#gay in some way is probably accurate tho
the-sun-is-also-a-star · 11 months
from the five videos you have sent my analysis is that your type is: gay in some way, listens to sad songs at 3am, thinks grey is a nice color and had Lego as their favorite toy when younger
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biggestxsimps · 1 year
The Campbell Boy
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Sal Fisher x Male Reader (Ashley’s Twin)
A/N: This was requested to us over on our Wattpad! Sorry, the first 200 and something words are just Sal falling for Ash, the other 1000 words are about Y/N tho I swear. Sal is so ooc omg, I haven't played the game in a hot minute so he's not at all accurate lmao.
Sal's POV:
I knock on Todd's door, I hear muffled words before he opens the door. He greets me as he opens the door. "Sorry it took me a minute to answer, I was wrapping up a tutoring session with Ashley, have you two met?" "Hey I'm Ash" I turn to see a beautiful girl, I feel my heart thump as she continues. "You must be Sally Face. I've heard so much about you!" I cough before responding "I.. Um.. me? You have?" "Yeah! All good things I swear. I'm glad I finally got to meet you."
"Me too. Er, you too. Um, I mean, it's nice to meet you as well." She sends a sweet smile my way. "I'd love to stay and chat more but I have to get going. Thanks for helping me out today, Todd." She walks to the door. "Enjoy the weekend, boys!" The door closes as I reply "You too".
"You alright Sal? You seem a bit anxious." "Oh, yeah, yeah. I'm good, I'm cool." I turn back to the ginger boy. "Okay so what brings you this way?" I completely disregard his question "Ash seems nice, is she a freshman too? What's she like?" "Her full name is Ashley Campbell. She's a freshman, like us, she also has a twin brother. She's overall a nice person." I don't seem to hear anything after that, until Todd asks "You didn't come here to talk about Ashley, though, so what's up?" "Oh, right..."
I was on the way to the basement, letting the elevator take me down. Larry had let me know Todd was over and asked if I wanted to hang out. It had been a while since the three of us hung out so I obviously accepted, what I didn't expect was to open the door and see Ashley sitting on a beanbag in the corner. My eyes trail from her to the figure standing beside her, his (E/C) eyes somehow more beautiful than Ash's. I felt like time had stopped.
"Sal?" I hear Larry call from beside me, I turn his way, clearing my throat. "Uh, I- yeah?" I hear the others chuckle before the taller boy walks over to me, hand out. "I don't believe we've met, you must be Sal. Larry and Ash can't keep their mouths shut about you." I look up at him, 'God, he's even more attractive up close'
"You.. Er I'm- Yeah, That- That's me."
He lightly laughs, 'I wish I could listen to that forever' he slightly tilts his head as he responds. "I'm Y/N," he quickly gestures to the brunette girl. "Ashley's twin." I nod slowly. "It's-Uh, It's nice to meet you." I finally shook his hand. "Nice to finally meet you too, Sal" I feel my face turn hot and I'm suddenly thankful for the mask covering my growing blush.
An awkward silence fills the room before Larry cuts it. "Okay, you two weirdos can stop shaking hands now." He lets out a hearty laugh as I quickly retract my hand from his warm ones. The (H/C) boy walked over to his spot next to Ashley as I sat next to Larry on the bed. 'I can't seriously be feeling this way for another boy, not that there's anything wrong with it. I'm just not gay.. right?'
It's been a few months since I met Y/N. I really expected my feelings for him to die off as easily as they did with Ash but I still feel just as strongly, if not more for him. 'I should probably talk to someone about this.' The first person that came to mind was Todd. He's had the most experiences with these sorts of feelings.
I quickly make my way to the 2nd floor, walking in, I greet his parents and bee-line for his room. I didn't bother knocking, the ginger boy sat in front of his computer. "Oh, hey Sal. What brings you here?" He turns the chair to face me. "Todd, I need some advice." His eyebrows furrow. "What sort of advice? What did you do?" I shake my head. "I haven't done anything. I need help figuring out some feelings." "Feelings? You're better off talking to Ash about that." I immediately shut down the idea. "Definitely not." He starts to smirk as questions me. "Why? Is she the one you have these 'feelings' for?"
"No, Um. Actually, I think I'm into her brother."
Todd's eyes grow to the size of saucers. "Y/N?!" I meekly nod. "I didn't know you liked boys." Todd laughs a little. "I didn't either." I exclaim. "That's why I need your help." Todd nods a few times before asking. "So what exactly do you need help with?" I go to respond but then pause, "I'm not sure. I guess I just wanna understand these feelings. I've never really felt this way for anyone before, and especially not for a boy."
"Sit down" He brings his arm out and gestures to the chair. "Let me help you out."
Yesterday's talk with Todd really helped me out. Though the idea of liking a boy is still pretty new to me, I think I'm ready to at least give it a shot. He told me that I should ask him out, that he thought he was pretty obviously gay. I couldn't be a hundred percent sure but I trusted Todd, and Y/N. I was sure that even if he were to reject me, he wouldn't make it a big deal, and would let me down slowly.
I take a deep breath before sending Y/N a text, almost instantly getting a response.
'want 2 hang?'
'ye whose place?'
'lemme grab ash'
'hoping itd be jus u?'
'k all gud sys'
I stuff my phone into my back pocket before glancing up at the bathroom mirror. I fix up the pigtails before waiting in my room. It doesn't take long before I hear a knock on my bedroom door. "Come in." The door is slowly swung open, Y/N walking in and greeting me. "Hey man, why'd you call me over?" 'I really had to do it now, no backing out.' I shrug. "I kinda needed to talk to you." His wide smile slightly dropped. "What's wrong?" I shake my hands. "Nothing's wrong, I just.." I pause as he walks over to me, sitting on the bed, beside me.
He looks at me like he's waiting, not impatiently, just curious. I can't control the loud beats fastening, the loud thumps making their way up my throat. "Uhm-" my voice cracks, my head turning away in embarrassment. "You're all right, take your time Sal." His hand lays on my own as he gives it a reassuring squeeze. It wasn't the first time he had comforted me like this, it always made my heart jump but it really wasn't helping right now.
I don't know how long I was thinking before his gentle voice cut through my thoughts. "Sal?" My head turns back to his, quickly spurting out, "I-think-I'm-in-love-with-you!" I close my eyes tight as I wait for his response. It takes a few seconds before his thumb starts massaging my still held hand, his other resting on the porcelain mask at my cheek. I slowly open my eyes to see him grinning. "I feel the same, Sal."
My eyes widened. "You do?" He chuckles before nodding. "Have for a while. I was planning on asking you out too. Guess you beat me to it though." I lightly laugh as I lean in for a hug, his arms wrapping around my torso. "Does this mean we're- y'know?" I feel him nod against me, "If that's something you want?" "Obviously" I reply. We both share a laugh before he kisses my covered forehead.
A/N: After reading through it, it feels a little rushed, sorrryyy.
- Written by Owner 1
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mileven11forever · 7 months
Ok, since you were friendly with bylers, I want to actually know your own interpretation from some scenes that we as bylers sometimes use as bylers proofs, but mileven ones.
*I am just asking this on anon because the last time I tried to be friendly with a mileven off anon and just ask something, I received a wave of hate from a lot of milevens on my asks*
Ok, your thoughts about:
Mike claiming that his relationship with El is love at first sight, when the duffers made clear that they don't believe in it and they made fun of that trope with Argyle and Eden (while Mike is really annoyed by it behind them)
What do you think about the difference between mileven break up scene and byler rain fight, with Will being devastated and El hanging out and being really happy with Max after. Why do you think they decided to joke about it even when all other couples that broke up had been taken serious, like stancy.
About the fact that they made Max assure El that Mike would be at her door crying for forgiveness and at the same episode Mike goes to Will's door instead to scream "I'm sorry" and actually accepting that what he said to Will was wrong instead of blaming other as he did to El ("Max corrupting her" instead of understanding that she is mad because he lied).
Are you satisfied with the fact that the duffers used Will's feelings to save Mike and Els relationship?
