#★ & ☆     fangs out!     –—     writing     .
wrioluvr · 6 months
subby vampire x dom male reader
sorry for being inactive yall teehee just thought about this cute little idea and had to write it... also no sex just a little spicy lmk if yall want to see more of this guy 🤭
★ ; 🦇🍷. . ♱
you did not expect it to rain during your forest hike today. anticipation to dive into the lush green unknown was quickly turned into a wet mess as your scrambled to find shelter, unsure of where you were even going as the gps signal got weaker deeper into the forest you ventured. much to your surprise, you soon came upon a quaint winding road. following it lead to an ancient-looking manor straight out of the victorian era. despite your brain recounting that this was how every horror movie started, you were desperate to be out of the cold, and soon rushed to the grand door to seek warmth. luckily, someone answered the door. a tall, lanky, ghost of a man, who quickly invited you in and fretted over the prospect of you catching a cold. he was a little odd, speaking in such a proper, olden manner, but he was lovely.
despite your initial protests of overstaying your welcome, he managed to convince you to stay for a week. he invited you to join him for dinner everyday, and it was through these meals that you found out quite a lot about him. one, his name was kliff (you swore his face turned red when you said he had a handsome name), and that he was a vampire who was at least a hundred years old (he stopped counting after the 120th year). the way he revealed it was kind of adorable, he was so reluctant at first.
"sooooo, kliff. you're a vampire, right?"
"goodness, whatever gave you that idea? i most certainly am not." his face said otherwise as his eyes darted everywhere around the room but your gaze, and the tip of his ears turned red.
"and you're gay, right?"
"now THAT is an accusation!" he replied indignantly, now fully flustered. "i, a dignified gentleman, would never engage in such sinful acts."
"but i saw you peeking at me showering yesterday. pervert." you were having the time of your life teasing this poor fossil.
he stood up from the dinner table and paced around the room. "i did no such thing." he mumbled, face somehow steaming even more than you thought was humanly possible. wait, but he wasn't a human. nevermind.
you spent most of your week exploring his manor, poking around the various dusty bookshelves and artifacts of an era long bygone. if there was one thing you picked up from your exploration, it was that kliff was awfully lonely. and had been for a long time. he didn't seem to have had any romantic partners, probably due to his sexuality, nor any pets to keep him company. you could infer this from his clingy nature, he was constantly in the shadows observing you, blending in seamlessly using his powers. he thought he was being slick, but really, he was a rather clumsy vampire. whenever you caught him, he would always act oblivious, and give you a sheepish grin, before scurrying away. it was quite cute, really. another thing was the fact that he never asked to drink from you. "it is quite alright. i sustain myself well enough through other means." was all he said when you asked him about it. mysterious. almost like he didn't dare to taint your skin with his fangs. you decided not to tell him about the fact that you were aware he watched you when you were asleep in the guest room, sometimes even daring to climb into bed silently with you and bask in your presence. he was a lonely soul, you figured. you could let him be delusional for a bit. you would leave after this week, anyway.
but that week passed quick, and with each day, kliff seemed to grow even more on edge, getting nervous whenever he was around you but never daring to speak what was on his mind. brooding around the house, watching you silently as you attempted to grow something in his dying garden... oh it was bad for him. but this came all to a head on your last day, when you bid your goodbyes and were one foot out the door, and he suddenly gathered the courage to say something.
kliff threw himself at you in one final, desperate plea. "please... please don't go...." his tone was so pitiful, you stopped in your tracks and looked at the way he's grabbing your wrist so tightly. "i... i.... if i may, i have one final request."
"you want to drink from me? honestly, i'm surprised you didn't ask earlier."
"no, no... it's not that. it's the opposite, really. may i... may i humbly request that you..." he stops mid sentence and breaks eye contact to look at the ground, voice so soft you could barely hear him. "bite me instead..."
"i beg your pardon?"
"i would like for you to leave a mark on me. as a reminder of your presence." his tone is slightly more confident now as he meets your eyes, centuries-old desire rekindled and burning within them. he falters a bit as he notices your lack of response. "....please?" he mumbles pathetically.
oh, poor baby. he's wanted a man to love him all his life. luckily for him, you found his desperation cute. you drop your bag and take his hand in yours.
"want me to take the lead?" you squeeze his hand, and he nods shyly.
"i would like nothing more."
you gently, but firmly pin him to the nearest wall, the ancient manor creaking under the pressure. it's kind of poetic, kliff thinks, as he wilts under your touch, it sounds like my house is congratulating me. you start off by peppering fleeting kisses all across his neck, admiring the small noises of pleasure he made everytime your lips came into contact with his skin. the fleeting touches turned into harsher bites, as you nibbled at his delicate skin, so fragile and untouched. it was just like he fantasized, and he was in heaven. he gripped onto the wall for support as he gasped at the new sensation, writhing around as you marked him, but your strong hands on his waist kept him steadily in place, a feeling he quickly learnt to enjoy. all those years he spent in solitude seemed to culminate to this moment, he'd never felt more intimate with anyone in his life. you stepped back to look at your handiwork and he immediately collapsed into your arms, a dark purple hickey prominently showing on his neck. he stared up at you lovingly, unable to really form thoughts. "please don't go...." was all he could mutter as you slowly swayed him back and forth, soothing his cold, beating heart.
"guess i'll see you next week, hm?" he's never been happier to hear those words in his long life.
>ᵥᵥ< 💘
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teojira · 16 days
[Dance with The Devil] [movie!Shadow x reader headcanons]
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Summary: a collection of random headcanons/small scenarios based on my "Click Click Boom" post for Shadow!
Word count: 1.5k
Disclaimer (1): Harkness scale people, he is of age and can consent and is sentient. I'm allowed to want to kiss the hedgehog.
Disclaimer (2): This can be read as Romantic or Platonic! Though I did write it to be implied romance.
A/N: Yall asked for more, who am I to deny the people (I imagine kissing him every second of the day). I tried to hit a lot of asks all in one to give eveyrone what they asked for! I hope y'all enjoy! Reblogs and comments are super appreciated and motivate me to write more <3
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Shadow is so extremely overprotective of you, borderline to an unhealthy agree but is it really when you're welcoming to it??
You, by all means, shouldn't encourage him. He's one of the strongest beings on the planet. He can't just make threats, God knows if he'll act out on them.
You can't help but let it happen though, a warm fuzzy feeling deep in your chest clouds your judgment for a few moments. Knowing that Shadow sees you as someone worth protecting, of caring for.
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Shadow baring his fangs at Sonic and fucking growling is new though.
"Shadow did you just- did you just fucking growl?"
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"Sonic was just trying to hug me dude, relax.'
"He'll get his scent all over you. No."
Shadow turns his back on you, so he misses the blush that overtakes your entire face.
He has an inkling though, if the strangled cry from your throat is any indication.
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Riding ! With ! Him !!! He takes you on drives all the time, it helps him clear his head and it's his way of asking for physical contact without giving you idea, feeling you against his back and your body pressed up against his does wonder for his mental health, he'll purposefully take longer routes and side roads at night to keep you close.
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If you fall asleep on the couch, Shadow isn't gonna curl up with you, but he's next to the couch, head propped up against the arm rest as he watches over you. He's well aware he could just teleport you both to your room, but you look too peaceful :( and he knows he takes up all your time and energy, so he rather let you rest.
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Shadow always walks behind you. It's a nervous habit. If he wanders behind, he has the perfect view to scan for threats.
You go to tell him he's being paranoid, but stop yourself. The last person he cared for died, the girl who gave him a purpose. You shut your joke down fast, shaking your head when Shadow raises an eye bridge at your expression.
"Do you want to hold my hand?" You go with that instead.
"Absolutely not."
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Please god can you imagine shopping for him, getting his leather jackets and what not bc he fucking deserves it, especially when you nervously claim that he needs the correct gear for riding his motorcycle and he hits you with:
"That's useless, I can easily chaos control if need be."
BUT HE DOESN'T RIDE WITHOUT IT EVER !!!! You even got it monogrammed, and he runs his thumb across it often, scoffing at himself when he realizes, snatching his hand away.
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Shadow likes to be useful, even though you tell him again and again that he doesn't owe you anything, he doesn't listen.
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If you wear makeup and ever fall asleep in it, you can't ever seem to remember if it was you who took it off, your memories jumbling up together to the point you're not sure.
It was Shadow, he knows you don't like showing others your bare face, which he thinks is ridiculous as shit, he likes you as you are, whether with makeup or bare, you're you.
Please I could cry imagining him so gently taking a makeup wipe and rubbing small circles to get that waterproof eyeliner off of you, eyes laser focused into his task. I'm gonna throw up.
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In the colder months, he's susceptible to being more mellow and relaxed. Despite being the ultimate life form and having fur, he still gets cold and hates the feeling.
This brings me to the fact that bro steals your blankets, he has no remorse and will walk right into your room to take your heated blanket. He's an asshole.
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Fully believes that nicknames are stupid and that they don't matter, the best he's gonna do for you is call you by your first Intial (ex: Teddy = T) It's rare that he'll do call you by it regardless, but beggers cannot be choosers.
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Getting matching bangles to match his inhibitor rings!! Makes him go stupid for a second, brain computing that oh??? You want to match him?? He's gonna tease you, but when you threaten to just take them off, he immediately goes quiet.
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The subject of being sick came up often in asks, and he struggles really hard with it. It's not obvious, but if you look closely, his quills are pin straight, and he's easily more agitated.
He's not mad at you, it's not your fault, it's just that seeing you curl up into bed brings back so many bad memories of when Maria has flare ups and couldn't leave her bed.
It made him feel useless. His whole reason for being was to help cure illness, maybe not the common cold. He's aware of that, but the point remains.
Shadow gets more docile, even going to ask Maddie what to do. The woman offers to come over and take care of you instead, but Shadow shuts her down quickly. He's more than capable, and he's a little overprotective.
"Are you sure? I don't mind, I don't have anything going on."
"That isn't necessary."
"But it might be better if it's m-"
"I can take care of them."
It's hard to argue with a 5ft hedgehog that can easily snap your neck, so she regents and hands him over some cold and flu medicine along with painkillers and vaporub and instructions. He looks so silly with all of it in his arms, Gatorade, water, the medicine, some food, but it warms your heart. You haven't had anyone really look after you when you were sick, always left to fend for yourself, so it's nice.
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For my period havers, I am on mine, so this made it in:
Shadow using his hands as personal heating pads for your stomach or the small of your back, you can't seem to remember where you put your heating pad so he sits there with you and just, shoves his hand onto your skin, it's added comfort due to his fur.
"Oh my god, that feels good."
You groan into your pillow, curling up into a ball, your back facing the ultimate lifeform.
"Is it really that bad?"
Shadow hums, moving to ever so slightly knead the skin, smirking to himself when you damn near moan at the feeling.
"You know damn fucking well it's that bad."
Shadow snorts.
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Once you're both closer, he allows you to touch him alot more, so long as you ask him first if you can run your fingers over his quills, he finds it soothing, it's common to find you both on the couch, fast asleep together with the TV set to come true crime YouTube video.
Sonic takes a million pictures, to which he sends to Shadow later. The black hedgehog doesn't say anything, but he secretly saves each one.
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Speaking of the others, you try and force him to spend time with team Sonic to varying degrees of success. Mainly the success being if you will also be there and be by his side. The team likes you well enough, always playfully telling you that they can handle Shadow if he ever hurts you.
Which gets them Shadow staring them down, his eyes lighting up as a warning.
You'd think they'd learn that this man doesn't play when it comes to you, but they're a bit stupid.
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When it comes to any insecurities you may have, he shuts that shit down IMMEDIATELY, you think it's because he genuinely doesn't give a fuck, but no, it's because he cares about you and will logically tell you facts. Does it help? It's varying, but he still tries.
Issue with your weight. He doesn't care. Are you healthy? That's all that matters. He's strong enough to lift you up, and he'll demonstrate it on you if need be. He doesn't know who put it into your head that there's any issue with it, but he'll fix it.
"Shadow, can I ask you something?"
"Go on."
"Does my weight ever bother you?"
"I am not like human men."
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗
You're insecure about talking about your interests/hyperfixations? He actively will sit down and listen, eyes intense as he takes in every single word you're saying. He'll nod and hum, but his ears are flicked towards you, and Shadow will ask questions pertaining about the characters.
The motherfucker is healing you slowly but surely, mentally and sometimes physically.
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗
No one thinks that Shadow would be a good companion and will make jokes offhandily that they're sorry that YOU'RE stuck with him, and you don't correct them. They don't deserve to know him.
They don't get to know how the lifeform curls up next to you on his bad days, seeking your affection.
The hedgehog who helps you dry the dishes after every meal with a way too focused look on his face.
The Shadow that always cracks dry ass jokes in hopes to make you smile after a long day.
It's your little secret, and it's one you gladly keep to yourself.
"Oh, he's stuck with me." You wave them off with a smug smirk on your face.
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗
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hyewka · 27 days
i just neeeed a switchy-sub leaning, desperate vampire!gyu whos been begging for you to let him taste your blood, and you finally let him midst riding him; he keeps saying how good he’ll make you feel before he finally sinks in and the sensation makes you lowkey lose control over your own body, leaning onto him while he fucks into you from underneath, hands all over you, grasping at anything he can; he could just lose it right there from the way you moan into his ear, yet the only thing on his mind is how he needs to please you; pretty boy would never forgive himself if your sweet moans were to stop coming, the need to feel you cum on his cock like that way more important than his own high 😪
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★ warnings. vampire!gyu, creampie, blood, mentions of blacking out, big cock gyu ^__^
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★ note. keep this supernatural shit coming its so fun to write. this is also unfortunately more dom i think than sub like you asked but theyre desperate all the same
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“please,” he whimpers, hands gripping the plush of your thighs, fingers digging into your skin so hard it hurts. “please, just let me tase you, just a little. you smell so fucking good, feels like i'm gonna die.”
beomgyu’s been a fucking wreck for what feels like forever. the way he looks at you, his dark eyes filled with need, his lips parting just slightly whenever your neck is exposed—it’s been driving you both crazy. you can feel how much he needs it—how much he needs you. and tonight, you’re finally giving in, finally letting him have what he’s been pleading for.
he’s under you, his fat cock stretching you painfully, buried balls deep inside. but even that isn’t enough for him. how greedy. you bounce just slightly, his breath catching in a sharp gasp. “i don’t know… what if you can’t control yourself? what if you just keep going and never stop?” you tease, dragging your nails lightly down his chest.
