#♧ I too am in the light!
agsmicons · 7 months
(Very late) day 2 of editing event
Sorry that some of these were late!
Here’s what I did for day 2 of @courtt-jstr ‘s editing event
Prompt- a heavily introverted character
Kohane azusawa graphics
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“I decided to do this, so I've got to see it through.”
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icon masks used by luigraphics, revivalrequiem,and Vicky20049 on Pinterest(2nd one)
Dividers used from princessantisocial and saradika-graphics
Frames from nikolaismasquerade and menschenopfer
Thanks for stopping by! (Belated) hbd kohann!
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shmowder · 3 months
im different i would've befriended those plague rats in pathologic i would've given them cheese and crackers
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wandafiction · 8 months
I Got Him - WandaNat
Warnings: fluff, Wanda x Natasha x Reader and 3 month old.
You wake with a groan as you hear the cries echo around the bedroom from the baby monitor, opening your eyes as you grab for your phone to check the time. Closing your eyes when the harsh light of the phone practically blinds you, rubbing at your eyes, like somehow that's going to stop the pain. 
"3.08 am. Better than yesterday I guess." Slowly you get out of bed, your feet hitting the soft carpeted floor making you feel even more sleepy. "It's like a cloud." You mumble to yourself not even sure of what you're saying in such a sleepy state. 
The continued crying suddenly stops and that's all you need to be fully awake. Your mind switching into overprotective mother and panic mode. He never stops crying that quickly. You jump out of bed grabbing the hoodie that's laid haphazardly on the floor from where you had thrown it down after getting too hot in bed with it on, even though it's stupidly cold this winter. 
You hardly notice how cold the wooden floor is on your feet as you hurry down the hallway to the baby's room, panicking more when you see the door open. Running into his room your whole body tenses as you see two figures standing over his cot but not a second later completely relax when you recognise the red and blonde hair of the two figures. 
"You're okay little man. Shhh, shhh, shhh. That's it. There is no need for this much noise this early in the morning. Is there?" Nat cradles your baby boy in her arms, gently swaying from side to side as well as bouncing up and down, her voice ever so soothing. "No there's not." She coos as she boops his nose. 
"Holy shit." You whisper into the room and both women turn on their heels with slight surprise.
"Detka, what are you doing up?" Wanda makes her way over, checking over her shoulder at Nat who gives you both a small smile, Wanda's arms wrapping around your torso and pulling you against her. 
"I heard him crying." Wanda's hand starts to weave through your hair as your body practically melts into hers, both of your hands gripping on her waist for support. 
"I thought I turned the monitor off in time. We've got him so let's get you back to bed." 
"So that's why he stopped crying.' You sniffle causing Wanda to pull away slightly looking at you with slight worry. "I thought the worst. He never stops crying like that. I thought….I don't even know what I thought…but-but the moment, the moment that he went quiet…I-I-I…." 
"Okay, shhh you're okay." Wanda pulls you back into her, her hand scratching at your scalp while the other one rubs up and down your spine. "Let's get you to bed. Nat will get him settled."
All you can do is nod, your body struggling to keep you standing and your mind slowly shutting off due to how exhausted you are. Wanda feels your body fall into hers more so she slowly bends down a little, her hands moving to the back of your knees and lifting you up. Your arms lazily wrap around her neck, her arms sliding up your legs a little so they are wrapped under the top of your thighs and butt. She turns to look back at Nat, not that you are looking with your ace buried in her neck taking in her strawberry scent. 
"I got him my love. Let Wanda get you back in bed." Natasha whispers over to you as she continues to gently soothe Max back to sleep.
"I'm taking her to bed princess, will you be in soon?" Wanda's soft voice is not helping you as you try not to fall asleep in her arms but when she slowly starts swaying, knowing how soothing it is for you, your body finally succumbs to the darkness and the last thing you hear is Natasha's voice. 
"Of course I will. I love you both."
This time when you wake up it's a lot more pleasant. The feeling of soft lips travelling around your face, from your forehead along your eyebrows, down one side of your face. Then they travel across your cheek to the bridge of your nose before a feather light kiss is pressed onto the tip of your nose causing it to scrunch. The lips then travel across the other cheek down to the hinge of your jaw, along the whole of your jaw to the other side before they finally land on your lips that quirk into a smile. 
"Good morning my love." You smile against Natasha's lips as she mumbles against yours. 
"Good morning honey." Your eyes shoot open when your brain suddenly registers how quiet it is, and your upper body moves quicker than you can register as you sit up. 
"Woah calm down. Max is fine." Natasha's hand is on your chest keeping you in the bed and it's only now you realise she is straddling your lap, your eyes flick up to meet hers and you let out a small breath. "He is okay."
