#╰  ✰  *   ⋆  °  ❮   headcanon.   ❯     ───     lunafreya  nox  fleuret   .
savage-rhi · 10 months
Ffxv headcanons whatever type you want just share with the class
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Noctis: When he was a kid, he used to lift up rocks to see what critters lived underneath them. He stopped around nine or ten when he accidentally pissed off a snake and got bit. It spooked him so bad that he didn't do anything like that again until he went on the frog side quest. Now that he's over his fear, Noctis is always flipping over rocks and ushering Prompto to come over and take photos of the animals and bugs he finds.
Gladio: There's a saying among the kingsguard that, "if you give Gladiolus a beer and a mic, you're gonna have a GREAT time!" He's quite good at karaoke, and despite the gruff voice, he can hit high notes. Singing was something Gladio and his sister did together while growing up. While Gladio didn't like her taste in music, being the big brother, he still sang her favs to and with her. He tried to keep this hobby a secret until he had one too many drinks with his comrades. He's since embraced his reputation over the years, and isn't as embarrassed about it.
Ignis: There are a few things in this world that can make this man mentally break, but Feng Shui nearly destroyed him. Ignis got into the practice initially in an attempt to get Noctis to have better organization in his apartment. Per usual, Noctis didn't appreciate the principles, but it rubbed off on Ignis to the point where he became obsessed with Feng Shui. He did it to all the rooms in the palace, much to King Regis's chagrin. It all backfired when Ignis attempted to Feng Shui his own residence. Nothing satisfied him, and after he didn't come out for almost 10 hrs rearranging furniture, Noctis had to give him an intervention. After that, he swore off the practice. Sometimes, he'll get irritated if he hears about it in passing.
Prompto: In his spare time when he's not with a camera, Prompto is on a computer learning to code. While he's not the best at it, Prompto enjoys the process cause it satisfies a mental itch (he gets that from his father...haha). It's his dream to one day make a game like Kings Knight. He has pages of concept sketches for apps, and other social media ideas he'd like to try creating one day. He seldom shares his passion with the boys, assuming they'll think it's too nerdy.
Lunafreya: It isn't considered "proper" by an means for someone of her status, but Luna enjoys watching duels on TV or in person. Ravus from a young age was always taught how to be a warrior, and she felt left out on numerous occasions when he'd be sent off to learn sparring lessons among other trainings. As a kid, she used to sneak away from her home in Tenebrae to watch people battle for fun. Observing others helped her hone in her own skills, and she's memorized different stances and techniques over the years. She also used to place bets on people who fought, and did get into trouble at one point because of it.
Ardyn: He's very aloof and no one knows what the hell he does in his spare time when not running a country. He has the craziest of rumors made up about him, and he ravishes in how it all scares and fascinates people. What people don't know is that he often sneaks around Niflheim and observes others for his sketchbook. When he was a healer, he had a book of medicinal plants that he'd catalog and sketch out himself. It's one of the few things that soothes his mind anymore with the daemons he has in his head. For a few hours, Ardyn can silence them by focusing on capturing the details from another person or thing in his work. It's also his only means of connecting with humans given how far he's gone. His style is kind of like Da Vinci's, very detailed with lots of notes here and there. When he's sketching its also the time where he'll snack on something sweet like candy from his pocket. In general he'll always have candy on his person, but he likes savoring it without an audience.
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paracosmicparadox · 1 year
FFXV headcanons / expanded canons Part The Second, because again, I desire character depth like I need it to breathe and if storebought isn't available, I will make it myself with my own two hands. Find Part The First here.
Ardyn: Listens to music solely in the cabaret genre or heavy metal; you can't change my mind on this (like you're flipping through his playlist and one moment its playing Kabaret Sybarit, then it switches violently and without warning to System of a Down and just about breaks your eardrums)
His closet rivals his living room in terms of size and depth (it's concerning; people get lost in there amongst his innumerable trench coats and ruffled shirts)
No coffee, no tea, only wine. Ravus and Verstael have to listen to his drunken rambling every other night and it is ghastly
Gossips like no other
He's a hoarder. You walk into his home and there are trinkets and baubles on every surface---it's gotten quite extreme
Has breakdowns in the shower
Has journals full of half-finished poetry lying about everywhere (he references the story of Julius Caesar and Marcus Brutus a lot because of the parallels to him and Somnus, and bc at this point he doesn't really care if he digs himself deeper into that rut of grief and anger)
Can't keep a plant alive to save his life; not even a cactus
He was a theater kid once upon a time
Luna: Actually legit super athletic. You can't really see it bc her muscles don't bulge, but she can and will judo flip a man effortlessly
Has the smallest handwriting you've ever seen
She's got mad art skills; there's a work-in-progress painting or pastel piece on her desk constantly
Certified history buff. This chick can recall the most obscure bits and details of Eos's past and will infodump to you if you're willing to listen
Actually works really hard to be a good person---it doesn't come naturally to her; she's no saint and she has to make a conscious effort to be as gentle as she is on a daily basis, and that in itself makes her an excellent human being
Names each and every one of her plants
Loves bugs and takes a thrill in the fact that they kinda gross Noct out
Has the "Hydrate or Dydrate" water bottle bc she forgets and needs to remind herself to imbibe H2O
Her Pinterest account is the stuff of legends
Ravus: He's so awkward in social situations---really, he's just awkward in general, but it's most obvious when someone's trying to talk to him and he's glaring daggers straight into their soul
Before his mother died, he was the kindest child. He was the sweetheart of the family and would make flower crowns with toddler Luna and make breakfast in the mornings for his family. When he withdrew, it pained those who knew him immensely
The Super Smash Bros grandmaster (he's horrible at Mario Kart though, which frustrates him to no end)
Already has some arthritic problems in his knuckles and in his knees. He always had bad joints, but it's getting worse with the years
A pro at calligraphy and fancy lettering
His art skills are just as good if not better than Luna's. He only works in graphite and charcoal, but his drawings are the most heartwrenchingly beautiful things you've ever seen
Can regularly be found in a museum or in a library
Plays D&D on the weekends when he can with an online party (the campaign's been going on for nearly 2 years; he plays a level 8 Drow Warlock)
Aranea: Owns a motorcycle---you can't change my mind.
