#…oh god… DO I HAVE TO TAG ALL 75 CHARACTERS?!?!?!
listener-symphony · 4 months
I’m bored and I have the power to randomly generate pairs and such, soo, making up random interactions with randomized pairs (plus one trio cuz there’s an odd number). Below the cut because it’s gonna be long (there’s a lot of characters!
(Also it’s okay if nobody has anything they want to send in as an ask but if you’re just being shy or worried I want you to know that 99% of the time askblogs would love to receive an ask and you’re not being a bother by doing it. Don’t know if anybody needed to hear that it’s just I personally always get worried that askblogs receive too many asks so I try not to send them but I’ve done ask series in the past so I know that usually they would love to get a single ask and if they DO have too many they would close the ask box or say something about it, so if they haven’t, you should always send something. That’s all, hope this doesn’t sound like I’m begging for asks I’m just trying to give genuine advice for interacting with askblogs lol)
Okay now to the randomized interactions!
LimL!Pearl: Oh! Hi Lizzie! How are you doing…?
SL!Lizzie: …
3L!Scar: She’s probably come to see her husband again.
LimL!Pearl: Oh right! I thought he usually goes to the cliff to visit her though…?
3L!Scar: Well, some nights she comes to make sure we aren’t all staying up late here in the desert…
*SL!Lizzie glares at 3L!Scar*
3L!Scar: …I’m always asleep at night Lizzie… you don’t need to look at me like that… I only know about you coming here some nights because- uh- UH-
LimL!Pearl: uh oh…
DL!Scott: hey Ren…
DL!Ren: oh, hello! What’s up?
DL!Scott: you’re a dog hybrid, right?
DL!Ren: yup! What about it?
DL!Scott: well, my Soulbound is one as well, so I was wondering if maybe you could explain why she’s been acting so… weird?
DL!Ren: …what kind of weird?
DL!Scott: you know… the way she’s been acting since we arrived here.
DL!Ren: …I don’t think that has anything to do with her being a wolf, honestly.
DL!Scott: okay, thanks anyway…
LimL!Jimmy: HALT! I’m stealing that sheep!
3L!Etho: no please! I managed to get it all the way here from the Ranch! I can’t let you double steal it!
LimL!Jimmy: …wait, you stole it?
3L!Etho: well, yeah, they’re the only ones with sheep. Singular. This is the only sheep. How did you not know that?
LimL!Jimmy: …and you stole it from the Ranchers?
3L!Etho: …yes…?
LimL!Jimmy: …you know what? I’ll help.
3L!Etho: :D
3L!Jimmy: So… you’ve had those crystals since the beginning, you said…
LL!Scott: … I don’t see why you care so much…
3L!Jimmy: Future Big Man Scott… I know what those crystals mean-
LL!Scott: I’m sorry I can’t have a serious and dramatic emotional conversation if you’re gonna call me that.
3L!Jimmy: Sorry!!! I don’t know what to call you!!! Scott’s my husband and you’re… not!
LL!Scott: ….. I don’t feel like talking about this right now. But, for future reference, I suppose you could call me… Stars?
3L!Jimmy: …Okay, Stars.
LL!Mumbo: So you mean to tell me, your version of me killed Scar?
SL!BigB: yup. And that’s why he’s not here. He swallowed him whole and he can never recover from that.
LL!Mumbo: he WHAT?! Okay, I gotta ask the other me if this is true…
SL!BigB: you can’t.
LL!Mumbo: why…?
SL!BigB: because when he ate Scar, Scar took over his brain, so he doesn’t remember anything.
LL!Mumbo: …I’m terrified.
LL!Scar: This wouldn’t be the first time you’ve asked me for a love crystal, you know.
DL!Martyn: wait, really? What did the other me want with one?
LL!Scar: no idea! Maybe to help his awful marriage or something. Actually, was Mumbo still alive at that point? Ah, the memories all blur together. Anyways! You’re gonna have to promise me something good in return.
DL!Martyn: But… I don’t have anything!
LL!Scar: Me neither! Thats why you have to promise me something.
DL!Martyn: wait, do you even have any crystals?
LL!Scar: hahaha… nope! Still waiting for Santa to give me that Crystal Making Kit for Christmas.
DL!Martyn: …you mean Symphony? Ugh, whatever, I’ll come back when you actually have crystals, I guess…
LL!Scar: don’t scoff at me when you don’t even have anything to pay with!!
LL!Tango: Are the rumors true? Are you actually… washed up?
LimL!Etho: man 😭
LL!Martyn: so… you won…
LimL!Martyn: yes. What about it?
LL!Martyn: …did they… are they… are you… happy?
LimL!Martyn: ….it was satisfying. What about you? How’s losing feel, loser?
LL!Martyn: …… rude. You’re quite rude for a giant scary… pirate.
LimL!Martyn: isn’t your name Fart or something?
LL!Martyn: listen dude I’m being incredibly vulnerable right now and you are not very nice about it. I’m leaving.
LimL!Martyn: don’t know what you expected. Especially when your name is Fart-
LL!Martyn: BYE!
Gem: Hey Skizz!
LL!Skizz: oh hey… Gem! Wow, you’re the only one of your kind…
Gem: my kind??
LL!Skizz: Gems! There’s like four Skizzles and only one Gem!
Gem: oh, yeah… honestly, it’s kind of scary, especially since it’s like nobody knows me except Secret Lifers…
LL!Skizz: aw, that’s sad! I’m sure you can fit in with the rest of us soon enough!
Gem: Aw, thanks Skizz!
3L!Skizz: Hey Impulse… The Impulse I know is up in Lonely Cliff, and I know he betrayed my guys, but I’m still kind of worried about him, you know? So I was wondering if you knew anything that could convince him to talk to us again…?
LL!Impulse: hm… maybe he wants to play some fun British games
3L!Skizz: …never mind…???
LL!Lizzie: so… you’re saying that your Joel is… a bad boy?
LimL!Grian: ……you can’t have him
LL!Lizzie: DARN!
SL!Scott: ohhhhh no please don’t do it please don’t-
SL!Martyn: *sniffsniff*
SL!Martyn: I can smell it… you have… relationship issues
3L!BigB: Dang it’s crazy that Dog Martyn can sniff out relationship issues
LL!Etho: huh? Where’d you hear that from?
3L!BigB: oh well he just did it to- uhh… UHHH…
SL!Skizz: ……. So you’re… with Top?
DL!Jimmy: …excuse me?
SL!Skizz: you know, Tango Top?
DL!Jimmy: …I think that’s between me and Tango-
SL!Cleo: Why aren’t you?
LimL!Joel: …
LL!Pearl: So, if you had to choose between Gaslight, Gatekeep, and Girlboss which one would you be?
LimL!Scott: I’m thinking Girlboss. But I’d be… Gillboss.
LL!Pearl: … you’re nothing like the Scott I know…
LimL!Scott: ???? Well yeah, he’s not a fish…
3L!Ren: That ship you live in seems dangerous… wouldn’t you rather live in a castle in the Kingdom?
DL!Etho: You don’t even know the half of it, Ren… But also, I don’t think you want all the Shipwreckers in your Kingdom.
3L!Ren: …Yeah, okay, I admit I’m a little afraid of you Double Lifers.
SL!Mumbo: so we’re best friends for real now, since Secret Life is over right?
SL!Etho: ?? no
SL!Mumbo: 🥺😭
LL!BigB: you know, if your scary wife is too scary for you, you could always change your identity a little…
SL!Joel: nothing is too scary for me, especially not my scary wife.
LL!BigB: okay, but I’m just saying, she would never be looking for anyone named Jerry.
SL!Joel: …?
LimL!BigB: So… anything interesting going on in your life?
SL!Impulse: if I hit things with sticks it kind of works like drums
LimL!BigB: …so a no, then
LimL!Scar: Mom, how many divorces do you have to go through?!
DL!Cleo: wtf
LL!Cleo: So who in Lonely Cliff is Gaslight, who is Gatekeep, who is Girlboss?
DL!Grian: …I’d be Gatekeep, Impulse would be Gaslight, and Lizzie would be Girlboss. Now go away.
LL!Cleo: Okay… but I really think all you Loners should hang out more. Could be good for you.
DL!Grian: I said go away.
LL!Ren: Second place…?
LimL!Impulse: Second place.
LL!Ren: …congrats.
LimL!Impulse: …you too.
3L!Tango: …
LimL!Tango: …
3L!Tango: …what is up with the Jimmys
LimL!Tango: I know right?! They’re so obsessed with that other Tango!
3L!Tango: I just think it’s weird, are you jealous?
LimL!Tango: NO
DL!Scar: what’s the point in all these tall towers if nobody’s meant to fly up them?
3L!Bdubs: you’re the ONLY ONE WHO FLIES
DL!Scar: ahh, I see, jealous that I’m the only one who has figured it out.
3L!Bdubs: NO!!! Ugh, maybe it’s a Double Lifer thing…
LimL!Skizz: yup! He died first!
3L!Scott: wow… that’s four times in a row… I don’t know if I should tell him or not, honestly… I’m also not sure if it makes me feel better…?
LL!Jimmy: okay, I’ve caved. I’m here.
DL!Tango: oh hi! …what do you mean
LL!Jimmy: I’m here to see what all the fuss is about! Why do Jimmys keep coming here?!
DL!Tango: well, I guess they’re just curious about their soulmate…?
LL!Jimmy: okay but nobody is crowding that one Scott.
DL!Tango: because… Ranchers for Life.
SL!Pearl: maybe you can fill the Cleo shaped hole in my heart…
3L!Cleo: …I’m married
SL!Pearl: …that’s… not what I meant…
3L!Cleo: then PLEASE work on your wording. Also, TERRIBLE way to start a conversation.
DL!Bdubs: have you SEEN my version of you??
3L!Grian: well… yeah… he talked to me.
DL!Bdubs: REALLY? He’s been avoiding everyone though!
3L!Grian: he wanted to know what happened with me and Scar… it’s pretty sad to hear how things went for them in your world.
DL!Bdubs: oh yeah they died badly.
3L!Grian: …. in my world we killed you
DL!Bdubs: OUCH!
SL!Bdubs: you should change your wizard tower into a slide
LL!Joel: …what
DL!BigB: heyyy…
LL!Grian: hmm?
DL!BigB: you’re a Grian… I was wondering if you could explain anything about my Grian…
LL!Grian: probably not.
DL!BigB: dang, not even gonna try?
LL!Grian: nah, I have nothing to do with THAT drama.
SL!Tango: the Bdubs in my world calls Etho daddy too
LimL!Bdubs: ☹️
DL!Pearl: HEY!
3L!Impulse: AH.. oh.. you scared me!!
DL!Pearl: Hehee… anyways… I’m just worried about you Loners! If I hadn’t made up with my Soulmate, I’d be here too! I know how much it sucks. So, is there any way I can help?
3L!Impulse: …no. I don’t really fit in anywhere…
DL!Pearl: oh come on! I’m sure everyone else at The Nose would love to have you!
3L!Impulse: hh… I feel like I’d be shot double dead if I was spotted at the Nose.
DL!Pearl: hm.. there’s surely someone who would like to welcome you! What about your soulmate?
3L!Impulse: who…?
DL!Pearl: Bdubs! You two loved each other so much…!
*3L!Impulse has clock flashbacks*
LimL!Cleo: Are you treating my son well?
DL!Impulse: uhh… well yeah, but… he’s not your son?
LimL!Cleo: well my actual son doesn’t have any partners so I’m just checking on the other versions of my son. Especially yours. Since in my world you killed him.
DL!Impulse: Oh, well, none of that here! Bdubs and I would never kill each other! …Well, he accidentally killed me technically, but that doesn’t matter! Also… I don’t know how I feel about pretending you’re my mother in law….
SL!Grian: hey emo boy did you know we’re soulmates in Secret Life
3L!Joel: don’t call me- wasn’t the soulmate season Double Life?
SL!Grian: Yeah but we were soulmates anyways isn’t that crazy 🥰
3L!Joel: … go away
SL!Grian: all you Joels are the same 😭
3L!Martyn: Ren is the best
DL!Joel: no, ETHO is the best!!!
3L!Martyn: BLASPHEMY! Lord Ren the Red King is the greatest!!!
DL!Joel: well, I don’t see his face on your shirt! But look at MINE!