The fact that El NEVER once said something that she likes about Mike or complimented him or tried to know what he likes or his interests, what leads to Mike to think that to her, he is just a random nerd and she is going to leave him for whatever reason (his words before Will's speech to him)
The fact that for some reason, Mike hides from Will what's the real problem in their relationship and says to Will that he need to say something but if he said "that thing" he would lose El, even tho he just needs to say "ily" and there is no reason to believe he is going to lose her, since she asked him for it.
Why do you think Mike acted the way he did with Will at the airport if it's confirmed that Mike don't know and don't even suspects that Will is gay nor in love with him?
What do you think about the writers choice to have a focus on Els memories with Max with Max saying "there is more to life than stupid boys" right after the monologue and El and Mike aren't talking after what's suppose to save their their relationship problems.
There are more things I would like to ad but those ones I really want to know what you think. I'm asking you this because you look like you are going to awser seriously without being bitter about it. Also, if you want to know bylers thoughts about all of this, let me know, I would explain to you our interpretation of it.
(I'm sorry you've gotten hate from people, that sucks.)
1) I don't know if it was actually love at first sight, I think Mike just said that because he was trying to say anything to save El. I do think he truly loves her, but he fell in love with her more gradually throughout season 1, not at first sight. And in hindsight, sometimes when you really love someone, it feels like it was immediately when you met them even if it wasn't. So Mike might have just felt like he loved her immediately and said it that way in a high pressure situation, that doesn't mean it's completely accurate to what actually happened, memories can be unreliable too. And the Duffers say lots of things, and sometimes they are inconsistent. That happens, they're human. Also, where's the proof that they said this? I think you're probably talking about that tweet with "wrong answers only", but how do you know the Duffers wrote it and not a different employee who believes differently than them? And I don't think Argyle and Eden were making fun of the trope, they hooked up. Even if it was meant to make fun of the trope, that doesn't make it untrue for Mileven. But like I said before, I do think he was being hyperbolic.
2) I think it was because they were more making fun of Mike specifically than Mileven/their relationship. And S3 was playing on the summer blockbuster sort of thing, so it was kind of different than the other seasons. And the rain fight was probably from Will's perspective, and so it was trying to portray how he was feeling. Mike was caught off guard by El dumping him and probably didn't really believe it at first, but Will believed everything Mike said and took it to heart. So I think that's the difference. Additionally, the Mileven breakup wasn't meant to be serious because they just got back together later that season, and still obviously liked each other while broken up, wanting to get back together. The break up wasn't serious because it wasn't supposed to be taken seriously, they still acted like a couple and loved each other, and they got back together pretty quickly.
3) Again, because the break up wasn't serious, they both knew they would get back together. And Mike did apologize to El and tell her the truth later, he was just scared because Hopper literally threatened him. What was he supposed to do when a grown man threatened him? And of course Mike went after Will because he was visibly upset. El ran off giggling with Max, and Mike was surprised and confused about what was happening, so he needed some time to process it and vent to his friends. The urgency in the scenes are completely different. Mike could tell he really hurt Will, but El was fine, so why would he run after her? They were different circumstances, so I don't think it's really fair to compare them.
4) Yeah, I think it makes sense for the time period. He substituted El's name in place of his to be able to get out his feelings without outing himself. He doesn't know how people might react to finding out about his sexuality, it's the 80s, the height of the AIDS epidemic, he's scared. He just needed to get closure somehow, knowing Mike will never feel the same way about him, in a way that didn't possibly risk his safety. And *Will* didn't fix their relationship, he didn't know what Mike was going to say to El, he just tried to boost his confidence a bit. Everything Mike said to El was his own feelings, and repairing what happened in the Mileven fight earlier that season. Will had no idea what the problem between them was, so he couldn't have directly fixed it, and he didn't, he just helped a tiny bit, like any friend would. So yeah, I think the way it was written makes complete sense.
5) I think when we see them in the show they have a lot going on dealing with all the Upsidedown plot related issues, is there really a good moment for her to start listing everything she likes about him? They're going through literal hell, so of course they aren't just spending time complimenting each other. She said she loves him, he should know that without being given a list of her favourite qualities about him.
6) Mike was scared of losing El, and maybe worried if he said the problem out loud, that would make it feel more real. Will isn't entitled to any information that Mike isn't comfortable sharing with him, and they had drifted apart a lot since S3. Mike is just a 15 year old boy, not all of his decisions necessarily make perfect sense, he wasn't comfortable telling anyone, he struggles to express his feelings.
7) Because they hadn't seen each other in so long, and barely kept in touch. It would be pretty awkward seeing an old friend again after months of trying to call them and not having them reach out. Will could have called Mike, but he didn't, so they drifted apart. Their connection is just a lot weaker than it used to be because of all the things they've been dealing with. Being awkward around a friend you haven't had contact with for a long time is completely normal.
8) That scene was about Max and El specifically, so of course it focused on them. And that line was about how platonic relationships are just as important as romantic ones, they don't have to be mutually exclusive, El can have both kinds, and both are important. Romantic relationships aren't better than friendships, they're equally as valuable, both kinds of love matter and can make El's powers stronger. And Mike and El were talking a little after, he was the only person she talked to at all, so clearly she feels safe to open up to him after all the traumatic stuff she just went through.
So those are my thoughts and interpretations, I don't think any of those events in the show proves anything about Byler.
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samuraiondo-mace-1177 · 2 months
Yakuza/Lost Judgement Headcanons: Sexuality, Gender, and ASD/ADHD
Strap in boys, this is a long ass post (some spoilerish stuff)
(I may not mention certain things since it's side content, and that's written by a separate team of people. However, some things are character accurate, but that's rare)
These are personal views so if you don't HC them aswell, I'm chill w/ that
Kiryu Kazuma - Biromantic Asexual with ASD
Yeah, he's quite gay with Majima, but I feel like a lot of people forget the fact that he's had 3 female love interests in the main story and rizzes up entire cabaret clubs in every game. So, he should probably be called bi instead of gay. As usual, asexual since he shows no interest in sex, seems to be repulsed, and sexual thoughts don't appear easily in this man's head. For ASD, he has some processing issues (socially, not physically), a hyperfixation on Pocket Circuit (knowing everything abt it), barely understands social conventions and how people act, and seems to have some sort of selective mutism.
Little note abt the whole Transmasc Kiryu thing: I'm pretty sure people are confusing the signs of autism with the signs of a transmasc character. Ya see, a lot of trans people are autistic and the signs I've seen people mention have just been signs of autism, not him being trans.
Goro Majima - Bisexual Genderfluid with ASD
The first two speak for themselves. Kiryu and Makoto. Then Goromi. Simple. The ASD tho. I'm aware a lot of people say he has ADHD but I don't think that's the case. See, he shows traits of Autism throughout Yakuza 0 and, at the end, basically says to Sagawa, "nah I'ma be insane for fun." He appears to be masking the ADHD traits. Due to him being able to focus well and remain sitting still in Y0 and not doing that in the mainline titles. There's a lot of stuff I could say, but then this would be a three hour read, lol.
Daigo Dojima - ASD
Literally nothing else other than he's way too much like me and one of my friends (we're both autistic woooooo)
Shun Akiyama - ADHD
(Someone on here told me abt the signs, and I got to Y4. So, I can wholeheartedly say that I agree)
Excessive tiredness is a sign of ADHD, and so is a terrible sleep schedule. He struggles with keeping track of time (a.k.a. time blindness). And obviously, issues with balancing general chores and work.
Ichiban Kasuga - AuDHD (possibly Demisexual or Ace)
He struggles to focus, jumps from a new idea to another, struggles with chores and remembering stuff. He's hyperfixated with Dragon's quest to the point where the first game is just him pretending he's in it. Ichiban also has a lack of personal public perception. Resulting in him not focusing on his own behaviour in public and acting in ways others may see as childish. Other members are shown to play along but may then feel a bit embarrassed after or during. He also doesn't seem to immediately think of sexual thoughts when it comes to things (like when you meet that fortune teller dating app woman in Infinite Wealth). Although, Ichiban appears to think that those sorts of things should only be done with a partner you have a strong bond with (tho, this is from memory. I need to rewatch cutscenes)
Joon Gi Han - ASD
(also information that someone told me)
He lacks an understanding of jokes and sarcasm. Typically speaks out of turn in conversation. Joon Gi is also naturally isolated from the group, showing his disappointment and sadness when this happens.
