#⏰Clockwork/Natalie Ouellette⏰
tic-toc-clock77 · 7 months
Every single day, I die inside thinking about how a possessed Clockwork killed Toby and just fucking grieved harshly for so long. She'd STILL be grieving today in-universe. That KILLS me every SINGLE DAY
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spookybreadstick · 3 years
💞 HCs: Pastas at the Beach💞
this was a cute lil idea i had queued up since i’m on vacation currently.. which one of these are you when you go to the beach? 
Swims in the water all day, even though they’re freezing by the end of it: 
Goes back and forth between playing games on the beach & swimming in the ocean:
Lays on a towel and tans: 
Spends the day building the biggest sandcastle: 
Goes on a walk along the beach to look for pretty shells and rocks: 
Does a mixture of all of the above activities:
Reads a book under the shade of an umbrella: 
Sits inside somewhere on their phone: 
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Which of the boys takes their shirt off to swim?
Who lathers themselves up in sunscreen to the point of being white as a sheet?
Who is paranoid about sharks?
Who finds the prettiest rocks and shells to take home?
Who gets the best tan?
Who packs the lunch?
Hoodie (with Slender’s help)
Who is the lifeguard on duty? 
Who is the worst swimmer?
BEN (obviously, and he refuses to go near the water)
Who yells at everyone to put on sunscreen?
Who complains about the sand getting everywhere?
Who takes pictures of everything?
Who tries to catch fish with their bare hands and succeeds?
Who accidentally swallows a bunch of seawater while swimming?
Who gets sunburnt because they refused to wear sunscreen?
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blood-on-the-marble · 3 years
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I felt like drawing a feral gal today
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spookybreadstick · 3 years
Slender’s relationship with the other pastas 💞🌲
please note that i write the pastas as i see fit but this is just something i fall back on and is generally how i write them
also note that Slender considers many of the residents of the mansion to be members of his family, much like Sally does. 
🍬 LJ was the first person that Slender ever opened his home to. 
🍬 The two are complete opposites, yet old friends. 
🧵 They have a professional relationship, though Slender often finds himself irritated with Jonathan easily. 
🎮 Slender views him sort of like a step-son.  
🎮 It's not HIS child, but he's still Slender's kid in his own way, if that makes sense.
🔪 Slender views him sort of like a step-son as well, but like a GROWN step-son. 
🔪like, you didn't raise him (he was already grown at that point) but he's still your step-kid, if that makes sense. 
🎨Bloody Painter🎨
🎨 Slender views him as like his cousin's kid (second cousin). 
🎨 You (probably) don't know them that well, but they're still family. 
🧣Slender views Liu as like his step-son’s brother (from the other side of the family)
🧣 They aren’t family, not even related by marriage, but they’re still connected in a family type of way. 
🤍 Slender views him as like a grown nephew. 
🤍 They are both adults now, and have a more adult uncle-nephew relationship. 
🖤 Slender considers Jane like a grown niece. 
🖤Their relationship is similar to that of Slender and EJ's, but Slender is much closer to EJ. 
⏰  Slender has a professional relationship with her, and he views her kind of like his protege. 
⏰ Like he's her mentor, not her family. 
⏰ But then again, he still considers her like a member of the family. 
⏰ Like a close family friend, if you will. 
💄 Slender maintains a professional relationship with Nina, although he truthfully doesn't like her very much. 
❓Hoodie❓and 🎭Masky🎭
❓🎭 Slender considers both of these boys his sons. 
❓🎭 They are his grown sons, but still his sons. 
🪓 Slender considers Toby his teenage son.
🪓  Not a kid anymore, but not an adult either. 
🪓He still needs a father, and Slender is happy to fill that role
🧸 100% she is his daughter. 
🧸 She refers to him as her dad, and he refers to her as his daughter.
🧸 She is still a child in her mentality (for the most part) and she requires a father to take care of her, which Slender happily does.
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spookybreadstick · 3 years
Jeff’s relationships with the other pastas 💞🔪
please note that i write the pastas as i see fit but this is just something i fall back on and is generally how i write them
🌲Jeff thinks of Slender like a father-figure, but will take that to his grave. 
🌲 He pushes Slender’s buttons a lot, never too far (for fear that Slender might actually kick him out), but just because he is guarding his heart, in a way. 
🌲 He knows that Slender views him like a child, and while he may act annoyed by this, he is secretly almost honored. 
🌲 Jeff is just scared to open himself up to that father-son type bond, when his own parents thought he was a disappointment. 
🍬 It's hit or miss.
🍬  Either they get along great, or not at all. 
🍬 It changes day to day. 
🍬 Yes, they do get into fights on particularly bad days. 
🍬 And they go right for the metaphorical jugular (although they would go for the literal jugular, had Slender not put a rule in place). 
🍬 Jeff will be all “nobody wants to be your friend, loser” “you have no purpose,” “you’re just an unwanted, unloved, rejected imaginary friend,” 
🍬 So LJ will be all “Your own parents never loved you,” “you deserved to get bullied,” “you’re unlovable because you act like an asshole,” 
🍬 While they may go for the jugular, they don’t go for the heart, so to speak. 
🍬 While the above examples may be awful, they’re not the worst things they could say.
🍬 Talking about LJ being trapped in a box, or specifically about Isaac is off the table. Talking about how Jeff killed his parents and almost killed Liu is off the table. 
🍬 Also, while not off the table completely, they usually don’t go after each other about looks. 
🍬 LJ is a 7 foot tall monochromatic clown with a striped cone-nose. Jeff is... well, he’s Jeff. Y’all know how he looks. There’s no need for them to point out each other’s appearances because they’re each aware of it and pretty evenly matched on who looks worse. 
🧵 Surprisingly, they get along pretty well. 
🧵Then again, they don’t see each other very often. 
🧵If they lived together and saw more of each other, they probably wouldn’t get along because they have similar negative personality traits. 
🎮 Of course they’re best friends. 
🎮 It may seem like an odd friendship at first, but it def works out and they get along great. 
🎨Bloody Painter🎨
🎨 Not a fan of Bloody Painter. 
🎨 Jeff thinks that he has a stick up his ass that needs to be removed via Jeff’s snarky comments and general sass. 
🎨  Jeff constantly provokes him, so he’s really earned Helen’s sass. 
🧣 *cracks knuckles* Yeah, this is a hot mess. 
🧣 Their relationship is super complicated and there’s a lot of emotions behind it. 
🧣 They were close as kids, but things fell apart when Jeff’s mental issues became more apparent and started presenting more of a problem. 
🧣 Jeff was the kind of big brother that would tease Liu and generally be a pest. 
🧣 In a loving way, of course, and Liu knew this (even if he didn’t always remember it when Jeff was giving him a hard time). 
🧣 Jeff doesn’t remember attacking their parents or Liu. 
🧣 He only remembers the look on Liu’s face when Jeff “came to” and backed off.  
🧣 That look of terror, pain, and betrayal haunts Jeff forever. 
🧣 Jeff believed that Liu was dead for years until Liu found him.
🧣 Jeff feels horrible about what happened, but he has no idea how to make it up to Liu (if that’s even possible). 
🧣 He tries to stay out of Liu’s way, because he thinks that’s what Liu wants. 
🧣 He misses his brother though, and wishes that things were different. 
🤍 Jeff thinks that EJ is a cool guy sometimes, but more often than not, he’s too uptight for Jeff to hang around.
🤍  Jeff loves to let loose, and EJ seems almost incapable (in Jeff’s mind) of doing that.
🤍 They argue often, mostly because Jeff is so stubborn, opinionated, and full of himself.
🤍 EJ hates people that are full of themselves and will tell Jeff to get off his high horse. Jeff, however, loves being on his high horse.
🤍 EJ is quite the educated fellow, so he can’t help but correct someone if they say something that is wildly incorrect. Jeff usually pulls facts and stuff out of his ass, and EJ just has to say something every time or it’ll bother him forever.
🤍 (Jeff sometimes will say something incorrect on purpose, and then defend it to the death, just to get EJ riled up).
🤍 However, they both know that they can count on each other if the other one really needs help. They’re both solid like that.
🖤 I think this one is pretty obvious. 
🖤 Of course Jeff hates her!! (Although quite honestly, he hates her to avoid hating himself even more than he already does)
🖤 There is a whole list of reasons why.
🖤  1) She was a victim that got away,                                                          
🖤 2) She actually injured him pretty badly on that night,                                  
🖤 3) She hates his guts and reminds him of that every chance she gets,    
🖤 4) She actively hunted him down and wanted to kill him for years,          
🖤 5) She reminds him of what he has become, and it stirs up a lot of conflicting emotions within him,                                                                        
🖤 6) She has never apologized for attacking him (not that he has ever apologized for attacking her, though he did once say sorry about her parents), 
🖤 7) If not for the forced truce put in place by Slender, she would be trying to kill him to this day!
⏰ She hates him on Jane’s behalf
⏰ He only hates her in retaliation for hating him in the first place
⏰  If not for that, the two of them would probably be good friends. 
