#† Queue Know I Can't Let You Win † ( Queue. )
her-hell · 2 years
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                                                        Carol & Is it Friday yet ?
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morbidlcve · 21 days
taking nat on an arcade date and miserably failing to impress her by winning her a plushie?
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an: kinda switched to a sort of carnival thingy, i hope you don't mind!!
pairings: natasha x reader
word count: 0.8k!
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"It will be fun", you groan at Natasha, who is reluctant to take you to the fair that has popped up in a nearby park. "Pretty please," you whimper, giving her a look you know she can't resist. "Fine," she sighs, "Only if it makes you happy" she says her eyes flickering back to the road. She turns on her indicator and steers left to find a parking space.
When parked safely, you jump out of the car and pull her to the stalls. Finding hook-a-duck, you grab some change from your pocket and pay the old man working the game. You had three chanced to hook a duck with a certain color painted on the bottom to win a prize.
Much to your dismay, you lost all three times, making you walk away sheepishly from the old man and the cable-tied plushies to the posts. Natasha smiled sadly at you, holding your hand and guiding you towards another game.
The next game was a basketball game, to win you had to shoot five nets in a row. You tried your hardest at throwing the ball into the hoops, yet on your 5th one it bounced and fell into the slope shaped net. You were determined to win the next one.
"You know, I'm completely convinced that these games just give you a run for your money, barely anyone wins, and if they do, I wouldn't even like to know how much money is spent", you complain to Natasha as she stands in a queue for a pretzel.
She smiles at your whining and kisses you. to make you feel better. "Why do you want to win so badly my love?" she asks you, stepping forward in the line. "I want to win you a prize" you mutter looking down at your feet kicking the grass lightly.
"Oh, babe, you don't have to do that. You're the best prize I could ever want," she smirks at you, and you gasp. "That is so cheesy, Romanoff."
You try more and more stalls and continue to fail miserably. You are so close to giving up. But when Natasha spots a throwing darts at balloons game, she's quick to pull you along. "Two separate games, please," she says to the woman, smiling kindly.
The woman gives you each five darts. If you are both able to pop all five of the same color balloons, you will both win. "I bet you can't beat me," she smiles. You think she's probably right; given her history, you're most definitely doomed.
You both throw. Natasha's dart lands on a blur balloon, meaning she's got to pop four more blue balloons, and yours lands on red. She pops another blue, and you pop another red. And the same again. You feel your heart start to get sweaty, two more reds are all you need.
You don't understand how nervous you are about a game. Might it just be your competition? This whole night has been quite a humiliation for you. Pulling Natasha along with you, watching you lose at these games for two hours, it's embarrassing. You're determined to win.
You take a steady breath, adjust your stance, focus on where you want the dart to go, and throw it. You squeal when you see it land on a red. Looking over at Natasha, you see her focused on the game but a small smile is tugging at her lips.
You look down at the floor, take another deep breath, wipe your hands on your t-shirt, and pick up the final dart. Your arm rocks back and forth, getting the right movement to throw it at your target.
A little boy behind you cheers you on, and you smile, letting the dart go. The little boy runs up to you to give you a high five when it lands on the red balloon. You grin when Natasha kisses you. "I knew you could do it," she sighs against you. Natasha's dart also got blue, so you tied realistically.
Natasha chose a teenage mutant ninja turtle plushie and gave it to the little boy still dancing around over your victory. Your heart melts as you see her interact with him. He wraps his flailing arms around her and spins, them two around. Natasha chuckles down at him and says her goodbyes.
You, on the other hand, chose something that was much more Natasha. When she sees you holding something behind your back, she raises her eyebrows. You giggle as you pull out a little black widow teddy.
Her jaw hands open before giggling, taking the miniature version of herself from your hands. "Thank you baby" she laughs, wrapping you in a hug. You gently kiss her neck as you two stand there, off to the side of all the festivity in each others arms. "I suppose we should go home now" she says, holding your face, pressing a gentle kiss on your lips.
"Yeah, probably", you smile, taking her hand and heading back to the car park.
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takecareluv · 1 year
omg meg baby imagine giving steve a haircut <3 he’s like so anxious at first n then he gets so so relaxed n he’s lowkey nappijg by the end and u wake him up and he’s like. hm? with the softest voice ever <3 <3
— @inkluvs (ivy)
mr. perfect hair | steve harrington x reader
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word count : 777
author's note : omg it’s so funny you sent this in because i’m literally getting a hair cut tmr !! anyway. . . this is my first stevie request :3 eeek im a little nervous. i hope it's okay! <3
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
although you adored your boyfriend's infamous hair more than anyone, even you could admit he was in dire need of a trim. getting steve to agree, however, would take some serious convincing on your part. especially considering his last trip to the barber shop was, in steve's words, "scarring for life". he didn't leave the house for almost a month after the disastrous haircut without any sort of hat atop his head.
luckily for you, you had that boy wrapped around your finger — knowing exactly what it would take to get your stevie to do just about anything you asked, including giving his precious hair a little trim.
. . .
adorned in your boyfriend's favorite dress, and shoes to match, you pulled a fresh batch of your homemade chocolate chip cookies out of the oven — baked to perfection — and placed them next to a bottle of steve's preferred beer, waiting for his arrival.
as if on queue, steve walked through the doorway, smiling at the sight of you before abruptly pausing due to the sweetness that filled not only the air, but now his senses. "i know that smell. those are your bribery cookies... what are you up to?" he questioned with a suspicious but ever so loving look, preparing himself to inevitably say yes to whatever it is you were about to ask of him.
"well... you see i just made an appointment for a haircut and i was thinking maybe it's time you get one too," you smiled hesitantly, attempting to gauge his reaction.
"i don't know, baby. i don't think i can go back to that salon. they messed up big time. practically ruined me. i can't be steve 'the hair' harrington with no hair."
you rolled your eyes at his dramatics before cutting off the rest of his rant, "i'll do it for you, stevie." noticing him soften at your plea, you continued, "please let me do it for you? can't see those beautiful eyes of yours with all that hair in the way." you spoke calmly while looking up at him with your award-winning puppy dog eyes, hoping it would do the trick.
after a brief moment of silent contemplating, steve let out a loud sigh, "fine." you began to jump up and down in celebration. "but," he emphasized, "only a little bit, baby. no more than an inch, okay?"
you nodded excitedly in response.
"you promise?" steve gave a pointed look, holding his pinkie finger up towards you, waiting for your own to intertwine with his. "i promise, stevie! i'll do just enough to get off all the dead ends, that's it!"
"hey! I don't have dead ends. my hair is perfect!"
"keep telling yourself that pretty boy," you teased while ruffling his truly perfect hair.
. . .
after a few minutes of anxiousness, steve remembered it was only you doing his hair, not some stranger who didn't know the first thing about him, but you. you who probably saw his hair more than he did. you who knew exactly how he liked it styled. he knew he could trust you, he could always trust you.
as you began to gently brush through his ends, you felt him relax and even lean into your touch, letting out a long, content sigh.
knowing he was finally calm enough, you grabbed the scissors you had prepared next to you and slowly started to snip away at his hair, small pieces descending to the floor after every cut.
soon after, you were making one last snip before placing the scissors down and brushing your fingers through steve's soft strands, noticing the way your boyfriend's eyes began to flutter closed.
"feel good, stevie?"
goosebumps cover his body from your whispered words and soft touches. "yes," he hummed in response. "can you play with my hair forever, sweetheart?"
"i'm not sure about forever, but i'll try my best. do you wanna see how it looks?"
he shakes his head. "if you did it, i'm sure it's perfect." pressing a quick kiss to your temple while guiding you towards the couch. "right now i just want you to keep playing with my hair. please?" practically begging at this point, how could you say no to your sweet boy.
. . .
you remain on the couch for the rest of the night, steve's head resting on your lap while you give him all the head scratches he wants and deserves, almost lulling him right to sleep.
"i hope you know you're the only one who's allowed to cut my hair from now on, sweetheart."
you giggle. "are you sure you can afford me? i'm pretty expensive. and those head scratches are extra you know."
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entername322 · 9 months
Happy ending(?)
Yuri (Izone) x Male Reader x Minju (Izone)
Length: 15876
Previous part
TW: Violence, A bit of gore, blood
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“So, let's talk”, You start fidgeting with your hand nervously as you read the anger that's painted all over your sister's face. “Did something happen?” Minju hugged me and extended her hand to pat Yuri's head. “Last night, her parents came to me and started berating me for no reason at all, so you better explain what happened”, Yuri just rested her head on your shoulder. “Alright, yesterday me and Yuri went to eat at her grandma's place……” You take the responsibility of retelling the story. “Fuck, now I'm caught up in it”, Eunbi is reconsidering about the vague blessing she has given you. “Yuri, I'm sorry but I'm sure things will work out one way or another”, Minju can immediately realise why Yuri is feeling down.
“Thanks Min”, Minju and you are trying to make a plan on how to cheer Yuri up. “What are you three planning to do now?” You do have a plan formulating. “Minju, why don't you take Yuri out on a date”, Which happens to be what Minju is planning. “Today? I want to stay with you”, Yuri frowned, “You should go out and take your minds off this whole thing for now”, Also you need to talk with her parents. “Fine then, when and where are we going Min?” Good, now just formulate a good speech that will win her parents heart. “I know a place, besides I know one thing that we have been putting off. I'm sure you'll like it”, Yuri took awhile to realise what Minju meant, “I see, let's finish that up today”, She needs some stress relief.
“Alright, let's get ready then, you can use my clothes”, The two get their farewell kiss from you before leaving. “So, things are going a bit rough”, You went and told Eunbi your date with Minju as well. “So, let me get this straight, your other girlfriend is one of the richest girls in Korea?” Your calm attitude only made her even more angry. “Do you have any idea how big of a deal that is”, Frankly no, “I mean her mom kinda gave me her blessings, although I'm not sure if it's a test I should talk to her”, How long would the queue for an appointment with her, 2 years? “You…. I can't, I can't deal with you”, Eunbi decided to just stand up and leave you alone. “So are you taking us to a double-ish dinner with your boyfriend or not?” At least, at the very least you hope that you can get your family approval.
“Your death, didn't they hate it when you start talking to other girls?” Wait, hold on, “What?” She laughed. “I lied bro, I don't have a boyfriend, I have a girlfriend”, Huh, wait a minute. “Didn't you offer me a condom once?” She shrugged before leaving, “Does she have a dick?” You didn't get any answer. Alright, planning time…… the plan is, Hail Mary this shit.
“You? Where's Yuri?” Yuri's mom answered the door, “She's out with Minju, can we talk?” She looked down at you with visible anger and disdain, but she stepped aside and let you in. “Honey, come down here”, She sat you down at the dinner table, there are only 2 instances where they pulled you here to have a serious talk. One when your parents died, one when you and Yuri get caught drinking some alcohol while being underage. Yuri's father came down, he had the silent disappointment on his face, he sat next to his wife. “So? What is there to talk about?”
While you were busy dealing with the in-laws, your girlfriends are having a relaxing shower, together of course. “Yuri, come on talk to me, I know what you're thinking and I don't want you to get drowned in anxiety and insecurity. Me and oppa won't abandon you”, The shower may hide her tears but Minju can still see that Yuri is crying. “I just don't know, okay? The one thing I had against you is that I have my parents' support. Now you have yours and I'm kicked out of the house”, Minju pulled Yuri to her embrace. “Listen, we're not competing anymore okay? Stop that, just leave it in the past. Oppa is right, we have a good thing going and I don't want to lose it. Frankly, I've been liking you a lot more recently. Not just as a friend, or a…… what do you call it? Sister wife? I like you too, okay Yuri, so I promise I will never talk oppa to leaving you. Oppa will never leave you and god forbid but if he wanted to I'll beat some sense into him”, The two looked at each other for a moment.
The heat from the shower seems to be covered with the sudden rise of sexual tension between them. Minju leaned in, seeing this, Yuri just closed her eyes bracing for impact. The two pairs of lips met each other, sending warm sensations that bloomed in between them. 
She's so warm, and tender. Is this how oppa felt when he kissed her? Is it the same when he kisses me?
She's so meek and scared, you poor thing. I can still taste oppa's white nectar on her, and even his smell. 
Slowly Minju’s tongue slipped into Yuri's mouth, the latter waited patiently for the former's move. Minju wrapped her tongue around Yuri's, unlike when she's with you, Minju can't get Yuri to match her aggressiveness. She likes taking control but it feels like Yuri is just being a helpless victim in her hand, which isn't bad, but it's such a different feeling with your animalistic behaviour when you're with Minju. One of Minju's hands travelled up to Yuri's boobs and pinched it. “Ahhhh, Min”, You were right, Yuri is too cute. “Sssshhh, let me show you how to pleasure a woman”, Minju's lips travelled down to Yuri's neck. “Ooohhhh, Min”, Her whimper is just a good fuel to Minju's hunger. 
“You know I'm kinda jealous with these”, Minju grabbed both of Yuri's tits making the latter moan. “Yours is nice too”, Minju smiled and wrapped her arm around to grab both of Yuri's asses. “Guess on this one we are matched”, Yuri nodded, her face all flushed now. “I haven't done this in a while now”, Minju buries her face between Yuri's tits and motorboat it a little bit. Then she bites the cleavage of the left one. “Oooohhhh, Min, not too rough”, Minju smiled before kissing her way to Yuri's nipple. Without a warning she bites on it, making Yuri gasp from the sudden pain and pleasure she's feeling. “Min, that's so….” There's no need to finish it. Minju smiled proudly and started sucking on Yuri's nipple and played around with it using her tongue.
The pleasure made Yuri lose control of her own body. She started swaying left and right, and sometimes tried to step back away from Minju. Minju's hands are firm so every time Yuri tries to move away her grips tighten on her ass and force her to stay in place and pull her back. “Min, it feels good”, Minju decided to have enough breast play and pushed Yuri to the wall, away from the overhead shower. Normally Yuri will feel the sudden chill and coldness of the wall but her body is too worked up right now.
Minju's hand travels down to Yuri's pussy, it's dripping, and the stickiness of the fluid days that it's not from the shower water. “Aaaahhhhhh, Min”, One finger went in, then two, then three, and then it started pumping in and out. “Do you like it, Yuri?” The meek girl nods, then her eyes travel down to Minju’s pussy and slowly, so does her hand. “Oh? Be gentle Yuri, follow my lead”, Yuri have masturbated before, it was only once or twice before you all started dating. However once you go out, during her sleepless nights without you she always gets so horny. Fingering her own pussy and another girl’s pussy feels different. She never noticed the squirms and constricting feelings when she finger herself, but when she tried to finger Minju every little movement it did enthralled her.
“Ooohhhh, you're pretty good at this aren't you?” The two smiled at each other before they delved into a passionate kiss. Yuri is still submissive, but she responded to Minju's advances which pleased Minju. “Fuck, I'm cumming”, Minju was too distracted with Yuri's hand that she didn't realise what the latter said. “Yuri”, “Minju”, The two had a simultaneous orgasm, Despite Yuri leaning to the wall her legs still become all wobbly so Minju had to hold her with her free hand. “Fuck, that was nice”, It was, unfortunately you weren't there, “Babe gonna be so mad when we tell him about this”, The two silently agreed they will make it up to you. “So, we're buying some lingerie after?” 
“I just don't understand how you think this will be a healthy relationship”, Whew, it's nice to know your girlfriends are having fun while you're trying to have a peace talk over here. “We are healthy, we compliment each other, help each other. And before you say anything about Minju and Yuri's relationship I should remind you that Minju was the one who proposed to have a date together”, Somehow, you don't feel those weird jealous feelings anymore.
“Yeah? And what if they leave you? You really think they're happy having to share you because of your indecisiveness? One day they'll wake up and find out there's so much more options out there for them to take”, She's right, there's a chance for that. “And they will leave, but I don't think you two understand Yuri, much less Minju. I'm not gonna be here so brazen and ask you to give us a chance if I didn't think this relationship will work. We have plans already to keep it on the down low for now. However after meeting Minju's mom we felt confident. We agreed that whatever we have is serious, and we will commit to it. You don't have to understand it, just accept it for now. Let us go through with this arrangement and we'll show you that we are not messing around. We'll show you that what we have, is something promising and beautiful”
Well, it was a decent speech, unfortunately it's not enough to convince them. “We really don't like it, not to mention that Minju girl is a chaebols that could ruin our life. Sorry kid but we are not approving this”, You tried, “Then I'm afraid, you have no other choice”, They'll come around, one day. “She's our daughter and we get-”, You just slam the door behind you not bothering to give them any courtesy. Now what?
“Fuck, this such a shit idea”, Nevertheless you just try it, who knows, maybe it works. You returned back to your house and went to take a shower. Going to Yuri's parents house reeking of sex was a conscious decision to show them that you and Yuri don't care about what they say. However now you should definitely make sure you present your best self. Looking at your suit from two days ago you realise you still haven't sent this to the dry cleaner. “Fuck, dad gotta have some suit”, Reluctantly you walk to their bedroom door, your heartbeat going crazy as flashes of that night came back to you. “Fuck, hope you have a good taste dad”, You swallow those memories down and walk into it.
Surprisingly, your dad does indeed have a good taste. It's a little big for you, but not that noticeable. His shirt is too formal, you don't want to look too desperate. Thankfully the girls have bought you some decent clothes, so you used your own shirt and a sweater over it, of course with the suit. A nice slim fit khaki pants and your dad's leather shoes, you think it's decent. “Looking good kid”, Minho also thinks it's decent, “So your dad will also be there?” He shook his head, “Dad will come for dinner, where your girlfriends will come. For now you go talk to mom first”, Well that's reassuring.
“So, are you gonna meet her too?” He shakes his head again, “I have lunch with my girlfriend, so good luck kid I'll be cheering for you”, Just like Minju, her mom has a very expensive taste when it comes to food. “You're here, take a seat kid”, You and her are in a private room of the restaurant, not even a waitress is here. “Good afternoon ma'am”, You bow before sitting in front of her. “I must say I'm surprised when Minho said you want to talk to me. Did you had a fight with Minju already?” It'll be very disappointing if you and her already break up before her mom gets to see a spectacle.
“No, first can I ask, did you mean it? The idea you gave me back then?” Oh, it seems you are going to put on a show for her. “Hmmmm, do I? Maybe, are you seriously considering it?” You nod, “Good, go ahead and do it. Minju deserves to get everything she wants, and if your girlfriend is as beautiful as she said then having her as an extra partner would make her very happy”, Minju talked to her about Yuri? “She told you about Yuri?” She nodded while smiling. “Well, then I have something to tell you”, Her mind immediately raced quickly while her eyes were picking up on every single little motion you made and any changes in emotions on your face.
“Oh my, you three are already dating, and you told me about Yuri the first time we met because you want to plant the idea that there's a love triangle happening here”, You're not really surprised she quickly grasped it, the woman deals with lots of rich people on a daily basis. Reading and deducting people's words are probably her specialty. “Now this is interesting, so why tell me now not then”, Of course she knows why, she just wants to hear you put it into words. “You'll find out eventually, I'm not a good liar, Minju is your daughter so she can't really keep secrets from you. Obviously telling it to you on the first day because it will set a bad first impression. We planned, well I did, to tell you about it back then and have you acknowledge her existence. The idea was to let our relationship ride for a few months and after that we go out and tell you everything. That way you know we've been going strong for a while and we have a higher confidence in defending our relationship”, Satisfying answer, she's happy with your reasoning and your eloquence.
“So why are you telling me now? Something happened right?” 
“Yes, Yuri's parents and I are very close, they practically take care of me ever since my parents death”
“I'm sorry about that”
“Thank you, I'm sure you already ran a background check on me��, She smiled and shrugged.
“Anyway, after how…… open you are to the idea Yuri wanted us to tell her parents. You have to understand, one other reason on why we haven't tell you yet was because there's still some insecurities between us”
“Of course, the three of you are scared to be left by the other two”
“Correct, Yuri is especially scared of Minju. Minju is richer and much more powerful than she can ever hope to be. The one thing she can brag about is how her parents has practically accept me as their son”
“I see, they didn't take the relationship well?”
“No, yesterday we had a talk with them and things turned sour. Today I asked Minju to take Yuri out on a date so I can talk to her parents alone”
“Did they want to meet us?”
“No, they doubles down and want to break our relationship”
“Hmmm, now this is interesting, you want some advice from me?”
“No, I thought you would be smarter than this?” *Smiles sarcastically*
“Oh? Go on, piss me off”, She really wants you to push the boundaries more. She finds this type of insubordination to be amusing, she got bored of all the people licking down her feets.
“Hehehe, I'll jab you again when you make an opening. Back to the topic, I want to tell you this so I can bring Yuri to our dinner and have your help in telling Minju's dad. I'm desperate to have an approvals at least from one of my parents-in-law”
“Oh, now that's surprising. I'm an open person and I don't mind giving you three chances if it looks promising. However my husband is different, and telling him so soon might not be a good idea”
“Then I won't come to the dinner with Minju. I know I have to come because the whole family wants to check me out. Minho would be neutral, taking the side that would lead to a much more hilarious outcome. So I need at least your blessing to make sure they didn't just flat out hunt my family down and send them to the bottom of the ocean”
“Ahhhhh, very perceptive. Now let's bargain then”
“What do you want me to do?”
