#“it's ok if I do x bad thing as long as it balances out”
So... about the "Ironwood Was Right" thing.
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I recently saw this resurface a bit, in the context of Ruby's regrets in Volume 9. Basically, taking the fact that she felt like she'd failed as the show saying that yes, actually, she was wrong to go against Ironwood's plan in Volume 7.
I feel like I went into thinking about this trying to debunk it on a logical level. Like, is it actually a good idea to fly off into the sky in one big long stalling measure when your opponent is literally immortal? What's stopping Salem from grabbing all the rest of the relics and then just waiting as many generations as it takes, until the people of Atlas forget why they came up there in the first place and return to Remnant out of curiosity?
The thing is, treating it as an argument about what's the more "rational" choice is missing the point that like. We're talking about a story. We don't know exactly how many people are in Atlas and in Mantle and where they are and how many more trips they'd have to take to finish the evacuation, because details like that would just bog things down.
This is not a trolley problem with x number of people from Mantle on one side and y number of people from Atlas on the other. This is a trolley problem with a wealthy and powerful person on one track, and a disadvantaged person an alternate track, and Ironwood choosing to pull the lever instead of trying to stop the trolley. The point is not "how many." It's not about math. The point is that there is a fundamental difference between dying in the central location while a bunch of Huntresses and Huntsmen do absolutely everything in their power to protect you, and dying abandoned in the mines you used to work while the city built off of your labor flies away to safety.
The question this conflict is asking is about whether or not other people can be sacrifices. Ironwood says yes—team RWBY disagree. That's the actual crux of this argument. Does Ironwood have the right to decide who deserves protection and who isn't worth the risk? Do we get to give up on other people before we've even tried to save them? It's about the idea of certain people being disposable. Mantle's wall isn't important, Amity is. Amity will protect all of Atlas, and that wall will only help the people in Mantle. It implies that their safety is an acceptable sacrifice for the greater good. It treats them as disposable.
There's a reason it was Nora who spoke up and pointed out that it's always Mantle being asked to bear the burden for the greater good. Nora has been a disposable person before. Hell, Cinder has been a disposable person! The way Atlas (through the madame) treated a living person as a resource to be exploited or sacrificed is the entire reason that Cinder is trying to burn the kingdom down. Thematically, Atlas cannot escape the danger she poses by sacrificing more disposable people.
One of the biggest themes of this show is cooperation. It's all about how Salem can only be defeated by working together. But working together is not possible if certain people are taking on all of the risk, all of the sacrifice. Everyone has to be willing to put some skin in the game. Like, imagine trying to do a group project if you knew half of you were guaranteed to get an A no matter what and the other half weren't.
So the idea that Volume 9 is supposed to come back around and say that actually, that plan that would have literally divided a city in half and cut loose the poorer half like fucking ballast, that was the right thing all along and Ruby Rose was wrong to challenge it... that would be an absolute disaster of a thematic statement.
This is not a show about hard military men making hard military choices. It's not going to contrive a situation where cold-blooded calculation determines that the right thing to do is to pull up the ladder. Because outside of weird philosophical experiments about trolleys, the right thing to do usually has more to do with empathy. Compassion. Cooperation. All that gay shit.
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thebearer · 3 months
making the bed |carmen berzatto x reader| part one
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prompt: carmen's stressed. food critics, a newborn baby, balancing work life and married life and now dad life; he's bound to break, everyone knows it. but no one ever thought he'd lash out on you.
or, part one of the devastation fic. based off this ask from the other day. two more parts to come.
contains: mega angst. mega angst, with no resolution in this part. hurt, no comfort (in this chapter, will be later in part 3). mean!carmen, very mean. mom!reader x dad!carmen with newborn teddy. fighting, language, carmen says mean stuff he doesn't mean. past mentions of trauma, family trauma, mikey mentioned. very angsty and a little heavy, please read at your own discretion. word count- 3.5k+.
"Are you ok?"
Carmen now understood why that phrase used to send Donna into such a blind rage, lips pursing and jaw clenching more and more every time he heard it. First at work, then with you, it felt never ending.
It was beginning to feel like critic season with how many were coming in, snooty and demanding to be impressed. It couldn't have come at a worst time, right in the middle of busy season with the start of the holidays. Days at The Bear were filled with frantic panic, running around, making sure everything was perfect, accounted for, and Carmen always had the sinking feeling it wasn't- that he'd forgotten something, messed something up. 
It wasn't rare for him to work himself up like this, a normal that you always warned him about, but he'd always had a solitude. As long as he'd known you, he'd had a place to go, to unwind, to let himself rest and reset with you. And he still did, it was just shared now with a newborn.
Dorothea Michelle. Teddy, for short. The light of his life, yours too. Nearly two months old with a set of lungs that sounded much louder, much more developed than that. Nights were long, sleepless, spent trying to lull Teddy back to sleep, awake even if he wasn't up with her. Carmen couldn't allow himself the selfishness to relax, to rewind, to "take it easy" like everyone told him to. At work, he was the boss; at home, he was a dad.
"Fuck, fuck," Carmen's sleepy stare was broken by a lick of bubbling heat, the lamb's roux popping with the high heat, splashing all over Carmen's chef whites.
"Jeff, c'mon," Tina clicked, shaking her head, moving the pan to lower heat. "What're you doin'?"
Carmen grit his teeth, snatching a rag off the stainless steel counter tops, scrubbing the burgundy stain, huffing when it only spread the stain.
"What happened?" Sydney turned, looking from the burnt sauce to Carmen's stained chef shirt. "Oh,"
"Do we have a spare coat?" Carmen huffed, throwing the rag down with a firm smack against the counter.
"I don't think so, Carm." Sydney shook her head. "You took the last ones home with you two days ago. The wine-"
"-I know, Chef, I know." Carmen snapped, running a hand through his hair. "Fuck, I-I can't fuckin' serve the critics lookin' like this. With shit all over me- fuck."
"Hey, easy, easy," Richie turned the corner, his hands held up. "What's goin' on?"
"Jeff got sauce over him. He doesn't have any clean clothes." Tina muttered, irritated that she had to fix his mess, more irritated that he wasn't taking care of himself. You have a baby, Jeff, you need to rest and take some time, she'd told him. Carmen only waved her off.
"Okay, okay, hey, that's no problem." Richie's voice raised, lifting over Carmen's. "You go home and change, get your spare, check on my beautiful goddaughter, and then come back with your A game. Yes?"
Carmen didn't even humor him with a snarky remark, yanking his coat off and stomping towards the office to grab his things. Richie and Tina looked at each other, shaking their head gently.
"Kids runnin' thin, T." Richie muttered with a sigh. "He's gonna break. It's gonna be bad."
"Yeah, he is. Gonna wear himself out before then." Tina shook her head. "Jeff needs a vacation." They both jumped at the slamming of the backdoor, Carmen's angry exit shaking the foundation.
"Needs to be fuckin' medicated. Fuckin' lunatic." Richie scoffed, rolling his eyes at Carmen's dramatics.
The drive home was filled with silence, Carmen's iron grip on the wheel, tearing through the traffic towards the house- his house, his home. 
Home, but it didn't provide the same comfort that it usually did. Carmen's shoulders still stayed tense, buzzing with rage, not dissipating when he thought of you, or of Teddy, knowing you'd both be there, excited to see him. 
You jumped at the sound of the car door slamming, peeking out the window to see Carmen's parked next to yours, furiously stomping up the front steps. You frowned, grabbing the baby monitor, walking towards the front door.
Carmen nearly hit you with how fiercely he flung the door open. "Woah," You reached for the door, stopping it before he could flick it shut. "Carm, don't slam it. Teddy's asleep. I just got her down." You frowned at him, shutting it slowly.
Carmen looked at you but didn't speak, looking through you with a rage that had your spine tingling before he finally broke his gaze, stomping towards the laundry room. "Carm? What’re you doing home? Don’t you have dinner soon?" You hesitated slightly, lingering in the doorway with an uncertainty you hadn’t felt with Carmen before. 
Carmen didn’t answer, his jaw still ground tight while he rummaged through the clean clothes, carelessly unfolding and shifting the folded clothes.
"Carmen," You said more firmly, caching his gaze. He didn't speak still, just stared at you- through you. "Are you ok?" You lifted a brow, features softening in worry.
Carmen paused, eyes closing, shoulders tensing in agitation. Are you ok? His ears rang, a familiar rage that he hadn't felt in years bubbling up deep in his chest. Frustrated and blinding and rampant, heat rushing through his veins, pulling himself further and further from reality into someplace different- someplace darker in his mind. 
"What's wrong?" You pressed, he could barely hear it, ears ringing at your question. "Did something happen? Did the critic come-"
"-Where's my chef whites?" Carmen barked, cutting you off, his chest tightening more and more with every heavy heave of his chest. You flinched at his tone.
"Uh, I-I haven't seen the whites. I washed your white tee-"
“-You what? Y-You what?” Carmen spat, eye widening with a wild, raged glint in his eye. Your stomach flipped and fell with fear, stepping back instinctively. 
“I-I washed your tee, Carm, that’s all that you left in the laundry basket-” 
"-Are you fucking kidding me?" Carmen boomed, his head spinning, body buzzing with rage. Your breath hitched, frozen in fear at the anger in his tone, the roar of his voice bouncing off the walls, echoing through your ears in a painful drum. 
Carmen moved, snatching the dirty clothes basket, dumping it into the ground with a shake until the dirty chef coat fell on top. He gripped the basket, flinging it across the room with a hard throw. The final push to his bad mood that sent him right over the edge, crashing into a pit of blinding fury, aggravation, breaking him from the inside out.
"Fuck!" Carmen roared, his voice shaking the walls, your breath leaving your lungs in a trembling exhale of fear. “Fuck, fuck, fuck! This is- This is- Are you fuckin’ kiddin’ me?” 
You tensed in shock, gripping the baby monitor in fear, maybe surprise, as it started to buzz to life with Teddy's startled whimpers. Her small cries pulled you out of your frozen state, something deeper than fear replacing the ache in your stomach. 
"Carmen-" You gaped, voice wobbling with uncertainty, taking slow shuffled steps towards the stairs. “Carmen, calm-calm down. Ok? Calm down.” 
“Calm down? You want me to fuckin’ calm down?” Carmen sneered, an angry red flush blossoming in splotchy deep hues up his neck, towards his cheeks. “You don’t do shit, nothin’ that I fuckin’ ask for! Just sit around all fuckin’ day an-and I’m supposed to calm down?” 
“Carmen,” Your voice wobbled, throat tight with tears, hurt and fear strangling your words. “I-You didn’t ask me to wash them. I-I didn’t know. They weren’t in the hamper-” 
“-I shouldn’t have to ask you to wash them!” Carmen roared, eyes so wide you thought they might pop right out of his head, neck vein protruding on exemplifying his rage. “You know what I’m going through! You know how much fuckin’ stress I’m under! I go to that-that shit hole, an-and work my fuckin’ ass off so you don’t have to! Then I come home, and I-I can’t even get a second of peace!” 
“Stop,” You hiss, finally regaining your composure, his words fully sinking into you  now, feeling the full effect of them. “I-I just had a baby. I’m still on maternity leave taking care of a baby- our baby, and I’m tired too. But I’m not yelling at you-” 
“-Oh, right. Right.” Carmen laughs sarcastically, humorless as he runs his hand down his face. It felt mocking, left you feeling small and too vulnerable for your liking. “Because in between your napping an-and feeding, you couldn’t stick a fucking jacket in the wash, right? You’re so busy.”  
“What is wrong with you?” You snap, hoping he can’t hear the tears in your voice, the way your voice shakes with emotion. 
“What’s wrong with me? What’s wrong with me?” Carmen scoffs, throwing his hands out. “I get no fuckin' sleep, go work my fuckin' ass off, a-and then I come home so I can go back and work my ass off some more, and-and you can’t do one simple fuckin’ thing? You can’t help me out? And then you wanna know what’s wrong with me? When you sit on your ass all fuckin’ day-” 
Teddy’s piercing wail pulls you out of your shocked trance, nose and throat burning with hurt filled tears you refuse to shed. Instead, you turn, climbing the stairs on shaky legs, the sound of Teddy’s cries growing louder and louder. Anchovy watches you from the top of the stairs, sensing the tension, your upset, sliding against your leg as if to comfort you. 
Carmen scoffs, hands buzzing and trembling with rage, the ringing in his ears growing louder and louder with each of your footsteps on the stairs and down the hall. He can barely hear Teddy’s sobs, hands threading through his hair, pulling at his scalp. He sees you walk towards the bedroom, quickly, hugging Teddy to your chest. 
“Oh, don’t go fuckin’ do it now!” Carmen roared, your ignoring him only infuriating him further. “It won’t be ready in time now. I’ll just look like a fuckin’ idiot for the critic tonight! Not that you care! Why would you, huh? I-I mean just our livelihood, just our fuckin’ income!” 
You swallowed back your tears, head tilting towards the ceiling, hands shaking with every shove of your things into the overnight bag. Just enough to get you through the night, the next day. A few essentials, Teddy’s spare onesies, a charger, your wallet- you stopped mid-shove of your items into the weekender bag, the sun’s rays catching in your wedding ring. Your heart fell, more and more, you weren’t sure how that was even possible. 
Carmen’s furious voice was still booming from downstairs, ringing and shaking in his furious fit. Richie and Sugar both warned you about Carmen’s tantrums, brought them up to embarrass him, tease him about it until he was red faced and hissing hushed threats at them. You never, never in your wildest dreams thought you’d be on the receiving end of one. 
You jumped, another slam of something Carmen had thrown, maybe hit in a fit of rage, causing Teddy to wail louder, Anchovy skittering nervously away. Tears leaked out of your eyes, twisting the ring off your finger, setting it on Carmen’s bedside table. Pulling the carrier out of the closet, Anchovy got in much easier than usual, which you were thankful for. 
Carmen was gripping the marble of the countertop when he heard you again, walking from the bottom of the stairs, quick steps towards the door to the garage, Teddy’s voice nearly hoarse from her crying. You kept your head high, tunnel-visioned towards your car, ignoring his heavy breathing and frantic pacing. 
“Wha-What are you doin’?” Carmen’s voice was softer now, still with a jagged edge that was cutting and harsh. The car door opened, the baby carrier hooked into the car seat. 
“Hey, wha- what are you- where’re you goin’? What’re you doin’?” Carmen’s heart dropped in a damning rush of hour, stumbling on heavy legs towards the garage. You ignored him, shushing Teddy gently, running a calming hand over her wet cheek, trying to coax her paci into her mouth. 
“Baby, no-no, no. Hey, no, I-I- What-” Carmen’s chest felt tight, mind numbing and racing, stuttering nervously. You reached for your bag, his hand reaching to grab the strap. “Whe-Where’re you-”
“-Don’t touch me.” You hissed, teeth bared, eyes shining with tears. Carmen flinched, pulling his hand back like he’d touched a hot stove. “Don’t you dare fucking touch me.” You sneered, pinning him with a watery glare that had his stomach turning in sickening fear. 
“Baby, hey, w-wait-C’mon, d-don’t-You don’t, you don’t need to do this, ok? I-I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” Carmen choked out the words, frantic and unsure, his hands shaking when they ghosted over you back just for a moment. Wanting to touch you, to hold you, to grab you and keep you from leaving, but too scared to. Instead, he grabbed the car door you flung open, holding it when you tried to yank it closed. 
“Let go.” You hissed, sniffling back wet, snotty tears of fury and hurt. 
“Please, don’t-do-don’t do this. Please, baby, I-I’m sorry.” Carmen begged, blue eyes deepening with the burning red hues of tears, bloodshot and lashes wet. “Don’t-Don’t do this-” 
“-I didn’t do this.” You sneered, leaving Carmen flinching at your words. “Don’t you dare try to say this was me. After how you just talked to me? The shit you said to me in there? You think I’m going to stay?” Your voice cracked with emotion, lips pressing together to keep a cry in. 
“No, no, no, no, no, baby, please. Please, ju-just come inside. Come inside, please? Please, don’t-” 
“You don’t get to talk to me like that. To say that kinda stuff to me. That hurt, Carmen. That was mean.” You glared at him, tears leaking out of the corner of his eyes. “I don’t care if you’re stressed. I don’t care what’s going on- nothing, and I mean nothing, warrants you talking to me like that. Just because you fucked up, because you forgot to ask me to do it, because you’re stressed out- I don’t care what it is. You don’t talk to me like that, say those things when I’ve been home all day taking care of my ch- our child.” You nod back towards the sniffling baby, whimpering and crying half heartedly, her little eyelids drooping with sleep that was interrupted. 
Carmen felt sick, his knees tightening in fear, he was sure they might give out, that he might fall to the ground right there. Looking at the tiny baby, lip jutted and shaking in the mirror hooked on the back of the seat, then back at you, eyes red-rimmed and glaring at him with a hurt filled anger. 
“Don’t-” Carmen’s chest shook, a white-knuckled grip on the door. 