“Where?” You mumble out as Natasha slowly pushes your body back down onto the bed.
“Wanda has him, she is giving him a bottle.” You just nod letting out a long drawn out sigh, your hands rubbing your face up and down trying to find the energy to get out of bed.
“Do you not have work?” Natasha leans down, shaking her head, leaving a small kiss on your furrowed brows as you ask.
“Nope. Me and Wanda finally convinced Tony to let us have some time off and to not contact us until Monday. Guess it's a positive of being his business partners.” You smile at the thought, it has been so long since you have all spent time together since they returned to work and are working extra long hours and weeks to help with payments for everything since you’re on maternity and you don’t work for Mr Tony ‘I have lots of money’ Stark so your pay decreased….dramatically. 
“Yay.” You whisper as your eyes flutter closed, but a smile playing on your lips as you hear Natasha giggling at your relaxed state.
“Mhmm. Anyway, I came in here to tell you breakfast is ready and waiting for you.” Natasha plants a few more kisses across your forehead pulling away when you open your eyes to look up at her.
“Lead the way.” 
Natasha climbs off of you holding her hand out to help you sit up, smiling as you use her to hoist yourself out of bed and stretching so much you hear a few pops from your joints. Natasha then passes you a new hoodie, now only realising you were in nothing put a shirt and underwear again assuming Wanda took the hoodie off when she got you into bed. You mumble a small thanks slipping the hoodie on, pulling at the strings to make it wrap tightly around your face; Natash giggling at your antics. 
“Let's go see the wifey.” You hum with a nod as Natasha grabs ahold of your hand and starts pulling you out of the bedroom and down the hallway towards the kitchen. 
You smile to yourself when you hear humming coming from the kitchen, recognizing it as a russian lullaby, your smile only growing more when you lean against the door frame of the kitchen seeing Wanda with Max cradled in one arm. Her chin rests gently on the base of the bottle, keeping it up as your little boy takes small gulps of it, her other hand holding a spatula so she can transfer the pancakes from pan to plate. 
You jump slightly when you feel arms wrap around your waist, a head pressing between your shoulder blades. The hands rest on your abdomen over the hoodie for only a second before the venture down to the hem of it and travel under it and your shirt, her hands gently rubbing along your stomach and the skin on skin contact makes you release a content sigh. 
“Good morning darling.” You voice raspy from just waking up, feeling Natasha squeeze you gently in reply as Wanda turns to face you with a toothy smile.
“Good morning detka. Good morning princess.” You feel Natasha grumble into your back at the pet name, but you and Wanda both know she secretly likes it and will pout for a whole day if you don’t call her it, at least once.
“They smell delicious.” Your eyes travel to the stack of pancakes as Wanda puts one last one on top and before you can even offer to take it Natasha removes herself from your body and enters the kitchen to help.
“Go sit down my love, we will bring it all in.” You go to say something back to Natasha but she gives you a challenging look and you hold your hands up in fake surrender and do as you’ve been asked. 
It takes them no longer than 30 seconds to join you at the table, both taking a seat either side of you Wanda keeping your son in her lap. One arm is around his small body keeping him sat up straight against her while the other uses a fork to stab a pancake and transfer it from the stack to her plate. Before she can even ask you, lean across and start cutting them up for her, not wanting to see her struggle to eat while she holds your son, and it earns you a kiss on the temple from her and a slobbery kiss on the arm from your son. 
You manage to get through breakfast without any issues and all three of you are now lounging on the couch while Max is on the floor having some tummy time. All three of you are watching fondly as he babbles baby nonsense to himself as his hands hit the floor a few times and his legs kick out behind him. You all melt at the sight of his gummy smile as he reaches for his small teddy which is just out of reach, using his other arm on the floor trying to push himself forward.
However, in doing so he rolls himself onto his back and the three of you can’t help but smile when his arms and legs move up and down a few times as if that's what's going to get himself flipped back over. The giggle that leaves his mouth makes the three of you laugh and smile brightly until his face suddenly scrunches and starts turning red. The poop face. That is what it is known as to you, and you have learnt that he has different poop faces, and you know just by looking at him that it's going to be that of an atomic stink bomb.
You make a face when you hear the wet fart, his face relaxing into that devilish baby smirk that leads you to believe he knows exactly what he has done. You go to stand up but a hand on your shoulder pulls you back down, looking over to Wanda with confusion written all over your face before turning to see Natasha standing up and picking him up. 
"I got him." Natasha says easily as she makes a small face when she checks to see if he has actually pooped, holding him carefully by his armpits as far from her as possible as she slowly starts walking out of the room.
