#╰ * ANZU : answered
winkle-pickers · 11 months
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Inspired by this post, a really good discussion about it, and reassurance that life doesn't end after your twenties - quite the opposite in fact. Happy 43rd birthday Kaiba <3
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reisakumaproducer · 6 months
Happy April Fools to the people that can make Rei kabedoning Kaoru a reality now
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amararala · 4 months
If you are still doing the emotion challenge, could you please so A8 for Tea?
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Emotion Challenge
ehehe Téa!!
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shima-draws · 2 years
So what you're saying is Romantic Killer doesn't actually force her into a canonical romantic relationship by the end? Like, no canon romance???
Nope!! So Riri's job is to force her into a relationship, that is what their employer entrusted them to do with her. (Which backfires bc they end up caring for her as a person and break the rules for her.) But the entire series is about her refusing to do that, refusing to go out with any of her several love interests, basically showing off her many hilarious attempts to ignore the classic otome dating sim tropes. She really prioritizes her friendships with these guys over any sort of romantic situations with them. And even at the end she still isn't dating any of them. It's implied (if not outright stated) that the guys all have feelings for her, but it's ambiguous whether or not she likes any of them back romantically. They're all just friends at the end of the first season, and whether or not she will end up with one of them is a mystery!
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alliebirb · 7 months
Daaaamn your revo art never ceases to make me gush all over it!! I love your ideas so much?? And your tags in your latest post intrigued me a lot, so I must absolutely ask, what are your headcanons for Atem and the past incarnation of Anzu? You mention that she fell first, but he fell harder and all. More details pretty please? :>
CHOCOLAAAAAAAAAA 🥺🥺😭😭💕💕💝💝💗💗💗💗🌷🌷🌷 i know i’ve talked your ear off already ab your revo art being my absolutely favorite since my early ygo days, this made my day!!!!!! !!! Im so happy my works leave an impression (づ ˘͈ ᵕ ˘͈ )づ
As for my long-haired anzu posts, that isn’t a past reincarnation at all! That’s our actual anzu! They’re all art for a looooooong fic ive been meaning to write for years now: INFO DUMP N ARTS BELOW THE CUT
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Basically, i wanted a friends-to-lovers slowburn revo with historical elements, so I came up with a little story where I could be self-indulgent >:3
for atem - since anzu joining him in the afterlife would be a mood-killer - after the canon ending, he gets an encounter with Hathor who gives him a gift.
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basically: “you killed the primordial being of all evil??? Have a resurrection on me, kid, it’s on the house”
So plop! Atem dropped right back in his life when it stopped, except Mahad and the rest of the court is still alive… and no one has any memory of zorc at all. He gets to live without any of the world-ending responsibility!!
Some years go by til Atem’s in his early twenties and then PLOP AGAIN but this time it’s anzu getting yanked around by some time nonsense (thinking it comes from the re-gifted cartouche from Atem storing pent up time energy from being in two periods at once) but yay!!!!! Modern time pal!!! Ancient times friend who is fully alive??? Somehow??? Both are confused but happy!
Then they have time together, getting to know each other better, and so on and so forth, but! Anzu had long ago compartmentalized her old crush and is content to just be friends while atem starts falling DEEP in it. Anzu’s just so kind and brave and intelligent and she understands him SO WELL and GOD was she always so pretty???!! Who knows whether he’ll confess before they find a way to bring her back to the present…. In the meantime we get pining and domestic stuff >:3
maybe i could drop a drabble or two of my many snippets if yall want cuz lord knows this project will be a post-grad school thing
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sugarsweetvirgo · 5 months
19. Who's the better dancer?
If we're going by technicality, it's Kaiba, considering he has the top high scores in games like DDR and Beatsaber (Along with every other arcade game in Japan)
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But if we're being honest? Both suck at dancing.
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mihai-florescu · 9 months
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Seiya & Anzu's eerily similar descriptions of idolhood
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carnelianwings · 3 months
What do you think about the relationship between Kira and Lacus?
If there's a word I'd use to describe Kira/Lacus, it's "steadfast". There's never any doubt in their connection and feelings for each other (even through the Foundation Conflict, at least, narratively speaking), there's never any doubt in their ability to rely on each other to cover for each other's weaknesses with their own strengths - where one falters, the other will rise to the occasion to cover and support them. Kira and Lacus are two halves of a whole, and nothing in the universe can change that, not even Lacus's own genetic coding.
That's not to say they're codependent - they're not, they can function as individuals when they're apart (we've seen this throughout Seed) but they're not as strong individually as they are together.
