his knees and weep? Or would he simply die then and there?
Only a handful of people even noticed this, including you and Johnny. Looking up for just a second at him, Johnny gripped your hand and pushed the stray hairs that stuck to your forehead, behind your ear.
"Johnny, what's wrong with Lucas?" you questioned, the concern in your tone making it seem as if you had half a mind to go after him.
"You know Lucas, probably just something and nothing. He's been all over the place lately Y/N, we'll go and see him later on." Johnny remarked, trying to calm you down as the empathetic side of you was evident in your movement and facial expression.
"But what if it IS something important? He's our best friend, we can't just leave him on his own." you argued, trying to break free from Johnny to go after him.
"Y/N, please don't let it ruin our night. Lucas is most likely fine, and I'm sure he can wait. He'll understand... I promise." he stated confidently, with a soothing tone that made you completely trust the words he said.
Now running across the school field, Lucas' shoes were thick with mud and wet grass, as he barely even stumbled, going to the first place he could think of; the park.
This was no ordinary park, oh no - it was a monumental place in your history with both him and Johnny. It was the first place you were all allowed to take your bikes and ride around without supervision, the place your families would meet at to go on the occasional walk, and would talk about the mundane goings-on of that particularly week or month.
In later years, it was your three's go-to hangout spot after school finished, the small abandoned building oddly placed in the very centre of the entire park, it was the place you often went. 
Nights with sleeping bags and snacks were spent there, when you naively thought you could all last the whole night in the building, but ended up going home after you all realised that the sleeping bags and jackets you brought with you wouldn't shield you from the elements. You never did learn the first time, so several attempts were made to no avail.
In recent years, as far back as the age of fifteen and sixteen, it housed you during the week that you all decided to run away from home to protest against your parents rules, where Lucas had somehow managed to get a pack of cigarettes for you to smoke together, and Johnny being Johnny, had brought a bottle of vodka. That night, you all had your first drag of a cigarette, and the first taste of alcohol, of which none of you enjoyed even slightly. You were coughing and spluttering, and idiotically thought vodka would help, gulping it down like it was going out of fashion. When it didn't - you all really wished you could just go home.
Of course, the pack of cigarettes were discarded after one drag of one of them, leaving seventeen untouched, becoming completely soaked by the dripping water coming through the hole in the roof none of you could ever quite patch up. As for the bottle of vodka - Johnny poured it away and smashed the bottle, using a blowtorch to mold it into a makeshift weapon of some kind - one that his mother would find in his bedroom the next morning and would throw away, scolding him for his stupidity to drink, and attempting to use molded glass as a weapon.
Lucas now lazily perched himself on the worn-down granite stairs leading to it. So much had changed in just a year. 365 days felt like a lifetime for him, not seeing you as much, drifting from Johnny just a little bit. Despite how it had only been barely a year since such great times started to become less frequent, he felt as if the bitterness he now felt, had been building up for far longer than just a year.
Nothing after that Valentines day three years ago had felt the same. Yes, he felt the same about you, and if anything, that day made him feel so much more determined to finally tell you how he felt, but he could never get it out of his head.
It was that day that he realised that his tendency to put himself in the way of heartache and pain would ultimately either be the death of him, or would finally force him to put-up or shut-up. Sitting there, one year older, he somehow felt a thousand times more bitter and cynical.
Why her? he thought to himself.
Anger welling up inside of him, Lucas let out his frustration and pain out on the nearest thing to him, the wall of the building he had once had considered his favourite place. Standing up now, his fists met with the structure, making not a single dent or impact on it. His fists were a different story, the knuckles now grazed, bleeding and an angry shade of red that only made him want to keep punching until there was nothing left. 
It didn't matter to him that he was now just throwing punch after punch just to make himself bleed. It didn't matter if you would ever finally notice how much he loved you. He simply didn't care anymore, and at that point, he could of died on the spot and he would of been grateful for it.
"I fucking hate you!"
He slammed his fist through a sharp piece of metal holding the barely-standing building together, cutting his hand open, the blood covering his entire hand and part of his arm.
He didn't flinch, but kept on punching until he finally felt like he couldn't make things any worse for himself. Blood was now drenching the bottom portion of his arm, his suit-jacket wet with it, and the small glimpse of his white shirt poking through was also stained red.
"I hate you for making me love you so much.."
Lucas now fell with his back up against the wall, the minimalist amount of tears threatening to spill from his fragile being. Clenching his arm as the pain finally set in, and the reality that he was now alone with a very deep wound and nobody for miles, he choked back the tears, and ripped part of his pants at the very bottom, using it as a tourniquet to stop blood flow to the area and keep himself from either passing out or bleeding to death.
Lucas wasn't sure if in that moment his overactive imagination that often got him in trouble was just playing with his emotions and vulnerable state, or if all that blood loss was doing more than just making him slightly light-headed, but he could of sworn that he saw you in the distance. 
She came. She didn't leave me after all. he thought, and mostly importantly - he hoped.
Words becoming slurred, and vision blurring with every second passing, he fainted. 
But Lucas didn't wake up in an ambulance, at home or with you by his side. Instead, he woke up alone, freezing, terrified and confused. The bleeding had thankfully stopped, but he was dishevelled and drained, and he could barely drag himself far enough on his weak and exhausted legs to reach his house where he knew he would be safe.
His mother really didn't take too kindly to finding out after the commotion of seeing her son in such a state, that you and Johnny hadn't gone after him.
Upon finding out the next morning, you were shocked to say the least. Sitting at your desk in class right next to Johnny, a voice message and a text both from his mother. You had put off listening to it until after the first class you had that day because you had the horrible feeling she was going to tell you something terrible, that your best friend of seventeen years had injured himself, or worse; killed himself.
You knew that you should of gone after him or at least sent his mother even just a text to let her know he was vulnerable and upset, or that he'd left the dance. Your heart dropped when you heard the words come through the phone speaker.
"He's bruised, sore, and very weak. He's lucky he didn't rupture a blood vessel or worse.. But he's in the right hands, safe hands. He wanted to stop me from calling so you didn't worry but you guys are so close I know you'd want to know.. Anyway Y/N, I just want you to know that he's okay. You're welcome to visit anytime you want."