*they argue*
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rainc0at · 5 days
#the casting is so good its oerfect they all do such good jobs iCAAAANNTT#roman and zsasz do SO WELL they creep me OUT its so GOOOOODODODO#“fuck fsmily! all due respect but fuck that!!!” all his. tantrums? how else would i word thst idk so. and like from the little bits we see#we learn so much about them. like idk shit avout them sorrt im a poser. but FUCKKXKCK its just so good#obviously margot robbie does incredibly. and cassandras actress! i know people have said they sorta dilute her character down which IS sad#esp bc i dont know anything about her either. but fuck#and the way it depicts gotham!!!!!!!!!! ive talked about this alot before and god its always sssoooooo#ITS JUST ALL SO GOOD. the humor THE WARDROBE. once again the causal lgbt rep. all the sexism stuff.#its just perfect its genuinely perfect#AGRGRHFHSJ I LOVE THIS FILM.#birds of prey#AND JUST THE WAY EVERYONE TALKS AND THE DELIVERY OF EVERYTHING. I DONT KNOW ITS JUST ALL. PERFECT.#also another mention to roman and zsasz. they do it SO. WELL. the changes in zsaszs voice AND JUST HIS GENERAL ATTITUDE. sionis and how wel#his actor does the quick switches. and again the delivery of ALL his lines. also special mention to his little spin at his first scene.#ALSO HIS AND ZSASZS LAUGHS ohmyod#and montoya does it all so well and inlove her voice and same with canary and i cant say much on them because its ALL so good that i cant#pinpoint it??????#ALSO THE HAIR TIE SCENE 💘💘💘💘💘#also forever thinking of roman and his thing with how people pronounce words. actually im sorta just always thinking about him and zsasz#zsaszmask hoffstrahm and now hannigram all live in my head. and another ship i wont say incase noah sees this. OH AND SUKEVE.#another mention to the soundtrack. oh. my. god.#another mention to how it depicts gotham. like you just see people living. in the daytime. hanging out living rhwir lives. and you see smal#businesses and a supermarket and a club and the graffiti and just somuch of the film being. in. the daytime. AND THE SKATING DERBY!#GOD i love this film so so so much can you tell#also why is all the content of my posts only ever in the tags. like okaaayy sure.#DINAHS SIDE EYE AT ROMAN AND ZSASZ WHEN THEYRE BEING EXTRA GAY I CANT DO THIS#am i gonna go and look at loads of zsaszmask content now. yes. dont judge.#also anti-big establishments moment (her robbing the store) and her promising to get sal the 75 cents. support small businesses#also bruce wayne mention theyrr always so funny#rain rambles
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trevuorzegras · 3 months
⏜ˑ 🐇 actress au part four 𓋜 ⋆ ࣪
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౨ৎ . . all works for this series will be under the #his greatest mistake au tag. for any random thoughts, or asks it will be under the #cassidy morgan au tag!
fem actress!reader x quinn hughes.
mentions of fem actress!reader x jacob elordi
faceclaim: beabadoobee
find the series masterlist, here!
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cas_morgan: so so so excited to finally let you guys in on what i’ve been working on! ‘spinning out’ is now streaming on netflix! everyone go show your support, and love please 🫶🏼.
words cannot describe how incredibly honored, and grateful i am to have had this opportunity. i loved being able to bring this character to life. this experience is something i’ll forever cherish, thank you everyone!
tagged: netflix, spinningoutnetflix, evanroderick
liked by trevorzegras, jackhughes, and other
user1: OH MY GOD
user2: on my way to watch it right now
trevorzegras: superstar at it AGAIN
↳ cas_morgan: my #1 supporter 🩷
user3: since when do you know how to skate?
↳ user4: she’s been skating since she was a kid
↳ user3: really? user4
↳ user5: yes! she has a video all about it on her youtube channel (: user3
user6: i need a season two asap
user7: who got you those roses?? 🤔🤔
↳ cas_morgan: 🤫
↳ markestapa: it was me don’t let her fool you
↳ cas_morgan: you are DISGUSTING markestapa
user8: whyd evan and cas be cute irl tho…
↳ cas_morgan: guys this man is 28 PLEASE
↳ user9: age ain’t nothin but a numba… cas_morgan
↳ evanroderick: Absolutely not! user9
evanroderick: Been such a wonderful experience working with you, Cassidy! Thank you for teaching me the ways of skating even if i fell on my ass most of the time. I’ll forever cherish the memories that were made, and i hope to keep a close friendship!
↳ cas_morgan: very like wise! i love working with you, ev! you did a great job, regardless of how many times you busted your ass. i hope to stay close as well, keep in touch, don’t be a stranger! 🫶🏼
user10: i felt so bad for kat throughout the series ):
↳ user11: no literally, my baby deserved better 😭
spinningoutnetflix: our very own kat baker and justin davis! we loved having you bring our kat to life!
jackhughes: the amount of SEXY SCENES I NEED BLEACH 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
↳ cas_morgan: there’s like one get a GRIP ROWDY
lhughes_06: watched it like 82672 times
↳ cas_morgan: it came out two days ago, luke.
↳ lhughes_06: don’t underestimate me cas_morgan
user12: i love cassidy’s friendship w jack and luke so much omg ☹️
↳ user13: it’s so cute, they’re like her annoying brothers 😭
user14: anastasia allen core
↳ user15: now she just needs her hockey bf
rutgermcgroarty: would’ve been better with a hockey boy as the love interest 🤷
↳ cas_morgan: not everything is about hockey rut
↳ rutgermcgroarty: could be! cas_morgan
user17: okay but rut’s onto something, would’ve been cute with a hockey player
↳ user18: it’s a basic trope. hockey player x figure skater is BASIC say!! it!! with!! me!!
liked by cas_morgan
user19: oh no she liked the comment about figure skater and hockey trope being basic there goes our chance of getting her with a hockey player
↳ user20: she’s an actress not a figure skater, there’s still a chance trust
liked by cas_morgan
user21: she is NOT slick
↳ user22: she’s so real 😭😭
_quinnhughes: congratulations, cassidy!
↳ cas_morgan: thank you quinn!
edwards.75: you did good 🗣️🗣️
↳ cas_morgan: thanks eth 🔥
user23: she’s so pretty fuck
user24: can’t wait to see more future projects!
user25: you are so talented cassidy
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trevorzegras: don’t let cas fool you, she’s having an absolute blast w the hockey boys 🗣️💯🔥
tagged: cas_morgan, lhughes_06, jackhughes, jamie.drysdale, _alexturcotte, edwards.75, markestapa, rutgermcgroarty, luca.fantilli
liked by _quinnhughes, nhl, and others
cas_morgan: don’t lie to them, i hate you, and everyone here (besides luke, jamie, and mark)
↳ trevorzegras: what the hell Cassidy.
↳ lhughes_06: YUP 🗣️
↳ markestapa: it’s an honor 😭😭😭😭😭
↳ edwards.75: ??
↳ jackhughes: do i just not exist?..
↳ cas_morgan: no you do and that’s the problem rowdy jackhughes
↳ jamie.drysdale: awe cas loves me
↳ cas_morgan: always 🫶🏼 jamie.drysdale
user27: are you guys excited for hockey season again
↳ trevorzegras: yes i get to drag cas to more games!
↳ cas_morgan: yeah that’s absolutely not fucking happening, good try tho! trevorzegras
user28: so glad cas has people who care about her surrounding her 🫶🏼
↳ user29: real, im glad she’s happier!
user30: Cassidy only has followers cause of the hockey players she sleeps around with
↳ markestapa: cassidy has more followers than all of us 😭 she acts, and we play hockey, let’s not.
user31: mark #1 cassidy defender
↳ user32: that’s dom’s roll, mark can get #2
↳ user33: who’s dom? user32
↳ user32: dominic fike! user33
rutgermcgroarty: don’t let cas fool you, she reads most of the time, and barely talks to us
↳ cas_morgan: don’t be a hater rut
jamie.drysdale: im cassidy’s favorite by the way
↳ markestapa: no its definitely me but okay
↳ trevorzegras: ACTUALLY 🤓 markestapa
lhughes_06: funny you guys are fighting over favorite when it’s literally me 🤣🤣🤣
↳ jackhughes: you’re real funny luke. ever tried being a comedian i’m laughing so hard 😐
user34: none of y’all are the favorite btw
liked by cas_morgan
sorry about slow updates, trying my best! just please be patient, and i promise to try and upload as much as i possibly can! 🫶🏼
taglist | @wnderify @bunbunbl0gs @alwaysclassyeagle @bunting58 @callsignwidow @crazycat-ladys-blog
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foibles-fables · 7 months
20 questions for fic writers
Snagging this one from @mehoymalloy, tagging @tjerra14 @finrays @poetikat @saltygirafe and anyone else who'd like to do it!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently Horizon, Stray Gods, Control, and [fingers crossed] HOPEFULLY BG3 soon...lots more in the past, and potentially again in the future! (Warrior Nun, Legend of the Seeker, Critical Role, the list goes on. That tends to happen over 18 years of fic writing.)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
I'm gonna turn this question around a little and pick the top by kudos in each of my current- and/or most-active fandoms....if I went purely by numbers, the power of Avatrice would overrun the results, hahaha.
Because the Light Is Close (Warrior Nun), The Weight of Us (Legend of the Seeker), rest like you belong here. (Horizon), the veins grow in slow (Critical Role), and brave this time (Stray Gods).
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Absolutely, to every single one! I appreciate, cherish, and return to every single kind word I get--and I gotta make sure that appreciation is known. Nothing makes me feel better than taking the joy of others and reflecting it back with gratitude!
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oh man uh....I think waiting through daybreak (Stray) (yes the cat game) fits the bill here. That, or so i'll stay half away (Horizon).
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Oh no, SO many!!! Lemme pick just one here....today I'll toss embodiment (Horizon) into the ring.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not to my face, which I'm glad about!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Hell yeah I do. Primarily/exclusively F/F, mostly of the very soft variety. But just because it's soft doesn't mean they're not fuckin' Nasty™
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I actually have never written a crossover.
....oh I LIED, I definitely crossed Grey's Anatomy over with Private Practice back in the day. But does that even REALLY count?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I hope not!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I've been asked a few times, and I've accepted, but they're not complete yet!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not in earnest!
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
I won't choose between Aloy/Talanah and Cara/Kahlan. They can tie.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I am holding them in my teeth and growling. I am refusing to let any of them go.
16. What are your writing strengths?
prose-craft with evocative syntax, emotional immediacy, identifying parallels, descriptive introspection, character voice, strength in narrative POV
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
PLOTTING. Can't plot my way out of a paper bag. I am working on this.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Totally would if 1) it actually fit within the fic/fandom itself and 2) if I had a trusted resource/knowledgeable person to reference and check my work!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
the Xenosaga series, so many years ago.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
This is always the most difficult question to answer, and I feel like it changes by the day. I'd say it's either rest like you belong here. (Horizon), for the pure nostalgia of being The First fic I wrote for my current and long-lasting brain rot--or Because the Light Is Close (Warrior Nun), as a product of the exhilarating fandom time in which it was written.
