#◜゚✧.— floating among the stars (aesthetic). ❜
draconiclotus · 1 year
tag dump I
《ooc…》floating among the stars outside. 《memes…》march's 7th list of pranks 《music…》come with me take the journey 《anon…》whispered figures from a past not remembered 《musings…》thoughts from the dragon king 《aesthetics…》admist the starry skies beauty lies from within 《self promo…》the express welcomed me with open arms i am very grateful to them 《promos…》the express welcomes all vistors 《nfsw…》do not tempt a dragon (smut/smutty things)
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l-egionaire · 2 months
Boiling Isles Angel's headcanons.
So, something I discussed with my friend @ordinaryschmuck was the idea that angels do exist on the Boiling Isles. And since I previously asked if someone else had ideas, I figured I'd share mine.
The Angels reside on islands that float in a ocean of clouds just above the clouds that deliver things like boiling rain down onto the Isles, called the Floating Seas. It's a bit like Skypia from One Piece, where the clouds act more like water and oceans than actual clouds, complete with "fish" and "sea life" who get through the clouds by flight.
Unlike Witches, Angels don't have pointed ears. Instead, they all posses wings. And instead of a bile sac in their hearts, Angels magic storage organ is a gland in their brains. They have halos because they're a magical optical illusion similar to a rainbow created by excess magic being vented through the pores in their scalps.
Despite how different they might seem, Angel and Witch magic is almost exactly the same, done through them making spell circles. They even have the same main nine tracks as Witches, though their Abominations are more like solid statues then slime blobs and they call them Guardians instead.
Angels also have some similar seeming magic items to witches, such as using scrolls as phones. However, instead of having crystal balls for computers and TV substitutes, they use mirrors instead.
Angel food is much closer to human food than witches food is, being made up of regular seeming cows, chickens, and human like vegetables. However, unlike human food, Food grown or raised by Angels on their land either shines with bright light or looks as if it was made of gold. Even the raw salt they gather look like bars of gold. Eating any of it gives the eater a bright golden glow, giving Angels and other species that reside above the clouds with a golden shine to their bodies.
Angels aren't the only species that reside on their floating skylands. They also share the land with dragons and nature sprites. These beings also have wings and can perform magic.
According to myth, the Archipelago was formed when a great dragon, with powers equal to the Titan's of the Isles, came from the stars and breathed the magical floating clouds into existecene. Then, her she'd scales fell to the land and made it fertile, also giving birth to the dragons and nature spirits who live their. She then fell into a deep slumber, but would one day awaken when needed. Since then, a dragon who was said to be part of the great mother dragon's lineage rules over the lands.
Instead of Palisman, Angels and other magical beings of the sky make their staffs using magical jewels they then use to make staffs. They place a single magical jewel at the staffs end, and when they need to travel, the staff can shrink into an amulet that they keep on their person until they need it.
Angels don't have covens, but rather guilds who find work for magic users who specialize in a specific form. And their police force and military that is made up of a group of Angels called the Archangels. Like the Emperor's Coven, they're considered the best of the best in terms of magical ability, and their focus is on protecting the Archipelago.
Despite their different aesthetic, similar to the Islands, the Angel's are naturally fine with most LGBT+ type people.
The Angels are forbidden by law from ever going below the clouds. Millions of years ago, there was a terrible war between witches and angels and when it was over, both sides decided to no longer live in the others lands. Angels fell into myth among witches, but Angel's still know the witches and demons are down there. And most wish to avoid another war, so they keep in the sky's.
Angel's are to witches what aliens are to humans: As far as they're concerned, they're a myth, and anyone who talks about them is considered crazy. (Tiny Nose talks about them non-stop).
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Races Among the Stars 7: Kitsune
And so we come to the end of this special with another species drawn from Golarion and also from real-world folklore. I present the kitsune.
Now, we already know plenty about kitsune thanks to Pathfinder and their presence in that system and setting. We know that generally the kitsune are a good-natured, if reclusive people whose presence has fueled stories of them being otherworldly yokai, about how they have long served as guardians of sacred wild places, but also as masters of trickery and mischief, to say nothing of their mastering of their own natural magics.
Indeed, the kitsune in folklore are tricksters to some, magical guides to others in the same way that kami and yokai are two sides of the same coin in Japanese culture, something I go into a bit further detail in my entry about kitsune in the Pathfinder system.
However… Because kitsune were introduced to Starfinder by way of the Alien Character Deck, we basically know nothing about how the kitsune are in the post-Golarion galaxy. Do they still revere nature and the kami? Are they still tricksters? How does their culture steeped in history and tradition mesh with not just a focus on technology and innovation, but also one where vast stores of knowledge have been damaged or destroyed?
The truth is we may never have those answers, since Starfinder is getting a new edition, one which will make the vast array of playable species harder to put out there given how PF2-style ancestries involve a lot more abilities you pick and choose as you level.
But I’m not here to complain, I’m here to expound, and we can probably infer a few things despite the lack of information. With how integral spirits are to kitsune culture, I severely doubt that the kitsune would have given that up post-Gap. Indeed, since kami are seen often in the parks, menageries, and other cultivated natural preserves on Absalom Station and other large space stations, I can imagine that the kitsune hold a close bond with those spaces even if they do not always live in them. In fact, that love of nature might mean that many kitsune are Xenowardens, or at least share values with them. Much like their past kin though, they have a knack for infiltrating and living alongside other humanoids, though others may join such communities openly. Like all species, it all comes down to personal choice.
 The kitsune in their true form resemble humanoid foxes, with pointed ears, thick fur in a variety of colors, and so on. Some more magically-inclined kitsune might grow more tails are a reflection of their mastery over their internal magics as well.
 Again, we can’t really know for sure what kitsune society is like without any sort of update, but we can infer they likely retain their matriarchal societal structure, and have a knack for integrating with other societies and perhaps incorporating elements of other societies into their own. The idea of kitsune social media influencers and idols in particular holds weight with me for whatever reason.
 Kitsune display natural grace and charm, but they are somewhat less inclined towards musculature.
They make up for this with a knack for agility and athleticism.
The fox folk also typically have a single humanoid form they can take on to disguise themselves, potentially living among them or simply using it as a cover.
They also sport innate magic which is tied to their tail or tails, though at it’s most base level it allows them to create floating lights and perform minor utility functions.
Their eyes are also quite keen, adjusted for low-light.
 Dexterity and Charisma is a good combination if you’re looking to create an envoy or operative character, roles that kitsune excel at. Ranged or finesse solarian is also a good choice as well. Consider also that both precog and witchwarper are natural fits here, and certainly can be flavored with the aesthetic of the kitsune mystic. Their reduced strength does mean that melee combat builds suffer slightly, making most soliders, vanguards, evolutionists, and so on ranged, but not without exception. Their lack of penalties also makes them decent biohackers, mechanics, technomancers, and mystics as well. Indeed, while they may not be the first pick for the front line, the kitsune can excel pretty much anywhere, even if they are sorely in need of expansion.
That does it for this week and this special, but I hope you enjoyed it, and if anyone else is attending GenCon in Indianapolis, I hope you’re having a good time, and perhaps I’ll see you around!
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fcrox · 3 months
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The world's a battlefield. It always has been but they've taken it so much further. Further than anyone ever before. Someone has to stop them. I don't see why I can't help with that.