“no, no i’ll be good,” he promises, too earnestly, too fast. “i’ll make you feel so good, love, i swear.”
you sigh, as if you’re giving in reluctantly. the truth is obviously far, far from the front you're putting up. “you'll make sure i feel good?”
his grip on your thighs tightens immediately, his breath hitching as he nods frantically. “so good. please, please just let me taste you. need it so bad. it won't hurt.”
he's trying to be convincing, but it's not working—not when his fangs finally come out, gleaming and looking too sharp, too dangerous.
there’s a flicker of something predatory in his eyes, something that tells you he’s been holding back for far too long, and it’s taking every ounce of control he has left. but even that’s slipping away, fast.
truth be told, you’re terrified. and you hesitate, diverting your eyes off what's having you feel so antsy. with a shaky breath, you reach up, sweeping your hair to the side, exposing your neck to him.
for a moment, he doesn’t move, just stares, his pupils dilating, nearly overtaking his eyes, turning them pure black. you feel your breathing constrict as you finally speak, tilting your head. "feed."
then, as if a dam has broken, he surges forward, a low, guttural growl escaping his throat. his hands shoot up to grip your waist, fingers digging in as his lips crash against your skin, almost frantic in his need.
his fangs scrape against your skin, and he doesn’t even give you a chance to adjust before he’s sinking them in deep, too deep, too fast—breaking the skin, a warm wave of blood flowing into his mouth. the pain is searing, white-hot, and your eyes fly open as a cry tears from your throat. “shit, gyu—fuck, you’re gonna—”
for a split second, it’s almost too much. but then, just as quickly, it’s swallowed by a wave of pleasure so intense it slams into you, making your whole body jolt, your breath catching in your throat. you choke out a moan, your hands shooting up to his hair, fingers tangling in it as your body shudders violently against his.
“you taste so fuckin' sweet,” beomgyu groans against your neck, his voice ragged, barely holding it together. he’s thrusting up into you, hips moving frantically, like he can’t control it, can’t control himself. “i could die like this, fuck, you’re everything, baby, i need more—”
and he's back on. it’s beyond overwhelming—the way he’s drawing blood, the way he’s feeding from you like he’s starved for it, each desperate gulp making your head spin, your vision blurring at the edges. you can feel yourself getting lightheaded, dizzy, as if every nerve in your body is on fire.
it doesn't help that his hands are everywhere. everywhere. they're rough, mindlessly roaming all over your body, completely losing it as he grabs at you, groping your ass, your hips, your soft curves, your breasts, squeezing, kneading, desperate to feel every part of you.
it’s driving you to the brink of insanity. he's never been this desperate.
“gyu, fuck—” you gasp, the words barely make it out before he slams into you again, his cock hitting your cervix with a brutal, desperate force. every thrust is erratic, wild, like he’s trying to break you in half, and it’s so deep, so fucking deep, you can’t even think straight.
“oh god, you’re gonna—fuck, you’re wrecking me—” you choke out, but it’s swallowed by a filthy moan as your nails digs down his scalp, not even phasing him one bit as he fucks you senseless.
your vision quickly starts to go dark, spots dancing in front of your eyes as the pleasure builds, overwhelming, all-consuming. you’re shaking, your body convulsing around him, your breath coming in short, ragged gasps as you barely hold on.
even through the haze, you can see him. his eyes are wild, his lips stained crimson with your blood, and he’s licking at them desperately, like he can’t get enough. “so fuckin' addictive. perfect—god, you’re perfect, can’t stop—can’t ever stop” he’s slurring his words, panting, barely making sense.
your pussy clenches tight around his cock, the reaction pure instinct as your body takes over, letting your eyes roll back as he relentlessly slams up into you, the sounds of skin slapping against skin almost too obscene, wet and filthy.
“don’t want you to stop,” you finally manage to gasp out, hips grinding down against him, feeling him throbbing inside you, hot and hard. “fuck, gyu, d-don’t stop.”
something seems to snap inside him, because suddenly, he’s gone—completely unhinged. his lips crash against yours, his fingers gripping your chin as he deepens the kiss, his teeth nipping at your bottom lip, the metallic tang of your own blood overpowering your sense.
“never,” he breathes when he finally pulls away, animalistic as he yanks you down his entire length. “i’ll never stop, baby. i’ll never let you go. you’re mine."
something about the way he says that causes a shiver to run through your spine. “gyu—fuck, i’m so close,” you whimper, tears welling in your eyes as your head spins, blurring your thoughts. “god, beommie, i’m gonna cum—”
“do it,” he commands, so raw, desperate. “cum for me. i need to feel it—need to feel you squeeze my cock, need it so bad.”
and then it hits you. your orgasm crashes, your body locking up as you scream his name, nails raking down his back. the pleasure is so intense it borders on pain, your vision going white as everything inside you tightens, shudders, explodes.
but beomgyu isn’t done. he doesn’t stop, doesn’t even slow down. it's as if he's driven by something primal, something feral, fucking you through it. “fuck, baby, yes—just like that, so fucking tight,” he grits out.
his eyes glaze over, and for a moment, he seems distant. but then you realize what’s caught his attention—his gaze's locked on the two fresh puncture marks on your neck, still oozing blood.
“look at you,” he murmurs, almost to himself, his voice low and rough. “you’re mine, marked by me. fuck, you’re so perfect, princess. so perfect.”
he leans in closer, and you shrivel up.
his lips hover just above the bite marks, as if he’s drawn to them, obsessed with the sight of your blood marking you as his. suddenly, you feel like you're really on the verge of passing out, your body slowly giving in to the fatigue that's overtaking your limbs, almost like you're floating, disconnecting from the world around you.
it's like he knows you're there, and no matter what, he won't let you fall into it. not yet. his tongue flicks out to taste your blood again, and the sensation sends a fresh wave of arousal. your body convulses, a strained moan ripping through your throat. "n-nghhh !"
with no warning, his hot seed shoots up into you with such force it feels like it might tear you apart. there’s too much—way too much—and it’s overflowing, pouring out of you, down your thighs. but he can’t stop, doesn’t want to stop, lean body thrusting up into you as he cums, again and again, milking every last drop. “take it all, my princess, every drop,” he rasps, his hands still gripping your hips, pulling you down onto him as he empties himself inside you. "all of me."
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underoossss · 1 year
What If’s -Miguel O’Hara
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pairing: miguel o’hara x fem!reader
warnings: spoilers for across the spiderverse!!!! a couple of vampire jokes here and there. kissing, yearning, idk if those are warnings.
an: there’s no better character than miguel to write a wholesome hurt/comfort friends to lovers fic. this is my first time writing for him and I hope I did a good job lmao. let me know how I did!
“I know I said I don’t mind your company.” Miguel’s voice reaches you from the platform he’s perched on in the middle of his lab. “But do you have to turn the volume up so loud?”
Your laugh echoes the room as you press a button twice to decrease the volume for a moment. “It helps me focus. Some of us have jobs aside from being a superhero you know.”
“Oh is saving the world not enough of a job for you?” Miguel’s eye-roll is clear in his tone and it makes you smile. “Perhaps you don’t know it but here we’re trying—”
“I know, I know, Twilight.” You wave him off over your shoulder. “What I mean is I like having a job, and I’m super smart so they let me work remotely.”
“All spider people are ‘super smart’ as you put it.” Miguel says, from somewhere behind you as you tap away on your laptop.
“Huh,” You fake surprise, then speak through a grin. “Here I thought I was the only one, good to know you’ve got a brain behind your broody eyes.”
Miguel’s breathy chuckle makes your heart jump, and you turn on your seat to catch the corner of his mouth lift in a half smile. Going back to the report you have to finish for your regular job, you turn the music up again and rest your feet on the desk in front of you. “I can feel you judging me, Twilight.”
“I am.” Miguel calls back to you and you smile.
There’s nothing that makes your body fill with warmth like Miguel. From being his most annoying spider recruit since the day you met —you saw he had fangs, and he never lived the vampire jokes down— your relationship has blossomed  into a beautiful friendship over time. The kind of friendship where everything is easy around each other, where you anticipate the other’s needs, and the kind that started with sharing trauma. Both of you’ve lost many people, and it’s probably the reason why you cling to the other as much as you do. You’re a stubborn tangle in his hair and he's as present in your life as the breeze that hits your face when you’re swinging through the city. You bring out the best in each other —regardless of you annoying him every single day— and this deep connection you seem to have is most likely the one responsible for the lines between friendship and love to be so blurred between you. You’ve fought by his side multiple times, and you love it, but there’s nothing you love more than these quiet moments with him, where you just exist near each other, and everything feels right. Though you love seeing him in action, more often than not getting distracted by his ruthlessness, strength, and skill, you love doing simple things with him too. Miguel showing up to your place when you’re cooking dinner and refusing to dance along with you; Miguel getting coffee with you after much insistence to leave his desk; Miguel sighing at your bad jokes which only makes you laugh more; Miguel staying over at your place, his presence a warm reassurance that you’re safe.
Insistent pinging takes your mind away from its memories, and you’re quick to set your work aside and swing to the platform to see what’s going on. Lila has appeared over Miguel’s shoulder and is gesturing at the many alarms popping up on the yellow screens. A canonic event has been interrupted, a black hole has opened under the city of Mumbattan on earth 50101,  Miles Morales —the Spider-Man Miguel’s been keeping tabs on for a while— is in that dimension for some reason, and there’s a multiverse-jumping anomaly on the loose.   
Miguel’s face darkens, a mix of worry, fury, and tiredness forcing his features down into a deep frown. He pinches the bridge of his nose before talking to Lyla as he flips through the screens. “Tell Jessica to go to Earth 50101 and bring backup with her. We need to contain that black hole.”
“On it.” Lyla disappears for a moment before she’s back by Miguel’s side. “What else?”
“Bring Miles Morales to me.” He says, setting his hands on the table in front of him and looking at the screen that show’s Miles stopping the canonic event. “It’s time we stop this mess at its source.”
“Miguel?” Your eyebrows shoot up at his words, worry settling on your chest. “What do you mean?”
Lyla disappears a moment later as Miguel’s monitors keep flipping through the events in Mumbattan. Alchemax blowing up as a result of the anomaly calling itself the Spot turning on the supercollider. The building collapsing on itself.
“You know what I mean.” The man in front of you furrows his brows in anger. “He’s become a threat since the moment he was bitten. It was never even supposed to happen, you can’t expect me to let him go on like this. To keep disregarding canon as much as he pleases.”
“You know I’ve always supported you, Miguel.” You take his hand in both of yours and squeeze it tightly. “I’m the one backing you up, winning everyone over when they get mad at you… But this is wrong.”
“It’s not.” He says, taking his hand back from you and clicking away on his computer. A moment later, moments in Miles Morales’ life float in the screens around you. “We have to stop him. He’s going to undo everything we do if not.”
“Miguel,” You furrow your brows at his words, then gesture towards him with your arms. “Listen to yourself, who’s more out of canon here, him or us? We weren’t bitten, that’s strike one; we can’t stick to walls, strike two; you don’t shoot webs and my senses aren’t heightened like everyone else’s. That’s strike three.”
It’s something that’s always intrigued you, but it’s never made you think of yourself or Miguel as less of a Spiderman than everyone else. That’s not what wearing the mask means; it means protecting those who can’t protect themselves. To be selfless and kind and self-sacrificing for the world, even if no one says thank you. If Miguel and yourself haven’t broken the multiverse just by existing, then why would Miles. If his world hasn’t collapsed then there’s nothing wrong with him being the superhero that he is.
Miguel ponders your words but shakes his head, still adamant to see things your way in this matter. “The kid–”
You take a step closer to him and cut him off before he can continue. “The kid was bitten, regardless of it being supposed to happen or not! He has lost someone dear already and has basically followed every other spiderman rule, Miguel. I don’t think he’s the reason this is happening.”
Your friend, the object of your affections, turns his back towards you, going back to his screens. They show the events of Mumbattan now, the way Miles saved the captain and the little girl from being crushed by falling debris. There’s also the black hole in the city, threatening the people they tried so hard to save. The hole is so similar to the Spot’s that you’re sure an analysis would prove it right. But Miguel isn’t seeing reason. “He is.”
“It’s the Spot’s fault!” You raise your voice, frustration getting the best of you more a moment before you take a deep breath. Trying to see things from his perspective, you place a hand on his upper arm, your voice falling down to a reassuring whisper. “I know you’re scared of the world collapsing again, but it won’t.”
Your heart falls when he shrugs your hand off and turns to look at you. The many screens around you dance across his features, and after inhaling deeply Miguel speaks again. “You don’t know that.”
“I do,” You smile sadly, hoping that your confidence in him will let him see what’s right under his nose. “I know it because this time you’re here, Miguel, guiding us and making sure it doesn’t happen again. You just need to see that Miles isn’t the problem.”
“Everything started with him.” Miguel argues, his voice emphasizing the word everything, definite on his theory. His eyes are full of resentment, not towards you, but towards the situation. Days and nights of working himself thin in this office, weighing on his broad shoulders.
Your squeeze your eyes shut before you look at him again. He’s so blinded by his own past mistakes; he thinks Miles will repeat them. When you speak again your voice is soft despite your irritation. “Miguel, you know in your heart it didn’t, and I know that because we’re the same.”