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infatuate · 11 months
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9 book recs meme! tagged by @roobylavender; ty faatima <3333. this ended up being longer than i wanted it to be but oh well
the bloody chamber & other stories - angela carter
angela carter quotes get circulated out of context on this site every 2-3 business days but i really do think everyone should tap into the bloody chamber at least once. i have written many a paper on this book & each time i uncovered some new aspect i had previously overlooked but which carter hadn't. i'm not sure what i could say about it that hasn't already been said; this is one of the best fairytale anthologies out there, period. not to mention, those quotes are so much better in context.
decreation: poetry, essays, opera - anne carson
the first book of carson's essays/poetry i ever read cover to cover after crashing against plainwater hard when i was like 16. decreation is very aptly named - it's disjointed & deconstructed & more than a little strange, moving from subject to subject, essay to poem to play to opera and back again, but it managed to capture my attention the way none of carson's other works did. decreation is a journey through the self (through sleep & the subconscious, the spirit & God) that doesn't really arrive anywhere but is worth reading for the journey. aside from showing me just what could be done with form, it also introduced to me to marguerite porete, who became my own personal medieval mystic-martyr special interest. i've since read a lot of carson, but i still think decreation is her most interesting (& maybe underrated?) work.
violence & the sacred - rene girard
a solid 75% of my essays in my last two years of undergrad used this text as scaffolding of some sort. even when i wasn't writing about violence, sacrifice, or mimesis, i was thinking about it. this is a dense book of theory that flies by because everything girard is saying is simultaneously insane & so so compelling. other people have if you're interested in rituals, the societal function of violence, the origins of the word scapegoat, or you just want to find a new jumping off point for your own thoughts on any of these topics, i think you would find violence & the sacred a really fascinating text.
the children of húrin - j.r.r. tolkien
i read the children of húrin directly after reading the hobbit at age 14; i wanted another 'short' 'standalone' tolkien book to read before diving into the lord of the rings or the silmarillion. (i clearly did not know anything about tolkien at this point in my life.) but i don't regret it at all, because it's probably the best thing he's ever written. CoH is, for the most part, about the tragic life of túrin son of húrin & how the curse on his family dooms him & everyone he crosses paths with. the tighter focus on túrin's various fuck-ups and miseries is more intimate, more detailed, and more character-driven unlike a lot of tolkien's first age work. it's also the darkest thing tolkien's written, in my opinion; this is his longest most extended greek tragedy moment & he leans into it 100%. hubris, unintentional incest, accidental murder, suicide - the children of húrin has it all. túrin turambar you will always be famous!
a master of djinn - p. djeli clark
this is my favorite new fantasy read of the last couple of years. i went into thinking i wouldn't like it at all—it's set in an edwardian-era alternate history magical steampunk cairo, for one—but clark's writing is incredibly immersive. he's very skilled at reimagining history in a way that both makes perfect sense & is wildly inventive. i thought some of its critiques of colonialism were a little shallow but otherwise it was fun. and lesbian! the main character is a dapper muslim butch, and while i'm not usually a 'representation for its own sake' kind of person, i couldn't help but be obsessed with fatma. it helps that it has a more refined perspective on islam compared to virtually any other muslim/arab fantasy novel i've ever read (this is not a high bar). a master of djinn comes with not one, but two short stories set in the same universe, so you can check out clark's writing for free & see how you like it.
as meat loves salt - maria mccann
this one was recommended to me by a twitter mutual almost 2 years ago and i haven't reread it since, but i think about it frequently anyways. it's a historical fiction novel set during the english civil war, following jacob cullen, a man initially of gentle birth who becomes a servant who becomes a soldier in the parliamentary army. characterizing it beyond that gets tricky; how do you properly describe the completely insane depths of rage, lust, love, & obsession that mccann plumbs? as meat loves salt is for the hannigram girls, the heathcliff/cathy girls, the girls who enjoy devotion & obsession going hand in unlovable hand. major tws for rape & violence, & i don't think i could read it again unless i was in the right headspace, but this one is really good.
ship of magic - robin hobb
i could have put any robin hobb book here, because i do think everyone should read robin hobb at least once. especially if you have even a passing interest in fantasy. ship of magic made the final cut because it's the perfect beginning for anyone who might be turned off by the slow character study that is the farseer trilogy. liveship traders is more fast-paced with a rotating cast of v unique characters and the best villain she's ever put to paper. it has talking ships, terrible parenting even for a fantasy book, representation for awful horrible teenage girls with no redeeming qualities whatsoever, & a truly original take on dragons.
beowulf: a new verse translation - seamus heaney
when i decided to minor in medieval studies, beowulf was at least 60% of the reason. i read the r.m. liuzza broadview translation for class (which i love, to be clear), but my prof recommended that we go read heaney's translation anyways, because it's both a good translation of beowulf & an exercise in poetic brilliance. to me, heaney's beowulf feels less like a translation & more like a free-verse poem he wrote while possessed by the spirit of a 7th century scop. i know there are better, more accurate/faithful translations, but this one has a spirit to it that's difficult to find elsewhere. honestly it's worth reading for the introduction alone.
the fortune men - nadifa mohamed
my token contemporary non-fiction fiction novel of the past couple of years. i'm always rooting for everyone somali but also? nadifa mohamed is just a great writer. this novel is set in 1950s cardiff, wales, and dramatizes the true story of mahmood hussein mattan, a somali man who was wrongfully executed for the murder of lily volpert. mohamed approaches the events with so much empathy for both victims and the extensive research she did shines through at every moment. the consistency and conviction and clarity of her writing will convince you that, even if you don't know anything about the city or the time period or the events unfolding, she definitely does. she was kinda robbed for the booker but that's just my opinion.
tagging @derelictship; @misericordae; @hesitationss; @yevrosima-the-third; @gawayne; @butchniqabi & anyone else who wants to do it!
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speedytherandom · 5 months
20 questions for fic writers
tagged by @satans-poptarts
1. how many works do you have on Ao3? 24
2. what's your total Ao3 word count? 41,008
3. what fandoms do you write for? Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Heroes of Olympus, The Kane Chronicles, Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard, and The Trials of Apollo-- mostly. I have also written singular fanfics for a couple of other unrelated fandoms.
4. what are your top five fics by kudos?
Keeping Up A Shrine (Sadie Kane character study, basically)
Just Some Saturday in September (Valgrace domestic fluff)
A Harry Potter fic I’d rather just forget about.
The Unfortunate Issue With Having Cooler, Older, and Hotter Siblings (Owl House-- Amity thinks Luz likes one of the twin)
The Flour Fiasco (Ruegard fluff fic)
5. do you respond to comments? Almost always!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably Bone by Bone (PJO, everybody dies) because that’s just straight up the angstiest fic I’ve ever written in general.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Honestly? I have no idea. Most of my fics have relatively happy endings. I’m gonna say... Lasting Moment (Pipabeth, alternate universe) because it’s the one that is the most happy at the end compared to the beginning.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I haven't yet and I’m really happy about that!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I haven’t yet but idk, maybe someday when I feel more confident with my abilities.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I don’t write crossovers. I don’t have any good reason, I simply haven’t.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I hope not.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I have not but if I’m ever bored enough and have the inspiration I could translate perhaps a drabble or two into German or Portuguese.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not really. Like, I started one with my friend but it is not finished. Lemme just say, very difficult to co-write fanfic.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Based on ones I’ve written I’d say Pipabeth as I enjoy writing them but honestly? Despite writing a majority ship-based stories and really enjoying them, I’m not a huge shipper in general. I’m rather neutral on ships for the most part.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have no published WIPs, mostly because I need to have the fic at least 75% of the way done to even consider publishing it, but I’ve had stuff in my drafts forever. I’ve got the one where the PJO kids are doing Spamalot, the Piper Friendship Fic, the Valgrace College AU, the one where Piper is just jealous of Percy, the Fierrochase beach fic. And more. So, so many more, so if you’re interested...
16. What are your writing strengths?
No clue. Does being really happy with most first drafts count?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Commitment. I usually have larger ideas than I know how to portray and I tend to rush the ideas that I have which is why most of my fics are pretty short.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
With the languages I speak I haven't done this in a fic yet, but if the opportunity ever arose I’d be very excited. Plus, I have done lines of dialogue in Portuguese for an original short story (unpublished).
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Oh. Ew. Harry Potter :( It doesn’t exist anymore nor do I know what it was about but I can guarantee you it was the first.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
I’m not really sure. I don’t really remember how much I like things I’ve written. I’m just gonna suggest some I really like and haven’t mentioned instead of one favorite: Wedding Dances (Sadie/Lacy future fic), Red Means Power (Heathers fanfic), and The Worst Possible Time And Place (Rachabeth as superheroes).
I’m not sure who writes fic that hasn’t been tagged already. If you do... this is fun!
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emmet-appreciation · 1 year
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I posted 1,306 times in 2022
That's 1,067 more posts than 2021!
328 posts created (25%)
978 posts reblogged (75%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,299 of my posts in 2022
Only 1% of my posts had no tags
#submas - 881 posts
#subway bosses - 876 posts
#subway masters - 874 posts
#emmet - 862 posts
#kudari - 844 posts
#ingo - 705 posts
#nobori - 687 posts
#pla - 267 posts
#pokemon legends arceus - 256 posts
#mun rambles - 183 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#🤔🤔 i think it's also worthy to note that they do tend to use the same pokemon on their seperate teams which makes me think they share haha
My Top Posts in 2022:
Official Submas Appearances Masterlist
Want to consume offical submas content but don’t know where to go? Look no further than this post! I’m not perfect so I might miss some things but I hope this at least covers most of it (These are just directly copy-pasted from previous posts I’ve made in the past, but hey! I’d rather copy-paste than do hard work I’ve already done haha)
Links will be under the cut- and this post will probably be updated as Pokemon inevitably cashes in on their popularity and gives us more submas content <33
Pokemon Black and White / Pokemon Black and White 2
These were as simple as taking the first thing that popped up on a YouTube search, but since this is their original appearances I’m put it here. They come from Mixeli, who posts videos of Pokemon Battles on their channel.
Pokemon Black and White
Pokemon Black and White 2
Bulbapedia is fan-curated, but their commitment to sourcing information and sticking to canon makes them good enough to add here as well:
Emmet / Emmet (Quotes)
Ingo / Ingo (Quotes)
Pokemon Special 
These links come from readmanganato (NOTE: The ads here are NSFW, please use an ad blocker!), though you can alternatively use mangaowl.net, which should have better ads.
Chapter 487 (The Submas Introduction Chapter)
Chapter 488 (The Submas welcome White onto the Battle Subway)
Chapter 490 (The Submas watch White test out the Battle Subway)
Chapter 500 (White battles Ingo)
(NOTE: These are FAN translated works, you will have to buy the manga to get official translations)
Pokemon Anime 
Pokeflix features a library boasting pretty much every Pokemon Media there is, but for ease of access I’ve linked all the submas episodes here:
Beheeyem, Duosion, and the Dream Thief! (End of Episode Cameo)
The Beartic Mountain Feud! (End of Episode Cameo)
Crisis from the Underground Up! (The historic episode :D )
Battle for the Underground! (The historic episode, part two eeeelectric boogaloo)
Lost at the Stamp Rally! (Minor supporting role, but they battle here :>)
A Surface to Air Tag Battle Team! (That adorable lil flailing cameo)
Pokemon Masters EX
For those unfortunate enough to have not been around when the twins were first released and/or haven’t scouted them in gacha, YouTube is your best friend in getting that sweet, sweet pokemas content.
Official Release Trailer
All Emmet English VA / All Emmet Japanese VA by gladio.ogg
All Ingo English VA / All Ingo Japanese VA by gladio.ogg
See the full post
1,423 notes - Posted April 29, 2022
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Nephew added to the Party!
1,690 notes - Posted February 25, 2022
Ingo the conductor is not having a good time
2,148 notes - Posted April 28, 2022
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Oh my god. Why am I so STUPID I should've realized he was quoting Emmet 😭😭😭
2,324 notes - Posted February 23, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Uncle ingo doodle before i go to bed
2,774 notes - Posted February 23, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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kybee1497 · 7 months
Fic tag game
Tagged by @dark-visitors (thanks Visi!!)
1) How many works do you have on Ao3?
2) What's your Ao3 word count?
3) What fandoms do you write for?
So so many, lol. Jatp, Wednesday, descendants, do revenge, first kill, Batman (eventually, I have plans okay I just haven’t like done it yet). I’ve also written one fic each for bridgerton and wynonna earp.
4) What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Season of Woe (Wenclair - Wednesday)
Don’t talk to me or my scary goth gf ever again (Wenclair - Wednesday)
Bat vs. bug (calliete - first kill)
Fire in my blood (Wenclair - Wednesday)
Hate to say I told you so (Kathony - Bridgerton)
5) Do you respond to comments?
Yes? I really try to, I’m just horrifically bad at actually getting to each comment. I think overall I respond to like 50% of comments in a super nonsensical order.
6) What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Ha. Hahahahaha I’ve actually been yelled at many many times for this fic and it was so so worth it
Always by your side
Never saw you coming (I’ll never be the same) Aka Luke leaves
7) What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Oh fuck idk, I love me some fluff. If we’re going purely based off of soft fluffy vibes it’s laughing at clouds so dark above, the suns in my heart (I’m ready for love) or dancing to the rhythm of your heartbeat
8) Do you get hate on fics?