Your own hand curled around the door’s inner handle, yanking it away from him. “Move,” You hissed, pulling again. 
Carmen wasn’t sure why he let it go, why he let you shut it, locking the door in case he tried to open it again. Why he let you pull out of the driveway, why he didn’t stop you, why he didn’t run after you, only taking soft shuffles down the drive like a zombie as you drove away. Standing in the drive, Carmen swallowed down the spit that pooled in his mouth, stomach churning, sure he was going to be sick. 
He managed to trudge back to the garage, mind racing and far away, the ringing in his ears dulling but still deafening. It felt like he was in a dream- a nightmare, a hallucinating trance that felt like a sick, sick dream- Carmen was hoping it was. That he’d wake up and find you next to him asleep. That he could hug you, pull you into him, nose buried in your neck, still warm from your slumber. 
As the sun began to sink low into the sky, minutes turning into hours that Carmen sat motionless in the garage, staring in a trancelike state, he realized that this wasn’t a dream or a nightmare. No this was his reality, a horrific reality that he’d made into his own. Carmen sat, eyes trained on the concrete of the garage, voice racing and blending in his mind- his words, yours, Teddy’s cries, Natalie and Richie’s, flashbacks of his mother screaming fits. 
He didn’t move, frozen in chilling, eerie fear. What ifs and terrifying possible scenarios, consequences to his own actions that left him feeling sick, hands trembling. A spiraling of fears that only drug him deeper and deeper with every haunting replay of his outburst. Even the flashing of headlights turning into the driveway, filling the garage with light, didn’t pull him from his trance. 
“The fuck is he- Cousin!” Richie roared, laying on the horn. Carmen didn’t move, didn’t acknowledge that he heard it, only stared. Richie frowned, turning the car off, throwing the door open. 
“Cousin? Carm? What-What are you doin’? Dinner service started an hour ago. Syd is freakin’ the fuck out.” Richie threw his hands up, walking towards the man who still didn’t move. Richie’s heart skipped, flashbacks of Mikey flooding into his vision, parallels of the two brothers blurring before him. 
“Yo, Carm, you-you good?” Richie stepped into the garage, his spine tingling with icy fear. It was quiet, an eerie, unsettling quiet. “Cousin, hey, what-what’s wrong?” 
Carmen's chest rose and fell, tighter and tighter. He was suffocating, head spinning and mind racing so fast he felt light headed. He could barely hear Richie’s voice over the noise in his head, Richie’s hand shaking his shoulder finally breaking his trance enough to meet his eyes, rounded in fear filled question. 
“Carmen, what’s wrong? Is it- Don’t fuckin’ tell me it’s the baby. What the fuck is goin’ on-” 
“-She left.” Carmen’s voice shook, raspy and scared. His tongue still felt too thick, head still spinning. He wasn’t even sure he said it, Richie’s widening eyes the only thing confirming that he had said it. 
“What? Who-Who left? Who?” Richie looked around, like the clues might be there, sure that Carmen wasn’t talking about you. No, he wouldn’t- he couldn’t. Not you. 
Carmen’s breath hitched, a strangling of a sob caught in his throat, running his hand over his face. Richie didn’t miss the way it trembled, shaking even as it rested over his eyes. Your car was gone, the house too quiet, no baby Teddy crying, nothing but silence was left. 
Richie’s heartbeat crawled into a rapid, scared pace. “Why? Wh-Why would she-” Richie looked at Carmen, eyes wide but still, reading his expression. “No. No, Cousin, no. What-What did you do? Carmen,” Richie grabbed both his shoulders, shaking him lightly until he met his gaze. “What did you do?” 
Carmen’s face began to crack, behind his eyes, Richie could see flashbacks of something- something he didn’t know what, but whatever it was, it was painful. That was evident by the fear that glossed over Carmen’s eyes, realization and horror. Carmen’s shoulders shook, frame rocking with a sob he tried to swallow, but couldn’t. Deep cries, guttural sobs breaking out of his frame, heels of his hands pressed to his eyes, fingers curled and clenched around his greasy curls in agony. 
The damning realization flooded over him, that you’d left. 
You’d left, you’d taken Teddy, taken Anchovy- you’d left because he’d driven you away. His angry outburst, petulant, mean, hurtful- he’d been so cruel to you. You. His wife, the love of his life, mother of his child, the one person who loved him endlessly without stipulations or boundaries, the one person who truly understood him. 
And he’d driven you away. 
He wished he could blame his mom, his dad, his family for fucking him up so severely, maybe Mikey, even, for leaving him the shit show that was the restaurant, making his anxieties worse and fuse shorter. But sitting in the empty garage, Richie standing above him in silent shock, his sobs and angry sniffles echoing off the cement floor, Carmen knew he had no one to blame but himself. 
He’d fucked up. Really fucked up. Fucked up in a way that made all the other times look obsolete. 
Carmen had fucked up, and for once, he didn’t know what to do. He couldn’t avoid it, ignore it, deflect it like other times. Half hearted apologies and promises of change wouldn’t work, you weren’t here for him to even try to give them to you, and he didn’t know where you went. 
Carmen wasn’t sure where you went, how to fix this, why he’d done what he did, and a million other things that raced through his mind. What he did know, sitting in the too quiet garage, chest stuttering with heaving cries, was that he’d do anything. 
Anything, to get you back home. To make it right. To fix this and make it up to you. 
He wasn’t sure how, but he’d give up everything. Anything. His restaurant, his dreams, his hopes, his life, at this point, to make it up to you. 
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lovelyjj · 10 months
"I want only you." with jj maybank from the prompt list ??
jj maybank x reader
wc: 1.2k
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JJ was going from girl to girl. He was having one-night stands. He was hooking up with every touron in sight. Truth be told JJ was trying to fill a void. He loved you and he was sure you didn’t love him back. He felt like he wasn’t good enough for you.
It was another party at some kooks house, how you and your friends, the pouges, got invited was a mystery. You were having fun dancing and drinking the usual partying scene.
You were getting yourself another drink when you saw him. You saw JJ talking to a girl that you didn’t know. You felt a pain in your chest at the sight. You didn’t know what was being said but you could bet 100 dollars that he was flirting with her.
The drink you got was a mai tai. It entered your system and made you a little buzzed. The idea of having to watch JJ flirt was nauseating. Therefore, you decided to wander upstairs.
You passed by a couple who was making out on the top of the stairs. You wandered down the hallway and tried a few doors but they were all locked. Eventually, finding nothing entertaining you decided to head back downstairs. As you turned around you were met with a hard chest.
“Oh I’m so sorry I didn’t see-“ you started.
“Hiya princess, what’s a pretty girl like you doing up here all alone,” Rafe smirked.
“Nothing I was just looking for the bathroom,” you spoke quietly choosing to lie instead of telling him you were just wandering around.
“Second door on the left,” Rafe pointed.
“Hey and maybe when your done we could get you another drink!” Rafe shouted as you walked towards the bathroom.
The bathroom was nice but you didn’t want to be in there long. You simply did your business and walked back out to the party. Rafe was leaning against the wall, waiting for you.
“There she is!” Rafe gestured towards you outstretching his hands.
“Yeah yeah yeah so where’s this drink you promised?”
“Come with me,” Rafe put his arm around your shoulder and led you downstairs.
When you reached the kitchen, Rafe pulled out two mai tais from the cooler. He handed you one and whispered in your ear, “drink up.”
You did as you were told and before you knew it you were on your fourth. You were standing around talking to Rafe about random things when you see JJ racing towards you and Rafe.
He got right up in your face and started yelling.
“What the hell do you think your doing?!”
“Drinking,” you slurred.
“With Rafe?” JJ accused.
“Yeah with Rafe, you were too busy eye fucking that poor girl,” you spat.
“Right so you keeping tabs on me now?” JJ questioned.
“No but you have no right to be jealous when all you do is hook up with other girls,” you shouted.
“Oh that’s rich. I’m not jealous, I’m just surprised your hanging out with this kook.”
“Why do you care?”
“Because I care. I care about you ok?! Is that so hard to believe? Rafe is bad news,” JJ yelled.
“You have a funny way of showing it,” you pointed your finger at him. You went to take a step towards him but you lost your balance and fell forward. JJ caught you thankfully.
The proximity of you and JJ got you flustered. The alcohol already was making you flushed you didn’t need to increase it. You could smell the alcohol on JJ’s breath, it was hitting your face.
“Thanks,” you acknowledged for catching you.
“No problem,” he breathed.
“If your little cat fight is over, I wasn’t done talking to y/n,” Rafe cut in.
“You know what Rafe, be my guest. Screw this I’m out of here. Hang out with whoever you want,” JJ stormed off leaving you drunk on his aroma. The few seconds that you were that close to him left you feeling dizzy.
“I’m glad that we’re finally alone,” Rafe expressed.
“Thanks for the drinks but I have to go,” you spoke quickly.
You wanted to find JJ and talk to him anything to continue to be around him but you had no luck. He was gone. You wondered if he found a girl to go home with. You hope not.
Kiara was the one who got you home safely because you were too drunk to do so yourself and you tried asking her about JJ but she knew nothing. When you finally made it to your room, you went to bed that night hoping JJ’s jealousy was real and that he wasn’t hooking up with a girl tonight.
You woke up with a terrible hangover. You had a bad headache and you were feeling nauseous. You wanted to hide under the covers and never come out.
The day was bright and sunny, making you cringe from all the light. The headache you had didn’t help. You were sensitive from the light due to your hangover.
You want to check your phone and realized you had a text from JJ.
JJ: can we please talk?
Y/N: yeah I guess so.
JJ: come to the château.
The walk over to the château wasn’t that bad but your head was pounding. JJ was outside waiting for you.
“Hey you came!?” JJ stated.
“Ok just listen and let me speak first,” JJ demanded.
You nodded your head.
“About the party, seeing you with Rafe made me really angry. I was super jealous and I know I have no right to be jealous but I was. I wanted to punch the living daylights out of him for even looking in your direction. You make me feel things I never thought I would feel. I think I’m better with you in my life, and I love you.” JJ finished.
You were shocked by his speech, you didn’t expect him to say that at all. You stood there thinking how to respond to that with JJ looking at you for an answer.
“How will I know that you’re loyal?” you asked.
“I want only you,” JJ replied.
“Do you mean that?”
“Yes, I mean every word. No girl could ever compare to you.”
“So all those girls you were with mean nothing to you?” you raised a brow.
“I was only with those girls because I thought you would never love me back. I was being stupid and careless.” JJ explained.
“It really hurt me to see you with them.”
“So you were jealous?” JJ smirked.
“What No i- maybe,” you pondered.
JJ laughed and you were excited to see him so happy.
“Listen JJ I’ve always loved you,” you started.
JJ let out a sigh of relief, like he was holding his breath waiting for you to tell him that you love him.
“Can i kiss you i’m dying over here.” JJ pleaded.
JJ grabbed your face and placed his lips on yours. The kiss was heated and frantic. You were relieved that he was kissing you. JJ was eager. Your lips were crushing together. JJ’s blood was rushing through his veins. JJ’s hands were cupping your cheek.
When the kiss was over both of your were smiling.
“Come back here,” JJ spoke.
You grinned into the second kiss. JJ moving one hand to your waist to pull your body closer to his. The other hand moved to your neck.
When it was over you were both breathing heavy.
“it’s just you and me against the world.” JJ acknowledged.
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drei-mrssvechii · 7 months
have you ever been ice skating? | mat barzal
join my taglist!
pairing: mat barzal x reader
warnings: kids, mentions of falling down
word count: 582
a/n: so it's been a while since i wrote something and i came up with this at midnight so hope u enjoy it! be kind, always open to feedback, requests, etc, etc.
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Your husband, Mat, was a professional hockey player, which meant he spent a lot of his time on the ice; and your son, Eli definitely got the skating skills from him, because you had never been ice skating. You’d usually watch from the tv or the stands but never tried it. 
However, Eli had asked to go skating a million times, begging for you to come this time and there was no way you could say no to his cute pouty face and looking at you with those hazel eyes, so you ended up agreeing.
While Mat was tying your skates, your son was jumping all over the place, waiting for his dad to finish. Once you were ready he was the first to step onto the ice and as he began to skate across the ice without any guidance, panic set in and the sudden urge to back off crashed at you. 
“I don’t think I can do this” you said, eyes wide open and feet wobbly. 
“C’mon babe, of course you can. Best teacher on Long Island here, eh?” Mat assured you and left a quick kiss on your lips.
“Mom!! You watching me? Come in, it’s gonna be fun!” You nervously laughed and trying not to think much about it, you took two deep breaths and left all worries behind. 
“Ok, I can do it, I definitely can.” You kept repeating the mantra as Mat stepped onto the ice first, his hands never leaving yours. “Let’s get it over with”
Then he helped you onto the ice and when your legs wanted to give out on the slippery surface, his grip on your body tightened. Just like that, he started guiding you through a few laps around the rink. 
Little by little you were getting the hang of it until Mat let go of your hands and skated away.
“Let’s try on your own. Skate to me” You took a hesitant first stride, Mat’s advice playing in the background.
Confidence is key. Take a deep breath, look up, and focus on balance. 
You reached Mat in no time, with a huge smile on his face, he placed his hands on your waist and spun you around excitedly.
“See? It’s not that hard.”
“What can I say? I have such a great coach.” You joke with a huge grin on your face. Maybe skating wasn’t that bad after all.
“Mom. Mom. Mom. Let's race!” You looked at Eli, not sure you could beat him in a race. At least you could stand without falling over but his little feet sure had more practice than you. But you’d do anything to see a smile on his face, so even though as soon as Mat shouted “Go!”  Eli had already skated away at a great speed, you started off confident, at least you’d make it to the finish line in one piece.
Until you hit a bump on the ice, wide-eyed you instantly fell on your butt.
“Ouch. That one hurt.” You wailed as both boys skated to your side.
“Don’t worry” you laughed briefly “I’m fine but I’d be nice if you could help me up.”
“This whole ice skating thing? I don’t think it’s my thing” you spoke again.
“You’ll get some bruises but with some more practice you could go to the Olympics” Mat joked as he lightly chuckled.
“So funny, Barz. My feet actually hurt, can we go now?”
“Yeah, sure. Come on buddy, mama needs some rest.”
taglist: @fallinallincurls @barzyblogbabe @hockey-racing-fubol @beauvertime @ssebastianaho @stars-canucks @kailyn-writes @owenpowerstapejob @boeswhore @quietblues @barzyandhughesbaby @this-is-ally-and-im-confused @svechnikov3737 @honeygarfield @1-800-iluvhockey @cammieshockeyblog | join here!
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hotteoki · 1 year
drunk bf ateez headcanons - 2k celebration!
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pairing: ateez x reader (no prns used)
cw: mentions of alcohol (obvie)
genre: fluff, established relationship, headcanon
notes: after watching drunkteez on wanteez and having yunho on my mind i just had to write this ( ˘ ³˘)
notes: this is my second celebration post! happy 2k followers!
he seems fine
at first
he's downing shots, glasses, bottles
at flash speed
but he's fine
even he says he's fine
"i just don't feel anything"
"well i mean some people just don't get drunk"
"maybe i'm just reeeeeally talented"
you're like thinking 'oh! he's not too bad'
did the 'reeeeeally' not give you warning signs in your head
you spoke too soon
next thing you know he's trying to shove his head down the billiard/pool/snooker table holes
it's more of gently ramming his head against the table edge than shoving his head tho
you were dying laughing by the time you reached him
"joong what are you doing???"