“If things go well, I want you to marry Minju”, Not what you expect, but also, not what you want to do.
“I can't do that, I can't just marry her and leave out Yuri”
“We'll pay for the marriage and everything else. We'll make you rich”
“On the cost of Yuri's heart”
“Well have her marry Minju then”
“I don't think same sex marriage is allowed here yet”
“I can deal with it”
“Oh, right, rich people stuff”, How is that fair?
“Hehehe, you want us to pull some strings and allow polygamy”
“No, same sex marriage is a widely accepted, what's the correct word? Practice? Whatever, it already passed in a lot of countries, and many Koreans, a decent amount of them also already wanted it to be legalised here. Polygamy is heavily frowned upon in most places. On top of that the people that do want it to be legalised are not vocal at all, nowhere near the LGBTQ community. Passing that law out of nowhere will cause major spotlights. I'm sure there's not many people who are eager to get married to multiple wives. So there's a chance the three off us will be the first one to do it which will definitely get the media attention”
“Impressive, you're smarter than what I expected”
“Well, you don't really know me-, you checked my grades didn't you?”
“Such an underachiever”
“Anyway, can you cover for me tonight?”
“Well, that depends, why don't you tell me more about how you three came to be”, Quite a warm afternoon you have. Minju’s mom is thoroughly pleased hearing your story. It's been awhile since she found some intriguing love story, and yours being a real life experience made it a plus.
“You look good Yuri”, Yuri knows it, “I should keep my hair short from now on”, She's thrilled to surprise you later. “You don't want to get a new haircut?” Minju shakes her head, “I like it when oppa ran his hand through my head”, For a second they felt the fire of competition rise again. “Come on, let's move”, For now though, they have other matters to deal with first. 
The two were driven to a secluded warehouse out of the city. A place, perfect to release their stress and finish the job. There were 2 guys waiting by the door, and they led the girls inside, to find 5 guys tied up. “Oh, nice to see you guys”, The four of them felt their heartbeat rising seeing the two people that just walked in. Anger, frustration, and fear, it's overwhelming them. The last few weeks have been a downward spiral for their life. First they got kicked out of school, then their parents lost their jobs, and their house suddenly got an eviction notice. The police knocked on their door informing them of an investigation of assault and battery, alongside a civil lawsuit for beating a helpless kid. To top it all off, the police took them in and held them in the holding cell for a week. Now, they suddenly woke up yesterday in this foul dark room while being tied up.
The moment they see who walks in, they just snap. Their muffled scream and eyes full of anger seems to raise the sadistic side of the two girls. “Hey guys, it's so nice to see you here. Remember me?” Their screams only got louder, “Min, is this really okay?” Yuri wants nothing more than to break this guy's but he's still anxious about the two bodyguards around them. “Oh relax Yuri, they won't say anything. No one will know, not even babe”, Yuri made a mental note later to ask if Minju has done this before. “Now, let's get down to business okay? You four have committed a grave sin of hurting our boyfriend. So, obviously we are here to punish you. Your sentence is death. How do you plead?” They screamed again, “Understood, Yuri, would you like the first turn?”
Skip ahead if you dont want to read some torture
Yuri glanced at the all sorts of equipment they have on the table near them. “I'll be happy too”, A hammer, of course, what else would a brute like her use. “I remember that you punched oppa's cheek right? Oh how much I wish I could rip your cheek apart right now”, Yuri gently ran her hammer through the guy's cheek. “This one looks like it can do that”, Minju pulls out a thin looking knife. She saw this type of knife before, one that her chefs use to cut some thin slices of Jamon Iberico, maybe it can be used to make some thin slices of human skin as well.  “For now, let's do this first”, Yuri pulled up her hammer and swung it hard to the poor guy's face. A muffled *crack* could be heard followed by a pained scream.
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“Tckkk, this isn't fun when you get gagged”, Yuri stood up and took a small surgical knife from the table. “Now don't move, or I might accidentally cut you”, The guy is so preoccupied with the pain he had on his cheek that he didn't register the knife that's piercing through his other cheek. “FUCKKKK”, The sweet melody of suffering is invigorating for the girls. The guy tried to lunge at Yuri but the knife she’s holding just slipped upward. It penetrated his eyes making him scream even louder. As he instinctively pulled back, the knife got stuck on his eyes. Time moves slowly for Yuri, she can see how the guy's eye is being stretched like a rubber before the tension causes it to rip. Fascinating, Yuri keeps a close watch as the guy was squirming on the ground. “Your hand, they ruined my oppa's fragile body”, She picked up her hammer again, her legs stomped on his hand and held it to the ground. “Please, I'm sorry”, *crack*, “Aaaahhhhhh”, He can only watch as Yuri completely turned the bone in his hands to dust.
“This is kinda fun”, Yuri starts laughing as she stands up, “You're insane”, Oh yes, the last ditch effort to spat on her. “Should I end it fast? No, let's get your leg”, He tried to scurry away but Yuri kicked him on the head causing him to get dazed. “Now for this, I need a bigger hammer”, She took the two handed hammer that's almost as heavy as her body and returned to him. “Now, don't move”, The thrill of this torture is getting to her. She aligned her hammer on his knees before he swung up and stomped it to the ground. Unfortunately the guy moved his leg making her hit the concrete ground. “Haaaaa, you're such a rebel, just sit still and let me have fun”, Yuri used her leg to stomp on his thighs before stepping on it and used her other leg to stomp on his ankle. “Now, this feels awkward, but this should work”, Aligning her hammer to his knee again, he swung forwards before down to hit the knees between her legs.
Another *crack* can be heard, the impact of the hammer caused his leg to bend inward. His fibula broke and pierced through his skin sticking out of his leg. “Aaaaahhhh, please, just let me go”, He cries, every single cell in his body is screaming of pain, he wants to run, but deep down, he knows there's only one way this will end. “Alright, let me finish this”, Yuri walked up, having the guy's torso lay between his legs. Raising her hammer up, she's ready to destroy the guy's chest. In normal condition he would try to kick her and escape, however, the impending death is just too sickening for him. The hammer swung down, leaving a loud cracking noise, it left a crater on his chest and sent blood flying. The warm blood that splashed to Yuri's hand didn't even register for her, so she raised her hammer again and swung it down.
Over and over again she keeps swinging the hammer. Blood, bones, innards, they all fly all over the place. Every time Yuri raised her hammer over her head, blood and chunks of flesh or organ fell on to her. The realisation sinked in for the other victims, they are dead. The two bodyguards just stare at the show with no remorse nor disgust. Minju is getting horny, why does the sight of blood arouse her so much? “Aaaahhhhh, sorry Min, I got carried away, go on, your turn”, Minju smiled and helped clean some fleshy remains that caught up on Yuri's hair before she took a plier from the table.
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“One of you go hold his hand for me”, One of the bodyguards forcefully grabbed the next victim's hands. “I remembered you, it seems my oppa has caused some damage to you right?” Despite your pathetic attempt at fighting them, you did manage to claw some of them and leave scars. This one in particular got his lips scratched by your desperate attacks. “Haaaa, you ruin oppa's nails, and even dirty it”, Minju opened up her plier and grabbed his nails. “Naughty boy”, In one pull she ripped his nails out of his finger. “Hmmm, are you crying? Come on I just started”, Minju smiled and grabbed his other nails, the guy let out a muffled moan, “Please”, Minju pulled another nail out.
After taking all the nails out of his fingers, Minju grabbed a drill like equipment. “I've seen this in a movie before, let's see if it works the way I think it is”, The bodyguard turned him to the side, Minju put the drill on to his ears. “Well, I guess drill is just a drill anyway”, Slowly she turned the handle, “AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH”, He could only scream as the drill slowly pierced through his ears, it was a slow and very painful experience. “Can I just pull this?” Minju pulled the drill back out, ripping its way through the man's ears. “Hmmmm, let's try this one”, Minju is experimenting through all the tools available. Skinning, cutting, penetrating, ripping his skin, all sorts of stuff. Unlike Yuri's victim, Minju’s just slowly die from all the pain and blood loss he gets. His body looks horrifying, Yuri's murder victim has his chest turned into a fleshy, bloody mess, Minju’s victim is very much intact, with hundreds of different injuries all over him. “Haaaa, your turn Yuri”
Their screams of horror and suffering echoes through the empty warehouse. It was a sight to behold, honestly you probably shouldn't. “Now, last one, let's team up, Yuri”, They left Jin for last. Out of everyone there, Jin betrayed you, hurt you emotionally. So for him, they took their sweet, sweet time. Slow and precise, inflict as much pain as they can without having him lose consciousness or die from blood loss. Once the sweet release of death was given to him, they still aren't satisfied. They continue to desecrate his body till it gets broken down to thousands of tiny pieces.
Violent part end
“Fuck, that felt good”, For a moment Yuri has forgotten about the problem with her parents. “Good to know, feeling better already?” Of course, Minju has to remind her. “Yes, thank you Minju”, The two exchanged a hug while bathed by the blood of their victims. “If things ever went wrong with your parents, we can always take care of it”, Yuri felt conflicted, only for a second. Something inside her has snapped and she has found her resolution, “If mom and dad gonna be a hindrance to our relationship. Then they're no better than these guys”, Minju cheered inside her mind.
That's right Yuri, nobody can get in our way. Let's hope they get their shits together before things get too far.
Sorry mom, sorry dad, but I can't let you stand in my way. I only have them from now on, hope you guys can come around soon.
Of course they can't get back in the car while dripping with blood. Thankfully there is a shower here for them to freshen up. “Minju, I'm not doing this again until I tell oppa”, Yuri moaned as Minju grabbed her tits. “I know, it's just…. I'm so horny after that. Fuck we should go home soon”, Yuri understand it, she is also itching to get filled by you. “You think we should put on those things to surprise him?” Minju would love to do that, “Haaaaa, oppa is tired after last night and two nights ago. Maybe tomorrow, but fuck, maybe he can finger and lick me tonight”, Yuri frowned hearing that, the itch was too much. “FUCK, fine, we should prepare something special to make it up to him for what we do today”, Let's hope your tank is already refuelled tomorrow.
“Miss Minju, your mother is expecting you at the family manor”, The driver's words cause Minju some anxiousness. “Why?” He shakes his head, “I do not know miss, I simply got contacted to bring you back home alongside with Miss Yuri”, Now that sounds super fishy. “Did you tell them about Yuri?” The driver is a loyal employee to Minju, however he's still her parents' subordinate. “I'm afraid not Miss, they asked if you're with anyone and I said no. However they told me to stop lying and bring the two of you to the family estate”, Yuri and Minju exchanged a glance for a moment. “Should we tell oppa?” They are contemplating the pros and cons from doing that.
“No, oppa would get worried, we should go there and go home quickly. Then we can tell him everything went well until mom asked me to meet her”, That way if you find them to be a little off they can blame it on Minju’s mom. “Very well, let's go then”, The two anxiously held each other's hands during the ride. “Your house is kinda big Min”, Yuri giggled nervously, Minju decided to not tell her that this is one of the smaller ones. “Ahhhh, Miss Minju, and Miss Yuri I presume. Please follow me, madam has been waiting for you”, The two followed the maid to Minju's mom’s office.
The moment they walked in their heart dropped seeing you sitting on the couch facing Minju’s mom. “Ahhhh, welcome, please have a seat”, The two just glanced at you, who's smiling innocently. They made their way to you, making sure you sit in the middle like usual. “Hahahah, you must be Yuri right? Your boyfriend has talked a lot about you”, The two start tapping their legs anxiously. Minju because she's scared what her mom will do if Yuri wasn't up to her standart, Yuri because she thinks Minju’s mom is gonna start acting like her own parents and break the relationship.
“Please don't be nervous, you saw me and her had a talk earlier today. Well actually today has been pretty long……..” You tell them about what you've been up to today. Yuri felt her heart being squeezed when she heard how you came to her parents yourself to get their approval. Minju felt really bad because while she and Yuri were busy having fun in her bathroom, you were having a fight with your in-laws. Then you told them that you and Minju's mom had lunch together where you told her everything in hope of tonight's dinner. “Oppa, you don't have to do that”, Maybe you don't, maybe you reacted to this whole thing too dramatically.
“So, I gathered you two here now to have a little chat. Minju, as you've already heard, everyone is coming to the dinner tonight. To make sure no war broke out on the table we should prepare the three of you for some questioning”
Minju's mom immediately dropped the friendly and warm attitude and turned back to her cold persona. Yuri felt suffocated by her aura alone, thankfully you were there to calm her nerves. “So, you think you can just play with my daughter's heart and get away with it?” She looks at you. “Well, I'm not playing anything. This whole thing is a group decision”, Too short. “Why are you not saying you love them?” Ooofffff, this is gonna be a hard interview.
“Out of character here for a moment, I love them, however I think it would be unwise if I just say we're in love”
“Why?” Good answer, Minju’s mom has decently high expectations from you after lunch earlier.
“Because I think everyone will condemn us as being teenagers getting high on our own hormones and not thinking logically. Again, before you say anything about what I said to you back in the party, it's a different situation. Two teenagers in love isn't that weird or unexpected, breaking it so early would hurt Minju so as long as I don't show any excessive red flags then I will be fine. Having a poly relationship is already questionable, even for adults, if the three of us use ‘love’ as our only foundation it would make it sounds like we are not completely sure about what we do”
“Hnmmm, impressive, next question then, you're trying to say that the two of them are willingly compromising with each other and get half of you simply because they wanted to?”
“Because they are scared that I might choose the other one. Honestly, the circumstances of how this started was shaky. We've been treading carefully between each other. As times goes on, we got more comfortable with this relationship and now we're going stronger and stronger everyday”
“You're playing them, out of character a bit as well, let's skip the part of you explaining about how this started. I think from our lunch earlier today you seem to be self aware and can handle yourself. Back to the question, you're playing them, they have to love you fully and you only love them with half of what you can. Are you open with the idea of them dating other guys then?”
“No, because they would be cheating”
“Hypocrite, and a swine”
“Who used swine for an insult? Also they would be cheating because the maths equation you have is wrong. I love them half each, and they love me also half each. They love each other too for the other half”
“What?” The two girls stayed quiet for some time, like 5 seconds, making you and Minju's mom feel a little irritated.
“That's right, today they went out on a date. As you've known, Minju is gay, although it turns out she's bi. So she also has some attraction with Yuri, while Yuri here is still confused about her feelings. They've been reacting to these feelings between them. Today the two of them just went out to a date together, without me”
“Is this true?”
“Yes, yes it's true. Yuri and I have some connections the same way we have with oppa. I noticed it wasn't just a physical attraction since earlier today when I felt hurt for her after hearing what happened with her”
“What happened yesterday?”
“Me and oppa had a talk with my parents. They've been taking care of oppa and his sister for awhile ever since their parents death. So we thought we needed to come clean sooner than later. It didn't work out”
“So you think it would work out today?”
“I hope so, out of character this is the part where I would tell them about what you told me back in the party”
“Very well, let's skip over that part. To be honest I'm not quite sure what's gonna happen after. On top of that Minho is too unpredictable so let's just end it here”
You feel like you did a decent job, “Well done you”, She also thinks so. “However for you two, I am disappointed, especially you Minju”, She turned to the two girls. “What? You're the one who keeps asking him not us”, Although that is true, Yuri still hasn't grasped the nature of the test. “And you didn't do anything when your boyfriend was being pressured. Remember this, my husband will not blame Minju by any means and seeing you he will realise you're too meek to corrupt Minju. Which leaves your boyfriend, he will be the one getting pressured relentlessly. So you two can either shut up and speak once you're spoken to or you can help him”
The two look at you with a guilty expression, “Come on now don't be sad, it's just an exercise. We got this”, The two exchanged glances for a second. Rock-paper-scissors, Yuri wins, she melts in your arms as you two kiss. Minju left a bite mark near your lips after her kiss which probably isn't a good idea. “I don't care, dad needs to find out that we are inseparable, whether he likes it or not”, Her mom nodded stoically. “How long till dinner?” One hour left, Minju's mom left the room for the three of you to catch up first.
“Baby, you don't need to do this okay?” Yuri feels so guilty she might just cry. “No baby, I know I might be overreacting to this whole thing. I just don't want you to brood at home when me and Minju go out for dinner, okay?” Yuri leaped into your embrace, her mind filled with guilt, anxiety, and most importantly, anger. 
Fuck, if mom and dad wasn't so fucking stubborn oppa wouldn't need to do this. I hate them, that's it I don't fucking care anymore.
Yuri shifted her gaze to Minju for a second, the latter immediately understood what Yuri wanted. Since you went so far for them they will have to do the same for you. One chance, that's what Yuri's parents are getting, either they take it or they'll be removed from Yuri's and your life forever.
The three of you simply cuddle up for an hour to gather your energy for the dinner. Although, there's something you didn't know yet, Minju’s mom is very slick. “So, this is Yuri?” You definitely didn't expect Minju's dad to suddenly come into the office with his wife holding his hand. “Dad?” Minju felt confused, and she eyed her dad for a moment, he doesn't seem mad, for now. “I've heard everything”, The two were confused by his words, but you immediately understand, that her mom has recorded the talk from before.
Hmmm, he noticed it? My, my, Minju, you've found yourself a diamond huh?
“I've recorded the conversation from earlier, and filled in about what we talked about this lunch”, She dragged him to sit in front of you. This sight of her smiling all cheerfully is very off putting. Silence lingered in the room for a while, “Dad, we are having a good thing going on here, and I don't want you to start looking at us like we're stupid kids who don't know what we're doing”, Minju opened. “You are stupid kid who doesn't know what they're doing”, Very good argument.
“Just give us a chance, please”, Yuri can't fuck this up, she has to make this work. “At least, tell us what we need to do to get a chance to prove ourselves”, He looked at you with calculating eyes. “What do you hope to gain from this?” Whew, another round of questioning. “What other people expect to gain from a relationship, a loving partner” He shakes his head, “You, in particular, what does it mean to date two girls”, Well he's right somewhat, you can't just treat them both as one. You stayed quiet for some time, which worries the two girls. Minju's father is somewhat pleased you didn't just answer immediately, although it is a bad thing if you still haven't asked yourself that question.
“I just want to make everyone happy”, That's the best you can come up with? Really? “Happy? Are you three truly happy?” Obviously yes, seeing the three of you nod in sync made Minju's mom smile happily. “Then what if a fight happens? Every relationship will have some disagreement and fights”, While the two are very confident that it will never happen, you try to be realistic. “There's three of us, so when an argument breaks between two the third one will be neutral, despite their alignment. If two of us keep fighting over and over then we need an intervention and talk things out”, Unfortunately for you, the middleman is always you.
“But we won't get into any fights”, Minju thinks she's helping, “We can always find a peaceful way before any fights happens”, Yuri thinks she's putting the closing statement. Minju's father is thoroughly unimpressed with the childish display of your two girlfriends. A nervous smile grew on your face, “You're right honey, he is not as dumb as the grades show him to be”, Oooffff, he also knows about that. “You would've known that when you heard your head of security report about the incident”, Of course, someone was listening to the conversation you had with that nameless idiot. “I will give you a chance”, Yuri and Minju are excited and a happy smile grows on their face, you on the other hand felt like you just narrowly dodged a bullet.
“I have my eyes on you”, Well, another bullet may be on the way, “Thank you sir, we won't waste this chance”, For now, you have passed the test with flying colours, he will keep a close eye on you. “Well now that's settled, let's break the news to the rest. Come on we have a dinner to attend to”
Third round, thankfully with the approval of the parents surely Minju’s siblings will accept this openly right? “Dad you can't be seriously considering this”, Not really, “Seojin-ah, mom and dad already questioned us and they think this relationship is worth a chance”, Thankfully Minju actually stepped up and shielded the three of you. “Minju, you can't seriously think this is healthy”, Seojin is the eldest of the siblings, he is huge, bigger than Minho, which makes his anger seem much more scary. “It is healthy, the three of us are still going strong despite all the problems that arose”, Well openly admitting problems have come your way isn't very smart.
“So you do know this thing attracts problems. Minju you have a lot of eyes on you, if words come around do you have any idea how much more problematic things will go”, God family drama has been feeding you too much. “So what?” Hey at least the food is insanely good, they said their private chef cooked this up, perhaps you should start learning how to cook. “Minju do-”, You can't take it anymore, “Seojin-hyung please, I've spent the whole day today having this kind of talk since morning. Whatever you want to ask us, I've already heard it a thousand times, and I've answered it a thousand times with different tweaks to the sentence each time. Minju's parents already gave us their blessing, at least a chance for us to let this ride for now. Please, can we have a light-hearted conversation for dinner? I promise I can answer all your questions next time”, Oohhh, very dominant of you.
“I'm not your Hyung”, He glared at you, “Very well Hyung”, Minho started laughing like a hyena or something. “Seojin, the boy is right, let them have a peaceful dinner will you? Let's talk about this later”, Minju’s mom covered for you. Seojin glared at you for a moment before drowning himself in his food. 