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FULL NAME: Beatrice Anne Abbott
ALIAS/NICKNAME: Bea, Trice, Bee, Trix
AGE: Thirty
BIRTH DATE: February 17th, 1949
AFFILIATION: Neutral (at the moment), Order of the Phoenix (eventually)
GENDER/PRONOUNS: Cis-Woman. She/her
CURRENT LIVING CONDITIONS: Two layered/floor flat located at the Hogsmeade Station
OCCUPATION: Unspeakable (death and space chamber), Department of Mysteries, Ministry of Magic
PETS: Marnie (british shorthair), Ares (ural owl)
WAND: Vine wood with a unicorn hair core, 9 ¾ and supple flexibility
PATRONUS: Bloodhound
BOGGART: Being locked in a room that is on fire
SCENT: chocolate, coffee and wild flowers with a sprinkle of something akin to gunpowder and smoke (from her work in the space chamber)
SONG: See you later by Jenna Raine, Angel with a Shotgun by The Cab, One Woman Army by Porcelain Black, Can't tame her by Zara Larsson, Team by Lorde, Dancing Queen by Abba
PINTEREST: here !! (in the making)
AESTHETIC: walks by the beach, footprints in the sand, the roaring of waves, the sound of a train pulling into the station, the scent of wildflowers, stars floating by, planets rushing, a broom polished to sparkle, a quaffle, music playing in another room, the first of snow falling, black ink on parchment,
PARENTS: Mrs Abbott & Mr Abbott
SIBLINGS: Rosmerta Abbott (older sister). Anthony Abbott (younger brother).
OTHER FAMILY: None known to her.
SCHOOL: Hogwarts
HOUSE: Gryffindor
EXTRACURRICULAR: Astronomy Club, Gryffindor Quidditch team Chaser, Ancient Studies
CLASSES INVESTED IN: Defense against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration, Potions, Magical Theory, Astronomy, Ancient Runes
SPOKEN LANGUAGES: English, Italian
OTHER LANGUAGES: Ancient Runes (reading)
HAIR COLOR: Reddish/Brown
SCARS: None.
INTELLIGENCE: High. Adaptive.
SKILLS: wandless magic (decent, practicing), flying (decent), ancient runes (skilled), dueling (skilled), occlumency (decent, practicing)
POSITIVE TRAITS: loyal, dependable, determined
NEGATIVE TRAITS: cynical, stubborn and impatient
Beatrice Abbott was born as the second child of a loving family. From the very moment she opened her eyes there was noting but warmth. The Abbotts had been among the list of sacred twenty-eight once, but Bea was just another proof that their family had made the choice, taken a step away from the rigidness of society; or at least those within it. As such, even during her early years the values or kindness and sticking up for the right thing were made clear to her. It was a wonderful childhood, one in which the person she’d come to admire most wasn’t her parents but her older sister Rosmerta. Ros was a joy to be around and soon after they became three, graced with a younger brother, Anthony.
The trio, despite the years between them, got along well and had their fun moments. Beatrice became very protective of them and her family, knowing that no matter what she always wanted them safe and sound, happy and cared for. The Abbotts were spared their children from the forced classes the previous pureblood generations still had to go through, but Bea still fell in love with the idea of dancing and requested flying lessons long before their Hogwarts letters arrived.
Seeing Ros leave was a hard day, but it only meant that her day of leaving had come all the closer for it. And when that day came, the letter arrived, Beatrice couldn’t have been prouder and happier. She was ready for what she considered to be the journey of a lifetime. The hat wasted no time, calling out Gryffindor the moment it touched the head. It was a new home, a second home in which she found the joys of mischief and other things, making friends along the way.
Outside the walls the war was brewing, a slow simmer that kept growing further and further. By the time the tensions could be seen even within the castle Anthony had joined them, although within a different house. Bea was proud and the Abbott siblings reunited at last. It was also during that time she found her love for quidditch, joined the Gryffindor quidditch team as a chaser. Hogwarts was her home, despite how much she loved the home her parents provided. A home, away from home.
During fifth year, Beatrice was approached by Edgar Bones. And while at first, she played hard to get, claiming quidditch took too much time that answer didn’t fly for all too long and she accepted to go out with him. Not once did she regret the choice as Edgar made her feel things she’d never felt before. And then he graduated. For two whole years it was a mess of letters, but she was determined. In the absence of Edgar, she instead focused on her grades, worked hard to leave with excellent results and a chance to go wherever life would take her.
When graduation drew near, the witch had made up her mind. Despite everything that may have been pointing towards picking up quidditch, her true passion lay within the mysteries of another thing altogether. Beatrice had discovered her passion not just within sports, but her wish to know and her burning refusal to give up, stubborn as she was. A relative overheard her thoughts, the conversation with her parents and being an unspeakable themself recommended the Department of Mysteries to her.
It was as thought a whole other world opened. The Department of Mysteries was everything Bea had wanted, despite a lack of chance to discuss things outside of work and with others than those who shared the same Department. If anyone were to ask, she would simply tell them she’s trying to understand the joys in life. This couldn’t have been further from the truth as the witch worked within the Space and Death Chamber, fluttering between research and the need to understand the machinations of the universe.
The time after Hogwarts did not just come with the work at the ministry, no. She also came to see her sister happy and in a relationship that she had no doubt would eventually blossom into something beautiful; more so than it already had. Her and Edgar were going strong, equally. If she had to imagine her life with anyone, it would have been him. And then it all changed. Ros and Alastor split, her sister left behind with seemingly no reason. Both her need to protect as well as her own fears kicked in. Perhaps unfounded, but to see two people so strong come to such a harsh end out of nowhere? It left her worrying. It left her terrified that Edgar, despite how much she trusted him could do the same.
The day she approached him to talk, not her usual confident mess but instead a person she usually couldn’t be found looking like, the witch began to talk. Her words were a mess, the message equally confusing as she tried to explain to him that splitting would be rough. Whatever her words may have been, the fear having her fumble, the sudden agreement from Edgar shocked her to her core, left her speechless. There she was, trying to tell him about her being scared that he would leave her, only for him to leave her moments after in agreement to her words? Just what had she said to make it seem as though this was something she wanted? Things were over, just like that. Perhaps it was the ease in which he had agree that made her fears surface. That day she simply walked out.
For a while she kept her distance, only returning once she was sure that whatever emotions she still felt, whatever feelings she still held were pushed down far, far below. Only seeing Edgar would sometimes make the construct built wobble. Her entire focus was on her family and on work now, on her friends, both those from Hogwarts and after.
The years went by. The war raging on becoming bigger and bigger. No longer the low simmer it once had been, the fight is on. Now all she seeks is to join the Order of the Phoenix, wanting to be part of the fight and to bring whatever it was she had to the table. This was her new purpose; to help and fight and show those simple-minded fools what they were doing to the world.
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saltwaterbells · 2 years
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Chandra Dayal and Mariel Blackwater return for the ninth season of Dayal Legacy, revisiting old missions and hauntings, joined by Ille Raefa and newcomer Elaine Richards.
All across the galaxy, television screens beam their faces. Mariel Blackwater: bloody, breathing, living weapon and vessel to the searing light of stars. Chandra Dayal: the glittering heir, muse and musician, a face that could launch an thousand ships, and burn them all too. Barely a hair apart from being two sides of the same coin, and the two that have managed to survive this long.
With magic like theirs, the frothing gunfire fades to the public’s ears, their crimes made glossy through editing and military backing. But when old memories come calling, the blood on their hands not quite scrubbed off yet, a question emerges: how far have they gone to survive? What will the breaking point be?
Aesthetic: the cold void of space, freckles as constellations, fingers clenching in sheets, the sound of hundreds of boots marching in unison, sleek metal revolvers, silhouettes backlit by stars, blinding spotlights, the prickle in the back of your neck that you’re being watched, cigarettes on an empty stomach, copious amounts of black eyeliner and blood red lipstick, white-knuckled clenching of rosaries, the scent of oranges and clove, the scent of ozone and woodsmoke, foam-capped waves, the thick cloth of a uniform being rolled up to the elbow, dog tags burning around your neck, iron-tipped boots, a target with the bullseye blown out, the gleam of too sharp teeth
Themes: how do you define your humanity, what is the cost of a human life, how does the spotlight shape you, religion, humanity versus monstrosity, how can you understand gentleness when all you have known is war, healing, the cyclical nature of violence, (there are probably more but like, these are the vibes)
Jude Rambles: so this is the wip that has gripped me and is shaking me around like a dog with a chew toy. this project showed up in my head around december ish, even though the idea sort of had been floating around for a good while, and then i decided to expand it and now i am being eaten alive. it’s so easy to write?? i am attempting a new drafting technique, which is certainly helping and i need to try more often, but after working on bathtub gods for so long, this project is startlingly easy. and it’s so much fun too, i am having the time of my life! anyways, this is one of the more genre projects that has shown up in my brain and maybe i do need to write more science fiction and fantasy, or science fantasy like in this case.