“Why can’t I look after our son today?” You question a slight offence to your voice, that takes Wanda a little by surprise as she brushes some hair out of your face. 
“Detka, you are exhausted. You need some you time. You have been looking after him since you gave birth to him 3 months ago, because of mine and Natasha’s schedule, so we decided to take the whole weekend off to give you a break. We have diaper duty, feeding duty, and waking up at 3 am duty. All you have to do is sit there and let us do the hard work for once.”
“I feel bad letting you take care of him and me.” You pout at the thought of being a burden but Wanda is quick to diminish the thought as she pulls your body against hers.
“We love taking care of you detka. We are taking care of him today because you need a selfcare day. That being said, why don’t you go run yourself a bath, enjoy some peace and quiet while me and Natasha keep him entertained.” You nod into her neck mumbling out a small thank you. “No need to thank us, detka, we are in this together.” 
“Holy fucking shit. How the fuck does one baby produce so much shit?” You and Wanda laugh as you hear Natasha gagging a little at whatever bomb is in the diaper.
“I am going to go help her out, she will end up putting the diaper on backwards. Go have a bath, we will join you when he goes down for his nap.” She kisses your temple before standing from the couch and quickly making her way to Max's room to help out your wife.
A small knock at the door pulls you from your small half nap, tilting your head to look back at it, a smile growing on your face when you see the two women you love standing in the doorway.
“Can we join?” You simply nod with a smile sitting up slightly so your wives can arrange themselves.
You always loved that Natasha ensured that you had a bath made that would fit all three of you, it was one of her few requests when you guys all decided to live together. Natasha climbs in, in front of you between your legs and pushing herself backwards till her back is flush with your front; pulling your arms around her waist so your arms rest on her toned body. She would never admit that she was the little spoon and the softest of the three of you in the relationship, she had an image to uphold as the scary business partner of Tony Stark. 
Once Natasha was settled Wanda climbs in at the opposite end of the bath, facing the both of you as her legs tangle with yours, her hands resting on Nat’s calves that lay next to her. Your chin rests on the top of Natasha’s head as her body slumps down into the water more, both you and Wanda smiling at each other at her relaxed state. Natasha pulls your hands up to her face peppering your knuckles and palms with gentle kisses, a soft smile on your face at her actions as Wanda watches with all the love in the world swirling around her eyes. 
“I love you both so much.” You mumble into Natasha’s hair, closing your eyes as you finally allow yourself to completely relax. 
“We love you to detka.” Wanda answers for the both of them as Natasha simply hums in agreement nodding her head. 
“So how has work been?” You move your head off of Natasha’s to plant a small kiss on her temple, resting your cheek against the side of your face as she moves your hands back down to scratch at her abdomen.
“Busy, but nothing we can’t handle.” 
“Tony keeps asking when you are coming to work for him.” Natasha finally opens her eyes, turning her head slightly to look at you as you purse your lips to the side.
“You know I have another year on my contract after I go back. Tell him to ask again then.”
“Why do you stay when you hate it so much?” Wanda tilts her head in question and you let out a small sigh.
“Because I was young and naive when I signed the contract and didn’t look at the small print that mentioned a minimum of 8 years of occupation. One more year and I will be free from Strucker and his silly hydra goons, who know nothing about anything.”
“Tony is holding a seat for you once you do leave.” You hum in acknowledgement not really wanting to speak about work when you are relaxing. 
“Okay so how about we go on a date tomorrow?” Wanda changes the subject easily, noticing your hesitancy to talk about anything work related.
“What about max?” Having been around max non-stop for 3 months he is all you can think about when it comes to doing anything.
That includes when you are doing small mundane tasks, your mind is always playing tricks on you by making you hear sounds that could easily be Max crying out for you. You only really manage to eat and take showers later at night once you have put him to bed, meaning you don’t normally get to sleep until 11 or 12 and then you are woken up again at 3 by a hungry screaming baby. You love him to bits, you do, but you are really starting to hate the lack of routine and selfcare you have.
“We can bring him with us. We can go for a walk in the park and stop for coffee, relax on a bench as we people watch.” Wanda suggests and your mind eases at the thought of not leaving Max with some babysitter for a few hours. 
“Yeah and then we can come home, put him down for his nap. We could maybe watch a movie, or we could.” Natasha walks her fingers up your arm as she makes the silent suggestion and you raise your eyebrow at the silent insinuation. “It’s been three months. Doctor said three months.”
“It has been three months.” You reply with a smirk, dragging your nails down Natasha’s abs feeling her shiver against you. 