Takayuki Yagami - Biromantic Bigender Demi/asexual with ASD
The only reasons for the Biromantic and Bigender HCs is just because I've seen way too many clips of Kimura being Flirtatious with men and women, and dressing as both masc and fem, that I can't unsee Yagami as anything else. Demisexuality tho comes from the cutscene in Judge eyes/Judgement where he mentions that he takes relationships slow, and doesn't jump to having sex as soon as possible. Plus, I'm pretty sure there's scenes where he gets incredibly grossed out and sexual related things or doesn't immediately see something as sexual. Alright, this man stims, has issues processing info, hyperfixates, has issues expressing himself, large emotion meltdowns, confused by social behaviour, doesn't know how to comfort others, comfort clothes, repetitive behaviour, lack of sympathy/empathy, MASKS ALL THE TIME.
Makoto Tsukumo - ASD
He is a Hikikomori (a full time shut in basically) and a large amount of those are autistic. He has severe social anxiety, hyperfixations, finds it hard to communicate socially, avoids eye contact, and acts strangely.
Kazuki Soma - AroAce with diagnosed ASD
He follows the same stereotype as me, high intelligence and lack of empathy (I'm getting better at it though!) Soma has a low immune system, having an IgE allergy (prevelant in those with Autism). He blames his failed plans on the execution from the others, and not the plan itself. The AroAce bit tho. Idk, it just felt right for the character. He kinda reminds me of an aroace friend of mine in a sense so uhhhhhh
Note for Soma: You may be aware of the meme I posted of "Can Opener and then Leg Opener" w/ a picture of Soma. That was made out of a joke with the aroace friend that I previously mentioned. It was kinda making fun of the fact that I've seen people drool over that psychopath and there was a level of satireness making the meme. Idk dude, we made it at like 3am or smt, anything is funny at that time
(if you want me to give evidence or elaborate on something, just send me an ask lol)
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soulless-computerbug · 3 months
Its pride month so i think i'll share some of my queer headcanons for fun
Jeff - probably gay, very heavy in denial about it if he is though. Mostly too focused on surviving to question his sexuality. Has a huge crush on ben and jack tho
Ben - stealth trans masc, and demisexual. Sex averse due to stuff that happened around the cult and his childhood.
BEN - Agender aroace. Dont ask it for pronouns it will just stare at you judgmentally. Dont confess your crush to it either it will laugh at you.
Eyeless Jack - doesnt have any romantic or sexual preferences so you could accurately say hes bi or pansexual, but he doesn't know what those words mean so he doesn't think to use them.
Toby - bisexual but not really looking for or interested in a relationship, mostly just interested in having fun and maybe making out.
Brian - chaotic bisexual, tho he rarely feels comfortable enough to form that kinda attachment to someone.
Tim - questioning if hes pan cuz he hasnt had many moments to figure out if he likes men aside from Jay and Brian, tho with Brian it inevitably got complicated so he doesn't count that one-
Jane - 100% femme lesbian, was in a relationship with Natalie but reluctantly went separate ways due to life choice disagreements.
Natalie - stud bi lesbian, but her heart is def still stuck on Jane so don't expect more than a fling with her.
Nina - t4t trans girl, still definitely figuring out how to be the kinda girl she wants, she befriended ben and he helped her figure it out some and now they're besties (and she has a crush)
Liam - genderqueer but still tends to lean a little masc, also a chaotic bisexual with no preference or sway, would kiss anyone for a drink he just thinks its fun.
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rollercoasterwords · 3 months
hi rae how are uu!!!
i was reading about mulvey and the female gaze and i remembered you saying something about how it pushes bioessentialist agendas but i don't remember what u said exactly so do you mind sharing a piece of ur mind about this again
also!!!!! i've read captive prince with ur influence and then read ur laurent's pov rewrite and god!!!!! it was so so good it brought me to tears and made me laugh out loud and scream into my pillow at times... the first book didn't stick out to me that well but afterwards?? their dynamic is everything i was missing in life. also reading the first book in laurent's pov was an otherworldly experience, him getting surprised to see damien isn't the definition of all things evil like he thought ahhhh u captured him perfectly i think
also read all for the game series (saw a fanart of neil in ur blog and it kickstarted me getting into yet another fandom) and i was like wtf is this and then later i was like wtf is this but in a positive way. now the characters are all my babies (except kevin like yes i understand his struggles and all but i still see that guy as a little bitch which is a bit ironic when andreil are the biggest bitches to exist but still)
also binge-watched iwtv and goddddd gays with communication problems who happen to be vampires i love them all sm <333 do u have a fav character i wonder AND any thoughts on the last episode?
anyways i hope life is treating you kindly much kisses and good wishes <3
hi i'm good hope ur doing good as well!! such a fun message hang on let me take this piece by piece...
mulvey's male gaze the bane of my existence lmao...yeah the entire theory is rooted in bioessentialism. basically mulvey is basing her theory in freud who assumes that the categories 'father' 'mother' 'son' and 'daughter' are stable + static & therefore assumes that the categories 'male' and 'female' are stable + static biological categories which engender inherently different psychic/interior qualities. mulvey's entire argument hinges on the idea that men will be categorically unable to relate to/empathize with/see themselves as women onscreen--this argument begins to break down when you start asking questions like 'how is mulvey defining 'men' and 'women'? is she defining them, or is she assuming that they're static biological categories? are they static biological categories?' also i disagree with the idea that people are categorically unable to identify with characters across sex and/or gender & think it's kinda dumb tbh. to be fair, mulvey's theory was meant to apply to a pretty specific context and has largely been taken out of that context in ways that are very annoying but not necessarily her fault; still, when the original theory is so rooted in bioessentialism i don't really find any of it useful.
anyway. moving on to the fun stuff captive prince omg!! so glad u enjoyed the series & my own take on laurent...it was SO fun trying to get inside his head & imagine what would have been going on in there i love him so much <3 <3 tricky to write tho bc i was definitely trying 2 walk the line of like. not diminishing/excusing laurent's cruelty while simultaneously showing why he acts the way he does in the first book...abuse as cyclical etc...
and aftg lol such a trip...wtf is honestly an accurate response it's a wild ride but so much fun <3 & not liking kevin...valid honestly i like him but i also don't care abt him that much compared 2 the other characters...u should read 'the sunshine court' at some point it's abt jean & it will probably make u like kevin even less lmao
& finally. iwtv!!!!!!!! i've been obsessed w that show the past few weeks i just binge watched season 1 & have now been watching season 2...SO fucking good omg. personally my favorite character is. armand <3 idc what he does they could never make me hate him...last episode was soooo good claudia is my second-fave character just a smidge after armand i truly think her story is probably the most interesting + tragic out of all of them like. makes me feel a bit crazyinsane thinking abt it BUT her & madeleine. oh my goddddd that scene broke me. don't have many more coherent thoughts currently other than wailing + tearing my hair out etc but i am having a great time nonetheless...
anyway thank u 4 the message love catching up life has been busy but mostly treating me kindly hope it's doing the same for u!! <3
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the-nysh · 2 years
All your posts abt Trigun has me wanting to watch/read it now. But like ... How much damage should I expect to recieve from this? Is it Evangelion level type of hurt or what? Is it tragic, traumatic, and homosexual(even just enough to feed my gay brain)? Pls advise.