And this continues with them outside of their professional lives - when Lacus finally gets to grieve for her father, it's Kira that she turns to and be her shoulder to cry on. Likewise, when Kira returns from Mendel after learning the truth of his origins, it's Lacus who offers her lap and gives him words of comfort, telling him that even if he's not sure of who or what he is, he's made her very happy with his presence (an indirect confession of love if I've ever heard one).
But beyond that, they do something for each other that no one else can really do - see each other as they are, as regular people. In Lacus's eyes, Kira isn't the Ultimate Coordinator, the pilot of the Strike and the Freedom; he's not some convenient tool for her to use to bring about an era of peace; he's her partner, the one person she can rely on to walk beside her through life, a gentle and sincere soul who wishes for peace as ardently as she does, someone she could be vulnerable around, who asks nothing more of her than to be herself. And to Kira, Lacus isn't some trophy to be won, a political tool to be used to be his mouthpiece; she's not even an idol, someone to be put on a pedestal and worshiped; she's ... just Lacus, someone who cared enough about him as a person to reach out to him, someone who cared about what he wanted and what he needed at a time when he wasn't sure of himself, and most importantly, was someone he could be vulnerable around without that getting used against him later.
Honestly, Seed Freedom's sweeping mutual love confessions aside, I really like how they've both been portrayed as this kind of understated (in that they're openly affectionate but not overbearingly so) but mutually supportive couple who deeply care about each other while being a source of comfort to each other in what are incredibly trying times while risking life and limb to change the world to be a better place. It's not about the flashy love confessions or even the Big Damn Kiss as much as ... coming back alive so they can go out on a simple motorcycle-picnic date together. It's about looking out for each other while working together to make things better not just for each other but for the rest of the world too.
And in that regard, I do think they're relationship goals - especially in how emotionally/mentally supportive they are of each other.
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*crawls into ask box*
Top 5 yttd scenes
ooooooooh right it's been a while since i've played so i'm probably forgetting a LOT but, from what i can remember:
1.) the entireeeee part of the 2nd main game towards the end where Kanna and Shin were trying to convince the others to vote them instead of the other it was so heartbreaking and aaaaa greenblings </3
2.) THE KAI SCENE OF ALL TIME where he smacked Miley with frying pan to stop her continuing to mock Kanna and him basically being like "oopsie my hand slipped how silly of me" AAAAAAA i love him
3.) ANZU DURING THE BANQUET WAS HILARIOUS like when it was pointed out her coffin wasn't glowing and she was all dramatic like "i've lost my glow!!" HDFBGFUZOIGUSDHJLS
4.) THE SCENE AFTER ALICE DIES AND REKO while mourning, tells Sara and Nao to go away but then like immediately calls Nao back and they just </333 aaaaa they're so important to each other and it showsssss
5.) Kanna flashback of when she and Kugie first met and became sisterssssss aaaaaa the themmm <333 i love you Kizuchi sisters (also. the parallels between Kugie and Shin)
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polarized-here · 25 days
I wanna hear more about Sora and Tori (they both look very huggable and I LOVE their designs :3)
Waugh!!!! SANKU!!! (I also forgot to say SANKU earlier with the comment over Astor’s hair since I was debating how I wanted to answer that ask but!!!! SANKU for both those comments!!!)
Funny you say these two, because they’re both Old DND characters I’m reusing. Tori for an MHA dnd campaign, and sora was some other older ones. Their lore is changed just for this story :)
Tori is quite easy to answer—they’re the adoptive sibling to Blitzen, whom you’ve probably seen before on my blog! She’s an Oc I made for Bagel’s world that I’ve never talked about much! But yeah, they’re so silly!!! To me!!! So… back to Tori they don’t have much lore other then the fact that they’re the worrier sibling, they have plenty of passions, and is quite popular! They just love being the center of attention as long as their friends get some of it too!
Taking numerous classes focusing on flight dynamics and applying those theories and principles to their own flight, (whenever they can, again; due to heavy governmental regulations over powers. But also, it’s a small city, so it’s not really much of a problem compared to a more densely populated town!) they’re thinking about definitely being a hero, with plenty of people constantly telling them to pursue that, but they want to keep themselves open. Not susceptible to only being one thing. Since they’re so well known, they feel as if people only really have ‘one’ set perception of them—something that’s an incomplete reflection of them. Their complexities, etc etc etc.
but enough of that!
