#• be one of my close friends' blorbo (and said friend talked a lot about this character)
lyxchen · 1 year
Okay look, so I always secretly want people to ask me about my phone wallpaper because it's always like pictures or gifs of my favorite characters or sometimes actors and I really wanna talk to people about my blorbos but they Never Ask Me :|
And so right now I have Daniel Sträßer as my lockscreen because I'm a lil big Spatort girly and he's pretty. And all of a sudden so many people when they see my lockscreen are like: who's that? and I have to tell them that it's a Tatort actor and then the person asking me always gets so confused cause like: why do you watch Tatort? and I don't know how to explain myself and hhhh i just wanna talk about my favorite cuties okayy??
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gab-has-adhd · 5 months
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inventedfangirling · 4 months
My friends i watched love for love's sake and I swear i don't have a fckin clue where even to start.
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I know a lot has been said about the show already and i know a LOT more would be said about in the future, but i just can't help adding my own two cents to one of the most thought-provoking, moving and brilliantly executed pieces of art i have ever seen.
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I'm not gonna go on about just how much I loved Tae Myungha's character and how he is one of the most interesting people I've seen on screen in a long time. I'm not gonna talk about how unbelievably squishable Yeowoon is and how his duality totally ruined me that I need him to get into my pocket and NEVER leave. And oh I need him to put Myungha in his pocket while at it. I'm also not gonna talk about precious 'of course i'm gay, i've always liked girls, you don't know how to be loved' Sangwon is to me, cos if i start I can promise you I will most certainly never stop.
So for the sake of the rest of this post, I'm moving on. (NOT REALLY THO)
I just LOVE LOVE LOVE all the interpretations that people are coming up with, LOVE LOVE LOVE the show for filling in the gaps but LOVE it more for still leaving room for pretty thought-flowers to bloom around.
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You know those artworks or puzzles that have something obvious hidden in a maze of confusion and haze until somebody points out the pattern, you zoom out and realize wow it was this clear all along?? That's a LOT of what watching the show felt like to me. The pattern being how inexplicably inter-connected Myungha and Yeowoon are. Not because they are each other's blorbos, but because why they are eo's blorbos. Why they don't care for each other from a sense of sympathy, but from empathy, despite not knowing the depth of their connections explicitly.
Eventhough we do see glimpses of it from the start, it only gets more clear later how Myungha and Yeowoon really are mirror versions of eo. How the first time Myungha sees Yeowoon he's stopping him from killing himself, and then we later find out that Myungha ends up killing himself. How both of it was triggered by a series of disappointments in life, starting with a troubling family and ending with a grandmother who passes away. Of how both of them seem to really have no one else to call their own in the world. Of leading very lonely depressing lives, that seem to never have a glimpse of hope. How both of them seem closed off, but inside they really are so fragile it hurts to perceive the depth of their feelings. It all comes and hits you once you've taken the whole show in and have gotten a few 1000 seconds to think about it.
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We start off with myungha's character wanting to make his blorbo's character happy, and he's in it cos he cares about him, he doesn't have to think about himself. A 'pathetic' character experiencing a lot of pain, what's not to love, Myungha thinks, not realizing that it's his own mirror self that he is feeling so much for. Myungha sees Yeowoon's problems as someone from outside and is therefore able to objectively look at it, and approach it proactively, taking so many steps to help him, my favourite (and arguably most important) of which is the effort he puts in to help form yeowoon a friend circle. Something that he couldn't do for himself cos he never even considered a possibility of that. Why would anybody want to be around him? He ruins everything right?
And then to go on despite believing that, to falling in love, to deciding to choose to save both his grandma and yeowoon, finally FINALLY taking control into his hands even if for a bit to say what he wants, to spending the last few days together, to breaking up cos he just thinks the worst of himself, cos he doesn't know better. And then to the eternal darkness, where moments before leaving, just like in his real life, he realizes he wants in, he wants to live, he wants to love, but more importantly this time, he wants to try being loved. Even if it's difficult, he wants to try.
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I love how eventhough the show is heavily Myungha focused, we get meaningful dynamics with multiple characters. Round eyed gasp inducing moments dont just belong to the two mains but also to sangwon whose line to myungha post the stalker incident just ruined me and really set the tone for whatever the show was later revealed to be all about.
I love how complicated the narrative got while still telling a more or less coherent story, how in hindsight, a lot of it makes even more sense now. How as Myungha gets closer to yeowoon his self-hating tendencies manifest in the form of debuffs and errors, because of his own brain's inability to perceive himself as somebody deserving love. His childhood trauma and the numerous rejections life has given him, because of the kind of person he turned out to be because of those rejections, all appear to stand in his way of happiness, as if he can't help being a bundle of sadness and a harbinger of problems. Even as he says he doesn't believe in destiny or fate. Or as we initially are made to believe in the game as, yeowoon's happiness, when in reality this was never about yeowoon at all. Yeowoon never existed in the first place and in "real" life, he never does.
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I was blown away by how Myungha is in fact no longer in the mortal world but that fact doesn't hurt as much as that he would have to leave a world where he could finally feel happiness, feel loved, feel cared for, even if he consciously tried avoiding them. They still came to him, they still cared for him, they still fiercely wanted to protect him, (Cos he is just a tiny meow meow, who has been hurt a lot in his life, who wouldn't wanna caress and nurse him back to health HUH) just as much as he wanted to protect them.
And coming to the question of what's the game, where is it happening and who orchestrated it? It's definitely set in the afterlife or the limbo between life and the life after. It could be the author friend doing it, or the author friend has given myungha's brain the power to control the game OR of course the possibility that this has all been happening in myungha's head the whole time.
Whatever it is, the whole point has been to take Myungha from a person not wanting to live his life, feeling so devoid of love and happiness, to a journey of love and friendship, of the importance of fostering connections, of making efforts, of helping others, but equally of letting others help you, of putting your hand out and asking for that help. And in my head I love it most when I think of it as entirely Myungha orchestrated. Of it being a desperate cry of pain to himself, from himself, to save himself. Yeowoon and the game and the missions and all of it was for him to see himself in ways he never allowed himself to be seen as, to take care of himself in ways he never has, to love himself like he has never known to. To finally run towards himself, even if pathetic and sad, the Cha Yeowoon of the game, the person waiting at the end of the finishing line was the Tae Myungha in him all along.
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You know that tumblr quote 'do it for her' but its about your future self, right? Myungha rooting for Yeowoon is sort of like that? When he's protecing him, he's protecting himself? When he's cheering for him, he's actually cheering and rooting for himself? When he's loving him, he makes space and place to love himself?
I just love the idea of a (self) love story.
Eitherway Yeowoon x Myungha supremacy.
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Extreme(ly accurate?) Interpretations apart, Love for Love's Sake is truly one of the, if not THE finest (self) love story I might have ever seen.
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As a person who avoids fics/books with mcd or shows with tragic endings, it felt absolutely revolutionary to me that my biggest joy and relief came from the fact that the main character is dead (the thought of myungha having to leave the game was too much to handle) and he gets to live in this game where he has a cute boyfriend, a supportive, caring friend group and his grandma back. it wasn't the game that was temporary or non-existent, it was actually his life outside. And that's not bad? Cos this is a story and Myungha isn't real, but as real as he is, he got his happy ending.
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The show taught us to love, to see love, to be loved and to share that love. It told us that maybe the afterlife is a videogame simulation where we all get to live in friendship and love forever, with our blorbo and our friends. There are a lot worse lives to live. And I'm glad he found it in himself, enough love, courage and hope to write himself a better one :')
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originalaccountname · 2 months
Fun BSD French translation details and choices - Episode 21 (by someone who does not understand Japanese but thinks the differences with the English translation/subtitles are fun)
General notes: (get comfortable, Stuff Happens and blorbo is here)
A lot of weird little things today. Kouyou said she was delivering Dazai's message to Mori "to thank the ADA for their hospitality". Mori talks like he's mistaking Dazai's tan coat for the coat he gave him years ago and is delighted Dazai still wears it. Dazai says he only recently learned about the thinkers Mori mentions. Stuff like that, that shifts time or intent slightly.
Dazai's final jab to Mori was "les monstres ont tendance à croire que les autres sont des monstres également" (monsters tend to think others are also monsters).
Soukoku's name in French in the anime is "Double Noir", literally "Double Black" (though 'noir' can mean both 'black' and 'dark'). Fun fact: on the French wiki, they are also listed as "les jumeaux de l'ombre" (twins from the shadows).
After nullifying Steinbeck's ability, Dazai says "Oh, le salopard!~" (Oh, that bastard!~), as if he's sarcastically replying to Steinbeck's shock at Dazai's ability, instead of complaining about having to deal with Chuuya.
When Chuuya asks Dazai if he knows was a Pétrus is, Dazai actually answers and says yes he knows, it's an extremely pricey bordeaux (Oui, c'est un vin de bordeaux extrêmement coûteux).
Dazai call Q "the sleeping princess waiting to be saved" (la princesse endormie qui attend d'être sauvée). Chuuya sneers "yeah, talk about a sleeping princess" (ouais, tu parles d'une princesse endormie).
"Écoute, tant que Q sera en vie, vous aurez besoin de mon pouvoir pour désamorcer le sien; je vous serai des plus précieux, et la Mafia veilleras sur moi comme une tendre mère poule" (Listen, so long as Q is alive, you will need my ability to disarm hers*; I will be invaluable, and the Mafia will watch over me like a sweet mother hen.) (*Q is a girl in the French dub)
Skk's plans are called "Remords et crapaud" (Remorse and Toad), "Pluie derrière le treillis" (Rain Behind the Trellis), "Mensonges d'une fleur décorative" (Lies of a Decorative/Fake Flower) (side note: they all sound like one of them has to hide and/or cause a diversion...)
"Listen Chuuya... I have one last thing to ask you before I die..." (Écoute Chuuya... j'ai une dernière chose à te demander avant de mourir...)
Chuuya refers to using Corruption like it's a strategy name like the other 3 were just before. It's also called Pollution, which is the same word in both English and French. It sounds less cool than Corruption (which would also be the same word in French), but it does fit the tainted+ vibe. Dazai does later refer to it as "Chuuya's corrupted form".