Mixes grenadine with everything. Champagne? She's adding grenadine. Wine? Grenadine time baby. Tequila? Gimme that sweet pomegranate syrup.
AO3 angst fics are her guilty pleasure
Probably has a pilot's license (in all honesty if it was an irl setting instead of Final Fantasy, she probably would've been in the Airforce)
Wears cologne instead of perfume because it makes her seem more roguish and she likes the scent better
She's always wanted a pet snake (one of those white pythons curious faces and boopable snoots)
Raging bisexual
Knows her way on an aerial silk like nobody's business
Major vulnerability issues (she cares so, SO deeply, but no one can EVER. KNOW. except Prompto. Prompto knows.)
Best buds with Prompto ever since the events in Niflheim at the Magitek Production Facility (they facetime each other every Wednesday)
She's a sucker for a good horror flick
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Random Headcanon:
Working off the idea that the Astrals are all patrons of certain seasons/events in a season.
I don’t have this fully fleshed out, but in simple terms:
Ifrit = Fire, The Sun, kind of tied to all seasons(?)
- Most specifically summer + autumn, I think. Maybe winter?
Titan: Earth, Spring/Summer - Autumn
Ramuh: Stormbringer, Spring/Autumn
Leviathan: The seas, Spring
Shiva = Winter, the moon (to parallel Ifrit)
Bahamut: I don’t really know, yet.
This all stems from the fact that I want an old tenebraen tradition to be to name children after the patron astral of the season they were conceived in + the time they were born. This wouldn’t be the same for all kids, but…maybe, in the case of the next Oracle, it would sometimes be used? Not for all of them, but-
Example: Lunafreya.
Being born in September, she could have been conceived around late winter - late or early February. Which means the ‘Luna’ part of her name would be to honor Shiva.
September is in autumn, a season that is honors both Titan and Ifrit (it’s harvest season, after all). Titan, being god of the earth would be more affiliated with stone and plants than Ifrit, but it is the sunlight that also helps them grow - hence, why Ifrit is/was also sort of associated with the harvest, with fertility, and so on.
Which would be where ‘Freya’ comes from.
(Considering my headcanon is that the Fleuret’s are descended from Ifrit and also blessed by Shiva, this is a blatant reference to them both on my part).
Obviously, this wouldn’t check out with others - examples being Ravus, Sylva, Maria, and so on - but I just thought it would be a cool idea.
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shantalangel · 2 years
Umbra and Pryna Theory
Guys, I have a crazy theory: It always seemed logical that Umbra was somehow related to Noctis and Pryna was somehow related to Luna - that these are their totem spirits, guardians, or something like that. But what if they are associated with the Lucis Caelum and Nox Fleuret families themselves, and not specific people? Prina died in "Episode Ignis", let's say, not only because of Luna, but because Starscourge in Ravus's prosthesis had already begun to affect him, and he was slowly degrading, ceasing to be human, so Nox Fleuret family, in fact, ceased to exist. From this the question "Why, after the death of all the Lucis Caelum, including Noctis and Ardyn, did Umbra survive?" becomes even more interesting. :)
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madeimpact · 1 year
Public vs private knowledge ( Pokémon verse )
Note: any worldbuilding details here are open to discussion to better meld with your headcanons!
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Public knowledge ( information everyone can know )
Noctis Lucis Caelum is the son of Galarian King Regis Lucis Caelum, and heir apparent to the Galarian throne. This makes him a public figure.
The Lucis Caelum lineage is descended from the original Galarian king that worked with Zacian and Zamazenta to end the Darkest Day.
Noct's lineage shares in some of the same abilities Zacian possesses. He can materialize a spectral version of the Rusted Sword out of thin air and warp to wherever he ( or Zacian if present ) throws it.
Noctis has an Aegislash named Ultima, a Kingdra named Reine, a shiny Kingambit named Magnus, and depending on the point in his timeline, an Umbreon named Umbra.
The royal family has had the same Magearna in its care for generations. Their name is Astra, and Noctis will inherit them along with the throne when the time comes ( or has already inherited them, depending on the point on the timeline ).
Noctis is engaged to Kalosian nobility, Princess Lunafreya Nox Fleuret.
At age eight, Noctis briefly spent time in Kalos to recover from a near-fatal injury.
Noct has a Dynamax Band as well as a Key Stone given to him by Lunafreya during his time in Kalos. His Key Stone is fashioned into a ring.
Noctis attended public school in Wyndon in addition to lessons from private tutors.
Noct has an apartment in Wyndon in addition to his own quarters with the royal family.
Noctis is currently traveling Galar with his royal entourage.
Noct's Rotomphone is a custom make that only the royal family and the kingsguard use.
Zacian is said to occasionally appear wherever Noctis is.
Noct's favorite pastime is fishing. He fished Reine up himself.
Noct hates vegetables and has a sweet tooth.
Sordward and Shielbert are totally unaffiliated with the Lucis Caelum lineage. Noct has no clue who they are. Rule of funny.
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Semi-private knowledge ( information select groups know )
The source of the Lucis Caelums' link to Zacian's power is a crystal mined from deep within the Galar mines and guarded at the seat of power.
Noctis's near-fatal injury was from a shadowed Gyrados. Several of the attendants with him at the time perished in the attack. He was wheelchair bound for a period of time after being injured.
Noctis is trained in swordsmanship, even though the need to use it almost never comes up, with most conflicts being resolved through Pokémon battle. It's tradition in the royal family to learn swordplay, and one never knows when it may become necessary to use.
Noctis has formal ballroom training.
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Private knowledge ( information only Noctis and loved ones know )
Noctis can understand Zacian and Zamazenta. This ability only extends to these two legendaries.
He can also talk to crystals and "living areas" — essentially their essence.
Noctis has a covenant with Zacian that enables Zacian to know when Noctis is in danger and appear in times of peril.
Noctis never fully recovered from his injury; he can't tap into his link with Zacian to the full extent that Regis can.
He has a large scar on his back where he was attacked by the Gyrados.
The Gyrados was intentionally unleashed on Noctis and his entourage by hostile political powers.
