#♡ ⌗ do you like what you see? ┉ sns
hananoami · 5 months
[ Directional Orbit ] Light - Stage 100 clear VOD
Here is my clear video for Xavier's Directional Orbit: Light - stage 100! I cleared this stage on Monday, 04/15. In this video it features both the first and second fight. For this trial it requires 2 teams: Team 01's Protofield Stellactrum requires 5 Amber + 1 Ruby; Team 02's Protofield Stellactrum requires 5 Emerald + 1 Pearl.
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To recap on my experience on this fight... Looking back on my clear run with Team 01 my game play is a bit messy. I could have done better about grouping them up for shared damage, but it was fine seeing how I had 30s let on the timer by the end of the fight. Leveling up the lunar memories during previous stages really helped a lot. Other than that, this part of the stage was really straight forward. One 2-minute round against three wanderers with 3-HP bars + 2-protofield shields to break.
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Now unlike the first round my run with Team 02 was hella sus. I mean just LOOK at my health bar when I cleared AHHaha ; w ; I thought my skills using the claymore got better after doing rafayel's directional orbit: fire - stage 90... but I need to remember that I am not a tank and can't take all those hits umu This is what happens when you're greedy for dps, trying to get those perfect dodges in. I'll need to work on them in the Training Center or smth bc I hate losing out on dps from being stun locked by taking unnecessary damage. Lesson learned from all that? There's always room for improvements. If I were to be honest I didn't think I was going to clear this run, assuming I was going to take more unnecessary damage and dying before I can finish off the boss. This was not my first run, but my second attempt that resulted in a clear. The first time I was using his Luminescence Blade. Using that weapon was fine, but it didn't give me as much damage output as I would have liked since I fell short of clearing by half its last HP bar. So I pulled out of the stage and switched to using the claymore. I know I sound like a broken record because I've said it before, but I'll say it again-- in claymores we trust to get the job done!
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Additional Screenshots
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Team A team set-up and stat attributes
Weapon: Luminescence Blade Companion: Xavier's Lightseeker ♡ Affinity Bonus: 81 When you take a fatal blow, Xavier teleports to you, blocks a hit, and counter attacks. Enemies will be knocked back. [ HP 3200 || DEF 80 || ATK 160 ?* ] ?* ɴᴏᴛᴇ: ɪ ғᴏʀɢᴏᴛ ᴛᴏ ʀᴇᴄᴏʀᴅ 81 ᴀғғɪɴɪᴛʏ ʙᴏɴᴜs sᴛᴀᴛs, ᴛʜᴇsᴇ ᴀʀᴇ ғʀᴏᴍ 82 Pair Bonus [SN] - Starting Effect: increases team DMG by 5%. - Duo Rank 1: boosts Ardent Oath charge by 10%. - Duo Rank 2: reduces squad DMG taken by 5%. - Duo Rank 3: increases squad DMG by 5%.
Lv.60 4☆ Shining Traces (amber/solar)
Lv.60 4☆ Shining Light (amber/solar)
Lv.70 5☆ Tender Night (amber/lunar)
Lv.70 5☆ Heartstrings Symphony (amber/lunar)
Lv.70 5☆ Unique Aftertaste (ruby/lunar)
Lv.60 5☆ Fragment of Time (amber/lunar)
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Team B team set-up and stat attributes
Weapon: Claymore Companion: Xavier's Lightseeker ♡ Affinity Bonus: 81 When you take a fatal blow, Xavier teleports to you, blocks a hit, and counter attacks. Enemies will be knocked back. [ HP 3200 || DEF 80 || ATK 160 ?* ] ?* ɴᴏᴛᴇ: ɪ ғᴏʀɢᴏᴛ ᴛᴏ ʀᴇᴄᴏʀᴅ 81 ᴀғғɪɴɪᴛʏ ʙᴏɴᴜs sᴛᴀᴛs, ᴛʜᴇsᴇ ᴀʀᴇ ғʀᴏᴍ 82 Pair Bonus [LT] - Starting Effect: increases team DMG by 8%, and reduces team DMG taken by 8%. When fighting together with Lightseeker, your Active Skill DMG is increased by 25%.
Lv.80/awakened 5☆ Lightseeking Shadowrend (emerald/solar)
Lv.80/awakened 5☆ Lightseeking Obsession (emerald/solar)
Lv.60 5☆ Romantic Afternoon (emerald/lunar)
Lv.60 5☆ Fluffy Trap (emerald/lunar)
Lv.60 4☆ A Captured Moment (emerald/lunar)
Lv.60 4☆ Warm Wishes (pearl/lunar)
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yoonjinsgirl · 1 year
Heyaaaa guys!!! I'm here with Chapter-6 to my series.
checkout series previous chapters: 1 💌 2💌 3💌 4💌 5💌 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~♡~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Yoongi x fem!Reader
Summary: you wake up one day only to realize it's 2026 already & to your biggest shock you are not in your bedroom, not in your house! You try to wake yourself up from the dream! But is it really a dream or the truth of your life?
Genre: idol au, mirror world au, angst.
Taglist: Open
Updates: after every 4/5 days.
Warnings: An au concept, not something that could make sense irl, it could be dangerously delulu. please note all my writings are fictional and has nothing irl to do with any idol/person.
A/N: This chapter in particular has yoongi's pov.
Request are open & also highly welcomed and appreciated! Check my work until now: Masterlist💌 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~♡^·ᴗ·^♡~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I've imagined this all night and every day!💕
Chapter - 6
As days keep passing you keep feeling more and more weird and uncomfortable with your situation. Because no matter how much you try to shrug it off it doesn't helps at the end of the day you still think what is going on with you! it's common for you to daydream or think of your bias but why the heck are you able to visualize the literal impossible scenarios and even though you've been army for years now you don't dream about them alot so why do you daily keep dreaming about yoongi? And most importantly from where did the ring appeared? You even shared it with your bestfriend but she is certain that you are only overthinking and that you are overwhelmed about yoongi's enlistment, again which is true for-sure but still you've a unsettling feeling which no matter how hard you try to shrug it just won't go away.
On the other hand yoongi won't appear anywhere! Like not on any of his sns accounts nor he could be spotted on any event or whatsoever! It made you want to run away somewhere and get lost somewhere, where these feelings won't affect you so much! His absence just made things worse for you! Dreams would keep coming, somedays you would find yourself waking up to your face stained with dried tears marks. This behavior of yours freaked you out because you never were like this, surely you loved him but you surely knew your limits! You knew you had to keep your delusional mind aware of your limits, and that no matter how much you want your imaginations to come true but your love for him was forbidden.
After having a long day at work as you settle down to rest, it's already been a month and yoongi is still not seen nowhere, so you just randomly think to message him on his sns account, although you know it's worth nothing as you are just one of those millions who would be messaging him, but that was an old habit of yours to always share your inner turmoil with him, he was definitely your safe place, so you message him thinking even if no one really takes your concerns seriously and judges you, atleast he would never! Ofcourse he would never know about your messages but also he if ever had seen he still would never judge you! Yoongi was never the person who would judge people you knew that.
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After messaging him youu fall asleep thinking maybe now that you had already shared your thoughts with yoongi you would be able to get over this thing of yours.
While you are asleep you have no idea the messages you have been sending off randomly, you've no idea what's actually going on with yoongi? Or what actually had happened to you leading to you getting various and frequent flashbacks.
33days ago...
Yoongi was genuinely resting at his home when he sees a shadow coming close to him, he was about to throw his hands but he freezes on spot when he sees his own reflection infront of him "WHAT THE FUCK! I guess I'm too tired from all the performing!! And whiskey is acting up"
Saying this he slightly pats his cheeks to get in his right mind, but to his shock his reflection stood right infront of him unbothered and judging him giving him side eyes! His eyes widens as he notices it moving,
"YAHHHHHH YAHHH WHAT THE HECK IS THIS?", he almost shouts as he grabs his pillow to throw.
"Jeez you are way too over dramatic Min Yoongi it's not like I'm a ghost or anything", whatever thing that he was seeing said to him.
"Even ghost are far better than what I'm seeing rightnow! What the fuck are you? A mirror reflection who is here to eat me up or something like caging me into mirror and stealing my identity!" Yoongi spoke assuming all the possible scenarios that could take place.
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"Are you like seriously crazy dude? You need to stop watching too much of non fictional movies or shows or whatever shit you read to assume things like that!"
"Then what in the world are you??? Are you even there or is my whiskey acting up?"
"Nope I'm for real!"
"So are you here to harm me? Because I will call security so don't even thinking of doing anything, I'm warning you, also i can punch you down! Do not underestimate me!" Yoongi said defensively.
"Nope I'm not here to harm you! Sit down already will you? talk while having a seat I'm already tired answering your illogical questions by standing here?" saying that his dup takes a sit. Meanwhile yoongi is still, standing trying to process whatever is happening.
Finally after few minutes as yoongi sits down on his bed still staring at his dup and back looking at himself, trying to figure what the heck is this thing! Few minutes go's by and there's awkward silence.
"So are you by any chance from my future or something? Or wait don't tell me you are my son or grandson NO WAYS!", again yoongi says assuming too much.
"YAHH AISHHHH! NOO EWW! STOPPP! okay no! I told you before itself you watch a little too much of series and movies to assume all these sh!t!. So before you assume anymore shit let me introduce you to myself, I'm Min Yoongi aka Suga aka Agustd! Yes I'm you but like in a different realm from a different world! You can suppose that i belong from a world which is exactly same as you with some exceptions, like it's 2023 and in my world its 2026, and I'm here to get help from you, you need to take my place for few days while i come here and i complete my research on how people live here so basica.."
"WHAT NO! Just get out! I'm doing nothing get that inside your head! Also how do i believe whatever shit you are saying is true? You told me to not speak nonsense but atleast my assumptions had some logic! I don't find even a drop of logic from whatever theory you just said! Also even if you are speaking truth how do i trust you?" Yoongi said cutting off his dup in middle way as he made his own point.
"Heyyyy no wait! Listen to me I'm not lying believe me! Just like you I'm also an Idol! I too have my armys in my mirror world! But what my fans and members don't know is, that I'm also work in a secret research as their team head for my world! To be honest i guessed that you will be similar to me so i came by to explain you the process. And to be honest even if you don't agree I'll have to interchange our positions for few days, you won't even know when you would get teleported to my world so just calm down and just cooperate and trust me i guarantee your safety and that i won't spoil your image here!", yoongi's dup said trying to explain his situation.
"How do i trust you?", yoongi asked his dup.
"Well we can go right now and i can show you around! No one knows my identity as a head researcher, so if we go we will have to be careful as literally no one knows about me not even my research team, as we only contact through mails. So the only thing we need is to hide my identity and be careful".
"No but wait what if your people they recognize it's not me?"
"That unfortunately is not possible since we are alike! Besides once you will get teleported into my world you'll possess a power that will help you to survive and that will mask your real identi.."
Before yoongis dup could continue yoongi cutoff his sentence in between as he curiously asks, "What Power? Am i supposed to be some kind of supernatural human??? I'm fucking just a normal human being who has some good musical sense and my fans ofcourse"
"why don't you hear me out without cutting me off dude! So basically this is a thing in the mirror world if anyone from another world teleports there, the world will enter into a different realm and for sure in your world it might not be a power but in the mirror world everyone who doesn't belongs from there are 10000× more powerful. So your power will be depending on your inner energy, so that inner energy or power makes some changes into our world, mostly for the survival. And according to my study your energy must be the 'Everlasting Memories', which will make sure you don't forget a single moment or thing, also you'll be able to know the memories of people around you so no one would be able to catch you off guard while you take my place!", the dup explained him
"But what if there's someone just like me stuck in your world they know who i am?"
"Well it's s not possible since i haven't got any report from my team mates about it and not everyone knows how to balance the laws for a person to actually meet their other significant in another world without one of them getting teleported, so i don't think even if they do anything, it would be same as you. As the person teleported there wouldn't even know what happened to them so relax!" Yoongi's dup cleared his doubts and spoke further, "But even if there's someone nevermind you still will have the memory that will always help you to know what the truth is to you! There only 10%chances of someone to overpower your inner energy and even if it happens you still will be able to remember their truth so you are safe in all ways!!".
"Ahhhh i see", yoongi said while slightly nodding as he tries to understand and process everything, meanwhile the dup continues, "See i told you about everything now so please cooperate, according to my research i believe you've right now for few days have no schedules or such! You can be there and rest! Besides turning your life upside down without any notice, it's better if you know and understand the situation and we exchange places".
"Okay then i guess let's do it, not like i have any choice so yeah!" Yoongi agrees a little hesitantly.
