#“omg that is so phil coded!”
danielhowellscurls · 3 months
people in the amazingphil yt comment section being like "take your phan back to 2015" like are we watching the same video 😭
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mkscatgirl · 2 years
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kadextra · 11 months
Now that things have calmed down and I’ve collected my thoughts. wow. today was so peak the election dinner event turned out amazing and it’s my top favorite lore day now
The dinner itself was really fun, how they decorated it was pretty, plus the memories and Walter Bob <3 we also got a lot of nice character moments!!
But omg the impostor chayanne and tallulah showing up to phil was incredible ough I LOVED IT SOOO MUCHHHH the whole thing was eerie and put me on edge
then the plot twist that they were code entities. the way all these hints that have been planted for weeks, why the code has been giving items representing the eggs & why was it taking photos finally paid off in such a cool way. actually the greatest ever. the dinner venue turning into a whole boss battle arena? >>>> awesome. awesome. etoiles 1v2, phil with the last hit- and the death of gegg, slime’s closure
then post-dinner with the whole max & elquackity battle, cucurucho’s weird questions to foolish yesterday making a lot more sense now by it telling foolish to arrest pac e mike who were sent to jail, then cellbit’s crazy enigma chase into sudoku and website urls??? wild stuff
there’s just so many implications for future lore thanks to today and that’s really exciting. the code is capable of much more, slime might team up with elquackity, max is in danger, cellbit is in danger, foolish is being given federation missions, tazercraft in jail arc
I will remember you qsmp day 128, for a long time
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arisu-arts · 7 months
omg Phil is SO Granpa coded bro met Empanada and the first thing he did was take her aside and give her a bunch of sweets.
Like he literally just gave her and told her to hide it from her mom, this man is granpa coded lmao i adore him
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dansevilpianotea · 15 days
what are some phancoded songs?
hiiii omg thanks for the ask!! i absolutely love talking about songs i associate with my interests!! (autism has been activated to the highest degree so this will be a long post, you have been warned)
here are some of what i think are classic dnp coded songs:
Guys by The 1975 (i see this as more about the phandom than about dnp tbh but its very very dnp coded no matter how you interpret it) That's So Us by Allie X Still into You by Paramore The Only Exception by Paramore
i have a whole ass 100 song long playlist about dnp but let me give you my favourites that aren't the usual classics:
Eighteen by Pale Waves
This city depresses me But you try to be everything I need We sat on the corner kissing each other Felt like I could finally see in colour I was 18 when I met you Poured my heart out, spilt all my truth I finally felt like I could feel for the first time When I met you
i mean????? thats 2009 dan and phil????? dip and pip??? hello!!??
also fun fact!!: this band is from manchester and this song was written by their non-binary drummer and lesbian lead singer (who lowkey gives lesbian version of dan). you should rlly listen to pale waves. idek if theyve heard of dnp but theyre true phannies to me.
Starlight by Muse
this song, man. never heard of muse until i got into dnp and then i this song was the first one is listened to.
Hold you in my arms I just wanted to hold You in my arms
i feel like it says sth about the expectations of being in a relationship while also presenting yourself on a massive public platform. wanting to be authentic and produce content^tm vs. being closeted and wanting to protect your relationship. 'I will be chasing a starlight, Until the end of my life, I don't know if it's worth it anymore'. Is worth it to constantly push the content out while feeling like a fraud for being inauthentic about your identity? 'And our hopes and expectations, Black holes and revelations'. the future may seem very dark and hopeless sometimes, it may not turn out how we expect or hope, but only once we face instead of fight it (embrace the void etc) we will forgive our past selves and see that the future really is bright. so yes, very dnp coded.
Anniversary by Autoheart
Years of nothing have subsided We have fixed each other up Giving you up? What are you on about? I'll never give up believing in us Giving you up? Now why would I do a thing like that? No I’m not giving you up, no way I will never stop when it comes to you
this song is not only dnp coded (kind of an october 19th theme song) but also has gained a new meaning since the return of dnp games <3. they didnt give up on us. they came back. and we really helped each other get here <3. think about it like that when listening and i guarantee you will be sobbing. the song also has some marriage themes bc theres wedding vows during the bridge so i will just let you live with that <33
Where the Lines Overlap by Paramore
Tracing patterns across a personal map And making pictures where the lines overlap No one is as lucky as us We're not at the end but oh, we already won Call me over And tell me how Well, you got so far Never making a single sound I'm not used to it But I can learn
we werent ready for their comeback / we're still learning to get used to it / just look at them / boiling frog theory / hard phaunch / do i need to say more
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Yellow by Coldplay
this song became part of my playlist when phil didnt know a single coldplay song. unfortunately i cant take it serious anymore after dan was turned into a golden pig, then was literally glowing golden during a book event all while #pissyourself4dan was trending and every phannie on twt made their pfps yellow. i will curse your mind to with the lyrics and mental imagery: (im sorry but im also not bc this is how my autism thinks humour works)
Look at the stars Look how they shine for you And everything you do Yeah, they were all yellow ✨✨ Your skin, oh yeah, your skin and bones Turn into something beautiful ✨✨✨ And you know, you know I love you so 💛
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(im sorry again)
Safe & Sound by Tonight Alive
Dan in BIG: "for the first time since I was a tiny child I actually felt safe."