"i'm looking for thissssss"
"what is 'this', joongie?"
it's silent for a while and you're rubbing his back
then he just pops up
(ಠ ಠ)
he thinks he's sooooo funny
you had to stare at him for a good few minutes before processing what the hell you just witnessed
he's upgraded from terrible dad jokes to terrible rizz jokes
i don't think i can decipher which is worse
he's also balancing the shot glasses on the back of his hand
which had you PANICKING
a whole migraine just from that
forget a hangover
your fear of him breaking one of those is enough for you to want to die
surprisingly he didn't break any
"see baby? i'm just tooooooo talented"
he's giggling so much
it's so cute :(
but add the worst aegyo in the world to the list
it’s near bang chan level of horrifying
i mean sure
joong is NATURALLY a giant tiny cutie
but when he’s doing it on purpose???
have fun!
no thoughts behind those eyes
just blink blink (0_0) (-_-) (0_0)
i'm pretty sure he's on mars
and out of nowhere he starts singing along to i want it that way playing in the background (b99 ref (ʃƪ˘ﻬ˘))
singing along very loudly if i may add
as soon as the song ends
he's back to his (0_0) (-_-) (0_0) agenda
at one point
you’ve just gotten used to his giggles and clapping out of the blue
yeah he just applauds randomly
to whom and why?
he just wants to i guess
"hwa, i think we should go now it's like 4am-"
oh he's singing again!
will not stop for the next twenty minutes
in his head it's a free karaoke bar
and he's just singing to his heart's content
he can also get pouty very quickly
and is very, very clingy
whichever one of your arm is nearer to him is not going to hear the bells of freedom for the rest of the long night
to be fair
if any of the other members are near him
he's also going to be clinging to them
a little less than you
he loves you the most after all! ><
all in all
he's pretty chill
every now and then
this is a bit short cause i don’t know what else i could say i’m sorry (╥_╥)
i'll make it up with a seonghwa drabble soon promise
where did this man's energy come from???????
one minute he's on the dance floor
he's 'boogying', as he said
the next he's running laps around the bar
you're just shocked he hasn't crashed into another poor innocent person yet
oh and now he's on the stage! ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
are you ripping out your hair yet
( ˘ ɜ˘) ♬♪♫ (yunho!!!!!!)>ヽ(‵﹏´)ノ
he's singing what seems to be halazia
except it's literally just the word halazia being repeated
you're pretty sure he sang 'hala-hala-hala-hala-halazia' like about seven times
stream seven by jungkook
you had to physically drag him down from the stage
“nooooo baby you don’t understand i still need to sing hips don’t lie they need meeeeeee (ง'̀-'́)ง”
“yeah ok shakira let’s go”
his hand slips from yours and he’s sucked into the wardrobe of narnia
cause even tho he’s a literal giant
you can’t seem to find his usually sticking out head
the reason why?
he’s squatting while doing the dougie
why? i don’t know
i don’t think he knows either
but he’s dougieing!
he’s also spitting BARS
starts rapping to mingi’s part in guerilla while you’re trying to drag him out
at this point you’re beginning to suspect that he’s not actually drunk
maybe a little tipsy
but mostly just staying to cause chaos
and to give you a headache
but his little pout as you’re pulling him away
“yuyu come on we have to go >:(“
“but baby i don’t want tooooo”
does this face 🥺
yk that one time when ateez made faces imitating the emoji signs they were holding
and yuyu had the 🥺 one
and how can you deny this golden retriever :,)
(if you can resist it you’re just a maniac frankenstein cheoreom georeo maniac maniac ha ha idk i don’t make the rules)
“okay fine… but no-”
“YAY i’ll be back”
he does in fact come back a few minutes later
“i made a friend! :D”
you’re certain he took a few years off your life in just one night
since we've never actually seen him drunk
cause he's a fairy
i'll go by what joong san and hwa were saying in their vlive like ages ago
cause apparently yeosang gets all cute
so let's imagine a very clingy sangie
just tugging and snuggling into your arm
mumbling your name too
his cute nose scrunches up whenever you try to move
he whines about how you don’t love him anymore
literally just because you moved to scratch an itch on your neck
“sangie what do you mean i don’t love you anymore of course-”
“you don’t LOVE ME ANYMORE :-(”
near tears because he’s convinced of his point
“baby why do you think i don’t love you anymore?”
confused blink blink
he’s forgotten what he was even saying
your hand brushing through his hair is just too distracting!!!!
he’s a simple man ok?
( ๑>ᴗ<๑ )
that’s how i imagine he looks
with a flushed face
but still looking like an angel sent from heaven
but yk
don’t forget about his muscles
atp he’s fed up with you moving around while trying to take care of the other members
so he just tightens his iron grip on your arm
good luck moving a literal koala clinging onto your arm
like hwa’s situation
you’re not moving another inch until he’s satisfied with the amount of love he’s showered you
he never will be
again very short cause i have nothing to come from ;-(
literally the LOUDEST mfer in the bar
you can expect everyone within a twenty meter radius to be staring at the two of you
you just standing there like (ಥ‿ಥ) and he's just like ᕙ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᕗ
he's not doing it on purpose
but like
come on
how can you NOT stare at the gorgeous man that is your boyfriend
what snaps you out of your daze was san suddenly pointing at you
"san what are you doing?"
"youuuuuu... are soooooo... not me"
oh he's so far gone
i don't think even he knows what he's doing
bro's just saying things
he's literally the walking epitome of speaking to speak
the worst, and i mean absolutely WORST case of asian flush ever
every exposed square inch of his skin is bright red
you're like
panicking trying to get him to sit down
cause he's stumbling around into every person in the bar
he's practically knocking them over like bowling pins
then immediately apologising in the cutest way possible
the second he's made it out of the human mosh pit tho
you're like (ಠ ''ಠ)
"sannie, honey, why are you crying?"
"i don't know"
"i just love you soooooo much..."
"thank you i-"
"like SOOOOO much"
"okay thank you baby-"
"i love you like thissssssss much"
he's holding out his hands
and he's stretching them out as far as possible
and before you know it
oop! he's bear hugging you
his cheek is squished against the top of your head as he's mumbling incoherent words
the only thing you can make out tho is
"i love you so much"
you guys are such goals (;-;)
okay since we’ve never seen drunk minki
i’m going to go by the endoscopy ep
where he was breakdancing
at first he was convincing gaslighting you that he was fine
because fine means stumbling around and not even being able to walk in a straight line
but whatever suits him! :p
no seriously
he could not walk properly for the LIFE of him
he was crashing into strangers and waiters alike here and there
and by crashing
i mean practically throwing himself onto them
but the second he stands back up
he’s back to yelling into their faces that he’s sober
like mingi…
no one believes you
you were following him right on his tail
frantically apologising to everyone he disturbed
and he’s bopping his head
he’s jamming!!!!!! 乁( • ω •乁)
he’s in his own little world
which is so adorable you almost want to cry :-(
but by the time you have to leave
and he’s STILL dancing around
you have to start pulling aggressively on his arm
he won’t go otherwise
he could stay there all night just to prove a point
the point?
that he’s sober
yes he’s still on that topic
because he’s 100% NOT drunk!!!!!!!!!!
“mingi we have to go-”
“…o yea! ヽ(・∀・)ノ”
sigh moment from you
“i want bruno mars thoooooo do you fink i can request for bruno marsssss??????”
“why not!!!!!! ;-(”
“cause we have to go (˘∀˘)/(ㅠ~ㅠ)”
pushing him out of the bar now
he’s a fun person to be around when you’re drunk as well tho
witch cackle amplified by 2611%
it’s so funny tho
he laughs over literally NOTHING
a stranger walking in the bar?
someone passing by?
howling on the floor
the toilet door opening?
he’s wiping away tears
hongjoong tripping over a chair in his drunken state?
he’s getting a 10 pack at this rate
to be fair
you also cackled at poor hongjoong pretending like his dignity didn’t just get absolutely annihilated
at the same time
he’s also just fumbling around
he’s not very sober
not sober enough to recognise you
“oooooooh you’re soooooooo good looking we should go outttt”
“wooyoung this is the fifth time tonight we’ve been together for over a year”
“say whaaaaaaaaaat???!!!!?!!?!”
starts coddling you after that
he’s so sweet but in a loud way
louder than usual
cant stop kissing you (ノ´ з `)ノ
no literally
i’m not exaggerating
he will CHASE you around the pub to kiss you if needed
he has done that before (in my head)
“wooyoung people are staring-”
you might be thinking
skits, why would i ever deny kisses from wooyoung????
yeah see
he thinks he’s kissing you
he’s not
he’s biting you
it’s not even cute lil :3 nom noms
so unless you want a chunk of your skin gone
start running! :p
you really think he's going to be the drunk one?
bro has not seen a day of being drunk
he could be downing bottles of every kind of alcohol known to mankind
and still be fresh as a daisy
(≖ᴗ≖) ✿
he'd be the one challenging the entire bar into drinking too
he handles his alcohol very well
let's be honest, you're probably the one drunk
he's going to be taking care of you instead
BUT you never told him how he once drunkenly went up to the bar stage
and started shooing off the performers
before flaunting off his vocals
so that was fun
let's say he hypothetically was wasted tho
i'll use the endoscopy ep as an example like mingi
he's just going to be asleep
snore mimimimi snore mimimimi
he might wake up like every half hour
and get all confused
but it's so cute :(
like he's just lifting his head up from your lap
probably definitely drooling tho
it's going to be pretty short for him cause he just doesn't get drunk
he's invincible
networks - @kflixnet k-labels kbookshelf neverendingdreams-net straykidsland @k-films
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nctinkverse · 8 months
Promissa Redux - Chapter 2
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Synopsis: Despite sharing a year-long relationship with your current boyfriend, an overwhelming fear prevents you from allowing him to bond with your daughter. The upcoming birthday party of your ex-husband, Jaehyun, adds a layer of complexity when you discover he has a new girlfriend and of course it's Valentine's Day.
The night unfolds with a delicate balance of humor and tension as you interact with Jaehyun's friends, attempting to maintain composure in the midst of emotional complexities. The story delves into the intricacies of co-parenting, the lingering shadows of past relationships, and the poignant journey of rediscovering love.
Warnings: minnors do not interact!, for this chapter we've got angst, sooo much angst and fluf.
Pairing: jaehyun x f. reader
Word count: 3.558
Unauthorized copying or translation of this work is strictly prohibited.
----------- Preview, warnings and Chapter 1 --------------------
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Chapter 2 - Valentine's Day
You were dating the same guy for almost a year, he knows your child, but out of fear you never made the effort to get them to get along.
There was always a voice in your head that didn’t let you make them spent more time together, it’s always the knowledge that abuse also comes from we trust, and you never dared to expose your daughter to other man without your supervision.
What type of mom would you be if you let anything bad happen to her just because you wanted a dating life?
That fear was bigger than any of your dreams of marring again.
For you, finding love once in a lifetime was already more than you could ask for.
So, ever since you found the ring box on the floor, fear has gnawed you so bad that you’ve been giving your boyfriend excuses for not seeing him for the past two weeks.
You can’t put it all on Nari, there’s a bit of fear on being in love again.
As much as you have tangled yourself with other man, you always compare them to Jaehyun, it’s a mistake and you know it.
But you can’t help it, not when Jaehyun was your biggest love of all.
And since 14 of February was in just two days, you were on your penthouse floor with your daughter, trying to contain the mess of the photobook slash scrapbook that became your birthday gift tradition to Jaehyun.
It all started when you got divorced and as always, giving presents to someone who has everything they want, is hard, so giving presents to Jaehyun was a hard thing too.
The photobook was born of your idea of giving Jae, something of his daughter, he was still an idol back then, and his contract didn’t allowed him to have more time with his daughter, so he kept missing big events, the first time she let her entire popsicle melt while looking at the ferries wheels, or her look of wonder when you took her on a small trip to an aquarium in Japan.
So your scrapbook was full of pictures of Nari, and little stories about all the messes she made the day that picture was taken.
But as much as you didn’t hate him, being at his birthday’s was always a tad bit weird…his group mates who you had also worked with back when you were still working for SM Entertainment, treated you the same as always, big hugs and treating your daughter as their own niece.
Other people, the people who were only acquainted with Jaehyun after he divorced you, were always kind of suspicious of your good relationship or did try to probe into your personal life.
You never assumed you were invited so you always waited for the invitation to arrive or for his mum to say something…maybe one day he wouldn’t want you there and you had to respect if one day he didn’t.
This year, though, you knew it would be different when Mama Jung called you a few days ago…
“Are you coming to his birthday this year?”
“Am I invited?”
“Nonsense, you know you are.”
“Okay so I guess…”
“He has a girlfriend.” She interrupted you mid-sentence.
“Oh…ok.” You knew about it already; Nari told you about her dad new girl friend.
“Do you really want to come my dear?”
“Does he want me there?”
“Of course, he does…”
You cut her “If he does, please ask him to call me…I know you will say anything to please me Mama, but he won’t lie, and I need to know if he wants me there…”
After that she said OK, and you both hang up.
It wasn’t until almost midnight that same day that Jaehyun called.
“My mom said you’re not sure you’re going to my birthday party…did I do-”
You promptly interrupted.
“You did nothing wrong Jaehyun, it’s just…you mother told me about you girlfriend, and I haven’t met her, so I don’t want it to be weird… I mean it’s your birthday.”
“No Y/N, it won’t be the same without you there and Yeri knows about you…I just never introduced you guys because I didn’t-”
“Jaehyun, I don’t mind really it’s just… do you want me there?”
“I need you there, Y/N”.
“Then that’s all I need to know, I’ll be there.”
“Thank you.”
And that was about it, you were going.
It wasn’t the first time Jaehyun had a girlfriend, his relationships just never lasted enough to make it to his birthday’s you guessed, also a few years ago you thought he might ditch the whole birthday thing for a valentine’s date…but he never did.
He wanted to spend his birthdays with his daughter, he said once.
Even though his birthday parties were almost always full of family and friends he had to invite some of his co-workers, being an actor who worked almost always overseas, his birthdays were the times where he would also occasionally mingle with people from the Korean entertainment industry.
When you were still married, you didn’t mind it since you were in the industry yourself and some of the people you were familiar with or were a fan of their work, sometimes you knew more people than Jaehyun, since in most of the times, he was the idol, the singer and you were the one setting up agendas, coordinating the whole NCT media and press department.
But it became another thing entirely after you got divorced, most people would still assume you were married and refer to you as Mrs. Jung, other times you could pass by tables and hear whippers about the supposed motives for your divorce.
When the 14th of February approached again, you made sure to call Mrs. Jung and ask if she needed help for anything, she said everything was fine, just for you to show up on time with Nari.
Still in your bedroom, pressing the snooze button on the alarm to remind you to leave on time, you looked at your reflection in the mirror. You bought a new dress, a new clutch, but still wore the same YSL stilettos you purchased with one of your first SM salaries. They were your favorite ones; they could be old-fashioned by now, but they made you feel beautiful and provided the perfect height you needed.
“It’s time to go, be calm, breath”.
 You told your reflection in the mirror while taking a few deep breaths, trying to calm your nerves. Grabbing the wrapped scrapbook from your bed, you left your room to check if the nanny had successfully kept Nari dressed while you quickly had a bath and did your makeup.
You smiled in relief when you saw Nari still wearing her cute strawberry-printed dress she had chosen herself. She was going through a strawberry phase; last month, it was a Hello Kitty one.
She didn’t notice your presence at her room's door, as she was talking to the nanny when you entered.
Observing her cute dimples, nose scrunching up when the nanny tickled her, rosy cheeks, light pink in tone, brown eyes, and dark, straight brown hair you thought she looks so much like him. Yet, when she smiled, especially with all the dimples making appearances, she mostly resembled you, especially the way her giggles sounded and the way her eyes and lips curved.
She was the perfect mix of both of you.
Noticing you at the door, she made a run for your legs, yelling, 'Mommy, mommy, let’s go see Dad!' She was always excited about Jaehyun’s birthdays; he would parade her for everyone, and she loved hearing the compliments. True to her father’s behavior as a child, people always found her smart and cute.
As soon as you both arrived, you made sure to drop his present at the designated spot, where presents were already piled up, and then made your way to the ballroom, where tables, a piano, people, and food were usually present.
Upon seeing her father, Nari practically jumped from your arms into the ground, making a beeline for him. A few steps behind, you got to him just as he had gotten her in his arms, and a man close to him spoke.
“Oh, this is your daughter, no wonder she is so beautiful, look at her mom a perfect example of fine Korean blood” he said approvingly with his head turning towards Jaehyun and what you suspected was his girlfriend.
You stopped on your tracks, a step or two from them.
Jaehyun was the first one to notice you, and probably saw the watery line that was already formed on your eyes, beyond your control.
It wasn’t the first time and probably wouldn’t be the last. But it still hurt.
Noticing that Jaehyun’s head had turned towards you, the man also turned.
“Oh an international nanny, that was very clever of you Jaehyun is she teaching your daughter English al-”
“She isn’t-” Jaehyun started to say still with eyes locked with yours. But Nari interrupted him.
“Mom, why are you crying?”
Diverting your eyes from his and landing on Nari you said:
“I’m not crying sweetheart.”
“But your eyes mommy”
“I know sweetheart it’s just the make-up.”
Nari was too clever and even though she didn’t say anything, she made grabby hands towards you. You approached the group and Jaehyun let her come to your arms.
Tucking her close to your heart, she crossed her little arms around your neck. You patted her back, and looked up to Jaehyun who even with you in heels was at least a head taller than you.
“Y/N-” He started with a soft tone, but it was no place or time for you two to talk so you just interrupted him.
“Happy Birthday Jaehyun.”
“Thank You, Y/N… this is Yeri…”
You gave Yeri a smile and a nod, and she gave it back. The man on the other hand did not seem ok.
“And this is Mr. Choi one of the presidents of MBC…Mr. Choi this is Y/N, Y/L/N, my daughter Nari, mom” he said firmly, his tone betraying a hint of anger
“I’m sorry I didn’t realized you had married someone who was not Korean, and your daughter looks so much like pure k”-
“My daughter is the most precious thing in my life she is the perfect combination of me and her mom, didn’t you see her big, beautiful eyes, she didn’t inherit that from me, I don’t dare to take the credit for her mom’s beauty.” Jaehyun cut him mid-sentence.
If angry was liquid, Jaehyun would be spilling over the man, it didn’t take much of you to realize it since Jae’s ears were bright red.