“I mean I for one have missed your body detka.” Your eyes dart to look at Wanda who has her bottom lip between her teeth as she eyes you and Natasha up and down. “Me and Natasha have missed you taking control. Telling us how good we are.”
“Is that right my girls?” Your voice is sultry and both of them hum with a nod as they look at you. “Well I guess since you have been good and waited so long you should at least get a reward.” 
Before any of you can continue a cry echoes around the hallways of the house and you lean your head back against the edge of the bath a small ‘for fuck sake’ leaving your lips causing the both of them to giggle. You go to haul Natasha off of you but she presses herself against you more and tilts her head at Wanda.
“I cleaned that absolute fucking stick bomb of a diaper, you can deal with the crying. I am haunted by it, I shall never sleep again as the images of it play forever in my mind.” You and Wanda give Natasha a look as she rambles on and on about her poor eyes and nose, but soon she is made to go quiet when Wanda hits her leg and makes a move to stand. 
“Why did we ask her to join our relationship again?” You shrug at Wanda’s question, Natasha pouting as her body sinks into the water more now Wanda is out of the tub and isn’t stopping her from sliding down. 
“I guess it’s because we both love her.” You make it sound more like a question and the small whine that leaves Natasha’s lips makes you and Wanda giggle. 
Wanda leans over the edge of the bath as she holds a towel around herself with one hand, her other tilts Natasha’s chin up so the Russian is looking directly up to the Sokovian. Wanda presses her lips against Natasha’s, who sighs at the action and you press your lips along her bare shoulder. Natasha smiles against Wanda’s lips before the latter pulls away and wraps her towel around herself properly and your  lips come to rest at the top of Natasha’s collarbone. Suddenly you are all brought back to why Wanda is out of the bath as the cries get a little stronger and Wanda leans down to press a kiss to your temple. 
“I got him.”
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sameschmidtdiffname · 7 months
Mike Schmidt x Gender Neutral! Reader
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Summery: At some point or another, the words slip out. It's just that, naturally, you're an idiot who can't pick the right moment.
Tags: No use of Y/N, no specific pronouns for reader, night terrors, disassociation, attempted comfort, miscommunication, brief non sexual shower scene, unintentional harm, anxiety, sweet ending. (fr this time, I'm not pulling a 'Repentance.') Slight spoilers for 'Petals On The Wind' by V.C. Andrews.
Notes: I had a vision and I tried. Pls give me mercy.
The night air is sweet, fresh with the smell of citrus from the soap I had used earlier that evening in my shower mixed with the damp smell of the dew forming on the grass and the leaves outside. The curtains shift slightly as the air spills into the dark room, the only light born by a small lamp clipped to the cover of my book as I read quietly.
Beside me lays Mike, facing the ceiling and looking as peaceful as he ever could. It was a relaxation that doesn't come to him in consciousness, too busy with thoughts I sometimes am not privy too. But I don't pry. I've heard most of the story from him and from Abby, and he is allowed to grieve the past alone. He knows I am always available to help him.
It had been a long day for him. He didn't need to tell me, it was obvious by the way he'd sat at the kitchen table, thinking he was alone and hands buried in his hair. I hadn't meant to spy on him, having just slipped out of my shower. He wasn't crying, but his face was pale and dreadful. The bags under his eyes a dark purple that they hadn't been earlier at dinner, and the haunted quality of his stare had increased in an alarming manner since I'd left him. Had he moved since dinner? Abby was in her room, her voice trailing quietly down the hall as she hummed to herself behind the closed door. The overhead yellow light directly above Michael made him look like a painting of doom, covered in shadows with sharp edges as dark as his thoughts.
When I guided him to bed he wouldn't talk to me. Not when I removed his shirt to change him into something clean. Not when I opened the bottle of pills he'd been able to relax on for the past couple weeks. And not when I held a glass of water to his lips, his mouth only moving to take a long drink before I guided him onto his back, where he stared at the ceiling quietly while I stroked his hair, watching him carefully until he drifted away into a drugged dream of obliviousness where hopefully he could find the peace he needed.
More often than not I read before bed. Usually Mike would lay his head on my chest, his eyes reading the same bits I would and commenting on something here or there, once in a while spoiling the next paragraph for me. But I never minded when he did, it was always an accident.