Nothing compares to what we share I don't have a care in the world Cause even if it all came crashing down, As long as you're around, I'll be safe and sound. 🧡
ending it with a nice one because its beautiful and sappy and its so them afterall. they really won rpf.
thank you for this ask, i enjoyed answering it!! (im sorry for taking so long. im on day 11 of a cold so ive not had much energy.)
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breathinginsulfur · 11 months
There’s a LOT to talk about regarding the qsmp dinner. The first thing I will say is that it instantly has become one of my favorite lore streams. 
The first thing I want to talk about is Elquackity. I watched his pov and am gonna work on watching others. The big thing Elq did was during his speech, where he said he has turned against the federation and wants to burn them to the ground. Immediately, I think this is a lie. I think Elquackity is simply trying to gain trust. He is more and more trying to seem like the normal Quackity. And then the codes attacked.
The timing of the attack is what gets me. It is immediately after Elquackity’s speech. Maybe they did it then because it was the last speech. Maybe it had something to do with his or others' speeches. But it was crazy. We also know now that there is at least one other code! This attack is scary because we also know now that the reason why the code(s) were taking photos of the eggs was to mimic their behavior. I think the reason for the codes appearing more corrupted had to do with them transforming. This is likely just the first time the codes will mimic the eggs. It can happen at any other time.
The battle was sooo cool like omg. Etoiles and Phil POPPING OFF I LOVE IT SM AGGGJHHHODSHDJHD
But were they targeting Etoiles? Why did they keep teleporting everyone out of the area? They killed Gegg which is really sad so RIP Gegg. Also, seeing the message in chat that Philza was killed by Chayane was terrifying. And then seeing that the real Chayanne and Tallulah witnessed this happening. Oh my god guys. Phil killing the code with the CODE BREAKER axe. It was all so good. 
Then after the fight when Slime confessed he was Gegg, Elq talked to him and whispered to him to help him win the election. I find this very interesting. Also, it kind of proves that Elquackity was lying earlier, because who else would the people he knew be aside from the Federation? I’m really interested to see where this goes.
I also wanna talk about the Elquackity and Maximus fight. I was able to follow along with what they were saying with the translator, and I was so invested like omg. I was really expecting someone to get killed, so I was surprised when Elq teleported away. Can you imagine if Maxo killed him? That would have been actually insane. 
And then Tazercraft got kidnapped so yeah!!! What a day am I right!!!!!! This was so awesome and I can’t wait to see what the admins cook up next 👍
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anonymous-dentist · 5 months
i'm not sure if this is an unpopular opinion but omg i love that eggs die and feds don't keep them alive all the time, from meta standpoint. like yeah they're cute and everybody gets attached and they have cool personalities and canonically they could bring every one back but. it would get sooo insanely boring after a while. every time an egg gets killed i see viewers complaining about them being "forced" to stay in the fight (i've seen somebody on twt suggesting that empanada was forcefully teleported back to the fight by other admin or something?? what 😭) like it's fully against their will but come on. they're all admins, they play a character and they talk it out between themselves, if they really wanted to stay alive and safe these risks just wouldn't happen in the first place. they can't really kill off players in the same way so they need something else and eggs fill that niche perfectly. it adds tension, it motivates islanders so much, moves entire arcs forward, brings out the best roleplay. when something happens to kids you see their parents and other islanders still referring to it months later and it's shaping their lore so much. and islanders' reactions?? pure cinema, as a fanartist i cherish these moments, they live in my head rent free
Like it sucks every time- I had to get up from the dinner table when everybody had to say goodbye to Bobby (it was sooooo embarrassing for me lol)- but it serves a purpose
In every narrative, there has to be stakes. In the QSMP’s story, the players (usually) can’t die, and that’s important! With no actual threat to their lives, there has to be something else that can be used to pressure them. Enter, Eggs
A lot of people also just either weren’t there for or don’t remember the Code Attacks from April/May because those were BAD. Eggs couldn’t teleport, hence why NINHO had stasis pearls built in. Pomme somehow got like mind controlled to follow a butterfly right into the Code’s grasp during her Very Bad Day.
Yesterday was just like the day Tallulah lost a life to the Codes/Philza. Tbh we should just be happy Bagi didn’t end up accidentally killing her own kid like Phil did that day, that SUCKED
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cosmic-d1ce · 8 months
"He cares that somewhere, there's a person who used to have friends and a family and a nice little house that he made with his own hands."