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Depths of the Iceberg ( information not even Noctis knows )
Noctis's immortal ancestor with ties to Zamazenta is out there :)
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ao3feed-noctluna · 2 years
Fallen Stars of the Kingdom
by LadyLilaBlue
Noctis Lucis Caelum is the Kingdom of Insomina's beloved Oracle. It is his destiny to heal the people and ail Lunafreya in her quest to collect the royal arms and breathe light into the world. The public sees the determined Oracle as he attends to his duties, but behind closed doors his three companions see the sick and frail Oracle that is suffering complications for living up to his pre-destined duty. Which is unfortunate because Noctis wants nothing more than to live a normal life, unconfined by castle walls and Imperial Forces.
Words: 5011, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of Noct might need a hospital visit
Fandoms: Final Fantasy XV
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Noctis Lucis Caelum, Prompto Argentum, Ignis Scientia, Gladiolus Amicitia, Lunafreya Nox Fleuret
Relationships: Background Lunafreya Nox Fleuret/Noctis Lucis Caelum, Gladiolus Amicitia & Prompto Argentum & Noctis Lucis Caelum & Ignis Scientia, Prompto Argentum & Noctis Lucis Caelum, Noctis Lucis Caelum & Ignis Scientia
Additional Tags: Oracle Noctis Lucis Caelum, Role Reversal, Roleswap AU, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Sick Character, Family Bonding, FFXV with my unique spin, Exhaustion, Terminal Illnesses, Background romantic relationship, Mainly focusing on Ignis and Noctis, And Noct and Prompto, Prompto is still a plebe but now he serves the oracle :), Fainting, Queen Lunafreya Nox Fleuret, The Bro group and the Lady group are present, Minor Aranea Highwind, Minor Gentiana, Minor Iris Amicitia, Best Friends, Domestic Fluff, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Feels, Reminiscing, headcanon heavy, Dialogue Heavy, Hurt Noctis Lucis Caelum, Whump, Want a fic where Noctis is the oracle and suffers a lot?, You came to the right place homie, Author Is Sleep Deprived, The Author Regrets Nothing, Prompto is clumsy but he is doing is best for Noct, Ignis is attached to Noct pls dont separate them
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/45605932
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heartbinders · 4 months
Public vs private knowledge ( Pokémon verse )
Note: any worldbuilding details here are open to discussion to better meld with your headcanons!
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Public knowledge ( information everyone can know )
Noctis Lucis Caelum is the son of Galarian King Regis Lucis Caelum, and heir apparent to the Galarian throne. This makes him a public figure.
The Lucis Caelum lineage is descended from the original Galarian king that worked with Zacian and Zamazenta to end the Darkest Day.
Noct's lineage shares in some of the same abilities Zacian possesses. He can materialize a spectral version of the Rusted Sword out of thin air and warp to wherever he ( or Zacian if present ) throws it.
Noctis has an Aegislash named Ultima, a Kingdra named Reine, a shiny Kingambit named Magnus, and depending on the point in his timeline, an Umbreon named Umbra.
The royal family has had the same Magearna in its care for generations. Their name is Astra, and Noctis will inherit them along with the throne when the time comes ( or has already inherited them, depending on the point on the timeline ).
Noctis is engaged to Kalosian nobility, Princess Lunafreya Nox Fleuret.
At age eight, Noctis briefly spent time in Kalos to recover from a near-fatal injury.
Noct has a Dynamax Band as well as a Key Stone given to him by Lunafreya during his time in Kalos. His Key Stone is fashioned into a ring.
Noctis attended public school in Wyndon in addition to lessons from private tutors.
Noct has an apartment in Wyndon in addition to his own quarters with the royal family.
Noctis is currently traveling Galar with his royal entourage.
Noct's Rotomphone is a custom make that only the royal family and the kingsguard use.
Zacian is said to occasionally appear wherever Noctis is.
Noct's favorite pastime is fishing. He fished Reine up himself.
Noct hates vegetables and has a sweet tooth.
Sordward and Shielbert are totally unaffiliated with the Lucis Caelum lineage. Noct has no clue who they are. Rule of funny.
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Semi-private knowledge ( information select groups know )
The source of the Lucis Caelums' link to Zacian's power is a crystal mined from deep within the Galar mines and guarded at the seat of power.
Noctis's near-fatal injury was from a shadowed Gyrados. Several of the attendants with him at the time perished in the attack. He was wheelchair bound for a period of time after being injured.
Noctis is trained in swordsmanship, even though the need to use it almost never comes up, with most conflicts being resolved through Pokémon battle. It's tradition in the royal family to learn swordplay, and one never knows when it may become necessary to use.
Noctis has formal ballroom training.
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Private knowledge ( information only Noctis and loved ones know )
Noctis can understand Zacian and Zamazenta. This ability only extends to these two legendaries.
He can also talk to crystals and "living areas" — essentially their essence.
Noctis has a covenant with Zacian that enables Zacian to know when Noctis is in danger and appear in times of peril.
Noctis never fully recovered from his injury; he can't tap into his link with Zacian to the full extent that Regis can.
He has a large scar on his back where he was attacked by the Gyrados.
The Gyrados was intentionally unleashed on Noctis and his entourage by hostile political powers.
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Depths of the Iceberg ( information not even Noctis knows )
Noctis's immortal ancestor with ties to Zamazenta is out there :)
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promshub · 8 months
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#promshub — a 18+ plus, low-activity, independent , selective and mutuals only multi-muse roleplay blog for muses from various media (but mostly video games). all muses are canon complaint and headcanon influenced, but i mostly do whatever i want. this blog is for in character writing and ooc thoughts, each muse has a side-blog for aesthetics and headcanons. read rules before following.
lunafreya nox fleuret: @oracula viktor: @hexclaws john "soap" mactavish: @bravo71s alejandro vargas: @a1ejandro farah karim: @kiloactual ada wong: @blacktailac lalo salamanca: @axegrind jamie "phoneix" adeyemi: @hotbling
bold = highest muse at the moment
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meissashush · 1 year
Lunafreya Nox Fleuret
Sexuality Headcanon: Lesbian! ~<3
Gender Headcanon: cis female, but has put a LOT of thought into it
A ship I have with said character: Lunafreya/one of her handmaids who she has a hopeless crush on
A BROTP I have with said character: Noctis and Luna are really good childhood friends. It's hard when they have so little in common, but their personalities mesh well enough that they happily listen to the other blabber about things they straight up don't give a shit about
A NOTP I have with said character: Luna/Ardyn. See my Noct one for reasoning.
