#₊˚⊹ ✮ masterlist 彡
jvpiterzz · 21 days
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do not repost/copy any of my works on apps or websites.
all rights and credits go to the original owner of any images from my blog. most images are either from pinterest, discord, or made by ME.
this may be updated often in case of any mistakes or forgotten info.
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janesociety · 1 year
can you please do a james potter x reader where reader is always patching james up from quidditch injuries and comforting him in the hospital wing and stuff but roles are reversed when he's trying to teach you quidditch and reader gets a minor injury (sprained ankle or something). cue overprotective jamie & platonic marauders fluff<3
oh! darling
james potter x reader
type: fluff
word count: 2.4k
summary: after years of you taking care of james, it was finally his turn.
warnings: reader has sprained ankle, references to slightly worse injuries
notes: i am so incredibly sorry this took so long i don’t even have an excuse
marauders masterlist
✩ ✩ ✩
You were never all that big a fan of flying. Being on a broom just never felt sturdy to you and you weren’t all that crazy about heights either. It wasn’t exactly that you were afraid per say, you just chose to avoid them when possible.
With a boyfriend like James Potter, you knew it would one day no longer be avoidable.
James, while on one hand being the most responsible, smart, and caring person you knew, was also the clumsiest.
You lost count on the number of times you’d had to walk him from the Quidditch Pitch to the infirmary for an injury. Sometimes he sustained them at a practice, a game- hell, sometimes he would just be flying around for fun and manage to throw himself from his broom. It became such a common occurrence, you now had your own little pharmacy under the sink in your dorm so you could fix some of his minor injuries up there. Then of course there were his more major injuries- like the time he broke his foot when it was smashed between the stadium wall and a bludger or when he got a concussion when he and Sirius slammed into each other when messing around. During those times, you’d sit with him in the hospital wing and keep him company. You were always sure to spend your free periods with him, catch him up on school work, bring him food- anything he needed.
To be honest, as much as you hated him getting hurt, you treasured some of those moments in the hospital wing when it was just the two of you being together.
When you woke up on that Saturday morning to James no longer next to you in his bed, you were confused. You’d both agreed the day before that neither of you wanted to go to Hogsmeade that weekend and you knew James didn’t have any Quidditch practice. You rolled out of his bed, finding one of his sweaters in his trunk and throwing it on. You made your way to the mostly empty common room- most people were already at breakfast so they could eat before leaving for Hogsmeade- and found Lily buried in her books at a corner table.
“Hey, Lils,” you said, sliding into a seat across from her.
“Hey,” she said, her eyes not looking up from the page of the herbology textbook she was reading. You leaned awkwardly back in your seat, not exactly wanting to disturb her, but not knowing what to do with yourself when you didn’t know where any of your other friends were and you were feeling just a bit too lazy to look.
“Sorry,” she said, finally looking up at you and sitting back. “I haven’t had time to study recently- I’m hoping to catch up today while everyone’s at Hogsmeade.”
“No- no, you’re fine, I can leave if you want,” you said quickly. “Have you seen James?”
“Him and Sirius walked out of here an hour ago looking for Marlene and Dorcas and I haven’t seen them sense,” she said, rolling her eyes. “They seemed overly excited, per usual. I think they were up to something.”
“God, maybe I don’t want to look for him anymore,” you said, laughing through a yawn.
Your wish was granted- not exactly in the way you wanted- as the porthole swung open as James and Sirius marched in with their hands full. It took you a minute to see what they were holding- Sirius was holding a large box that you quickly recognized as a chest that held all the different Quidditch balls and James was holding three brooms. Three.
“Oh, darling, you’re up,” he said, gently setting down the brooms next to you and kissing your head. “We were gonna come up and get you.” He wrapped his arms around your neck from behind you and rested his head on your shoulder. You made weary eye contact with Lily at the sight of the brooms. You hummed.
“What’re the brooms for?” you asked, recognizing only one of them as his. He chuckled in your ear, his breath tickling your skin.
“Quidditch, darling, what else?” he said, pecking your cheek after. He was always affectionate, but you could tell he was getting ready to question you about something.
“Oh,” you said, turning your head to see Sirius running up the stairs to the dorm.
“Me and Pads were thinking-“ well that’s never good- “that maybe you would come out to the pitch with us today and fly around a bit?” Your eyes went wide.