“So, Brutus, why do you come clean with mom? Something happened little guy?” Minho changed the topic, well somewhat changed the topic. The dinner went quite peacefully after that, Minju’s mom spent most of the time asking questions to the three of you to know more about this conversation and also to know more about you and Yuri. “So why Brutus though?” Well that topic is bound to come up sooner or later. “Well, in my last year in middle school, there was a school play. My class appointed me as one of the actors. They put me as Brutus, and I had like 5 lines. Then practice came around and I was pretty good so they adjusted to give a bit more line and character for me. Well I was performing really well in practice, since I was a loner people didn't really expect me to be able to actually perform. Of course the actual performance came and I nailed my part. However since I was a bit of an outcast at the time people didn't really know me well. So they just start referring to me as Brutus. It's really recent, on my first day in highschool I made some new friends and he called me Brutus so I was like, why not. Time to have some rebranding. I don't know, it felt like the new name was pretty silly but it does give me some extra confidence, especially to talk with Minju. Things just took off from there”
Minho was nodding, of course he investigated where you got that name from and got the recording of the performance. “I think it's cute”, Minju pinched your cheek, “I think it's pretty disrespectful of everyone at our school to not bother learning your name. Haaaaa, but since you like it I guess it's fine? I never used that name anyway”, Yuri ruffled your hair. “Both can be true, so you're a good actor then, Brutus?” Definitely not, “Hell yes, I got the recording mom, he was impeccable”, Again, you are questioning Minju's statement that her family is not the mafia. “Really? We should watch it after then”, Minju frowned, she really wants to go home and just spend the night away with you two. Yuri also frowned, because she remembered a very despicable scene from that drama.
“I really think we should do it later mom, we have a long day already and we have school tomorrow”, However her mom just shook her head, “You should just skip tomorrow, beside you three can spend the night here. You three are exhausted so the thin wall wouldn't really reveal anything”, You felt relieved, knowing these girls they will definitely try to get a few more rounds in after what you did for them today. “Mom we can't just skip school, also Yuri and oppa don't have any clothes here”, For now at least. “Just lend Yura your clothes and Brutus can use mine, come on eat faster we have a show to catch”, Minho really wants to see the girls reaction to your intimate scene with your in-drama-wife.
“Yeah, I guess we can spend the night here”, Oh no, the girls are pissed, they really, really, and by that they really do not want to spend any second longer with anyone else but you. “That settles it, come on chop, chop, we have a show to catch”, Despite that the girls decided to just follow what you want, they are loyal like that. The idea that you will be killed once that kissing scene came up never crossed your mind. Until the scene actually came up, and you feel both of your hands being crushed. “Oh my, very feisty”, Minju’s mom's commentary doesn't help you. She saw how Yuri and Minju were very angry and jealous. She wants to fan the fire even more. “Is that your ex Brutus? She's kinda beautiful you know, you plan to, you know”, Minho also likes to see you suffer, “No, and he will never talk to her again”, Yuri said while glaring at Minho. “I need to use the restroom”, Thankfully the two let you go, unfortunately Minju's sister was waiting for you once you got out of the bathroom.
“Oh, hello Noona”, She steps in your way, “Uhmmm, everything is fine?” From the looks on her face, it seems like no. “If you hurt Minju-” Jesus you're fed up with this, “Yes I get it, I've heard that a thousand time like I said earlier”, She is not entertained by your defiance, “Just because mom and dad-”, You are not in the mood for this, “Doesn't mean you give us your, I get it”, She's pissed off. For a moment she felt like you are an absolute threat to her, why is her ego so fragile? “I swear if you cut me-”, Challenge accepted, “Or what?” Thankfully as her anger rose her defence mechanism kicked in. She stares at you with cold calculating eyes, she deduces you're trying to piss her off on purpose. Of course you were just really tired and not giving a fuck.
“What's your name?” You feel offended, “You know my name already and you probably know about my whole history”, She for one actually didn't do a background check on you out of respect to Minju. After this exchange she will, you tried to walk but she moved in front of you. Stubborn as you are you just keep walking until your head bumped to her, “I need to go back to my girlfriends…. Please”, Your smile looks more like a shitty grin if anything. It's like a clash of the titans, your stubbornness is trying to push back against her calm anger. Being this close she picks up upon every little detail about you. Your awkwardly brushed hair as you still haven't figured out how to deal with this new haircut. Your worn out outer piece that doesn't mix very well with your new and pristine shirt and sweater. Your somewhat sweaty smell as you've been wearing this outfit the whole day. Your eyes, that screams aggravation and exhaustion. She noticed that you aren't a rebellious piece of shit, just tired from having this whole situation and wasn't really in the right mind. She took a deep breath and moved aside, the looks she gave you had changed but of course you didn't notice it. Without saying a word you move past her and get back to the girls.
He smells nice.
“Took you long enough”, Minju grumbled as she hugged you, “I feel tired”, Your exhausted voice turns the girls into panic mode. “Are you okay oppa”, Yuri grabbed your forehead afraid that you might catch a cold, “Yeah, I just want to sleep”, Minju turns to her mom, “Mom oppa is tired we're going to sleep for the night”, The performance was about to hit the climax, but they don't care. “That's a shame, go rest up then sweeties, good night”, It's still 7 PM.
Minju's bedroom was comically large, “Min, this room is bigger than my house”, She just smiled nervously. “Let's take a shower oppa, wait Min we need some clothes for him”, Minju ran off leaving you with Yuri. “Babe, don't act like that”, Yuri embraced you as she let out her frustration. “I'm really sorry oppa, I was useless. When I was out with Minju, having fun and winding down. You're out here trying to-”, Yuri hates this feeling for being so helpless. “It's okay babe, you know I hate it when you're feeling insecure like this. So drop it off, you'll do it for me”, At least she's not crying. “I know, I have to make it up to you”, Right now the only thing Yuri can do for you is offer you her body, which is a pretty sad way of viewing herself.
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“Here you go babe, come on let's get you cleaned”, Minju dropped the clothes on the bed before pulling me up. “You know, me and Yuri were having fun in the shower earlier today”, That sounds hot, “Shit, I should've come to take a shower with you guys”, The two are scrubbing your whole body while you just stand under the shower quietly. “Oppa you did take a shower before you talk to my parents right?” You just laughed and shook your head. “That's so ballsy babe, good”, Let's be honest here, you were also too lazy to take a shower. “Well, gotta show them that me and you two are a thing, whether they like it or not”, You glance to see Yuri is staring at Minju’s wound, the bite mark you left her.
“I want one”, She pulled out her cute pout, “Well, I don't think it's as hot as you think it is”, Needless to say you're still eager to give her one. You pushed her to the wall, one leg went in between hers. “I'll do it, if you promise me you won't call yourself useless again”, She nodded, you smiled before setting her hair aside. “I haven't got to say you look good with short hair babe”, Despite the shower running you can tell she's getting wet already. “Baby, don't tease me unless you want to fuck me”, You laughed before kissing her shoulder, making her shake gently. “Move aside babe”, Minju whispered in your ears. You see in a….. throuple? It's a buy one get one free, so Yuri wants your bite mark, she got Minju’s as well. 
“Fuckkkk”, Yuri whimpered, your hand slowly explored her body and squeezed her tits. “Oh yeah like that”, Your hand travelled down to her crotch to find Minju's hand is also travelling there as well. She pulled down yours to Yuri's pussy before her hand travelled through yours and hop off to continue pinching and massaging Yuri's tits. Your finger starts penetrating her making her moan even louder, the metallic taste of her blood touched your tongue so you let go of her shoulder. “Fucking hell”, It's so unfair for Yuri, seeing blood trickling down lips was too hot. “I'm cumming”, Your hand got even wilder as she started squirting all over the bathroom floor. “Holy shit, oh my god that was great”, Yuri forgot all about the depressing thought she had from earlier.
“Great that you like it babe, but now it's my turn”, Minju pulled Yuri's face to her shoulder. “This is so weirdly hot”, You laughed before you kissed Minju. This time Yuri got the job of fingering so your hand just cooperates with your mouth to pleasure Minju’s tits. Unlike Yuri, Minju can't last long, she's been very horny after the stress relief activities with Yuri earlier today. “I'm cumming babe”, Her hand latched onto you as she felt her body spasm out of control.
“Hehehehe, is it oppa's turn then?” Yuri looks up to you while cleaning her mouth. It was off putting, especially her crazy eyes but you don't really mind. “I really have no gas in my tanks now girls, and I might catch a cold. Let's finish up and you can do it later while we're in bed”, The two want to protest but their legs are very tired as well. “Well it's better to do it when we're laying down”, The shower finish up quickly and the three of you get on bed. Unlike on Yuri and Minju, your mark is on your neck. “Ahhhh fuck girls, do you really have to….. shit aggghhhh”, Your cries of pains is like music to their ears. Obviously they don't want to hurt you, but only threading lightly between the line of pain and pleasure. “You taste so good oppa”, Yeah, that's not creepy at all, “Yeah, I want to just eat you right up babe”, Very normal behaviour. 
“Girls, let's get some sleep, I'm tired as fuck today”, How thoughtful of them to drink up all your blood before giving you a good night kiss. “Should we clean this unnie?” Minju laughed and nodded, “You should call me unnie from now on, and let's get the band aids”, As the night continues peacefully you are unaware of the paranoia your friend Doyoung is going through. 
“What the fuck you mean they went missing”, He knows Minju gonna do some legal works to fuck up his friends life but he never expected this. “They went missing, when Jin's mom went to the police and asked to see her son, the police went and showed him that he's not there. They never arrested Jin and the others in the first place. She even told them the badge of the guys that took them but the badge wasn't even registered. Dude I'm telling you, that bitch is a mob”, Dear god, Minju would've loved to be here just to see Doyoung's face turned into horror and fear. “Fuck….. fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCKKKK. I don't know what to do, fuck this I'm not talking to them ever again. You all should fucking leave them alone as well if you know what's good for you”, They already did that, it's just Doyoung who is hellbent on having fun with teasing you. The news spreads like fire, everyone in your school finds a new fear to unlock. Ever since then, no one ever goes as far as stare in your general direction.
“Did something happen?” Seeing Doyoung fully committed to avoiding you weirded you out. “We just send some ultimatum to make sure everyone leaves us alone”, Minju sees the scared look everyone gave you which made her happy. From now on your high school life will be peaceful. “Oppa, I think we should skip art class today, I have a plan”, Yesterday you three skipped class and just spent the day cuddling on Minju's bed. Despite it being a very fun time for you, the girls feel like they are being edged by you. They are hungry. “Haaaaaa, fine”, You're also kinda horny after spending a full day being embraced by the two girls.
“Hehehe, let's go then, I know where you wanted to go Yuri”, Minju and Yuri have planned for some risky session in school, now they're gonna pull out one of them. The risky place is the gym equipment room. “This place feels…. Dangerous”, It's your hentai experience that's talking. “It's okay babe, go to the corner, me and Yuri have a surprise for you”, Minju shakes the bag she's bringing. Anticipation plastered your face before you turned around and just faced the wall. You heard the ruffling of clothes while waiting, every second seems to make you even more aroused. “We're ready”, You could start a tornado with how fast you turned.
The two are wearing some super slutty school outfits. A shirt that's being tied together that exposes their midriff, a red skirt that's short enough to expose their ass, and knee high white socks. You've seen these outfits in a lot of porn, but let's be real, things are different when you see them in real life. Especially when they are worn by your girlfriends, the two most beautiful women in the world.
“Do you like it oppa”, Yuri squeezed her hands together making her boobs almost pop out of her thought shirt. “We're kind of scared that this would be too basic”, Minju turned to the side and ran her hands up her thighs and pulled up her skirt exposing her pale round ass. “But seeing your reaction, I guess it's good enough”, You let out a little laugh as you walk towards them. Despite their effort to stun you with the outfit and their sex appeal, they ended up getting stunned instead. Your smirk and the whole aura you gave off as you walked towards them made them squirm in their place. “It's perfect”, You grabbed Minju by the waist using one hand and pulled her on to you. “Oppaaaa”, Yuri whined as you kissed Minju but it was short lived as your other hand grabbed her breast and squeezed it. “So wet already?” Your hand on Minju travelled down and went to her pussy. 
“Babe, ahhhh, right there”, You smiled and turned to Yuri who's biting her lip seductively. “Come here”, With one rough pull you ripped her shirt letting those melons fall out. You grab her by the waist as your head travels down to take her breast into your mouth. “Oooohhhh, oppa harder”, Your teeth dug deeper into her breast making her squeal. “Oh fuck Oppa, I'm gonna cum before you get to fuck me”, Minju moaned as your hand never stop fingering her. “Fucking hell, you first Min”, You pushed Minju to sit on, whatever that sturdy thing was, you're too distracted to analyse it. She spreads her leg showing off her eager pussy, you smile and take off your pants. 
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Aligning your cock with her pussy, you decided there's no time for teasing, with one quick thrust you buried your cock deep into her. “Fuck, baby you're still too big for me”, Thankfully your cock hasn't magically shrunk, yet. “Fucking hell Min, you're always so slutty”, Her walls clamped your cock, almost suffocating it with it's tightness. “Oppa, play with me too”, Yuri pulled your hand craving for your attention. You wrapped your hand around her and grabbed her ass as your mouth travelled to her tits. Biting on to it before sealing your lips around her nipples. You keep sucking on them so hard that it might start lactating soon, your hand was grabbing her ass so roughly it might get bruised.
“Babe, me to-”, Deciding not to deal with two needy women at the same time your other hand slapped her cheem. “Shut up”, The pain sends a thrill around Minju’s body, coupled with your stern eyes she feels her orgasm is drawing near. “Look at you Yuri, you might just cum from my hands, are you close baby?” You whispered in her ears, “Yeah oppa, fuck I'm so close”, Your hand let go of her. “We can't let that happen can we?” You laughed as she let out an angry whine. “Fuck baby I'm so close. Fill me up, fill me to the brim, breed me”, You smiled as your hand grabbed Minju’s waist. “Well, wait until I'm done then”, You picked up your pace and start fucking her rougher and faster. Every thrust made her body shake and jiggle roughly. Minju can feel your nails sinking on to her waist, the impact of your waist clashing on to hers, and most importantly, your cock that's splitting her apart. The pain…. It excites her.
“Oppa please, let me cum”, Hearing Minju's desperate plea you just smiled, “Be a good girl and shut up”, You know you're getting closer as well, but you want to see her break. You keep holding in your ejaculations while Minju is desperately trying to hold hers as well. She's falling hard, every thrust is a knock on her orgasm that keeps yelling to be let out. She can't just cum, she really wants to hold it in but she can't. Her tears run down her face as her mind is losing its sanity. “Oppa”, Seeing her so frail in your hand you can't hold it back anymore, “I'm cumming”, Your declaration was not needed as Minju is so sensitive she can feel the throbbing cock inside her. “Fuck babeeeee”, she screams as your cum paints her inside, oh yeah without those pills she will be pregnant by now. 
“Oppa”, Without giving you any time for recuperation Yuri starts whining. You look down to see her grinding on your leg desperately. “Get up”, She smiled and jumped up, then she turned her back on you as she picked up something from the bag. “Are you sure?” You said as she handed you a bottle of lube, “Yes, ruin me oppa”, She leaned down and rested her hand on whatever Minju was sitting on. “Ooohhh, Yuri is already so eager”, Minju was scooping out some of the cum on her vagina using her fingers before she started sucking on them. “Aaaahhhh”, Yuri said, the two then had fun trying to get your sperm out of Minju's pussy to share and drink.
You squirted some lube to your fingers and on Yuri's hole. Slowly your finger circles around the entrance before it pushes in. “Ahhhh”, Yuri moaned but it didn't stop her from using her tongue to explore Minju's pussy. One finger, then two, then three, well Yuri seems to be eager. “I'm going in babe”, Yuri immediately stopped eating Minju out and went back to the leaning position. “Well, at least I have some snacks”, Minju smiled as she continued her previous activities. “Slowly oppa”, Yuri whimpered, you raised your hand and slapped her ass, “I'll do what I want babe”, This only makes her asshole even more eager. You did start slow, first you pushed your tip in, and her asshole almost chopped it off with its tightness.
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“Oh fuck, you're so tight Yuri”, You let out a groan, unbeknownst to you, Yuri was sending a victory smile towards Minju. Albeit, the pain she's having made it look more like a winced than a smile. “Before you say anything you should try to take oppa's full lengths first”, Minju loves anal, and she knows if she's struggling to take you in her ass after all her toys, then Yuri is gonna be suffering. You slowly pushed deeper, making Yuri start flailing and shaking wildly. Never once that stopping you came across her mind, she will handle your size, even if it means splitting her ass apart. “Holy fuck this is too much”, You're still somewhat sensitive from Minju and now your cock is overly stimulated by Yuri, you might just cum any second now.
“Oh my god you love this don't you?” Minju grabbed both of Yuri's tits and pinched her nipples. “Ahhhhh, oppa, I'm coming”, Yuri moaned, “Fucking hell, you thrust into her, you can't keep it up anymore. “Ooohhhh, oppa”, Yuri moaned as you grabbed her waist and raised her up. With her leg dangling from the ground Yuri went through an orgasm in a helpless state, being held up by your cock and hands. “Fuck, oppa I can't stand anymore”, You gently put her down while holding her until she can try to hold herself up. Minju got off her seat and kneel underneath Yuri, “My treat”, Fuck it this is porn don't think about the hygiene.
“Min, If you really want some, you can take it from the tap”, You grabbed Minju's face before shoving your cock into her mouth. Minju loves it when you become so dominant like this, she relaxed her throat as your cock slowly pushed deeper. “Oppa, kiss me”, Yuri stand behind Minju while holding the latter’s head. “You're so fucking needy you know that?” You grabbed her chin and pulled her for a kiss. Your waist continues moving to fuck Minju while Yuri held her head to make sure she can't move anywhere. Minju was handling it pretty well….. for the first few minutes.
“Fuck, you okay Min?” You pulled out seeing Minju is struggling to breath. Minju felt relieved, but also a bit defeated as she felt she can't handle you. “I'm sorry”, You just laughed and patted her head, “It's okay babe”, Yuri then sat down next to Minju. “My turn”, Minju and you look at her with questioning eyes, “What? You two are so mean”, She frown. “Listen Yuri, why don't you use this assets of yours to pleasure babe. Let me help you”, Minju get the lube bottle back and smear it all over Yuri's tits. “Oh yeah”, You laughed seeing what's about to come, other than you that is.
“Come here babe”, You moved in front of Yuri. Minju kneeled behind Yuri and grabbed Yuri's tits from behind. As you put your cock in between her tits, Minju starts enveloping it with Yuri's soft melons. The squishy and warm feeling that your cock is feeling made you feel like in heaven. Top it off with the two girls looking at you with submissive and horny eyes, you might not last long. “Do you like it when my tits are wrapping you oppa?” You just smiled and groaned. “Babe definitely loves it, look at him, bathed in ecstasy, fighting against his orgasm that's building up”, Minju is right, the soft and warm feelings enveloping your cock are so different from what you're used to. Of course, it is just as good, the fight is still going and you're losing. “Fuck I'm coming”, This made Minju move even faster, “Cum for me oppa, cum all over my tits please”, Yuri helped by using her sweet voice and irresistible face. “Fuck, I'm cumming”, Despite already cumming twice your sperm is still flying all over the place coatings Yuri's tits and both of their face.
As your ejaculation passed, the two hungry jumped on each other's face trying to lick every drop. After that Minju got down and started sucking your sperm on Yuri's tits, the pleasure from Minju's mouth and tongues distracted Yuri from taking some for herself. Thankfully Minju is kind, “Open up, Yuri”, Yuri opened her mouth eagerly while Minju slowly dripped the mixture of your sperm and her saliva down to Yuri's mouth. As the last drop fell she leaned down and the two exchanged a passionate kiss. The mixture keeps exchanging places inside their mouth, coating every inch of their mouth. Their hands can't be kept to themselves so they start exploring each other’s body. You pick up a mattress from the corner of the room, checking it, smelling it, touching it, well it's clean enough. You drop it to the ground and just sit and watch the girls.
After 10 minutes of gripping and make out session the girls, ‘evenly’ split the cum before gulping it down. Then they turned to you, hungry for more, “Didn't we say we are only gonna skip art class?” You laughed as you lay down on the mattress, “We can skip it all”, You start reconsidering Minju's offer to do homeschooling. That can be talked about later, for now, it's round two.
“Why do you look so exhausted? What did you do back in school?” Eunbi somewhat guessed the answer already, “My girlfriends”, You are kind enough to confirm it. “You absolute idiot, just drop out already if you don't want to go to school. Where did you go in the last three days anyway?” Right, you haven't met her since Sunday morning. “Alright, that's….. you know what you do you, I really can't wrap my head around you, your girlfriends and those crazy families”, Eunbi would be lying if she said she's not concerned, but of course it's not like she can do anything to change your mind or keep you safe. “Thank you, the dinner tonight is cancelled or what?” She shakes her head, “My girlfriend is coming here at 7”, You never asked her actually. “Why didn't you tell me you have a girlfriend?” She rolled her eyes, “Because I want to prank you, and because you're a pervert”, You feel offended, of course you are a pervert but it still hurts you.
“Why am I a pervert?” She just frowned, “Your whole porn stash is just lesbian porn”, That's true but, “How do you know about that?” Do you even want to ask though? “When your laptop broke and I had to take it to the shop they told me there's too much porn in the storage that the memory has hard time finding space to keep temporary files”, Ah, that's why, “Did they think that was your laptop?” Her glare says yes. “Well, I should take a shower and call up the girls then”, Excusing yourself before she explodes has become a skill you developed this last year.