A random headcanon: Lunafreya is super into fashion blogs, specifically street fashion. She can never dress like that due the her station in life, but she'd kill for a pair of chunky dad shoes. She tries her best to modernize the Oracle aesthetic.
General Opinion over said character: Sometimes I wonder about the choices she makes, but I love her none the less.
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dustystarlite · 2 years
For the Send A Character by mushroom-cookie-bear: Nyx Ulrich, Lunafreya Nox Fleuret, and Loqi Tummelt!
Thank you for sending these @chocobothis
Nyx Ulric
Favorite thing about them: Does everything, class?? My favorite thing will forever be his personality, the way he jumps into battle for his loved ones.
Least favorite thing about them:… His death…
Favorite line: "I'm worth the wait, "… more fandom reason… ;) Nonfandom line: "To hell with your power. I'm not here for it. I only came to tell you, you are no kings."
BrOTP: The glaives
OTP: NyxNoct!!!
NOTP: I only share positive vibes
random headcanon: His birthday reflect the goddess he was named after Dec 21; for the winter solstice, he enjoys wine tasting, surfing, and rock climbing.
Unpopular opinion: hmmm… I don't think I have one for him???
Song I associate with them, Calm my storm- Spoken, Hero/Heroine-Boys like Girls, NYX-Yoko Shimomura, and Down and Out- Tantric
Favorite picture of them
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Lunafreya Nox Fleuret
Favorite thing about them: The way she cares for Pryna and Umbra.
Least favorite thing: There wasn't enough of her in the game 🤷‍♀️ she appeared poof gone.
Favorite line: um?? I'm not really sure
BrOTP: Ravus &Prompt
OTP: Ardyn & Prompto & Crowe mostly
NOTP: I only share positive vibes
Random headcanon: She likes edible flowers, and when she was kid, she made for known journal/documentary of her grand adventure into the Tenebrae wilderness along with Pryna and Umbra.
Unpopular opinion:
Songs I associate with them: If U seek Amy-Britney Spears
Favorite picture of them
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Loqi Tummelt
Favorite thing about them: I totally understand the Cor thing, I still remember my first play thru, and I fully appreciate the fanboy thing
Least favorite thing: umm??? Same as Luna there wasn't enough of him.
Favorite line: He didn't have many, so I'm not sure just how he said Cor name… okay so it's not an actual line but it give me feels
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BrOTP: Cor, Ravus and Aranea
OTP: I don't have one
NOTP:I only share positive vibes
Random headcanon: He has Cor shrine
Unpopular opinion:
Song I associate with them: Every time we Touch- Cascada
Favorite picture of them
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liketheinferno2 · 3 years
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THESE are my ffxv trans headcanons thank you for your time
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The Nox Fleuret’s Background / Oracle Lore + Ifrit Headcanon, I guess??
This is…a lot longer than I meant it to be.
As I (at least should have) mentioned before, Magic was more widespread during the era of Solheim and during the early years of Lucis before it was, well, Lucis.
Those with magic generally could only manipulate elements, or create low-level curatives (though this was also dependent on medical knowledge, the ingredients, and so on), and further abilities (absorptions, creation, outright healing, etc, were granted by forging covenants with Astrals or messengers, earning their blessings).
What set powerful bloodlines apart from everyday people who could manipulate elements or create curatives, were blessings or literally sharing blood with Astrals/messengers.
(Examples being Lucis Caelum’s being tied to both life and death through Bahamut and the Beyond, and then bound to Eos via crystal after the fall of Solheim).
I was thinking that, perhaps, the Fleuret’s were descendants of Ifrit. They had not been the direct blood of the god, had not ruled over Solheim - most of the direct bloodline had been killed off in the astral war, or by angry people afterwards - but they carried his blood, his flame, the spark of magic those of his blood always carried, and survived.
(Possibly thanks to aid from messengers + a certain snowy astral, but more on that later).
Also, Lunafreya is oft depicted with sun imagery.
To sum up my line of thought.
Ifrit = Fire
Fire = Sun
Lunafreya, an Oracle = Sun (fanart, logo)
Sun = Golden Light
Oracle Powers = Golden Light = Sun = Fire = Ifrit
Ifrit is the god of fire, the infernian - but he also is the god of sun, to me. The sun is fire, the sun is light - golden light, akin to the Oracle’s. Able to burn and destroy and renew and heal.
The sun and fire symbolizes healing in many cultures. In forests, fires burn down old trees to allow plants closer to the ground and unable to get sunlight through the leaves a chance to grow. It warms the ill, provides plants with the nutrients they need to grow, just as easily as it destroys (like Luna pushing Leviathan back in Chapter Nine).
So. The House of Tenebrae are descended from Ifrit. And if their chosen name, Tenebrae, is tied to how Ifrit’s own flame went dark and was doused in the Astral War…well, only the most avid historians may note that.
(Canonically, Bahamut imparted the Trident of the Oracle and the duty to commune with the gods upon them, but I like to think not all their powers came from him, and I…don’t know if it’s ever specifically stated that they did come from him?)
(Their bloodline and innate Magic, on top of their piety - survivors forming the Fleuret house often being priests/priestesses/Templars of the Astrals as they were from distant, not main bloodline, branches - had a hand in why Bahamut bestowed the title of Oracle upon the bloodline later when the starscourge starts getting worse and slumbering Astrals need to be called upon. More later).
(Though, in worlds where Ifrit’s rage, his spilled blood created the scourge, rather than the meteor or Bahamut meddling - and occasionally, between story ideas its origin does differ for me, bouncing around like a tv screensaver - makes for an ironic situation. I… now a burning need to try and make a comprehensive list of Astrals & messengers to try and picture dynamics…)
Additionally, a little bit of random trivia is, I think, this is why Spiracorns are also part of the family crest. Just me drawing connections where there are none, honestly.