The message ends almost abruptly, and you grip your phone just that little bit tighter and feel a tear fall down your face as Johnny's facial expression shifts when he realises the error of his ways, and grips your hand reassuringly as he runs a finger up and down your back as he tries his best to comfort you.
"Y/N I'm so sorry.. You were right that we should of gone after him. I just.. I didn't know he'd - do that, you know? Lucas is a lot of things, impulsive, sometimes unpredictable, and can be really destructive if he's in that type of mindset, but he's never gone this far. I'm so sorry I didn't listen to you." Johnny says from behind you, grabbing his phone and sending a text to Lucas.
Johnny: Dude.. I am so sorry for being so harsh the other day. I just wanted to let you know we've got your back and we'll come see you in the next few days. We love you very much, next time just tell us what's bothering you, yeah? x
It took slightly longer for either of you get a reply from Lucas, even longer than his usual slow reply speed that had become commonplace in the years you'd known each other.
Lucas: Yeah, thanks. There's just a lot going on in my head and it's too much to explain sometimes. Do me a favour and make sure Y/N is okay, please? It wasn't either of your faults, it was mine for getting so caught up and letting my emotions get the better of me. She's not to blame and neither are you. I love you both <3
It hurt so badly for Lucas to swallow his pride and lie again. It was your fault partly, but he knew that he really didn't have any place to blame you completely since you were oblivious to the whole situation like usual.
In the days following that, you and Johnny went to see Lucas. You laughed about how now he could come back to school and tell everyone some elaborate story about how he got mauled by a wild dog and had to fight it off, or some iteration of that. 
He laughed, and he smiled throughout the visit, holding back the words he so desperately wanted to say. He knew that at this point, telling you anything about why he got in such a bad way and why he left the dance would ruin so much between you all and as much as he wanted to knock Johnny out right there, he could recognise how happy Johnny made you, and he came to accept that maybe that would have to be enough for him, because if he couldn't have you, he wasn't about to stop anyone else from having you.
Years passed after that day, and the longer Lucas accepted you being with Johnny, the more he realised that nothing could replace you in his mind. He didn't get a girlfriend because he knew that he'd always compare her to you, and that he'd always see you when he woke up next to her each morning. 
He began drinking to numb the feeling and pass the time he had to spend seeing you happy without him being the one making you feel that way. Parties, frat houses and nights passed out in the bathroom of a stranger became more and more common for him. Alcohol became the only thing that got him through the day, along with the cocaine and ecstasy that blurred the lines between desperation and sadness.
He started sleeping around, bathrooms, spare bedrooms, empty spaces, it didn't make any difference. Girl after girl falling into a twisted, false sense of security with him, thinking he might love them slightly more than the last. He was so easy to have and never speak to again that most of the time, there was always at least one person who knew him, intimately or not.
Drugs, alcohol, the cheap thrills that got Lucas through the days were his only friend. You and Johnny slowly drifted from him, going from spending less and less time with each other, to no time at all. Lucas was far too out of it to actually realise at first, and then it became a case of him not caring if you never came over anymore. 
That's when he realised. His love for you had essentially ruined him.
"Don't take them all at once, this batch is a lot stronger than the last.. Yeah?" His dealer's voice rung in his ears, and Lucas took no notice, nodding absentmindedly, far too intoxicated to actually know what he'd just been told.
Going to the bathroom, he stood in front of the mirror. His once lean, cared-for figure, was littered with needle marks, bruises, cuts and his skin was not the same colour it was just a few years ago. His mid-length hair had once been the thing many people knew him for, the way he bleached it blonde because he hated his natural colour, was now a mess. He was a shell of a man, using anything he could to make himself forget what hurt him.
Emptying the contents of the bag of cocaine, he used his maxed-out credit card to shift it into neat little lines, smiling dumbly as he knew that soon he probably wouldn't remember his own name, let alone yours, or your face... That's how he liked it.
Line after line made him more and more numb, not as much as the first few times he did cocaine, but still enough for him to not remember. 
But tonight, Lucas felt slightly more brave. So, when he finished the lines, he also picked out two brightly coloured ecstasy tablets, and popped them onto his tongue, sitting himself down on the floor by the counter, leaning up against it as his high approached.
In the moments after this, he felt so deliriously happy, and ready to wake up the next morning absolutely destroyed. But something wasn't right.
That night, he overdosed for the first time. The very girl he once stood up at the Winter Dance, Seung, was there that night holding him in her arms as she called the ambulance for him, sobbing and trying to wake him up.
Funnily enough, Lucas didn't get a visit from you or Johnny this time, the complete opposite of his last major hospitalisation. All he got was a half-hearted, pitiful text message from your phone that he couldn't quite take seriously considering the lack of contact you had both had with him the last year.
Y/N: Lucas.. We can't keep doing this. We still love you and we hope you're okay, but you need help. It's killing you, and we can't bare to see you go down this road. You're going to end up dead and I'm sorry, but I can't bear to have to see you in a casket at such a young age. Reach out and get some help. Much love x
You're the reason I'm here.. he thought.
Seung stayed by his side throughout his entire recovery, as he got his strength back, started walking again, and eventually went to rehab. 
In 6 months, he was already home and Seung cared for him as he pushed away the temptation to relapse when things got too difficult for him. At first, he swore that his relationship with her was purely platonic and that he only tolerated her for the fact she did everything for him and didn't complain while doing it, but the longer she stayed, the more he realised how happy she made him. Almost like how happy you made him.
He denied it for a long time, that he loved her. He felt terrible about moving on from you even if it was a good thing, he'd spent half his life chasing you, turning down girl after girl because they weren't you. Now, he was falling for her, and he was beginning to not hate you as much. 
Things were slow at first. It took both of them at least 8 months to admit their feelings for each other, and when they started dating Lucas broke the news to everyone when the time felt right. He called you on the exact day he was one year clean from drugs to tell you, and you spent an hour on the phone as you and Johnny spoke to him and told him how happy you were for him, and how proud you were that he got himself the help he needed and turned his life around.
Months and months went by, and he was happy with Seung. You began visiting their shared apartment every few weeks, going for dinners, parties, nights out, and everything and anything in-between.
Eventually, time came for you and Johnny to finally get engaged. Johnny proposed to you in the middle of a snow-storm while you both cuddled in your apartment and complained about the cold. He slid the box with the ring inside next to you, and you squealed so loud you worried your neighbours might think you were being murdered. You said yes, of course.