etoiles here is genuinely a complete ray of sunshine here, and the part about not being able to hold a weapon but being able to hold pomme ? being able to mentally keep who he used to be alive within the stories shared to their youth about his past and explorations over the years in such a lively way that brings joy to the kids whenever they get to hear more 'dad lore' / 'tio lore' 😭😭 and passing down his way of combat to them !!!!!!! actual pain and agony !!!!!!! he is such a skilled marksman and so will these kids be in his image after that aspect of his was taken away !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and omg the little section of him dismissing others claims towards phil and gathering information himself aaaaaa
and oh my god. oh my god you didn't. 'in another life' lines are my weakness and I felt genuine pain in reading that end section about etoiles in a way mourning the life he knows that they could've had together had things been different and using those feelings of yearning to make a difference in the life they have right Now and he makes things Better ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ genuinely such a good person and it brings me much joy and pain aaaaaaaaa codebreakers are legit everything to meeeeeee
FML!Etoiles means the world to me I'd die for him
He comes in and is exactly what Phil needs to feel better. Etoiles is there for him as soon as they have their first conversation. He knows, like an instinct, that him and Phil are meant to be friends, they were going to be best friends no matter what
And when everyone does eventually find out, he is the first one to call everyone idiots for not realising. Finally, he gets to take out all of his built up rage about what Forever has done. He gets to take Phil from Forever for the last time.
It took far too long but at least it happened.
When Phil gets worried about Missa and Chayanne, he goes to Etoiles. If he can't be at home for whatever reason, he will follow Etoiles. Etoiles will be there in an instant if Phil ever needs him. All it takes is one message and Etoiles will be there before it's even sent.
Should Forever find his way back to Phil, Etoiles will make hell on earth to take his best friend back.
Part of the reason Etoiles runs for president is to give Forever a lower chance of winning. If Etoiles won the election, he would find a way to get rid of Forever for good. That's all he wants. He wants the feds, the code and Forever dead and that is all.
He manages to be the only one to question what he's told, the only one that considers Phil to really be a person. Etoiles sees people as people, no matter who they are. This is not something exclusive to Phil, he likes to know people, who they would be if these terrible things had never happened.
He sees something in everyone, it's only more obvious with Phil because his personality has been taken and replaced. Etoiles sees that and takes it as a challenge. He realises that something about Phil is not what people think and he wants to dig deeper. He wants to know, he wants to learn and experience people, the way they really are
Etoiles is the stars and Phil is the moon, do NOT sepearate them!!!!
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found-wings · 8 months
fit would have the Worst time traveling with resident Sillies incorporated (codebreakers) because its physically impossible for the two of them to adventure without the 15 stops they make along the way like omg. rewatching The codebreakers vod (july 13th one) and oh my god it takes them like triple the amount of time to get to the location on the map because of how often they find random structures to explore. (bonus is phil stopping to look at a tree tallulah likes and etoiles making fun of him for being hyped at wood before realizing the wood was pretty and taking some LMAO) and the only reason they skipped some structures- was bc phil needed to go to sleep soon 😭😭
with how fit (literally in canon too) is Very used to reeling phil back in when he gets distracted, I can't imagine this man having to deal with TWO OF EM with adventuring with codebreakers and etoiles who will see any structure that isn't garbage and stop the boat to go there with everyone since he doesn't explore with others often 😭) and with how they adventure for hours at a time ???? (not even including phils 2 hour sunbird chase from the recent streams. . .)
like quite literally in lore, 100% the only way for fit to quit the adventure which clearly isn't going anywhere without just straight up leaving (or praying someone messages him and gives him an excuse from these mfs who can't stay on topic for shit) would be to hope that they get a boring massive ocean and phil falls asleep on the ride which gives them an excuse to head back home, or for a code to sweep by at spawn and get messages in the chat which means etoiles would have to warp there 🙏🙏 other then that, he'll def be stuck with the sidequest lovers over here with no hope of seeing their destination before sundown (especially with how fit leaves earlier then everyone else on streams) - 💿
Thank you Fit for who would somehow probably ( barely ) have so much patience with these two sillies that are both equally as all over the place sometimes 🙏🙏
Etoiles 100% makes Phils wandering off even worse, they are just. all over the place if they notice anything barely interesting - Phil seeing something shiny and Etoiles tagging along for the hopes of a good dungeon maybe, disappearing from Fits sight within seconds AJAJAJ
Also the thought of Phil falling asleep while traveling through a giant, albeit boring ocean is <333 unless it‘s Phil driving the boat. then I‘d be hella concerned WHEEZE
I do adore the thought though of Phil dozing off as he listens to Etoiles and Fit, or the rushing of wind & splashes of waves as his eyes slowly close, staring off at god knows what. This usually ends up in a 50 50 chance at either Phil falling asleep or instantly waking up again if anything of interest flashes through his vision
( this has probably resulted in Phil suddenly jumping up out of his half slumber, pointing aggressively at whatever he saw and going either 'STOP THE BOAT, LOOK!! :D' or just straight up launching himself out of the boat before either of the other two can react. he needs the shiny )
Conclusion : Never go on a roadtrip with the silly Codebreakers, because you‘ll either have to constantly drag them along or quit the trip not even halfway there JAHJA
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solecist · 4 months
final (hour) vod thoughts i think!
i look up to see phil has giant rubiks cube pom poms asldkfjasldkj
ahhhhh phil explaining tubegg to 악어 NOT TUBBO GOING "yeah chayanne's gonna slash ban me" LMAO\
TUBBO TO SUNNY "you're going to be so orphan coded. like tallulah that's crazy" OH NOOO OH DEAR
the company grew so fast asdfkjsd
awwww the constant "breathe, catch your breath" from 악어 to 춘식 is very cute
the pause, look back, and "춘식 you're still alive right?"
