xe-company · 1 year
“If you don’t eat the crust of pizza slices, we’re not friends.”
A joke between her and a few of the CARATS who’ve told her they don’t eat the crust of pizza once during a fansign. She’s even said this to other idols and members of SEVENTEEN. One of her quotes that have become more of a meme or is mostly associated with her. Doesn’t mind it, fully backs her statement. 
“Step up or get stepped on.”
A joke between her and the members of SEVENTEEN from various dance practices & is also a low blow to people who don’t put in a lot effort in their comebacks and then complain about not getting attention, awards, or praises. She hates people complaining about not getting certain things if they don’t try hard enough. Another quote that gets highly meme’d from her. 
CARATS favorite person in awkward situations. When there’s nothing to say she’ll just say this. Oddly referenced a lot. Is often a TIKTOK audio with some ship edits. she really doesn’t get it tbh. First hand embarrassment she feels when people bring it up. everytime. She can’t help it, she’s just naturally awkward around people she admired or doesn’t know well enough.
“I am going to sing into my 60s and 70s and 80s, if I can.”
CARATS love a dedicated queen. She loves her job and will continue to do it till she can’t anymore. First said on a variety show but she has also stated it multiple times during vlives and speeches. Was also once a caption on an Instagram post. She’s v passionate about her job and hobbies.
 “I always tell my fans that I miss them and love them.”
Any chance she gets she will express her gratitude and love for CARATS as they’ve been extremely supportive of her through thick and thin. Screams her love and praise to them at concerts and fansigns. Makes sure that there is no CARAT that feels unloved or self-conscious about themselves. 
“I've been through a lot of throwing myself away, and finding my way back. Making myself who I wasn't, then finding me back.”
It isn’t very often she is allowed to be open and emotional with CARATS. They love how raw she gets and how well she articulates her experiences and emotions in a way to help other people who may be going through the same thing. This quote originated in a documentary that she and the boys made. Tried not to cry when she first said it. she’s v emotional. 
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peachesofteal · 1 month
Through Me (The Flood) - secret baby trope Simon Riley / female reader
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You’re startled.
He can tell just by the way your eyes pinch at the corners, your shoulders high and tight beneath your ears. You’re flustered, you’re stressed, rubbing small circles on the baby’s back, playing with the hem of the their hat.
Your discomfort, the unease radiating from your frame, combined with the saw blade currently buzzing through his brain, nearly makes him dizzy.
Still, even in this moment, you leave him breathless. He feels the same itch, the same swell of emotion as he looks at you, drinking every single detail in like a starved man.
He tries, and tries to make the connection.
I didn’t know how to contact you.
What does that mean?
It feels monumental, feels like there’s a black hole opening in his stomach, sucking his heart out into the universe to be obliterated.
It’s just there on the cusp, teetering on the edge.
I didn’t know how to contact you.
“I’m uh,” the baby’s tiny arm flings out a little fist towards your chest, and slide your finger into their grip, smoothing your thumb across, what he imagines, is very soft skin. “Do you have a minute?”
He nods wordlessly.
The cafe is quiet.
Simon can’t see the baby’s face. They have your complexion, your hair… but he doesn’t know what they look like. Not really. He doesn’t even know if they’re a boy or a girl.
He doesn’t know anything, and inside this out of control situation, he yearns for it. The plan. The knowledge, the ability to plot and counter plot the next move.
This… instability, this lingering question in the air-
fills him with fear.
An earl grey sits in front of you, spiraled steam curling in the air across the table, where you’re rocking a little bit, side to side, swaying like a sailor.
You worry your lip between your teeth. "I know this is kind of... a shock." He blinks. "I tried to find you, I scoured social media, I went back to the to the pub and asked if anyone knew you, I had them look through all their credit receipts from that night, but... everything was a dead end. It was like you were a ghost." His lips twitch.
"Why?" He thinks he knows, thinks he understands now, but he needs to hear you say it, needs to watch your lips form the words. You stare down at the table before taking a long, deep breath, placing your hand protectively against the back of the baby's head.
"This is your son, Simon."
And there it is.
He's a dad. There's a tiny life, a tiny piece of him, in this world now.
He's a father. A father, to a son, just like his brother was. A father, to a son, like his own father was, and his father before that. A vicious, endless cycle. One his brother vowed to break, and did.
One that terrifies Simon now.
The first words out of his mouth are unintentional, and cruel. "Are you sure?" He winces as soon as it splays out in the silence, and you wilt into a shade of embarrassment.
"I uh, yeah. I'm sure. The pill isn't foolproof and we weren't exactly... careful. I... um... there's no one else." You grimace, averting your eyes, and his stomach clenches.
"I didn't mean-"
"It's fine." You wave it off, keeping him at arms length. You keep your gaze down, and he curses himself. Making a mess of it already.
He's very good at compartmentalizing. It comes with the job, always has, but in this moment, he's struggling to stopgap the flow of consciousness that seems to be melding together by the minute. Worry, panic, fear all roar at the forefront, but beneath them, buried by mountains of darkness- shines something unexpected.
Happiness. Hope.
A baby.
Something possessive thrums inside him, beats in the veins of his heart. It's reverent, identical to way he felt the first night he met you, the night the two of you made him. Together.
You had his baby. You did. The girl who was everything. The sweet girl who took him like you were made for him.
No matter what happens, no matter where you go, he'll always be the man who gave you a baby. Who gave you his son.
It's sick, how pleased he feels. How satisfied. Something long buried in the genetics of human beings, now rearing its head inside his own.
You were everything, and now- you always will be.
His throat is suddenly very tight, nose stinging with effort to allay his emotions. "What's his name?"
"Orion." You smile, timidly, but tears shine in your eyes. "I really like stars. I used to tell him all about the constellations when I was pregnant. I call him Ry for short." Orion.
"I like it." He tells you gently, and you smile again, more confident.
"I'm glad." He studies you. You're beautiful, possibly even more so now, but there's a thread of exhaustion pulling across your face, like you haven't slept in a year.
A new realization settles in his bones like a chill, and his stomach pitches. He thinks he might sick.
You said there's been no one else, so you've been alone? Did you do this on your own? Do you have family, friends? Anyone to help you?
He's no fool. He watched Beth go through it all, struggle through it all, even when she had support.
And he was the asshole that walked out of your life that morning, not caring for the consequences. Not caring for you.
He missed it. He missed all of it.
"I'm sorry I left that morning without... saying anything. I'm sorry I wasn't here. I'd take it back if I could." Your lips part in surprise, and then you nod.
"I- thank you." The baby fusses, tiny cry sounding from your chest, and you fidget with the carrier, pulling him free. "Do you want to hold him?"
Orion fits against his chest perfectly. It's like he was always meant to be there, nestled on top of his forearm, staring up at his dad. Simon is painfully and hyper aware of the little activity in the cafe, the people coming and going, but it does nothing to stop the tears that wet his cheeks.
"You're a natural." You whisper from your new seat next to him, hand smoothing over the back of the baby's head. "I knew he had your eyes, I remembered them so clearly. When he was born, it felt like I was looking into them all over again."
There are a million things he needs to say, to explain, and a million questions he needs to ask. Already the clock is ticking down to the time that he'll need to report on base. Already, the curtain is closing on this tiny piece of heaven he's found himself inside. He needs to tell you, have a frank conversation with you about his job, his life, everything.
But when he looks down at Orion, slowly falling asleep in his arms, and then looks up at you, he decides everything can wait.
The world looks different now, and he's never been more grateful-
and terrified.