No thank god, I would cry for days
9) Do you write smut? What kind?
… maybe so. I’m a kink girlie what can I say.
10) Do you write cross-overs?
No? No, not yet anyways.
11) Have you ever had a fic translated?
12) Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Yes! I wrote a Bridgerton fic with my beloved wife Rach @itsthebooks (whomst almost divorced me last week but she did not file the paperwork so it’s all good 😂) for the bridgerton troped round last year. I am a menace and would not shut up about this fic until it was written. It was a lot of fun tho!!
Hate to say I told you so
13) What WIP you would like to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Oh god most of them. The adhd hypefocus gremlin is a bitch and a half when she changes fixations. I really want to finish promise me you’ll catch me but I’ve been stalled out on the third chapter for like 2 years. I also want to finish here we go again but I’m pretty sure I wrote myself into a corner and idk how to fix it without trashing it and rewriting and I don’t have the patience for that.
14) What's your all-time favourite ship?
Again adhd hyperfocus gremlin rules my heart and mind so it depends on the day tbh. In terms of longest reigning ships it’s jukebox and bellarke. Currently I’m obsessed with all things batfam (familial/platonic obvi) and DCU
15) What are your writing strengths?
I’m really good at diving into a characters head and the way they think. One of my fave Fics, writing wise doesn’t have any dialogue or specific action, it’s more character study than anything else. It’s really easy for me to just write and be able to flow through memory’s and thoughts and feelings and how the character experiences the world. I’m sure there’s a word for it I’m just not remembering but it’s my favorite kind of writing
16) What are your writing weaknesses?
Um probably that I get really bogged down in action heavy scenes, I focus too much on where they’re bodies physically are and what movements they’re making and it takes me a billion years to write and I think I put in too much detail but I never know how to trim it down???
17) Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
There’s a reason I’ve only failed 4 classes in my life and 2 were math and 2 were a foreign language. It is a struggle for me. I don’t want to have to work that hard to write and also I’m afraid of fucking it up cause google translate is not reliable. I’ll do the occasional word or term of endearment but that’s pretty much it. Usually if the characters are speaking another language I’ll mention it in story and then write the dialogue in English
18) First fandom you wrote for?
19) Favourite fic you've ever written?
No, you can’t make me 🥺
Always by your side cause I’m so fucking proud of the pain I unleashed
As if it’s really that easy to get over you (just snap your fingers) the aforementioned fic with very little dialogue or action, just vibes and character study into drea from do revenge
20) What fic would you want to rewrite one day?
I have no idea, I’m vaguely hoping to rewrite here we go again one day but tbh I barely have the focus to fics the first time.
Tagging: @itsthebooks @a-tomb-with-a-view @wr0temyway0ut @thatbitchmabel @fandomscraziness22 @angelofarts and anyone else that wants to do it, I’m so tired and totally blanking rn
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thelivingautomaton · 7 months
*also i really really wish there was more stuff in the game with alan and casey (either real world casey or dark place casey) interacting* <- LITERALLY SAME‼️‼️ I had to scramble for footage for this edit but this whole concept is so intriguing to me and I wish we had a whole DLC with them (also thank you for nice tags under the rb ur too kind🫡)
(yes ofc, your graphics go so hard i love them!) and YES, it's such a wild concept to me especially because like. ok lemme put this under a cut for big-time alan wake 2 spoilers but also i kind of word-vomited a lot of percolating thoughts on the game, LOL oops
so for maybe 75% of the game i was CERTAIN that i had the game's twists Figured Out by the end of chapter 1, and i was sure that one of those twists was gonna be "fbi agent casey is 1:1 the same person as the fictional detective casey that alan's books are about, or even if he's not, agent casey was still created wholesale by alan as part of the overarching scheme to get saga to bright falls and have her assume the role of 'hero' in getting him out of the dark place". (this was part of my overarching idea re: saga's storyline which was that the version of events where saga lived in watery and logan drowned was the "true" reality, and alan rewrote her life/memories basically to "make" her into a better/less traumatized hero figure, and also get rid of stuff that would prevent her from wanting to go "back" to bright falls)
so like, at first i felt kind of "meh" about the reveal that fbi agent casey is the "real"/original/whatever version and fictional detective casey arose from alan using echoes of his life as writing material (compounded with the game making it pretty clear that alan can't wholesale make/create new stuff, just rewrite or guide what's already "real", and the seemingly straightforward reveal that saga's remembered version of events is "real" because she's immune to retcon bullshit). but the more i think about it the more i actually think it works really well and if anything is a much more interesting take on the trope of "fictional character and their creator interact/come into conflict"?
like, rather than the usual angst of "oh my god, am i real, is anything in my life real, does anything i do matter when my life is a fictional narrative", you get the more interesting flavors of inner drama both from casey (i.e. "i am a real person, but exactly how much of my memories and life can i trust, how much might have been twisted or rewritten by an outside hand to make a better story, could my past mistakes/regrets be erased, have they already been?") and also more importantly alan (i.e. "holy shit i've been taking Actual Real People and treating them like paper dolls to cut up and rearrange however i want to make a good story out of it")
plus by establishing that alan can't just make shit exist + nobody in the story is a made-up creation (well, i mean. within the narrative nobody is fictional, lol), it helps ground the story and characters and maintain your investment in their struggles and the stakes. and it also helps align the broader cosmology of the alan wake games with the wider remedy-verse by maintaining a baseline "reality" that presumably follows certain rules vis a vis the way objects of power and parautilitarian abilities work. like, the rules might be fucking weird, and we as players are probably getting only 20% of all the information because in-universe people know at most like, 40% of all the information, but it's clear that SOMEWHERE remedy has a bible of rules for How Their World Works so that they can keep things internally consistent across their games
with that all being said i also think they've left things open-ended enough that they can take a lot of these concepts in a bunch of directions simultaneously -- alan can still manifest/write up distorted funhouse mirror versions of "real" characters within the dark place who can yell at him for being a jackass or try to kill him or whatever, i wouldn't be surprised if one or both dlcs have further appearances of dark place casey and/or other "fictional" versions of casey written by alan, not to mention that real world fbi agent casey could easily get sucked into further metafictional alternate reality/narrative bullshit by virtue of how he got possessed by the dark presence (albeit briefly). like the only thing i'm for sure certain about is that remedy will probably keep finding new and exciting ways of pulling the rug out from under my feet, LOL
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cyncerity · 1 year
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I posted 482 times in 2022
360 posts created (75%)
122 posts reblogged (25%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 456 of my posts in 2022
Only 5% of my posts had no tags
#cyncerity - 345 posts
#mcyt gt - 278 posts
#mcyt g/t - 274 posts
#dad’s troubles au - 92 posts
#not g/t - 67 posts
#tw vore - 57 posts
#cyn art - 51 posts
#cynshitpost - 43 posts
#g/t - 29 posts
#store shifter au - 29 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#don’t forget how much you and this community mean to him even now cause i’m damn sure wherever he is he’s watching all this go down hskslsh
My Top Posts in 2022:
this took three days but i’m actually really happy with it? that never happens??
anyway, feel free to send asks for this au, i think by now we know that i’m thinking about it too much, but i hope you like these!
also click for better quality
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See the full post
131 notes - Posted June 25, 2022
Steddie stranger things borrower au is all I need and want in my depressing life
just for you 💖
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The nickname “big boy” just became twice as flirty jokingly mocking
133 notes - Posted August 6, 2022
this isn’t my usual content but i could not rest until i drew this
this is kinda a “secret world of arriety” type au (if you’ve ever read “the borrower” or “the littles” book series, think of those) but with stranger things!
idk how much i’ll do with the idea cause stranger things isn’t my main hyperfixation, but i’m in love with this idea
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See the full post
156 notes - Posted August 4, 2022
This was based off of an instagram meme that i think was made for women over the age of 50, but when vore inspiration strikes, you have to do something.
So, here’s this!! I may make this a series, I may not, but it may depend on if y’all even like this story or not lol
so without further ado, here’s some crimeboys noms >:)
tw: kinda implied mentions of neglect/abuse, swearing, and vore
He had to get away. Tommy couldn’t stay another day in this damn house, he felt like he was suffocating. He had to leave, somehow.
All of his things were already packed. The little he had was stored in various bags he had stolen from the attic when the thought of running away had first occurred to him. When he had first realized that he couldn’t stay in this shithole any longer.
Now to think of where. That had been his main concern. Hotels were too expensive, and god knows he didn’t have any friends who would let him stay with them.
Which left him with one option, though he was dreading it.
A few months ago, a new app had been created. A way to book “unique” temporary living arrangements with giants. It was part of some weird initiative to get humans and giants to get along better, and had fully stapled itself to the claims that some humans who lived with giants made about how being eaten could be “relaxing.”
That’s right, as awful an idea as this seemed to Tommy and almost everyone else, there was now a way to book what could qualify as the worlds weirdest airbnb within giants. Literally. Apparently some giants were completely ok with random humans using their organs as a weekend get away, because there were plenty on the app for Tommy to scroll through. And scroll he did.
He had realized a while ago that this may be the cheapest option, and had gone through the website for hours until he had found someone. Early 20s, no criminal record that he could find with a limited google search, good reviews that he could tell were mostly from humans friends that he had, but the man seemed nice enough. He ignored the paranoia that told him that this man was only cheap because he would lure Tommy to his death. That the moment he and Tommy met, it would be over, and he’d be just another missing and forgotten person. Another victim to a random giant where there’d be no proof of his death and nothing to-
No, he couldn’t afford to think like that. This had to work. And, besides, was it really worth still living if he had to be at this house any longer? As much as he hated himself for thinking it, he’d rather let this stranger be the death of him than spend another second with his abusive shit family.
Tommy had messaged him once or twice and had paid him once already just to settle the deal. He ignored the feeling of dread in his gut every time he even thought about the giant, but he couldn’t help but be nervous. After all, this man would be holding his life in him until he got his shit together enough to at least get a job. He didn’t know how long that would be, but he needed to be practically untraceable. He couldn’t risk his family finding him. He couldn’t risk being taken back home.
He sent one final text to the man about where to meet. He knew it was late, but he had warned him in advance that he was probably gonna get a text in the middle of the night, so he slowly crept out of his window and, seeing that the coast was clear, ran, not looking back.
He would never look back.
Tommy had arrived at the meetup spot and had been waiting for 30 minutes and, still, no sign of the giant. Ok, now that he thought about it, maybe this did seem a little suspicious. Supposing the giant was a normal ass man, getting a text saying “meet me in an abandoned Tesco parking lot” was a weird thing to receive at 2:45 in the morning. But, again, Tommy was shooting to be untraceable. He couldn’t risk anyone seeing him or his giant. Could he call this stranger “his giant?” Whatever. Tommy knew his family. He didn’t want other people to get hurt, but he couldn’t do this alone. Even if it was a stranger, he needed help.
Tommy just sat and kept thinking, thoughts spiraling into what he would do if the giant never showed up, if he actually had to do this by himself, when the ground began to shake. Tommy quickly stood up and had to strain his neck looking up to see the giant approach. And, holy shit, this fucker was tall.
Tommy had never met a giant before. Hell, almost no humans had. But from what he knew, they shouldn’t be this tall. He felt his knees begin to shake and his palms sweat as he took in the full size and image of the monster that he had hired to eat him. He had fluffy brown hair, wire rimmed glasses and a yellow sweater with a brown puffer jacket on and, weirdly enough, had a mask covering his mouth. He seemed to be hunched over, looking around for what Tommy could only assume to be him, pulling his red-brown beanie further over his head almost nervously. His eyes frantically scanned the empty lot until he found him, where he quickly made his way over as Tommy stumbled back, falling onto the ground and shaking violently from the cold and fear.
“There you are!!” the giant said, “Tommy, right? I’ve been looking all over for you! What were you thinking making this the meetup spot?!”
