#♥ Gemma
bencastiel · 8 months
Hi Wüv 😊 For the ask game: ✨, 🍭 and 🌿
I answered ✨ already, 🌿 too :3
🍭why did you start writing?
oh boi, that's a good question. I'm not even sure if I remember, since it's been such a long time xD
Must have been 2009? that's at least when I started uploading my stuff. you might count something I wrote in sixth year (so 2007), but that was so unbelievably bad (self insert under one of my different names, my crush, just rushing through the story without any substance... xD)
I guess I just started reading and at some point the words just wanted out, and I just started writing :D
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1d1195 · 2 months
Ding - Round 2
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Read Ding here | ~6.2 k words
WARNING/spoiler there's a scummy guy in this part that tries to be forceful with our MC to go with him back to his place when she doesn't want to. Nothing will happen and nothing will be described in detail but be kind to your mind and heart ♥, trauma, anxiety, pining, and fluff.
From me: I actually know VERY little about boxing and even less about throwing a punch. I do however feel I'm well-versed in sprinkles so do with that what you will. Some parts of this got a little away from me again. I hope you like it 💕
Summary: Harry and Cupcake are both really busy and haven't seen each other in two months. But when Cupcake gets into trouble, she has no choice but to run into Harry.
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Harry learned to fight when he was ten years old. He didn’t have his dad around much to teach him. Mum and Gemma may as well have been pacifists and as such, they weren’t much help when it came to defending himself. Harry watched his little girl friends get teased by boys. The same boys that told him he was weird for liking girls when they had cooties. Even if he didn’t (always) like them like that and was just merely defending them. Mum and Gemma may have been pacifists, but they taught Harry to be a respectful young boy. Especially toward girls.
One too many mouthfuls of sand at recess was enough to make him finally do something about it. He was angry. Angry because the girls didn’t like him because he was a boy (although they tolerated him since he was protecting them). Angry none of the boys in his class wanted to be friends with him because he was being nice to girls filled with cooties. Angry that he didn’t have a dad to teach him how to be a boy’s boy.
For a ten-year-old, he was really angry.
Mum took him to a gym—an introductory class to kickboxing. Just to get some of his anger out in an appropriate manner (and so he wouldn’t be sent to the principal’s office during recess again). Harry took a liking to the punching bag. He cried the first time he used it with the help of an older kid who was helping him learn to punch the right way. The poor teen watching him get so frustrated that his punches and kicks weren’t landing right—even though it was his very first time throwing a punch—saw something in him. Alerted his boss, encouraged Harry, worked with Harry every time he came in. He was a great mentor and even though he left only a couple years after meeting Harry to go to university and all that, Harry was forever grateful.
His first amateur match was at fifteen. Then there were only ten rounds at most, and he won by a landslide in five. By then he met Louis—someone who saw the same thing that teen kid saw in him and offered to be his manager. It wasn’t anything serious at the time. Harry was still in school and only using his time after school to get better at boxing. Louis was only a few years ahead but knew enough to help him be great.
By the time he turned eighteen, he had won three state-titles and people were watching him. At least in a way that those who cared about boxing did. Throughout university he trained and got better and won more and more.
Now Harry was twenty-five. He had to be nearing at least a hundred thousand punches since he was ten—eitherthrowing them at someone or at least in training against the punching bag he loved so much. Maybe more. He couldn’t even begin to think or count how he would figure out that number. Harry’s whole life was training, working, and fighting.
The only joys he had outside of boxing were his car and the sweet little niece that Gemma had kindly brought into his life—but that was only a recent change.
Only one other very recent change had left him a bit tongue-tied and flustered. Harry didn’t get flustered. Not since he was ten and knew he could beat the crap out of someone. There was no ringing bell to prepare him to make eye contact with a complete stranger and just feel like he had never ever felt before.
Was it love? Who could say, really. Harry had never loved anyone in his life that wasn’t his family or his friends. It made his stomach flutter like the first time he fought in a ring for something other than a trophy. A mere two hundred dollars on the line, all to get punched a whole bunch of times. Now he was still getting punched a few times over for a decent amount of money, but the thought of that pretty girl and her sprinkles made him unbelievably excited. Knowing she was there really made him feel different.
He knew next to nothing about her, but he was certain he was going to fall for her given half a chance. Even if she gave him a half a chance—a quarter!—he would do everything he could to have her in his life. If anyone else had damaged his car, he might have lost his shit, but there was something about her kind face, her doe-eyed expression in the rainy lamplight that made him rethink his entire life in the span of twenty seconds.
But whatever it was that he felt for her, he knew it started with her ringside. Beside his best friend waiting for the end of the fight that never seemed to end.
Normally, Harry’s matches finished in an average of nine rounds. But he was seated in the corner, sipping water like a hamster from the bottle, while Louis put Vaseline on his face where the cut on his eyebrow split between the tenth and the eleventh. “How you doing?”
“Is she impressed?” He asked.
“Cupcake. She’s sitting next t’Niall,” he was breathing heavy. Good as he was, it took a lot of energy to punch someone for a half hour as it was.
“Who?” Louis repeated, then thought better of it. He shook his head in frustration. “Can you focus on what you’re doing, Harold?!”
Louis didn’t get it. Harry rolled his eyes and sighed. To be fair, she was probably the reason it was taking longer than normal. Not that he minded. As long as she was impressed by the end, of course. Harry was on his feet, shadowboxing briefly with Louis, that boyish smile on his face. “What the fuck is your issue?” Louis hissed at him. “You’re acting like a lunatic!”
It seemed like a cliché to say he was in love, so he refrained from doing so. He felt it spared Louis further frustration as well. Cupcake, Cupcake, Cupcake. It was the only thing his brain could think. Fortunately, the bell rang, signaling the beginning of the next round and knocked a bit of the sense back in his head that had floated away from him on the thoughts of the pretty girl nearby.
His opponent was just as tired (although Harry believed his opponent was more so) as himself. He could see the exhaustion setting in as he held his gloves up near his face blocking a few jabs Harry threw to get the excitement of the new round going. He was waiting, searching, nearly taunting for a window of opportunity. Right as his opponent swung aiming for his face, Harry dodged his punch; smirking as he did. A blinding weak spot, his guard was down for only a fraction of a second but that was all Harry needed.
Poor guy didn’t stand a chance.
Harry looked like he was going to fall asleep sitting there in the bakery kitchen. He was a bit cut up; his eyebrow, the corner of his mouth, and his cheekbone had little cuts. Soothed with Vaseline, but it didn’t seem to bother him. His eyes were droopy. “Is Niall still around to drive you home?” She asked.
He shook his head. “I can drive,” he murmured.
He wasn’t really looking at her, but her look and tone screamed skeptical. “You look too tired to drive.”
“Mm,” he hummed. She was busy bustling back and forth through the kitchen. Cupcakes were in the oven. She only made a dozen, but Harry didn’t seem to notice it was a small amount. He was sitting at the big table in the middle of the kitchen. A seat dragged in from the office. She had her laptop open in her office running the report she needed while Harry held his head propped in one hand. She busied herself with prepping dough for scones and pastries while Harry tried not to loll off to sleep. She smirked at him.