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More chaotic Nimona headcanons
Whenever Ambrosius and Nimona want to mess with Bal they do a poor imitation of his accent
Or they’ll use British slang with an American accent 
You’d think this would get boring or the duo would get tired of this
But no
Watching this grown man’s cheeks inflate like a puffer fish never gets old 
One day Bal decided to get back at them by speaking in an American accent
This went on for the whole day and whenever the duo mentioned it he just looked at them like they were crazy
He pretends like it never happened and when the duo brings it up he’ll give them that same look
Ambrosius and Nimona go back and forth between knowing he’s fucking with them and questioning if they imagined it 
Sometimes when he thinks they’re forgetting he’ll say in an American accent “Do you remember when I” and then he’ll stop talking and walk away
It’ll send them spiraling for days 
I find immense joy in the idea that the trio not taking shit from anyone and messing with reporters for fun
One reporter got a little too comfortable with Nimona and asked her to explain in detail her “origin story” and how her shifting works
Like she's some fictional superhero and not a person standing in front of them 
So he straight up acted like he had no idea what the reporter was talking about 
And when he told them that he saw them shift as they walked in they replied in a concerned tone "Sir I have no idea what you're talking about"
And slowly but surely Nimona started to convince the reporter and the crew that they didn't save the kingdom
Shapeshifters don’t exist and they were here to discuss the economic crisis the kingdom was experiencing
And the moment when she knew that she had convinced them all she shifted to look like the reporter and walked out of the room without saying a word
No one in that room kept their job
A lot of people like to act like Bal is a hero not because he helped save the kingdom but because he’s an amputee
They act like he’s someone with an expiration date simply because he’s disabled and often treat him like he’s incompetent 
So he messes with them
A lot of these reporters will insinuate all the things I mentioned but they’ll never say it outright 
So he’ll pretend like he doesn’t know he’s an amputee
He’ll slowly manipulate them until they have no choice but to say outright that they’re treating him like he’s less than human because of his disability
And then he’ll act like he’s just discovering that he’s disabled 
Saying some “Oh my Gods my arm is gone… OH MY GODS IT’S GONE” 
People stopped mentioning the arm after that 
There was one reporter who was really outspoken about the fact that the “Golden Boy” was so easily manipulated by the Director 
And was questioning if someone so easily swayed should have a hand in rebuilding their society
Ambrosius finally sat down with an interview with this dude and the reporter just starts digging into him
Hammering him with questions like “Why didn’t you see through the Director’s lies” “Why did you lead the manhunt against Bal” and “Where were you when the wall fell”
And Ambrosius starts throwing out questions of his own like “Weren’t you very close friends with the Director and weren’t you very outspoken on social media supporting her” “Why were you saying and I quote ‘we need that gutter rats head on a spike’” and finally “what were you doing when the wall fell?” 
And this man had receipts too
He was basically silent when Ambrosius was brought up after this incident
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aicosu · 9 months
Guys, I hate to do this.
Any of you who know me in any circle know that I'm a very professional, very private lady who hates any sort of disc horse breeds that might give me a headache. But this one is important, and my goal here is the integrity and reputation of artists.
For my credentials: I have been a part of five zines in the past. Two I moderated, and one I ran, created, laid out, printed, and shipped in its entirety.
So anyway:
I joined Hellcheer and the Kindred Freaks Zine very late. Well, after sign ups, check-ins, etc. I saw it was happening in april-ish and shot a DM to the twitter to join. I did both a full art page and a cosplay page.
At the time, the server was quiet but kind. We got updates on the number of orders and books being made.
@Lawless is the runner of the Zine. They created and organized it. They are in charge of the main emails, the selling website, the orders, the shipping, and the funds. (To be clear, this level of sole responsibility is not ABNORMAL in a zine. And is not always an issue.)
@Valerie is the 'social media' mod. They are in charge of managing announcements and answering questions on Twitter and Tumblr. Please keep in mind: No one wants anything but a fast and easy recovery for both Lawless and their mother. Medical emergencies, heck—LIFE happens. It's always okay to put a hiatus on anything, even product with money, in order to take care of yourself and family. Every single contributor only wants them to be clear in what they need and how we can help.
So lets break down what's happening.
Back in May, Lawless went radio silent on the status of books and merch coming in. Another contributor and I, @Toguchin, start dming Lawless to make sure everything is on track. They come back after a week and apologize for being MIA, explaining that their mom got sick. We thank them for all their hard work and wish them and their mom well.
On July 15th, after contributors and customers inquire on delays to meeting the announced shipping deadline, Lawless makes a twitter post saying shipping has started and contributor copies will be happening. They proceeded to go MIA from the server discord and have been since.
The following week, contributors and customers discover that shipping HAS NOT started. Labels have been created and printed, but nothing appears to be in transit at all.
Toguchin and I started getting reached out to by customers worrying their packages are lost. We report this to the zine server to NO RESPONSE. Except @Ashlee, the discord mod who also has heard nothing.
July 20th to 22nd with customers complaining and theorizing a scam in mind; Toguchin and I propose that PDFs be given out to assure and apologize for delays.
We as a server discover a few things: 1. We cannot access the list of buyers at all in order to email apology zines because Lawless did not share the account information with anyone. 2. We cannot access the main email for the same reason. 3. Valerie, the social media mod, deleted discord and distanced themselves from the Hellcheer fandom and has not been checking the Twitter or tumblr, or discord notifications since May.
Ashlee and Ichikun contact Valerie to sign on.
I made a new email and said fuck it, we need to do something to assuage fears, let them send receipts to honor their zines. Valerie didn't know what to post or say or how to answer everyone, so I gave them a copy paste.
Still no words from Lawless but hoping for the best knowing the have a medical emergency, Ashlee and I begin answering the new email for PDFs, but cant help people change addresses or give them any update!!!
Throughout the weeks mods and contributors ping Lawless constantly asking if they need any help! Any help at all, answering emails, changing order addresses, heck a few of us ask if we can pick up the books and packages and ship stuff for them so they can hands off the project and take care of their mom. No response.
We send message after message saying if Lawless can share picture proof, that would be great cause scam theories and chargebacks are starting. BUT ALSO, we let Lawless know we and customers will ABSOLUTELY UNDERSTAND delays if they just communicate it. That if they post in server and on Twitter that shipping needs to wait a month or two, no one will mind. No responses.
July 31, Lawless makes a Twitter update with comments disabled that they are shipping ALL packages that monday with a picture of packages. They also call Valerie privately and tell the issue that USPS refuses to pick up shipments from Lawless has, and they can't leave their mothers side from the post office. They also claim they can only deliver ten packages at a time at the post when they go. *USPS has no such rules. Me and other mutuals who run shops have never had such a problem.
A week later, we realize that customers and our packages are still not in transit. Labels printed only. Most of us assume all packages are just label printed and sitting at Lawless' house.
We beg for updates from Valerie or Lawless. Valerie doubles down on Lawless old reasonings and also officially goes MIA until present day.
Throughout August, USA packages get delivered. A few more updates are made straight to Twitter and Tumblr with comments off. Radio silence in server.
As packages arrive, we all become aware from people's posts and pictures that random Stranger Things Art Stickers are included. No credit to any artist is given? No contributor is responsible for this art. These are suspected to be BOUGHT from Amazon. STOLEN arts amazon sellers resell in packs. NO contributor is okay with this!!! Valerie responds with no response at all.
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As of now:
No response to missing digital copies. Ashlee and I cannot give out any without receipts because we have no access to buyers list. Nor can we answer missing packages inquiries cause we have no info. International packages unaccounted for. SCRUNCHIES FREE OR OTHERWISE UNACCOUNTED FOR. Zero word on contributor copies. Zero word on donation status. Zero word on generated profit or book and shipping cost. No way to verify funds at all. No word from Lawless to contributors since July 15. From Valerie since the 31st.