He exhales and looks into your eyes; they soften only slightly as they lock with yours. You try to urge him once again to forget this theory for a moment and see things differently if only for a second. He needs to know you don’t think it has to come to this –an attack towards the young spiderman– and that you won’t be a part of it if it does.  
“If I feel it, then you must feel it too.” Though you’re talking about his plans for the young spiderman, the underlying topic of your feelings for him are clear as day in the way you look at him. You let your guard down, and say barely above a whisper, “Please. You know I can’t follow you, not this time.”
His eyes look aways from you as his shoulders tense, a clear sign of all the walls you’d crumbled building back up. “You want me to risk everything, including you, over a what-if?”
“Everything’s a what-if, Miguel.” You smile sadly at him, then set your shoulders straight as you step away from the platform and from him. “But I guess that settles that.”
Miguel takes two steps and catches up to you before he reaches for your hand. There’s a tightness around his brown eyes from the way you’re looking at him tearfully. They shift to confusion a moment later, when his hand moves upwards towards your wrist and you grin. Taking another step back, you hold your watch on your opposite hand, showing him that you knew he’d try to take it from you. You know him better than he gives you credit for.
“I’ll see you when you’ve changed your mind, Twilight.” You fiddle with your watch until a portal opens and when it does, you throw the device back at him. Though your throat is tight, emotion concentrating there as tears sting your eyes, you keep yourself from crying. “Otherwise… I guess this is goodbye.”
Not bearing to look into the new despair in his eyes, you turn around and walk into your dimension without looking back. When the portal closes behind you, you’re back in your apartment, the room dark around you safe for the lamp you forgot to turn off in the morning. Every corner you look at you see Miguel’s lingering shadow; the wall he always leaned against when you talked in the kitchen, the couch where the two of you always hung out –your legs over his lap and your laptop over yours as he waited for you to finish working. You wrap your arms around yourself, hoping for some comfort to come from it.
Hoping this mess can be fixed.
It is only a day later when the first step towards it being resolved, happens. You’ve been swinging through the city, patrolling different neighborhoods and keeping an eye out for any anomalies. Without your watch you’ve been disconnected from the Spider Society. Most importantly from Miguel, and although you try to, you can’t help but wonder what’s happening back in the HQ. You've barely been to your apartment since your fight with Miguel, your heart feels like a fading bruise –not quite broken but yearning painfully– and the last thing you want to do is spend time somewhere that will bring his memory back to you. So quick stops to shower, work, and eat, in between patrols are all you’ve allowed yourself. You’re swinging to one of these stops, when you spot a lonely figure standing in your balcony.
Even from afar you know its him, no one else has his shoulder-to-waist ratio, and no one else makes your heart skip quite like he does. Despite being vexed from your last conversation, you feel his heart call out to yours, and the way his eyes rise to see you swing towards the balcony are all the confirmation that you need that your assumptions were right. He would come around eventually, you knew it, you never thought it would be this fast though. What have you done now, Miguel?
You land on the balcony next to him, nod towards your door so he can follow you inside. Once the door closes behind you, you take your mask off and Miguel’s vanishes too. There’s no awkwardness as you stand in front of each other in the middle of the living room, only silence in an otherwise joyful room. The lights are still off in your apartment but you don’t move to turn them on, instead you shrug and motion towards the balcony.
“Nice timing.” You say, trying to keep your voice light. “What are you doing here?”
“You said you’d see me when I changed my mind.” His voice is low, like he’s worried the moment will shatter if he speaks any louder.
“You did?” Your question is followed by a step closer to him, but a frown appears on your face. “What changed it?”
“I’m sorry. I made a mistake.” He whispers, brows furrowed together creating a deep crease between them. His eyes won’t meet yours but from the city lights outside your apartment, and the glow from his suit, you can see the deep regret in them, and the embarrassment from admitting his wrongs. “Then made a mess out of everything.”
“You can say I told you so, because you were right.” He turns to you, bringing his hand to hold your cheek briefly before he sighs and walks away, closer to the balcony’s window.
“What happened?” You follow him, standing next to him. Part of you is afraid he’s going to leave the same way he arrived, and panic settles on your chest. You urge him to keep talking though, you won’t give him a chance to shut down this time. “What happened with Miles?”
“The Spot’s stronger than before and going to Miles’ dimension to destroy it and then possibly many others.” Miguel clenches his hands into fists, the muscles around his neck tensing, the stress and worry in them is clear for you to see. “But he’s not there, because of me.”
You sigh and pinch the bridge of your nose, a mannerism you’ve gotten from the man next to you. Of course he scared the kid off; you love this man more than anything, but he really needs to work on his first impressions. “Where is he? How can we find him?”
“I have an idea; I think his friends do too.” Miguel starts, then shakes his head, some strands of hair falling over his forehead. “Maybe the dimension of the spider that bit him is a good place to start.”
“Then we find him, Miguel.” You move to stand in front of him, your back to the window and the city, all your focus on him. “We find him, we bring him home, and we defeat the Spot.”
He nods almost imperceptibly his gaze in the distant glimmering buildings, his handsome yet tired features washed in light blue and purple light. You know he can feel your gaze on him, burning a hole on his face but his eyes won’t look away from the window. When he doesn’t give in a moment later, you bring both of your hands to his face. Half expecting him to move away, you’re surprised when he lets you, and a small breath escapes him at the contact.
“Why won’t you look at me?” You whisper, your thumbs moving softly over his cheekbones. “Everything will be alright; we can fix it.”
“I almost lost everything by trying to prevent it from happening again.” He confesses, eyes full of torment when they finally meet yours. They glisten in the light, worry and despair making his icy layers melt for you too see him clearly. It’s enough to make you tear up. When you try to say something, he cuts you off as if knowing what you’re about to say. “I almost lost you.”
You shake your head fervently. “You were never going to lose me, we’re best friends I don’t think we’re capable of losing each other.”
“We’re more than that.” He says, voice gentle as he takes your hands from his face and holds them in his, they dwarf yours in size. “I feel it too and I’m sorry if it’s too late.” His words echo back to your last conversation, and it makes your stomach flip. Finally, after so much time, your feelings are bare in front of each other. Precious jewels you would never trust to anyone else, both broken, both put back together, and perfect for the other.
“It’s not.” You shake your head and let go of his hands, moving them instead to rest on his shoulders. A smile makes its way to your face, and the way Miguel’s lips move to mirror it makes your heart soar.
A moment later his head is tipping downwards as you step on the tip of your toes to kiss him. It’s an electric moment, a canonic event itself with the way all the pieces seem to fall into place. You move your arms around Miguel’s shoulders and hitch yourself higher to wrap your legs around his waist. His approval is hummed into your mouth as his lips move ardently against yours. One of his arms goes around your waist while the other moves up your back to bury his hand in your hair, tipping your face in the perfect angle to kiss you into a blissful state. Your sighs are unstoppable and he’s more than happy to catch them with his lips as your hands move to his hair. This is all you’ve wanted, to have him completely, for the two of you to accept the feelings that have always been there.
Eventually your passionate kiss simmers down to something slower, calmer. Miguel’s lips brush yours softly; barely-there kisses that move to the corner of your mouth, your cheek and along your jaw. His voice is rough when he whispers against your lips in a gentleness he rarely shows, “I love you, I always have.”
“I love you, you broody, cheap Twilight vampire wannabe.” You murmur, brushing your nose against his as he chuckles under his breath, before he sets you down. “We should go.”
“Only if you want to.” Miguel tells you, holding out your watch on the palm of his hand.
You take it from him and put it on with a smile. “Please, you’d be lost without me.”
His hand cups your cheek for a moment, a soft smile just for you on his face as he says, voice low. “Right again.”
In front of you a new portal appears, back to Miguel’s office to round everybody up. The future might still be up in the air, and there might be many battles ahead before this multiversal conflict is solved. But one thing you know for sure is that with the right team, the impossible can happen. You’re sure Miles’ team has his back, but a little backup wouldn’t hurt them, would it?
You take Miguel’s hand and squeeze it in yours before walking backwards to the portal. “Come on Twilight, let’s help the kids save the world.”
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strongheartneteyam · 1 year
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[ IMPORTANT: the picture in the middle is a fungi that produces a liquid that ONLY SEEMS like blood. It's NOT real blood.]
It bleeds and it burns.
Neteyam Sully x female!omatikaya!reader
Author's note: Neteyam is in his twenties and he's now the Olo'eyktan of the Omatikaya clan.
CW: established relationship, so angsty, broken hearted reader, jealous reader, insecure reader, mentions of sex, emotionally hurt neteyam, intense feelings, hurt/comfort, crying, forgiveness, heart wrenching but beautiful
Not proofread. Also, I don't really know what kind of fanfiction this is, maybe a short story ??? no idea. just felt like writing it. hope u guys like it ♡
( :̲̅:̲̅:[̲̅:★:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅)
And so it seems I broke your heart
My ignorance has struck again
I failed to see it from the start and tore you open 'til the end
And I'm sorry to my unknown lover
Sorry that I can't believe that anybody ever really starts to fall in love with me
Sorry (Halsey)
( :̲̅:̲̅:[̲̅:★:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅)
Neteyam would always take your hand and smile at you so sincerely. You could tell how much he loved you only by the way his lips curled up and his mouth opened up wide, his fangs protruding.
You knew how strong he was, how powerful he was as the Olo'eyktan of the Omatikaya clan. Your mate was a fearless, brave warrior, a skilled hunter, a beyond great archer.
But you also knew he would never hurt you. He would never dare to use his physical strength or high intelligence to bruise or betray you, in any way. Not if he could help it. Never on purpose.
Neteyam had the softest spot for you ever. He was always there to help you, to keep you safe. He'd spend longer than usual out in the forest only to hunt your favorite kind of meat, gather your favorite fruits, bring you enough water for you to never be dehydrated.
You were a jealous kind of girl. Whenever you saw another female na'vi, a stranger, who wasn't a family member or an old friend of his, gazing at him for way too long, you'd become territorial. You'd sit on his lap when everyone would gather to eat together around the scorching bonfire, just so all the other Omatikaya girls knew Neteyam was yours. That you two had made tsaheylu, that it was useless to try.
Meanwhile, Neteyam only had eyes for you but you couldn't realize that. Even though everytime you two made love, especially when he was going through his rut, he would worship your body just like you were a goddess, like you were Eywa herself. So, you ended up hurting him when trying to keep him closer. You ended up making him bleed instead of nursing his wounds. You would have anger outbursts, fighting with Neteyam and showing too much jealousy unbelievably often.
One night, you were crazily mad at him. He was late. Where the hell could he be? What company was he keeping?
When Neteyam finally came home, only a little later than the usual, you started to ask him a handful of cutting questions. You asked him - nervously and in attack mode - where he was, if someone was with him, why was he so damn late. You told him you were not a fool and if he ever cheated on you, you'd never forgive him.
"I was just looking for this." He handed you a small basket full of bittersweet little berries. "I know they are your favorite. Wanted to bring you some but finding them took longer than I expected. There was a nantang in the way." (viperwolf) "I had to make him go away without hurting him too much. It was hard..." He sighed, tired "Sorry for coming home late." Neteyam was so calm, his altruism ruled over his instinct to defend himself.
You were left speechless, full of regret, feeling sorry for... everything. You had to change. You had to be a better mate for your Neteyam. He deserved the world and took so many responsibilities for himself. It had been so since he was a young na'vi boy. He surely felt overwhelmed. Who was going to always be there for him if not his mate, the one he was bonded to forevermore?
"You know," Neteyam's eyes stared deep inside yours. His feline like ears were pointing down, betraying his pain "not everything is what it seems."
You were frozen in your place, looking down at the floor, not able to look him in the eye. Your thoughts started to spiral, telling you that you were not good enough to be his mate and you always mess everything up in the end. Some seconds passed while you listened to that wicked voice in your head, while you let your insecurities deceive you, pretending to want to help you, when in the end, their true intention was to drag you down, make you act in stupidity.
When you looked up again, he was already gone. You walked towards the door, despair hitting you hard, stealing the air that should be going inside your lungs and out. Your eyes rapidly caught Neteyam's silhouette walking fast towards the open forest. He would always go there to unwind a bit, to organize his thoughts when everything felt like too much.
You could only hope and pray to the Great Mother that when he came back, he would forgive you for how you had been acting lately, for not trusting him, for being paranoid. You hoped he would give you a second chance to make it right. You tried to calm down, to breathe. You waited for him.
After walking for some time, Neteyam was now sitting on a tree branch. That same tree stood really tall. It was the perfect place to hide and not be bothered.
Hot tears silently rolled down his face. He was the Olo'eyktan, he could not let anyone see him cry in the middle of the forest, late at night, so he camouflaged, up high in that huge tree.
Neteyam's strong heart now felt fragile. He felt weak. Almost nobody could break him. He learned to be the toughest he could be just so he could take the heavy position of Olo'eyktan, leading his clan. Many envied him, but, what they didn't realize was that the "crown" he wore weighed more than it shone.
He loved to be the leader of his people but that didn't mean it was not hard to try and not crumble, even on the face of such complicated matters he had to solve, even facing life threatening danger really often, to be the Omatikaya people protector, ready to fight and give his life up to keep everyone safe and sound.
He didn't have the luxury to put himself in first place.
But he was thankful for his mate. His safe haven used to be you. But you became darker with time, harder to deal with. He missed who you were in the beginning. That fresh, bubbly, sweet girl he fell in love with. All he wanted was her back in his arms. Sometimes, he did not recognize you anymore.
Neteyam started to hear intense, irregular sounds of brittle leaves breaking. Someone was running through the forest he was in, getting closer and closer to where he was. He was in a full vigilance state now. But it soon changed.
It was you. You were now standing next to the tree he was sitting on. He looked down at your slender body that, from so afar, looked utterly small.
