#☓ Moments in the Past... {Past Verse}
whaliiwatching · 1 year
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the shore was kissed by sea and mist… tenderly
big inspired by this post <3
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shieldslinger · 1 month
alright, lets give this a go: like this for a starter!
if you're feeling spicy, feel free to also request one for a specific verse
if you're extra spicy, feel free to ask if i have a verse for whatever you're interested in
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dcynight · 2 days
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"Oh Moooooonyyy, I've got something that'll make you really REALLY happyyyy~!"
Walking into the daycare with a couple of large boxes stacked in his arms, he eventually sets them down in the floor, watching as Moon perks up from the other side of the daycare.
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Once he's made his way over, he's crouching down in front of the boxes and watching Sun open them up until a whole plethora of halloween decorations are in full view.
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"Tadaa!!! The staff bots are slowly getting the stuff out to decorate the plex for Halloween! I managed to sneak off with our own boxes so we could decorate the place ourselves!!"
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Oh boy he is VERY happy right now--
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mad-hunts · 23 days
psst... i finished the blurb for my supernatural verse, and it is currently the only universe where julien is alive, which may be wilder than one might think. and i say that because that means that barton is less shouldered by guilt / more than likely comparatively even worse than he is in the main verse. i mean, don't get me wrong, julien's (one of barton's sons) death is definitely a tragedy.
it is also something that introduced more of a sense of guilt into him though because it made him realize that, yes — he IS not only destroying the lives of the strangers he kills but also the members of his own family's lives. so, without this event taking place, barton is (unfortunately) probably more cocky and liable to indulging in his very twisted impulses, so... yeah. but of course, julien is more than just a plot device character in barton's story. it's just that him being around does change things on a bigger level
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goddessofroyalty · 2 years
watching all your obianidala content has made me have the biggest idea.
obianidala omegaverse with omega obi and padme and alpha anakin, padme is pregnant and so is obi, the only difference is that padme is several months ahead and no one knows of obi wan's pregnancy except himself.
palpatine causes an accident that causes padme to get hurt but not die and due to a misunderstanding making everyone think that was obi the one that caused the accident.
So obi runs away, pregnant with twin boys ( cal kestis and ezra bridger, i need them as luke and leia's simblings )
Obi Wan and Padme are both probably the biggest obstacles to Palpatine getting and maintaining control over anakinn. And there's really only two ways to deal with them - either infantalise them to the point in Anakin's head where he stops listening to them and effectively cages them n oder to 'protect' them or remove them from the equation through death or turning Anakin against them.
I do think he starts with planning to kill them both annd then falls back on others when that doesn't work.
So Padme was supposed to die and Palpatine probalby planned for Anakin to kill Obi Wan in response to that. So the piecse are already in place for it to look like Obi Wan is the cause.
So when Padme's only severely injured not killed Palpatine goes to Plan B of getting Anakin protective of her past the point of listening to her. He still probably planned on getting Anakin to kill Obi Wan but Obi wan flees before he ets the chance for Anakin to really think of anything other than getting Padme (and the babies in her) safe and stable.
Honestly though two sets of twins born at a very similar time would have been A Lot for them, even with three parents involved. Which, I mean, one set of twins is going to be A Lot for Obi Wan to handle by himself. Especially a set of force-sensative twisn (whcih is the same even in verses where he raises Luke and Leia by himself).
I wonder where Obi Wan would go. They're still Anakin's kids he's carrying so he could go to Tatooine and the Lars. But he also has other connections and honestly I like the idea of the boys getting their surnames because of the people Obi Wan turned to for support (Bridger possibly being a reference to Brigadier - a military rank). So maybe he doesn't go to Tatooine or maybe he does but brings with him some people who don't believe he would harm Padme and are petty sure this is all a frame up.
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maykrisms · 2 months
skibidi toilet
(as if being human would change the reaction from last time)
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He just wanted to enjoy some shitty microwave ramen for the first time in close to 90 years. (He might be eating it like a starved animal)
But, noooo, Dr. Samuel Hayden isn't allowed to have nice things. He can't have a moment of peace.