actually the whole time 악어 is looking for 춘식 protective instinct of an adopted parent we love we love
"whatever, whatever, whatever bro-- oh Shit you're right" tubbo is so relatable
"I haven't been in a homosexual relationship in 2b2t so I haven't done everything" is the FIRST THING WE HEAR ONCE 악어 CATCHES UP TO THE REST OF THE CREW I'M DEAD
noooOOO chayanne sadness noooooo
악어 being genuinely concerned about tubbo death and then misunderstanding and being genuinely concerned sunny's dead TT^TT
LMAO 악어 GOING "EIGHT COOKIES??" ahh the immense task of caring for an egg
fit explaining that other ppl can help feed the egg and 악어 going "still i need to work hard to feed my egg" ahhHHHH
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comradeboyhalo · 10 months
ive been curious about how many players have ongoing storylines based around the federation/outside forces, so i made a list! because i love making lists! again this is ongoing storylines that are currently being slow-burned. not including player v player storylines or one-off events.
also: characters dont need some federation storyline to be a compelling and important character. and some streamers dont want one! this is just for my own fun <3
out of the original members:
currently inactive: mariana, dan, luzu, missa, rubius, spreen, wilbur, vegetta
fit: working as an undercover agent for an outside force, currently working as a janitor for the federation
maximus: was contacted by a stranger to build sofia, now has her missing in the federation building
foolish: searching for mr. mustard, working under the federation as a detective
jaiden: do i even have to explain this one
roier: no storyline, unless him + osito bimbo is explored on
philza: no storyline
slime: possibly gegg, if not then no ongoing storyline
bad: no storyline
quackity: also self explanatory
now for the brazilians:
cellbit: gathering info for the federation
felps: no storyline (although you could argue his kidnapping storyline hasnt been resolved)
forever: currently president, assuming this will be an ongoing storyline
tazercraft: federation prison escapees
and the french:
etoiles: stuck in the nether/have had specific code attacks. assuming this is an ongoing storyline
kameto: currently inactive
antoine: no storyline
baghera: no storyline
aypierre: no storyline, but has confirmed to be planning something with the admins
so, out of all these players, the ones who definitely don't have a ongoing storyline is: roier, bad, felps, antoine, and baghera. out of the original members: roier, phil, and bad have gone the longest without anything. out of the daily streamers: its baghera and bad.
basically: give bad his storyline omg!!! give him his horrors!!! he's so long overdue for one!!! i know the admins will eventually give something special for everyone, but aaaaa we've been waiting since march!!!
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kadextra · 7 months
I couldn’t watch the q!Bad lore stream live today and don’t feel like putting a bunch of vodblogs in the main tag, so I’m gonna try something new and put it all in one massive post
so if you missed seeing me on the dash and wanna read about me maybe losing my mind (depending on what happens as I watch) here ya go :D
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oh there’s a second him that’s so trippy. he doesn’t recognize himself again, they’re walking together.
THIS IS SO COOL OH MY GOD?!?!?!? now they are digging in the sand??
ah so the corpse of… also himself is still at the deserted village, but its decomposed into a skeleton now. interesting DONT DRINK THE POISONED WATER NOT AGAIN ok good phew. good confirmation this is not a loop, there is new stuff happening that didn’t last time
dude this is so awesome he is cooking so hard. I’m gonna rewatch this whole part again later, I really love surreal stuff like this
nevermind it might actually be a loop? we went back right to where we were at the start. why does he keep sitting outside of the temple, and doesn’t go inside?
and we’re back. he can’t remember how to use the warp stone again :( the memory book is not in his hotbar uh oh.
Hi Ben o/
he doesn’t know the eggxhibition… you built this man, I’m gonna cry. NOOO HE DOESNT KNOW BOBBY IS DEAD AGAINNNNN
“too early to put this up” <- referring to the día de los muertos decor. dude what time and day are you in
he found the egg hospital!!! oh no now he’s looking around erratically. I think he’s panicking :(((( and once again picked some flowers to self-soothe :((( god the flowers are so special to him, they seem to be like his main grounding thing. q!forever doesn’t even know the impact he made
he’s home!!!
dark matter by the vulture lab door uh? a knight armor guy sweeping??? is that a ghost??? what just happened?
oh god the vulture lab
dapper looks so horrible omg also her name is lowercased?
vacation. sure
“I didn’t get to keep it (the eye guy) as a pet.” yeah that’s definitely dapper.
also he doesn’t want to wear armor like the new eggs that’s weird
T E A. and q!bad’s memory is still fudged.
dapper your dad is very sick….
he remembers its been 2 months dapper has been gone! :0 DAPPER WAS NOT IN PURGATORY THE WHOLE TIME??? JUST A FEW DAYS???? EXPLAIN WHY NOW
q!bad keeps forgetting what they’re doing, and then goes off and does something else….. I don’t know if dapper fully realizes what’s going on, maybe she’s just too tired themselves to pay close attention to her dad?