“She should be here any minute now”, Both of your girlfriends are anxiously waiting next to you. They don't like you meeting new girls, even if it's your sister's girlfriend. Not long, a knock on the door can be heard. Eunbi went to open it to reveal her girlfriend. Short hair, somewhat tall, well your sister is pretty short so it's not a fair comparison. She wore a black baggy t-shirt, red flannel and cargo pants, to top off the tomboy vibe she also wore a black hat and had a band aid on her cheek. “Good evening welcome to our humble abode”, She raised her eyebrow while following Eunbi to sit in front of you. “Thanks kid but I've been here a lot”, How the fuck would you not notice it? Oh right you were a shut in who blast music at full volume and stayed in your room 16 hours a day.
“The foods are still hot, so let's just eat”, Eunbi seems somewhat nervous, you're not sure if she's embarrassed of you or her girlfriend. “Name is Ryujin kid, I heard a lot about you. Although Eunbi said that we're having a double date dinner”, She eyed Minju and Yuri who just stared at her blankly. “We are”, Since when have you become so sassy? The girls immediately understood and took turns to kiss your cheek before scooping some of the rice for themselves. “Huh, that's unexpected”, There was a clear disapproval on her voice but she refrained for now.
“Eunbi never told you about this?” You just smile as you also fill your plate. “Nope, although I see why”, The cynical tone made the girls a little pissed. “Correct this is pretty complicated”, You find this amusing, “No, this is embarrassing”, Well, at least the girl doesn't have to be scared of you getting taken away by some college chick. Now they just have to worry on how to teach this girl a lesson. “Embarrassing because I can have two girlfriends while she and you only have one?” Maybe you should just copy Minho's physique and not his personality. “You're brave kid”, Eunbi slammed the table to silence us, “Stop antagonising him and you also stop acting like a bitch”, You just shrugged and started eating.
“So how do you two meet?” Oh Ryujin is definitely losing her respect to you by the seconds, “We're in the same major, she's my upperclassmen who help tutor me during my internship. Now stop this stupid display of yours”, Eunbi kicked you from below the table. “You're no fun, haaaaa where should we start girls?” Ryujin slowly went from disdain to confusion as you told her the story of how the three of you came together. “And yes, the two of them are fine with it, I'm getting tired of hearing that question and so are they”, You continued eating as Ryujin was digesting the food and information. “How about you let them speak first?” The girls just shrugged. “Oppa already said what needs to be said, and he can put it better than us”, Not convincing enough, “What else is there to be said, babe already put it nicely for us”, Definitely not convincing.
“Listen ma'am”, Eunbi stares at you telling you not to call her girlfriend that, “We had this conversation way too many times already during the course of this weekend. Can't blame us for being too tired to try and convince you. What's important is that my sister is convinced and you are aware about this”, Ryujin turned to Eunbi. “I was sceptical at first too, but after a while you will see they have a pretty strong bond. On top of that there's just no way to stop this so for now I'll just let them ride. Don't make any sex jokes”, Good call, you don't have any creative ones anyway.
Ryujin stares at you coldly for a while, which doesn't sit right with the girls. “Is there anything you want to say?” Yuri said angrily. “Babe, don't be rude”, You patted her head making her sigh, Minju pulled your hand as well, if Yuri gets one then she needs to have one as well. “Sorry about them, they get cranky when I'm around other girls”, You've come to terms with that already? “I expected a lot from you, Eunbi told me a lot about you. Even Yuna has some praises about you, but I never expected this”, On the topic of other girls, how does she know about Yuna?
“Who's Yuna?” Eunbi beat you to it, “My sister, and his ex”, Head pat faster bro, otherwise the girls might just snap. “What? You have an ex?” Even faster, “It was just a fling, right babe?” Is this gaslighting or threatening? “It was a while ago”, Should you pull your hands and piss the girls off or should you just leave it there with the risk of losing them. “She didn't talk like it was just a one time thing”, Ryujin picked up on the girls’ anger. “Really? What did Yuna say about our boyfriend?” Minju leaned in, “Well, he was romantic, kind and also very funny”, The two turned to you. “Come on girls you know I don't really know much about what Yuna thinks of me”, Immediately Ryujin’s view flipped. You're not a fuckboy who roped two innocent girls into this relationship, you were the one who got roped in, with chains and leash.
“It was a while ago, probably not long after she graduated”, Ryujin is pretty kind huh, “Yeah, I guess she does view it a little more fondly than me”, The crisis has been averted for now. The pity that Ryujin had for you and the gratitude you have for her smooth out the rest of the dinner. The three of you excused yourself, leaving the house for her and your sister. “Baby were you serious back then?” You tried to do some history lesson to remember what Minju is referring to. “What?” You failed, “Being homeschooled”, Right, you did mention it after school. “I don't know, I was a little scared that both of your families would find out and cause some trouble. Of course with your parents blessing and Yuri's out of the way maybe it wasn't a bad idea”, The two nod happily. “Good, we're leaving from tomorrow”, Not tomorrow but Yuri doesn't want to spend any more time in the school you're about to leave anyway. “Yeah, a new chapter”
The next day you told Eunbi the news which of course, doesn't faze her anymore. “Do what you want”, She can only pray that good things happen to you from now on. Yuri's parents don't budge for a second, “Yuri you're our only child, would you really do this to your own parents?” Her mom cried, “I really can't deal with this, just….. call me when you have a change of heart”, The three of you left them bawling their eyes out. Minju's parents don't mind, her mom happily let the three of you live in the house you had dinner with last Sunday. You have a sneaking suspicion that her dad is okay since it means he can monitor you more closely. Hopefully he doesn't mind hearing reports of all the sex you three gonna go through. “That is wise yes, you, you will learn under me”, Why is her sister so adamant on taking you under her wings. Your spidey senses are tingling and so do the girls. After hours of back and forth between them and Yoojin, the latter finally gives up, for now. “You will work under me, I need to keep an eye on you”, Her parting words left you with some sense of dread. “It's okay oppa, don't mind her”, Yuri kissed your cheek, “Yeah, now let's go shopping”, Minju the sugar mom of the relationship took you out on an outing.
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You were dreading this trip because you know your leg will be drying and your arms will fall off. However the fear seems to be prescient as an unexpected encounter happens when the girls went to the bathroom. “Beeeee?” A voice from the past causes chills to run down your spine. You turned to the source of the voice to see a face you wish to never see again. “It is you”, Yuna jumped to hug you, the memories all flashed in front of you, the smell of her shampoo, the tender hands she used to caress your head, the thin figure that you used to embrace.
“Hey Yun, didn't expect to see you hear”, If she notices your shivering dry voice, she doesn't show it. “Oh my god I missed you so much. Doyoung refused to say anything about you so I thought you got kidnapped too”, Too? What does she mean by too? “Oh? What happened?” She tilted their head in confusion while her face was filled with worry. “Right, you never care about anything. Some of our friends got kidnapped and went missing, Jin was one of them”, The chill in your spine turned into a sick twisted crunch as if Bane just snapped it in half with his knee. “Oh right, I heard, Jin went missing. Although I never heard the updates on them being kidnapped”
Shit. Fuck. Shit. Fuck. Shit. Fuck. Shit. Fuck. Shit. Fuck. Shit. Fuck. Shit. Fuck. Shit. Fuck. Shit. Fuck. Shit. Fuck. Shit. Fuck. Shit. Fuck. Shit. Fuck. Shit. Fuck.
Shit. Fuck. Shit. Fuck. Shit. Fuck. Shit. Fuck. Shit. Fuck. Shit. Fuck. Shit. Fuck.
“Yeah, you be careful out there okay? Also I heard you got a girlfriend?” Right, talking about girlfriends, “Yuna? What are you doing here?” Yuri wrapped her arm around yours while staring at Yuna coldly. “Haaaaa, I knew it, you two will always end up together”, Thankfully Yuna is a bit of an airhead so she can be sweet to soften the anger Yuri is having. “So you're Yuna?” Minju wrapped your other arm, “Yes, and you are?” Yuna tilted her head to Minju, “I'm Minju, nice to meet you, I've heard a lot about you”, Minju hid her animosity better. “Wait, what's happening here Beeeeee?” The name was just short for Brutus but the way she says it makes it sound way too cute.
“It's complicated, Yuna, this is Yuri you already know her, this is Minju, she transferred to our high school. They're my girlfriends”, Yuna raised her eyebrow before laughing. “Oh my god, little bee has grown up now? Catching girls' hearts left and right?” She ruffled your hair, with a hand that she will lose soon enough. “It's complicated, you should ask your sister, did you know she's dating mine?” She nodded, “Unnie said you were annoying, shit I should've asked her about your girlfriend. Well anyway nice to meet you two, it's good to see you step out of your cocoon Bee. I need to go, text me sometime okay?” 
Now that she's gone, let's try not to make it permanent. Like dead, not like you will see her again. “Girls, should we go home”, Ahhhhh the old clashing aura that you did not miss at all. “Yes, let's go home”, The two wrapped your arms like an anaconda, but with venoms ready to be injected into you. The ride was so quiet you could feel your heartbeat deafening you. You can also swear you hear them talking telepathically on ways to….. make Yuna disappear. Just the thought of it made you sick. You have to think this through.
“You're cheating on us? We left for five minutes and you let her slobber all over you”, First step is to calm them down, “Girls we just saw each other coincidentally, you know we're in the biggest mall downtown, it's not that weird or a coincidence”, Maybe your arguments are too specific. “She fucking stalks you didn't she oppa? That fucking bitch”, Okay what now? Hugssss, they always work. “Girls please, you know that's not what happened. Can you two please just leave this behind?” Definitely not. “We don't like her and we want you to cut her off”, Sacrifices need to be made. “How about this, I promise, I will never talk to her or any other girls when you two are not around. You can even delete her contact from my phone. Just leave her alone alright”, The term ‘leave her alone’ made Yuri and Minju realise that you had some suspicions towards them.
“Wait here”, The two left the bedroom making your anxiety raise sharply. The two waited outside the door as they converse about what they need to do. “He knows”, Minju nods, “She probably told him”, Yuri frowned. “If he's not mad, then he's okay with it?” Yuri shakes her head, “Oppa is scared, we make him scared”, The two feel guilty at least there's that. “Fuck, but what now?” The two stay quiet for a moment, “I think killing Yuna will make him even more scared. But fuck I hate her”, For you, they will compromise though. “He said he's willing to cut her off. Let's make a deal then, he will never talk to other girls as well as cutting Yuna out of his life. But if he does as much as make eye contact with her she is gone”, Yuri proposed quite a good deal. “From now on, he can't leave the house without our supervision”, Minju decided to add another clause to the deal. “Yes, we need to seal the deal first. I smell some of her shampoo on his shoulder earlier”, Yuna definitely didn't hug you long enough to leave a trace but the girls’ delusion speaks otherwise. “Yes, let's get him drained for the night”
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When the two came back, you were spoiled by the sight of two beauties wearing a sexy lingerie. Yuri wore a black one, Minju wore a white one, their body and perfect curves only get complimented by the lingeries. However you can't be horny right now, all you feel is worry and anxiousness. “Oppa, we decided to let you off, just this once”, Yuri walked to you and sat on one of your legs. “But only this once, you can never talk to her and we're deleting her contact after this”, Minju sat on the other one. “On top of that, you can never talk to other girls okay?” Yuri unbuttoned your shirt, “Or leave this house without us, okay babe?” You nod, somewhat relieved that you managed to save someone's life.
“Good, then for now, since you have cheated on us, you will have to make it up to us”, Minju unzipped your pants, “We want you to prove yourself to us, fuck us untill we can't walk tomorrow. That's okay right oppa?” Yuri kissed your cheek. “I love you two, now and forever”, The girls exchanged glances, the joy they felt was mutual, however the talk about marriage can be talked about later. “Lay down on the bed oppa”, You comply, the two immediately pull down your pants revealing your cock. “So hard already, I know you won't cheat on us on purpose”, Your horniness knows no bounds. “Fuck this feels so warm”, Minju pressed her head against it, her breath sends tickling sensation through your body. “Mwah, are you gonna start doing your job unnie?” Yuri kissed your tip making it shivered for a second. “Ooohhhhh, appetisers”, Yuri hungrily lick your leaking precum, “Fuck, I want some”, Yuri moved down to start kissing and suckling on your balls as Minju took her turns to drink your juice.
“Girls I'm still so fucking sensitive from last night”, Since the last day of school you three had sex 4 times out of the last 6 days. “You should hold it in then oppa”, Yuri laughed before she started sucking your balls since she found out that it's your weak spot. “Itadakimasu”, Minju gave another kiss to the tip before she swallowed your cock whole. The feeling of her tight little throat is too stimulating. Yuri's endless attack on your balls doesn't help either. “I swear I can feel your babies swimming around in here oppa”, Her dirty talk doesn't help either. “Haaaaa, haaaaa, haaaaa, Yuri your turn”, Minju travelled down to your balls as Yuri was taking your cock into her mouth. “You can cum when you want oppa, but we are not stopping until we are satisfied”, Minju smiled before she started worshipping your balls. 
You try to hold it in, the feelings of warmth enveloping your cock while kisses and licks keep attacking your balls trying to push your sperm out of its resting place. “Fuck unnie, I can't”, Thank fuck you have such a big cock that Yuri can't handle it. “Hehehehehe, then let's collaborate”, Minji started kissing the side of your tip while Yuri kissed the other side. Slowly they used your tongue to lick it like a popsicle, then their lips sandwiched it as they moved up and down in sync. The sandwich blowjob proves to be a bad matchup for you as you can't even hold it much longer. “Fuck I'm cumming”, Hearing your groan the two moves even faster and their tongue licks even more furiously, tracing their way through the veins all over your dick.
Like a fountain your sperm shoots up before falling down to the girls’ face. The two didn't stop, they got even more aggressive until your cock stopped throbbing. “So thick and warm, I want a taste”, The two take turns licking each other's face, cleaning every drop of cum from their faces. Once their face turned crystal clear, Minji climbed to be eye level with you. “You can sit back and relax, oppa, we'll take it from here”, She bit your ears as Yuri pulled her panties to the side before sitting on your cock. “Fuck, do you feel how wet I am for you oppa, do you like it?” If Yuri keeps grinding on it with her drenched pussy you might just cum right now.
“Are you gonna fuck him or should I take the first turn”, Yuri just frowned before she lifts up a little. She aligned her cock with her pussy before abruptly dropping down. “Fuck, oppa hold me”, Your hand raises up to help support her weight. “Baby, I'm here too”, Minju pulled you into a kiss. Her hand trails down to your newly formed abs sending some ticklish sensation. Your tongue had some wrestling action against hers as Yuri kept riding you. “Oppa, look at me, do you like my tits”, You broke off the kiss to see Yuri has pulled down her bra making her tits bounce alongside her. A mesmerising view before your attention was grabbed by the searing pain on your neck. “Fuck, I'm coming babe”, Yuri bite her lips and nodded, “I'm cumming too oppa. Ahhhhh your cock is pushing inside me, I can feel it squirm oppa. Fill me, fill me up inside with your love”, She dropped down on you as her thighs shook out of exhaustion and ecstasy. Her inner walls help milk your sperm out of your cock, somehow this batch is much thicker and higher volume than before. “Fuckkkk, I can feel it oppa, I can feel you right here”, Yuri rubbed her stomach as her orgasm passed away.
“You taste so good babe, every inch of your body and every drop of your bodily fluid is just nectar to me”, Minju had her fill of blood. “We should clean that latter”, Remember, do not think about the hygiene. “Fuck, my legs need some times oppa”, Yuri jumped to lay next to you while Minju took her spot. Minju faced away from you showing off her flawless back. “I can't wait anymore babe, hope you're ready”, Fuck her pussy just start milking you from the first penetration. “Oppa, kiss me as well”, Yuri jumped on you, sitting in your stomach making sure to get in Minju's way. Then she bent down and started making out with you. Your hand went around her and grabbed Minju's waist, grabbing her ass and thighs from time to time. Yuri grabbed your head using both of her hands as she aggressively made out with you. 
When she had enough of your saliva she travelled down to your neck, reinstating the fading wounds she left before. Knowing you probably can't hold any longer, your hand reaches out to let your finger trace down Minju’s spine, her weak spot. “Fuck, that's not fair oppa, I'm cumming”, Minju squealed. That means you can safely deliver your load inside her, just as much and just as thick as the one swimming inside Yuri right now. “Fuckkkkk, I can feel you oppa, I can feel them moving around me”, Minju pressed her stomach, the pressure her finger gave can be felt by you through her flesh. “Perfect, but we're not done yet oppa, we want more”
You are dead, congratulations, you've been freed from the mortal body. “That's amazing oppa”, Oh wait you're not, tough luck buddy. “It is great babe, sorry that we went all out. We're just pissed by that fucking bitch”, Minju and Yuri is comfortably nestling in your arms. “I know….. I just need a few days to cool down okay?” Detestable, but they expected nothing less. “Good, then we can delete that bitch contact tomorrow”, The two are just as exhausted as you are, after all you still have your fingers to pleasure them. Not your tongue though, you do not want to taste your own sperm on their vagina. “Yeah also don't forget about what you said earlier, now and forever. You weren't lying right oppa?” Of course you can't say yes to that, “No, I love you two, now and forever”, You hugged them tighter. “Good, then we can talk about marriage later as well”, Tomorrow problem, for tomorrow me, as the saying goes.
“I love you oppa”
“I love you babe”
“I love you two as well”
Maybe this isn't so bad. You have two heavenly beauties with irresistible sex appeal and jaw dropping looks that will always love you till the end of days. Maybe they love you a little too much, but that's okay. Right?
Yo, sorry for the wait, last part of the series. I will add some polls soon for the next series, hope you like it. Also please feel free to send any comments or critisism, this is the first time I start publishing my stories and I want to improve my skills. Hope you like it :)
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azaleaniath · 2 years
lo’ak x reader request!
do you think you can do a lo’ak x reader smut like the “little secret” one you did with aonung?
reader liking to teasingly insult/hit lo’ak but then noticing he got a little.. excited yk? 😭, maybe with a bit of hair pulling too🫢🤭 (lo’aks hair)
anyways i hope all is well! love your work <3
Our game
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includes: nudity, sex, kinda roleplay?, spicy content, degradation, hair pulling, explicit smut, punching, orgasm, teasing, kinks, friends with benefits ig, dominance play, aged up for legal reasons
NSFW, MINORS DNI, 18+ | 1.6k words
"Come on, skxawng~" you laughed, pinching his upper arm, "Or are you scared you might lose?"
Lo'ak simply grunted, trying to ignore you as you circled him, pushing both your hands against his chest. He noticed the glimmer in your eyes as you tried to tease him. That wide grin on your face did not lessen as he slapped your hands away and turned his back to you.
"I'm just not in the mood, y/n."
"You're scared aren't you? Now that we're older, you can't beat me that easily anymore and you know it~"
It had started out as a game. Nothing more than innocent childs play where you chased each other. It turned into a personal contest about strength when you were teenagers and ended up being all about dominance. This game had always been great for just letting out anger too. Fists were flying while you insulted each other, relieving stress consentually. But lately, Lo'ak did not want to play with you anymore.
"Can't you piss off?" he growled as his eyes rolled back, still tense from your actions.
"Having a bad day? What happened this time, your father called you a disappointment again?" you smirked, flashing your teeth. Once more you re-engaged and pulled his queue. With wide eyes Lo'ak turned back to you and tried to grab your wrists, but you quickly pulled back.
"Seriously, what's your problem?!" His voice was louder this time. It didn't keep you from bothering him some more, punching against his chest.
"Damn, you fell out of your hammock this morning? Come on, try to hit me! You're getting so slow, no wonder your the family's disappointment~"
The anger boiled up deep inside of him, but so did something else. This had to stop now, he decided, before it would escalate.
"Fuck off, bitch!" he spat, trying to push you away but in response you only balled your fists, punching them into his stomach, trying to force him onto the ground.
"That means I win? Lo'ak the loser, the family's disappointment, sound fitting for a pussy like you~"
That was the last bit that was needed to make him explode. In no time the man forcefully packed your wrists until you squealed and pushed you onto the ground, kneeling over you. He held your hands next to your head, teeth clenched as you tried to free yourself.
"Is that what you wanted?! Will you leave me alone now you little attention whore?!"
You bucked underneath him and mewled in frustration as his grip only tightened. Something hard pressed against your abdomen so you looked down on yourself. As your eyes found the source of the pressure they widened in surprise. "I'm not the one having a boner right now!"
Lo'ak couldn't help but blush as you mentioned his bulge beneath the bit of fabric that covered him. He pursed his lips, tail whipping loudly through the air.
"Wait, does that actually turn you on when I pick on you?" Somehow, it felt like an even greater victory than usual. Loak only growled as your surprised face turned back into a smirk. His blush intensified as you spoke.
"It does turn you on. You little slut..." you snickered, finding yourself growing more curious about his erection. His deadly gaze was still locked with your eyes. He couldn't look away now. It would definitely only underline your statements of him being a loser.
"Shut up bitch! I told you to leave me alone but you really just can't listen can you?!" he hissed, baring his fangs.
Seeing him so turned on was... fun. Exciting almost.
You felt your own core pulsing and throbbing the more you stared at his cock which only seemed to grow.