Ô, pourvoyeurs de pollution noire, Autorise-nous à lui fermer les yeux à tout jamais. (O , purveyors of dark pollution, Allow us to forever close their* eyes.) (*singular, unspecified gender pronoun in French)
Today's quotes:
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VF: Alors c'est quoi ce tentacule? Un caprice de la nature? (So what's that tentacle then? A freak of nature?) Eng: If it's not an ability, then what is it?
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Dazai: Le choix te reviens, mon vieil ami. (The choice is yours, my old friend.) Chuuya: Le choix me revient, le choix me revient... c'est facile à dire ça. En plus, je sais que quand tu prononces ces paroles, c'est que nous n'avons justement plus d'autres choix. (The choice is mine, the choice is mine... that's easy to say. Plus, I know that when you say those words, it's because we don't have any other choices left.) Eng: I'll let you choose. // You'll let me choose? Whenever you say that, I never actually have another choice.
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Chuuya: Je me suis servi de ce pouvoir parce que je te faisais confiance, et toi...! Tu as intérêt à me ramener à la base, si tu veux que je... te pardonne un jour... (I used that power because I trusted you, and you...! You better bring be back to base, if you want me to... one day forgive you...) Dazai: Tu peux compter sur moi, coéquipier. (You can count on me, teammate/partner.) Eng: I used Corruption because I trusted you. You... better take me... to the extraction point... // You got it, buddy.
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isa-ghost · 2 months
Isa my darling! Happy Birthday, albeit a couple of days early.
Seeing you screech in Philza's streams because Apollo hit you with that dodgeball yet again makes me giggle a lot.
How about since headcanon's for qPhilza's past/pre island relationship with qFit. How they got to know each other, and how quickly they became friends?
Idr if I said this on Tumblr yet but deadass I asked Apollo on my pendulum if qPhil is his blorbo and he said yes. He's been as invested in shit as me and it's been hilarious. I literally have crows yelling at me irl to keep writing rn but I'm answering headcanons first.
The entire time I've been distracted between writing these, crows have been yelling at me about it. Which. Is how Apollo communicates with me when I'm not actively talking to him through readings LMFAO.
Also thank you for the birthday wish :D [desperately hoping nothing else horrible happens this weekend please god]
Anyway qPhil headcanons masterlist let's go
Disclaimer that I didn't know of Fit before QSMP (I've only been in mcyt for 4 years monkaS) so these are gonna be largely pulled out of my ass and a lil repetitive.
These two both have experiences in anarchy and war, they've definitely brushed shoulders a couple times bc of it
They admired each other's work ofc. Phil is a macro scale kinda guy, total annihilation and victory that makes a statement. Fit's more of a micro scale kinda guy, zeroing in on one person or group individually and making their lives hell until the end in the name of surviving a little longer
On that note, I think we all sleep a little bit on the fact that Fit is Also a survivalist like Phil, just in a very different set of high stakes conditions. These two are equally skilled in it and equally sharp strategists
On that note, anyone who knew them from the past would fear the idea of them coming together to create a plan of any kind, especially of the anarchist-fueled variety. If the Federation has done their research right, they should know full well how terrifying this duo could be in an effort to dismantle their authority
Btw by brushing shoulders I don't just mean brief passings by, I mean they've like. Camped out for a night together, temporarily truced for the sake of safety in numbers, etc. More than a few conversations have been had even if the time they've spent together totals to less than a week.
However, even when they weren't actively paired together, they'd still occasionally trade or gift each other surplus resources. It was a genuine kind act, even if it simultaneously served as a reason for each of them to not come after the other. I scratch your back, you scratch mine.
Like why do you think Fit was one of the first threats on Phil's mind in Purgatory. He Knew(tm). And he knew Fit has an affinity for picking off the weak first, like a lion after a herd of antelope. To him, Purgatory was the awakening of a monster who'd been dormant for a long time.
See, present day they're QPR as fuck, they'd never do this now without 10x the pressure Purgatory put on them, but back in the day they took close notes on each other's strengths and weaknesses. Just In Case, yknow? They could very much kill each other. Back in the day they would've if it came to it, no matter how good an ally they were.
Something about how these two used to be so cold and hard to the world. Be it to self-preserve or some other reason. Something about how now they've both softened and warmed after becoming parents. They never could've imagined the other would "weaken" like this, especially back then.
Phil 🤝🏻 Fit - Phil being a historian of the deities/builds of his Hardcore World, Fit being a historian of 2B2T
A lot of this boils down to mutual respect, common interests, and secret admiration tbh. And what's more homoerotic than that?
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liauditore · 8 months
For the ship bingo, perhaps ethubs or boatboys?
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sorry it took so long to get to this i got so excited someone asked me to talk abt ethubs i went into a coma 😭😭
um uhh umerm ethubs yeah etho and bdubs and last life and mindcrack UHCs and eyah yknow um yeah
you know that one post that's like "inside my head is a five page essay with footnotes and when i speak it's just ouhghh blorbo he is so shaped". that's me with ethubs. not even kidding ethubs is the ship that made me finally "get" shipping in general, mcyt or not. i. words. i care them.
and uh there's. not rlly anything i can say i think that my ethubs moots haven't already said? They've been friends forever, they play off eachother super well, "he loves me", they're both so obsessed and in need of eachother but at the same time would rather eat raw, unpicked cactus than admit that, etc etc they're so unwell
im just gonna skip on over to the song lyrics bit cus i. they make my brain short circuit i cant even sentences.
The scarlet summer is gone and peaceful gray is draping the city Alone, I reach out for you to hold me tight, shivering Always the days spent with you warmed my heart and kept me from freezing Although I knew they were gone forever But in my pain, to me you came like the warmest breeze "On nights so cold I know you need some company."
Though only in lonely and freezing times, we held each other close to keep from feeling hopeless nothings And now again I can see summer fast approaching like a storm that there's no stopping Repeating in a cycle Like our mistakes
My love for you is endless, just like the deepest sea And like the ocean blue your complications speak to me I've come to understand you, your parts and inner workings My sun only in winter Only when I need you or else you won't need me
Leave you in Summer, Yet You're In My Fluffthoughts (Ashe translyrics) (sidenote this might be one of my favourite music videos of all time)
Falling so deeply while clinging to love But even so, I feel my heart and it’s floating up above Your true face, such a passionate one, shows your beauty, coming in a flood True, all of our short-lived youth will someday come to end Ah, even so, in my view, it starts right now, yet again
And every day, I found I prayed for you to be always full of happiness that remains Ah, just like this, please wait right by my side, please stay
Tablet (Will Stetson / sayriris translyrics) (after watching LL the first thing i did was make a MV to this song with LL Bdubs and it was still the most insane thing ive ever done fuelled by pure gargoyle inspiration juice)
I wouldn't say they're ~~Divorced~~ quite yet cus Idk if they were ever really married as much as just plain endlessly obsessed with eachother, which they still are. But they definitely broke up lmao
but yeah uh their chemistry is great. bdubs said it best. they've been thru the trenches together.
Boat Boys
Thankfully much less thoughts about these two or else this post would get way too long lmao. I like them but I'm not too insane about them I guess? Etho's very awkward near people he isn't used to which was fun to watch but made their interactions kind of limited for a lot of DL I feel.
Joel's obsession with Etho is hilarious and seeing Bdubs get jealous of his #1 ethogirl status getting challenged is great fun. He's definitely gone through a bit of an arc from "I KILLED ETHO! I KILLED ETHO!!" in Last Life to "Eefo D:< You're making me nervous, eefo D:<" in Double Life to whatever the cow divorce situation was in Limlife. It seems like Etho's otherworldly status has been nerfed in his head and he's much less intimidated by him, while still admiring him in that 'childhood hero' sorta way.
I think because of that I've always seen them a little bit as more of a mentor/prodigy relationship than anything else? Specifically one that Etho is not even aware he's in. Eitherway, I don't really ship them in the romantic sense 🤷‍♂️ etho's just way too aloof and joel's got too much fangirl energy for it to be anything intimate lol
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thelordofgifs · 11 months
Obscure Tolkien Blorbo: Semifinal
Nerdanel vs Tar-Ancalimë
Nerdanel, called The Wise, was the wife of Fëanor, and known as a great sculptor. She refused to follow her family to Middle-earth in the revolt of the Noldor.
Best known as the woman who looked at the hot mess that is Fëanor, went “is anyone going to marry that?” and did not wait for an answer, Nerdanel is also so much more than just the beloved wife of Fëanor. Most notably, she is a sculptor (apparently a male-dominated field in Noldorin society) - her statues are so life-like that the friends of the depicted would go up and talk to them! She is also wise enough to land the epithet Istarnië, which means Wise One, and she is the only person Fëanor ever listened to, which borders miracle territory. Although when she married the pretty young crown prince of the Noldor, people said she was not good-looking enough for him, Fëanor begged to differ, as they had seven kids together, which is the largest amount of kids any Elven couple ever had. There must have been a lot of passion there (or maybe they just really wanted a daughter?). Although Nerdanel always seemed to have wise counsel for her husband, apparently she did not put up with his, as she was close friends with Indis, his stepmother he did not like. Unfortunately, their marital bliss did not last; when Fëanor pulled a sword on his half-brother Fingolfin (Indis's son) and was exiled, she did not come with him and instead stayed with Indis. This is often seen as her inventing divorce, although a more boring reading could simply suggest she disagreed and did not fancy accompanying him (LaCE does say Elven couples could keep separate households for extended periods of time). She also did not think about coming to Beleriand with him after he swore his terrible oath, although she did beg for him to leave her at least one of her kinslaying spawn sweet adorable baby boys (preferably the one she very ominously tried her hardest to name The Fated as a baby). I suppose the resulting, kind of permanent, separation, could definitely count as divorce.
she is a sculptor and an artisan so skilled that Feanor’s love for her competed with his own love of craft and creation. She raised seven sons and pleaded for their fates with Feanor because of how much she loved them and even though she loved him too, she stuck to her own beliefs and refused to leave Valinor….she’s so girlboss and she said you can go be a tragic archetype but our children don’t deserve that and also I will stay right here. We love a woman who refuses to give up her joys and her home even for a man she loves and ESPECIALLY since it was Feanor….the strength of her will is insane. I love her.