⏰ But that will never happen. 
💄Another pretty complex relationship. 
💄Like, on one hand, he’s flattered. 
💄 Really, it just boosts his ego, which is already too high for his own good most of the time. 
💄On the other hand, Nina is a lot to handle. 
💄 And honestly? He just doesn’t see her in that way. 
💄 She’s just too much, and he isn’t equipped to deal with all that mess. 
💄He doesn’t want to be tied down to anyone, especially not Nina. 
💄Tbh, he does think it’s kind of creepy how stalkerish she is. And that’s something coming from Jeff. 
💄He’s not mean to her (surprisingly) but he does tend to avoid her, just to stay out of the whole thing. 
❓Jeff and Masky are locked into quite the feud, and poor Hoodie gets dragged into it as Masky’s best friend. 
❓ Jeff will just act like a dick, tbh. It’s his way of “getting back” at Masky for whatever the last argument they had was about. 
❓Hoodie puts up with a lot of it, but Jeff knows that Hoodie has his limits which he is careful to avoid. Hoodie may seem weak in comparison with some of the other pastas, but he is actually hella strong when he is angry (kind of like the Hulk lmao). 
🎭 Yeah, they don’t get along.
🎭 Constant fighting, arguing, bickering, you name it. 
🎭 Like fights with LJ, fights with Masky can really go for the jugular. 
🎭 However, Jeff sort of has to refrain from this because there isn’t too much he can say about Masky’s past. 
🎭 What, he didn’t have a great childhood? Okay, join the club. Jeff had it worse, and Masky’s childhood wasn’t even that bad. 
🎭 Masky has depression and mild anxiety? Again, join the club. (Although Jeff does pick on him for this one, because Jeff does not have anxiety and while he does have mild depression, he would never let anyone else know about it). 
🎭 Masky is essentially just Slender’s servant? Yeah, so what? Everyone knows that, and it’s not even a big deal.
🎭 Smoking? Yeah, Masky knows it and owns it. That doesn’t affect him. 
🎭 The only things he can really get at Masky for is his pill problem (he’s not exactly addicted, but it is a problem. And the pill issue is different than smoking cigarettes because Masky is ashamed of this one), and his physical appearance. 
🎭  Insulting Masky’s appearance has more of an effect on Masky than Jeff even realizes (poor Masky has self-esteem issues, though you’d never know it), especially comments about his weight.
🪓 They’re friends, but barely.
🪓 Jeff loves to be mean to Toby.
🪓 Their ‘friendship’ is really only held together by the fact that Toby desperately wants friends. 
🪓 Jeff has no chill (obviously) and makes fun of Toby for his tics and scar, which really hurt him. 
🪓 Jeff would never, ever, bring up Lyra though. Even he knows that you do not bring that up. He doesn’t even bring up Toby’s dad, either, because he knows that that would hurt Toby a lot (although it isn’t off the table if the two of them were ever to get in a really big fight). 
🪓 Toby tries to let most things Jeff says roll off his back, but they do fight a lot when Toby decides that Jeff has gone too far. 
🪓 There are times though, when Jeff is in a good mood, that the two of them actually do have fun together. 
🧸Jeff considers her as like that annoying little cousin who follows you around at a family party and asks if you have any games on your phone. 
🧸He doesn’t really like kids too much, because he has no idea what to do with one.   
🧸 Sometimes he can be rude to Sally, when he is in a really bad mood. 
🧸 He tries to make it up to her in some small way afterward. 
🧸 And if anyone was to ever try to hurt her, Jeff would be the first to throw hands. 
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spookybreadstick · 3 years
What are the pastas’ deepest desires or goals for the future?
These are their deepest desires, regardless of whether or not they’re realistic (many of them are not). 
💞 Deepest Desires of the Pastas 💞
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🍬 Laughing Jack wants to be able to go out in public and not be gawked at. He wants to find a partner or platonic best friend who wants to experience the world as much as he does. He would go traveling the world with this person, showcasing his talents at various circuses, and he would never be alone. 
🤍 Eyeless Jack wants to be human again. He wants to wake up from this nightmare of a life, back safely in his college dorm, studying for his finals. He would grow up to become a doctor, and he would help people instead of hurt them. Eventually, he would find a partner who shares his values in life and they would live together, maybe adopt some animals as well. EJ also misses having his full sight, so he wants that back as well. 
🎮 BEN wants a partner. He would also give anything to be able to take his partner out on actual dates like a normal person, and to look like a normal person as well. He doesn’t mind being a ghost, but he does get sort of self-conscious at times of his bleeding eyes. 
🔪 Jeff wants to be understood and he wants to be loved. He craves physical touch and positive attention. He wants somebody to see him as more than just the bad parts of him, but also somebody that loves those bad parts of him just the same. 
🧣 Liu wants his old life back, but better. His parents are alive, but they’re actually good parents who treat both of their sons equally well and pay attention to their boys in a positive way. Jeff is the big brother he knew and loved as a child, only there’s no bullies to drive him to his breaking point and Jeff isn’t being abused by their parents anymore. Liu doesn’t have DID or any other mental health problems caused by the incident, he doesn’t have nightmares about it, and he doesn’t have scars all over his face anymore. 
🖤 Jane wants her old life back more than anything. She was close with her parents, she did well in school, she had better self-esteem over her looks, and she was generally satisfied with her life before everything happened. She wants that back, but she wants it along with her newfound confidence. This confidence will allow her to get even more out of her life, and it will allow her to put herself out there as a proud lesbian. She’d grow up to marry her girlfriend who she’s madly in love with, and they’d become a cute cottagecore couple with a bunch of cats and probably a baby or two. 
⏰ Clockwork yearns for a good childhood. One with parents who actually treated her well, didn’t abuse or neglect her, parents who actually loved their daughter. She would have plenty of good food to eat, new toys to play with, friends she made at school who she would play with all afternoon. Her parents would give her hugs and tuck her in at night. And when she grew into a rebellious teenager, her parents would love her just the same. And when she became a grown woman, she could confidently say that she had a a good childhood and she currently has a great relationship with her parents. 
💄Nina’s desires change. Most often, she wishes to be with Jeff. She envisions over-the-top confessions of love and grand romantic gestures and luxurious couple getaways. But there are times that she wishes that she wasn’t like this. She’ll have a period of self-awareness in which she realizes how messed up this whole thing is, and she’ll wish that she could just go back to being a little girl only this time she’d never grow into that kind of teenage girl. She’d just be... normal, instead. 
🧵 Puppeteer desires to be known by people. He wants his name to be a household name, whether it’s whispered in fear or awe, it doesn’t matter. 
🎨 Helen wants to be a world renowned artist. He’d have his own flat which he could do all kinds of art projects in, and he’d have a bunch of artist friends who respect his work just as much as he respects theirs. In this version of events, he’d have grown up a boy instead of the forced femininity his parents put on him, he would have no lingering effects from the trauma, and he wouldn’t be so messed up that he’d kill people for art. No, he’d just be a regular person who made extraordinary artworks that he would be known for long after he’s gone. 
🎭 Tim wants to be back in human society again. He and Brian would return to college to finish their degrees, then get good-paying jobs in their fields. In this version of events, they would each have nice families to return to for the holidays, and they would each be able to afford a nice house. They would enjoy their work and never have to worry about money. Ideally, Tim imagines that he’d settle down  and have a couple of children. Brian would live down the street with his family, and the children would grow up being the best of friends, more like siblings really. (Or, perhaps, they are siblings 👀 ...)
❓Brian wants the world to be a better place. He doesn’t want to have to hurt anyone anymore, but he also doesn’t want Slender to go without protection of the proxies. He just wishes that there could be a world where everyone could exist happily, just being themselves, and not hurt anyone. 
🪓 Toby wants to be home, with his mother and sister. He wants to go to school like everybody else and be able to make friends. He wouldn’t have Tourette’s or CIPA or that facial scar, he’d be able to fit in just fine. He’d be able to get a partner, and they’d be in love and get married somebody and have babies who definitely won’t have those disorders. No, they’d be perfect and have wonderful childhoods with Toby being a terrific father. 
🌲 Slender desires a proper family. One that isn’t riddled by trauma and pain and mental disorders. Don’t get it twisted, he loves his family, but he just wishes, for their sakes, that they didn’t have to go through all of that. He wants his pasta-family, minus all of the trauma & mental health issues. He also desires to be able to walk among humans without causing a panic. And he would want his species as a whole to be able to live their lives freely, without fear of the humans, and for the species to begin rebuilding their low population, allowing their culture to thrive.
🧸 Sally just wants the people around her to be happy. And maybe some chocolate milk. Yes, chocolate milk sounds good too. 
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spookybreadstick · 3 years
What exactly drove Slender to take in the pastas that wouldn’t end up being proxies to him? And aside from Slender and his proxies, what kind of motives do some of the pastas have for killing and what motivates the few of who them don’t kill, to not?
y'all really asking hard-hitting questions lol, i love it :)
note 1: This is a bit old, but here is the link to why Slender has proxies!
note 2: This is also the link to the jobs that the proxies do, in case you'd be interested in that.