"You think you won, pussy?" you mumbled, ripping yourself from his grip, tossing him over and switching places with the male so you sat on top of him as he wasn't paying full attention.
Lo'aks breath hitched as you started out grinding your hips against his.
"Say that you're a fucking disappointment, loser."
"Never." he growled in embarrassment, but his face got only hotter as your hands traveled down his body. As much as he wanted to leave, he couldn't. There was no way he would let you win, no matter how much he had to suffer. His cock only stiffened even more as his nose filled with the scent of your arousal as you kept grinding on his shaft through your clothes.
"Hmm, we'll see about that, halfblood. On another thought, maybe you're more human than na'vi... they break so easily."
Lo'aks nails dug into your thighs while you moved up and down on him, not responding. Yet he couldn't suppress a few low whimpers which he tried to cover with some coughs.
"Got something stuck in your big mouth?" you teased, yanking at his hair to which he only mewled some more. His cock twitched as you pulled his braids harshly, not breaking the intense eye contact.
"Ooh, you like that too? You just really have to get used like the needy slut you are, huh?"
He couldn't help but whine at your words, catching himself humping against your clothed core. "Fuck you..."
"Want me to touch your needy cock? Make you cum like a little whore?" You snickered playfully.
"As if a bitch like you could make me cum!"
His reversed psychology made you narrow your eyes. He did not want to beg you, but he needed you to make him cum. He needed your touch, so he tried to challenge you.
The challenge was accepted.
As soon as you eagerly tore both of your loincloths off, you seated yourself on his curved cock and coated him with your own juices. The drops of precum at his tip also made it easier to slide his length back and forth between your sticky folds. Both of you tried to be as unimpressed as possible by each other, even more when his head threatened to enter you.
"I'll make you cum so hard you'll be begging for more." you grinned, so he simply pushed into your wet pussy with one swift motion, trying not to moan. "Try it, slut."
You clenched your jaw as he stretched you open, still giving your best not to let him win.
"I thought you'd be bigger."
"I thought you'd be tighter."
You dropped yourself onto his cock entirely, causing him to gasp in surprise.
"Go ask your brother why~"
His eyes widened in shock, just like his lips. Even if he knew you were lying, or at least he was hoping, it made him mad and somewhat jealous. You belonged him.
"He fucks me so much better than you, he stretches me so damn wide. Your brother is a fucking dream, you're just a disappointment."
Lo'ak furrowed his brows and bucked his hips up harshly to put you in your place and you couldn't help but moan. "You're bluffing."
Of course this was only to tease him. He filled your wet cunt pretty well, his thick shaft stimulated every inch of your clenching walls just perfectly.
"Are you sure?"
You rolled your hips against his pelvis every time you lowered yourself on his cock until he unconsciously kept on moaning and panting but so did you. The slapping noises filled the forest around you. Knowing that at any moment someone could walk up on you bounching up and down his hard cock only made this new part of your game more exciting.
Lo'ak kept on hitting your cervix just right as he pounded into you, hoping to win the game by making you cum first. In order to do the same you got yourself a good grip on his braids, tearing them down backwards to his shoulders. He couldn't help but continue to moan as your soaked pussy squeezed his thick shaft, leaving you both shaking ever so slightly.
You scratched over the back of his neck as you felt your orgasm nearing so you quickly rose off of him and got your hands onto his pulsing cock instead.
"Who's afraid to lose now, huh?!" he panted before biting down on his lip. He quickly pushed you onto your back, kneeling between your shaky legs. You couldn't help but yelp as he did so, quickly reaching out to his manhood before he was able to enter you again, pumping up and down his hard, twitching cock.
He tried to protest but he couldn't hold back much longer. His plump balls tightened as you worked your hand up and down and before he could even get his hands on you he threw his head back and spilled his semen onto your entire body, moaning your name out like a prayer even if he thought it to be unfair.
A victorious smirk appeared on your lewd face before he collapsed on top of you in defeat.
"That was not fair! You wanted to-"
"I got what I wanted. I won, skxawng. You're a loser."
You quickly gathered yourself and your clothes, leaving him behind panting.
"Wait, y/n! You little shit, come back!" He yelled after you as you stumbled out of his sight on unstable legs giggling before he could come after you for revenge.
And he swore by eywa, he was going to do that.
A/N: alright here goes my first Lo'ak work! I hope it turned out nicely, I'm way too tired rn to actually think ngl but yeah, lemme know what you think! Thanks for the request 💙
🏷️-list: @luvlykrispy @zatarias-pandora @vviolaswrld @yeosxxx @lilgurlbeoncrack @philiasoul @itszzmoon @simp4ff @itsnotme02 @et-j-art @lovekeeho @mayhemories @cavvedinn
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cannibaled · 6 months
my bf oliver quick headcanons
semi nsfw ☆
hand + thighs man —
both in an erotic sense and a romantic sense. he finds beauty in hands and thighs, and i imagine he likes grabbing your thigh when you're sitting close together.
cigarette sharing —
he doesn't smoke as much as the others. and, you probably don't, either. there's something amusing to him about holding up the cigarette for you to take a drag and watching you cough and your face go red. im sorry but he's weird.
pda —
with oliver, i dont see him really being public about dating you. his true self is complicated. he's possessive over you and doesn't like you getting flirted with, but also doesn't feel the need to air out his business that you're dating. not just possessive, but also obsessive. he'd be the type that's torn over showing you off, or keeping you all to yourself. but then, he'd also think that information being out there that you're his would be too vulnerable. and so, his 'pda' is VERY subtle. thigh grabs under the table, pinning you in darken corners to kiss you, things like that.
music —
okay. hear me out. i feel like he'd listen to the smiths. but not just the smiths. the killers,and she wants revenge. i feel like he'd also enjoy slowdive and like felix, muse. also, the bravery. fav song would be hatefuck lol. likes sharing his earbuds with you when you two are relaxing, and lets you queue songs.
size difference —
okay. so he's not THAT much taller than you, but he is larger in body size. he's ripped. so, rather than wholly using his general size against you, he LOVES using his strength against you. it's fun when you argue and he's able to pin you down, or when you're having sex, do the same or press your face into the pillows. will also sometimes pick you up and throw you over his shoulder. in a softer sense, he likes cuddling by holding you into him or hugging you from behind when you're doing something.
sex life —
hes intense. im just gonna say it. ofc there will be times where hes more gentle than most because he can't just manhandle you all the time, but let me say it now — HES always in the dominant position. he finds it cute when you try to fight his dominance to take over, but he wins every. time. when your relationship progresses though, he'll probably find it more comfortable to submit. likes leaving bruises from impact, bite marks. sloppy kisses because he likes tasting you, and of course, big on giving head. i feel like he'd probably like some blood in there too, probably from making your lips bleed.
pet names —
'doll', 'baby', 'little mouse'. i feel like the last one is more so when just 'putting you in your place'
i love yous —
this is tricky with oliver. i feel like you'd have to get him in a vulnerable position to say 'i love you' — you'd say it first, and he'd be reluctant to return it, even though he loves you back. probably when an argument gets especially bad, and you're on the verge of leaving him is when he says it.
arguments —
i feel like eventually, him not wanting to be public about your relationship would be an issue. or maybe he pisses you off due to his obsessive or possessive behavior, and it causes issues. will always squeeze your cheeks and grab your chin and force eye contact during arguments. he likes seeing you angry, riled up.
hopeless —
i feel like he's also big on sending voice notes. ofc texting too! but his voice is pretty, and it's sort of enjoyable to him. plus, he likes receiving them back.
party life —
we know already that he's more reserved, but that doesn't mean he's a party pooper. he just doesn't party as hard as felix, far, or venetia, but he drinks. he always keeps an eye on you. NEVER looks away. if you're getting flirted with, he'll tell them to get lost. probably ends up getting jealous when you dance with someone else and pulls you off to remind you you're his.
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k-germsworld · 1 year
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Eunha x M!Reader
1.8k words
This is the first story I write when I start. So maybe the story is rough and not good enough. However, I will keep release my fantasy. So, Enjoy 😃
Hongdae is a place where Gen Z likes to go. Hongdae is a place that never sleeps. There are a variety of shops to visit like cinema, cafe, food and many more. However, there is one shop that opened very far from a crowded place but the shop is still full of customers. Many people know what the shop is, including me.
Once I reached Hongdae, I went straight to the shop but the shop was so crowded. The waiter asked all the customers to form a line and wait patiently. The line has form but the queue is too long, I can't even see the end of the line. I reached the shop by 9 pm but I already thought today was not my day to visit this shop. Luckily, the timing for queueing is short. I wait for 30mins only and my chance is getting closer. I see many people go in happily but come out angrily or sadly. I smile slyly and know they will come out like this for sure. Since my first time is also like this and this is the third time I visit.
"Sir, your turn now, enjoy," the waiter says happily. I forgot about the other then I stepped into the shop. The other waiter brings me to the counter and starts to explain the pricelist, the hostess list, and all the rules & regulations. Their price is based on the hour you sing. The starting price is 10000 won per hour.
Rules & regulation
Maximum 3 hrs per session. After 3hrs had reached you must leave.
If you pay by song, you must leave after your song ends.
If you order a hostess, then you are invited to join our karaoke challenge. The challenge is easy. You can ask for the counter to get further information.
Our shop has its scoring system. If you hit a specific score, you will get a special reward.
Score 71-80, 50% discount Score 81-90, get a second blowjob Score 91-99, Can fuck the hostess within 3hrs. Score 100, 100% discount, and can take out the hostess
After a long and boring explanation, they let me choose the hostess. They are full of hostess names and their price.
Sxwxn 30000 won
Yexxn 30000 won
Exxha 30000 won
Yxjx 30000 won
Sxxb 30000 won
Umxx 30000won
Others 20000won
I already come here for the third time and spent a lot of money to try to win. I used to choose Eunha as my partner. Of course, I will also choose her as my partner this time even though she is expensive but who cares? As long as I can hit to score 100 then everything is worth it.
Once I booked the hostess and made the payment, the waiter brought me to the room. I sat calmly and waited for her. 'Knock knock ', a girl opened the door and walked in. Eunha is wearing a black lace short lingerie with a black coat. The lingerie makes her body is more tight and hotter. At the top u can see the lingerie pushed her boobs looks bigger; at the bottom, you can see the panties can't even hide her camel toe. Just by seeing her sexy body, my cock already rocks hard. Her body part for me is a fantastic view. Her face is cute while talking to me, but she makes a seductive expression when giving you a handjob.
Eunha says no more and asks me to order a song and start the challenge. I ordered a song called " Pull Up ". This song is short and I had already trained so much for this song. I had scored 100 more than once in another karaoke room. So I have the confidence that this time I can score 100 when she gives me a handjob.
Eunha pulls off my pants and starts giving me a handjob while the intro just starts. My cock is already hard just by seeing her. She smirks at seeing this situation because she doesn't need to make my cock harder.
Starting, I sing the song perfectly. Once Eunha starts to stroke my cock, I feel like I am gonna fail again this time. Her hands are so cold compared to my heated cock. Her handjob is the best in this shop so she confidently stroked my cock at the slow pace from the head to the balls, then move opposite.
Her cold hand gave me a different excitement. I got a handjob from her three times but I can feel that every time is so different. I can hear my voice shaking, but I still can sing to the beat. Eunha hears my shaky voice but still can sing well so she stands up and comes closer to my ear. She dirty talk to me unexpectedly, " Oppa, do you wanna taste my pussy? Or you wanna grab my tits and slap my ass? Do you have the confidence to score 100, and take me out or fuck me here the whole night? " Even though she is saying dirty words, her voice is so sexy and sweet.
Her dirty words made my voice more shaky. My singing went off, I couldn't even hit the chord now. My singing voice is mixing with my moaning. As the song ends soon, Eunha stroked my cock faster and keep saying " cum for me!! " I almost reached my limit, but I will hold it till the end.
"Pull up… Pull up "
Finally, the song ends. However, Eunha also successfully makes me cum. I cum a lot on her hand. Luckily, the song ended faster than me cumming. The jukebox is entered into the calculating page. My heartbeat is beating faster as the score is calculated. Eunha cleaned her hand aside and saw the result together.
"Congratulations, you hit an 85 score! "
The system shows this sentence. I felt down when I saw the score but I felt a little happy at the same time. My record last time is below 70 so the only thing I get from Eunha is a handjob. I can finally get a different award this time from her. Eunha also congrats me on hitting 70 or above.
Eunha pulled me to the seat and kneeled between my legs. Her eyes are lustfully seeing my cock. She gets closer to my cock and smell my cummed dick. "It's smelly…. but I like it. " She used her hand and stroked again my cock to make it harder. My cock is fully erected now. She blew to my cock making my cock twitch. Eunha happily sees how my cock is twitching. After that, she stuck out her tongue and played with my cockhead. She licks from my head to the bottom then licks backwards from the bottom to my head. She treats my cock is like her toy. After several times of foreplay, my cock now is full of her saliva. She contentedly put my cock inside her mouth. She slowly swallowed my cock from the top, then the middle, then the bottom. My cock is like disappeared in her mouth. She starts moving her head up and down, her hands are playing with my balls. Her blowjob skill brings me to heaven. I becoming a moan mess just because of her blowjob. Suddenly, Eunha stopped her move and I was curious why she stopped. Before I say that, I saw her eyes hinting to me she wanna a face fuck. So, I stood up and aimed my cock to her mouth. She still kneeling and waiting for my cock.
I slowly put it into her mouth, her mouth is like a black hole. The space in her mouth is unlimited. Even if I put my whole length to her mouth, I can see no suffering from her face. I move my hips back and forth at a slow pace. After a few thrusts, I pulled out my cock from her mouth. I see my cock is drooling with her saliva. Eunha is so horny for my cock now, she is sticking out her tongue and letting her saliva dripping to the floor. Her face is so slutty and horny. Her lustful face brought my horniness to the max. I quickly insert back my cock and deep down her mouth but this time at a faster pace. I can feel her throat quivering every time I deep thrust her mouth. The normal face fuck now cannot vent my horniness, so I decided to choke her. I push my cock deep into her mouth until I can feel her throat, then I stop there and let her almost out of breath. Her struggle makes me more aroused. Her face became more struggle and patted my leg asking me to let her breathe.
I quickly pulled out my cock, seeing her finding breath and I let her rest awhile. After finding back her breath, me using my fastest speed to fuck her face this time. I holding her head as support to fuck faster. I don't care about Eunha's feelings, I just fucking her mouth like her pussy. She can't keep up with my speed so her saliva keeps dripping from her mouth.
I feel my limit is soon. I should hold for more time but her mouth is so warm and wet now making my load almost burst out. I pressed her head tight and let me cum inside her mouth. I shoot every drop of my cum inside Eunha's mouth and make sure not even one drop left her mouth. However, my cum is a large amount this time until she can't fit in anymore so she spit out some.
After every drop is inside her mouth, I pull out my cock and see how messy she is. The semen she spits out just now drops to her tits and some stick to her lips and jaw but she still keeps many cum inside her mouth. I feel so tired by just cumming one time and find a place to sit down. Eunha crawled to my side and opened her mouth wider, letting me see how much I cum inside her mouth. I am thinking she will spit out my cum after showing me but she using her tongue to play with my cum. She made my thick cum full of bubbles then swallow it. "It's tasty!"
Then, she cleans the leftover cum on her tits and jaw with her hand and put it in her mouth like drinking sauce. When I saw her slutty move, she made my cummed twice cock harder again. She notices it and says " Sorry oppa…. You can't have it anymore. These are the rules ." She smirks.
After she was done, Eunha thanked me for the thick cum and left the room. She left me alone in the room. I am not very satisfied with my performance today. However, I already broke my last record since I didn't get any service the last two times. I believe that I will hold it for her handjob and score 100 in the future. So I can let Eunha become my sex slave and cum on her every hole that night.
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cranberryjuice-posts · 3 months
hi ! hope you're doing well ! I was wondering if you could write for clarisse x apollo child reader ? where like, r got into a fight (for clarisse maybe) (they ain't together yet yk, just r flirting a lil) and chiron's like "no desert and no magic healing" and r goes back to their cabin tail between their legs and then clarisse spawns, dropping a plate of like fruit or whatever next to r on the bed and has some first aid kit in her hand. I also see her like "drop ur pants" and r being "if u wanna go at it just tell me their a bed yk" stupid stuff like that. and it's just c being oddly sweet to r and like at some it rllly hurts and r's like "I'm refusing treatment >:(" and clarisse sits gently on their lap and plays with their like "please" and r's like "...okay" and when reader's all good to go they just cuddle and make out a bit 🤏🤏 (if ur comfortable)
feel free to ignore if u you don't want to/ can't/ don't feel comfortable to write dw !
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Unlikely love
Pairings - Clarisse La rue x fem apollo Reader
An - this ain’t proofread so ✌️✌️
Here you were. Sitting in the big house getting a lecture for something that isn’t even your fault. The girl was running her mouth, and what you were suppose to just take it. “For punishments I think stable duty is fitting. No desert for a month and if your injuries are terrible you may visit the infirmary before returning to your cabin.”
“Great” You gritted through your teeth. Standing up you stormed out the old style house and down to the cabins. Ignoring any person that tried to stop you, pushing through the door you slumped past the medical stations and dropped onto your bed.
You weren’t an aggressive person. You hated physical alterations all together. The entire fight was Un fair but you couldn’t let her get away with what she was saying; clarisse wouldnt.
As if in queue the door opened. It was probably one of your siblings who forgot their weapon. Though in the corner of your eye you noticed the clock showed 7pm. Guess capture the flag was over with already. Go figure you were inside the big house for a while.
“I don’t have your shit so don’t bother asking me” you loudly spoke. You weren’t in the mood to deal with any of their accusations today.
“Don’t be a smart ass”
Sitting up you noticed Clarisse who was rummaging through your cabins medical stash. Walking to your bed she held a med kit and a plate of your favorite food, a glass of your drink of choice as well.
Setting the items beside you she turned on a light before looking at you with disappointment. “So why’d you fight her?”
You shrugged. “It’s not important”
“I think it’s pretty important when the least confrontational person i know gets in a fight.”
Realizing you won’t fess up clarisse sighed shaking her head. “Take off your pants”
“What?” You quickly asked. “If you wanted to get in my pants that badly you just have to ask”
Clarisse didn’t enjoy your joke. Giving you a warning glance you smiled finding her attempt to warn you cute. Sliding out of your shorts you sat on the bed, the wound you received from being thrown on the ground causing blood to run down your leg.
It didn’t take long for her to get to work, cleaning the cut and attempting to manage the cut. “Ella started running her mouth about you, calling you names and slurs.“
“And did you win?” She asked. Gripping your thigh she wrapped it in gauze before placing Medical tape on top.
“Yeah” You grinned. Clarisse chuckled a ‘good’. Leaning up she kissed you sweetly, a certain softness she hardly used. Noticing your busted lip she tried to continue to asses you.
“Clarisse stop” sighing you pushed her hand away.
“Your lip can get infected, stop being an ass”
“Im not I Just don’t want you to bother with all of it”
Staring down at clarisse you felt easily intimidated. She had a glare in her eyes that clearly communicated she wasn’t going to back down. “Fine” you grumbled.
You started dating the daughter of ares only a few months ago. Sure on the outside she seemed intimidating and well— cruel. But she wasn’t. Her hands were soft, holding your face with care while she apologized the pain You received as she managed your wounds. She never raised her voice to you, even when she was mad.
Wiping away the dried blood from your nose clarisse pulled you into a short hug. “I don’t want you fighting anymore” she instructed.
“But if someone says something about you I—“
“No you don’t.” Her voice never left an even tone. “I know how I’ve presented my reputation and I fully expect people to talk shit about me. But you can’t risk getting hurt because some smart ass wants to run their mouth”
She was right. Taking one of her hands into your own you gently kissed her knuckles. “I promise to never beat someone’s Ass for talking shit about you again” your sarcastic tone was met with a look from clarisse. Laughing you bent down to kiss her cheek.
“I put up with too much shit for you” she mumbled, reaching across you hand you, your dinner.
“Mm but you love me so it cancels out”
“Yeah it’s a real unfortunate situation.”
Hitting her arm you both laughed. As she sat on your bed, and let you lean on her as you ate, you were happy. Your girlfriend holding you while she talked about her day or the capture the flag victory while you ate dinner made you feel loved, made you feel proud to call her your partner.
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stardew-requests · 1 year
could you do some bachelor and/or bachelorettes with an insecure female farmer? if not thats totally cool!
Here are some hcs for the bachelorettes!
Abigail: Abigail's no stranger to feeling insecure. She'll try to hide it, she really will, but she can't help but ask "Do you still love me?" every other night. The farmer will just chuckle and reply "Of course I do. Do you still love me?". To which Abigail would respond with a kiss and say "Duh". It's nice knowing that you're on the same page with her and knowing that insecurities are never an obstacle between you. If anything, it brings you closer together.
Emily: She isn't especially vocal with her feelings; she prefers to let actions speak for themselves. But when your love language is words of affirmation, it's easy to get in your head. Emily is very intuitive and knows when you're feeling insecure, and she steps right up to shower you in love and attention without you even having to say anything. For her, it's easy to forget that actions don't always speak louder than words, but she's always more than willing to give you the reassurance you need. Because you deserve to hear it.