“Mrs. Jung!!!” You heard a familiar voice yell, Johnny of course, the only one who would still embarrass you with your ex-last name.
Yet, as much as he was annoying, you were grateful that he was approaching, you looked at him and he blinked, oh thank God, he probably noticed the whole situation.
“What are you still doing here Jaehyun…more guests have arrived, me included, and I’ve been waiting for you to realize me and Donghyuck are already here, but you didn’t. So, sorry Yeri, Mrs. Choi but I’m stealing those three.”
He said grabbing Jaehyun by the arms and making sure he was walking in front of him toward Hyuck, while grabbing you by the waist so you would unfreeze from your spot.
“I told you to not use the Mrs. Jung again John”.
“I know”
“Why do you use it?”
“To annoy you and Jaehyun, also, I think one day you might use it again” he said the last part on a whisper so Nari wouldn’t hear it.
You couldn’t do much, so you gave him a slight elbow punch to his stomach, being the exaggerated person that he was, he grabbed his belly in fake pain and looked at you with a pout.
Being 35 just like you, you couldn’t believe how much a dramatic ass Johnny could be.
You liked him, he just annoyed the shit out of you.
You three made a line for the table Hyuck was seated, Nari practically leaped to the younger Lee’s arms, she loved him, he was fool and let her get away with anything, he was putty in her hands. You talked for a while, but Jaehyun’s eyes were burning on your face, you could feel it.
When the conversation stopped, Jaehyun called your name.
“Are you okay?”
“I’m fine Jaehyun.”
“Don’t lie.”
You breathed a long breath.
“Right now, I’m okay Jaehyun really, it’s not the first time…it just…gets to me more than I should let it get.”
“I know, I’m sorry.”
“I’m okay, and I will be fine, go entertain your guests I’ll stay here with the guys if they don’t mind.”
Johnny had to butt in.
“Oh god we don’t mind it, actually, don’t think Doyoung’s wife would mind you keeping him safe from other woman, man that woman is OBSESSED, I don’t think she trusts any other woman with her man but shit, so much jealously if-”
“We know John!” Huck, you and Jaehyun said almost at the same time.
“Go Jaehyun I’ll be fine.”
“Ok, I will go.”
He turned but then turned towards you again.
“Where is my present!”
You laughed a bit.
“I just left it on the pile, don’t worry I haven’t forgot it.”
“Ok. Hum…can we open later, together as we always do?”
“Of course, Jaehyun.”
“Ok, I’m going”. This time he turned and went to entertain the other guests, later on his mom came to talk to you a bit, his dad left a small kiss on your forehead and carried Nari away.
Along the night you talked to the boys – yes, the boys from NCT127, all the 8 sitting at the same table, the chaos between shared stories and them drowning alcohol into their systems, Taeil talked about his wife, the latest recipes he learned, Johnny promptly jump in to ask when was going to be their next “family” dinner, Taeyong watched everything with a red neck because of the alcohol, his big black eyes focused on the conversation and talking a bit of sense to anyone’s crazy ideas for dinners or vocations.
Yuta was loud, talking about this rock concert he saw a few days ago, where the singer was an amazing vocalist, Doyoung said he wished he could also go to concerts with the guys but basically his wife didn’t trust his life in his friends’ hands, making an offended noise Jungwoo butted in claiming he had no idea why she said that since they were all responsible people.
Mark nodded, saying he had no idea why she thought that.
This time you butted in.
“Oh, please Mark, I do remember that time on a MV filming set where Jeno was on a dumpster lid and you told him to do back flips…you’re practically raised by Johnny, all of you are the perfect example of why man die first, just stupid.”
They all looked at you, offended of course.
Haechan was the first one to start the bickering.
“Watch most of us outlive you.”
“Of course, maybe 2 of you will.”
“I’ll outlive you.”
“Oh, please Johnny, if you manage that I might feel offended. I am outliving you at least by a few months since I’m younger.”
“Oh, please Y/N, you’ll probably die of boredom.”
“I will die of old age, and you will probably die while doing some weird shit.”
They all cracked up in a laugh, Johnny sometimes in the past was caught doing some hum, let’s say questionable things, nothing criminal, just, weird…but hey, not everyone’s got good tase.
And that’s how the rest of the party rolled for you.
It was already past midnight when you saw Jaehyun, go up the stairs with Nari in his arms. You quickly got up and followed up.
Nari had her own bedroom in her grandfather’s house, and her dad’s apartment as well.
Following close behind you opened your daughter room door, to find him tucking Nari in bed, you asked:
“She’s already asleep?”
“Yes, but she’s trying to stay up, so I brought her up, before she actually manages to kick her sleep away.”
She couldn’t even keep her eyes open; you watched while he covered her in the blankets and made sure her hands and feet weren’t out of the bed.
When Jaehyun finished, he got up and curved to give her a goodnight kiss on her head. You just looked at it, this is one of the many reasons even after everything, you still couldn’t regret any minute you had together, it was also times like these where you, missed your husband, your best friend.
You didn’t realize you were blocking the door, so Jaehyun touched your arm, it looked like he was whispering your name, so you let him guide you out of the room. As soon as the door closed behind you too, he asked:
“Can we open my present? Together like always?”
“Of course we can, but what about your guests?”
“Only my dad’s closest friends stayed plus the guys.”
“What about Yeri?”
“I sent her home with my driver. It’s been a long night.”
“Jaehyun…” You said disapprovingly.
“It’s Valentine’s Day.”
“I know, but for me it’s just my birthday. She knows Y/N.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes. I’ll go down to grab it, wait for me outside?”
Walking down the other way toward the gardens in the winter chill, a consequence of wearing a dress, you admired the meticulously tended flowers by Mrs. Jung.
Footsteps approached, prompting you to turn. Jaehyun halted upon meeting your gaze, holding a wrapped photobook. His eyes, however, were fixed on the ground. Following his line of sight, you realized he was focused on your shoes.
You remembered just as something warm filled your body, you had sex with him, once, while wearing those shoes.
Shaking your head slightly, trying to erase the mental image of him railing you while you wore nothing but the black designer shoe with the YSL letters as part of the golden heel.
Coffing a little you tried to get Jaehyun’s attention, no doubt judging by the red tone on his ears he also remembers everything.
He looked up as if you had woken him. So, you said:
“Are we going to open your present or not?”
“Yeah sure.”
Following him to the swing like bench you sit down while he rips the paper with a smile on his face that remembers a lot like a kid on Christmas Day, you contain a laugh.
He opens and flips a few pages smile growing the more pictures he sees. Turning his body towards you he asks:
“Walk me through it?”
“Of course, Jae.”
Smiling, you get closer to him, grabbing the photobook and placing it on both of your legs. So, the story begins. The first page narrates a day at a park near your home with Nari. You swear, she stared at a little boy with brown hair and dimples, as if it were her first crush. It suddenly struck you—maybe this was her first crush.
Jaehyun frowned a bit, making a bit of a sour face at mentions of a boy.
“She’s 5 Jaehyun, chill.”
“I know, but tell me did the boy was nice to her or looked at her with cute eyes too?”
“He was nice to her, even let her play with one of his toys when she made a crying face.”
“Well, that’s good.”
Laughing you asked:
“Why is that?”
“Our daughter is beautiful.”
“I know…” You said making question marks at him with your eyes.
“If he didn’t like her too, he would be a fool.”
“That was cute.”
“It wasn’t.”
“Yes, it was.”
“I’m not cute, Y/N.”
“Still, it was.”
Letting out a playful huff he finally gave in.
“Fine, it was. Now, moving on to the next page.”
Smiling you kept telling to Jaehyun the stories behind the pictures and little notes on the photobook slash scrapbook. You both laughed a lot about how cute and smart Jung Nari is.
Upon finishing the last page, he turned his full body, legs still touching. It felt uncomfortably close. Before anything could be said, his hand reached out, gently tucking the strands of hair behind your ear.
Chills went up your arms, he noticed too, but mistook for cold, so you watched as he took out his suit out and wrapped it on your arms and shoulders. You still couldn’t muster words, so you let out a small thank you under your breath.
When you raised your eyes up to his, he was looking at you with so many emotions locked in his eyes.
“You look beautiful.”
“Thank you.”
You saw him getting closer but couldn’t manage to move. Even if you could, you weren’t sure in which direction you would move.
One of his arms circled your back, landing on your waist. Pulling you close, he held your head with his other hand carefully while he kissed your forehead. Breathing you in and out, he started:
“Y/N, I-”
“I know Jaehyun, I know.”
And you knew, but you couldn’t let him say it.
Next Chapter!
To everyone who has waited for this chapter since I promised to drop a few weeks ago, tysm for you patience, I hope it pays out the wait.
- Tessa 💚
@dulyrana @clblnz 💚
@electric-hearts @hyuukah @baeseungcheolie @girlinbangtan @johnbanana @fashion-addictedd @peachfulnight @angel63715 @daegalismybiasinnct @chloemargaret @phattyboo90 @oyasueme @peachfulnight
ps. there is some people I wasn't able to tag, so I will be sending the update on your DM, if you already read, pls ignore.
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rhodesrider · 9 months
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Special Princess
Mafia!Roman R. x Little!Black!Fem! Reader
Warning: mentions of violence, mentions of weapons, age regression, affirmations, praise
Minors! DNI! 18+
In the car, Y/N was criss cross on the seat watching different gameplays on her iPad while teething on her toy silent in the back, Roman was humming the bluey theme song while driving which gave some looks from solo and jimmy. Worried about him keeping his reputation up for a while now they wondered that if it’s mostly Y/Ns fault. I mean Roman is suppose to be this big bad mob boss, controlling the territory and keeping things under control with an iron fist. Instead, he balances work with his girlfriend who acts like a child. She doesn’t dress like the other women Roman has messed with, when they would wear night dresses and show as much skin as they want, Y/N just wears hoodies or overalls. Long sleeve shirts or short sleeve but overalls and sneakers not heels. It worried them that Y/N was probably a bad influence on Roman their boss.
“Hey Ro, when we get back to the house can we talk in private?” Solo asked as he was in the back with jimmy nodding at him planning the convo in their head. “Hm? Sure man. Oh do me a favor and tap Y/N when I pull over?” He nodded and looked at her examining her again. A child. A child in a grown woman’s body. He never understood it and nether has jimmy. But they don’t question it because it’s their bosses girl. After they pulled over to the stop they were doing the drop off, solo did as told getting Y/Ns attention making her jump some looking around. She took off her headphones taking in her surroundings looking directly at Roman as he opened the door. “Sweetie I’ll be back with the boys ok?” He asked in a calm sweet tone as solo and jimmy got out, “Stay here with mr.heymen.” He ordered and she nodded getting a kiss on her forehead. She waved at Paul sweetly and he waved back watching them go in the building. She started looking around every inch of the buildings and corners of the area and went back on her tablet drawing a picture for Roman. Sending it straight to him.
“Hey boss man you know we never question you…” Jimmy started getting a bit impatient needing to know why this girl is with them. “Sounds like you are about to question me thou.” He looked at jimmy slightly. Jimmy just shut it down and looked around the warehouse building. “Why they wanted to meet us here?” “I am not sure but keep ya eyes peeled.” They nodded. Roman looked at him phone seeing the photo Y/N drew and texted her “Thank you princess.” Soon hearing the other doors open the meeting is starting. Showing to the meeting was mister Ziggler and his bodyguards, simple transaction. Roman smirked seeing the briefcases behind him as well. “Mister Reigns, how are we today?” Dolph asked. “Good, I’m glad we were able to get some more supply. Especially from a trusted source.” Roman smiled. “Likewise, so ready for the wire transfer?” Dolph asked quick being money hungry but Roman looked at him not born yesterday. “Go on and put some product on the table, solo examine it.” Dolph smirked. “You don’t trust me big man-“ “I don’t bring snipers to my transfers. Especially ones that are ready at the mark.” He smiled as Dolph was starting to turn pale. Jimmy and Solo were confused, they couldn’t see out the window but were looking around outside not seeing a set up anywhere. “You got paranoid last time we met Roman-“ “Not the slightest.” He smirked. “Now let’s check that material.”
After the transaction, they walked out the building untouched. Jimmy and solo still had the guns out. “Put them away, she doesn’t like seeing that mess sometimes.” He warned them and they nodded following orders. They filled the back with the briefcases and Roman checked on Y/N seeing her in the same spot watching bluey sucking on her thumb some. “Hey we talked about that pretty girl, where is it?” She shrugged her shoulders. Roman went in her bag and pulled out a box with a fresh pacifier. He slowly removed her thumb making her pout but gave her the paci as she was calm again. “That’s my girl.” She giggled from the kisses he gave all over her face and went to the front to drive. The boys got back in looking at Y/N again getting a weird feeling now but let it go till they got to the house.
Later that night, the boys sat in the office to finally talk to Roman about this. “So y’all wanted to talk?” They look to the side seeing Y/N in a giant pink play tent in her own little world watching tv and coloring. “Well it’s about…um…it’s about her.” Jimmy said finally pointing at the tent. Roman looked to the side where the tent was then at the boys, “About her? How do? Also she had a name. Don’t be afraid to say it.” Roman said looking through his phone some. “Look we know Y/N is yo girl and we respect her but-“ “But?” Roman asked surprised that solo was questioning him as well. “-why doesn’t she act normal?” By the time this was asked, Y/Ns headphones were off and she listened in. A bit hurt by their questions making her think she did something wrong. “Well y’all she’s been through a lot, she does this to cope, this is her therapy. I will admit that I was a bit worried about it as well, but I support her no matter what.” Jimmy nodded his head in understanding. Solo was still a bit worried. “What about your image sir?” “My image is fine. She doesn’t affect my imagine.” Roman said paying full attention now. “For all know she’s more help then you both ever was.” He was starting to get mad with all the questions. Y/N didn’t like the look on their faces, so she sighed getting out the tent and going over. “Baby we talking go back to your tent.” Roman asked low but still a bit pissed which scared her some but stood her ground. “I’m sorry that I’m hurt your image, I can just stop if you want. To help a bit better…” Roman’s look softened and he sighed, “Baby you’re always big help.” Jimmy and solo looked at each other, how and she’s always in the car? “Remember that nice picture you gave me?” She nodded and went to get her book she drew in showing the picture. Solo looked at it and recognized it some. “Those buildings…” “Yea there were people looking at birds up top so I drew them too!” She giggled. It hit Jimmy and solo so fast looking at the photo again seeing the truck parked and the other building they were in to do the transaction.
“That’s how you knew.” They both said in unison.
Roman knew about the snipers because of the drawing she drew, matter of fact she always draws something and shows Roman when he’s in meetings and other functions. She’s technically doing a perimeter check. “Yep my little artist helps me like that.” “And other ways…” she mumbled. “Oh right, we didn’t see anyone when we were escorting you out back to the car-“ Jimmy stopped and looked at Y/N who was smirking some evilly. “Ain’t no way.” “I was trying to find a bathroom.” She smiled. What really happened was she went in the building and handled the snipers so they wouldn’t be ready to shoot. Solo remembered Dolph trying to contact the snipers but no answer came their way of course. “So you just lil miss killer?” “You worry about yourself next time please.” She hissed. Her eyes from a lightly playful brown to a dark evil black made it clear that what her lifestyle was is her choice. Roman choose right, he smirked and was honestly proud. But what he noticed was she was out of her headspace. “Go take it up to the bedroom princess, we can watch a movie tonight if you want.” She nodded trying to calm from her sudden anger and walked away going to the master bedroom. “Wow…” Jimmy said never seeing that outta her. “Did you know Paul?!” They turned to him while he was in the corner the whole time. “I had no idea.” He smiled and went back on his phone. The brothers looked a bit dumbfounded and Roman just sighed. “I appreciate yall worrying about me and my image because my image is y’all image, but I assure you as yall saw. We will be fine.” They both nodded and left the room leaving Roman in a smirk. “I know what I’m doing.”
Roman got into the bedroom seeing that the anger got Y/N tuckered out. She was sleep hugging a pillow and the tv was on My little pony. Roman got ready for bed and as soon as Y/N could smell his body spray she cuddled up on him smiling. He smiled as well and kissed her forehead. “I love you so much baby girl, I’m sorry they questioned you. Never change ok?” She nodded half sleep and Roman turned off the lamp light drifting to sleep.
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604to647 · 3 months
Gouda Girl
1.3K / Modern AU Din Djarin x fem!reader
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Summary: On a lazy Sunday afternoon, Din learns a few things about the Netherlands, and you learn a little something too.
Warnings: None - fluff! Bad puns! Established relationship, nicknames (pretty bird, pretty girl, baby).
A/N: This is for @happypedrohours' Charcuterie Board Challenge – I chose 1A and got Din and Gouda!  I legitimately tried to play around with ways that 'Grogu' could be mispronounced as 'Gouda' before settling on a kind of cheat and writing the story in the Safest with You universe with Modern!Din 🫣  (You don't have to read SwY - just know it's a modern au! If you do read SwY - here's a little fluff before we embark on some angst in the series 🫣) If there are any Dutch people reading this, I love you please don't be offended if I got anything wrong, and shout out to Mr. 604 who did in fact go to school in Rotterdam! Please see #happypedrohours for all the other wonderful works!