“Since when did we have a farm?” Buddy.
“we hid him (dapper) underground, we weren’t sure if the island was safe” We? you and…? cucurucho?
oh they really did get launched by the nuke and hit the boat I knew it. also I see you…. zooming into the back wound when phil said “you made it in one piece”
chayanne was who led the eggs to leave? huh. chayanne you’ve got some explaining to do
not them talking about the eye guy’s snatched waist 💀💀💀💀 tbh they did slay
philza wants to beat up the eye guy and elquackity I support him so much
dapper hitting his dad off the top of the wall we’re so back!!!
ETOILES SEEING DAPPER and then fell off the wall LMAOOO
q!bad forgot that he forgot his memory
(I am so engrossed in the conversations I am forgetting to write things here lol)
“can we teach etoiles to cope” (with losing to the code) then they make him break a sign with 1s and 0s on it and he logs LMAO
q!bad just mentally zoned out and stared once again at flowers….. oh. the coughing :(
pomme was the leader when the eggs went surviving in the wilderness :3 that’s my girl!!!!!!
everyone just bouncing on the trampoline and chit-chatting is so sweet, I missed this <3
dapper is so based all the time
roier seeing dapper again awwwww
ough I really really missed dapper’s out of pocket jokes :(((
“I’ll get cleaned up for tomorrow, I’m sure it’ll turn out fine!” *hits F5* “I need pomme and the rest of the eggs to wake up, and I’ll probably feel right as rain…” haha stop it q!bad I don’t like this!!!!! 😃
he just said he didnt know a church was built here. now they’re at the graveyard talking about how he saw the dead eggs at día de los muertos </3 sobs sobs
Q!MAX T-T I miss you king o7
“learning how to raise the dead might come in handy” “we will worry about that later” ??? Please Stop That!
“I kinda won in this whole situation!” (the eggs being back) Sure bud. You aren’t dying or anything. You definitely have not entered limbo twice.
honey for smelly richas :3
q!bad saying dapper will like bagi and that she’s a really good friend, and will be his aunt. cries and punches a hole into the wall
More Coughing 👁️ dapper please help your father he needs serious medical attention.
quit saying things are going to be okay I know you are jinxing something and it’s scary. there is a giant hole in your head and your back is turning green.
they’re going to see the prison and courtroom!!
“forever for the crime of looking too handsome I sentence you to 10 years in prison!” UNPROMPTED? I know what you are 🏳️‍🌈‼️
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FINALLY THE BIRTHDAY PARTY CELEBRATION FOR DAPPER. so many nights. so many nights where we’d watch him sit awake, crying at that table. waiting, waiting for something that would never come. but now it’s here. I’m in anguish
“once the eggs wake up we’ll have a big birthday party! a big ol birthday party. yep. a party.” why did you say that with such a weird tone sir?
he reintroduced skeppy to dapper…
he is explaining the great furniture stealing to dapper. who was there when it happened and already knows. “my memory hasn’t been very good lately, I think.” Yeah You Think? I wonder q!bad forgot he’s the one who stole it all?
the child is locked outside
yes dapper be salty at your dad for accidentally locking you out
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the sunshine recording omg. he played it for company the entire time they were alone… AAAAAAAAAAAAAUGHH HGHGHGHHGHGHGHGHGHHHGHGHGHGGHHGHFHFHGGFHFGHHHGHHBSBENFMFKS
dapper doesn’t know why q!bad is blue 😀 he doesn’t know…….. haha head in hands
they are going to visit Niki :3
OHHH HER REACTION TO DAPPER <333 she’s such a sweetheart. have I ever said how much I love niki? she was so great in purgatory, and earlier today I got to watch her meet empanada and bond over baking and sweets <3
nice look at the head wound from the inside
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q!bad’s been so insistent on dapper going to the eye doctor, I have heard him say this so much over the last several days. even in his memory lapses he remembers it. Why? mr. colorblind YOU need to go to the eye doctor. go hospital.
yeah the alien ships from the map do look like eyes don’t they
based niki her favorite animal is elephants :3 SHUT UP Q!BAD YOU DEMON don’t eat the elephants
the hungriest little guy on the island strikes again
I’m just chilling listening rn, bad dapper and niki are so late night podcast vibes
perry the schnabeltier
in the dark of the night is kind of a q!bad song ngl
let’s go a washing machine in dapper’s lab :D oh that was a weird pause in the middle of your sentence bad :D
dapper is running on the ceiling!! they are so talented!
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bawling my eyes out hold on
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the 3 months where q!bad has been so depressed and suffering just went flashing through my mind. every time he had sang the song in a teary broken voice, with nobody across from him listening. in the graveyard as a rainstorm raged above. but now his sunshine is back… hit me like a truck
they are gonna sleep hugging together tonight :’3
“I know it seems I’ve been out of character (since the beginning of the stream) but trust me, I haven’t. I’ve been in character this whole time…”
“Goodbye, see you tomorrow ….I’m sure everything is going to be just fine. :)”
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I’m scared
well I guess this is the end of my vodblogging lore post!!! I hope it was fun to read jfjdjshdh it was just the thoughts I Would have posted if I was liveblogging. my eyes are still watery :’)
see you all tomorrow for whatever horrors await
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talentisntgenius · 2 years
Me, has an undying love for Phil Lester, gave up on my dreams of becoming an actor, probably depressed: omg I'm so Dan Howell coded?????