“I could call you an Uber if you wanted,” she offered. “You don’t need to stay with me.”
His eyes were hardly open. “I’ll get a second wind in a minute,” he yawned. “S’jus’ the adrenaline wearing off,” he explained.
“Does that hurt?” She asked gesturing to the cuts on his (otherwise really perfect) face.
He shook his head. “Stings a little.”
“Will you be sore tomorrow?”
“A little. Stiff really... Why y’want t’give me a massage, kitten?” He smiled flirtatiously. Maybe she should have felt uncomfortable, alone with a man she only just met. But honestly, she thought Niall might be her new best friend and if Niall could vouch for Harry, then she wasn’t all that worried about him. Regardless of him knocking out his opponent with one punch. Truthfully, it was nice of her to walk her to the bakery. It was later than she expected and while the town they lived in was pretty safe, the college safety tips of never walking alone flooded her mind each time she did walk alone. She blushed at his forward assumption, but fortunately she was prepping something and stuffing it in the fridge, so he didn’t get to see. Plus, his exhaustion probably made him even flirtier.
“Thanks for being m’good luck charm, Cupcake,” he murmured sleepily.
“I didn’t know you didn’t need one.”
“Can never have too much luck.”
She smiled, continuing her prepping quietly. Harry watched her for a while. Eventually, his arm dropped to the table, and he rested his head on it. After another moment, a soft snore escaped his lips, and she smiled a little brighter. Only for herself, really, since Harry was asleep. She continued working. She was used to late nights. Maybe he really was going to get a second wind—honestly, she couldn’t imagine boxing and punching someone for almost forty-five minutes with only one-minute breaks in between rounds. Sometimes while she was baking, she would try to do other tasks while the timer counted down to take the treats out of the oven. It always surprised her how long and how short a minute could feel in the same breath.
But while she worked, she was mindful to not make too many loud noises. Harry needed sleep it seemed. She prepped for nearly an hour while waiting for the cupcakes to cool long enough to scoop out the middle and fed the sugary raspberry filling into the empty space. Frosting a dozen cupcakes took all but ten minutes then she packaged them in two half-dozen plastic containers with A Pinch of Sprinkles label taping it shut. Gently, she put her hand on his upper arm, and she really shouldn’t have been so surprised by how taut his bicep was beneath her hand, but she was. He was unbelievably strong, and she was in slight awe and shock of touching him—and he wasn’t even flexing. But rather than be creepy, she gave him a gentle shake. “Hey, Harry... Uh...it’s late. I’m gonna get going,” her voice was soft.
Harry startled almost jumping out of his seat and rubbing his eyes with the heels of his palms. “Sorry, sorry. Wow,” he turned his neck to the left and then right. “M’sorry I dozed off there.”
She shrugged. “Probably needed it,” she assured him with a gentle smile. She pushed the dozen cupcakes forward, across the table. “For you.”
He blinked then looked up at her. “Did you make these for—”
“Well, yes, I made them. You were unbelievably kind to me even though I dented Clay. Plus, you won so it’s like a job well done, you know?”
“You made me cupcakes,” he repeated, his gaze unmoving from her face.
“We really need to work out this whole repeating what the other one says thing,” she felt her cheeks warm as he stared at her, but she smiled, only feeling slightly awkward.
He turned his attention to the two plastic boxes and tilted his head at them. They were identical. His fascination with her precision was immense. “What kind are they?”
“The raspberry filled ones. You said you liked them.”
His gaze went right back to her, and he felt hungry, but not for cupcakes.
Well, at least not the baked good kind of cupcake.
“Thank you, Cupcake. That was sweet of you. I hope it wasn’t too much trouble.”
Her smile seemed to transcend to a feeling of relief. “Not even a little...um... I just have to grab a couple things. Would you... mind walking me to my car? Unless you need to leave right now. I know it’s crazy late. I’ll be okay. I walk to my car on my own usually but it’s always a little creepy. But I feel bad I made you—”
“’Course m’gonna walk you t’your car,” he rolled his eyes. “Besides I don’t want you t’ding Clay again,” he winked to ensure she knew he was kidding. Because yes, he loved his car.
But rapidly, when it came to her, the car didn’t matter in the slightest.
She hadn’t seen Harry in two months.
It wasn’t like she was avoiding him. Part of her knew he was a mere social media friend request away. In fact, she was trying her hardest to not stare at the pictures of him on social media, the PR plug for his matches, and all the things that she saw Niall, Louis, and all his other friends shared. But she didn’t want to come off too forward. It seemed weird to be so into a man she only talked to for no longer than ten minutes total.
Besides...she had her routines. Work, family, and more work.
Also, if Harry was really infatuated with her the way Niall alluded to, he knew where her bakery was—he easily could come and find her here. But she did notice there was a tag to her shop on Instagram with raspberry filled cupcakes in the picture. (All it would take is for her to press the Follow button and wait.) While she didn’t know Harry all that well, she assumed he was probably just as busy. Her brief cyber-stalking showed that Harry was often at the gym—although she wasn’t sure which one. He was also an amazing uncle. That much was clear. It warmed her heart, and she would never want to tear Harry away from that kind of time. Family was extremely important to her. She wholeheartedly understood how much his free time was probably monopolized by the little baby.
But it was so strange that she didn’t know him yet there was some part of her that wanted to see him. It was bizarre. She never got all up and arms about a guy. There was work and there was her family. That was it. That was all she could afford to balance. She didn’t need a guy to mess with her routines or upset the balance of her life.
However, every time she walked alone to her car at night now, she wished that Harry was with her to assure her safety—even though she had done it hundreds of times before. The night they met, he walked her in silence, opened her door and made sure she was safely tucked inside. “Good night, Cupcake,” he smiled almost dreamily.
“Good night, Harry. Congratulations,” she responded with a smile too.
Harry’s smile grew and he looked away briefly before patted the top of her car and turned to Clay, put his cupcakes on the passenger seat and moved to the driver’s side. He gave her a wave and pulled out of his parking spot.
It was two months ago.
But after just one month, it was hard to deny she didn’t miss him.
That had to mean something. Just one brief night—not even a date. Most of that night was spent with Harry in the ring or asleep at her kitchen table. Hell, she got to know Niall more that night. But it was Harry’s smile that plagued her thought—crooked and perfect. The way his eyes glittered as he convinced her to follow him with a picture of his niece.
“Are you baking something in here or burning in here?” Maeve asked.
Maeve was her best employee—her right hand nearly every day. More importantly, her best friend. Shaking her head of the thoughts surrounding Harry, she sighed and turned to the oven where her fudge brownies were surely overdone. “Shit,” she whispered.
“I don’t think you’ve ever burned anything. Are you okay?” Maeve asked gently. It was a loaded question. It took a lot of time to dig the answer out of her friend, but Maeve did. She knew asking if she was okay was probably the wrong thing to say.