Tommy could barely speak. It felt like his head had been stuck in a freezer, his throat frozen and his mind muddled and cloudy, unable to form a response. “I-I..it….i- it was c- close…” he whimpered, stumbling back farther. The giant only then seemed to notice Tommy’s fear as he sighed and knelt down, trying to be more eye level as he spoke quieter. “It’s ok, kid. Fuck, you’re younger than I thought you’d be. You mean it’s close to your house, right?” Tommy nodded hesitantly and Wilbur continued. “Thought so. You probably didn’t want to haul your stuff all the way to the giant side. It’s just…i’m not technically allowed to be here.” Tommy looked up at him, confused, his breath slowing and his panic was subsiding now that the giant wasn’t towering over him and scanning the grounds for him like a fucking predator hunting it’s prey. The giant must’ve noticed his confusion, as he continued. “This isn’t a mutual territory. If i get caught here, i could get in a lot of trouble. I tried texting and calling you to tell you, given that humans don’t know a lot about the laws giants have to follow, but you weren’t responding, so i figured i’d just come and make this quick before the cops notice me.” He said. Ah, so that’s what the surgical mask was for. So the cops couldn’t recognize him. He held out a finger to Tommy, and he tried not to think about how this singular finger was taller than his whole body. “I’m Wilbur, by the way, i don’t think i ever introduced myself.” Tommy shuffled closer and grabbed the tip of the finger in an awkward attempt at a handshake. “I-I’m Tommy.”
“As nice as it is to meet you, you seem really nervous. First time?” Tommy nodded again, miraculously feeling less nervous by the second. Something about this guy, maybe his calming voice or how much more human he was than Tommy assumed he’d be, made Tommy trust him.
Or maybe it was the fact that this was the first time in a long time he had been treated with kindness. His family was barely decent to him, so this was a nice change, if an unexpected one.
“First time meeting a giant, actually.” “No offense, I can kind of tell.” Wilbur said, though there was no judgement in his voice. “Y’know, you don’t have to do this now. We could always resched-“ “No!!” Tommy shouted, interrupting the giant. “No, no, I want to, I have to, I’m out of options, please.” At that, Wilbur began to look concerned. “Tommy what do you mean ‘out of options?’ Are you ok? Do you need help?” “This is my help! Sure, maybe I’m a little bit fucking terrified, but i have nowhere else to go. I- I can’t go back, please, please, Wilby.” Tommy finished, the nickname naturally rolling off his tongue like he had known the giant his whole life. Wilbur looked at him with a vague look of concern and pity before bringing one of his giant fingers closer to Tommy’s face. Tommy didn’t even have time to react before it gently swiped across his cheek, wiping away tears he didn’t even know he had shed. “Ok, ok, i’ll help, it’s alright.” He said, giving Tommy a warm smile (he assumed; his eyes scrunched up a little near the outer edges, which seemed like a good sign he was smiling) that only slightly hid the concern still plastered on his face. And though Tommy still couldn’t see most of the aforementioned face, his eyes portrayed everything Tommy needed. Wilbur wore his heart on his sleeve; he liked that.
Tommy could have sobbed in relief as Wilbur’s words fully sunk in. He was going to get away, and the thought of finally being free was enough to drown out any more fears of what was about to happen. Wilbur then reached behind him and grabbed some of his bags, which looked ridiculously minuscule in his hand, as he brought them up to his mouth before pausing. “Do you want to go down first or do you want me to do to do these? For some people, it can be a bit nerve racking to see me swallow something first.” Tommy thought about it, then shook his head. It’s not like he wanted to see his few meager possessions disappear down the throat of a giant, especially knowing he’d have to join them, but he wasn’t gonna chicken out now. He just needed a few seconds to collect himself, and what Wilbur did with his bags in that time was none of his business.
Wilbur calmly lifted the bags back up, all of them at the same time, and slipped them under his mask. Within a few seconds, Tommy saw a vague outline slip down Wilbur’s throat, bobbing his addam’s apple a bit as they descended to where Tommy would be staying for a short while…maybe he should have gone first.
It all reminded him of a nature documentary he had seen on snakes once; he could see the outline of some poor rodent slowly trail down the snake to its final resting place.
Tommy tried not to think about that last part. After all, he’d be fine. He wasn’t prey, not to Wilbur, anyway. To his family…maybe. Not like they mattered anymore, though.
Tommy felt giddy enough at that thought that he stepped forward towards Wilbur as he watched the man press against his midsection gently, presumably to make sure Tommy’s bags had ended up in the right organ. After that confirmation, Wilbur looked back down, setting his hand palm up next to Tommy. “You ready for this, big man?” Tommy grinned at the nickname, at the way Wilbur treated him. Like a person; an equal. He grinned so hard it almost hurt. “Ready as i’ll ever be.”
Tommy felt himself be lifted and watched as Wilbur used his free hand to lift his mask just enough for Tommy to fit under and into his mouth. Tommy quickly found a perch on his lip and tried to climb in the rest of the way himself before realizing holy shit oh prime good fucking god his teeth were sharp. Wilbur made muffled cry of concern as his hand came back up under Tommy as he stumbled a bit. But, after the initial shock of the teeth being way sharper than he thought, Tommy managed to climb in the rest of the way successfully.
See the full post
182 notes - Posted August 25, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
the last post did so much better than expected! i’m genuinely really surprised, thanks for all the support on my short little shitty comic hsjsksl
Anyway, here’s pt. 2!!
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See the full post
188 notes - Posted August 5, 2022
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hotshot9 · 1 year
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I posted 8,608 times in 2022
That's 1,447 more posts than 2021!
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#for later - 144 posts
#tbobf spoilers - 88 posts
#talented vod - 68 posts
#talented friend - 59 posts
#galaxy brained friend - 49 posts
#dathomiri word of the day - 46 posts
#friend's art - 44 posts
#unreality - 30 posts
#tw unreality - 27 posts
#goncharov - 27 posts
Longest Tag: 118 characters
I sent 1 gift in 2022
My Top Posts in 2022:
"They made the Tuskens characters that are not throw away. And then they threw them away."
-my mom about tbobf ep. 3
19 notes - Posted January 15, 2022
I keep seeing posts about tbobf ep 6 saying we should give the star wars writers a chance to further develop Luke's character, that this version of Luke isn't the end goal, that they might be doing this so he can learn.
Two problems with that.
One. I have given them chances.
I gave them a chance with the Tuskens - they killed them.
I gave them a chance to compel me with whatever story they were going to tell about Boba after that - they sidelined him in his own show.
I gave them a chance to return to the story they had been telling - we got this episode full of junk characterizations instead.
Two. We know what the end goal is.
And it's the sequels.
Did you forget about those? Disney hasn't. That is their end goal Luke. And he starts here.
So, no, I'm done giving them chances. I'm watching this show solely for Temeura Morrison amd Ming-Na Wen at this point.
19 notes - Posted February 3, 2022
He shall be called Uli, in honor of a child with no name who deserved better
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23 notes - Posted January 18, 2022
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I'm so sorry, Mr. Morrison, you do not deserve the clownery you had to deal with on this show.
Star Wars, quit sidelining people of color
24 notes - Posted January 27, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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34 notes - Posted February 4, 2022
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#esc 2022 - 167 posts
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#on love - 93 posts
#black sails - 82 posts
#food - 75 posts
#art - 73 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#'mr superior thinking do you have all the space that you need? i don't have to be your shrink to know that you'll never be happy' this fucks
My Top Posts in 2022:
Black Sails is like come closer I'm just a normal TV show about pirates and then it will present you with themes and narratives that will haunt your every waking day forever
4,204 notes - Posted April 1, 2022
When you preheat the pan and then put something cold on it and it goes schhhshhshshssssssffsssxxfffff. Reblog if you agree!!!
15,786 notes - Posted July 11, 2022
Finally, a LGBTQ+ story without sex, drugs, love or fun!!! (me about my life)
18,725 notes - Posted May 10, 2022
I miss when library books used to have little paper pockets inside with a list of all the people who borrowed it and when... I hate that this is now exclusive knowledge of librarians. I do care that a miss Mariana borrowed this book in 1985 and then Dario in 1997. They're my brothers and sisters
38,340 notes - Posted November 11, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
found my old mp3 from middle school oh my GOD
42,493 notes - Posted January 31, 2022
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ubyr-babaj · 1 year
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Longest Tag: 127 characters
#i speak russian trust me all of my english swears are a diet version of ебанутый ж ты ебанавт блять going through my brain 24/7
Мои самые популярные посты в 2022:
I think another part of DID people don't mention often enough is that the mental map of the places around you becomes kind of... Fucked?
Like we have alters who have been dormant for almost twenty years and they still remember the city the way it was in 2005 and go: "Wait, what do you mean this DVD store is closed? The VHS-rental next door is gone?" and we have to go, brother in Christ, yeah. Also... Nobody owns VHS/DVD-players anymore.
316 заметок - опубликовано 30 сентября 2022 г.
Shout out to Francis Ford Coppola who read about a 19 year old girl asking to sleep in her mom's room because of nightmares and went: "Yep, this young lady is a total whore"
330 заметок - опубликовано 24 августа 2022 г.
Lucy in the book: Oh my god, Mina, I wish I could marry three dudes so that I won’t hurt anyone’s feelings! My internalized misogyny leaves me deathly afraid to establish any boundaries and think about what I actually want. I’m going to fake being ok and happy as this mysterious disease drains me so that I don’t worry my friends, my husband and my mom, all of whom I love very much!
Lucy in pop-culture:
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376 заметок - опубликовано 12 июня 2022 г.
I honestly will never be over the fact that Van Helsing, the most well-known vampire slayer, enters the narrative with the letter that's pretty much: "Ja, freund-Jack, if it wasn't for your thirsty twink ass texting me after all those years, I wouldn't even look at that dying girl, anyway, please get me a hotel room, datta boi"
455 заметок - опубликовано 2 сентября 2022 г.
Мой пост №1 в 2022
People saying Johnathan is kinda oblivious are missing the simple fact that in the start of the novel both him and his bride are like... Broke as shit.
Like he has barely started working as a lawyer and Mina is an orphan (no dowry for you, Mina) who has just started working as a teacher. 
Johnathan’s relationship with Dracula is the law equivalent of tolerating that weird dude who commissions you fucked up furry porn, keeps asking for tweaks and telling you his whole life-story, but you just can’t turn him down because your cat is sick and you really want to buy your GF some cool stuff.
2 122 заметки - опубликовано 10 мая 2022 г.
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hollyethecurious · 1 year
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#killian jones - 132 posts
#captain swan - 75 posts
#captain hook - 41 posts
#icymi - 39 posts
#curious replies - 37 posts
#911 lone star - 32 posts
#cs ff - 31 posts
#words by hollye - 31 posts
#ask game - 27 posts
Longest Tag: 92 characters
#emma enlists killian to come to a family dinner so he can take some of the heat off her from
My Top Posts in 2022:
CS AU: Pan Says... (2/?)
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Summary: After waking up in a strange room with a naked stranger, Emma and Killian must endure the twisted game their kidnapper insists they play in order to gain provisions and avoid punishments.
A/N: Sorry I took so long to update. Originally, this part was going to be much longer, incorporating several prompts that were sent to me, but I have opted to go about it differently now. In an effort to highlight each prompt (or the bits of prompts I’m fusing together for a single scene), I’m going to keep the updates focused on one or two Pan Says scenarios as well as their reward/punishment. 
I am still taking prompts, so if something comes to mind please feel free to send it in an Ask. Nothing is off limits, as I don’t really have triggers and very few things squick me out, however, I cannot guarantee every Ask will make it into an update. I’ll continue to take prompts until an end game for the fic emerges. 
Lots of love to @ultraluckycatnd​​ and @kmomof4​​ for their exceptional beta skills on this one!
Rated M & eventual E /Also available on ao3 and ff.net / buy me a coffee / add to tag list / Curious? Come Ask Me! / Part One
Prompt & Content Warnings: This prompt came from the csmm Discord - “Tell the other something you don’t like about them.” I don’t think there are any additional content warnings that apply to this part that weren’t listed for Part One, but as with every update to this fic: read at your own risk!
Part Two
“Swan, will you please come sit down?”
“I can’t. I can’t sit down. Not while you’re so calm. You should be yelling at me. Why aren’t you yelling at me?”
“I don’t want to yell at you. There’s no reason for me to yell at you.”
“No reason?” Emma shouted, rounding on him as he sat on the edge of bed, finally halting her frantic pacing. “Killian. I blew it. Failing Round One, that was all--”
“That was not your fault, Swan.”
“Yes, it was! Don’t try and make me feel better about blowing our chance to get out of here. It is my fault. I pulled you into the damn kiss.”