Orange divider by @saradika-graphics; all moodboard pics are from Pinterest, but I suspect the top and bottom Pedros are from the same source/edit. I’m sorry I didn’t have more info to go on but if you recognize your work, pls let me know so I can credit you properly 🥰
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“Hey pretty bird, do you know it’s not actually pronounced ‘Goo-dah’?
“Yup.  It’s pronounced ‘How-duh’.”  You add a little roughness from the back of your throat over the H.
“How did you know that?” The truth is, Din is hardly ever surprised by the things you know – you’re generally a fountain of information; what he can't usually guess is how you come to know the things you know.
“The Dutch pronounce their hard Gs with an H-like sound.”
The two of you have very tentatively been talking about taking a trip to Europe, and a lazy Sunday with no definitive plans but to stay in seems as good a time as any to do some casual trip research.  You’re on opposite ends of your couch, you lazing on one end, one knee propped up against which you balance your sudoku book - twirling your pencil as you study the numbers in the grids.  Din’s extended his long legs on the L-shape end of the sectional, with his laptop open on his lap.  Alfredo the dog stretches out in between the two of you, his furry snoot and one of his paws curling over your calf.  Din was just reading an article entitled “10 Things You Didn’t Know About The Netherlands,” but apparently the proper pronunciation of Gouda, the Netherland’s most popular cheese, was something you knew.  Hmmm, he realizes that you didn’t exactly answer his question. 
“Do you… speak Dutch?”
“Ik doe niet. (I do not)” you grin playfully, still not looking up from your puzzle.  You don’t actually speak Dutch, but like a lot of other languages, you know a random phrase or two.
Din scrolls slowly through the listicle and picks a few that he thinks are the harder ones:
“Do you know what the iconic windmills are used for?”
“To pump water from the land.  A quarter of the Netherlands is below sea level.”
“Why is the national Dutch colour orange?”
“The Dutch royal family is from the House of Orange.”
Din smiles - looks like his smart, pretty bird knows all of these.  He’s now super curious just how familiar you are with Holland, and he knows the exact question to ask to get some additional insight. Pulling up a new web search, he asks, “What would you say are some common Dutch foods?”
“Stroopwafels, bitterballen… and kapsalon?” You look wistful at the memory of these dishes, clearly having actually tried them.
Clickity click click tap tap tap.  After a few seconds, Din’s eyes widen at his screen, “Oh wow, that does look delicious.”
Ok, this is fun, thinks Din – he’s not trying to stump you, he’s happy learning new things about this country and you.  And even though you haven’t actually looked up, he can tell by the way the corners of your mouth are curving and the shine of your eyes, though they remain focused on your puzzle, that you’re having fun too.
Click clack clickedy clack.  Din’s quiet for a few minutes while he reads.  Apparently not satisfied, he enters another search and reads through the new results before throwing out, “Do you know what they call peanut butter in the Netherlands?”
“Pindakaas,” you grin, “it translates to Peanut Cheese.”
“Do you know why?”
You do, “They can’t call it Pindaboter because only things that are actually butter can be called butter.”
Din scrolls, thoughtfully, “Do you know that the Dutch are the tallest people on Earth?”
“I think it has something to do with all the dairy in their diet? The Netherlands has the 3rd highest per capita milk consumption in the world.”  The truth is your knowledge of random Dutch facts is super limited, but by some hilarious coincidence Din is asking you the exact few things you know.  You can’t help but continue to tease him – he’s looking at you with a mixture of wonder and suspicion.
“Did you used to date a Dutch hockey player or something?”
“Don’t be silly, everyone knows that the Dutch winter sport of choice is speed skating.”
Again, it didn’t actually answer his question; Din’s sure that by now you’re just playing around, but he can’t help but picture you with some impossibly tall blonde with thick tree trunk thighs named Jan or Piet or whatever.  Involuntarily, he makes a face as he looks back down at his laptop, typing stoically.
You giggle - you’re out of facts and you want to give you big, pouting boyfriend a hug.  You and Din don’t have any secrets about your respective past relationships, and moreover, Din isn’t prone to jealousy or insecurity, but you feel the strong urge to reassure him nonetheless.  Putting your sudoku down, you hold out your arms, “Come here, baby.”
Din closes his laptop and wedges it against the back cushions before crawling over to your side of the couch; careful not to disturb Al, he comes to a rest between your legs, laying his head against your chest as you run your fingers through his soft curls, lightly scratching your nails against his scalp, “My firm sponsors an MBA program at Erasmus in Rotterdam, and I visited one year with my boss to give a talk.”
“Oh cool,” Din mumbles against your chest, “did you have fun?”
“I did!  We were given a lot of tours and did a few orientations with the students – that’s where I picked up a few Dutch facts and a little bit of nederlands.  It’s really such a lovely place - we should go together, Din.”
“We should, pretty girl,” and after a pause, “so, no 6’8” blonde speed skating paramours?”
“No, baby, I find that these days I only have a thing for brown haired boxers,” your eyes full of love when they meet the soft brown pair that peer up at you.  Then suddenly, those same eyes crinkle in mischief,
“What you’re saying is you’re my gouda girl?”
It takes you a beat before you get the good girl pun and you groan, but Din’s not done yet,
“And that I’m the only one who gets to schtup your waffle?”
You roll your eyes hard and attempt to push Din off, “Omigod, stahhhp.” You giggle as he settles more of his weight on you.
“Hang on, I almost had a good one for ‘bitterballen’ – it was right there.  Boter give me a minute.”
You shriek in laughter as Din lifts up and peppers your neck and face with a flurry of butterfly kisses before he gets off the couch.  Once he’s rounded to the other side, he leans over the back and peers down at you, still with a shit-eating grin on his face, “I’m going to get dinner started.  You gouda with that, pretty bird?”
Din narrowly dodges the swat of your book before chuckling all the way to the kitchen.  He’s ducked into the fridge, pulling out ingredients when you remember something, “Oh!  Can we do something new with the potatoes tonight?  I saw this recipe that I think you might like – and we can use up that dill we have.”
You phone is just out of reach on the coffee table and Al’s snoozing head has your lower half pinned down; you reach over by your feet to grab Din’s laptop so you can find the recipe you were looking at earlier.
Opening up the search engine, you click into the search bar and snicker at all the most recent searches:
Netherlands hockey team
hard little known facts about the Netherlands
Random facts about the Netherlands
How to spell capsulon Dutch food
common dutch foods
travelling to the Netherlands
2 week trip Europe best places to go
But when you get to the oldest recent search, you let out a little gasp that you hope Din doesn’t hear from the kitchen and your eyes widen to the size of saucers:
romantic European proposals
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dreaming-tonite · 1 year
Lovesong (whenever I’m alone with you)
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— Even the toughest punk needed a place to call home at the end of the day.
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A/N: finished the Spider-Punk solo comic run and I just want to give him a hug...
Pairing: Hobie Brown x reader
Warning: description of open wounds, little hurt and a lot of comfort
Word count: 1.3k
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It was usually the crack of dawn when he showed up.
A thump from the living room stirred you awake. The sun was already filtering in through your blinds but the sound of rummaging still put you on alert immediately, instinctively reached for the wooden bat Hobie made you put near your bed when he wasn't around before carefully creeping out of your bed.
("Could never be too careful," he had said, shoving you the bat that he got from god knows where as he perched on your window, mask in hand and guitar on his back, "it's a fucking war zone out there.")
A lean shadow projected onto your walls, limping on its side when you peeked from your door.
You dropped the bat when you recognised who it was immediately.
Spider-Punk froze in place when you flipped your lights on, the illumination guiding your eyes to his palm that pressed against the side of his stomach in an instant. His guitar was on the floor somewhere near the window he was swung into your house with, a few specks of blood on the neck and strings loosened from what must have been a long night.
If he was being honest, he felt like shit. But from the corner of his eyes, the sight of you wearing his band t that was far too loose on you still made him want to try to look ok for your sake.
"Mornin' love," he tried to drop his arm but winced as a sharp pain pulsated through his core, eyes furrowing under his mask while crouching forward, "didn't mean to wake you up."
he gave in when you rushed to his side, his free arm swinging over your shoulder limply and trying his best to not put his weight on your smaller frame. Your brows locked together when you saw the red seeping through his suit, bleeding out from where he was trying to hold it in.
"It isn't a deep cut," he said softly, though he was sure it wouldn't make you worry any less, "think I just tore it a lil when I was swinging over, that's all."
"Should I get someone? Ask someone else in the Spider Band to get you back to the base—"
"No, that wouldn't be— that wouldn't be necessary," he paused briefly, "we ran out of gauze at the community centre, thought I'd have a bigger chance finding something to stop the bleeding at your place instead."
He lied, and it was a bad one as well, because you were the one who always made sure their first aid kits were well-stocked and prepared for any sudden raids or clashes they might find themselves into.
The least you could do to support your lover's relentless effort to take down a totalitarian government.
But you didn't say anything, only held onto him when his balance was starting to fail him.
You stumbled backwards before regaining your footing when he lumped forward, his tall frame hinging onto yours as he leaned his masked face onto your shoulder, a muffled groan vibrating against your skin.
"Hobie? Hobes?" you panicked, "Are you sure you're ok? Let me go get the bandages to patch you up—"
"No, just..." he buried his face deeper into the crook of your neck, still careful to make sure the spikes on his mask were out of the way and that he was not getting blood on the shirt you seemed so comfortable in, all while the tiredness slowly took over, "stay with me like this, just for a while."
So you did, taking in a deep breath and letting your eyes close so that the only thing you could feel was him, how he was alive and breathing against you.
Spider-Punk was a fighter, for the people and for the cause. He had lost enough already, and every day he was fighting to grasp at the last bits they were trying to pull from his hands.
The world was not okay, and the only way to pretend it was is to become the kind of people he loathed so much, which he would much rather die fighting than ever become one of those people.
You were sure he loved more deeply than anyone else, because how else could you stay angry at the unjust in the world when the abnormal had become the norm?
It takes a lot of love to try and make things right, and all you wished was that you could give him the same amount of love he had given the world.
So, he was sure you already knew why he still wanted to see you at this unholy hour in the morning, through the pain he was enduring, even just for the brief moment before the sunrises and the city wakes up fully.
Perhaps, deep down, even the toughest fighter wanted to feel like there was somewhere where things were alright, and seeing you safe in the t-shirt he left at your place made him feel like he was alright.
"It's ok, it's ok, I got you..." you fell onto the floor with him when his knees finally bucked, fumbling to lay him down as gently as you could with all his weight on your arms.
This time he didn't protest, perhaps too tired to do it any longer, and he didn't say a word when your fingers stopped at the seam of his mask.
The sound of the first few cars to drive by in the morning was all that filled the living room as he stared right at you, tilting his head slightly to his side as a silent sign to go ahead.
You had always known, but you still liked to ask anyways.
"Hey," Hobie said when you pulled his mask off, a soft smile toying at the corner of his lips as he finally faced you properly.
You couldn't help but let out a chuckle. "Hey," you replied, voice almost like a whisper as you kneeled at his side.
His body stiffened as you carefully peeled his hand away from the bleeding wound and you winced when you saw the skin that was cut open.
"Not a deep cut, you say?" You crooked your brows, pulling out the first aid kit you had stashed away under the nearest table.
"Hm," he hummed, trying his hardest not to jerk forward in pain when you gently peeled off the fabric that stuck to his skin from the dried-up blood, "not a deep one compared to the wound on the other guy."
He watched the way you rolled your eyes at him before averting your attention back to the task a hand. He liked to watch when you were focused, the way you sat cross-legged on the floor and eyebrows scrunched up while taking care of him.
Your shadow was long against the wall as the morning light filled the room, a rare moment of serenity before the day starts when the sound of the outside world felt calming for once.
It felt right, and it felt safe, and his eyes were starting to feel heavy as the morning warmth lured him to sleep.
And you must have seen the way his lids twitched as he tried to stay awake. "It's ok, just let go," you nodded, your thumb tracing down from his temple to his jaw until you were cradling his face, "you're home, you can rest."
Home, the word rolled off your tongue so naturally that he simply could not resist it.
"Sweet dreams," you whispered against his lips and through the drowsiness, he still grinned when he felt the soft peck as he drifted into slumber.
And when he woke up to the sight of you curled up at his side, Hobie knew he finally found his place in the world where things were alright.
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danikamariewrites · 8 months
Could I request a Cassian x reader with an eating disorder hc? Totally understand if you’re not comfortable writing about ED’s though!
Helping with your ED
A/n: Hi Anton, thank you for requesting this. In the past I’ve kind of ignored ED requests (and i mean no harm by it). It’s because I wasn’t comfortable with it due to my own ED. I like to ignore it and think if I do it won’t exist to me, which is not the case at all. But I wanted to write this because writing fics like this is like therapy and I’m ok sharing this with you guys.
Warnings: EATING DISORDER if you are struggling with an ED and this is a triggering topic please do not read this headcanon. While this is mild and based off my experience the last thing I would want is for someone to be uncomfortable reading about this topic. If you are struggling know you are not alone and if you are comfortable I encourage you to reach out for help.
Your relationship with food has always been odd
It’s no ones fault, you’ve just been so on and off with food from a young age
You never thought you looked like the other girls your age. They always had flatter stomachs than you and seemed to be perfectly sculpted for fae standards
You’d go from eating healthy, back to the way you usually would, then you would have days where you would forget to eat
Like you genuinely forget to eat
For example you won’t eat until a task is done
There are days where work was just too much you couldn’t be bothered to eat
Other times you just feel bad about your body so your punishment is to not eat (THIS IS VERY UNHEALTHY DO NOT DO THIS)
None of this goes unnoticed by Cassian
He is all about a healthy balanced diet
Cassian is very gentle about his approach with food for you
You two have a long conversation about eating but you still struggle with seeing the way you eat as unhealthy
Cassian does everything in his power to help you
He consults Madja and reads what books are available on the subject in the library
Cass’s main goal starting out is helping you to remember to eat
You two meal prep together and he shows you what you should be eating. Cassian doesn’t want to overwhelm you and make you eat too much that you can’t eat at all
Cassian tries to get you on a schedule
It’s easy to stay on a schedule when Cassian is home because he eats with you
The only time you miss the “schedule” he set for you is when he goes away
When you realize that you’ve skipped meals you don’t get upset with yourself, you’re just exhausted
You hate this mentality that you’ve developed
As time goes on you find yourself eating more and more
Three meals and you’re ok with having sweet snacks to treat yourself in between
Cassian never sees you as a burden, he just wants you to feel comfortable in your body again
Even though things like this take time to heal you’re glad Cassian is here to hold your hand every step of the way
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justlemmeadoreyou · 1 year
Ok so this was something I wrote a month ago, a simple idea that just popped up in my head. I kinda wanted to make this a series, and I still have the whole story, but I didn't think you all would like it, so tell me if you do! xoxo
Word Count: 1.1k
Warnings: fluff, cursing
Pairing: nerd!harry x nerd!reader
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YN was stressed.
She had a physics exam tomorrow, and the constant flaunting by Harry wasn’t helping.
“I’ve revised thrice. And I am solving previous years’ papers for like, 2 hours now. I still don’t get this.” He sighed, listing up a plethora of achievements that YN was nowhere near.
“Yeah, yeah. I get it. You’ve finished the syllabus and are way ahead of me. I am far behind and you’re solving questions. Happy?” YN replied, head pounding from the strain in her eyes.
“What? No! Who said I was listing all the things I’ve already done? And that you’re way behind?” He smirked, and she wanted to smack his face.
“Shut up” she finally said to him, and he started to pout.
“Hey, I was just teasing. Do you want me to help you?” he asked, now feeling a bit guilty.
“No, I’ll do it myself. I just feel a bit stressed.” you replied, placing a hand over your head.
“Let’s go for some coffee. I’ll get you a muffin too” he offered, and who were you to refuse free coffee?
“Sure” you smiled, and he dragged both of your chairs out, pushing them back in after you got up. You exited the library and he followed behind.
“You know you don’t have to worry so much. You’ve studied. I know you have.” he smiled reassuringly, and you could feel some of the tension slipping away, looking at his ridiculously cute dimples.
“Thank you. You are the only person who would say that and I would actually believe it.”
You entered the small cafe, ordering two decafs. You drank it on the way, and went back to studying at the library.
You and Harry were academic rivals, for as long as you can recall. Since high school to senior year, and then here you were attending the same grad school.
Here too, you fought like children. The competition was a bit tougher now, though, since you both wanted to get good placements, and keeping constant 9+ cgpa was a tough task.
Nevertheless, you had become friends.
Good friends, actually. You both gave the valedictorian speech together, and you had to spend a lot of time with him for it. It was then that you realized that he was not so bad after all.