The first Ruling Queen of Númenor.
Ancalime the First Ruling Queen Of Numenor Herself!!! Let me tell you she is wonderful! She is savage! 'she did not refuse the Heirship, and determined that when her day came she would be a powerful Ruling Queen' a girlboss! I know people love making characters gay (it's me, i'm people) and Ancalime is a great case for lesbian/ace/aro headcanons (about marriage) ''We could', said Ancalime, 'if I had any mind to such a state. I could lay down my loyalty and be free. But if I were to do so, I should be free to wed whom I will; and that would be Uner (which is ''Noman''), whom I prefer above all others.'' She has gay vibes, take her and love her! Also she eventually gets married (either out of spite or to please the government) and her husband is just so rude to her so she kicks him out of his house because she's the Queen.
Propaganda for my girl Ancalimë, she must succeed. Technically Ancalimë is more obscure than most of the other characters here and she is such a wonderful character. This fandom says they like girlbosses, she is so girlboss, she's the First Ruling Queen. Plus she is politically savy - since she is called Tar-Ancalime that's probably not her original name, which means she could have named herself after the elven tree and not the other way around - that's one heck of a statement and more tree symbolism for her, tree lovers vote for her she is one of you.
Semifinals masterpost
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tiredassmage · 29 days
I can’t NOT send in ❛ you’re a weapon, and weapons don’t weep. ❜ for agent feels perhaps 👀
FINALLY. I FINISH IT! Perhaps a day late for Star Wars day(s) celebrations, but you know how Alucren is about talking about his feelings. Once again, them having issues actually talking about anything didn't end up using this word for word, but the shape of it's there. And... frankly a lot of indulgent intimacy, hehe. :3
Shoutout to the namedrop of my friend's blorbo, Taizi. Let's get these agents the idea of therapy and some supportive poly relationships, amiright?
[hit 'em where it hurts // sentence starts]
Deckard sighs soft and warm as Alucren presses his lips against his throat, dragging fingertips through the short hair of his nape.
Here, Nine is at a special, intoxicating kind of ease - one hand formed against Ellery’s hip and the other cradling the back of his head, encouraging Alucren’s introduction of teeth and rewarding the move by tilting his head back into nails digging gently into skin. By now, he knows Nine’s smiling without looking for it.
He smooths his hand along Nine’s spine, fingertips following the curve of skin down towards subtle implants. Nine sighs into the gentle pressure, content enough, it seems, to remain placated by Eleven’s lips over his pulse.
Ellery frowns as his fingers splay carefully over the implants, tracing the faint hints of scars he knows remains, no matter how masterful the work of droids in removing them. The texture’s rougher than the tanned skin around it, than the brush of Nine’s hand against his over his waist where he’s anchored his fellow Cipher back against his chest.
Dark emerald eyes fall away from the steady rise and fall of Nine’s chest to the murky, soft shadows cast in the cloak of Odessen’s night across the room. In this, he’s come to see that the skeletal fingers of Imperial Intelligence still whisper around their throats - the common tattered, lace thread tying them together that Deckard tugs on between the half-familiar dance of briefings and deployments, in the half-held breath of hallways and half-clouded eyes meeting silently over a desk.
He was an idealistic bastard at the best of times, their Nine… Always so concerned with not letting another choke on the decaying dust and rot that he prefers to line his own throat with it than remain idle.
Alucren swallows and tucks his chin into the crook of Tyr’s neck, tracing the outlines of those implants. It’s not the first time he’s seen them. Nine has bared plenty more than flesh to him, dragging him this far out into unknown and - to them - unmapped regions of the galaxy.
Sometimes, what Nine never wrapped words around said more than that which he did. Alucren wonders almost idly if it’s one of the reasons he was a better agent. Even a latecomer transfer as the war had reignited like himself had heard some of the whispers, the stories… Even a stubborn bastard like him had at least once seen the few extra lines across Keeper’s fair features.
And yet all the younger man had for him tonight was patience. Surely, some days it was shorter than others, but…
Tyr hums softly in acknowledgement. Alucren closes his eyes as Nine tilts his head slightly, just enough to brush his chin against his temple.
“What was it like?”
The draw of Tyr’s fingers against his knuckles slows to a stop. “Mm. ‘Fraid you’re gonna have to specify a bit more, darling.”
Alucren’s hand stills against his back as he turns to brush his lips briefly along Nine’s jaw. A moment later, he’s passing under Nine’s steady, watchful eyes. The urge to flinch nearly rushes up his spine.
Nine’s good at that - seeing all of him. Tracing fully down from the furrow of his brow, the aging lines Taizi tells him to stop fussing about, and not missing a single note in the depths of his eyes. It’s been damned infuriating at times. Alucren has yet to figure out how to swallow being so utterly disarmed.
Tyr’s eyes fall after only a few moments. It could’ve been hours, for all he takes from it. “You know I live with it,” he says quietly.
“Part of the job description,” Ellery supplies.
“Sure,” he says.
Alucren’s chin settles against his shoulder again. Tyr pulls the hand from his hip away, draws it in front of him so he can watch as he traces over their fingers.
Living. It isn’t so simple as that. Taizi had told him… on Marr’s fleet to abandon his side, to go, flee, to live. Too much smoke had been in his lungs to discern the sting in his throat from the mauling of his chest.
In five long, lonely years that were as restless as the tempests over Dromund Kaas, Alucren Ellery had learned he’d never quite learned what living really was.
“Hell of a thing to live with…”
Tyr nods slowly as a frown begins to pull quietly across his lips. He turns Alucren’s hand over carefully in his and traces fingertips carefully along his palm, then up along each finger in slow succession. Alucren’s gaze falls to watch.
“They don’t talk about that much in Academy.”
“Did they send you?” Tyr asks.
Alucren’s head shakes faintly against his shoulder. “Not really. No time for it, with the war and all. Just some… accelerated program.” He weaves his fingers with Deckard’s and squeezes carefully. Nine lets him. “Suppose you gave them a run for their credits.”
A faint whisper of a sharper exhale clears Nine’s lungs. One corner of his lips barely flickers up for a fraction of a second - so slim Alucren’s half-content to believe it the blink of his own eyes at the edge of his vision.
“I think you’re skilled enough at that yourself, Eleven.”
He doesn’t imagine much, if anything, in that training explored the intricacies of the political fallout when an agent has to stand against the very head of their sphere, the very entity supposedly in control of their orders. There’s plenty in the handbooks for Minders about internal security. There’s regulations for these things between agents. From the most wet-eared recruits to the Minister of Intelligence, they all shared a duty to report security risks.
There was a time, Ellery imagines… There was a time he might’ve held a blaster to this man’s temple.
There was a time he might have - would have, likely - pulled the trigger himself on their infamous Cipher Nine.
He closes his eyes and tightens his arm around Nine. One hand against skin and metal and their linked ones over that heart of his.
Tyr’s chin nestles against the top of his head. He can feel the unspoken inquiry in the draw of Nine’s thumb once more against his knuckles.
Nine could talk a lot about Imperial Intelligence. Eleven usually balks on the matter.
He’s not sure he could’ve done what Nine did. He’s fairly certain he can’t do what Nine does now.
“How?” It’s hot and muffled against Deckard’s skin. It’s easier to hide than find the words for the hollowness in his chest, for the shape of the tremble in his arms, racing through his blood. “How did you..?”
Tyr inhales slow and carefully and releases the breath as a weary exhale. Their hands tighten around one another again. He’s not looking, but he’s sure his knuckles must be paling, constricting around Nine’s calloused, warm hands.
“Ellery…” Softer.
He turns away, not yet willing to cede the stinging in his eyes even if dodging it won’t obscure it.
“All I had were orders, Nine. A weapon, preferably in both hands.” His next breath shudders through him. “And no use for tears for what's given in the line of duty.”
“So they tell us, hm?” Tyr murmurs.
Quiet falls between them again for a few moments before Tyr presses his thumb a bit further into his skin. “Think I can have my hand back, love?”
Alucren inhales sharply, eyes turning from hiding behind his shoulder back to him only to find a soft, gently amused smile draping easily across his lips. Alucren’s knuckles are indeed pale around Tyr’s hand still in his grasp. He clears his throat and flexes out his hand.
Only for Tyr to reach out and take his chin before he can turn away again, pressing his lips carefully to Eleven’s temple.
“You’re here now, Ellery,” he says. “It’s alright. I promise.”
Alucren ducks under the arm he opens, pressing into the crook of Nine’s neck as he turns to face him. Now it’s Nine’s fingers at the nape of his neck, gently drawing lines up and down through short hair.
Living was very different from surviving, he’s learning. And even Ciphers have plenty of uses for tears.
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mcytrecursive · 4 months
Nomination Overview - Fantasy AU
Let's not talk about how it took me four tries to spell "fantasy". Coffee is working slowly through me today. Another big category today, the fantasy au! We love to put our blorbos in a world with magic. Take a look at the 27 fantasy aus.
Title: Possession is Nine-Tenths Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48672985 Fandom: Hermitcraft SMP Author: sparrowpassing Relationships: Etho & Tango, Bdubs & Etho, Bdubs & Tango Characters: Tango, Etho, Bdubs Length of the work: 25,003 words Genre: Angst, AU, Fantasy AU, Modern AU Type: Fic Summary: Tango is a demon just trying to get by. Etho is a hunter trying to save his best friend. Kidnapping, gardening, and a friendship that could have been.