“Aye, you did.” He stood, the pillow still firmly in place over his groin, and Emma had to force herself to not keep glancing down at it every few seconds, focusing instead on his exasperated expression and increasingly frustrated tone. “But in your desperation to get us the fuck out of here, it seems you failed to notice my lips were halfway to meeting yours before your hand even met my shoulder!”
Taken aback, Emma’s lips parted, but he barreled on before she could respond. “That kiss was going to happen, Emma. Whether you initiated it or not, that kiss would have happened. We both fell for Pan’s tricks, and blaming ourselves or one another will do us no good. We have to keep our wits about us and focus on being constructive, because sooner or later he’ll be back to commence with Round Two and God only knows what fresh hell awaits us.”
“Oh, I wouldn’t classify what I have planned for you as hell,” Pan stated over the speakers. “In fact, I’m prepared to make you a very generous offer.”
“Save it.”
“Now now, Emma,” Pan tsked. “Let’s not be hasty.”
The sudden slide of a metal panel startled Emma, causing her to stumble back. Killian moved to stand in front of her, both of them unnerved by the sight of a now exposed window looking into the room from the outer hallway… and that which lay on the other side of it.
Two masked figures, dressed all in black, stood shoulder to shoulder facing them with long, black, pronged batons gripped in their hands.
“Meet my Lost Ones,” Pan said. “Round Two sometimes requires a bit of encouragement in order to really get going, so they’ll be doing my bidding if necessary.” A long pause echoed through the room before Pan spoke again, his tone low and applying a clear measure of threat. “I’d advise you both in making that necessity as infrequent as possible.”
The panel slid closed, hiding the window and the shadowy specters from view, and Pan’s voice was once again jovial.
“As I was saying, I am prepared to make you both a very generous offer!”
“What offer would that be?” Killian questioned through his clenched jaw, reluctantly playing along.
“Pan Says you can earn everything back if… you both spend two full minutes appreciating one another’s naked body.”
Furtive glances were exchanged, and Emma could see the slightest shake of Killian’s head, ready to refuse.
The action did not go unnoticed by Pan either. “Oh, please. Don’t act so noble. You both got your fill of each other’s backsides while taking turns in the shower, so what’s the big deal in paying equal attention to each other’s fronts?”
Emma hated that he had a point. They’d both been guilty of ogling each other in the shower, the only difference in his request was that there would be no sneaky peeks. Actually, that was not the only difference. This time, when she and Killian admired one another, it would be with the other’s full consent. Killian had already given his last night in a blanket statement, but based on the way he had his head craned upward, doing all he could to avoid looking at her at all, he would need for her to reciprocate his words if he was going to agree.
“Killian, look at me.” He shook his head, his Adam’s apple jumping and his teeth grinding in agitation. “Last night you told me I had your consent. Remember?” He nodded, but kept his gaze skyward until she took his hand and brought it up to rest against her sheet shrouded chest. “Well you have mine, too,” she told him, her eyes piercing into his, imploring him to understand why she needed him to agree. When he still seemed unsure and unwilling to relent, she quietly murmured, “Please. I don’t want to give him any reason to send those two in here. ‘Cause we both know they won’t care about our consent, only Pan’s rules.”
See the full post
66 notes - Posted January 2, 2022
CS AU: Conviction (3/?)
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Summary: The story had been front page news for months. Scandalous details of a married woman of low birth and with limited means, murdering her husband; hatcheting him to death in order to save her own life and that of her unborn child - or so she claimed. No evidence to support her allegations of abuse had been presented during the trial, but in the end, it was the fact that Mrs. Cassidy was with child that saved her from a verdict of murder in the first degree, a judgment that carried the death penalty for both men and women alike. As an act of mercy, a lesser charge was issued, one that spared her life but now made her Misthaven Penitentiary’s problem to contend with, and more specifically, the Captain of the Guard charged with keeping order within its walls.
A/N: I continue to be blown away by the response to this fic. Thank y’all so much! 
In answer to a question I received after the last chapter posted, this fic IS written entirely from Killian’s POV.
Thanks to my amazing betas, @snowbellewells and @kmomof4. Also, shout out to @sotangledupinit for the assist in defringing (there, @teamhook, is that better?) Killian for the art.
Rated T-M (for themes, mentions of abuse, murder, and attempted assault) / Available on ao3 and ff.net /  buy me a coffee / add to tag list  
Chapter One | Chapter Two
Chapter Three
As the weeks passed, the Captain of the Guard and his unusual charge settled into a familiar routine. Every night Killian would spend time outside her cell, talking with Swan about all manner of things. He would bring her books to read so they might discuss them, and she would share with him the local gossip she’d heard from Granny or one of the other ladies Elsa had recruited to keep her company during visiting hours and the morning walks he still oversaw before leaving each day.
It warmed his heart to see her cell filled with items gifted to her or crafted by her own hand with the yarn and knitting needles she’d come to master. Soft blankets, hats, and booties were overflowing the trunk Marco, the town carpenter, had made for her to hold such keepsakes. Another trunk had been approved to house the garments she’d collected through the generosity of her new friends in order to accommodate her expanding waist and keep her warm during the frigid nights as winter swiftly settled over the prison.
Nights like this one.
Killian turned up the collar of his overcoat and shivered past the drafts seeping in through every crack and crevice within the old stone prison. With a new, heavy blanket in his arms, he made his way to Swan’s cell, intending to spend a few moments with her while Officer Booth (who had replaced Robin on night watch) finished his patrol.
A few of the prisoners nodded at him as he passed, the cold making sleep difficult for them, and one or more groused under their breath at the sight of the blanket. Towards the end of the block, dirt-stained arms hung over the cross brace of the barred door, and one of their newest inmates, Will Scarlet, gave Killian a look bordering on insubordinate as he cheeked, “Something to help keep the missus warm, Captain?”
Killian ignored the man’s question, pausing before his cell only to issue him an order to get back in bed.
“It’s just…” Scarlet continued with a tone of ribbing. “I think someone’s beat you to it.”
Killian’s brow arched up his forehead. Before he asked the thief what he meant by that statement, the soft sound of Swan’s hushed laughter perked his ears. Setting off, he rounded the corner and found Booth standing outside her cell, a bright smile stretching over his usually wooden features as he passed a thick quilt through the bars.
“Officer Booth,” Killian barked, causing the man to balk and snap to attention. “Have you finished patrol?”
“No, Captain,” the man answered.
“Then I suggest you get back to it before I write you up for dereliction of your duty.”
Booth gave his captain a stiff nod, his eyes flicking back towards the cell as if unsure whether he could risk saying anything more to the woman inside. Resolving it wasn’t a risk he was willing to take, Booth made his way past Killian and back to the cell block to continue his patrol. Killian’s flickering jaw muscle practically chased him as he went.
“He was only checking on me,” Swan said, her face pressed between the bars with a look of alarm pinching at her features. “Officer Booth has always been kind, he’s never done or said anything improper. He’s--”
“I know, Swan,” Killian assured her as he closed the distance between them. “I know August is a good man with no… untoward intentions. But he does have duties, and he’s new to the night shift. Many of the men think standards can be lowered during the night because the inmates are asleep, when really it’s the time to be as vigilant as possible.”
Swan nodded, chewing on both her lip and his words before her eyes fell to the blanket in his arms. An amused sound huffed from her chest. “Is that for me?”
“Aye,” Killian replied. A swell of heat rose up the back of his neck, prickling behind his ear until he reached up to paw at it. “I thought you might need an additional blanket to help keep you warm, but it seems Officer Booth has already seen to that comfort.”
His eyes flicked down to the quilt tucked beneath her arm, then back up to her face, which was covered with an expression of affection. Normally, he would have been pleased to see such an appearance, yet for some reason he found himself rather perturbed by the sight of it.
“He isn’t the only one,” she told him, turning to the side and gesturing to a stack of quilts, afghans, and other spreads teetering upon one of her trunks. “Every visitor I’ve had this week has seen fit to bring me at least one.”
The irritation that had flared within his chest subsided when he realized her temperament was because of all the care and kindness she’d received from the community at large and not just from a single, particular source. He also resolutely refused to examine that initial annoyance any further, choosing instead to focus on the issue he could see swirling within the depths of her green eyes as she vacillated over giving it voice.
“What is it, Swan?”
“I know it’s probably against regulations, seeing as there aren’t enough for everyone, but…” Her eyes turned pleading as she gazed up at him, and Killian knew no matter what her request might be, he was unlikely to refuse her. “I have more than enough to keep me comfortable while others must spend the long nights absolutely freezing. Would it… would it be possible to have these extra blankets dispensed to other inmates? Perhaps the older, frailer ones?”
Killian stared down at her, stunned. It really shouldn’t have surprised him that she would be willing to share her excess with others she felt were more in need, but such mindsets were not at all commonplace within the hardened walls of a prison, or among equally hardened prisoners.
See the full post
66 notes - Posted April 24, 2022
CS AU: Conviction (5/?)
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Summary: The story had been front page news for months. Scandalous details of a married woman of low birth and with limited means, murdering her husband; hatcheting him to death in order to save her own life and that of her unborn child - or so she claimed. No evidence to support her allegations of abuse had been presented during the trial, but in the end, it was the fact that Mrs. Cassidy was with child that saved her from a verdict of murder in the first degree, a judgment that carried the death penalty for both men and women alike. As an act of mercy, a lesser charge was issued, one that spared her life but now made her Misthaven Penitentiary’s problem to contend with, and more specifically, the Captain of the Guard charged with keeping order within its walls.
A/N:  My apologies for not updating last week. While I am determined to maintain a regular, weekly schedule, I'm afraid I've fallen behind on my wiring, and therefore I can't guarantee there won't be more skipped weeks. Now that my homeschool semester is over, I'm hoping to get more writing time so I can catch back up. I just ask that y'all be patient with me.
Thank you for all the lovely comments! I treasure them, and am so thrilled y'all seem to love this story as much as I do! Also, thanks to my amazing betas, @snowbellewells and @kmomof4. Also, shout out to @sotangledupinit for the assist in defringing Killian for the art.
Rated T-M (for themes, mentions of abuse, murder, and attempted assault) / Available on ao3 and ff.net /  buy me a coffee / add to tag list  
Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four
Chapter Five 
Snow swirled and the frigid air burned in Killian’s lungs. The scent of pine danced in his sinuses and tickled his tongue, the aroma of the season stirring those feelings of good tidings even though there had been no great joy in his days for the past few weeks.
Actually, that wasn’t completely true. Despite the rift between himself and his brother - a chasm that had only grown wider since his brother’s decree, forcing Killian from Swan’s presence and the pleasure of her company, while removing any comfort his might have given her - there had been moments of elation and gratitude to help lighten the otherwise gloomy December days.
Elsa had wasted no time in acquiring the services of a few masons and the blacksmith, converting the old offices along the upper level of the officer’s wing into a much larger cell for Swan and her swiftly approaching arrival. The men had offered their time and materials, free of charge, and word had spread regarding the prison’s forthcoming addition, spurring the townsfolk into actions of charity, not only for Miss Swan, but the entire prison as well.
The soft crunch of compacted snow, mixed with the shuffle of freshly fallen flakes echoed beneath Killian’s boots as he made his way up the long drive towards the prison. He stopped for a moment, adjusting the bulky item in his arms so he could tighten his scarf, a slight shiver traveling down his spine when the winter breeze whispered across the thin layer of perspiration dampening his skin from the exertion of carrying the object from town. A ring of faint laughter tinkled through the air, and Killian knew the carolers he’d passed in the village must be making their way to the prison.
He remembered lamenting many months ago about how they were to make it through the winter without the assistance of the convent. He never would have imagined the outpouring of care, kindness, and compassion they had received from the town’s residents, from necessities like foodstuffs and fuels, to the indulgence of new clothing for the prisoners and a collection for the officers’ uniforms, as well as decorations and community visits to help lift the population’s spirits. Killian could not remember a more festive or exhilarating Christmas season in all his years, and though Elsa had certainly had her hand in making it happen, Killian knew the true prompting that had brought the whole town together to rally around Misthaven Penitentiary was Emma.
