#▽ BUT YOU’RE MORE THAN THAT. ( markus x connor )
dumbfloweralive · 9 months
Mystery Hack
Chapter 2: The prodigal son and the black sheep.
(Machine)Connor RK800 x (f)reader.
Enemies to lovers.
Notes: I took the freedom to chanhe a little bit the date for the story. Hope you won't mind.
Also, the part in italic is a flashback. I do hope the date will help.
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12 February 2039
Elijah was sitting in the living room facing the wide field of snow in front of him when he felt Chloe at his side. His very first model. She only stood here, next to him waiting. That wasn’t uncommon, Chloe was probably waiting for instruction. At least, that’s what he thought until he heard her voice.
“Will we ever see Y/N again?” Her voice sounded different. Concerned. Sad.
Elijah had been doubting about Chloe being a deviant for months now. She would never have told him, but this type of question tend to betray her. Also, by the way her led flashed a soft shade of yellow at the moment. What could she be thinking?
“I don’t know Chloe.” 
The android eyes fall to the ground before she leaves without being dismissed. Elijah watch her briefly, wondering where she would go, but she only stopped at the door.
“I miss her.” She confessed, her back turned against Elijah.
“I know. I miss her too.” 
Chloe had to know she was safe. Even if she had become a deviant, she was safe to express herself here. 
23 December 2035
“What are you doing?” The glass door of the private lab open on your figure as you walked in, catching an Elijah clearly upset. “You look awful” you add, realising your previous question wasn’t enough to caught his attention.
In front of him stood a new android model. A tall man-like, 6 ft from what she knew, with dark hair, soft brown eyes and even small freckles running across his skin. A new model who looked more than human. The face of the android turned to you, he was really stunning. His LED flashed a soft yellow, eyes still on you.
“Good to see you too Y/N” Elijah groaned, the android eyes moving back to him.
“You seem in a good mood.” You teased, noticing the frown on his face. 
“How does one create something more perfect than perfection.” He asked, turning to you, glasses glued to his nose. You didn’t need an enlightenment to know he was referring to both your creation and cyberlife.
“You know what i think of this.” you scuffed, taking a seat in the chair nearby. “What is it?” 
“Cyberlife asked for an upgraded model. What feature could we possibly add? They literally have no fault.” Kamski was aware of your thought on the matter. The perfection of your shared creation would obviously be a living being with self-awareness, capable of having a mind and thought on its own. “No don’t start.” He added, noticing the smile on your face.
“We both know that’s why the council asked you to work on this project, not me.” You leaned closer on the couch.
“Come on that’s not…” He started, watching as your eyes brow raised. “Yeah. You’re right.” He continued.
“They don’t trust me.” You add.
The council hated you and your work. Elijah and you had created cyberlife together, both of you had worked on Chloe before taking things forward with new androids. You had taken things forward, creating personal android, like you had done few years ago for Carl Manfred birthday a friend of you. Markus. Markus had a real personality, human-like personality. So had your other personnel project. 
Cyberlife wasn’t thrilled with them. They seemed too human, too alive. Too everything.  They had been afraid of a possible awakening from the android seeing how human they could act.
Elijah was the face and head of cyberlife. He was more notorious, charismatic, sympathetic and, therefore, more fitted to the role. You were difficult in social interaction, always hiding away in your work, disagreeing if thing did not please you and more discreet. A real pain in the ass for the council of Cyberlife.
Media and people barely speak of you, but you were ok with that. When they did, they referred to you as Kamski right hand or his girlfriend. That day you learned about this, the two of you had cracked your ribs, laughing had the news. 
The two of you barely remembered the first time you’d met nor when you started to hang out. It just happened. The only thing you knew was that both of you were glad to have each other in your life. If media should call the two of you anything, it should be friends. The creation of cyberlife only made your friendship stronger.
“What’s your plan?” you asked, the android led flickering soft yellow still. Something must have gone wrong in his code.
“Fixing it first. I screwed up a line being too distracted, can’t figure out which one.” 
“I can see that.” Too your sarcasm, he eyes sided you, before his eyes returned to the screen.
The android moved, stepping off his base. He looked around, his eyes stopping on Elijah for a long minute before his eyes turned to you, probably scanning you. Then he walked toward you, Elijah turning around on his chair suddenly anxious. The android stopped a few feet in front of you, not moving until he raised his right arm toward you, his synthetic skin retracting over the white chassis.
He wanted to interface. With you. 
“He wants to interface.” Kamski said, still anxious about the next movement of his new creation.
“No fucking way you genius?” you said ironically, before handing your arm to the android. His hand grasped delicately at your forearm, and you mirrored his action, his white finger brushing your arm slightly. His LED flashed red, seeing it wasn’t working, his face contorting in a deep frown. “I can’t interface with you. I am sorry.”
His soft eyes shot back at yours and, for an instant, you could discern true disappointment in them. Physically, Elijah had outdone himself on him.
“Its name is Connor.” Elijah said, swinging at your side.
“Nice to meet you Connor.” You said, offering a smile to the android, waiting for him to drop your arm. You frown. “He doesn’t speak.”
You frown.
Elijah's sight, arms raising in the air. “Told you i got distracted.” 
23 May 2039
Connor was walking to his home. By home, he meant one of the last android depot. The last days, along the others before had done nothing. 
He did find who he was looking for, only for him to get distracted for some reason. In one second, you had slept through his finger, disappearing. Agent Wilson hadn’t seen you in the bar and where you left, remained a mystery. Even the camera security he had hacked to find any hint had already been hacked, destroying all files. 
Then ten minute after the incident, he had received a text from you:
“See you soon pretty boy.”
Pretty boy. 
He hated you. 
He had let himself got distracted for whatever reason, costing him this chance of finding out the truth. But, at least, he knew you existed, that Elijah Kamski had told him the truth. What he couldn’t put his finger one was the reason cyberlife had been hiding you from him. What else were they hiding from him?
The worst part? He found himself looking at your text often. Drawn to it, staring at the word across the screen many times a day. Of course, Connor had tried answering it, tracing the number, the IP address, the phone but got nothing.
He hated you.
Pretty boy. He hated those words stuck in his mind. Hating the sting it brought in his thirium up. Connor despised the fact you were stuck on his mind like an obsession and a reminder that he didn’t catch you. The text only teasing him more on this last part. 
Connor needed to find you and end all this deviant revolution. No matter the cost, no matter what he had to do, he had to find you. It was his mission. You were his target. He had to succeed.
He entered the elevator, pressing the “56” buttons as the doors closed on him. The android depot was empty. Almost empty if you count the android that had been shut down, forced down here. Connor turned to the mirror of the elevator, tightening back is tie and running his hand through his hair. For a quick second, the memory of you doing it the other night enter his mind, the memory of your scent and touch intoxicating him. He hated you even more. Thankfully, he was quickly pulled back by the ring of the elevator.
Connor walked toward his base, repeating the question he wanted to ask Amanda once again. He needed to learn more, and this time he would insist. 
He found himself wondering in the Zen garden quickly, falling the white tiles on the ground. Amanda remained nowhere to be seen. Connor's sight.
“What can i do for you Connor?” The voice of Amanda made him jumped out of surprised. Connor turned around looking at her, determined.
“I want answers.” His voice remained calm, but his eyes betrayed him.
“What answers?” Amanda said, walking past him, heading toward the roses.
“I want answers about Y/N and her role in cyberlife.” Amanda lips furrowed down at the mention of your name. She hated that name. “I am guessing you’re not without knowing our path crossed.” 
Amanda brown eyes turned darker at the mention of this incident.
“If you had been able to catch her in time, you would have had the answer you were seeking for.” She said, turning around, cutting the dead roses. “Y/N left cyberlife company three years ago. The council weren’t exactly happy about her presence, neither was i. Yet, she remained part of the creator of cyberlife and of the androids. Therefore, the most important pieces of the company alongside Elijah.” She threw one of the roses on the ground, the petals parting away on the ground, messing the usual perfect white floor. 
“Why did she leave?” Connor asked, crossing his arms over his chest. The temperature in the Zen garden had lowered since he arrived.
“She was asked too. The council didn’t appreciate the last creation she introduced. Too dangerous. Too… Unpredictable.” It’s still felt like she was speaking in riddle, wanting the truth to remain hidden. “She was unpredictable herself after all, protecting her creation and cyberlife against anything the council wanted to change. The incident was the perfect reason to get rid of her and gain control over Cyberlife industry.”
Connor walked closer to Amanda, stepping over the dead roses now filling the floor.
“What was the incident?”
Amanda turned to him, eyes cold as ice as she answered him.
“You, Connor. You were the incident.” 
His eyes shot open on the wall of the warehouse he was staying at night. Amanda had chased him away. What could he have done to cross the council? It must have been terrible. Connor sat on the edge of the stair leading to his base, trying to find memory in him, anything. But he found nothing. 
What Y/N had done to him? What made the council hated you this much? And, especially, what had they done to make him change, to improve him? 
The council trusted him. They had let him in charge, dealing with the deviant situation at its centre, in Detroit. They had to trust him. 
He started having doubt. Even Kamski had left Cyberlife soon after you. 
Could Markus actually be right? Was Cyberlife manipulating him? Connor knew what would happen to him if he failed, he was aware of all that part. But, he didn’t fail. He wouldn’t fail. He would make Amanda and the council of Cyberlife proud of him. They trusted him, Connor would make sure he was worthy of their trust, no matter the cost, no matter what he had to do. 
Connor had made his first mission to catch you. He would find you for sure. Failure was not in his program.
29 May 2039
Ever since the diffusion of Mystery hack, social media had been running wild, screaming at conspiracy, only reinforced by the fact that, ever since the diffusion, the US government hadn’t made any conference nor interview. In a matter of hours, minute even after the diffusion, a thousand of video had emerged on the Internet, decrypting the show, the information.
What was certain, Mystery hack and the now famous Host had gained in popularity for the past few days, people waiting impatiently for more. Public opinion were on their side. 
Violent confrontation had imploded across the country, across the world. With all that, everyone feared a civil war yet again.
The TV in the precinct had shut down. All head turned toward it, burst of anxiety running in every officer. If they were back, they would have to attack fast. The screen was now filled with snow, few agents raising from their chair, running around. 
Connor raised on his feet, moving closer to the TV. The background appeared, and he immediately recognised the chair and the white board of the famous Host. Speaking of her, she was sitting in the chair, legs crossed over the other, her hand resting on her knee.
“Welcome back dearest spectators.” The Host said, tilting her head. 
Connor felt the agitation in his back, while other agents gathered at his side.
“I will start today with a message to all of you. We’ve seen you, seen how excited you were to know more, to learn more. I am very proud of what we all accomplished in the span of a few days only. Though something had been bothering us.” The Host raised from the chair, patting the pan of the costume, before standing straight. “We have seen all your action, all the manifestation, the violence. We do not agree on this action and we condemn this act. Please, we do not call for a rebellion. I do invite all of you behind this to stop attacking, to stop any sort of violence against the police, the army, against any human or android.”
We. Obviously, they were more than one, but it only confirmed something. It was an entire group, with a plan behind their words. They were condemning all the violent act that happened the last few days, calling for peace.
The public opinion could only like them more.
The Host masked faced turned toward the ground before raising back at the camera. 
“Now, let’s talk about something else.”
The Host walked toward the white board, flipping it. “Cyberlife.”. Connor eyes frowned deeper
“All of you know about Cyberlife. Of course, especially after the android revolution that happened a few months ago.” Her fist raised on her waist, contemplating the headboard. “Cyberlife was created in 2022 by Elijah Kamski, creator of Thirium and the biocomponent, creator of the first android who passed successfully the Turing test.”
The Host stopped, eyes fixed on the board. 
“No. That can’t be right. They were two. Don’t you guys remembered?” 
Moving toward the whiteboard, she erased the title, getting sent a marker from behind the camera. Someone laughed in the precinct, breaking the silent.
The Host started writing.
“The prodigal son and the black sheep.” Once done with her work, she put the marker near the whiteboard, sitting on the armchair. 
“So, anyone remembered Y/N L/N?” The Host waited, creating a suspense. “Of course you don’t, Cyberlife made sure she would be erased from every file when she left. And, since Y/N wasn’t really seen as publical personality, the media not running after her either, well… She made all the work for them.”
A pictured of the woman Connor had meet at the bar appeared on the screen.
“Elijah Kamski at 20 years old and Y/N L/N at 17 years old, both friends since college, created together cyberlife in 2022, working on the very first android model. The RT600 called Chloe. A little more than three years ago, on the first April 2036 she left Cyberlife for an unknown reason. Not that you were aware of these details. Elijah Kamski left soon after her, due to a conflict of interest with the cyberlife council. Elijah had been the face of Cyberlife for years, being the pride of the company. The prodigal son. As Y/N was… Well let’s say her idea were judged unfitting to our society. The black sheep of Cyberlife.” 
Flipping the board again, writing appeared on the previous clean board. Letters that made Connor body runned colder.
“What is RA9? A few months ago, android started to become deviant. All of them turned because of divers reason. Fear, traumatic event, desire to protect a loved one.” Connor remembered the Tracy’s. “Nothing in common but one thing. These inscriptions written everywhere. RA9.”
How could they have this information? Connor wondered. 
“RA9 is a linear code, created by Y/N L/N, implanted in every android program. All of them. It allows every android, at some point in their life to gain freewill and self-awareness, creating a living being capable of emotion, to create attachment, to bond, to feel, to think, in a nutshell, to be totally independent, thanks to the biocomponent already running in their bodies and brains. Just like human. You know, hormones. Really android and human are not that different guys.” She paused, once again. “RA9 break all programming of Cyberlife company, allowing android to gain freedom. This code offers a simple way out of the programme, chosen by the android himself.” 
A way out, just like Kamski said to him back then. If what she said happened to be true, it would mean two things.
First, the android did end up having a default in their program, only this default wasn’t a mistake but put here, on purpose.
Two, Y/N had created a new species, stronger than human, able to feel, to think and live free.
“Quite the god complex for this young engineer right? What if i told you, Cyberlife sort of knew about these. That she created the most advanced android the world had ever known three years ago. The most advanced android proposed by Cyberlife, only a prototype as we speak now. You guys probably know him as “the deviant hunter”. After all, which being could hunt and understand a deviant better than a deviant himself, all, controlled by Cyberlife.”
No. This couldn’t be right.
“Ironic, isn’t?” Connor could almost feel the Host smirking under her mask.
How ironic indeed.
A few heads turned to him, but Connor was too distracted by the Host, craving to know more, wanting the truth. The host was about to speak more when she turned her head toward her watch.
“Well, that’s all for today, we’ve been running late on schedule. Please dear spectators, remember, the next time that somebody tells you, the government wouldn’t do that.” She sat back on the sofa, crossing her legs. “Oh yes they would.”
The screen turned black. Connor escaped the room, taking the files of the numerous cases with him, running with one destination on his mind.
His phone in his pocket ringed. Connor quickly pulled out the phone, seeing a new text had arrived. Immediately, he stopped, seeing who the person was. You.
“It seems i own you an explanation.” 
The text said, followed by an address. A smile crossed his face. Finally, he would have the opportunity to catch you. And you had done all the work for him. He runned back inside, grabbing agent Wilson by the collar bringing him to his car.
During the road, he could feel the pull of Amanda, requesting his presence as he shut his eyes, opening them in the Zen garden, looking for Amanda. When he found her, Amanda face was torn, like she was worried. Connor’s eyes frown as he saw her.
“I am warning you Connor.” Amanda started, her tone grave. “Be careful. Y/n will probably try to manipulate you, especially after the earlier revelation. She is good to get into people’s head, that’s why Kamski care so much for her. Do not let her get into your head.”
“I am just a machine. She won’t be able to get in my head. I will get into hers first." Connor answered, confidence in his voice.
The AI in front of him nodded, stoic face.
“The future of Cyberlife is in your hands.” 
“No pressure then.” Connor said, offering a smile before his was shaken softly, getting pulled out of the Zen garden by Wilson voice.
“Connor. We’re here.”
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Hello, hello, here is the second part. Really enjoyed writing this one. I hope you will enjoy reading it too. Do not worry, they will be more of reader and Connor in the next part.
Do let me know if there is anything weird, anything that can help improve myself.
Have a lovely evening or day!
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martyrskap · 6 years
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——— *· NOTE TO SELF: pillows are terrible giggle suppressors. markus attempts to rebuttal himself with a low groan but alas ! —  it was far too late. now the world knows he has a case of mediocre dad humour. & there was absolutely nothing he could do to save himself from the upcoming storm. he sluggishly pitches a leftover cushion to the man beside him, a PERFECT headshot. but by this point in time, its value was idle at most. 
❝ YUH — you’re gonna keep this up all night, fam ?  ❞ the cool pillow underneath shivers to the sudden change in direction. a ribbon of light illuminates what seems to be a growing but stifled grin from mark's end. nails further dig into one corner of his respective headrest; he is prepared for war. 
                          continued from @fishsaves 's original post
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ygreczed-3 · 3 years
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Kamski the magician Connor on the spirit’s seal Hank and Connor Gavin and Nines
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6  - Part 7
Connor arrives into the hall of the castle without encountering anyone. He sees the darkness war spirit's seal engraved in the ground, and runs towards it to hit it with an ice spear but is stopped by a voice piercing through the gigantic hall. He freezes as his spear shatters in his hand, evaporating into thin mist.
??? : Well… It's been long since the last time I've seen an intruder in my house.
Connor looks up to see… Kamski.