"Neteyam!" You shouted, looking up at your mate. The frail eclipse light that came through the leaves made his bioluminescent freckles shine so bright, just like many tiny fireflies settled on his dark blue, perfect skin. "I'm so sorry! Please! Can we talk?!" You looked at him, pleading
Neteyam immediately gave in. Of course he wanted to talk to you. To hear you say "forgive me". To accept you back inside his arms. He loved you ardently. All he wanted and needed was you.
He signaled he was going to get off the tree, and, so did he.
When he got to the floor, you ran to him like he was air and you were almost drowning.
"I'm so, so, so sorry, my yawne!" (beloved)
"Shhhh... it's okay." Neteyam cooed, trying to comfort you. He held you tight in his arms, your skin glued to his warm, comfortable body. "We'll make it through. I love you, yawntu." (loved one) "Forever."
Your mate took your face on his big hands and, seeing you were crying, inconsolable, he just crushed his lips on yours and kissed your pain and angst away.
"Oel ngati kameie." (I see you) "I never stopped seeing who you truly are. On our darkest moments, I still remembered." Neteyam reassured you, his face serene and full of a burning kind of love, only and exclusively for you.
You understood. You finally understood.
You did not need to be insecure. Nothing could ever tear the both of you apart. Not even death. You could finally rest your head down on your mat and sleep peacefully.
I'm tagging you @yeosxxx bc u asked to be tagged in all my works and I'm SO sorry for almost forgetting to tag u 🥲 my memory sucks
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it's the wrong treasure!(pirate leona x siren reader-part 1)
(im open for scenarios and headcanons)
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hi guys! mays is back✨sorry for not posting but i was busy with my family and summer school, here's the pirate leona scenario according to the poll I created a few days ago ⏤͟͟͞͞★
and also i would like to tell y'all that i might start writing about ruggie and epel, i started studying them this couple of days⏤͟͟͞͞★
pirate leona x siren fem!reader⏤͟͟͞͞★
reader being a simp somehow, sfw, I will include characters that do not exist in twst as members of Leona's crew they are only NPCs, reader is a siren and violent with people on land, Her species is aggressive with pirates and sings with their beautiful voice, They lure pirates to their places in the ocean to catch them and get rid of them, The reader will be violent with Leona since he's in their territory⏤͟͟͞͞★
pirate Leona was with his pirate crew in the ocean, heading to find a treasure, and by mistake they found a completely different kind of treasure..⏤͟͟͞͞★
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Under the cloud-covered sky, a crashing navy blue bed of high waves decorated the horizon in plain sight, announcing the arrival of the sailing ship to the point of no return. The strong storm and violent waves shook the ship and raised it to the heights of the sky, then slammed it into the face of the ocean again..
The ship whose surface was filled with a crew of scoundrels and bandits, all inside the bottom of the ship eating the huge fish they had earned from a recent theft. At the head of the table sat their leader, the beastman, his legs carelessly above the table, sitting proudly crushing the thorny bones of the fish with his powerful fangs, He was chewing his food while his crew laughed and drank, completely unconcerned about the storm that seemed to sink the ship at any moment. These stinkers were accustomed to these difficult adventures and it no longer frightened them
"You damned bastards, pour more drink! Don't you see that we are close to reaching the treasure that the pirate captain has been searching for for years?!!" One of the pirates shouted as he climbed onto the table and raised his wooden cup, spilling the drink on the food while laughing hard
The rest of them all started cheering and encouraging, increasing the noise in the banquet room, which made the beastman's ears flicker and his eyebrows furrow, clear sign of him getting annoyed
"heey...y'all shut up!! just how many times should i yell about wanting the banquet to be quiet?!! Do you want me to throw you off the ship and get eaten by the sharks??!" leona yelled, slamming his palm on the table as he lift his tricorn off his head "It is too early to celebrate, do not rule out that we will arrive and find the treasure stolen" yeah stolen, he is sure that the treasure is his, He will not say that someone preceded him in finding the treasure, but rather he is certain that the treasure was originally existed just for him
Leona took a sip of his drink as he looked at the map in his hand and contemplated it. Legend says that in the middle of this ocean there is a mermaid queen whose tail is made of gold, diamonds, blue sapphires and emeralds, her face is studded with pearls and her hair is made of thin threads of silver.. Price This mermaid is alive for 100 million, and she is dead for 75 million.."Because of her brightness, her tail and hair can be seen from 100 meters away. How wonderful" Leona grinned, he must find her no matter what the cost because he is a greedy pirate..But while he was immersed in his thoughts..
The ship captain came from the deck and descended the stairs. He called to Leona as he stopped in the middle of the stairs "BOSS, I SAW SOMETHING SHINING IN THE MIDDLE OF THE OCEAN!!!"
Leona's train of thought was interrupted by the captain's screams. His eyes widened and he looked at the captain in shock. He was very surprised that they had just arrived at the intended location, but the captain saw the light so quickly "you're kidding right?!!" Leona quickly got up and ran to the stairs, followed by the rest of the crew. They threw their cups on the floor and left the food, immediately heading to the deck to confirm what the captain had said
While they were running down the stairs, the captain was talking to Leona "boss, i can here the sirens.."
Leona was even more surprised, but his surprised expression quickly turned into a smile from ear to ear, baring his fangs as excitement pumped strongly through his veins "sirens, huh? interesting, this means we are in the right place"
Leona stood at the front of the ship and looked at the place indicated by the captain. The captain was right. There was a golden shine on the horizon. The sound of Siren’s singing could be heard from afar..leona shivered in excitement and turned to his crew who would have screamed with anticipation
“YOU STINKY BASTARDS, ARE YOU READY TO GET THE DAMNED TREASURE??!!" leona screamed, He took out his sword from its sheath place and raised it to the sky. The sounds of the crew’s cheering echoed in the place, covering the noise of the storm and waves
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Leona was standing on the edge of the ship, completely wet from the rain, looking towards the shiny thing in the water. He was a little in the water so only the long golden tail was visible..he is a bit..confused, why the mermaid didn't escape? He furrowed his eyes and brought his face closer to the water "is this even a mermaid?.." Leona turned to his crew and looked at them seriously "Get your net and catch this thing!"
The men quickly brought the net and prepared it. It did not take long until they threw it into the water and caught that golden body. It was pulled from the water forcefully and they raised it to the ship, and it was very heavy
Leona's eyes widened.. She is really a mermaid, she has a really shiny golden tail "WTF?" He is completely shocked, is it possible that he caught the queen so easily? Impossible, something must be wrong here "BE QUICK YOU IDIOTS!!!"
Just when the men were going to throw the mermaid onto the deck of the ship, Leona was standing right next to them and grabbed the net to pull with them because the mermaid was heavy... With a quick and unexpected movement, Leona did not feel anything at this moment except two very wet hands pulling him forcefully by his clothes, and the mermaid. She hit the men with her tail so hard that they collided with each other and collapsed to the ground immediately
"HEY Y!!!-" Leona was unable to give a reaction because within seconds he found himself being pulled and falling from the ship into the ocean. He could not see this time because he's underwater, and in front of him was only a mermaid who tore the net and freed herself, grabbing him by the neck and squeezing his body around her long tail... in fact, she was not a mermaid...she was a Siren
You are Siren, you were very angry as usual. Your people sent you to stop Leona's ship because he, like any other pirate, is trying to take the riches of your land and destroy your territory "you bastard..let me see your face.." you pulled the tricorn off his head, laughing at him as you swam to the surface, pulling him out the water so he can take a breath
"HAAAHH!!" Leona gasped hard as he took a breath and coughed after the water entered his lungs. He was in your grip trying to free his right hand. When you were about to curse and mock him again, you remained in your place for a few seconds.. His face.. Is this scoundrel really a pirate?..there's no way a pirate can look so handsome and young..where's the fucking shaggy beard? where's the golden teeth and the forty-something face?
"...are you a pirate?" you spook, amazement clear in your voice
Leona, quickly notice that you are distracted, so try to quickly release his right hand and take advantage of this moment of you lowering your defense "yes i'm the pirate captain, Why does this worry you??"
you were speechless, you are used to the ugly dirty shaggy bearded golden teethed forty years old smelly pirates that when you see a handsome man with legs you felt something inside you awaken..Even the men of your species are usually ugly, the sirens are usually ugly at all and their appearance is frightening, unlike the mermaids..so, for the first time in your life..you actually saw a handsome man, a man that made you have a moment of silence, you just wanted to stare at him for the rest of the day and enjoy that good looking appearance of his
but in the middle of your simping era, you were surprised by him suddenly swinging his sowrd in your face, almost injuring you in your neck and chest, you quickly let off him and swam away, trying to collect back your thoughts and keep up with reality. leona hold i rope that his crew threw to him, he climbed and got out of the water..looking at you almost angrily as he pulled his her back and panted
They didn't give you a chance. Suddenly, you were surprised by a strong bullet trying to hit you, but the shooter missed the target. Someone was carrying a gun on the ship and started taking another flintlock gun out of his pocket to hit you. You knew at this moment that there was no better option than running away. So you swam to the depths of the ocean with all your speed to avoid any serious injury
Leona boarded the ship again. He threw himself on the ground, coughing and feeling suffocated by the water in his lungs. He was preoccupied with the pain in his chest and ribs after you squeezed him hard with your tail
"boss, are you ok??! put the boss in his room and retreat!!! the ship"
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"why the hell did you let them go, y/n?!!"
Under the ocean and inside one of the caves where your people used to live, the leaders gathered at you in anger. They sent you to eliminate those in the crew of the Leona ship, but you only failed the mission
you were speechless, You yourself don't know what happened to you. You used to kill these bastard men in cold blood. Why do you kind of feel strange now? You saw a beautiful being for the first time in your life, so beautiful that he made your tail fall loose around his waist, making you lower your defense and actually get..vulnerable
"im..im sorry, i don't know what got me..i just..i really don't know" you stutter, unable to defend yourself in the presence of your leaders, your brain was raising a million miles with all these thoughts
After a long and annoying discussion and reprimand, you were finally taken out. You were now outside the cave, swimming in the ocean, immersed in your thoughts. You remembered that perfect, clean face, the sharp, shining fangs, the green eyes like emeralds, the sharp jaw like a knife, and every detail of his face... just attracted you "why im still thinking about him?! ahh this is stupid!!" You tried to slap yourself and come back to your senses, but that didn't work either. His image is still clear in your head...
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A week has passed. Throughout this week, you have not stopped watching the ship from afar, chasing Leona every time he comes out on deck and you approach, trying to get a close look at the man who has not left your imagination for a week, only your eyes outside the water lurking every move he makes. Every day your admiration for him increased more and more, especially when you saw him one day standing on the deck of the ship without his shirt and he was sharpening his sword. His muscles sent you wild, Now he looks a thousand times more tempting than before, to the point where you can't focus on doing anything all day except wishing to see him come out more
And on this day, while you were watching it as usual, you noticed that for some reason the crew members had not gone to the surface since the morning, and even the ship’s captain was not out to steer. The ship was moving on its own without navigation, which made you wonder... Did something happen on the ship?
Curious, you swam closer to the ship, going around it several times and checking the corners, putting your ear to the wood and trying to hear any sound from inside, but no one was talking and there were no sounds of movement...it was as if everyone had suddenly evaporated from the ship
"what the?..were did they go??.." you said to yourself, and when you decided to just go and come back later and gave the ship your back, you suddenly felt a lot of ropes around you, tightening against your torso and suddenly pulling you up
"LIFT HER QUICKLY!!!" You heard Leona's voice shouting at the crew, what?! Where did he come from?! Rather, where did they all suddenly come from?!
You tried to free yourself as last time, but this time the ropes were thick and strong, it was not just a fishing net that could be torn, so all your miserable attempts failed
You tried to scream and call on your people to save you, but suddenly you were silenced by someone putting a vial in your mouth filled with a strange-tasting liquid. You couldn't even tell what was going on, but you swallowed a large amount of liquid by mistake
Now, you were lying on the ground in front of the crew, and you felt a large amount of magic in your body... as if your body was convulsing and your tail was splitting in two, your bones were hurting and your gills were disappearing, the seashells on your entire body were disappearing... something strange was happening to you that you could not explain
You didn't even notice when Leona approached you and put a cloth over your body and wrapped it around you to cover you, because you simply drank a magic drink that turned you into a human. It wouldn't be pleasant for Leona to keep a girl naked in front of his crew, who he know that they are all bastard perverts
After you regained control of yourself and recovered from the pain, you realized what had happened to you. Your body froze completely when suddenly you were able to move two legs instead of a tail. You began to feel your skin, which had become very soft and free of shells. You touched your face, which clearly had changed, you don't feel your features are the same..
"hey, salmon, are you traumatized?" He interrupted your train of thought again, Leona. You raised your head to look at him, confused and frightened
"y-you!!!" You realized how stupid you are. You completely forgot that Leona is a beastman. It is true that he is not human, but that will not prevent him from making you dinner for him and the pirates, or perhaps they will sell you and take you to the land
But on the other hand, Leona was in a completely parallel world... unable to believe what his eyes were seeing. You were ugly because you were Siren, but now that you took this magical antidote, your appearance changed and you became a human being... your true features emerged and you became completely beautiful as the myths say, He was looking you up and down and inspecting every inch of you with his eyes, like any man in the world, of course: he gets aroused by the siren -not too much but just it worked-, it's practically done with him, even though you are now the weak party, it seems that the man will remain a man
"get away from me, don't come clo-!!! AHHAA LET ME GOOO!!!" just a second and you were hoisted up in the air, leona held you on his shoulder like a potato sack and walked to inside the ship "calm down salmon, i won't eat you" was all he said as he took you to his room, kicking it open and then kicking it back closed with his feet, putting you gently on the bed and moving away, standing beside the bed edge
"now, salmon, Can you explain why you've been stalking me all last week?"