A cloud of vapor briefly hung in the air from where Killian had exhaled heavily. Emma. His Swan. Not a day had gone by that he had not thought of her, and not simply because the work being done on her new cell was happening, quite literally, before his very eyes day after day. He’d timed his arrival during those first few shifts he’d reported for duty with when she’d usually be out on her walks, so he would at least have the opportunity to see her, perhaps even speak with her. However, his brother had accounted for such an action and had issued new orders regarding her yard time. Now that they were back to full staff, they no longer had to depend on the off-duty night shift to perform the task, so she was worked into the day rotation schedule, usually escorted from her cell when Killian was in the training room with one of the new recruits.
The sound of his boot falls interrupted the quiet once more as he trod up the path towards the prison gate. Two of the recruits were milling about in the yard, most likely awaiting the arrival of the carolers. They snapped to attention as soon as they spotted him, one moving quickly to open the door for their captain, whose arms were still laden with an object he hoped to deliver before the visitors’ arrival.
It was a yearly tradition, the carolers beginning their Christmas Eve serenade at the prison before moving through town and finishing at the church for the Silent Night Service. They would spend some time visiting with the prisoners first, encouraging them with conversation and perhaps a small, gifted token, like a piece of peppermint or some other candy, to commemorate the holiday, then sing a few carols before moving on. Killian had always enjoyed the Christmas Eve caroling and the festivities it brought with it, the guards finding ways to make their own merriment as those off-duty joined the on-duty shift for a celebratory toast after the carolers departed, but this year… The rift between him and Liam would most likely sour whatever toast their warden made, and the only person with whom he wished to share Christmas he was forbidden from seeing.
That hadn’t stopped him from bringing her a gift, though.
Depositing the item in his office, Killian straightened his appearance, smoothing down his hair, which had become tussled by the winter wind, and took in a steadying breath as dread gnawed his gut. Never before had he been anxious to face his brother, not to this degree at least, and he wondered if the damage both their words and actions had caused to their relationship would be permanent. In addition to keeping his distance from Swan, as ordered, Killian had done all he could to avoid Liam these past few weeks, dispatching another officer to meet with the warden in his stead and begging off all of Elsa’s invitations to share dinner with them now he had his evenings free. When the rare moment occurred that he had to report to the warden’s office himself, he had been overly formal and guarded with a rapport of extreme professionalism, a conduct Liam had reciprocated in kind.
It had not escaped Killian’s notice that the officers walked on eggshells around them both, nor could he deny the strain it was starting to have on Elsa, who desperately tried to get the two brothers together so they might discuss the matter rather than allow it to continue to fester. Killian would be lying if he said the glimmer of tears in her eyes when he’d turned down the offer to spend Christmas with them hadn’t made his heart twist painfully in his chest, but he knew he’d only bring the celebration down with his sullenness, and he wasn’t about to make her sister or her sister’s family uncomfortable with the added tension his presence would bring.
Besides… Swan was supposed to be moved into her new cell Christmas morning, and Killian wanted to be there, even if he couldn’t share the occasion by her side or give her the gift he’d worked on with Marco himself.
Exiting his office, he glanced across the corridor as he passed the new cell and paused. Philip and Thomas - two of the newest recruits and set to make officer after the first of the year - were bustling around the space, depositing firewood into the nook beside the hearth and positioning the new furnishings into place, readying the cell for its new inhabitant. A copper tub sat in the corner, partially hidden behind a partition that would provide her privacy when she bathed, the fireplace allowing her not only warmth, but the ability to heat water without the assistance of the guards. A rocking chair faced the hearth, a fresh mattress was laid out upon the suspended frame on the opposite wall, and a wardrobe filled the opposite corner, ready for Swan’s and her baby's belongings to be transferred from the trunks they’d been packed in for months. A smile lifted the corners of his mouth, a moment of gladdened contentment pushing past the longing that had been hollowing out his chest cavity day by day.
“Do you need something, Captain?”
The question brought Killian back to his purpose. “No. Thank you, Thomas. Carry on.”
Leaving the recruits to finish their work, Killian turned and fortified himself before raising his hand to knock on the warden’s door. Dutifully, he waited until he heard his brother bid entrance.
“Killian?” Liam said, standing from his chair with a perplexed yet tentatively relieved expression. His hair was as unruly as Killian’s, but where the wind had been responsible for the younger Jones’ appearance, it seemed the chaotic nature of Liam’s hair had been caused by his fingers continuously running through the curly strands. “I was not sure you’d return for the festivities when Erik informed me you’d already left for the day.”
Killian lifted his chin, his hands tucked behind his back with his posture board straight as he addressed his warden. “I had an errand to run in town, sir.”
“I see,” Liam commented, wincing a bit at the curt edge of Killian’s formal tone. Making his way around the desk, Liam paused when he reached the front edge, wringing his hands for a moment before letting them fall to his sides. “I was sorry to hear you refused our invitation for Christmas,” he said. “And not because it means I must endure Elsa’s sister and brother-in-law without the aid of my li...er, younger brother.”
Killian’s brows twitched, nearly pinching together in disbelief at the correction. Was his brother attempting to make amends? It wasn’t like Liam to concede, to ever admit he might be wrong, and if it was his intention to make things right then it surely had to have been prompted by Elsa.
“I offered to take the Christmas shift so Thomas could spend the holiday with his wife. I felt the other recruits deserved to spend the day with their lady loves as well.”
“And the fact Mrs. Cassidy is moving to the cell across the hall tomorrow morning had no bearing on such an offer, I’m sure.”
Killian stiffened further, his posture becoming more rigid as he geared up for another row with his brother, but the spark of anger Liam’s quip had ignited was quickly snuffed out with his brother’s next words.
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69 notes - Posted May 15, 2022
WIP Wednesday: New CS AU Sneak Peek
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Summary: The story had been front page news for months. Scandalous details of a married woman of low birth and with limited means, murdering her husband; hatcheting him to death in order to save her own life and that of her unborn child - or so she claimed. No evidence to support her allegations of abuse had been presented during the trial, but in the end, it was the fact that Mrs. Cassidy was with child that saved her from a verdict of murder in the first degree, a judgment that carried the death penalty for both men and women alike. As an act of mercy, a lesser charge was issued, one that spared her life but now made her Misthaven Penitentiary's problem to contend with, and more specifically, the Captain of the Guard charged with keeping order within its walls.
A/N: This fic was inspired by the true account of Martha Casto who was incarcerated in the Missouri State Penitentiary in 1843 for manslaughter. I first heard her story on an episode of Who Do You Think You Are, featuring the lineage of actress Cynthia Nixon. While I have taken some details of Martha’s crime and sentencing to weave into the story, mine will not be a retelling of the accounts of her time in prison. Also, while I am setting this fic in the same time period as the inspiration (mid-1800s), I will be taking some historical liberties.
Thanks to my amazing betas, @snowbellewells​ and @kmomof4​. Also, shout out to @sotangledupinit​ for the assist in debanging (don’t make it dirty, people) Killian for the art.
Rated T-M (for themes, mentions of abuse, murder, and attempted assault) / updating weekly on Sundays /  buy me a coffee / add to tag list  / Curious? Come Ask Me!
Sneak Peek from Chapter One:
“Mrs. Cassidy, I am Liam Jones, Warden here at Misthaven Penitentiary, and this is my Captain of the Guard, Killian Jones.”
Killian gave the woman a curt nod and tried to focus his attention on the words Liam was speaking. Not that he really needed to. It was the same speech he gave to every other inmate who passed through their doors. Albeit, no other inmate had ever had the privilege of receiving these remarks within the warden’s own office. A change in protocol that further iterated how remarkable a situation they all faced.
Remarkable. Yes. Such a designation seemed apt as Killian took in the woman before him. He was not sure what he had expected of Mrs. Cassidy, but the thin-framed young woman before him certainly was not it. She couldn’t have been more than twenty years old, and only reached his chin. Though she had to be petrified of what lay ahead, her countenance betrayed none of her trepidations. Standing stiff-backed with her head held high, she struck Killian as a tough lass. Tough and bloody beautiful to boot.
His job just got a whole lot harder.
A small grimace passed over her features when she turned back towards the door, having been dismissed by the warden and ready to be led to her cell. Her delicate hands clenched and released, the red welts from the shackles clasped around her wrists stood out in stark contrast to her pale skin. Killian ground his teeth together, a response he’d involuntarily given into a number of times since seeing her disembark from the prison wagon with chains binding her wrists and ankles. It was standard procedure when transporting prisoners, but Killian could barely stomach the sight of those restraints on a woman, regardless of her crime.
Escorted by his fellow guardsman, Robin, Killian marched his prisoner along the corridor towards the catwalk that allowed them to cross over to the other side of the upper level. While passing the manned cells, Killian did his best to shield Mrs. Cassidy from the other prisoners’ view, but it didn’t stop a few taunts and lewd comments thrown her way by one of the more hardened inmates. Pulling his baton from where it rested at his hip, Killian slammed it against the bars as a warning.
“You’d best hold your tongue, before I remove it,” Killian said in a hushed, menacing tone that matched the look he stared the man down with until the perpetrator backed away.
Out of instinct, Killian reached out to grasp the woman’s arm in order to prompt her forward, but retracted his hand when he saw her flinch. He had to bite down on his tongue to keep from apologizing, reminding himself she was just another prisoner and had to be treated as such in order to maintain the necessary balance required for order and discipline within the prison.
They made their way across the catwalk, down the opposite side, and around the corner to her cell without further incident. Robin unlocked the cell door, swinging it wide, while Killian knelt down to remove the shackles around her ankles. The length and layers of her skirts made it difficult to locate the keyhole on the first side, until they suddenly hitched up, revealing her boots and metal irons surrounding them. Killian flicked his eyes up to see Mrs. Cassidy had bunched the fabric up in her hands in order to make the work easier for him, and he was once again tempted to break protocol, swallowing back the thank you that threatened to slip out.
Once her leg irons were removed and handed off to Robin, Killian gestured her inside the cell and closed the door behind her with a loud, jarring clang, causing her to flinch once more.
“Hands,” he ordered. His tone was a bit harsher than he meant it to be, so he was thankful when she slipped her hands between the bars without hesitation.
Like the shackles at her ankles, Killian made quick work of the restraints around her wrists. Anger flared within him at the sight of the red, raw skin revealed beneath the heavy metal, and this time he could not hold back the apology slipping past his lips when a hiss escaped her from the fresh air stinging the open wounds.
“I will have a salve brought to you that will help with those,” Killian told her, passing the wrist restraints off to Robin, who nodded his understanding of the implied order before heading back towards the officers’ station.
“That isn’t necessary,” the woman replied, gingerly rubbing the skin surrounding the welts and sores.
“It’s standard procedure,” Killian informed her, lest she think he was offering her special treatment. “As the warden mentioned, meals will be brought up for you to eat in your cell. Your dinner should arrive within the hour. Have you any questions, Mrs. Cassidy?”
“Emma,” she replied sharply.
“I beg your pardon?”
She sighed and set her features with a firm resolve. “I do not wish to be addressed as Mrs. Cassidy. Please, call me Emma.”
“I am afraid that will not be possible,” Killian told her, attempting to keep the sympathy out of his voice. “My brother feels such familiarity would be inappropriate.”
“Your brother?”
Killian bit back a curse at the carelessness of his words. “I meant, the warden,” he corrected.
“Right,” she nodded. “Jones. I should have realized the connection.” Robin returned and handed the jar of salve and a square of clean linen to her through the bars, which she accepted with a timid thank you. “How should I address you and the other guards if I have need?”
“You may address the guards as Officer, or include that title with their surname.” Killian gestured to Robin. “For instance, this is Officer Locksley.”
Robin offered her a polite nod which she returned before flicking her gaze back to Killian. “And you?”
See the full post
80 notes - Posted April 6, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
CS AU: Conviction (1/?)
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Summary: The story had been front page news for months. Scandalous details of a married woman of low birth and with limited means, murdering her husband; hatcheting him to death in order to save her own life and that of her unborn child - or so she claimed. No evidence to support her allegations of abuse had been presented during the trial, but in the end, it was the fact that Mrs. Cassidy was with child that saved her from a verdict of murder in the first degree, a judgment that carried the death penalty for both men and women alike. As an act of mercy, a lesser charge was issued, one that spared her life but now made her Misthaven Penitentiary’s problem to contend with, and more specifically, the Captain of the Guard charged with keeping order within its walls.