But if it was, she didn’t mind. Of course she didn’t. Her very best friend was sweeter than all the treats in the display case. “Just a little distracted,” she mumbled grabbing the tray and setting it in the sink to cool off (and hopefully so she didn’t have to scrape the bottom of the tray later).
“Harry on your brain?” Maeve giggled.
She rolled her eyes but felt the way her cheeks warmed at Maeve’s (correct) assumption. Maeve was shocked to learn that her strong-willed friend was convinced by a stranger to go see a boxing match. She couldn’t believe it. Granted, once she saw the picture of Harry, she couldn’t disagree. I think I would let him punch me in the face if he wanted to.
She decided keeping Maeve as far away from Harry as possible was probably necessary.
Rarely did she and Maeve work together. As her best employee and best friend, it was like asking her to hold her child when Maeve was on shift. There was no one she trusted more. So, when Maeve wasn’t there, she often was and vice versa. But every so often, usually at the shift change, Maeve got to see her best friend in her element. “Well, the good news is, you can go think of him at home,” she winked at her.
She didn’t even look at her. “You’re disgusting,” she deadpanned.
Maeve snorted. “That’s not even what I was insinuating. Your mind went directly to the gutter. Good for you. I bet he thinks about you while he’s doing it too.”
“Jesus Christ,” she was blushing brightly now. “I just want to fix the display case and then I’ll go.”
“Any fun plans for tonight?”
She hesitated briefly. “Uh yeah...actually. I have a date,” she mumbled.
“Oh!” It was silent for a long beat. Rarely did she go on dates. There were only a few since she moved into town three years ago. Mostly because the bakery took up so much of her free time. The remaining bit of time she had and didn’t go on dates was because of the guilt she felt. Maeve’s surprise was palpable. It made her cheeks turn pink and she bit the inside of her cheek. “Good,” Maeve smiled encouragingly. “Online?” She asked.
She nodded. “We’ve been messaging back and forth for like...” she shrugged. “Two weeks.”
“Are you excited?”
No. “Yes,” she sighed softly. “Been a while,” she smirked. There was a huge part of her brain that told her she didn’t want to go because it wasn’t Harry. It was like a neon sign had been posted in her frontal lobe reminding her that it was pointless to even consider this date. She should have just requested to follow Harry and be done with it—he would probably drop everything if she asked him on a date. “Just...nervous.”
“It’ll be good!” Maeve said reassuringly. “Share your location with me and text me when you get to where you’re sleeping,” she wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.
“I will be sleeping at home,” she promised snorting through her laugh at her best friend.
Maeve smiled heading to the front and leaving her to finish with her burned brownies.
The front of the bakery was dark in color; she was aiming for warmth. The floors and baseboards were dark walnut brown. It contrasted sharply with the wall she wall-papered by hand with a white and brown marble pattern behind the display cases. It made the black chalkboard menus with the same walnut brown frames stand out. The lights were always set to dim when they were on. Her goal was to recreate the feeling of her childhood home—particularly the den where her father set up the most beautiful Christmases. The bakery lacked a fireplace (she joked with Maeve that it was an oven or a fireplace, and the oven did a better job at cooking croissants evenly).
The front of the bakery wasn’t massive. There were five little tables to sit and enjoy their treats if people wanted but it was really a grab and go kind of place. The back had more treats stored so the main room didn’t look overwhelming. The front display cases still contained more treats than anyone could think of eating. I wish I could buy one of everything was heard frequently from the line. Eventually she wanted to invest in coffee but for the time being she liked just her treats and was happy to recommend the coffee place down the road. If she ever got a hold of more space, then she would consider buying all the machines for coffee.
The bakery was honestly warmest when it was rainy. Which was frequent. She was reorganizing the main cupcake display, a tower of three tiers with one of each type of cupcake she made. The raspberry filled cupcake was the one that had been on top for the last two months. Each time it was bought, she replaced it with another. While people raved about her brownies, cakes, and even the croissants, it was the cupcakes that people came for; and so, she took care of the display as much as possible.
“Which one do you recommend?” She turned to the voice and saw a mom and little girl waiting patiently. She smiled fondly.
“Raspberry filled,” she pulled it from the top tier and handed it over. “Try it,” she offered.
“Oh, we don’t want to get you in trouble,” the mom said quickly while her daughter grabbed for it almost immediately.
She laughed. “Don’t worry, I know the owner,” she promised. “Maeve! I’m leaving!” She called but was delighted by the little girl’s approval. Silence, cake and filling on her cheeks immediately, and a delightful look in her eye.
“Have fun!” She called back.
“Enjoy the cupcakes. I also like the lemon vanilla ones.”
“I think raspberry filled is the winner,” the mom smiled.
She nodded, unable to keep herself from grinning back. “A fan favorite.”
She should have stayed home. The bad weather should have been an omen. But maybe it wouldn’t have been because she met Harry in bad weather, and everything was fine that night. It soured her mood and made her feel infinitely worse to think about the comparison.
I’m home. Not a great date. I’ll tell you later. She wished she had gone to Maeve’s. Maybe she would have doted on her. But she didn’t want to fall apart the way she planned on in front of her.
:( sorry babe. Sleep tight. Talk to you tomorrow :(
She locked her apartment door and checked at least fifty times that it was truly locked before she moved to her bathroom. Her heart was still in her throat and her eyes felt raw with tears. Maybe she was overreacting.
The rational part of her brain reasoned against her handwaving casualness. She had good instincts. Obviously. If this same situation happened with Harry, then maybe she would have considered it her own poor judgment. It was more reason that someone as terrifying as Harry could have be sweet as her cupcakes that it was her good judgment that helped her get out of there tonight.
She hurried to get out of her clothes. Part of her considered throwing them away. She didn’t want them any longer. She wasn’t sure she would ever wear them again. She turned the shower on as hot as she could stand it and pushed it a little further.
He didn’t hurt her physically. He tried. It was obvious his intent was to force her into the car... or worse. Which was disgusting in its own right. Until that moment in the dark, rainy parking lot, it was almost identical to her moment with Harry. But it wasn’t. Harry didn’t make her feel unsafe. Harry didn’t make her feel threatened. Harry gave her an out even though he wanted to hang out with her. She knew she could leave at any moment and Harry wouldn’t have blamed her.
She rubbed her arm so hard with her loofa in the shower stream it burned for a new reason. Tears blurred her vision and she felt so stupid. So completely idiotic. How could she let it get that far? That was so dangerous. So close she could have been hurt in so many ways that she didn’t want to think about, ever again. She closed her eyes and let the water wash the night away, feeling completely alone and dreadful.
She never wanted to date again.
She finished her shower, sniffles plaguing her, and she got into her comfiest pajamas. Her heart was still beating too fast as she crawled under the covers. She felt so ashamed. It felt like her fault. All of it.
There was a tiny rattling in her brain that Harry could have prevented it all. She should have just requested Harry on social media when she met him. If she had, she would have had his number by then. He would have helped her for sure.