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im sorry for being shitty and stopping here but i really like making multiple chapters since im basically a 200-chapters-novel writer, but i need to see if there's people who will like this so i continue writing! i hope y'all support me on this so i can write more🫶🏻
⏤͟͟͞͞★thanks for reading!
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sftandwet · 11 months
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content alert ★ pwp, pussy eating, biting, blood, sub reader, use of dagger, superficial cut, licking blood, threesome | vamp leon x reader x vamp ada
links ★ masterlist revil ! ☁️ ۰ movie star event
❨author's ۰ notes ❩ ★ I loved writing this, I confess i wrote it when i was drunk :D seeing re4's aesthetics gives me a wonderful feeling, so writing this was a delight.
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Feeling the sharp nails scratching your skin, you experience thin lines of pleasure running through your body. Tied to the bed, completely naked and under the gaze of Leon and Ada, you feel restless. Excitement flows rapidly like fuel in a fire, and intoxicated with pleasure, as if you had consumed high doses of alcohol. Longing for any contact, you are willing to do anything they desire, surrendering completely to their whims.
"So eager... so needy... Hold back and be patient, because if everything ends too quickly, there won't be any fun," whispers Ada against your lips, before gently kissing them, skillfully sliding her tongue over yours. With surprising kindness, she bites and sucks your lips, holding your face in her hands, occasionally pausing to look into your eyes, then kissing you again a little faster, always nibbling on your lips. "And we all want to have fun, darling."
Taking opposite positions, Leon takes his place on the left and Ada lies down on your right side, delicately. They explore your skin with subtle touches, gently tracing the lines of your face with cold fingers, provoking shivers through your body and causing your back to arch.
"You're so sensitive," Leon laughs playfully, burying his head in your neck and leaving kisses on your warm skin, while sliding his left hand smoothly along your bare leg, pulling it and opening it for himself. Ada follows suit, assisting the blond in parting your legs. "I appreciate every little detail of your body," she declares lovingly.
“Everything is so perfect” Ada confesses to you, sliding past your legs, reaching your crotch, running her hand over your pussy, feeling your essence wet the tips of her fingers. Wong doesn't shy away, trying to dip his fingers into your wet hole slowly, feeling your cunt squeeze his fingers.
“A-Ada, p-please” In a mix of desire and desperation, you beg, raising your hips in search of an extra dose of pleasure, but the provocative rhythm only increases your madness. Each time she penetrates and removes her fingers completely, you involuntarily contract the void, in a vain attempt to prolong the sensation. "Please"
You feel a gentle bite on your neck as Leon slides his hand further down. You gasp in despair. Internally, feelings of self-deprecation begin to emerge. Feeling so desperate over so little makes you question why you are so sensitive. There hasn't even been an overload of pleasure and you're already panting, spilling out every time you feel the red orbs staring at your essence. Every kiss and every touch of their fangs gives you pleasure. You long for a bond devoid of formalities, you ardently want to be bitten and become theirs forever .
Now Leon was touching you too, Ada sees him touching and takes his hand, bringing it closer to your pleasure center, which he rubs gently, you scream, closing your eyes with the immeasurable pleasure you feel. Your body needs it and you know it, although they also know it, seeing you so vulnerable and so needy for so little made them shiver, catching a glimpse of your wet cunt from mere touches was like admiring a work of art. Both were on their knees between your legs, resting your legs on their laps, while touching your pussy.
“Please, I need more” with effort you managed to speak straight, loud and clear, shamelessly begging for more touches. It was like torture, sadistic and impetuous, torturing you with crumbs of pleasure .
“Be patient, bunny” Leon comes out and comes to your face, gently holding your chin, looking at you with his scarlet orbs, catching a glimpse of your tearful gaze, pleading eyes in his direction.
“Fun must last, love” Leon kisses your lips, unlike Ada who was soft, he is a little rougher. Sticking his tongue in your mouth, sucking your lips hard, while sliding his hands to your neck, squeezing it with pressure, you sigh and he takes the opportunity to put his tongue in your mouth again. “Be a good girl for us…”
"And we'll do whatever you want" with catlike steps, Ada approaches you, kissing your neck, running her fangs slowly along your warm skin while her fingers circled your nipple. Leon imitates her, although a little more impolite than Ada, your body reacts the same way when you feel them touch you.
They both slide their fingers down your abdomen, feeling your skin crawl under their fingers and your body stiffen, fingers finding your wet pussy, making a light caress before Leon opens her labia and Ada slides her fingers under her needy clit. Rubbing it in slow movements, gently passing the tips of his fingers over the point of pleasure, making her arch her back.
“F-fuck! Please, Ada… a little faster, p-please” you beg, looking deep into the scarlet of her eyes, seeing her laugh at you. However, Ada does not do what you want, on the contrary, she increases her speed minimally, when your body begins to numb with pleasure she stops abruptly, looking directly into your despair eyes when she does so.
She smiles looking at you immobilized wrists. “Have I told you that I like you like this?” His mouth slowly approaches your erect nipple, licking it carefully, biting hard, listening to your scream. “Completely given to me… Needy and desperate ”
“So beautiful” Leon added, taking his hands off you and getting on his knees between your legs, looking at your cunt clenching into nothingness, with Ada's finger still pressing your clitoris, admiring it as it drips, the translucent cum slowly spilling out, making it wet the mattress. Salivating, feeling uncontrollable before you, Leon lowers himself towards your pussy, without delay he licks it generously, sliding his tongue inside your wet hole. “So delicious”
“I think I want to try some too” Ada gets out of bed, taking slow steps to the bedside table and picking up a dagger, which she holds and places next to her on the pillow “For later”.
She lies down next to Leon, staying at a minimum distance from him, taking one of his legs and exposing your pussy to him. You feel your body burn, just having them there makes you moan and feel that heat in your abdomen, that hot sensation that makes you anxious.
You spread your legs, exposing yourself to the maximum, closing your eyes when they firmly hold your leg. You feel hair touch your thighs again, a feeling of anxiety hits you again when you feel both faces approaching your pussy, causing you immeasurable pleasure to see them there. Leon is the first to take the step, she presses her tongue inside you, swirls it against the sensitive nerves, pulls it out to lick hard your clitoris, while Ada kisses your calf, quickly sliding it across your skin.
You moaned deeper, forcing your eyes to open to meet his. He looked so perfect like that, hovering over your pussy with his lips parted in ecstasy. You untangled your left leg, using it to push his head, making him return to where he was. He snuggled into the mattress, holding your hips closer to his face as he continued to thrust his tongue into you, touching that sweet spot inside you. “Fuck, fuck, right there!”
You closed your eyes once again, trying hard to rub your pussy against his face.
“Look at me, pretty girl” Ada asked, grabbing your thigh tightly, trying to get your attention “I want to see your pretty face, while we suck your cunt.”
She lies down next to Leon, grabbing his golden locks, pulling him out of that spot, hearing a dissatisfied guttural growl from Leon.
“Calm down, big boy. I want to have fun too.” Face side by side, cheeks pressed together, they both stick out their tongues and lick your pussy. Both tongues pressing your clitoris, holding your legs and placing them against your breasts, giving them the freedom to use your cunt to their advantage. Tongues fighting for territory, silent dispute between them, you felt them favorably eating you, you feel a tongue enter your hole, gently taking and placing ─ Ada, you feel her licking your clitoris with force, being followed by Leon, who also your clitoris, sometimes disturbing Ada's rhythm, earning an angry moan.
You felt immersed in the sea, waves taking you wherever the wind sends you, brutally manipulating your path. The incandescent pleasure burning through your body, taking that unsettling feeling to your stomach. Your legs tremble every time you feel them fucking your pussy with their mouth, every time you feel your cum dripping from your pussy or them gently biting your clit. Feeling the nerves on edge.
“My God! II….Fuck” Your body gives in to the pleasure, shaking from head to toe, cumming hard on Ada and Leon's tongue, feeling them even more fervent in front of you, they still suck your clit hard, you try to close your legs, however, seeing Leon get up and brutally hold your legs you are stopped. Meanwhile, Leon holds them with his right hand and Ada walks towards him, seeing his tired face; teary eyes, swollen lips and furrowed eyebrows.
“Now, you will be ours” you don't know when she took the knife, however, you saw when she cut her own hand and put the blood on your lips, you lick it, feeling the metallic taste on your lips, Wong boils when she sees you like that, biting her lips and looking into your eyes. “Only ours” Leon added, sliding his hard and hot cock through your pussy, watching your hole tighten to nothing, until he enters you, being watched by Ada's scarlet eyes, he lies on top of you, surrounding your legs around your waist.
“L-Leon” you close your eyes tightly, moaning as you feel the pleasure merge with you again.
As Kennedy buries their head in your neck, leaving soft kisses on your skin, you feel a mixture of anticipation and desire for what is to come. The intensity of the moment increases when you realize that Ada is also doing the same, causing your body to fill with fervor and shivers.
With your head lifted and your gaze turned upwards, you stretch your neck to the maximum, seeking to absorb every sensation. It is in this instant, amidst the caresses and the pleasurable sighs, that you hear Wong, near your ear, releasing a faint laughter that echoes intriguingly and temptingly.
“Good girl” whispers before both of them plunge their fangs into your neck, and a deafening scream escapes your lips as the sharp needles penetrate your skin. However, the pain is insignificant in the face of the prospect of having eternity to enjoy alongside the people you desired. The scent of blood will be tempting, the taste of immortality on your lips. The kisses throughout your endless life will be solely for them, and that is what truly matters."
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web6y · 6 months
What if you...
                                        danced with,
             ✫彡   Them   ミ★
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      (Pt 1)           (Pt 2)            (Pt 3)           (Pt 4)
          ✔︎                  𖤹                   ❌                 ❌
Lucifer x Reader (romantic) 
The reader is adressed as "you" and as gender neutral terms 
this time i can't imagine what kind of person Lucifer would date with,im sorry :(
(And I finally had motivation to finish it after 10 days.But I just realized Im not actually good with Lucifer fanfics.)
Nothing else because im a pure angel.
Lucifer's taller s/o reader realized Lucifer had a gramophone in his office the whole time,but the little ugly duckling haven't used it because they didn't had anyone to listen to with him...until now
And not-so-fun-fact i still don't like the way i write and I'll keep thinking I write trash.
        𐦖 King's 
                    Baby Steps ✨
You are at Lucifer's office after a long day,you are sitting at a chair,sipping your coffee and watching him work on a new project with a smirk.
You took a sip from your coffee,placed your pink cup with a tiny duck picture on it on the coffee table and stood up,you stretched.
"now...may I ask what are you working on now?" you asked softly,Lucifer didn't looked up at you but he smiled cutely with childish mischievousness,"...you'll see soon,give me a few more minutes." he is biting his lower lip with his small fangs and giggling while working.
You rolled eyes,then your eyes travels around the room after trying to checkout what he is working on,but his tiny body is good at hiding things.
As your eyes travels around the room,you see something you haven't saw before.
Its an old gramophone.
Its actually pretty big,the metal part of it is pure gold and the wooden parts are dark oak,its carved small apple patterns on it.
As you examine the gramophone,but Lucifer interrupts and excitedly yells, "Darling!Come take a look!!"
He jumps out of his chair and runs to you,showing you his 'project'.
Its a rubber duck.
A rubber duck that looks like you.
"For my dear Monarch!" he is handing it to you like its a treasure,its like a treasure to you at least.
You chuckled and took the duck from his hands,examining it,"Its adorable," you looked at him,"but not as you,my duckling.",you took his hat,leaned closer to place a kiss on the top of his head while he tried to take his hat back,while he was huffing and puffing,you pointed the old gramophone,"Is this thing still working?"
He looked at the gramophone "Im not sure.."
you raised an eyebrow "Darling,how you don't know if it works?"
Lucifer looked away and shrugged,"I...um,I don't play music really often." 
"I haven't used it since seven years ago."
You smirked "Well,there is only one way to find out if its still working." you opened the drawer under the coffee table,you found an old record and held it up.
You took it out slowly and placed it on the gramophone,and elegant dance music started playing.
Lucifer looked at you,"Well it's working.." you held his hand,offering him a dance,but he pulled back.
"I...I don't remember how to dance,it's been so long." he said with a low voice ,"My duckling.." "I know you can do it,you are so good at dancing alone and singing,im pretty sure you can handle this." you putted his hat back on his head "I'll teach you." he smiled and held your waist with his small elegant hand "I think I can give it a try again..." 
You two started dancing,you took the lead,Lucifer still looks nervous.
He needs motivation.
"Shh,we are going to do this."
"Let's start with baby steps.."
"You are doing great,my short king.."
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And there is Vox and Tino left now..
I mean I can write Vox having reader as S/O but im not sure about Val😭 
But I'll anyways because i love to torture myself
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evolutionsbedingt · 3 months
Wip Wednesday (MLC edition)
Look at me finally writing another fic for MLC! As mentioned before, @bbcphile is at fault for this and they also helped me pick the excerpt to post because I've been all but pelting them with snippets ever since I started writing on Monday xD
CW: Allusion to dub-con/non-con (aka DFS makes an assumption and is quickly corrected)
[Di Feisheng] gets up and before Fang Duobing knows what’s happening, he has moved the small table to the ground and is now looming over him. “You had only eyes for Li Xiangyi when we were together before and now you can’t look at me without blushing. Did you not invite me into your courtyard and into your bed for a specific reason?”
Fang Duobing’s heart is beating wildly, but his blood is frozen solid all of the sudden. He jumps up, almost knocking the top of his head against Di Feisheng’s chin in his hurry and glares at him as soon as their eyes are mostly level. “You think I would do that to you? You think I would dare to- to force you?” 