Sora! My very first ‘OC’ really, probably more of an old sona I had since I exclusively played a specific character archetype in DnD & race since I’m broke. But they were a blue Dragonborn (with a tail because I’m nice) grave domain cleric that I really liked and drew a lot :)
They are more concerned with medical pursuits, and trying to find a definitive answer as to why people themselves gained these powers, where did it start? Was it truely divine intervention and prayer? Because even atheistic individuals have been given powers. No loss to it. Was it a rogue set or pair of genes? Was it accidental exposure to not so safe stuff? At such a global scale. It’s difficult to pinpoint why. So they also take classes in studying religion.
Because of their interest in medicine. They really like traditional medicine, more necromancy themed religions, and history of herbs, etc etc etc, basically they like medicine and herbs along with orthodox medicine practices—while naturally being mindful to only mix ones properly.
Sora is quite susceptible to suspicious thoughts of others—and while means well, can jump to irrational conclusions after too much deductive reasoning. So a running gag is that they often suspect Beel, Felix, and Anzu being correlated in some way to the new vigilante.
They chose the three worst people for that, of course. They do mean well, but they’re also that meme yk… so it’s okay :,)
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azoosepted · 4 months
ttrying to make hunger games simulator: now with the blade lineage+kurokumo+canto vi but ythe images. theyre not loading. THEYRE NOT LOADINGGGGGGGGGGGG THEYRE NOT SHOWING UUUUUUUUUOPPPP
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rosalind-hawkins · 5 months
Whump coinshipping
Oh, that's a new one for me!
The Wheel has spoken!
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Anzu is trying desperately to make a nice dinner for her girlfriend, because this girl is a tryhard that doesn't do anything halfway and puts her whole heart into everything. But! The grocery store was busy so she gets home later than she planned, now she's rushing a bit in the kitchen. She's trying to make sure everything is ready before Miho arrives but feels the pressure of the clock ticking down. She turns the heat up on the stirfry, goes to get the drinks out of the fridge, checks on the rice (it's looking good), and she turns around to stir her stirfry, then turns away to do some of the dishes, but oh no! She knocked into the handle of the wok and it tumbles off the stove, throwing hot, half-cooked stirfry and oil all over her apron and her clothes and especially her feet! Anzu tries to jump out of the way, but the hot wok still hits one of her feet, and she cries out from how hot it is.
Right then, Miho comes home! She rushes forward because of the obvious state of chaos and Anzu being on the verge of tears. They turn off the stove and get Anzu's burns seen to first: thoroughly rinsed with cool water, bandaged with Neosporin, Miho kissing her cheeks and assuring her that everything is fine, and she just cares that Anzu is okay. She changed into comfy clothes over her burns. Then they go to the kitchen and clean up the half-cooked food off the floor. They do the dishes together, order a pizza, and have a peaceful night in. Miho cuddles her girl extra to make sure she's not upset by how dinner went.
How did I do? I rarely ever touch yuri. Did I do okay?
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chaoscheebs · 7 months
A thought:
Yugi "Not A Morning Person" Muto remains the one person in their crew with the closest ties to Anzu by sheer virtue of frequently being up at ass o'clock at night his time (voluntarily) and thus being able to actually talk to her in New York.
Bonus round: in a world where Seto and Anzu become actually sort of friends, Seto "Also Up At Ass O'Clock (Involuntarily)" Kaiba is the second closest to her, to Yugi's amusement.
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mintys-musings · 1 year
anzu liker ??? omg do u mind dropping some of ur nsfw hcs ,,
anzu liker !! i dont mind at all :3 im glad theres so many of yall that like anzu ensemble stars out here. more love for the apricot girlie is lovely !
NSFW under cut~!
okay. here are my anzu nsfw hcs...
she's mostly a sub/bottom because she's usually in control of everything it's nice to just get pounded beyond any coherent thought (mindbreak girlie frfr.) BUT when she tops? when she gets to dom someone? she will put in the work
in those moments, she's a gentle femdom p much. looves to spoil those under her UNLESS they're being a brat. in which case she does the "That's not very nice~" and edging begins (followed by overstimulation)
whiny. esp if things aren't progressing fast enough
that said, she's not gonna outright verbalize her wants sometimes because she gets embarrassed by how horny she gets
incredibly down bad over text. so down bad. sends the most tasteful nudes at precise moments since she knows people's schedules
also all bark no bite over text. she's not an outright brat, but she is a tease. and if you confront her about it she turns into a flustered mess. so make her put her money where her mouth is 💚
knows a lot about kinks in theory, but not so much in practice due to lack of experience. into various dom/sub dynamics and will adjust depending on what you want
definitely has a size kink. well discussed on this blog. its practically canon tbh
has a breeding kink BUT would take either someone she trusts to be involved (trickstar, madara, undead, akatsuki, arashi) or her to be very horny to let anyone bust a nut inside
has a mild voice kink which is dangerous in her line of work
bit of an oral fixation. likes having something for her mouth to do- be it kissing, leaving hickeys, etc. etc. gives head like no other tbh
cockwarming enthusiast !!