Without thinking, she scrolled on her apps, and clicked on the various follow buttons. Every platform she could think of to request his social media friendship—looking like a lunatic be damned. Almost everything had a phone call button now, she could use it as backup if she needed. For good measure she requested Niall too. It was nearing midnight, and she couldn’t bring herself to care. She was scared. Nervous. Heartbroken.
Yet, within moments, Harry returned the request along with a direct message in her inbox.
Thinking of me at midnight, hmm?  😉
She snorted despite her uneasiness. One sentence and she melted. But she couldn’t let him know that. 🙄 it was nice while it lasted. Just going to unfollow you...
Aw, c’mon Cupcake 🙁
Oh alright... No, not really... just can’t sleep. Popped up on my people you may know while scrolling. It wasn’t a complete lie, and she was glad she wasn’t having a phone call. He would have heard her sniffles and then she wasn’t sure she would have been able to stop herself from inviting a total stranger over. Right now, she didn’t trust her judgment fully.
Been dying to press that Follow button, Cupcake. Didn’t want to come on too strong after that first night.
She couldn’t help but smile. The contrast between the night she met Harry, and her present night made her sad but relieved at the same time. I see you enjoyed the cupcakes.
Louis made me run laps for two hours because of you. I ate all twelve in less than 72 hours. Do you put drugs in those? They’re addicting.
Lol, no drugs. Well... sugar. So, pick your poison I guess, right? 😇
Well, thank you, Cupcake. That was delicious. I hope you liked the match too. We didn’t get to talk much. I know I fell asleep 🤦‍♂️ I was really happy you were there.
Her heart felt so warm already. Despite how much she didn’t want it to. Thank you for inviting me. Because she was nothing if not polite. It was really exciting! I don’t know much about boxing. But it’s obvious you’re very good—not that you need me to tell you that. Were you really going to make me look like an idiot and not tell me you were undefeated?
You’ll make me blush, Cupcake. Didn’t think you’d come with me if you knew.
Sneaky... 👀
Just... wanted you there, kitten. I promise. Nothing more... I know I came off a little too strong and I know I was a little...pushy. I would have let you go to your store if you really wanted to... But...
The three dots on his message disappeared and reappeared a few times over.It was cute to imagine him holding his phone thinking about what to type, erasing it, typing it again.
I can’t explain it, Cupcake. I’ve been going CRAZY these last two months. Niall’s calling me a stalker and I haven’t even SEEN you. The sentiment doesn’t give her any bad feelings. Because despite how much she wanted to be guarded, especially after her evening, she couldn’t help but believe him. Trust him, implicitly.
I swear something in the universe pulled me to you... I woke up just in time to see you blowing up my phone tonight 😍😍
She snorted and felt her body warm with his kindness, his gentle adoration through her phone no less. You’re insane, Harry Styles.
About you 😍
Oh my God... Now she really was blushing, but she couldn’t help but notice she felt so much better chatting with him. Well... we can talk tomorrow if you want.
I’m assuming you’re tired and I’ve already hogged more than enough of your time at midnight, as you pointed out.
Oh, no.
No way, Cupcake. I’ll stay up all night to talk with you ❤
Her heart felt so heavy. It was unfair. How could she be so stupid? Her dad would have killed her for being so naïve. It was his worst fear while she was growing up. It was everything he always talked her through when she was going through puberty and telling her about boys teasing her. Her dad reminded her constantly that a man has no right to make her feel scared or fragile.
But she could feel his grip on her arm trying to coerce her back into his car. She shook her head of the thoughts, refusing to let him poison any more of her time than he had. She was talking to Harry. She was okay. It was alright. It didn’t happen. She got in an Uber, and she’ll never see him again.
Harry was talking to her. Harry made her feel safe. Harry didn’t make her stomach unsettled with a bad gut feeling. Here’s my phone number if you want it.
Within moments, she had a new text message alert. This is better than an undefeated record 😍
The following morning, she felt less terrible about herself and her stupidity, but she never wanted to feel that way again. She was also so tired from texting with Harry for hours. It was nearly three in the morning catching up on all the things he did in the past two months before she wished him a good night. There wasn’t much to report about their lives. They both seemed to be workaholics, but he did offer her some really cute baby pictures of his niece (and a pretty cute picture of Niall falling asleep on Harry’s couch after an intense workout).
While she sipped her coffee—staving off the sleepiness, she Googled self-defense classes. Her dad would have approved. He wanted her to do it back when she was in college, but she refused for whatever reason. She regretted that too.
It was telling that she debated whether she was overreacting for several minutes. If she was overreacting, she would have brushed off the idea of self-defense classes like she did in college. But this wasn’t something to overreact about, right? Before she could overthink it any longer, she paid for the class. Honestly, in that parking lot she was smart to do this. Worst case scenario, for one reason or another, it was the smart decision.
She cycled through the next stage of grief feeling angry and bitter that he made her feel this way. She was incredibly lucky it was raining and slippery and she managed to get away from him in the chilly spring air. He left her so rattled. She was defenseless, so a class was needed.
God, she missed her dad.
Fuck, she missed Harry.
She never wanted to feel that helpless again.
With the class paid for, she put an apron around her waist and headed to the front of A Pinch of Sprinkles and turned the closed sign to open.
The following Monday, after a full day of flour, sugar, and plenty of customers, she headed to the gym.
It felt awkward. She hadn’t been to a gym since her college days, and she was already frustrated from her horrific night out. She and Maeve told each other they would go together but they were terrible influences on one another and opted for shopping trips with the promise they would pretend their shopping bags were dumbbells.
When she arrived, she headed to the front desk and introduced herself. She even admitted she felt awkward and the woman behind the desk smiled encouragingly. “I’m Sarah. Let me show you around,” she came from behind the desk and headed toward the side room. “It’s safe here,” she assured her, like she knew. The assurance made her throat tight with emotion and she nodded stoically. “This is the locker room; you can change in here and you can leave your stuff locked up or in the front cubbies and I can watch it. Whatever makes you more comfortable,” she smiled kindly and glanced her up and down briefly. “Do you own that bakery downtown?”
She smiled and nodded, looking at the flour handprint on the thigh of her pants. “Thought I got all the flour off,” she brushed at it with a chuckle. “Yes, I do.”
“My husband is going to think I met a celebrity today,” she laughed. “We love your blueberry scones. They taste like heaven.”
“Aw, thank you so much, that’s so kind. I’ll bring some next time,” she promised.
“Oh stop, I’ll divorce him,” she laughed and headed back for the front desk.
She quickly changed, feeling safe and relieved once more. She brought her belongings to the front and sat in one of the seats across from Sarah’s desk. “Kickboxing is just wrapping up and your instructors will be right over,” there was a group of several other women milling about. Obviously, they at least knew how to be in a gym by themselves. A few came as a small group. Maybe she should have brought Maeve.