“James, I- you know I hate flying,” you said, turning to look at him. He loosened his arms to allow you to move.
“I know! I know, but I was thinking if me and Pads were there to help you out, you might feel better,” he said, massaging your shoulder. “I thought it could be fun.” You looked to Lily for help but she gave you a good luck look and quickly buried herself back into her books. “Please, love?”
“Come on, darling!” James yelled from above you. “You’re gonna do great!” You resisted the urge to flip him off at his well-meaning encouragement.
You’d flown before, of course- it was a class after all. So you knew what you were doing, you just didn’t want to be doing it.
“Oh, the things I do for you,” you muttered under your breath as you began levitating off the ground. It took you a moment to get used to the sensation before you floated up to the level James and Sirius were at. Your hands were gripping the broom so hard your knuckles were white. It was less of you being scared of the broom and more not trusting yourself to be able to adequately operate it.
“You’re doing great,” James said, flying up next to you with a quaffle tucked under his arm. He reached out his free hand to take yours but you shook your head.
“I’m sorry, but no,” you said, cracking a smile and staring at his hand. He chuckled, reaching over and patting your shoulder- the act making you squeak at the feeling of being slightly unbalanced.
“Sorry!” he said quickly, laughing at how the blood had rushed to your face. “You’re alright, darling, you’re not gonna fall.” You let out a huff. “I won’t let you fall, how about that?” You smiled at him. “Alright, c’mon.” He motioned for you to follow him and you did, heading over to where Sirius was flying in circles.
“Finally!” he groaned, stopping as you two approached. “I don’t know why you’re so worried, Y/N. You were good at it in first year when we had to take the class.”
“I never liked it,” you said, pointing and flexing your feet to get used to the feeling of them not touching the ground. “But I can do it.”
“Okay, okay, finally ready to play?” Sirius asked, motioning for James to throw him the quaffle.
They explained the game. It was basically modified Quidditch so that it could be played with one ball and three people. It was decided that you would be goalkeeper first- which you were grateful for. The rules were James and Sirius were both trying to score on you, but when they intercepted the ball, they had to go back to the center. James used a charm to create foggy lines of smoke in the air where the centerline was because “Sirius is a big cheater so we need to be able to see.”
It was fun, actually. You surprised yourself with how quickly you picked up the skills you’d thought you’d forgotten. You were able to hold your own in the goal, blocking almost all their shots- even after they stopped going easy on you.
“You’re letting him win!” Sirius groaned after James scored for the third time. “This isn’t fair! You’re biased.” You rolled your eyes.
“You should know me well enough to know I’d help James lose before I’d help him win,” you said.
“Hey! I can hear you!” James yelled from farther back, tossing the ball to Sirius.
“Yeah, yeah, just get going,” you said, flying lazily around one of the goal posts. You were still moving pretty slow, the fear of falling still not totally dissipating, but you could keep up with them so far.
The games soon started again, Sirius being extra as ever and doing small spins around the stadium as James tried to chase him around. When Sirius took a shot, James raced in before you could catch it and dashed back to the centerline.
“Show off,” you muttered sarcastically as he whipped past you and sent you a goofy grin. You couldn’t help but smile at him.
You got somewhat bored when their back and forth went on just a little too long, and found yourself staring mindlessly around you. The wind was whipping your hair around your head and you were somewhat dreading what it would look like when you-
You didn’t have time to react before something hard collided with your head. You were exactly sure what was happening, but you felt everything spin and the wind picked up. You couldn’t figure out if you were dizzy or falling. When you felt your broom slip out from under you, you decided it was probably both. The simple realization you were falling from so high was enough to make your stomach start doing somersaults faster than the rest of your body was.
James immediately went into a nose dive the second he saw you slip. He was already dashing over to you before you fell- seeing the path of the ball that had left his hands seconds before. Sirius was behind him, shouting an incantation you couldn’t hear between the blood rushing to your ears and the air passing you. You slowed suddenly, the spell Sirius had cast finally taking effect, but not soon enough.
You crumpled to the ground, letting out a gasp.
“Y/N!” James yelled, stumbling off his broom and rushing towards you. “Y/N, hey, hey,” he said, brushing your hair out of your face. Your eyes were squeezed shut and your face was pinched with pain as you gripped your ankle.
“I’m- I’m alright,” you said, shakily, your eyes still closed. You tried to move but let out a pained gasp when you moved your leg.