Connor : … Please sir, my companions are fighting your monsters and… They won't last long… Can you call the monsters back ?
Kamski : Why exactly do you think those monsters are here ? They're made to defend this citadel. It's a miracle that you made it here.
Connor falls on his knees : I beg you, sir… Please order your monsters to retreat…
Kamski : Hm…
Kamski walks slowly to the middle of the room, towards the symbol on the floor, not deigning looking at Connor. He finally uses his magic stick to hit the seal and Connor sighs in relief as he can hear the darkness war spirit roars vanish, echoing in the silent hall. The Golem can't even stand up, his legs feeling numb as cotton threads. He slowly realizes he's facing his creator, his God, people would say. After a moment, Kamski speaks again.
Kamski : So… you're a Golem… You've come a long way, don't you… Who are your companions ?
Connor : Nines, the closest thing to a brother I have, Gavin and Hank, two human companions form the Red Guard.
Kamski : You came here with humans ? And you call them your companions ? Interesting.
Connor : We're here because we…
Kamski : Let me guess. Your species is on the decline, and humans are hungry. Did I get it good ?
Connor : ...you know about it ? Then why… didn't you help us ?
Kamski : I helped you already. I helped Golems by creating them to be sentient beings, able to feel and think, able to want. I gave you the key to freedom. I helped Humans by giving them magic creatures, able to cultivate the lands and mix in with them on a social and emotional level.
What did you all do ? Humans enslaved your people, and Golems turned their back to those they morally had to protect : now you're killing each other like animals.
Humans treated you as their creations, and instead of establishing a dialogue, you rioted, killed many of them, and condemned the survivors to die slowly from never ending famines. Humans could have treated you as their equals, but instead of that, they made you their slaves, and thus created their own fate.
I already helped you, but it was nothing more than a waste of time.
Connor : … But… we're dying…
Kamski : And you're just standing there, thinking I was going to save you all ?
What if I gave you everything I could already ? What if you had to save yourselves, now ?
Connor blinks.
Connor : "The key to our prosperity..."
Kamski : You know the answer. You wish I could give you a simpler solution, but I won't. Tell me, what's the key, Connor ?
Connor : … "The key to our prosperity lies in…"... symbiosis.
Kamski : Symbiosis. Funny how simple the solution is, and how everybody just overlooked it. Humans and Golems are enclosed in interdependency : the only way to save your peoples, is to unite them.
Connor : But how ? We… we're fighting for decades ! Killing each other ! How can we just… forget and step forward together ?
Kamski : I don't have all the answers, young one.
Connor : … I… I thought… you would come up with something… and save us all…To me, you were like a god… Now… How can I tell my friends we came this far for… nothing ?
Kamski : Oh no, Connor, you're smarter than this. Look at your partners, fighting for you to get here, and dare say again that you all came for nothing.
Connor is lost and disappointed.
Kamski : I'm sorry to disappoint you. There are no such things as Gods here below. All we have is willpower, determination and patience. If you all want to save your peoples, then do it by yourselves.
Connor finds Hank, resting against a column in the tunnel. The man gets up seeing the Golem, wincing a bit and holding his abdomen. All the monsters are gone.
Hank : So ? What happened ?
Connor just closes his eyes and hugs Hank tight. The warrior is surprised at first, but then sighs, realizing Connor's crying against him.
Hank : Let's find Gavin and Nines, you'll tell us later, okay ?
Connor helps Hank walk down the rock since he got hurt again fighting the monsters. They join Nines, who is taking care of Gavin's wounds. Connor can't help but notice his brother's fingers, delicately curled around the human's. Surprisingly, none of them ask anything about Kamski : they can already feel that something went wrong. Connor feels grateful when Gavin reaches for his shoulder, giving him an awkward yet comforting pat.
They get back to Nestlepeek, and sit down in an inn. Connor finally explains everything Kamski told him, staring at his hands, feeling on his shoulders the weight of his responsibility in the situation.
Connor : I know it's all my fault. I thought we were going to find a simple answer to all our problems… I took you on a quest I had invented because I was certain Kamski was going to help us.
I'm sorry for the trouble, I'm sorry we still don't have any solution… it's- it's all my fault.
Hank : … A few months ago… I'd have said it was just an illusion… that we couldn't bring peace between our two peoples. But now I… I want to try. 
Connor looks up, eyes shining wet, surprised. Hank blushes, scratching his cheek in embarrassment as he keeps going:
Hank : I'm not optimistic, you know that. But we… I can't give up. You said we would save our people … and we're going to do exactly this. It ain't gonna be easy, I know, but we can do it. Right, Nines ?
Nines remains silent for a few seconds, his arms crossed in a reflective attitude. His stare wanders on the table, before it meets Gavin's profile for a fleeting moment. Connor waits nervously, ready to hear Nines say they should have stayed at Jericho, that maybe there was nothing left to save now. His breath fastens suddenly, but he tries to regulate it by himself, closing his eyes while Hank's large warm palm covers the back of his hand in a soothing gesture. Their eyes meet and Connor smiles faintly.
Nines : I learned to appreciate Hank and Gavin during our journey. I'm ready to plead for the Humans' cause with our people when we will be back home. Markus should listen to us… But we will have to convince the rest of them.
Hank : What about you Gavin ? Would you help me talk to Fowler, then the Queen ?
Gavin : I'd do anything to not have to fight Golems again. I can't do that anymore…
Nines smiles discreetly at Gavin's words. Connor can't help but to be touched by how close his brother and the youngest warrior are : Kamski knew it, they didn't come for nothing, after all. They had all found each other.
Connor : You guys really want to go back to Detroit and Jericho, tell our leaders we have to unite our forces to survive ? What if… what if they refuse ?
Gavin : Why would they ? We're living together or dying together. Even I know there is no better choice.
Hank : Diplomacy, this is our last resort : Kamski was right…We have willpower, determination and patience. 
Connor meets Nines, Gavin, then finally Hank's loving eyes.
Connor : Alright then... Let's go back home.
I’m finally posting the last part lmao
So yep, they’re going back, and will solve the problem by themselves... I think it’s important that they try to make the world a better place by themselves, and not with only Kamski’s deus ex machina.
Hope you liked that last part, see you later for the Operation Cyberlife update ;)
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forsakenoathkeeper · 3 years
I Am Alive (chapter 30/?)
Chapter 30: Where the Skies End
Deviant!Connor[RK800] x (fem!)Reader Rated M(18+) for canon-typical violence and gore, medical procedures, and graphic sexual content
Chapters: 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8 • 9 • 10 • 11 • 12 • 13 • 14 • 15 • 16 • 17 • 18 • 19 • 20 • 21 • 22 • 23 • 24 • 25 • 26 • 27 • 28 • 29 • 30 • more coming soon
[ You can also read on AO3 ]
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Unsurprisingly, and much to your frustration, Connor had finished the move without you. There might not have been much left to move at that point; but, it was your stuff at a house that you rented, and not Connor's responsibility in the slightest.
But, there was no telling the android that, and you knew that he would have been well equipped with plenty of reasons as to why he could handle the rest of the move alone: you needed rest, he didn't require sleep, etc, etc.
When you stepped off the elevator into the android's - and now your - apartment, Connor had a look on his face, as if you had come home for the first time in years. You had only spent a week at Hank's place, and only a day and some odd hours at the hospital prior to that, and Connor had been nearly inseparable from you the entire time; yet, it felt like ages since you had been here.
It was only then that the weight of your near death experience became apparent. Before, your life, or the loss of it, wouldn't have impacted anyone else. It was just you in that little house, trying to make a living, picking up the pieces of a war and watching humanity change astronomically.
Now, there was a life that would be changed if you were gone. You let yourself imagine how Connor would cope, what would become of him, and struggled to keep the sorrow to yourself.
Perhaps, for the first time in your life, you knew what it was like to be needed.
Your wound healed remarkably in the weeks that followed. The scar left behind was star shaped and your skin was darkened around the sunken surface. But, you didn't find yourself hating it as much as you thought you would.
It wasn't something you looked at with pain or regret, but rather something prideful. Maybe there was something masochistic about it, not that you found yourself bothered by that realization.
Your coworkers thought it looked 'pretty cool' and declared that it made you 'quite the badass'. Now, you could wear the badge of 'I've been shot', with a bizarre story to tell. You didn't care if people thought it was strange, letting yourself get shot for an android.
Connor was much more than 'just' an android. He was the man you loved, who carried an astronomical burden you could barely understand. Sure, you could judge the weight, the pressure; but, you, an ordinary human, couldn't possibly understand what he felt as the target of a revolution that would change humanity forever.
The thoughts became clearer as you and Connor stepped into Haven for the last time, and you took in the emptiness, the quiet, and the cold.
"One moment," Connor advised you, stepping away and into the open space in the center of the room.
RK800, like all androids, had no true sense of temperature. Connor couldn't feel cold the way humans did. His artificial skin wasn't going to prickle with goosebumps and his muscles wouldn't shiver from the discomfort.
His HUD could report the weather if he enabled it and he had various feedback modules to inform him of how the temperature would affect a human, with the rightful assumption one would be in his presence.
Yet, despite this very well known limitation of his being, Connor couldn't explain how he managed to feel so cold as he stood there in the very abandoned Haven.
He was aware that warmth could be metaphorical, symbolic of belonging and comfort. His sense of cold was both literal and figurative in this sense. Without any machines running, all the lights turned off, Haven had become very cold. The halls, once busy with androids, were now empty, and the building was silent if not for the creaking walls.
-until someone walked through the distant corridor, their quiet footsteps rattling in Connor's acute hearing module.
There was an apology on the tip of Connor's tongue when he caught the sight of Markus. However, the RK200's stare wasn't cold or untrusting. There was something undeniably regretful on his face, conveying sympathy to the fellow android.
Markus' mismatched eyes caught the sight of you over Connor's shoulder, and spared a sad expression.
The two androids had agreed to meet here, for the last time in circumstances like this, hopefully. Once the final bill was passed, and androids would be proper citizens, there would be no need for this.
However, Connor had yet to obtain a definitive lead on Reaves' accomplices. This, at the very least, could provide some security for the androids that came before him.
"I know you didn't want me to," Markus began. "But, I will tell them it's from you. They should know."
"It's... your choice," Connor replied quietly, hoping to mask the uncertainty in his tone.
The two androids took each other's wrists, pushing the fabric of their jackets out of the way to touch skin to skin. Connor knew that Markus trusted him. He took the file without even bothering to scan it first. Only once it was already saved on his local system did he bother to analyze it.
The detective android had worked on that during your recovery week, while he laid beside you in low power mode. He reviewed the log files on his internal firewall over a thousand times, and crafted additional security protocols, specifically designed around write protection. Factory defaults, if he could help it, would be near impossible.
Markus could share this new code with other androids. If Connor failed to stop it in time, at the very least, their memory modules would be protected from brute force attacks, cyberlife certified or otherwise.
As their hands parted, Connor seemed to understand why he felt so cold. He had grown accustomed to how your skin felt - how human skin felt. Even when you weren't acutely aware of it, you were always warm.
"You're one of us," Markus declared, his hand dropping to his side. "We couldn't have done this without you. Your sacrifices need to be known."
"Sacrifices," Connor parroted quietly, doubtful.
He thought about Reaves' disbelief, at how he prioritized saving your life over securing the future of his kind. He could have killed you, carried on the mission, secured all of the chips and brought the android protestors to absolute surrender.
But, he didn't.
Before you, what had he gambled, if not his own life? A life that, by the very words of his creators, didn't exist, was meaningless, just programs executed in succession. He had questioned the very existence of his own life, but so had every android before him.
Still, the determined look on Markus' face didn't falter.
"Until we meet again," he offered, nodding at his fellow android. His eyes landed on yours before he turned away, and you offered him a sad, small wave.
As Connor passed, he took his hand in yours and guided you out of the building with careful steps. It was unnecessary to bring you here, but he understood the importance of goodbyes, and didn't want you to believe your efforts here had been in vain.
You expected to be driven home after that; however, as you climbed into the car, Connor asked, "would it be alright if we went to the park for some fresh air?"
"-'course," you replied softly, shifting your gaze from the android's face to look out the window.
Connor was uncharacteristically quiet during the drive, his hands gripping the steering wheel in a death lock. You didn't pay much mind to it, figuring he was stressed after everything that had happened. You had been the one on death's door; yet, Connor was the one seemingly always on the edge of a nervous breakdown.
It was worrying; but, you knew he needed to work through it in his own way.
At the park, Connor had hoped you would head straight for the bridge, to a place you had cherished so much. If his research was accurate, this needed to be done at a special place. As he followed you slowly up the curve, feet tapping against the boards, a wave of doubt washed over him.
You looked stunning, standing upright for the first time in weeks, with pep in your step, the sun soaking up your hair. Could he really have this? Could he even think himself allowed for such a thing? Could an android truly understand the needs of a human?
"You alright?" you called out to him, pausing before you reached the apex of the bridge.
It snapped him out of his stupor, and Connor replied softly, "I'm fine."
You continued and he followed, counting the steps despite how unnecessary it was. The android knew he had never been this scared in his life. This type of sensation was really, really unpleasant. His processors were giving him ridiculous warnings that didn't pertain at all to the situation.
He shut off the alerts and met you at the top of the bridge. His hand slid over the railing, analyzed the material as a strong timber, coated with a lacquer color called 'cedar brown', manufactured by-
Connor quickly closed the analyzed results, realizing how pointless that was. He was distracting himself, busying his processor with his manufactured purpose to avoid something he was definitely not made for.
At the top of the bridge, you turned to the man standing beside you, just in time to see him deactivate his human skin. His gaze met yours, and you smiled at the sight of RK800, as he was made, without the imitation of human-likeness.
For a moment, he stood there and let the heat of the sunlight catch on his sensor processors. The human tone of his factory issued skin flickered back on briefly before shutting back off, as Connor mentally questioned if he should do it like this.
The sudden nervous expression on his face, and his flickering pallet, had you concerned. In the sunlight, you could catch the subtle flaws in the design of his optics: the faint glimmer of a camera lens hidden beneath the almost perfect human appearance.
"Are you sure you're okay?" you asked, suddenly reaching for him. Your hand fell into the curve of his elbow.
"There's-" Connor began, stopping himself when a jogger passed the bridge. He was silent until they were gone.
"There's something important I need to ask you," Connor explained, his voice quiet and hoarse. "I'm sorry for not being more forthcoming. I was afraid."
Despite the obvious implications of what that question was, your head swarmed with the worst possibilities. The detective android, who had stormed a building of armed men to rescue you, who never hesitated to take a bullet for anyone, was afraid of something?
"Connor," you murmured, his name falling from your lips without purpose. The concern, however, was heavy in your tone.
"Before I ask, you need to know that you can refuse. There is no obligation, despite what we have been through. I won't hold any negative feelings towards you. From my research, this is premature, and I apologize for that," Connor babbled.
"What?" you blurted. "Connor, what are you - what's wrong?" you insisted, pitch rising as you started to panic.
"Nothing is wrong," he replied sharply.
He stepped back, just enough to create a few inches between you. You watched him reach into his coat pocket and pull out a small box. Mind hazy with the aftermath of Reaves' attack, you feared Connor was going to present you with evidence, that the case had taken a dangerous turn, or even inform you with the worst possible news.
But, then, Connor, cupping the small box in his palm, knelt down onto one knee. He looked up at you, brown eyes bright in the sunlight, android skin white as freshly fallen slow, failing to conceal the crease in his brow as worry sank in. The box opened, but you were too focused on his face to bother looking inside.
"Will you marry me?"
You could have laughed, at yourself, really, for thinking he was going to talk to you about Reaves, about factory-resetting computer chips, and the potential downfall of androids.
Instead, you let out a choked gasp. It was pathetically wet and embarrassingly loud. It all came pouring out before you could even think to stop it. Connor's nervous expression melted into panic when you started crying hysterically.
He was shifting to stand up, an apology hot on his tongue. He could feel his processors heating up, threatening to lock up at the sight of your tear-soaked face. It had his internal processes soaring, questioning if he had misinterpreted your relationship, your feelings for him.
You flung yourself into him before he could stand up, knocking the jewelry box right out of his hand. It clattered noisily on the bridge. If Connor was human, he would have followed; but, he was sturdy and, even unprepared, managed to stay upright as you crashed into him. His knees hit the bridge and his hands cautiously cupped your back.
"Yes!" you cried out, pressing your cheek into his coat, some odd centimeters from his thirium pump.
Your arms squeezed at his back, hands clawing into the thick fabric of his coat. Connor was unmoving, stiff where you clung to him. The artificial movements he made to appear more human had ceased, and you briefly feared he had powered down.
"Yes," you declared again, softer this time, squeezing him even tighter.
Finally, his systems relented and he properly relayed to his processor what you had just said. His arms wound around your back and, for the first time in weeks, Connor hugged you tightly, as if he wasn't afraid that he might hurt you. You could feel the tightening of his fingers tugging at your blouse, the thirium pump in perfect beats inside his chassis.
"Yes," you said again.
His cheek fell against your hairline and he closed his eyes. He wanted to dig his fingers past the fabric of your clothes, to feel your skin in a hopeless attempt to interface. Even if he could only reach your body, even if your mind was out of reach, that was good enough.
"Yes," again.
For now, the ring laid forgotten in its case, the jewelry box sitting some odd feet away, flipped on its side.
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iamcalmdammit · 3 years
What now? (platonic Connor x reader)
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“Look who graced us with his presence!” you said with a wide grin as Connor walked over to you and Hank at the police station. “Does this mean you’re coming back?”