Haley: She used to eat insecure people for breakfast. She's never been one to be insecure... Until you. Wondering if she even deserved you, worried you secretly resent her for how rude she'd been when you first met. So when you're feeling insecure, she's baffled by it. How could you feel insecure when you're so amazing? But you tell her how you feel and she listens intently, and then she understands. Because she feels the same way at times. She tells you that you never have anything to worry about, that she adores you above anything else, and that you're always welcome to talk to her about it, so long as she can do the same.
Leah: Leah does a really good job at expressing her feelings for you, but sometimes you feel insecure anyway. And that's okay! Because she takes it as a queue to go all out for you! Maybe paint you something special or plan a sweet date together. She sees it as a challenge, and you know what? She always wins. 
Maru: While romantic in her own right, Maru can be a little out of touch. When she gets caught up in her work, she tends to disconnect from everything else. She certainly doesn't mean to. But when she gets distant, it's easy to feel insecure. The best thing to do is just go up to her and say "I need more attention, I've been feeling insecure". Bluntness is key. Immediately she'll snap out of it and being to apologize. She didn't mean to make you feel that way! She wants to do everything she can to make you feel loved!
Penny: For every time you've felt insecure, trust me, Penny's felt that tenfold. She doesn't like show it, but she often worries that you've changed your mind about her or that you're losing feelings for her. While she's determined to keep it inside, it can be coaxed out of her if you start the conversation. If you tell her about your insecurities, she'll eventually tear up and begin to pour out her worries to you. By the end, you both were able to bring up your insecurities and have the other reassure you with softness and love.
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gabessquishytum · 7 months
Hob letting a whole bachelor party use his hole one after the other until the cum was dripping down his legs, you say? I could absolutely see that as Desire’s bachelor party.
Because they’re trying to be good for their fiancée, maybe they checked with Unity beforehand for permission to join in, or they’re content to simply sit back and enjoy the show, but either way they do insist that all the attendees have a turn. This includes their stick-up-his-ass brother Dream, who in their humble opinion desperately needs to cut loose and get his dick wet.
And while Hob could just be a sex worker Desire hired for the night, what I think would be even funnier is if Hob was one of Desire’s slutty friends, who eagerly said yes barely before Desire had finished sharing their idea.
And better yet, what if this was also Desire’s crazy idea to introduce Hob and Dream, in the hope that they’d hit it off? It’s a win-win scenario; either they’d have a wild sexy bachelor party, or they’d have a wild sexy bachelor party and give their brother a peace offering in the form of a sexy boyfriend and an amazing meet-cute story (I mean, who wouldn’t want to be able to say “I met my boyfriend when I and several other people used him as a cumdump at my sibling’s bachelor party”?) 😁
SCREAMING about this. I really like the idea of Hob just being insane and horny. Maybe it's even his idea to be a cumdump in honour of Desire's upcoming union. Desire is just like "oh absolutely you know me SO well. also i want you to meet someone 👀" they don't tell Hob anything more than that. It's going to be the best party EVER.
Of course once the party starts (they're in a hotel suite, Desire and their friends, Unity is there too, and a few of the Endless siblings - Destiny opted out and Delirium is busy on the balcony yelling at people down in the street) there are shots, and probably an assortment of party drugs, and everyone is in the mood. So Hob gets on the bed on all fours, and Desire tells everybody to form an orderly queue. They want everyone to participate - consider it a wedding gift! Especially you Dream.
And because they're Desire's friends, nearly everyone pushes and shoves go get a turn with Hob. Dream ends up quite far down the line, and he's not really feeling it... who wants to have an orgy with various siblings in the same room? But then he gets a proper look at Hob and suddenly he wants. Desperately.
Hob is already dripping. He grins at Dream hazily, slurs something that might be "You're pretty". He looks absolutely blissful like there's nowhere he'd rather be than here, on Dream’s cock, overflowing with so much cum he can't move without leaking. For Dream, it's like love at first sight. This is the man he wants to spend his life with. He thinks he might actually be going insane.
It's a night that no one will forget. With the cumdump complete, pictures taken and Hob duly praised for being such a good slut, Dream takes him to clean up. And they fuck again in the shower, where Hob loops his arms around Dream’s neck and refuses to let go. Desire is feeling very smug indeed with their matchmaking, even though Unity scolds them for setting Dream up with a deranged slut.
When Dream and that deranged slut get married 3 years later, Unity has to admit - she was wrong. Those weirdos are totally meant to be together!
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you know, i can't wait to see season of mists in the show, yes to watch certain pieces fall into place for later story and for one particular dream hob conversation
but also because it really is in so many ways just the funniest volume
and i've seen some of those funny moments get mentioned
i've yet to see anyone list dream's defeat of azazel among them
but like. let's lay this out. so dream already has about 500 problems to deal with, at least 300 of which are queueing up in the dreaming telling him to give them the keys to hell or they're gonna [insert threat here], when all he wants to do is rescue nada and maybe also sulk in his bedroom for a bit
when problem #501 shows up - azazel would like hell back so they can make it even worse, and they've brought nada as a bargaining chip to ensure it. they also throw in choronzon for free, because everyone else has been offering gifts, and dream likes revenge, right? yeah, revenge, that'll definitely get him to like us
azazel mostly behaves themselves during the actual negotiations (mostly), bc they're sure they've won, and no need to cause a scene and make more enemies than they have to. but when they realise that's not the case, they threaten to eat nada if dream can't get them what they want
to which, in a move that made me realise exactly why dream gets along so much better with fey than he does humans, he reminds azazel that everyone who crosses the threshold of his realm is entitled to his hospitality, including nada (thanks for bringing her here for me btw, saves me the trip), so if azazel harms her in any way they'll no longer be entitled to dream's protection
and azazel is like fuck you fuck your hospitality i can eat anyone i goddamn like
so we get that challenge between the two of them taking place inside azazel who is kind of a realm in their own right, which, when dream wins, azazel tries to pull a lucifer "why should i let you leave?"
and yes. dream is currently in azazel's void. azazel could try to eat him from in there, regardless of who won. but see, lucifer had one thing azazel doesn't, which is remembering whose fucking house you're in
azazel's entire realm, entire self, is still inside the dreaming. regardless of where dream's physical manifestation is, demons have no power here.
you really shouldn't have denied my hospitality.
and since dramatic irony is the order of the day, dream's then just like "so, what was it you were promising, again? nada and some, uh, sweet sweet vengeance? yeeeaaaah i think i remember you saying something about that. hey azazel? what are your opinions on glass spheres."
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and then he turns to the vast assortment of gods and similar he's been trying to get rid of for two days and is like "any arguments? no? cool, get the fuck out of my house."
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canirove · 8 months
My neighbour Rúben | Chapter 3
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"Aww, sweetheart. I'm so glad you were able to come" grandma said, giving me a hug.
"I would not miss grandad's birthday for anything in the world."
"Not like your father" he said, also hugging me. The moment my dad knew I was coming back to London, he suddenly had an important meeting to attend and he couldn't join us all to celebrate. "He is a coward. Not being able to face his own daughter..."
"Let's leave that conversation for another day, shall we?" grandma said. "Today is a day to celebrate that she has a new job. C'mon, tell us everything about this Spanish girl. Is she posh? Where is the kid's dad?"
"Yes, share all the gossip with your grandma" grandad laughed, sitting down on his big chair.
"She isn't posh. Everything Lucy has is because she's worked her ass off to get it. Language, sorry."
"Don't worry, darling. Living in the North does that to you" grandma said, making grandad snort.
"We also swear on this part of the country, you know?" he said.
"Whatever" grandma replied, rolling her eyes. "What about the dad? You didn't mention anything."
"She divorced from her husband last year. Well, they actually are still divorcing, there is nothing official. But they went their separate ways a year ago."
"A divorce lawyer getting divorced. Funny" grandad said.
"Getting a divorce is never funny. Especially when there is a child involved. How is she dealing with it?"
"Julia is ok. Her dad also is a lawyer, so she is used to only seeing him from time to time."
"That is so sad... But what happened? Why did they get a divorce?"
"You are so noisy" grandad chuckled.
"I just want to know who is the woman my granddaughter is working for!"
"And knowing the reason why she got a divorce is important because..."
"Because!" she said. 
"I don't know why she is divorcing from her husband. We don't know each other that well just yet" I shrugged. Which was a lie. Lucy and I had instantly connected and shared all our dramas with each other.
"Anyway, let's talk about more important things" grandad said before grandma could ask anything else. "You are coming to the game tomorrow, aren't you?"
"It is your birthday present, grandad. Of course I am." He's been an Arsenal fan since he was a little kid, and every time my father allowed it, he would take me to one of their games. Tomorrow they are playing against one of the big ones, Manchester City, and he wants me to go with him. I don't follow football that much, but I always enjoy going to the games and spending some time just the two of us.
"Oh, yes. And Robert is taking his grandson with him too. When was the last time you saw Harry?" grandma asked.
Harry... The grandson of my grandad's best friend, the one they've wanted me to marry since we both were kids, and also the one who tried to kiss me the last time we saw each other, getting a punch on the nose as an answer. 
"I can't remember when I last saw him" I lied.
"Well, I'm sure he is looking forward to seeing you" grandma said. 
"This can't be your granddaughter!" Robert said when we met outside the Emirates Stadium. "Where did the girl with the pigtails go?"
"Hi" I said. I think I haven't worn pigtails since I was three, but oh well. "Harry."
"Hello" he replied, not meeting my eyes. It looked like what had happened during our last encounter definitely still was in his head. Good. Now he probably knew what happens when someone tells you no and you insist.
"Let's go inside, shall we?" grandad said. "Today is a big day, we'll probably have to wait longer than usual at the queue."
Once inside the stadium, we were seated next to the benches, getting to see the players very close, especially when walking in and out of the tunnel.
"Ah, look at this atmosphere" grandad said. "Those City boys aren't used to something like this back home, are they, Robert?"
"They definitely aren't" he replied, both men starting to laugh.
"But at least they win something" Harry said under his breath. Since he was sitting next to me, I was the only one who heard him. 
"Who do you truly support?" I whispered.
"Chelsea. But don't tell my grandad, it'll break his heart."
"Your secret is safe with me. You know I'm really good at that."
"Yeah..." he replied, his ears turning bright red. 
The first half of the game was just City attacking and Arsenal trying to defend themselves, somehow making it to the half-time with no goals on any side. As the players started walking towards the tunnel, there was one that caught my attention, one that was arguing with another teammate. Before he disappeared, he looked up, our eyes meeting just for a brief moment, and I could swear I had seen him before. But where? On tv? Online? There was something too familiar about him to be just a complete stranger.
"Penny for your thoughts?" Harry said.
"You are completely gone, definitely thinking about something."
"It's just that a City player looked familiar. I guess I've seen him somewhere before."
"Maybe out in Manchester? You live in the same city."
"I don't think these guys and I visit the same places" I chuckled.
"You never know."
"Anyway, I'm going to the bathroom. Grandad, do you want a drink or something?"
"I'm fine. Thank you, darling."
When I made it back, the second half had already started.
"Which player looked familiar?" Harry asked me when I sat down.
"I don't know. A tall one, brown hair. He was arguing with another one that looked tiny next to him.”
"Uh? Why are you speaking in Spanish?"
"That's his name. Well, his last name. When City came out, he turned around and looked to where we are sitting with a confused look. Maybe he also recognized you."
"Nah, that's impossible. Someone probably insulted him and that's why he looked like that."
I had never met a City player, had I? Someone would have told me, they supposedly are superstars.  
The game obviously ended with City winning but just by one goal, and grandad and Robert seemed to be very proud about it. We were still on our seats, waiting until most people had left the stadium, when I found myself looking again at the player from the first half. He was giving some interviews, and the way he was standing while talking, made him look even more familiar. Who was this stupidly handsome man? Because he was handsome. And hot. Very hot. His t-shirt was sticking to his body, letting you see his very defined abs and pectorals. And his arms... His arms were the size of my head. 
When he finished talking, he smiled at the reporter before saying goodbye, and it clicked. 
"No way" I gasped.
"What?" Harry said next to me. 
"Who is he?" I asked, nodding towards the City player.
"Oh, that's the one I told you was looking this way. Dias."
"But you said that's his last name, right? What's his name?"
"Rúben. Rúben Dias."
Rúben. My Chris Evans. The hot neighbour. It was him. He was a fucking football player. And not any player, no. A Manchester City one. And now he was looking at us, at me, trying to figure out why I also looked familiar. 
"He's looking at us again" Harry said. "Are you sure you don't know each other?"
"We..." But before I was able to say that we didn't, Rúben was smiling and waving at me. And I was waving back, also smiling. But while he gave me a cute smile, I probably was smiling like an idiot or with the ugliest grin.
"You were saying..." 
"I don't know him. I just waved back because..."
"He's hot" Harry said.
"Yes. That's exactly why. Wouldn't you have done the same with a hot girl?"
"Maybe... But are you really sure you don't know each other?"
"I'm really sure, Harry. Stop asking."
"Ok" he said, definitely not believing me.
"Alright kids, ready to leave? I'm starving" grandad said.
"Ready" I replied. Anything to stop Harry from asking more questions, and to stop me from thinking about the fact that Rúben, the neighbour, actually was Rúben Dias, Manchester City player and football star.
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Too Hot To Handle
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word count: 5.9k
YOU: It's day two in this villa! I was excited but I just now remembered that I can't actually do anything that I had planned so...
"Good morning," Lana chimes. "I'm pleased that there were no rule breaks last night. Today is your first full day in the retreat, and the weather will be sunny with highs of 86° Fahrenheit, and there'll be zero chance of sex."
Mason lets out a sarcastic laugh from across the room. "Nice one, Lana, really funny."
"She's got a bit of lip on her today, huh?" Harry chuckles.
"Yeah, you could say that," Mason replies.
Rhia laughs. "Zero chance of sex. She's fucking amazing."
HYUNJIN: Obviously last night was a huge cockblock. Me and y/n just had a little bit of pillow talk before we went to sleep and I'm not gonna lie, it was pretty nice. I think I'm starting to really like her already.
Getting ready for the day seemed a lot more challenging than it should've been when you're surrounded by hot, horny women.
"So," Layla begins. "Who do we all think is gonna break the rules first out of the boys?"
"Hyunjin. Definitely Hyunjin," Rhia says.
"Rhia!" You shout, a small grin on your face at the thought.
"Oh, come on, y/n. The boy is already hooked on you. He's not gonna be able to leave you alone for more than five minutes."
"You think so?" You ask, a small blush rising up to your cheeks.
"Yes, I do. But that doesn't mean you should go off and prove my point."
"Yes, mother."
You hear a scoff from across the table and immediately know it came from Layla.
"I think Hyunjin has some self-control actually.," she comments, surprising you. "Either that or he just hasn't found the right girl in here."
Rhia laughs. "Whatever helps you sleep at night, hun."
Over by the pool, Hyunjin and the other boys are already fixed up for today and are discussing the prices of different actions.
"So, kissing. How much do you reckon that's gonna cost?" Patrick asks.
"Well, I think if I kissed someone and it was like a petty little peck," Hyunjin says. "That would be like ten bucks."
"You never know," Mason says.
Hyunjin continues. "But if it was like a full-on, grabbing them, affectionate make-out kind of kiss, it could be worth a hell of a lot more than that."
"So, we're grading sex too? Like was it- did she moan? Did she scream?" Jack comments.
"Well imagine if it's like, head banging against the wall, legs everywhere. I reckon, ten grand." Harry declares, earning a laugh from the group.
JACK: This is a retreat full of the sexiest girls I've ever seen and you expect us not to kiss or touch? So all we've got to do is just keep our pants on. [chuckles] Not happening.
"If I'm gonna take a risk, I'm gonna make it worthwhile," Patrick says. "If I'm gonna make a deduction causing us to lose money, I'm gonna kiss, have sex, look, I'm gonna make it worth it. So, definitely-"
He's cut off by Hyunjin. "When I get told I can't do something, I want to do it more, you know? And having y/n next to me in bed does not help my situation." he laughs.
As if it were your queue, you and the girls all walk down to the poolside and join the boys, each of you sitting down next to the partner you shared a bed with the previous night. Well... most of you.
"What are we talking about over here?" You ask. "You all seem very interested."
"Just the prices of different shit," Jack says. "Harry thinks sex is gonna be ten grand."
"Ten!?" Rhia exclaims. "If it is, we're fucked."
"All I'm gonna say is this," Mason begins. "I'm watching you all,. We have a chance to win one hundred grand here and I'm not letting the chance slip away from me. I'm gonna be like the sex police up in here."
"So boring, then?" Layla asks, a disgusted look on her face.
"No," he says. "Just responsible."
The next few days at the retreat were a huge struggle for you and Hyunjin. You had people all around you making the prize pot decrease every single day and resisting the urge of one another was a completely different ballpark. As time went on, the tension between the two of you just kept getting tighter and higher. It was ready to snap.
Today was the first workshop of your stay and you were not expecting what you were all faced with.
You walked down the steps, Rhia on your left and Hollie on your right and say Hyunjin and the boys stood around five different what you assumed were mattresses.
"What's up, everybody!?" the woman shouted at you all, you looked up at Hyunjin as his arm slung around your shoulder.
You all cheer.
"I am here to teach a workshop on Shibari. My name is Shan and I hope you guys have a great time," she begins. "Have you guys ever played with bondage, with handcuffs, with restraints?"
The majority of the group raised their hands, you included. It shocked you, however, to see that Hyunjin had never done anything like that before. Oh well, there's a first time for everything.
"You ready for this?" Hyunjin asks you, a small smirk on his face.
"No," you chuckle.
Hyunjin picks up the rope. "Do you wanna tie me up or is it my turn to have some control here?"
You giggle at him; you have been a little more on the dominant side with him lately, stopping him whenever he came in for a kiss because of the rules, telling him what to do. Hyunjin did kind of like it, but he wanted his way with you too.
"I suppose I could let you take over from here," you smile, biting your lower lip and staring up at him.
"Don't look at me like that," he whines.
You both laugh at how easy it was to rile each other up.
"Now," he says. "Turn around and put your hands behind your back.
"Yes, sir."
Hyunjin works the rope around your hands before pulling it around his waist and therefore pulling you close to him. Your hands rested just above his package and a small part of you wished he had put your hands just a tiny bit lower.
"Is this okay?" Hyunjin whispers in your ear, wrapping the rope around the two of you, connecting you in any way possible.
"Yeah," you reply, staring at his hands as they work.
Unfortunately, the fun you two were having was cut short when Shan announced that you needed to untie each other and head back to the retreat.
"Before you guys leave," she says. "I hope you all trust each other and can now start developing a deeper connection now that you have this tryst. This was obviously your first-ever workshop so, did you enjoy it?"
"Yes!" You shouted, along with Hyunjin, Rhia, Patrick, Layla and Harry.
"Well, I'm glad to hear that so many of you did. It was really nice meeting you all and I hope you have fun during the rest of your stay here!"
You say goodbye to her and follow Hyunjin back up the steps and to the pool to cool off, Rhia following closely behind you along with Patrick.
"So, guys," Rhia says. "How did we find the workshop?"
"It was great, you smile.
"You could say that again," Hyunjin laughs.
"Yeah, I saw you too, getting freaky," Patrick jokes, making you cringe a little at his choice of words.
"It was really fun, to be fair," Rhia laughs. "You two looked like you were having a nice time."
"I mean I couldn't feel my fingers after a while but apart from that it was definitely something that I wouldn't mind doing again," you hint, looking over at Hyunjin.
He chuckles at you. "Just you wait."
"Hold your horses guys, we're still here," Rhia jokes.
"Or not, I wouldn't mind," Patrick laughs, not getting the reaction he was hoping for from you though.
"I'm fine thanks, Pat."
HYUNJIN: I can't believe this guy. I mean, I know he's only joking but sometimes he just takes it a little too far.
"Hey Hyunjin," you say, walking over to him and sitting down at the bar beside him.
"Hey," he smiles.
"Whatcha doing?" You ask, dragging the 'o' out.
"I was about to get up and have some strawberries if you wanted to help me eat them?" He asks. "You know how I struggle."
You laugh at him. "I would love to help with this oh-so-difficult task."
Hyunjin gets up and walks over to the outdoor fridge, grabs a small portion of strawberries and places them in a bowl in front of you. He picks on up and removes the green from the top, putting it in the trash and then placing the strawberry halfway past his lips.
"I see where you're going with this," you chuckle.
You both lean closer towards one another as you take a bit out of the part of the strawberry that wasn't in his mouth, the juices spilling down your chin and towards your chest.
Hyunjin licks his lips as he pulls away from you, his eyes landing on the droplet of strawberry juice that is slowly rolling down your bare skin.
"I'll get that for you."
Expecting him to just take a piece of tissue and wipe it off, you were surprised to see him stick out his tongue and lick the sweetness off of your body, following it from just above your tits to the very top of your neck.
That should not have turned you on as much as it should have.
"You guys finished over there?" A voice calls from behind you.
You turn around to see Layla, Hollie, Brooke and Jack sitting on the sun loungers, their eyes all on you.
YOU: Oh my God that was so embarrassing but it was also kind of hot at the same time. I wonder what else Hyunjin can do with his tongue if you know what I mean [winks]
It was the time of day for you to all gather at the cabana to see what damage had been done to the money yet again. Nobody ever wants to lose money, especially when it is a life changing sum such as one hundred grand.