Calling Lucas and all the important people to you, for once, Lucas felt normal. He was so happy for you and Johnny, knowing that he no longer wanted you anymore and that he had a girl of his own to love and one day marry. When you invited him to the wedding, he graciously accepted.
On your wedding day, everyone turned up, filling the pews in the church you and Johnny had jointly agreed to have the ceremony in. Lucas sat front and centre of course with Seung right there next to him, marvelling at how beautiful the church was and how she'd love to get married somewhere like that. 
Lucas didn't get the honour of best man like he had always said to Johnny he would. Instead, one of Johnny's work colleagues, a boy named Mark got that honour. Mark reminded Lucas a lot of himself in many ways, but he was glad that Johnny wasn't too lonely in his absence. 
Seeing you in your wedding dress nearly made Lucas cry. Years ago it would of been because he wanted so desperately for himself to be marrying you rather than Johnny, but now it was because he was overflowing with pride seeing his best friends tie the knot, and how much you had both grown as people. Seeing you now, twenty one years old, financially stable and stable in every way, he saw a glimpse of the 5 year old girl he once had play fights with and held her hand on her first day of school.
“You know I’m proud of you, right? You look so beautiful.” he whispered to you.
“I’m proud of you too Lucas... Thank you for being here.” you replied, a content smile across your face.
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world princess.”
Seeing his other best friend, Johnny, he felt so much pride as well. His brother since birth but not by blood was living his life the way he always wanted, and as an added bonus he had you by his side. 
Exchanging a suggestive smile between each other, you both laughed remembering the promise they both made at your seventh birthday party. Promises like that didn’t matter anymore, because neither of you really understood it at the time. 
Now, you were both grown up, and your childhood was behind you. You were practically giving your blessing, even if Johnny didn’t need it.
He knew that now, you were both free and all three of you were the happiest you’d ever been, and no words needed to be exchanged between you for you both to know that.
He loved you still, but now like he used to once upon a time. He loved you the way he did when you were children, innocently. He watched you exchange vows for each other, and he gripped Seung's hand, knowing he would one day do the same with her.
He was happy seeing you living your life with Johnny. He watched you raise kids together, he watched you become the adults he always wanted to see you become, and he no longer needed anything but himself to feel that way. He had a good life, a happy one filled with comfort, love and memories he would never be able to forget. Kids who loved him, a wife who never got tired of him, and a life that he was proud to call his own.
And that's when he realised; the Winter Dance was just the beginning of what would make him a better person. Although at the time it felt like the end of the world, looking back - it was what saved him.
The blue light saved him.
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bottled-thoughtss · 7 years
Kids car activities for long trip (all possible activities)
Nothing derails a household trip quicker than bored children.  A well-stocked action tote can liquefy the extend of "are we there yet?"  In the rear seat and assist you log some serious lumps in serenity.  How complicated your action bag needs to be depends upon the period of your journey and the number of kids you are entertaining in addition to their ages and attention spans.
Electronic amusement
Pills, notebooks, and mobiles: Download lots of educational and just-for-fun games, films, episodes of favourite shows, and audio prior to leaving home.  (Get our hints for the best programs to amuse children) An old-fashioned mobile DVD is going to do in a pinch too.  If your vehicle isn't equipped with a video player, you can purchase a fundamental one for approximately $50.  Check the regional library for free downloads or DVDs. Should you relax limitations on display time, ensure that your child knows what to expect as you are on the street.  It is tempting to hand a tablet computer or telephone to a young passenger, however, attempt to avoid giving your kid a device for a means to handle boredom or fussiness -- your child will quickly find out that acting up pays off. Audiobooks: Beginning at about age, most children can adhere to a more intricate story line, and audiobooks turned into a wonderful way to pass the time on the street.  You can listen together to household favorites such as Harry Potter, Charlotte's Web, or My Father's Dragon.  It is also possible to download audiobooks to individual apparatus so that the children can listen to headphones, letting the adults at the car to stone or listen to something much more complicated.  Check the regional library to get free rentals. Nice to have A clip-on reading light is fantastic for older children since they can play, play card games, and perform other tasks at nighttime with no distracting the driver.
Creative Pursuits
Whiteboard and dry erase pens: Children can draw, play tic-tac-toe and hangman, or write notes to one another, then wipe it all away and start over. Magnetized letters, numbers, and shapes: Pack a cookie sheet along with an range of magnets for older children, or purchase a pair which accompanies a magnetized playing surface and a good deal of pleasure magnets.  (Magnets are a choking hazard, so don't let children under age 4 drama them) Sticker and action books: These are ideal for toddlers since they let children be creative without even using pens onto the upholstery. Crayons or markers: Washable markers are acceptable for children 3 and up, and they're best for children younger than 3.  If you are concerned about your kid drawing on the chairs, attempt Color Magic markers -- they just leave marks on paper. Immediate movie cameras: Yes, these still exist!  Versions from Polaroid and Fujifilm spit out little instant photos and so are a lot of fun.  Children can take ridiculous pictures of these or capture pictures for their excursion laptop. Silly Putty: It is trendy to elongate and stretch, and it is not as likely to wind up stuck indefinitely between the chairs since it is so elastic. Colored pipe cleaners or Wikki Stix: Your son or daughter can use these to create creatures, individuals, jewelry, or simply mad shapes. Nice to have: A trip laptop is fantastic way to capture memories of your family's road trip.  Your child can draw, location decals en route, and insert instant photos.  You can help by adding a couple notes about the excursion at the close of the day.