Some notes:
Turning off twitter comments was NEVER what any one of us wanted. A ZINE LAYOUT was never shared. So until people had them in hand or in PDF none of us realized that the credits DO NOT POINT TO ANY SOCIAL MEDIA. All of our usernames are handle-less? This was extremely disappointing. This one matters to me: Our FanEdit artist was not aware their work was not getting a full page. Again no pre-layout was shared. So their work is tiny and in the margins of the front and back. That's not okay. All of us wanted to help in any way we could. NONE of us doubt Lawless intentions or emergencies. But lying, misleading, non-communicating and turning off comments are all things we did not consent to. All of us only wanted a cordial, honest response. None of us actually cared about delays as much as we did communications. There has been many noticeable times Lawless has been online, posting privately or otherwise, even active on Discord and has not reached out.
Why make a post:
Customers should know contributors fought for them. That we did everything we could and our reputation as artists in the fandom shouldn't be tarnished cause two creators decided to disappear. Contributors should get their copies. Many of us BOUGHT bundles. I've been in five zines and every single one gave out free contributor copies WITH merch!!
I'm also attaching all server screenshots for integrity. I'm in half a mind to release the zine PDF publicly, for free, for everyone at this point. I personally think it's only fair since many are still missing just that. But I do not want to insult anyone who paid for just the PDF regardless of the potential contribution to charity. But it's really up to customers, not me.
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chaithetics · 17 days
Fics for Palestine! June!🖤❤️🤍💚
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Hey Tumblr besties! We did a couple of fics and had some awesome donors in May so let's give it another go - it's a new update for June!
Do you want to support a good cause? Help Palestine and get a fic at the same time? Then please read!
I will write a fic for you with your chosen pairing and whatever prompt you want (it can be vague or specific!) and have it posted on Tumblr no later than June 30th!
All you need to do is send me same-day confirmation/a screenshot of either your receipt or sent email as a private message or in the ask box!
This is fundraising for Palestine, so you could donate to any fund or organisation on the Operation Olive Branch list, eSims for Gaza, UNRWA, Gaza Funds, Palestine Children's Relief Fund, and any other Palestinian fundraisers or organisations you want to support!
As we all have different currencies, all the go fund mes I've donated to have been in USD or Euros, so I'm going to keep this at the tier system is with whatever currency the fundraiser is in. If it is somewhere like UNRWA it can just be whatever your currency is 🥰
For emails, I've made this post on free ways to support Palestine and also this post encouraging American users to contact their senators. You can email your politicians asking for an immediate permanent ceasefire, an increase in UNRWA funding, creating and granting humanitarian visas for Palestinians, recognising Palestine as a state and withdrawing recognition of the state of Israel, placing sanctions on Israel that include economic and political sanctions and military embargo. If you need support with any emails, I'm happy to help! 🫶
Here is my Chaithetics Masterlist for navigation or if you want to get a vibe of my writing x
And here is the Fics for Palestine Masterlist of the fics I've done so far with this initiative.
If so many people responded to this with donations/emails that I became too overwhelmed. I would come up with a new date for some pieces or temporarily close/reopen for others. It didn't happen with the couple of weeks of May but this post will be regularly updated!
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Characters I'll write for:
Any Pedro Pascal characters
Any Oscar Isaac characters
Any Dev Patel characters
Any Succession characters - we love Stewy here in particular! (just not Logan, Old Guard, or Greg.)
Any Fallout characters
Any The Bear characters
Tommy Miller
Marvel characters like Matt Murdock, Wanda, Bucky etc.
There is more that I can't think of but you're more than welcome to reach out to ask in the comments, DMs, or my inbox before donating or anything! 💞
What I'll write and won't:
I'll write fluff, smut, angst or any combination of your choice!
I can write plus-size readers, disabled readers, poc readers, fem readers, GN readers, keep it description-less, whatever your preference is! I'm bi/queer so I'm happy to write straight pairings or wlw/queer pairings and readers!
I'm just not comfortable and won't write fics that are non-consensual, 'dark', heavy kink, gore, vore, paedophilia, and nothing with under-18 readers or characters (this includes characters 'aged up' for a fic), or actor/celebrity x reader, just their fictional characters.
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The Tier System!
If you donate $1 in the Fundraiser's Currency:
You will get a drabble/ficlet 100-500 words long with your prompt and chosen pairing that is posted no later than June 30th.
I know that places like the places like the Palestine Children's Relief Fund will let you donate $1 US but Go Fund Me has a $5 minimum donation for example and some other organisations might as well. But I know that there are content creators on social media like Yuval who are saying you can venmo/paypal them a $1 and they'll take those donations to a go fund me. So you can do that, send me a screenshot of the receipt and maybe just a link to the creator's page so we all know it's legit 🥰
If you write an email to a Politician:
You will get a fic that is at least 500+ words long with your prompt and chosen pairing that is posted no later than June 30th.
You just need to provide a screenshot that has the content of the email, is sent, and has the politician's email address/name visible. You of course can blur out any of your personal details and send this in PM. I'm happy to help draft emails, find resources as well if that's useful!
If you donate $5 in the fundraiser's currency:
You will get a fic that is at least 500+ words long with your prompt and chosen pairing that is posted no later than June 30th.
Just provide a screenshot that's confirmation of your donation.
I'm personally doing a few different $5 donations across different families and I know many are, if you're doing that you could send in different receipts which again could be different fics. And that would apply with other tiers as well!
If you donate $10 in the fundraiser's currency:
You will get a fic that is at least 1,500+ words long with your prompt and chosen pairing that is posted no later than June 30th.
Just provide a screenshot that's confirmation of your donation.
If you donate $20 in the fundraiser's currency:
You will get a fic that is at least 2,500+ words long with your prompt and chosen pairing that is posted no later than June 30th.
Just provide a screenshot that's confirmation of your donation.
If you donate $50 in the fundraiser's currency:
You will get a fic that is at least 7,000+ words long with your prompt and chosen pairing that is posted no later than June 30th.
Just provide a screenshot that's confirmation of your donation.
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Since October 2023, over 36,000 Palestinians have been murdered during Israel's genocide and illegal occupation of Palestine, this includes civilians, children, journalists, media personnel, and medical/healthcare personnel. Over 80,000 have been injured and so many Palestinians have been displaced and are trying to evacuate and cross the borders. Israel's ethnic cleansing, numerous war crimes, and colonisation have been terrorising the Palestinian people and land since 1948.
We all have a part to play, so donate if you can, attend rallies, protests, vigils etc, share the content and resources about Palestine, especially what comes from Palestine, make sure you're centring Palestinians and engaging with their content, engage with educational resources, watch and read Palestinian films and books, write to your politicians. We all have a part to play so please do whatever is financially and physically accessible to you x I'd also appreciate it if you could share this post as well! My blog is a much smaller platform compared to many in these communities, and if any other writers wanted to consider doing something similar to this, I'd encourage you to!
Thank you for reading this far, let's stay empathetic and support each other in these difficult times. Free Palestine and all indigenous peoples! 🖤❤️🤍💚pal
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baby-tini · 1 month
TW: domestic abuse, verbal abuse, cheating, manipulation
Toxic!Dabi who is always going through your phone, looking through your texts, checking your call log and deleting your social media constantly. Taking your phone to go through followers and blocking all the men. Family, friends, co-workers, doesn't matter, they're being blocked.
Toxic!Dabi who finds you talking to your male boss about a promotion and he flips the fuck out, snatching your phone from you and hanging up on your boss. He starts screaming at you, slapping you across the face before throwing your phone into the wall, the glass shattering all over the floor.
Toxic!Dabi who throws crumpled receipts in your face, before snatching you up by your hair and screaming in your face. "Who the fuck were you out with, huh? Who were you slutting yourself out too this time, fucking whore." then proceeds to throw you on the couch, yelling about how he's, "I've been faithful too you all this fucking time, I could have anyone and I chose you, and yet, you go sleep around." It was just a dinner too catch up with a friend.
Toxic!Dabi who's 'crying', hugging you from behind pleading for you too not leave him like, "everyone else." When you see text message between him and another girl, her sending nudes and him flirting with her. Pinning you too the bed so that you can't leave, taking your packed back and throwing the clothes and essentials around the room.