Title: through a glass divine Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44042124 Fandom: Dream SMP Author: bonesandthebees Relationships: Wilbur & Tommy, Wilbur & Phil, Wilbur & Niki, Wilbur & Quackity, Tommy & Jack Manifold Characters: Wilbur Soot, Tommyinnit, Philza, Niki, Jack Manifold, Technoblade, Quackity, Schlatt, Eret Length of the work: 260,255 words Genre: Action/Adventure, AU, Drama, Family, Found Family, Cyberpunk AU Type: Fic Summary: Wilbur is an oracle known as the Pythia, chosen to receive dreams of the future from the goddess Clara. One day, he receives a dream warning him that during a ball Emperor Schlatt is hosting, the Deathlings—terrorists who worship the goddess of Death—will launch an attack. When his warning goes ignored, he knows there's going to be consequences. He doesn't expect one of those consequences to include him getting kidnapped by a teenager. aka, a cyberpunk fantasy fusion au with lots of religious trauma
Title: swimming out beyond the breakers Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47573503 Fandom: Dream SMP Author: Odaigahara Relationships: Wilbur Soot & Technoblade & TommyInnit & Phil Watson Characters: Technoblade, Phil Watson | Philza, TommyInnit, Wilbur Soot Length of the work: 3,579 words Genre: Canon-Divergent, Fantasy AU, Found Family, Urban Fantasy/Werewolf/Vampire AU Type: Fic Summary: “Do you have a mind?” the kid asked at once, landing close to Techno’s tail where he couldn’t reach. He had tapering white wings, a smattering of feathers in his blond hair. “Speak now or forever hold your peace if you do, man, ‘cause if you’re feral that’s a fucking issue. A concern, one might say. Considering you’re a shark and all.” The kid cocked his head, and Techno noticed belatedly that his eyes were heterochromatic: one was blue, but the other was this odd pale-green, lined yellow around the lids, like– “Oh my god, I’m being talked to by a seagull,” Techno said in abject despair. “This is it, the worst case scenario. I’m gonna get eaten by a dude who steals ice cream cones out of toddlers’ hands.”
Title: Lamplight AU  Link: https://archiveofourown.org/series/3222111 Fandom: 3rd Life SMP Author: skelew Relationships: Martyn & Ren, some non-canon works with Martyn/Ren  Characters: Martyn, Ren  Length of the work: 47,633 words (incomplete series) Genre: Angst, AU, Fluff, Fantasy AU, Friendship Type: Fic Series Summary: Welcome to Lamplight, a DnD/Fantasy Third/Last Life Renchanting AU. Ren is a god stuck in the form of living fire. Martyn is his sole follower. Martyn and Ren help free one another from imprisonment by the Watchers and are now traveling the world on a two-man adventure of fond companionship and occasional arson.
Title: How to Survive Suburbia  Link: https://archiveofourown.org/series/2675548 Fandom: Dream SMP Author: hallmarked_error Relationships: Ranboo & Tubbo Characters: Tubbo, Ranboo Length of the work: 6,902 words Genre: AU, Domestic/Slice-of-life, Horror, Urban Fantasy/Werewolf/Vampire AU Type: Fic Series Summary: Series: An urban fantasy au partially inspired by HGK477, composed of a series of interconnected one-shots set somewhere in suburbia. Fics take place in the same universe but can be read as stand-alone works. How To Befriend The Monster Underneath Your Bed: Befriending the monster under your bed has always been a risky affair. Tubbo knows this, and knows you either do it right or you die. This is how he attempts to increase his chances of friendship Christmas Eve: Tubbo is thirteen-and-two days old and he is alone on Christmas Eve. He does what any other kid would in his situation - visit a graveyard.
Title: demon au  Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/39815271 Fandom: Dream SMP Author: silverwing15 Relationships: TommyInnit & Philza , Philza & Technoblade & Wilbur Soot Characters: tommyinnit, philza, technoblade, wilbur soot Length of the work: 38,206 words Genre: AU, Dark Fic, Fantasy AU, Found Family Type: Fic Summary: Angels are weird bastards. Tommy’s been with this one for a couple days now and they’ve been the strangest days of his life. Usually his life is actually pretty calm. He hides, he sleeps, he tries to find food, if he does find it, he gorges himself and then finds another place to sleep and hide. Sure there are terrifyingly intense moments where someone else looking for food finds him, but those are actually pretty rare occasions. Before all this he’d only really encountered about fifty or so near death experiences, and he figures that’s pretty good for surviving three years as a runt. All of this whole ‘belonging to an angel’ thing is weird as fuck and sometimes Tommy is half tempted to leave. But as strange as it is its…not bad. He got his fucking wings back. And his tail. And he gets to sleep somewhere safe and comfortable whenever he’s tired. He doesn’t have to go out hunting for carcasses to scavenge from, Phil has his endless food supply that he happily feeds Tommy from whenever he demands it.
Title: One Long Season of Waiting Rating: E-rated Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/42741399/chapters/107375079 Fandom: Dream SMP Author: Anonymous Relationships: Quackity/Schlatt, Quackity/Wilbur, Quackity/Eret, Quackity/Techno, Quackity/Philza, Quackity/Foolish, Quackity/Wilbur/Eret/Techno/Foolish/Philza Characters: Quackity, Schlatt, Wilbur, Techno, Eret, Philza, Foolish Length of the work: 490,718 words Genre: AU, Domestic/Slice-of-life, Drama, Fantasy AU, Found Family, Hurt/Comfort, Omegaverse, Romance, Royalty AU, Slow Burn, Smut Type: Fic Summary: Polyamory was a relatively new development in the world of nobility, but when the emperor was looking to add another consort to his flock, it was Quackity’s job to ensure that Schlatt was the one chosen for the position. As the duke of one of the four major duchies of the Antarctic Empire, Schlatt was a political powerhouse for sure, and Quackity couldn’t be more proud of his protector. All they had to do was get through the consort trials and then Schlatt would be in, and Quackity could continue to support his partner from the shadows, where he could be safe and protected. Of course, there is a chance the plan devolved almost immediately upon execution, and Quackity found himself getting far more contact with the royal flock and the other consort candidates than he ever could have expected. THE SHORT OF IT: A Fantasy/Royalty AU that features unconventional A/B/O dynamics, political worldbuilding, a heavy emphasis on trauma recovery and found family dynamics, and soap-opera levels of non-communication. And also, there’s romance. See forenotes for more details.
Title: Portal AU Link: here Fandom: Dream SMP Author: lemontarto Relationships: Wilbur Soot & Technoblade & TommyInnit & Phil Watson | Philza, Toby Smith | Tubbo & TommyInnit Characters: Tommyinnit, Tubbo Length of the work: N/A Genre: Action/Adventure, AU, Fluff, Fantasy AU, Friendship Type: Art Summary: Tommy & Tubbo r two lads living in the woods with their big brother wilbur (who is overworked stressed and tired) when tubbo stumbles upon a strange,magical portal formed by entwined tree branches ! Its mostly them engaging in shenanigans in this new world and going on adventures(led by sprites/spirits in the shadows) & wilbur getting to relax a bit!
Title: The Zombie's Beating Heart Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28631631 Fandom: Hermitcraft SMP Author: PawPunk Relationships: ZombieCleo/Joehills, ZombieCleo & Joehills Characters: ZombieCleo, Joehills Length of the work: 4,046 words Genre: AU, Fantasy AU, Friendship Type: Fic Summary: In which a Poet frees a Zombie- or, more accurately, helps a Zombie free herself- from a Witch's spell through the powers of poetry, friendship, and sheer dumb luck.
Title: howling at your door (series) Rating: E-rated Link: https://archiveofourown.org/series/3626758 Fandom: Dream SMP Author: ollie_oxen_free Relationships: Quackity/Schlatt, Quackity/Original Character(s) Characters: Quackity, Schlatt, Original Character(s) Length of the work: 25,920 words Genre: AU, Domestic/Slice-of-life, Fantasy AU, Humour, Modern AU, Smut, Urban Fantasy/Werewolf/Vampire AU Type: Fic Series Summary: schlackity as werewolves. what more could you want?
Title: Meiy'ia Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48021241/chapters/121081027 Fandom: Hermitcraft SMP Author: KitsunesPawz Relationships: Keralis/xBCrafted/Xisumavoid, Keralis/xBCrafted, Keralis/Xisumavoid, xBCrafted/Xisumavoid, Hypnotizd & xBCrafted Characters: xBCrafted, Keralis, Xisumavoid, Hypnotizd Length of the work: 26,838 words Genre: Action/Adventure, Angst, AU, Fantasy AU, Romance Type: Fic Summary: “Never venture even close to the surface. They’ll catch you with their barbed wire nets and shoot you through the tail with razor sharp harpoons. And if by some miracle you’re still alive by then, they’ll drag you off, never to see the ocean again,” his family used to tell him. XB had listened for most of his life. But he was curious. Had always envied his sister for her trips to the surface. And when he was eighteen, he made the mistake of following his sister to the surface.
Title: Ruby in the Moonlight Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/29135688 Fandom: Dream SMP Author: SilverWing15 Relationships: Wilbur Soot & Technoblade & TommyInnit & Phil Watson, Dream & TommyInnit, Wilbur Soot & TommyInnit Characters: TommyInnit, Wilbur Soot, Phil Watson, Technoblade, Dream Length of the work: 29,976 words Genre: Angst, AU, Drama, Fantasy AU, Found Family, Historical AU, Hurt/Comfort, Urban Fantasy/Werewolf/Vampire AU Type: Fic Summary: SBI Victorian Vampire AU where Dream appears to be a Huntsman who has sent Tommy to spy on the vampire family of Philza, Technoblade, and Wilbur. 
Title: Today Was A Fairytale {Cinderella AU} Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/40207230 Fandom: Empires SMP Author: Enchantra35 Relationships: Katherine Elizabeth/Shelby Grace, GeminiTay/Pearl | PearlescentMoon, Joey Graceffa/Xornoth (Empires SMP) Characters: Shubble, Katherine, Joey, Gem, Xornoth, Pearl Length of the work: 12.8k words Genre: AU, Fantasy AU, Royalty AU Type: Fic Summary: When Shelby, a servant in duke Joey’s household, wishes to attend Lady Katherine’s masquerade, she doesn't foresee the major impact her meeting with the Protector of the Overgrown may have in her life...
Title: the misadventures of detective falsewell and grianlock Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/29980416/ + blog/art tag Fandom: Hermitcraft SMP Author: sleepyrinas Relationships: Grian & False & Rendog Characters: Grian, False, Rendog Length of the work: 86,922 words Genre: Action/Adventure, Angst, AU, Drama, Fluff, Family, Found Family, Humour, Hurt/Comfort, Modern AU, Superhero/Superpower AU, Urban Fantasy/Werewolf/Vampire AU, Mystery Type: Fic Summary: Detectives Falsewell and Grianlock are some of the best in the business, two siblings with a prowess for solving mysteries and any flavor of crime. Of course, not everything goes as simply as they hope. What disasters and troubles await these two detectives in the small town of Hermitville? Only one way to find out!