Yes, there's MUCH emotional damage, but in a good way. That completely devastates and traumatizes you, then heals you with a genuinely hopeful message of love & peace. :'3 (So don't worry, bc despite all the fucked up tragedies and suffering, the ending is still a bittersweet happy one.) The manga is one of those gems that will probably change your life~ and/or go insane with the Feels, as I don't think I've seen any fan who has come out of it emotionally stable or 'ok' 8'D. Extremely worth it, but it's a hard seinen with some pretty difficult/heavy content for some to stomach. And oh yes, from my ace eyes, it was quite disastrously bi too (nothing explicit, but more...Victorian style longing for solace that's subtle/artful in a way I like) - swinging both ways that were meaningful, poignant, and important to the mc in different ways (so yes, Vash has two hands for Wolfwood & Meryl). However, as a fair warning, one of them is perpetually doomed by the narrative, which made me mentally bluescreen when [redacted] happened, that I probably still haven't recovered from to fully process it - so I'll just say, cherish it while it lasts. :')) And don't ignore the women also, because they rock~
Also fyi, the old 98 anime, manga, and new anime are all different tellings of the story. :O So to introduce yourself and get the most out of all the lore, trying it out in release order is probably what I'd recommend (as that's what I did, tho I grew up with the old anime-eng dub first as a kid too.) Note that the old anime has a lot more filler/humorous moments (as it was made before the manga finished, and they characterized the mc as a bit of a skirt-chaser for some outdated gags, when he's not Like That in the actual manga and new series at all, so just Be Aware that that's a thing you can ignore) so it tells a different story than what the manga becomes, but to slowly introduce you to [The Pain] that happens around mid-way, the old anime can 'gently' prepare you for the meat of the manga, because oh, it goes way harder than anything the old anime showed. :'3
And the current Stampede anime is utilizing manga-only endgame elements/lore in new ways that are fun to catch if you've already read the manga too (and I'd say in vibe it's much closer/accurate to the manga's too, meaning there's not much relation it has to the old anime, so you can safely separate them), but just don't expect the new anime to be exactly like the other two either, as it's still its own separate thing - so that means, all in all, Trigun is 'holy shit 3 cakes!' worth of content to enjoy~
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angstics · 1 year
it's always been interesting to me that the only thing seemingly "separating" the transgender truthing from the homosexual truthing, in terms of legitimate proof that someone who only knows gerard way through interviews and stage performance could provide, is the history of open gnc-ness. which doesn't really correlate to any kind of transgender identity but obviously i know why people choose to interpret it that way. (even then, the offstage dude kissing could and usually does fill an identical role in other peoples interpretation of gerard as being secretly gay so. shrug). but this time TRUST ME his performance art in solidarity with an oppressed queer group is ACTUALLY him being secretly trans. i try not to engage with any mass discourse events and find the she/her pronoun usage distasteful and just personally uncomfortable, so i dont directly encounter many people who even orbit this kind of discussion lol. im curious what you think about this comparison! and i apologize if anything was worded unclearly :)
this is a big can o worms! i like hearing your thoughts. there’s sooo many different readings on his identity and how the outfits factor into that.
it’s invasive but it’s not the same ethics as theorizing about a friend. understanding an artist is important to people. it’s part of being an artist which is normal but heavily contested. im always reminded of siken’s response to the student who wanted to learn more about his life to understand his poetry lol (he wasnt nice). why would it matter? authenticity, connection, need to label? there’s no universal or moral answer
anyhow back to gerard. the shift from homosexual to transgender truthing is funny! people didnt give up, they just concluded he’s unlabelled gay 😭 not from the on/off stage kissing (which were all performative) but from the tweetsss. “when people try to define your sexuality [morrissey picture]” and “why would i hide it if i was a Homosexual”. the affair conspiracies and gay music themes and general stereotypes probably aided that. whether the assumption is true or false makes no difference. the reasons behind why ppl even make the assumption are so intriguing to think about… but this is already too long.
the “trans truthing” is complicated bc it’s more personal to ppl. im not gonna create a boogeyman. ive seen all of this, some i align with some i dont. putting them in a list cuz it’s easier to read
ppl in my corner of the fandom are comfortable with calling him queer, nb, trans — from most to least common. all as umbrella terms. all to mean not-cis. justification is good ol FLAGGING. like getting an undercut to tell girls yr a dyke without needing to come out. i can expand on this thought process if wanted. ive seen this kinda labeling for YEARS
a lot of ppl i follow stop at gnc because that is the only visibly obvious option. and it’s the term The Advocate used for him in 2018 (tho we gotta note that he didnt self-id — the writer used the same principal of gnc being about presentation over id). the term is treated as if it were between cis and trans. or more accurately, not-cis not-trans.
ive noticed that old/ex fans or outsiders under my 30k cheerleader gifset see the dress as a coming out…? people of 1 and 2 chalk it under that history of gender nonconformity. it’s surprising but makes sense. i think that’s the function of said history
all the egg talk ive seen is on twitter among transfem ppl and tumblr posts in the wild. i searched “gerard way trans” and got so many tweets referencing kurt cobain. that is transfem business, not mine 😭
all this to say that i havent seen anyone in these circles insinuate he was Secretly trans. it’s the same as the gay assumption. it isnt about proving what reality is. just whatever individuals accept as their truth. lots of 1 ppl have said that if he suddenly came out as cis, their perception wouldnt change. i take that to mean bc the performance itself is the person and the performance they see is transgender.
i dont see how art and artist can be separated in performance. what other version of the artist are you getting? i dont know if anyone round here is talking about the couch sitting gerard way. like why would we 😭 even if one does, it’s under the perception of the performance we know. if we werent talking about the performance, we wouldnt even be talking about it. you wouldnt imagine your loved one watching tv. youd sit next to them. look at them. talk to them. YOU KNOW? like this whole debate on whether it’s invasive goes NOWHERE. we arent talking about someone who could be known. we are barely talking about the real person.
and he knows this because anyone with a Name becomes this. the real life person doesnt need defending. he needs respect. to me that means not harassing him, not digging into his private life, not speaking for him. the rest is what feels ok for me. if the environment is uncomfortable, all i can do is share why. which is why talking about it is important.
ill say, im fine with she/her-ing him. i know those arent his defined pronouns. i know i use them as a term of endearment and character-dedication. i know when to avoid them. i personally dont believe in rigid pronoun use. i don’t believe in there being a handbook of rules of what is or isnt rude (not to say there arent general rules). you learn person to person.
goes back to the Pursuit of Universal Morality. god i remember last year getting so mad at the trans labelling id leave tumblr to complain on twitter. but ive changed my tune to seeing the non-cis ambiguity. not because of Evidence but because i found comfort in that connection. i wasnt wrong then, am not wrong now.
it isnt really about him, it’s about what he says and does. which IMO he’s likely to accept as an artist.
so yeah. TLDR: posts that are like “how can you say he’s [cis/trans] if X?!” are really just stating their own perception. even if they uncritically believe what theyre saying is reality, it’s THEIR reality. there is no difference btwn “his performance art in solidarity with an oppressed queer group” and “him being secretly trans”.
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leprosycock · 1 year
jrma's fanbase somehow gets more annoying than usual whenever lud even breathes in his general direction. they're always so defensive over who is allowed to be near him but they're extra weird with lud specifically. (i saw no jrma fans complain about poke collabing yesterday, despite poke actually being a known evil psychopathic manipulator that harasses people.) 2 years ago when jrma took the crypto sponsor, a lot of them blamed lud even tho jrma has always been a crypto fan. lud is not a good person but he's nowhere near the level of gross as other people jrma associates with. do you have any theories why they hate lud yet defend jrma's behaviour?
it's really odd because this has been a steady and constant reaction from his fanbase for the past two years and it hasn't once let up. at first i theorized that it was genuinely because of jIud and how aggressively people despise it, but not all of them are clued in on that drama, especially not now after the uproar over it has died down. i think still assuming that is pretty presumptuous and isn't accurate, so i'll go ahead and play armchair psychologist instead.
i think that jrma fans dislike lud because lud is a powerhouse personality and is desperate to be the center of attention even in jrma projects. and by god, he earns it. he almost always outshines jrma in one way or another whenever they're interacting with each other. he's loud, he's obnoxious, he's brash, he fakes confidence to an incredible degree, he's manipulative, he's needy. and jrma will more than willingly allow him the space to perform. i don't think that jrma fans like that lud forcibly takes the spotlight away from their stweamer. a common criticism from them is that lud seems spoiled and he's a huge brat, which is true (and sexy!), but i believe they find that so offensive because they're not used to it compared to the constant, mind-numbing self-pity that's always spilling out of jrma's mouth.
it might also be because they feel less.. "safe" around him and his presence? the reason why so many insecure kids flock to jrma is because he makes the most passive attempts at telling people that being gay and trans is fine or whatever and he never tries to do anything remotely edgy or push any kind of boundaries and his community fosters, again, this self-pitying mindset where no one is allowed to hurt you or make fun of you for anything ever because they're just mean stupid bigoted cyberbullies. it's positivity!!! it's always positive no meanies here!!!!!! positive jrma community!!!!!!! but lud doesn't really give a fuck about any of that. he's here to make money and make content, and so is jrma, but jrma has managed to trick his fans into thinking that it's about the love. it's about the people. he's so good and humble and kind. he's a good person look he didn't say the fag word isn't he a good person???? look how good of an ally he is!!!!!!!
i think the gist of it is that even tho lud is a much more normie cc, he's still too much for jrma's soft-hearted brain-bleeding baby lamb fans because he's meaner and sharper and colder and he's a superstar that shows jrma up on a regular basis. and jIud as a concept probably does definitely still play a role to some people. i feel like the exact answer is on the tip of my tongue, but this is the best i've got
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obsessednotepad · 2 years
ok its like 4 am when i’m writing this but I literally can’t sleep bc im thinking ABOUT THOSE STUPID FUCKING PUPPETS???
but also thanks for some of the attention on the last post it was way too long but im glad ppl liked reading some of the things that nest up in my brain instead of like useful information :)))
now that that’s said im gonna fuckin KEEP talking about THAT scene AGAIN bc I think a part of my brain still hasn’t comprehended what happened.