Characters: Mariel Blackwater: 18 | It/Its | Space Irish Catholic, autistic, immensely religious, chronically guilty and hyper repressed, mildly an alcoholic, more weapon than human, avatar for the space catholic church. It’s a constellation witch, which means it can bring constellations to life and also, draw from their energy and create space storms and star lightening
Chandra Dayal: 19 | They/Them | Space Indian, bisexual & nonbinary the child of a legendary tragic love story between the heir to a media conglomerate and a general, who died when they were a baby, deeply burdened by their legacy (both the show and their actual legacy). Their magic is the harnessing of sound waves, to manipulate people’s emotion and also shatter things with sound waves.
Ille Raefa: 18 | Ve/Vim | Prophet, burdened by seeing all that will happen but in no particular order and without any particular logic, eldest sibling trauma, by far the most genre-aware and apathetic from the start, Ve is just waiting to die. Vis magic is visions, in vis dreams and sprinkled throughout vis day. Ve also is the most genre-aware character: ve knows the tropes, ve is just not entirely aware what type of book ve is in.
Elaine Richards: 18 | He/Him | Ultimate simp, from space kansas middle of nowhere who is so excited to be here and among his idols, desperately trying to fit in and make sure he doesn’t die or get kicked off of the show. Also eldest sibling trauma, except he’s not going to think about his siblings ever < 3. His magic is essentially magic metal bending
Taglist: (ask to be added/removed) @cordy-muses @cream-and-tea
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spacedykez · 2 years
Your the person I keep seeing post about O!Scott on my dash /pos
Please continue (Use this as an opportunity to talk about him if you want (feel free to answer this whenever you want))
OH my gosh yes O!SCOTT MY STRESS BALL MY STARBOY MY FAVORITE LITTLE GUY i don't talk about him enough but OUGH HE IS SO SPECIAL TO ME *slaps roof of o!scott* this bad boy can fit so much projection in him he is sooooooo sksfhaiuhdfiushaf /pos i love he omg i-
[note from future Moth: this ask was sent like 7h ago. i do not have adhd at all /sar] ok. i have composed myself. time to talk about da blorbo. okay so o!scott. da guy ever. can i be coherent about him we will see.
[hello, tails from three hours later here. let's go] o!scott is my little guy. he has a mysterious backstory and he doesn't remember anything other than floating endlessly in space :( he was left alone and he didn't know there were other starbornes :( in canon he's pretty much ur average scott smajor character. abandonment issues, pretty builds, cool aesthetic, and very gay. aka the perfect recipe for moth m0thmenace to get emotionally attatched to-
sorry Anyways. i has decided that he is my stress ball and i project aaaaaaaaaall my issues onto him /lh. so therefore captain sparklez (the other starborne) is like. angst fuel. 2 me. SO what follows is NOT canon but is my own headcanons. for angst.
o!scott is scared of sparklez replacing him/nobody wanting him anymore. almost everyone else has their own origin, and the ones who don't are just... more friendly than him. they fit in. they're creatures of this planet, and they all get along so easily. scott... doesn't. he's not from this world, and all he's known is loneliness. he doesn't trust that they won't just leave him alone. and so he has to give them a reason to keep him around. he has to keep building, building, building, to make sure he's unique. to make sure he's giving the others a reason to want him around. being the only starborne isn't enough anymore, now that sparklez is here. plus, sparklez is better than him in every way. so building is the only thing scott Can do. the one thing he's good at
taDa i angstified ur starboy <333 anyways if u wanna read my fics abt him here they are
we all need a hug - scott misses being among the stars. phil dadza's.
stars don't shine they burn - hurt no comfort scott overworks himself
stargazing - scott misses the stars. but this time he gets like. the tiniest bit of comfort cause philza takes care of him.
replaced - i commit angst of starboy for 3000 words. again hurt no comfort
man i should really write some actual like. happiness for this guy huh. i really just like to throw him against things and watch him break. anyways.
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lovejustforaday · 2 years
2022 Year End List - #6
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Once Twice Melody - Beach House
Main Genres: Dream Pop, Indie Pop, Neo-Psychedelia
A decent sampling of: Ethereal Wave, Synth Pop, Shoegaze, Indietronica
Can’t believe that it’s taken me this long to do a Beach House review. I mean, just look at the record I’m holding in my profile pic. It’s about damn time, I’ll say.
For those not in the know, Beach House are a dream pop duo based out of Baltimore, Maryland. There is guitarist Alex Scally and vocalist/keyboardist Victoria Legrand, both primary songwriters.
Beach House is known for largely leading the wave of renewed interest in dream pop amongst a whole new generation in the 2010s, and it’s safe to say that they’re probably one of the three or four biggest names in indie rock of the last decade. Hell, there’s footage on YouTube of frigging Beyoncé and Jay Z vibing in the audience at one of their shows at Coachella.
Beach House’s typical sound is marked by the following: warm retro organs, slide guitars, minimalist drum machine beats, a generous amount of reverb, Legrand’s earthy but soft contralto vocals, poignant and sentimental lyrics, and of course, major viiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiibes.
Alex and Victoria are notable as artists for their clear dedication to developing their signature sound organically, opting to explore new avenues of their sonic palette here and there rather than reinventing themselves entirely. Yes, the essential components and formula of the Beach House record have remained largely the same from the band’s self-titled debut all the way up until now. Yet, at the same time, the band has evolved in a multitude of ways, and each of their albums manages to sound quite distinct from each other despite maintaining similar base elements.
I, for one, really admire that Beach House treats their albums more like different expressions of a persisting musical approach, like an artist using the same paint brush and many of the same colours to create very different paintings. Using their essential components, Beach House have created records that range anywhere in sound from the expansive, youthful wanderlust of Teen Dream to the cozy, elegant melancholy of Depression Cherry and the cool, hypnotic twilight of 7.
I also greatly admire the firm stance that Alex and Victoria have taken in that they will continue to make the music that they love, exactly as they would like to, largely removed from the context of their time. It helps that the band has a very loyal following, and as an aside, are generally some of the coolest people you will ever meet.
But I digress. What to make of their latest record? Well...
Once Twice Melody is the most ornate, maximalist, and monumental album of Beach House’s discography thus far. The record takes on a distinctly fairytale aesthetic, with glittering, majestic arpeggios and glissandos, more string arrangements than the band has ever previously incorporated, and a sense of regal polish that defines the mastering and production. The album is divided into (and was released as) four separate 'chapters', much like a storybook. This is probably why it is also Beach House’s longest record to date, almost 1.5 times as long as their next longest record Bloom.
Chapter one opens with the title track "Once Twice Melody", which heralds the beginning of an enchanting dream, with prancing chimes that dance around like flashing colours behind closed eyes. It becomes immediately apparent that Beach House are looking to deliver something more mythical and epic on this record, and “Once Twice Melody” more than exceeds in setting that tone.
If Beach House’s now-signature "Space Song" off of Depression Cherry was a song fixed among the stars and floating in tranquility, then Once Twice Melody's “Superstar” is a rocket preparing for blast off, with all of the necessary fanfare in the form of arena rock melodies, exuberant orchestral strings, and a soaring bridge that leads into a gravity-defying outro. It is the most massive sound the band has yet achieved, beating out even “10 Mile Stereo” and “Irene” in its sheer sonic magnitude.
“Pink Funeral” is an unearthly paradise of a song, like watching a rain of shooting stars turn into colourful puffy smoke clouds. The whole thing washes over the listener in a beautiful unicorn shade of neo-psychedelia.