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winderlylandchime · 1 year
I love logging onto tumblr to learn that we are now discovering that Randy is poly and has a fun little podcast where he is outgoing and fun. Been a fan of that man since 2010 and in a span of a day, I learned more about him from a 40 minute podcast than I ever did before from all interviews and other stuff I ever saw with him in it. And now I have a lot of thoughts and feelings. I just realized that I actually can’t remember if i saw the podcast stuff from you or one of your mutuals omg, this is embarrassing, sorry if this is random and i got it all mixed up
Hello dear sweet anon!
I was posting about Randy’s podcast yesterday, but I didn’t start the ripple through the fandom. And I haven’t yet listened to any other episodes beyond the Poly Pocket episode (I will though!). I have so many thoughts, so buckle in.
First off, Randy’s voice is… idk it’s a little different from Justin’s. Which makes sense because he’s 20+ years older. But his voice sounds so so much like my friend’s voice. My friend who happens to be in an open marriage (like with hookups and boyfriends). So it was wild to hear him talk about things both pop culture and queer culture and relationships with many of the same opinion’s my friend has (also, just realized my friend’s initials are JT). I would love to get coffee with Randy and talk to him about drag race, I hope when I listen to other episodes I get to hear more of his hot takes on it.
Anyway, I adore Randy and Jordan’s opinions about monogamy and non-monogamy. As @phil-lester-is-my-sunshine has said Randy is so Brian Kinney-coded. His rejection of compulsory heteronormativity and all the trappings that go along with it (putting a romantic relationship above and beyond all other relationships, the need to get married, etc) and the idea that one should sacrifice oneself for a romantic relationship, I absolutely agree with. I thought it was interesting how both of them discussed how not having sex education (in the US) discuss sex beyond procreation in the context of hetero relationships and that created space for them as queer men to have a more analytical and nuanced approach to sex and relationships, I think is very true. Speaking as someone in a queer relationship (and previously in relationships that as a cisgender femme presenting woman were perceived as straight) I can speak to how much more freedom I have felt with my current partner/spouse to create a relationship that works for us compared with previous partners/spouse.
That said, I felt the conversation, while acknowledging differences for women (the pressure society places on us to be married and have children), didn’t fully take into account the experiences of *queer* women, where the expectations that are placed on women in relationships with men are sometimes the same and sometimes different but ultimately involve people who have consciously rejected heteronormativity. And, look, I’m glad that Randy and Jordan did not presume to speak for queer women (hi, Trixie and Katya, I adore you but your takes on lesbians during the I Like to Watch: Ultimatum Queer Love were not it).
I have found that lesbians/queer women/queer nonbinary afab folks are more open to non-monogamy than straight women (and I’m not talking about bisexual women in relationships with men, they are not straight). But it often doesn’t look like Brian and Justin going out and sleeping with a different trick every night. When Randy and Jordan spoke about the importance of platonic relationships (and YES THIS because our ace/aro siblings are a part of our community), I see often that queer women (as a shorthand for the identities listed above) have far closer and more intimate relationships with each other than straight women. There’s also less jealousy about being friends with exes, in my experience (and there’s some research to back this up). I don’t see as much (as much, so not zero) open relationships around sex as perhaps among gay men. Maybe that has to do with women being subjected to hormonal shifts through the “month” (loosely defined, for menstruating women) that impact our interest in sex and several days during the month (for menstruating women) when,frankly, I don’t want anyone touching my body because I’m in pain. Maybe that’s because sex with partners who each have a vulva is like… well one person I know described it as being on single-camera shoot and sex when (at least) one partner has a penis is more like a multi-camera shoot. That’s a very Hollywood analogy but there ya go. I don’t know. I do know that my spouse and I are sexually exclusive but that has far more to do with laziness and tiredness and chronic illnesses than a stance on sexual exclusivity. I also know that we more freely talk about people whom we find attractive than I see happening with my straight partnered friends. I don’t have any ex-girlfriends but my spouse does and I’m friends with many of them. I know that our concerns about being physically close with friends (sharing kisses, cuddles, etc) are nonexistent compared with the straight friends I have. I do know that when we have spoken about the future with our close friends, we talk about moving into a compound together and living as a large family. I also know that lesbians are known for falling fast and falling hard emotionally (aforementioned Ultimatum Queer Love - c’mon lesbians are MADE for reality tv dating shows, who else is falling in love in 3 weeks?) and that doesn’t always include sex. So the emotional intimacy of friendships has a large overlap with the emotional intimacy of our romantic relationships.
I hope that all makes sense.
I love Randy’s triad (they’re raising a kid together!) for him. I love Jordan’s open romantic relationship for him. I love their discussion about relationships. I just wish there had been even a teensy tiny acknowledgment that queer women may have experiences and thoughts about relationships that align with neither queer men nor straight women. That’s all.