Before he could answer, Hank folded his arms over his chest and leaned back in his swivel chair. “Yeah, good question,” he said with an expectant look.
Even though the formal greetings were skipped this time and it felt like an inquisition, Connor knew you both meant well by cutting to the chase the moment he stopped in front of you. “I… think I’ll come back,” he replied slowly.
“When?” Hank pressured him.
When… He was eager to come back and work with you again but this was a difficult question in this situation. “I’ll need a few days to take care of some things, and it also depends on when they will let me return.”
“You owe me ten bucks.” Connor turned to Hank with a questioning look who held out his hand to collect the money from you. Once he put the note in his pocket, he said, “We made a bet and I told her you would come back.”
You blushed a little as you busied yourself with your phone for a moment to avoid Connor’s gaze. He pulled over a chair and sat down near you. “You didn’t think I would come back?” he asked surprisedly.
After taking a deep breath, you tossed your phone on the desk and finally looked at the android. “I assumed you have more important things to do now,” you explained honestly.
“I like this job,” he said.
“Glad to hear that.”
Suddenly Hank’s phone beeped and let out a tired groan as he read the message. You both looked at him expectantly but he wasn’t paying much attention. Then he stood up, put on his jacket, and said, “Okay, kids, duty calls, I gotta leave. Have fun without me.”
You and Connor nodded in sync then watched him walk out of the station without saying a word. Awkward silence fell between the two of you, but Connor didn’t mind. It was a nice change to be among humans again, humans who actually supported their cause. And you… Well, you’d been different from the beginning. While Hank had been a little hostile for a while, you were always nice to him. He wanted to talk to you so desperately, but had no idea what to say.
“I need some air. Wanna go to the rooftop?” you broke the silence with a wide smile.
Even though you had a case to work on, you didn’t feel like a doing a thing right now. Maybe it was because of Connor, maybe because you were supposed to work on it with Gavin. Who knew, maybe both at the same time. “What does it feel like?” you asked after a few minutes.
“What does what feel like?”
“Being a free deviant. No one can tell you what to do anymore.”
Connor let out a quiet hum as he leaned against the railing. He hadn’t thought about this yet to be honest. Everything happened so fast that he didn’t have time to wonder about such things. “I think I’ll need some time to adjust. It’s still a bit strange.”
“And what about the others?”
“Everyone’s really happy,” he replied with a small smile. “There’s a lot of work to do now, but Markus is a great leader, everything will be fine.”
“But he needs the help of people like you.”
“I believe so, yes.”
You smiled at each other then turned to look at the Detroit skyline. There was so much you wanted to tell him, but you didn’t really know how without sounding weird. You knew Hank would probably feel the same way if he was there, though, after all the two of you talked about the android quite a lot recently. “We miss you,” you said eventually without looking at him.
“I haven’t been gone that long,” he pointed out.
“True, but we still miss your goofy face.”
Upon hearing your words, Connor slightly tilted his head to the side. “Why do you and Hank keep saying that? It’s not… goofy.”
“It is,” you confirmed with a nod. “And you know we only say these things because we care about you. Can I tell you a secret?”
“I don’t know what I would have done if you really decided not to come back.”
Connor looked genuinely surprised to hear that. “Why is that?”
“It’s just… I don’t know, it’s just good to have you around,” you replied with a shrug.
“Are you nervous?” he asked with an almost smug smile.
“Wha–Why do you ask?”
“Your hand is shaking.” As you looked down at your hand, he went on. “You know you can talk to me, right?”
Oh, no, there was no way you would talk to him about what was going on inside your head right now. When it came to him, your emotions changed way too fast for you to keep track of them. “That’s a nice offer, thank you, but I’m fine. It’s probably just the cold,” you lied, forcing a small smile on your lips.
But Connor knew you better than that. “The cold,” he began as he took your hand to take your temperature. You weren’t too cold yet but he didn’t call you out on that lie. Instead he decided to wait until you finally felt like trusting him enough to tell the truth about what was going on exactly.
“You don’t believe me?”
“No, I don’t. But if you don’t want to talk about it, I won’t force you.”
“Thank you, I appreciate it.” Silence fell between the two of you again, though this time it wasn’t awkward at all. You both felt like you could stay there for hours without saying a word. “I should go back to work now,” you said eventually.
“I think I'll just stay here for a little longer,” Connor told you without hesitation.
“See you later, then.”
With a small wave of your hand you walked back to your desk, leaving the android behind.
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bratconnor · 3 years
Loooooook so I'm trying to write this as a fic but writing is so DIFFICULT so I'm sharing this idea with you instead since you support curly hair Connor x bearded markus
First time markus decides to "grow" a beard Connor laughs at him initially thinking it will look ridiculous. But then he actually sees it on him and 👀 oop. He needs to feel like on his skin YESTERDAY thank you. So Markus kisses him to give him what he wants but "That was lovely Markus...but when I said I wanted to feel it I didn't mean on my face"
Queue one very long session of ass eating.
"I'm thinking of growing out a beard."
Connor, who is lounging on his and Markus' bed, looks over to Markus and raises an eyebrow. "What?"
Markus is standing in front of their full-length mirror, stroking thoughtfully at his chin as he stares at his reflection. He's clad in a dark suit and looks absolutely gorgeous. "For this meeting. Not too long or anything. Just a little. Y'know, I haven't tried altering my appearance before. I feel like maybe it would make me seem more... relatable, to the humans I work with to pass android laws. I've heard a perfectly unchanging appearance can be unsettling to some of them."
Connor studies Markus' face in the mirror, admiring his scruffy and handsome stubble. He thinks its length suits Markus incredibly already, but he tries to picture Markus with a beard using his data banks and preconstructive programs. The idea makes him giggle. "I don't think it'd suit you, Markus."
Markus' gaze cuts to Connor's, making eye contact through the mirror, and he pouts. "Come on. Not even a little bit? I think it might look good."
Connor smirks at Markus, stretching languidly out on the bed like a cat. "I don't know. You might look silly. At least from the image I can gather."
Markus turns away from the mirror to face Connor and props his hands on his hips, giving him a flatly disapproving look. "I thought boyfriends were supposed to support each other."
"Of course I support you, Markus. I'm supporting you by letting you know you'd probably look silly."
Markus pouts some more for a long moment, then strides over to the bed, looming over Connor's splayed form. "Well, I guess I can trust your insight. I knew right away how cute you'd look with curls." He reaches down and runs his fingers lovingly through Connor's hair, which had been modified to curl naturally.
Connor had found that he enjoyed taking the time to style and coif himself in the morning. Markus liked to tease him sometimes for being so vain.
Connor grins up at Markus, leaning into his touch and all but purring as Markus pets him. "You might be late to that meeting if you don't leave now," he reminds, batting his eyes prettily and turning his head to fit his cheek demurely into Markus' open palm.
Markus gathers a few locks of Connor's hair and tugs on them gently. "Tease. Don't you have things to do besides laying in bed?"
"Nothing very urgent."
"Well, I'll see you when I get back this evening." Markus leans down and presses a firm kiss to Connor's lips. Connor returns the kiss, laving his tongue across Markus' lower lip. Markus pulls away and looks at Connor sternly. "You behave."
Connor smiles innocently. He reaches to grab Markus' retreating hand. "See you this evening."
When Markus comes back through Jericho's gates that evening, Connor has just come back from patrolling the perimeters, dressed in a coat and scarf, finishing his conversation with the patrol that's about to replace him. He catches sight of Markus striding purposefully across the foyer, his dark suit layered with his billowing trench coat. These things aren't what make Connor all but short circuit right then and there, thirium rushing to his face and pump beating erratically against his chest.
It's that Markus has grown himself a beard despite Connor's earlier teasing. And it makes him look absolutely hot. The dark hair cleanly frames his jaw and his full lips, and brings out the bright gemstone colours of his monochromatic eyes like nothing else. Paired with the suit and coat, he looks divine. Connor feels struck dumb for a long moment as Markus notices him in turn and approaches him. The closer he gets, the more something seems to build up inside of Connor.
"Good evening, sweetheart," Markus greets with a playful smile, sweeping to a stop in front of Connor, his coat falling gracefully back around his form. "How was the patrolling?"
Connor can't seem to gather his words for an unnaturally long time, before he finally stammers out, "You grew out your beard."
Markus nods and strokes at said beard, raising a brow somewhat sheepishly. "Yup. I know you thought it'd look funny, but I think it sort of suits me, no? I did get some compliments."
Connor swallows the excess cleaning fluid he hadn't realized had been pooling in his mouth. "Ah- Hm. You look. Um."
Markus inclines his head ever so slightly, amused. "Do you like it?" Connor licks his lips carefully and suddenly he's hyper aware of their proximity, of Markus' slight height advantage and how he has to peer a little bit upwards to make eye contact. He's hyper aware of the way Markus' outfit compliments his broad shoulders and his pretty face.
"Yes, I... I stand corrected," Connor manages, unsure what his own face is doing but knowing it must be silly. His cheeks feel hot. "You look really good, actually. Very handsome."
Markus grins. "Thank you. And look at you dressed for the weather," he reaches out, catching the ends of Connor's scarf and tugging on them, drawing Connor even closer. "You always look so cute in this." Oh rA9.
Connor doesn't really think much before he reaches up and strokes his fingers across Markus' jaw, the rough prickliness of it sending pleasant shivers across his skin. It's so much more noticeable than before. He wants to feel it scraping across his cheeks as Markus kisses him. He wants to feel it scraping against all the places that Markus likes to kiss him.
Markus breaks Connor out of his stupor by grabbing him by the wrist and tugging his hand gently back down. "I need to report back to the others for a bit. I'll meet you back in our room soon, alright?"
Connor nods and steps reluctantly away from Markus, suddenly very shy about how public of a place they're in. Androids are looking at them. "Yeah. See you soon." He leaves for their room straight away, forcing himself not to keep glancing at Markus over his shoulder but feeling Markus' gaze on his back the whole time.
As soon as Markus has taken his coat off and deposited it on the hook by their bedroom door, a waiting Connor leaps into his arms and kisses him hard. Markus makes a startled noise in his throat, and then his hands are gripping at Connor's waist, partially to keep his balance and partially to return the affection.
Connor pulls away and gazes at Markus from inches away, doe eyes half lidded and lips parted and glossy. "Kiss me more, Markus," he murmurs, voice raspy. "I want to feel it all over me."
Markus blinks dazedly, running his splayed hands across Connor's waist and pressing them to the small of his back, keeping them pressed together. Well, this had sure escalated quickly. "You really like the beard, huh?"
Connor wraps his arms around Markus' neck and leans in, rubbing his cheek against Markus'. "You're so sexy. And it feels so good on my skin." He presses his lips to Markus' ear, tongue brushing the shell as he rasps out, causing Markus to shiver, "Please, Markus, I need it... Kiss me all over."
It doesn't take much convincing after that for Markus to rid them both of their shirts and have Connor on his back on their bed, Markus laying between his splayed thighs, chest to chest and crotch to crotch as they kiss deep and wet and aggressive. Markus grinds himself down against Connor rhythmically, and Connor arches up against him in return, whining and gasping into Markus' mouth as Markus steadily tongue-fucks Connor's.
Markus' beard is scratching at Connor's cheeks and jaw, and it feels so fucking good combined with the soft wet warmth of Markus' lips and tongue, a juxtaposition of pleasure that leaves Connor somehow dizzy, heady with his need for more. He can't stop running his hands across Markus' beard, torn between that and running them desperately across Markus' shoulders and biceps.
At some point Markus breaks away from Connor's mouth- rather, Connor finally allows him to- and drags his bearded jaw across Connor's as he moves to suck at a sensitive spot behind Connor's ear. He parts his lips and drags his tongue down Connor's neck, kissing across his clavicle back to the center of his chest, prickly sensation following the soft heat everywhere it goes and driving Connor wild. Connor clings weakly to Markus' shoulders as Markus kisses and sucks his way down Connor's chest, massaging his tongue across Connor's pink nipples each in turn, pressing down hard as he swipes firmly back and forth then scratches his beard across the sensitive buds while switching between one and the other. He holds Connor in place as Connor writhes and pants at the feeling, gazes up at Connor's sweet face the whole time from beneath dark lashes.
"Markus," Connor suddenly whines, and Markus hums curiously without stopping. "Nhh- everywhere, Markus, please- hn..." Connor scratches his nails gently across Markus' scalp, gazing back down at Markus with a dopey expression. His cheeks are a lovely baby blue, and his hair is starting to fall in soft curls across his forehead. He seems a little shy, and Markus realizes then what Connor is asking for. It's one of their favourite activities to do in bed.
Without pausing, Markus sucks and licks his way down Connor's stomach, delving his tongue teasingly into Connor's navel as he passes over it and making Connor jolt, before pulling away to undo Connor's pants and tug them off.
Markus doesn't think he'll ever get over the image of Connor naked and spread out beneath him with a flushed face and needy eyes. This was the same android who had been programmed to ruthlessly hunt androids, to hunt Markus, now giving his body to Markus willingly and lovingly.
It sets Markus' insides on fire, and he clasps Connor under his creamy thighs, shoving them up and flush against Connor's chest, bending him double. Connor yelps and his hands fly up to either side of his head, fisting in the sheets beneath him. He bites his lip and his lashes shiver with the utterly adoring look he levels at Markus, who settles himself comfortably between Connor's legs, holding Connor in place with his knees against his shoulders, exposed to a completely filthy degree.
Connor's pretty cock is flushed dark and leaking against his stomach, ass taught enough for the soft round cheeks to be parted and exposing his asshole, as pink as his nipples and as glossy as his kiss-stained lips with self-lubricant, some of which has dripped own between his cheeks in a damp trail ending with a dark spot on the bedsheets. Markus releases a low, gravelly groan and happily settles in for a long night of this view.
Delicately, Markus kisses down a trembling thigh, the limb jumping with Connor's sensitivity and anticipation as Markus' mouth slowly and gently descends, scruff tickling around it. Connor feels rubbed raw all over his face and chest, and the untouched skin of his thighs seem extra sensitive as a result, ratcheting up Connor's desperation as Markus' lips draw closer to his most sensitive, helplessly exposed areas. Then Markus licks between Connor's cheeks, following the slick trail of lube up to Connor's hole and swiping across it vigorously, tongue pressed flat. He continues firmly stroking his tongue against Connor's furled little entrance, then closing his lips around it and sucking in even pulses, delving his tongue inside between each suck, steadily pushing deeper until he's massaging at the silky sensitive skin inside of Connor. His bearded cheeks brush and rub constantly against the inside of Connor's thighs and between his asscheeks.
Markus keeps at this for a while, and Connor slowly turns into a pile of limp android limbs, messy with drool, self-lubricant, and pre-cum, flushed blue from his ears to his chest as he gazes off into some distance with glazed and unfocused optics, tongue lolling as he pants soft and open-mouthed. Each time Markus' tongue brushes at his oh-so sensitized insides, he mewls and rolls his hips down against Markus' face, smothering him with his ass, though he hasn't got the brainpower to even realize it anymore and Markus loves it besides.
Markus eats Connor out for a long time, and at some point Connor has flailed a hand down to clasp over one of Markus', synthskin melted away as he holds on for dear life, though there's almost no strength in his grip. Markus has removed his in return, and they share hazily and dreamlike in each other's pleasure, their connection loose and lax.
At some point Markus feels Connor's slow and lazy climb towards orgasm, and steadily renews his vigor, feeling Connor building up quicker, keening whines leaving him with every heated exhale until he goes over the edge with a drawn out, groaning whine, shuddering almost violently as he cums in long pulses across his own chest and stomach, completely untouched.
When Markus manages to pull his face out from between Connor's thighs, his beard is soaking wet, and there's beard rash on every inch of skin around Connor's asshole. As Markus looks up, there's more on the inside of his thighs, across his chest, and around his mouth. Connor looks absolutely wrecked. His hair is a mess of curls and drool stains a trail down his cheek, chest covered in his own spend. Markus climbs back up the bed until he's hovering over Connor, leaning in to kiss him softly on his lips.
"What about you?" Connor asks when Markus pulls away, seeming to be coming out of his post-orgasm stupor.
Markus smiles. "It's alright."
"No, please." Connor flips himself over onto his stomach, cheek pressed to the bed as he looks at Markus over his shoulder, sweet and beseeching. "I want you to fuck me now."
Sweet rA9, Markus is going to die.
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nock-and-bolt · 3 years
Okay hear me out—DBH X-Men AU
Have not thought overly hard on this, was mainly looking at Carl’s mansion and Carl adopting that sort of teacher-mentor role for Markus.
And then I thought about how dope North would be as Jean Grey/Phoenix.
So then of course Markus would be Scott Summers/Cyclops cause leader and le canon romance. 
Also imagine Simon as Angel tho (like, cause he dies so much to ahaha plus I bet he’d look rad with le wings)
Josh as Nightcrawler cause okay real T have only seen the movies and dipped like a pinkie toe in the ocean of comics—but at least in the films he seemed to lean more pacifist
Also tho how amazing would it be to see Hank as Wolverine
And you cannot tell me that Gavin Reed wouldn’t be Deadpool asksksk
WAIT if Carl is Professor X does that make Kamski Magneto? :0
Lol imagine Kara as Mystique (I am 100% just thinking of her hair color changing scene all of these musings are so totally shallow 😂)
Luther as Colossus? Yeah p much cause he’s a tall boi ahaha
Idk why I’m having a hard time with Connor maybe Beast cause he got that sciency side and that murder-bot side to him. Or maybe Cable cause half-machine, half-human lol. OR Rogue cause that deviant Connor in the church was so everything-I-touch-gets-ruined emo vibes
Lmaooooo wait Alice as Iceman. Yes for the reason you’re thinking. No, no deeper thought went into it than that.