Chapter two features “ESP” as a slow, teary-eyed dream pop serenade with earnest strings, cushiony in sound and immaculately compassionate in its atmosphere, as if trying to alleviate all the misunderstandings in life. Victoria Legrand demonstrates her knack for imparting simple truths with the simple but brilliant lyrical motif “What everybody knows / Not everybody shows”. Another one of the highest highs on the record.
Marked by a fluffy feel-good melody, bright sparkly synths, and a steady hi-hat drum machine beat, “New Romance” is essentially a lost Bloom track. I don’t mean this in a bad way, mind you; it’s actually one of the best cuts off the album, and it makes feel incredibly nostalgic for the summer when I first started listening to Beach House.
Chapter three’s greatest highlight is “Masquerade", a dark and dreamy labyrinth of electronic ethereal wave. Very cool sci-fi-meets-gothic sound, not entirely unlike a Depeche Mode song. Somewhat of an occult anthem for a mysterious, morally ambiguous heroine, and I absolutely love it.
The final fourth chapter and record itself closes with “Modern Love Stories”, a cinematic and flourishing dream pop ballad that climaxes, and then dissolves into an acoustic guitar melody that flies off into the night sky of an open desert highway. I could (and will) point out that it gives off quite a similar impression as an album closer to 7′s “Last Ride”, albeit with a much less depressing, more uplifting spirit. Either way, it’s still gorgeous in its own right, and “Last Ride” remains my favourite Beach House closer, so I'm more than happy that they did it again.
As for my one real critique of the record, all I can say is this: Front. Loaded. Chapters one and two are significantly more consistent than chapters three and four. Then again, I can’t say I would prefer the album to be edited down; the whole point of this record is clearly that it is meant to be Beach House’s ginormous opus album, and I appreciate the concept and wouldn’t want to change that.
And this is still Beach House we’re talking about, a band who outmatches about 99% of all bands when it comes to consistent quality. Likewise, talking about the consistency between tracks on a Beach House record is really like splitting hairs at the end of the day, although its frontloadedness is still plainly noticeable to me.
Regardless, I will always be thrilled for another new Beach House record. This might not really even be my second or third favourite project by them, but Once Twice Melody must be acknowledged for the landmark album that it has become in the band’s discography. It is great to see that eight albums in, Alex and Victoria are feeling more adventurous than ever before. A highly recommended listen for anyone looking to lose themselves in a lush fantasy world.
Highlights: “Superstar”, “ESP”, "Pink Funeral", “New Romance”, “Masquerade”, "Once Twice Melody", “Modern Love Stories”, “Runaway”, “Through Me”, “Sunset”, “Many Nights”
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surajheroblog · 4 months
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Text in Space: 3D Typography for Visual Effects
Welcome to our guide on creating captivating 3D typography that defies gravity—Text in Space! As VFX enthusiasts, we know that text isn’t limited to flat surfaces. In this post, we’ll explore how to elevate your titles, logos, and messages by placing them in the cosmic void. Buckle up, because we’re taking typography to new dimensions.
1. The Cosmic Canvas
Typography Beyond Earth
When we think of typography, we often visualize it on screens, billboards, or paper. But what if we break free from gravity’s constraints? Imagine text floating in the vastness of space—among stars, planets, and nebulae. It’s both poetic and attention-grabbing.
The VFX Course Connection
To master this celestial art, consider enrolling in a VFX course. Learn the tools, techniques, and secrets of creating 3D text that leaves viewers awestruck.
2. Creating 3D Space Text
a) Software Choices
Choose your cosmic toolkit:
Adobe After Effects: Familiar and versatile.
Cinema 4D: A universe of 3D possibilities.
Blender: Open-source and cosmic.
b) Extrusion and Depth
Extrude your text into the void. Adjust depth to simulate distance. Imagine your words as constellations.
c) Cosmic Materials
Apply materials: metallic, glass, or ethereal. Reflective surfaces catch starlight. Experiment with emissive materials for a celestial glow.
3. Animating Space Text
a) Orbital Motion
Animate your text in elliptical orbits. Create a cosmic dance. Use keyframes to simulate gravitational pull.
b) Light Speed Effects
Blur your text as it accelerates through space. Add lens flares for warp speed realism.
c) Cosmic Dust and Debris
Particles matter. Add cosmic dust, meteor trails, or comet tails. They enhance realism and depth.
4. Integrating with Footage
a) Celestial Scenes
Place your space text in cosmic environments. Nebulas, galaxies, or distant planets. Match lighting and color.
b) Astronaut’s View
Imagine an astronaut floating by. How would they perceive your text? Adjust perspective and scale.
c) Soundtrack of the Cosmos
Add ambient space sounds. Subtle echoes, cosmic winds, or distant radio signals. Sound completes the experience.
Text in space isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s about evoking wonder and curiosity. As you embark on your cosmic typographic journey, remember that the universe is your canvas.
Ready to explore more? Enroll in our VFX Course in Delhi and discover the secrets of celestial storytelling.
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vapehk1 · 5 months
Foodgod Vape: A Flavorful Journey Through Clouds
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In a world where vaping often mimics the act of inhaling a robot’s exhaust, enter Foodgod Vape, the e-cigarette that turns every puff into a gourmet experience. This article dives into the essence of Foodgod Vape, from its lip-smacking flavors to its cheeky marketing, making sure every cloud of vapor carries a silver (and deliciously scented) lining. What is Foodgod Vape? Ever wondered what would happen if your vape pen went to culinary school? Well, wonder no more. Foodgod Vape is the brainchild of the social media maven and gastronomy aficionado, Jonathan Cheban, known to the world as Foodgod. With an aim to transform the vaping scene, Foodgod’s offerings aren’t your standard 'mint' and 'tobacco' fare. Instead, they’re an invitation to a feast in cloud form, boasting flavors that could rival a Michelin-starred menu. Vaping meets fine dining in this quirky concept where each flavor is designed to dazzle your taste buds and make you question whether you just took a puff or treated yourself to a dessert. From mango tango to chocolate decadence, every cartridge is a celebration of flavor, proving that vaping can indeed be a sensory delight. The Flavor Explosion Just picturing the scene can make one chuckle—the notion of gourmet chefs miniaturized and toiling away inside a vape pen, meticulously preparing flavor-infused vapor. It's this whimsical image that Foodgod Vape conjures up with its innovative approach to vaping. The lineup doesn't just stop at strawberry fiesta; it extends to such delights as cinnamon swirl and peach paradise, each blend carefully concocted to mimic the actual eating experience. Users describe taking a puff as stepping into a scene from a culinary fantasy, where each exhale is a narrative of flavor and aroma, delivered without the guilt of calories. This playful, almost magical quality of Foodgod Vape's offerings has not only captivated the vaping community but has also sparked interest among those who might not typically consider vaping. Curiosity drives non-vapers to explore what it feels like to 'eat' their favorite desserts through a cloud of vapor, expanding Foodgod's audience beyond traditional boundaries. As these new fans share their experiences on social media, they contribute to a growing trend that sees vaping as a part of modern gastronomy—an exciting, innovative way to enjoy flavors without the fuss of forks and plates. Why Foodgod Vape Stands Out In the sea