Quickly, his eyes catalogue all the tiny signs of distress and uncertainty that he can find, and then Fang Duobing jabs a finger into Di Feisheng’s chest. “A-Niang may be overly enthusiastic about me seemingly moving on from my ill-advised crush on a man with more than one foot out of the door at all times, but I-” his voice breaks a little and there isn’t enough space for him to move or breathe deeply. “I only want you to have a place that’s safe and comfortable and doesn’t hold all kinds of painful memories. And if that is the room my parents set aside for a wife that will never exist, then so be it.”
Di Feisheng remains quiet, but Fang Duobing can see the cogwheels of his mind turning in an effort to understand what he’s saying. 
“I want to add mechanisms that will allow you to lock even me out of that room if you so wish,” Fang Duobing whispers, his breath caught in the minuscule space between them. “I’m having the furniture switched for pieces more suited to your taste and your occupation as a martial artist. And so there’s no direct line of sight or access to the bed from either the door or the windows. A-Niang says I’m not allowed to add a hidden exit since those have a nasty habit of also being excellent hidden entries, but- I would have built you one. If you had wanted it.”
Di Feisheng is trembling all of a sudden and Fang Duobing feels even more helpless about that than about the sudden advances from earlier.
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killedbythedog · 1 month
~~~ about me post … !!
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NOTE . . . i have a carrd ,, here !! you will get the same info in this post , but my carrd is more aesthetic >:3 but also i love this post a lot so id love for you to read both if u want </3
GENERAL INFO . . . aspiring zoologist & author , video game enjoyer , cat & bird father , masochist , bpd ocd ptsd autism , schizo traits , insane & traumatized ?!
NAMES . . . maeve / claudio / duke / bluejay / elbrus
(NICK)NAME BOUNDARIES . . . do not call me just ‘blue’ or ‘jay’ , only ‘bluejay’ & do not call me ‘mae’ if you’re not styx , or ‘critter’ if you are not azrael + ask before giving me a nickname !
FLAGS . . . greyromantic , demisexual , abroromantic abrosexual , ambiamorous + transmasc , agender , xenogenders <- ask plsplsplzpls !!
PRONOUNS . . . he/him , pup/pups , it/its > bug/bugs , geo/geos , gore/gores , rot/rots , the sun/the suns > claw/claws , fang/fangs , dino/dinos
BLOGS . . . main -> @/killedbythedog , agere -> @/snowballkid , art -> @/ipadloser , yandere -> @/urdogindeath!!
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LIKES . . . gore , attention , critters , yanderes , biting , dragons , fashion , dinosaurs , plushies , journals & notebooks , tv shows , movies , iced coffee , music , big cats
DISLIKES . . . hate , stairs , dolphins , crowds , cucumbers , feeling alone , watercolor , wide ruled paper , elephants , competition , my exes
FANDOMS . . . wings of fire , warrior cats , legend of zelda ( botw & totk ) , hollow knight , stardew valley , watership down , arcane: lol , sex education , the umbrella academy , the lion king , spiderverse , how to train your dragon , lego movies , stranger things , the amazing world of gumball , marvel cinematic universe
FAV MUSIC . . . måneskin , los campesinos! , mother mother , everybody’s worried about owen , imagine dragons , billie eilish , fall out boy
INTERESTS / HOBBIES . . . zoology / animals , plushies ( jellycat & bellzi ) , botany , rocks & shells , my ocs , worldbuilding , character design , writing , digital art , acrylic painting
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MAIN THERIOTYPES . . . sea otter , snow leopard , timber wolf , skywing
OTHER THERIOTYPES . . . ferret , siberian tiger , canadian lynx , western gull , green cheek conure , blue tongued skink
OTHER KINTYPES . . . vaporeon , cryptid
FICTIONKINS . . . blitzø , syd novak , gumball watterson , blathers , rainbowdash , link , neferpitou
YANDERE TYPES . . . dependent , clingy , delusional , paranoid , tame , worshipping , masochistic , xsmt , odiaf , cswi , rxxl
FICTIONAL CRUSHES . . . feitan portor , hisoka morow , mr gold / rumplestiltskin , hobie brown (atsv) , loki laufeyson , tangerine (bullet train) , 001 / henry creel , shigaraki tomura , sebastian (stardew valley) , jd (heathers 1988)
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pngs from this post
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lamb-of-seven · 1 year
NSFW Head-Canons/Stories for the Demon Brothers Part 1 Lucifer
Prompt: The Demon boys and their favorite ways of having oral sex.
!!Minors and Ageless Do Not Interact!!
Content Warning: Very Suggestive. Discussions of Kinks, Sexual Fantasies and oral sex.
It’s Sunday Smut-Day! So here is another HC of the Obey Me Demon Brothers. Enjoy!
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Lucifer: I feel like Lucifer enjoys both receiving and giving when it comes to oral sex but prefers receiving. I feel his pridefulness enjoys when he feels in control and in power, so to look down at you pleasuring him, gets him excited.
It was close to midnight and as you walked through the halls of HOL, unable to fall asleep, you noticed a pale light seeping out from under the Music room. You open the door, it creaked slightly with your gentile push. The music room was empty, and not the source of the light. You stepped into the room, following the dim light on the floor until it grew brighter. It was beaming from around the door from the study. You sighed and pulled your robe a bit closer and opened the door on a crack. “Lucifer.” You whispered out to the room. The only sound you heard was fervent writing. “Lucifer.” You called a bit louder. “May I come in?” Lucifer grunted his approval. You walked in to see him hunched over his desk, one hard stressfully pulling his hair over and over again through his fingertips while his other hand kept writing away on the papers in front of him. Lucifers eyes never looked up at you, they just squinted in frustration and exhaustion. “Lucifer, it’s just about midnight.” Lucifer scoffed but didn’t stop his work. “Lucifer.” You say his name more seductively this time, earning you a short glance. “Your stressed, why don’t you…” Lucifer suddenly interrupted you. “You know I can’t, I need to finish this.” You tilted your head to the side as you made circles with your finger on his desk. “I know. However, why don’t I help you relax while you work?” You looked innocently at him with nothing but dirty thoughts behind your eyes. Lucifers hands were finally still. “Oh.” He laughed out a little. “And what does my little human have in mind?” He leaned back in his chair as you walk around his desk. You sink down onto your knees, they pressed down into the plush carpet near Lucifers pristine black shoes. Your hands slide up the soft fabric of his pants, going from his knees up his thighs and stopped right before his crotch. Lucifer ran on hand along your cheek. “You’re a naughty one, aren’t you?” Lucifer chuckled in a lower voice. “You may please me, but don’t think your pretty mouth will be able to stop me from working. Lucifer made enough room for you to kneel comfortably between his thighs as he adjusted his work load before him. The sounds of unbuckling and unzipping clashed with the scratching of his pen. Despite his attitude, his hardened member, standing proud to his navel gave away his excitement. You waisted no time, licking your lips before gently placing them on the tip of his cock, tongue slowly licking circles. You smirked, when he heard his pen scratch stop and his hips buckle slightly. You teased him a little more, using your hands, to trace up and down his member, feeling the veins and how it throbbed. You lowered your mouth down, tasting every part of him, until your mouth was so full it stretched and ached. Then you moved. The quickening pace led to Lucifers writing become a slower pace, while his breathing quickened. You could feel Lucifers leg start to twitch against your chin and cheek. You gripped him a bit tighter at his thick base, pumping him in sync with your mouth. Lucifer, tried to keep his word, but failed and fell to the pleasurable sin of lust as his hands abandoned his quill pen and his fingers found their way to curl into your hair. You looked up to see his own crimson eyes gazing down at you, mouth slightly parted with each pant. His tongue ran over his fang before he gave into a sultry smile and used his hand to force your head down to go deeper on his cock. His grunts came out louder as he made your eyes sting and water with every thrust, until he took full advantage of your mouth, pumping fast as hot cum shot to the back of your throat. His seed filled your mouth and seeped out the side of your lips, dribbling down your chin. You tried to swallow what you could around his cock still resting along your tongue. Lucifers hand stroked your hair as he sighed. “You surly did as you said my sweet human. I am relaxed, but don’t think about heading off just yet, once these reports are finished I will be the one helping you relax.  
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yanderu-deredere · 1 year
a/n: to commemorate the beginning of october (which his halloween month), i've decided to write this little cute thing! hope you guys like it hehehe
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what they yanderes would wear as halloween costumes
warning: gender neutral reader, absolutely no mentions of reader being a specific gender, mentions of reader being sexy LOL, mentions of costumes that might not conform to reader's gender/crossdressing
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eun-jeong yoo ★ profile
beauty and the beast lmao
eun-jeong would really want to do an animal cosplay with you doing a matching costumes
so like beauty and the beast, werewolf and red riding hood, wolf and sheep, etc etc
he'd be the type to like buy pre-made costumes but then he'll see how badly the pre-made costumes are and do the costumes up a little bit more LOL
he wouldn't do a good job of it but he'd try to make it look better
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liam arieh ★ profile
mans is nothing if not a mythology freak
he'd be the worst date to take to a halloween party becos he'd do some obscure shit and then be a bit annoyed or arrogant when people can't guess who the two of you are dressed up as
think persephone and hades, aphrodite and ares, orpheus and eurydice, achilles and patroclus, pylades and orestes, etc
most people will just guess that you're a greek couple LOL
you could probably convince him do do an angel and devil couple
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gavin byrne ★ profile
no jokes, he'd wanna do those like stereotypically sexy halloween costumes LMAO but like the both of you have to do the same one
like for example: two sexy nurses, two sexy black cats, two sexy demons, etc etc
and it'll be like exactly matching LMAO no matter your gender (if you're comfy), you guys would be wearing female nurse outfits or sexy witch outfits
and the worst part is that like he'd 100% buy them from spirit halloween or the local party store so they're not best quality either
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ayaka yamato ★ profile
would die to be able to do a j-fashion lolita outfit with you LOL
she's always wanted to dress up that way but it's hard to go around in lolita fashion and also it's something that immediately sticks out so she's never done it
but yeah, it has to be something cute and frilly
she'd pay attention to detail a lot and commission some renowned tailor or something to do the outfits
they have to be the same colour scheme so that it's obvious the two of you are matching
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ryuunosuke yamamoto ★ profile
anime couple, anime couple, anime couple--
it can literally be any anime couple you want but it has to be from an anime that both of you have watched together/that both of you really love
he's a professional-level cosplayer so like he'd take over (but will let you help if you really want) and the cosplay will literally turn out so so good
he won't shy away from like armour or mech suit type stuff either
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fujio watanabe ★ profile
won't really wanna dress up but you can force him to LOL
will only wear a costume if the costume is really easy to put on
like it has to be as easy to put on as regular clothes. it has to be something like a shirt, pants, maybe head gear but like nothing too complicated so it has to be either a headband or a hat
so like you're stuck with really boring costumes like cowboy? police man? stuff like that LOL and they'd be the cheap kind you can buy
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gawain byrne ★ profile
vampire, vampire, vampire--
but like not dracula vampire! oh no, it'd be like period specific vampire with the loose white ruffled long sleeve shirts and tight pants LMAO
very victorian gothic style
and you have to also wear victorian gothic style. you don't have to be a vampire tho but i think gawain would just have a lot of fun putting on fangs hehehe
he'd want your costume to include like two red puncture marks tho LOL to signal that you're his vampiric snack
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ryouta watanabe ★ profile
not to be repetitive but like video game couple, video game couple, video game couple--
would totally dress up as mario and princess peach or luigi and bowser if you'd like LOL
as long as it's like a video game that both of you love to play
he'll also do a cosplay of more detailed outfits like something from league of legends or overwatch or valorant
he's also a seasoned cosplayer so it'd be easy peasy for him to make a cosplay for both you and him
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yeong-bae kigal ★ profile
GOD I KNOW I JUST SAID IT BUT video game couple, video game couple--
but yeong-bae would want it to be a bit more cutesy? so definitely like cookie run cookies, pokemon?, mario characters? something like that
would shy away a little from more complicated outfits like mech armour or video game outfits from more fight-y games. not becos he doesn't like them but becos they really want to look adorable and cute with you LOL
yeong-bae is literally in charge of a lot of the outfits the band wears so like he'd be really great with making the halloween outfits
he wouldn't be professional level though and he'd ask a little help from their stylist
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soren kumar ★ profile
he'd wanna do something work related or uniform related lmao like a police couple or like a nurse and doctor? it definitely would be the type of outfits that are readily available and would be low effort for him
also low-key just wants to see you in uniform LMAO not that it's a kink or anything but just that he thinks it'd be sexy
and it's very! heteronormative! nasty man! he'd wear the man police uniform and (regardless of gender) he'd want you to wear the woman police uniform (cus it's sexier!!), etc etc
you can definitely argue with him abt it loool and he'll relent
would get them from spirit halloween or some cheap store though
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emm fiala ★ profile
would want to dress up as something where she can utilize her burns. think freddy kreuger, jason, deadpool, frankenstein's monster
would want you to be her victim if she dresses up as a slasher or maybe be the spiderman to her deadpool? or even better, be the bride to her frankenstein's monster?
she'd definitely be all over you, doting on you, if you decide to dress up as her bride LOL and then you, casimir and her can be a trio! (frankenstein, his monster and his monster's bride!!)
would want to be more hands-on with the harder stuff of the costume like masks or weaponry but is absolutely useless when it comes to finer detailing like sewing together the clothes
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casimir fiala ★ profile
desperately wants to dress up as a mad scientist LMAO just becos he already has the lab coat right so might as well?
would love for you to dress up as his deranged patient or as frankenstein's monster? or as his science experiment?
the outfits would be very home made but casimir is good enough and sewing. he's also very resourceful about things and can figure out how to make a decent enough costume
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mel lowell ★ profile
honestly would want to be a wolf and something else couple LOL and no, the irony does not escape him
so something like wolf and red riding hood, wolf and pigs, wolf and sheep, etc etc
would buy the costumes becos he can't really control his shift enough to not freak people out if the two of you go to a party or something
he'd definitely buy online though and he'd make sure they costumes are really durable and can last a long time just in case the two of you want to save them for something else? or for next year
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isamu lowell ★ profile
doesn't wanna dress up LOL but not becos he doesn't like halloween! it's becos he wants to go as himself for halloween
unlike mel, he's very eager to just go as a werewolf!
but, like mel, he wants to do a wolf and something else kind of cosplay! honestly, at this point, you might just become three wolves and a lowly sheep group cosplay LOL
like i said before, he won't need to really buy his outfit just becos he'll transform into it LOL but, for your outfit, he'd want it to be the highest quality he can get his hands on becos he wants you to be comfy
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leonard lowell ★ profile
honestly, leonard wants to go with the flow so whatever you want! but be warned that he'll be very critical of the outfits LOL
the costume has to be high quality and, if it's not, he'll nag you or just take the costumes and try to do them up a little bit so they're more comfortable
he'd be willing to do a wolf cosplay if you want to go with whatever the other wolves want LOL but he'd be like a very anime-fied sexy werewolf, yknow what i mean?
might even throw in a thick leather collar in there to be extra sexy LOL
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hystericstar · 2 months
Just found your blog and *chef’s kiss*
Would you be up for writing a first time with the Fierce Deity? Maybe he’s scared of hurting the reader? And reader just like, nah, c’mere?