Materials to perform
Busy boxes: Fill a couple of shoe boxes with flash cards, card games, card games,  Matchbox cars, Legos, small figurines and dolls, and other things.  Your little one may use the box lid for a playing surface, and decorate the box with stickers and crayons or markers. Crafty toys: Drawing in an Etch A Sketch, Magna Doodle, or Aquadoodle will keep children occupied for miles.  Toys that allow them draw employing a magnetic "magic wand" (such as Wooly Willy) will also be engaging.  All of these are simple for children to hold within their lap and may be used over and over. Restaurant fun box: Maintain crayons, pens, and coloring books or newspaper in addition to some tiny toys (such as vinyl animals, toy cars, or cubes) in a container which you are able to consider restaurants together with you to create wait time go quicker. Nice to have: Some surprise gift-wrapped gifts.  Stock up on small things in the dollar store or your favourite big-box retailer.  You can even recycle older toys a few months before a trip, find some tiny toys your child likes but has not played in some time and pack them off.  Then wrap them and give them to a child on the street.  (Should you wrap presents in many layers, then they take more time to open.)  Publications as gifts are just another choice also, unless studying in the automobile makes your kid carsick. Interesting street trip suggestions from BabyCenter parents "Last year I created an entire bag of items for our road trip.  The largest hit with my 3- and 5-year-old was a few pictures of our faces I had dismissed and laminated.  I purchased some dry-erase markers and also we left absurd drawings on one another's faces.  On top of that, since they're laminated, I cleaned them nicely and place them away for next year!" -- Kidmom "I've got three boys: 13, 10, and two months old.  My boys really like to do Mad Libs once we take excursions.  This is a superb activity which lets them utilize their creativity, increases their language and familiarity with all the elements of language, and involves the whole family.  Whenever we get into the car for a visit, my boys always expect me to have a prepared!" -- jen09 "We moved to a 12-hour driveway with our 2-year-old.  She is a huge fan of mixing items, so I determined creating trail mix in the car will be fun.  I packed a huge plastic jar with a lid, a plastic spoon for mixing, and approximately 10 distinct components, such as M&Mtherefore, nuts, little pretzels, goldfish crackers.  She had a terrific time making it and she then dished up trail mix for us to bite in the vehicle.  It consumed a great deal of time and has been enjoyable" -- LauraT "Snack or candy bracelets.  Just take a little strands of yarn (long enough to make a necklace) or licorice strings.  Let your children place anything edible which has a hole at the centre (cereal, candy, etc.) on the series.  Once done, they are fun to eat, and it helps the time fly!" -- A BabyCenter manhood "Write or publish a listing of the 50 countries and also have your child check off state license plates because they see them" -- LaLa7 "Go on the internet and publish photographs of things like cows, trees, blue cars, red cars, etc.  On the travel, ask your child to search for the products.  It is unreal how silent a youngster can be when focusing on locating them" -- A BabyCenter manhood "I left a soundtrack of all of the hand-motion tunes (If You Are Happy and You Know It, Pat-a-Cake, This Old Man, etc).  My daughter moves along to the tunes.  This generally keeps her active for the amount of this soundtrack." -- Deadly Mother "We left a mobile felt plank to get our 3 1/2-year old.  We have an unused, medium-size pizza box and then glued a piece of felt over the inside of the lid.  Then all of her sensed characters and items could be saved at the box, and it matches nicely on her lap in the vehicle.  We allow her to decorate the box indoors and out -- with decals" -- A BabyCenter manhood "A little, plastic magnifying glass retains my children occupied more than anything else!  We got ours from a local dollar store." -- wolfe93 "My boys (ages 5 and 3) love Play-Doh.  I toss a few tiny cans and a number of their utensils in a purse and they are busy for quite some time!" -- 40mom "Bring puppets.  When I am sitting at the front passenger seat and my 3-year-old is supporting me, I use a puppet to 'speak' to him within the headrest or away to the side.  It lets me socialize with him.  Should you sing songs or play peekaboo, it may elicit a lot of giggles.  Offer your kid a puppet also, also have a complete conversation!" -- CarrieW
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dat-town · 7 years
A love story to tell the kids
Characters: Changkyun (Monsta X I.M) & You
Setting: college au, slice of life
Genre: fluff
Words: 3048
Summary: You have always dreamt of falling in love with the One in such a unique way so it would be a love story worthy of telling your kids. But you didn’t quite imagined it like this.
Totally inspired by that kindergarten episode of Monsta X-Ray. (And the mall in my town that holds all kind of exhibitions from time to time.)
Dedicated to @restlessmaknae because she deserves all the fluff in the world♥
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Babysitting isn't the way you pictured you would spend your first free weekend of summer holiday. University has been stressful and all you wanted to do after you finished with your exams is to relax. Preferably alone, watching k-dramas and eating all those yummy summer food you love so much. Everything was perfectly set up for your lazy plans. So when you aunt barges into your parents’ house at seven in the morning when you are still in your pyjamas you are not happy. Not at all.
You are alone because your parents usually leave for work early in the morning, although it depends on their shifts. You mother is a nurse and you father is a doctor in the same hospital. They met there during their resident years and it’s history since then. A true love story, you believe. It’s the closest thing to love you witnessed first-hand and not in books, movies or sad love songs. The feeling itself avoided you like plague ever since college started. Or maybe you just have been oblivious to the signs.
Since there’s nobody else home, you open the door for your aunt. You are still half asleep while you listen to Bora so you barely comprehend what she says. Something about a last-minute business meeting she has to attend and that she has nobody she could leave Minho.
Your four year old cousin looks at you with just as sleepy eyes as yours and you force yourself to smile. Lucky for your aunt you adore the little guy. He’s the cutest kid you’ve ever met and you don’t even like kids. They are noisy and whiny and have the weirdest ideas about life. Okay you had your own phase when you thought you can travel back in time so you can pet a dinosaur. Still, it proves your point: dealing with kids isn’t a piece of cake and you are definitely not a mother material. You are awkward with anyone younger than ten because you can’t talk about music or books with them.
"Don’t worry, Aunt Bora, we will have a good time. Right, Minnie?" you lightly elbow Minho who seems to fall asleep on the couch in any minute.
"Thank you! You are really a sweetheart! I will come pick him up around four! Please take him to the mall, I promised him he can see the Star Wars lego exhibition. But don’t let him eat ice cream. He has a sore throat ever since the last time I let him," your aunt kisses both you and his son on the cheeks before heading out with a wave.
You plop down on the couch with a loud sigh. That’s it about your plans for the day.
Minho does fall asleep in the end but you can’t sleep in anymore. You try to act like a reasonable adult and look out for the kid. Hopefully he won’t hurt himself or di anything stupid like choke on his food. You got through your first-aid course but you wouldn’t like to perform the learned things in action. Lucky for you, you both survive breakfast and you can wash the plates in peace while Minho watches a cartoon in the television.
