#╰ connection // rodolphus & bellatrix. ╯
bellatrixmalfoy · 1 year
She was itching for her wand, in fact she was surprised she wasn’t currently gripping it. That sparks weren’t flying off the tip of it just from the rage swimming in her veins. Nothing was stopping her and yet she remained as if petrified. Hardly blinking, hardly breathing, the tremble she felt through her whole body only visible in her hands; which were clenched so hard she could feel her long nails digging deep into her palms.
Bellatrix had to think before she acted, and she hated doing that.
Her father was not going to change his mind, he did as she’d asked—in his opinion—and for her to change her mind after he’d made the deal would be out of the question. Bella knew that. She knew too well the way in which Rodolphus slithered his way to her fathers study and spoke of how Bellatrix would never expect the great Cygnus black to bend to his daughters will, so he was here to do so in her stead. He would then confess with a timid sigh that yes, they were courting and for bellas sake and only hers, he felt it was his duty to ask for her hand, as he would not bear to see her name slandered if betrothed to anyone else.
Cygnus Black wasn’t stupid, he was aware of his daughters determination to destroy their good reputation. The list of things shed done that a woman, let alone one of her status, should never do was enough to drive Cygnus to madness. He also learned long enough ago to leave her be, as it would only get worse if he interfered. He knew from multiple sources that Rodolphus was indeed seen with Bellatrix, though these allegations had diminished in frequency as of late.
Despite the arrogant deception dripping from the boy’s tone, Cygnus had no reason to think he was being untruthful. He was reluctant, but agreed to speak to his wife nonetheless. The boy seemed satisfied enough with that and seemed all too eager to leave and spread the news—Cygnus never understood the need these children had to do the work of common gossips.
Bella knew this. She knew Lucius would’ve been the first to be told. Rodolphus wouldn’t dare to tell her—he’s got a shit defence against her hexes. Moreover he knew she wouldn’t be able to react the way she wanted to if her father was the one to tell her. He wanted her to know he had her and she wouldn’t be able to break away from him this time. Betrothals are final, they’re not up for negotiation—the fact that their generation has been given the grace to not be sealed to someone since birth was considered a revolution. She didn’t even think to ask if it had been finalised, there was no way it wasn’t all done.
What can she do? What were her options? She didn’t know.
First things first though.
Her hand snapped to her wand, immediately pointing to the door, placing upon it all the silencing charms she knew. She sucked in a deep breath, and screamed, Bella felt the discomfort in her throat before she was done with the first one. Yet her screams continued, her hands clawed for something, anything to rip from the walls, to break with her bare hands to at least fantasise it was Rodolphus’ smug face. Her nails dug through the furniture, the walls, little glass ornaments shattered into a pile of chunks on the precious rug her mother always boasted about.
She couldn’t explain how she ended up on the floor, much less when she has started to sob instead of scream. But her cries ripped through her, her hands clutching her chest as if to keep it from shattering too, the sound of it causing an ugly echo on the stone walls. Bella could hardly see through the tears spilling from her eyes, nor breathe through her choked sobs.
She hated it. She was not this witch. She was Bellatrix fucking Black, she was not this powerless woman. She didn’t know what she was going to do, but she knew it had to be something. She wasn’t marrying Rodolphus, she would be dragged to Azkaban kicking and screaming before that happened. If thats what it took, so be it.
Bella stood and took in a long, hoarse breath; no more of this.
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How would Sirius react to Bellatrix's Biological!Child!reader getting sorted into Gryffindor? Even better, how does Bellatrix react when she finds out her most treasured child (more like object) is a Gryffindor? I can see her either completely glossing over it or giving reader the ol' burn-them-off-the-family-tree-and-disown-them treatment (times 100). Either way, I feel like there's a good chance Sirius will be joining reader's custody battle when he finds out lol
I don’t think yan!mom!Bellatrix would really acknowledge it too much but there would be slight disappointment in her child not being in Slytherin. She would probably be reminded of Sirius when she first finds out about her child being sorted into Gryffindor and she would immediately be untrusting of any and all of her child’s housemates. The only people she could bring herself to tolerate being around her child would be the Slytherin kids. I like the idea of Bellatrix having not been sent to Azkaban after having her precious child, like maybe once her child are brought into the world she put her all her time and focus into them and only them, entrusting the torture of the Longbottoms to Rodolphus, Rabastan and Barty because she didn’t want to part from her child for anything which in turn would result in her not being arrested for it leaving her to be Abel to be in her child’s life this whole time. If that were the case then I could definitely see Bellatrix sending the Reader a howler but it’s not directed towards the Reader but towards their new housemates. She’s definitely threatening them and their entire family tree all the while you can hear Narcissa in the background trying to calm her sister down and throwing in a positive message to the Reader and making sure to tell them to spend time with Draco and that he’s there if they need anything at all.
Also, Bellatrix totally would interrogate her child when they came home for break about their housemates and the ones who especially wormed their way into befriending her beloved child. She wants all their names, their family’s names, their addresses; everything pertaining to them she wants to know. And you can bet she isn’t allowing her child to visit any of their friends, even if they were in Slytherin. Once her child is back in her possession she isn’t letting go for anything. I mean Narcissa would already have to fend off Bellatrix just to be able to send the Reader back to school. Don’t even get me started on how she would be when it came to seeing the Reader off at the train station.
Regarding Sirius, I think his first reaction would be finding it completely ironic that Bellatrix’s child would be in Gryffindor like him. I think that alone would lead him to think that her child shares a similar personality to himself or something of the sort that connects them like that which in turn would cause him to worry about the safety of the Reader. His mother had been dreadful towards him in so many ways, he can only imagine how Bellatrix is or will be with her own child, especially after this. Sirius would definitely want to meet his cousin’s child and see what they’re really like, whether they take after Bellatrix in any way, shape, or form, or if they are much more akin to himself as he believes they are. He certainly would believe that the child deserves someone much more deserving than Bellatrix to be their parent and he’s more than willing to fill that role. I think it would especially sell it for him if the Reader was friends with Harry, maybe even to the point of becoming the Sirius to Harry’s James. He’d absolutely adore being able to raise both Harry and the Reader together. I can definitely see Sirius wanting to be to the Reader what the Potter family had been to him, especially once he ran away.