of vaping products, Foodgod Vape emerges as the flamboyant float at the parade, impossible to miss and irresistibly photogenic. The brand’s success isn’t just about taste; it’s also a masterclass in marketing. By leveraging Cheban’s extensive social media network and his flair for the dramatic, Foodgod Vape creates buzz through interactive campaigns and celebrity endorsements. Targeted at the young, trendy, and flavor-chasing demographic, the brand understands its audience perfectly. They cater not just to nicotine needs but to a lifestyle, encouraging vapers to embrace their love for food and flavors in a whole new way, making each puff a part of their social identity. Vaping Culture and Foodgod’s Impact Foodgod Vape has cleverly transformed the narrative around vaping from a utilitarian tool for nicotine cessation into a chic accessory of modern gastronomy. With its stylishly designed devices and a menu of exquisite flavors, it encourages users to view vaping as a delightful pastime rather than a mere alternative to smoking. The aesthetic appeal and the joy of flavor experimentation make it a trendsetter in social circles, where showing off the latest flavor becomes as trendy as sporting a new fashion accessory. This elevation of vaping to an art form extends its appeal to a broader demographic, including those who might never have considered vaping before. The brand's influence is significant in altering the vaping landscape, adding a layer of gourmet enjoyment that overshadows its controversial reputation. By focusing on culinary pleasure and a sophisticated user experience, Foodgod Vape challenges the traditional stigmas associated with vaping, steering conversations toward its innovative approach and lifestyle integration. This strategy not only diversifies its consumer base but also plays a crucial role in normalizing vaping as a legitimate, enjoyable part of everyday life, much like enjoying a fine wine or a premium coffee blend. This shift is a testament to Foodgod Vape's unique impact, making it a pivotal player in redefining vaping culture. Conclusion Foodgod Vape revolutionizes the vaping industry by blending gourmet flavors with e-cigarette technology, turning what is traditionally viewed as a smoking cessation tool into a fashionable and indulgent experience. Through its unique, dessert-inspired flavors like strawberry fiesta and cinnamon swirl, Foodgod Vape attracts both regular vapers and newcomers, enticing them with the idea of calorie-free dessert enjoyment. Its clever marketing and appealing design reposition vaping as a trendy hobby, integrating it into modern lifestyle discussions and moving it away from negative connotations. By doing so, Foodgod Vape not only expands its consumer base but also reshapes how vaping is perceived, making it a part of the culinary arts and contemporary culture. This shift not only brings new users into the fold but also alters existing perceptions of vaping, highlighting its potential as a pleasurable and stylish activity. FAQs 1. What flavors does Foodgod Vape offer? Foodgod Vape features a variety of gourmet-inspired flavors, each crafted to emulate popular desserts and beverages. Some of the standout flavors include Strawberry Fiesta, Cinnamon Swirl, Mango Tango, Chocolate Decadence, and Peach Paradise. These flavors are designed to provide an authentic taste experience, free from the chemical aftertaste common in other e-juices. 2. Is Foodgod Vape suitable for people trying to quit smoking? While Foodgod Vape is marketed more as a lifestyle and gourmet product rather than a smoking cessation tool, it can still be used by those looking to quit smoking. The delightful range of flavors offers an enjoyable alternative to traditional tobacco and might help manage cravings for cigarettes by substituting them with flavorful vapor. 3. Where can I buy Foodgod Vape products? Foodgod Vape products are available for purchase online through their official website and various other e-commerce platforms. Additionally, they can be found in select retail stores that specialize in vaping products. Check the store locator on the Foodgod Vape website to find a store near you. 4. Are Foodgod Vape products nicotine-free? Foodgod Vape offers both nicotine-containing and nicotine-free options, catering to different preferences and needs. This makes it suitable for vapers who are looking for the flavor experience without the nicotine, as well as for those who are using vaping as a means to gradually reduce their nicotine intake. 5. How does Foodgod Vape compare to other vaping brands? Foodgod Vape distinguishes itself from other vaping brands by focusing on gourmet, food-inspired flavors and stylish design, emphasizing vaping as a fashionable and enjoyable hobby. While many vaping brands focus on replicating traditional tobacco flavors or providing nicotine solutions, Foodgod Vape targets a niche market that appreciates culinary creativity and a luxury vaping experience. If you want to know more, please refer to this article: https://keystonevape.com/best-vape/the-best-disposable-vapes-2024-you-cant-miss/ Read the full article
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kingjain · 6 months
Avatar The Way Of Water 2022 Crocs Crocband Clog
Avatar: The Way of Water is an upcoming film set to release in 2022, and it has created much anticipation among fans of the original Avatar movie. With its mesmerizing storyline and visually stunning cinematography, it is expected to be a groundbreaking cinematic experience. To add to the excitement, a special edition of Crocs Crocband Clogs inspired by the movie has been released. This unique gift is suitable for both men and women, making it a perfect choice for any Avatar enthusiast. Crocs has always been known for their comfortable, lightweight, and versatile footwear, and the Crocband Clog is no exception. This particular edition features the iconic Avatar logo, showcasing the connection between the movie and the brand. The Way of Water Crocband Clogs are available in various sizes, ensuring that anyone can enjoy the comfort and style they offer. The Crocs Crocband Clog is designed with a roomy fit, allowing for ample space and breathability. The contoured footbed provides excellent arch support, making them suitable for all-day wear. The clogs also feature ventilation ports, promoting airflow and preventing overheating. The adjustable heel strap ensures a secure fit and can be personalized according to individual preferences. The special Avatar edition Crocband Clogs not only offer comfort but also serve as a fashionable accessory. The blue and white color scheme, inspired by the water element in the movie, adds a unique touch to any outfit. Whether worn casually or paired with Avatar-themed clothing, these clogs are sure to make a statement. They can be worn by men, women, and even children, making them an ideal gift for Avatar fans of all ages. In addition to their aesthetic appeal, the Crocs Crocband Clogs provide practicality. They are made from Croslite material, a proprietary foam resin that offers cushioning and durability. The material is also water-friendly, allowing wearers to comfortably wear the clogs in various environments, including beaches, pools, or rainy weather. The slip-resistant outsole ensures stability and safety, making them suitable for any outdoor activity. Furthermore, the Crocs Crocband Clogs are easy to clean and maintain. They can be washed with soap and water, and the quick-drying properties of the Croslite material ensure minimal downtime between wears. This convenience adds to the overall appeal of these clogs as a gift, as they require minimal effort to keep them looking fresh and new. In conclusion, the Avatar: The Way of Water 2022 Crocs Crocband Clog is a fantastic gift option for any Avatar enthusiast. With their comfort, style, and practicality, they are suitable for both men and women of all ages. Whether worn to enjoy an immersive cinematic experience or simply as a fashion statement, these clogs are sure to delight any fan. So, grab a pair of these limited-edition Crocband Clogs and embark on your own Avatar-inspired journey.