Toxic!Dabi who starts arguments accusing you of cheating, so that he has the excuse too get "payback." "You made me do this shit, don't start fucking crying, it's your fault." or "who the fuck are you texting now, huh? What dude are you fucking behind my back now? Whatever, I'm leaving."
Toxic!Dabi who starts arguing with you in the car and when you plead with him to just, "drop me off at my mothers." He loses it, going 130 in a 65, slapping your thighs and screaming at you. Unbuckling your seatbelt as he locks the doors, only pulling over when you're screaming apologies, sobbing so much you start hyperventilating.
But.. it's so hard too leave when, Toxic!Dabi who consistently buys you new phones when he breaks them, bringing you roses and giving you chocolates hours after calling you a "slut" apologizing and kissing you, leading you into the bedroom to fuck you nice and slow. Praising you for being so good for him, telling you how he didn't mean anything he said, whispering how those women mean nothing.
Or... Toxic!Dabi who buys your favorite take-out, cuddling you as he kisses the bruises on your arms and face, telling you he'll never do it again. Talking about marrying you and starting a family with you. Wanting to have a better family then his own, how you're the only woman he'll love and how you'll be the perfect mother. So caring and sweet, always coming back to him after nasty arguments.
"I promise baby, it'll never happen again, okay? We'll be a happy family, I promise. I won't see those other woman anymore." and "I swear too you angel, I'll never hit you again baby, I love you so fucking much, you don't even understand." Only to break those promises and repeat the cycle a week later.
National Domestic Violence Hotline- 800-799-7233
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cerastes · 4 months
I will be going to Okinawa at the end of this month! Also gonna hop to the main island and do a weekend in Kyoto. Any advice?
Well, we could speak for hours about advice when it comes to traveling to Japan, really, but in general, keeping it concise and to the point, I'd say:
Don't tip in restaurants! It's seen as rude because they are paid already, there's no tipping culture for eateries over there.
Also, there's a table fee! Consider this the tip if you must cognitize it somehow, but basically, when you go over your receipt, you'll always see 200 yen or something on top of what you ate. Don't start a fight over this, it's just the table fee, AKA the fee you pay for using a spot in the restaurant in the first place. It's usually something small like 200 yen, and it will also include courtesy snacks like water and usually edamame
Don't point at things with your finger, it's rude. This is not Japan exclusive obviously but Japan is one of those places in which it is rude. Also, don't point at things with chopsticks, that's REALLY rude. In general, don't toy with chopsticks, those are tools with which you consume food with, and should be treated with respect.
Buy your deodorant over there. Strong scents, perfumes and deodorants are usually seen as disruptive (as in, you're invading the smelling space of people), so they use odorless, neutral deodorant there. If you use odorless already, you're good to go, but leave the AXE at home.
Keep your voice down in public transport, and don't take phone calls while in it. You can make small talk (in fact, a few times, some Japanese people talked to me in the train to ask me where I was from and some stuff like that!), but don't be loud. Basically, respect everyone's right and pleasure to a pleasant trip or commute. Return phone calls after you disembark.
Have a Map app on you. It will save your life and make it much easier! Likewise, get a 3/4/5G wireless connection rental card for your phone while you're over there! They are very affordable (I paid something like 70 bucks for 31 days of 4G) and having internet on the go is immensely helpful, from translations to maps to calls to just browsing things on the go or looking up something you might not know.
I recommend looking up some cultural things in general before your trip, so you don't make faux passes. Japanese people are in general really kind and comprehensive to foreigners and won't hold you to the same social scrutiny as they would another Japanese person, but in my experience, they really like it when you actually show an intent to engage with the culture. There's passing by, and then there's actually showing you've at least looked into it, and they really appreciate it. I got away with a couple of free drinks one time in Osaka, even, because the master was like "no yeah you've obviously been keenly aware of how to go about things". Even the few times I messed up by going where I wasn't supposed to go or entering a few off-limit places, talking with authority figures and explaining how that happened to them was smooth as butter and they completely understood and didn't mind the misteps, and gave friendly advice on how to prevent that from happening again.
Absolutely carry a bag with you everywhere. There's very few trash bins in Japan so you'll always want to have a bag or some such to store your bottles and empty snack bags and takoyaki sticks and everything else until you can find an elusive bin or go back to your hotel and throw your stuff there. A lifehack here is that you can sometimes find trash bins near vending machines, but do make sure they are not just for cans!
These are my Primer For Japan, really. Have Fun!
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hanrinz · 1 year
includes: deku, bakugou, shoto, hawks, dabi & shigaraki
content warning: attempted crack, is based on what happened irl, chaotic! can be platonic/romantic! i have favoritism and it's very obv here
rosie's notes: bnha men but this time sum of this happened irl ?!? our school is holding a sports event & that gave me an inspiration to write smth ! and happy 100+ followers to me🫶 thank you everyone!!
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꒰ 𝐃𝐄𝐊𝐔 ꒱
you know those nerds who would ramble on and on about their interests? yeah, that's him. although, this is already a given thought about him, i just know he is an all might defender! slandering all might is a big no, he would pull out all the reasons why all might is so amazing and therefore you have no reason to say such malicious things to the former no. 1 hero.
he would definitely be that classmate who's popular because he edit vids so well?!? his account is full of all might edits😟 it's very concerning.
he would let you copy his notes!! though it's not very readable.. overall he's a nice classmate to have!
definitely, the vice president who shouts at their classmates that are noisy, but also noisy himself. he definitely knows all the tea in the classroom! he says he hates drama but keeps receipt of every rumour and hush secrets.
the leader! he might be harsh at it, but at least it gets the work done. he's strict too! if you give him your work it must be perfect, well-written and up to his standard! he doesn't half-assed things, if you can't match up with that, it's better to work alone😞
the quiet guy who always has a handkerchief over his mouth, would talk occasionally. he's the one who would have a bunch of supplies! mans is built like national book store😤
need a marker? he got a box of those, in different colors too! don't have any paper? you can ask one from him! forgot your pens at home? he got your back!! he's that type of guy you would always want to be group mates with, he's just smart and participates very well!
the teacher's pet, (pun not intended) he would always get straight A's, would always help the teacher with their things whenever they leave the classroom. he would also be the one to remind the teacher about the assignment that y'all agreed not to mention.
the students from other schools come to see him in every event your school holds !! you will always see him with different ppl taking pictures with him, definitely a social influencer!
he pranked dabi one time, trying to scare him. he got punched in the face resulting from him getting a bruise (didn't post for his selca week, got his fans in shambles wondering what happened to him)
꒰ 𝐃𝐀𝐁𝐈 ꒱
the annoying guy who teases you all day, also likes doing activities all by himself. is on the dance club??!?? he can dance!! and win in every competition he partakes in.
would receive love letters and chocolates on valentines day?? he hates those things, would probably end up burnt or just down the trash :( or maybe he would just give it away to his friends, either way he doesn't like it.
he gave you one though, from him too?!? very mixed signals, but it's dabi so it's bound to be one.
that guy who plays mobile games at school, when phones are supposed to be surrendered! surprisingly, is good at hiding his phone well and is very participative in group work!
he's that guy who wears hoodies even in the hot weather! does not give a shit about other ppl, unless it's correlative to him.
have a very messy sleeping schedule, one time he fell asleep on your shoulders he was warm and very cuddly too! nuzzled in your neck and inhaling your perfume.
dabi smacks him in the head to wake him up, he jolts from the impact immediately muttering a small apology to you, still groggy but would definitely ask you to let him sleep on your shoulders again.
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trancylovecraft · 4 months
i saw you did yan! paswg stuff on your blog (unless you don’t anymore idrk)
i saw wondering if you could do a drabble/headcannons on brief?