While waiting, she scrolled through emails from her landlord, her college alma mater group, and all the coupons she had ever subscribed to. “I have got to unsubscribe,” she murmured to herself. She scrolled through photos of the beautiful little area she lived in now, and as sad as it was to get here, it was nice. Her shop was nice. Despite how scared she was over the weekend, things were good.
The only thing that wasn’t nice was that stupid, awful man.
“Holy shit, he’s hot,” she heard someone whisper. It was peripheral. She didn’t even register it really because she was sending Maeve a picture of the sale that was happening at their favorite clothing store on Thursday. If she paid attention, she might have noticed sooner.
“Ladies, self-defense class, this way please!” The voice was familiar, but she couldn’t place it. Maeve sent about ten heart eyes to her, and she smiled, stuffed her phone in her bag, and waved to Sarah.
“Blueberry scones,” she repeated with a firm nod and followed the line of women. She sipped from her water taking in the banners around the gym and realized too late why Louis’ voice sounded so familiar.
He stood at the front of the room, along with another familiar face.
“Oh shit,” she whispered to herself and turned immediately back toward the desk.
She bumped into another woman who steadied her and kindly looked her over. “Sorry—are you alright?” she was nearly motherly in her demeanor and her head felt woozy. She couldn’t do this. Harry would know.
Why was Harry attending her self-defense class?
“Yes, yes, sorry,” she shook her head. “Wrong—”
“Hey,” Harry’s voice was right there. She stepped out of the room trying to get more air to her lungs and head.He wasn’t attending. He was teaching. This was his gym. The boxing rings in the main room should have been a clue. The sound of Louis’ voice. Oh, you stupid idiot, her brain scolded.
“Cupcake?” Her head responded to the nickname instinctively. Harry’s suspicious green eyes gazed back at her. “What are you doing here?”
general taglist: @justlemmeadoreyou @daydreamingofmatilda @sunshinemoonsposts @tiredinwinter @loving-hazz @likeapplejuicenpeach @straightontilmornin @freedomfireflies @littlenatilda @kathb59 @babegoals @angel-upon @lilfreakjez @mleestiles @ameliaalvarez06 @canyonmoondreams @summertime-pills @daphnesutton @l4rrysh0use @perfectywrong @foreverxholland @lovrave @st-ev-ie @pandeebearstyles @toosarcastic03 @luvonstyles @tenaciousperfectionunknown @classychalamet @love-letters-to-uranus @emmaawbr @crossyourpeter @kissitnhekitchen @kittenhere @stylesfever @harryscherri @indierockgirrl @michellekstyles
I'm sorry if I missed anyone in the taglist. Please let me know if you'd like to join, if it didn't work, if you no longer want to be included, etc. :)
If you like this, check out my masterlist here
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atruththatyoudeny · 11 months
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Happy28th! Here are all the fics I read and loved this month. I’m probably not saying it enough but all you talented authors in this fandom deserve all the love ♥
Train Tracks and Porcelain | jaerie | [42k] At the first hint of light, Louis was slowly brought back to consciousness by the growing swell of activity around him. It started in the distance with loud clanks and clatters and rose with the hollers of men and thudding of boots against the solid earth. He listened as he blinked the sleep out of his eyes and tried to place any sounds he was familiar with. It took him too long to remember that he wasn’t back in his rented room. The energy was what floated to him next, a buzz that made him peek through the leaves to see what was going on. The next moments happened in the strange slow motion of dawn. Shadows were forming into people and things and, there in the middle of it, Louis watched the humongous head of an elephant emerge from a box car right in front of his eyes. Or a Water For Elephants inspired AU
Gemma's Dad (Could Use A Guy Like Me) | lululawrence | [83k] The summer before Louis and Gemma's senior year of college was supposed to be their last big hurrah before they graduate college and become Real Adults in the workforce. They had it all planned and it was going to be filled with mornings skateboarding, afternoons at the pool, and evenings hanging out with as many of the neighborhood kids they grew up with as they can. Of course, Louis wasn't planning on getting home and learning that Gemma's dad had gotten the house in the divorce and was dealing with things by focusing on work, the house, and his newly planted garden. It becomes obvious early on that Harry is a bit lost and Gemma is worried about him. To help both of them, Louis is more than happy to help Harry find himself again. As the summer goes on, the adventures and day to day happenings allow Harry and Louis to spend a lot more time together than either of them ever anticipated and Louis finds it more difficult to keep his growing feelings in check than he ever thought it would be. After all, there wasn't a chance that Harry would ever be interested in Louis... right?
waving to the hard times | beardyboyzx | [80k] “When you took power, you promised the people equality, freedom from any form of discrimination, and the peace we were severely lacking. Today, once again, you're proving yourself to be a fake, a clown who rose to power just to think about himself.” Louis turns to look at the General once again and finds himself staring at the way his face seems scrunched up in pure and unadulterated rage. “But we — the people, have had enough of you and your barbarity.” Taking a step forward, the person raises his carbine and points it at the balcony. The crowd gasps and Louis takes his gun out of its holder and points it right back at them. “We've had enough. We're not gonna ask you to stop anymore. We're gonna make you.” -- Twenty-five years ago, a group of alpha soldiers led a revolution to dispose of the beta oppressive monarchy. Louis Tomlinson, the General’s alpha nephew, is set to follow in his footsteps and eventually lead the Country. When the arrest of a beta brings a silent resistance group to show themselves and threaten The General, Louis finds himself questioning the government's true nature and the equality of the law, in a quest that will change him for good.
I Want You to Linger | InsightfulInsomniac | [7k] Louis swallows, suddenly feeling very caught out. “Those… those are all for Harry.” “Yes.” Niall nods. “For Harry, who does not live here.” “I know he doesn’t, but I —“ Louis sets down his pen with a grimace. “Look, I’ll keep them in a box in my room, yeah? I just want him to feel comfortable when he’s over.” “Hm,” Niall hums, looking entirely unimpressed. “Mate, I’m not worried about the things themselves. The vase is actually really fucking nice; we look like proper adults with flowers on our coffee table. I’m saying we should talk about you courting Harry.” *** A friends-to-lovers fic in which oblivious alpha Louis courts his best friend, nests with the gifts he gets him, and is faced with the reality that sometimes telling someone you love them doesn’t go to plan (but turns out better in the end anyway).
Teach Me Your Ways | elsi_bee | [34k] Based on the following prompt: Omega Harry is the newly appointed sex ed teacher and uptight Alpha Louis does not approve of his very open methods. A rivalry ensues until Harry unravels him behind closed doors.
Captain Cupid | 2tiedships2 | [15k] “Right,” Niall started, finally getting the opportunity to unleash his horrible plan. “Well, as you both know, I’m an excellent matchmaker. A human Cupid.The best of the best at finding one's mate. And I’ve decided it’s time to make money doing it.” “Oh, God no,” Louis groaned, picking up his empty plate and placing it in the sink. He needed to escape as quickly as possible. Or the one where Niall enlists his friends to help start a speed dating side hustle. Things don't go as planned... or maybe they do?