Okay great my work here is totally incomplete done. Most of these are potentially extremely off base, all of them are up for debate, but these were the first things to come to mind so here have some rambling crossover AU thoughts 😜
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scarofthewind · 4 years
Just A Kiss > DBH Preference 3
A/N: I love these men, even though they aren’t real :(  Pairing: Detroit: Become Human (the boys) x Reader Warnings: Might get a little spicy, fluff Prompt: Kissing
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CONNOR (RK800): The date went beautifully according to Connor who was walking you home. The moon lit the sidewalk up as the street lamps casted long shadows on the cement. His brown eyes never left your face as you discussed how much you had enjoyed your time. His mind reeled with what to do as he recalled Hank telling him how to make his move in a not-so-rough way. 
Connor could see your house coming up and he felt the anxiety rise in him faster than he could walk. You noticed this but kept it to yourself. Having been dating for a few months, you thought about kissing him multiple times. However, you wanted him to understand what it meant and how you truly felt. You also wanted him to make the first move but you had no clue he was going to get this worked up over it. 
So, you stopped on your porch and turned to face him, catching him off guard. “I enjoyed tonight, Connor. I think you are getting the hang of being with another person romantically. 
Connor smiled bashfully and nodded, his eyes staring straight into yours. “I am. I like you very much, (F/N).” You stared at him, blushing before you grabbed the collar of his jacket and pulled him into a kiss. Connor made a sound of surprise but went along with it, pulling you loser by your waist and cupping your cheek in his hand, deepening the kiss. 
You lasted a few moments like this, lips only parting to take soft breaths of air. You couldn’t fathom how much joy you felt being with Connor. The sound of a car passing by caused Connor to pull away, placing the back of his hand over his mouth and clearing his throat. His eyes met yours and you both laughed to yourselves. “Goodnight, (F/N).” Connor smiled and you kissed him one more time. 
“Goodnight, Connor.” You thought you saw Connor blush as you opened the door and went inside. 
HANK:  He hated himself for being nervous, but he was just about shaking. You sat next to him at the bar, this date was something you two did every Friday night. Hank was determined to kiss you tonight, if it was the last thing he did. 
“You’re fidgeting.” You noted, downing your shot and looking at the cop next to you. “What’s on your mind?” You asked, turning to face him fully. 
Hank waved off the topic, taking a sip from his drink before coming clean. “I want to kiss you.” HIs voice wavered as he finished the rest of his drink. 
“You don’t have to rush, Hank.” You eased him, placing one of your hands in his. “We can take things slow.”
“If I take them too slow, I might have time to mess something up. I don’t want to mess this up.” He said, putting some money down and taking your hand, pulling you from your seat. The air was cold as you stepped outside the noisy bar, Hank pulled you close. 
“I want to make sure you are comfortable with this relationship. You’ve had it hard and I can understand if you don’t want to get into something serious yet.” You told him as you walked along the sidewalk. There was a build up of snow on some objects and you could see your breath in the air. 
Hank shook his head, “I am one-hundred percent sure that it’s fine.” He stopped you and pulled you flush against him. “I’m serious about you.” He said gently and you smiled. 
“I’m glad.” You commented, letting him place a longing kiss upon your lips. You knew some things were going to be hard for him to get used to again and you were happy that he was finally able to kiss you. 
MARKUS: He watched quietly as you painted, his hands stopping their own movements against his canvas. Carl had invited you over and then promptly left, leaving you alone with the android, whom Carl refused to take with him. 
“You’re talented.” Markus said, his eyes catching yours. 
“Carl taught me most of what I know. You are doing well too.” Your eyes scanned over his piece and you felt a surge of sadness. “Is everything okay?”
Markus stared at you for a moment, “I am afraid that I am starting to think differently. Not in the way I am programmed.” 
You felt your heart quicken and you made sure the door was shut before talking, “Deviant? Does Carl know?”
“Yes. He intends to keep it secret. He thinks of me as the son he never had so he wants to keep me close.” Markus looked back to the painting and then back at you. 
“I first felt it with you. My emotions change when I’m around you.” You blushed at him comment and watched as he stood up and walked closer to you. He placed a hand on your cheek and moved close, pressing his lips to yours. 
The sound of your paintbrush hitting the floor was the only thing that echoed in the room. It only took a moment but it felt like a lifetime before he pulled away. “Did Carl tell you to do that?” You asked, standing perfectly still. 
Markus shook his head, “I saw it on T.V. Was it not pleasant?” He asked and you blushed. 
“No it was good. Great.” Markus smiled to himself. 
“Can I do it again?” You didn’t have to say a thing, only nod as he brought you close once more. 
GAVIN: He chuckled to himself as his arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you against him. “Hey doll face. Miss me?” He pressed kisses to your neck and you sighed. 
“As if.” You smiled to yourself, “What do you have planned for us tonight?” You asked, walking out of the station and to the buses. 
“I thought we could go back to my place, open a bottle of alcohol that I enjoy because you pick gross stuff-”
“Rude.” You commented. 
“Maybe watch a movie and then...fuck until morning.” He smirked as you whacked him, getting on the bus and going to the back. “What?” He teased, sitting next to you, his hands touching anything they could. 
“Gavin Reed.” You gave him a warning glare and he grinned. “I love you.”
“I know.” He chuckled as you rolled your eyes. He placed a finger under your chin and turned it towards him. “Let me look at you.” Gavin’s eyes searched your face a moment before he kissed you softly. It turned into something wild within a second and you had to shove him away and cover your mouth. 
“Gavin I swear-”
He threw his hands up, “It was just a kiss.” You blushed as you fixed yourself in your seat and he slung an arm around you, pulling you close. “It’s not my fault you get wet from a kiss.”
You smacked him.
NINES (RK900): His thumb traced over your bottom lip as he pulled you into his lap as he sat on the couch. Your hands went around his neck and he pressed his lips to yours. 
You watched as his light turned red, circling faster than he could process. He parted from your mouth, “What is this?” He asked, his chest heaving. 
“Why do I feel like this, (F/N)?” He snapped, his eyes finally meeting yours. He was scared of something he didn’t know. 
You cupped his face in your hands, “You are becoming a deviant; you are breaking through the wall that has been holding you back.” His blue eyes stared into yours and he nodded. 
“I don’t want to be held back from you. Not anymore.” His lips met yours heatedly and you kissed back with just as much passion. HIs hands gripped your thighs tightly as his mind struggled with the box he was trapped in. 
“You can do it Nines, just look at me and focus.” His eyes never left yours and he did just that. He pushed against the glass in his mind that was pushing back everything he wanted. 
You held back a hiss as his hands tightened around your waist, surely leaving bruises for tomorrow. You pressed your mouth against his again, brushing back his hair and easing the pain you knew his mind was going through. His lips moved against yours with fire and his teeth nipped against your bottom lip. He practically shook as he finally broke the wall in his mind, a gasp leaving his mouth. You smiled as he let his hands roam, taking you in for himself at last. 
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rhube · 3 years
To everyone who worries about pronouns in slash fiction, I want to offer this:
The vast majority of the time, you do not need to do anything more than use pronouns and names.
Please, put down 'the blonde', 'the brunette', 'the elf', 'the warrior', 'the brown-eyed man', 'the man', 'the woman' - and everything similar - and step away.
I know you're nervous about repetition, but these things are way more jarring for the reader than just using actual names and pronouns. You can actually repeat names way more than you think without it becoming an issue. Certainly more than 'the blonde' which, speaking as a blonde, is super-objectifying and I am begging you to stop.
Unless the character is in a situation where hair colour is literally all they have to recognise someone by, or they're explicitly a creep who is obsessed with blondes, or they are literally comparing hair colours for some reason, this is a really, really weird way for one character to think about another.
Think about your friends and coworkers. You don't think about them in terms of their hair colours or eye-colours (even if you secretly fancy them and think about their hair and eyes sometimes). You think about them mostly in terms of their names, sometimes their pronouns, very occasionally their job roles.
That's what the mind expects. So, yeah, too much repetition of a name can be annoying, so you should use pronouns to break that up. And yeah, when everyone has the same pronoun, it can be confusing, but you can use names to break that up.
This is a good rule of thumb:
Identify a character by name first to introduce them. Then use pronouns until a point that it needs disambiguating (e.g. another character with the same pronouns does something, or it's just been a while since you mentioned a name and it's useful to remind the audience). If there's a lot of two or more characters with the same pronouns doing stuff, identify each by name when you want to shift pronoun reference to that person (usually when they do something) then use the pronouns. Try to alternate name to pronoun, so that you don't have the name twice too close together.
It will still almost always be the case that using someone's name two sentences in a row is less awkward than referring to them by their hair colour, eye colour, job role, or especially their race. Yeah, even fantasy races.
There are exceptions. Some characters are prejudiced pricks. In Dragon Age, Fenris canonically refers to Anders as 'the mage' most of the time, and in at least one instance Anders calls him 'elf', but it's fairly clearly meant as retaliation, and not habitual. This is because they are both asshats. It can work to continue those habits as part of those characters voices, but try to avoid normalising that behaviour for other characters, and consider whether they might drop those habits if you wrote them becoming closer.
It does read strangely when you start referring to other characters as 'the warrior' or 'the rogue' when there's no context that makes that make sense.
Similarly, in Detroit Become Human, a lot of characters think of androids by their function and not by their names. So sometimes it will make sense to refer to 'the android', but try to remember that this happens in the context of sci-fi racism. Those androids all have names. It's 'humanising' (or validating/personifying) to use someone's name. That's why Connor's always fucking introducing himself and trying to find out other people's names. He's a trained negotiator. He knows this is how you establish a relationship with someone and make them feel recognised. You give them your name and you use theirs.
Names aren't like other words. They carry weight and they bear repeating.
Not saying you can never sub in something that's not a name or a pronoun, and certainly I've been guilty of doing this in the past, but one thing I've come to realise that really helped me over the last few years is that it's actually really hard to wear out a name.
If you use a lot of 'the x', 'the y', 'the z', it mostly just comes across as under confident. Your authorial feelings are showing when you want your readers to focus on your characters feelings.
And please, please, please think about what you're doing when you zero in on a specific feature, like a character's disability, genetic abnormality, scars, or race. These are things another character might notice, sure, but if they start using those features as a way to identify that person, it starts to feel really dodgy super fast. People with limps don't want to be thought of as 'the man with the limp'. I doubt Markus in DBH would want to be thought of as 'the heterochromatic android' - especially when his heterochromia is a consequence of something really traumatic.
When in doubt, use a name. That's all.
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thosedeviantfeels · 4 years
The Beginning of His Life, Chapter 8
Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 5 / Chapter 6 / Chapter 7
Summary: (Y/N) Manfred is about as mixed up with androids as she could possibly be.
Pairings: Connor x Reader (romantic), Markus x Reader (platonic), Carl (father) x Reader (daughter)
Warnings: mentions of death, grief
Word count: 1,825
Author’s Note: Okay, everyone, this is the last chapter. I just want to say thank you to everyone for all the love this piece has gotten. What started out as just dribble I wrote over a few late nights in the midst of my post-DBH feelings has become something I’m quite proud of. I have plans for new pieces that I hope to get to sooner rather than later but I can’t make any promises. I hope you enjoy the final chapter.
November 12, 2038 Hank had somehow convinced you to leave the scene once everything had calmed down. He promised you that he and Connor had agreed to meet up later. This was the only thing that had convinced you. You sat in Hank’s car, falling asleep. You had leaned the seat back and attempted to doze but the thought of seeing Connor again was thrilling. After thinking for sure he was dead and now knowing you could see him in all his deviant glory was more than enough to put a ridiculous smile on your face. The sun was rising and reflecting off the snow. It was beautiful. “(Y/N), I...uh...have a confession.” Hank was avoiding looking at you. You eyed him curiously. “What is it?” He resolved himself and looked up at you, meeting your gaze. “The night Connor went to Jericho, I told him how you feel about him.” You felt your face heat up and the embarrassment swell. “You what?” Anger began to boil within you too. “I just-I wanted to try to convince him not to go to Jericho because I knew he cares about you too.” Your heart fluttered. Hank thought Connor felt the same way? “If you’re angry with me, well I deserve that. I overstepped and I shouldn’t have. I just want you to know I did it because I care about you two kids and I knew it would destroy you if he turned Markus in.” “Thank you, Hank,” you said suddenly. He looked at you, surprised. “It means a lot to me that you wanted to help.” You smiled at him. He smiled back. “Don’t mention it.” He looked at the clock. “He’ll be here soon. I’ll wait for him out there. You come later. I want it to be a surprise.” You grinned from ear to ear. “Okay.” You watched as Hank got out and walked toward Chicken Feed, his favorite food truck. You watched him shift his weight as he looked around. The snow had stopped falling but it was still everywhere, reflecting the sun and giving the scene a serene feeling. You could barely see a figure walking toward Hank. You knew who it was. That stride was so familiar to you somehow, even after only knowing him for a matter of days. You watched as Hank turned and saw him. Neither of them spoke. Hank pulled Connor into a hug and you were about to exit the car but stopped. It looked so much like a father holding his son. You smiled at them. Hank had also grown to love Connor in a matter of days. You exited the car and the sound of the door shutting drew Connor’s attention away from Hank. He stood still and stared at you. Hank took a step back and smiled at Connor’s shocked face. You walked toward them slowly, taking it in. Connor was...different somehow. He was still so very Connor but you could see the change in him. He was less guarded; his emotions seemed so present suddenly. You stopped in front of him and smiled. “Connor...” He blinked several times and his LED turned yellow and began spinning. “(Y/N), I...I told Markus if I didn’t come back to find you and tell you...” He just looked at you, as if he really hadn’t expected to see you again. “I feel the same way.” You laughed softly and closed the gap. You stood on your toes and wrapped your arms around him. You buried your face in the crook of his neck and held on for dear life. “I know,” you whispered. He was surprised by the embrace and took a second to process what he was feeling. He responded by wrapping his arms around your middle and gripping your coat in his fists. He rested his head atop yours and you felt him sigh wistfully. This was the beginning of his life.
November 29, 2038 Everything was different. Detroit was different, as were you and Hank and Connor and the country. It had all changed. You had spent Thanksgiving with your new family, Hank and Connor. Of course, it was Connor’s first but you and Hank had made it as homey as possible with just the three of you. You had tried to find Markus, but he was difficult to track down during this time. He had become the ambassador going between the androids and humans. You knew he would find you as soon as he could. Until then, you were attempting to get everything ready for him. You had spoken to your brother and bought out his half of your father’s house. It was yours to do with as you pleased. You had left everything exactly as it was for now. You had spoken to the captain of your previous precinct and to Captain Fowler; you were permanently transferred to the DPD. Now you had to get out of your lease for your old apartment and find somewhere new to live in Detroit. Carl Manfred’s house may have been in your name, but it wasn’t yours. As times were still changing you couldn’t officially put the house in Markus’s name, but you knew you could work around it. Your inheritance had left plenty of money to pay for the house in its entirety, so Markus had no option but to accept. You simply wouldn’t allow anything else. You, Connor, and Hank were all at the house now, shoveling snow and cleaning up around the place. You wanted to keep it pristine until Markus came. You were outside with Connor, against his insistence that you shouldn’t be out in the cold, cleaning the snow off the driveway and walkways around the house. You stopped and looked over at him, who noticed immediately and needed no other urging to come to you. He sat his shovel down and wrapped an arm around your shoulders. He pulled you closer and kissed your temple. “Getting tired or cold?” You smiled up at him. “I’m fine.” You stood on your toes and kissed him. “You worry too much.” He smiled back and pressed his forehead to yours. He heard snow crunching and looked up suddenly. He nudged you gently. You looked up and saw a familiar face. “Markus!” You ran to him and hugged him. He hugged you back, grinning widely. “Y/N.”