(make sure to take breaks!! and not to overwork yourself :D)
RECEIPT ✂- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
BARISTA'S NOTE: dw i still do paswg! and thank u so much!! hope u enjoy! FANDOM: Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt
Thank you for ordering!
Come again soon!
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"D-Do you need another drink? I can go get one for you!"
"No, I'm fine, Thanks."
"What about napkins..? I'll go get some!"
[F/N] didn't really know how it happened, Not really remembering a specific beginning point for when Brief came into her life. She knew it was in a bang, Quick and sudden, But that was about it.
Ever since that unspecified point in time, He had followed her around like an unclaimed puppy. Always trailing behind her, Lurking around either by her side or around corners.
She could tell where he was by the red of his hair, Unmistakable from within a crowd. [F/N] knew that he followed her around, Knew that he swam after her like a duckling to a mother swan.
It irked her at points too, Especially when he kept asking over and over if she needed something. Did she need more food? Did she want to borrow his jacket? She honestly just needed him to go away.
But [F/N] didn't have the heart to tell him that.
[F/N] watched him scamper away from the cafeteria table she sat at, Her friends chatter like crows cawing together on a wire as they all watched him go. Something demeaning, Something they didn't even hide when he was around.
He never seemed to care though, Always keeping a stable face. And she never had the guts to tell them to stop.
Its not like she could anyways, The amount of friends she had seemed to be dwindling by the day and [F/N] just couldn't afford to let anymore go, Not unless she wanted to be alone that is.
One calling off sick, Another switching schools and ghosting [F/N] on her socials. It was strange, But she supposed all good friend groups must come to and end, That's how it usually worked for her anyways..
Brief pranced back over to the table, A generous amount of paper napkins placed down onto the side of her food tray. A lovestruck smile on his face that [F/N] just didn't seem to catch.
The first time he had taken one of her friends out had been a complete act of mania, Something he had done out of uncontrollable anger.
It was unlike him! Truly! Even after he had bludgeoned her skull in and kicked her body about, He had been terrified of himself and what he had done.
But just like bathing in hot water, It got easier overtime.
The second was planned, Well at least Brief knew that he wanted to kill her. And after the mess he had forced to clean up through his own bubbling tears, He knew he had to be a bit more careful.
Some part of him knew it was wrong, Knew that what he was doing was horrible and irrational to do. But he shoved that part of him away, The end goal to enticing to let be.
[F/N]. She was perfect.
Her hair, Her eyes, Her skin, Her clothing. The way she rolled her eyes when she heard he friends say something stupid, The way she walked home from school saying hello to everyone she passed.
She was just so.. Amazing. How could he not follow her around?
She was an angel incarnate, Not like the Anarchy Sisters, But a real, Proper Angel.
So Brief let it go, Let it all be shoved aside in favour of his own desires. He didn't mind the blood and the guts, The bruises and the bodies.
Not if it meant he got her in the end.
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w2soneshots · 4 months
Dinner -W2S
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Words: 0.9k+
Warnings: angst, light mention of cheating and a break up.
In which you catch feelings for Harry so ghost him but then as you’re delivering some drinks to a table at the restaurant you work at, you’re faced with all of the boys sitting in front of you.
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Just over a month ago I stopped talking to the boys. I caught feelings for Harry but he had just went through a messy break up and I knew it could never happen. It was just to difficult to even think about him and my comments were full of his name so I made the decision to take a break from social media and I actually got a job in a super nice restaurant (I was a waitress before I started insta so I already had the experience). I sometimes text Tobi who I have always been great friends with and the others but completely cut contact with Harry.
Today is a regular busy Friday night at work but I have been getting some great tips so am in a good mood. I was called to the kitchen to collect some drinks for the private table located at the back of the building. I held two trays in my hands while my small heels clopped along the floor as I walked. Once I made my way to the door of the room I used my shoulder to push it open then used my foot to hold it so I could walk through without spilling anything.
I stopped in my tracks when I heard a distinctive laugh... JJ. He was the first to spot me and his jaw dropped slightly "y/n!" He shouted and stood up. I put on a smile and placed the trays on the table to accept his hug. "Hey." I said. The rest of them slowly started to stand up and greet me, except Harry. "So this is where you've been." Tobi said and I just smiled and nodded.
Once they sat back down I picked one of the trays back up. "Lemonade?" I said and JJ put his hand up. I placed the drink next to him and continued to do everyone else's. When I got to Harry he just waved his hand up but didn't make eye contact. I guess that's the treatment you get when you practically ghost someone. They thanked me and I left.
Harry's pov:
"What was that about bog?" Ethan asked after she left. "What was what about?" I replied. "You were like completely blanking her?" JJ said. "I- I dunno." was all I said. He shook his head slightly and they all continued talking. Almost 15 minutes later y/n walked back through the doorway to our room with some of our mains. She look incredible I thought but quickly shut myself up.
When I was with my ex I felt like she was cheating on me and we were both becoming very distant, so subconsciously I started looking at y/n differently. But after I completely cut it off with my ex y/n stopped talking to me, she basically quit social media and none of us knew why. But I just assumed that she was ether moving on or I did something to upset her.
Your pov:
I walked back into the room, this time holding four plates of food. I dished them out to Callux, Freezy, Josh and Ethan, they thanked me. I came back a few minutes later with more food, this time for JJ, Simon and Vik. Then lastly Tobi and Harry got given their food. This time Harry actually acknowledged me and sent me a small smile, which I returned.
I brought the check soon after. JJ payed and they all left after saying goodbye. I looked at the receipt once they were gone and saw that he had payed four thousand pounds for a dinner that was just a thousand. I quickly grabbed the check assuming he had made a mistake and speed walked out of the restaurant. They all stood around their cars talking as I walked towards them. I handed JJ the receipt "sorry, I- uh- think you made a mistake." I said pointing to the amount he wrote down. "No, I didn't." he said simply. I furrowed my brows "but-" "great service." He interrupted. "Oh- thank you." I said and he handed me back the piece of paper.
I walked away but before I could get back into the restaurant I heard my name being called. I turned around to see Harry running towards me, shit. "Are you ok?" He asked slightly out of breath. "Um, yes?" I replied slightly confused. "I- I just thought I did something to offend you." he said. Which made me even more confused. I think he caught on to my confusedness because he quickly followed up with "you stopped texting me and I haven't seen you all month, I didn't even know you were working here." I looked down at my feet, now feeling awful that all this time that's what he thought. "No you didn't I just- um I-" I looked up at him and he nodded his head gesturing for me to continue. I decided to just come outright and say it. "I- I have feelings... for you." I said nervously looking back to the floor. "You do?" He asked. I nodded, rocking slightly on the balls of my feet. "Well that's good because I have feelings for you too." he said and my head shot up. "Really?" I asked. He nodded "when I had a feeling she was cheating I realised that I didn't love her but that I really liked you." he said and I smiled then pulled him in for a kiss.
"Woooo!" I heard from across the car park. We looked over to see all of the boys staring at us and cheering. I just shook my head and laughed, embarrassed.
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rrahuntersblog · 21 days
The reason(s) I’m anti-Danneel
Hello all!
This is actually my first official anti-Danneel post as opposed to reblogging an anti post or responding to anons who somehow found me.
First, a note: some of what I'm posting are reposts from other now defunct/deactivated Tumblrs that I was able--thanks to the Wayback Machine and/or Tumblr preserving the reblogs with information--so whenever possible, I will credit the original authors. It's because of them that I was able to find out all the crap Danneel had done and the evidence.
If it's a "Jensen said this", don't ask me where precisely, because there are way too many cons, panels, interviews. Just trust that Jensen did say it, okay?
Now... to begin with the biggest crime to lay at Danneel's feet: Abuse.
So I'm going to preface this with a content warning/trigger warning. If you are bothered by description of abuse, even emotional abuse, I advise you to skip. I will not be held responsible for how upsetting this might get. You've been warned.