Sidenote; but I really love the idea of yan!mom!Bellatrix raising her Hufflepuff!child. I can imagine that with her extreme coddling and overprotectiveness/overpossessiveness, as well as Narcissa’s own added coddling and overprotectiveness, it would lead the child to having grown up much more sheltered and maybe seeing the way their mother was resulted in them being the exact polar opposite. Like, her child is warm, sweet, shy, kind, friendly, and just overall everything Bellatrix isn’t and can’t even try to feign being. I can’t help but imagine Bellatrix trying to get her child to become more like her but it taking no real effect whatsoever leaving her to be fiercely protective of her little cinnamon roll puff of a bby.
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veritas-scribblings · 23 hours
date - @jegulus-microfic - words: 709
[wrote this late at night | can't stop thinking about turning it into something a bit longer, because the concept intrigues me]
Regulus Black isn’t what James expected. And that’s a problem.
DCI Crouch had prepared James well. James could tell you Regulus Black’s birthday, where he was born, the school he went to, the friends he kept there (Barty Crouch Junior, DCI Crouch’s only son, ironically), the school subjects he took, the grades he got, the course he’s studying, what time his classes are, what his hobbies are, which lovers he’s been connected to.
He knows that Regulus Black wakes up at 6 o’clock every morning and goes for a run. He knows that Regulus Black drinks espressos and doesn’t have any sugar in his tea. He knows that Regulus Black is allergic to shellfish, wears cashmere jumpers, loves football, doesn’t drive a car for whatever reason.
In fact, if James wanted, he could probably also find out what positions Regulus Black enjoys in bed, his kinks, how recently he’s been tested for STIs and the last time he had a blood test.
He meets Regulus Black for the first time at a function where he’s posing as a Fund Manager for Greengrass firm. It is there, at the Greengrass Manor, when James sees Regulus Black in person for the first time and learns that…well, Regulus Black is fit. He’s more than fit. He’s beautiful. James knows that from the photos he’d looked at when studying him. He had very much been prepared for that. He just hadn’t been prepared for the fact that Regulus Black is so much lovelier in person. There’s a crispness to him. An elegance. 
James has watched him all night. He speaks clearly, confidently, eloquently. There’s something reserved and a little bit stand-offish about him, a little bit holier-than-thou and James loves it. Regulus Black radiates class, cleverness, intelligence. He’s refined in that ‘upper-class, wealthy, nobility’ kind of way. 
And now James is conflicted. He’s worried, because he needs to keep a level head about all of this. Because he’s been tasked with ‘getting close to Regulus Black’, which he knows is code for ‘seducing Regulus Black’ to find out what he can about the Black family’s involvement in investment fraud and whether Regulus Black or his family are connected to the murders of the Prewett brothers.
But there’s something about Regulus that is so very alluring. Something that says to James, ‘Yes, I’m probably very capable of murder,’ while simultaneously saying, ‘Isn’t that so very, very sexy?’ 
And James agrees. It is so very, very sexy. Looking at the silver rings on Regulus’s slender fingers, the way his black curls shine and fall elegantly around his face, the way his lips pull into just a little bit of a sneer…James thinks he really wouldn’t mind being murdered by Regulus Black.
And that he is so very fucked.
‘James,’ James says, handing Regulus a glass of champagne. 
Regulus doesn’t take the glass. He looks away, a bored expression on his lovely, lovely face. ‘It’s actually Regulus,’ he says in a tone that’s entirely disinterested. 
‘No, I meant I’m James. I just didn’t get a chance to properly introduce myself earlier, Rodolphus and Bellatrix and Dolohov were monopolising you and I thought…well, I’d…introduce myself?’
‘I see. Hello, Just James, can I help you?’ Regulus finally takes the glass of champagne when James keeps sliding it across the banister towards him. There’s a small smile tucked away in the corner of his lips that suggests he finds James very amusing. 
‘No, I’ve just been watching you,’ James says, distracted by the way Regulus holds the champagne class in his lovely, long fingers. He pauses, realising what he just said. ‘Not in a creepy way! I just—well, you’re just lovely and. Well, I noticed you and this function is so boring and.’ He cringes. ‘I’m sorry, I’m terrible at this.’
Regulus raises a single, delicate eyebrow. ‘At flirting? I would say so. Luckily for you, I’m awfully bored as well, so please. Proceed. If you succeed at your terrible flirting, I may also let you dance with me.’ 
This time when Regulus smiles, it’s a proper smile. Dear God, his smile is exquisite, a little bit playful. And James knows, is sure from the very pit of his stomach, that he’s absolutely fucked.
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emily-the-fae · 7 months
To continue the aesthetic boards and HCs series:
Narcissa Malfoy
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represented by Helen McCrory
Random HCs for Narcissa:
· Youngest of the three Black sisters (two years age gap with Andromeda and four with Bellatrix) and Druella's favourite
· classical youngest child, a little spoilt, a lot of a teacher's pet, but also strongly influenced by her family's opinions of what she is supposed to be
· practically a little copy of her mother
· the only one of Druella's daughters that did an exchange year in Beauxbatons and reconnected with the part of Rosier family still living in France
· speaks impeccable French, plays piano, but practically never sings - probably solely because Druella herself didn't like singing
· loves dancing, wanted to be a ballerina when she was very little
· reads classics both wizarding and muggle, had started collecting a secret library in her childhood room
· can't fly on a broom for the life of her, somehow magically escaped those classes in first year
· enjoyed Potions at Hogwarts and quite excelled actually, but never pursued a carrier in connection to that - searching for a job is not what her mother deemed ladylike
· met Lucius in fifth year at Hogwarts. very hard to tell if it was love at first sight or Narcissa gaslighting herself into liking someone her family would approve of
· any way it was, she is the only one of Druella's daughters to be happy on her wedding with someone her parents suggested
· Narcissa was surprised when Andromeda eloped, but even more surprised with the family's harsh reaction. Despite sharing family beliefs and her closeness to her parents, Narcissa didn't want to cut Andromeda out
· visited Andromeda and Ted's house in secret a few times and got introduced to little Nymphadora, keeps writing letters to Andromeda every once in a while
· Bellatrix had tried to convince her to join Death Eaters several times, but Narcissa never wore the Dark mark: at first uninterested and then repulsed by the politics
· before marriage wanted to have several children, but after taking care of baby Draco she realized she is quite happy and busy with just one
· generally admires art, deep down would love to move to Paris with her family, but Lucius' job would not allow
Other posts from this series: Bellatrix Lestrange - Andromeda Tonks - Rabastan Lestrange - Rodolphus Lestrange
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I read through all of your FSF and I came across one where Harry was Tom Riddle Jr, son. And I taught since emerald green eyes if a known trait of the Slytherin family? I was wondering for a FSF where Tom Slytherin realizes that Lily Potter is related to him ? :D
High Lord Tom Slytherin has just sat down to dinner with his closest vassals when the wards alert him to someone arriving via Floo--no one is expected; less than a minute later, Heir Theobald Nott tears into the room, in his Slytherin robes, and offers the briefest bow he's ever given Tom before rising and declaring, "Your Esteemed Grace, there's a Muggle-born witch on the Hogwarts Express who has emerald green eyes!"