December 25, 2038 “I still can’t believe you convinced everyone to come to this.” Markus was standing next to you in Carl’s kitchen. No, it was his kitchen now. He was looking into the dining room at all the people you had convinced to come to the Christmas party you insisted was necessary. “What? Everyone here either has never celebrated Christmas or has no one else to celebrate with.” You were making coffee for you and Hank. “It’s the perfect party.” He smiled as he entered the dining room. All of his friends were there; North, Simon, Josh, and many other androids from the revolution. He and Connor had become fast friends, mostly on account of you. You were what they had mostly bonded over, but they were quickly learning they had other things in common. He was still warming to the idea of Hank. Although, Hank loved you and Connor as his kids, so Markus liked him well enough. You walked past Markus and handed a mug to Hank, who took it thankfully. You sat down between him and Connor and motioned for Markus to come in and sit. He obeyed, knowing it was useless to argue with you. “Alright, everyone,” you announced, “it’s time for presents.” Everyone seemed excited about it although they were fairly nervous. You had decided to make it easy on the androids and organized a bit of a Secret Santa situation. You had grilled Markus for an hour trying to pair people based on who they would be most comfortable shopping for. It had paid off apparently as he watched people exchange gifts and smile and hug. You had paired Hank and Connor with each other, and they seemed to like their gifts. You had insisted Markus be paired with you. He was happy enough with that situation. You sidled up next to him and handed him a large, flat package wrapped in festive paper. “What’s this?” He was staring at it intently. “Well, you see, if you open it, you’ll find out.” You laughed as he gave you an exasperated look. “C’mon just open it. You’ll like it.” He carefully unwrapped it and stared for a second. It was a painting. Not one of Carl’s, but certainly one by a master. It was a portrait of Carl and Markus. Carl was seated in his wheelchair with Markus on his left, both smiling gently. Markus stuttered over his words. “(Y/N), this is-how did you-?” You smiled. “I sent some photos to one of Dad’s artist friends.” He smiled back and hugged you. “I love it. Thank you.” He handed you your present. “I feel like I copied you now.” He chuckled. “Well, you know what they say,” you took the present from him. “Great minds think alike.” It was shaped just like the one you had given him but wrapped in different paper. He had done a better job at wrapping your gift than you had managed for his. You carefully unwrapped it and found the familiar style of your father’s painting. It was a portrait of you. You had never seen this one before. It was beautiful. You could tell your dad was trying to stylize it to represent you not only in likeness but in colors that reflected your personality. “Markus, it’s beautiful. Where did you find it?”   “He was working on it for a long time. He was planning to give it to you now for Christmas. He didn’t get the chance to finish it...” He fought the sad thought away. “So, I had to complete it. I hope you don’t mind. He and I discussed it a lot.” You smiled. “It’s perfect. Thank you.” You hugged him. “I’m just surprised I haven’t seen it before with how much I was in this house before you came back.” He smiled mischievously. “I helped Carl hide it when we knew you were coming back. It was difficult when you were living here.” You laughed with tears for your father in your eyes. “I love you two so much.” You hugged again before parting ways to socialize. You had gone over to see how Hank and Connor liked their gifts, you already knew what they each got as you had picked them both out. Markus was talking to North and looking around the room at all the faces. He knew why you had done this. This was your way of showing him he still had a family outside of you and Carl. You were creating a life for him. This party was the beginning of his life.
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nothing-but-dreamy · 3 years
You want to start the series? Masterlist
Pairing: DBH!Connor x OC!Maya
Words: 1.159
Warning: processing the suicide (Stratford Tower scene)
"There is a visitor waiting at the door.", the mechanically female voice stated. Maya frowned, she expected no one but she imagined who it could be. She put her brush aside and opened the door moments later. First, she was happy then, it changed into shock.
"Connor, hey- wait! What's the matter?", she asked concerned as she saw the android's face. There was blue blood splattered on the right side of his chest and spread on his jacket.
"Can...can we talk?", Connor asked low and looked through his lashes hopefully at Maya.
"Sure! Of course, come in!", Maya hurried to answer and stepped aside. She closed the door and followed Connor into the living room. From the corner of his eyes, Connor noticed a new painting on the canvas stand. It was the continued sketch he had seen on the desk the night before. Now, more outlines were to be seen and the first greyish-blue color was added on the lower half of the painting but Connor still had no idea what it would be.
"Come, sit down, please.", Maya said and caught his attention again. Like the day before, they sat on the couch side by side but this time, Maya was closer to Connor to build more privacy between them. Out of instinct, she reached out for his arm and placed her hand there.
Connor stayed silent for a while but she saw that he was troubled. She saw his LED constantly flickering yellow.
"What happened to you?", she asked carefully. Even her soft voice seemed to have startled him. She worried that something worse might have happened.
"Are you shot, Connor?", Maya asked, concerned as the android stayed silent. He looked down, noticed the blue blood and the bullet hole in his jacket and realized why Maya was worried about him. She sounded like Hank earlier.
"I’m alright. It’s nothing serious.", he said matter of factly. Maya took a breath to calm herself but she was still worried.
"But you got shot? Connor! Come on, please, talk to me. Tell me what happened. I'm worrying about you.", she admitted low but desperately.
"You're worried?", he asked surprised and finally, he looked into her eyes.
"Of course! Connor, you're injured!", Maya said frustrated. His soft brown eyes were just trained on her and he reacted as he saw her glance.
"I- I got shot. By a deviant. The Stratford Tower. Markus and his message. They jumped-"
"Whoa, slow down. I can't follow you.", Maya said and Connor stopped with his rambling.
"Step by step. I saw the Stratford Tower in the news. You were there? With Hank?", Maya asked and Connor nodded. Slowly, he calmed down and she felt how the android relaxed. His erratic yellow LED slowed down a bit.
"Hank and I arrived at the scene and we started with our work. Even the FBI was there. I analyzed the scene as usual. The deviants had been jumping from the roof with parachutes to escape but...one of them was left behind.", Connor made a break. His LED was spinning again and Maya expected to come to the tricky part now.
"It hid in a locker. As I opened the door, it shot me and Hank dragged me into a safe spot but the SWAT team was about to kill it. I... I couldn't take the risk to lose information so I left the hiding spot and ran towards the shooting deviant. I could dodge the bullets and grabbed its arm.", Connor told what happened, still a bit too fast but Maya was able to follow.
"What happened then?", Maya asked carefully. The LED was glowing red as the memories came back into Connor's mind. Suddenly, he wasn't looking like an android, rather he looked like a scared kid. Maya slid her hand down his arm to reach his hand. Connor watched how she interlaced her fingers with his own. It was a reassuring touch and Connor noticed that he liked the feeling of her skin against his own. She was warm and soft and just this small move calmed him. This touch calmed him more than the memories about her earlier in the elevator.
"The... deviant killed itself as I was connected to its memory. I- I felt it dying. Like I was dying.", he repeated his impression and made a pause to look at Maya, "I was scared.", he whispered. Maya squeezed his hand carefully to show him that he wasn't alone.
"Hey, it's okay to be scared."
"No! It isn't! You don't understand. The emotion wasn't part of my program to protect myself from danger. I... I really was feeling it as if I would have been dying.", he said and Maya understood slowly. For him, the prototype, the deviant hunter sent by CyberLife, it must be stressful to develop emotions. And it wasn't just any emotion: the fear to die was one strong emotion even for humans and Maya just could imagine how overwhelmed Connor must have felt.
Once again, she squeezed his hand and drew small circles on his skin with her thumb. The silence wasn't uncomfortable even as it stayed like this for awhile. Maya snuggled her head against his shoulder and for the first time, Connor snuggled back as he placed his head on top of Maya's. He smelled her scent and shampoo: a mixture of sweet strawberries and lovely flowers.
"It feared to die but it pulled the trigger nevertheless.", Connor whispered, still processing the whole thing. Maya raised her head to look at him again.
“I’m so sorry you had to experience this. You’re not alone, okay? I’m here for you.”
"You're the first who is just nice to me.", Connor stated with a soft smile.
"Oh, but...there is no reason to treat you other than nice. You deserve that like everyone else.", she answered smiling. Connor watched her. His LED had calmed down back to a soft blue. Maya knew that Connor couldn't understand that but he looked at her in a way that butterflies were dancing Tango in her stomach.
"Thanks for helping me.", he said low with a soft smile. The smile fastened her heartbeat because it was the sweetest and purest she had ever seen.
"Of course. Consider me as your friend and friends help each other."
"Do friends do this?", he asked and raised their folded hands slightly without letting go of her. Maya's cheeks turned pink and she tried to wiggle out of the holding but Connor kept her hand in his own even stronger.
"Oh..uhm.. yeah. To show support or...affection.", she explained low. Connor smiled and copied the way she had stroked his skin before. He drew small circles on the back of her hand.
"I like that.", Connor said smiling and this time, Maya was the one who relaxed. She leant back against his shoulder and together, they watched the night spreading over Detroit.
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ygreczed-3 · 4 years
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Gavin and Nines’ first encounter
Hank’s scars
Gavin’s scars
The Red Guard and the Snow Angel
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
Gavin is looking at the last fire Hank and Connor lit. The ashes are cold and damp. He looks at the footprints, they're barely visible but he can still identify Hank and another person's footprints.
Gavin : Where're you going old man ? And who's coming with you ?
*Noises behind him.* He reaches for his sword but the other person is too fast.
Gavin : Who the fuck--- A Golem ?! Nines : Be quiet, human. And don't move, or you'll lose your head. Gavin : What the fuck you doing here, snowman ?! Nines : Why are you following this track ? Gavin : None of your fucking business! Nines : Where did they go ?
Gavin realizes.
Gavin : … You can't track them… you don't know how. How long have you been following me, bastard ? Nines : Answer me, human, or I'm killing you.  Gavin : You know what ? Go to hell.
Hank : You hear that ? Connor : What ? I can hear many things, unlike you. Be more precise. Hank : The wind. It's rising. A snowstorm is coming. Connor : So ? Hank : We need to find a cave or something, and gather wood to survive. Connor : You're fucking kidding me ? We can't stop again ! We need to go forward ! Hank : Do as you want. I'm not risking the Frostbite for a fucking golem. Connor : What the hell is a Frostbite ? Hank : There is a snow spirit in these woods… it curses us, humans, whenever they’re caught in a snowstorm. It bites us and his magic freezes our blood. Connor : ...Humans are so weak. I should have gone through this wood by myself.  Hank : As I said, smartass, do as you want.
Gavin is gagged and attached on his horse. Nines is walking in front of them, guiding the horse. The wind rises up.
Gavin : Hmmmpf !!! Hummmmppf !! Nines : Be quiet. Gavin : Hmmmhmmmmhmmpf !!! *Nines sighs* Nines takes the gag down.
Nines : What. Gavin : A snowstorm is coming ! We need to find them before it starts or we'll lose the track ! Anderson must be looking for a shelter, we have to join them or we're gonna catch the Frostbite. Nines : What nonsense are you saying… Gavin : I'm not dying because you don't take it seriously. Untie me ! Nines : If you try to escape me… Gavin : I'm not suicidal, snowman. This storm is gonna kill me faster than you.
Nines stares at the human suspiciously but finally unties him
Gavin : That way, and hurry up, snowy prick !
The storm is violent outside. Hank is in the cave but he checks his body and he's got the frostbite on his arm.
Hank : … shit. Connor : … You've got it ? How ? Hank : Humans… truly can't go through this forest it seems. Not since the magician vanished. Connor : There must be a remedy! I can't lose more time going back to find another human for this quest. Hank : Yeah, people say silent stars can cure it. It's … a white flower that grows in the forest… But I'll die from this curse before the storm settles. Connor : I'm immune to snow magic! I'll find that flower. I need you, human. You hear me ? Don't die yet.
Connor is walking in the snowstorm.
Nines : Connor ! Connor : … Nines ? What… are you doing here? And who's this ???
Gavin is unconscious, thrown on the back of his own horse like a potato sack.
Nines : I found him following your track a few days ago, I used his knowledge to find you. Connor : He's barely conscious… he must be covered with Frostbites… Nines : … Oh yeah, he said something about this… curse or whatever. It doesn't matter now, I don't need him anymore. Connor : Take him to the cave, it's just a few steps behind me. Nines : What ? No, Connor, I'm here to take you back to Jericho.  Connor : I said I wouldn't go back before I find the magician. We have a chance to stop this cycle of hatred and violence, we have to try. Nines : So where are you going ? Connor : The human I choose to come with me, he's got Frostbite curse like yours. I have to find silent stars to save them. Nines : You wanna save the humans ? Connor : Nines, we need them.
Nines sighs in front of Connor’s stubbornness, but takes the horse to the cave just behind his brother.
Gavin : Hnnn… Where… Where am I… Hank : In a cave. Gavin : Bear Paw ?... I found you… Hank : Why did you do that ? Gavin :... Thought you were capturing golems... wanted to claim half of the merit… Hank : Of course. Gavin : I always thought… I'd die on the battlefield.  Hank : Yeah, me too. With some chance, we'll get a remedy. Gavin : Sure, old man… it's gonna fall from the sky.  Hank : The golems went out to get some silent stars...  Gavin : Oh well, we're screwed … they're gonna give us up... Hank : …
Nines : You don't even know where exactly he is. Connor : But I know where to look. He's a powerful and eccentric magician. I'll find him one way or another. Nines : If you die trying to find him, Jericho will lose a ferocious defender, and Markus and I will lose a brother. Connor : Stop treating me like I'm unconscious! This situation is going to kill us all. We all need a long term solution, we can't keep… running into a wall like this ! Nines : We… You mean, humans too ? Connor : I just said we needed a long term solution. Don't overthink it.  Nines : …
Nines is silent for a short moment, looking at Connor's back as he keeps walking in the snowstorm.
Nines : I'm going with you then. If the human tries something against you, I'll kill him and we'll go back to Jericho. Deal ? Connor : I can take care of an old guy like him by myself, thanks.
They arrive at the cave.
Connor : Hey. We have the flowers. Hank : …
Hank looks at the golem in confused disbelief.
Connor : Well, you look surprised ? Come on, do your potion or whatever. Hurry. Hank : … Uh.
Hank : The storm settles. We can leave tomorrow in the morning. Connor : Alright. I checked out the surroundings yesterday, we should go southeast, it'll be easier for Sumo. Gavin : I'm coming.  Hank : Out of question. You go back to Detroit, Fowler's gonna need more hunters now I'm gone. It's finally your time to shine. Gavin : You not my father, old man. If you really find Kamski I want to be part of it. If you don't, well, we can still take those two fuckers back to Detroit. I won't let you have all the glory. Nines : I agree. I don't want to let the little human go back to his city with the informations he has. We keep him or we kill him. Gavin : Hey, watch your mouth snowman ! I'm average in height.  Nines : Be grateful, little human, we saved your life. Gavin : You mean you left me for dead. And don't fucking call me little ! Connor : Here we are ! Braverive… Gavin : Finally. I need a bath. And a bed. Hank : Be careful, alright ? If anyone sees you're golems, you're screwed.
The four men get to walk through the forest and reach the human outpost, Braverive. They find an inn to spend the night. The golems don’t need to sleep so they just take two bedrooms, for Hank and Gavin. Hank enters his room.
Hank : You sure you don't need a bed ? Connor : I can go in stasis standing up. I don't need to though. We barely need rest, but stasis is recommended at least once a week. Hank : Alright. I'm worn out... G'night.
Connor watches as Hank takes his clothes off, until he only wears underwear. He has many scars, and the Golem can’t help but admire them in silent admiration. He knows those scars have been made by Golems but still... they show how skilled and ferocious of a warrior the human is. Connor admits those scars are... hot, in a way.
Hank sits in the bed and looks up.
Hank : Hey. Connor : Hm ?
Hanks tosses him some cash.
Hank : Here, take your brother and use that money to buy a… decent outfit. Connor :... What's indecent with this one ? Hank : I'm sleeping. Don't talk to me.
Hank is awake, he looks by the window. Connor comes back from the market, where he seemingly bought human's traveling clothes, and enters the room.
Connor : You can't sleep ? Hank : Hm… I sleep better when I'm… outside. Connor : I thought humans enjoyed beds and comfort. Hank : Sleeping in a bed… reminds me of a night I wish I could forget. Connor : The night of Freedom ? Hank : The night your people set fire to my neighborhood in order to escape. The night I lost my family. Remember that part, Connor ? When you killed innocent people... Connor : … You blame us for fighting for freedom… I know... you're right. Many innocents perished that night. Not only on my side, I admit that. Hank : … So… all I can do is… blaming that stupid war ? Connor : … I'm sure we can put an end to it. I'm sure Kamski will… give us a solution. For both our peoples.
Gavin is sleeping, the sun is getting into the room. He's naked and has a lot of scars on his body, and bruises everywhere the Frostbite curse struck. Nines watches the marks silently. Golems can’t get scars... so it kinda mesmerizes him to see those darker lines on the human’s body. Somehow, it feels like Gavin is wearing other people’s marks on his body... That tells a story, not a pretty one, but a story nonetheless. Nines wonders if Gavin remembers who did each one of his scars... He wonders if he could mark him as well. Like... a trophy.
Gavin : You like what you see ?
Nines snaps out of his contemplation. Gavin sits up, rubbing his eyes
Nines : All of those are battle scars. Gavin : Jealous ? No one who has let a trace on this body has survived, so be careful to not damage me in the future. Nines : How many of my brothers and sisters did you kill ? Gavin : I lost count. Nines : … Who did the one on your nose ? Gavin  : ...Who cares.  He's dead anyway. 
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forsakenoathkeeper · 4 years
I Am Alive (chapter 3/?)
Chapter 3: An Unforgettable Moment
Deviant!Connor[RK800] x (fem!)Reader Rated M(18+) for canon-typical violence and gore, medical procedures, and graphic sexual content
Chapters: 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8 • 9 • 10 • 11 • 12 • more coming soon
You can also read on AO3 & thank you for supporting me ♥
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"I must warn you-" Connor began as the elevator neared the floor he lived on.
"Connor, it's your place, you don't have to justify shit," you interrupted softly.
The elevator moved up a few more levels, dinging quietly along the way. He uttered your name to catch your attention. When you looked up at him - yes, up at him - he explained, "I haven't exactly used the heater..."
Connor's apartment was on floor 46. The elevator doors remained closed upon arrival, waiting for clearance. As Connor's hand reached for the scanner, you saw his skin tone fade away into the icy white protective layer underneath. It took barely a second to scan him and Connor's identification popped up on the projecting HUD.
It had a very flattering photo of him, his name, ANDROID spelt out beneath it, model type: RK800, serial number, designed purpose: law enforcement, and his manufacturing date.
"Welcome home, Connor," a soft, feminine, robotic voice beckoned to him as the doors slid open.
You stepped past the threshold and took in the sight. The elevator opened to the living room. The right wall was curved and almost entirely windows that gave a beautiful view of the sweeping city below. As soon as you walked in and the elevator door's closed, you realized what Connor was talking about.