Now to begin! Here's the issues I've noticed (and others). Hat tip to @taraslittlecorner (now defunct/deactivated) for the original post that I was thankfully able to find on the Wayback Machine.
I'll add a cut here because it's going to get long!
Public Humiliation:
Jensen eating gummy bears. This post was made as a public stab at Jensen for the amount of gummy bears he was eating. It was a stab at not only his eating habits/weight, but it was also a stab at him being greedy or gluttonous.
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Jensen on the carousel. Another stab at Jensen about his weight.
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The whole AD house tour is full of stabs at Jensen. She takes a swipe at everything from him not wanting to change the children’s diapers, not cleaning the toilets, not cooking, and not being able to organize or clean behind himself. (There’s a lot of sketchy things in that video as well.) She even made fun of him for being proud of his side of the closet for being tidy.
Jensen didn't cry at the birth of his children. Yet another attempt at making an important, emotional moment in Jensen’s life about her, as well making Jensen seem as if he is emotionless and detached from his family and children, and she’s the one that’s so sensitive.
The FBBC interview. Now, that interviewer sucked ass too, let’s not kid ourselves, that was one of the worst interviews I’ve ever seen in my life. Elta continually trying to make Jensen look lazy, saying that he didn’t smell good, saying that she was pregnant knowing it made him uncomfortable. All of this was with one goal, to humiliate him.
The gaslighting hairdresser. You will never convince me Elta put this woman up to posting this photoshopped, off guard, horrible pic of Jensen and herself, as well as disclosing the location of his family in order to make it look as if she’s been there the whole time when really she’s not. Jensen is very self conscious about his appearance, and this showed him in a bad light, again to humiliate him and make him look like a slob. (That seems to be her MO.)
(These are just the ones we’re all familiar with, but if you guys send more receipts you want to add to this I’d be glad to add them to it as a receipt collection.)
2. Controlling: This is another all day topic. Seriously, we could talk all day about how one can be considered controlling in a relationship, and Elta is no different. The biggest and most public thing that we can see is her constant control over his Social Media.
Now, we know good and damn well that she’s also doing this to hold up to her facade of a “happily married couple”, but it’s also a way of controlling his interactions with other women, (originally he was never allowed to follow women on Social Media; something that has recently changed since The Boys and Big Sky has happened), and to keep track of who he’s talking to and what he’s doing.
Access to one’s cellphone, email address, and other social media is almost as good as attaching a GPS onto a person. If she access his cloud, she can access everything from text messages he’s sent to his most recent emails to his employers.
I have some proof but it will take time to document all of them.
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**For those SPN buffs out there. You will also notice that Dean got a whole lot less action between the sheets and with female guest stars after his wedding to Elta, and that’s not a coincidence.**
Jealousy, or extreme jealousy in Elta’s case, can also be the mark of an abuser. The NEED to maintain that state of control, and if he get’s attached to another woman that is paying him better attention, he may try and break things off with her.
3. Isolation: If you’ve noticed Jensen hardly sees his family anymore. He used to speak of his family often, now it’s rare that he’s ever seen with them. They usually have to come to Dallas Con just to see him, and the only actual evidence we have of Elta being there with them all in years is a sketchy ass post on Instagram of Thanksgiving a few years back. Jensen did take his dad, brother, and brother-in law to the Nascar event he recently attended. Other than that, there has been little to no evidence of contact with his family at all as the years progressed, and it’s gotten worse as the years pass of that “marriage.”
He also seems to have shorted his circle of friends to people she gets along with. Marcus, Steve, etc. And even on “vacations” it’s surrounded by her little group of mooching family members and friends: New Orleans, she brought her brother and mother, as well as Steve Carlson and Marcus. Marcus even attended the trip to Cali when they went to the Golden Globes after party.
If you really take time and look, he’s rarely seen with anyone that ELTA doesn’t get along with, or are friends with. He doesn’t even hang out with Jared outside of Canada like he used too, and that should raise suspicious eyebrows alone.
4. Hypersensitivity:
We’ve seen this in the countless attacks Elta, as well as her friends, feel the need to do to SPN fans, or anyone that questions the legitimacy of anything she does or post. I don’t have all of these anymore on hand, but will add the links if I can find them. She’s called fans “fat whores”, anti joker face used to have the receipts, they went on for a while. You don’t have to dig very deep to find this stuff people.
She’s even had Clif write long ass post in order to make it looks as if she’s been so targeted when she just really brings all this shit on herself. She feels threatened because somewhere deep down, she knows she’s doing wrong. You know how the old saying goes, the guilty dog barks? Well, Elta barks a lot.
Even Jensen can get a little defensive when they attack her at cons and to his face. He knows that if he doesn’t defend her, or trys to stand up for himself there will be repercussions. “I don’t tell my wife what to do. I’m not stupid, or suicidal.”
5. Unexplained injury, or weight-loss: Since about 2018, Jensen has progressively lost weight. To the point that the FBBC instagram page even removed the photo I used in this example because people were commenting on Jensen’s weightloss. They try to explain it away in marathon training, but we all know that’s not the case. The constant attacks she’s made against his weight are starting to show.
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Every time Jensen has to quarantine with her he starts to look like death warmed over, weight drop, sickly looking skin color, (which is also a sign of malnutrition), and that dead look we can’t get seem to forget. Then we get him back to work, and it’s almost an immediate improvement.
Then there is the chunk that’s missing out of his nose now because of a nose injury that kept being explained in different instances at the same event as to how he even got it. It first appeared a day after the FBBC family reunion event that took place in May of 2018 in a post made by Elta of Jensen playing with the kids, and people thought it was just a breathe right strip.
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If you look closely, you can even see that his eyes looked to be blacked, as if he’d somehow broken his nose.Once he got ot an event for Elta’s Limbo Jewelry line launch in NYC, he kept changing the story as to how he got said injury. First he told fans that he’d hurt it by hitting a pool wall while playing with his kids. Then he said he’d dropped a keg on it. Well, if you’ve ever worked for a bar or been around kegs you know those things are heavy, and that story is a blatant lie.
If it were Elta with the injury, and she kept changing the story as to how she got it, there would have been questions asked; but since Jensen is a man it was never looked into.
Take all these for what you will guys! It’s only my observations and opinions! You may not agree, but I know you all can agree that if Jensen were female, this conversation would have happened a LONG time ago.
Men can be victims of domestic abuse/violence, and the evidence is there! I’m sure there is more, and if you send it to me via submission, even if you want to keep quiet and not put your handle on there I will add the evidence to this post.
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xe-company · 1 year
TEMPLATE CREDIT: Main template was made by @/ngoeuns on DeviantArt ! I just duplicated the chat section and added notifications to the homescreen for this series instead of the music section !!
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💬 my children (loud)
A big ass groupchat she was added to with a handful of 00′ - 03′ liners who have deemed themselves as SOONAH’s children. They’re typically loud when together hence why she has added ‘(loud)’ next to the groupchat name.
A group chat filled with other idols who are also from NEW YORK. The ages range and they’re idols who studied abroad, was born in, or lived in New York for a period of time. 
💬 WIFEY 💍 ❤️
Her being in contact with WHEEIN from MAMAMOO is a recent addition to her idol contact list. Her and MAMAMOO have become close friends and love hanging out whenever they’re all free in schedules. 
💬 98′ LINERS !!!
A name for a self-explanatory group; it’s a big groupchat with only 98′ liner idols. Has both female and male idols from just about any group with a member born in 1998. 
💬 SVT 💎
The SEVENTEEN groupchat. There’s a lot of memes sent in the chat and a lot of questions that don’t get answers from everyone. Guaranteed someone is just looking at the chat and never answers or sends anything back. Honestly, this groupchat is one of the three she will mute notifications from due to certain members always sending thousands of messages every hour.