"What does Lana have in store for us tonight, I wonder," Rhia says, adjusting herself as she sits down beside you.
"Hopefully nothing, her voice is giving me a headache," Hyunjin laughs.
"Hyunjin!" You laugh. "That's not very nice."
The dreaded chime rings out.
"Hey, Lana, sweetheart," you speak.
"There has been a breach of the rules and money has been deducted from the prize fund."
"What?" Harry says.
"Again?" You ask. "Seriously?"
"For fuck sake, man," Mason says. "Whoever has broken the rules, you know what you've done so it's honestly just best to confess now before Lana outs you."
"You have lost $3000," Lana announces.
"Alright, so someone's kissed!" Hollie yells.
"I don't mean this in like a bad way, but, you know y/n and Hyunjin, you guys were eating strawberries before, like, do you think Lana took that-?"
"No," Hyunjin says. "Our lips didn't even touch."
"They didn't touch?" Layla confirms.
"Not at all," you say.
"Patrick, was it you?" Hyunjin asks.
"It wasn't me," he says. "You can't look at me. I actually promise it wasn't me this time."
"Maybe it was you two," Jack says, leaning over and looking at Harry and Hollie.
"I hate to be accused," Harry says. "I think that's probably one of the things I hate the most."
"I think you guys are holding something back," Layla comments.
"Girl, what?" Hollie says.
"Harry, when you pulled her into the dressing room late last night, you're telling me that no rules were broken?"
"I don't need to do anything sexual to validate a relationship," Harry says.
"Why are you so defensive? If you honestly didn't do anything?" Layla continues.
Harry rolls his eyes. "Believe what you wanna believe, we didn't do anything. I came here with my guard up. I don't think I'm gonna leave here in a relationship. I don't think I'm gonna leave with love."
YOU: Someone needs to take this shovel away from Harry because he's digging himself a big ass hole here and if he's not careful, Hollie is gonna push him into it and leave him there for good.
"The prize fund now stands at $91,000," Lana says.
"Better than zero, better than zero," Patrick says.
"It's better than zero but if we don't know who's done it then how do we know who to watch and keep an eye out for?" Rhia adds.
"The most important thing here is being honest and to admit and own up to when we fuck up," you say. "If it isn't Harry and Hollie, it isn't me and Hyunjin and it's not Patrick and Rhia then who is it?"
"I'm fucking over this. I can't," Layla says.
"Yeah, Brooke says.
"Do you wanna go?"
Brooke giggles. "Yeah, let's go."
"What if they fucking kissed or some shit?" Patrick asks himself as Layla and Brooke stand up with their drinks.
MASON: I legitimately think that if there's anyone I can't trust, it's Layla and Brooke. The most manipulative person in this retreat is hanging out with the most mindless human on Earth. What could possibly go wrong?
You and Rhia are sitting on the beach with glasses of what you think is white wine, Hyunjin and Patrick chilling in the water not too far away from the two of you, and you're talking about what has happened so far.
"I'm glad that Patrick fixed the little rivalry he had going with Hyunjin. I'm loving the group we've got going on here." You say, looking over at Rhia.
"Me too, it just gets a little frustrating being around them with all these rule breaks going on. There's been three in what, four days?" Rhia replies.
"It's not the people breaking the rules that annoys me. It's the fact that I am being so careful with Hyunjin and trying my best to make sure that we don't break a rule for the benefit of everyone else but nobody notices that. I want nothing more than to be able to kiss Hyunjin all day and get down and dirty with him but I want this money just as much as everyone else here and it's just so frustrating that my effort isn't taking me anywhere."
Rhia nods along as you admit your feelings to her. "I understand how you feel y/n. I know how much you like him, we all do. I think you need to take matters into your own hands from here on out, though. If nobody else is going to follow these rules, then why should you?"
"I like your thinking," you smirk.
Before you can say anything more on the matter, Hyunjin sneaks up behind you and shakes his wet hair all over your body, shocking you with how cold the droplets are.
"Oh my God, Hyunjin!"
You try and push him away from you but as his arms are caging you against him, there's no way you can fight him off.
"Stop! Stop! It's so cold!" you shriek, laughing at the same time.
Hyunjin's laugh echoes through your ears and he finally stops, the sound making you feel like you've just entered Heaven.
"Okay I'm done now," he says, calming down a a little and sitting next to you on the sand.
"What were you two talking about anyways?" Patrick asks, drying his hair on a towel.
"Oh nothing special, just trying to figure out who kissed last night," Rhia says, covering up what your actual conversation was about.
"We should rule out who we think it definitely isn't," Hyunjin suggests.
"I can promise you, it wasn't us," Patrick says.
"Right. So you two didn't do anything and neither did me and Hyunjin."
"Yeah," Rhia says.
"Harry," you say.
"Look, I want to believe him so bad but, I mean, they went in the middle of the night," Hyunjin says. "I'm not gonna rule them out."
"Who else is there?" You ask.
"Don't put anything past Layla," Rhia says.
"She was sitting at that fire pit last night and she was smirking and whispering to Brooke the whole time," you explain.
"Yeah, Patrick says. "You know what I find most interesting is that Brooke was so , like, vocal."
"But who would she kiss?" Hyunjin asks.
"Dude, I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Brooke and Layla made out."
"Oh, I didn't think of that," you say.
"I don't see anyone here lying except for those two," Patrick finishes.
The day was slowly coming to a close and it was getting later and later and you still had to talk to Hyunjin about what you and Rhia had discussed earlier.
You were walking around, scanning the retreat and looking for him when you spotted him sitting with Layla having what seemed to be a very serious conversation.
"Look, Layla, you're a sweet girl and all but I'm just really not interested in having you as more than a friend, I'm sorry."
"But why, Hyunjin? Y/n surely can't be as good as you're making her out to be. You two haven't broken a single rule in almost a week, you're just gonna get bored of her soon enough anyways," Layla replies, trying to convince him to choose her.
A tear rolled down your cheek. What was happening?
"You have no business in what I do with her. Maybe if you actually tried to connect with Mason you would understand," Hyunjin snaps. "I'm done having this conversation with you."
You watch him as he stands up from the chair and walks away to the bar, opening a bottle of beer and taking a long swig.
Slowly, you approached him and placed your arms around his waist. You could tell he was annoyed.
"You okay, Jinnie?"
"What?" he asks.
"I asked if you were okay."
"No," he says. "What did you call me?"
"Jinnie?" you say.
He smiles softly. "I like that."
" I'm glad you do. Now answer my question," you say.
"I'm fine," he says. "Just a little annoyed with some people in here."
"So am I," you say, looking up at him. "I actually came over to talk to you about something but I'll leave it until you're a little calmer if you want."
"No, it's okay, you can talk to me now," he says.
"Alright," you say, taking a deep breath. "I just wanted to make sure that you were happy with what we've got going on right now, especially since we haven't broken any rules yet."
Hyunjin furrows his eyebrows at your question. "Why wouldn't I be happy, y/n? I have the most beautiful girl in the retreat right here with me, I have nothing to complain about."
You smile. "I know you say that but I know there are other girls not just in here, but out of the retreat too that would be able to provide you with so much more stability than me. I haven't kissed you in almost a week and it's not like I don't want to, because I do, I'm just scared of disappointing everyone else."
"Look," Hyunjin begins. "I understand that you're worrying about us but I don't blame you for wanting to save as much of the money as you possibly can. I would do the same thing if I didn't have so much of it already."
"That's the thing, though. I don't want to save the money anymore," you say, confusing Hyunjin.
"You know how me and Rhia were talking at the beach while you and Patrick were messing around in the water?" You ask.
"Yeah..." Hyunjin replies.
"Well, Rhia made me realise that there's no point in avoiding a good kiss or two with you out of respect for the others if they have no respect for anybody else anyway," you explain. "I'm not saying that we should just go around and break every single rule in the book but I want to be able to share something g with you before I regret it and-"
Hyunjin cuts off your rambling by pressing his lips against yours, his hands wrapping themselves around your waist and pulling you closer to his body. You melted into him as your lips worked against his, the two of you completely lost in the moment. Unfortunately, Hyunjin broke the kiss and rested his forehead against yours.
"I forgot how good of a kisser you are," he chuckles, catching his breath.
You laughed at his words and buried your head in his chest, your cheeks reddening.
"Don't go hiding yourself now," Hyunjin jokes, pulling your head up with his fingers. "You're too pretty for that."
"Stop it!" You say, attempting to hide your blushing face.
YOU: I can't even begin to explain how good it felt to finally kiss him again. I know this isn't going to go down very well with some of the others but I hope most of them can recognise how much we both needed that.
It was time to gather at the cabana once more and this was the first time you felt genuinely nervous in a very long time.
"Okay, we all know why we're here again," Mason says. "I have to get to the bottom of this. It's all just about openness, honestly. Whoever did it, this is your opportunity now to have just an inkling of honesty because otherwise it's gonna come out in a much different way, which is only gonna make you look bad.
YOU: Preach, Mason, preach girl!
"Unless I slept-walked and fell into someone's vagina, I know it's not me."
You laugh at his wording of the situation.
"Patrick has spoken to me open-heartedly so I know it's not him. I know it isn't Hyunjin either."
"Damn straight, " Patrick says, fist-bumping Hyunjin.
"To be honest with you two," he points at Harry and Hollie. "I would never have guessed you went in the middle of the night alone. Like, to me, that's like jumping into a flame and hoping you don't get burnt. I did question what decisions you two made in there but I'm choosing to believe you."
"Thank you," Harry says.
"The only other two people that I don't know at all, who have openly admitted to more than enough alone time-"
Mason is cut off by Brooke. "This is ridiculous. Do not fucking talk to me like that. This is ridiculous."
Everyone gives each other strange looks, trying to figure out what the hell is going on.
"I feel like I'm the easiest person to come at," Brooke continues.
"Brooke," Patrick says. "Did you do anything that would cause a $3000 reduction with Layla?"
"No, I did not kiss Layla," Brooke says, strangely defensively.
"Alright," Patrick leans back, gesturing over to Mason.
"Should we ask Lana," Mason says.
"Yeah, we should," you say, excited to see the result of who it actually was.
"That's the fairest thing to do," Hollie says, sitting up from being against Harry the whole time.
"See what Lana has to say," Hyunjin says. "She knows."
Lana chimes.
"Lana!" Harry cheers. "What you gonna tell us?"
"Hello. How are we all feeling today?"
"On edge," you laugh.
"Lana, we have a question for you," Mason says.
"Yes, how can I help?" She says.
"Was it Harry and Hollie who broke the rule yesterday?"
A small amount of time passes and we are all sat in silence. How typical of Lana to add some tension to the already present tension.
Some of us clap for the two of them and Patrick leans over to high-five Harry.
"Well done, dude."
"Lana," Mason begins yet again. "Was it Jack and Layla?"
The same silence passes by.
"Yes!" Jack exclaims. "I'm off the hook for once."
"You are not the father," Hyunjin jokes, earning a chuckle from you.
For the final time, Mason asks the question.
"Lana... was it Brooke and Layla who broke the rules and kissed last night?"
"Negative," Layla says, trying to get some of the pressure off her shoulders.
The suspense drags on and on.
"God, this is killing me," Rhia says, leaning her head back on the sofa to regain some strength.
Everybody gasps and stands up from their seats, pacing around the room in shock.
"Oh my God!" Rhia yells. "I didn't think it was true!"
"So you lied about it and then you denied it," you say, scoffing at their behaviour.
"You lied to our faces," Patrick says. "And how are you laughing right now, Brooke?"
"I don't understand why you'd lie," you say.
"Oh my God, you blow my mind," Mason scoffs. "You actually blow my mind."
"Alright, that's enough," Brooke says, standing up and looking over at Layla. "Come with me?"
"It's the walk-off!" Harry shouts. "It's the walk-off!"
"See you later, girls!" you shout as they walk away.
"They're off to the showers!" Hyunjin laughs.
BROOKE: I'm glad this all happened, I still don't like these people. If anything, I'm glad I fucked them over so hopefully they'll stop talking to me and stop bothering me.
As if the night couldn't get any worse, Lana has another announcement.
"I am not finished here yet," she says. " There will be two new arrivals coming to the retreat tomorrow and they have both picked one of you to take away on a date."
We all gasp.
"What? No," you say, praying that Hyunjin hasn't been picked.
"The new girl in town, Sonya, had chosen..."
"Sonya? That sounds very foreign, I like it," Patrick says, earning a slap on the arm from Rhia.
"Watch it," she snaps.
"Hyunjin." Lana finishes.
YOU: Are you fucking kidding me? I literally just managed to get Layla out of my way and steer clear and now this Sonya girl wants to fuck with my man too
HYUNJIN: I really do not want to go on this date at all. I'm perfectly happy with y/n thank you very much.
"Come the fuck on, Lana," you groan, throwing your arms up in the air. "Give me a break."
"The second newcomer is Malcolm and he has chosen..."
YOU: Please don't be me. please don't be me. Please don't be me.
"Oh my God it's like the ultimate couple test," Rhia says, shocked out of her mind.
"You will have to be ready and at the beach at 12:00, no later. Goodnight and good luck."
With that, Lana leaves with her melodic chime and nerves set into your body right away.
Hyunjin looks down at you and sighs, pulling you up by your hand and walking away with you, not uttering a word to the group. He takes you into the bedroom, sits you down on the bed and stands in front of you.
"Look at me, y/n." He says.
You stay glaring at the floor beneath you, ignoring him.
"Y/n," he says. "Come on, sweetheart look at me."
You give in to his pleas and slowly lift your head up and meet his eyes.
"I know you're scared but trust me when I say this, I am not gonna go behind your back. I appreciate what we have so much already and I'm not gonna give that up for some girl I've never met before." Hyunjin speaks, comforting you. "I promise that nothing will happen between me and her as long as you can do the same."
"I promise," you say, grabbing his hands.
"Good," he says, "Now stop crying and give me a hug."
The next morning was a huge struggle for not only you but for Hyunjin as well. He had never managed to commit to a full relationship and as much as he wanted to convince himself that he could stay loyal, he knew that if this Sonya girl was his type, he might have to break the promise he made to you.
You applied a light layer of makeup, not wanting to put in too much effort for someone who you weren't going to pursue anything with. Rhia decided to choose your outfit to avoid your overthinking and to be honest, you don't think she could've chosen a better thing.
You wore a yellow sundress that hugged the top half of your body but flew out at the bottom past your waist. It was really pretty. You just wished you were wearing it for somebody else.
It felt like only seconds had passed before Lana chimed in.
"Hello, y/n."
"Hey, Lana," you reply, sounding sorrowful for yourself.
"You do not sound very excited about your fast-approaching date with Malcolm," she says.
"To be honest," you say. "I don't want to do it."
"Well, either way, you have no choice. Malcolm has already arrived and is waiting for you. you must head to the beach immediately."
With that, Lana deactivates and stops talking.
YOU: Well she was fucking helpful, wasn't she?
"Hey there, beautiful," the man who you suspect was Malcolm says as you approach him, a glass of champagne already poured for you.
"Hi," you reply, painting a fake smile on your face.
"I'm Malcolm, nice to meet you," he says, standing up and kissing your cheek, a hand placing itself on your waist before he sits back down and you follow suit.
"So, tell me about yourself," he says.
"Uh, well, my name is y/n and I've been at the retreat now for about a week, I'm 21 and I currently live in Seoul."
"Cool," he says. "What do you do for work?"
"Uh, I help choreograph an upcoming K-pop girl group," you answer.
"You into that shit?" He asks, a frown coming upon his face.
"I mean, I don't listen to it all the time but I do have a fair few songs on my playlist, yeah," you say, confused as to why he made that out to be an issue if you did.
"I really hate that kind of music," Malcolm says. "I just don't understand why people would want to listen to a language that they don't speak."
"Well I do speak Korean so..." you say, making it a little awkward.
This wasn't going well.
"Uh, anyways," Malcolm says. "What do you think of me? Because I must say, you are gorgeous."
"Thank you," you reply. "I'm actually already seeing someone in the retreat and I'm really happy with him so I don't want to ruin that."
"Oh come on. What he doesn't know can't hurt him, right?" Malcolm asks, trying to push you for a kiss.
"There's also another reason that nothing physical can happen between us," you say.
"In this retreat," you being. "There's no sexual activities allowed: no kissing, no hands, no sex, nothing."
"You're kissing," he says. "So I've been put on a date with the hottest girl I've ever seen and I can't even touch?"
"Exactly that, yes," you say.
"Fuck that."
YOU: I already don't like this guy. I just get a weird vibe from him and I can tell he isn't going to leave me alone until he gets what he wants. I just hope Hyunjin's date is going just as disastrous as mine.
Hyunjin and Sonya were both sitting next to each other on the picnic blanket, their glasses both empty and the strawberries half eaten.
"So, in this forbidden retreat," Sonya begins. "Do you happen to have a partner in there yet?"
Hyunjin pauses for a little. "I do."
"How serious are you guys?"
"We've kissed a good few times and she does make me happy," Hyunjin says.
"I could make you happier, you know," she says. "Just one kiss and you'll find out."
"I'm not going to risk a stable relationship for one kiss, Sonya. I'm sorry."
When you arrived back at the retreat, you were walking beside Malcolm, his arm around your shoulders. The two of you had talked a little more and had agreed to remain friends (you had forced him to back off).
"Hey girl!" rhia shouts over all the cheers as you leave Malcolm to find his own way and sit over with the girls.
"Hey," you say, sitting next to Hollie. "Has Hyunjin come back yet?"
"No, you're the first here," Layla says.
You waited impatiently for Hyunjin to return which felt like hours when, in reality, it had only been about ten minutes before he and Sonya walked over the sand dune and into the retreat.
You stared at them as Sonya had her arm interlinked with his. Your heart dropped. Had he realised that she was much prettier than you? You didn't realise how close the two of them had gotten before you snapped out of your trance.
"Hi girls, I'm Sonya, it's really lovely to meet you all," she says, finally parting her arm from around your man.
All you could do was grin at her slightly, your eyes still locked onto Hyunjin. He eventually looks at you and takes your hand, excusing the two of you and walks you over to a private area, where you could talk.
"So," he says. "How did it go for you?"
"Awful," you replied, your voice monotone as you thought he would be leaving you.
"Mine too," Hyunjin says, shocking you. "She kept trying to get me to be with her but I told her about you and eventually she gave up."
"So how come she had her arms practically wrapped around you," you say.
"I couldn't just be an asshole because she wants me and I don't want her," Hyunjin says. "And I'm sure Malcolm had his arm around you at some point, did he not?"
You sat in silence for a moment. "He did. "
"Look, I'm sorry," you say. "I just thought that you would leave me for her."
"Why would I ever do that, love?" Hyunjin asks, making a small heat rise to your cheeks.
"She's a lot prettier than me."
Hyunjin scoffs. "Nobody could ever be prettier than you, y/n. You are honestly the most beautiful girl I have ever laid eyes upon. I never thought I could feel this way towards someone but you make me so happy and I would never leave you for someone like her."
You smiled at his words. You had never felt this way about someone before either and you wanted to feel this way forever.
"Hyunjin," you begin. "I think it's time we did some rule-breaking."
A/N: This isn't as long as I hoped it would be but I didn't want to leave you guys hanging... again.
Taglist: @velvetmoonlght
27 notes · View notes
kwonkioz · 5 months
. . . brave and nerd | jeon wonwoo x reader (jo shin-yeol) x kim mingyu
part one
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𐙚 I thanked my mom for putting the mixed toast in front of me, she smiled at me and then proceeded to put the dishes in the machine.
After taking a bite, I looked at her, "Mom, do you know anything about that Park twins' family?"
His brows furrowed, "I wouldn't say they're very nice people. I know their mother from the association, she is a woman with her nose in the air. Why did you ask?"
"The twins finished second and third. I found it strange when a friend of mine worked hard but came in fourth. It's not normal for them to get such high marks when even I was surprised that I got the first place."
"Mrs. Park must have paid a bribe, she doesn't want her children to be."
"Our school is not a place to accept bribes, Mom, that's why I couldn't be sure."
He turned to me, "Shin-yeol, there's nothing money can't buy. How do you think the twins ended up in your class?"
My eyebrows flew up in surprise, "Really?! O... I guessed it. People blame me, but almost everyone is torpedoed except us!"
"Is anyone still treating you the same?"
I shook my head, "They don't say it publicly anymore."
Except for one person...
He's doing it on purpose to break my heart.
After my toast was finished, I grabbed my bag and left the house. I arrived at the school in a short time by bicycle. Some people said I was a sucker for cycling to school even though we had a driver, and some of them would never shut up. But I was living my way. Yes, there are times when I use my mother's respect, but I do it without putting it in anyone's eye.
Here, everyone sees it as it suits them. I'm used to it.
After entering the classroom and taking my seat, I sighed deeply and watched the surroundings. Everyone had a group of friends or a friend. And the queue next to everyone else was full. The part of me was empty, funny...
A girl named Cho Miyeon used to sit next to me, but when she became close friends with another girl, she started to sit next to her, and this row was empty like this. Strangely enough, I didn't really have any friends. I don't have the number of anyone in this class in my phone book, except for Wonwoo. I had already bought it secretly.