I’m not gonna repeat the whole scene again bc by now we’ve all memorized it but I just want to further emphasize WHAT THE FUCK IT (might) MEAN!!! 
idk if im just like surrounded by depressing media (accurate) by the whole fucking idea of someone seeing YOU, perceiving YOU, as YOU are and learning to either live with it or grow to love it in so many different ways is like. going to make me vomit from the sentiment. that’s kinda why im so attached to the scene bc like damn. first you got that line. then you have the context. and then how it’s composed??? how it’s written?? makes it reach the fucking stars. 
Idk how else to explain this. maybe im just like this bc I finally took a film and writing class and now am in full overdrive mode but hot damn. You might think it’s really fuckin weird to have two characters say something equal to “I see you” in the dark when those bitches hardly can see point blank period but......thats like the whole point!!
I don’t HAVE to see you physically to know that I CAN SEE YOU for who YOU are- I have seen you as the form you take but what it holds inside is something to stare at in awe. 
how long? well it doesn’t matter, we’re in the dark and no one has to see a thing we do. 
It’s also such an intimate and private moment without it being inherently sexual like in most media or films- I find it so sweet 
and it’s not even that fuckin deep tho compared to some other scenes that I could look into but regardless I like this scene the most. yeah bc its like really gay (like...gay gay homosexual gay) but idk- its just such a connecting moment and I swear if we get another season and they do not remotely address it ever again I will probably start violently sobbing. :)
Edit: so uh I just saw some confirmation that one of the producers really enjoys the ship and is encouraging more of it so. Big win for the gays today.
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annimator · 2 months
Me: Alright brain we have a new story to write-
Brain: Make two more OCs
Me: Wait what-
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…anyways, meet Dylan (left) and Kai (right)
OC Facts under the cut as usual!
- Both of their names have connections to the sea! Dylan is a name of Welsh origin that translates to “son of the sea” or “born from the ocean” and Kai is a name of Japanese origin that translates to “ocean”, but also “shell”, “open”, “restoration” and “recovery”.
- I did something new with Dylan and gave him dreadlocks! It’s my first time drawing that type of hairstyle so feel free to @ me if i made a mistake in drawing them! I think they look rlly neat :>
- Kai is a dolphin hybrid! Hence the dolphin tail and grey hair to match it. It also explains the wetsuit and snorkel that he’s wearing (plus the swim shorts that he put on top of his wetsuit for the a e s t h e t i c)
- Dylan’s a selkie! A mythical creature that can shapeshift between a seal and human form by removing or putting on their seal skin. Dylan’s skin is the grey shawl that he’s wearing.
- Kai is specifically an Amazon river dolphin. I noticed that a majority of my OCs have a similar skin tone so I took the liberty of giving some of my new ones (which currently include Geno, Ro, and Kai himself) darker skin tones. Since part of the Amazon river and the Amazon jungle by proxy is in Brazil, I decided to give him a brazilian skin tone. Hopefully it’s accurate, but if it’s inaccurate like the dreadlocks I gave to Dylan, feel free to @ me!
- I kept getting seals and sea lions mixed up while creating them, but sea lions and dolphins do get along with each other! (They’re gay, they’re dating. I’ll probably end up making an aroace OC but I have a QSMP fanfic to write so that’ll have to wait.)
- Neither of them are in the main OC group. They’re part of another group that includes Ro and Nova (and other OCs that my brain decides to create in the future). Dylan and Kai don’t constantly run into the other 12 likes with the other two tho
- They first met when Kai returned Dylan’s coat back to him when he accidentally lost it. In most stories a selkie is bound to a human because said human steals a selkie’s coat, which means that they can transform into a seal and return to the sea. But willingly returning a selkie’s skin represents respect and understanding of their true nature. That, and based on a tumblr post I saw on pinterest, it’s some kind of way to propose to them apparently. (idk if its true or not but if I had a nickel for every time a tumblr post inspired me to create some new OCs id have 2 nickels). They ended up together since they liked spending time together after their first meeting, and they found each other attractive.
- Unlike Macy, who has an aquatic background and lives on land, both Dylan and Kai live underwater. In the present day of the OC timeline, they currently live in Arcana Academy’s dorms. Both of them miss their undersea homes deeply and rely on each other for comfort (hurt/comfort by beloved)
- Matching swords >:D ! They were a gift from Zac after they commissioned Lance and Aaron to forge them.
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trashimoto · 2 years
Im telling you as iconic and hillarious as riverdale is it really fucking kicked reboot culture into high gear. I feel like it really popularized the idea of like… “a reboot doesnt have to be accurate at all to the sourcw material” which is objectively not true? Idk RAS is in a strange position where he not only is an archie author but alsoa. Huge archie fan but still made the show like that. I think that people dont really usually know this or fully undersrand that or get how mant ridiculously obscurw refwrences are in that show. Not to say its a “good” show i dont actively watch it and i think it has its fair share of problems considering fuckign RAS wrote it, if youve read afterlife with archie then you know this guy os just WEIRD. I think that people took ita popularity and were like okay now were gonna make edgy reboots of everything and have them not relate back to the source material bc riverdale was so popular. Which is silly because like its not like Mindy Kaling is some like devout scooby doo fan. Why scooby doo? The answer for “why archie” for riverdale at least can be explained by Well its made by a guy whos been writing archie media for decades even before he worked for them (see archies weird fantasy), he writes archie horror for the company, and the juxtaposition of fucking Normal ass archie comics with the most insane ahit ever IS pretty funny. Thats why its so quotable. But like its not like the average person knows any if this shit they jist know Hey that riverdale show used the archie chaeacrers for unrelated shit we should do that with other shows!! But like…with shows like these youre always going to be eliminating a huge part of your audience which is people who are faithful fans of the original source. Of course not everyone, but also at the same time probably every archie fan that i know who likes riverdale either started watching it ironically or likes it ironically to some degree. Again this isnt a discussion on whether its “good” or not, but like at least with riverdale even tho normal classic archie likers are going to be much harder to get to like the shwo based, RAS is a huge afchie fan so he puts in a lot of tiny super specific archie media references as well which is pretty fucking insane. But like its not gonna work qith anything else. Hell its debatable whether it even worked for riverdale because like archie fans dont interact with it the same way genuine non archie riverdale fans do. Archie fans who like riverdale think its camp and it is. You were attacked by a friggin bear? Anyways like Velma isnt gonna have that same appeal nor will any orher stupid reboot like that bc it doesnt have that passion. Its not like Mindy Kaling made a gay scooby doo musical and got sent a cease and desist. Idk rambly but like i feel like a lot of tbis reboot culture really was sparked by riverdalw and they dont understand why that ahow has the cult following that it does
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emile-hides · 3 years
Family Gatherings
This is my entry for @hostagine Writer’s Fanwork Contest. I’m excited to write for Ouran again!! 2021 is the year of self indulgence!!
This is a little later than I planned on entering, and the story might be a bit under the 3k word minimum. If it is I’m so sorry.
Now then! Onto the Fic! Please enjoy!
In which the hosts are together, as they should be.
“Boss,” Hikaru’s elbow found itself jabbed into Tamaki’s side under the warm kotasu table, “why is Haruhi making dinner?” He hissed in low anger.