You play games later, hide-and-seek and car racing but the little boy gets bored of everything quite quickly. Around 10am he whines about R2D2, his favourite Star Wars character and you have no choice but to take him to the mall downtown. You only give in because your aunt said so, otherwise you'd rather be the firm but good role model for your cousin than the one that spoils kids too much.
As soon as you arrive at the shopping mall, Minho is so jumpy he can’t stay put for god’s sake. You hold his hand so that he cannot run away in the crowd. It looks like Star Wars is still popular these days. Last month’s surrealist painting exhibition didn’t attract near as much visitors. Minho pulls you from one lego statue to another and you have to admit you're quite impressed or maybe there’re coupon days now. These lego figures and spaceships look kind of cool... until the 4th round around the corner. Your little cousin seems to believe he can find new exhibits if he goes around again and again. It makes you dizzy.
After you get bored, it takes at least ten minutes to convince him to do something else. Luckily, he finally agrees with that cute pout on his face to go to the bookstore so you can finally buy that book you've wanted for yourself for so long. However, it was a crucial mistake on your part to think that he would stay put if you leave him alone in the kids’ section to read some picture book until you go to the cashier’s desk. You only let go of his hand literally for five minutes to pay for the novel but he isn’t there where you left him when you go back. It makes you panic, the oxygen seems to be too little in your lungs as you gasp for air.
"Breathe! Okay, breathe, everything will be fine. He’s just playing hide-and-seek for sure," you try to calm yourself when both the cashier and the assistant in the shop say that they didn’t see where Minho went. You ask them to keep an eye on a little kid wandering around alone in case they saw him.
You try to call your aunt what to do but she doesn’t pick up, probably because she’s still at the meeting. You are on verge of crying while you are walking back and forth on the hallways checking each store, asking strangers about your cousin's whereabouts but there’s still no sign of him. You’re about to call someone, anyone, the police or whatever children protection associations exist when someone touches your shoulder gently. You jump at the lightest touch and turns on your hills to face him just to get taken aback by the familiar face.
You definitely didn’t expect to meet him of all people on a casual Saturday in the mall. The cute guy from your Economics class who is now smiling at your startled expression faintly  and steps back not to invade your space.
"Hey, are you okay? You seem a little out of it," he comments carefully forming the words, not at all offending or anything like that. He seems genuinely interested. He must have seen that you were kind of nervous and decided to be so nice and ask about your problem. On any other day you would have brushed it off saying that everything's just fine, that he could mind his own business but hey since we met what are you doing here? However, this is no ordinary day at all and you’re desperate. Even if it means telling your problems to a university classmate who you have never even talked to before.
Im Changkyun isn’t intimidating at all but he’s a very reserved person. He seems a little distant and cold at first because he doesn’t really like strangers. But when he’s with his friends, he can be carefree and a real jokester. You had the chance to see it yourself just before your Economics exam when he tried to calm down the worrying Minhyuk with doing impersonation of their professors.
"I lost my cousin," you reply without thinking, in a pitched voice an octave higher than usual as you take in the guy’s appearance. He’s dressed casually in torn-kneed jeans, a plain tee and a pair of nice sunglasses on the top of his head. Even though his hair is a little messy, he still looks great.
"What do you mean you lost them?" he furrows his brows in confusion and even if it’s frustrating you can understand why he’s baffled. Like how can one lost a child?
"He was there one minute and not in the next," you gulp burying your face in your hands. You feel so helpless and stupid. You had one job, why can’t you do it right?
"I will help you find him,” Changkyun offers so casually like it’s the most natural thing to do. But it isn’t. So far nobody whom you talked to offered help and you can’t name any other guy from uni that would willingly spend his precious alone time in the mall to find a lost child. So to say you are taken aback by his offer is an understatement. You peek out in between your fingers to glance at his boyish face and big chocolate eyes.
“Where did you look?" your classmate inquires while he fishes out his phone to search for the mall’s online map. You are still dumbfounded how prepared and professional he sounds. Maybe it’s not the first time he does this?
"Everywhere,” you sigh so exhausted. “I have no idea where he went. Like I was in the toy shop, at his favourite Star Wars figure and... Oh my god I can't believe it. I promised Aunt Bora I will look out for him. I'm such a terrible person.”
"Shh... don’t say this. You are just human! Don’t take it to your heart,” he tries to soothe you. His voice so caring and deeper than it should be for someone his age.
“What if someone kidnapped him?" you blurt out, your thoughts running a mile a minute. Okay, you know the possibility of such thing is low but you tend to exaggerate in emergency situations and you are not amused that Changkyun lets out a low chuckle at your absurd idea.
“I’m sure he just saw something interesting and followed it. We will find him," he flashes a reassuring smile at you.
"I have no other idea where to search anymore," you shake your head because you feel like the world is crumbling around you. The hope of finding your cousin and Changkyun’s voice are the only things that keep you going.
"Then search where you did already. He can always go back, right? We should split, so we can cover a bigger area. Do you have a picture of him?" he asks as collected as one could get and you feel silly for not thinking about it.
"Yeah, of course. Uhm... I can send it to you,” you tell him, uncertainty straining your voice. But Changkyun takes your phone without hesitation and puts his number in it while you keep talking. “His name is Minho, he’s four year old, around this tall, wears a Superman T-shirt and be sure not to startle him, because he’s a real scaredy-cat."
You send him one of your favourite selfies with your cousin: the one that was taken last Easter. Minho smiling widely, his cheeks covered in Nutella while he sits in your lap. Changkyun doesn’t comment on it but he smiles briefly then he goes back to concentrate on the more urgent issue.
"Okay so we can call each other if one of us finds him, otherwise let’s meet here in about half an hour," he says and you are so grateful that he’s the one assigning the tasks because you couldn’t do it in your current mental state.
"Good luck and don’t worry too much! I’m sure he’s doing more than okay."
"I hope so," you agree but you can’t seem to shake that anxious feeling off of you.
You check the mall from shop to shop once again searching for a boy around waist-height and your heart takes a leap every single time you see someone who has anything in common with Minho. You have no luck this time either and when you check your mobile you can see it’s already past twenty minutes since you part ways with Changkyun. You are so out of ideas you’re thinking of asking one of the security guards if you coul check the cameras or something when the shopping mall’s tannoy system announces in loud, clear voice:
“One lost boy in Superman T-shirt searches for his pretty cousin and tells her not to worry too much. He’s waiting at the front desk. I repeat: one lost boy...”