Burning Soul | LarryAlways28 | [39k] MATE. “What?” He whispered to himself. His boots crunched into the dirt as he stepped out of Greyhound bus. The immediate energy he felt was safe, welcoming contentment. He hadn’t felt that in a long time. He squinted as he looked around the small city nestled in the mountains. Or was it a big town? A nearby green sign read “Seven Corners, Population 101,000” ____ Louis is a rogue Omega wolf, all he wants is a new start. Will he allow himself to fully embrace what awaits him, or will he run again, too damaged by past hurt?
You're Not My Type (still I fall) | Imogenlee | [39k] His mum is going to kill him! Well, not kill him. Just give him a right telling off, make him admit she'd been right, then try to confine him to his room until they found a hefty Alpha to look after him and rein him in or something. She wouldn't manage, of course. Harry is only twenty-four and has no inclination to settle down at all, especially not at the behest of an Alpha. But, as his mum would point out, that was the same stubborn attitude that got him here: in his car, in a thunderstorm, on the side of a forsaken lane of some little countryside town in Yorkshire. His mobile's got no signal, his GPS isn't working, and he's running low on petrol, so he can't even use the heater. Oh, and most importantly, his car is stuck in the mud, so even if the GPS was working and he knew where to go, he wouldn’t be able to. He's been in stickier spots; he reminds himself. Way stickier. This is just a bit of rain; it'll blow over. Then Harry will just... well, alright, he isn't entirely sure what to do when the rain stops because he'll still be stuck and lost. But, hey, there won't be any rain, which is something to cheer about.
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otterandterrier · 5 months
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→ Captain, being held by you isn't quite enough to get me excited.
14 Days of Scoundress 2024 ♥ February 8th
{listen on Spotify}
Cover me Bruce Springsteen | Little of your love HAIM | Complicated The Crystal Casino Band | Over & over Fleetwood Mac | From afar Vance Joy | Wicked game Gemma Hayes | I'm not in love 10cc | I don't wanna talk about it Indigo Girls | Wonder Shawn Mendes | We might be dead by tomorrow Soko | Lights down low MAX | TRUSTFALL P!nk | Find a way Safety Suit | Livewire Oh Wonder | Take on me Aqualung | i love you billie eilish | Georgia Vance Joy | Shrike Hozier | Catapult Jack Savoretti
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presiding · 6 months
i wanna hear your recommendations!
a list with some stuff i like + a request for you to share yours :)
as a godless queer who spawned on earth randomly one time, my only holiday-season tradition is charity + passionately enjoying things. in lieu of passing my followers & mutuals $100 cash, have a random variety of things you might like to try - i know we're an international bunch so your mileage may vary on what you can access. in the spirit of giving i am hoping for some recs 🎁♥
disclaimer these are just things i like i am not paid. would be great. but.
yo ho ho if you read comics & manga but always found it to be a pain in the ass to source online, here's the aggregator app of your dreams: tachiyomiJ2K. real. not clickbait. android only tho. the extensions mangacute, mangadex, allanime, and mangareader, are good places to start. as a creator, i'm always iffy about recommending this kind of thing because i'd much prefer you went out and brought the things you're reading, however i'm not under any illusions about which era we're in, media-wise and economy-wise
gemma! - webcomic what if corvo was a woman and young emily was a dragon and they went on adventures in a fun fantasy/adventure way that is Extremely Gender. pictured: gender. god i want to be her > is this the greatest webcomic of all time? no. is it that sweet spot between 'mindless fun' and 'good'? yes. you get me
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laksa noodles the more intl friends i have the more i realise that laksa isn't common everywhere. don't let that stop you from trying it. ultimate comfort food. hearty noodly soupy goodness. worth seeking out fr
ways of seeing - mini-documentary so profoundly changed the way i think that i had been wanting to revisit it and so was delighted to find its all on youtube. if you're an artist or want to improve your ability to critically think about what you're seeing in media, this is a must-see. link or embedded>
FUCKING GOOD AND CHEAP GREEN TEA price comment won't apply to everyone this site offers great prices for high quality tea direct from the farm. been buying from here for years and its always amazing - i love the houjicha/roast green tea, and if you like green tea but always wish it was stronger without sacrificing taste or becoming bitter, i recommend genmaicha matcha-iri, which uses matcha to intensify the flavour. yum
incense body powder being a perfume nerd who is prone to migraines sucks. if you like spices and good incense - not the $2 kind that you use to hide cigs from your parents but rather the kind that smells like wandering into a forest temple - you'll love incense body powder. it lasts well and i'd most compare it to a softer, more gourmand comme des garçons Incense series 3 kyoto. shoyeido is the easiest to source as far as i can tell, but other brands make it too. USD$11 - cheaper than even cheap perfumes tbh - the bag will last you years. if you try this please tell me i'd love to know what you think!
anyway!! i wanna hear your recs if you have any! can be any type of thing that has recently improved your mood or changed your life or you think someone else might like?
anyone reading can go for it, consider this a carte blanche for recommendations. gonna tag a few people - you don't have to of course thank you love you <;3 @lapinneok @dangerousdan-dan @arosebyothernames @headcrabrave @corvidad @neznoodles @retired-crow @corpseprince @i-really-hate-creating-usernames @geminison @fakeshibe @skemford @loveofdetail + please feel welcome if not tagged! edit OH @nekon-ron i tried to tag your old URL. ha
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motherdolores · 24 days
My dear and ethereal friend Mother Dolores, ¿What has been your most pleasant and sacred inspiration for the sinister and sacred art that you show every day?. ୁׄ♥︎
Recently I have felt great inspiration by the post mortem and the Rococo artistic movement, although they are totally different styles, I think they make me feel in an angelic way, of ancient and sacred peace.
What I find with your dark and religious art is inner peace as a human being, the tranquility you transmit makes me identify with your sacred scriptures that have been wrapped in your blessed hands. ⛪ ♱
You are a special being that the Virgin Mary has brought into this world to demonstrate that we are angelic beings and that we have been brought into this violent world for one purpose. I love you, may God bless you forever and ever. 👼🏻🫀👼🏻
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া♱ Behind the rocks, there is a dead body with unimaginable bruises, filled with words that it explores along with poetry, a movement that revolves around time in human warfare. The only thing that gives strength to my words is the dawn, my beloved Angel Divinidad. My greatest inspiration towards my own art is navigating through the centuries in melancholy and hope for family unity, the antiquated words of a Queen to empower her grand valley of Porcelain Dolls. I feel that the diaries of Gemma Galgani, St. Catherine of Siena, Margaret White, Virgin Queen, Dolores del Rio, and Lupita Ferrer have embraced a huge part of my childhood, and above all, I have been most blessed by their artistic works (performance, mercy, talent, charm, longing, etc...). To any tide that surpasses my creativity, I will always have the authentic company of my natural feelings. Clarity surrealism, although drama will always be in my most holy blessing. I have to feel that angelic strength again, for which I used to kneel in the Catholic Church to save my loved ones with captivating words. My other inspiration is the majestic art of Kaho Honey, Élisabeth Vigée Le Brun, Brooks Ginnan, Suehiro Maruo, and my dearest @genesisfawn (I suggest with utmost pleasure that everyone who adores me, needs to follow this wonderful dark artist of Kingdom's Fawn). The entire audience should know about the question you just asked me about myself, and with the utmost knowledge from my mind, I replied with these beautiful words.