A/N: This fic was inspired by the true account of Martha Casto who was incarcerated in the Missouri State Penitentiary in 1843 for manslaughter. I first heard her story on an episode of Who Do You Think You Are, featuring the lineage of actress Cynthia Nixon. While I have taken some details of Martha’s crime and sentencing to weave into the story, mine will not be a retelling of the accounts of her time in prison. Also, while I am setting this fic in the same time period as the inspiration (mid-1800s), I will be taking some historical liberties.
Thanks to my amazing betas, @snowbellewells​ and @kmomof4​. Also, shout out to @sotangledupinit​ for the assist in debanging (don’t make it dirty, people) Killian for the art.
Rated T-M (for themes, mentions of abuse, murder, and attempted assault) / Available on ao3 and ff.net /  buy me a coffee / add to tag list  
Chapter One 
“You cannot be bloody serious.” Killian’s eyes jumped from the order in his hands to his brother’s face. “They’re sending her here?”
“This is the only prison within Misthaven County,” Liam reminded him, seemingly unperturbed by the proclamation that a woman, who had just been found guilty of manslaughter and sentenced to serve five years for the crime against her husband, would be housed within the stone walls he was charged with overseeing as warden.
Killian shook his head and tossed the missive onto the imposing mahogany desk in front of him. “This is madness,” he said, running a hand through his hair while trying to grapple with the logistical nightmare the magistrate had set upon them. “Her presence will cause chaos among the other prisoners, to say nothing of how she will affect the guards.”
“I see no reason why her incarceration here should cause such disastrous waves of which you seem concerned.”
Killian stared slack jawed at his brother, who had resumed his seat and began scratching quill to parchment. “Brother,” Killian began with an incredulous tone once he again found his voice, “We are not equipped to see to the needs of a woman here, especially one who is with child.”
“We will see to her needs as we do the men under our supervision. However,” Liam held up his hand to stay his brother’s protest, “I recognize that a few concessions will be necessary in order to ensure her safety and well-being whilst she is here.” Setting the ink he had just finished applying to the page, Liam stood and handed the paper to Killian. “As Captain of the Guard, I entrust these added measures into your authority. See to it the other guards are aware of my instructions and that they are upheld.”
Killian grit his teeth, but held his tongue. He knew a dismissal when it was issued, and though Liam was his older brother, he was also the prison warden and Killian’s superior. Positions Killian respected, even if he did think his brother was being purposefully obtuse about the reality of the circumstance about to befall them.
Upon exiting his brother’s office and returning to his own, Killian settled himself in his desk chair and read over the principles by which Liam would have them all handle the presence of Mrs. Cassidy. Pinching the bridge of his nose, Killian released a long sigh before glancing out the window that looked across the open corridor to the upper level cells that stood adjacent to the officers’ wing. From where he sat, Killian had a clear view around the corner to the secluded stretch where lay the cell Liam had determined would house the infamous ax-murderess.
The story had been front page news for months. Scandalous details of a married woman of low birth and limited means murdering her husband; hatcheting him to death in order to save her own life and that of her unborn child - or so she claimed. No evidence to support her allegations of abuse had been presented during the trial when neighbors and members of the man’s family had come forward with their testimonies of character, painting the victim in portraits of virtue while his wife was further vilified. In the end, it was the fact that Mrs. Cassidy was with child that had saved her from a verdict of murder in the first degree, a judgment that carried the death penalty for men and women alike. As an act of mercy, a lesser charge was issued, one that spared her life but now made her Killian's problem to contend with.
And she would most certainly be a problem.
Keeping order within the prison was a challenge on the best of days. They were woefully underfunded and understaffed. Though not as deplorable in condition as other prisons Killian had seen, Misthaven Penitentiary had always relied on the charity of the local convent to see them through hard times. With its closing earlier in the year, and the nuns dispersed to other parishes, Killian was not sure how they would fare in the upcoming winter. To say nothing of how they’d fare having an inmate of the fairer sex within their midst.
A scoff of scorn erupted from the back of Killian’s throat when he read back over his brother’s edict. No man shall enter Mrs. Cassidy’s cell for any reason, lest it be a matter of life or death. Liam was a damn fool if he thought such a decree would dissuade some of the more… unsavory members of their guard from the temptation the woman would present, and it would be left to Killian to maintain order and discipline, not just from the sentenced population, but from his own men. A task he was not relishing in the slightest. Nor was he overjoyed by his brother’s commands that essentially made him her own personal jailor, a notion which left him with a sour taste in his mouth and equally unpleasant sensation in his gut.
Checking the time on his pocket watch, Killian stood and made himself presentable for the shift change. Liam would be addressing the whole of their guard staff, informing them of the impending arrival of Mrs. Cassidy, as well as a dozen or so other new inmates to follow, which meant longer shifts would be required in order to make the necessary preparations. Killian’s hopes of spending some time along the coast while the autumn weather was still agreeable were well and truly snuffed out, much like the desk candle he extinguished before leaving his office.
“Mrs. Cassidy, I am Liam Jones, Warden here at Misthaven Penitentiary, and this is my Captain of the Guard, Killian Jones.”
Killian gave the woman a curt nod and tried to focus his attention on the words Liam was speaking. Not that he really needed to. It was the same speech he gave to every other inmate who passed through their doors. Albeit, no other inmate had ever had the privilege of receiving these remarks within the warden’s own office. A change in protocol that further iterated how remarkable a situation they all faced.
Remarkable. Yes. Such a designation seemed apt as Killian took in the woman before him. He was not sure what he had expected of Mrs. Cassidy, but the thin-framed young woman before him certainly was not it. She couldn’t have been more than twenty years old, and only reached his chin. Though she had to be petrified of what lay ahead, her countenance betrayed none of her trepidations. Standing stiff-backed with her head held high, she struck Killian as a tough lass. Tough and bloody beautiful to boot.
His job just got a whole lot harder.
A small grimace passed over her features when she turned back towards the door, having been dismissed by the warden and ready to be led to her cell. Her delicate hands clenched and released, the red welts from the shackles clasped around her wrists stood out in stark contrast to her pale skin. Killian ground his teeth together, a response he’d involuntarily given into a number of times since seeing her disembark from the prison wagon with chains binding her wrists and ankles. It was standard procedure when transporting prisoners, but Killian could barely stomach the sight of those restraints on a woman, regardless of her crime.
Escorted by his fellow guardsman, Robin, Killian marched his prisoner along the corridor towards the catwalk that allowed them to cross over to the other side of the upper level. While passing the manned cells, Killian did his best to shield Mrs. Cassidy from the other prisoners’ view, but it didn’t stop a few taunts and lewd comments thrown her way by one of the more hardened inmates. Pulling his baton from where it rested at his hip, Killian slammed it against the bars as a warning.
“You’d best hold your tongue, before I remove it,” Killian said in a hushed, menacing tone that matched the look he stared the man down with until the perpetrator backed away.
Out of instinct, Killian reached out to grasp the woman’s arm in order to prompt her forward, but retracted his hand when he saw her flinch. He had to bite down on his tongue to keep from apologizing, reminding himself she was just another prisoner and had to be treated as such in order to maintain the necessary balance required for order and discipline within the prison.
They made their way across the catwalk, down the opposite side, and around the corner to her cell without further incident. Robin unlocked the cell door, swinging it wide, while Killian knelt down to remove the shackles around her ankles. The length and layers of her skirts made it difficult to locate the keyhole on the first side, until they suddenly hitched up, revealing her boots and metal irons surrounding them. Killian flicked his eyes up to see Mrs. Cassidy had bunched the fabric up in her hands in order to make the work easier for him, and he was once again tempted to break protocol, swallowing back the thank you that threatened to slip out.
Once her leg irons were removed and handed off to Robin, Killian gestured her inside the cell and closed the door behind her with a loud, jarring clang, causing her to flinch once more.
See the full post
85 notes - Posted April 10, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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landlessbud · 1 year
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I posted 3,625 times in 2022
That's 979 more posts than 2021!
78 posts created (2%)
3,547 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 560 of my posts in 2022
#miss twinkleton's seminary for young ladies - 75 posts
#oh… - 25 posts
#newsies - 22 posts
#oh my god - 19 posts
#les mis - 18 posts
#goncharov - 16 posts
#unreality - 15 posts
#bud's study abroad tag - 14 posts
#prev tags - 13 posts
#kath you absolute icon - 12 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#also possible synergy update soon... usually updates are correlated with academic pressure i'm under and hoo boy is there a lot of that rn
My Top Posts in 2022:
all of tiktok needs a ticket to the theater and to touch grass
6 notes - Posted January 31, 2022
what the fuck is up with the new dash thing where you click on someone's blog
7 notes - Posted March 3, 2022
get to know me game
rules: answer the questions and tag a few people you want to get to know better
tagged by @shamedumpster - tysm!!
Favorite Color: oorgh uh. maroon and hunter green
Currently Reading: I guess technically some Latin novellas and also have been intermittently reading Circe by Madeline Miller. also i reread Red, White, and Royal Blue twice in the past week.
Last Song: ABC Cafe/Red and Black from the 2010 les mis live album
Last Series: uhhhhhhh. if like. the stuff on dropout counts, i watched the latest episode of make some noise with my roommate last night. if not, i think bridgerton? which i watched while studying abroad
Last Movie: embarrassingly, c*nderella (2021). not worth it. i have many regrets
Sweet/Savory/Spicy: savory
Currently Working On: wrapping up my internship, theoretically writing for exr games, self-teaching a year's worth of latin by the end of the summer, synergy chapter 3 (~1400 words of it exist!!! i swear!)
uhh tagging @thefactsofthematter, @swarmkeepers, and @livingchancy, though absolutely no pressure to do this haha
7 notes - Posted August 24, 2022
It Is My Birthday
10 notes - Posted March 9, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
RIP 2016-17 broadway season. you were really something else
65 notes - Posted October 3, 2022
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sukipershipper · 1 year
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I posted 2,691 times in 2022
273 posts created (10%)
2,418 posts reblogged (90%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,625 of my posts in 2022
Only 40% of my posts had no tags
#punch out - 233 posts
#punch out wii - 196 posts
#punch out!! - 191 posts
#punchout - 182 posts
#punch out oc - 88 posts
#bear hugger - 75 posts
#piston hondo - 44 posts
#don flamenco - 40 posts
#great tiger - 33 posts
#glass joe - 32 posts
Longest Tag: 131 characters
#and btw 1 true love sounds like tell me its real by kc and jojo a little bit and im not sure how to feel but i still really like it
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Happy Pride Month!!
Even in these times I think it's still important to try and be kind to each other this year, so let's try our best and be kind to one another.
Stay safe and have a wonderful pride month this 2022
Kia Kaha!
71 notes - Posted June 1, 2022
Dumb Punch Out!! Headcanons I have
Aran knows all the types of Sailor knots you can know
Hondo 100% is a secret arsonist and has a lighter on standby for when he snaps
Macho isn't lying about his age, this fuck just likes to look like an old silver fox
On this note (stealing this from a friend heheheh) he has Latino blood in him too, though only Piston Hurricane knows this
Hugger is a Vet, he works with a few others in a small clinic in Salmon Arm
His bear Maple follows him everywhere, except inside anyone else's house. She only feels comfortable in Huggers house.
Aran also knows many shanties. His favourite is Randy Dandy Oh
Hondo owns and runs a small steakhouse in Japan. He doesn't stay there the time because he's got matches but he is there enough to be a very friendly and positive face.
Disco helps to write songs for his soul singer sister, Tillie.
Joe is a fashion snob. You wear twead I'm front of him he's gonna chew you out for a solid 2 hours
He can only bake and cook pastries and bread
Hippo is implied to have connections to Rarotonga, but it's a very vague implication. No one really knows what his DIRECT connection to the islands is but it's there
He can play Rugby and Rugbt league
He can also Sasa cause fuck you I said he can
73 notes - Posted May 29, 2022
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This meme template was bestowed upon out discord server...I knew what I had to do
(Original Meme Template by @torakubi on twitter)
110 notes - Posted April 13, 2022
Mind: OK I promise no more buff men
Thank you Mind
Mind: Now how about a nice cow woman?
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161 notes - Posted July 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Soooo....we gon talk about this or no??
364 notes - Posted January 19, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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