“Oh, Y/N,” he said, cupping your face. You opened your eyes to see the fear and worry contorting his face as he looked at you. Seeing him fuss over you almost felt worse than your foot. “Don’t move,” he said, carefully tucking his arms under you and pulling you up so he could carry you. You tried not to grimace as your ankle flopped around from the jerkiness of the lift.
“I’m fine, James,” you said, the grip you had on his shoulder betraying your words.
“Just hold still, yeah?” he said, his worry for you evident on the crease between his brows. “I’ll get you up to the infirmary.”
Sirius was quick to run after the two of you, holding all three brooms under his arm.
“Alright, Y/N?” he asked as he walked in step with James.
“Yep,” you said, grimacing as James bounced you around a little too hard.
“Sorry- sorry,” he said, doing his best to hold you as still as possible as he started walking up the hill towards the castle. “I’m so sorry.”
“It’s alright, James, it’s not your fault,” you said, leaning your head on his shoulder.
There was silence
“So, you reckon I’ll get an offer from Puddlemore next year?”
Sirius snorted.
“Oh, definitely, but they’ll be fighting offers from the Cannons and Harpies, too,” Sirius said. “But Puddlemore will give you the best offer, so you should play for them.”
“Maybe I'll just go wherever James gets an offer for,” you said as you all stepped inside the castle.
“Poor lad won’t get nearly as many as you,” Sirius said, shaking his head.
James chuckled hesitantly as you arrived at the infirmary, clearly trying to avoid the guilt gnawing at his stomach.
Madam Pomfrey was quick to usher you to a bed with a quick “Why is it always you lot?” and a wave of her wand.
James sat you down and was quick to grab your hand as you adjusted yourself on the bed. He sat on the edge of the hard wooden chair next to your bed. His hands cupped yours as his eyes glared daggers into your ankle.
“I should… I'll go put the brooms away,” Sirius said awkwardly, shifting from foot to foot. You nodded and he was out of there in the next moment.
“Jamie,” you said. He wasn’t looking at you. “James,” you said again, squeezing his hand. His eyes finally met yours, and you couldn’t find the words to describe the look of hurt on his face. “I’m alright.”
“I know,” he said shakily, a breathy chuckle coming from his mouth. “I know.”
“And it’s not your fault,” you said. He looks away from you again.
“I’m really sorry,” he said, the pain clear on his face even as he faced away from you. If there’s one thing that hurts James Potter more than seeing his loved ones in pain, it’s being the one that caused the pain.
“If I accept your apology will you stop moping?”
James laughed, his head ducking down and eyes crinkling at the sides. He brought your hand up to his lips, resting them on your knuckles before peppering kisses all over your hand.
“I truly don’t deserve you,” he said, smiling softly at you.
“Don’t go all soft on me now just because I’m injured,” you groaned as he moved to peck your cheek a few times.
“Sorry to interrupt,” Madam Pomfrey huffed, dropping a basket of potions at the foot of your bed. James quickly pulled away from you, the two of you blushing fiercely. “Should be an easy fix,” she said, suddenly back to her normal motherly persona. “Should be able to get you back on your feet in no time.”
“See, James, all alright,” you said, smiling as you squeezed his hand.
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madame-fear · 8 days
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𖤓 The Light That Shreds Through Darkness — Lucerys x Aunt!Velaryon!Reader ( finished. ) 𖤓 The Power of Love — Lucerys x Betrothed!Reader ( unfinished. ) 𖤓 Sea & Sun — Lucerys x Martell!Reader ( not yet started. )
© 2024 MADAME-FEAR don’t steal, copy, or plagiarise my works; neither translate them without my permission.
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s3thwrit3sstuff · 1 year
❛ master list ❜
▬ last updated: 02.05.2024
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♡ ▬ NSFW content (MDNI). | ☁ ▬ means it's angst. | ↺ ▬ means it's a WIP.