Tom stills as the words echo in the now-silent room, unable to believe what he is hearing; emerald eyes are a bloodline trait of the Just and Most Olde House of Slytherin--no bloodline Slytherin has ever lost their magic and become a Squib--it is impossible for the girl to be a Muggle-born ... which means that, somehow, Muggles ended up with a heretofore unknown relative of his ... perhaps a child stolen at birth and abandoned into the Muggle World, which is--
He rises from his seat, walks over to Theobald, grasps the young man by the chin, and silently casts Legilimens, which Theobald doesn't even attempt to resist; he sees her, a small slip of a girl with scarlet hair and emerald green eyes, left firmly ensconced in a train compartment with Heir Lucius Malfoy, Heir Rodolphus Lestrange, and Lady Bellatrix Black to guard her.
Tom Disapparates without a word, reappearing in the train compartment, the details he plucked from Theobald's head sufficient to provide a Destination, and breathes shakily as he, for the first time in his life--since his mother's passing--meets someone who shares his lineage and blood, however distant that connection might be.
He kneels before her, ignoring all the greetings his vassals' children offer, takes her hands in his, and swears, "You were stolen from me, and it will never happen again; from this day forward, I am your father and you will never want for anything."
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saintsenara · 3 months
thank you very much for the ask, pal!
question two on this love your fandom ask game was a very popular one, so I've combined this ask with a couple of others:
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[a huge shoutout to the anon who left such a kind message about bookbinding - you're a legend!]
2. what is a headcanon you weren't sure about at first but have come to like?
i have recently - while writing subluxation - been regrettably tricked against my will into finding rodolphus lestrange fascinating [i can hear @sofoulandfairaday giggling and kicking her feet in the air], and i am increasingly coming round to the idea that - while i certainly still prefer the idea that his marriage to bellatrix is an unhappy one - there's some real affection there. it's giving power couple.
5. what is something you see in fics a lot and love?
both fun and profoundly moving engagement with my favourite fandom belief: that you can write yourself into - and out of - the least plausible premises and pairings, turning them into something which should be dismissed as a joke but which instead lays bare the fundamental strangeness of life and of love, if you just have enough nerve.
15. which character always makes you smile?
the man, the myth, the legend… ronald billius weasley, for the love of whom i would even defend hermione.
16. what is a tiny detail in canon that you want more people to appreciate?
that each of the trio destroys a horcrux, and that each of these horcruxes is destroyed by the person who feels most narratively linked to the bit of voldemort's personality it symbolises.
harry destroys the diary, which gives him a connection he sincerely values to somebody who can understand his experience as an orphan searching for the answer to the mystery of his life.
ron destroys the locket, which tortures him by suggesting his mother doesn't love him and that his great love is futile because she will abandon him. the locket is the clearest example of voldemort's profound mammy issues - he kills hepzibah smith to acquire it as vengeance for her suggesting that merope stole it, and it is the only horcrux he constructs an elaborate defence for in a place meaningful to him from childhood.
hermione, whose experience of the wizarding world is of having to justify her rightful place within it, destroys the cup - the item which has the least personal connection to voldemort but which he evidently chooses as a horcrux because of his own preoccupation with history and his place in the wizarding world.
[other answers from this ask game]
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lurveinn · 7 months
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lmao bellatrix is so fucking funny in @metalomagnetic's ITRITB. was re-reading the fic and decided to list my fav bella moments (aside from this one ofc):
her blowing up sirius' door - a classic. what if your cousin wasn't home bellatrix? what if someone was with him (james, dumbledore, marlene, god forbid)?
'you're supposed to be marrying off your brother, not *my* sirius'... oh honey. you two are delusional. i love you but you are insane.
her making peace between narcissa and sirius. LOVE TO SEE IT. when she says 'i raised you', bella i felt that. and the sirius and narcissa feels were immaculate. it's super interesting how their relationship is done... we get quite a bit of it actually, with her going shopping in france w/ him and emotionally blackmailing him into making up with bella, etc. they seem like the type of cousins to get together and gossip loads.
'he will forgive me for anything' to marlene. i love that marlene dies not knowing whether bellatrix is right or not, because surely she connects the dots and figures out that sirius knew about bellatrix' mark, and rodolphus', etc.
'accidentally' breaking rodolphus' statues...
in conclusion: bellatrix black supremacy. love her marriage (he is devoted to her), love her relationship with her cousin (he is devoted to her), love her relationship with voldemort (he is as devoted to her as he can stomach being ?); she truly inspires a LOT of emotion.
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star-named-riddle · 6 months
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Day 8 - Purple
Lord Voldemort watched the room from the shadows. Most people were still talking in small groups, only a few couples had taken to the dance floor. And there was nothing interesting in their minds.
He was bored. Social gatherings served a purpose in his cause, reinforcing the bonds that tethered people to it, acting as recruiting grounds to catch the younger generation early. They often disguised smaller gatherings of his inner circle, but beyond that… he found them boring.
He had no interest in making small talk, and certainly no interest in the young witches being outright paraded in front of him by well-meaning mothers and aunts in hopes he’d take one of them to marry. Nor was he interested in the wizards that occasionally hoped to join him in bed.
He had seldom indulged in the pleasures of the flesh, when he was much younger and forging the right connections. There had always been a purpose for those flings. Even during the years he had spent in the continent, out of everyone’s sight, he had taken a few witches to his bed, a way to sate his body and keep the blade of his charm sharp. It had also always been a pleasurable way to obtain information and knowledge.
His thoughts were interrupted then by a vision in purple.
Wearing a daringly cut gown, and amethyst jewelry that matched the jewel tone of her dress, Bellatrix Lestrange had just stepped in the room on the arm of her husband. Her brother-in-law followed the couple into the room, and several witches followed him.
The Lestranges would always be a good party. Rodolphus might have been taken, but Rabastan remained unmarried and had become a notable bachelor in their circle.