At first, you don’t pay attention but the second part of the sentence piques your interest and you practically run to the front desk when you put two and two together. Why does he have to be so extra? Couldn’t he just call you like you agreed? You fume but the moment you see Changkyun holding your little cousin’s hand, your heart immediately softens.
“You found him!” you squeal loudly and crouch down to pull Minho in your embrace. You kiss him on the forehead telling him that you worried so much and check for injuries but he seems completely fine. You are so happy that you almost forget about your classmate standing next to you until he speaks up:
“Yeah, he was near that colourful ice cream place,” he says while bending down to ruffle up the kiddo’s hair and Minho who is usually really shy with strangers smiles at him widely. “He is a smart boy. He didn’t want to come with me until I showed him the picture you sent me.”
“But now it seems like you are getting along well,” you remark and both of you stand up to talk more casually while you doesn’t let go of Minho’s hand, not even for a second.
Changkyun shrugs, his hair falling onto his forehead. “It’s easy because he’s adorable. But I worked at a day-care last summer so I’m quite good with kids.”
“I can see that,” you nod and can’t stop the smile forming on your lips as you imagine this well-grown baby-faced guy in midst of pre-schoolers. The sight is too cute.
“Noona...” Minho singsongs as he tugs at your dress and points at the ice cream shop’s neon lights where he was found. “I want it!”
“No you can't,” you shake your head no and Minho gives you a sulky look before turning towards your classmate with pleading eyes. Oh hell, no! They have become best friends in the last five minutes or what?
“Why not?” Changkyun furrows his eyebrows in confusion, not quite taking the little boy’s side but still therefore you explain diligently:
“His mother said so. She doesn’t want him to get sick again.”
“Then what about frozen yogurt with only a small amount of the actual thing and lots of toppings? It can be fun, too. What do you say, buddy? Do you want to eat something better than ice cream?”
You have to admit his idea is pretty decent and Minho loves putting all kinds of sweets - chocolate, caramel crunch, M&Ms, gummy bears etc. - into the big colourful cup he chose. He calls it the ‘rainbow dessert’ and it’s pretty accurate. Changkyun is tagging along with you without a word and he discusses the Star Wars cartoon with your 4-years-old cousin while you pay. The cashier gives you weird looks but you’re not sure if she’s judging you or she’s just jealous. Since Minho holds onto both your dress and your classmate’s hand it might look like that he’s your child even though you both are really young.
While you’re eating each of you laughs a lot and it seems so natural that the reality of the inevitable ending of this morning scares you. But it’s midday already and you have to take Minho home to make him lunch. Even if he can’t eat anything until 2pm because of all the sweets he just ate. But every good thing has to end.
“Thank you for helping me with him today. Not just finding him, for which I owe you big time but everything else too. You made it fun, it didn’t feel like babysitting at all.”
Changkyun’s eyes look like the universe full of bright stars when he answers.
“Anytime. I had a great time. Lot better than spending my time in the arcade alone actually. Thank you for letting me tagging along.”
“Anytime,” you copy him and as you stand there you don’t know what to do with yourself. What should you say? You have no idea but luckily for you, he does.
“Hey buddy, take care of your pretty cousin, okay? I trust in you,” he crouches down to shake hands with Minho and you blush at his words. You are not so sure though that you cousin  understands what’s going on but he nods anyway and based on his sad pout he isn’t happy about going home either. Or he will probably miss Changkyun, too. Because you will, that’s sure. It’s unbelievable how feelings change under only a few hours, isn’t it? A day ago Changkyun was barely an acquaintance, just a cute classmate. But now? You are pretty sure you are developing a crush on him. You have to catch your breath when he stands up and turns to you with a cute, nervous expression on his face.
"Hey... would you like to repeat it someday? But without Minho this time?"
You blink. Did you hear right? Just the two of you? Are you dreaming? You have to make sure he’s thinking of what you think so you ask hesitantly:
"Like a date?"
"Yeah... like a date. If you’d like to," he bits down on his lower lip shyly and laughs a little.
"I’d love to," you answer maybe a little too eagerly but you can’t seem to regret it as Changkyun’s dimples are showing when he smiles.
“Then I’ll text you,” he promises, beaming.
“I’ll wait,” you can’t stop smiling either as you wave him goodbye. Who would have thought that you will leave the mall with planned date? It would surely make a love story worth of telling your kids one day... Woah, slow down girl! Already thinking about kids? What is wrong with you?
You shake your head, clearing your mind when your phone rings and you see Bora’s name on the screen.
“You called me, sorry I couldn’t answer. Is everything okay?” she asks in worry when you pick up. You look down at Minho while you walk side by side and you think of Changkyun’s smile.
“Yeah, sorry I bothered you. Everything is perfect.”
It couldn’t be better.
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a-clouded-melange · 7 years
Kids car activities for long trip (all possible activities)
Nothing derails a household trip quicker than bored children.  A well-stocked action tote can liquefy the extend of "are we there yet?"  In the rear seat and assist you log some serious lumps in serenity.  How complicated your action bag needs to be depends upon the period of your journey and the number of kids you are entertaining in addition to their ages and attention spans.
Electronic amusement
Pills, notebooks, and mobiles: Download lots of educational and just-for-fun games, films, episodes of favourite shows, and audio prior to leaving home.  (Get our hints for the best programs to amuse children) An old-fashioned mobile DVD is going to do in a pinch too.  If your vehicle isn't equipped with a video player, you can purchase a fundamental one for approximately $50.  Check the regional library for free downloads or DVDs. Should you relax limitations on display time, ensure that your child knows what to expect as you are on the street.  It is tempting to hand a tablet computer or telephone to a young passenger, however, attempt to avoid giving your kid a device for a means to handle boredom or fussiness -- your child will quickly find out that acting up pays off. Audiobooks: Beginning at about age, most children can adhere to a more intricate story line, and audiobooks turned into a wonderful way to pass the time on the street.  You can listen together to household favorites such as Harry Potter, Charlotte's Web, or My Father's Dragon.  It is also possible to download audiobooks to individual apparatus so that the children can listen to headphones, letting the adults at the car to stone or listen to something much more complicated.  Check the regional library to get free rentals. Nice to have A clip-on reading light is fantastic for older children since they can play, play card games, and perform other tasks at nighttime with no distracting the driver.