It did get to the point where Mike imposed a limit of two chapters a night, knowing I could become so enraptured in a story I wouldn't even pay attention to the world around me until I finished it, usually with the early light beginning to peak through the branches outside and create dancing rays of sun along our bed. It wasn't really a rule, more so a concerned request. There was no punishment if I didn't comply, if I deprived myself of sleep reading all that would exist as a reprimand is my own exhaustion. Mike would always silently pick up on this, more gentle with me and luring me away from my nightly ritual with his arms wrapped around my tired body, fingers combing through my hair and his even breathing coaxing me into the sleep I needed until his alarm would wake us, still wrapped around each other and warm in the morning glow of a new day with a new chapter. And recently I realized it was something about him I loved. Though I dare not say it out loud. Not yet.
I'm only a handful chapters into this book. It's one that I've read before, an ironic favorite from when I was younger and snuck books home that I'd borrowed from the woman next door after playing with her granddaughters. The subject of the novel was taboo, Gothic horror I would hide under my bed away from my mother's eyes until she would lay in her own bed, allowing me to click on a light and read until school the next morning. It's been years since I've revisited it, and this copy I had bought at a local thrift store for only a quarter with an excited smile, causing an amused look on Mike's face as he'd watched me.
"Shouldn't you read something you already own?" He'd teased while we walked out of the store hand in hand, Abby leading the way to our car.
I'd rolled my eyes, smiling as I checked for cars coming through the parking lot with no regard for little girls.
"Am I not allowed to spend a quarter on my passions?" I said.
"You absolutely are. I'm just wondering how you're going to read everything," he said with a small squeeze of his hand.
The answer is by drinking a cup of tea and working through the book in one sitting as he lays next to me, no work ahead of me for the next two days that would demand proper rest. No limitation able to stop me now. I'm a few hours into my plan when I notice his leg jolt beside mine, no movement otherwise.
I glance at him quickly, seeing if he's woken with a start. His eyes remain closed, lips parted slightly in sleep and otherwise seeming fine. So I resume my book, flipping to the next page to start chapter eleven.
Halfway through chapter thirteen, Mike gasps. Loud and quick, causing a cough to escape him. I slip a finger inbetween my pages, turning to face him and worry stabbing my chest as I wait for him to choke and thrash frantically. But he doesn't. He remains still, his pulse visible near his adams apple as his breath quickens slightly. I watch him, waiting for any signs of distress. But he remains still in sleep, and reluctantly I return to my book once more, having decided it was just a dream.
Finally, at the early hour of four o'clock his hand reaches out, nails digging into my thigh desperately in a way that's painful against my bare skin, raking down and surely creating a trail of blood in his wake as a short, startled yell of Abby's name pierces the air, his body going ridged. And then he's still, body shaking and eyes wide open in confusion, darting around the room as though he cannot place his environment in his still drugged state.
"Hey," I say softly, abandoning my book and turning to face him, unsure if I should touch him or what I need to say to tear him away from the horrors of his mind. "You're okay, you're awake now."
If he hears me he doesn't give any indication, his breathing so quick and unsteady I'm scared he'll knock himself out from hyperventilating.
"It's okay, it was a dream," I tell him. I place my hand apprehensively on his chest, feeling his heart slam against the cage of ribs below my touch. "You're awake now."
His head turns slightly towards me, but he's still panicking, his hand gripping my thigh hard enough hard with nails he hadn't meant to let grow out for the past couple weeks that I have to make a conscious effort to not whine in pain.
He's saying something, quiet and mixing with his irregular breathing as his other hand grabs my hand upon his chest, pressing it tightly against him. But I can't make it out, I can only hear fragments of 'sorry' and 'take.' And the words only blur more as he starts sobbing beside me, the noises he makes terrifying as he struggles for air.
"Let's sit up. Come on, let's sit up," I say. I'm close to panic myself, trying to find his shoulders to pull him up in fear of him choking in such a state. But his hand is too tight around mine, and trying to take it away seems to only cause further distress, his teeth gritting and nostrils flailing as he tries to breathe in as much air as possible. I manage to get one arm under his shoulders, wrapping it around his body and pulling us both up. The shift of his body seems to make something click, his hand suddenly releasing my thigh as he gasps once more, eyes seeming to show recognition of something.
"You're home. We're in our room, Abby is down the hall," I tell him.
"They'll come here, they knew where we live," he says in a rapid but finally coherent voice.
"Who?" I ask. He's scaring me, making me want to join him in my own hysteria. But I don't show it, the pain throbbing in my leg giving me a point of focus to keep my voice even. "No one's coming."
"My aunt- she- they-"
"She's not coming over, no one's coming to take Abby," I tell him, stroking him arm and trying to shift my body to face his. "Everyone's home and safe. I won't let anyone go."
This seems to hit him, his shoulders relaxing slightly. He looks at my face, staring and trying to focus on me.
"I won't let anyone go anywhere," I repeat gently. His shoulders relax, his body leaning towards mine.