I’m deeply sorry for how long this took, but it was so fun to write LMAO
CW: diety being real soft for u, size kink!!!! ! MDNI !
The room was quiet. Their breaths even quieter. He swore he would do anything for you, so why was he hesitating? You asked so sweetly and looked so pretty but the truth is you’re just so small.
When you stood next to him, the top of your head barely hit his elbow. So what made you think you could take all of him without hurting yourself?
well, you were terribly horny and sick of just his fingers. Sure, they felt good, but you know what would feel better? His dick.
“Are you sure?” His smooth voice coated in silk and honey rumbled into your palm and reverberated through your very existence. It was cute really, he had always had this habit of pressing your palm to his lips when he was stressed. This time though, you saw it as almost comical.
Propped up against the cushioned headboard, he hovered over you. His eyes glowed slightly, reminding you your lover was a God. He was a God of death and destruction, yet he would give his life if he was responsible for even your slightest bit of discomfort.
His very senses quickly became fine-tuned to your every heartbeat and twitch from the moment he met you. Wordlessly, you ran your hands through his halo white hair.
"Please?" You cupped his cheeks and he shuddered at your utter sweetness. "... As you wish."
With a roll of his hips, he let his tip bump into your clit before sneaking a hand down to ease it into your achy hole. The sweat that culminated between you made the sliding easier, for which you both were undoubtedly grateful for. He braced himself against the headboard, surely leaving scratches to be dealt with at later date.
His movements were simultaneously too slow and too overwhelming. He bared his fanged teeth at the pressure your cunt applied to his aching dick.
"Faster." It flew from your mouth like a command. Your hips lifted off the bed, hoping to feel him deeper, to chase the newfound craving to be stuffed over and over till you reached the same peak of divinity he was forged out of.
He rolled into you with more want, the restraints he placed on himself loosening ever so slighly but it still wasn't enough.
You we're insatiable. You had a taste and refused to let a single drop roll down your chin. You pushed him with more force than you had intended, but still got the desired effect. His breathing hitched uncharacteristically, the sudden force momentarily stunting him. With enough determination and clouded thinking, you successfully knocked a God onto his back!
Curiosity crashed into him. His heavenly gaze fixated on your trembling form blindly trying to guide him back into you. A winded hiss slithered out of him, the size difference so much more prominent now. He formed a bulge in your belly with every desperate bounce.
"You we're holding back, I had...i had to...take-to take matters into my own hands." How cute. Every other word was more whiny and incoherent than the last. Your eyes narrowed in on him, glossy eyes and fluttering lashes fading in and out of focus.
In that moment, the diety couldn't help but wonder if you'd appreciate the use of some magic...
ᖫ⪻ ▬▬ι═══════⪼ᖭ
Guys I love him
I always lowkey think about what type of magic the diety would have, if any. Like, maybe he can use a binding spell originally intended for use on ancient monsters? Let's be real though, you're just as feral as a dragon in heat when he gets you horny so what's the difference?
Anyways, I'm so happy to be back!!!
Xoxo <33
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don't kiss my papa!!
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i enjoyed writing fluff so here is another one!!
leona kingscholar x fem!reader, dilar kingscholar (my oc), leona's sister-in-law and i will refer to her as Zola (it means calmness and i believe his sister is a chill lady) ⏤͟͟͞͞★
sfw, short scenario (or maybe long according to my mood), fluff, comedy, father leona ⏤͟͟͞͞★
being a daddy's girl comes with its consequences, maybe the little princess was very jealous of her mama ⏤͟͟͞͞★
note: dilar is 5 and she's leona's daughter
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leona growled softly, closing his eyes and throwing his head back. currently the lovely pretty husband was lying on the sofa, the first button of his shirt is open as you sat on his lap, giving him a shower of kisses all the way from his lips to his collarbones
Leona was pulling you by the waist and completely immersed in kisses, his tail around your thigh and he was letting out relaxed sighs and purrs, showing how much he enjoyed the intimate moment
While you were enjoying filling your husband's neck with lipstick, you were interrupted by the sound of a light, deep laugh escaping his throat as he moved his hands slowly from your waist to your cheeks and caressed your bottom lip with his thumb, looking at you with a teasing tone "Looks like the beast has been let out of its cage, isn't it?"
you smirked at leona, tapping and pulling gently at his shirt's buttons with a playful grin "darling..Don't blame me, our annoying children don't give us any privacy and Dilar is at the top of the list" You unbuttoned his shirt as you bite gently at his thumb "Dilar cries right away when she sees me kissing you, holding your hand, or even caressing you"
"what a daddy's girl.." leona chuckled, He runs his fingers through your hair and spreads his arms a little to give you better access to the rest of his body
You were in a good mood because your children were asleep, especially Dilar. Dilar had an etiquette lesson with a teacher, so she won't be back any time soon. For some reason, Dilar is attached to Leona in a way that is a little annoying...or maybe a lot. She starts fighting and screaming when she sees anyone approaching Leona and hugging him or doing anything with him
It is not as if you hate your children, on the contrary, you are very good parents, but the problem is that you have not been able to have intimate time for a while because of Dilar. She used to cry all the time and would even be stubborn and ask to sleep with you in bed — or to be more specific, She was just sleeping in Leona's arms, she completely ignored you
for this reason, you were so hungry for leona today and couldn't stop kissing him over and over again. but guess what? Beautiful moments don't last
was all you heard before you turn and see the child — or what supposed to be a child
Dilar stood at the door, Her fists were clenched and her ears dropped to her head as she growled loudly -her growl was actually a purr somehow-, her small fangs visible trying to be intimidating, her tail thumbing the floor angrily. the little lioness was looking at her parents like she's going to pounce and eat them alive, especially you..looking at you with hatred, her chubby cheeks red because of how triggered and angry she is
OH NO.. where the hell did she come from??! she's supposed to be in the etiquette lesson!!
quickly, You pulled out a pillow and threw it at Leona to cover the traces of kisses on his face and chest and got up from his lap, trying to act as if nothing had happened. "GET UP, GET UP!!" you tried to whisper to leona in almost a scream, leona got up in hurry and ran to the bathroom before things get worse — It's not as if Leona would mind his children seeing the love between you two, but the last thing Leona wants right now is Dilar crying that won't stop
"PAPA!!" Dilar ran to Leona when she saw him trying to escape, so you quickly intervened and picked her up from the ground and tried to calm her down
"dilar, my dear, listen to m-" You were interrupted by Dilar who started biting your arm and trying to kick you. She was a very stubborn and angry child. The difference between Dilar and Leona is that Dilar has high energy, otherwise they both have the same attitude
Fortunately, Leona was able to enter the bathroom and lock the door. a moment of silence "huh..fuck, that was close" Leona leaned against the sink, catching his breath "How did I end up running away from my own daughter? i can't even have a moment with my wife!!" Leona said to himself annoyed and cursed in a low voice, but he quickly began to wash his face and body from the traces of kisses after he took off his shirt
on the other hand:
"PAAPPAAAA" dilar was going mad over Leona, she wasn't listening to anything you say to her and you didn't even try to tell her anything because you know your words will enter one ear and exit the other ear
loudly Quietly, you pulled Dilar out of the room and heading to the palace lounge. Then Dilar continued crying and wailing while calling Leona, But you ignored this because you were used to her endless screaming. While you were sitting on the sofa suffering from Dilar crying while she was in your arms and ignoring that she left many bite marks on you, you were surprised when Zola entered the lounge, and at first glance you knew that she was out shopping
Zola stood there in surprise, carrying some bags and looking at the battlefield in your arms. she sighed almost sarcastically and walked to you, giving you a friendly smile
"looks like Dilar is in her daddy's girl era again, isn't she?"
"huff.." You looked at Dilar with great annoyance. Even though you love your daughter very much, her behavior is ruining your mood. well, you were obviously not in the mood to talk with Zola now
Zola offered help by picking up Dilar and allowing you to have some time to chill "y/n, go and talk with him, i will take care of this mad princess" You looked at Zola with slightly widened eyes. Is she really going to take over the matter and help you overcome Dilar’s ​​madness? How kind she is!!
"thank you, really thank you!!" You quickly jumped up from your seat and immediately headed to the bedroom to talk to Leona, When you entered, you found him in the room already changing his clothes
"babe!" You grabbed his shoulder to turn him towards you "Zola will take care of it. She took Dilar and-"
"no" Leona said In a calm tone, but the intensity is slightly evident, he tries to suppress his anger "I'm fed up with Dilar, I'll go and talk to her and make her understand that she can't act like this"
"what are you going to say?? We already talked to her a lot!" you said in confusion, taking a step back and trying to figure out how Leona will deal with such an angry kid
"if i wanted something to happen, then it's happening, just wait and watch" Leona finished changing his clothes and headed straight outside for you to join him as well. You were worried that he might explode in anger in front of Dilar and do something crazy
soon enough, You two arrived at the lounge where Zola was trying to calm Dilar down, but her mind seemed to be made of stone, and the attempts were of no use to her. Leona stood in front of Dilar and took a deep breath
and as you expected, Leona is angry..He stood in front of Dilar with a sharp and slightly angry expression, his tail moving slowly behind him
"Dilar" he called her name in the most serious and annoyed tone he ever used while talking with his spoiled daughter
"papa?.." Dilar jumped from Zola's embrace and ran to Leona and hugged his legs "why papa is angry??" she said in a sad tone, looking up at Leona, she immediately noticed that Leona wasn't happy, wich made her behave
"Dilar, let's go to your room" he said in the same tone, gesturing his hand to the little lioness. she held his hand and walked with him towards her room
As for you, you were very nervous and confused. Zola seemed a little calmer than you, but she also seemed worried. It is true that Leona treats his children at least better than the other children, but it is still worrying when Leona is angry with a child, so you decided to follow him to see what will happen
"lie here" Leona slept on Dilar's bed and extended one of his arms for her to sleep on. Dilar quickly did what Leona asked and slept on his right arm. Leona pulled the blanket and covered her with it
Dilar looked a little confused by Leona, but she just stared at him with her big eyes and started blinking, waiting for him to say something "..papa"
"hm?" He turned to her with the same annoyed expression, but this time talking in a softer tone
"why papa is angry?" She said innocently as she got up and sat on his stomach, drowning with her chubby cheeks looking so cute
but Leona seemed unaffected with the power of cuteness "I'm mad at you, Dilar" for the first time in his life, Leona decided to speak up and say what annoys him. he felt uncomfortable and weird telling a little girl about how he feels but he's trying to make Dilar behave "You upset me today, Dilar. Are you happy with what you did?" he asked seriously
Dilar gasped a little and looked down, rubbing her fingers together "naww...i'm not.." she frowned even more
"So why did you do this?"
"What did I do? I didn't do anything wrong" She looked away and tried to play the victim, but Leona put his palm on her face and turned it towards him to look at his eyes
"When I talk to you, look at me" He raised one eyebrow as he lifted Delar from his stomach and placed her in his lap, then sat with straight back "Dilar, You upset me today, do you know how?"
"no..how?!" She clung to Leona as she sat on his thigh
Leona took a deep breath and then decided to say something that suited the girl's little brain "Dilar, My battery is going to die"
"..your..your battery?" Dilar looked at leona intently and with confusion "you have a battery?"
"Everyone has batteries, Dilar"
"Where is this battery??" she asked with curiousity. Leona held her hand and placed it on his chest, and he looked at her with sad eyes
"Here...my heart has a battery, but yours doesn't work. It only works when you get married"
"why, papa?"
"Because you live on solar energy only, but for married people their hearts become no longer satisfied with regular energy and we become in need of another type of energy..we.." Leona stopped for a moment, looking at the door to make sure you were not outside eavesdropping on him "we need love, I need love from your mother..she is the only person who can charge me"
"that's..woah.." Dilar looked at him with shock and amazement "I didn't know this...what happens if you didn't charge?"
"i will be.." he tried to look for something terrifying to say to a child but not something dangerous or inappropriate "Well...Uncle Farena will come and take the battery from me because I didn't care about it, and when he takes it, you know what will happen??
"no..what will happen??" Dilar looked terrified as she approached Leona and clinged to him more and more
"I will lose my feelings and my heart will not work anymore.. and I will never be able to love you again..." he said this with the most dramatic, sad, depressed and sorrowful voice he could muster, and it actually worked. Dilar looked terrified at him, she started to press on his chest and feel his heart
"And how can you charge your battery?? your heart should work!!!"
he kept the puppy look on his face, he looked so pathetic "I must hug your mother and stay by her side..I need the power of.. of love" he felt shit saying this but he needed to say it
Dilar gasped again, she frowned a little "Only Mama gives you the power of love? Why can't I do this?"