Their horns kind of remind me of Ifrit’s and I find it interesting if he had two sacred animals - one for the sky (Phoenix) and the earth (Spiracorns) because the sunlight - fire, his element - touched both sky and land.
Also, with the similarity between Spiracorns and unicorns, you can’t tell me there aren’t stories of how they have (or had) magic, that their horns had curative properties.
All members of Tenebrae have an inner flame, a spark of magic. This flame, golden and amber as the rays of the sun itself, represents both their magic and their life force.
It is a flame that always burns in their heart, casts long and dark shadows in their chests. It is their flame which is always shown to the outside world, while the shadows obscure their emotions and truths and what little makes them human - their emotions and thoughts, more than their bodies.
A representative of their life, as well as their mind, Fleuret magic is affected by their emotions and focus. The flame is fed and strengthened by focus, by pure emotion - but distress, upset, injury…dims and weakens their magic, if that makes sense. Likewise, fury and anger and jealousy can make the flame - their magic - unpredictable, uncontrollable.
It will never go out, not unless they are dead, but if they lose control of their emotions, if a Fleuret does not take care to pay mind to their flame and magic - it can either grow so weak as to cause them pain and ensure they can’t properly utilize it, or so uncontrollable that they should not dare touch upon it in an populated area.
Like worshipping an astral or messenger, Fleuret’s must be dedicated in pursuit of controlling themselves - meditation, checking their emotions and regulating them, feeding and tampering the flame.
Its in this manner that their magic can also grow stronger, deeper - an infant’s flickering candle to a conflagration of an Oracle’s life force that swallows stars whole.
(There’s a reason why isolation and meditation are important parts of an Oracle’s training).
Similarly to Lucis Caelum’s, there is a cost of the magic running through the Fleuret bloodline.
When they heal, when they place the warmth of their magic over another person, they are - or at least used to - literally burning up some of their own life force, giving it to another to restore what they had lost, or using it to strengthen what is left.
The only reason they don’t often burn themselves out entirely when healing is due to a blessing from the Shiva, the Glacian. She saw the descendants of her beloved, as they stood against their patriarch to protect the innocent who had not earned the Infernian’s fire, and watched as they burned themselves out (trying to fight the darkness he might have created).
If the frost-kissed blessing painted their hair platinum as they aged, matched their eyes to the shade of winter’s ice reflecting the shades of the sky and sea just a smidge paler, it was only a side-effect and not an intention (not a claim).
But her blessing isn’t perfect. Fire will always melt and thaw ice and snow, eventually. A fire still grows dim, and every now and again, the blessing needs to…restore itself, basically. Similarly to how winter always returns each year.
And in the aftermath of healing a person, or fighting in battle, the flame grows dimmer and Shiva’s gilded shield of ice and frost weaker. It needs to be restored, hopefully by rest or light bathing - beneath the sun or moon, or by lighting candles in a room and meditating.
(Unlike a Lucis Caelum, those of the Fleuret line can restore their life force, put kindling on the flame….as long as they haven’t overextended it. Example being waking slumbering Astrals who function on entirely different levels of energy compared to normal mortals in what is probably very short succession).
The tradition of being priests and priestess and Templars to Astrals & messengers was as much a means of devotion as it was survival, and I’ll leave it at that.
Like the Lucis Caelum’s, they’d have a heightened awareness - a sixth sense of sorts - for illness. You could say their magic illuminates it. In equal regards, they can just as easily pinprick darkness - the starscourge.
And though that light fades eventually from the other person, though it can’t be shared in the way Lucian royalty does, in the time it lingers it lends a certain immunity to illness, better strength.
(Liable to change, don’t quote me on this. I’m still figuring things out, haha)
Now we come to why Bahamut chose the House of Fleuret to stand as Oracles of Eos, the mouthpiece of the mortals to commune with the gods, and the bastion of light which pushed back darkness while the star waited for the chosen king (and on and on it goes…)
They were one of the few bloodlines that were on par with his own.
At least, they were on par with the LC’s before the crystal was bestowed upon them, even if it was in different ways (since the astral parent of the bloodline, and therefore the innate Magic, was different).
Considering Bahamut was the only astral to retire to the Beyond, rather than slumbering on the mortal plane, he was probably the only one conscious when the starscourge (which, no matter how it started, had a definite hand in Solheim’s fall) began to resurge.
He saw how their light was able to repel the darkness, and - considering how the family resided in Salvus (Ancient Lucis of Ardyn and Somnus’ time) how they aided his bloodline in driving back the returning darkness, still very much the pious people they’d been during the Astral War.
By this point, (and in some worlds, he is unaware of the fact, while in others he’s meddling) he’s realized that the crystal is - instead of LC’s being bound to it near adulthood, distilling and merging the star’s lifeforce - the power of the beyond, of the elements, with his mortal offspring.
Should the darkness ever spread as it once did during Solheim’s fall and the war, Bahamut wanted to prevent it. Since Plan Number One had led to opposition from the other Astrals, that is where the prophecy comes in.
His descendants were not bound close enough to the star, did not have the power to yet purge the curse - and with the other Astrals knocked out, they could not lend the strength that had used up stopping Bahamut’s Blast Eos plan.
So. Why not, just…put his bloodline and Ifrit’s powers together. As the only astral awake, it was essentially his prerogative in preserving the star. Alone, neither would be strong enough.
Together, even if not now…eventually, and he would see to it, they’d be able to purge the star of blight.
His own power, so steadily bound to Eos through his bloodline, would do nothing to stir the slumbering Astrals. Besides, to awaken the Astrals with His own bloodline - who would surely only merge more with the land’s life force until their own was indistinguishable from it - would render his idea a moot point:
But Ifrit’s power - the variant of it that his children carried - the power of a dead astral?
That would wake them.
It’s a lot of moving parts and I’m not clear as I want to be in explaining it, sorry!
But, long story short:
- Bahamut puts LC’s in charge of Eos, gives crystal.
- Fleuret’s, survivors of Solheim and Ifrit’s descendants, are pretty prominent in Salvus (pre-Lucis)
- Starscourge returns. LC’s handle the daemonified, while Fleuret’s attempt to save those who can be saved.
- Bahamut notices and has an ‘Oh Shit’ moment.