"You don't have to worry," I tell him. "I'm here."
His head lands on my shoulder, hand still pressing mine tight against his chest as his arm finds my waist, body wracking with sobs.
"It's okay. Slow your breathing," I say softly, my hand finding his hair and holding him close against me. "Focus on me and slow your breathing."
He's trying, I can tell by the way he gasps against my chest in even tempo that he's trying to regain his breath. His skin is hot against mine, body wet with sweat. Maybe I should get this shirt off of him, take away the sticking cotton and allow his skin to feel the cool morning air against it to prevent overstimulation. Or maybe the sudden change would throw him into more distress. I don't know what to do, what to offer.
"Do you want me to distract you?" I ask. At this he lifts his head slightly, a small 'what?' Asking for me to repeat the question. "Do you want me to distract you?" I repeat, anxious I've said something wrong.
He seems to think for a moment, his heart still beating at a concerning rate.
"How long have you been reading?" He finally asks, eyeing the book I'd practically thrown to the edge of the bed in my panic.
"A few hours," I say. "Started reading when you went to sleep."
He nods, going silent once more for a few more minutes. I focus on his hair, how some curls wrap perfectly around my fingertips, how soft his hair is even though he doesn't take proper care of it.
"Is it any good?" He asks softly, his mouth against my neck as he tries to relax.
Okay, talk about the book. Book with dead parents. Ah, fuck.
"Not... particularly," I admit. "The first one was better."
"Yeah?" Mike asks. "How so?"
Well, Mike. This is a V.C. Andrews novel. So there's an unsettling amount of incest that serves a horrifying point that I don't think you wanna hear about right now because that's gonna take several hours for me to explain. I wish you'd asked sooner.
"...questionable decisions," I decide is how I'll phrase it.
"Sounds like me," he mutters against my skin.
"I promise you it isn't," I mutter back, trying to think of what to say next.
Mike doesn't say anything, still breathing hard against my skin but finally gaining a steady rhythm. His body shakes less, my fingers gently combing through his hair as I finally speak again.
"It's something you'd laugh at if you felt better," I feel stupid, useless as I try to bring him back to me. But it seems to work, his shaking decreasing as he focuses on my words. "The main character is... dramatic, and... passionate."
I feel his smile against my skin, his fingers stroking my waist. "Oh?" He asks.
"Mm-hmm," I say. He hums, waiting for me to continue. And I'm not sure if I should.
"What's the plot?" He asks. Not something you should hear in your state, Michael. Lots of people die.
"It's about..."
Fucking half the town out of spite.
That's one way to put it.
"And... doing what's right."
By burning a house down.
"And taking care of those you love."
Well, at least that point is accurate.
He seems content with this, pulling me down onto the bed once more and keeping me close.
"Are you okay?" I ask him carefully.
"I will be," he says softly. "Thank you. For caring."
"Of course I care," I say with a small laugh of nervous relief. "I love you."
Oh motherfucker, no.
"What?" Mike asks in a small voice, his body going still, mine going stiff.
We've been together for about a year. And this is a normal point to finally say the words to each other, a sweet moment of realization and commitment that I'd been wanting to have. And I'd been trying to find the right moment, wanting to say it while he serves pancakes in the morning that he douses in syrup because he hates them dry. To say it when he pulls me close at night, taking a deep breath as he smells my hair. When he falls asleep on the couch or with his head on my lap. And maybe he's wanted to say it too, the way his eyes linger on me when I spin around the room with his sister, or when I fix her hair before walking her out the door, or when I slip out said door to return to my own home only to find myself back here the next day anyways, unable to stay away.
But this is the wrong moment. A moment of fear and terror and I have been selfish enough to dare utter such words that he may not even reciprocate while he's in such a vulnerable state. Shit.
"What did you say?" Mike asks, pulling away to look into my face, suddenly awake and clear of any fog that had been torturing him.
I can't speak. I can't tell him. What if he doesn't feel the same way? Or worse, what if he says it back in a desperation for approval after such pressure has been placed upon him to respond. Or what if he convinces himself he feels the same way only because I do?
"I- Shouldn't-" My head is shaking, eyes wide in worry as I try to think of a response.
"Shouldn't?" He says in the most heartbreaking voice.
"No!" This is all wrong! It all sounds wrong.
"Oh," he says quietly, eyes casted downwards.
"No, wait a minute. This is wrong-" I stutter, my hands shaking slightly.
"I heard you the first time," He says flatly, eyes avoiding mine.
"I'm sorry," I blurt out. "I didn't mean to say anything."
"Then stop saying things," He says sharply, pulling away and turning to face the room.