Despite other interests that bless my words, I am glad that you have found that passionate quality with Rococo style and the untold stories of the Post-Mortem. It makes a great impact to remember silent film. I am happy for you that you have found a strong bond of inspiration towards your style. I am grateful for your divine friendship, enchanting beauty.
Truly, I deeply value the sentiments you have bestowed upon my artistic endeavors, encompassing my crafted works of art, poetry, and intricately woven tales. The magnificence of your expression is akin to the celestial radiance that graces the most sacred twilight, heralding the rebirth of crimson-hued roses. From the core of my being, I hold profound gratitude for your profound appreciation. ♱া
O sweet Angel, I come forth with a question, solely directed to you... What have I done for you to articulate my persona in such a mesmerizing way?
۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬ ۬
Espero que termines este mes bendito de la Virgen María con un fuerte abrazo fuerte de ángeles verdaderos.
"No permitas que te turbe el pasado, déjalo todo en el Sacratísimo Corazón de Jesús y vuelve a comenzar con alegría." – St. Teresa de Calcutta
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bloomingkyras · 2 months
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Detail characters sheet tag
Let go with Gemma Stone.
Tq @matchalovertrait for tagging me ❤
$ Financial: Wealthy | Moderate (she start her jewelry business after she graduate, and what i can said that she have every things)  | Poor | Impoverished |
✚ Medical: Fit | Moderate | Sickly | Disabled | Disadvantaged | Not Applicable
✪ Class or Caste: Upper | Middle | Working | Unsure | Other
✔ Education: Qualified | Unqualified | Studying | Other
✖ Criminal Records: Yes, for major crimes. | Yes, for minor crimes. | No | Has committed crimes, but not caught yet. | Yes, but charges were dismissed.
• extroverted | introverted | in between
• disorganized | organized | in between
• close minded | open-minded | in between
• calm | anxious | in between
• disagreeable | agreeable | in between
• cautious | reckless | in between
• patient| impatient | in between (this girl is seriously can't be trusted with patient 😅)
• outspoken | reserved | in between
• leader | follower | in between
• empathetic | vicious bastard | in between
• optimistic | pessimistic | in between
• traditional | modern | in between
• hard-working | lazy | in between
• cultured | uncultured | in between
• loyal | disloyal | unknown
• faithful | unfaithful | unknown
☠ Combat Skills: Excellent | Good | Moderate | Poor | None
 ≡ Literacy Skills: Excellent | Good | Moderate | Poor | None
✍ Artistic Skills: Excellent | Good | Moderate | Poor | None
 ✂ Technical Skills: Excellent | Good| Moderate | Poor | None
☕ Drinking Alcohol: Never |Special Occasion| Sometimes | Frequently | Alcoholic
☁ Smoking: Tried It | Trying To Quit | Quit | Never | Rarely | Sometimes | Frequently | Chain-Smoker
✿ Recreational Drugs: Never | Special Occasions | Sometimes | Frequently | Addict
✌ Medicinal Drugs: Never | No Longer Needs Medication | Some Medication Needed | Frequently | To Excess 
☻ Unhealthy Food: Never | Special Occasions | Sometimes | Frequently | Binge Eater 
$ Splurge Spending: Never | Sometimes | Frequently | Shopaholic 
 ♣ Gambling: Never | Rarely | Sometimes | Frequently | Compulsive Gambler
★ Faith: Monotheist | Polytheist | Atheist | Agnostic (*no so sure about this)
☆ Belief in Ghosts or Spirits: Yes | No | Don’t Know | Don’t Care
✮ Belief in an Afterlife: Yes | No | Don’t Know | Don’t Care
✯ Belief in Reincarnation: Yes | No | Don’t Know | Don’t Care
❃ Belief in Aliens: Yes (she had an alien friends at Uni | No | Don’t Know | Don’t Care
✧ Religious: Orthodox | Liberal | In Between | Not Religious
❀ Philosophical: Yes | No
◒ Children: Had a child or children. | Has no children. | Wants children.
◑ Relationship with Family: Close with sibling(s). | Not close with sibling(s). | Has no siblings. | Sibling(s) is deceased.
◔ Affiliation: Orphaned / Adopted / Disowned / Raised By Birth Parents / Not Applicable
❤ Sexuality: Heterosexual | Homosexual | Bisexual| Asexual | Pansexual
❥ Sex: Sex repulsed | Sex neutral | Sex Favorable | Naive and Clueless
♥ Romance: Romance Repulsed | Romance Neutral | Romance Favorable | Naive and Clueless | Romance Suspicious
❣ Sexually: Adventurous | Experienced | Naive | Inexperienced | Curious 
⚧ Potential Sexual Partners: Male | Female | Agender | Other | None | All
⚧ Potential Romantic Partners: Male | Female | Agender | Other | None | All
I'm not sure who to tag cause i already see some of the mutual has done this tag game. But I'm gonna tag: @flocy-sims , @simssong ,@theosconfessions , @aniraklova and feel free to ignore ❤
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I posted 5,127 times in 2022
That's 1,149 more posts than 2021!
279 posts created (5%)
4,848 posts reblogged (95%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 5,127 of my posts in 2022
#malec - 433 posts
#bts - 198 posts
#heartstopper - 192 posts
#lmao - 181 posts
#wincest - 173 posts
#jikook - 172 posts
#jimin - 164 posts
#magnus - 153 posts
#art - 150 posts
#personal - 143 posts
Longest Tag: 83 characters
My Top Posts in 2022:
Harry Shum Jr. | Crazy Rich Asians : Rehearsal of the deleted scene with Gemma Chan
The Crazy Rich Asians Spin-Off will be legendary. I love both Harry and Gemma and I think they make a beautiful couple ♥
14 notes - Posted June 30, 2022
Win & Team | Lips on You [+1x02 Between Us]
now playing on repeat: Lips on You by Maroon 5.
well, thank you very much, BounPrem
14 notes - Posted December 4, 2022
nice little interview with Kit, as always, it’s a pleasure listening to him talk so maturely and relaxed
18 notes - Posted May 23, 2022
So I’m watching Devil in Ohio and every time the detective drives over to Amontown, I am like dude wtf, why are you going alone and it gives me the creeps.
20 notes - Posted September 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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33 notes - Posted May 11, 2022
look @unwinthehart - you're the star of my year! :D
shoutout to my Tumblr friends, esp. @blackbirdinthebox @oleander4you and @ziggyrocket
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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dear-indies · 2 years
hi, i love the blog! I was wondering if you could help me with my fc research? i'm mostly looking for fcs with brightly colored hair - pink, green, blue, orange, white, it doesn't matter as long as it is clearly artificial. thank u in advance ♥
Riz Ahmed (1982) Pakistani - in Sound of Metal.