Fun fact: there was a brief (very brief, trauma-induced) period where my spouse and I seriously considered having a child. Our friend (JT) was the only person we wanted as the sperm donor. And, when we discussed it with him, we talked about him moving in with us and all three of us raising the kid together. We would not have all three had a sexual relationship, of course, but we would have been a triad emotionally. Obviously, that did not come to fruition. But had I had a kid, I would have wanted no fewer than three parents. Per child. And this is, perhaps, why it was wonderful that I chose to not have kids.
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devitalise · 7 months
omg imo I could've sworn there was at least one full week left of november for some reason but dec 1 is on friday BYE locking myself up to finish my books 🏃‍♀️ HOW WAS YOUR NOVEMBER READING!! are you already in the holiday spirit are you planning on reading/watching some holiday related things to get you there? this one's rando, but do you have any favorite holiday foods/desserts/drinks you're excited to indulge in during this last month o 2023 ☃️
november being 30 days always goes by SO quickly she knows we're ready for the main event. november was a very good reading month for me let's get into the
november book wrap up
Small Island by Andrea Levy
i finished this pretty early on in novembr, my thoughts are along the same lines as my goodreads review: Great piece of historical fiction. I found parts of this so funny and I'm not sure if that was the original intention but I did have a giggle! The humour was found moreso in Gilbert and Hortense who are just so, so different to each other and Hortense's wilful misunderstanding and naivete as she tries to be a Model Minority was just so funny it was a much needed brevity compared to the heaviness of the rest of the story. Such foul racist thoughts that can be burdensome after a while, though. Yeah! I don't need to read the POV of a white British man stationed in India in the second world war ever again, actually! I enjoyed reading though.
A Game of Thrones by George R.R Martin
reread this because I hadn't picked up a high fantasy book I'd actually enjoyed in a little while. Great! I love ASOIAF as a series love returning to a known entity. I can't find my copies of A Storm of Swords or A Clash of Kings so continuing my reread is on pause until those unearth themselves.
Drive Your Plow over the Bones of the Dead by Olga Tokarczuk
Brilliant! So, so atmospheric. Incredible translation to me, obviously I won't know for sure until there ever comes a day where I can read Polish, but I got so much of the story out of this. It was just so cool and not what I expected at all going into it. I've never read anything like it before so getting to grips with all of the quirks of the style, subject and character was its on experience.
Butcher's Crossing by John Williams
Stoner was one of my top 2022 reads, so I saved this knowing that I'd like it. Rachel Cusk coded. It didn't blow me away like Stoner did, but I appreciate these are two very different books with completely different approaches. Where Stoner is so insular, things are kind of bursting in Butcher's Crossing. William isn't a complete active character, but he's participating in his life. Really cool setting, one of the most tense books I've read which I find can fall short in books with more action but the way tension builds and builds and builds in these fraught interactions between the four men on the mountain is fucking incredible. Immediately watched the film after this, and I love Nicolas Cage as much as the next person, but it fell short for me as an adaptation and as a film, sadly! Will be reading Augustus very soon as the last novel Williams' acknowledges as his own work.
The Power of the Dog by Thomas Savage
Another Western! Apparently I couldn't get enough! Not long finished this, so bear with for complete thoughts. Realised that I haven't read a book with such a sinister character in a while. Phil is sinister and strange and he's complicated, and I just really liked this book! Took me a while to get through because it is so dense at parts, but I think playing the long game definitely paid off. I love books that can make life so dramatic, all of the small stuff builds up to this big moment kind of thing. Netflix removed this film??? Will be making time to watch it this weekend for sure!
Outlawed by Anna North
3/3 with Western's which is so out of left field for me I feel. Finished it today, but on my top 2023 shelf, for sure. I think reading these back-to-back has made me appreciate the difference in style and storytelling so much more. I was a bit nervous because I've found previous Reese Witherspoon book club picks really juvenile, and whilst this is way more accessible than BC or TPotD, there's still a lot of complexity that I was able to enjoy. I love communities and found families, and it just really got me reading this book about these "women" ostracized from society making something of their own at risk of imprisonment and hanging. Thought it was really neat :)
December Reads
I'm on the Kindle through to the end of the year (10 days to New York!) so I'll be getting a couple new titles to diversify my options more. I don't have anything set in stone but I did download pdf's of The Hunger Games series which I've never read before so I might do those.
My Christmas mood started on November 1st! Multiple plays of Ariana Grande's Christmas & Chill, and I've already watched a few Christmas films. I watched The Holiday for the first time recently and found it boring :( I'm not a Jude Law enjoyer sorry.
Oh I love a hot cider! Ferrero Rocher's, stuffing, anything Christmassy really! I'm also so excited for a Christmas in New York! I have an itinerary going and many pictures to take!