"I never thought you had accept this!! Well thank you then"
"By the one more thing are you some kind of dr.strange from multiverse kinda thing???", yoongi again asked, his curiosity getting the best of him.
"Dude would you stop asking weird questions???"
"Hey! C'mon it's so much similar how could you decline it?", yoongi retorts back thinking it's almost similar with it.
"Well okay maybe it is!", the dup finally agreed to yoongi's point.
"Daymmn i knew it! Afterall things like that actually exist"
"I can't with you! see we will get teleport at night so bye now and be ready". Saying that the dup of yoongi from the mirror world disappeared from there leaving back a curious and amused yoongi behind.
After The Incident...
Yoongi was stunned when he woke up the next day. He was so stunned to see the world to be exact same, his members were same, his workplace was same, even his house was same! He was stunned to discover to that there existed a world apart from where he lived.
Everything was going smooth until one day suddenly he feels something weird and the next thing he knows he finds you sleeping on his bed! Although he knows he has no girlfriend in real life so why are you here? Didn't his dup told him that they both were alike? But afterall maybe his dup has he thought, also it was just the overpowering effect of your inner energy, no matter what he had do, he wasn't able to keep himself off you, loving and cuddling you, everytime he would see you his heart won't co-operate with his mind! He would feel like you were there since the beginning, but deep down he knew something is not right, but the more he stayed with you the more his feelings started to grow up on his mind, to understand what was happening with him.
It was like there were literal dailouges ringing in his mind and he would just blurt out those! He was irritated but everytime he would look at you or would have any kind eye or body contact he would lose his mind and he almost hated himself for stealing someone's else girlfriend because having same face doesn't gives any right to play with someone else's feelings and betray someone he thought! But no matter how hard he would try he would always find himself getting pulled towards you and he hated how he enjoyed himself with you.
All these years he somewhere always yearned to have someone beside him and now when he got you, deep down in his heart he was so happy to have you until one day, just like you had arrived without any notice, you disappeared in thin air. Half of his mind convinced that it was his dream while half of his mind telling him that no it was all true. But then if you were a true person and not just imagination then how could you disappear just like that? And how could no one tell that you did existed once? No one knew about you! Everyone just told him that at this point he should start looking at some dating options or maybe it was armys delusional mind working inside him, and everything they said made him think that it was partially right as you did mentioned him to be army afterall.
His thoughts contemplating until the day of his own departure came and his dup appeared again thanking him for helping him and co-operating, but yoongi on the other side felt like he was the bad guy here, so hesitating he asked him if he, his dup by any chance had girlfriend! And to his surprise he had none! So then who were you? A possible ghost! His beautiful dream! Or was really his mind playing games with him? Or did someone actually got teleported like him?, before he could go insane. He instead decided to tell everything to his dup and he told him the answer that yoongi most probably wanted to hear.
"Well during my time out there, i came to know someone had actually teleported here! And she whom you saw was indeed from your world my subordinates informed me. And why would you even doubt your memory dude? when i clearly had told you always trust your memories because they won't lie!", the dup told him clarifying the truth.
As yoongi spoke further about his situation, "That's not the only matter here! I just told you that i behaved with her like she was my love, my girlfriend when she clearly wasn't! I knew yet i had no control over my emotions and just like a magnet i kept getting drawn towards her, and i ended up developing feelings for her!"
"Did you just said that you knew the reality and still you did things you didn't wanted to?"
"Yes! But as i said after few days i actually started having feelings for her"
"Ahhhhh that means her inner energy was Law Of Attraction, so that is why whatever she might have wished for you did it!"
"I just told you, that is not entirely true, i ended up having feelings so she wasn't the only one to blame for whatever i did"
"Get a chill lol why are getting so defensive?"
"No I'm not! Why would i? I don't even know her and not like i will meet her again" although he clearly declined his feelings his crimson cheeks said a different story. All his dup could do was only chuckle at him.
"Okay then see you never again, tomorrow morning you'll wake up in your world! Thank you for everything"
"hmnn okay thank you for keeping your words"
"And yeah also good luck in finding your girl" yoongi's dup said with a playfull smirk, "yahhhh aishhh how many times do i tell you I'm not going do anything like that", yoongi replied denying having any feelings now.
"Well okay if you say so", his dup says while shrugging off.
"Also it's impossible because didn't you told me before that people always tend to forget things once they're teleported back into their world, and i would be able to remember because of that energy thing, so it makes so sense on looking for her?" Yoongi asked absent-minded.
"Even though you just told me you had no business knowing about your so called girl you are still asking me! Well still I will answer your question so don't worry!" He said teasing him further and continued, "as i said she has stronger side for law of attraction so there are chances that maybe she remembers it all and suppose even if she doesn't remember all of it right now, there are very high chances for her to regain those memories, if you somehow find her and try to remind her of your times that you had spend with her or any moment that you had shared with her, anything like that would be able to recover all her memories!".
"Are you sure this could work??", yoongi asked.
"Woahh woahhh woahhh!!! I'm offended! What do you mean by I'm sure? Ofcourse I'm damn sure! Infact guessing on you getting into a situation where you both ended up being lovers, which means she actually wishes to have you in her life, maybe she's someone who loves you, which also means she could be one of your fan! So maybe after all it won't be so hard to find her! Good luck on finding her". He replies while giving yoongi a small smile.
"Don't make your own assumptions, i only asked you for security reasons that's it!! Nothing more than that"
"Well ofcourse after all how could you fall for a fan! So..."
"So i guess you should go and get rest and sleep because you will get teleported only while you are asleep, tomorrow morning you'll be in your world safe and sound! So bye i guess" the dup finally said biding him a bye.
"Hmnn bye good night, take care" yoongi says as he gives a quick side hug and turns away towards the bedroom, after all yoongi was indeed the sweet and soft person.
As yoongi laid down on the bed to fall asleep he was happy and content knowing there are still chances that he could meet you once again! He certainly wouldn't try to contact or find you immediately but he knew he would, once he is sure he can! For now he was relaxed knowing that there were still chances of you and him getting back! There were still chances of you both crossing eachother's path! The thought itself made him feel good. As he fell asleep with the last night in this mirror world which he certainly would never forget because he met someone like you here! But he was also excited to go back to his world and meet his actual members, his friends, his 6 brothers, his world..back.
Before he knew he was back in his world, more than happy to be back and meet his family and his friends. And glad that he still remembered and had you perfectly glued in his memories as he smiled thinking he's one more step closer to you as you are now under same sky as him.
Little did yoongi knew you were absolutely clueless about your time spend with him and how you were unknowingly trying to get rid of those little memory flashes that your mind tried to remind you.
I hope guys enjoyed reading this one! I hope you all will look forward to upcoming parts! So stay tuned!♡
I know it takes me little too long to post but trust me my laptop is in repair and i haven't got it back and making corrections in my written draft takes my most of time, and i actually write my chapters in real time so it takes a little long especially writting them on my phone takes even more long, so i hope you can bear with me. Like it's almost 1.30am while I'm uploading this lol!🥲
Thank you so much for always being patient with me y'all!. Ily all! Also my big big thanks to those who are just reading, also to those who are reading and liking my posts too and also to those who literally always reblog them, I'm so so grateful to you guys!❤️‍🩹
Also last time i had said about naming chapters for this series! So i have already updated those on masterlist!!!♡
As I always say, REQUEST ARE OPEN!!!💌
Categories I write for are: imagines/reaction, scenarios, thoughts, text post, drabbles and timestamps.♡
So if you've requests please go on and submit it! I'll be happy to write one. Also your feedbacks are highly welcomed and appreciated.💜
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tamelee · 2 years
Okay, I personally ship SNS and think that it is THE best written relationship in Naruto, even if one doesn’t want to view them as strictly romantic. I even think there’s fairly strong evidence for Naruto and Sasuke being purposely written as… non-hetero, is what I’ll go with.
However, there is one part in the manga/anime which possibly conflicts with this idea, and was hoping you could offer an explanation (I’m reallly liking your posts btw).
In the arc where Naruto is with Sakura, Yamato, and Sai, there’s a part where they stop at an inn and hots springs/bath place. Sakura goes to the women’s section by herself, while Naruto goes to the men’s bath section with Yamato and Sai (and Naruto also seems embarrassed and oddly flustered? Which is weird because I thought that bathing among other men isn’t weird in Japanese culture, but maybe Naruto he just doesn’t feel comfortable around them?) and at some point Naruto decides to peep on Sakura before being strongly discouraged by Yamato.
My question is, what’s up with Naruto apparently being attracted/still having a crush on Sakura? How does this fit into a SNS reading of the manga?
(Btw I also find that moment weird because (A) Naruto’s “crush” is basically nonexistent immediately before and after this scene, and (B) I thought Naruto didn’t approve of peeping because he always called Jiraiya out on it?)
Anyway, thank you for your time
Hi @rosencrantznewblue ! ♡ thankyou for your ask (ノ´ з `)ノ
"Sakura goes to the women’s section by herself, while Naruto goes to the men’s bath section with Yamato and Sai (and Naruto also seems embarrassed and oddly flustered? Which is weird because I thought that bathing among other men isn’t weird in Japanese culture, but maybe Naruto he just doesn’t feel comfortable around them?)"
Exactly. So you kind of answered your own question there. It's weird isn't it? Why would Naruto be so awkward bathing with Sai and Yamato? Well, at the time these two aren't his favorite people, sure. But this is a pattern with Naruto.
Let's examine the scene first.
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He hugs his knees, barricading himself almost hiding underwater. This, while Yamato expresses that "guys being together naked makes them feel like companions!" Naruto who kept blushing throughout the scene, very much doesn't feel that way.
In fact, Sai decided to comment on his..
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It makes Naruto shout really loudly mentioning, well "penises". He went from being awkward to pretty much hysterical. Naruto overreacts despite Sai overstepping boundaries.
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This makes all the ladies laugh.
This is important because he already looked nervous. And now he embarrassed himself in front of his new teammates. -'Totally uncool what would they think of this behavior?'- It is realistic. Well.. this is clever writing because Naruto's story and how he comes to deal with his own feelings and understanding them is a huge part of it. How does he deal with this awkward situation?
Of course when he hears the woman laugh he gets an idea and grins. He's seen Jiraiya do it too many times after all. Peeking at the woman's bath. It is complete deflection. Naturally, Yamato stands up when he figures out what Naruto is about to do.
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"My question is, what’s up with Naruto apparently being attracted/still having a crush on Sakura?"
He doesn't. It has nothing to do with Sakura. I think, if I remember correctly, the Anime did make this scene about Sakura but that wasn't the point. Kishimoto is such a damn genius who depicts Naruto's struggle brilliantly in subtle and obvious ways. There is another one-shot where the exact same pattern with Naruto in the Onsen appears. It isn't Canon but made by Kishimoto anyway.
Naruto lies when Sakura and Sai see him brain-rotting over Sasuke. Instead he says he was planning a date with Sakura.
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When Kakashi tells Naruto he likes him Naruto yet again overreacts. He tells him to "not say weird shit like that you friggin idiot!" and "your creepy ass threw me off!" even though very obviously Kakashi didn't mean it like that. And Naruto's reaction was completely uncalled for.
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And during the Bell Test(? if I remember), Kakashi said he liked Naruto as well. This isn't the first time at least. Yet when Naruto is older and struggling he gets awkward and flustered about it. When Sai pulls an arm around Naruto he gets mad. On the other hand.. When others insult Sakura by calling her ugly or a bitch (Konohamaru) he doesn't care. Naruto didn't see any difference in her appearance after the time-skip she "looked fine!" and "didn't change at all!" even though Sasuke looks " カッコイイ" (cool, attractive, good looking) and again in Gaiden (handsome). Even Haku was cuter than Sakura. He has no problem calling his mother beautiful either.
.. okay there are too many moments. The point is, just take Naruto's confession under the bridge, his thoughts during VotE1 and confessions VotE2 and his patterns make sense. Peeking at the women after that awkward situation is part of it. (As is lying.) Kishimoto slow-burned his way through Naruto realizing that his feelings for Sasuke weren't normal and tried to hide it with the help of Sakura, because it is convenient. And I think it is so clever- Imma stop now.
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rjmartin11 · 1 year
Finding Love in the Deadliest Ways
Part Eleven: Boudoir Session
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Pairing: Elvis & black!female!reader
Summary: Jordee finds the love of a stranger named Elvis she met at the local park. After a week of dating, Jordee learns that Elvis is more than meets the eye. She discovers hidden secrets and finds out more than she bargained for. Will love survive?
Word Count:
Warnings: Risqué photoshoot between lovers and some keys to the past.
Author's Notes: Welcome to Part Eleven!
・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・🧛🏼‍♂️・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・
"Can I ask you a question?" Jordee asks, her mind riddled with curiosity.