A) Slender’s Pastas 
For non-proxies, the reason why Slender took them in is because most of them were in a bad place when they were found. The reason why he kept them around varies from pasta to pasta. 
LJ was sobbing his heart out because he was so lonely when Slender found him wandering in the woods. Slender ended up keeping him around because he didn’t have it in him to throw the clown out, and besides, seeing as LJ was the first member of the mansion, Slender had been pretty lonely in that house by himself. 
EJ was succumbing to his demon side when Slender found him (here is the link to that story if you're interested! Warning that its my most disturbing story to date). Slender ended up keeping EJ because he was afraid that EJ would pose a risk if he left and succumbed to his demon side and he felt bad that EJ had no where to go once he had been turned. It wasn’t EJ’s fault that he had been turned in the first place
BEN had just discovered that he was a ghost when Slender found him, crying and scared because he had no memories and no where to go. Slender kept BEN because he was a child, and Slender has a soft spot for children. 
Liu & Jeff were both injured and near death when Slender found the two of them. Slender couldn’t just leave them there, they were children and he felt compelled to heal them. Liu expressed desire to return home when he came to, so Slender knocked him out with some strong medication and dropped him off at the entrance of the woods for paramedics to find. Liu thought that Slender was a fever dream, and would not be reunited with Slender until several years later when he stumbled into the woods, and Slender came to greet him, thinking that Liu had remembered Slender’s kindness. Jeff had no desire to return home, he was hostile and always threatening people when he first came to the mansion, even while he was healing. Slender grew to like this murderous little child despite everything, and he promised that Jeff would always have a home at the mansion if he chose to (Jeff was prone to running away at first, and Slender always had to go out to find him). Nowadays, Slender is stuck with Jeff. 
Slender had heard about Bloody Painter on the news, and was careful to keep a look out for him. He found BP laying face down in the dirt, trying to suffocate himself at the time. He took pity on him, brought him to the mansion, cleaned him up, and asked him to explain his murderous actions. Slender allowed BP to stay at the mansion as long as he needed to clean up his act (it’s been four years on and off now), because Slender feels like he has a responsibility to do so. 
 Jane was kept around because she bested Masky in combat, and this intrigued Slender. He wanted her for a proxy, but respected her decision to not become a proxy. He initially thought he’d have to kill Jane, but the two came to an agreement that as long as she could camp out at the mansion if she needed to, and Slender kept Jeff away from her, she wouldn’t tell a soul (and she’d stop trying to kill Jeff, unless he made a move to kill her, in which case all bets were off). 
Clockwork was kept around because she beat Jeff in combat, and this caused Slender to have to step in, because otherwise she would have killed Jeff (Jeff always claims that he had a rough day, otherwise he would have taken her out. Okay, sure, whatever you say). Slender and Clockwork were able to reach an agreement that she wouldn’t be a proxy, but she would be willing to help out with proxy duties if need be (and she would only stay at the mansion part-time). 
Nina managed to sneak into the mansion, an impressive feat which prompted Slender to have to meet with this individual right away. It took a while, but Nina was finally able to convince Slender that she wasn’t going to tell anyone. She was heavily monitored for a long time after, but she doesn’t need to know that. 
And of course, we know the stories of the proxies and how they were each found. Toby after killing his father & setting the neighborhood on fire, Hoodie on death’s door in the woods, and Masky looking for Hoodie whilst being scared out of his mind alone in the woods.
B) To Kill or Not to Kill, that is the question
There are three main categories of pasta: the willing killers, the unwilling killers, and the non-killers. 
Willing Killers: Jeff, Clockwork, Laughing Jack, Helen (but he’s not in his right mind when he does), Puppeteer, Jane, Nina, 
Unwilling Killers: Hoodie, Masky, Toby, Eyeless Jack, Liu (Sully is the one who kills and only when he feels its needed) 
Non-Killers: BEN, Sally, Slenderman (not directly)
HERE is the link to the Quick Facts Mega Post which has more links on it for the type of targets that each pasta has, and how active they are in the killing scene. Some kill frequently, some kill rarely, and some fall in between. Different pastas also have different targets. 
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spookybreadstick · 3 years
Today I feel like reading something sad. Could you please write some little angst headcanons about the creeps? Thank you bby!
-dancing parrot🐦🎶
i decided to go with nightmares as my subject of choice, I didn’t do all of the creeps but I did do the major ones, I hope you like it & it’s angsty enough for you <3 
also a brief warning that it get a little bit intense? maybe? not too sure about it, but better to be prepared than not!
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🍬 LJ’s most common nightmare is being trapped in his box and never being allowed to leave. In his dreams, Isaac is there, taunting him about what a horrible friend he is and how he deserves this fate of being locked away forever in a box. The box continues to shrink, smaller and smaller, until LJ can barely breathe at all and he feels like he’s being suffocated. 
🤍 EJ frequently has nightmares that feature his lack of control over his monstrous tendencies. In his dreams, he is forced to watch as a version of himself tears into an innocent person, usually a fellow member of the mansion whom he has a good relationship with, despite their cries and pleas for him to stop. It’s graphic and terrible and EJ wakes up sobbing (although he can’t cry real tears, the feelings behind the sob are still there, it’s a sob without tears) every time it happens. It’s even worse because EJ fears that one day this nightmare could become reality, if he loses control of himself and hurts/kills somebody he cares about. 
🎮 BEN often has nightmares about drowning again. It’s a simple nightmare, but it frightens him every time. Most of the time, he drowns as other members of the mansion watch and laugh and tell him that he deserves this. Because BEN already experienced drowning before, the dream is “enhanced” by his traumatic memories of the event from his actual life. This means that in his dreams, he feels the way he felt during his actual drowning. 
🔪 Jeff gets nightmares a lot, but the nightmare he gets most often is pretty tame. He’s running from something, but he can’t quite outrun it. It’s catching up to him, and he knows that if it catches him, he’s done for. Now, this nightmare is certainly not a fun one to have, but Jeff much prefers having this nightmare over the ones that actually scare him. The two actually scary nightmares he has are when he watches a version of himself actually kill Liu (quite brutally) or a dream in which Liu kills him, whilst claiming that he deserves this fate and so much more. 
🖤 Jane’s worst nightmare involves her running into her childhood home, hugging her parents tightly as she cries tears of relief that they’re okay, only to look up and notice their bloody, mangled, oozing faces. In her dream, she’ll gasp and try to run away, but the zombiefied version of her parents will corner her, blame her for their deaths, and then rip her to pieces. It both breaks her heart and scares her out of her mind every time she has this dream.
⏰ Clockwork rarely dreams at all, and when she does, they’re nightmares. Her nightmares are really fragmented pieces of memory, her trauma from when she was a child. She relieves the horrific abuse she endured as a child. The only saving grace for her is, most of the time, she doesn’t remember her dreams when she wakes up. 
🎭 Tim’s nightmares mostly consist of being betrayed by Hoodie. Hoodie usually shoots him and watches him bleed to death. While he lays there dying, various people come up to him, kick him and tell him that he’s worthless/stupid/ugly/etc. These people are sometimes strangers, sometimes members of the mansion, and sometimes people from his past. 
❓Brian hardly ever has dreams or nightmares, but he does have one that he’ll get from time to time. In his dream, he is killed for refusing to become a proxy. Although, in his dream, Masky agrees to become a proxy and as his first assignment, he kills Hoodie. This dream hits home because, what if he had refused Slender’s offer to become a proxy? He would have had to be killed, of course. But would Masky have accepted if Brian did not? And would Slender have made Masky killl his own buddy? Would he have done it? These are questions that Hoodie doesn’t want the answer to. 
🪓 Toby has a recurring nightmare of the car crash that killed Lyra. He hates that one, and it’s the one he gets most often. His second most commonly occurring nightmare is when where he’s at school, being bullied. The bullying continuously gets worse and worse, with more and more people joining in, especially people who he cares about. The shame and humiliation get more intense, and the insults from the bullying crowd get more hurtful until Toby is begging from them to stop. But they don’t stop until Toby wakes up, heart pounding and tears forming in his eyes. 
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spookybreadstick · 3 years
LJ’s relationship with the other pastas 💞🍬
please note that i write the pastas as i see fit but this is just something i fall back on and is generally how i write them
🌲 LJ was the first ever resident of the mansion, and he is eternally grateful to Slender for providing him a place to stay for all these years.
🌲 He considers Slender to be a true friend. 
🧵They don't get along that well. 
🧵 Their personalities are too strong, and they repel one another. 
🧵 That being said, they do have a sort of bond from both being a bit old. 
🎮 LJ gets along with BEN because he’s such an easy going guy
🎮 What he doesn’t know is, BEN secretly finds LJ to be pretty annoying at times. 
🎮 LJ also cannot play video games very well, but he tries very hard. 
🔪 They either get along great or not at all. 