Title: Knock The Ice From My Bones Rating: E-rated Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/35887708 Fandom: Dream SMP Author: foryou-theworld, thesoftestofbois Relationships: Technoblade/Phil Watson, Clay | Dream/Wilbur Soot, Technoblade/Phil Watson/Wilbur Soot/Clay | Dream  Characters: Technoblade, Philza, Wilbur Soot, Dream Length of the work: 214,000 words (incomplete fic) Genre: AU, Fantasy AU, Hurt/Comfort, Romance, Royalty AU, Slow Burn, Smut Type: Fic Summary: Hybrids Wilbur and Dream have spent years under King Schlatt's rule, serving as bedwarmers and confidants and spies at their king's demand. When Schlatt's latest grab for power fails, though, they're traded away as spoils of war to the victors, the hybrid kings of the Antarctic Empire. Kings Philza and Technoblade rule the south with a confidence that makes it easy to forget that hybrids are treated as lesser in other parts of the world. Wilbur and Dream's arrival is just another instance of people finding their freedom on the ice. Wilbur and Dream are determined to find information valuable enough to earn their freedom. Phil and Techno are focused on putting their kingdom back together, although they're a little distracted by their intriguing new arrivals.
Title: "I see the danger, it's written there in your eyes" Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50576782/chapters/127764547 Fandom: Hermitcraft SMP Author: Amethystfairy1 Relationships: mumbo jumbo & grian, mumbo jumbo & goodtimeswithscar, goodtimeswithscar & grian Characters: Grian, Goodtimeswithscar, Mumbo Jumbo Length of the work: 12300 words Genre: Angst, AU, Dark Fic, Fantasy AU, Hurt/Comfort, Hurt-no-comfort, Whump Type: Fic Summary: The worst part was the last few moments. Straining for all he was worth, wings burning and aching with exhaustion built up to the roots. When his talons brushed the dirt, he felt the warning signs, pinpricks racing around his collar, letting him know he was about to make a mistake. Which wasn’t his fault. Grian was well aware of that much. He’d crash-land anyway. {In which Grian is suspicious of his new masters, Scar and Mumbo have zero clue how to take care of avians, the world is there to hurt, be hurt, or get stolen from, and in the end, someone always has to get lucky. Grian's hoping this time around, it'll finally be him.}
Title: Lifeline AU Link: https://archiveofourown.org/series/3156309 Fandom: Hermitcraft SMP Author: SlashMagpie Relationships: Impulse & Tango, Impulse & Pearl, Bdubs & Etho, False & Stress, Impulse & Skizz, Pearl & Tango Characters: Impulse, Tango, Pearl, Etho, Bdubs, False, Cleo, Skizz, Ren Length of the work: 299,349 words Genre: Action/Adventure, AU, Fantasy AU, Horror, Modern AU, Time Travel, Space AU Type: Fic Series Summary: A science fantasy AU about a species of body-snatching aliens attempting to take over the Earth and the ragtag bunch of misfits trying to stop them. Based on the Lifeline series of mobile games.
Title: The Blood of the Covenant Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/34723480/chapters/86456896 Fandom: Dream SMP Author: NobleDragon Relationships: Wilbur Soot & Technoblade & TommyInnit & Phil Watson, Fundy & Wilbur Soot Characters: Wilbur Soot, TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF), Floris | Fundy Length of the work: 53,227 words Genre: Canon-Divergent, Dark Fic, Family, Found Family, Hurt/Comfort, Urban Fantasy/Werewolf/Vampire AU, Dimension Travel Type: Fic Summary: Is thicker than the water of the womb. After Wilbur dies by his father, he is taken to a new world with new beginnings. He stays away from it all, not wanting to hurt this worlds family and stay hidden in his forest. Said family thinks they should have been informed of this opinion. Or: Wilbur gets punted into prime found family territory, kicking and screaming.
Title: the last days of the free angel of carrows  Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/41524917 Fandom: Hermitcraft SMP Author: Bee_4 Relationships: Mainly Joe & Cleo & Pearl Characters: Joe, Cleo and Pearl Length of the work: 79,327 words Genre: Action/Adventure, AU, Casefic, Fantasy AU, Hurt/Comfort, Post-Apocalyptic AU, Angels & Demons AU Type: Fic Summary: The Atsign Agency: run by Joe Hills and the zombie Cleo, they're here to solve all of your supernatural problems, hauntings, magical accidents, and also just about any contracting work or errands you need if you're willing to have it done cheaply by two unqualified odd jobbers struggling to make rent. After over a decade together in the city of Carrows, the two of them frequently see things and deal with things that are probably a bit too ridiculous to name, and have the experience to handle it, if not particularly frequently the money. When the mysterious (and clearly very rich) Pearl Moon walks into their agency, offering them a massive payment for a simple job, what are they to do but accept? Yeah, they may be about to regret that one. This job is going to be anything but simple, and the entire City of Angels may be at stake. Careful, Atsign Agency: the past is watching.
Title: feel your fire (be your lover) Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52785064 Fandom: QSMP Author: justlukahere Relationships: FitMC/Pactw Characters: FitMC, Pactw, Tubbo Length of the work: 4,254 words Genre: AU, Fantasy AU, Royalty AU Type: Fic Summary: In the past weeks Fit has spent entirely too much time listening to Prince Pac sing his praises or; Knight Fit and Prince Pac asoiaf AU
Title: A Jackerella Story Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/38446057/chapters/96084898 Fandom: Dream SMP Author: wetchickenbreast Relationships: Georgenotfound/Jack Manifold Characters: Jack Manifold, GeorgeNotFound, TommyInnit, Wilbur Soot, BadBoyHalo, Tubbo, Ranboo Length of the work: 6,328 words Genre: AU, Crack Fic, Drama, Fantasy AU, Humour Type: Fic Summary: Jackerella's life fucking sucks. Her goddamn parents died (how inconsiderate) and now she is stuck living as an indentured servant for her evil stepfamily. Her younger stepsister bites people (he won't stop no matter how many doctors they bring him to) and his older stepsister is a megabitch (also a homewrecker). His only friends are talking rats, so Jack is pretty much waiting on a miracle to get out of this mess... and that miracle comes in the form of a charming prince, some glass shoes, and a demon from hell (and the demon has MASSIVE tits).
Title: there are many downsides to being a marine biologist Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48785839/chapters/123067246 Fandom: Hermitcraft SMP Author: donnerstag Relationships: docm77/ Martyn InTheLittleWood Characters: docm77, Martyn IntheLittleWood, rendog Length of the work: 74,006 words Genre: Angst, AU, Canon-Divergent, Fantasy AU, Modern AU Type: Fic Summary: The Coastal Laboratory for Abnormal Wildlife Studies has found themselves in possession of a live, captive, and dangerous siren—something previously unheard of in the scientific community. Doc, one of their top researchers, is assigned leadership of the study on Specimen 9201223, later nicknamed ‘Martyn’. Over the course of the project’s run, he and the siren develop an intense rivalry that eventually mellows into a far more complex relationship, as Doc discovers that Martyn is far more human than they’d initially assumed. Unfortunately, the rest of the organization does not have the siren’s best interests at heart. As Doc grows closer to Martyn, he finds himself forced into increasingly-risky decisions in the name of protecting him, trying to prove his humanity to people who only see a monster.
Title: Out To the Galaxy Steady She Goes  Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48639868/ Fandom: Hermitcraft SMP Author: TheDepressedCanary (FPSCanarussia) Relationships: None. (There is ZombieCleo x PearlescentMoon ship tease, not sure if that counts) Characters: GeminiTay, ZombieCleo, PearlescentMoon, FalseSymmetry,Xisumavoid Length of the work: 28 277 words Genre: Action/Adventure, AU, Family, Friendship, Space AU, Space Fantasy (SciFi/Fantasy cross, not sure how to tag it) Type: Fic Summary: Sailing ships cross worlds and stars, hunted by pirates and monsters. Ancient ruins sit undiscovered, concealing long-forgotten secrets. Space is vast and full of wonder. Pearl, in grief, clutches at every opportunity. Gem just wants to know more. Cleo - well, who can say? Yet the stars are not kind, and every journey holds its dangers.
Title: trust and redstone dust Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45948079 Fandom: Lifesteal SMP Author: de_hautdesert Relationships: Branzycraft & Clownpierce Characters: Branzycraft Length of the work: 915 words Genre: AU, Character Study, Fantasy AU Type: Fic Summary: Branzy works on the funhouse. (also there's magical redstone worldbuilding)
Title: how to growl and bare your teeth  Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49450225 Fandom: 3rd Life SMP Author: Odaigahara Relationships: Gen Characters: Pearl, Grian, Scar Length of the work: 10,777 words Genre: Angst, AU, Fantasy AU, Hurt/Comfort Type: Fic Summary: The guards left, slamming the door shut behind them, and Pearl felt her hair stand on end as the wards reactivated, a staticky zing traveling through her shackles and grounding in her skin. The prisoner startled, levered himself up and hissed through his teeth. “Right, that wasn’t the smartest decision I’ve made this week,” he remarked quietly. “Scar? Are you across from me?” Shuffling in the opposite cell. “Can you do me a favor?” a second voice asked. “The next time you threaten guards, can you try to have a weapon first to strike fear into their hearts? I think you broke our hand.” “We have another,” the man said defensively, and Scar huffed a laugh. “And anyway– oh. There’s someone else in here with me.” (AU where Pearl, Scar and Grian are all in the same prison.)