"Yes, my love, go ahead."
Jordee curls up against Elvis and asks, "How did you become the Vampire King?"
"Hmm, well, it's a long story, Jordee, but I guess it all started one day when I was a young boy and I was taken by the vampire king and I didn't know what was going on."
"Your father?" Jordee asks, brushing a piece of Elvis' hair out of his face.
"Yes, Jordee. My father was the first vampire king, and I didn't know it until he took me in one day." Elvis says, staring up at the ceiling. Remembering the action of events in the images of his mind.
"Did it hurt? When he changed you?"
"Yes, it hurt. I was a little boy, and I had no idea what was happening. I just knew that I had a new hunger, but I also felt some of my powers awakening in me for the first time."
"How old were you at the time?"
"I was only about eight-years-old. It was one of the biggest life changes I ever had to go through, Jordee."
"Eight-years-old..." Jordee says, taking a really good look at Elvis.
Of course, he was handsome and had an ageless complexion. Elvis looked like a mature thirty year old man, but he said he was turned when he was eight. According to most legends Jordee had read on vampires, vampires didn't age at all. Wouldn't he still look the same as he was turned? Then it hits Jordee. "So we age?" She asked.
"I'm afraid so, Jordee. I'm always going to look like this, and while I'm going to live for a very long time, I have aged from that little child to what you see right now."
"Thank heavens. Cause I'd feel terrible for sleeping with a little boy." Jordee jokes, placing her chin upon his chest.
"Oh, Jordee, you're so adorable."
Elvis kisses her again and pulls her tighter to him.
"So... I'll turn into an old woman one day?"
"Mmhmm... you'll grow older, just like anyone else, not as fast as your average human. You don't stop aging, so you'll continue to grow older for as long as you live. But that's a good thing, because we get to spend more time together."
Elvis' body presses against hers. Jordee wraps her arms around Elvis' neck.
"Hmmm... All the time in the world," Jordee thinks as Elvis places kisses on her cheeks.
"That's right, Jordee. All the time in the world."
"Did I please you? Did I make you happy?" Jordee asks, looking into his eyes and cupping his face.
Elvis looks down at her and smiles, "Oh, you pleased me, Jordee. Oh, if you only knew how much you pleased me."
Elvis blushes and smiles as he runs a finger across her lips. Jordee kisses his finger as he traces her lips.
"Oh, Jordee... you are just incredible," Elvis says, holding her tightly.
An idea has formed in Jordee's mind, and she gets out of bed and goes hunting for her camera.
"What are you doing, Jordee?" Elvis asks, concerned that she left his arms.
Jordee grips the door frame with one hand and looks back.
"Don't move," Jordee turns to face him, wearing nothing but a smile. "I'll be right back."
She smiles at him and makes her way to the living room.
"Okay, Jordee." Elvis says, still lying in bed, wondering what she's planning on doing.
Jordee finds her camera on the table in the living room and takes the cover lens off. She quietly goes back to the room where Elvis lays and takes his picture.
"Hmm... Jordee, why are you taking a picture of me?"
"Remember, I wanted boudoir photos of you." Jordee says, holding the camera close to her face. She focuses on Elvis and presses the shutter.
"Oh... right. Yes, you did. Well, I suppose you can try those kinds of pictures now then," Elvis says, realizing he's completely naked with nothing but a sheet to cover him from the waist down.
Jordee takes control of the situation.
"Elvis, sit up. Cover everything from your waist down." She directs.
Elvis listens to her, and he sits up and positions himself so she can get the photos she wants from him.
"You know I don't wear pants, so this should be an easy one to do." Elvis jokes.
"Hush. Rest your head on the pillows and bring your right arm up to rest on the pillows." Jordee commands.
"Okay, Jordee." Elvis says, relaxing himself.
Jordee sits on the floor for the best angles of Elvis positioned on the bed. The floor's cool to the touch, but Jordee is dedicated to her craft.
Elvis does exactly what she says and waits for her to get the picture. Jordee takes a few shots of Elvis posing undressed with nothing but a sheet.
"Elvis, lick your lips and look me." Jordee asks.
"Hmm... okay, Jordee. Here goes."
Elvis licks his lips and looks directly at her with a very seductive look.
"So sexy." Jordee says, smiling as she takes another picture.
"Well, I hope it's sexy enough for you, Jordee." Elvis says, still smiling, and he's feeling good about how his pictures are turning out.
"Slide your left hand down your chest... Slowly, sir."
Elvis follows her instructions, and he's going really slow as he's seductively moving his hand down his chest. Jordee puts her camera lens back to her eye.
Through the lens, Jordee could see every inch of Elvis' sculpted body. She could see each individual hair on his finely tanned chest. As Elvis slowly glided his hand down his chest, Jordee could see all the lines on his hand. He's just magnificent.
Elvis seems a bit shy under the camera, yet there's a vulnerability that Jordee sees. Elvis plays it off as bravery, which makes him more attractive.
Jordee focuses all her attention on Elvis, and he would ultimately do anything for her. A few pictures is a small request of his time. Jordee commands his attention, and her confidence is truly alluring. She knows exactly what she wants from him, and most of all, she wants him. It turns him on how Jordee takes control of the session. So much so that Jordee can see his dick under the sheet.
"Touch it," Jordee says.
Elvis looks at her now, and it seems like he's confused for a moment, but he realizes he's hard for Jordee.
"Oh, my friend..." Elvis says, touching himself in the way that she asks them to over the sheets.
Jordee focuses her lens on the sleepness of Elvis' eyes yet the comfort he feels with her.
She widens her lens to view him from head to toe.
She makes her lens smaller to focus on Elvis him head to bulge.
Then Jordee admires his hand and the way it holds onto his cock over the sheet. She doesn't know it, but Elvis is trying his best to behave right now.
"Perfect." Jordee whispers, looking away from her lens.
"What is?" Elvis asks.
"Your pleasure maker."
"My... my what? Oh! You mean my friend!" Elvis bursts out in laughter, and Jordee takes another candid photo.
The best photos are candids.
"That's right. Now lie down sideways for me." Jordee tells him.
Elvis smiles at her and gets into the position that she requested him to.
"Lay on your side and stretch out the arm you're laying on to me like you're reaching for me. Relax the other arm." Jordee says, looking back through her lens.
"Okay, Jordee," Elvis does what she asks as he stretches his arm out to her.
As Elvis positions himself on his side, Jordee takes a few pictures. Jordee snaps some more pictures of him. He looks so innocent and full of love. As she takes his pictures, Elvis watches with a smile on his face. He looks innocent and vulnerable without even trying.
"You're so damn handsome," Jordee whispers to him.
"Oh my, Jordee, thanks for saying that."
Elvis keeps his eyes on her, and he's really enjoying the moment. Seeing Jordee naked behind the camera does things to him. All the dirty thoughts run through his mind.
"You are."
Jordee scoots closer in front of him to take more pictures.
"Tell me you love me."
"I love you, Jordee," Elvis says. "I've loved you longer than anyone else has ever loved their soulmate, Jordee. I think about you every day and I love everything about you."
Jordee puts her camera down on her lap.
"Elvis, you've only known me for a week."
Elvis looks over to the side as if he's contemplating his answer. Then he looks back at Jordee and smiles.
"But that's long enough for me to know. I only needed to spend a single second with you, and I know that I love you."
Jordee smiles back and says, "Reach for me."
Elvis reaches for her as she requests. He stretches his arm out to her, and his heart leaps as she takes his hand and kisses it. Then, take one final picture of their hands together.
Jordee gets herself off the cool floor.
"Jordee, what are you getting at now?" Elvis asks, not letting go of her hand.
"I'm getting in bed with you to show you all our pictures."
"Ah, I see. Well, that sounds like an amazing idea, Jordee."
Elvis smiles and scoots over, allowing Jordee to lay down beside him. Jordee climbs in the bed with Elvis. He sits up in the bed with Jordee and wraps his arm around her shoulder as she starts to show him their pictures.
"I'm so glad I got a new Sim card for my camera for your session."
Jordee kisses Elvis' cheek.
"So let's start with the fountain."
Jordee clicks through all the pictures of Elvis posing for her.
Elvis smiles as he looks at every picture Jordee shows to him, and he's loving how good they look. Jordee shows him all the pictures at the park from the park to the infamous fountain.
"Oh, E. Look at us!" Jordee exclaims as they view the pictures in the fountain before and after they jump in.
"Oh, I think I remember this one!" Elvis laughs. "We looked so happy in this moment, Jordee."
"I just grabbed you and laid it on you." Jordee whispers, kissing his lips.
Elvis laughs. "Yeah, I remember now. We were having a great time, weren't we, Jordee?"
"Such a great time. In that cold water." Jordee added.
"You know, it wasn't really that cold with you there." Elvis says, placing his head against hers.
"You terrible flirt."
"It's not flirting if it's true, Jordee," Elvis said, looking at the pictures, and he's grinning widely.
Jordee stays quiet for a moment and looks over the pictures she took of Elvis in bed. She silently admires her work. The light that illuminates his face. The angle of his jaw. The small gesture and placement of his hands. Even the pictures when Elvis grabs his cock astonished Jordee. The way Elvis holds her in the cold water of the fountain.
"I think these boudoir pictures will look great in black and white," Jordee says. "This one is going to be my screen saver."
"Why is that, Jordee?" Elvis asked, holding her closely. "What makes you want them in black and white?"
"I think it calls for it. There will be those pictures that need color and those pictures that have that affect. Look at this one. You're so classic. The way you reach for me." Jordee whispers.
"Yes, I know. I look great in this one, and you look amazing as well."
"Just kissing my cheek." Jordee looks up at Elvis and kisses his lips.
"Elvis, where have you been all my life?"
Elvis stared at Jordee, and he kisses her back passionately.
"I don't know, Jordee, but I'm so happy that I'm here with you right now."
"Yes. It's now that counts." Jordee whispers.
Taglist: @missmaywemeetagain @beeandheroddobsessions @headfullofpresley @everythingpresley @epforeverohyes @vintagepresley @pianginferno @powerofelvis @ab4eva @foreverdolly @searchingforgravity @thatbanditqueen @daffieapple @18lkpeters @dkayfixates @epsgirl @richardslady121 @literally-just-elvis-fics @eptodaytommorwforever @vintageshanny @iloveelvis @samfangirls @aliypop
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gettatranslations · 11 months
I Went to the Aquarium with Inoue!Yumigeta Ako (23.10.24)
Good evening🌛
I'm Yumigeta Ako🛑
Thank you very much for your comments yesterday!
Oh yeah、speaking of presents Morning Musume。do a Christmas present exchange right!
Eh〜 What should I buy😁
I guess something plum related…?
Maybe my favourite plum candy…?
Ehー!What should I do!
Also today…
I went to the aquarium with Inoueー‼️‼️
We finished work early so we went to the aquarium!
Plus this aquarium、was near our dorms for our audition training camp
So when we walked past it I said to Inoue
「If we pass let's go someday」
And now…‼️
And we didn't have any plans to go today、so we decided spontaneously to go when we were on our way home!
I'm really!really!really!
Glad we went!!!!!!!!!
It was amazzzzzing‼️‼️
First we went to see the fish、and we found a tunnel!
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Yumigeta Ako pointing and laughing at a sting ray
There were so many animals that I'd never seen in the aquariums in my hometown❗️
There were penguins and earless seals and fur seals and otters and octopus and sharks!🦈🐙
They were all so cute and I loved watching them all〜
Oh and、the aquariums in my hometown aren't that big so there were lots of fish that I'd never seen before
But Inoue often goes to quite a large aquarium so Inoue surprisingly knew a lot about fish😲
We saw a shark
And I said
「I wonder if it's a hammerhead shark〜」
She immediately answered
「No、I've seen a hammerhead shark before and this one looks different」
She was so cool。
Plus we got lucky and we were able to sit and watch the dolphin show!
We got there in perfect time so we were able to buy some food to eat while we watched it!
By the way Inoue had salted popcorn🧂
When I asked her why she said
「I guess I want salt because I'm at an aquarium」
Which I understood but I ordered a hotdog🌭
The dolphin show was just amazing…
It was my first time watching a dolphin show but it made me so emotional I teared up…
I've decided I definitely want to go and watch it again、it was really good。
We also visited the souvenir shop and took photos and had our photo taken and printed by the aquarium staff…
I feel fully refreshed!
It was so much funー!!!!!!
We've achieved a small goal of ours☁️🫧
I'll work hard again tomorrow💪
Well then it's time for today's 【Gettaa Life】✨
Today I've already written lots so I'll keep it short here!
I Getted this hair clip yesterday‼️
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Isn't it amazing?!?!?!
Doesn't it seriously look like an emoji!!!!