🔪 They can be super mean to each other when they’re not getting along (see Jeff’s post for more detail) 
 🎨Bloody Painter🎨
🎨 He doesn’t like Helen’s personality, and how he isn’t afraid to chew LJ out for a joke/prank in front of everybody
🧣 LJ doesn’t like Liu because Liu doesn’t like him. 
🧣 LJ hates Sully (Sully hated LJ first!) and is a little intimated by him tbh, which is really saying something coming from a 7 foot tall clown. 
🤍 EJ and LJ don’t really vibe together. They’re just too different.
🤍 That doesn’t stop LJ from trying to be good friends though!! 
🤍 Come on, they’re the two Jacks!! 
🤍 They have the same name, they’re destined to be friends forever! (According to LJ, anyway)
🖤 He doesn’t see much of Jane (she doesn’t live at the mansion and she avoids him when she is here)
🖤 He likes her aesthetic and vibe though
⏰ Clockwork intrigues him. 
⏰ LJ annoys her. 
⏰ She’ll participate in some pranks on a good day, though. 
💄LJ appreciates Nina because she doesn’t mind him, unless she’s in a bad mood. 
💄Nina laughs at a lot of his dumb jokes, which always give him that ✨serotonin✨ if you will. 
❓LJ thinks Hoodie needs to lighten up a bit.
❓ Hoodie has never once laughed at anything LJ has said, which makes him sad :( 
🎭 He and Masky do not vibe. 
🎭 He has called Masky a “stuck up bitch” to his face before lmao 
🎭 Masky hates everything LJ loves (stupid jokes/pranks/typical clown antics)
🪓  LJ likes Toby.
🪓 Problem is, LJ makes a lot of jokes or pokes fun at Toby’s tics and stutter.
🪓 He’s not doing it to be mean, he just kind of does it. 
🪓 Not trying to be offensive, but I mean, he is a clown (who was “born” over a hundred years ago to boot) and so making fun of this stuff is what he does. 
🧸Their relationship is complicated. 
🧸 His instinct is to love her, protect her, and be her best friend. That is what he was made to do. 
🧸 But because of his twisted purpose, he is afraid that he'll hurt her. 
🧸He's also scared that she'll be afraid of him or hate him, so he tries to stay away from her as much as it pains him. 
🧸(She’s not afraid of him though) 
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spookybreadstick · 3 years
BEN’s relationships with the other pastas 💞🎮
please note that i write the pastas as i see fit but this is just something i fall back on and is generally how i write them
🌲 BEN thinks of Slender as like his step-dad. Not his father, per se, but he also still is his dad, if that makes sense.
🌲 No, he will not admit this. 
🍬 He does get annoyed by LJ pretty easily. (Most people in the mansion find LJ a lot to deal with, to be perfectly honest). 
🍬 They just don’t have much in common, and all of LJ’s true interests are not interesting to BEN
🍬 He tries not to let it show, because a) he knows that LJ thinks pretty highly of him, and b) he knows how much it sucks to be told that you’re annoying for your interests. 
🧵 They don’t know each other. 
🔪 BFFs, ofc. 
🔪 BEN tries not to let on how much his relationship with Jeff means to him. 
🔪 BEN didn’t have friends in his actual life, and he’s thrilled to have such a close friend now in his after-life. 
🔪  BEN made friendship necklaces once, but Jeff laughed so hard that BEN had to lie that it was a joke and laugh with him :( 
🔪 They’re gaming buddies, and boy is BEN glad to have a good gaming buddy. 
🔪 Only problem is, both boys can be super competitive. 
🎨Bloody Painter🎨
🎨 He tries to cheer Helen up. He’s offered to be friends several times. 
🎨 But Helen is just gloomy and not having it. 
🧣 They’re friends :) 
🧣 This is Jeff’s brother, of course he and BEN get along (at least in BEN’s mind, that’s how it works)
🧣 BEN and Sully don’t get along, but not many people get along with Sully. 
🧣 BEN just avoids Liu altogether if he knows that Sully is fronting. 
🤍 They vibe together.
🤍  BEN enjoys EJ’s company while he’s gaming.
🤍 Again, BEN is just a chill dude so he’s cool with whatever EJ’s got going on
🖤 He gets along great with Jane, if and only if, Jeff’s not around.  
🖤 When Jeff is around, he has to pretend to hate Jane. 
🖤 BEN understands why Jane hates Jeff and thinks that she’s honestly in the right, but he has to stick by his buddy. 
⏰ Friends and gaming buddies
⏰ He enjoys her competitive nature, because he likes competition and is extremely passionate about video games. 
💄Nina wants to hang out with him and be friends, but he refuses. 
💄It isn’t often that he refuses someone’s friendship, because he’s a pretty chill guy. 
💄 But he just finds her to be weird, and he doesn’t want to be friends with her on account of the whole thing with Jeff. 
❓He’s cool with Hoodie. 
❓Again, he appreciates company. 
❓ And Hoodie’s not bad at Super Smash Bros. 
🎭 BEN doesn’t mind Masky, but he will jump at the chance to annoy him with Jeff. 
🎭 He also thinks it’s funny to be give Masky a hard time, but he is careful to never go to far (unlike Jeff who doesn’t care) because he doesn’t want to be mean (like the bullies who killed him). 
🎭 BEN thinks its the funniest thing, but also frustrating, that Masky cannot play video games. BEN tries to ‘help’ him, but its no use. Masky is a boomer in disguise
🪓 These boys are friends! 
🪓 They get along very well, with BEN being quite understanding of Toby’s tics.
🪓 Sometimes, if Toby’s tics are acting up particularly bad, BEN will start to glitch slightly, almost in response. No one knows why. 
🧸BEN thinks of Sally like a little sister. 
🧸 He is protective over her, but at the same time can be easily annoyed by her.
🧸 Typical sibling dynamic. 
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spookybreadstick · 3 years
Liu’s relationships with the other pastas 💞🧣
please note that i write the pastas as i see fit but this is just something i fall back on and is generally how i write them
🌲Liu thinks of Slender as a positive male role model.
🌲 He is very glad that Slender was able to save Jeff and be there for him all these years.
🌲  He is also grateful that Slender has allowed him to stay at the mansion.
🌲Sully isn’t too fond of Slender, for two reasons. A) Slender saved Jeff and has been harboring him for years, and B) Sully doesn’t like authority (or most people, for that matter).
🌲 Sully really tries with Slender though, because he knows that Slender can toss them out easily and Sully agrees that they do not need to be out on the street again.
🍬 He doesn't like LJ.
🍬 Liu personally finds LJ to be annoying.
🍬 LJ also has a tendency to cause Sully to front.
🍬 And Sully really doesn’t like LJ.
🧵 They have never met, and don’t know about the other one.
🎮 They are friends, but they’re not super close.
🎮 BEN is easy to get along with, and Liu likes that about him.
🎮 BEN always avoids Sully, though.
🎮 Liu does not play video games with BEN because they bring out his competitive side, also known as Sully.
🔪   Oh boy.
🔪 Their relationship is so complex.
🔪 As children, they were very close.
🔪  Once Jeff started having a hard time, mental health wise, they started to drift apart.
🔪 Neither boy knew how to handle this turn of events, and so their relationship suffered as a result.
🔪 They still loved each other though, and tried to keep their brotherly relationship going strong.
🔪 Jeff was different after his first stay in a mental hospital, mere months before The Incident.
🔪 Liu didn’t know who his brother was anymore. Jeff didn’t even know who he was.
🔪 Liu has PTSD from The Incident, obviously (Sully, and DID in general, is a coping mechanism from the body/mind).
🔪 Liu has forgiven Jeff, for the most part. Sully has not, and probably never will.
🔪 Liu wants to move on from The Incident, but he has a hard time (hence Sully).
🔪 Sully wants revenge. He hates Jeff, and plots to kill him.
🔪 Liu does not hate his brother, but he is still angry at him deep down for what he did.
🔪 Again, it’s complicated.  
🎨Bloody Painter/Helen🎨
🎨  They are acquaintances.
🤍 Liu and EJ are friends.
🤍 EJ can tolerate Sully, too, but he also has his own limits.
🖤 Liu is impressed by Jane.
🖤 He probably would have a crush on her if she wasn’t a lesbian (he respects Jane’s sexuality too much to have a crush on her because he knows she’s a lesbian)
🖤 Sully is even more impressed by Jane.
🖤 They get along great!
🖤 Jane’s the one person in the mansion who has had zero problems with Sully.
🖤 They’re two peas in a pod.
🖤 Slender keeps a close eye on the two of them, especially when Sully’s fronting.
⏰ Liu doesn’t have a problem with Clockwork, but Sully does (although not all the time, sometimes they get along very well)
⏰ It sucks whenever Sully and Clockwork get into a fight because Liu doesn’t usually have any idea of what happened, just that Clockwork is really mad at him and he feels bad about the whole thing
💄He doesn’t mind Nina, apart from the whole Jeff-crazed thing.
💄If Nina is in one of her weird moods, the whole mansion tries to keep her separate from Jane and Liu.