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❮ Get out of my office. ❯ Ahem. ❮ Please. ❯
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frozenambiguity · 5 months
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«... ... ...» As seasons change and summer slowly approaches, days seem to be getting longer. There is much to admire during quiet, introspective moments. Like the pretty tangerine sunset, blessed with shades of rose and purple.
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no is lisbeth's coyotesona kind of hot or am i actually losing it
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arcxnumvitae · 6 months
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Amazing. He could feel the thrum of power from the force of nature dancing over his skin, singing in the air. Tara likely felt it too, and he could hardly imagine what his father had felt. The king and his advisor had long since been pulled away into small talk and introductions with other nobles. Tara had vanished somewhere, as well as Iomhar. Eilidh was still fixated by the baby they'd run across, Aodh near her side, which left the prince finding himself alone back on the shoreline.
Not that he minded. His face tipped upwards to the two moons, eyes closed. A breeze pushed back the carefully braided and twisted strands of hair back from his face as the ends trailed in the water below, and the push and pull of the waves against him was tranquil.
For once, he was completely at peace.
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malika-carnelian · 1 year
RULES: REPOST, NOT REBLOG! Take this personality test as your muse here and fill in the information accordingly. But only if you want to!
Tagged by: @fly-in-the-freedom​
Tagging: @autobotmedic - @screechingtires​ - @badaichi​ (Sid) - @loyal-logik​ @aprimesrpcorner​ - @retiredcommander​ - @shiningsilverarmor​ - @twcwheeler - @photobombingcryptid (and whoever wish to do this!)
P.S. the test is pretty long, you’re warned(?)
Your personality type is:AdvocateYour full personality type code isINFJ-T
Advocates are quiet visionaries, often serving as inspiring and tireless idealists.
68% Introverted - Introverted individuals tend to prefer fewer, yet deep and meaningful, social interactions and often feel drawn to calmer environments.
62% Intuitive -  Intuitive individuals are very imaginative, open-minded, and curious. They value originality and focus on hidden meanings and distant possibilities.
68% Feeling -  Feeling individuals value emotional expression and sensitivity. They place a lot of importance on empathy, social harmony, and cooperation.
79% Judging -  Judging individuals are decisive, thorough, and highly organized. They value clarity, predictability, and closure, preferring structure and planning to spontaneity.
64% Turbulent -  Turbulent individuals are self-conscious and sensitive to stress. They feel a sense of urgency in their emotions and tend to be success-driven, perfectionistic, and eager to improve.
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Role: Diplomat
Strategies: Constant improvement
Sensitive Souls
Constant Improvers tend to be sensitive and introspective. They are often deep individuals who enjoy having their own space and freedom. In general, these personality types feel more comfortable on their own than mixed up in the judgment of the real world.
This may be because they share the two personality traits most representative of sensitivity to their environment – Introversion and Turbulence. As a result, they may find it stressful to deal with tense environments or new situations. In these moments, Constant Improvers can be deeply uncomfortable – although they may not want to let on how they really feel. In reaction, these personalities might retreat inward, react defensively, or try to escape the situation altogether. Alternatively, they might give up their own wants or needs in an effort to keep the peace.
Driven by Doubt
Constant Improvers tend to experience self-doubt. They have a strong drive, but it comes paired with a strong fear of failure. These personality types invest a great deal of their identity in their successes. As a result, even a minor misstep or embarrassment can be crushing.
On the upside, this vigilance offers these personality types a knack for sensing trouble. This can be quite useful in situations that need to balance risk and reward – whether a financial investment or a romantic opportunity. When faced with a potential risk, these types look for ways to prevent problems. Although it slows them down in the short term, this approach can prevent longer-term issues.
Constant Improvers direct much of their attention toward their personal interests. They strive to master hobbies, careers, or new means of self-expression. This level of dedication can create impressive, beautiful results.
People with Constant Improvement personality types can be perfectionistic, dedicating tremendous time and energy to their pursuits. Unfortunately, if they put too much pressure on themselves, this approach can backfire. For example, Constant Improvers may feel forced to abandon an endeavor because a single detail doesn’t line up right.