I saw someone on SNS with one and I've wanted it ever since but I didn't know where to buy it、but then I happened to find a shop selling them the other day♡
It's so amazing… It looks so real…
And I also bought the angry one too!
I sent a photo of me wearing them to my family and they were deceived( ⋆ˊᵕˋ )
I'm very happy😋💮
I Getted 「Realistic Hair Clips」✨️
Everyone do you have any super realistic goods like this?????
Like super realistic meat pencil cases😂
I'm curious!
Please let me know!
That's all!This has been 【Gettaa Life】!
T/N News and information has not been translated
Tomorrow we have a release event!!!!
For the release day of my first singleー!!!!
I'm ready to celebrate🎉🎊
I'm so glad that we've been able to do so many events to commemorate the release!
I'll do my best tomorrow too‼️
Well then I'll see you tomorrow!
This has been YumiGettaa Ako!Good night🐷🐷🐷
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hopeonmyphone · 1 year
Reminiscences: [21032018 VIVI's Interview]
BTS J-HOPE and Tokyo date ♡ To an adult culture spot!!!
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Spring……, the season of love ♡ J-HOPE, the world star BTS who captivates the world, navigates the hottest date spots you want to go now!!! Men's trends in unisex shops or challenge adult culture spots. If you share fashion information, you might be able to become the "it two people" you've always dreamed of.
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coffee and shopping
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The shopping concept is great!
"I prefer to go directly to shops rather than online. I have to try on clothes! Even in Korea, I go shopping when I have time. I even have my favorite select shops." .
“Anyway, I love sneakers!” said J-HOPE, who took a close look at the shoes during the shoot. "It's cute, but it's a bit pricey…" (laughs). So, I ended up buying more these days (laughs) After all, comfortable sneakers are the best.However, of course, it's not just about being comfortable, you want to look cool.Sporty shoes are old. My style is to match school fashion.I usually check fashion information on SNS, but Japan has a lot of magazines and it's interesting!The shop I went to today was wonderful, and someday If I have time, I would like to do some shopping in Tokyo.”
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Q.What kind of image do you have of Tokyo?
I believe that there are qualities and sensibilities unique to Tokyo that cannot be expressed in words. I would like to travel if I have the chance. It's really good!
Q. If you go to Korea with your lover, which spot would you recommend?
Haneul Park has so much nature that you wouldn't think it's in Seoul, and the scenery is great, so I think it's perfect for a date. If you want to feel like Korea, we recommend Gyeongbokgung Palace in Jongno.
Q. How do you spend your days off?
Until recently, I was making a solo mixtape (“Hope World”), so I often worked alone even on my days off. It's already been released, so please give it a listen! Now that it's over, I want to travel to Japan.
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What kind of people are V and JIMIN?
V's thoughts are so deep. It may be a little different from the image you have from the outside? As you can see, he is a man of many charms. (Mr. V who was next to me said, "Heh!") JIMIN My roommate who loves pranks and is very cute. I'm older than him, so I think I'm taking care of him, but I don't know what JIMIN thinks (laughs).
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Q. What Japanese words have you learned recently?
We have a lot! First of all, "Troublesome". When I go home, it's troublesome every day. What I have just learned from shooting is "fashionable" and "retouching". Correcting makeup is the most important thing (laughs).
Q. What episode did you laugh at the dorm recently?
As we grow up, our dorms get bigger and bigger, and sometimes we don't notice that the members are at home, and we exchange things like "Where are you?"
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Q.Are there any Japanese artists or actors you would like to work with?
I just made a note on my phone yesterday. Kenshi Yonezu! I've always liked DAOKO-san's songs, and when I learned that Yonezu-san was the one who created "Uchiage Hanabi", I searched for his songs and listened to them. You can make really cool music. I would love to make a song with you.
Q. What is your favorite song or favorite phrase from the album "FACE YOURSELF"?
My part in "Crystal Snow", "I met you beyond all time~♪". I like the melody and the meaning of the lyrics. Of course it's difficult to memorize Japanese lyrics, but I remember them all! It's an important song for us.
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Source: Vivi
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@sunnysideof: aula? 😨
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brltpop · 2 years
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saintobio · 3 years
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sincerely not. (final)
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↳ gojou satoru/reader
with an arranged marriage set in place, the sacred bond is doomed with a wife who wants to make the relationship work and a husband who’s ready to ruin it all. unbeknown to him, a tragic fate already lies within the pages of his romance book.
genre. heavy angst, unrequited love, arranged marriage, modern au, 18+
tags/warnings. mentions of trauma, mentions of depression, blood
notes. last chapter everyone! donut be scared :] the angst is lesser than part 19. thank you for the overall support this series has received! please see more notes after the cut
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series masterlist -> sequel
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additional notes. i don’t wanna be too dramatic so i’ll try to keep it short, you guys probably have heard about this a million times whenever i answered asks, but sincerely not was supposed to be my last piece of writing on tumblr. i had such a terrible writing slump before i posted it and it came to a point where i wasn’t satisfied with all the content i’m putting out. i didn’t expect that sn would blow up, or let alone have such a loyal and supportive audience that now became the reason why i work hard every week to pump out long chapters. i sincerely can’t thank you guys enough for going through this 5-month journey with me. with more than 200k words, 20 chapters, and a community built because of this series, this is perhaps a work that i will cherish and remember for the rest of my life. thank you to each and everyone who stayed up all night reading this series, to those who always eagerly left comments and theories under every post or in my ask box, and to those who contributed amazing fanarts for this fic. from the bottom of my heart, thank you and i love you. - sincerely, saint ♡
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“As you all know, three years ago, I lost control of this company.” Standing in front of the executives and the shareholders was Satoru Gojou in his three-piece Zegna suit. “The market cap suffered a significant decrease to eight billion less. Because of the scandals and mismanagement on my end, not only did many investors pull out, but we also lost some of our most brilliant employees who all have contributed to the company’s growth over the last twenty-five years.” With all eyes set on him, the tips of his fingers felt unusually cold, but he had to continue his talk by walking around the new faces that filled up the conference room. “I know what you’re all thinking: ‘Why is the Chairman talking about his sob story?’ After all, no one would have thought that a person like me could still save the Gojou Group from its massive decline. Many journalists even referred to it as a major corporation failure. When my company’s stock price bottomed out, many people took the chance to buy stocks dirt cheap and I was already foreseeing how long it would take for me to file for bankruptcy. I went through terrible depression, my health deteriorated, and my mind was in a dark period for a year after I got divorced, but I still did everything I could to salvage the only thing I had left. But how could I? Where do I begin? At the time, it was nothing but a hopeless and ambitious thought.”
Satoru stopped from his leisurely gait and placed a hand on top of his CFO’s shoulder. As he looked down at the blond with a grateful smile, he then proceeded to finish his speech, “To play this game or any game, you must have a good mentor. Mine was my colleague, Nanami Kento, who once told me that if my life crumbled apart after I lost my wife, I should also think about my innocent employees whose lives would be far more affected if I didn’t do anything to save the company. He was right. I couldn’t possibly mope around and watch more people suffer from the difficulties I've caused. And so, I sought his advice and worked with him to rebuild the Gojou Group from ground zero.” Satoru turned on his heel as he finally arrived at the far end of the table. “Just like Nanami, you are all here because you’ve given me another chance at reconstructing the company from the damages I had done. It was a tough three years and we’re still working to restore everything back to how it was, but I just wanna take this time to express my sincerest gratitude to each and every single one of you inside this room for inspiring me and allowing me the opportunity to rise up from the bottom. In return, I will ensure—as the Chairman of the Gojou Group—that you will all be generously rewarded for your dedication and hard work. Thank you.”
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After the general shareholders meeting, Satoru was back in his office with his CFO and his secretarial staff who were seated on the couch to deal with schedules and paperwork while discussing the spontaneous speech he had just done at the meeting.
“What in the world was that?” Nanami asked, unfolding a newspaper before resting his back against the couch. “You made a speech like you were stepping down from your position.”
Satoru chose to sit at the edge of his office table as he took a sip from his coffee mug. “Why? Do you wanna be an interim CEO again?” His tone was playful, although remembering how difficult it must have been for Nanami to be in the highest executive position at such a desperate time. Back to the days when Satoru was mentally and emotionally incapable of making good business decisions, the Gojou Group and its twenty subsidiaries would have all collapsed if not for Nanami’s immediate action plans to keep the company intact as one of the nation’s largest conglomerate in terms of assets and the second largest in terms of sales.
That being said, the blond didn’t even hide his year-long exhaustion after becoming the company's major pillar of support. “Please. I’d rather retire early than have you punish me with that title ever again, interim or not.”
“Don’t say that, Nanami. We’re gonna have a really long loving relationship as Chairman and CEO-to-be, you know.” Satoru continued to tease and earned Nanami’s glare as a response, all before the former noticed his secretary who was chuckling at the sight. “I think Miwa has better time management when she’s reporting to you, anyway.”
The blue-haired girl was quick to deny. “Not true, Chairman!” said Miwa while arranging some papers on the coffee table. “I always handle my time perfectly well no matter who I’m reporting to.”
Undoubtedly. Even if he treated her like a robot sometimes, Satoru was lucky enough to have had the chance to see Miwa’s professional growth from the past three years that she had been his executive assistant. He would never in his life forget that this girl stayed by his side during the lowest period of his life. Her loyalty was what led her closer to him to the point where they grew a sibling-like connection. Although they maintained a professional superior-subordinate relationship, he was able to joke around with her while she was given the rare opportunity to speak to him informally at certain instances: one, when he needed a good scolding and two, whenever he was teasing her about Yuuta (but that was a story for another day).
“Let’s see… What if I reassign you to be Yuuta’s secretary one day?” Satoru grinned in mischief as he set the coffee mug down. “He’ll be graduating next year and I’ll appoint him as the Vice President once he returns to Japan.”
Instead of Miwa whose cheeks were suffused with a pink tint, it was Nanami who immediately reacted in surprise. “You’re really gonna train him for the position as soon as he comes back?”
“Yeah.” Satoru offered a nod before signaling his secretary to reach for the special suit she carefully hung on his rack this morning. “He looks forward to it. He’s smart, responsible, and analytical, so you won’t have a hard time mentoring him.”
The man exhaled deeply, languid as he flipped the pages of his newspaper. “Why do you always leave the job to me?”
“Because you’re the best, Nanami~! Take it as a compliment.”
“I don’t need compliments, I want a Bugatti in return,” he made a quick bargain, “a mansion in Aoyama and a one-year vacation leave to Kuantan, Malaysia with no texts, calls, and emails from you.”
Satoru was better off as a statue after hearing his CFO’s offer. “And that’s what I call a good businessman!” He gave him a well-deserved clap and turned to his secretary in haste, “Miwa, take note. This kind of brazenness is something I wanna see from you.”
The girl simply laughed at the good-humored exchange between Nanami and Satoru while she held the expensive suit in front of the latter. As if she had read his mind, Miwa suddenly asked, “Are you really going to… do that today, sir?”
It would be nice to blame the air conditioner for the sudden thickness in air density. Not even ten seconds had passed and the mood swiftly changed into something more sullen, more gloomy. As Gojou took off his Zegna coat and unfastened his cufflinks, his gaze fell down on the visible scar on his forearm. Once a deep gash that required multiple stitches, now a reminder of that cold December night where blood and glass shards surrounded him as he sobbed his heart out in his mother’s arms.
He could ask Miwa’s questions to himself and only one answer would come out each time. “I have to.”
“Want me to go with you?” offered Nanami out of genuine concern. “I can reschedule my meeting with the finance department.”
Satoru, despite being genuinely appreciative of their concern, did not muster enough courage for the past two months anticipating this day just to back out at the last minute. “No, I got it.” That was all he had to tell Nanami and Miwa before he changed into the classic Givenchy tuxedo that was gifted to him three years ago. “Take care of everyone here while I’m gone.”
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Gojou could barely remember what the atmosphere was like on his own wedding day. Because it was rushed and planned by everyone else except the bride and groom themselves, he didn’t have a great archive of memories relating to that special day that ultimately changed his life. Frankly, he was fairly busy with the company back then so he didn’t have much time to participate with the whole wedding preparation, leaving the designers and wedding planners to be the ones who visited him in the office just to remind him that he was going to become a married man. His distaste towards the forced marriage doubled his anger towards an innocent bride that later became a vital part of his life.
Many people asked him this: would Gojou consider marrying again? His answer would depend on the person. The answer, among many options, was only one particular woman with a selfless heart and an altruistic soul. Satoru couldn’t think of getting married to anyone else other than his soulmate whom he had promised a wedding back to when they were six year-olds. His childhood friend who had spent his birthdays with him just before they grew apart. His other half whom he had shared the most memories with from then and now. The lover, the wife, the mother of his child.