💄 It would cause Sully to front, and the three of them together could potentially do some damage as a Jeff-hating trio.
💄 Other than that, Liu and Nina don’t have a problem with each other and get along quite nicely for the most part.
❓Liu gets really along well with Hoodie.
❓ They’re good friends!
❓ They just kind of vibe together.
❓ And Hoodie knows how to handle Sully, which makes it even better.
🎭 Liu is sort of intimated by Masky.
🎭 It’s made worse by the fact that Masky and Sully do not get along at all.
🎭 Sully’s personality clashes badly with Masky’s personality.
🪓 Liu doesn’t have a problem with Toby.
🪓 It’s Sully that does.
🪓 Sully’s aggressive nature is often triggered by Toby’s tic, which is really unfortunate.
🪓 Sully also is constantly pointing out Toby’s tics and making him feel bad :(
🧸 He thinks that Sally’s a cute kid, and she means well.
🧸 She’s always trying to get him and Jeff to “make up”.
🧸 Sully secretly has a soft spot for Sally, but he keeps up a rough exterior so it’s hard to tell.
🧸 Liu refuses to babysit for fear of Sully surfacing and being mean to Sally.
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spookybreadstick · 3 years
EJ’s relationships with the other pastas 💞🤍
please note that i write the pastas as i see fit but this is just something i fall back on and is generally how i write them
🌲 EJ is eternally grateful for Slender’s help.  
🌲 He knows that he will forever be in Slender’s debt, so he tries hard to be useful around the house. 
🌲 Slender was the first person/being that wasn’t afraid of him, and actually tried to help him when he was at his worst.
🌲 Slender was also the one to fully explain to EJ what had happened to him, what he was, and what his new normal was going to have to look like. 
🍬 He doesn't really vibe with LJ. 
🍬 Their personalities, likes/dislikes, and general interests are vastly different. 
🍬 EJ is nice to LJ, but he doesn’t want to hang out with him or anything. 
🧵 They don’t have a relationship, as far as EJ is concerned. 
🧵 Puppeteer is just not on his radar. 
🎮 They’re friends :) 
🎮 EJ thinks that BEN’s fun to hang out with.
🎮 But that there is such a thing as too much of a good thing. 
🎮 Hanging out with BEN too much makes EJ irritable. 
🎮 For the most part though, they vibe together. 
🎮 (Although, EJ can’t play video games or even watch, really.)
🔪 They don’t get along very well.  
🔪 They argue a lot :/ 
🔪  Jeff likes to do things a certain way (his own way, and in a very chaotic manner) and EJ likes to do things a certain other way (the correct way lmao, but in a very calm and collected manner). 
🎨Bloody Painter/Helen🎨
🎨  They are acquaintances. 
🎨 They have mutual respect for each other. 
🧣 They are friends. 
🧣EJ helps take care of Liu’s stitches and scars. 
🧣 EJ also knows how to put Sully in his place if needed, and Sully knows he better respect EJ
🖤 EJ likes Jane a lot. 
🖤 She’s got one of those soothing personalities, and it helps to put him at ease. 
🖤 He is very grateful for any and help she gives him regarding his sight.
🖤 He would want to become friends, but he’s a bit too shy. 
⏰ They don’t have a relationship.
⏰ Just mutual respect and staying out of each other’s way. 
💄He’s kind of curious about what she’s like. 
💄Because they’ve never actually met, though they’ve each heard plenty about the other. 
💄 EJ respects that she might be scared of him (she is) and so he won’t approach her unless she approaches him first (hasn’t happened yet, but never say never....)
❓They are really good friends! 
❓ They are alike in a lot of ways, so it’s easy to see why they get along so well. 
❓ Their friendship consists of a lot of silence, but that’s more than okay with the both of them. 
❓ They don’t need to talk to enjoy each other’s company and just vibe together. 
🎭 They’re friends, and their friendship works because EJ is so similar to Hoodie (and we all know how well Hoodie and Masky get along). 
🎭 Masky does a lot of the talking, but EJ is more than happy to listen and offer some advice. EJ’s good at giving people advice.
🎭 EJ does nag at Masky about his unhealthy habits, though. EJ is still a firm belief in health and healthy habits, thanks to his med student days. 
🪓 EJ and Toby are friends, and get along quite well. 
🪓 EJ is understanding of Toby’s tics, and is extremely helpful in dealing with them. 
🪓 EJ is not bothered by any of his tics either, because who is he to judge?
🧸 EJ is very afraid that Sally might be scared of him :( 
🧸 He hates that people are or may be frightened of him.
🧸 It (understandably) makes him feel like shit 
🧸He especially doesn’t want to upset a child, much less a sweet little girl like Sally who’s already been through so much
🧸He doesn’t know (or maybe chooses to ignore because of his own insecurities) that Sally is not, in fact, afraid of him. 
🧸 If EJ would allow it, their relationship would def be like Boo and Sully from Monster’s Inc!!!
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spookybreadstick · 3 years
Nina’s relationships with the other pastas 💞💄
please note that i write the pastas as i see fit but this is just something i fall back on and is generally how i write them
🌲 Their relationship is strictly professional. 
🌲 He keeps her from Jeff, which she finds highly annoying. 
🌲 But at the same time, she respects him. 
🌲 She lost her own father, who she was close to, and she saw Slender as a way to fill that hole in her heart at first, but quickly realized he was uninterested in having a father-daughter relationship and instead wanted to keep it professional. 
🍬 She doesn’t mind LJ too much. 
🍬  If she’s feeling moody, however, she does mind him quite a bit. 
🧵They have never met. 
🧵 In fact, they are not even aware of the other’s existence. 
🎮 She badly wants to be his friend.  
🎮 Plus, she thinks he’s kind of cute. 
🎮 BEN refuses to be her friend, because of the whole Jeff situation. 
🔪  Whew. 
🔪 I mean. 
🔪 There’s a lot to unpack here. 
🔪 Obviously, she has a crush on Jeff.
🔪 But, it’s more than that.    🔪 It’s an obsession. A fixation. A hyper-focus. 
🔪 She doesn’t really know why, to be honest. 
🔪 But she can’t stop. 
🔪 At least, not for long. 
🔪 She does go through periods of time where she is pretty much... repulsed by Jeff. 
🔪 Like, she hates him almost as much as Jane does.  
🔪 One minute, she is obsessing crushing hardcore on Jeff and then the next minute she suddenly hates him with a burning passion.
🔪 During these periods of time, she and Jane get along great! 
🔪 It’s so weird, and no one understands why. It’s just one of those things, you know?
🎨Bloody Painter/Helen🎨
🎨 She thinks Helen’s art is cool. 
🎨 However, she made the grave mistake of misgendering Helen, and he has never forgiven her for that.  🎨 He works so hard to be perceived as male!  
🎨 And he passes as male just fine, Nina thought he was a man when she first saw him. 
🎨 But, she asked somebody what the “painter guy”’s name was, and they said, “oh, that’s Helen.” 
🎨 She assumed Helen must be a masculine presenting woman, and addressed Helen in this way. 
🎨 He took extreme offense, and has never talked to her since their first meeting. 
🧣 She has a love/hate relationship with Liu, in a way. 
🧣 She likes Liu a lot. He reminds her of Jeff in so many ways. 
🧣 Plus, she thinks he’s cute. Almost like a better version of Jeff. Hmmm...
🧣 But Sully? 
🧣 She does NOT like Sully. 
🧣 It’s kind of ironic, considering that Sully’s personality is similar to Jeff’s. 
🧣 But since Sully has a deep hatred for Jeff, all of the time, they don’t get along. Sully also lashes out at Nina for her crush on Jeff, which she does not appreciate in the slightest. 
🤍 They don’t have a relationship.
🤍 They’ve never even properly met, but Nina has seen him before. 
🤍 He terrifies her, tbh. She avoids him at all costs, and so far has managed not to run into him. 
🖤 They’re roommates! (At least, part time). 
🖤 It was VERY generous of Jane to let Nina move into her apartment (even if it’s only a part-time thing). 
🖤 Nina desperately wants to be friends with Jane. 
🖤 She thinks Jane is the coolest! 
🖤 Besides hating Jeff, of course. 
🖤 That’s the big issue in moving forward from an acquaintanceship/roommate situation into an actual friendship between the two. 
⏰ They’re roommates and friends! 
⏰ You’d think that they wouldn’t get along too well, but they do! 
⏰ They each have lessons to teach each other, and each have things to bring to the table of friendship.
❓ They are surprising acquaintances.
❓It’s really quite shocking, considering their opposite personalities.
❓ You’d think they wouldn’t get along, but they do. For the most part.
❓ Again, they’re acquaintances, not friends. There’s a difference.
❓ But it’s odd that they are acquaintances at all.
🎭Masky 🎭
🎭 She doesn’t know Masky, but thinks he’s kind of an ass. 
🪓 She thinks of him as weird, tbh :/ 
🧸 She likes Sally, and thinks of her as like a fun little cousin. 