Speaking of Wonwoo; He was back in the front row, quietly taking a test. It was the biggest void in my life. I don't know how my only goal was to win her love when she was so far away from me.
But every second I couldn't talk to him, something was building up inside me. If we get close one day, I want to chat for hours.
As the classroom slowly filled in, the twins arrived. I've looked at them with all my hatred, they're really annoying. They were among those who once treated me like a torpedo, and now they are doing the same thing themselves.
A little later, the teacher arrived and the lesson began. Mr. Kim had taken me to the blackboard to read aloud the quiz notes from a few days earlier. Since this quiz would only replace the oral grade, it would not be written on the list, the teacher would explain it himself or have one of the students read it.
I began to read the notes in order; "Kwon Soonyoung 90, Jeon Jungkook 95, Kim Namjoon 100, Hwang Ye-ji 70, Yoon Jeonghan 85, Xu Minghao 100, Jeon Wonwoo 100, Park Dae Gang 45, Park Dae Gun 50..."
Suddenly, the voice in the classroom went up. Some students began to react to the last two notes, and rightly so.
"How the hell do they come second or third in the exam and get so low in the quiz? It's all out there."
Dae Gun turned to the boy who said this and said, "What the hell are you talking about?"
"I'm saying you're torpedoed, brother, it's pretty obvious. How did you get from middle place to third place with zero effort? Are you a genius?"
"Look at me!" when he stood up, Dae Gang sat him down, "Let him go."
A girl in the back row said, "What's happening is happening to us because of people like you! You're a coward... Do it with your own success. You are incapable."
Dae Gang said, "Isn't it impotent to take your pain out on others because you don't get a high grade?"
"What the hell are you talking about?!"
"I'm saying you're torpedoed, brother, it's pretty obvious. How did you get from middle place to third place with zero effort? Are you a genius?"
"Look at me!" when he stood up, Dae Gang sat him down, "Let him go."
A girl in the back row said, "What's happening is happening to us because of people like you! You're a coward... Do it with your own success. You are incapable."
Dae Gang said, "Isn't it impotent to take your pain out on others because you don't get a high grade?"
"What the hell are you talking about?!"
"Never mind, Minnie, these things are unspeakable."
"Excuse me?"
As the argument spread throughout the class, the teacher yelled and silenced them. He told me to keep going.
"Park Jihyo 95, Wen Junhui 80, Roseanne Park 100, Jo Shin-yeol 100-"
"Like your first place, I hope this isn't a torpedo." I knew he was telling me when the fool interrupted me and looked at him angrily.
"No, it's my own success, as is my first place."
Some laughed, while others did not react. Another boy grinned nervously, "Sure! It's always been your own success."
Another girl asked, "You must have a connection with twins, not triplets?"
As half the class laughed, my body stiffened with nervousness, and I began to squeeze the paper between my hands. The teacher slammed his hand the table.
"Come to your senses! What kind of speech do you speak? There's no tampering with these notes, it's what you get. Know your words!"
"But sir, they're not just doing the same thing for this quiz, they're always doing the same thing."
"Yes, sir! Our families want us to get high grades, but we work and we get them, they are deserving."
I shouted angrily, "I didn't deserve it! Find another cover for your jealousy!"
One of them laughed, "What am I jealous of you? Your money?"
"Exactly, talk, talk, we're listening." after hearing another sarcastic sentence, I realized that I couldn't take it anymore.
"Off... You're really annoyed! It's so annoying, it's so repulsive!" I didn't care about the teacher who called out after me as I threw the paper on the floor and hurried out of the classroom. I barely threw myself into the fire escapes, waited until I got there, and as soon as I sat down on the step, I started crying.
Even if I cover my face with my hand so that I don't have a voice, I don't think it works. So much so that someone had already come to this sound.
"Well... Can I help?"
When I looked up, I saw a boy I didn't know. Who do I know in this school, though?
I quickly wiped away my tears as I don't like to cry in front of anyone as this boy with a cast on his hand looked at me anxiously.
"You can't be."
I thought he would leave, but he came and sat next to me. I looked at him in amazement, still worried and compassionate.
"I don't think I can turn around and leave after seeing you like this. Could you at least tell me what it is?"
My gaze went away. It hurt a lot.
"They say I'm torpedoed, so they think I'm first. They're all disgusting scum."
"Oh, you must be Jo Shin-yeol."
When he held out his hand, I turned to him, "I'm Kim Mingyu."
These were things so foreign to me that I couldn't even reach out and shake the child's hand. He had already withdrawn, "Well, you don't seem to like handshakes. I saw his name on the list, I know it from there. I finished fifth, but I'm laughing."
"Why? Is it so good to be fifth?"
"Are you a maniac, of course it's very good! Well, at least for me. You don't know how hard I tried to even get from ninth to fourth. It's against my constitution to work so hard."
I couldn't help but laugh and he laughed too. After wiping my moist cheeks, I corrected my posture.
"Thank you, I never thought I'd be able to laugh in this situation."
"You can laugh in any situation. Even rose; That's the best answer you can give them."
I sighed deeply. I don't want to be the interlocutor enough to respond to them, but they push the boundaries so much that I'm the one who ends up answering and coming out harmful.
I looked at my watch, and there were twenty minutes left in class. I stood up. I couldn't go to class now. I decided to go to the canteen to get a coffee and recuperate. When Mingyu stood up, I turned to him.
"Don't you have a lesson?"
"The class is the body, and I'm on leave," he said as he showed his plastered hand. I shook my head, "Get well soon."
"Thank you. Where do you plan to go?"
"Canteen. I'll go into the classroom for a second class, and it would be weird to go back now after I've left."
He laughed, "It is. Can I accompany you? My friends play football, I'm the only one left."
"It happens."
We had coffee together in the canteen and talked a little. I found out that he was in the 2/3 class. For now, he aimed to move to 2/2, he is normally a diligent student, but this year his grades dropped because the classes were a little empty. Now he was trying to regain his old order.
When the bell rang, we continued the conversation during the break and then said goodbye. I was back in class when he went out into the garden. I was doing my best to ignore them while the people in the class were looking at me in a type-by-type manner. Wonwoo didn't take his eyes off me until he got to my turn. When I sat down, he turned to me.
"Are you okay?"
"Does he care too much? You don't think differently from them."
He turned in front of him without an answer. Sighing, I leaned back and crossed my arms.
The gaze on me ended when the teacher arrived. Luckily, Mr. Kim didn't say anything about me throwing the notepaper and leaving. Of course, what I did wasn't right, so he told me that I had to wait in class after class. Well, I'm not surprised.
Since our next class was chemistry, we had to go to the lab. When everyone left, I waited in line. Mr. Kim left his glasses on the table and approached and sat on Wonwoo's empty bench in front of me.
"I know your mother didn't ask the principal for any torpedoes about your grades. He makes those donations of his own free will."
Such was the teacher Kim Junmyeon; He wouldn't judge you, he would trust you and support you. But no one knew its value.
"Still, that stigma sticks on him. Do you know why?"
"They're jealous of my grades."
"No," he laughed and added, "I mean, not really. Shin-yeol, it's your behavior that's the problem."
"My behavior?"
"You may not be torpedoed, but that doesn't mean you don't use your mother's power. You can leave the classroom according to your mind, you don't go to classes if you don't want to, you don't pay attention to the tone of your voice when you speak, so you often get into arguments. Just when you're walking, you have the vibe of owning the school. Yes, your grades are so good thanks to your own achievement, your own intelligence. But your behavior... You've got to get yourself in order about it."
Mr. Kim always spoke to me honestly, but the first time he smacked me in the face, I didn't want to admit it. I shook my head.
"How can I act like a model student when they are insulting me? That's what I do."
"You can't just say that's the production and get away with it, Shin-yeol, it's true for everyone! Look, I know you're not a bad person, that's why I'm having this conversation with you. If your actions were as appropriate as your grades, no one would treat you as a torpedo."
I leaned back, exhaling a troubled exhale. A few weeks ago, I was reminded of a sentence that Wonwoo said; "You can be a smart girl, but it doesn't matter because of your ego. Your arrogance has blocked your way!"
Mr. Kim was speaking for my sake. But Wonwoo's was pure hate. My interest in him made me do such ridiculous things that instead of getting to know each other, we were drifting further and further away. Because he's kind of disgusted with me.
"You live this life like a princess; But remember, princesses happen in fairy tales. We are struggling for life in the most painful way in the middle of reality."
I frowned, "I wish you were a philosophy teacher."
He laughed, "But think about what I said. You can get out."
I got up from my bench and made my way to the door. When I left the classroom, I took my cardigan from the hanger and threw it over my shoulder. When I entered the lab, not all of the students were inside because the class bell had not yet rung. So I moved on to the first vacant place I found. And I certainly didn't know Wonwoo was sitting in front of me. Of course, he didn't think so, so as soon as he saw me in the classroom, he rolled his eyes and came and started packing his things.
I pressed my hand on the pen holder he was about to pick up, "You probably wouldn't die if you sat across from me, you're already in front of me in class."
He tugged at his pencil holder hard, "Couldn't you find another place in the big class?"
I defended myself by saying, "I sat in the first place, I didn't know you were here," but he never believed it. He rolled his eyes and sat down on the stool and stopped to pack his things, "I'm sure it is."
Jeon Wonwoo is the embodiment of the word stubbornness!
Before the teacher rang the bell, the class was slowly filling up. I could feel Wonwoo's gaze on me as I took out my chemistry notebook and placed it in front of me. Already soon he began to speak.
"What did Mr. Kim say?" he averted his eyes when I looked up at him, "So if it's not special..."
I smiled slightly at her sweet shyness, and said, "He said I should be careful with my behavior." His brows furrowed as his eyes found me again, "Your behavior?"
"Hm. That I live like a princess, but that's wrong."
He laughed sarcastically, "She's not a princess; child."
This time it was my turn to frown, "Boy?"
"You don't act like a princess, you act like a spoiled child. How are you different from the little children who cry when their candy is taken from them, and who break all hell when they don't get what they want?"
No, I wasn't offended, offended, or angry.
Because he said these things willingly, even to hurt me, and he tried to distance me from him in this way. He's got a plan, he's going after it, but I'm not going to come to his game.
"Do you know what's the difference?" he shook his head with a frustrated look;
"Once children experience things that hurt, they always run away from it. I couldn't leave you."
I saw him swallow. His jaw dropped, but he couldn't give an answer. While we were just staring at each other, we both turned in front of us when the teacher arrived. I've never had any luck since Wonwoo saw me as a kid and himself as candy.
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 .ᐟ
For two days, Wonwoo had continued to run away from me, and the more he did, the more I chased him. Some things never change.
There was a basketball game today, and Wonwoo looked so cute with a bandana on his head that I couldn't take my gaze off him. While the other girls were screaming Soonyoung, Mingyu, or Seungcheol's name, my only focus was on Wonwoo. I don't care about anyone else.
The gym was filled with enthusiastic cheering, and by the time the first half was over, it had become a little quieter. When I looked at Wonwoo sitting on one of the chairs at the side of the field, I noticed that he was out of breath, but there was no water there. I made my way to the unopened packages, tore the nylon, and grabbed two bottles and went over to him. I sat down and handed one to him and placed the other next to him. He was really tired, he put the water on his head.
"Basketball doesn't work for cows."
Even though he didn't like being called a nerd, he didn't bother about it and grumbled about the coach, "I told the coach not to add me to the team so I can't do it! Who's listening?"
"Why do you say that, you got the first number."
"It is, but I don't have time for that kind of thing. I have to study for the second exams."
I couldn't help but roll my eyes, "You're really a nerd." she stared at me, "You're the one who likes a nerd, but?"
I pressed my lips together and smiled, and leaned slightly over him with the support of my hand, "I see you're getting used to it?"
She blinked in panic, she was incredibly cute!
"What's the point? Or stay away! You're getting on my nerves."
I pulled back, chuckling and laughing. By the start of the second half, he had clenched his neck and ran towards the field. It didn't matter if they won or didn't win because it was a friendly match for the upper classes. They were just playing for fun. With the comfort of this, I only watched Wonwoo.
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 .ᐟ
The other team won the match, but as I said, it was a friendly match, winning was not anyone's priority. As I drove to the car alone after school, I caught up with Wonwoo, who was a few steps ahead of me.
"I can let go."
"I'm not crazy enough to get into the car of someone who doesn't have a license, so keep it."
"I drove the car for only one day, today the driver is taking it. And even though I don't have a driver's license, I drive it just fine."
He wasn't about to stop, and when I grabbed him by the shoulder and stopped him, he let out a weary breath.
"Rest in peace, Shin-yeol."
"You too."
"I'm already-" he knew what I meant and paused, and I laughed lightly. But he still looked bored, and my brows furrowed when he continued, "I don't have the peace you're looking for, get it."
"How do you know? You didn't even make an effort to get to know me. You always make firm decisions without trying."
"Because I don't have time for that! I'm the nerd who can't think of anything but my grades, and you'd better find yourself a bum like yourself."
A bum like yourself...
He had gone again. The sweet bickering between us was gradually turning into painful arguments.
When I got home, my mom came home early from work, so we went to the kitchen to have a snack together. Although everyone treated us as if we were incapable people, my mother was a decent woman who knew the law very well. My interest in Wonwoo manifested itself for the first time and made me too crazy to study thinking about him, and I dropped to fifth place in the class. But even then, my mother didn't raise her voice to me one bit, believing that I would be able to succeed in the next exam. He even consoled himself by saying that fifth place wasn't bad.
People talk about a woman like that, and that's what I'm most mad about. Then why is Jo Shin-yeol acting like a bum, and they infuriate you!
"How was school today?"
"It sucks," I said quickly. I wouldn't hide anything from him. Well, except for Wonwoo, but he could already guess it, "Being in the same class as the people who treated me like a torpedo again two days ago will continue to ruin my every day."
"Let them go, girl! They say that a person knows his own business. They use the power of money for small things, so they think you do too. You are building your own successful future. Don't even hear them talking."
I was stuck on one sentence.
"Do you know who uses torpedoes?"
"So... I've witnessed it a few times at a parents' meeting, but I don't have any clear information."
I put my hands on the table and came to the front, "Mom, please tell me! Who are they? Look, everyone blames me."
He sighed as he placed the plate full of biscuits in front of me, brought a cup of coffee each, and sat down on the chair across from me.
"Park Yul Yeon, the mother of twins, is a bit of a perfectionist. He's so used to having the best of everything that he can't stomach his kids getting low grades, and he's ashamed. So he may have had some conversations with your assistant manager."
"Mom, don't talk about it! And what does it mean to be an assistant director? I think he met with the principal."
My mother shook her head, "Principal Rhee is a fair educator who does not accept bribes. He is a close friend of your grandfather, I know from there. But he's Vice Principal Woon, he's really to be feared."
"Well, he couldn't have done such a thing without Principal Rhee knowing. Besides, if you know that, why didn't you tell the principal at all?"
"I don't have any evidence. Not only me, but also many other parents are aware of the situation and they remain silent with the mindset that the mother will get bread for us."
I clenched my hands into fists in anger, "What happens happens to me happens as long as they stay silent. To this day, I have always received those grades on my own, but I am being treated like a torpedo because you donated to the school."
"It doesn't make any sense, what kind of mindset do your friends have? I donate not only to your school, but also to many other schools and institutions. It's a common thing for your father and me, but people are so used to thinking badly!"
"Their hearts are ugly, their way of thinking is ugly, their character is ugly... I don't know what to do anymore."
He smiled and took my hand.
"You have your family behind you, you don't have to be bullied by anyone. Don't worry, I'll figure it out."
"You leave it to me, come on, your coffee has gone cold."
I was trying to understand what was going through my mother's mind as I drank my warm coffee, but it was impossible. He thought so fast and made sound decisions that it was impossible to keep up with him. Still, I was sure that he would do something to get me out of this trouble. At least, I hope so.
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 .ᐟ
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tehyunnie · 1 year
another one for my husband
 You held your nose high in the air as you walked towards the queue, taehyun following shortly behind you. "You sure look awfully brave for someone who can't even go to the bathroom alone at night.." taehyun commented.
 "Well that's because I'm so totally not a scaredy cat anymore! The haunted house doesn't even look that scary!" You beamed up at him, puffing your chest to show just how "brave" you are.
 Taehyun snorted at this, amused by your confidence. "Fine, if you're that brave then you don't need to hold onto me then."
 You turned to look at him as if he just insulted your entire bloodline, your mouth hanging wide open with your eyes following suit. "Isn't that too cruel?! kang taehyun you crude crude man!"
 You crossed your arms as you turned back around— a pout decorated your lips.
 Taehyun giggled and hugged you from the back, his cologne rubbing itself on you. "Okay okay, how about if you scream then i get to pick what movie we're watching tonight?" he said while his hands rubbed your sides comfortingly.
 You agreed to this idea— already knowing how you're so not gonna scream.
 Or so you thought...
 Once the both of you were finally at the entrance of the haunted house, everything looked ten times more scarier. The screams inside sounded way louder than they needed to be paired with the darkness of the haunted house and the creepy scare actors lurking in there.
 "What's wrong, baby? Where's all that confidence earlier?" Taehyun teased you, his hand holding onto yours. You gulped as you followed him— letting yourself be dragged into the haunted house.
 "Um bubs.. if you were to win which is definitely not happening please don't pick that movie you keep rewatching..." Taehyun merely hummed at that, an evil smirk creeping its way onto his handsome features.
 Let's just say your voice was strained once you got out of the haunted house.
 You held your boyfriend's arm as you sat next to him on a bench, a traumatizing flashback running through your mind as you think back about the haunted house.
 "Baby, your ice cream's melting!" Taehyun's honey voice snapped you back to reality, making you realize the sticky mess in your hands.
 You quickly licked up the melted ice cream— making sure none drips down on your brand new jeans.
Taehyun giggled at your cute antic, deciding that maybe he won't repeat the same movie for the 8th time.
follow my writing blog!! @tehhyunie
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sweaterkittensahoy · 6 months
I mean, I'm down for some Lemmons X Rosenthal running into each other in town/off duty type shenanigans, if that's a prompt you would like to run with. - @bobparkhurst
There's only one place in the town next to the base that plays live music, but all Rosie needs is one place, so it's fine by him.
The place is absolutely packed with pretty girls and men in uniform. It's a five-piece band, people three deep at the bar, and the windows fogging up from the heat of everyone moving around.
Rosie taps his foot to the music as he gets on line for a beer. It's a queue, he reminds himself and chuckles. He looks around the crowd and spots several familiar faces, then someone stumbles into his back.
"Oh, shit. Sorry. Sorry."
Rosie turns around to assure whoever ran into him its all fine, and he's looking down at Ken Lemmons, who has his hands out in front of him and takes a step back when he realizes it's Rosie.
"Was that a curse, Ken?" Rosie asks with a grin. "I don't think I've ever heard you say a word worse than 'heck.'"
Ken relaxes instantly. "Well, your granny obviously didn't come at you with the soap if you said any of 'em."
"No, my grandma's a fan of a wooden spoon on the butt," Rosie replies. "You okay, by the way?" he asks, reaching out to hold Ken still. He's moving along to the music a bit, tapping his foot and lightly scuffing his other foot in counter-rhythm.
"Fine, Sir," Ken says, glancing over his shoulder. "Got run over by people headed to the dance floor. Glad I ran into the back of you instead of someone else, at least. These RAF boys like to fight."
"Cursing and getting into fights? Really, Lemmons, it's like I don't know you at all."
Ken laughs. "I'm not startin' the fights," he says. "But I'm not walkin' away from them." His grin settles into the smirk of a man who knows he'll win if he's challenged.
Rosie is suddenly aware of how close they're standing and how good Ken looks in his fresh-pressed uniform. He's never seen him in anything other than his coveralls, which certainly isn't hard to look at either. But this is nice in its own way. Especially the way he's wearing his cap angled on his head, his curls still as much controlled chaos as ever.
"I'm surprised you're not on the dance floor," Rosie says, "You're vibrating along with the beat, and you look sharp all buttoned up."
Ken shrugs. "No one's asked," he says. "And I don't prefer to lead."
"No?" Rosie points to Ken's feet. "You've got the rhythm for it."
Ken shrugs. "Oh, sure, but it's more fun to follow, I think. It feels nicer."
Rosie's intrigued. He shifts so he and Ken are out of the queue, bringing him along with a hand on his arm. "You think so?"
Ken blushes suddenly. "Um, yeah." He says. "I--"
"You wanna dance with me?" Rosie asks, charmed by that blush. "I like to lead."
Ken's eyes go wide. "Um. Yeah. Yeah, that'd be nice."
Robert offers Ken his arm. "Let's go then," he says. "Any dances you don't know?"
"Don't think so," Ken says. "Unless there's some new thing you learned just before you got here."
"Only how to fly in my skivvies," Rosie says, intentionally lowering his voice so it's for Ken's ears only. He can't help himself. Not with Ken's hand tucked into his elbow and looking so good all put together.
Ken flashes him a look, the blush back, but a knowing glint in his eyes. "I like how I get held when I don't lead," he says as he and Rosie step onto the edge of the dance floor. "It tells you a lot about a guy."
Rosie pulls Ken in just close enough to be cheekily improper. "Well, let's see what you learn about me."
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