- Since the other Astrals (plus his own bloodlines and the Fleuret and a great deal of messengers) had been against his destroy the whole star plan, he didn’t immediately go that route.
- Instead, taking notice (or having planned back) of the LC’s merging life force and Magic with Eos, and Ifrit’s descendants fighting darkness with his light, goes-
- Let’s put them together. If they can’t get rid of it now, then I’ll make sure they’ll be strong enough to get rid of it later.
- and he thinks.
- the scourge will need to be gathered in one place. Preferably, the power of the other Astrals, as well - who are knocked out (because of him).
- Have Ifrit’s descendants wake the others, his own descendant + Ifrit’s earn blessings, and destroy accumulation of scourge in one place.
- It is, by his decree (since he fucked up and Eos is so saturated with his presence and power via descendants it won’t make a difference) that the Fleuret bloodline is given the solem task of communing with the Astrals in times of peril for the people, of passing in the mortal realms words to the divine, and pushing back the darkness blight.
- because his descendants kind of can’t (not without expending a lot of energy or possibly starting another astral war by offending the other Astrals)
Yeah, this is also eventually how the prophecy comes to be.
And I have…Headcanons on that. (Ardyn was chosen king of Salvus, Which was Lucis-but-not-Lucis, but he was also to be the Sovereign of Scourge, The King of Daemons, Fallen Angel of Darkness Blight - you can’t tell me people didn’t call him an Angel, especially in wing AU’s of any kind - and it’s A Thing I need to outline more).
Basically, it all boils down to then having healing magic on par with the LC’s more suitable for dealing with the scourge, and they can actually wake the other Astrals without causing (immediate) massive destruction (most of the time).
The first of the Oracles being, of course, Aera Mirus Fleuret.
(In soulmate AU, Aera and Ardyn (and maybe even someone else who wasn’t born yet? Could be anyone. Cor. Regis. Hell, you could even try a more sane Besithia) and Ardyn having Ifrit’s spark on top of his LC magic and that’s what makes him chosen king of Salvus - and also, what later makes him Sovereign of the Scourge…CONSIDER!)
With the other Astrals fairly absent, being knocked out and all, it was probably Bahamut who - through visions with Aera and the oracles chosen after her - honed the more combative aspects of the Fleuret’s flame into a searing weapon against the scourge, rather than the warm restoration of healing.
The Oracle:
What sets the Oracle apart from other members of the Fleuret bloodline?
I’m so glad you asked!
A shit ton of training, that’s what.
Really, that should be its own post.
I know canonically only women are made Oracle, and seem to have magic in the Fleuret bloodline.
For my headcanon about Oracles, pick canon up, strangle it, and throw its body into the Regalia Type-F without letting saving. Try and fly to Pitioss Ruins and attempt land on the first run (and fail).
As seen way up above, all members of the Fleuret family have a flame, and therefore have magic. An Oracle is not always designated by the divine by birth - though it does happen on occasion (see: Lunafreya).
Instead, around the age of early adolescence (12–13), members of the House of Fleuret are judged by the messenger of the current Oracle and begin undergoing rudimentary training.
Some are predisposed to healing and soothing pain, while others are inclined to combat. Potential Oracles are selected from those who are either naturally balanced in using both - or make devoted attempts to do so.
Also, depending on how big a generation is, kids can just…opt out of becoming the next Oracle. If they’d prefer to be a priestess/priest/Templar, they’d be able to.
Training to be Oracle is rigorous, it pushes you to your breaking point (not that becoming any other positions listed above is any easier). Many, even other members of House Fleuret, can’t stand up to the pressure - not through any fault of their own, it’s just. That. Much. To. Handle.
The previous Oracles - and yes, I do mean plural, because training involves relics left behind by ancestors and Gentiana was able to deliver Lunafreya’s spirit to Noctis and I have Things About Oracle Training to think about when the two things are connected together - will convey on whether the Oracle-In-Training is ready for ascension.
Plus the messenger and current Oracle, if applicable to the situation.
Only one Oracle exists at one time, even if a trainee is declared ready and appointed as Successor Oracle to the public.
The next Oracle doesn’t publicly ascend until the prior is dead.
It can take years for a Successor Oracle to ascend - and Lunafreya, the youngest Oracle, spent four years in training from twelve to sixteen. And the only reason she could ascend right away was because her mother was…dead.
Training, when the previous Oracle is still alive, technically ends at the age of physical maturity, around twenty. That’s about eight years. After which, they take up duties similar to the actual Oracle, but don’t claim title until the previous one passes.
(Preferably, the Oracle handles matters of healing the ill and clearing away the scourge. The Succesor can be found in prayer on the Oracle’s behalf when they are away, also attending to the sick, performing funerary rites for the deceased…Whatever the Oracle isn’t doing at that time, really).
(Tenebrae, for all its peaceful and idyllic scenery, was surprisingly cutthroat in the past.)
Magic-wise: The Oracle is the pinnacle of Fleuret magic. I’ll explain the difference between healing/combative Fleuret magic in the sections separating the priest/priestess and Templars below, so I’ll just mention what makes the Oracle (or Successor Oracle) special.
- The Oracles, after so long in training, are really the only ones in the family where healing and combative magic is honed to such a fine point together that they are able to born out the starscourge without harming the person infected with it.
- This does come at a personal cost though. Whereas other members of the family might not need to restore Shiva’s Blessing (also known as The Glacian’s Shield), Oracles are at constant risk of burning themselves out depending on how bad the spread of illness is. It won’t kill them, immediately, but the ensuing exhaustion is painful. Ice baths almost nightly, regular undisturbed meditation…
- They can heal major wounds and also sooth severe illnesses that the others can’t touch upon - though illnesses aren’t immediately healed, depending on severity.
(example: Noctis post-Marilith. The Oracle would be the only person with fine-tuned Magic to remove the scourge without killing him in the process, and in any other person where it didn’t merge with magic, the procedure would have been painless. Similarly to his weak and damaged bones, the rehabilitation - at lot of his steady health in Tenebrae had to do with Queen Sylva).
- They can commune directly with gods, in person, and are less likely to die in the Astral’s trials because of pseudo-covenants/blessings imparted on them by Previous Oracles. If Lucis Monarchs can do it, Tenebrae can have something similar.