🧸 They don’t see too much of each other, but Nina tries to make the most of the time together. 
🧸 She’d love to babysit Sally, but Slender doesn’t trust her enough to do so :/
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spookybreadstick · 3 years
Puppeteer’s relationship with the other pastas 💞🧵
please note that i write the pastas as i see fit but this is just something i fall back on and is generally how i write them
also note that this will include whether or not Puppeteer can get an energy reading off of the various pastas (which these readings are how he gets his victims; if they have “dark energy” that means that they are ripe for the taking)
🌲It’s strictly professional. 
🌲 (Although he will never admit it, he is often in awe of Slender and his powers)
🌲 Naturally, he can’t get a reading on Slender for three reasons. a) He respects Slender too much, b) Slender is more powerful than he is. c) Slender isn’t a human person, so he doesn’t give off that kind of energy
🍬 He doesn’t get along that great with LJ
🍬 The two have a shared bond though, from being so old. 
🍬 Since LJ is an imaginary friend gone rogue, essentially, he doesn’t have any energy to give off. 
🎮 He thinks BEN is fun, but doesn't quite understand him at the same time. 
🎮 They're both "undead" but BEN seems to follow different rules of afterlife than he does.
🎮 And forget it about video games. He’s too old for that nonsense, and too easily frustrated.
🎮 Since BEN isn’t alive, he doesn’t give off any energy (that Puppeteer would be looking for; he only gives off small amounts of energy that signifies that he is deceased). 
🔪 Surprisingly, they get along pretty well. 
🔪 They don’t see much of each other, but when they do they like to catch up. 
🔪 He knows that Jeff most likely has a lot of dark energy hidden under the surface but he doesn’t give him proper readings out of respect/friendship. 
  🎨Bloody Painter🎨
🎨 They are friends, but their friendship is complicated. 
🎨 Their personalities are quite different, but they have stuck together somehow. 
🎨 They have bonded over their, um, similar “hobbies.” 
🎨 Helen is grateful (although he won’t say it outright) that Puppeteer allows him to keep his artwork at Puppeteer’s place, for storage purposes. 
🎨 He has never tried to read Helen, out of an act of friendship, although he knows that Helen must have so much dark energy (more than Jeff does). 
🧣 They have never met, and don’t know about the other one.
🧣 This is most likely due to safety precautions put in place by Slender. 
🧣 Liu would have so much dark energy surrounding him, that it would make him a wonderful victim for Puppeteer. 
🧣 It’s best that they don’t know about each other. 
🤍 He is impressed by EJ. And in fact, a little intimated. 
🤍 He would like to get to know each other better. 
🤍 Since EJ is a demon (at least in part), he cannot read the energy. 
🖤 He hasn’t gotten the memo that she isn’t interested in him. 
🖤 Or that she’s a lesbian. 
🖤 Or that she doesn’t even like him as a person. 
🖤 Or that, quite frankly, she HATES his “hobby.” 
🖤 He doesn’t read her for her energy, because that’s not what he’s looking for (and because she does a good job of keeping her energy within, so it wouldn’t be easy for him to read her if he did want to)
⏰ They have only met a handful of times, and have no relationship. 
⏰ He thinks she’s much too tomboyish for a lady. 
⏰ He hasn’t met her often enough to get a proper reading for her energy, since she is such a heavily guarded person, he would need to really look to get that energy. 
💄They have never met. 
💄 If they did though, he would probably want her as a victim. She’s got dark energy. 
❓They have a professional relationship.
❓ Hoodie handles most of the business transactions with him.
❓He really likes the energy that Hoodie gives off. He has to dig around for it, but it’s def there. 
❓ If Hoodie wasn’t a proxy of Slender, Puppeteer would go after him. 
❓ He probably won’t go after him if the whole Slender thing didn’t happen though. His dark energy would have been buried even deeper then. 
🎭 They don’t have any kind of relationship really, except strictly professional. 
🎭 Masky only handles business transactions when Hoodie is really unavailable. 
🎭 Masky’s dark energy doesn’t sit on the surface, but lurks right beneath. 
🎭 It’s still easily accessible, and there’s plenty of it. 
🎭 If Masky wasn’t a proxy of Slender, Puppeteer would absolutely go after him. He would make a great victim. 
🎭 He would also def go after Masky even if the whole Slender thing hadn’t happened. 
🪓  They don't get along at all. They have only met each like once or twice, though 
🪓 Each time, Puppeteer made fun of Toby’s tics. 
🪓 He plays it off like he doesn’t get why Toby is so upset, but he actually understands perfectly >:) 
🪓 Toby’s dark energy sits perfectly on the top. He has a lot of it to offer. 
🪓 Toby would have made a perfect victim for Puppeteer. 
🪓 It’s almost exactly what he is after, in fact. 
🪓 Toby would have either fallen victim to Puppeteer or became a proxy of Slender. 
🪓 Puppeteer is upset that he can’t get at Toby, because he is protected through being Slender’s proxy. 
🪓 So, he uses any opportunity he has with Toby to rile him up through making fun of his tics. It creates more delicious dark energy.
🧸He has never met her before. 
🧸Slender strictly forbids them from meeting. 
🧸 Puppeteer doesn’t like kids, anyway. 
🧸But he is curious about Sally. 
🧸 Like he and BEN, she is also “undead.” 
🧸 But from what he has heard of her, she seems to follow different afterlife rules than the both of them! 
🧸He would like to meet her and check it out for himself, but he can’t because Slender forbid it. 
🧸 The reason why Slender forbid it is because he knows that Sally’s energy must be dark (underneath the surface). He doesn’t know if Puppeteer CAN get at her energy, because she is also “undead,” but she isn’t powerful like BEN and Puppeteer. 
🧸 BEN and Puppeteer fall under the category of a poltergeist, but Sally would just be a ghost. (In my mind, poltergeists have powers but ghosts do not. Although, BEN often refers to himself as a ghost just because it’s a lot simpler and it can be used as a broad term). 
🧸 Puppeteer can’t read BEN’s energy because he is also a poltergeist, but could he read the energy of a ghost (beyond the simple energy that would tell him that she is deceased, like with BEN)? 
🧸Slender doesn’t want to take any chances, because truthfully? He doesn't fully trust this Puppeteer.  
🧸And he’s certainly not going to risk his precious daughter. 
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spookybreadstick · 3 years
Is there ever a limit to how to long a pasta can stay at the mansion?Also, would any pasta ever move out/relocate somewhere else or just stay there till they die? And if its the latter what do the already dead ones do, would they stay there forever?
The pastas are free to stay as long as they like (except for the proxies, who are bound for life unless Slender doesn’t need them anymore and trusts them enough to let them go), but really, the expectation is that they're going to stay there forever. What is out there for them besides the fear of being caught?
- The Full Time Residents (not including Sally because she isn’t a ‘resident’, she’s Slender’s adopted daughter) - 
LJ has no where to go, he's an imaginary friend come to life. He has no family and everyone he might have once known has been dead for decades. Nobody would ever trust him, he would never be able to get a job or live a life in human society. There is nothing for him out there.
EJ has no where to go either, he's a demonic being that has little memories of his past as a human and he doesn't remember his family from before. He could never fit in with human society, he's honestly a danger to society, considering what his meals consists of. The only person to ever help him out once he was turned is Slender, and staying with Slender has been the only way that EJ's been able to keep himself in check and have more "ethically sourced" meals, if you want to put it that way.
Jeff is a wanted man. He murdered his bullies, his parents, and attempted to kill his brother. Jeff would spent the rest of his life either in a mental hospital or jail (or perhaps a bit of both) if he was to be found out. He is also unable to live in secret, due to his smile-scar, he is easily noticed.
BEN is a ghost, and there is nothing for him outside of Slender mansion. In the after-life, he has had nothing until Slender found him and took him in, and he would have nothing if he left the mansion.
- The Part Time Residents - 
Jane’s family is dead, her house burnt to the ground, all of her possessions gone. There isn’t anything out there for her. She could, in theory, get a job and live a normal life but she has visible facial burns, so she would never be able to live a totally normal life (people will always stare & be rude, unfortunately). It’s because of this, her inability to live a normal life due to her scars and things she lost, that she stays out of regular society as much as she can. She has a small apartment that she stays with Clockwork and Nina. 
Clockwork is a wanted woman. She murdered her parents and went on a killing spree. She also has a clock in her eye (although sometimes it is replaced with a glass eye, but still) so she is easy to recognize by the police or the public. If she was caught, she would either spend the rest of her life in prison or in a mental hospital. 
Liu would not be able to live a normal life due to his disorders, his scarred face, and the fact that he’s a missing person. He ran away from his foster parents and is presumed dead by this point. He would have nobody to turn to if he returned to society, his biological parents are dead, Jeff is... Jeff, and his foster parents were neglectful people who he only lived with for a short time. He is also over the age of 18 now, so it’s not like he could be placed with another foster family, as he has aged out of the system. 