while she likes the idea of being secretly teased in public, she would not let it happen in the slightest. honestly? can barely get horny during the day (if at all)
after hours though it's like a switch flips in her brain and she gets horny so quick
... if she had the week off, she'd be very into trying the idea of free use
her underwear is plain until she starts to have a sex life. then she starts buying cute lingerie. usually babydoll types. very fond of garterbelts
i cant imagine her being very needy after, but she is clingy. she's already the type to hug your arm while you're out. give her cuddles after sex please !!
even after being fucked senseless, she still tries to get up and get you both water and whatever else (please just relax anzu...)
erm yeah ! ^×^)/)
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universestreasures · 8 months
@tophatz Sent:
“ it’s okay, you know. if you need to vent. " (( Anzu @ Yugi! ))
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Of course, she'd notice he'd be acting off. Anzu had been Yugi's oldest friend. She had been with him since the beginning, seeing him throughout this journey he's had with the Millennium Puzzle and the spirit within it. If there was anyone he could talk to about how he was feeling, it be her.
Yugi takes a deep breath, preparing himself to speak. He wanted to make sure not only what he wanted to say, but also that the other spirit inside of his body wasn't going to listen in on this. Usually, his parnter was rather quiet during school unless something came up, and from what he can sense, it appeared his soul was currently drawn back into the puzzle for the time being, the very puzzle Yugi's hands were now clasping as he looked at Anzu.
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"I'm just...worried about the Spirit of the Puzzle." His voice is soft, laced with concern and worry. "He...He said he didn't care if he got his memories back or not to me the other day. While I...I don't want him to leave, I...I can't help but worry that he'll stop wanting to try and find out his past...for my sake."
The spirit sharing his body was selfless and protective. Yugi knows that much from his actions. While he certainly never wants the other to leave, for he's become like family to Yugi, he can't help but feel selfish even saying things like 'I want you to stay with me forever' to his face when deep down he can just sense that shouldn't be the case.
"He...He doesn't even know his own name, Anzu! His name! He doesn't know anything at all about himself! He should know who he is and where he came from, but...he knows how much I care about him and like having him around. I just..." He looks down at the puzzle again before moving it close to his chest as if to hug it. "I just don't want to hold him back...back from figuring that out."
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mishkakagehishka · 2 years
And I'm still thinking ab yandere Mika with parent issues (the straw that broke the camel's back when it comes to making that sideblog) like. We know, even though (he said*) he was adopted, we know he still has hang-ups and resentment about being orphaned in the first place. He hated his own eyes for a WHILE of the timeline just because he blamed being abandoned on them. You think he wouldn't project that "feeling of being rejected by your [bio] parents" onto his darling? You think desperately wanting the approval of a darling who has a parental/nurturing personality won't become one of the main reasons for him going yandere over them? More suggestive than fully nsft under the cut (which is why it's here), so - under 17: don't read ahead <3
I just think that yandere Mika with a nurturing darling is so desperate to feel loved and wanted that he ends up worshipping them and begging them for attention. Slips and calls them "mom" or "dad" at least a few times. Is embarrassed every time. Gets flustered if the darling asks him "Do you see me as a parental figure?" ... Gets hot under the neckline if the darling tries to laugh it off and call him "my good baby boy, in that case". From then on, he's doing everything to be called a good boy again by them. Carrying their bag, bringing an extra umbrella just so he can give it to them if they forget, offering them massages when they get stressed, giving them handmade clothes and accessories, working extra hard during practice, rehearsals and lives when they're present, always fishing by asking, "Did I do good?" and, more often, "Was I good?"....
When his darling pats his head for the first time, he really feels like he's going to explode. He felt like grabbing their wrist and just kissing them then and there, but~~ The good part about a yandere Mika who projects his parent and abandonment issues onto his darling is the fact that he's less likely to act on any thoughts he has of forcing himself onto them. He wants their approval, first of all. It's only if he gets really desperate and the situation seems really hopeless that he gives up on that and focuses just on being wanted, loved, desired by them.
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