"I'm not- I can't-" One of the ways Mike and I understand each other is by the way vulnerability makes us choke, gagging on sincere words for fear of rejection and becoming fools. And this time is one of them, even if I'm fighting against it. The silence is too long as I choke on my own tongue.
"It's fine," he says. He stands from the bed, not looking back at me. "I'm gonna take a shower."
I open my mouth to speak, my mind urging me to extend my hand in explanation. But he walks quickly, opening and shutting the door before I can even begin to put the words together in my mind. And I'm alone. With no one but my book to offer comfort.
I try to read. Try to focus on Cathy's piss poor plan that ends with her toes broken because of her terrible husband that she married to avoid her adoptive father. (Don't ask.) But all I can think about is what I should have said. And what Mike must be thinking. Of course he misunderstood me, his mind still racing from adrenaline and nightmares of losing his sister, addled by his sleep medication that would still be in effect. Vulnerable situations are already tricky with Mike, who'd lost his family young and had been forced to create his own stability with no comfort or care returned to him until the past few years when he finally began to create a new inner circle. It was understandable that he was gun shy around this sort of topic. And his already darkened mind earlier today? What a horrible day for a moment like this.
It feels like an eternity, but it must have only been about half an hour when Mike comes racing back into the room. Wet, towel crudely wrapped around his waist and holding up his hand as he rushed towards the bed.
"There's blood on here," he said. "Who's is it?"
I squint as I try to look, reaching out for his hand. He offers it quickly, and at the sight I remember. My thigh. Earlier when he'd gripped it so hard, nails digging in. I can see the blood underneath his nails, dark and most likely having just been noticed by him.
"Earlier when you were upset you grabbed my thigh," I say. Within seconds he's on the bed, ripping the sheet off of me and dripping water all over the place. It's not exactly a pretty sight, cuts from where his nails had dragged and sunk into me. His eyes go wide, cheeks turning pink with shame.
"Jesus," he says. "I didn't mean to."
"I know, you were scared," I say. "Don't worry about it."
"Let me clean this," he says, moving to stand from the bed.
"Mike, we need to talk," I say, grabbing his wrist. He doesn't stop, trying to pull his arm free.
"After I clean this."
"No, now," I say. My voice sounds so much sharper than it should in a situation like this, like a command rather than a request. But he finally stops his rush, his eyes meeting mine as he stands still, gripping the towel around his waist as he contemplates.
"I left the water running," he finally says.
"Clean me in there," I offer thoughtlessly. He raises an eyebrow at me but doesn't question it, tugging me up by my hand and not letting go as we walk to the bathroom in silence.
The water stings on my cuts as Mike kneels in front of me, his body between my slightly parted legs as his hands wash me carefully, lathering soap and working at my thigh with careful concentration. 'It's been ten minutes. Say something, dumbass,' I think to myself.
"I love you," Mike blurts out suddenly. His hands don't rubbing soap onto my thigh, and his eyes don't meet mine. "And you don't have to feel the same way, but you should know that I do."
There's another long moment of silence, dread filling my chest.
"Why are you saying this?" I finally ask. He looks up at me with an unintentional glare.
"What?" He asks sharply.
"Are you saying this for me or for you?" I ask. His brows furrow.
"I don't know what you mean," he says.
"Earlier I said I love you and that was a mistake-"
"You don't need to remind me."
"No, my timing was a mistake. You were vulnerable," I say quickly, sliding quickly down the shower wall to join him on the floor of the bathtub. "Are you saying this because I said it or because you mean it?"
Realization seems to finally sink through, Mike blinking at me slowly.
"So, you love me?"
"I'm sorry that I was an idiot earlier-"
"But you love me?"
"I've been trying to say it for months, but I couldn't-"
Mike's kiss is hard and clumsy, teeth clicking together and making us both draw away in a fit of stupid, teenage like giggles from the way he'd tried to be romantic and jump on me, my face now covered in the orange scented soap from his hands.
"You need to lead with that next time," he says, laughing and covering my face in quick kisses without care that he's smearing the soap onto his face too. "You had me scripting our conversations for the next month in here."
"I was trying. You know I can't- that-" I can hardly respond between his kisses, tasting awful but so sweet I can't help but want more.
"I love you," he says. Then he says it again, and again. Like a dam has been broken and he can't stop the river spilling forth. "I love you."
"I love you too," I finally say, relieved and melting into his touch under the warm stream that he drags me under, holding me close to his body.
Later, as we lay in bed, I finally tell him the real plot of my book, to which he says "I take it back, get out," before dragging me under the covers to repeat his devotion again and again until we can't say it anymore. Coherently, that is.