Lord Voldemort hid his smile, noticing how the well-meaning mothers and aunts had turned their attention to him, as well. They had slowly given up on him, understanding that he had no intention to start a family. Very few dared even approach him, now that it was clear he had a paramour.
His Bella searched for him along every wall, and smiled that wicked smile he so enjoyed when she found him.
“I’m glad you’re in a good mood tonight, my lord,” said Abraxas, who had been standing silently by his side. He had taken upon himself the task of shielding his master from unwanted conversations.
As host of the New Year’s Eve party, he should have been mingling with his guests, but he had left Lucius and Narcissa to the task. The youngest of the Black sisters had always a gift with people, and it suited the Dark Lord that she could play the perfect hostess for their people, and Abraxas had nothing to oppose. The two of them knew he adored Narcissa like the daughter he had never had.
“My mood has improved just now, Abraxas. Well done on the party, pass my compliments along to your daughter-in-law, will you?”
“Thank you, my lord. I most certainly will,” he said, swinging the firewhiskey around in the tumbler he held.
Lord Voldemort handed his own tumbler to Abraxas, and took a second to straighten his formal dress robes. Bellatrix stood in the middle of the crowd, talking to her sister and their mother, gathering envious glares from all around. Her hand remained on Rodolphus’ arm, who had said something that made Cygnus laugh.
He moved slowly towards them, nodding to people left and right as several curtsied. Later, he wouldn’t be able to recall a single one as his mind was entirely focused on her.
His Bella knew he enjoyed the sight of her bare back, and had chosen a dress he was sure required sticking spells to remain on her. Upon closer inspection, it had a single strand of silver chain connecting the halves across her back, clasped together by a snake’s head boasting amethyst eyes.
He had a feeling about her smile. His Bella had appointed herself the mission of figuring out his birthday. He didn’t like it, but she had gone about it in such charming ways… and he had to admit to being curious about whatever gift she had procured for him.
“Good evening, my lord,” greeted Cygnus, announcing his presence to the others.
Bellatrix looked over her shoulder and waited for him to be by her side. She kept her grey eyes on his, and curtsied, low and reverent as she always did. In doing so, she offered him a privileged view of her cleavage.
The dress had a sweetheart neckline, and she had chosen to accentuate the soft curve of her breasts above it by cradling an amethyst on them, hanging from an elaborate necklace of silver and smaller amethysts. Her hair, the black curly hair he liked holding and grabbing in his hands, had been gathered up, further exposing her neck and shoulders.
He nodded his head in the general direction of the group, taking the time to look everyone in the eye, acknowledging their presence. Then, he extended his hand, palm up.
“Bella,” he said, leaving everything else hanging in the air between them.
Rodolphus bowed his head to him as his wife extricated her hand from his elbow and placed it on Lord Voldemort’s awaiting one.
He walked to the dance floor, watching the crowd part for them, listening to the thoughts in their heads, finding envy and desire in equal parts.
Above all, he was interested in the images Bella would conjure in her mind for him to see while they danced.
Also on AO3
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Dear Cissy:
God, I know you are angry. I understand. I know everyone must hate me now. But I don't care. I don't care anymore. I hate them as well.
I never found a deep purpose to my life. Everything I lived, everything we lived was pointless. Expensive toys, fantasy worlds, prestigious school, parties, boys, clothes and makeup. I know now that I was never happy. Maybe the highs of my life had been you and Bella. But I detested the life we were encouraged to live. That was until I met him. Ted and only Ted gave me a purpose.
I discovered with Ted that our way of living was too extreme. We spent all the money in the world, while people like him had needs. That is unfair. I figured our family wouldn't miss a couple of pounds. That's why I took the decision of stealing money and giving it to him. To us. He promised me a different life, a different future. Maybe a more happy life in which people don't pretend and show what they truly are. Mummy and Daddy had been lying to us and pretending. They must've given us money and nice things but they never gave us love. Bella has been pretending as well. Everything had been about her. As if she is the center of this world. And I am sick of it. You are too innocent to realize any of this. That's why I am telling you now. Because I think is time you know. For you to take better decisions. You don't deserve that life. You don't deserve Lucius. You deserve better.
I am happier with Ted than I have ever been with the family and the fake friends we had. And I am glad Ted and I can enjoy the little fortune I prepared for us. Maybe our methods weren't the best. But we deserved that money more than them.
I have nothing against Rodolphus. And I have nothing against you. You two are too innocent to know when something is wrong. But I couldn't just stay. It wasn't worthy. It isn't worth to fight. None of it. Ted is way more important to me. And I know that by having him, I don't need anything else. And don't worry about me. Don't even worry about our family. They deserve what they got. They will get over me, like a bad headache. I am nothing to them. And I am sure if you leave, they wouldn't care as well.
If I had another chance in life, I would do everything the same way. I reckon I would do anything for Ted. He is my life. He is my everything.
I hope you have a happy life. I hope you find the happiness you deserve, Cissy. But don't come looking for me. I don't want more trouble. I want to forget everything about my past and my connection to that rotten family. But I will have you in my heart. And I will never forget you. I just don't want you anymore. You and Bella would remind me of all the bullshit I lived in that house. And I don't want that. Sorry. But remember I will always love you.
Lots of luck and love,
Narcissa frowned and shook her head while she read the letter. Like she couldn't quite believe what she was reading. But she was believing every word. Because she was crying.
"What?... Why?..." Narcissa sobbed "Why does she hate us so much?"
"I believe it was that... Ted who filled her head with those ideas against us" Bellatrix said, stroking her sisters' head gently.
"Are mummy and daddy fake?"
"No" Bella said, calmly "You're not stupid, Cissy. You're eighteen now. An adult. What do you believe? You were there. You lived with us. Do you honestly think our family is fake? Did we make Andromeda so miserable?"
Narcissa's watery eyes flickered from side to side, thinking hardly.
"No. I don't think so"
Just the answer Bella wanted to hear.
"We were happy" Bella added "Yes, we are rich. But that's not our fault, Cissy... The Family works hard everyday to keep The Company alive. Do you think it is fair that Andromeda stole money from us to give it to him? A total stranger?"
Narcissa's gaze was lost somewhere. She looked tired of crying and thinking and being disappointed. Bella wanted her to feel the same rage she was feeling. They had to be in the same page.
"It was him who convinced her to give him the money..."
"That's our money" Cissy whispered.
Bella nodded.