💬 SUNGIE 🧡 🐼
The contact name for her #1 ride or die JINSUNG from ECLIPSE who are under CASSIOPEIA MEDIA. They always text each other each day. Was the only person who had the code to her studio for the longest time. 
💬 headache🚫🔇🔕
The contact name for EDEN from CASSIOPEIA MEDIA’S boy group NEWDREAMZ. He loves blowing up her phone if she doesn’t respond in a timely manner. 
💬 SONG SIAN (my baby)
SIAN from CASSIOPEIA MEDIA’S girl group FLEURSHINE. She is like a younger sister to SOONAH. Her messages are usually seeing if she can hang out at SOONAH’s studio. Will bribe her to let by bringing snacks. SIAN is one of the few people that has the code to her studio. 
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beardedmrbean · 8 months
Nunya I feel like I’m losing my mind. Horrible acts that have been caught on tape, BY HAMAS, uploaded to the internet, once again, BY HAMAS. Syrians desperately trying to show the world that most of the videos in “Gaza” are actually videos of Syrians. Jew haters openly using slurs and hateful rhetoric about how Jews are evil and they all need to die, stated openly on social media. Evidence Jewish presence in the Middle East for centuries, corroborated by multiple countries. Non Israeli Jews being targeted, with video evidence in other countries. And yet???? I can’t even hide myself away in my usual fandom spaces to take my mind off things because apparently I share spaces with people who state that even thinking of showing sympathy for Israelis makes you evil and you should just die. Just the sheer vitriol I’ve been seeing pales to any I’ve seen before. They’re bloodthirsty and can’t even see it.
Ya this one is far more extreme than even the last one a couple years back where a family was finally evicted from a home that had been purchased by a Jewish family back when the area was still part of the Ottoman Empire, even had the old pre WW1 receipts for that one, still got a bunch of rockets fired at Israel and lots o hate crimes against Jews not in Israel.
This one though, this absolutely boggles my mind how it's gone. Sneak attack during a Jewish holiday isn't unheard of Yom Kippur war being a thing, but that was a organized attack that went after military targets, this was more like if instead of attacking the naval yard Japan just went on a bombing and shooting spree across all the Hawaiian islands they could specifically targeting civilian areas.
Then to cap it all off the international community coming round and telling the US to make a measured response to that kind of thing.
As mask off moments go, I didn't think the massacre of innocents who have zero military value, the rape, murder, and desecration of civilians that's occurred and been broadcast by the people perpetrating it could ever be met with anything other than revulsion from anyone, but instead we're getting what we've gotten.
There's the people that have been waiting in the wings for this to happen so they could go and fan the flames of the hate they've been hanging on to and watch them spread which is going to explain why some things have gone as far as they have.
Folks that may have been on the fence or fairly ignorant about the goings on there other than every once in a while they start shooting at each other for a while getting a healthy dose of lies fed to them, like the esteemed congresswoman omar retweeting that picture from the syrian gas attack on their own people and saying it's palesteinan children.
AFAIK she hasn't acknowledged the fact that she did that either.
Those girls sobbing at their school because people are chanting a chant that is a literal call to the genocide of the whole of the Jewish people (Zionists or not they want you dead) and people laughing at them.
found myself in a Catholic subreddit, where I managed to be fairly disgusted at my fellow Christians making cracks about going in and doing another military crusade to reclaim the holy land and kick out the unbelievers
Deus Vult joke is one thing, going into detail after making it is another.
Old guy that stabbed the 6 year old palestenian migrant here in the US 26 times killing him, that's been roundly condemned and is being rightly investigated as a hate crime, why no similar outrage over the infants who were murdered in Israel from these people?
What people are giving a pass to is insane,
I'm on record many times saying that criticism of Israel and its government is not inherently Antisemitic, it gets there when you apply a different stricter set of rules on them than you do other governments.
Never expected to see a 180 on that with palestine and war crimes, where people would excuse them because of who they were war criming.
Then we get people mad that Israel isn't providing electricity and water to the people that are trying to kill them, how dare they not make killing Jews easier on hamass.
It's lunacy
I'm gonna keep praying for you, and everyone really because even some of the people in gaza don't want this I imagine, gonna keep trying to push out as much verifiable information as I can and moral support I don't know, I'll just be here doin what I can from my little keyboard, whatever that is, trying to see if I can put a little balm on the wounds in the form of a smile or I don't know.
I want all the hate to stop.
I will say there's a certain irony in having the support for the Jewish state be seen as a right wing position, afaik most Jewish Americans have voted blue for a long long time, even the Zionists.
There's a few of the Jewish subreddits that have gone private, most of them by now I'd wager actually if you're over there too that might be a good refuge for you and others, this is all so pervasive I can't think of too many places that aren't going to be hit by it.
I'm sorry I can't be more help, I wish I could.
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olderthannetfic · 6 months
It's not unusual for shitty authors to go after competition. Not even that rare to have really shitty bigoted reasons for it, kinda interesting to see one of these actually blow up. I've heard it mostly be handled internally by the publishing houses, agents and lawyers though, I didn't know the authors themselves are expected to intervene.
like so many are shocked rn abt smth like that happening, but I guess some ppl only get all their drama from big names opening the doors and don't know abt the rest of the times it happens. Queer stories regularly get review bombed by queerphobes. Queer stories getting review bombed by other queers. Pocs get review bombed by racists. Pocs review bombing other pocs happens a lot. Problematic stories getting review bombed by the book-version of antis and pearl clutchers. Authors top rating their books with sockpuppets or just asking friends and family to give full star reviews, pretty commonplace. Sending threats to publishers or reporting other authors. The publishing world is just filled with assholes, guess this time the stars aligned and ppl get to see one of the 1000s of times this happens regularly.
Guess racist white woman going bananas on X with fake screenshots and blaming her racism on her racism-meds and an imaginary friend, while her real friends joining is just more spicy than all the other situations. Fair tbh, racist going bananas blaming it on the racism-meds and imaginary friend is more exciting that most of the times I see it, most ppl are honestly kinda boring when they get caught. But it gets especially spicy when the receipts are publicized by THE [Name redacted]!!! Woohoo drama, this person is know for their hot hot youtube essays, let's go and watch this drama!!! Top rated influencer! Damn look at all that drama!!! Look at this spice! Choo choo coming through with the pathos folks! Woop woop. Not speaking against [redacted] but I think people can all agree that this situation only blew up because [redacted] has the social media presence they have, because otherwise it would've disappeared the same way all the other times these things happen in the publishing world. Probably dealt with internally sooner or latter, or not at all fuck if I know.
People wanna have a bit of current drama, be outraged, from seeing how drama happens in a different field. I'm anticipating that most the people reacting to it rn are gonna forget about it in a few weeks because it's not current enough. I do actually wanna see if people being angry right now, claiming they wanna support the debuts are actually going to buy the books when they do come out next year, or if it's just a reaction to "issue of the week". Would be cool for the debuts to get some extra sales, but who knows normally this publishing drama goes nowhere. TL:DR Just read the entire thing or don't. lol
It's not unusual, especially on Goodreads. This particular instance is a little juicier than some because a bunch of these people were friends in Reylo circles.
This isn't the only one to blow up though. They don't all make it to my tumblr, but they do often make it further than just behind publishers' closed doors.
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scuderia-hamilton · 3 months
Hey, my lovely mutual, could you please enlighten what exactly Lando did and preferably with receipts if you don't mind so more people would be educated on this?
hello, thank you for asking nicely, i'll do my best to summarize everything. :))
so, yesterday Lando posted on his land0.mov account, and the post is a video about him walking around in Melbourne and there was a shot of him holding a Starbucks cup.