He was quite caring. He constantly checked in on those around him, making sure they were okay, and letting them know that he was there for them. Even right now, he would make you drink water, shared his food with you, and gave you a head massage. He took you for coffee, so that you would get up from the depressing library and get some fresh air, before going back and diving back in.
He was quite balanced too. He was extremely good at studies, and managed everything else along with it.
Everything, which was almost annoying.
He went for a run every morning around the uni, and was ridiculously fit. He was tall, and had great hair. He played occasional basketball too, and there was a plethora of girls who attended the game just to watch him get hit in the balls with the basketball.
He would go to parties too, unlike you, who preferred to stay in and burn your eyes out on a new movie on your laptop. He drank beers, and looked better than you in the morning.
He was so perfect.
How did he manage to do that?
The exam day had arrived. You had been biting your nails since morning, and had to stop before you drew out blood and had trouble writing. He sent you texts throughout the morning, wishing you luck and encouraging you.
“Love, you’ll do well”
“Yeah, but not as well as you. How many times have you revised now?”
“Four. But-It dosen’t matter!”
“Yeah. Right.”
As if a stressed-and-not-even-revised-once head could compare to a i-revised-five-times one.
Turns out, it did.
On the day of the result, you had managed to bite through your skin, and drew out blood. Your roommate, Lizzy, had put band-aids on each finger, and scolded you for doing it. She wanted to tie your hands to the side even, so they won’t reach your vampire teeth.
As the professor was handing out the papers, you felt nervous. Everything you had written in the paper was coming back to you like an attack, and making you think you had done everything wrong.
Meanwhile, Harry was relaxed.
So relaxed.
He had his arms behind his head, and was leaning on to the backrest, looking like he owned the world. You did not anticipate the change in expression when he saw his score.
“What-?” you could hear the surprise in his shreik, and he pouted like a baby when the professor shushed him.
He was looking at the paper like it wasn’t his own, and as if he had been somehow betrayed.
You managed to walk down to his sheet while the rpof was distributing them to the last benches, and quickly grabbed his sheet to see his score.
“95. Are you mad?”
“Just 95”
He groaned and frowned, trying to take your sheet and see the score.
“What did you get?”
“Oh. I didn’t see” you were so engrossed in his score that you hadn’t even taken a glance at your own paper.
You pulled out your sheet, and glanced at the big red circle.
Holy shit.
“What the-” you stopped mid-sentence, and your expression now matched Harry’s.
“Fuckin’ hell” he snatched the paper from your hands, and frantically started to go through each question. Every question of yours matched his, except one. It was a 3 marker, and you had gotten it right.
“I solved this in like, 30 seconds. It’s ridiculous-” he held the paper up, reading the question, “-Is it easier to pull, or push?” he put it down, and said “ Pull. Obviously.”
“That’s not true. It actually depends on the situation. Plus, you had to give an example.”
“What did you write?”
“It depends on the situation. If you were to move a lawn mover, pull would be easy. If you were moving an almirah, push would be easy.”
“Shit” he looked sad and confused, and to be honest, you felt bad for him.
“I can’t believe you got more than me.”
“Yeah. Suck on it, Styles’”
“Hey! I helped you!”
“Well, you couldn’t even answer a push n’ pull question. Next time, I’ll help you” you couldn’t stop the big smirk that stayed on your face throughout the class.
And honestly, even Harry couldn’t stop the warm glow spreading across his face from seeing you happy.
(next part)
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perfect dividers by @firefly-graphics
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melodygatesauthor · 2 years
HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAYYYY<3 to celebrate, can i request “jealousy seems to be a great motivator for you” from the prompt list with marc??? thanks love!
What Did You Say? - Part 1 (Marc)
Marc Spector X f!Reader
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Part 2 (Steven) - Part 3 (Jake)
Hadley, bb, WAAAAAAAH JEALOUS MARC IS MY WEAKNESS! I hope you liked it :) @welcometostayingawake thank you for brainstorming this with me! - Also just realized I didn't add the fucking prompt line to this one! Whoops! I'm so tired when I wrote this so apologies! The concept is there though!
Tags/Warnings: NSFW, rough sex, jealousy, crying, dacryphilia if you squint, p in v creampie
Word Count: 814
Marc was on top of you, thrusting deeply, worshiping your body like he always did. His face was buried into your neck, sucking on the soft skin there, and his hand was pinching your nipple. You squeezed Marc’s hip, trying to rile him up a bit, get him to fuck you just a little harder, but he wasn’t going for it.
“Come on babe, I had a tough day…” You urged. “I want you to really fuck me. Get mad.”
That seemed to inspire him to move a little faster, and pinch a little harder, but it still wasn’t the same, it wasn’t what you knew Jake could give you instead. You entertained Marc for a little while longer, but you sensed your lack of enthusiastic noises caused him to start getting a little soft. Marc grumbled and got off of you.
“What is it? What am I doing wrong?” He was irritated.
“I told you, I had a rough day, I keep asking you to just fuck me harder and you won’t and I’m sorry.” You stood up too. “Guess I’m just not into it tonight.”
Marc was still naked, standing by the dresser while his cock softened before your eyes.
“Why don’t you just get Jake out here? He knows how to really fuck me right, just how I need it right now.” You felt bad for saying it, but it was true. Jake knew how to turn you into putty, no matter how pissed you were after work, and that was exactly what you needed to relax.
Marc turned around slowly, his brows furrowed, eyes dark.
“Excuse me?” He asked, taking a step forward.
“Sorry, I’m just frustrated I shouldn’t have said that.”
You groaned, knowing that this meant you and Marc might fight. You exited the bedroom, deciding to get a glass of water before you took a bath. At least then you could just take care of yourself. You didn’t make it that far though. Marc was hot on your heels and he grabbed around your waist pulling you back against his chest.
“What did you say to me in there?” He asked through clenched teeth.
If he could see the little smirk you held, you knew it would infuriate him.
“Baby, it’s ok, you’re each good at different things. Jake just happens to be better at fucking me when I need someone more…in charge.”
That did it.
Within seconds, Marc was kicking a chair out of the way and pushing you down onto the table. You had your face to the side, where Marc hooked his thumb into your mouth and pressed on your cheek with his palm.
“You think Jake fucks you best? Let’s see how you feel when I’m done with you.” He was hard again, thrusting his cock into you so harshly you thought your hips might bruise on the table.
His thumb stayed in your mouth, pulling at the sides and forcing drool to spill out onto the varnish. You held on to the table tightly, feeling like you might lose your balance from how ruthless he was on your cunt. The harder he fucked you, the more you squirmed, the more you had to reposition yourself to keep from falling.
“Take it, all you can do honey is just take it.” His voice became more raw and gruff with every slap of his hips against your rear.
You moaned a distorted groan with his thumb still pulling against the skin of your cheek.
“You seeing this Jake? Huh? You seein’ how pretty our girl looks with her little pussy splitting over my cock?” You felt your cunt flutter over his girth, “mm, you feel that?”
If Jake and Steven were right there, listening in, you knew you’d be in for a long night of jealous alters both wanting a chance to prove their skills in the bedroom. For now though, Marc was fucking you to tears over the kitchen table, forcing you to make the noises he so desperately wanted to hear from you earlier.
“You crying baby girl?” He spanked your ass with his free hand, “good, let it out, you look so fucking pretty like that, crying and drooling all over the goddamn table. Let’s see Jake do that.”
Steven would be upset that the varnish got stained, but Marc clearly didn’t give a shit about that, he was too busy proving himself to the others. His pace reached an all time high as he approached his climax. While he pumped you full of his seed, you felt your cunt squeeze around his pulsating cock. You wailed into the apartment in your ecstasy while Marc was slowly running out of steam, until he eventually stopped and pulled everything out of you.
“There.” Marc tapped your asscheek. “Now we’ll see who you’re asking for the next time you have a tough night.”
Melody's Birthday Celebration - Submissions Closed
Celebration Masterlist
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cnwolf-brainrot · 1 month
I'm curious, what do you think of X-Men: The Last Stand? Are there things you would do to improve it? Besides having Nightcrawler actually in the movie of course. xD
Sorry it took me a minute to get to this ask because I have A LOT OF THOUGHTS, this is a FANTASTIC question because I actually literally just rewatched that movie!! (yes, it was for Weapon by Name. No, it wasn't for anything plot-related, it's cause I've been having a hard time writing Hank McCoy lol)
Very short version: I like some parts of the movie, but I definitely have ideas on how to improve it!
This is going to be a long post so my improvement ideas will be under the cut! But first:
What do I think of the movie? I mean... it's not the best. There are a few enjoyable moments, but it's just genuinely not a super well-written film; it feels unbalanced in a lot of places, leaves out a lot of things I would have liked to see addressed from the first few films (*cough* yes I'm talking about Kurt *cough*) and feels like it doesn't properly give focus to the Phoenix storyline at all. I think one of my biggest problems on a re-watch was the fact that Jean literally does nothing. She has no motivations in the movie and only a handful of dialogue lines. HOWEVER, I do love the mutant cure plot line, and I feel like it makes a fantastic focus for a third X-Men movie! I also think I can blame this movie for my love of Warren Worthington! There are definitely parts of this movie that I do enjoy, there are just things that could have been better! Now, a break-down:
Things that I like/would keep the same: - The Worthington Industries/Cure plotline (I find the mutant cure to be an extremely interesting X-Men plot, and I enjoyed how it was handled here for the most part. I'd make a few small changes to balance it with the rest of the story, but this is something that I'd want to see MORE of rather than LESS of) - Most of Warren's story (again, this is a plot that I LOVED from the movie, but needed to see more of. This goes back to the unbalanced feeling I mentioned, and I'll talk more in a bit about how I'd fix it) - Hank McCoy (honestly I love Hank in this movie, I don't think I have any changes) - Mystique's ending (I actually love how this movie handled Mystique. It's short, simple, shows just how much her abilities mean to her with her casual shifting even while she's captured, and I personally feel that her turning her back on Magneto when he turned his back on her was a very in-character moment. This whole subplot was great, no changes)
Things I would completely take out: - Juggernaut (he was an unnecessary addition to an already packed story, he really didn't add anything and if he's going to be in a movie I think he deserves more screen time) - The whole plot line with Xavier having hidden Jean's true powers from her. (It just makes Xavier a bad mentor figure in my mind, and I'd prefer it if there's just a quick explanation of there being weird energy readings at Alkali Lake or something that could have brought her back.) - The weirdness that was Kitty and Bobby sort of flirting (I feel like this was shoehorned in just to add a romantic tension between Bobby and Rogue. Kitty and Bobby have little to no chemistry and any that they do have just makes Bobby seem like a jerk to Rogue. I have a proposed fix for this subplot, which I'll address in a bit, but I would completely remove romantic implications between these two) - Xavier's death as it was (I feel like there was a strange imbalance between his death and Scott's, so to increase emotional impact I would like to streamline it and get rid of that scene)
Ok, now what would I do to improve it?
HONESTLY if I were to completely rewrite this movie, I would have to go back and rewrite X2 as well because I don't feel like the foundations were set up well for the type of Phoenix Saga that I would have liked to see. HOWEVER, I'm already rewriting X2 in Weapon by Name so there's no way I'm doing that again. Instead, here are just a couple of semi-quick changes that I would make to the movie, WITHOUT changing any of the previous canon.
First of all, let's talk about Scott. Scott Summers is the backbone of the X-Men and he was done DIRTY by this movie, so let's at least make it a bit better. Going based off of what has been established for him by the canon of this set of films, we have basically three character traits for him: he's Xavier's star pupil, he's the leader of the X-Men, and he's in love with Jean Grey. SO, instead of having him sulk and shirk his teaching duties at the beginning of the movie (which goes against two of the three things established about him) we instead go the opposite route. The movie opens up with Scott leading the Danger Room session, and we see that he has basically thrown himself into his work after Jean's death. Storm and Xavier express concern about this, even Logan can tell something is off, but Scott continues to drive himself and the new X-Men (Bobby, Kitty, Rogue, and Peter) into the ground as a way to try and avoid his grief
Speaking of the newbies, let's pause the Summers angst and talk about them for a moment. In the actual movie these four get completely sidelined (I already talked briefly about how Kitty is just used as an awkward romantic device, and Rogue literally disappears for days without anyone questioning where she is/misses the whole final fight scene, and yes I'm happy that Peter and Logan have a Fastball Special, but that's literally the only time he contributes to the movie). I wish that we had gotten a little bit more of the four of them in X2, but again we're not changing anything from that movie here. What I propose as a way to improve them as characters in this movie alone is to treat them as a unit. I think that if the four of them were treated as friends and shown in the first Danger Room scene having a bit of banter/generally joking around and working as a team, it would establish to the audience that these people know each other, like each other, and have a reason for being on the team together. In addition, setting these four up as friends in the first scene with them also helps fix Rogue's whole character arc.
I was genuinely upset with how the movie handled Rogue; it boiled her entire character arc/want for the cure down to "I want to be able to touch my boyfriend". I think this is a huge disservice to her character, and I think it can be hugely improved in just this first Danger Room scene. Instead of having the moment where Kitty saves Bobby, we replace that with a moment where Kitty is in trouble and Rogue reaches out to help her. Bobby or Peter then jump in and pull her back because her gloves fell off in the exercise; if she'd tried to help her friend, she would have only hurt them both. Now Rogue's eventual desire for the cure isn't built on teenage horniness; it's built on a fear of being dangerous to those she cares about.
Now, back to Scott. With this re-written version that focuses more on him trying to drown himself in work rather than just being sad and mopey, I think that a good way to get him to Alkali Lake would be for Xavier to have a talk with him. Xavier pulls him aside and basically says "you're hurting yourself by avoiding this, Scott. Take a few days. Take a breath. Allow yourself to breathe." This is what results in him going off to Alkali Lake and Jean's revival happening.
Personally, I wouldn't kill Scott here. I would let him come back to the mansion with Jean and everyone gets a reunion... however, Scott and Logan both start to notice something is off about Jean. She seems just a bit too on-edge, will zone out occasionally, things will float around her without her even noticing that she's controlling them, and there's the whole fact of she should be very dead.
Scott is concerned for Jean and trying to find a way to help her. Logan, on the other hand, is beginning to wonder if this person even is Jean at all, or if this is just some creature that is trying to look like her.
Now, a quick aside for some thematic values of the movie. I'm sure there are some in the original movie, but I had a hard time finding them honestly. What I would like to be the main theme of my version would be the concept of monster-versus-man or the "beast inside". This theme would primarily be shown in the contrast between Logan and Jean, as they are (or at least SHOULD BE) the main two characters. However, every key character could be shown to be struggling with their "internal beast": - Rogue, who is struggling to be close to anyone because of her mutation (an example of how this "beast" can be harmful to others) - Warren, who tried to get rid of his mutation long before the cure was invented (an example of how denying that beastial nature entirely only serves to hurt himself) - Scott, who keeps his mutation carefully contained to try and please the people and ends up paying for it (we'll talk about his fate in a moment) - Ororo, who is at peace with the wild, natural nature of her mutation (an example of a good balance between the man and the "monster") - McCoy, who is the literal embodiment of the "beast" and can't even attempt to hide, but still contemplates how it would be to feel more human (another example of balance, but with more longing) Every part of the "cure" plotline would help amplify this theme, and keeping that in mind for every character's decisions throughout the film would give it a far more streamlined and dynamic feel
Speaking of streamlined and dynamic, let's talk for a second about Magneto. I'm torn on what to do with our man Erik. Half of me is tempted to completely write him out, because I think he completely overshadows Jean in the original movie and that he's half of the problem with how it doesn't feel like a Dark Phoenix film, lol. However, he's also the best X-Men antagonist and it would feel like a disservice to him to leave him out of the climax of the trilogy, especially when the cure plotline is something that he would never stand to the side and watch.
So, I think that here we still have Eric gather his forces and start making threats over the cure. However, we cut the scene with him and Jean and Xavier in Jean's old house. Instead, we have the X-Men go to confront Eric just before another attack. This is at a public support rally for the cure, and remember Scott is still alive here.
Just before this scene, we should have a scene between Scott and Jean, where they talk about the changes that Jean's been experiencing. Scott's worried about her, and Jean tries to tell him she's fine (and that maybe this new power isn't a bad thing). In this scene we have the moment where Jean uses her powers to let Scott see without his glasses -- only he flinches away the moment he opens his eyes, and basically tells her that it doesn't feel right. He also tells her that the old Jean -- his Jean -- didn't need all of this power. She was content with things they way they were. We see a big example of that "inner beast" theme here, focusing on that contrast of how Scott wants to keep his powers under control in order to fit in while Jean has almost limitless power at her control, and she doesn't see a reason not to use it to make their lives better.
Now, back to the X-Men versus Magneto. As they stare him down, Jean tells Scott she could end it. She could wipe the minds of everyone in the crowd around them, and change them all to mutant supporters. She could change everything with just a thought.
Scott, of course, tells her no. He wants to try and solve this peacefully, the way that Xavier would (it's important that Logan overhears this line).