"And she was only gonna marry Rod to steal more money from him" Bella explained, putting Narcissa's locks of hair back "But she regretted in the last minute... She tricked him. And Rod really fell for her. She broke his heart"
Cissy shook her head.
"It doesn't seem like her. It's Andy! She wouldn't hurt a fly"
Well, Andromeda had actually hurt Bellatrix in a way none had even made someone else suffer. She was worse than the devil, if you asked Bella.
"That appeared so" Bella explained "But that man changed her, made her steal our money for him. And she tricked us all".
Narcissa began crying harder. So Bella pulled her closer and held her tight.
"It's okay, Cissy. It is okay" Bella whispered.
"Andy!! Andy!!" Narcissa sobbed.
Bellatrix's knot on her throat got stronger. And she felt a single tear running through her cheek but she wiped her away quickly. Bellatrix lost the ability to cry when she made herself stronger.
"We are not... We're not seeing her again!" Narcissa sobbed harder.
"I know it hurts" Bella rubbed her back. It truly hurt "But you read that letter. She doesn't want to see us again"
Narcissa continued crying in her shoulder.
Bellatrix was hurt. But above all, Bellatrix was angry. So freaking angry. She was furious.
Andromeda had ran away the day of her supposed wedding with Rodolphus. But she didn't just leave Rod, she left everyone.
It was Bellatrix who didn't want to see Andromeda again. So she took the wise decision to burn the real letter Andromeda had left. The one where she spoke about how much she loved everyone. How it hurt her to leave them. How in love she had been with Tonks. And how she wished the family could accept him. She never stole money. She never tricked Rodolphus or anyone. And she wrote in the letter that she would like to fix things and see her sisters again. Andromeda was the stupid fucking angel she had always been.
But this way was better. Narcissa didn't deserve to know the truth. It was easier to hate Andromeda that accept the fact that she had simply preferred him. Bellatrix gave Andromeda the opportunity to make the right choice. She had shown Andromeda how different Tonks was from them. How he was a scum and only cared about her for her money. How she didn't deserve him. But Andromeda had chosen him anyway. She had chosen him before them, her family, people that cared about her. Bellatrix would never accept it. She had lost the war. And Ted Tonks had won. The price being Bellatrix's sister. Bellatrix hated that Andromeda had chosen him. Bellatrix hated him. And she hated her. So she was keeping Andromeda away from Cissy and her parents and everyone else. Bellatrix was doing the right thing.
Andromeda had made her choice. She had chosen Tonks? Fine. But that would bring consequences. If Andromeda had chosen him, then she would never see her family again. And Bellatrix was gonna make sure of that.
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dark-devotee · 1 month
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“She never forgets a slight, real or imagined. She takes caution for cowardice and dissent for defiance. And she is greedy. Greedy for power, for honour, for love.”
Full Name: Bellatrix Lysandra Lestrange nee Black Nickname: Bella (only to those close to her) Age/Date of Birth: 30, October 25th Gender & Pronouns: Cis woman, she/her Blood Status: Pureblood Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Affiliation in the War: Death Eaters Residence: Lestrange Manor Languages: English, French, Latin Occupation: Socialite (resentfully so); through her connections, however, she scouts and recruits new Death Eaters for the Dark Lord.
Father: Cygnus Black Mother: Druella Black nee Rosier Siblings: Narcissa Black, Andromeda Black, Rabastan Lestrange (brother-in-law) Husband: Rodolphus Lestrange Other Family Members: Sirius Black (cousin), Regulus Black (cousin), Evan Rosier (cousin), Orion Black (uncle), Walburga Black (aunt), Alphard Black (uncle)
Former House: Slytherin Extracurriculars at school: Slytherin head of the Dueling Club, Slug Club, Beater for the Slytherin quidditch team Wand type: 12¾" long, walnut, dragon heartstring core, unyielding Patronus: Vulture Boggart: Narcissa and Rodolphus, dead, her wand snapped alongside them, useless.
(+) devoted, resolute, intelligent, protective, ambitious, fearless
(-) cruel, vindictive, unforgiving, arrogant, short-tempered, bigoted
TW: Physical abuse, animal abuse
Idolized her father, hated her mother. Cygnus’ affection for his eldest daughter was sparse; he withheld praise and shows of love as a means of control. Bellatrix was the eldest and after Narcissa’s birth, he could see no sons in his immediate future. He had no heir; his sister’s sons would be first in line to inherit. This did not mean, however, that he would shirk his responsibilities and duty to upholding the family name – if he could not have a son, he would mold Bellatrix into one, and she would bear the brunt of these expectations for years to come. From Cygnus she learned what it meant to be a Black; how to wield the power that had been handed down to them through centuries of bloodshed and sacrifices; and how to discern the worthy from the unworthy.
Druella, on the other hand, desired nothing more than to have a daughter created in her own image; the perfect pureblood lady. Try as she might, though, she was never able to coax any semblance of submissiveness from her unruly daughter. Bellatrix was a whirlwind from the start, caking her dresses in mud, curls tangled in knots of leaves and dirt, as she ran through their estate grounds, her mother’s shrill screams in her wake. She would skive off etiquette lessons, climb down two story balconies to escape social events, and would habitually turn up to dinner with scraped knees and a fresh array of bruises. Druella would take to beating her eldest daughter in fits of rage, hoping to exert control over her with fear. But Bellatrix wouldn’t give; she refused to conform. If there was one thing she still had control over in this predetermined life of hers, it was how much pain she could tolerate.
During one particular instance, her mother lost her grip on the hairbrush she’d been beating her with; Bellatrix lunged for it and smacked it straight across Druella’s jaw. She doesn’t remember much of subsequent events – not the punishment that ensued, nor what her mother yelled at her, nor what her father did when he learned of his daughter’s transgressions. All she remembers is the look of terror on her mother’s face as blood streamed down her mouth – and her own visceral sense of satisfaction and glee. This felt good. This felt real.
Her sisters and cousins were a different story altogether. Bellatrix loved them ferociously. Their upbringing was a relatively solitary one and all they had for the longest time was each other. Bossy and arrogant though she was, she would defend them all without the slightest hesitation. Family was everything. The Black family name was everything. And so long as they were her family, they owned every inch of her darkling heart.
Bellatrix loved Hogwarts. It was a refuge of sorts from the expectations back home and a place to explore her talents and baser instincts. She made it onto the Slytherin quidditch team her second year as a beater and joined the dueling club her third year, later to become the club’s Slytherin head. She kept a close group of friends she deemed impressive enough to share in her presence and was a relentless bully to all others. Few dared to rise against her, as she’d curated a fearsome reputation early on, and had little qualms doling out hexes and jinxes.