His one and only.
In an alternate universe, he had the option to restart his life back from where it all began. On the wedding day, where white primroses adorned the trellises, where satin linens complemented the dome of cloudless skies, where elaborate details and enchanting décor ignored the idea of ‘less is more’. But no matter how grandiose the setup was—whether it was whimsical or glamorous or traditional, in his previous life, he had forgotten the true essence of his own wedding—it was being united with his partner in life.
Beyond everything, marriage was a sacred bond between a husband and his wife.
The reminiscence of being surrounded by wedding decorations was déjà vu for Satoru who had not paid the slightest bit of attention to it three years ago. Or did he? Because with the way he recalled the tiniest details of his first wedding, it looked like he did pay a significant amount of recognition to the special day as much as he initially thought. The redolence of jasmine added to his nostalgia as he continued to walk like a ghost along the pathway where the wedding planners were passing left and right. They were oblivious to the man with white hair in a black tuxedo, concealed by a face mask while keeping himself unseen by blending amongst the low number of guests who had just arrived. The French baroque cathedral boasted of timeless elegance and one look at the ceiling gave him a breathtaking view of the magnificent Rococo art. Didn’t he get married in a garden? The decorations were either just black, ivory, and champagne not apricot and periwinkle blue. Right, Gojou remembered. Every stark difference was screaming to be remembered. The color palette, the theme, the flowers, and even the venue.
This wasn’t an alternate universe nor was this his own wedding.
This simple and yet sophisticated church wedding was his Earth-shattering reality to serve as a reminder that the tragedy was in his romance book, not yours.
With over seven billion people around the world, he was granted to be with only one person that had been his supposed life-long partner. Unfortunately, life could no longer offer him a rewind after everything that had happened. He didn’t have a free pass to travel back through time and rewrite his past. Just like the ugly scars on his forearm, some things just never fade. What he had for himself was the future—the chance to be a better man without the expectations from a yearned woman. A closure, not to accept his defeat, but more so to prove his eternal love.
Not many guests were familiar to him except for your cousins and the groom’s immediate family. The wedding in itself was an intimate setup, seemingly only for those who were dear to the wedded couple-to-be. It was a great contrast to your first glamorous wedding where almost every famous personality was invited amongst the swarm of influential businessmen. In this wedding, attention was not being waved at his face because the primary focus was the ceremony that would soon unify a man and a woman as one.
He wasn’t even invited, so why the hell was Satoru Gojou in here?
Thankfully, no one had really noticed him as he managed to escape from any unwanted attention by sneaking close to the walls until he finally reached one of the exits that headed towards the back. There was a pavilion just a couple of steps away from the church where they kept the bride before the actual ceremony would begin. Needless to say, Satoru’s blood had drained from his face as soon as one of the notable bridesmaids walked out of the door.
“Ieiri.” Gojou took off his face mask and noticed how his voice had become unstable. “Where’s she—”
“Inside,” replied Shoko, pointing towards the room. “She’s with her friend, but it should be fine. Gen went to see their father. Did anyone see you?”
“No, I don’t think so.” His heart was pounding on his chest. His head, pulsating. Air was luxury for him to breathe at this moment when he thought of the man he would become once his eyes were set on you again three years after you left.
Ieiri must have felt his temperature rising (or falling in that sense) because cold sweats started forming on his temples, but not until she snapped her fingers in front of his face to wake him up from his trance. “Hey, it’s okay.” A couple pats on the back lessened Gojou’s tension. “You can do it. This is your last chance.”
They said during moments of panic, it was normal for a person to feel numb. Everything was in slow motion and very few sounds were picked up by the ears as all the unnecessary hubbub would be blocked out. While he tried to reach for the doorknob, Satoru’s hand was visibly shaking due the accumulation of anxiety that he never realized had built up upon coming here. His nerves were like seismic waves forming ripples on a pond. What was he scared of? He had gone through so much alone for the last three years, but even so, this day might be the summit of his pain. It would mark as the highest point in his mountain of broken heart and eternal loneliness.
It was different in his head than when he actually opened the door and stepped inside the room. A girl with dark hair in a half-updo was smiling at you from the mirror as you two were unaware of the new presence that had entered the room. Even from afar, even when he could only see your side profile, Gojou had already fallen weak on the knees. A wave of strong emotions washed over his body as he saw the very woman that he loved and still undeniably did.
When had he last called you by your name?
To him, the name that rolled off his tongue had also sparked a flame to his heart. To you, on the other hand, the voice that called it out was nothing more than a stranger from the past that you wanted so badly to erase. He could see it in your eyes with how they widened in shock, leaning on the negative scale more than the positive as you hastily got up from your seat. “W-What are you doing here?”
The girl who stood by your side kept a guarded stance while she mumbled, “Y/N, should I call for Toji?”
“No need.” Satoru blinked thrice in the same second and shook his head. “He knows I’m here. He…” trailing off, he drew in a deep breath, “He told me to see you before the ceremony.”
It happened a week ago when Gojou found out you came back to Tokyo after three long years. He heard rumors about you dating Toji, but he never really thought that your bond was deep enough to lead to another marital union. Wasn’t it such a cruel fate? Someone who was once his bride, was now someone else’s.
As hard as it was for Satoru to swallow, he knew that Toji Zen’in must love you a lot and he wasn’t even surprised that you ended up with his rival after all the things that had happened. Not many guys would allow an ex-husband a chance to meet his bride on the wedding day just for the sake of closure. But you see, your groom respected you and trusted you and cared for you enough to understand that this was something you and Satoru had to have. A private moment to conclude the relationship that scarred both you and him, which could possibly cause complications in any of your future marriages if not resolved. There was no harm in having this much needed conversation, especially since three years had gone by and you were close to strangers at this point. Or at least, he was to you. Any feelings you once harbored for him were completely gone like how the same gleam in your eyes that used to shine for him was now empty.
You must have realized that fearing Satoru Gojou would not help you in the long run, so you ended up allowing him inside before you turned to your friend. “Akemi,” you spoke to her calmly, “can you excuse us for a while?”
From the corner of his eyes, Satoru noticed how the woman with the gentle face glanced at his way before she decided to trust your words and subsequently made her exit. With the door shut in a 33-square meter room, it didn't seem as if the distance between you and him was there. Not when he had become too enamored of your ethereal beauty to a point where he couldn’t breathe.
And he had to swallow. Hard. Because you were so goddamn beautiful that his eyes were filling up with tears. Are you real? The pain he felt sure was. Are you really in front of him? He scanned every inch of your face and remembered how he used to wake up staring at those eyes each morning, how he used to touch those cheeks, how he used to kiss those very lips. He never had the chance to appreciate you back on your own wedding day and his greatest regret in life was not telling you how breathtakingly regal you looked in a wedding dress. Forget the swarovski crystals that hugged your figure or the natural make-up that enhanced your features—Satoru believed that no other woman could beat your grace and elegance in his eyes even if you were wearing a simple white dress with a bare face.
You aged three years older after you last saw each other, but the most fascinating part of it was seeing you in the best version of yourself. Not a trace of heartbreak. Not a hint of loneliness. There was that certain class and maturity that made him fall in love with you all over again.
“You look beautiful,” he meant to say it aloud despite the clench it caused his heart because he had to let you know no matter how shameless. “I know I never got to tell you this before, but… this, this is also how beautiful you looked on our wedding day.”
You watched him take a deep breath as if he was the rightful groom who was star-struck at the sight of his bride. “You never even looked at me on our wedding day.”
“I did, I know I did…” He stared at you in pining melancholy. Did Gojou imagine having this casual talk with an ex-lover? He was afraid that this might be the calm before the storm. “I’m sorry for bringing it up. I-I don’t intend to stay throughout the ceremony today.”
“So, what are you here for?”
“I just think that, maybe…”
With a distant gaze, your impatience led you to go straight to the point. “We’ve been divorced longer than we have married, Gojou.” But what hurt more was the way you avoided meeting his eyes. “If you have nothing important to talk about, save it. If you’re here to congratulate me, thanks. I hope you find someone else to marry, too—”
“Why did you let go?”
The sudden question rendered you speechless, so much that you almost sympathized from the guilt and agony that casted your ex-husband’s face. Satoru had been suffering for three long years thinking of the picture perfect family that he had lost and all of those unwanted memories during his darkest days were now swallowing him in whole. They were burying him six feet under and pulling him back into that abyss of torment that he thought he had already escaped. It was endless, bottomless, complete darkness.
But even with the obvious pain in his visage, you couldn’t find the right words to answer. He had to be the one to clarify it further. “Our baby,” his voice broke and his words took him back to that sorrowful day at the hospital, “I wanna know why you let go. I-I don’t understand why you did it.”
“You know why.” Tears were threatening to spill from your shiny eyes. “Don’t bring it back. I don’t wanna talk about it right now.”
It hurt. It hurt so much that he wanted to hug you, but couldn’t. That he wanted to wipe your cheeks, but couldn’t. That he wanted to kiss your forehead, pull you into his arms, hold you close. It hurt how much he longed for you day and night for the past 1,095 days, hoping that you would come back to him and be his wife again. How foolish. This woman in front of him wasn’t the same one he married for that woman had given up on him, but him—he never once gave up on you. He kept holding on like you were the last buoy keeping him afloat in the vast sea. “I messaged y-you nonstop.” His breathing hitched as a sob rose in his throat. “I sent you hundreds of voice mails even if you had me blocked everywhere. I followed you to New York and tried to search every corner of it for you, b-but I was told to leave you alone. In the end, I had to leave you alone and give you space, because I didn’t want you to hate me more than you already do. Do you know how it feels to be… to be abandoned by someone you love, and three years later that person comes back only to marry someone else?”
Out of the many things Gojou learned from his therapist: you can never suppress sadness. It always managed to seep out and the best way to handle it was to release such a heavy emotion out of the bottle. His face was already a screaming sign of Fragile: Handle With Care. But if anyone were to break him, the privilege was yours.
“Satoru, we never should have married in the first place,” you argued, eyes glistening with similar blues as you looked up at him, “We were doomed from the beginning because that marriage was never genuine. Stop holding on to me like I’m more than just a key to your personal goals.”
“Y/N, I love you…” At this point, he couldn’t stop the waterfall that gushed out of his eyes, emptying his sockets until he could no longer cry. His voice was thick with tears, his words were strangled in his throat. “I love you, I cherish you. I still do. I still fucking do and I’m so miserable without you. Don’t say that I was never genuine when I truthfully fell in love with you.”
You refused his words and swallowed the pity forming at the back of your throat. “No, you fell in love with the idea of me. You fell in love with the idea of having your own happy family regardless of the person you wanted to share it with.”
Satoru attempted to reach for your arm, but felt wrong for having tried because his cold hand didn’t deserve to touch your sacred warmth. “That’s not true.”
“I’m not your wife anymore.” Your reminder served numerous stabs in his hollow heart. “Gojou, you need to move on and live your life without me. You’re young, you’re single, you can easily go back to the way you were before you were ever married. You can even forget our marriage happened. Just please… Please find your happiness elsewhere.”
“I don’t… I don’t wanna forget.”
He came here promising himself that he was only going to apologize and clarify his intentions, it was never part of his plan to be a sobbing mess in front of you while begging for the love he had taken for granted. He wanted his wife back. He wanted Y/N Gojou to accept him again and give him another chance to be a better husband. But that was not the agreement he had with Toji when he allowed him to have this talk with you. Gojou had to remind himself not to steer away from his original path and respect the boundaries that were set in order to live a guiltless life. He ought not to be selfish, but more selfless because that was something he learned from you.
And in saying that, his only option for you to achieve your peace and true felicity was to let you go. Like setting a dove free from a bird cage, spreading its wings into open air before flying away—you had to have that freedom without a pathetic ex-husband clinging on to you. All he ever brought you was misery and heartache, so the best way to repent for his sins was to cut the thin string that kept you tied to him.
“Do you love him?” he asked once and for all, even though it shattered him inside, even though it squeezed his heart and every artery. Layers of unsettling emotions overcame him as the thought of you marrying someone else, having a family with someone else, doing the things you did with him to someone else—absolutely, agonizingly wrecked him. “Will you be happy if you married him?”
Along with your modestly downcast eyes, you took the chance to dodge the direction of his desolate gaze. “Probably so much more than when I married you.”
Who knew that an honest answer could make one’s world crumble into ashes?
In every sad song, sad movie, or sad novel there was, Gojou believed that his tragedy could sell billions of copies because there was nothing more satisfying than reading a story about how the man who once had it all, in the end lost it all.
As for you, your immediate thought was to turn away, searching through your jewelry box on the table before taking out the very last piece that connected you to him.