Nina has no family left, and has also aged out of the foster system (not like she would ever return, considering what happened in my version of her life story). She is considered to be legally deceased (it is assumed that she died) but she has scarring on her face which would attract unwanted attention. 
Helen only stays at the mansion part time because he often hides in plain sight in society. There is no family or friends out there for him, so he’s solitary, but he can still be in society as long as he keeps a low profile. He is a wanted man, so he must be careful, but there aren’t really any accurate photos of what he looks like now that are circulating and he doesn’t have any scars on his face that make him easy to notice. He is the most fortunate pasta when it comes to blending into society, but he also does not have a desire to live among regular society, so he doesn’t take advantage of his ability to blend in. 
- The Proxies - 
They all live at the mansion full time, but not exactly of their own free will. 
Tim & Brian have limited memories of their past, as part of the proxy protocol for those who aren’t the most willing to become a proxy, and thus cannot remember if they have loved ones that would be looking for them or not. (Tim remembers more than Brian can, mostly because Brian was more compliant with the whole erasing some memories thing, and Tim was actively fighting against it). Brian has no real desire for a life outside of the mansion. He figures that he and Tim got lucky by coming across Slender. They are fed, clothed, housed, and looked after by Slender. They each receive a little allowance from Slender to spend as they wish, and if they really need a larger item that they don’t have the money for, chances are that if they ask Slender, he’ll figure something out for them. Tim on the other hand, would want to leave. He will always bring up that becoming a proxy was not a choice, it was a matter of joining Slender’s side, or death. This lack of choice on their behalf makes the two of them essentially slaves, in Tim’s mind. Brian argues that Slender takes care of them, so it’s different. Besides, if they did manage to escape, where would they go? They have no money, no real job skills, no house, no family members or friends that they can recall, and Slender would send out a search party for them (once they are found, they will be killed. Slender may be pretty lenient, but his proxies running away is something he will not tolerate. He needs loyal proxies who will do his bidding and not pose a risk to him or his family). 
Toby was more willing to become a proxy from the start, so erasing any memories was not needed (the reason for any memory erasure is because an unwilling proxy could escape and return to their family if they vividly remember them). Toby is also a wanted man, for killing his father and setting fire to the neighborhood, so if he was caught he would be spending the rest of his life either in jail or a mental hospital. The only person he has left alive from his family is his mom, who he does remember and miss, but he knows better than to ever return to her. He worries that she would be disgusted by what he has become, and she would fear him for what he has done. He believes that she would hate him for all the pain he has caused her, and he doesn’t want her to go through the emotional pain of knowing that her murderous and presumed dead son is still alive. So, in the end, all Toby really has is Slender and the other members of the mansion. 
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spookybreadstick · 3 years
hii breadstick!!!
please post the story you wrote about Hoodie's death, I'm curious!
good day/night!
-dancing parrot🐦🎶
super sorry about the late posting! stuff happened with my vacation, and then i was super tired when i finally got home, and then i was busy with unpacking everything, etc etc etc... but i’m hoping that it’s better late than never! 
i must confess though that i don’t really love this story, i had highish hopes for it but i feel like it’s missed it’s mark :( but i’ll let you guys read it and see what you guys think....
it’s meant to be more of a origin story than anything else, with a look at how things work in the BCU (Breadstick Creepypasta Universe) 
𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁  = a time skip (if not specified, assume it’s a matter of minutes or hours)
--- = shift from character’s perspective 
this is also a long story, so i will put it under the cut! 
❓Hoodie’s Death Story ❓
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He crashed through the woods.
Tim had to find him.
He didn't know how long they'd been in these woods, but it was too long to be healthy.
And now they were separated.
"Brian! Brian, can you hear me?" Tim called out, ducking through branches and looking around. What on God's green earth had caused Brian to just up and leave their makeshift campsite? Tim figured Brian might have been looking for food, maybe he'd seen a bunny go by and thought to go after it. They had run out of food yesterday after all. But Tim worried that Brian may not have left of his own accord. Maybe Brian was taken by something.
But, Tim reasoned with himself, that wouldn't make much sense. If Brian had been taken by an animal, Tim would have certainly heard it happen in the night. He would have heard Brian fight back against the animal or scream for help. And there would have been a trail if Brian had been dragged away. So, no, he wasn't eaten by an animal. That was at least some relief. But if he wasn't taken, then where the hell did he go?
'Maybe he did have a concussion or some kind of brain injury.' Tim thought. Brian had hit his head pretty hard on a tree stump yesterday when they were setting up camp for the night. Could hitting his head have made him confused and disorientated? The thought of Brian walking around with a head injury in the middle of the woods, and not just any woods, but THESE woods, where terrible things were known to happen, made Tim call out for Brian with even more of an urgency.
"Do you want more tea, Mrs. Pineapple?" Sally asked, holding the pink teapot in the air.
"No thank you, Miss Strawberry, I haven't quite finished my cup." Mrs. Pineapple, or actually, Slender, replied politely.
Sally smiled and placed the teapot back onto the table. She opened her mouth to say something else, perhaps to offer her teddy bear one of her tea party cookies, but she quickly stopped. Slender paused in his "drinking" of the tea, and set it back onto its saucer.
"Sally-" Slender was cut off by a disappointed little girl. "I know you have to go to work. I felt it too."
"I'm sorry to stop the tea party, I was enjoying spending time together," Slender stood up to leave, "but unfortunately I have to take care of some grown-up business now."
"I know," Sally sighed, "someone has crossed the border. I told you that I could feel it, just like you."
Slender cocked his head slightly at his daughter. "Do you really feel when the border has been broken, or are you just pretending?"
"I don't always feel it, but sometimes I do. I think it's when somebody important crosses the border. I felt it with Clocky and Jeff. But I didn't feel it with BEN or EJ, so I guess I don't know."
"Well, we can talk about this later. I must go and take care of the intruder to make sure you are safe."
"He's not dangerous, Slendy. He's just confused. And a little scared. I can feel it, so I know."
"Alright, dear. I'll go check it out just in case, then." Slender patted Sally on the head affectionately before retreating to his office. He reached behind his desk to access the row of buttons. He pressed the one labeled "C," and waited for his requested person to arrive in his office as asked.
Tim grew increasingly worried with every hour that passed by without Brian. It had already been at least a day since he had last seen him. What if he had went looking in the wrong direction? What if Brian had died of his possible head injury? Or maybe dehydration? Tim tried to think of the last time he saw Brian drink something, but he couldn't. And what if an animal really had gotten to him by now?
Tim was startled out of his thoughts by a noise in the woods. He tensed, and turned his head to look at the source of the sound.
It was only a squirrel! He breathed a sigh of relief. A big squirrel, yes, but only a squirrel. Tim took a step closer. A red-eyed squirrel? He squinted his eyes to look at the strange squirrel more clearly. At that moment, the squirrel opened its mouth to reveal rows of sharp teeth, teeth that no normal squirrel would ever have. Tim immediately retreated.
'Fuck,' he thought, 'we have to get out of here.'
Slender watched Clockwork enter the woods. He had sent her on this mission to "take care" of whoever the intruder was. Slender had sensed that this intruder was on the strong side, and had once been traveling with another person. So, Clockwork had been sent out to meet up with EJ, who was already in the woods. Slender knew that Clockwork could handle an intruder on her own, no problem, but he worried about the possibility of multiple people roaming the woods. Plus, EJ could do well with another meal. Between the two of them, this threat would be handled within a matter of minutes, Slender was sure of it.
But what he didn't know was that another person was watching Clockwork's retreating figure. And that person, as soon as Slender shut the mansion door, darted off into the woods behind Clockwork.
Everything was too much.
It was too hot. Too cold. Too bright. Too dark.
Everything hurt.
Brian blindly stumbled around the forest, clutching his bloody head.
He hadn't meant to wander off, he had just seen some light and thought it meant another person. Somebody who could help them when they were so hopelessly lost. But in the end, Brian couldn't locate the source of the light nor could he locate the makeshift camp.
Brian groaned. He knew that he was dehydrated, he was hungry, and he knew that he had hurt his head a few days ago (but he didn't think that it was hard enough for a concussion). Those factors alone would explain his symptoms. But during his frantic search for Tim and the camp, he had encountered a creature, the likes of which he had never seen before. A creature that had startled him so greatly that it had sent him running, and tripping right over a large root. He had managed to get away from the creature, yes, but had also managed to smash his head on a rock. He wiped his bloody hand on his shirt and wondered absently if Tim was still looking for him. Or if Tim was even still alive.
Sally trailed behind Clockwork, careful to stay out of her line of vision and careful to not make any noise. Clockwork didn't notice the little girl following her because she was too wrapped up in her own thoughts of finding EJ, hunting down the intruder(s), and making a kill or two.
She marched confidently toward a clearing, where EJ was already waiting for her. She stepped toward him, and his head snapped toward the source of the sound.
EJ cocked his head, listening and smelling. "Clockwork?"
"Yeah? Who else would it be?" Clockwork responded.
"Just checking. Are you ready?"