Tamaki gave a light whine as he was shoved into the other Hitachiin attending the Host Club family gathering, Kaoru, who gave just as hard a jab directly into the ex-king’s ribs.
“She insisted!” Tamaki gave a pathetic cry as the twins continued to bounce the poor blond back and forth between them. Upon hearing the sadness in his voice, the two stopped, and let him speak. “No matter how much I offered to help she wouldn’t let me...” The king whimpered like a kicked puppy, poking his fingers together as he pouted.
The house had no staff, which was new for Tamaki, but nothing he wasn’t willing to deal with when he first wed his highschool love, Haruhi Fujioka. And no, her name didn’t change. He was Tamaki Fujioka now. He insisted on it. Though he’s still Mr. Suoh at work.
So while it wasn’t anything new for Haruhi to make dinner and clean around the house, what made the twins rightfully so angry about seeing their ex-classmate doing so was the steadily growing bump on her stomach.
It’d been a little over 3 months sense they’d gotten the news, and exactly 3 months sense Haruhi said she was tired of being doted on by her puppy of a husband, and threatened to leave him if he didn’t stop trying to do everything for her.
The three peered into the wonderfully modest kitchen of Tamaki and Haruhi’s commoner home to spot the dark haired girl gently sipping at something boiling on the stove, her hair in a loose bun high on her head. She was still as adorable as they day the met her.
Their ogling was interrupted by a harsh buzzing noise from the front door.
“Tamaki-” Haruhi called, as one would do if you expect your husband is a room or so away, not directly in the doorway behind you, “Can you get the door? It’s probably Hunny and Mori.”
Tamaki sprung from his peeping spot in the door frame and came happily crashing into the kitchen, overjoyed to be of use to his overworking wife. He just barely stopped his momentum to give her a love filled peck on the cheek before continuing his high energy sprint to the front entry way.
And sure enough, at the door, standing a still very modest 4 foot 10 inches was Mitsukuni Haninozuka, still lovingly nicknamed Hunny by his close friends, and his wife, Reiko.
“Tama-Chan~” He sang, happily hugging the taller blond.
Tamaki returned the hug with no hesitation, “Hunny! Reiko! It’s so good to see you both!” He said, quickly pulling the ever distant Reiko into the reunion hug.
“Tamaki.” Reiko spoke quiet. Upon being released she offered a small gift bag, “A present. As congratulations. I’m sorry I could not make it to the announcement party.”
“No worries, no worries~” Tamaki gladly accepted the gift. A small glance down told him instantly it was something occult he probably shouldn’t unwrap, lest it curse his unborn child. With a hard swallow he ushered the two to the living room, “So, where’s Mori? He’s not usually one to be fashionably late.”
Mitsukuni gave a happy laugh, bouncing a bit as he walked, “Takashi’s on a date~” He chimed.
“A date?!” The twins were up and in the livingroom door way, quickly surrounding Mitsukuni like piranhas desperate for the juice gossip, “Do we know her? Is she cute?”
The small blond easily pushed his way between the nosy twins, picking a biscuit cookie off the kotasu as he hummed, “Takashi said it’s a secret~” He teased, biting his treat.
Of course, the Hitachiin’s aren’t really known for giving up, so they quickly changed their sights to the easier to bully Haninozuka, Reiko. “Who is she?” The both asked, getting too close to their club member-in-law.
Reiko looked clam, but truly she cracks easily under pressure. She gave a desperate look to Mitsukuni, but her husband was a cruel one. He avoided her eyes and continued helping himself to the snacks. Without a direct request, he wasn’t going to step in.
Luckily, Tamaki was a kinder soul. He pushed the two devils away from, who he considered, his daughter-in-law and hissed, “You two stop it!! If Hunny says it’s a secret, it’s a secret! We don’t have to know everything happening in Mori’s private life!”
“But Boss-” Kaoru’s complaints were shut down as he and his brother were pushed back to the kotasu.
“No buts! When Mori is comfortable, he will tell us. Right, Hunny?”
Tamaki’s comments were only met by giggles as the tiny blond happily finished off the last cookie. Hunny turned to his friends with a face that’d make any demon king run for the hills. Sinister laughter echoed the room. The blood ran cold from the gathered Host’s faces.
“He tried to keep it a secret~ Even from me~ Isn’t that mean~?” Hunny’s sinister laughter turned to a pout, he tilted his head to the side. It was sickeningly sweet and cheery, yet dripping with the bitterness of a childhood friend who was lied to. The three found themselves sitting, huddled on the floor before him, shaking in fear.
Hunny hummed as he pushed his hair from his face, sitting atop the kotasu like a thrown, one leg kicked over the other, “But I have my sources.” His smile read like a child playing dolls, if those dolls were real human people. Wicked and terrifying he smiled down at his friends, “Do you wanna knooooow~?”
None of the hosts before him could answer, and luckily they didn’t have to, as another buzz from the door pulled them from their horror. Tamaki shot up like a rocket and cried in a high squeak, “I’LL GET IT!” before dashing back into the entry room.
The door swung open, smacking hard to the wall on the other side. “KYOYA-!” Tamaki shrieked for his life before clinging to his best friend in a desperate hug, nearly knocking them both down.
They did, however, end up in the grass, when Hikaru and Kaoru followed soon behind their boss, crying too for protection.
“What the hell has gotten into all of you?!” Kyoya barely managed to prop himself up on his elbows, pushing hard against Tamaki’s head as the blond desperately pressed into his chest.
“You went to far, Mitsukuni.” Reiko spoke, her husband laughing beside her.
“But that’s the fun of it, Reiko!” He cheered as the three clung more desperately to Kyoya, favoring the Demon King to the Prince standing in the door.
Kyoya continued trying to pry his idiotic friends from him as he struggled to get up, claiming he was wearing a new suit, and he’d prefer not to get grass stains on it.
“Dinner’s ready.” Haruhi joined Reiko and Hunny in the door way, her voice unamused as she looked down at her husband and friends wrestling in her nice front yard. “Are you four done?”
Inside everyone took their seats. It hadn’t been that long sense they all sat at a table together, eating Haruhi’s cooking, discussing their latest business ventures, bullying and physically abusing Tamaki, perhaps a bit longer than usual.
At first, upon getting out of school, the ex-club would meet up weekly. Then monthly, with additions like Mei and Ritsu, sometimes Nekozawa or old clients they’d keep in touch with. Then Hunny got married, and Kaoru moved to New York for some time.
Slowly it turned to big events only. Haruhi and Tamaki’s wedding, Hikaru’s new clothing line launch, birthdays, Christmas, New Years. A normal group of friends would have slowly drifted apart.
Not the Hosts. Not with a Tamaki in their group.
He had a call schedule for each of them so they’d all call one another each day of the week and catch up until everyone was back in the same country.
He kept track of everyone’s work and travel plans on top of his own busy schedule and found every possible opening to meet. Not just for himself, he made sure to pair the others so they too could catch up.
And on the rare occasion everyone was free the same night, they all met at the Fujioka house hold, ate whatever the winner of dinner lottery chose, and played commoner games late into the night.
This was one such night. The meal was simple, but the company was superb. And while Tamaki was silently disappointed Takashi didn’t tell him of his date plans, he wasn’t one to cling to the negative. He’ll have the whole family next time. And if not, there’s always the time after that.
“Hunny, I’m curious.” Haruhi’s voice broke though the groups laughter, “Why did Mori try to keep his date secret from you? I understand having a private life from us,” she sent a glance Tamaki’s way that pierced him though the chest like an arrow, “but you?”
“Oh. Well he’ll probably drop by afterwards, so don’t tell him I told you but,” Hunny sat up a bit more, then smiled, one full of his usual innocents, “Because it’s with a guy.”
The room was loud, as it always should be when full of good friends.