- long story short on a working idea: the Astrals aren’t awake, but they are aware on some levels - and each Oracle must seek approval through prayer and greeting the astral (not a covenant, not quite, but close to). Its not waking them, so it doesn’t take much energy more than a phone call.
- It’s just a sort of small factor that gives you a lesser chance of dying in a trial to earn a blessing. That acknowledgment of being one worthy to commune with them and not go crazy. Because Astral Tongue does make normal people who can’t understand it crazy over prolonged amounts of time, and also hurts the ears and head like hell.
- The price of the covenant, of waking the astral if necessary, is still said Oracle’s price to pay though. The price is an exorbitant amount of energy, of magic, of life. A straight punch to the gut and series of relentless after effects compared to the slow drain and relentless aftereffects Lucian royalty gets to deal with.
Non-Oracles | Priests & Priestesses:
- Though trained in combat, priests and priestesses are most often healers (though this differs from astral to astral and the regions they reside in). I generally see them utilizing polearms or ranged weapons (example: bows) when fighting is necessary.
- Not all priests and priestesses are from House Fleuret, but this is a list of what those who are can do compared to normal priests and priestesses (who arguably…don’t have magic in the modern era).
- Can’t completely heal the starscourge, but they can halt and repress it when the illness is caught in the early and middle stages.
- Can treat minor and mild injuries. Scrapes, puncture wounds. Can sooth pain of more severe wounds (like stabs wounds, or deep/open punctures).
- Where and when the Oracle can’t consecrate havens, a team of priests/priestess’s do so on their behalf. Havens last quite some time on their own, but it is also their duty to renew and sustain the Oracle’s enchantment on havens when possible.
(I’m sorry, but with those carvings on the havens, creating them had to have been a team effort, even if charging them with protective magic was apparently a single-handed one for the Oracle).
- furthermore all priests/priestesses have a duty to drive back daemons from areas. In the past, when consecrating havens or protecting villages, this is when (and why) combat training was used - though, primarily Templars fought the front line.
Non-Oracles | Templars:
I have less expansion on the Templars, bare with me.
They don’t have a set position/profession like a priest/priestess at a temple does, since it began as a term for male Fleuret’s with magic (in my head) and then for Fleuret’s who specialized in combative magic.
Most likely, they’d become military soldiers? Those in more distant branches may have chosen to work as hunters, or guards at a temple.
Actually, maybe that’s why temples or any areas of worship which have special guard forces call the the guards Templars? Homage to the Fleuret line.
After the establishment of the hunters, they’d probably relinquish field battles except in emergencies and only guard the areas of worship. Food for thought, I’ll have to come to this…
(Fun fact: at one point while I was thinking about this - prior to the above - they were like the hunters? Like, regions with temples had there own group of Templars and their duties were to protect and escort priests/priestesses and people from daemons. And then I remembered the hunter’s existed. Ha.)
- Traditional / ceremonial weaponry is a rapier. Any weapon goes, however. Some may prefer polearms.
- Combative Fleuret magic is less physical than one might expect. Weapons can become imbued with light and superheated when attacking.
- Similarly, can unleash beacons of light from weapon, and craft blades of light as long as they have enough time and focus. (Noct leaving holograms behind, but it’s the blade/ammo/part of the weapon that hits an enemy, basically, if that makes sense?)
These beacons can force back even an astral (Leviathan), and both the brightness and heat can be intolerable to enemies.
- It’s less of a shield, and more of a knockback attack, though. Best to dodge or block an attack if possible. If not, prepare beacon immediately, basically.
- an anchor, like a weapon, to channel the magic is preferable…but in emergencies, even something like a rock or metal scrap will do.
The Rarity of Male Oracles:
- Although men can become the Oracle in my headcanons, that doesn’t mean it happens often. Or that the public knows they are male (transgender characters in the past, for example).
- Because of the rarity of men holding the title, it’s a common misconception throughout Eos that the Oracle is always a woman.
- To be Oracle is a position, a duty, but it is not one’s gender.
Conclusion Thingy Separate from Headcanon rambling
Anyway, I’ve been writing since about 10:40 and it’s now almost 3:30 in the morning. I wanted to go more in depth about the Templars and male oracles but my brain is fried.
I hope this is somehow coherent? I’m going to go to sleep, and when I wake up, see if I remember what I wanted to add to the Templar and male Oracle sections.
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fandom-susceptible · 3 years
Gladnis story where they had an unspoken agreement before they left Insomnia and they both just sort of understood that they were meant to be together, that ultimately they would be a couple, but for now Noct comes first. they're both married to their work (didn't one of the writers confirm that part was true?).
And after Insomnia falls, they're all devastated and grieving. Prompto is so empathetic he's sick with worry for everyone he left behind. Gladio hears that the king is dead and is torn between comforting his little brother/charge/friend Noctis and the unspoken, devastating truth that if the king is gone so is his own father. Noct can only think that his father lied, his father promised his father is dead. Ignis has now watched both his birthplace and the home he fled to be destroyed. and for a while they just do their best to cope with the loss of their past and their families.
Then they get to Altissia, surrounded by reminders that Lunoct were meant to be married - wanted to be married. And they've lost that future too.
And Ignis is the first to realize that this means Noct will never get to settle down. They now have to face a lifetime of fighting the war their parents died in.
And he hates, a little bit, that he's also selfishly grieving for the fact that he will never get his future with Gladio. They'll never get to be married, never get to devote themselves to each other with backup to guard Noct in relative peace.
If it comes up with Gladio it won't be in Noct's presence because Ignis would never want him to shoulder any guilt for something that isn't at all his doing. Gladio would admit to being angry about it too with no target, would tell him he doesn't have to feel selfish for grieving the loss of the one thing they thought they would have to themselves in the future.
And then Episode Ignis happens and their world is shattered again, and I honestly believe that Ignis told Gladio the truth about that vision before the Long Night although I haven't pinpointed exactly when.
They break up during the Long Night, when Ignis insists on continuing to be a hunter.
Gladio insists he's lost enough family already and he can't stand watching Ignis risk his life.
Ignis insists he's lost enough family already and he can't stand sitting idly by while Gladio and Prompto keep fighting.