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Yandere Original Characters ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
Kim Seo-Yun x gn!reader | Kim Jeong-Hyun x gn!reader | drabble: ♡ "You make me feel like I am clean again"
Arcane (2021) ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
VANDER x ftm!prostitute!reader: ♡ "You better lock your door and look at me a little more (we both know I'm worth waitin' for)"
Avatar (2009) ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
Call of Duty (2022) ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
Konig x male!reader: ♡ "Oh, oh-oh"
Castlevania (2017) ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
multi!characters x incubus!reader | drabble: ♡ "Just wanna be one of your toys, tonight"
DCU ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
JASON TODD x male!reader: "You get me so high"
Dead by Daylight (2016) ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
Jutjutsu Kaisen (2018) ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
GOJO SATORU x male!husband!reader: ☁ "I WANT THE YOU WHO WANTS ME AGAIN" [1/3] ☁ "WHY AM I IN LOVE ALONE? (WHY AM I HURTING ALONE?)" [2/3] ☁♡ "PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME (PLEASE DON'T FALL)" [3/3] ☁ alternate ending [AU] ☁♡ "YOU ALREADY HAVE A PIECE OF MY HEART (WHICH I HAVE NEVER GIVEN TO YOU)" | au's and what ifs drabble ↳ ❛ __ ❜ [playlist link]
poly!GOJO SATORU & GETO SUGURU x male!reader: ♡ "He's just like candy, he's so sweet"
poly!GOJO SATORU & GETO SUGURU x male!reader: ☁♡ "You know what sinners do when they love too soon (are you ready to die?)"
Hein Era!RYOMEN SUKUNA X concubine!ftm!reader X Heian Era!GOJO SATORU: ♡ "Darling, won't you just plead, or should I begin to bleed?"
Marvel ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
PETER PARKER x male!superhero!reader: "You're just making sure I'm never gettin' over you" [1/2] ♡ "Baby, you know that you won" [2/2]
My Hero Academia (2014) ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
DABI (TOUYA TODOROKI) x ftm!reader: ♡ "Just like that, baby"
Resident Evil (1996) ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
ghostface!LEON KENNEDY x ftm!ghostface!reader: ♡ "Comin' back for more?"
Sally Face (2016) ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
SAL FISHER x ftm!reader: ☁♡ "I was the boy who was on your side" SAL FISHER x ftm!reader: ♡ "I'll show you how we're supposed to feel (when we meet at Orion's belt)"
LARRY JOHNSON: ↺ ♡ "'Cause it's not a figure of speech, you got me down on my knees"
Slashers ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
COREY CUNNINGHAM x gn!reader: ♡ "Helping Hand"
multi. characters x transmasc!reader | dating drabble: "beautiful (darling)"
multi.characters x male!slasher!reader | dating drabble: "take my soul (need control)"
poly!BILLY LOOMIS & STU MACHER x male!reader: "Line of Sight"
poly!COREY CUNNINGHAM & OG!MICHAEL MYERS x gn!reader "Say yes to heaven (say yes to me)"
The Legend of Korra (2012) ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
TONRAQ x male!reader ♡ "situation might get sticky, icky"
Teen Wolf (2011) ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
MIECZYSLAW "STILES" STILINSKI x male!werewolf!reader: ♡ "Burn for you" DEUCALION x male!werewolf!reader: ♡ "Show Me How" [1/2] ♡ "Show Me How" [2/2]
The Walking Dead (2010) ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
The Witcher (2019) ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
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lilirari · 6 months
         🏎️ ⿻ : FORMULA 1 MASTERLIST . . ❜
          you were driving the getaway car ★
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「 16 」 CHARLES LECLERC (⠀! ☆⠀)
— king of my heart (cl16 x fem! singer! reader)
— new year's day (cl16 x gn! reader)
「 4 」 LANDO NORRIS (⠀! ☆⠀)
— a sky full of stars (ln4 x fem! k-pop idol! reader)
— lovers rock (ln4 x fem! reader)
「 44 」 LEWIS HAMILTON (⠀! ☆⠀)
— the sun to my moon (lh44 x fem! singer! reader)
「 81 」 OSCAR PIASTRI (⠀! ☆⠀)
— happy halloween (op81 x fem! reader)
— slow down (biker! op81 x biker! fem! reader)
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jinsoulloves · 2 months
a favor for a favor / hikaru hitachiin
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synopsis. tamaki had a thing for haruhi. despite [name] and tamaki’s many childhood years spent together, and the sheer amount of excitement they both felt when they could finally be reunited, she knew their relationship would never grow into anything more than friends. it wasn’t until a certain twin found out about these suppressed feelings, that he proposed a deal.
a deal for his own benefit, sure, but he also knew how badly unrequited feelings sucked. wether he would say it or not, a small part of him knew he was going to make sure [name] didn’t have the same pain of love he did.
warnings. fem reader. slowburn. light angst throughout story, heavier angst in later chapters. (dw it isn’t just angst)
chapters. none yet!