Your wedding ring.
The same ring he was still wearing to this day.
“Satoru, I loved you.” Your words flew past your mulberry lips as you reached for his hand. Throughout your marriage, it was for the first time he ever heard you say those three words. Three words that were now in the past just like the ring that you placed on his palm. “If you ever wanted to hear it, I did love you. I loved you so much that I stayed that long because I wanted us to work. I love you enough that I want you to be happy, even if we’re no longer together.” Gojou’s eyes were the loneliest shade of blue as he felt your thumb running across his cheek. “For the eleven months and twenty-two days we were married, all I did was to try and fix you. Now let me fix me.”
Didn’t you know? When you were in love, your voice was always the calmest. Your eyes, the dreamiest. Your face, the softest. It was a slapping contrast to the loom of darkness that swept over your ex-husband’s face—the man you once loved and was bound to by vows. But if his sorrow meant that you would find your joy, then he was ready to have his heart broken over and over again by the one person he loved the most. You.
Words needn’t be said. He accepted the ring you returned with a great wretch of sadness, keeping it safe in his own hand like he was holding onto a person in the form of a gold wedding band. In an hour or so, another ring would adorn your finger and it would be much more beautiful than the one you previously had from an ex-husband that you easily forgot about.
Your love story ended here.
On the first day of spring, where flowers bloom to signal the start of your new beginning. The radiant woman he loved the most would start a new chapter in life with someone else. And unlike you, Satoru was stuck in his cold, winter sorrows. There were no four seasons in his calendar for his days remained in the coldest months of the year because his source of sunlight found another world to shine on.
“I have to go.” The soles of his feet wanted to stay, but he couldn’t linger around any longer than he should’ve. What last words would he have to say to his ex-wife? ‘Have a happy marriage’? When that, in fact, was a form of self-punishment. But on a similar note, he felt the longing in your eyes and it allowed him to wish for nothing but the best for you. “I know he’s gonna take care of you, but… just in case,” he trailed off, forcing an upward curve on his lips, “I hope he kisses you every morning when he wakes up.”
His words were surprisingly cathartic. “I hope he’ll call you beautiful each day, stroke your hair when you lie on his lap, take you out on movie nights and spontaneous dates.” To make it more lighthearted and less dramatic, he added a few happy memories. “I hope he won’t drink straight off the milk carton or forget to turn the lampshade off at night. You deserve to be with someone who lets you spend pink toilet papers and expensive skin care masks on his credit card. Someone who stares at you in your sleep, thanking God for blessing him with a wife like you.”
Your lips quivered, eyes achingly staring at his.
Gojou ignored the weakness gnawing his chest and offered a smile that may have a million meanings, but truly only translated to one: I’m happy when you are. And so, he tucked a piece of hair behind your ear and leaned in to plant a kiss on your forehead. It was a harmless, unassuming kiss to let you know that he would always care for you the same. “I love you.”
Hesitance then bathed your eyes as he pulled away. Was that guilt in your gaze? Or was it pity? Either way, you squeezed his hand and opened your mouth reluctantly. “Wait, I… There’s something you need to know.”
At the rate of your growing anxiety, Satoru decided for himself that today was not the day for you to deal with it. He may have been selfish all his life, but he didn’t want to ruin your wedding for his sake. With the Zen’ins was where you belong. After all, they were a family void of drama or any ulterior motives that could break your trust in the long run. That was the household you deserved to be in.
“Will I be crying on my knees if I did know?”
You held your breath. “Maybe.”
“Will it fix us?”
“I don’t think so.”
Knowing a disappointing truth was better than wondering forever. But in that moment where palpable silence became one of his biggest fears, he decided that the less he knew, the better. “It’s okay. You don’t have to say it,” he assured, backing away and learning the art of letting go, “I should head out.”
His cue to leave was your sudden sympathetic gaze. His signal to turn around and step out of the room was the fact that he despised seeing sympathy in your eyes because it made him yearn and seek for your love. He didn’t need your sympathy, he needed you. It was a dangerous zone that he ought to avoid or else there was no going back.
The only way was forward.
Walking through the hallways alone gave him a newfound sense of catharsis. Although the other half of his soul remained with you, lovers didn’t necessarily have to be soulmates. They came in different shapes and forms, be it with a childhood friend, a past lover, an ex-wife. He was content for not sticking to his brand of selfishness which cost him a wife and a child in return.
Fate must be playing with him, because just as he turned to the corner of the hallway, he stumbled upon a little boy with white hair who was hiding his face against the wall.
Could it be…?
Stopping in his tracks, his eyes widened and brimmed with tears. He must be imagining this whole thing. He must be hallucinating. Why did his chest hurt this badly? Why did the atmosphere suddenly make him feel queasy? He felt sick to the bones after remembering the depressive episodes he went through because of his unborn child. The pain he suffered from his loss was more than a person could take. And now, this…
“‘Gumi!” The giggling kid ran past Satoru to meet Toji’s teenage son who immediately carried the little boy in his arms.
“There you are,” Megumi spoke to the child with a rare smile on his face, “You’re not supposed to show yourself when you play hide and seek.”
Satoru’s heartbeat quickened exponentially. His pulse was thumping with a heavy beat. It wasn’t until Megumi saw his figure down the hallway when the dark-haired boy became nonplussed. He knew what the older guy was thinking, and he didn’t seem to know how to react to it.
The little boy with similar white hair was facing away, so Gojou was yet to see if the kid looked like a splitting image of him to confirm his questions. He was already shell shocked and he would probably break down had he learned that the child was indeed his.
But seemingly hearing Satoru’s trail of thought, Megumi took the chance to keep the little boy away. “Come on, let’s go see your mom.”
“Mama?” The kid turned around, noticing Satoru’s presence as the person who carried him walked further and further away. Each growing distance did not do anything to melt the block of ice he had become. Frozen as he stood there, eyes wide at the sight of the child with white hair and baby blue eyes.
This couldn’t be real.
At the beginning of spring, the sky was crying and so was he. You were moving into new spheres, but this heart of his could love so infinitely that everything becomes muted. His heart could love so blindly that everything you do merited its forgiveness. It was unimaginable for anyone who actually cared to understand the gravity that had fallen on Satoru as he rushed into the parking lot. In a daze, lost in his own thoughts while putting the missing puzzle pieces together.
Three years in New York City.
Had he been deprived of a child that he believed hadn’t been born at all?
He was searching through his many antidepressants in the glove compartment of his car. Satoru had been so full of anxiety for this day that he missed taking a couple of pills that he strictly had to take to aid his severe depressive episodes—one of which was about to happen in a few. That child of his could have been a hallucination after all. His mind liked to play tricks on him ever since his mental state went on a downward slope. It wasn’t your fault nor anyone else’s.
It was his.
The onus was always on him. The blame, the criticism, the hatred even to himself. While the wedding was on going, Satoru was in his car crying silently to himself with his head on the steering wheel as his saddest thoughts haunted him. He could easily walk out of the car, crash your wedding, and perhaps confirm if that child was not just a fragment of his imagination.
But what scared him the most was getting a confirmation that you did hide his child for three years without telling him. Why did that scare him, you wonder? Because it meant that he would have to hate you again. It meant that he had to feel strong hostility towards you, when that feeling was the last thing he ever wanted to feel for his own wife.
During his lowest moments, the person he ran to was also the person who once ran away from him. You weren’t aware, but his mom never once left his side at times where the world felt hopeless. Or when breathing felt like luxury than a need. Or when simply existing felt like an undeserved privilege. She stayed and nurtured him to make sure that he wasn’t alone as much as he believed. It was her duty as a mother to care for her child. The only person who truly understood his never-ending pain.
“Mom.” One minute he was crying soundlessly in his car, the next he was on his phone choking a sob. “Mom, I-I can’t do this alone.”
“Satoru? What’s wrong, honey?” Worry laced her voice on the other end of the line. “Where are you?”
His chest rose and fell heavily. “I w-wanna wake up from this nightmare. I wanna wake up next to her.”
“Where are you?” His mother repeated her question with her anxiety increasing tenfold. It was one of ‘those days’. Those terrible, dark days where the other side was whispering in her son’s ear, tempting him to escape this world in his own hands. “Did you go to her wedding? My son…”
Gojou released a sigh, but it sounded more like a plea for help. His eyes were bloodshot and forlorn as he stared at the ceiling of his car. “I saw her and she looked beautiful. Sh-She’s happier, she’s… she’s… Mom, I love her.”
“I’m coming to pick you up.” He could tell his mother was tearing up. “Stay where you are, Satoru. I’ll be there as soon as I can—”
“We have a child,” he spilled out of the blue and the way it flew past his lips only brought a burning ache in his chest. “Our son, he looks j-just like me.” He pictured it all out in his head—how his son would look sleeping in your arms, how his son would run towards his stepfather each time he came home, how his son would look at Satoru Gojou without recognizing him as the father who anticipated his birth with such excitement five months into your pregnancy. “I have a son and he doesn’t know me.”
Deafening silence took over his mother, though it didn’t last long until she spoke in a careful voice. “What are you planning to do right now?”
There was no handbook on what to do after finding out that your ex-wife faked her abortion all along. He wanted to be angry, he wanted to yell the nastiest profanities for the absolute fool he was seen as, and yet everything he would do would just be futile at this point. He was already having difficulty in processing the idea of your marriage with someone else, much less a child with you. Instead of fighting for the family he lost, he felt like he would actually just lose a hundred battles more.
He had to think. Think, away from this place, away from the wedding that was happening inside the cathedral. He needed to clear his mind and figure it all out on his own. For one, was he supposed to pretend that nothing happened? Were you supposed to hide the child from him forever? Were you going to let another man be a father figure to a child who looked exactly like the husband you escaped from?
In a minute, Satoru revved his engine and accelerated the car past forty. He hit sixty when he drove through the street, then he hit a hundred when he reached the freeway. He tightened his grip on the steering wheel and drove with blithe disregard for the rules of the road as tears blurred his vision. But maybe, instead of finding a way on how his presence could contribute properly to an ex-wife and a long lost child, he had to choose the easier option—to disappear. Because for all its worth, he wasn’t needed anymore. You managed three years without him, and you could manage fifty more years without him.
His little boy could continue his life not recognizing his shameless father who cheated on his mother, neglected her, ruined her. He was a bad influence and that was solid proof that Satoru could have never been a great dad as much as he liked to believe.
Though, for one reason, you were wrong. As he stomped his foot on the gas pedal, he remembered your words from earlier, ‘you fell in love with the idea of having your own happy family regardless of the person you wanted to share it with’. He didn’t want that family with anyone else but you. That mansion he purchased wasn’t meant for Sera, but for a home he pictured out with a woman he would marry and have dozens of children with. He wasn’t given a chance at explaining himself nor was his voice heard when he tried to beg for forgiveness. You didn’t owe him one, but it broke him to know that because of that miscommunication, your love couldn’t be fulfilled in this lifetime.
This was a world where he was and would always be alone.
Reaching for his pocket, he took out the ring you returned to him and placed it between his fingers, reminding himself of a piece of you that he could still hold onto.
Other than the ring, he also had memories of both good and bad. The wedding day, Iceland, the auction, the morning after his father’s birthday, Bora Bora, Nana’s death, finding out you were pregnant, knowing you had stable angina, that sunset in the yacht, Eula going to jail, him losing everything including you. If any author decided to write about him one day, Satoru hoped that people could learn from his tragedy and value their marriage before it was too late.
Wasn’t it pathetic how he barely remembered everything he had done for the past three years except for those moments with you?
His phone rang wildly from the cup holder as his mom ceaselessly called him. But before he could manage to reach for the gadget, he failed to hit the brakes when the traffic lights turned red. Another blinding light greeted him in slow motion—he realized that the lights were from another car. A much bigger vehicle was speeding towards him when the corner of his eyes saw it from a split second and it was all too late when he tried to steer himself away given the car’s screeching sound, the cacophony of horns echoing left and right, and the tires skidding on the pavement. The collision happened faster than his mind could take. Although his ears picked up the sound of a glass shattering, his eyes didn’t capture the sight of the vehicle that led him to a fatal crash.
There was no deus ex machina to save him from the accident and neither were there flashbacks of his life from childhood until now. There was only darkness that pulled him in and embraced his soul into that empty, inescapable void.
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On your second wedding, you expected that things would be easier this time around.
It took you three years to rebuild yourself to be the strong, independent woman that you were now. The process was a difficult path and you could admit that many times, you wished that you didn’t have to go through all of it alone. Being a single mother and studying fashion at the same time was a tough journey, but also the best decision you had made in your life. You learned how to love yourself, along with your son who grew up to be a very sweet kid, while understanding what your real worth should be in a society where being a divorcée at age twenty-eight was considerably acceptable.