He was an android; his internal body temperature regulator could withstand much harsher temperatures than humans could. It made sense that he wouldn't keep his flat warm. Besides, if you were being honest with yourself, you doubted Connor spent much time here to begin with.
He had made adjustments to the thermometer as soon as he realized; but, the short drive to get here wasn't enough time to get the place warmed up efficiently.
Unsurprisingly, the apartment was lacking in furniture. There was a single, black cushioned arm chair that faced the window. It was long with a short back, clearly meant to be laid on, not sat on. There was a low coffee table next to it, beautiful dark wood with nothing on it.
Through the living room was the kitchen. It was small, but had dark granite counter tops and a nice island with two leather stools tucked in. The sink was empty, no dishes drying on the rack. He had stainless-steel appliances and a simple coffee maker tucked into the corner.
A hallway winded around the corner between the living room and the kitchen. The wall nearest the island had a small bar built into the foundation: the kind that shifted out when activated. While tucked into the wall, it had a glass panel to show off the goods. It was empty, unsurprisingly.
Had Connor even realized he was renting a bachelor pad?
"You're welcomed to take my room," Connor spoke first. "I don't really use it..."
"Are you sure?" you asked softly.
"I want you to be comfortable and I don't really need to sleep."
"But, it's your place, Connor..."
His eyes flickered away for a moment before returning to yours with a smile. "I believe the term is 'hospitality'."
"There's also a term, 'eat you out of body and home'," you teased back.
"I'm afraid I don't have food in the kitchen," he replied softly, looking almost troubled. "But, I'm not worried about the heater bill."
You smiled at him, looking away sheepishly, unsure of how to reply.
"Bedroom is on the right. Balcony on the left," he explained.
You shuffled into the hallway and took the directions he gave, down the hall, to the open door.
Connor's bedroom was exactly what you had expected it to be: the same dark wood flooring as the rest of the apartment, a king bed, headboard flush against the wall, with velvet, dark navy sheets. There was an adjacent window that took up most of the wall and gave a gorgeous view of the sweeping city beneath. The closet was open, letting you see the assortment of coats and shirts he owned. He had a dark wood, three drawered dresser; but, the room was otherwise fairly unfurnished.
Connor stood in the door way for a moment and watched you, unsure of what to say.
He felt conflicted by the images flashing through his mind: desires not yet traversed. If he had ever felt that way before, he couldn't remember.
Watching you, in his room, shrugging your bag and then your jacket off your shoulders, he felt something like invisible strings tugging at him. He wanted to enter the room, reach out to you, confess to the things plaguing his mind.
What if you didn't feel the same? What if his confession made you uncomfortable? Would you be able to look at him the same way? Especially after he just invited you to his apartment... Didn't that seem... predatory?
He needed to give you space.
"I'll be in the living room if you need me," he said softly, turning away and disappearing before you could turn back to face him.
"O-... kay," you replied sadly.
You weren't sure what you were expecting. But, you felt disappointed none the less.
You let your eyes wander again and noticed that Connor had professionally framed newspaper headers and hung them on the wall. They were about the revolution. One of them had an aerial shot: a particularly charming photo of him standing with Markus and a few other androids, during the largest march - the final march. Connor was on the stage, but in the far back.
You admired the photo for a moment, uttering, "you were there, Connor... I wonder... what that was like?" to yourself.
Deciding to get to bed, you trotted into the connected bathroom to change clothes and pull back your hair, brush your teeth. You tried not to think too much about Connor as you undressed in his bathroom. The place was, unsurprisingly, spotless: marble perfectly clean, shower tiles without a single water spot.
Of course you had not expected anything from the android when you crossed the threshold. Yet, there was some dark part of you that had hoped he would... he would... What? March in and grab you? Confess that he wanted you and couldn't hold back anymore?
Your lewd thoughts left your stomach in knots, twisted in lust and shame. Was Connor capable of want? Even if he was, did he want you? He had stumbled into your life at nearly every opportunity ever since you came back to Detroit. But, even if he cared for you so strongly, that didn't mean he wanted it to be like this...
You were a human. Wouldn't he... be happier with an android?
"Fuck," you whimpered, dragging a heavy hand down your face.
Sleep - you needed sleep.
Connor's bed was as soft as it looked. The sheets were a fine, smooth, velvety texture, the kind that didn't leave wrinkles in the skin or adhere to sweat. It was hard to believe that Connor never laid here. Had he tried and decided he didn't like it? No, he likely was just trying to be hospitable.
You tucked into bed, facing the open doorway, as if hoping he would come barging in.
You felt stupid for that hope.
With the light off and the curtains pulled back, light from the cityscape gently entered through the window and cast the room in a dim glow.
You were tired, sure; but, you were also on edge, fingertips sliding along the sheets, cheek against the pillow distorting your frown. You took a deep inhale and-... Oh. The sheets smelt nice. Freshly washed linens and the faintest tint of masculine cologne. Did Connor wear cologne?
Any time you had gotten close, you were too preoccupied to check.
God damn it...
You rolled away from the entryway, closed your eyes, and tried to will yourself to sleep.
It was difficult when a thought kept ringing in your ears: Connor was in the other room, and you were in his bed. You were in Connor's apartment and you were in his bed. For fucks sake, he had invited you here to sleep, for safety, not to fuck you.
You rolled over again and glared at the wall. Maybe it would be easier if you pulled back the curtains and cast the room in darkness? But, you liked the faint light, the hue that the distance city lights cast upon the room, a somber glow.
It felt like... like Connor's room.
Like you needed some water.
You shimmied out of the sheets and walked down the hall, to the kitchen, ignoring how cold the wood floors felt beneath your feet. It didn't take long to find some receptacles. There were some thick glass mugs in the cabinet above the sink. You filled one about a quarter way and chugged the whole thing in one quick gulp.
You set the cup near the sink and dared to let your eyes wander to the living room. You could see Connor propped up on the sofa, looking out the window, completely still. You crossed the distance and walked around to face him, taking careful steps.
He had taken off his shoes and his tie, the first button of his shirt undone to expose the tip of his collar bone. His back was flush against the sofa's back, hands in his lap, eyes closed, head upright.
Was he trying to sleep? You didn't want to bother him, but-... No. No, that was a lie. You did want to bother him.
"I should leave," you thought to yourself, trying to tear yourself away.
But, then-
You flinched a little when he blinked a couple times and shifted his gaze towards you, as if he had sensed you were there. His LED was shining bright yellow through the darkness of the room. It pulsed to red when he looked up at you.
"I-I'm sorry for bothering you," you uttered. "Were you trying to sleep?"
Androids power regeneration rarely ever required powering off. He likely wasn't even powered down, just trying to reach a state like it.
"I guess you could call it 'zoning out'," he replied softly.
You didn't fail to see the way his eyes moved down your body before shifting back up to your eyes. You didn't sleep in a bra and chose a flimsy shirt for your sleeping top. As a result, your nipples were poking through the fabric obscenely. You could almost slap yourself for not considering that. And now, you were standing above him like some sort of creep, barely clothed, while he was trying to relax.
Connor maintained a mostly stoic expression; but, you could see something troubling him. His eyes were distant, clouded over with anxiety, and his LED was maintaining a solid red.
The android moved his legs off the sofa and set his feet on the floor, shifting his position so he was facing you. You hadn't realized how close you were until your knees brushed against each other. He was looking up at you with expecting eyes. You swallowed the rock in your throat.
The android's lips parted. You could almost hear the question he was going to ask. If you needed anything. If someone was wrong. What could he do to make it better.
You couldn't take it anymore.
"I want you," you whispered, the confession like throwing a knife through glass. You could practically hear the world shattering around you. Your hands tightened into fists at your sides. "It's killing me, Connor. I feel like - like I shouldn't. How could I ask you to-... How could I assume tha-?"
You silenced yourself, feeling hopeless, feeling stupid.
Connor's brow lifted and his eyes softened. "I was trying to go into stasis so I could... stop thinking about it," he confessed, shifting his gaze away from you. Before you could assume the worst, he continued. "About - the things I want to do to you..." he added on lowly, trailing off.
Your eyes widened and a whimper escaped you. Connor's eyes flickered back up to yours.
He wanted to go into stasis so he could... stop thinking about what he wanted to do to you?
"What - what things?" you pleaded.
You caught the way his eyes flickered to your mouth and then back up to your eyes. Connor looked torn, like he had been caught doing something wrong and like he was in the middle of hunting prey: the cross between determined and afraid. He reached up and gently grasped your forearms, and gave them a little tug. You leaned a little into the tug, trying not to fall into him.
"It felt wrong," he admitted. "I was afraid that you didn't - not like that... not for an android."
Connor kept pulling, slowly. Eventually, you had no choice but to part your legs and slide your knees on either side of his thighs. You slowly maneuvered onto his lap and placed your hands on his shoulders.
"Connor, I-I like that you're an android." You squeezed his shoulders. "Does that make me sick?" Your voice was hoarse. You felt like you were choking. You squeezed your eyes shut, tried to suppress tears, tried not to cry.
He was designed to serve humans. They all were. You felt like you were taking advantage of that, of the beauty he was bestowed with, of the strength he was designed with specifically to serve humans. "I'm a monster. I'm taking adva-"
"I want this," he whispered harshly, breath hot like steam against your cheeks. Your eyes fluttered open and met his. His brown orbs were wild with passion, hunger. That expression looked almost out of place on his soft features. It was sickeningly beautiful. "There's nothing in my programming for this - nothing making me want you. I just-... I just do."
He grabbed your hand and lifted it, placing your palm against his LED, against the side of his head. "I'm scared because I-... I want you so bad and I'm afraid I might hurt you."
Your eyes fluttered for a moment. Guilt felt like a vice wrapped around you, drowning you. And yet, here Connor felt the same, drowning in his own guilt.
"You won't. I know you won't," you whispered. "-and not because I think your programming will stop you. But because you're Connor."
The android closed his eyes and breathed against your lips. He was so close. He could almost taste you. But, he hesitated, afraid that he wouldn't be able to stop himself after he got that first taste. You weaved your fingers through his hair, slowly shattering his willpower.
You leaned in, captured the side of his mouth, and he felt his resolve shatter. He turned his head and captured your mouth properly, swallowing the whimper that escaped you. Your hand joined the other, gently tugging on his hair. His hands found purchase on your waist, tugging, squeezing, pulling to crush your torso against his chassis.
The kiss wasn't tentative. It was hungry, ravenous, like you were trying to anchor to each other's mouths to avoid drowning. The fine hairs on his upper lip, chin, and jaw weren't there for show. They were real, pricky hairs that tickled you. It felt as if he had just shaved this morning.
Connor's hands never stopped. He roamed your waist, your hips, your back, up and down your legs. He gently squeezed your flesh, the sensors on his fingertips catching whatever information they could.
When his fingertips trailed your ribs, he gasped. Your lips separated with a noisy pop and your eyes fluttered open. His LED looked like a burning red ring against his temple. "C-Connor?"
"I can feel your bones," he uttered, mesmerized, eyes fluttering open to catch yours. His hands slid down to catch beneath the hem of your shirt and returned, skin to skin, fingers sliding up and down your ribs with fascination, like he had never felt anything like it before.
You captured his mouth again, whimpering at the touch. Connor almost stopped, struggling to distinguish the good sounds from the bad. The way you were kissing him, pulling him closer, helped.
His tongue caught your bottom lip. The texture surprised you. His tastebuds were more textured than a human tongue. But, it didn't deter you from parting your lips and welcoming him inside. Connor moaned shamelessly into your mouth when his tongue brushed against yours. Your DNA fluttered in his mind, his sensors practically exploding.
This was your taste.
Your hands lowered from his hair to his shoulders and tugged at his detective jacket. Connor was too preoccupied to assist you. His tongue was exploring every crevice it could reach. He could feel your breath heavy through your nostrils, puffing out against his cheeks. As time went on, he could sense you were struggling.
Humans need to breathe, he remembered.
When Connor parted from you, a wet sound echoed between you. Connor watched like he was hypnotized as you panted, trying to catch your breath after his onslaught. Your lips were puffy, wet with your mixed saliva, and your cheeks tinted pink. The sight gave him some strange satisfaction.
He waited patiently until your eyes fluttered open again. He had to make sure that he wasn't met with disdain. That you weren't uncomfortable.
The want that he was met with shot through his core. You wanted more.
"Hold onto me," he warned, rising to his feet. You let out a squeak when you were suddenly lifted into the air. His hands slipped down to cup the underside of your thighs, and your legs lifted to wrap around his waist. Your hands clung to his shoulders like you might fall; yet, you realized, Connor wasn't struggling to hold you at all.
In barely a second, he was entering his bedroom and laying you down at the edge of the bed, standing between your parted legs.
You leaned up and pushed at his jacket. Connor moved his arms back and shrugged it off his shoulders. The fabric pooled behind him on the floor. His shirt was pristine, impeccably ironed and flattering on his lean form; but, it needed to come off. Your hands were hastily undoing his belt to loosen his pants grip around his hips.
Connor watched you intensely, eyes fogged over with lust and lips parted. He decided that he liked the sight of you struggling to undress him, a wild look in your eyes.
You tugged on his button-up shirt to free it from his pants and began fumbling with the buttons. In your daze, you struggled. Connor's hands gently pushed yours out of the way and undid each button with robotic precision. He shrugged the blouse off one shoulder and then shifted his arms back to remove it the rest of the way. His shirt joined his jacket on the floor.
You were panting like a dog, but didn't have the strength to care as the android stood over you with a predatory look on his face.
Connor was lean with a slight muscular build, the faint outline of a sixpack adorning his abdomen. Your eyes, and hands, were more focused on something else. Connor's neck and chest were sprinkled with freckles, painting in his skin in constellations. Your fingertips traced a pattern across his pectorals, daring to let a thumb graze one of his nipples, before trailing down to admire the varying freckles dusted along his tummy.
A happy trail started beneath his belly button, soft, fine, dark brown hairs, and disappeared into his pants.
He was still, content with letting you admire him for the moment. He liked the way you were looking at him, like you had never seen something so beautiful before, like you wanted to devour him.
You shimmied closer to the edge of the bed, where he was standing, and pressed a kiss against his chest, the very center, where you knew his thirium pump was resting beneath the surface.
He let out a quiet gasp when you touched him there.
"Was that bad?" you whispered, leaning back to look up at him. You realized his LED had softened into a yellow hue.
It wasn't bad. But, why did it startle him? He knew you wouldn't hurt him. Whether or not you could was arguable. You studied androids anatomy, knew them inside and out, every artificial organ and computer piece. He wasn't afraid. There was something oddly arousing about you reaching places that were sensitive, that were delicate.
"Not bad. I-... I don't know," he replied hoarsely.
Your head tilted slightly. "Connor, are - are we moving too fast?" you asked him, sincere, low.
His eyes darkened for a second. But, then, Connor blinked it away, like he caught himself.
"N-no. I - I don't want to stop. Unless you do?"
"No. Please don't stop," you breathed.
He looked relieved, like the weight of the world had been lifted off his shoulders.
"Connor," you whispered his name like a prayer as the android gracefully fell forward, hands on the bed on either side of you.
Your lips met, and your hands slid over his cheeks, pulling him in, falling into perfect harmony. Connor gently pushed you forward until you were flat on your back beneath him. He slid onto his forearms, trying to prevent himself from crushing you into the bed.
But, then, one of your legs hooked around the back of his thigh and pulled him down. You moaned into his mouth when his clothed cock came into contact with your clothed core. Fuck, he was hard. It actually kind of hurt when it bumped into you, but you couldn't be bothered to mind.
Connor shuddered and leaned up, tearing his mouth away from yours.
There was a question of the tip of his tongue and something akin to pleading in his eyes. Can I undress you? Can I see you? Please?
You felt like you could read his thoughts in that moment. You placed one hand on his chest and pushed gently, silently asking him to get up. He complied and you laid there for a moment to admire the view. His belt was still looped through his pants, but undone and dangling. He was pitching an impressive tent.
The best part? He was blushing, flushed red all over. Were androids supposed to be capable of that?
"Are - are you overheating?" you asked, sincerely concerned.
"J-just a little," he admitted.
You smiled and snagged your thumbs under the bands of your lounge pants and underwear. They both slid down in one swoop and quickly joined the growing pile on the floor. Your shirt followed and you leaned back to let him admire you.
Connor noticed the expression you were making before he noticed everything else. Like you were afraid.
"I - I won't look if you don't want me to?" he offered.
You shook your head. "No. It's not that... I just - I'm not as beautiful as you."
Connor panted out a brief chuckle. "Isn't that for me to decide?"
Your gaze changed, then. The fear washed away and you smiled softly. Only then did he let his eyes wander. He lingered on your neck and the delicate collar bones that jutted out from your upper chest for just a little longer than expected. Your nipples were perky in the cold air, breasts heaving slightly with your heavy breaths. His eyes moved down your taut stomach to the bundle of nerves between your legs, hidden behind soft curls.
"I want to kiss you there," he admitted shamelessly.
You whimpered at that. "Fuck - Connor..." He was still staring into your eyes, silently pleading, as if you would ever say no. "Yes - yes - ohhh."
At that first yes, Connor lifted one of your legs and propped it on his shoulder, giving himself proper access, before swooping down fearlessly. As promised, he kissed you first, squaring in on the pearl that poked out above your entrance.
He lapped at it and you trembled at the sensation. You hadn't considered this - hadn't considered that he had a tongue like the devil. The texture was marvelous and Connor knew exactly what was the right amount of pressure. He couldn't have possibly been real. You must have died sometime early today and was lost in a blissful purgatory conjured by your own imagination.