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mohluskiepedard · 4 years
Rating ATLA Characters literally only from what I’ve seen in fandom
or: posts that probably shouldn’t be on my writeblr except I don’t have a sideblog
the context here is it’s half midnight and I have never seen ATLA except I have opinions now apparently so here we go whoop de do- 
I’m also not actually rating them like numerically that’s too much work i’m just stating opinions I know I’m a fraud
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- A child?  - A son?  - he is Baby. but also. he has had It Rough  - would make the updog joke - has unspeakable power or smth and everyone says he’s better than the Korra girl who comes after him but honestly tastes like sexism to me - doesn’t kill people because he’s like twelve, right? he’s like twelve so he refuses to kill people - I stan honestly - less twelve year olds should kill people - Some people say his name WRONG and they are BAD but i don’t actually know what the right way or the wrong way is so. have fun w that yall - lived in peace unTIL THE FIRE NATION ATTACKED 
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- She is also like twelve???  - Is everyone here twelve - Cortana?? Katana?? Catbug??  - She has good hair, - Her mother is dead??? her mother is dead n she has a brother but she cares about her mother being dead WAY more than him (or apparently the entire fandom??) - Badass - She seems soft. good. sweet - she’s a water breather or whatever??? her brother is NOT but he is a meme - I love her 
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- NGL looks like a fuckboy  - The meme brother! does not do the water things, but he has an aXe???  - dates BAMF lady - ngl until I talked to my ATLA watching friend I thought he canonically dated Zuko  - kinda mad he doesn’t - I haven’t actually seen anything about him except like. in zuko ship posts and also Suki appreciation posts - joined the white lotus not-a-cult by accident???  - dark ATLA tumblr show me more Sokka posts - is his name prounounced the same way as Soccer or isn’t it I need to know - HIS FIRST GIRLFRIEND TURNED INTO THE MOON - (AND THAT’S ROUGH, BUDDY) - He and Suki are a good ship, but also, Sokka Has Two Hands
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- the BAMF herself - she says STOP in that photo but also to sexism - Rlly all I see of her in fanon is abt her teaching Sokka to drink his respect women juice and I appreciate her doing that but also it’s sad she never gets talked about outside of what she did for a man - I hope she has other badass moments w/o him it would suck if she didn’t - she is NOT the girlfriend who turned into the moon, she is the one who didn’t - I don’t know much else about her ATLA Fandom y’all should appreciate her more
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- Look at him... my son... - He has a good redemption arc - he and his sister are evil lesbian and redeemed gay guy??? - has a straight canon ship but should’ve been with Sokka this boy is gay - I Want To Protect Him - That’s literally it - he has a cool uncle and his dad sucks  - people ship him with Katara and I Do Not Get It that’s his sister in law except not really - “We don’t trust Zuko’s change of heart” [the next day] “so Zuko is my closest friend now,”  - His dad was like “fuck up the avatar to prove your worth to me” and Aang was like “counter argument you already have worth and we should fuck up your dad” and I think that’s beautiful - he becomes the fire man and he’s very good at it - Zuko for President 2020 - in the words of myself, half an hour ago: “ I was like "that kid with the burn on his face seems like a sad but then happy mlm who needs found family" and I was RIGHT” - took too long to find a happy picture of him :( Zuko rights NOW please - His mother’s story got compared to an OC of mine and all I can say is oh no and they deserve better based on that alone - I have had Zuko for five minutes but if anything else happens to him I will kill everyone in this throne room and then myself
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- She is badass but like also will murder you while laughing maniacally? - for some reason reminds me of Nott from Critical Role, another show I Have Not Seen - Is blind but gets more out of making jokes abt being blind than she would from being able to see - “Sight is just a cheap tactic to make weak benders stronger!!!” - Literally the opposite of Aang and has killed many people?? - She Can Tell When You’re Lying. But I do not know how and Am simply mildly threatened by this - Therapist: Toph’s ability to know if you’re lying isn’t real and can’t hurt you. Toph’s ability to know if I’m lying:  - She and Zuko.... buddies???  - if not they should be - tiny sad boy needs friends like toph
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- Evil Lesbian Culture - [BDG Voice] You committed a war crime! Oopsie! - took be gay do crime too literally - her and Zuko have accurate sibling writin except instead of “you ever want to murder your sibling for breathing in the same space as you,” being a Joke Azula took it seriously - okay but with a name like azula she should be the blue bender this ANNOYS me she should NOT be red bender - AZULa  - AZUL - IT MEANS BLUE - She was half of y’alls gay awakenings and it SHOWS - Should have maybe been redeemed too??? Jury is out no one knows - Was she gay for Ty Lee or wasn’t she I can’t tell how much of that Audio is a joke - IS SHE ALSO TWELVE??? IS EVERYONE HERE TWELVE?? IS THIS TWELVE YEAR OLD COMITTING ATROCITIES? 
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- A Good Man - Finally, Some Good Fucking [Adult Figures]  - he has the tea. literally and figuratively - Ozai is like “and I will permanently disfigure my son and throw him out” and Iroh is like “What The Fuck, Ozai,” thus voicing the entire audience’s thoughts - Literally the only adult in this that I trust - I? I love him. this is all I have to say. my love for him is unending. Some1 protect this man from all harm   - he’s Zuko’s uncle (and also Azula ig) but he does not seem related to Ozai. is it just a theme in this family that one sibling is chill and one sibling commits horrendous atrocities against your fellow human beings or  - something happened to his son???? :((((( I Don’t Want Him To Have Suffered Like This
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- A BAD MAN - Uh Oh (stinky)  - THE WORST OF THE MEN  - I do not like him - Bastard man. nasty. committed war crimes and then went “but what if - get this - i also abused my son,”  - I would like him to Not Be Like This - by Like This I mean present and alive  - :/ 
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- She’s NOT the There Is No War In Ba Sing Se lady and I don’t know why i thought she WAS but until I looked up her photo I thought that was her  - She looks like a sweetheart tho - I hope nothing bad happens to her????  - talks about auras??? or smth??? let her vibe - She would talk animatedly to me about warrior cats if she was in my year seven class and I was sat alone and I would understand none of it but appreciate her anyway - if azula bullies her I’ll be :( at Azula and Azula will not care because she has Mommy Issues and therefore is slightly unhinged - She seems like that one kid with no trauma vibing at the edge of [every other kid having trauma] and not really getting it but trying her best - Is she also twelve?????? She maybe looks twelve
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- HIS CABBAGES - fulfills my favourite trope: ordinary person repeatedly has life disrupted by the inconveniences of relying on actual children to save the world - probably has a campaign post canon for letting trained adults fix the worlds’ problems in the future - or sets up the Very First Cabbage Insurance Company - look at him. he loves his cabbages so much. you go you funky lil cabbage man
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- LOOK AT HIM HE’S SO GOOD - small. fluffy. big ears - Lord Momo of the Momo Dynasty: his Momoness - a Good Boy...
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- he looks so soft... - he can fly but he just does it by??? vibing through the air?? motionless??? iconic - I saw that one post about mishearing it as Abba and thinking he was Aang’s dad and he looks like he would be a good stand in dad ngl - he’s so LORGE - a chonky boy - love him
that is everyone I have heard of it and if I left someone out it’s a sign that y’all should talk about em more bc I have no clue they exist put more ATLA On my Dash ig I’ll do Legend of Korra ig maybe apparently that one has canon wlw and i love me some canon wlw
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lotho · 2 years
Opinions For Pasion De Gavilanes 02
Also spoilers 
Oscar is not a fucking cheater.
I have herd complains on how he is a dick and such in the beginning, but for me he was a funny dick. He also gets really good development as the series goes on, he also loves Jimena like a fuck ton. 
Even if he is greedy and money hungry he still clearly cares for the people in his life and is actually really grateful, like when he gave money too Leandro for his business and supported him.
     2. The Twins are pretty funny (02) 
No reason I just think the twins are pretty funny. They're assholes and perhaps murders but I find them pretty entertaining. There spoiled kids for sure and sorta freaky/weird for having a threesome with the same girl. But I find they really funny and actually way better than Juan David’s character! Who in bye next one-
     3. Juan David Is a pretty boring/bad character 
Maybe I just simply do not like that he is just a cheap version of Juan Reyes, or maybe because HE IS FUCKING A MOM AND HER DAUGHTER. He is suppose to be the leader of the family, the oldest of the second generation of the Reyes, his role is sorta suppose to be mentoring his siblings and younger cousins while also growing alongside them. But he as much depth to him a slice cheese sandwich.  They could have put him as being stressed for being the oldest, having to be like his father and be mature and shit. Oldest child syndrome or something idk I just really don’t fucking like his character I think its a waste. 