Creative Pursuits
Whiteboard and dry erase pens: Children can draw, play tic-tac-toe and hangman, or write notes to one another, then wipe it all away and start over. Magnetized letters, numbers, and shapes: Pack a cookie sheet along with an range of magnets for older children, or purchase a pair which accompanies a magnetized playing surface and a good deal of pleasure magnets.  (Magnets are a choking hazard, so don't let children under age 4 drama them) Sticker and action books: These are ideal for toddlers since they let children be creative without even using pens onto the upholstery. Crayons or markers: Washable markers are acceptable for children 3 and up, and they're best for children younger than 3.  If you are concerned about your kid drawing on the chairs, attempt Color Magic markers -- they just leave marks on paper. Immediate movie cameras: Yes, these still exist!  Versions from Polaroid and Fujifilm spit out little instant photos and so are a lot of fun.  Children can take ridiculous pictures of these or capture pictures for their excursion laptop. Silly Putty: It is trendy to elongate and stretch, and it is not as likely to wind up stuck indefinitely between the chairs since it is so elastic. Colored pipe cleaners or Wikki Stix: Your son or daughter can use these to create creatures, individuals, jewelry, or simply mad shapes. Nice to have: A trip laptop is fantastic way to capture memories of your family's road trip.  Your child can draw, location decals en route, and insert instant photos.  You can help by adding a couple notes about the excursion at the close of the day.
Materials to perform
Busy boxes: Fill a couple of shoe boxes with flash cards, card games, card games,  Matchbox cars, Legos, small figurines and dolls, and other things.  Your little one may use the box lid for a playing surface, and decorate the box with stickers and crayons or markers. Crafty toys: Drawing in an Etch A Sketch, Magna Doodle, or Aquadoodle will keep children occupied for miles.  Toys that allow them draw employing a magnetic "magic wand" (such as Wooly Willy) will also be engaging.  All of these are simple for children to hold within their lap and may be used over and over. Restaurant fun box: Maintain crayons, pens, and coloring books or newspaper in addition to some tiny toys (such as vinyl animals, toy cars, or cubes) in a container which you are able to consider restaurants together with you to create wait time go quicker. Nice to have: Some surprise gift-wrapped gifts.  Stock up on small things in the dollar store or your favourite big-box retailer.  You can even recycle older toys a few months before a trip, find some tiny toys your child likes but has not played in some time and pack them off.  Then wrap them and give them to a child on the street.  (Should you wrap presents in many layers, then they take more time to open.)  Publications as gifts are just another choice also, unless studying in the automobile makes your kid carsick. Interesting street trip suggestions from BabyCenter parents "Last year I created an entire bag of items for our road trip.  The largest hit with my 3- and 5-year-old was a few pictures of our faces I had dismissed and laminated.  I purchased some dry-erase markers and also we left absurd drawings on one another's faces.  On top of that, since they're laminated, I cleaned them nicely and place them away for next year!" -- Kidmom "I've got three boys: 13, 10, and two months old.  My boys really like to do Mad Libs once we take excursions.  This is a superb activity which lets them utilize their creativity, increases their language and familiarity with all the elements of language, and involves the whole family.  Whenever we get into the car for a visit, my boys always expect me to have a prepared!" -- jen09 "We moved to a 12-hour driveway with our 2-year-old.  She is a huge fan of mixing items, so I determined creating trail mix in the car will be fun.  I packed a huge plastic jar with a lid, a plastic spoon for mixing, and approximately 10 distinct components, such as M&Mtherefore, nuts, little pretzels, goldfish crackers.  She had a terrific time making it and she then dished up trail mix for us to bite in the vehicle.  It consumed a great deal of time and has been enjoyable" -- LauraT "Snack or candy bracelets.  Just take a little strands of yarn (long enough to make a necklace) or licorice strings.  Let your children place anything edible which has a hole at the centre (cereal, candy, etc.) on the series.  Once done, they are fun to eat, and it helps the time fly!" -- A BabyCenter manhood "Write or publish a listing of the 50 countries and also have your child check off state license plates because they see them" -- LaLa7 "Go on the internet and publish photographs of things like cows, trees, blue cars, red cars, etc.  On the travel, ask your child to search for the products.  It is unreal how silent a youngster can be when focusing on locating them" -- A BabyCenter manhood "I left a soundtrack of all of the hand-motion tunes (If You Are Happy and You Know It, Pat-a-Cake, This Old Man, etc).  My daughter moves along to the tunes.  This generally keeps her active for the amount of this soundtrack." -- Deadly Mother "We left a mobile felt plank to get our 3 1/2-year old.  We have an unused, medium-size pizza box and then glued a piece of felt over the inside of the lid.  Then all of her sensed characters and items could be saved at the box, and it matches nicely on her lap in the vehicle.  We allow her to decorate the box indoors and out -- with decals" -- A BabyCenter manhood "A little, plastic magnifying glass retains my children occupied more than anything else!  We got ours from a local dollar store." -- wolfe93 "My boys (ages 5 and 3) love Play-Doh.  I toss a few tiny cans and a number of their utensils in a purse and they are busy for quite some time!" -- 40mom "Bring puppets.  When I am sitting at the front passenger seat and my 3-year-old is supporting me, I use a puppet to 'speak' to him within the headrest or away to the side.  It lets me socialize with him.  Should you sing songs or play peekaboo, it may elicit a lot of giggles.  Offer your kid a puppet also, also have a complete conversation!" -- CarrieW
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frostedulcers · 7 years
Kids car activities for long trip (all possible activities)
Nothing derails a household trip quicker than bored children.  A well-stocked action tote can liquefy the extend of "are we there yet?"  In the rear seat and assist you log some serious lumps in serenity.  How complicated your action bag needs to be depends upon the period of your journey and the number of kids you are entertaining in addition to their ages and attention spans.