"Born ready."
"I've been scoping out this case. Concluded that it's two young adult males. One of them is injured. They've been separated."  
"We'll find 'em." Clockwork responded gruffly.
The two trekked further into the woods in search of the men, still unaware of the little girl following on their tail.
By the time that Tim actually found Brian, he feared that his friend might actually be dead already.
His face was pale, his body was still, and there looked like there was an awful lot of blood.
Tim knelt down, his own heart nearly stopping as he noticed that Brian didn't look like he was breathing. Was he -? No, Brian was breathing. It was a shallow sort of breathing, but his chest was still rising and falling which is all that mattered at this point.
Tim took a minute to assess Brian's injuries further. Most of the blood seemed to be coming from the back of his head, not a good sign at all. Both of his legs were scraped up, but the left leg looked worse. The left leg-pants were almost entirely split open, revealing the bloody scrapes and already darkening bruises.
"Fuck, man, what did you do?" Tim mumbled. He took off his flannel and began to wrap it gently around Brian's head to stop the bleeding. The head injury was the worst of it, the leg could wait until later to be tended to. Besides, all Tim really had was the flannel and that needed to be used on Brian's head right away.
"Come on, buddy, we gotta go." Tim gently shook Brian, trying to rouse him. He wanted Brian to stand up, then Brian could lean entirely on Tim who could help him to walk/partly carry him. They had to get out of these damn woods. Their project to expose the secrets of these woods had gone horribly awry, and it wasn't worth risking their lives for anymore. There was no food left, no clean water from their packs, and they had lost their video equipment some time ago. They were dirty and tired and scared, and they needed to get Brian back to society and into a hospital.
A twig snapped, drawing Tim's attention at once to the two dark figures approaching.
Something was wrong.
Slender looked up from his desk.
Something was very wrong.
He stood up, pushing his desk chair so far back it hit the wall behind him, then walked out of his office with two long strides.
For one thing, it was quiet.
Too quiet.
And for another thing, Slender had a feeling in the pit of his abdomen.
This feeling is what propelled him to rush out the door and into the woods without a second thought. He didn't even have to check the halls and rooms of the mansion to know that Sally wasn't there. She had left, following Clockwork into the woods, and was now in danger of being hurt.
Slender refused to allow any harm to come to his adopted daughter, and he raced through the woods to find her before anything bad could happen to her.  
"Stay back! Stay the fuck back!" Tim crouched over Brian protectively, one arm outstretched as if it would ward off the advancing predators.
The female figure simply cracked her knuckles, then pulled out two long knives. The male figure just stood there in silence, watching patiently.
Tim fumbled quickly for the small knife in his pocket only to realize it wasn't there. 'Shit shit shit,' was the only thing replaying in his mind as the female with a clock in her eye rushed towards them.
It was at that moment, fortunately for the two men, that Sally ran into the clearing. "Wait!"
"Sally! What are you doing?" Clockwork quickly hid her knives, knowing that Slender did not wish for Sally to know of the nature of their jobs.
"I came to stop you," Sally said, pointing a finger.
"Sally's here?" EJ spoke up, ears twitching for the sound of the little ghost's voice.
Tim held his breath, watching the scene play out.
"Look, you need to get back to the mansion. Slender's going flip a lid if he finds you out here, and I got some, uh, business to take care of out here." Clockwork said.
"I know what you're going to do, and I won't let you do it." Sally crossed her arms stubbornly.
"Sally," EJ spoke calmly and gently, "what do you think Clockwork is going to do?"
"She's going to make them leave the woods! She'll kick them out of here and tell them to never come back, and that's not right. She can't do that."
"It's what's best for all of us, dear." Slender appeared from behind a tree. Tim stifled a scream, not daring to make a noise or a move with these unknown creatures lurking around. "These men could be dangerous, and we need to make sure they don't harm anyone or anything in our woods. They have to go."
"No! They aren't dangerous. They're meant to be here. With us!" Sally pleaded.
"Sally-" Slender was quickly cut off by Sally. "I can feel it."
"In here." She added softly, pointing to her heart.
Slender was silent, pondering his daughter's words.
"They can help us, I know it." Sally looked at Brian lying on the ground. "But he needs help right now. He's not breathing very well, and we have to save him."
Slender shifted to look at the bloody body, and the shaking man besides him. He could tell that this man was frightened out of his mind, but Slender respected that he still stood by his friend. That kind of loyalty was admirable.
He glanced at the bloody man again, determining that he was suffering from blood loss, dehydration, and some sort of head injury. He wouldn't last long in these woods without Slender's interference.
Sighing, Slender stooped down to get a closer look at the injuries.
"Don't touch him!" The man besides the injured party spoke up with such a ferocity that Slender was taken aback.
Slender took one long look at this frightened but determined man, willing to do whatever it took to defend his injured friend, and decided that he would have to help the pair after all.
"I am trying to help him, not hurt him further. He is injured, and requires assistance." Slender spoke evenly. "He won't last long without it."
The man seemed to ponder it for a second, and Slender took this as an opportunity to step in.
"EJ! I need you, front and center." EJ stepped forward as soon as his name was called. "We're going to save this man."
Tim watched, scared shitless but at the same time oddly reassured, as the odd creatures began examining Brian's injuries. He worried deeply for his friend, and his worries only increased when two of the creatures began murmuring to one another. Tim looked down at Brian's chest, and felt his blood run cold when he noticed the even more labored breathing of his buddy.
"Is he alright?" Tim surprised himself with his own voice, steady but worried. 
"His injuries are more severe than we thought." The grey, eyeless creature spoke. "He is losing a lot of blood, and he needs medical attention fast."
"You're the doctor here, EJ." The female interrupted. "Shouldn't you know what to do?"
"The man needs CPR, and to be transported back to where my equipment is. I'll need some help, but I can probably sew up the wounds with my tools. The only problem is, I don't think he'll live long enough to-" EJ quickly stopped talking and whipped his head back towards Brian. "He stopped breathing!"
'Fuckfuckfuckfuck' Tim's thoughts were racing. 'Whatever that EJ thing is, he just said that Brian needs CPR.'
"Help him! Do CPR!" Tim shouted, looking out desperately to the four beings.
EJ lowered his head, almost in shame. "I can't."
"I'm sure as hell not doing that." Clockwork snorted.
Tim looked to the tall white being and the ghostly little girl, but realized that one of them did not possess a mouth and the other was only a child. He couldn't expect a child to perform CPR.
'It's going to have to be me.' Tim thought. He leaned over Brian's body. "Tell me what to do and I'll do it!"
Everything was dark.
There was nothing.
He was alone.
But then, there was light.
He was light.
And then there was more lights.
All in a variety of colors, like a big rainbow of light.
Some were small and some were large, and they all were moving.
They danced around in the vast space of emptiness, some circling around each other, some going off in opposite directions, some going down a straight path.
But they all seemed to be moving, or really gravitating, towards an absolutely blinding white light.
When the people-lights got close, they were enveloped in that white light.
He felt the gravitational pull of that white light, and he followed it.
He came closer and closer to that light, and then he stopped.
There was a voice.
And a pressure from deep within.
The voice sounded familiar.
And the pressure became more intense.
"Come on, buddy, come on!" The voice sounded desperate.
He suddenly became aware of a sort of presence within, a presence that told him he had to make a choice: whether to go into that light or follow that voice.
"Please, Brian, please come back." The voice pleaded.
Who was Brian?
The presence reminded him to make a choice, and fast.
"Brian!" The voice rang out again.
He was Brian.
Not a light after all, but Brian instead.
And that was Tim, calling him from somewhere beyond.
And Brian would come back to him.
The presence inside him shifted, and told him he needed to get back to where he came from.
The pressure became more intense, Tim's voice grew louder, and the presence left altogether.
Brian wriggled and floated and swam and fought and tried his hardest to get back to where he came from, wherever that might be.
And soon, he could feel the hands on his body (he had a body?) and the slow inflation of his lungs (he could breathe?) and the pain, oh the pain, his entire being was engulfed in (but how delicious that pain was, in a way, because now he could remember how to feel).
And then Brian opened his eyes.
Once Brian had been able to breathe again, thanks to Tim's CPR efforts (instructed by EJ), EJ quickly made a makeshift tourniquet out of a part of his hoodie. Once the bleeding had been stopped, if only temporarily, Slender scooped Brian into his arms.
"Bring this man home and him in the shed while we tend to this one's injuries, and then we shall see what to do with the both of them." Slender quickly instructed Clockwork whilst wrapping a tendril around Sally. 
"Aye, aye, captain." Clockwork mock-saluted.
Slender wrapped another tendril around EJ, barely giving the man time to adjust to what was happening, before setting off for the mansion at top speed.
He looked down at the weak, bloody young man in his arms and was suddenly filled with determination.
Between him and EJ, they were going to save the young man's life.
What would happen after that? Well, that was anyone's guess. But he knew that Sally had these feelings for a reason, and he couldn't ignore it.
Besides, he was in the market for some new proxies.
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