Around her fourth year she became more and more engrossed with the dark arts after being gifted a copy of Magick Moste Evile by her father. Grew closer to Rodolphus Lestrange around this time as well. Was introduced to Voldemort and his ideals.Would torture and kill small animals to practice her craft.
Sirius and Andromeda’s disownings were vicious stabs to the heart; she grew colder and crueler in the wake of their betrayals and more fixated than ever on ridding the wizarding world of the filth she blamed for breaking up her family.
Married Rodolphus Lestrange a few years out of Hogwarts; joined the Death Eaters shortly thereafter.
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sofoulandfairaday · 1 year
Please can you tell us about:
Madame Lestrange
Rigel Lestrange
Glory and Gore
And the marriage counselling one (the premise of this already has me in a chokehold)
This is very very long so I will put it under the cut. Thank you for the ask!
Ch.11 - Madame Lestrange Contrary to popular belief, Bellatrix Black was thrilled with her wedding day: the food was perfect, the music was perfect, the groom was perfect. In the whole history of weddings, there had never been one more perfect than hers. Or 1972. Bella & Rod's ridiculously expensive wedding day and all of its shenanigans, including but not limited to: a mopey and very drunk Rabastan losing his virginity, Bellatrix and Andromeda's last conversation, the Dark Lord's failure to RSVP and the trouble it caused, and (ofc) the wedding night *wink wink*
Ch.26 - Rigel Lestrange 1975. A very sad one, quite gory too and definitely not for the faint-hearted, but also one of my favourites to write because I've always been fascinated with Bellatrix's missed motherhood. (All my readers know what I think of TCC by now, and anyway, this story takes place from 1969 to 1981, so no Delphi). The day of her miscarriage.
Ch.39 - Glory and Gore 1979. Still unwritten. The story of the third time the Potters defied Lord Voldemort. It's basically a long battle sequence with a special focus on Barty, Severus and Rabastan (Alastor Moody is horrified with this new generation of Death Eaters). By reading Regulus' journals, Bellatrix realizes that the gold cup her Master entrusted her is a Horcrux. When he later summons her, she chooses not to tell him that she knows (Bellamort moment, idk if smutty or not yet). Rodolphus visits his mistress (who is NOT AT ALL a shameless self-insert, nooooo) to make amends for stuff he did previously; they make peace, but it's pretty clear that they are not going to last.
The Lestranges go to couples therapy A comedy; still unwritten but fully outlined.
Ch.1: The explosion 1996. The Lestranges are having yet another Earth-shattering row that just so happens to blow up almost half of Malfoy Manor. Narcissa and Lucius threaten to notify the Auror Department of their whereabouts unless they agree to go to therapy. They recommend a Diagon Alley marriage counsellor who worked wonders for them: she's discreet, will keep quiet for money and has a strong stomach. Bonus: they show up either Polyjuiced or with some other shitty disguise and are immediately found out.
Ch.2: Mr and Mrs Lestrange's marital problems General bickering in their second session, we get a look at the therapist's notes. They are the worst patients ever, but she takes them on as her personal project. Both of them hate her but they really don't want to end up in Azkaban again. Rabastan finds out they are going to therapy and immediately he tries to hijack their third session. He is quickly put in his place.
«Roood» Rabastan practically sang, plopping down onto the couch, right between the couple. «Bella. You didn't tell me the lady was a hottie». He winked at [insert name]. She did not look impressed. «Rabastan, I presume». «Oh, you guys! You talked about me! Wait», his tone darkening in mock horror, «did they do it in a weird way? While discussing their sex problems?» Rodolphus looked ready to murder him on the spot. [he proceeds to basically sexually harass her and cause a disruption to their therapy session] «I do, Rabastan. I do. I find you utterly fascinating» she said, staring at him over her glasses. «In your opinion, on a scale from one to ten, how much do you use sex and alcohol to numb the pain of an unfulfilling life, completely devoid of ambition and genuine connection?»
Ch.3: The Lord Voldemort Factor The Lestranges are absent from one meeting or another.
«It's important that you try to be present for these appointments without too much rescheduling, Bellatrix. It shows that you are making an effort for each other, that you care about the other person's time». «The only thing I care about is my Master's time!» «See? She always does this! She's flaky». «Who are you calling flaky?!» «We agreed there would be no name-calling». Bellatrix shot him a triumphant look. «And we also agreed there would be commitment».
Lord Voldemort inquires after them and finds out (either from a terrified Lucius or from a still butthurt Rabastan) where they are. He decides he has to see for himself. Our dear therapist is terrified, but then again his disguise is the worst one yet. Truly laughable. Voldemort has her cancel all her appointments for the day so that they can have a longer session (he desperately wants to be included). It's not like she can refuse.
«It would be my professional opinion that you try and find a balance, an arrangement that works for all parties. Something to satisfy Mr Lestrange’s frustration, Mrs Lestrange’s exhibitionist behaviour, and Mr... Um... the Dark Lord's need to be the centre of attention». «We murder Rodolphus?» «It would be my professional opinion», she straightened her spine, «That you have a threesome».
Ch.4: Yet another satisfied client I'm still not sure whether I want them to divorce or not lmao. What I do know is that there will be a plot twist. Let's just leave it at that.
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“Oh, Merlin, tell me, does THE PRINCE get what he deserves?” He is in THE DEATH EATERS & is CLOSED to finding out. 
— he walks through the world as ;
name → lucius malfoy pronouns → he/him identification → cis male year of birth → september 1953 - september 1954 face claim → joe alwyn blood status → pure-blood sexual orientation → sexually fluid occupation → socialite amongst high society in wizarding london   future information → husband of narcissa black, father of draco malfoy
— he is best described as ;
The FINER things in LIFE. He is a RICH set of ROBES, unwrapped from a SCENTED box & the LAVISH SMILE of someone who knows how to pose for the PRESS. He is CALCULATED & SCULPTED to SEEM TRUSTWORTHY. The scent of CHAMPAGNE and COLOGNE from PARIS, he is everything you DREAM of becoming, with a SLIGHT UNEASE he may be too PERFECT to even be REAL.