Get it here : Avatar The Way Of Water 2022 Crocs Crocband Clog
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Related : https://kingjain.tumblr.com/post/722178716969648129/yoda-star-wars-floating-black-baseball-jersey
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decorationinside · 8 months
Blast Off to Tranquility: A Space-Themed Modern Hotel Room Design Odyssey
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For the space enthusiasts and stargazers out there, imagine stepping into a hotel room that transports you to the cosmos, blending modern luxury with the awe-inspiring wonders of space exploration. Buckle up, future astronauts, as we embark on a design odyssey through a space-themed modern hotel room: A Stellar Entrance: The journey begins at the threshold. Picture a sleek, modern door designed like a spaceship airlock, complete with a starry night sky projected onto the frosted glass. As you step inside, a gentle hum and twinkling lights create a sense of anticipation, setting the stage for your cosmic adventure. A Universe Within: Stepping into the room is like entering a personal spacecraft. Imagine a large, curved ceiling displaying a detailed map of the constellations, illuminated by fiber optic lights that twinkle like distant stars. The walls could be adorned with murals depicting stunning nebulas, distant galaxies, or even the launch of a majestic rocket. Sleek, minimalist furniture in metallic tones and soft grays completes the modern aesthetic. Slumber Amongst the Stars: The centerpiece of the room is the bed, designed to resemble a spaceship pod. Imagine a circular bed suspended from the ceiling, accessible by a short ladder, creating a sense of weightlessness and immersion. The bed could be equipped with a built-in projector that displays calming constellations or breathtaking views of Earth from space on the ceiling above. Galactic Relaxation: The bathroom transforms into a tranquil oasis inspired by the cosmos. Imagine a walk-in shower featuring a starry night sky ceiling and fiber optic lights that twinkle like stars. The walls could be clad in sleek, dark tiles reminiscent of the void of space, while chrome fixtures add a touch of modern luxury. Relaxing under the gentle rain shower feels like floating weightlessly amidst the stars. Tech with a Cosmic Touch: Modern technology seamlessly integrates into the space theme. Imagine a voice-activated assistant designed to sound like a friendly alien, responding to your commands and requests. A tablet preloaded with educational space documentaries, relaxing space ambience music, and virtual tours of the solar system keeps you entertained and informed. Dining Among the Planets: In-room dining takes on an intergalactic twist. Imagine a menu featuring dishes named after celestial bodies, presented on plates designed like miniature planets. Imagine sipping on a "Lunar Latte" while enjoying a "Cosmic Chicken Curry," all served with breathtaking views of the city skyline. Beyond the Room: The space experience extends beyond the room. Imagine exclusive access to a rooftop observatory complete with telescopes and comfortable seating areas, perfect for stargazing and pondering the mysteries of the universe. A space-themed lounge allows you to socialize with fellow space enthusiasts, while a gift shop lets you take home a piece of the cosmic magic with exclusive souvenirs and space-themed merchandise. https://cozypronest.com/step-into-a-dream-a-modern-hello-kitty-hotel-room-experience/ A Dream Destination for Space Enthusiasts: A space-themed modern hotel room is more than just an accommodation; it's an immersive experience that ignites the imagination and transports you to the wonders of the cosmos. Whether you're a seasoned astronaut or a curious stargazer, this unique room promises an unforgettable stay, leaving you starry-eyed and filled with wonder. So, pack your bags, grab your spacesuit (optional), and get ready to blast off to a truly out-of-this-world adventure! Read the full article
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colorfulfishbreeds · 8 months
Galaxy Blue Tail Guppies: Unlocking the Mysteries of Celestial Aquatic Wonders
Discovering the Enchantment of Galaxy Blue Tail Guppies
Guppies have always held a special place in the hearts of aquarists, but when it comes to captivating colors and patterns, the Galaxy Blue Tail Guppy emerges as a celestial marvel in the world of aquarium fish. This aquatic gem, known for its stunning appearance and irresistible charm, has become a favorite among fish enthusiasts, both novices and seasoned experts alike.
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Introduction to Galaxy Blue Tail Guppies: A Cosmic Spectacle
Visual Poetry: Envision a tiny fish whose body is adorned in hues reminiscent of the deep, infinite expanse of space. The Galaxy Blue Tail Guppy is a true cosmic spectacle, boasting a mesmerizing color palette that includes vibrant blues, shimmering metallic scales, and a tail that sparkles like a galaxy of stars. Two standout varieties, the "Blue Nebula" and "Starry Sapphire," further amplify this celestial allure with intense cobalt blues and rich sapphire hues.
Unveiling General Information: Origins, Size, Lifespan, and Temperament
Celestial Origin: Believed to have originated in various regions across Southeast Asia, the Galaxy Blue Tail Guppy has been meticulously bred to achieve its dazzling appearance.
Modest Dimensions: These guppies reach an average size of 1.5 to 2 inches, making them a delightful addition to any aquarium.
Celestial Lifespan: With proper care, Galaxy Blue Tail Guppies can grace your tank with their celestial beauty for 2 to 3 years.
Peaceful Companions: Known for their peaceful and sociable nature, these guppies thrive in community tanks, exhibiting minimal aggression towards other fish.
Reveling in the Appearance: Cosmic Bodies and Dazzling Fins
Captivating Features: Galaxy Blue Tail Guppies boast a slender body, prominent dorsal fins, and a stunning caudal fin that steals the spotlight. Their scales often exhibit iridescence, adding a captivating sheen to their celestial charm.
Varieties and Colors: Beyond "Blue Nebula" and "Starry Sapphire," these guppies come in enchanting shades like "Cosmic Silver," "Aurora Borealis," and "Nebula Red," each offering a unique celestial-inspired color palette.
Affordable Beauty: Prices may vary, ranging from $3 to $10 per fish, depending on factors like coloration, age, and breeding lineage.
Creating the Perfect Celestial Abode: Habitat and Tank Requirements
Natural Haven: In the wild, Galaxy Blue Tail Guppies inhabit slow-moving streams, ponds, and densely vegetated areas in Southeast Asia. Aim for water temperatures between 72°F to 82°F (22°C to 28°C) and a slightly alkaline to neutral pH level.
Cosmic Quarters: For a small school, a 10 to 20-gallon tank is suitable, with larger tanks allowing for more individuals and better water stability.
Water Harmony: Maintain a temperature between 75°F to 78°F and a pH level between 7.0 and 7.5. Aim for water hardness in the range of 8 to 12 dGH.
Aquatic Aesthetics: Create a captivating underwater landscape with live or artificial plants, fine gravel or sand substrate, and floating plants for diffused lighting and shaded areas.
Feeding Habits of Celestial Gourmets: A Cosmic Culinary Journey
Omnivorous Delights: Galaxy Blue Tail Guppies thrive on high-quality flake or pellet food formulated for tropical fish.
Color-Enhancing Treats: Supplement their diet with occasional treats of live or frozen foods like brine shrimp, daphnia, and bloodworms for enhanced coloration and overall health.
Feeding Rituals: Known for their enthusiastic feeding behavior, these guppies dart to the surface to snatch floating food. Feed them small portions multiple times a day for optimal nutrition.
Navigating the Cosmic Reproduction Saga: Breeding Insights
Livebearing Wonders: Galaxy Blue Tail Guppies are livebearers, with females giving birth to live fry rather than laying eggs.
Breeding Simplicity: Breeding occurs spontaneously in well-maintained aquariums. Provide hiding spots for fry and maintain stable water conditions for successful reproduction.
Spawning Splendor: Male guppies engage in courtship, displaying vibrant colors and dancing movements. Females give birth to live fry, usually numbering between 20 to 50 per brood.
Ensuring Celestial Health: Common Issues and Preventive Measures
Hardiness with Vigilance: While generally hardy, Galaxy Blue Tail Guppies can be susceptible to common aquarium diseases. Regular water changes, water parameter maintenance, and proper nutrition are key to preventing issues like ich, fin rot, and fungal infections.
Harmony in the Celestial Community: Compatibility and Care Tips
Peaceful Coexistence: Galaxy Blue Tail Guppies make excellent community fish, cohabiting harmoniously with species like neon tetras, harlequin rasboras, and more.
Essential Care: Regular water changes, consistent monitoring of water parameters, and avoiding overfeeding contribute to a stress-free environment for these celestial wonders.
Navigating the Cosmic Legal Waters: Considerations and Compatible Companions
Legal Waters: Generally, there are no specific legal restrictions associated with owning or breeding Galaxy Blue Tail Guppies. However, be aware of any local regulations related to aquarium fish keeping.
Celestial Companions: Compatible tankmates include neon tetras, harlequin rasboras, corydoras catfish, cherry shrimp, otocinclus catfish, platy fish, and Endler’s livebearers.
Distinguishing Celestial Genders: Male vs. Female
Colorful Dazzlers: Male guppies showcase vibrant hues and intricate patterns on their fins, with a slim, streamlined body and a larger, more elaborate caudal fin.
Subdued Beauties: Female guppies are less colorful, with subdued shades, a rounder, plumper body (especially when pregnant), and a smaller, less elaborate caudal fin.
Celestial Uniqueness: Galaxy Blue Tail Guppies vs. Others
Unique Brilliance: Galaxy Blue Tail Guppies stand out with their captivating coloration, resembling a cosmic spectacle. Specific color patterns and shades differentiate them from other guppy varieties.
Shining Bright:* Their distinct tail coloration, earning them the name "Galaxy Blue Tail," sets them apart visually in the aquarium fish world.