"because you're my daughter, and your mama is my wife, Only wives have the power of love that charges the husband's battery" he sighed "and because of you..your mama couldn't charge me for the whole week, that's why i refused to play tea party with you yesterday.." He approached her and said in a serious tone
"My battery is dying..I need to charge today, your mama was charging me a while ago but you ruined it"
"oh my.." Quietly... Dilar got up from Leona's lap and slept on the bed without saying anything, just staring at him in shock and disbelief
Leona was trying not to laugh so he quickly got up and headed for the door, giving her one last farewell look and nodding to her "i will go charge..see you tomorrow, my princess"
She waved goodbye "charge well, papa!!"
"i will definitely do" He smiled faintly, then went out and closed the door slowly "...FINALLY"
"yeah, you definitely need to charge, battery guy~"
"WTF-" leona jumped in surprise as he heard your voice from the left, he turned and saw you standing with your arms crossed, Leaning against the wall with a raised eyebrow and a playful grin
"Does the battery guy need my kisses~?" Without giving him a chance to respond, you pulled him by the collar and gave him a passionate kiss on the lips. Leona immediately surrendered to the kiss and didn't resist too much
you pulled back first, smiling slyly at him as you took him by the wrist towards the bedroom "Don't worry, I'll make sure I charge you so well that your battery will explode"
Leona grinned back and held your hand tightly, not even trying to stop you "Have you been eavesdropping on us all this time, charge lady?"
"oh yeah i had, battery guy~"
"i won't forgive you, but i will be kind and let you take the lead this time"
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i didn't like this scenario that much, but im in my writing block era, if anyone has an idea of a scenario or headcanon please tell me so i can write it ⏤͟͟͞͞★
⏤͟͟͞͞★thanks for reading!
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samiwife · 10 months
omg thank god its like impossible to find ppl that will write male readers BUT TO MY REQUEST a vamp male reader x steven adler? :3 fluff or smut i dont rlly mind either!!
OH, this will be fun to write <3 Okay! I'll try! THANKS 4 THE REQUEST (Sorry this story is a little late but I've been busy with other things haha)
Blood and Wine 𓆩♡𓆪 (Steven Adler x Reader)
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𓆩♡𓆪= Smut
ੈ✩‧₊˚= Fluff
⋆ ★= Angst
𓆩⟡𓆪 = Headcanons
☾ ⋆*= Incorrect Quotes
TW: Blood, gay-sex, degradation, etc (Reader Discretion is advised)
Steven had a blood kink for sure. He'll never admit it but he does. During sex, he'll love it when you bite down on him. He likes the sense of pain and pleasure it comes with. Steven loved your sharp fangs. He thought it was both sexy and powerful. Steven liked men who were needy and demanding. You only used Steven's blood during sex. You always have other substitutes for blood. Like animal blood or your own blood. One night, you were feeling morning and longing for Steven. Maybe it was the wine you drank that night or the fact that you were just that horny. You called out to Steven.
"Steven baby, come here." You whined. Steve came rushing into the bedroom and smirked. Steven admired your body and gently bit his bottom lip.
"Yes baby, what do you need?" Steven asked coming closer to you. You chuckled and whispered in Steven's ear gently.
"I need you now, could you help me?" You asked needily. Steven smirked wider and ran his hands down your fragile body. You gasped and huffed for Steven. Steven sucked on your neck which drove you crazy for him.
"Strip for me," Steven demanded. You listened and did as Steven demanded. His domination made you so much horny for him. Steven stripped as well. and began sucking on your soft skin. You moaned for him to fuck you. Steven hushed you and wrapped his finger around your member and began to jerk up and down. You couldn't hold in your moans much longer. You were loudly moaning his name, demanding he just fuck you already. Steven smirked menacingly and pounded his member deep in your prostate. Causing you to scream out.
"You like it when I fuck you like this. You're such a fucking slut for me Y/N." Steven said under his breath as he fucked you harder and harder. You clawed your nails deep into his back leaving bright red marks. Steven groaned due to the pain you numbered on him.
"Agh, god Y/N. It hurts but god I love it." Steven said thrusting into you harder and deeper hitting your prostate deeper. As Steven thrusted he jerked your member faster and faster. You clawed harder and harder which caused Steven to bleed from his back.
"S-Steven, I-I'm about to come." You managed to squeak out. Steven thrusted slower to catch a break. You huffed as Steven still jerked you off.
"Me too baby, come for me," Steven said slowing down his hand motion. You catch your breath as you release in Steven's hand. It was warm and sticky. Steven smiled and soon you felt your hole fill up with Steven's fluids. Steven pulls out and collapses next to you.
"My god, you are a fucking devil," Steven said leaning on his side since his back was still wounded. You smiled and ran your finger through his hair.
"Steven, your blood's scent is making me hungry." You said blushing as you stared at Steven. Steven sat up and faced his back towards you.
"Then why don't you lick it up?" Steven said smirking behind his shoulder. You smiled faintly and licked up the blood off of Steven. The scent smelt as it tasted, It tasted sweet like cherries and smelt like fresh roses from the fields. You savored the flavor and tilted your head back in ecstasy and euphoria. After feeding off of Stevn, you placed small kisses around Steven's shoulder and cheek. Steven held your head on his shoulder and caressed your head.
"You complete me," Steven said smiling and kissing your head.
"You complete me too." You said looking up at him smiling with your fangs showing.
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cupidssorbet · 2 years
“Take me.”
Vampire copia x Reader.
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Included: Slight blood kink, Biting, Restraints, Body worshipping, Oral(M/F receiving), P in V.
Summary: Reader gets a little too brave, and wanders into the dark woods alone on a foggy night and a pair of eyes is watching her the whole way..
★ Please read: ★ This prompt is longer than my usual ones because I have seen so much Vampire copia I just had to write this! But please keep in mind this is still smut and that’s what you will be reading! Love Cupid.
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You carefully looked over your shoulder flipping a hood over your head as you quickly crossed the small bridge that led into the forest. When you stood in front of it you watched as the fog settled around your feet, you were really beginning to rethink this but you had promised him you’d come out here late at night. Shuddering at the cold air nipping at your skin. “Sweet stars it’s freezing..” now you were really debating this as you went into the forest trying to watch out for exposed tree roots.
The occasional rustling from wild animals making you jump out of your skin and then sigh at your fear of nothing but a small rabbit. But really it wasn’t the animals or rustling from the wind it was the odd feeling of being watched. Like there was eyes constantly following you. But that couldn’t he considering the only thing in this forest was you, the animals, the church of the man you were heading to visit. You just tried to assure yourself that it was nothing it HAD to be nothing.
Or at least you hoped it was nothing, in reality it wasn’t nothing it was your lover watching you from afar. His eyes fixated on your movements, while Copia had promised he would not wander away from the spot he said he’d meet you at he just couldn’t help but watch you traverse through the forest.
As you continued to follow the path trying to just keep your eyes ahead, you just had to focus. Nothing to as going to scare you or stop you. When he noticed you’d be getting to the gates at any point now he quickly made sure he made it back before you did. Just so you wouldn’t be curious as to why he’d be walking up behind you. You adjusted the hood to come down as you looked ahead spotting him waiting by the gates under the moonlight that peaked through the treetops. He looked absolutely stunning..and in his eyes with the moonlight coming from behind you it made you look ethereal.
You hurried to him a smile falling onto your lips, “My love.” You hummed walking over to him as he flashed his smile his fangs showing. “Mi stella(My star), You arrive here at last.” He plants a kiss to your cheek light and sweet. “I’m sorry it took me too long, I was a bit..hesitant.” You sighed brows furrowing a bit. “My darling..I told you if you do not want to do this, you do not have too. It is purely something I..eh took interest in.” He waved his hand a bit before looking at you.
Shaking your head you looked at him, “No, I insist it is something you want to try I will do it for you my sweet.” He couldn’t help sigh and chuckle kissing your face again. “Oh little bat, how you spoil me.” His hands slid down to your waist as he hummed content. You couldn’t tell what it was but something made you feel brave in that moment, you leaned your neck back a bit. “Copia..Please take me. I am yours.” He wouldn’t be lying if he said he didn’t feel like he could simple die right there. Even if it was at a stake.
“My goodness, you do tempt me mi Cara(my dear)..” he began to pepper kiss after kiss from your collarbone to your next hitting your sweet spot, “Tell me..If I happen to hurt you my rose.” He began to suck..then bite then added pressure to the biting. His fangs sinking in your skin and when he pulled away and licked the bite humming at the taste of your blood ever so sweet. You smiled slightly as he took your hand bringing to in leaving kisses as he did so. Leading you deep inside and to his lavish bedroom.
You hummed spotting the ornate dagger on his night stand. “How beautiful,” you gasped as he returned to attack your neck kissing it again and leaving more playful bites not trying to sink into your flesh. Your arm slightly reached out wrapping your fingers around the beautiful end, not paying as close attention as you should’ve accidentally slicing your finger wincing. Copia’s head immediately perked up from his spot in your neck and he took your finger. “Oh mi tesoro(my treasure) you’ve gone and sliced your finger, here allow me..” he licked up your finger keeping eye contact with you as his tongue skillfully moved around and cleaned the blood. “There you are,” he hummed licking his lips.
“But I should fetch you a bandaid,” he headed to his bathroom still humming to himself as he rummaged a bit, you thought for a moment then decided to strip..slowly removing the clothing off your body. Then when he walked out holding the bandaid box you could hear him audibly gasp. As you dropped the last piece of clothing. “Ohhh amore mio(my love), you are a goddess to be worshipped..” he was practically on his knees infront of you now his hands on your hips/thighs as he looked up at you.
“You spoil me so..” you carefully grabbed the dagger this time making a small slice now too deep and held your hand above him as he opened his mouth the blood dripping onto his tongue. When it was done or when you said he was done you hummed and leaned down kissing him with passion and fire. Pulling away and wiping some drool on your lips. “Oh my darling how you tease me,” he stood up removing his leather gloves humming. “I suppose it is..my turn. No?” He brought his hand under your chin lightly, kissing you with haste and roughness, biting your lip a bit. “You are..my stars, my moon, the reason my heart is still..well as beating as a vampires heart can get.” You giggled a bit.
“And I want to show you how grateful I am.” He lead you his velvety bed and motioned for you to lay down, his fingers creeping down your thighs as he kisses your collarbone and neck, before he followed his fingers. His kisses getting lower and lower..until his mouth settled on your growing wetness. “Oh my..” you inhaled, “I need a verbal yes..alright?” You just nodded to his words saying yes over and over. And with that he began to eat you like he was the hungriest man alive. He kept looking at you with his mismatched his then he slowly plunged his fingers in curling them slightly. You couldn’t help cry out, closing your eyes a bit as your body moved out of reaction to his motions.
He continued going sloppily then a bit more rough, this went on for what felt like ages when it really wasn’t that long. He loved watching your reactions to certain movements. Then when your stomach began to tighten you tried to tell him but then it snapped and you came on his fingers and face. He chuckled a bit pulling his fingers out licking them clean, “Like a fine dessert..” he grabbed a small handkerchief from his pocket cleaning his face a bit. You exhaled hair having fallen into your face until your looked and noticed a rather noticeable bulge forming.
“I feel..I should now enjoy pleasing you.” You moved away from your spot making him lay down, “But mi Cara why don’t we-“ he started before your hands ran over his bulge and he immediately inhale sharply. Watching as you unzipped his pants and unbutton then, slowly removing his boxers until his hard cock sprang out of his boxers. You hummed gently grabbing it and licking the top of precum, you could’ve sworn he whined a bit when you did so either way you couldn’t help but smile a bit as you moved your kisses and licks down then up before your took him in your mouth, your hands fondling his balls as you hummed on his cock. His mouth opened letting out a gasp then a groan as his head went back then his hands attached to your hair out of reflex.
You went faster, then slower, then you rubbed him some more. “If..If you keep this up I’ll cum sooner than I thought.” His breath was uneven. But you just kept playing with him until his hair was a disheveled mess and he was panting and groaning by now. Then you stopped. “If you really wanna cum..cum in me.” You hummed in his ear kissing his neck a bit and his hands immediately went to your waist flipping it so you were back underneath him. “Well I think..something else will be needed for this.” He reached his hands into his nightstand, pulling out some soft looking cloth. He motioned for your hands and you carefully placed them in his then he brought them up and tied to them to the bed post, then he did the same with your ankles. “They are not too tight no?” You nodded, “Not too tight my dear copia..Now just ravish me, I am yours. Take me as such.”
He groaned at your words before removing his clothing fully and then climbing atop you. His arms on either side of you to keep his weight off you. You wanted to run your hands in his hair until he rubbed his tip against your pussy making you sigh out. “I’ll give it all to you mi stella.” Then he thrusted into you starting out slow and soft, making you let out quiet moans and huffs. “Please..Copia I beg you to go faster.” He could not deny you that, he began to go faster and rougher. Speeding up, he was now huffing a bit and your cries got louder. His name falling off your tongue.
His face found a spot in your neck as he went up more, kissing and licking on your collarbone and neck. Your sounds music to his ears, like a symphony. He continued to nip and bite at your neck, sucking purple marks into your skin. You cried for more and he brought one of his down to your clit rubbing circled, your breathing getting heavier. The air was hot and thick now as you two continued your situation. He sped up when you asked him too and went tantalizingly slow when you asked of him too.
“My sweet- I think I might be cumming, your so..right for me.” He panted by your ear and your head lolled back more. “Cum for me copia, please.” You pleaded with him, so close you began to clench around him. Sending him over the edge. He stopped in you as your stomach tightened and you inhaled slightly. “God..” you breathed out as he pulled out. He sat there a bit dazed before your cleared your throat and then he quickly got up and went to untie you before letting you cuddle up next to him. “Soo..Round two?” You said giving him a cheeky smile. “You are insatiable Cara.”
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