    4. Franco’s Absence(?) 
Okay he is kidnapped or something, idk I didn’t go that far cause I felt like episodes started to get worst as it went on and that the actor was busy with his own shit but what I didn’t like was how the characters reacted to it. I feel like it is a trend were they see the worst in Franco due to misunderstandings but this one pisses me off. 
The brother Reyes just accepted that he left the family???? In the beginning of the series ever since Libra died both Oscar and Juan are quite a bit protective of Franco, hell their really protective towards each other! The Reyes I know would not accept one of them being missing after all the shit they went through and having the many enemies they do. They also know he really loves Sarita, and probably his kids. But then they really accept his absence?!?! 
Also when did he leave? His kids seem to know nothing about them. 
Though the clips of him coming back and him and Sarita is really comforting and cute, got I hate how they treated this adorable couple. 
     5. Gabriela Is Done Dirty. 
Like wtf, why is she still the worst? Where did the character development go!?!?!??!??!?! I hate that they made her into a villain again. 
Tho I do like and hate how they still kept her as the same villain, how they kept she was sorta sexism towards her daughters in the beginning kept happening with Gaby. Her traditionalist ideals harming the people she suppose loves, but idk.
   6. Andres’s Treatment as LGBTQ+ Character With His Love Interest 
I just herd of the spoilers so take this from a grain of salt, so I am unsure if this is totally accurate or not. 
So apparently Andres got with an older man and that is just a really fucking stupid trope in novelas I really hate. To make things interesting the young gay character has to be with an older man character? I hate that LGBTQ characters need some sorta of taboo instead of having a normal romance like the straight parings.
I do actually really like Andres tho, he is likable character and is like a passive but more confident Franco.  
Leandro was one of my favorite characters in the original and though that even if his is the stereotype gay man, he was a great character all the round and was super funny. I think he is pretty decent rep for the time.
 So I am sorta disappointed with the rep with Andres with his love interest, overall though he is alright.  (Also for anyone still watching is Juan still homophobic? Like in the original he is canonically homophobic and Franco is more or less not with the Oscar scene but idk. 
Also random but I love the scene so much It makes me laugh a lot.)
  7. Family means nothing in 02. 
The whole thing with the first season was about family, how your suppose to be together no matter what and support even with each other downfalls. The brother even after everything loved each other and care so much, the same goes with the sisters.
The second gen of Reyes fucking do not like each other. I saw the pictures of Gaby and Andres saying they don’t care for the twins, the twins fighting the older brother constantly, Juan David sorta looking like he thinks with more with his dick, so on so forth.  The fights between the brother and sisters still had some sort of love towards them and they still protect each other. I feel no familiar connection towards these fuckers and I hate it. If these guys went poor like Juan, Oscar, Franco or deal with a force like Fernando like how the sisters did, I think they would have actually killed each other among themselves. 
   8. Villains suck. 
I cannot actually name any of them currently but they are so not iconic like in the first season. 
That is just a simple fact, enough said. 
    9.  No good Ships 
I hate the Juan David with Rosario  I hate Juan David with Muriel (she could so MUCH better) 
I hate Andres with the older dude. 
Gaby with her boyfriend is eh, the dude is just not interesting. 
Norma and Juan are still bland as ever. 
The friendship with Andres and Muriel is pretty good I guess. 
(Glad they stopped the Juan David love triangle with Andres tho)
   10. The Plot Is just overall a mess and Where are the other characters?
The plot lines in the original were connected, in this one it is just all over the place. 
And I know that some actors couldn't come on the show again but fuck man, I miss Eva. I also thought their uncle would stay in contact at least? What about Ruth and Benito? The two brothers and their family who own the grocery store?What about my queen pepita? I know they brought back Panchita with a different actress but they just completely butchered her character, what ever happened to her being the voice of reason? 
Rip Sebastian Boscán, his life was taken away too soon. 
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hamarhemmo · 3 years
Not related to my usual content but it's Pride Month so I'm gonna give some LGBTQ+ book/TV show/movie recommendations. This is a long post so feel free to skip.
The Song of Achilles: About Achilles' and Patroclus' relationship from Pat's POV. Not entirely historically accurate but great none the less. Has some slightly graphic sex scenes.
The Secret History: About a group of (mostly rich) college students who commit murder and have a bacchanal. Has one canonically gay character (Francis), one canonically bi character (Charles) and the main character is implied to be queer. There are also some other characters who are probably gay or bi (ex. Henry and Julian). A very messed up book but I love it.
Good Omens: A story about an angel and a demon saving the world from Armageddon. All of the ethereal characters are non-binary. (The main characters usually use he/him pronouns and present masculine.) The story is also practically enemies-to-friends-to-lovers personified. The lovers part is more explicit in the TV show version. A very funny book/show with great characters and some diversity. I recommend.
Brokeback Mountain: Read the movie section.
The Picture of Dorian Gray: A story about Basil Hallward, a moral artist; lord Henry Wotton, a very immoral man who just corrupts people for fun; and of course Dorian Gray himself, a young man who changes his soul for eternal youth. Written by the gay icon Oscar Wilde. Has a shitload of homoerotic subtext and was even used as evidence of Oscar being gay. Basil is in love with Dorian (and so is possibly Henry), Dorian is probably bisexual. (Explicitly in the 2005 movie.) The book has murder and suicide in it but no graphic violence. The movie has some sex scenes. Overall TPoDG is great and I recommend it warmly.
TV shows:
Brooklyn Nine-Nine: A sitcom about detectives. Talks about racial issues, LGBTphobia, the flaws in American prison system, sexual harassment etc. Of the main 6 characters one is gay (Holt), one is bi (Rosa) and one is possibly bi (Jake). Lots of LGBTQ+ and POC representation. Is on Netflix in some countries.
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Pretty standard anime (and manga). Tells about the members of the Joestar family. Explaining the plot or the universe would take way too much time so I'm not going to do that. Practically all characters are queer coded and some are canonically LGBTQ+ (DIO, Jotaro, Speedwagon etc.) Very funny but weird. Doesn't have a lot of well written femle characters but I still definitely recommend. First three parts are in Netflix in some countries, all animated parts are in Crunchyroll for free.
Good Place: Tells about a woman named Eleanor who, despite being an awful person, got into the good afterlife by accident. Eleanor is bisexual, Janet is non-binary (uses she/her pronouns tho), Tahani is possibly bi and Jason is attracted to non-binary Janet. A pretty good show, I recommend giving it a go. Is on Netflix in some countries.
Good Omens: Read the book section. Is on Amazon Prime.
Hannibal: A show about everyone's favorite fictional cannibal Hannibal Lecter and an FBI agent called Will Graham, who are obsessed/fall in love with each other. The show is extremely homoerotic and Hannibal is canonically omnisexual in it. Unfortunately the show got canceled after 3rd season so the ending isn't very good. Has some lesbian side characters. The show also has lots of gore so if you don't like that, I can't recommend it. Surprisingly funny despite the violence. I'm not sure where you can watch it anymore. Has some pretty graphic lesbian sex scenes.
Umbrella Academy: About seven siblings with superpowers. One of the characters is canonically pansexual and according to the actor non-binary (Klaus), one is wlw (Vanya, not sure about her exact sexuality) and one just has huge bi vibes and a possible crush on John F. Kennedy (Diego). There is also talk about child abuse and drug addiction. The show has its problems, like two of the siblings dating (they are not biologically related but it's still messed up). It's still a great show tho. (The show is based on a comic but I haven't read it.) It is one Netflix at least in some countries. (Also Elliot Page plays Vanya and I love him.)
The Road to El Dorado. It technically doesn't have canon queer characters but the main bois were apparently supposed to be a couple. They act very couple-y and are bi kings in practically everyone's books. One of my favorite animated movies. Is on Netflix in some countries.
Brokeback Mountain: A classic and very sad. Tells about two cowboys in the 60s living together on a mountain for a while and falling in love. One of the main characters (Ennis) struggles with his sexuality. As I said, it's a classic abd I recommend watching it. Ver slow paced but I kinda like that. Has one pretty graphic sex scene. Is on Netflix in some countries.
The Picture of Dorian Gray (2009): Read the book section. I'm not sure where you can watch it.
I can't add more tags so I'll possibly make a second part.
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