Title: Sapnap's Naga Harem Rating: E-rated Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49846090 Fandom: Dream SMP Author: ollie_oxen_free Relationships: Sapnap/Phil Watson | Philza, Sapnap/Technoblad, eLuke | Punz/Sapnap, Alexis | Quackity/Sapnap, Clay | Dream/Sapnap (Video Blogging RPF), Karl Jacobs/Sapnap, Sam | Awesamdude/Sapnap, Sapnap/Foolish, Sapnap/Schlatt, Sapnap/Wilbur Soot Characters: Sapnap, Dream XD, Dream, Philza, Technoblade, Quackity, Punz Length of the work: 27,870 words (incomplete fic) Genre: AU, Crack Fic, Fluff, Fantasy AU, Humour, Romance, Smut Type: Fic Summary: Fresh out of school with a Masters in Magical Zoology, Sapnap is hired by a mysterious billionaire he knows only as XD to become one of the main caretakers of a new section of his magical menagerie. He's not sure what he's expecting, but ten fucking naga— rare, dangerous, mysterious— were not on the fucking list.
Title: Scarecrow AU (When The Sunlight Dies) Link: https://archiveofourown.org/series/2556517 Fandom: Dream SMP Author: personalized_radio, bramble_patch (Marianne_Dashwood) Relationships: Clay | Dream/GeorgeNotFound (Video Blogging RPF), Alexis | Quackity/Karl Jacobs/Sapnap, Alexis | Quackity/Jschlatt Characters: Karl Jacobs, Clay | Dream (Video Blogging RPF), GeorgeNotFound (Video Blogging RPF), Sapnap (Video Blogging RPF), Alexis | Quackity, Jschlatt (Video Blogging RPF), Wilbur Soot, DreamXD Length of the work: 511,877 words Genre: Action/Adventure, Angst, AU, Dark Fic, Drama, Family, Fantasy AU, Friendship, Found Family, Horror, Hurt/Comfort, Kidfic, Romance, Royalty AU Type: Fic Series Summary: It's been three months since the coup. Three months since Sapnap, a knight, and George, his prince, have been chased out of their home. Three months of being on the run, trying to find a safe way out of Kinoko without being caught by the president's mercenaries or an opportunistic bounty hunter. It's hard, but it would be a lot easier if he didn't have to worry about George's sudden taste for wandering. Or the two guides that have worked their way into his group, promising them a safer way out of the kingdom. And it would be a whole lot easier if Sapnap wasn't flying solo, doing a job made for two. And then there's the Godling to worry about. Yeah. That's a whole thing. (Summary is for "When The Sunlight Dies", the first story in the series)
See something you want to offer or request in the exchange? Horrified that a classic of the genre isn't represented yet (to be fair, maybe we didn't get permission)? Join our discord and sign up today!
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carlando · 2 months
Wait hi, i don’t watch 911 and know nothing about it but many of my mutuals do and everyone is freaking out, are y’alls blorbos getting canon or what?
So long story short, we’ve (the fans) waited seven years for the confirmation that a character (Buck; Evan Buckley) is bisexual after it was hinted to, joked about, subtextual, and right there. Spoiler, he kissed another guest character (Tommy) in tonight’s episode, Buck’s first kiss with someone on screen who was not a woman. And we’ve seen him kiss a whole lot of women (rightfully so).
Buck was introduced as a young firefighter, a womanizer and egotistical charmer who wasn’t sure of his place in the world and who struggled to foster lasting connections with others.
The last seven years of the show detail his growth from that kid into a man reunited with his sister, happy with his found family within the firehouse, a surrogate father in his captain Bobby, a surrogate mother in Bobby’s wife Athena, a sibling-like bond with Hen and Chimney (his soon to be brother in law) and Eddie. Recovering from childhood trauma thanks to his negligent parents, plenty of near-death experiences, the so called lost cause.
Eddie was introduced later in the game, the second season, as an ex-military single father of one, a young son named Chris (who was born with cerebral palsy). Buck doesn’t like him immediately but they’ve gotten so close to the point of Buck acting as Chris’ other parent and Eddie’s bestest friend. Eddie signed over emergency custody of Chris to Buck in case of his untimely death. It’s very serious, you can imagine. But on screen they are just friends. The audience isn’t so sure that’s all it is, they’ve believed it to be romance for so long. Myself included that is. Struggles with never being enough, his post traumatic stress disorder, his masculinity and not airing out his stress and depression, the tough guy.
Explicitly queer Buck was delayed by the previous and original network of the show, which refused to greenlight the story and continued to bait it. Some writers and some actors were onboard with it forever, but it wasn’t in their hands. The move to ABC (from FOX) and the return of showrunner and creator Tim Minear guaranteed it’d come to fruition.
It opens the door to the possibility of Buck and Eddie finally being addressed as maybe, together romantically but it’s a halfway there situation as Eddie has only dated women on screen, too. No matter to all the subtextually queer writing the character’s got.
But Eddie told Buck a few seasons ago, canonically “Buck, there’s nobody else in this world I’d trust with my son more, than you.” After Buck saved Christopher’s life in a tsunami. Eddie’s said to Buck after getting shot (and being saved by Buck, who was right in front of him as it happened) “You act like you’re expendable, but you’re wrong.”
They’ve survived and gotten strengthened by that tsunami we talked about, Buck getting pinned by a firetruck and the fallout of a lawsuit lodged by him against the fire department, Eddie getting stuck in a well under like fifty feet of mud trying to save a kid at night in a rainstorm and Buck clawing at the ground to get him out, Eddie getting shot and Buck crawling under a firetruck to get to him and get him safely out of there and to a hospital, Buck getting struck by actual lightning and Eddie climbing up a ladder to get him down and screaming out for him.
That’s just the crazy stuff, I can’t get into the domestic cause we’ll be hear all day covering how the support each other when it comes to family issues, kid issues and romance issues. But tonight’s episode was all about Buck being jealous that Eddie got a new friend (Tommy) and ended with Buck being kissed by a man for the first time in his life. So, yeah. Impending, canon?
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thebestestbat · 1 year
Transfem Hal or trans or enby Dick (your preference) for the prompts thing?
prompts open here!
i dont yet know hal well enough to write your blorbo so for now here is trans dick! (and joey, and languages)
sfw, 350 words
Some things were easier for Dick to talk about with sign language instead of English. He'd read about it, and heard it from Kory, that a second language felt like a second skin that masked difficult truths, but he'd never felt it. If he ever got really fluent in Romanes and had someone to talk to, he wondered if it would be easier than English or if there was something inside him from his childhood that would recognize his first real language.
That would be if he ever learned the words for what he wanted to talk about in Romanes. He barely knew them in sign language.
"I don't know the sign," he signed to Joey, and Joey laughed at him just a little.
"Sign," he corrected. "You said finger-spell." And he demonstrated finger-spelling. He may have actually been spelling something, but he went too fast for Dick.
"Right. Um," Dick said out loud, then switched to signing. "I can finger-spell it. The rest of the Titans know, so I want you to know. They know because it was before. They knew me before."
Joey was frowning now. He had been paying half-attention to a magazine in his lap, where they had both been searching for Donna's credits, but now he closed it and gave Dick his full attention.
Dick picked at the seam of his jeans. "I'll spell it. T-R-A-N-S. G-E-N-D-E-R." He could almost see the wheels in Joey's brain skipping as he tried to slow down and process. "One word," he signed. Then he added, "Boy." Then he winced and said out loud, "Do you get it? I mean, did I get it?"
"Yes," Joey signed. "I think so. You're a man, and transgender?" He finger-spelled it fast enough that it felt like a cohesive word.
Dick nodded. He went, slowly, into signing again. "Do you know the sign for it?"
"Yes. Transgender--at least, that's what my friends use."
Some of Dick's adrenaline rush leveled out. He tried out the sign and said, "Cool. Do you…have a lot of trans friends?"
"A few." Joey grinned and squeezed Dick's arm.
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katatonicimpression · 16 days
So, you may have noticed my pet question is "how would you adapt your X-blorbo to the Evo cartoon" and now I ask it to you of Monet and Shinobi, if you are so inclined!
hmm ok
I think you could and should adapt her entire storyline from gen x:
Posh girl joins the school - same age as the new recruits batch with jubes and bobby etc.
Jubilee's hair is shorter and she's got her personality, unlike in the show as it currently stands.
Emplate is around hunting teens
Penance is found
Adventures etc continue, frenimes with Jubes.
Monet clearly keeping secrets, knows Emplate and Penance
Twist - Emplate is Marius, the older brother.
He's gotten rid off half way through the season.
Second twist - Monet is twins. They seperate while dimension hopping in the mid-series fight that gets rid of Marius. Very surreal time for everybody.
Reveal - Monet is Penance.
Everyone's restored to their bodies in the season finale... which can happen at prom with Marius' return like in the comics.
And bearing in mind that Point 9 would have been planned from the beginning this time, it might be tidier. A lot tidier, I'm imagining a really slick season-wide arc. Also, you could think of a good reason for the twins to get out of penance and make marius' return actually scarier because it's a bit meh in the comics. In fact, fuck it make Emplate terrifying.
Alternatively, you could compress the pacing into a three episode arc at the beginning of the season if you want.
Either way, ends with the status quo being Monet and Hollow/Penance staying on at xavier's, with copious jubinet.
In terms of how this interacts with the evo status quo, idek. I think charles and logan would have to replace Emma in the whole "I don't trust her, I'm ambiguously ableist and racist about it" role, and Storm can be the Sean, and be more in her corner.
Because she just doesn't really have friends or get on with people, I think it would be too wish-fulfillment-y to have her get on great with the other kids. But she can have a frenemies to gfs arc with Jubes and also I think she'd like evo Rogue but in a "we vibe but we don't really talk" way.
Also, fuck it, Pietro can be into her in this verse too.
Also she can eventually be close with Bobby because I said so.... and he's dating Pyro (who I will retroactively establish to be an appropriate age because it's not stated).
To answer your question in advance, why yes this is a proposal for a fifth season of evo which introduces a new character who instantly becomes the protagonist. In my defense, she works best like that.
I feel like, as the young son of a villain, Shinobi fits well into the evo world. Let's have him be late teens, similar age to the kids but he's finished school.
So, season-wide arc is Hellfire stuff and Shinji (who yes will have a real name in this) is just some guy one of the students ran into socially. Let's say Kitty. He seems nice enough but he's a little closed off.
Then the twist, he's a mutant. We see this when he follows her into somewhere that she phased into (she's spying on hellfire stuff). Then they fight and their powers cancel each other out. End of the episode we get the twist on top of the twist, his dad is sebastian shaw.