Prompto feels like a child of divorce.
But because I'm not about bad endings, twist because Ravus wasn't a fucking idiot who went to TELL the Empire he was deserting them, and instead went home and delivered the Sword of the Father in Tenebrae. (if I wrote this we would feature game mechanic Phoenix Down to return Luna as well and have a sibling reunion here.)
Thanks to Ravus being a bitch who is willing to argue with gods, Noct lives (his life price being spread across his retinue, the Nox Fleurets, and Cor because Cor is canonically immortal apparently??) and with Ardyn and the Empire gone, Gladnis start rebuilding what they had. But this time, they don't wait.
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renohasbigtits · 4 years
On a scale of kitten sneeze to dad sneeze, how loud do you reckon the chocobros sneeze lol (and maybe also Cindy, Ardyn, Luna and Ravus if you feel like it?)
Hahaha! This is adorable 🥰 (I took a one 80 sorry)
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• Definitely a kitten sneeze! xD
• 🥰
• Don’t teast him about it.
• “Aww Noct! Your sneeze is adorable!”
• “Shut up!”
• He gets very flustered when you mention it.
• After awhile, He doesn’t get upset when you mention it.
• He’s glad that you think it’s cute.
• Don’t mention it in front of the other Chocobros though, he’s still very shy.
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• You barely can hear it.
• Almost like it was never there.
• Poor boy thinks that his sneeze sounds “girly”
• You think it’s the most adorable thing about him!
• “Aww Prompto!”
• “What is it Chocobae?”
• Your sneeze is cute!”
• “Really? I think it’s sounds girly-
• You grabbed his face.
• “What’s wrong with that? I think it’s adorable.”
• Prompto gets very flustered.
• He’s thankful though that you didn’t tease him about it.
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• No one knows what his sneeze sounds like.
• He does the arm cover when he sneezes (as you should! We’re in a pandemic people!!)
• So for awhile, no one knows what he sounds like.
• Til one day, he’s drinking an ebony than he sneezes and it sounds.. pretty average.
• Kinda loud but not loud.
• Pretty Average.
• Adorable Though 🥰
• It’s Ignis. Everything he does is adorable. Change my mind.
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• She’s polite so she has a quiet sneeze.
• Privately though, her sneezes get louder.
• Ya know, you sneeze quitely in public but in private you sneeze loudly?
• Is it just me?
• She’s by herself so why not?
• Ravus thinks differently though
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• Totally didn’t accidentally skip over Gladio. Oop
• Totally has a Dad sneeze.
• He got it from his dad ok?
• Pov: your in the frozen aisle and suddenly you hear “ACHOOOO!”
• Ya know everyone is like: 🦗🦟🦗🦟🦗🦟🦗
• Gladio, doesn’t really get why people make a big deal about it.
• Like STFU?
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• This
• Man
• is
• Professional
• AF
• It’s a no sneeze.
• Need I say more?
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• Why was it so hard to find good gifs of her?
• Eh her’s Like a sneeze cough.
• Ya know? You sneeze than you cough.
• She sounds like she’s sick but she’s not.
• Once Prompto hears it, he falls more in love with her.
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• He’s, Unapologetically, has a dad sneeze.
• He’s louder than a sneeze in a Walmart.
• Yeah... that loud.
• Worst part? He doesn’t cover his nose.
• Ravus gets sooooo pissed when he does that.
• Ardyn does it to make him mad
• 😈
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Your Secrets are safe with me
Just think of me as the pages in your diary...
Noctis and Prompto are the most comfortable around each other , so during important meetings and events, both have to be placed on a gag order of not being around one another, else it will turn into the duo snickering and laughing or as Ignis once stated “Partake in school girl gossip”
Prompto shares social anxiety with Noctis on a huge level, but when the duo are together, Prompto’s anxiety is overridden to make sure that his friend is more comfortable than himself.
Gladiolus sleeps with a crazy amount of pillows, every year he some how gets more, but there’s never more than six on his bed at a time. No one has seen him throw one out, but can’t find the other ones. Iris assumes he eats them in his sleep.
Ignis prefers not to curse, he always believes that there are better ways to explain a situation or get your point across. Yet sometimes the only way to describe a person is to call them an “Asshole”
You can tell when Lunafreya gets tired because she will often repeat the same question, if she repeats it five times she’s no longer paying attention or taking in information and needs a nap.
Ravus likes cats and has many cats roam his office building to “assist with the mice”. Lunafreya once bought up the similarity between him and Noctis the only thing he could respond was “Even fools know something good when they find it”
Regis states that he has taken pride in only three defeats in his life, a sparing back between Clarus and Cor, and his heart to his wife Auela.
When Clarus was told the funfact about “Adults picking up their child for the final time before they became to big”, Clarus lifted his daughter up, and then proceeded to lift Gladiolus. He does this once a year to prove that he can and will always be there to support his children.
When Gladiolus got the scar across his eye, Iris, wanting to make her older brother felt better, loosen some of the threads in a few of his workout shirts, so that when he flexed in the mirror the seams popped, raising his self esteem.
Cor has been known to take in information when asleep, it horrifies everyone around him. The only time it doesn’t work is when he’s been awake for more than 48 hours.
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joeyisaprincess · 4 years
What beach/ocean activities do the ffxv cast partake in?
Ignis sits in the water and lets the waves knock him around. It terrifies everyone else. He claims it’s therapeutic. The lifeguards are keeping an eye on him.
You’d think Noctis likes to fish, but he’s more into the sand. It’s warm and it feels nice when it slips through his fingers. He’ll try to sleep. He doesn’t like to get wet, though, because then the sand sticks to his skin and he feels gross. 
Prompto and Gladio play an increasingly dangerous game of catch with an oversized beach ball. They’ve accidentally taken out innocent strangers with it. Others are invited to join, but they have to be aware of the risks.
Aranea is into the food. Is that a family barbecuing? She’s going to pretend to be part of the group in order to get some ribs. She’s hitting up every vendor she can find because something about eating on the beach makes the food taste better.
Luna likes to look for things that wash up on the shore, like smooth rocks and seaweed. If something nicer were to wash up she would be happy, but she’s content with the rocks and seaweed.
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