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people quickly noticed and started calling him out on it, because of the ongoing boycott against Starbucks, which is happening because of the genocide of Palestinian people. people were trying to educate him and make him realize that his actions were wrong and ignorant.
some of his fans started defending him, saying that he may not be aware of the boycott, which i find highly unlikely. he's known to be chronically online, there is no way he didn't hear about it at least once. there are also protests happening worldwide, people are rallying on the streets and more and more celebs speak out, demanding an immediate and permanent ceasefire.
the other argument they brought up in his defence was that Starbucks has nothing to do with Palestine, because the boycott originally happened because the company sued their Workers Union over a post they made following October 7th (when the current genocide started) that was expressing solidarity with the Palestinian people. the law suit was filed because of copyright infringement, the Union's logo is very similar to the Starbucks logo. the company also stated that the post does not represent their views, saying they have no stance on the situation and they deleted the post shortly after, following numerous complaints against the company. if you want to you can read more about that here:
the company is not on the BDS movement's official list, but they backed up the union and Starbucks is widely accepted as one of the companies to boycott in support of Palestine. it also has ties with Nestle and Pepsico, which are two major companies on the BDS movement list. there are more important companies to boycott and you should by all means boycott them, but that does not mean you cannot boycott Starbucks too. it is one of the most widely known boycotts happening right now, because the company is extremely popular.
i will post some articles and websites that explain this situation in depth, so if you're interested you can check them out.
and here is the official BDS movement's list of the most important companies we should boycott.
i tried to keep this brief, cause i already made a lot of posts about it, so if you want to see those too, i'll link them below.
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sapphyreopal5 · 3 months
I’m sorry for being rude in the first ask , you are right maybe I came off hot there and you thought I was attacking your blog.
I’m sorry 😞
My spelling mistakes not only because I don’t know English very well, it’s also because I write fans and angry , I’ll work on that .
Thank you for allowing civil criticism and not blindly follow the actor you favor, like jensen for example, i have no problem calling him out on something that I thought was offensive or tasteless, I don’t see him asa god , but jared’s fans refuse to acknowledge that he is human and does make mistakes and it’s ok .
No they think the best way to defend jared is by going after jensen, like that makes it all right.
Anyway,I’m sorry again and thank you for being class act
Well hello there again Anon, thank you for the apology. As I've said before, I've always been open to discussing criticism and even praise in a civil manner. I am going to have to disagree that Jared stans only go after Jensen to defend him, nor do they all think Jared is a Saint. I don't care for participating in the Jared is better vs Jensen is better social media battle because really, that's an ongoing thing that will just go round and round in a hamster wheel leading no where. I think it's fair like I said Jared felt excluded from TW as it's the so called prequel to the franchise he was a big part of for 15 years along with Jensen. Sure it may have been a business move to do TW but was it a smart one? No, it was poorly executed and also led to a man being struck by lightning who is currently suing Jensen, Danneel and others. Jensen also was rather rude towards those with valid questions about the said prequel. He ended up saying something along the lines of asking people if they were ever fans to begin with when faced with such questions. Plus the whole ignoring the drivers text saying the car was ready at the race track as he talked about at the Charlotte con August 2023, which I actually went to myself. Also, I am gonna say this but Jensen and Misha's YANA in my opinion was 💯 a meek and to ultimately failed attempt to replace Jared's AFK campaign, as it was questionable if Jared was going to leave Supernatural or not. I don't buy the whole "it's clear Jensen didn't want to do it". You're allowed to say no people, you're allowed to say no which Jensen clearly didn't do here....
Jared isn't so innocent either, he too has said and done questionable things. Plenty of people see aware of the public intoxication and assault charges filed against him in October 2019 after he was arrested for such. He had a time in his life where he called out hospitality and customer service departments on social media. One of the waitresses he posted about got death threats. Mind you, I believe she's one of the ones who had her photo included in Jared's post about her "poor service". Now, it's one thing to mention names when making a complaint or bad review. However, to add a photo of the person while doing so is in extremely bad taste. This waitress ended up deleting her online profiles after getting attacked by a lot of Jared fans. He also did this for a man who worked at a Las Vegas casino (included a photo again yes), not sure what exactly happened with him or what the end result is. He also swore to never fly with American Airlines again after a bad experience as well. He even got upset with Verizon Wireless over them requesting to folks a police report for someone making a fraudulent account in his name. He did also insult singer Justin Beiber in the past in multiple posts and Taylor Swift as well, and even wished for Tony Romero to have a career ending injury. I provided some screenshots below that I found throughout various receipts posts. Not gonna lie, this does in a way challenge what his mission with Always Keep Fighting is about. I also am aware of an online bullying video he posted on his Instagram on Oct 10, 2022 I linked to below. I hope this video is a sign he reflected on the errors of his ways from his past behaviors on social media essentially doxxing people.
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I will say on a personal note, I certainly care about this tidbit for multiple reasons, including a personal incident that happened to me in high school. (EDIT: added 30 min after initially posting, personal story): One of the so called "popular girls" in my school answered a series of questions on a Myspace bulletin, one of which was something like "if you were to shoot anyone who would it be and why?" To which she responded my first and last name "because she talks to herself and is annoying", way to spread rumors about me saying false things about me and threatening my life. Needless to say we had an unpleasant confrontation in gym class a few days later and I admittedly told her she's not worth time in prison. She started shaking and said "well geez it was just a joke", "you don't joke about things like killing people D". Interestingly enough, she apparently lost her right leg after falling in her backyard tripping over a rock (multiple surgeries and almost died twice in the process) actually in mid August 2022, the same year Jared got into his car accident back in April 2022. But that can't be a coincidence on her part, they have to be separate things and not karma surely enough right?
Now, I don't hate Jared. In fact, I like Jared overall but I will say he is an impulsive character who has lashed out online at times both BEFORE and AFTER his breakdown in 2015. Rumor has it he went to a facility for a couple weeks to a month or so. I say this did NOT help him in the long run clearly. The people like Gen who probably convinced him to go to said facility have no sense of discernment in determining whether it would actually benefit someone with suicidal ideation and such to go to such a facility. My senses tell me this was greatly detrimental in the long run and clearly had no longer term benefits. To me, the above things I mentioned and other things I mentioned in other posts seems to point to my being right in my assessment here. It seems Jared is still troubled to this day with anxiety and depression 💯
I think he struggles more with anxiety than depression based on what I've read in his chapter in that book Family Don't End with Blood along with how he talks and expresses himself and such. Yes he has symptoms and signs of both but anxiety seems more dominant than depression, which he was initially diagnosed with in 2007. He's often described as a worry wart and cares very much what people think of him. He even used to get anxiety with cons and such when he first started out doing them. Anxiety is characterized more with feelings like fearfulness, paranoia, extreme stress, sense of dead, worry or apprehension, tightness in chest, etc.
I myself was diagnosed with depression in 2006 probably about 14 months before Jared was, as I attempted suicide via overdose at the age of 15 on 9/18/2006, which actually was only a year and 5 days after Supernatural first aired on 9/13/2005. I mention this because Jared described his suicidal ideation during his 2015 breakdown as more or less an intrusive thought and ended up feeling fearful he would do so and didn't want to burden his wife or friend Brian with being the last persons that he spoke to, or his kids being without a dad type of deal. In my case, I was very convinced by my brain that I was better off dead, the world would be better off without me, etc. I still at times am consumed with thoughts about dying and leaving this world behind, this "stupid rock" as I so affectionately call it at times ha ha. Depression is really more or less accompanied by things like disinterest in things, guilt, worthlessness, hopelessness, etc. Both conditions can lead to decrease in energy levels, over- or under- sleeping, irritability or anger, problems concentrating, etc.
They coexist a lot but do you see why I am saying he seems more anxious than depressed? No mental illness, be it anxiety, depression, etc. can excuse his poor behaviors whatsoever, same with Jensen and anyone else. Now Anon, do you see that I have my criticisms of both and also praises of both J2?
Instead of sending me more anonymous asks and risking having more people go after you in reblogs and whatnot, I encourage you to send me a PM. Anything you say to me is between us if that is what you'd like.
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