You had your father and Gen’s support while raising your son in a country minus the spotlight from the media that could have caused you more stress three years ago. You hoped Satoru could understand. You just wanted to raise your baby in an environment without all the negative energy that surrounded him and your past marriage. So even if he would end up hating you now, you only ever wanted to prioritize your child. Your decision not to tell him was because you no longer had any connections as husband and wife soon as you divorced. Keeping the baby back then could mean that it would be harder for Satoru to let go, so despite having heard his heartbreaking screams that day in the hospital, you had to act on the advice that your father and sister gave you which was to finally put an end to your arranged marriage.
Besides, you were still blessed with a respectable man who had been there for you through thick and thin. A man you would soon lock eyes with once the towering doors by the vestibule was finally opened.
But at the thought of marriage, you suddenly remembered your first husband. You were foolishly thinking of Satoru Gojou at a wedding with a different man. Your trembling fingers matched the increased pace in your heart, just as much as how you blinked through the sting in your eyes. You realized that you were blinking tears until the wooden doors swung open to welcome you into another marital union that once put you through hell.
There they were, awaiting for you to walk down the aisle in your glamorous bejeweled gown. You saw your small audience of families and friends smiling at you as they eyed you with admiration. You saw Toji Zen’in at the far end of the aisle, handsome and perfect in his classic tuxedo while anticipating his status as a married-to-be.
With all eyes on you, you slowly made your way across the aisle, but each step was suffocating. The thought of going through marriage—hoping that it would be perfect only to be crushed by reality in the end—scared you. You didn’t realize that you had developed trauma with weddings all because of a certain white-haired male who altered your vision of what marriages were supposed to be.
Three steps.
Could you really do this again? Could you become someone’s wife and be locked under the vows of marriage for better and for worse?
Two steps.
Could you really offer yourself with wholehearted devotion towards a man who could end up ruining your trust once more?
One step.
The loud thumping of your heart was the answer: maybe you could. For Toji. For the love you deserved. For the marriage you always dreamed of.
But although you concluded with that answer, your hand lost grip on the flower bouquet as you saw another future as a wife back to square one.
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“Call the ambulance! 911! Somebody help!”
“Sir, please stay with me.”
The light came back to him while he was sandwiched between the cold dirt and the hot metal of the car. The heavy weight of the vehicle was pressing down on him and keeping him paralyzed amongst the broken shards of glass. No voice escaped his hoarse throat, but he could feel blood dripping on the side of his head where a throbbing sensation had just started to grow.
Yet all in all, he was numb.
He couldn’t move his hand, couldn’t see beyond the confines of his car, couldn’t breathe more oxygen that his lungs needed—all his mind could process was the thought of you. Right when the shiny gold ring was within arm’s reach on the concrete floor, Satoru lifted his broken arm up just to hold onto that one piece of memory he had of you.
He wasn’t certain if he was only waiting for death or something much worse, but at the rate of the excruciating pain that his brain was giving him, he knew one way or another that he would lose a part of himself from hereafter.
But he hoped to every saint that he wouldn’t lose that part of him that loved you.
That Satoru who first fell in love with you at the age of six, got married to you at the age of twenty-five, and still loved you at the age of twenty-eight was the version of him that he wished not to lose.
He was an antagonist in his own tragic story and was merely a plot device to set up conflicts, obstacles, and challenges for the protagonist. Although in most fairytales, the main characters were granted a happily ever after, you and him were given an inevitable twist of fate.
Perhaps this was the end. Or perhaps it wasn’t.
Sometimes the end wasn’t really the end.
After all, this was a universe where he was a character with unmistakable flaws that could not be redeemed. While that may be true, he hoped that you wouldn’t forget that at a certain point in time, he was truthfully, unselfishly in love with you.
That in this universe and in all other parallel universes, he was and would always be sincerely yours.
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jjk general taglist: @kity @deeznutss @suhkusa @wonyoschubs @the-golden-jhope @6mattsun9 @hokageyamz @ermahgerd-larry-and-ziam @crashica @aizawap @juniorhooter @atsumusoup @gxtitobxby @dora-the-grownup @softy-woo @tsumume @kac-chowsballs @anime-nymph @kageyamakock @onlyonew @underratedmage @crapimahuman @alicia-1725 @fatal-impact
sincerely not taglist: @itsnotsoni @pluviophilefangirl @daphnxy @choso-bee @omisemi @captainchrisstan @http-strawbebbies @xllance @jonsncws @and-you-found-me @tobiotetsu @jeonjungkookismyfuture @d-efend @honouredsatoru @my-reality-is-in-my-head @blueowl51 @misslovingpearl @cuteissei @japanesevenom @borpcorp @ushi-bakatoshi
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hinatabestie · 2 years
Hiiiii hinatabestie, do you know where that pic of Sasuke tugging on Naruto's ear is from? I adore it so much ♡ (thought I'd ask you since ur an sns expert)
omg an expert... ok yes im okay with that i kinda really am a walking sns encyclopedia 😔
so the drawing was a standalone thank you/farewell (?) card kishimoto drew and it looks like it was included with the release of naruto volume 72!
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really cute....wish i owned one...
my memory is foggy and i don't remember what he wrote but it's probably the standard sort of message from kishimoto thanking everyone for their support over the years
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i feel like i have a memory of seeing this art from him being featured/sold/distributed at a naruto event or maybe a 15-year anniversary gallery... something like that! but yeah! pretty much it's just official traditionally drawn artwork from kishimoto that was revealed/promoted alongside the end of the manga series! i hope that helps ♥️
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sn thirsts u say... i really want to be hard dommed by qin yi but also do it nice and gentle with him... I feel like rough and hard is his default but if you can get him in a mood to be slow and gentle he'd find he'd kind of like that a lot too...he'd still insist on topping, of course, but I think he'd like the change of pace... AHHHH I like him so much
hi hi anon!
you have a pretty spot-on analysis ( idea? thought? idfk ) for qin yi's sexual preference, at least in my opinion. he honestly seems like the type who is a mix of teasing and drawing out the foreplay as long as possible or sloppily fucking you in mattress, chasing his orgasm and barely able to see anything in the haze of lust he's stuck in. in all honesty, it depends on the situation and his mood before. and i can see him as a top, but he likes switching it around to keep it fun and to have a nice change of pace.
nsfw below!
when people think of qin yi, they think of many things. when his delicate features come to mind, graceful, polite, and handsome are likely the top words that pop into existence within their minds. they aren't exactly wrong to think that. that's what he shows to the public; what he wants them to see and believe to be true. but his true self is so much more than thatーmuch more complex, interwoven, and drowned out by the fake masks he's created and worn over the yearsーand it's almost like he's long since lost his true self.
it's almost rather pitiable, but you know better than to comment on that; it's something that shouldn't be touched on too often anyways. besides, the qin yi you know is far more different than what everyone else thought and saw.
to say being with him was an experienceー
was an absolute fucking understatement.
" hnn..!♡ aah!♡ ahh! w-wait, not ther-hiiii-?!"
you whimper loudly when qin yi's nips at your already bruised and tender neck, teeth pressing down against bare and sweaty skin and biting, almost near your erratic pulse. he knows it, and you can even feel his grin against your skin and you can only shudder as he simultaneously rolls his hips, purposefully dragging his cock against your clenching walls and against that spot that makes your head dizzy.
" oh my, you're rather expressive today aren't you?"
his silky smooth voice against your neck sends shivers up your spine, and his soft black locks tickle your skinーit's rather overwhelming honestlyーand although you want the engulfing sensations to stop, you don't want him to stop; you don't want qin yi to stop overwhelming you with him and his entirety.
" sh-shut up-hmmnngghhii-?!"
another thrust of his cock into your hole and you shriek, the throbbing sides rubbing against your oversensitive walls in all the right ways and qin yi rears his head back, peering down at you through disgustingly perfect lashes and still carrying that crescent-like smile on his kiss-swollen lips. he swipes his tongue across, barely touching the cool air and looking more like a predator about to devour its prey whole.
" so snarky..haven't i taught you to be more polite?"
another deep and rapid thrust into your ever spasming sends you reeling and moaning, forcing you to cling onto him like your very life depends on it. he chuckles cruelly, ignoring the stinging pain of your nails digging into his skin and instead gingerly pressing a kiss onto your cheek, smiling when you whimper from the intimate contact.
" mmm..tickles.."
you mumble, grunting as qin yi shifts about, adjusting his body's position until he's hovering over you, gripping your plush thighs tightly and staring down at you quietly, as if deep in thought. his silver eyes only swirl with life when you peer up at him in confusion, furrowing your brows.
" mnnnii-wh-what?"
he hums, shaking his head, strands of his hair flying about with his motion, before he goes back to leaning over you, the tip of his nose barely brushing up against yours.
" mmmm, it's nothing,"
he simply says before he loosens the grip he has on your thighs with his right hand, and you take that as your chance to wrap your legs around his waist--he simply chuckles but he lets you do so--and he rubs his smooth joints against your cheek, fingers caressing the skin gently and your eye closes on reflex.
" you're rather cute like this y'know?♡"
he purrs, smiling wide as your cheeks start to heat up and you avert your eyes out of embarrassment. after stroking your cheek for a little while longer, he retreats his hand and instead sinks it into the sheets below, gripping them tightly between his fingers, and does the same with his other hand, essentially trapping you beneath him--
just where he wants you to be.
" hey..can you make that face for me again?"
" wh-wha-HIIIII?!"
you throw your head back when qin yi suddenly starts sloppily thrusting into you, his cock rapidly rubbing against that spot over and over, making your vision blur and your toes curling back. shrieks and moans leave your mouth and you helplessly cling to him--you were drowning in a sea of lust and qin yi was the only thing barely keeping you above the burning waves of pleasure.
" nononono-HAA!♡ HAA!♡ HAA!♡ AHH!♡♡ OHH!!♡♡ AHHHH...!♡"
" yes..that's it, show me that cute face...!♡"
he talks so happily, the happiest you've heard him in a while now, but that thought leaves your mind when a perfectly angled thrust to your sensitive spot leaves you wailing and your legs clenching around him tighter, forcing him deeper in. he takes his rattling and heavy breaths, trying to keep himself stable while pounding away into your clenching walls, his slick cum coating everything with a sticky white. it feels too good, too overwhelming, and you feel like you'll break any second now.
" UGH!♡ AH! AHH! AH!♡ Mm!♡ Ah...!♡ Ahn!♡"
you let out short but high-pitched moans when your orgasm suddenly washes over you without any warning, leaving your body violently spasming and shuddering. but even then, you don't even get time to breathe because qin yi, despite his rather scrunched-up expression as your walls squeeze down tightly around his cock, he still keeps pounding into you, never stopping his hips rapid movements.
" w-wait qin yi-HIIIII?! i-i just came-you can't-AH!♡ AHN!♡
" i-it's alright, you can keep going-mnffhh-you can cum a few more times can't you?"
his face is so close to your sobbing one, except he's become much more out of breath, much more affected by the tight heat of your walls, expression nearly mirroring yours except much more held together and he's still somehow smiling. his question feels so simple, but even you know he wants to watch you fall apart beneath him while he crumbles alongside you.
and you want that in a way you can't even describe.
" this doesn't hurt, right...?"
" heh, n-not at all...you can do it a bit harder...like that...♡"
you clench an eye shut as qin yi's nimble and slender fingers gingerly pinch your tender nipples, inquisitive silver eyes searching your expression as he rolls the pebbled nubs in between his fingers. every so often he tugs them forward, and you bite back whimpers, the odd sensation sending tingles down towards your quivering sex. and all the while, he gives small thrusts up into your awaiting hole, twitching like crazy inside of you--the throbbing feels oddly good--and your head spins even more.
" aah...nnh..haah...nnh♡"
" do you want me to start moving..?"
" nnh♡...y-yeah.."
qin yi nods quietly, letting go of your now tender nipples and using his hands to push himself up until he's sitting perfectly upright and pressed snug against your chest--not that you minded of course--and he wraps his slender arms around your lower back. his hands press against either side of you, almost enough to feel ticklish, and he strokes your skin gently, humming in content and closing his silvery eyes. you raise a hand to stroke his short black locks, making sure to occasionally gently drag your nails against his scalp.
" you're rather quiet today..somethin' up?"
qin yi peaks up at you through feather-like lashes at your question and gives a short shake of his head, and you simply hum in response. he'd normally be fucking you stupid right about now, but instead, he's leaning into your touch, burying his face into your bare chest and barely moving his hips. hmm, you supposed it was one of those days...?