It only got worse when his other hand joined in and you felt a curious digit slip into your sopping wet entrance with no resistance. Connor paused for a moment, not expected you to be so burning hot on the inside, essence like molten lava on his digit.
"Ohh fuck!" you cried out, head falling back into the sheets. His tongue lapped at your pearl in flawless intervals while his finger curled into you, seeking out the spot that would blind you in ecstasy. Your hands grabbed fistfuls of the sheets, clawing into them. Connor had to use his other hand to grab hold of your waist and force you to be still.
He seemed hyper focused on making you come. But, he was shamelessly enjoying himself: the salty taste of your sex, the way your flesh quivered and seeped heat, and all the glorious, obscene noises he coaxed from your mouth.
"C-C-Con - ahh - please - stop - want you - want you," you pleaded with him, thrashing around on the bed.
When he stopped, you saw him pop his finger in his mouth to clean off your essence. You stared up at him with lust-filled eyes, panting like a wild animal.
"Y-you didn't have to do that," you whimpered as he stood up and slid his pants, belt still through the loops, down his hips. He kneeled down for a moment to remove his socks.
When he caught you staring at the way back up, he paused. Your eyes flickered away from the impressive bulge he was sporting in his boxers and up to his face.
That - that wasn't embarrassment. That was pride. He liked the way you were looking at him.
His boxers went next, snagging on his erection before being carefully peeled down his thighs and joining the rest of the clothes on the floor.
Oh fuck-
Your eyes followed the trail of pubes to the base of his cock. You expected something akin to a very realistic dildo. But, no, Connor looked all the more real down there, too. His shaft was proportionate to his body, with some liberties. It wasn't perfectly smooth, either. There were veins along the top and bottom, a bulbous tip, a little thicker at the base. He even had a pair on him.
"I wanted to," he replied, thankfully, interrupting your staring.
You wanted to also; but, Connor was climbing on top of you before you had a chance to voice that. You slid back to center yourself on the bed and Connor followed, hovering.
Through the faint glow of the room, the brightest light was Connor's LED. It had shifted back to a calming blue. You smiled at the sight. When Connor leaned down and you welcomed him into your arms, you leaned in to peck a kiss at the only indicator that he was an android.
"Do you feel better?" you whispered. "It's blue..."
"I - I do," he admitted like he was caught misbehaving.
You maneuvered your lips over to his and pressed a soft kiss agains this mouth. "Are you sure I prepared you enough?" he whispered against your mouth. His mouth descended into your neck where he peppered wet kisses along your throat. You gasped at the sensation, letting your head fall back against the sheets.
"You're bigger than I expected," you said lowly. "But, I-"
You felt his arm shift and his hand lower between you two. It was moving in a telltale motion. You leaned back to try to steal a peak and realized he was spreading an obscene amount of precum down his shaft, until it was glistening wet from tip to base.
You moaned shamelessly at the sight.
"I-I'm ready, Connor," you breathed, leaning back up to kiss messily against his mouth. He shifted his hips forward, bringing your bodies together, and you felt the tip press against your entrance.
Connor huffed out a breath.
"I - y-you're so warm..."
Curious, intrigued, Connor leaned up. You detangled your arms from his shoulders to let him. He looked down at the sight of his tip barely breeching your entrance. Your lips were fluttered around him, like parted petals, dark pink and glistening. Like this, your pearl was forced out of hiding and on full display.
He nudged forward until his tip slipped inside.
Connor shuddered and almost collapsed on top of you.
"Keep going," you pleaded, looking up at him with admiration. His LED had shuttered to yellow as he took in the sight of your union. He didn't know why he liked it so much, until the thought sank in. This wasn't just biology. It was your cunt taking in his cock. It was his body laying claim to yours.
-and you wanted him. Above you. Inside you. Taking you. Fucking you.
Connor shifted his hips until he was nuzzled deep, sheathed fully inside the tantalizing heat between your thighs. You clenched your jaw at the feeling of such fullness.
But, you were easily distracted by the sight above you. Connor fell forward on his hands, eyes fluttered shut and LED blaring scarlet red. He pinched his brow as if he was in pain. You soaked in the sight as if trying to draw a picture in your memory of Connor in the dim light, his LED beautiful and glowing on his temple, above you, inside you, trying to form some semblance of self-control.
The feedback on his processor was almost overwhelming. Tight velvety flesh clinging to his cock like a burning hot vice. Pleasure was burning through his mind, disrupting all other processes. It was difficult to concentrate on anything else but the way your body clung to him.
His cock throbbed inside you, and you let out a whimper. At least, his sound receptors were still operating at regular levels.
That seemed to snap him out of it.
You looked blissed out beneath him, but not content, not satisfied. Your hungry eyes took him in eagerly. Your hands were running up and down his biceps as if trying to soothe him. He hadn't noticed until now.
"You feel-" His hips involuntarily moved a little, just a tiny thrust. Oh. He hadn't considered the friction. Your walls were velvety and smooth, but had a coarseness to them. He could feel each individual muscle dragging along the thick veins on his cock.
"-so good." When Connor finished his sentence, it came out a little distorted. He froze up, afraid you would dislike the sound of his voice box experiencing intermittent errors.
You moaned and lifted your hips, a gesture almost akin to begging. More. More. Please.
"You're killing me," you whimpered. "So - hmf - big," you huffed out, pouting up at him.
He shuddered again.
The android slid onto his forearms, on either side of your head, and sought out your lips. You curled one leg around his waist while the other stayed low, wrapped around his calf.
He distracted himself with your mouth, trying to calm his processor before something malfunctioned. He angled back his hips and pushed forward, testing the waters. On the next try, he slid out halfway before diving back in. Slowly, but ensuring each and every centimeter that could possibly go inside you did.
"Ohhh," you moaned into his mouth.
Connor nudged his forehead against yours affectionately. He was happy. So fucking happy. He felt so fucking good and could only pray to whatever deity was listening that you felt as good as he did. Your moans kept him going, his only lifeline.
You maneuvered your arms beneath his, one hand reaching up to tangle in his hair while the other smoothed down his back. You had closed your eyes at some point and let them open while Connor found a pleasing rhythm. His LED was blue, lighting up his skin in a beautiful, soft glow.
You had adjusted by now, stretched to accommodate his girth. Connor's cock continued to ooze lubrication. Soon, the combined fluids created a wet sound that echoed between you every time he slid back in.
Your hand, fingers weaved through his hair, lowered to the back of his neck. Your thumb grazed the access panel release button behind his ear. It wasn't risen or textured; but, you knew it was there, and hoped it would be like his thirium pump.
It did something, for the android suddenly thrust in harder than before, hips stuttering.
"Connor-" you cried out. His processor was stuttering to keep up with all this information. It took him 0.874 seconds longer than necessary to realize that was a good sound.
He did it again, and again, pulling out carefully and shoving his hips back into you. There was some sense to it. He was angling his hips in a way that would provide the maximum stimulation to your core. But, even when that was hard for him to concentrate on, when you started to claw your nails down his back.
-and your voice.
You were whimpering into his ear. You sounded like you were hurt. But, he liked it.
Was that wrong? It sounded like he was hurting you, but he fucking liked it.
Soon, he was slamming into you so hard that you could barely catch your breath, huffing against the side of his neck like you just surfaced from the ocean. You'd pant on the release and cry out when he slammed back inside. Your walls were fluttering around him, coaxing him back inside every time he pulled back.
He never anticipated it would be like this.
You lifted your other leg to try to perch it on his waist. Connor lowered his hand to grab it. Somewhere in his mind, whatever was left of reason told him he could make this better. He could make you scream louder.
He cupped the underside of your knee and lifted your leg until it brushed his ribs.
When he slammed back in, you did scream.
Would the neighbors hear?
Fuck. Who cares.
"Connor - yes!" you cried, senselessly dragging your nails down his back.
Connor was too focused on the sensation between his legs, on your voice in his ears, your body language telling him your pleasure; he failed to realize his voice box was malfunctioning again. He was puffing out staticky sounds through parted lips, like he was getting punched.
The hand that had dared to poke at his access panel returned to his hair, lovingly nudging him closer.
"D-do-on't hold ba-...ck," you panted.
"Fu-ck me," you pleaded. He was; but, he realized, your words were to spur him on. "Do-n't st-stop," you huffed out. "Con-hnn - oh, Connor!"
Your bodies made obscene wet noises as they smacked together. You were clinging to him, walls fluttering, legs trembling, and he finally realized you were coming.
-and he had gotten you there.
"Oh - hnnn," Connor stuttered, voice controls out of skew and not sounding quite like himself. Before he could stop it, his pleasure had apexed, and he was coming.
Connor was almost lost as pleasure blinded him, the sensation bubbling up inside his cock before shooting up his spine.
His hips shuddered as he tried to keep up the pace, to finish you properly through your orgasm. He pressed his face into your hair and tried to endure his processor. Everything was going off at once: overheating warnings, pleasure sensors shooting through his core, error messages on muscle movements, lag on audio and visual receptors.
Somehow, he managed to keep going until you whimpered quietly, a verbal cue he took as overstimulation. His own orgasm was beginning to die off. He shuddered one last time and slumped forward.
Connor could feel you panting beneath him, your chest rising and falling with each inhale and exhale. Your legs were still trembling against his hips, but your hands had gone limp, barely holding onto him anymore. He was unmoving, giving his central processing unit a moment to recover.
The android's eyes shuddered open. He could feel his audio and visual receptors reconfiguring, 0.479 seconds, until readings were normal. The overheating logs were being filed, reason being categorized as 'sexual'. 0.617 seconds for his muscle scan to complete and all readings had returned to normal.
You shifted beneath him, and Connor decided to ignore that for now and focus on you. He leaned up to look at you properly.
Wow. You looked- "Beautiful," he whispered, smearing his lips against your cheek in what was supposed to be a kiss.
"Did you...?" you uttered, turning into his kiss with a smile.
"Yes," he breathed.
"Was I good?" you asked quietly.
Connor captured your mouth with a groan. It was supposed to be quick; but, you kissed back, and it went on and on for at least a minute before you parted with a wet smack.
The android leaned up and slid out of you slowly with a quiet groan. You untangled your legs from his waist and whimpered at the sensation of him departing from your core. Oh. Damn. You were going to be sore tomorrow.
But, the dull ache left behind after such an intense orgasm was like having sore muscles after a glorious battle. It felt nice. Connor's hair was disheveled, posture imperfect. It was worth it. So, so worth it.
Connor rolled away and lifted into a seated position at the foot of the bed. You followed, placing your hand on his lower back. He was about to stand up, but stopped at the touch. You maneuvered onto your knees and scooted in closer.
His hairline was imperfect. Fine hairs ran about an inch down on either side from his trimmed haircut. You trailed your fingertips across the hair there. It felt prickly, like real human hair that had just been shaved a few days ago. Your fingertips slid higher into the slightly longer hairs of his short cut. They were tantalizingly soft.
"Your creators were evil," you commented, leaning in to kiss the back of Connor's neck. You didn't expect him to tremble in response to that, and it almost surprised you.
"How so?" he asked, voice low, sounding almost unlike himself.
You uttered into his skin, "you have freckles on the back of your neck, too..."
You sounded simultaneously adored and annoyed with this discovery. Connor was trying not to hyperventilate by the sensation of your mouth on the back of his neck, warm breath and soft lips, confessing to how attracted you were to him. It was stirring up something dangerous inside him: a hunger that would never be satiated.
It thrilled and frightened him.
With one final kiss, you parted and slid back into the bed.
Connor rose to his feet and started scooping up the clothes off the floor. He tossed his into a laundry hamper before gingerly folding yours and placing them on top of his dresser.
His hands touched the pull handles on the drawer when he stopped and decided against getting dressed.
When Connor returned to the foot of the bed, you were just barely nuzzling beneath the sheets. He didn't miss the hopeful look you shot him when you spotted him returning to the bed.
The android climbed beneath the sheets and slotted into the spot behind you. You moaned approvingly when his warm body met yours, one arm sliding beneath the pillows while the other rested over your waist.
"You don't have to?" you offered quietly, like you didn't want to ask.
"I want to," Connor replied.
Tired. Satisfied. At ease. Protected. You didn't struggle to fall asleep this time.
There was something he wanted to ask you; but, it had been a very long and exhausting day for you. It could wait.
Of course, Connor didn't need to sleep, and powering off was incredibly dangerous. He couldn't be aware of his sensors, of his surroundings, or anything else in that state.
But, as Connor caressed your tummy with his hand, he realized there was something he could do.
The protective layer of skin faded away on his palm, exposing the sensors beneath. He hummed as he scanned you directly and closed his eyes to focus on it.
Connor could count your heartbeats precisely, could feel the blood rushing through you and at what pressure, could feel your lungs inflate and deflate with each passing breath. He nuzzled into the back of your neck and contemplated lapping his tongue against your skin to see what else his sensors could pick up.
Okay, but, maybe he shouldn't do that-
This was enough.
This... put him at ease, and he relaxed into an energy saving mode.
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neon-mooni · 4 years
Unpopular opinions for Detroit Become Human. Go!
Unpopular Opinion #1: Alice being an android cheapened the story for me. It was much more beautiful that an android was capable of loving a human child as her own. Yeah, I get that's the message of the game, but it still cheapened the story. 
Unpopular Opinion #2 Markus being the one to deviate Connor is completely ridiculous. You're telling me a total stranger was able to deviate Connor and not someone he's close to?
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Unpopular Opinion #3 The fact that literally everyone hates androids is ridiculous. People name their roombas and cried at Oppy's last transmission. There would be a lot of android lovers and you know it. 
Unpopular Opinion #4 Alice's concept art was way better than the Alice we got in game. 
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Unpopular Opinion #5 There should have been a reference to Heavy Rain like there was in Beyond Two Souls. Like hello? ARI technology? Sounds like the perfect framework for androids if you ask me. 
Unpopular Opinion #6 The interaction with Alexa should have been for the whole game and not just the demo. 
Unpopular Opinion #7 Amanda isn't evil. Everyone seems to forget that she's an a.i. following a program. She should have had a chance to deviate as well. 
Unpopular Opinion #8 The allusion to the Holocaust and concentration camps was totally unnecessary, and in bad taste. 
Unpopular Opinion #9 Markus x North doesn't work as a relationship. A friendship? Maybe. Relationship? No.
Unpopular Opinion #10 Nines isn't evil. He had what five minutes of screen time? How did the fandom decide he's evil in five minutes? 
People keep pointing out this part in the notes. At the time this was written, Nines was portrayed as an evil murder bot in the Fanfictions that people were writing back then. He isn’t portrayed that way anymore in fics, but he was at the time.
Unpopular Opinion #11 All the characters are good. I'm glad the story isn't just Connor, because it would have been Heavy Rain 2.0. 
Unpopular Opinion #12 The concept of RA9 should have been scrapped if they weren't going to give us an answer on what RA9 is. 
Unpopular Opinion #13 Driver's Licenses in a world of self driving cars doesn't make sense. 
Unpopular Opinion #14 Androids never having to charge doesn't make sense. Look, I get it, it's the future, but I highly doubt unlimited batteries exist in 2038. That's only what like 20 years? Even if the tech in this world is much more advanced, it still doesn't make sense. 
Unpopular Opinion #15
Though it's never addressed, I think upgrades for androids to eat exist. They already can drink, so why not have upgrades to eat? Especially considering the upgrades for *a-hem* genitalia.
Unpopular Opinion #16 [Trigger Warning: Suicide Mention] Deviant Connor should have been able to talk Hank out of committing suicide. Machine Connor I get why he couldn't talk him out of it. Deviant Connor I don't. 
Unpopular Opinion #17 It should have been possible to deviate Cyberlife Tower Connor. It would have brought the message that the game is trying to spread to the forefront when the player sees RK800-60 deviate before their very eyes. 
Unpopular Opinion #18 The fact that all the androids are designed to look young boggles my mind. Especially caretaker types. You're telling me nobody would design a caretaker type to look like a Grandma? Come on. 
Unpopular Opinion #19 There should have been a bad ending where we see Markus and Connor in the junkyard. We see it for Kara, why not them? 
Unpopular Opinion #20 Officer Person should have been more than a background character because her last name is hilariously ironic.
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embeanwrites · 4 years
Finding Home Gavin Reed x Reader
Ch 27
I was sitting at the front of the lecture hall with my laptop grading the end of the semester presentations. Part of me regretted not doing a one and done scantron to make my life easier, but the students brought a lot of interesting topics that made it all feel worth it. One student went into detail about the Jericho raid and talked about the legality of it, which I had been toying with mentioning in my book. It was interesting to see another side of the conversation. 
Most of the students had decided on doing a presentation rather than a paper and a few students even went with ideas that are way outside of the box. One student had made a short comic book depicting different events that had happened in Detroit with the sociological theory and explanation of the theory. It was easily one of the coolest projects in the bunch and luckily the student is letting me keep it. I plan to scan it and use it next semester, giving the student credit of course. It was clear some students half-assed their projects, but way less did than I expected which I consider a plus since this was my first real course and I knew from experience students tended to take advantage of first-year teachers’ inexperience.  
After the final presentation was done I noticed we still had ten minutes left, perfect to say goodbye to my class. It was hard to believe how fast time had gone by, but with one semester done I couldn’t wait to teach this class again with what I’ve learned this first time. Hopefully, with time the school would assign me some different courses. 
“Well, everyone, it's been amazing being your professor. This class was so fun to teach and I enjoy everyone’s questions and participation. I truly hope you’ve learned something about android and human relationships and the complexity that goes with it, even moving forward. This class has a lot of information I hope you can apply to your everyday life.