In the middle of Scott trying to diffuse the situation, one of the anti-mutant protesters tries to take a shot at Magneto. This causes immediate chaos, and another protester takes aim at the X-Men. Magneto deflects the bullet coming towards him. Scott is hit.
Oh goodness I hit a text block limit I didn't even know Tumblr HAD text block limits ok then.
Now, with this being the way that Scott dies, Jean actually has a reason to go berserk and give into the power she feels. She tried to follow Scott and keep it contained, and the attempt at peace got him killed. She ends up killing multiple innocents here, and when Logan tries to reach out to her she turns and leaves the X-Men behind.
Professor X's funeral scene is replaced by Scott's funeral scene. In the original movie it felt unbalanced to have such a focus on Xavier's death and no focus on Scott's, so as previously mentioned I think we should take Xavier's death out entirely. Plus, because of the nature of Scott's death (being killed by an anti-mutant protester), now the whole school is buzzing with unrest about the cure.
This is where we would have the scene where Bobby comforts Kitty, but unlike the original where's it's a "romantic" beat between those two we have all four of the younger X-Men outside iceskating together. Scott was their teacher so they were all fairly close with him, and they talk about it together. They also talk about the cure, and how they don't want to take it after Scott's death... Rogue is the only one who speaks up for the fact that the cure wasn't what killed Scott, it was just the people in support of it. We also have a moment here where everyone ends up knocking into each other as they skate, and that is where Rogue's jealously comes from; simple, human interaction that she isn't able to experience.
She leaves early, and Bobby notices. They have a conversation that only serves to upset Rogue more, and this is where we have a touch of their relationship because yes, it's important to her and she does want to be able to get physical comfort from her boyfriend, but now it's built on top of the other ways it has affected her life. He mutation has hurt her relationship with her family, her friends, and her boyfriend instead of only putting the focus on her romantic life. This conversation leads to Rogue leaving to try and get the cure.
But putting them aside for a moment, let's focus on Warren. I really liked the skeleton for Warren in this movie, but he still feels very flat and stilted because we don't get much depth to his character. To fix this, I would have developed a friendship between him and Leech. Both are prisoners here in Worthington Labs in their own unique way. Both have the illusion of choice (Warren could theoretically say no to his father, and Leech is shown to be comfortable and humanely treated which means he probably had at least a bit of autonomy) but neither have true freedom. I think it would give a level of depth to Warren's character if we see a scene of him sitting with this kid, maybe even moving just close enough that his wings go away, and Leech asking him if this is what he really wants. They could talk about the cure, really give the audience an inside perspective on what would go through the mind of a mutant to make them want to take this, and also bring up another running theme of freedom and what it looks like. ALSO we could have them talk about the complicated relationship between Warren and his dad, which would make Warren saving him at the end of the movie more impactful. Also, it would add another level of depth to the look of pure longing that Leech gives Warren as he watches him fly away after the attempt at taking the cure.
Now, in the original movie I felt like it was a bit awkward for Warren to just show up at the Institute without any real reason to go there. That could be fixed by tossing in a comment about the Institute along with the aforementioned Leech scene, but instead, I think it'd be interesting if Rogue was already heading over to try and get the cure as Warren breaks out. She sees him flying away, and makes the decision to follow him instead of going to get the cure. They end up talking (this could be off screen or on screen, either way) but end up showing up to the final fight last minute together.
Before we get to the final fight through, let's talk more about Jean. Now, at this point I think we've already made her arc better by giving her the earlier scene where she talks with Scott, plus hid death causing an actual emotional impact that would turn her against humanity. I feel like one of the biggest problems with the original movie is that they don't give Jean any screen time, which to be fair they tried to cram a LOT into this movie. However, it is literally supposed to be a Dark Phoenix movie, so I think she should get at least one scene where we really see her struggle with the new beast inside of her. This would start out as a solo scene where we get to see her go somewhere away from civilization, probably into the middle of the woods or something, where she can let go for a minute and literally scream out her grief. We see objects floating around her and turning dangerous in the wake of her anger (maybe she accidentally kills a few animals, something catches on fire, etc), and I'd love for her to have some dialogue that brings into question for the audience whether this really is Jean, or if the Phoenix Force is something else entirely.
Magneto would show up halfway through her breakdown, and try to give her the same "you could be powerful, you could get revenge" speech he does in the original movie to get her on his side. But, Jean doesn't fall for it; instead she says he's going to manipulate her the same way Scott did, and that she's not going to make the same mistake twice. Her reasoning doesn't entirely make sense, but that's where the Phoenix comes in; now that she's latched onto the idea of people hurt the ones I love because I tried to hold back, the Phoenix is using that to make her completely loose control and cause the chaos that it craves.
Magneto attempts to talk her down once he realizes that she's becoming a danger to mutants as well, and this escalates into a fight between the two of them. Honestly, I think it would have been interesting to see Jean kill Erik here; as much as I enjoyed him being de-powered in the original version, I feel like having Erik out of the picture would give more focus to Jean as the climax. She kills Erik, and then turns her sights to Alcatraz to try and take out everything that she perceives as harmful to her people (though at this point, as seen with Erik's death, the Phoenix has blinded her to the point that she can't truly see who her people are)
The X-Men are still in the wake of Scott's death, but they find out Jean is going to Alcatraz and that she killed Erik (because of course Xavier would be able to sense that) and they gear up to go fight. I think we should also get a moment between Bobby and Logan here talking about the fact that Rogue isn't there with a ton of guilt from Bobby, and Logan basically accepting that she's made her choice.
Also, Xavier goes with them to Alcatraz. Everyone is a bit hesitant, but he makes the point that he knows Jean's mind better than any of them, and that at the level of power she's at they might have to take it to an astral plane battle in order to defeat her. Plus, Jean has taken both Scott and Erik from him. He can't sit on the sidelines of this fight, not when he feels responsible for her spiral (again I would like to take out the "Xavier hid her memories from her" thing and focus on the fact that he basically raised her from when she was a teenager, BUT you also could keep that plotline in here)
So now we actually have the final fight, which is just the X-Men and the army VS Jean. For Jean of course this feels like betrayal, since the entire reason she's here and fighting is because humans (like the soldiers the X-Men are standing with) killed Scott. This also gives us a chance to see just how powerful Jean is, because it's literally like 100 to 1.
Now the rest of the fight goes similarly with Kitty rescuing Leech (though she's fighting against the building collapse, not Juggernaut) and Warren coming back to save his father (with the added detail that Rogue comes with him). We also get a reunion between Rogue and Bobby and Rogue helps Kitty save Leech. I'd also like for there to be a sweet moment mirroring the opening Danger Room scene where Rogue reaches out to try and help Leech just like she'd tried to help Kitty, and she's actually able to touch him and save him. At the same time, she also uses her powers in the fight to help, and she doesn't lose her powers at the end of the film.
The fight with Phoenix comes down to Xavier trying to get into her head, and they duke it out in the astral plane. We get to see here that this isn't really Jean any more; Jean is almost completely gone, it's the Phoenix that has overtaken her. We have a bit of dialogue here about how the monster has taken over to reflect that "internal beast" theme, and haha I lies we didn't entierly take out Xavier's death, I think he should die here. It looks like all is lost, until Logan comes up behind her and finishes the job similarly to the movie.
Logan's character arc ends with accepting that he is a beast, and that he can use that to protect those around him. It means he has to make the hard choices, but unlike Jean he's able to come back from that beastial mindset and actually process the grief with the rest of the team.
So THERE WE GO!! I think that's how I would rewrite the movie!! I like a lot of parts from it, but I think it could have been improved! Sorry this ended up being a much longer ramble than I intended and there's still things I could have fleshed out more, but this took way too long to type out so I'm just leaving it here.
TL;DR: If I could make improvements on this movie, I would have given Rogue more of a character arc, Scott a more satisfying death, and Jean the spotlight she deserved. Also, I would have given the film some identifiable themes that actually relate to the character's actions.
If you read this whole thing holy cow thank you this took me several hours lol
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whovianwriter · 7 months
leonard mccoy x reader
AN: Thank you so much for requesting, sorry it took me so long I restarted like three times cause I kept changing my mind on different things. Feel free to request anything!
Warnings: Blood, injury to the reader, hurt/comfort, thoughts about death, sad but then happy at the end
“Damn it, the engine was hard to fix but I finally got it.”
Y/N said as she was walking to her desk, then she felt the ship shake due to the engine going back on line but the shake would get worse before it got better. So she tried to stabilize herself with her desk as she waited for it to finish. But Then she saw one of the interns carrying nails and pieces of junk before she knew what happened. He fell on top of her and she felt the pain a couple minutes later as she felt something wet and warm get soaked through her uniform. There was yell and her vision began to fade when she saw Scotty picking her up. 
“Come on Lass, keep your eyes open. You can’t fall asleep.” 
It was getting hard to focus but she knew that this might not be ending on a happy note, she saw memories rush to her. Her childhood, a million smiles, some tears then she saw Leonard when they first met at the Academy. They started dating and fell in love, their wedding, they both just swayed to the music for so long they didn’t want the day to end. They both knew that they had finally found the right person for their other half. “Tell .. Lee.. I.. Love .. him.”
“You can tell him that yourself, Once you get fixed up.”
They soon got to the medbay and he laid her down at one of the tables, when Leonard came out to see what the noise was when he saw her. His wife bleeding out as he ran, a nurse stopped him as three doctors got to her. They knew he couldn’t work on her, they were too close. He felt the anger as her eyes closed and then he was upset then the anger came through. Scotty pulled him outside so the medical team had as much space they needed. “How the hell did that happen?!?”
As Scotty told him what information he had, Leonard was a mess as he kinda went into shock as he kept looking into the window to see anything but couldn’t he then saw the red on Scotty’s shirt and it made him want to hurl. That’s Y/N’s blood, he sat on the floor looking down trying to see if this was some horrible dream. He then saw another pair of feet run up to them and saw Scotty walking away and the new person kneeled in front of him lifting his head. It was Jim. “She’s going to be okay.”
Leonard looked back to this morning when they were snuggled together in their room, she had her head on his chest, his arm wrapped around her. Holding her like she was his life line. Their legs tangled together as she played with his free hand, ‘We should just call off, stay in bed. Snuggle, watch old shows and eat the leftovers. I’m too comfortable to move.’
‘Darlin’ as much as I want to do that, we only have a half day today and then we are off for a week for shore leave. I promise we can do all that tomorrow.’
‘Fine, but I hope you know I will expect cheesy rom coms as well.’
He laughed and kissed the top of her head before starting to untangle himself from her to get ready for the day, but once he stood she still didn’t stand up but was stretching out on the bed, he bent down and kissed her before saying, ‘I wouldn’t expect anything else, sweetheart.’
The sound of the hiss of the door opening brought Leonard back to the present, he slowly got up and relied on Jim a little so he wouldn’t lose his balance. It was one of the afternoon doctors coming to talk to them. He couldn’t remember his name right at the moment. “Y/N is going to be ok, we gave her a sleep hypo, so her body can heal a bit before we wake her up tomorrow morning. We made sure to get everything out but she will be sore for the next couple days at the very least. The damage wasn’t too bad, it hit bigger veins so that was why there was so much blood. You can come in and sit with her, Doctor McCoy.”
“Len, I swear I will hit you with a pillow if you do not stop following me. I’m only going to the bathroom, I’ll be back in like 4 minutes.”
They got back to their room the next day in the late afternoon, since then which had only been a day he followed her everywhere just to make sure that she didn’t need his help. She had woken up with ease and even cracked a joke. She then wanted to make sure the intern was alright, he was wearing a welding apron, the most he got was a bruise. 
Leonard felt like if he left her alone for too long he would see that he was still in the medbay waiting to see if she would wake up. He was thinking about that when she came out of the bathroom and came over and crawled into his lap looking at him while she had one hand on his cheek. “I’m ok Len.”
“I thought I was gonna lose you.”
“But you didn’t, I’m right here we both are. I admit I thought that that might have been the end for a second and all I could think of is you.”
“Yeah, when we met, all the jokes you tell, our wedding where we stayed the whole night on the dance floor. I told Scotty to tell you that I love you. He responded with ‘You can tell him yourself.’” 
“Ok I’m cutting off the rom coms, that was so cheesy.”
Y/N laughed then turned her attention onto her husband, “I love you Leonard McCoy, you are my everything.”
“I Love you, you are my everything.”
She bent down and kissed him, till they both couldn’t breath.
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daydreamgoddess14 · 1 year
Support System pt. 5
CH1 | CH 2 | CH 3 | CH 4
Roy Kent x Reader
I'm on a roll. Roy Kent making me feel things 🥵 This one is a bit angsty but buckle up - we're getting to the good stuff soon!
Yes, this is the second update in one day... what of it? That picture of his thighs made me do it.
Chapter 5
The rest of the week goes as you’d originally planned for the most part. Lexie was absolutely fine to go to school the next day and you’d already worked out your work plans based on when you were actively trying to avoid Roy. Now, you weren’t so sure that you wanted to do that. By Thursday, you could feel a low ache inside but couldn’t put a finger on it. Work hadn’t been happy that you’d ducked out on Monday afternoon, but you’d tried to fight your corner. It became clearer that they weren’t the business you wanted to work for.
It had left an annoying feeling behind that no matter what you did, you weren’t enough for them. So much so, that by Wednesday, you took in a letter of resignation. They made some noise about becoming more flexible but not wanting to alienate other people who worked for them - they called it ‘special treatment’. You’d argued that everyone should be given more flexibility and more support in their work-life balance - no matter what that life outside of work looked like. They’d painted you as the bad guy and made it look like Lexie was the reason for needing flexibility when, really, you wanted the same for everyone in the business. Giving two months' notice terrified you, it accelerated the need to find a new job. You had savings, but they wouldn’t cover your bills forever. Every night saw you scouring the job sites for something as close to Richmond as possible. But all of that wasn’t the cause of the ache. It was more of an anticipation. Butterflies at rest. You’re approaching the school doors on Thursday afternoon, getting ready to join the queue of people picking up, when you see both Sara and Roy. The butterflies are suddenly up in arms, and the ache explodes into something more. Oh shit.
“Hey! Has your week picked up? Roy said he had to rescue you on Monday, was Andy a total dickbag?”
“Oh god he was horrible, I have no idea looking back now why the fuck I married him. And my week is bloody terrible - I quit my job.”
“Why the fuck did you do that?”
“I couldn’t carry on the way I was, it was a nightmare. With both them and Andy not being remotely supportive it just makes life so difficult.”
“What are you gonna do?” Roy frowned.
“I’m looking for something closer to Richmond if possible. If not, then the city is fine but the company has got to be a bit more progressive than where I am now. Trouble is there’s not much call for deputy Directors.”
“What about skipping the deputy bit?” Sara asked. You shake your head,
“Don’t think it’ll work. Typically that would be too much - more hours, more demanding. I love my work and I can handle demanding - like, really demanding. But I desperately need the flexibility so I can be around for Lexie.” Sara nodded.
“I get you. You should get yourself a Roy, they’re invaluable.” She poked her brother lovingly. You ignore the comment and the fuck off he responds with. “Easter holidays next week! Are you doing anything?”
“I was going to try and go away for the day somewhere. Jump on the train down to Brighton or something?”
“That’s a great idea! I’m off for a couple of days - we should all go.” The girls pour out of school hand in hand and you agree with Sara to plan a beach day trip. In the meantime though, the girls demand another sleepover. “I’m working honey, but if Uncle Roy can take you then of course you can go. As long as it’s ok with Lexie’s mum.”
“Course it is. I’d love to have you, Phoebe. Friday or Saturday, whichever is easiest for you.” You tell Roy.
“Do Saturday and you can all come to the match on Sunday?”
“Yeah, ok, we’d like that.” You smile and the butterflies go crazy. 
Lexie insists on a full on pajama party for her sleepover, she makes you bring blankets and pillows downstairs and banishes you to any other room - preferably the kitchen so you can keep them supplied with snacks. By the time Phoebe arrives at 4pm, she’s transformed the living room into some sort of Disney inspired boudoir.
“Come in.” You smile at them both, opening the door wide. Phoebe heads straight for the living room and the door is firmly closed. “Well… I guess they don’t need me.”
“What are you going to do instead?” Roy asks curiously.
“I have a book and a bottle of wine in the kitchen, that’s me all set.” Giggles and bangs sound from the next room, “Not sure I’ll be getting much sleep though. Beer? Wine?”
“Yeah go on then.” He follows you to the kitchen and picks up your book before he’s even sat down. After reading the blurb he takes a picture of the cover.
“You can have it when I’m done.” You offer, turning down the speaker which had been blasting Taylor Swift a little too loudly.
“Not you as well,” he pointed at the speaker. “This is all I get to listen to.”
“They’re 8. She’s like their queen. And yes, I can’t help listening to it as well.” You smile. “Would you like to stay for dinner? I can’t promise Anna and Elsa will join us, but you’re still welcome to stick around.”