And we let that sit in mystery for an episode or two, then we get his backstory and the twisting of the twist where it turns out he's actually here to kill sebastian. And the good guys are like "no, revenge bad." And he fucks off back to Japan for a bit.
It's the most heartbreaking episode of the show. Millions weep and my boy is finally popular in fandom.
The natural way to end it would be the x-men win, the hellfire club is defeated for now, but then we get a scene right at the end of the season finale where Sebastian is fleeing or whatever (very long john at the end of treasure island - classic cartoon villain shit) and then - what? who's this? Shinobi? come back for revenge? Roll credits.
The sillier way to end it is that Shinji just joins the damn team, no explanation given. He's shit at it. Absolutely awful. All the adults hate him. But he sticks around. Inexplicably holding a martini glass at all times.
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41. "Hey." "Again?"
I kinda wanna see Steve/Eddie ONLY BECAUSE even if I know NOTHING about them you've gotten me to like em
Their my blorbos in law if u will and I wanna see what u do with em
ajhsjhs hello so sorry this took so long, rough semester and all that, but here we are now so that has to count for something, right?
anyways, here you are my friend
Fighting to Come Home, also on ao3
Steve didn’t want to go home. 
It was worth noting that the current reason he didn’t want to go home wasn’t the usual reason he didn’t want to go home. 
His usual reason was that he hated going home to a big empty house. It was too quiet, too lonely. 
The truth was the house hadn’t been quiet or lonely in months. Since the end of the world and their subsequent saving of it, the whole party was constantly in and out. Robin and Eddie both practically lived with him now, and he wouldn’t have it any other way. 
The latter boy however was the current reason he didn’t want to go home. Not that Eddie had done anything wrong, he really hadn’t, but he tended to hover. 
And the kids said Steve had the mother hen personality. 
Steve sat in his car for a minute longer than he typically would after he pulled into the driveway and prepared himself. Finally he got out, collected the groceries from the backseat, and made his way towards the door. 
He unlocked the door quietly, hoping Eddie was upstairs listening to one of his tapes or messing around with Robin, the two of them loud enough to mask the sound of his entry. 
No one met him at the door, so it seemed he got his wish. 
Nonetheless, he moved quietly through the house, closing the door behind him softly and depositing the grocery bags as silently as he could on the counter before putting them away. 
The one thing he hadn’t counted on was that, when he wanted to, Eddie could be quiet himself. So quiet in fact that he was often able to move through the house without so much as a floorboard creaking. 
Steve flinched and turned to face him. Eddie’s eyes widened when he saw his face. 
“It’s not so bad, you should see the other guys.”
Eddie ignored him, crossing the kitchen in a flash and cradling his face in his hands. “Oh, Christ Stevie. What happened?”
He traced over the cuts that had split open when he got hit. Steve winced. There were going to be bruises later, probably some pretty nasty ones too.
“I’ll go get the first aid kit,” Eddie sighed. “You better come up with a pretty damn good excuse for this before I get back from the bathroom.”
Steve sighed and put away the last of the groceries. He knew no excuse he could come up with would be enough. 
When Eddie returned, he set the kit on the kitchen table and pulled out two chairs, one for himself and one for Steve. He pointed to the one closest to Steve. “Sit.”
He sat. 
Eddie moved his chair closer to him and popped open the kit. He pulled out the disinfectant, band-aids, and a salve. 
It scared Steve when Eddie was quiet. Eddie quiet meant he was planning something. Putting thought into his words.
Steve didn’t dare break the silence. He let Eddie work, even doing his best to keep his grunts of pain to a minimum. 
“Stop what?”
“Stop fucking protecting me from whatever the fuck you’re feeling right now,” Eddie nearly snarled. Then, when Steve flinched, he softened. “I’m sorry, I know you probably don’t want to talk about it, but you’re allowed to have feelings, Stevie.”
“I know,” Steve said quietly. “Please don’t be mad at me.”
“I’m not mad, Steve. I would never be mad at you for coming home looking like someone confused your face for a punching bag.”
He swabbed antiseptic over a particularly nasty cut on his cheekbone, and Steve hissed. 
“What the hell happened to you, pretty boy? I thought you were just going to the grocery store?”
“I was. Couple of guys staked out my car in the parking lot.”
“Can I help you?” Steve asked as he approached his car. 
“Don’t think so,” one of the men said. 
“Any reason you’re standing in front of my car then?” he tried again, shifting all the grocery bags to one arm so he could open the trunk. 
“Maybe you can help us actually,” the other guy said, kicking off the driver’s side door. “You’re Steve Harrington, right?”
“Sure am.”
“Up in the beautiful castle of a house in Loch Nora?”
“It’s just a house, man.” He closed the trunk to find the man closer than he expected. Still, he didn’t step back.
“Rumor has it you’re using that house to shelter criminals.”
“I have people staying with me because their houses got destroyed in the earthquakes. No criminals though.”
“Liar.” The guy shoved Steve back. “You know who we’re talking about.”
“Won’t know until you tell me,” Steve pointed out, just to be annoying. He knew what they meant, he always did when people approached him in public. 
“We all know you’ve got the Freak stashed up there,” the first man said.
“Sitting high and mighty on that hill when he should be rotting in hell,” the other volleyed.
“I think you’re mistaken, gentlemen,” Steve said. “No freaks to be found in my house. Just good old upstanding citizens.”
“You used to be a good guy, man. The cops would probably look the other way,” he continued as if Steve hadn’t spoken, “if you just took care of Munson the way he needs to be.”
Steve did take care of Eddie. He made sure he took his meds and changed his bandages, ate a balanced diet, and went to physical therapy. 
“Look, clearly this isn’t going the way any of us want,” Steve sighed. “Just get out of my way and mind your own business.”
“Not until that murderer is dead or behind bars.”
“Last warning.” Steve shifted, prepared for a fight. “Get out of my way.”
They seemed to consider him for a moment, and Steve had a split second hope they would let him leave. 
“Well, in that case,” one of them said, striding towards Steve, “might as well send him home with a taste of what Munson will get.”
“You shouldn’t have to-”
“I don’t care, Eddie. It’s not like I swung first.”
“You didn’t have to swing at all.”
“You and I both know that’s not true.”
Eddie stared at him for a moment before he dropped the cotton swab he was using to clear up the last of the blood. 
“You really believe that.”
It wasn’t a question. Eddie wasn’t asking. He knew. 
“I’d tell you to stop, but I know you won’t.” He carried on, picking up a bandage for one of the nastier cuts. “I just really wish you wouldn’t. I’m not worth this.”
“You are though,” Steve said, making a face. It hurt, but he didn’t wince. “If you weren’t worth it, I wouldn’t have carried you out of the Upside Down. I wouldn’t let you stay here, wouldn’t have helped stitch you up when you insisted on no hospitals. You are worth it.”
“What, just because I gave the kids a place to be themselves? Because I saved Dustin’s life?”
“Because you’re my friend, Eddie.” Steve grabbed his wrists and forced him to look at him. “I know it’s shocking, but it’s true. I’d do the same thing for the kids, for Robin, hell I’ve even gone to bat for Nancy and Johnathan. You’re not an exception.”
“I can fight my own battles.”
“You can. Doesn’t mean you have to.”
There was a pause where Eddie just stared at him. Finally- “Can I finish patching you up, please?”
He released his wrists. “Yeah, sure.”
Eddie put the last of the bandages on in silence, refusing to speak until he was done. 
At last, he put everything back and closed up the first aid kit, setting it off to the side while he checked Steve over one last time. 
Steve let himself be moved around, complacent in Eddie’s fussing. It wasn’t until Eddie held his face for a few beats too long that he said something. 
“You don’t have to worry about me, I’m good as new thanks to you.”
Eddie smiled softly. “Sure you are. I just don’t know why I feel like I’m missing something.”
“Well, if it helps, I don’t have a concussion this time. I would know if I did. It’s all superficial bruising.”
“Big word, Steve-o, you sure you don’t have another head injury?”
He still didn’t let go. 
“Short of kissing it better, I think you’ve done all you can, Eds.”
“Can I?”
“Can you what?”
“Kiss it better.”
Looking into his eyes, he could tell Eddie was serious, but there was something else there too. Something sweet, tender. It made his chest hurt. 
He closed his eyes, not wanting to look any deeper into Eddie’s expression, so how could he have possibly seen it coming when Eddie pressed their mouths together softly.
“Thank you,” Eddie whispered when he pulled away. “Thank you for looking out for me. Thank you for caring. And I’m sorry if that crossed a line, but-”
Steve covered his mouth before he could finish his sentence. “You didn’t cross a line, but for Christ’s sake, I got punched in the face for you. Make it count for something, huh?”
Eddie nodded, still not able to speak. Steve removed his hand once he was sure he understood. 
“Good. Now, where were we?”
Their next kiss was less soft and more full of feeling, which almost made getting into another fight worth it. 
Thank goodness he had the courage to come home.