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redraven393 · 1 year
Catching Up wit Phil's QSMP VOD
1st JULY lets GOOOO
no gegg??-was there anything different?-ohhh solo modification?
safety first-ohh a smart chat-
HIKE???-MINING IN CAVES??-BULLS??-ughhhh the code bastards are up to something -that's not how it works PHIL-WAKE UP CHAYANNE
YAEH HEALTH CARE-opp the Hotel is really fuqed
hah Phil you have way too many stalkers on this island -YEAHHH FUQTHE BINARYBASTARD UP PHILL
oh no the French-OH NO MUMZA-ah okay well soon mumza
yeah, ANTZA-that’s cheating Phill-???-what is he talkin about??-somthin' about world edit??
Whooo congrats Chat -omg Phil nooo-welp a little arson is okay sometimes-ahh shit its not little-yeah sure nature-admins problem now
ohh adventure yesyes-WAKE UP CHAYANNE WAKE UP-wat?-OH FUQ-loud to loud
Holly chat that is a great Headcanon-the code bastards eggs lol
ughh Trauma beach-???-quackity in boxing event?
LUZU there?-HE LOST!-aww sad-no happy things for Phil I guess-
Opp what happened?-ah the server lagged-?-cactus lag?
Aww chat yu are loved-Chat pls this is his son- busy old man
Bad cactus-ohhh go down- THERE are NO SUCH THINGS AS TO MANY VENUS PHIL
Ohh deep-cave creeper? Oh he chonks-trash cave
Persimmon! I never has persimmons
Dapper the handyman!- ohhh Life guards POG-omg chat u okay?-wat is going on with the mobs-oh go where is the god apple?-omg the seagull-oh that fuker-omg they eat it-fuk the seagull
Ohh Chayanne bday??-aww- yeah show them some message
Does bull have different milk??-MONKEYS!!-infernal evil Pumpkin??-uhhh?okay?
ACASIAAA-caht don’t farm the monkey-well maybe for Tallulah-bet if Tallulah ask he will says yes-awww
Phil’s parenting 101- I do not get the reference-wat??-huh??? Wat?? How?
Ohh full diamond armour guy- dadza pls-CURSE WATER-oooh the BLIMP-uppies-not many good loot-well done-
CAPPYBARAS-wait we can't trust them-yeah from the wedding-phill you can't demand the wildlife to do work for you
Resct earn -boat time-ROAR TRIP YEAHHH-okay these guys are fun
Pretty baome-you use to be cool Capibaras shame on you-cappy on a bike-lol- ohhh good loot-oh god it head-dodododdod
YEAH FUK HIM UP-good god they are powerful-lol snot-yeah bring them more often-nooo not the FLOATING TREE
Lol-get in LOSERS- is the place dangerous?-omg there op
Omg DAD you cant just Irish left your way out of the fight- that is rude
Hi Fit
Classic Chayanne-cappy here?-NOOOO TALLULAH STAY ASLEEP
Binary bastar the creep­-glad yu having fun chayanne- yeah Tallulah the poor dear is terrified-yeah cook your way out of trauma kiddo
RAMON-yeah touch grass
YEAHH FTC-fried the cat fish-omg- they are magic cappibaras ramon-Chayanne get down
Safety first-MONEY-omg 100 Yippe-
Are they all gone?-opp there they are-FTC
Thetictacs- new acent unlocked!- yeah cooked the Catfish!
Omg cappis nooo
Phill youcant exploit the wild life like that
The big mountain wall-yupyup tottaly legit-okay ramon is just flexing
Just because ramon just because
Ramon, he is an Anarchist
Tall mountain time-ughhh-FLOWER DUNGON-YEAHHH
Where are we going?-ah to the mountain-OHH a Toucan! :D-a bamboo creeper?
Wait????-is that Rigby??waitt-OH NOO RIGHBY- RAMOON NOOO-You have its TALE PHILL NOOOO
PHIL NOOOO- you don’t give ur child a dead corpse of its pet
Welp adventure must go on
The MOUNTAIN-Cappis that is cheating-YEAH TO THE TOP-dance party
Welp to the caves-so good at the video game-gator roll- how do u know??-
YEAH CHILD LABOUR-opp water cave-AHH GLOWY BOY-ohhh big cave
oh hey the cat live
ugh the bulls- welcome to the FAVELAAS- this one bull against 6- bull hunting time- omg the bulls are riding the guardians-OMG THE BULLS
RAMON NO-PHILNOOO- the oldest shit house
Ohh the day care!!-awwww it looks so cute-oh fit was a teacher??-omg NO
SPINNNN-yu spin me right round baby-BELLS
Ahh its Dapper and BBH-opp chayanne gone? Oh he’s in the basket
Yeah the attack yesterday are fuqed-Wait they taking picture of the parents too?
Yeah the Fed lied – a reminder huh?- OHH COLORFUL TOUCAN-
Yeah they just hang- funny noises- okk lets go out- lol- Antoine wat???
Scary Story!- HAM BURGULUAR- Trauma Dump
Scary retaile story
OMG- Tax Fraud???? PHIL?-lol Drugs- yeah stay an Egg Chayanne- the government IOU
Chayanne stop using others sign
Ah yess glad I still haven’t got any tax
Ah karen-oMG??-u fuqed him?- fukin Bastard- good lord Phil
BYEE CHAYANNE- oh wait uhhh -LOL
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