In the vast universe of aquarium fish, Galaxy Blue Tail Guppies shine as celestial wonders, captivating all who witness their beauty. Their ease of care, compatibility, and unique charm make them the ideal choice for aquarists seeking a touch of the extraordinary in their aquatic realms.
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fishbreedsblog · 8 months
Dive into the Celestial Realm of Galaxy Blue Tail Guppies: A Fishkeeping Adventure
Embarking on a Cosmic Journey with Galaxy Blue Tail Guppies
Picture this: a tiny fish, its body adorned in hues reminiscent of the vast, infinite expanse of space. Enter the Galaxy Blue Tail Guppy, a true celestial marvel in the realm of aquarium fish. Its captivating charm and stunning appearance have made it a favorite among fish enthusiasts, whether seasoned or just starting their aquatic journey.
Getting Acquainted with Galaxy Blue Tail Guppies: A Celestial Display
Visual Extravaganza: The Galaxy Blue Tail Guppy is a cosmic spectacle, boasting vibrant blues, metallic scales that shimmer, and a tail that sparkles like a galaxy of stars. Varieties like the "Blue Nebula" and "Starry Sapphire" take the celestial allure to new heights with intense cobalt blues and rich sapphire hues.
Exploring General Information: Origins, Size, Lifespan, and Temperament
Celestial Origin: Believed to originate in various Southeast Asian regions, the Galaxy Blue Tail Guppy has been selectively bred for its dazzling appearance.
Modest Dimensions: These guppies reach an average size of 1.5 to 2 inches, making them a delightful addition to any aquarium.
Celestial Lifespan: With proper care, Galaxy Blue Tail Guppies can grace your tank with their celestial beauty for 2 to 3 years.
Peaceful Companions: Known for their peaceful and sociable nature, these guppies thrive in community tanks, showing minimal aggression towards other fish.
Unveiling the Appearance: Cosmic Bodies and Dazzling Fins
Captivating Features: Galaxy Blue Tail Guppies boast a slender body, prominent dorsal fins, and a stunning caudal fin that steals the spotlight. Their scales often exhibit iridescence, adding a captivating sheen to their celestial charm.
Varieties and Colors: Beyond "Blue Nebula" and "Starry Sapphire," these guppies come in enchanting shades like "Cosmic Silver," "Aurora Borealis," and "Nebula Red," each offering a unique celestial-inspired color palette.
Affordable Beauty: Prices may vary, ranging from $3 to $10 per fish, depending on factors like coloration, age, and breeding lineage.
Creating the Perfect Celestial Abode: Habitat and Tank Requirements
Natural Haven: In the wild, Galaxy Blue Tail Guppies inhabit slow-moving streams, ponds, and vegetated areas in Southeast Asia. Aim for water temperatures between 72°F to 82°F and a slightly alkaline to neutral pH level.
Cosmic Quarters: For a small school, a 10 to 20-gallon tank is suitable, with larger tanks allowing for more individuals and better water stability.
Water Harmony: Maintain a temperature between 75°F to 78°F and a pH level between 7.0 and 7.5. Aim for water hardness in the range of 8 to 12 dGH.
Aquatic Aesthetics: Create a captivating underwater landscape with live or artificial plants, fine gravel or sand substrate, and floating plants for diffused lighting and shaded areas.
Feeding Habits of Celestial Gourmets: A Cosmic Culinary Journey
Omnivorous Delights: Galaxy Blue Tail Guppies thrive on high-quality flake or pellet food formulated for tropical fish.
Color-Enhancing Treats: Supplement their diet with occasional treats of live or frozen foods like brine shrimp, daphnia, and bloodworms for enhanced coloration and overall health.
Feeding Rituals: Known for their enthusiastic feeding behavior, these guppies dart to the surface to snatch floating food. Feed them small portions multiple times a day for optimal nutrition.
Breeding Celestial Progeny: A Stellar Reproduction Saga
Livebearing Wonders: Galaxy Blue Tail Guppies are livebearers, with females giving birth to live fry rather than laying eggs.
Breeding Simplicity: Breeding occurs spontaneously in well-maintained aquariums. Provide hiding spots for fry and maintain stable water conditions for successful reproduction.
Spawning Splendor: Male guppies engage in courtship, displaying vibrant colors and dancing movements. Females give birth to live fry, usually numbering between 20 to 50 per brood.
Ensuring Celestial Health: Common Issues and Preventive Measures
Hardiness with Vigilance: While generally hardy, Galaxy Blue Tail Guppies can be susceptible to common aquarium diseases. Regular water changes, water parameter maintenance, and proper nutrition are key to preventing issues like ich, fin rot, and fungal infections.
Harmony in the Celestial Community: Compatibility and Care Tips
Peaceful Coexistence: Galaxy Blue Tail Guppies make excellent community fish, cohabiting harmoniously with species like neon tetras, harlequin rasboras, and more.
Essential Care: Regular water changes, consistent monitoring of water parameters, and avoiding overfeeding contribute to a stress-free environment for these celestial wonders.
Navigating the Cosmic Legal Waters: Considerations and Compatible Companions
Legal Waters: Generally, there are no specific legal restrictions associated with owning or breeding Galaxy Blue Tail Guppies. However, be aware of any local regulations related to aquarium fish keeping.
Celestial Companions: Compatible tankmates include neon tetras, harlequin rasboras, corydoras catfish, cherry shrimp, otocinclus catfish, platy fish, and Endler’s livebearers.
Distinguishing Celestial Genders: Male vs. Female
Colorful Dazzlers: Male guppies showcase vibrant hues and intricate patterns on their fins, with a slim, streamlined body and a larger, more elaborate caudal fin.
Subdued Beauties: Female guppies are less colorful, with subdued shades, a rounder, plumper body (especially when pregnant), and a smaller, less elaborate caudal fin.
Celestial Uniqueness: Galaxy Blue Tail Guppies vs. Others
Unique Brilliance: Galaxy Blue Tail Guppies stand out with their captivating coloration, resembling a cosmic spectacle. Specific color patterns and shades differentiate them from other guppy varieties.
Shining Bright:* Their distinct tail coloration, earning them the name "Galaxy Blue Tail," sets them apart visually in the aquarium fish world.
In the vast universe of aquarium fish, Galaxy Blue Tail Guppies shine as celestial wonders, captivating all who witness their beauty. Their ease of care, compatibility, and unique charm make them the ideal choice for aquarists seeking a touch of the extraordinary in their aquatic realms.
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bestkidsbook · 9 months
Elevating Your Child's Reading Corner: The Best Kids' Bookshelves of 2023
In the world of children's literature, a well-designed and organized bookshelf is not just a piece of furniture—it's a gateway to adventure, imagination, and a lifelong love for reading. As we delve into 2023, let's explore the best kids' bookshelves that seamlessly blend functionality, aesthetics, and a touch of magic. This comprehensive guide adheres to the MECE (Mutually Exclusive, Collectively Exhaustive) principle, offering a diverse selection to cater to various preferences, spaces, and budgets.
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Elevate the Reading Experience: Best Kids Bookshelves of 2023
Magical Book Nooks for Little Ones
"Enchanted Forest Explorer Shelf"
Transform your child's room into an enchanted forest with this whimsical bookshelf. Crafted in the shape of towering trees, the shelves provide ample space for picture books and stuffed animals. The charming design sparks imagination and turns reading into a magical adventure.
"Rainbow Dreams Bookcase"
Brighten up any playroom with a rainbow-themed bookshelf. This vibrant and functional piece not only organizes books by color but also serves as a visual delight for young readers. The slanted shelves make it easy for kids to spot their favorite titles and encourage independent book selection.
"Space Explorer Wall Shelf"
For little astronauts and astronomers, a space-themed bookshelf is a must-have. Shaped like a rocket or a constellation, this wall-mounted shelf maximizes floor space and adds an educational touch. Let your child's imagination soar as they reach for books among the stars.