Reality and Romance
At times, Constant Improvers may experience a nagging feeling that something is missing from their lives. It’s worth noting that often this really is just a feeling, not a reflection of reality. These personality types have it in their nature always to be seeking something more – even if their lives actually are going just fine.
But as Constant Improvers assess their lives, wondering what might be missing, they may find themselves focusing on their romantic relationships – or lack thereof. These types are significantly less likely than their Assertive counterparts (also known as Confident Individualists) to say that they enjoy being single. And these personalities are more likely than Confident Individualists to say they often construct an ideal partner in their heads when they’re single.
Although Constant Improvers may find themselves longing for romance, they don’t necessarily find it easy to start up a relationship. They’re less likely than other personality Strategies to say that they usually take the initiative in asking someone out. This makes sense, given that Constant Improvers can feel hesitant about putting themselves out there – and asking someone out is an incredibly vulnerable position to be in.
This might sound like bad news, but it doesn’t have to be. As they grow and mature, Constant Improvers often learn how to transform their feeling that something is missing into positive energy – and by doing so, they not only discover gratitude for the good things in their lives, but also become proactive about making helpful changes. This mindset shift can empower these personality types to find fulfillment in their relationships – as well as in every other aspect of their lives.
The “Right” Career?
Constant Improvers’ longing for “something more” extends to their professional lives. Just over a quarter of these types say that their career is a great fit for them – a rate of agreement that is less than the other Strategies.
This doesn’t necessarily mean that Constant Improvers are in the wrong careers for them – although they might wonder if they are. More than half of these personality types say they often think about switching careers, and they’re more likely than the other Strategies to say that they feel stuck in their current job.
This restlessness doesn’t have to be a bad thing. In fact, restlessness can be an incredible motivator to do great things. The trouble comes when Constant Improvers feel trapped: wanting to make a change, but suspecting they’re unable or helpless to do so. This feeling can have a number of roots, such as self-doubt or a general worry that other people don’t “get” them.
As in other areas of their lives, Constant Improvers who pursue personal growth often discover that their feeling of helplessness is exactly that – a feeling. This can be a powerful discovery. In its wake, these personality types are better able to harness their personal and professional strengths and deal with their feeling of “stuckness.” This may take the form of finding a new career, or it might involve advocating for themselves in their current workplaces so that they get more of their needs met.
The Strength of Sensitivity
In general, Constant Improvers care a great deal about what others think of them. This can trigger insecurity, to be sure, but when kept in balance, it can create some truly wonderful traits. These personalities are often curious about and sensitive to others’ feelings. This can make them excellent listeners, friends, confidants, and partners.
Some types might think that sensitivity is synonymous with weakness, but Constant Improvers know that isn’t the case. These personality types often exemplify how sensitivity and vulnerability can be hidden strengths. Their attunement to their own struggles and insecurities can help them to bond deeply with others. It can also motivate them to act with kindness and compassion.
Although they may not always realize it, Constant Improvers offer the world a wealth of gifts. Once they learn to trust themselves as much as they trust others’ opinions, these personalities can shine.
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entitytcken-a · 2 years
@chaosmultiverse || cont. from here
🎀Charlotte sighed softly, her hand lightly resting on Evan’s shoulder as she looked from him to the ground. Of course she couldn’t force Evan to tell her... After all, he was her friend, even if Mike had told her time and time again to not bother with him. “Alright... I won’t push, but you know whatever is bothering you; you can tell me okay? I promise I won’t tell anyone.” She even went the extra mile to hold out her pinky to Evan with a small smile to try and help reassure him.
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kuhatoarchive · 2 years
tifa jumps off the train first btw. always, always.