Electronic amusement
Pills, notebooks, and mobiles: Download lots of educational and just-for-fun games, films, episodes of favourite shows, and audio prior to leaving home.  (Get our hints for the best programs to amuse children) An old-fashioned mobile DVD is going to do in a pinch too.  If your vehicle isn't equipped with a video player, you can purchase a fundamental one for approximately $50.  Check the regional library for free downloads or DVDs. Should you relax limitations on display time, ensure that your child knows what to expect as you are on the street.  It is tempting to hand a tablet computer or telephone to a young passenger, however, attempt to avoid giving your kid a device for a means to handle boredom or fussiness -- your child will quickly find out that acting up pays off. Audiobooks: Beginning at about age, most children can adhere to a more intricate story line, and audiobooks turned into a wonderful way to pass the time on the street.  You can listen together to household favorites such as Harry Potter, Charlotte's Web, or My Father's Dragon.  It is also possible to download audiobooks to individual apparatus so that the children can listen to headphones, letting the adults at the car to stone or listen to something much more complicated.  Check the regional library to get free rentals. Nice to have A clip-on reading light is fantastic for older children since they can play, play card games, and perform other tasks at nighttime with no distracting the driver.
Creative Pursuits
Whiteboard and dry erase pens: Children can draw, play tic-tac-toe and hangman, or write notes to one another, then wipe it all away and start over. Magnetized letters, numbers, and shapes: Pack a cookie sheet along with an range of magnets for older children, or purchase a pair which accompanies a magnetized playing surface and a good deal of pleasure magnets.  (Magnets are a choking hazard, so don't let children under age 4 drama them) Sticker and action books: These are ideal for toddlers since they let children be creative without even using pens onto the upholstery. Crayons or markers: Washable markers are acceptable for children 3 and up, and they're best for children younger than 3.  If you are concerned about your kid drawing on the chairs, attempt Color Magic markers -- they just leave marks on paper. Immediate movie cameras: Yes, these still exist!  Versions from Polaroid and Fujifilm spit out little instant photos and so are a lot of fun.  Children can take ridiculous pictures of these or capture pictures for their excursion laptop. Silly Putty: It is trendy to elongate and stretch, and it is not as likely to wind up stuck indefinitely between the chairs since it is so elastic. Colored pipe cleaners or Wikki Stix: Your son or daughter can use these to create creatures, individuals, jewelry, or simply mad shapes. Nice to have: A trip laptop is fantastic way to capture memories of your family's road trip.  Your child can draw, location decals en route, and insert instant photos.  You can help by adding a couple notes about the excursion at the close of the day.
Materials to perform
Busy boxes: Fill a couple of shoe boxes with flash cards, card games, card games,  Matchbox cars, Legos, small figurines and dolls, and other things.  Your little one may use the box lid for a playing surface, and decorate the box with stickers and crayons or markers. Crafty toys: Drawing in an Etch A Sketch, Magna Doodle, or Aquadoodle will keep children occupied for miles.  Toys that allow them draw employing a magnetic "magic wand" (such as Wooly Willy) will also be engaging.  All of these are simple for children to hold within their lap and may be used over and over. Restaurant fun box: Maintain crayons, pens, and coloring books or newspaper in addition to some tiny toys (such as vinyl animals, toy cars, or cubes) in a container which you are able to consider restaurants together with you to create wait time go quicker. Nice to have: Some surprise gift-wrapped gifts.  Stock up on small things in the dollar store or your favourite big-box retailer.  You can even recycle older toys a few months before a trip, find some tiny toys your child likes but has not played in some time and pack them off.  Then wrap them and give them to a child on the street.  (Should you wrap presents in many layers, then they take more time to open.)  Publications as gifts are just another choice also, unless studying in the automobile makes your kid carsick. Interesting street trip suggestions from BabyCenter parents "Last year I created an entire bag of items for our road trip.  The largest hit with my 3- and 5-year-old was a few pictures of our faces I had dismissed and laminated.  I purchased some dry-erase markers and also we left absurd drawings on one another's faces.  On top of that, since they're laminated, I cleaned them nicely and place them away for next year!" -- Kidmom "I've got three boys: 13, 10, and two months old.  My boys really like to do Mad Libs once we take excursions.  This is a superb activity which lets them utilize their creativity, increases their language and familiarity with all the elements of language, and involves the whole family.  Whenever we get into the car for a visit, my boys always expect me to have a prepared!" -- jen09 "We moved to a 12-hour driveway with our 2-year-old.  She is a huge fan of mixing items, so I determined creating trail mix in the car will be fun.  I packed a huge plastic jar with a lid, a plastic spoon for mixing, and approximately 10 distinct components, such as M&Mtherefore, nuts, little pretzels, goldfish crackers.  She had a terrific time making it and she then dished up trail mix for us to bite in the vehicle.  It consumed a great deal of time and has been enjoyable" -- LauraT "Snack or candy bracelets.  Just take a little strands of yarn (long enough to make a necklace) or licorice strings.  Let your children place anything edible which has a hole at the centre (cereal, candy, etc.) on the series.  Once done, they are fun to eat, and it helps the time fly!" -- A BabyCenter manhood "Write or publish a listing of the 50 countries and also have your child check off state license plates because they see them" -- LaLa7 "Go on the internet and publish photographs of things like cows, trees, blue cars, red cars, etc.  On the travel, ask your child to search for the products.  It is unreal how silent a youngster can be when focusing on locating them" -- A BabyCenter manhood "I left a soundtrack of all of the hand-motion tunes (If You Are Happy and You Know It, Pat-a-Cake, This Old Man, etc).  My daughter moves along to the tunes.  This generally keeps her active for the amount of this soundtrack." -- Deadly Mother "We left a mobile felt plank to get our 3 1/2-year old.  We have an unused, medium-size pizza box and then glued a piece of felt over the inside of the lid.  Then all of her sensed characters and items could be saved at the box, and it matches nicely on her lap in the vehicle.  We allow her to decorate the box indoors and out -- with decals" -- A BabyCenter manhood "A little, plastic magnifying glass retains my children occupied more than anything else!  We got ours from a local dollar store." -- wolfe93 "My boys (ages 5 and 3) love Play-Doh.  I toss a few tiny cans and a number of their utensils in a purse and they are busy for quite some time!" -- 40mom "Bring puppets.  When I am sitting at the front passenger seat and my 3-year-old is supporting me, I use a puppet to 'speak' to him within the headrest or away to the side.  It lets me socialize with him.  Should you sing songs or play peekaboo, it may elicit a lot of giggles.  Offer your kid a puppet also, also have a complete conversation!" -- CarrieW
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