— his story starts with ;
tw: death
A proud and pampered young man who believes the world owes him everything and more, Lucius Malfoy is known for prowess, powers of persuasion and pompous attitude. The only child of Abraxas and Sulpicia Malfoy, Lucius was raised by his father, in the lap of luxury. Spoiled, Lucius was told every day that he would one day be the head of their family and the owner of Malfoy Manor. Born an only child, Lucius had no siblings to spar with but instead has cousins, LACHESIS MALFOY [cousin] and CALLIOPE MALFOY [cousin], the children of his father’s younger and only brother Ignatius Malfoy. The Malfoy’s considered themselves a noble house, with great power in the community and the story of his father and uncle working in tandem with other families in The Sacred Twenty-Eight to topple a muggle-born Minister for Magic, who had no business being in office. It was his father’s greatest wish that Lucius have a similar relationship with his cousins that his father had with his uncle, but for as long as he could remember, he found them both to be difficult. 
Lachesis was the most competitive and unpleasant person he had ever had the displeasure of being around. With a sly smirk as they got him into trouble at every turn and later convinced Calliope to back up their story. His cousins were only interested in having the approval of the elder members of their family and their relationship with Lucius was evidently not of importance. Thus sparked the feud between the Malfoys that only deepened after the passing of his father in his final year at Hogwarts. Beforehand, Lucius had seen himself as a socialite above all else, the person everyone wanted at their party where he could flirt with girls and say impressive things. He knew his friends viewed him as vapid but he didn’t care. With his uncle Ignatius now head of the family, Lucius began feeling the pressure to live up to his father’s expectation and quickly got to work strengthening his bonds with powerful people. 
Content with his friendships with DECIUS FLINT [best friend], RODOLPHUS LESTRANGE [close friend], ARISTAEUS GREENGRASS [close friend] CORDELIA DAVIS [former friend] and NATALIA SIMINOVA [close friend]; Lucius began setting his sights on more powerful friends, striking relationships with BELLATRIX BLACK [close friend], EVAN ROSIER [close friend], CASTOR WILKES [close friend] and ALFHILD ROWLE [close friend]. They were not of great interest to Lucius personality wise, often finding them brutish than his more refined friends, but he relished any opportunity to put Lachesis in their place and making connections with their friends was an important way of solidifying he was the Malfoy they would come to. A model student, Lucius was a prefect, a member of the Slug Club and a capable Seeker of the Slytherin Quidditch team. Upon graduating he was enthusiastic about leaving his life at Hogwarts behind and having time outside the walls to get a leg up in the political world and irritate his cousin, but Bellatrix Black had other ideas. 
Only a few years his senior, Bellatrix was known to be travelling with no plans of settling down, but those who were somewhat close to her knew that her desire to see the world outside of London cloaked the real reason she was missing. A dark wizard had whispered in her ear and asked her to collect followers she thought would be worthy of a seat at his table in the new world he was forging. From a line of purists happy to unseat a sitting Minister, Lucius was not surprised when one evening she told him of THE DARK LORD [leader] over dinner and his vested interest in Lucius. Naturally, Lucius graciously accepted Bellatrix’s invitation to meet the man causing such a stir in their city and was surprised at who he was greeted with. A handsome man, he looked just as much human as he and Bellatrix, but even in their brief meeting Lucius understood the power he wielded. Due to the Malfoy family’s political association, Lucius thought he could best serve The Dark Lord’s interest by gaining the ear of those in positions of power and quietly worked hard to distance himself from the pompous purist image people held of him. 
Throwing lavache balls at Malfoy Manor, he began reaching out to the likes of TIBERIUS MCLAGGEN [close friend/person of interest], BILLIUS WEASLEY [close friend/person of interest] HARRISON BAGNOLD [close friend/person of interest] AUGUSTUS ROOKWOOD [close friend/person of interest] and ISOLDE CROUCH [close friend/person of interest]. It was strange watching blood traitors and known do-gooders rubbing shoulders with The Sacred Twenty-Eight, knowing what their plans were but he took something of a private delight in that. One of the most powerful men in Wizarding London, he has a kind word on the lips of anyone at The Daily Prophet to The Minister of Magic herself. Lucius had a very clear idea of how The Dark Lord’s rise to power would go, a strong and steady rise as they slowly manipulated influential people to join their cause. Isolde was his primary focus, a Crouch she was well connected, with a sharp mind that would be useful to them. When it became clear that The Death Eaters thought the best route to power was violence Lucius wasn’t pleased and the death of the Minister’s son BOOKER BAGNOLD [former acquaintance] onwards has been nothing but a headache for him. 
Lucius had worked hard for the world to see him in the exact way he wanted and as rumours began to swirl about people he was associated with and his direct involvement in Booker’s death, he wasn’t happy. Thinking on his feet, Lucius made a beeline for ANDRESSA PARKINSON [partner]. A famed Witch Weekly model he attempted to cover up any bad press with dating rumours, which worked to his advantage. A beautiful witch, Lucius enjoyed having her on his arm at parties and was impressed with how she handled herself with his associates. Lucius wasn’t quite sure if he loved Andressa, but he admired her greatly, which was about as much emotion he’d mustered in years. A part of Lucius always wondered if she was the right one. A celebrity and now a bar owner, he sometimes felt she suited his pretend life rather than his real one, but was happy to be proven wrong. For now Lucius is focused on the task at hand, keeping his name in the press in a positive light, stopping the Bagnolds from predicting the storm that’s heading their way and getting one of Wizarding Britain's biggest families to see things from their point of view. 
— he is a LEVEL 6 WIZARD & readied for war ;
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Bellatrix Lestrange having a daughter around Tonks/Charlie’s age who is like a younger, more unhinged but still somewhat replicated version of her this is very, very inspired by Jenifer Check, I love her sm so when you think of Lestrange!Daught it’s pretty much Chrck lmao which she thought she’d absolutely love except her kid won’t do anything she asks for her and absolutely will not serve the Dark Lord cause she worships the ground the Reader walks on, whatever they want and whenever they want it, she’ll do anything for them
Narcissa can’t help cause she doesn’t have a daughter for plots sake we’ll say Cygnus raised her alone meaning the kid had mad freedom, old man just wanted to chill after losing 2 of 3 daughters over politics so Bellatrix goes to Andromeda
and for a solid five minutes all Andromeda can do is laugh because her older sister is coming to her for vague parenting advise
inevitably Andromeda connects the dots and then starts laughing again pointing out the hilarious parallel about Bellatrix being obsessed with Voldemort and now her daughter being obsessed with her own morally questionable criminal or better yet the Reader isn’t a criminal but gets up to sketchy shit sometimes and doesn’t understand why this pretty, violent girl is following them around but goes with it anyways
worst part is that after Rodolphus and Rabastan died which I assume they did in Azkaban then Lestrange!Daughter would’ve inherited the vault, cutting off the death eaters funding and access to the Hufflepuff’s Cup hidden inside, because she’s not gonna betray her darling for some nose-less fuck
Are we talking like an OC?? Cause I actually really love that idea. Especially, regarding Harry’s twin!Reader or something like that, just the parallels between the two only Belatrix’s daughter is on the literal complete opposite side. But in the circumstances it would be Harry and twin!Reader with this older girl staliking following them around, especially outside of Hogwarts. Like, she just hangs out outside of 4 Privet Drive just watching, even breaking in and just wanting to be close to the Reader. You can bet Bellatrix’s daughter would give the Dursley’s a piece of her mind. Or maybe even just take Harry and the Reader to live with her.