“Thanks.” Watching you potter around the kitchen for a while, he picks up the book, makes sure to save your place and flips to the beginning. Assuming he’s engrossed, you concentrate on cutting bell peppers and onions for fajitas, the silence is comfortable, he’s so quiet you pretty much forget he’s there. The music still plays in the background,
“All I know is this could either break my heart or bring it back to life. Got a feelin' your electric touch could fill this ghost town up with life. And I want you now, wanna need you forever. In the heat of your electric touch,” you sing softly, bopping to the music. It’s not until you go into the pantry under the stairs for spices and see him at the table, watching you, that you remember he’s there. “Fajitas ok?” You stop short and clear your throat. There’s a smile just bubbling in the corner of his mouth, waiting to break free.
“Forget you had company?”
“Fuck off. Maybe.”
“Fajitas are great, thanks.” You forget shyness and awkwardness. It’s your new favourite song so despite his presence, you carry on as you were with slightly less dancing. The girls are persuaded to join you for dinner, even helping you with the homemade guacamole. Roy puts up with the three of you singing along to Taylor Swift at various pitches. “You sound like a bunch of fucking cats.” Phoebe responds by singing loudly down his ear with her wooden spoon microphone.
When the girls are settled with popcorn and a film, you see him to the door. “You’re not stupid, you know.”
“Last week. You called yourself stupid. Fucking repeatedly actually, and you’re wrong.”
“Oh. Umm… thanks. Felt pretty stupid. Anyway, like I said, I made a mistake.”
“Yep. Begged me to forget it.” He said quietly. The way he lingered on his words had your heart thumping and your body flooding with desire. You’re sure you must be trembling, your thighs press together and you swear you could come apart just from the way he’s looking at you. But then the girls are dancing through the hall and it’s a sharp reminder that you’re not alone. You see the disappointment flicker in his eyes right before he gives you a small smile, “goodnight. Call me if Phoebe starts playing up. Tickets are waiting for you for the match tomorrow.” You nod, not sure you can trust your voice to stay steady, not really sure you can trust yourself to put a full sentence together.
“Bye.” You whisper. 
“Lexie! Come on, we need to go and get the train!”
“I can’t find my goggles!”
“You don’t need goggles, darling, the sea is going to be freezing! I know it’s a heatwave but I don’t expect much swimming!” Who were you kidding, two 8 year olds in a heatwave would absolutely be getting in the sea at the first opportunity. You had a beach bag packed with suncream, towels and everything else you could possibly need. You and Sara had planned together so that you didn’t duplicate and have too much to carry. “Lexie! Let’s go!” She bounces down the stairs and straight out the door, leaving you trailing after her. At the station, Sara and Phoebe are already waiting and you're surprised to see Roy with them. “Sorry, couldn’t get Lexie out the door!” You hadn’t seen Roy since the night the girls had their sleepover, apart from seeing him down at pitchside for the football match. It was Tuesday and the last couple of days had felt like an eternity. You feel his eyes looking you up and down as you approach the platform. You get on the tube into the city and change for the train to Brighton. The Easter holidays meant everyone had a similar idea and the trains are packed and hot. Your sundress and hat are no match for the heat, you have to take your hat off and use it to fan both you and Sara. You’ve given the girls the only two seats you could find so the three of you stand to one side to keep the aisle clear.
“Fuck this. I should have driven.”
“Where’s the fun in that!” Sara laughed.
“How are you not hot?” You ask, he’s still in jeans and a t-shirt.
“Thought I was?” He asked quietly while Sara was distracted looking back to check on the girls. You roll your eyes and shake your head, turning away from him to look out of the window. “You look lovely.” He adds, putting a hand on your hip as the train sways you from side to side. He doesn’t move it once the train has steadied. When you get there, you follow the crowds down to the beach, the girls running slightly ahead and Sara and Roy either side of you. As you get closer to the beach, Sara steps in between the girls and takes their hand to keep them close. You get caught up in a group of people but you can still see Sara up in front. Through the crowd, a hand takes yours and pulls you in. Roy interlinks your fingers. “Don’t get fucking lost, we’ll never find you.” He says. Sara waves that she’s found a space and you make your way in her direction, not letting go of his hand. The second you put Lexie’s hat back on her head after smothering her in suncream, she grabs Phoebe’s hand and runs to the sea.
“Stay in sight!” Sara tries shouting after them but it’s impossible to tell whether they’ve heard. 
“I’ll go,” you offer with a grimace, “let’s see how fucking cold it is.” You kick off your sandals and pull your sundress over your head, revealing a royal blue swimsuit underneath.
“Aha!” Sara stops you and throws a bottle in your direction, “cream first. I’ll go and find us some drinks. Beers?”
“Ooh yes please.” She goes off in the direction of the beach vendors. You spray your shoulders and arms with the sticky cream, trying to get as much of your back as you can. Once you’ve finished, you pass the bottle to Roy, avoiding his gaze.
“Be careful,” he says softly, you can’t see his eyes through his dark sunglasses, fortunately. You squeal as the water hits your legs,
“It’s fucking freezing!” You shout to Sara as she returns with three bottles of beer and two of fizzy pop. She leaves everything with Roy and joins you as you watch the girls play mermaids in the cool, shallow water. “This was such a good idea. I needed this.” You hold your hat and look up to the sky, basking in the warm sunshine. 
“Such a good idea,” she agrees. “Though I thought Roy’s brain was going to short circuit when you pulled that bloody dress off! God, it was bad enough when you came down onto the platform earlier - I think he stopped breathing! But then with that underneath,” she gestures up and down your body and whistled,
“Oh don’t be daft.”
“I’m not, you look great. And Roy thinks so too.”
“Hmm if you say so.”
“I’m his sister. I have met every woman he’s ever brought home. Every model, actress, singer… you name it. Back then, when he was younger, he did it because he knew it was what was expected of a hotshot footballer for Chelsea. You get the hot girls. But fuck, they were boring. He was boring when he was with them! Since he’s gotten older, he doesn’t give a shit. Dates whoever he wants. Keeley was lovely but not quite right for him. He might look and act like a grumpy fucker, but he has so much love to give and he wants to be loved. He’s intense, I know. But when he finds the right person, god she’s never going to want for anything.” You’ve both waded into the water up to your thighs, your hands drift across the top of the water. 
“I’ve never been loved like that.” You admit.
“Me either. Be pretty fucking good wouldn’t it?” She laughs. "Also, we definitely deserve it."
"Oh god, we really fucking deserve it!" 
You manage to persuade the girls to get out of the water for a bit so you can get food. While you've been gone, Roy has dug the girls beach towels from the bags, changed into shorts and is reading. You'd happily thank every god, deity, or lucky star for the sunglasses you're wearing because your eyes are drawn to his legs as if you haven't seen him play football for as long as you can remember. The sun dries you quickly so you pull your dress back on. "Who wants food?" You ask the girls, who are eager to agree. "I see chips. I'll be back as soon as I can, Lexie, be good for Sara and Roy please." 
"I'll help." Roy's on his feet before Sara who wiggles her toes in the sand and waves you both off. It's a short walk to the beach bar, but it's busy so Roy gets you both a beer while you wait. Space is limited but there's one side of a picnic bench spare for you to share. Your knees knock together as people squeeze by and there's hardly enough room for you to sit side by side. He turns on the bench to put one leg either side of the seat and you mirror him. Your back is to his chest but you don't lean back into him. His fingertip traces the strap of your dress from the top of your shoulder down to where it joined the back of your dress, across the centre of your back and up the other strap. His touch makes you shiver, even in the heat of the sun. "You need more cream, you're going pink," he said, "and you have freckles here." His knuckle grazes a line from the back of your ear into the dip of your neck and it's all you can do to breathe normally. The waitress comes over with a tray full of food cartons which you accept, grateful to give your hands something to do. You get up from the bench and hold the tray in one hand so you can offer the other to Roy while he bears his weight on his bad knee to get up from the table. You did it with such little fuss or acknowledgement that he's left staring after you as you start back down the beach to Sara and the girls. You find shade in the afternoon and take it in turns sitting with the bags to get out of the heat while the girls barely stop for more suncream and water. By the time you all pile back into the train home, they're exhausted and you're not much more awake. The return journey is quieter so you get a table with 4 seats. The girls squeeze into one and fall asleep almost instantly. Sara curls into Phoebe and watches out the window. She smiles across at you,
"Such a fucking great idea." She repeats your comment from earlier. 
"We're stopping over next time," you laugh quietly so you don't wake the kids, "I'm knackered!" She agrees and lets her eyes close. You do the same thing, your head coming to rest on Roy's shoulder. As you get back into the city, he brushes the hair from your eyes, 
"Time to wake up, nearly home." Your initial reaction is to push your face further into him, but this only makes him laugh. "Come on, and you," he kicks Sara under the table. No one is happy to be woken up. You drag yourselves to the underground, into a train back to Richmond and finally into Roy's car. It's not even that late - but it's been a long day. He drops Phoebe and Sara off first and then makes his way to yours. Living between the two has been a big bonus in terms of how much they've helped out with Lexie. She's asleep in the car, so he picks her up and carries her up the path. Once you've unlocked the house, he puts her on the sofa while you dump the overflowing bags in the hallway - forgotten hats and stuffed toys from the arcade spilling out. 
"Beer?" You whisper from the doorway, and he nods. You drink them standing side by side in the kitchen. You can't wait for a shower, your skin feels sticky with suncream, sea water, and the ice cream and sweets you've been eating all day. He pushes you gently with his arm, 
"Today was fucking brilliant."
"It really was. You must have spent a fortune winning those toys for the girls."
"Worth it. Won one for you as well, don't forget."
"How could I? I've always wanted a neon pink rubber duck." You grin. "It can keep me company in the bath."
"You're fucking killing me." He mutters, shaking his head. 
"I've had to watch you in that swimsuit all fucking day and then you go and say shit like that?" He puts his empty bottle down and turns to stand in front of you, one hand either side of you on the kitchen counter. You're boxed in, but he's giving you enough space. You can tell he's giving you just enough time to say no, if that's what you want to do. You hold his gaze and don't say anything, the tiniest glance at his mouth is all the confirmation he needs to take the same step forward as he did a couple of weeks before. This time when his nose brushes against yours, it's less timid. He captures your mouth in a hot and fierce kiss. You turn your head just so, giving him better access and the hands that had stayed patiently on the counter were on you in half a second. One up in your hair and the other on your hip, your waist, the small of your back, bringing you as close as possible. Your hands move up his arms and around his neck, nails dragging through his hair. You've never been kissed like this before, never. It's so full of longing that it takes your breath away. His body presses against you, pushing you into the counter, his good knee between yours. Your head falls back so you can try to catch your breath but it's impossible when he moves to kiss a path down your neck. You can't help but moan as he nips at your sunburnt skin. You want more, so much more, but you know Lexie is only in the next room and the last thing you'd want is for her to wake up. The kiss has you in pieces already, it's intoxicating. He comes back to your mouth again for a slightly tamer kiss, "you taste like sunshine," he smiles. You open your eyes just to see it and it's beautiful. Both breathless, he takes the smallest step back. Somewhere in the hallway, your phone rings, bringing you both back to reality. You let it ring, reluctant to move away from his touch, eyes still only on each other, when Lexie brings the phone in with a big yawn.
"It's daddy." She says, handing it to you, and you see the defeat in Roy's eyes.
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Hey !
About stark reader and daemon, can you do one where they are drunk and tgey go to theire quarters and just straight up start dancing ?
Im talking about the twist and those wierd 50/60 moves and maybe they are singing and the fam wanders whats going on and when they peep throw the door
Merry christmas 🎄
Milk Punch
[Blurb V for the Stark!Reader Universe]
Daemon Targaryen x Stark!Reader
Summary: You were drunk out of your mind and your husband is loving every second of it.
Word Count: >800
Warnings: fem!reader, wife!reader, mentions of heavy drinking/drunkenness, daemon simp, heavily implied sexy times, fluff, typos, etc.
A/N: lol merry new year i only got back to this now T_T but i hope it was worth the wait aslfhaslfhlashflaslfashf i did change a few things i hope thats ok im luv u nonnie this is set before they have kids so this gif is so large but who cares i love him look at him look at my evil meow meow i want him so bad also milk punch is apparently the older name or an older name of egg nog soooo the more you know Tagging: @deniixlovezelda @pinksirensong @targeryenmoony also the lovely @nyctophilic0vitnir i hope this will suffice for now since i have not gotten to writing your req yet Part IV
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"Daor, daor," I slurred "nyke daor, daor, daor-"
Daemon grabs me, one hand on my waist the other on my cheek, saying something impressively long and eye-wideningly hard to understand in High Valyrian.
I burp in my mouth as the prince asks, "did you sneak yourself some wine?"
"Daor." No.
His narrowed eyes scrutinize my face, "did you drink milk punch?
Daemon sighs, knowing that was in fact, not true.
"Daor," I say.
"I didn't say anything."
He sighs. 100% inebriated.
"That the only thing you know, love?"
I sigh, relaxing fully against his arms. Daemon's eye widens when I begin to fall back. His hands quickly dart to my sides, propping me up, gathering me into his chest, "alright, that's enough."
I pout, brows knitting, "daor!"
He rolls his eyes, "if you can tell me--" he bends down. I squeak when he grabs me below my hind and throws me over his shoulder. Daemon huffs, beginning to walk off, "--another word in High Valyrian other than no, I'll let you drink to your heart's content, pup."
I hiccup, then sigh in pain due to the involuntary tightening of my chest and throat. I think for a long while as the sight of the table where a bunch of stuffy royals were seated quickly becomes smaller. I wave at Rhaenyra when she says good night.
"Last chance," Daemon says right before he reaches the door, "ȳdragon naejot nyke, ñuha jorrāelagon."
Speak to me, my love.
I think, "daor."
Daemon rolls his eyes, promptly exiting the dining hall.
When he sets me down, I'm shocked that we're in our chambers, "when did we get here?"
Daemon spins me around and begins to undo the laces on my back, "what do you mean? We never left our chambers."
"What?!" my jaw drops as I gasp. I move to turn to him, but he holds me back, muttering something incoherent in another language.
Daemon pulls my dress down and I step out of my dress, dashing across the room, throwing arms up in the air, making my thin shift dress flow with my movements. I begin to spin and giggle, stopping only because I begin to lose my balance and fear falling.
"What are you doing?" the man across me asks. When my line of sight is not so blurry, I blink twice and run towards him.
My husband's face contorts, he settles me on my feet, "that is not dancing, little girl."
"Easy!" he snaps, lunging forward to catch me before I face plant.
I look up at him, blowing back the dark streaks of my hair, reaching out to brush back his light ones with a grin, "dancing!"
I twist my face in offence, grabbing him by his waist to pull him towards me, "I'll have you know I'm the-" I cut myself off when I trip on Daemon's feet.
"Gods help us," he sighs, setting me back up.
I huff, tightening my grip on his clothes, "-premier dancer of the North."
Daemon rolls his eyes, hands slipping down to the small of my back. I begin to lead us into a slow dance and he steadily picks up on my movements. He says, "I do not doubt you, beloved," but I am uncertain if he doubted me.
I sigh, leaning my head onto his chest, "Cregan made fun of me whenever I danced. He said I was trying too hard to be a lady."
The sound of his hum echoes in my ear, "I can emasculate him," he mutters, hand coming up to my head, "castrate the only thing manly about that dog."
I close my eyes, sighing as I feel the combing of my hair.
"I'll make sure to make up for his loss by breeding plenty pups into my bride," he rests his chin on my head.
I spin myself in his grip then jump towards him, throwing my arms over his shoulders as I continue to lead us to the music in my head.
"Kepa," I mutter pulling away from him.
He grabs my hand, pulling me close to him, "what was that?"
"Did you just call me kepa, my lady?"
I purse my lips in thought.
"Kessa ao mazverdagon nyke iā kepa, jorrāelagon?" Daemon smirks.
Will you make me a father, love?
I yawn at the sound of the words I do not understand.
Daemon recoils, "you smell like you drink for sport."
I knit my brows, "I drank as much as you!"
"And that was your mistake."
Daemon pushes me back to spin me around. I do not enjoy it because I feel the sloshing of my stomach. I hold back the liquid that threatens up my throat.
Daemon snatches me forward, lips curved into a smirk, "you don't look so good."
"I want to go to bed."
His nostrils flare in amusement, "I agree."
I yelp softly when I am swept off my feet and carried to our bed. I tense from where I was sat down when Daemon walks away. I relax only when I realize he was only putting out the lights. When my husband walks back, I bite my lip in anticipation of his movements.
He catches this, lips quirking upward as he rids himself of his clothing. He tilts his head in thought, "does this excite you?"
I nod.
He licks his lips, "do you want to play then, wolf?"
I nod once more, shifting in my place so I could reach out to him.
Daemon walks forward, pushing my black locks back as he allows me to take over the task of undressing him. He hums, "such a sweet girl for her dragon."
I nod again, looking up at him.
He chuckles, "iksan jāre naejot qogralbar ao sīr qopsa."
I'm going to fuck you so hard.
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