Creative Storage Solutions for Young Readers (Ages 4-8)
"Storybook Cottage Bookcase"
Bring the charm of a storybook to life with a cottage-inspired bookcase. This design incorporates windows and a roofline, creating a cozy reading nook within the shelves. It not only stores books but also serves as a delightful backdrop for storytelling sessions.
"Interactive Alphabet Organizer"
Make learning fun with an interactive alphabet bookshelf. Each letter corresponds to a shelf, creating an engaging way for young readers to organize and locate their books. The combination of education and organization makes this bookshelf a valuable addition to any child's room.
"Under-the-Sea Book Storage"
Dive into a sea of stories with an under-the-sea bookshelf. Shaped like ocean waves, fish, or a mermaid's tail, this imaginative design adds a touch of aquatic magic to the room. The themed compartments make it easy for kids to categorize and find their favorite books.
Versatile Solutions for Growing Collections (Ages 9-12)
"Modular Cubes for Tween Readers"
As kids transition to pre-teen years, a modular cube bookshelf provides versatility and style. These customizable units can be arranged in various configurations, adapting to the changing needs of a growing book collection. Add colorful bins for additional storage and a pop of personality.
"Treehouse Book Tower"
Appeal to the sense of adventure with a treehouse-inspired book tower. This vertical design maximizes space while creating a playful atmosphere. The branching shelves add character, and the height encourages a sense of exploration as kids reach for books on different levels.
"Secret Passage Bookcase"
For mystery-loving tweens, a bookshelf with a secret passage adds an element of intrigue to their room. The hidden compartment can store treasures or serve as a cozy reading corner. This unique design combines functionality with an exciting twist.
Trendy and Functional Options for Teens (Ages 13 and above)
"Minimalist Wall-Mounted Shelves"
Appealing to the evolving tastes of teenagers, minimalist wall-mounted shelves provide a sleek and contemporary look. These shelves can accommodate a mix of books, decorative items, and personal mementos. The clean lines and open design contribute to a modern and organized space.
"Floating Book Display"
Create a visually striking display with floating bookshelves that give the illusion of books magically suspended in mid-air. This innovative design not only serves as a functional storage solution but also adds an artistic element to the room. Showcase favorite books as pieces of art.
"Convertible Desk and Bookshelf Combo"
Optimize space in a teen's room with a convertible desk and bookshelf combination. This dual-purpose furniture piece provides a dedicated study area and ample storage for books and study materials. The versatility makes it an ideal choice for teens with multifaceted interests.
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I encourage my child to organize their bookshelf?
Encouraging a child to organize their bookshelf can be a fun and collaborative activity. Use colorful bins or baskets for small items, categorize books by genre or theme, and involve your child in the decision-making process. Regularly declutter and rotate books to keep the collection fresh.
Are there bookshelves suitable for small spaces?
Yes, several space-saving options, such as wall-mounted shelves, floating bookshelves, and modular cubes, are ideal for small spaces. Consider the room layout and choose a design that maximizes vertical space while maintaining a visually appealing aesthetic.
What's the ideal height for a kid's bookshelf?
The ideal height for a kid's bookshelf depends on the child's age and height. A lower bookshelf allows younger children to reach their favorite books easily, while taller bookshelves accommodate the growing collection of older kids. Consider adjustable shelves for flexibility.
As we venture into 2023, the world of kids' bookshelves offers a delightful array of options that go beyond mere storage. These carefully curated designs not only organize books but also serve as portals to imaginary worlds, sparking creativity and a love for reading. Whether it's a whimsical enchanted forest or a sleek minimalist display, the best kids' bookshelves of 2023 blend functionality with aesthetics, creating spaces where young readers can thrive and explore the magic of literature.
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guestcanpost · 1 year
Rolling Up to the Red Carpet in Style: Making a Splash with Unconventi
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The red carpet – a shimmering pathway to fame and fashion – beckons celebrities to make a statement as they grace its opulent confines. While traditional arrivals exude glamour, stars with a penchant for creativity and flair often seize the opportunity to make a splash with their unique and unconventional entrances. In this article, we explore how a celebrity might roll up to the red carpet and leave a lasting impression, igniting a buzz that resonates long after the event.
A Mythical Arrival: Dragon-Pulled Carriage
Picture a red carpet affair transformed into a mythical realm. A daring celebrity could roll up in a majestic dragon-pulled carriage, surrounded by ethereal mist and fire effects. As the dragon roars to a stop, the celebrity emerges, donning a dramatic and ornate gown, embodying the essence of fantasy and enchantment.
 The Techno Extravaganza: Holographic Portal
For a futuristic twist, a tech-savvy star might opt for a holographic entrance. As the crowd looks on in wonder, a shimmering holographic portal materializes, revealing the celebrity in a dazzling ensemble that seems to transcend reality. This high-tech spectacle would blend fashion and innovation, making the red carpet a showcase of cutting-edge technology.
Embracing Nature's Majesty: Water Float Arrival
In homage to the serene beauty of nature, a celebrity could make a splash with a water float arrival. Gliding gracefully on a beautifully adorned float, surrounded by cascading fountains and lush flora, the star would embrace the elements as they step onto the red carpet, creating a moment of ethereal tranquility.
A Fairytale on Wheels: Cinderella's Carriage
Drawing inspiration from classic fairy tales, a celebrity might opt for a modern-day Cinderella moment. Riding in an exquisite carriage, adorned with twinkling lights and floral accents, they would arrive in regal splendor, evoking nostalgia and enchantment on the red carpet.
Up, Up, and Away: Hot Air Balloon Entrance
A star might arrive at an event in a hot air balloon, soar above the audience, and then fall elegantly onto the red carpet for an experience that would be absolutely unforgettable. The iridescent hues of the balloon, along with its slow but steady rise, would conjure up feelings of awe and curiosity in those who attended the event.
Unleashing the Inner Superhero: Flying Entrance
Imagine a famous person channeling their inner superhero and swooping down from the sky, dangling on wires like a caped crusader. This would be quite the sight. They would walk the red carpet with confidence and flair, becoming a symbol of courage and motivation in the process, dressed in an attire that was inspired by a hero.
Vintage Glamour: Classic Convertible Ride
A star may choose to travel in style and evoke feelings of yesteryear by riding in a classic convertible vehicle. This choice would be both nostalgic and elegant. They would exemplify the ageless appeal of the silver screen by donning a sweeping hat and flashing a smile that harkens back to Hollywood's golden period.
An Ode to the Arts: Living Art Installation
In order to make an entry that is both creative and intriguing, a celebrity could work with well-known artists to transform themselves into a living art installation. They would breathe life into a masterpiece while dressed in an ensemble that was both aesthetically spectacular and significant, so exemplifying the confluence of fashion and art.
Extraterrestrial Chic: UFO-Landing Arrival
A celebrity with a flair for the extraordinary might embrace the cosmic unknown with a UFO-landing entrance. As the crowd looks to the skies, a UFO-inspired stagecraft descends, revealing the star in a celestial-inspired outfit that exudes mystery and wonder.
Dancing in Delight: Flash Mob Spectacl
Imagine a famous person participating in the unplanned activity of a flash mob dance. They would arrive among a flurry of music and synchronized dancers, and as they walked down the red carpet, they would move and groove in such a way as to convey contagious pleasure and create a celebration of movement and rhythm. In conclusion, the red carpet is an extraordinary canvas where celebrities can unleash their creativity and make a splash with unconventional entrances. From mythical dragon-pulled carriages to UFO-landing spectacles, the possibilities for leaving a lasting impression are boundless. Embracing innovation, art, and fantasy, these unique ideas would elevate the red carpet experience to new heights, captivating audiences and making a lasting mark in the annals of entertainment history. The stars would not only roll up to the red carpet but also soar beyond expectations, leaving the world in awe of their ingenuity and audacity. Read the full article
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lesslitlyss · 4 years
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oh to lay in someone’s arms watching the sunset disappear over the horizon, until the stars peek their way through the dark sky & all we can hear are the crashing of waves against the shore below
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