Ritu Arya (1988) Indian - The Umbrella Academy.
Lee Hong Ki (1990) Korean - in A Korean Odyssey.
Lali Espósito (1991) Argentinian - Sky Rojo.
Jade Cargill (1992) African-American.
Jacob Artist (1992) African-American / Polish - in New Apocalypse.
Tati Gabrielle (1996) African-American / Korean - in Uncharted and Chilling Adventures of Sabrina.
Aquinas / Kang Min-soo (2000) Korean - is bisexual.
Michaela Coel (1987) Ghanaian - is aromantic - in I May Destroy You.
Jacob Tobia (1991) Syrian - is non-binary and uses they/them.
Michaela Jaé Rodriguez (1991) African-American / African-American, Puerto Rican - in Tick Tick... Boom.
Megan Jayne Crabbe (1994) Afro-Jamaican and White - is queer.
Florence Rose (1997)
Anna Diop (1988) Senegalese - in Titans.
Sonia Ben Ammar (1999) Amazigh, Corsican / Polish - in Scream.
Gemma Chua-Tran (?) Unspecified Asian - in Heartbreak High - uses they/she.
Ashton Sanders (1995) African-American - in Native Son.
Aslıhan Güner (1987) Turkish.
Beanie Feldstein (1993) Ashkenazi Jewish - in Build a Girl - is openly dating a woman but doesn't want to label her sexuality.
Jung Da Eun (1994) Korean - in L.U.C.A.: The Beginning.
Monique Kim (?) Korean - is queer.
Julio Torres (1987) Salvadoran - Los Espookys - is gay.
Jade Hassouné (1991) Lebanese - is queer.
Jessica Henwick (1992) Chinese Singaporean / English - in The Matrix: Resurrections.
Ilona Verley (1995) Nlaka’pamux - two-spirit and genderfluid and uses they/she.
Rish Shah (1995) Indian - in Do Revenge.
Ian Alexander (2001) Vietnamese / White - in Star Trek: Discovery.
Naomi Watanabe (1987) Japanese / Taiwanese.
Thanaerng Kanyawee Songmuang (1996) Thai-Chinese - in My Ambulance.
Kaiit (1997) Papuan / Gunditjmara, Torres Strait Islander - non-binary (she/he/they).
Ayumi Roux (2001) Japanese / French - in Skam France.
Anna Lambe (2000) Inuit - in Trickster.
Please let me know if you want more specific suggestions!
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daisydezem · 2 years
List 5 facts about a favorite sim of yours, and send this to 10 simblrs whose sims you adore ♥♥♥
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I'll go with (my version of) Yuki Landgraab-Behr of my BACC!
Yuki is a loner. And proud of it. She is however gotten a bit more social in this new world with less people.
She sees Kamila as her own. She knows she isn't her real mom but she will always be a mom to her.
Eventho she lives in a tropical island, you will not see her outside much. She just loves being on her computer and since that is inside so shall she be.
She really misses her dyed hair.
Is very curious about the whole Alien/Sixam thing but is too scared to really go into it. So she is really happy Malcolm is prying and asking the questions.
One Extra: Wants to just play videogames for a living and is really working hard to get there!
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I already did this some other sims of mine before! Wanna see?
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thegrimalldis · 2 years
Since Max has his fave grandchildren (Milian and Gemma) who are Margot’s faves (even though she would never admit it).
She would never say it aloud!! But Ingrid, Gwen and Margot ♥ Also, little Laurie holds a special place because she knows he is Eleanor's little miracle baby 🥺
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charliesimss · 2 years
List 5 facts about a favorite sim of yours, and send this to 10 simblrs whose sims you adore ♥♥♥
I'll do Alexa cause I love her but never know what she should say in the rps lol.
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1.Her favourite color is red, like Gemma's, because apparently I cant think of other colors that moms should like (?)
2. She has four older siblings, Ariel, David, Darrel, and Declan, with her sister being 12 years older than her.
3. She always wanted to be a mom and originally dreamed of having 4-5 kids, but things dont always work out so...
4. She is getting an early childhood education certificate in hopes to become a preschool teacher.
5. She's from Indiana (😍🥰) but moved to California with her sister and her sister's boyfriend when she was 14.
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traegics · 11 days
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(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ Phoenix "Jagger" Hendrix 1 year time jump updates ♥
Only thing new for Jagger is that he's been on tour the last six months with his and Sebastian's band as well as with Riley Shaw who is their show opener
He got Riley signed with their label and has grown really found of the budding artist, almost like a brotherly-sisterly type bond
Has mostly had flings during their travels but still finds himself thinking about his ex-girlfriend, Gemma, someone whom has been the inspiration behind many songs that he has written
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lifeaschoi · 2 months
SOTD.! ♥ ft. VB. | .000175
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● Head | LeLutka | Ceylon
● Body | eBody | Reborn
● Skin | Sculptist | Keana | Body | Sunbathe
● S P E C I A L . F E A T U R E ● | VB. | Raven Top | VB. | Raven Heels
>Available in The Grand Event http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/The%20Grand%20Event/135/178/1511
| Punklist | Rene | PlushStudios | Serena Pants | Pseudo | Jack Shearling Jacket | 7;] | XYZ Bobby Pins | BL | Gemma Earrings | VOBE | Malibu Necklace
| DDL | Enamorada
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shefatalesarch · 1 year
THIS PLACE WAS MORE FAMILY THAN ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING IN CHARMING. and given circumstance she was certainly family in a manner of speaking as her fingers moved up to pull the sunglasses from her features as she neared the girl and arched her brow. "what's got you all twisted?" she asked noting the look upon the other's face. she just seemed to have something going on, and while she was important.
"you look like someone slipped you something and you can't shake it. not a good look honestly." she spoke. "letting anyone see you even remotely off your game, or like you don't have every goddamn thing under control."
@reaperdaughter ♥ for a starter from gemma teller morrow
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lavenderrpages · 2 years
@celestialxdancers ♥ . // spotify wrapped starter ;  #24 -                                                    Big Bang - Cherry Glazer.  01:43 ━━━━●───── 03:50
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    “ i just wanted to see you.”  did she need a reason ? gemma took the other as her escape. it wasn’t ENTIRELY fair. there was comfort in the familiarity of the other. enough for gemma to disregard all of the strain she’d put between them over the years. why was it you always felt better with someone who had seen you the most vulnerable ? she’d only ever spill her mess to the other while the rest of the world saw her put together.  “ since when do i need a reason to see you ? ”  the question had the potential of being hurtful. under their surface was a truth they’d not confront. gemma hadn’t been the best communicator, nor had she been there unless it’d been for her own selfish needs. she AVOIDED, glazed over everything that seemed like a problem. there was an awareness of the two drifting apart lately, but gemma wasn’t ready to face it. she just wanted to pretend all was well. 
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