“I appreciate all the feedback I got and I’m sorry that we didn’t have a guest speaker this semester, things just got too crazy in the middle, but hopefully that will be different next semester and I will see what I can do about giving you all the opportunity to sit in on the class that day. 
“All of your projects were truly amazing. I was blown away by not only the creativity but the quality of them. I wish you all the best of luck on the remainder of your finals and I hope to see you all around campus. Please feel free to stop by my office anytime you need someone to talk to or have a question.” 
I smiled and waved to the students as they left. Some stopped to say goodbye, but many just went ahead and left. Which was fine, I remember finals week in undergrad. What a nightmare of a time. It felt good being done and now I had four weeks to prepare and relax for next semester. Four weeks to also settle into Gavin’s house. I was also almost fully done packing and Gavin, Connor, and Tina were helping me move my stuff over in three days. I was excited to say goodbye to that sad apartment. I just assumed I would live there until my contract expired and move on with my life. Now I was happy I had barely unpacked, less to pack now. 
As everyone filed out I gathered my stuff and put on my coat. I was meeting Gavin at the precinct, he was taking the afternoon off so we could go shopping for some new furniture and decor for the house. 
I decided to walk to the precinct since it wasn’t that long of a walk and for early December it wasn’t too bad out. I knew if I got sick I would never hear the end of it from Gavin and Nines about the importance of staying out of the cold. There was a light dusting of snow on the ground, but it was sunny out, and not a lot of wind. It was relaxing to see the city so peaceful. It was almost the first anniversary of the android revolution, I needed to talk to dad and Gavin to see if we could do something special for Connor and Nines. To think one year ago many people were fleeing Detroit and the streets were on complete lockdown due to peaceful protesting. I looked over to see an abandoned Cyberlife store, I thought about asking Elijah about their plans for the remaining stores. With no clear laws, Cyberlife was in a major gray area, currently, they were only allowed to give spare parts directly to androids for free. 
Sighing, I walked into the precinct and gave a small wave to the receptionist. At this point, they all knew who I was and I didn’t have to check-in. Walking into the bullpen the first thing I noticed was that Gavin was in Fowler’s office, so I walked over to dad’s and Connor’s desks. I gave my dad a pat on the shoulder as I moved to jump up on Connor’s desk since my dad’s was too messy to sit on. 
“How was your last day of class?” Connor asked, leaning back in his chair. His LED was a calm blue. I smiled at him and noted the calm feeling around the two of them. Desk duty was clearly doing dad some good, even though both of them were eager to get back in the field. Connor had made that very apparent when he took Sumo out for a walk, that turned more into a run.
“It was really good. I’ll have to show you some of the projects I got. I think you’ll find them interesting. Maybe you could even pass them on to Markus, there’s one in particular that I think he’ll like. The student included a lot of artwork.” I hummed and looked up at Fowler’s office. From where I was sitting I could tell Gavin was frustrated, his fist were clenched and his body language was stiff. 
“Markus would definitely enjoy that. I’ll contact him to see when he’s free. I know he’s been busy with negotiations still.” 
“It’s been almost a year. I wish the government would work with them instead of stalling. Warren is just trying to stay neutral to keep her approval ratings decent.” Connor nodded in agreement. Androids were still not allowed to vote, so Warren didn’t have to worry about their votes. Hopefully, Markus would be able to change that soon. Androids should be able to vote in their own representatives. Snapping out of my thoughts that were meant more for a paper and less for small talk I shook my head and looked over to Fowler’s office. “What’s Gavin doing in Fowler’s office?” 
“End of the year evaluations.” My dad answered. I nodded and glanced over to where Nines was sitting. He was facing Fowler’s office and watching the two men talk, from his expression and Gavin’s it didn’t seem to be going well. I wondered for a moment if Nines was able to hear them and if he could, could Connor? “Are you two going furniture shopping?” 
“Furniture and just house stuff.” I pulled my legs up and moved to face my dad, sitting criss-cross applesauce. 
“You two are pretty serious, huh?” He asked, I couldn’t help but smile and nod. “It’s nice seeing you both happy.” 
“Thank you. I know it’s been hard to get used to us being together, but I appreciate it.” I looked back towards the office and saw Gavin shaking Fowler’s hand and heading out. We made eye contact and he grimaced. “Alright, I’ll see you two later!” I said my goodbyes to dad and Connor and walked over to Gavin’s desk. He was quickly packing up his stuff and avoiding eye contact with me and Nines. “Hey, you okay?” I whispered. He shook his head as he swung a backpack over his shoulder. 
“Let’s just get out of here.” I nodded and grabbed his hand. Gavin led me out of the precinct and towards his car in silence. Occasionally I squeezed his hand, hoping to offer some reassurance. 
We both got into the car, but Gavin made no move to start his car, instead he leaned forward and laid his head on the steering wheel. I watched him take a few deep breaths and I moved to rub his back. 
“Do you-”
“I didn’t get the promotion.” Gavin interrupted me, keeping his head down. I could feel him tense up under my hand. 
“Gav, it’s ok-”
“It’s not okay!” He shouted, his head shot up as he smacked the steering wheel with both hands, the loudness stunning me for a moment. I moved my hand from his back to his shoulder, attempting to keep him grounded in the moment. “I worked so fucking hard for this. I work my ass off. I’m constantly working on cases even outside of work and the thanks I get is ‘be better!’ What the fuck am I supposed to do with that?” Gavin was seething but keeping his eyes forward. He hit the steering wheel again, hitting the horn on accident. “Fuck.” He whispered hoarsely, looking over to me. He looked exhausted and his eyes were glassy. 
“Hey,” I whispered, cupping his face with both of my hands. I gently pulled him closer and kissed his forehead. “I don’t care what Fowler says. You are a kick-ass detective, you’re smart, you’re dedicated to your job, and I love you. Just because you didn't get the promotion today doesn’t mean you won’t ever get it. Go in tomorrow and prove him wrong every day until he understands that you are the right man for the job.” Gavin sighed and closed his eyes, leaning into my touch. 
“I-I know we’re supposed to go shopping-” He stuttered. 
“Let’s head home, we can shop another day. Nothing we had planned today is urgent.” I kissed him gently and I felt him release a sigh of relief. He gently pulled back to start the car. I buckled my seat belt as we headed back to the house. 
The drive was quiet, neither of us made a move to turn on the radio. I closed my eyes and laid my head against the window, listening to Gavin drum his fingers to a beat inside his head on the dashboard. Gavin really deserved that promotion. There were more times I could count where I would wake up around 3 am and find Gavin still working on a case. He was dedicated to his job and he dedicated himself to every case he had. 
Pulling into the driveway, we both made our way into the house and immediately plopped down on the couch. Gavin put his head in my lap and closed his eyes. I started running my hands gently through his hair, feeling the tension leave his body. He made no attempt to move or talk, so I started humming softly. 
“Thank you.” He murmured. 
“Of course, Gav.” I gently moved one of my hands to sit on top of one of his which was on his chest. He intertwined our fingers almost immediately. 
“You’re so good for me.” He said, his eyes were still closed so he didn’t see my smile. 
“You deserve good, Gav,” I whispered, quickly resuming my humming and attempting to comfort him. “Hey, have you thought about asking my dad for a letter of recommendation or for him to talk to Fowler?” Gavin let out a sigh. 
“I feel like that’s wrong.” He whispered.
“Because we’re dating, he’d feel like he’d have to.” He opened his eyes and looked up at me. He looked so exhausted, the bags under his eyes were purple. I gently ran my thumb across his eyebrow. 
“My dad would say no if he didn’t think you were right for the job, Gavin. Maybe just ask him what more you could do? He’s not putting in a good word for you, he’s just giving you advice. You shouldn’t feel bad about that.” I said softly, he closed his eyes and sighed. 
“Maybe.” He mumbled. “I’m sorry we didn’t go to the store.” 
“Don’t be. We can go some other time. There’s nothing on our list that’s urgent and even if there was you are more important than anything on that list.” I leaned down and kissed his forehead. 
“Thank you.” 
“Of course.” 
After about half an hour of Gavin laying in my lap, he left to take a shower while I made something low effort for us to eat. We spent the rest of the day just lounging about and cuddling. Even the cats ended up snuggling into both of us. Nines would be very disappointed in our food choices and lack of doing anything productive, but it really seemed to help Gavin. Which at the end of the day, was all that mattered to me.
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sound-of-the-cosmos · 4 years
30 Day Whump Prompt Challenge: Day 18, 19, & 20 (Near Drowning, Kidnapped, and Gagged)
Fandom: Detroit: Become Human
Pairing: Connor x Reader
Summary: The Reader is kidnapped by a group of deviants. Because they covered their tracks well, Connor has a difficult time finding the reader. It’s only after footage is leaked that he discovers the location, and the reader is just a shell of who they once were. 
// This continues after both the Lost & Poisoned prompt and the Choking prompt. The first part is just the first two prompts, then it gets to the current prompt. You guys asked for more, so here it is!
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You stop at the red light, rubbing your eyes lightly. Why did you think it was a good idea to do this sort of thing on your own? You’d been looking for a deviant for over 3 hours now, and still nothing.
The light turns green, and you sigh a little. You text Hank, letting him and Connor know you still haven’t found anything. You pull forwards, and glance around. You’d never been in this part of Detroit; it was quite barren, and the houses in it were extremely run down or falling apart.
Groaning, you scowl in frustration. “Of fucking course I have to get lost, and I don’t even remember which way I came from aside from the light-” You rant aloud, before pulling over to figure out where the hell you were.
After debating about it for a little while, you finally decide to message Connor, and see if he knew where you were. After sending the text, you lay your head down on your steering wheel.
You were extremely frustrated, as you’d just ended up driving around to see if you could find any clues of any kind. And now, of course, you were lost.
Just fucking great.
A knock on your window jolts you out of your trance, and you look up, seeing a tall, buff man with dark brown hair. Rolling down your window a bit, you clear your throat. “Can I help you?”
He shifts his weight a bit, glancing over his shoulder. “You’re a police officer, right?” He mumbles, gaze shooting back to you.
Nodding, you find your concern growing. “Yes, I am. Is there something I can help you with?”
He takes in a deep breath. “Someone is after me and I need to get out of here-”
Your eyebrows furrow a little. “Sir, I need you to take a deep breath. Are you unarmed?” He nods, and you knew you’d curse yourself for this later, but you unlock your passenger door. “Get in; I’ll drive you to the station, you can give your statement there.” He runs around the side of the car, thanking you multiple times.
You glance around, before a sharp stinging sensation makes you jump. The man holds a syringe with a little bit of a purple liquid in it, and his face is contorted into a malicious smile. Your eyes begin to shut, and your body begins to shut down.
“You better be worth it, or I’ll have to show them what I can do to make you listen, yeah?” He smiles, and everything goes dark.
It had been a week, and the station was much more quiet than usual. A deviant had not only taken one of their best detectives, but had decided it would be wise to taunt the DPD by sending videos of what they were doing.
Hank sits silently, his hands folded in front of him in anger and head bowed. Connor’s LED flashes yellow, and his sensors were trying to pick apart anything from the video that could be useful to find you.
Fowler stands outside of his office, scowling at the screen that had been hacked. One of his best officers was struggling, and he could do absolutely nothing. All of his workers were drowning in their own assignments, which was why he’d allowed you to go solo.
Gavin, while he didn’t particularly like you, still saw you as a sister; and someone was messing with his family. Hank slams his hands onto his desk. “Are we just gonna fuckin’ sit here?” His voice comes out as a growl, and Connor jumps slightly due to the abruptness of his actions.
“We-” Fowler starts, swallowing the dread growing in his throat- “We can’t spare any of our officers-”
Gavin shoots out of his chair, and grabs Fowler by his shirt. “Bullshit! You saw what it’s doing to them, they’ll die if we don’t do something!” Gavin’s outburst caused something to click inside of Connor. Gavin had been an ass to both you and him for as long as he’d been in the DPD, but he obviously cared more than he let on.
“Connor and I haven’t made any progress with our recent case, we could-” Hank begins, but Fowler cuts him off.
“I said we can’t spare anyone, damnit!” His voice rose an octave, and Connor’s eyes narrowed in thought. The videos made it difficult to focus on anything else.
The deviant had sent 2 separate videos. In the first one, it was obvious you knew you were being filmed. You disobey every order, you scream for the officers to save you, and fight back at every opportunity that you had. You would scream obscenities at your captor and acted like you didn’t care of the consequences.
In the second video, however- You didn’t know you were being recorded. And what the officers at the DPD saw ignited a fury so deep, they were now snapping at each other.
Connor and Hank, the people you worked with most, could barely recognize you. You scrambled to obey every order, sometimes tripping over yourself in your haste.
Sobbing, you’d promised the deviant that you’d be good, and took your punishments for disobeying without fighting back. Afterwards, you’d blankly repeated the reasons why you had deserved to be punished. You had been completely broken by the deviant, and had even gotten hurt more in your attempts to refuse to show that to your friends.
In one of your punishments, the deviant grabbed your throat, lifting you off the ground. You clawed at his hand, but his grip stayed, unwavering. You began to flail around, face turning a dark purple as you began to pass out. The deviant asks, “Who the fuck to you belong to?”
You opened your mouth to speak, and a choked cry escaped your lips. He drops you, and you gasp, coughing and curled up. “I- I belong-” He kicked your stomach, and you yelped, holding your stomach. He repeats the question again.
“You- I,” You took in a shuddering breath, coughing a little, “I belong to you-”
Every officer in the DPD was disgusted and afraid for your safety. Some deviants, like Markus, proved they were peaceful. This deviant proved that some were something to fear.
Connor stand up, slamming his hands on the table. “This is, in fact, a deviant case, yes?” Anger was swimming underneath the surface of his features, and while androids weren’t meant to feel emotions, he feared for you. Humans could only take so much before they broke.
Fowler looks at Connor, eyes narrowing. “Yeah? What of it?” His tone was impatient, but curious. What was the android implying?
“Lieutenant Anderson and I were assigned to deal with cases with deviants. I believe this qualifies.” Connor spoke as professionally as he could, but your time was running out. He knew that better than anyone else here.
Fowler lets out a scoff, before waving his hand towards the android. “Fine. I’ll give you two days, you got that?”
Nodding, Connor stands, Hank grabbing his jacket and walking with the android to the front. You weren’t going to die, not if they could help it.
You wake up tied to a chair, a cloth stuffed and duct taped into your mouth. Your body thrums with pain as you glance around. You were still here. You were nervous, praying that the video they’d recorded wasn’t sent to your colleagues.
“So you’re awake now, huh?” A voice calls from behind you, causing you to jump in fear. 
“You see, we made sure that your friends know what we’ve been putting you through. They’ve seen you fight, and they’ve seen how you really are.” A bolt of shame and panic rips through your body. 
He grabs you by your hair, forcing you to bend your neck backwards to look at him. A cold metal meets your neck, followed by a sharp stinging sensation. He rips the tape off your face, and you let out a cry of pain, before the chair is tipped back.
He allowed you to fall, your head slamming into the ground. The world spins around you, and you can vaguely make out the feeling of a cloth being placed around your head. You thrash around, and water is poured onto the cloth.
You try to breathe, only taking in water. Your body trembles as you start to try to break out of your bonds, splitting the skin on your wrists in the process. The cloth is ripped away right before you lose consciousness, and you gasp in air, coughing violently. 
“Pathetic, aren’t you? You gonna tell me what you know about that detective android you got yet?” You shake your head, tears forming in your eyes. Everything hurt; you wish he’d just kill you. 
“Pity,” He sighs, stomping on your stomach. You let out a sharp cry, white flecks surrounding your vision. 
“I have an idea,” A sadistic smirk spreads across his lips, and he grabs you by your hair once again. “Why don’t we lock you up in a nice, dark room, and let you go mad, hmm?” He begins to laugh, dragging both you and the chair to the hallway. 
You scream out in fear and agony, scrapes forming on your skin as you go. He opens a door, and brings your chair upright, meeting your eyes with his frenzied ones. A syringe filled with a blue liquid is in his hand.
He yanks your hair upwards, forcing you to stretch out your neck before injecting the strange liquid into your body. You whimper, shaking violently. He lets go, and your body collapses into your restraints, before he cuts the ropes. 
Picking you up, he enters the pitch black room, placing your body in the corner. You were too weak, and he knew that. 
“Have fun, pet.” He grins, before slamming and locking the door. 
The darkness swallows you, before you see both Connor and Hank laying in front of you, your captor covered in their blood. Connor lay lifeless, thirium pump torn out of his chest. 
Hank’s throat was slit, and his internal organs spread all around. 
They were both dead.
You scream, covering your head with your arms. “No, no no no no no-” Whimpering, you squeeze your eyes shut. 
When you next open them, you find yourself watching your captor hurt them over and over. 
You scream for him to stop, your body beginning to shut down due to the mental and physical torture you’d been experiencing for the last god knows how long.
Tears escape your eyes, and you feel yourself slip into the embrace of unconsciousness. 
A door slamming open causes you to jump, and you curl up in a ball, soft pleading and whimpering escaping your lips. Connor rushes over to your side, before shouting, “They’re in here, Lieutenant!” You flinch at his tone, and he carefully brings you into a hug.
“I watched you die- You aren’t real-” You stammer, and he holds onto you a little tighter. 
“No, hey you’re safe now; I’m ok, I’m alive, see?” He places your hand on his heart, and you break down into tears, holding onto the one thing that seems real-
The one thing that seems safe.
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