I just imagine the Reader waking up in a completely new place all by themself with this older girl hovering over them. And the Reader being kind of okay with it since they’re away from the Dursley’s but they ask their captor/“savior” to go back and get their brother too.
The Lestrange house/manor/estate would probably become the new Order of the Phoenix headqaurters, mainly because Bellatrix’s daughter won’t part with the Reader so they can’t go with Harry to live with Sirius so Sirius moves in to keep an eye on everything. And his reaction to his batshit crazy cousin’s batshit child being obsessed with one of his godchildren would really be something. Like, FUCK NO!?!?!
Like, I could imagine Bellatrix’s daughter having been obsessed with the Potter twins since it came out that they were able to survive and best Voldemort even when being just mere babes. And just her like revolving her world around getting to meet them or something. Maybe when Bellatrix’s daughter was younger but still older than Harry and the Reader she ended up wandering to 4 Privet Drive or having her house elf take her to meet them or something and she did, even if it was for a few minutes.
When it comes to the idea of Bellatrix’s daughter being obsessed with a criminal or a bad witch/wizard, I could just imagine Potter!Twin!Reader having nicked something small or lied about something insignificant and from then on Bellatrix’s daughter was like “That’s the one for me”.
Also, just the idea of Bellatrix’s daughter having stalked Harry and his Twin!Reader for most of their life. Like, I could see them getting Cygnus or their house elf to take them to 4 Privet Drive and she would just watch the whole place like a hawk. Never taking her eyes off of it and getting excited at the smallest bit of movement or liveliness at the home. Or even having the house elf sneak her into Harry and the Reader’s school to pass herself off as one of the students and getting to befriend the Reader even just for a brief time. But afterwards, Bellatrix’s daughter would use that as her excuse to interact with the Dursley’s. She’d happily knock on their door asking the Reader to play with her, that she was their friend from school as to not draw any suspicion. Hell, Bellatrix’s daughter would go as far as getting one of the houses on Privet Drive just to stay close and ending up living there the rest of the time the twins are across the street/down the road.
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nebulablakemurphy · 8 months
Also my dear author, I have a request for you again... can you explain exactly what is it that Draco had to do to Rosanna's magic, I feel like it was explained but Im still confused. Can you please help a girl out and explain to my slow brain what happened?
Hi! Ok so Draco bound Rosanna’s magic to him, this stems from very old pureblood traditions. There’s a lot of prejudice and erasure within the pureblood community when someone marries outside of pureblood. So traditionally they try to cover up/hide the dirty blood. One way to do this is through binding the magic of the witch/wizard of lesser status to the pureblood. (Rosanna is a half blood because her father is a half blood and her mother is muggle born.)
Rabastan tries to bind Rosanna’s magic to him during the interrogation, but is ultimately unsuccessful. Her magic could in theory be bound to anyone connected to the Malfoy family. (Rabastan’s brother was Rodolphus Lestrange, who was married to Bellatrix, who is Draco’s Aunt on Narcissa’s side.) Draco never intended to bind her magic, which he also says in that chapter (I think it was 11), but he had no choice because Rabastan had already begun the ritual.
I hope this makes sense now! 💜
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dhr-ao3 · 1 year
The world we change
The world we change https://ift.tt/lAVIs0o by Hello2628 During the final battle of Hogwarts something Extraordinary happens changing the course of time in order to protect the students Of Hogwarts. Hermione Granger now has to navigate through this new world while trying to find away to save the world she left behind. Will she be able to save everyone and still keep her secrets? Read about this adventure through time and what happens because of it. Secrets are revealed, connections are made, and history is created as the gryffindor princess tries to save both her new family and her old one. Welcome to the story of Hermione Aria Black.   This story Does not follow canon events!!!!! Mention of the following: Abuse PTSD Torture Death Underage drinking Drug abuse Anxiety disorders Depression Words: 364, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Series: Part 1 of The truth of Hermione Black Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M Characters: Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Regulus Black, Marlene McKinnon, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Ron Weasley, Harry Potter, Bellatrix Black Lestrange, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Andromeda Black Tonks, Sirius Black, Lucius Malfoy, Rodolphus Lestrange, Rabastan Lestrange, Barty Crouch Jr., Evan Rosier, Remus Lupin, peter pettigrew 🤮, Lily Evans Potter, James Potter, Severus Snape, Pandora Lovegood, Theodore Nott, Blaise Zabini, Pansy Parkinson, Alice Longbottom, Frank Longbottom Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley, Regulus Black/Marlene McKinnon, Lucius Malfoy/Narcissa Black Malfoy, Theodore Nott/Pansy Parkinson, Theodore Nott/Blaise Zabini, James Potter/Lily Evans Potter, Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, Andromeda Black Tonks/Ted Tonks, Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley Additional Tags: Dromione - Freeform, timetravel, Ron Weasley Bashing, Andromeda Black Tonks Bashing, Nymphadora Tonks Bashing, wolfstar, past fremione, Child Abuse, Torture, Character Death, golden trio in marauders era, Dark Hermione Granger, Weasley Bashing, not Fred and George, Long Lost Daughter, Secrets via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/yOYHNCm June 23, 2023 at 09:42PM
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reiignonme · 1 year
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FANDOM: Harry Potter. CROSSOVERS: possible. PRE ESTABLISHED CONNECTIONS: likely. SHIPPING: highly selective / bisexual. MOST WANTED CONNECTIONS: Lord Voldemort, Delphini, Rodolphus Lestrange.
do not reblog my starter calls. personals do not interact.
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