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solipseismic · 1 year
i hope you know that every day i wish i could read your book and really enjoyed reading the nanowrimo tidbits you sent, you should infodump about it 👀
CROW ... this is so so sweet i am kissing u gently on the mouth . also this is great timing bc i am just about to compile a vigilante's guide to knowing when to die into a goog file that i can send to my friend (part of our bargain in me convincing him to do nanowrimo w me this year)
snippet from book 2 for u:
The Rift gave a sudden convulsive shudder. Skysteel felt it all the way to her ankles as it threw her out—and away. She was freefalling before she even knew it, pinwheeling through the air like a shitty paper airplane. Sky-ground-sky-ground-BUILDING passed in a dizzy blur right up until she smacked into a billboard with a comedic sound. She would have laughed, except her lungs seemed to have gone on impromptu strike at the time of impact. It really was a hard-knock life, huh? Black spots swarmed her field of vision. An Avian shrieked at the sight of her and dove, the razor talons of its feet extended fully and bladed wings gleaming in the bright sun. Poltergeist and Eidolon were both yelling something over comms but she couldn’t parse anything—all she could see was the golden light of the Avians surrounding her, all she could feel was the agonizing feeling of the Rift splitting open wider far above her. The golden light of the Avians turned blinding. Skysteel’s secondary eyelids dropped down for a split second. But— That was no fucking Avian. A man shining like a blue sun reached down and gently plucked an Avian off Skysteel’s prone body laying in the ruin of the billboard. One moment his hand closed around its shoulder and the next—it was a still-glowing pile of fine, off-white ash on the ground. “That was stupid,” he said. Skysteel took the hand he offered and heaved herself up out of the pieces of billboard she’d fallen to the ground with. “That’s what I want on my headstone,” she told him, wincing and touching a hand to her ribs.
anyways i rarely talk abt a vigilante's guide (which some of u who have been following for a long time may know under the previous title of "demon city" and / or "demon eyes" and so all the stuff i've posted abt it r under those tags) bc it's like That One Big project for me. like u know how brandon sanderson has the stormlight archive that kind of is the hub / culmination of all his works across the brandonsandersonverse (official term is brandon sanderson's "cosmere")? for me that's vigilante's guide. also it's exceedingly self-indulgent is the other reason.
it's gone through like 50 different iterations bc it's existed in my brain for nearly as long as i can remember (i think over a decade at this point) and the Ira Neda i talk about (my supreme blorbo, if you will) is the protagonist! i have ambitions for it spanning five books with the second (formerly "demon eyes") titled a vigilante's guide to destroying the world but right now books 1 and 2 are existing in the same doc (DEMON MEGADRAFT) because i'm trying to see what gets shaken out of it while i play with a non-linear timeline between the two
as a result, there are a lot of ideas that are getting spun into it (and even more ideas that i've had trial runs of before editing or cutting them entirely) but it's got the run of the mill superhero genre setup: we have a recognizable earth set in the near-ish future / a time that's somewhat similar to our own, we have a bunch of vigilantes running around fighting ordinary crime and supervillains (tho these are mainly just called "terrorists" in-world bc, well.), and different people have different powers from different things (but mostly it's because they're alien / part alien lol)
book one (knowing when to die) follows ira neda's arrival in anehaven, a (fictional) city in new york, where she is trying to unravel the circumstances that led to her twin brother's death several years ago. she promises herself, her family, her friends, and a lot of strangers that she isn't in that vigilante business anymore, if she ever really was: she's retired now. she just wants to live a quiet life (lie) and she doesn't intend to instigate anything (lie) and she is never picking up the mantle again (lie). but anehaven, like ira neda herself, has secrets of its own. the city is alive--and it hungers. people have been disappearing from the streets without a trace for over a year now, more and more with each month that passes. she makes some friends (criminal empress and her two partners in crime as well as ... actual partners), she makes some enemies (her fellow vigilantes) there are three questions now that have no answers: what happens to these people? why does the sidewalk have teeth? and who the FUCK is this other guy calling himself a vigilante?
book two is a little more abstract on account of I Still Haven't Figured out Subplots for it, but it's your stock alien invasion with ensemble cast: here we introduce cori sanchez, the (also) (formerly) retired HUSH, a mirek'ar necromancer; alec iakabos, SOLSTICE, and noah harper, EQUINOX, whom you can think of as "gosh, i really was VERY inspired by wildstorm comics when i was fifteen, huh," if you're familiar with apollo and midnighter from them; along with some familiar faces from the first book--alan and blue wilson (POLTERGEIST and EIDOLON, respectively) and ira neda. names capitalized to make it easier for me to keep track of them lol.
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thelordofgifs · 1 year
Obscure Tolkien Blorbo: Round 4
Nerdanel vs Idril
Nerdanel, called The Wise, was the wife of Fëanor, and known as a great sculptor. She refused to follow her family to Middle-earth in the revolt of the Noldor.
Best known as the woman who looked at the hot mess that is Fëanor, went “is anyone going to marry that?” and did not wait for an answer, Nerdanel is also so much more than just the beloved wife of Fëanor. Most notably, she is a sculptor (apparently a male-dominated field in Noldorin society) - her statues are so life-like that the friends of the depicted would go up and talk to them! She is also wise enough to land the epithet Istarnië, which means Wise One, and she is the only person Fëanor ever listened to, which borders miracle territory. Although when she married the pretty young crown prince of the Noldor, people said she was not good-looking enough for him, Fëanor begged to differ, as they had seven kids together, which is the largest amount of kids any Elven couple ever had. There must have been a lot of passion there (or maybe they just really wanted a daughter?). Although Nerdanel always seemed to have wise counsel for her husband, apparently she did not put up with his, as she was close friends with Indis, his stepmother he did not like. Unfortunately, their marital bliss did not last; when Fëanor pulled a sword on his half-brother Fingolfin (Indis's son) and was exiled, she did not come with him and instead stayed with Indis. This is often seen as her inventing divorce, although a more boring reading could simply suggest she disagreed and did not fancy accompanying him (LaCE does say Elven couples could keep separate households for extended periods of time). She also did not think about coming to Beleriand with him after he swore his terrible oath, although she did beg for him to leave her at least one of her kinslaying spawn sweet adorable baby boys (preferably the one she very ominously tried her hardest to name The Fated as a baby). I suppose the resulting, kind of permanent, separation, could definitely count as divorce.
she is a sculptor and an artisan so skilled that Feanor’s love for her competed with his own love of craft and creation. She raised seven sons and pleaded for their fates with Feanor because of how much she loved them and even though she loved him too, she stuck to her own beliefs and refused to leave Valinor….she’s so girlboss and she said you can go be a tragic archetype but our children don’t deserve that and also I will stay right here. We love a woman who refuses to give up her joys and her home even for a man she loves and ESPECIALLY since it was Feanor….the strength of her will is insane. I love her.
The princess of Gondolin who led a remnant of the city’s people to safety and formed the second union of Elves and Men when she married Tuor.
Idril my darling: singlehandedly responsible for saving every survivor of Gondolin through her foresight! Instead of worrying over the implications of marrying a mortal she just decided to try taking her husband to Valinor and seeing what happened, and it seems like it worked! Vote Idril she's the best.
Round 4 masterpost
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bluescreenli · 27 days
1,2,3,6,7, 8 and 20 for Joker, Akechi and Sumi!
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
Joker: peak gender. he's just a silly funny little guy. a little goofball. a fool. you can even say he's a— a— a jok— [gets shot]
Akechi: HOO BOY be glad i am fresh off exams and brain fried and also not currently hyperfixated on p5 rn because the way i can ramble in circles about this guy. just. him being a foil to every phantom thief in some way, the commentary on the abuse children born out of wedlock face (especially in Japan), and. augh. he is a fascinating character because he has his shit together enough to be competent but not quite enough to realize that maybe his self-destruction isn't quite healthy. also third semester my beloved. there is something just so. deeply poetic about February 2nd. like. Akechi's sacrifice in Shido's palace was entirely on his own terms. he was finally doing something completely with his own agency. that decision was the first time he was completely and totally in control of his own life, and that is worth dying for. and then that's torn away from him in favor of some sweet saccharine reality where everyone is happy. sometimes i wonder if Maruki ever did anything for Akechi like he did for everyone else (besides bring him back from the dead). like. where is bro at in his free time. i've seen theories floating around that he avoids home because of his revived mother. which also brings me to the fact that Akechi sees LeBlanc as his home. man. i am now realizing that you can give a guy some anger issues and daddy issues and i will say they are my favorite character without hesitation. also yeah this man is not heterosexual.
Sumire: SUMIIIIIII MY GIRL. god you ever see a character on screen and go "haha that's me :D". cuz for me that was actually Makoto BUT Sumi is a very close second. i do think atlus bungled her execution a bit but that doesn't stop me from loving her. cuz like. yeah comparison is the thief of joy actually. especially when the object of comparison is someone close to you that you love a lot. some of Sumire's dialogue about her feelings toward Kasumi just. hit so fucking close to home. especially the "sometimes i even hated her. isn't that so awful of me?" (paraphrasing). girl i have been there and i Get It. it is rough. she was really relatable for me at the time so she is now blorbo from video game.
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
Joker: the faces and flourishes he does in the Metaverse. like slayyy king but also he is absolutely cringefail
Akechi: third semester portraits
Sumire: Cinderella theming!!!! yippeeeee!!!!
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
Joker: nitpicky gripe but the way the game handles his name being customizable is 😭. "this guy," "him" (with extra emphasis), like. please
Akechi: Vanilla P5 👍
Sumire: oh i have so many gripes about this one. i mentioned before that Atlus bungled the ball but the biggest one i have is her thief outfit. why does she look like Joker But Girl. like. let her have her own identity outside of the male protagonist that she gets a lot of shiptease with????? please??????
6. What's something you have in common with this character?
Joker: ok so this one time i told my irl friend group to psychoanalyze me based on my favorite characters and one of my friends said that i perform the image i think other people expect of me when i said Joker and i have never financially recovered
Akechi: daddy issues. anger issues. masking so much that i'm not sure who i really am anymore
Sumire: oh i talked about this one. uh haha yeah i also had a period in my life where i was depressed about not being able to compare to other people.
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
Joker: i would like to thank the fans that address his trauma regarding police brutality, y'all doing god's work. also Joker's gender is. it exists (?). shoutout to the 5 gajillion gender headcanons that are all canon at the same time in my head
Akechi: the headcanon that he has shit eyesight is so fucking funny to me. imagine the pissbaby rant in Shido's palace but with "AND YOU DON'T EVEN NEED GLASSES WHILE I SPEND SO MUCH MONEY ON MY CONTACTS" tacked on at the end. also giving him longer hair
Sumire: redesigns of her thief outfit (and Vanadis)! and expansions on her friendships with the other thieves (especially Joker and Akechi!!!)
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
Joker: i need to put the phrase "he has no personality" on a shelf above where fans can reach
Akechi: ok, i love shuake as much as the next guy, but why is almost every Akechi fanwork i find focused on the ship. also stop saying his confidant is queerbait, what the fuck are y'all on
Sumire: i need to put the phrase "Mary Sue" on a shelf high, HIGH above where fans can reach. also can people be normal about her showing thighs in her thief outfit. actually, can people be normal about her in general
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
Joker: Ryuji!!!!!! they're bros!!!!!
Akechi: Yusuke. they'd be so autistic about literature and art together
Sumire: Ann! i think they match each other's energy pretty well
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