#it's not about girlbossery it's about asserting her conviction as an established avalanche member#it's about courage as an act of being afraid yet doing smth regardless#the og handles the scene so well.. tifa calling the situation scary‚ cloud questioning if she really has the nerve &#asking why she came in the first place#which prompts her to get out of her own head. all it takes is a question‚ a nudge#at the end of the day‚ by participating she Consents to the fact unforeseen events can always happen during a mission#glimpses of tifa's mixed feelings shouldn't come at the expense of weakening her resolve to /push/ past her fear. squenix are u DUMB#that is arguably one of her most defining character traits in the ENTIRE narrative??!?!#otherwise it leaves the player thinking‚ 'what if cloud hadnt been there?' which..girl. She Has Been Doing This Well Before He Came Back#or worse‚ 'why did she agree to avalanche‚ again?' and not in the character-examination way#which is Such a rich question under the right lense..#yes‚ she wishes she didn't have to do this. even if it's not her first mission it still makes her nervous. she's allowed to‚ she's human#but shinra is so oppressive and she holds so‚ so much Hatred that it manifests in unpalatable ways#and she's Willing to do all this morally dubious shit‚ not to mention RISKY#jumping off a damn moving train is not the exception!!!!!!!!#um. this was supposed to be a simple 'tifa jumps first‚ the remake skinship moment is‚ characterization wise‚ a let down' post#but it got out of my hands JGFJFG#just.. know that i don't really acknowledge it on my remake verse. the implications r not worth the fanservice#chara study.
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monkee-mobile · 1 year
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Get ready for it…
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Get ready for it…
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soulsxng · 1 year
🎥 for JJ!
@fatestouch | I was asked for past life JJ >:3 | Accepting!
Sometimes, as Jawyr walked the streets of some of Ahnia's smaller cities and settlements, it almost felt like he was walking through somewhere that had been abandoned. Many buildings crumbling or in various states of dilapidation. Very few shops were open-- nobody had the money to spend, or the supply to trade, here. Up until recently, it had all been funneled to the same handful of people, back in the capital.
And even with so many people having no real choice but to live in these poor excuses for homes, there were nearly as many that didn't have homes at all. That lived on the streets, or in some hastily thrown up tent.
Things were getting better, of course, since his father had finally realized the state things were in.
Maybe the buildings were in better shape, now. People had a place to call home, and many had jobs to ensure that they would be given food, and clothing, and other such necessities.
But JJ always saw it all for how bad it had been. How could he not, when he could still see the shadows of doubt and distrust in their eyes? Hear it in their words? How they wondered when it would all be taken away from them with another of their king's mistakes?
Yes, it may have been a mistake-- his father was betrayed by those he trusted-- he never held anything but love for his people and home, even if he hadn't chosen to be recognized as king. But when you were responsible for so much, you didn't have the luxury of "learning from your errors"...not like a normal person might.
Especially when the mistake was one so large, and so complex. One that would take a long time, and likely even more lives than had already been lost.
If he allowed his thoughts to stray in that direction, JJ believed that he could do a better job. He would have to start from square one if he stole away his father's place on Ahnia's throne, but the Crown Prince felt that even then, he knew what would need to be done.
How much of that was true, though? JJ didn't know. It could be his own feelings toward his father making him think that way. It could be the way that so many of Ahnia's people looked to him with trust and adoration, for doing so much to help them when nobody else (aside from Cirisa, that is) from the royal family would.
...It could be that the situation with Vasyri was getting worse and worse by the day, and he knew Ahnia didn't have the time to be so destabilized.
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"We're going to stop here, for today. I know we planned to make it closer to the river before settling for the night, but...I want to help out around here, a bit. They're pretty far from the capital here, so I'm sure they're still struggling. Those of you that need a rest can start setting up camp on the outskirts of the city. Everyone else, come with me, and we'll see what the people here might need help with."
JJ couldn't say for sure if it was just hubris that made him think he could be better than his father, or if ruling really was something he could be capable of...
But he was beginning to think that it may be worth finding out.
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"...Excuse me? Your Highness Jawyr? My name is Quella, and this is Nesimah. I realize that you are busy at present...however, we wished to have a word with you. If you would be so kind as to spare us a moment."
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Hello!! I'm Elaine. Nice to meet you!! How are you Inky and Bendy :D
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"just- prowler. only my close friends and family can call me Bendy... also again. inky? there's no ink demon next to me." he says, grunting at the whispers he was feeling in his mind, those voices. it all felt so familiar. elsewhere in the studios, Lanky kept silent as the lady kept walking, oddly quiet and almost. upset? the lady in violet didn't seem to notice as she keeps on walking
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sanguineweave · 8 months
new tags pt. 1 : ic & verses.
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