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dustofthedailylife · 1 year
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[♫] Dust's favorites For genre refer to the tags of the individual posts works marked with * are direct links to AO3 (archiveofourown), every fic here is a Reader-insert.
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🌠 Lost And Found // Welt
🌠 "General, This Ain't A Cat" // Jing Yuan
🌠 It Must Be Love // Blade, Dan Heng, Jing Yuan, Gepard, Welt
🌠 A Stellar Birthday // Jing Yuan, Dan Heng
🌠 Unaffected // Dr. Ratio
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HEADCANONS (w/ short Drabbles)
🌠 The train is getting ready for departure. Check back later...
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🌠 "My Treasure" // Dan Heng
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dracuno · 9 months
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✧ . ° # ⁺ cillian murphy + characters . ‧ ❀
random brainrot i found confidence to write out + tiktoks + playlists
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neil lewis (watching the detectives)
⟡ "knocked up" (prompt snippet)
⟡ "you know other women?" (prompt drabble)
⟡ neil & y/n stoned (tiktok)
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robert fischer (inception)
⟡ him (tiktok/thats all u need 2 know)
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matthew joy (in the heart of the sea)
⟡ "i told you i'd come back, right?"
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jonathan breech (on the edge)
⟡ miserable but with u (playlist)
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dr. jonathan crane (batman)
⟡ him as your therapist (drabble/hc)
⟡ giving him head during a trial (judge crane imagine) (v light nsfw)
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jvpiterzz · 21 days
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do not repost/copy any of my works on apps or websites.
all rights and credits go to the original owner of any images from my blog. most images are either from pinterest, discord, or made by ME.
this may be updated often in case of any mistakes or forgotten info.
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littledollseyes · 11 months
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with pop star s/o
with pop star s/o
with pop star s/o
with pop star s/o
with kind and positive s/o
with pop star s/o
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madame-fear · 8 days
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✿ ⸝⸝ before requesting, please read my rules ! requests are currently closed.
© 2024 MADAME-FEAR don’t steal, copy, or plagiarise my works; neither translate them without my permission.
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lilirari · 5 months
         ⚽ ⿻ : FOOTBALL MASTERLIST . . ❜
    karma is the guy on the screen coming straight home to me ★
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「 6 」 PABLO GAVI (⠀! ☆⠀)
— kiss it off me (pg6 x fem! reader)
「 8 」 PEDRI GONZÁLEZ (⠀! ☆⠀)
— i wanna be yours (p8 x fem! joão félix's bff! reader)
 ⋆ 𝜗𝜚 ⁺ ∿ FAKE TEXTS . . .
 01.  02.  03.  04.  05.  06.  07.
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the-travelling-witch · 2 months
We’re allowed to look at ur masterlist? /j
ALL JOKES ASIDE, sometimes I just do it for fun^ I like that website u made for the event u held a few months back it’s always fun to play around on that
i know you’re joking but ngl sometimes i do wonder if people just don’t do it or if they don’t find them or if they’re too hard to navigate bc some asks… let us say, they make me channel my inner saint of patience
i think you’re like one out of two people who has seen that site so it feels like i’ve flushed a lot of time down the drain for nothing (and it’s also the reason i’m not updating it lol)
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misfitcpia · 3 months
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( layout ib: @/venusvity )
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ‧ 。.*✩彡 . . . MASTERLIST
the complete masterlist that will be updated constantly ! 
GROUP ! ⠀⠀ / ⠀⠀ MEMBERS !
please check the disclaimer if you haven't already ! 
HOT CHOCOLATE ( Hyunbin x Karis )
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dracuno · 11 months
⟡ intro : YUNA, nineteen, she/her, alastor & lucifer's
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⟡ dedications : about the author ୨୧ about the blog
⟡ table of contents : archives (masterlist) ୨୧ letter for me? ୨୧ cillian archives (masterlist)
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⟡ now playing : there is a light that never goes out — the smiths
⟡ latest : giving him head during a trial (judge crane imagine) (v light nsfw)
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jvpiterzz · 21 days
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→ here
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→ here
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do not repost/copy any of my works on apps or websites.
all rights and credits go to the original owner of any images from my blog. most images are either from pinterest, discord, or made by ME.
this may be updated often in case of any mistakes or forgotten info.
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