" you look pretty cute like this qin yi...♡"
" mmmnnn.."
he lets out a low hum, fingers lightly digging into your back at your words and you wince a bit from the pressure but it doesn't hurt too much. but you decide to softly laugh--he seems rather flustered from being called such an endearing name, especially by you--and you only barely shift your hips, gauging his reactions and movements.
" hmnnfff...mmnnnfff.."
qin yi groans, your gummy walls squeezing around him tighter and his grip on you tightens even more. he shudders, and his breaths against your skin become heavier and hotter--it tickles--and he gives a gentle thrust upwards, making a warbled moan spill out from your kiss-swollen lips.
" heh, thought you weren't gonna move qin yi.."
" ..i suppose i just wanted to leave you on edge was all."
"...that's stupid and you know it,"
you deadpan at his half-assed answer, giving him an impassive look and he chuckles at your expression, pulling his head from the confines of your chest until he's staring up at you with his signature smile, except it feels much more tender. you have a twitching urge to flick him on the forehead, but you don't really want to ruin the mood, so you hold it in. besides you can do it after.
" mmnn, sorry.. i just..want to hold you for a while, okay?"
he breathily whispers out words that pull on your heartstrings, and you can't help the soft expression that slips onto your face. qin yi gives you a small smile, and if you didn't know any better, you'd think he could hear your rapid heartbeat. so you can't help it when you use one of your hands to partially cover up your mouth, and qin yi inquisitively tilts his head.
" did i say something wrong..?"
you shake your head frantically. " n-no..it's just--
i-'m smiling like a weirdo..."
he blinks--once, twice--before he starts gently laughing, soft and gentle like a bell's ringing in the air, and you feel even more heat rise to your cheeks, but you choose to avert your gaze out of embarrassment.
" s-stop laughing...!"
" ahaha, sorry, it's just you're so cute like this..♡"
qin yi smiles up at you, silver moon-like eyes swirling with fondness and contentment.
" so--
can you look at me now?"
you shiver, but you slowly draw your hand away from your lips, exposing your entire expression to qin yi, who looks eager to see you in all your bare glory.
" ghh, stop looking at me like that...'s making me feel embarrassed.."
" why though? i think you're rather lovely♡"
you jolt at his words, heat flooding to your head and making your heart pound even harder, but you still can't help the small, happy smile that creeps onto your lips.
" shut up..."
he chuckles once more, and simultaneously gives his hips a deep thrust, and you force yourself to bite back the moan that threatens to escape your mouth. oh yeah, you forgot about that...
" i'm gonna start moving...okay?"
" mnn..yeah.."
with a sudden but soft movement, qin yi gives another thrust up into your awaiting and eager hole, eyeing down your reaction, and seeming satisfied, he thrusts again, and again, slowly and gently rolling his hips. you whimper softly, his cock rubbing up against your walls in all the right ways and sending tingles up your spine.
" mmmnnff-o-oh..unnnhhh-!"
" nnmmghhh...hey, can i kiss you..?"
" nnnggghh...y-yeah.."
qin yi doesn't waste a second and firmly seals his lips against yours, moaning in satisfaction against the warmth of your mouth. you moan in surprise at how swiftly he kisses you, but you calm down soon enough and focus on grinding yourself down into qin yi, making sure to squeeze your walls down on his throbbing cock. he groans into the kiss, and his cock throbs erratically inside of you.
he feels so warm against you, and you don't know if you want to let him go.
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van-yangyin · 2 years
Reki's Birthday (End of his birthday day)
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Happy Birthday Reki Kyan now from where we live!
On @lea-heartscxiv's Twitter, as we have been doing since last year, we celebrated Reki's birthday and here is the end of his birthday day. (If you're interested and want to see the whole story you can see it in these threads: Thread 1, Thread 2, Thread 3, Thread 4 and Thread 5, we had a lot of fun making it)
If you want can read it below cut line
After follow all the clues, Reki arrives at Ishikawa Skatepark and sees a guy in the distance.
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Reki: Langa, I was really scared when I didn't know that all this was nothing more than a plan hatched by ADAM...
Langa: ADAM? It wasn't ADAM, actually the brains of the plan were three.
Reki: Eh?
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Langa: They were Cherry, ADAM and JOE.
Reki hugs and tells him: Don't do it again, don't do it again, don't leave without telling me anything.
Langa: Reki come with me.
Reki: Ok.
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Langa: This is a fragance made of "my scent". Remember that night when we had that conversation on your room about what you smelled like and what I smelled like?
Reki: You mean the one where we closed our eyes, right?
Langa: Yes.
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Reki: And how did you...?
Langa: ADAM and Cherry have helped me with the fragance... It's made thanks to the scents you said I smelled for you, and some other scents they have added.
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Langa explains that he didn't lack food, and that he was even able to see his whole party thanks to AI Carla. (Since he left)
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Langa: How did Oka's date go?
Reki: We could stop by to see him, he sent me a Happy Birthday on my mobile. Since has given us the day off.
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I knew was going to have a great day after finding that purple box in front of Sia la Luce. Although the content will be for Buddy (Langa's dog) or Sketchy.
I'll always have the scent of Langa with me. Thank you all of you, including you ADAM ♡
Reki Kyan
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Extra: Langa has a Reki fragance for him (also made by ADAM and Cherry), there's only one copy in the world. About Langa's fragance, there are only two copies in the world, one is by Reki and the other... may you know who has it.
My SK8 sims compilation 🛹 | F.A.Q. | MY OTHER SNS | LEA’S SNS
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gettatranslations · 11 months
Let's Talk About Clothes Yumigeta Ako (23.10.16)
Good evening🌝
I'm Yumigeta Ako🛑
Thank you very much for your comments yesterday!
Your calls and chants〜 Are really amazing〜
I first felt how amazing Morning Musume。's fan's calls are!At our first appearance at Budokan!
I wanted to try doing the calls myself too、but when I went to the Shizuoka performance cheering was still NG…
But before the performance started we clapped in time
With the syllables to 「No・na・ka」(-san)!
And the penlights dyed the venue purple which was is pretty〜💜
Maybe our next Shizuoka performance will be red and purple?
Uwaaー My top 2 colours❣️
I've always loved red and purple💜
My randosel and my curtains and my desk and the decorations on my shelves and my bed spread and cushions were all purple!
As for why I like the colour purple so much
It's because I've always admired the vibe of ANNA SUI-san…✨️
I'm excited to think about growing up and starting to collect ANNA SUI-san's cosmetics and perfume and clothes😍
I'll do my best to suit their products🔥💪
Then to talk about red!
Whenever I got to buy clothes、I always go straight to look at the red ones❗️
It's bright and cheerful!
Wearing it gives me confidence🔥🔥🔥
Oh yeah、the other day Ishida-san asked me
「Gettaa what kind of clothes do you wear in your own time」、
So I'll talk about that today!
I said this during my discussion with Tsunku♂-san too but I really like black and chic?clothes。And this might be influenced by ANNA SUI-san、but I also don't dislike frilly clothes、
I hope to become an older sister type who suits those type of clothes too〜
But more than anything、my favourite type of clothing
Is super simple clothes is primary colours!
Like just a red skirt with a jumper❗️
So when people wore red clothes to see me at our individual events I just kept thinking 「Uwa〜 I wonder here she bought her skirt〜 It's so cute〜♡」😂
I particularly like bold colours like blue and red and green!
Well then it's time for today's 【Gettaa Life】✨
Today、I bought something I've been interested in for ages
A certain 「Cheese」…!
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Burrata Cheese〜💕
A while ago、I saw a video on SNS at a fancy cafe where a girl ate it on top of a salad and I was like 「It looks so delicious…!」 so I've wanted to eat it ever since〜‼️
Today I suddenly wanted to try it and I saw it at the supermarket when I went to buy ramen✨
It wasn't suuuuuuper expensive but it felt like quite a splurge for me …this 1 cheese was about 500 yen😱
But I'm sure it'll be delicious、and it's from a good brand、and I walked a lot today!so I have no regrets and I bought it as a reward to myself✌️
I Getted 【A reward for myself】✨️
I wonder how it would be if I heated it first、
That's all!This has been 【Gettaa Life】!
T/N News and information has not been translated
Sorry I talked so much about my favorite things today〜!🙇‍♀️🙏
I just enjoy talking so much that this blog ended up pretty long!
But I'd quite like you all to tell me about your clothing preferences?!!!
Even like your fabric preferences⁉️
I know it'll be interesting、so please focus when writing your comments〜‼️💕
Well then I'll see you tomorrow!
This has been YumiGettaa Ako!Good night🐧🐧🐧
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nikikyuuun · 3 years
hello!! I hope you’re doing well! could I request hiyori and mika with a super affectionate s/o? thank u in advance! (*´v`)
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hello hello, anon!! i'm doing well so far, thank you <3 i hope you're doing well as well~ please remember to drink water and take some time for a break if you can ♡ i hope you enjoy!! 💕
❧ hiyori and mika with an affectionate s/o
content warnings: none
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❧ needless to say, hiyori absolutely basks in your affections—he loves it! it doesn't quite matter who he's with, whether it's you or jun or anyone else: he can and often does end up gushing about his darling partner and what they said, or did, or wore, or went, or...
❧ hiyori would love gushing about you all over his sns if given the opportunity, just like he does in person with his unitmates and fellow flavor circle members—they definitely know all about you secondhand from your boyfriend! save them. he just wants the whole world to know how good you are to him!
❧ he definitely loves returning all your affections, without fail! what can he say? he's oh-so-very-gracious for it, isn't he~ every compliment or sweet word is met with a sunny smile and two more of his own, and each brush against his hand or kiss on his cheek is repaid in spades. hiyori would definitely be big on pda too, but if you're uncomfortable with it, that's completely fine too! he'll keep it simple and subtle in that case—a hand around your waist or holding yours, quick kisses in greeting or as a farewell. he's very sweet with you, so you two make a real pair!
❧ that being said, hiyori loves spoiling you in turn—you know how you can mention you liked a certain food on front of your dad and you wake up to tons of it in the fridge? yeah. you mentioned you liked a certain necklace? it's yours now. craving for a certain food? he's already ordered some for you—the best he could find! it might seem like a little much at times, but to hiyori it's really nothing much. you already do so much for him, so this is really nothing in comparison!
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❧ as a stark contrast to hiyori, mika's rather flustered by all the attention at first! he doesn't hate it, not at all—he's just... not quite used to it. don't get him wrong though, he treasures every sweet smile and kind gesture, much more than he can convey with words!
❧ mika's more the type to keep things about his relationship private, but even he can't help when something about you slips out while he's talking to his friends. on more than one occasion has arashi heard him derail a conversation with something along the lines of, "ah, y'know, this reminds me of how they..." it's really cute, seeing how absolutely smitten he is with you, how the thought of you bleeds into even mundane things in his life.
❧ he's not very good at reciprocating your affections, though—he just gets a little overwhelmed with emotions and can't quite carry through. but he does try! you might notice his hand creeping a little closer to yours across the table, or his smiles being a little wider and his laughs more genuine. he'll do his best to compliment you more if you're into that, and return your little "i love you"s with some of his own—just look past his burning red cheeks!
❧ mika would love to be able to do something for you, too! he'd ask arashi for advice, or ask shu for tips on getting his needlework just right. he's not quite the best with words, y'see—but there are things he can and will do for you without question. spending a week or so working on something he knows you'll enjoy? that's just one of them.
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@sunnysideof: eu não sei nem o que dizer. log out. (ainda deixo minha oferta de abraços por aqui. tomem água e se cuidem, por favor. isso foi muito intenso.)
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starshinesparkle · 2 years
Hi! I like to join in your astro game and also congrats on your achievements♡
I like to know more about my north node in Aquarius at 2 degrees in 7th house✨️
Hi! Thanks so much!!
So NN is what you are how you are mesnt to grow in this lifetime. I find it helpful to also look at your SN (opposite NN) to see what you have already got down and how it can help you stretch yourself. So with Leo SN in 1st, you already know how to be a "one man band" so to speak but Aquarius NN in 7th is pushing you to shine with other people.
Aquarius NN gives me humanitarian vibes. You and your future spouse could be a power couple?! With 7th NN in Aquarius, it's important for you to cultivate interrepersonal relationships and be a part of community. NN in 7th tends to have a lot of fated relationships (not necessarily romantic but they could be). 2 is a Taurus degree, sometimes thought as a wealth degree. So a possible manifestation of Aquarius NN in 7th at 2 degrees is having a fashion line that you helps people and makes you wealthy. Also I associate gardening with Taurus so you could become known for gardening in a way that changes your community for the better. Aquarius NNs tend to stand out for what they do to improve it (at best). 7th house also deals with contracts and law, so you could fulfill your NN by being a lawyer. Likely successful (2 degree) and well known (Aquarius), could involve technology since Aquarius can cover technology. Hope this helps!
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