I'm gonna be fr, I haven't been happy with my writing lately and that's mostly due to my packed schedule. This is a draft I've been working on in bits and pieces for the last couple weeks when I've had a spare moment at work, and honestly will probably regurgitate at some point in the future when I have the time and energy to get more detailed with this concept in a more detailed fic. But for right now, I did want to put this out as a drabble. So, I hope you enjoyed it, and I promise I'll try to get some more properly fleshed out content out soon for y'all <3
@cassiecasluciluce @gh0u1ishly @joshhutchersons-slut @schmidtsbimbo @sugarevans @wompwompwomp57 @jhutchissupercool . Thank you for your support pookies!!! <3
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kobolding · 7 months
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Oh hello there traveler! Welcome to my Pokemon Daycare!
As you can see, I am selling some eggs unwanted by their original trainer, a nice looking lad from the kalos region. They are all a bit peculiar, but should make for good partners nonetheless, AND they are close to hartching.
So, which one will you choose?
♧ The first egg is warm and quite heavy. It has a whimsical feel about it, and I can't seem to look at it straight.
◇ The second egg is light and smells like sunshine. It has a slightly grooved texture.
♡ The third egg is ice cold. It feels truly ancient. The shell is glossy and has an iridescent sheen to it.
If you need some help training your new friend up to their full potential, we are happy to sell you some XP candy to help them grow, just use it responsibly!
If any of these little ones catch your attention, just give me a holler.
[These are mystery adopts! You buy the egg, I draw what hatches. You buy the candy too, I draw its evolutions!]
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arece · 1 year
hey. I'm feeing in an angsty mood so what so you think John's funeral would be like? anyways love your writing 🤗
Bury You
♤ Summary: Reader takes John home. The masterlist
♤ a/n: I'm gonna be completely honest, I wrote this one like right away because I had some thoughts on it. But the formatting and posting on tumblr felt too daunting so I really am sorry this came so late! (1.2k)
It had taken both Caine and Nobody to pry you from the death grip you held John with. Winston was barely holding it together himself, making arrangements on how to bring him home as a distraction.
You were nearly hysterical at the thought of having to part from him even for a moment.
You just got him back.
Nobody practically cradled you as you hyperventilated, clawing at his arms. Caine mournfully placed his jacket, covering John from your sight. 
You had been so calm in his last moments, giving him that final minute of peace, allowing him closure and forgiveness. Now everything that you’ve suppressed came out in a flooding mess of emotions.
It’s like you couldn’t stick to one, quickly switching from anger to utterly overwhelming grief. Just a few minutes ago he was talking to you, he was in your arms and breathing, telling you that you were everything to him. 
Now he’s dead.
The temptation to blame him dug its claws into you, anger was always easier than this gaping sadness. But no, deep down you knew why he did what he did no matter how much you hated that he did it. 
Quickly becoming drained you numbly starred at the body of the man who had been your everything for such a short amount of time. How cruel he was able to have that strong of an impact on you that quickly. 
Winston kneeled down to your eye-level but you merely blinked at him, practically seeing through him and to John. “It’s time to go home now.”
Your face contorted as you finally focused on him, “he was home.” Winston closed his eyes, almost like he needed a moment to collect himself.
“It’s time to bring him home.” You took a shaky breath, nodding softly to him. He grabbed onto your arm and with the help of Nobody, pulled you up. 
It was time to plan a funeral, something he never thought he’d receive let alone with love, thought, and care put into it. You walked over to John, the last time you’d actually see him before you’d have to bury him.
“I don’t think I can ever hate you, but I’m trying really hard to forgive you,” you delicately whispered as you pulled down Caine’s jacket to properly see him. “I know what you did for me and I won’t ruin that. Not after what I lost for it.” 
You were going to pretend for him.
You were told that the Bowery King had Dog, something that made you slightly bitter. You wanted to go to John’s place to sort through his things but Winston had grabbed you by the arm, trying to prevent you from leaving.
“What is it, what are you hiding from me now?” You yanked your arm from his grip, eye nearly twitching from the rage culminating, you’ve had enough of Winston’s secret keeping.
Winston sighed, “it’s gone. Blown up by a member of The Table’s little fit.” You felt winded at the realization that another piece of John had been taken from you. A sick type of karma that was determined to take away any trace of him, to erase the Baba Yaga, erase John Wick. 
“I need to see it, Winston.” There was a part of you that held a naive inkling of hope, one that you knew would only crush you harder in the end. Maybe, just maybe, in the wreckage of dust and plaster there would still be something left, a piece of proof that there once was a time where it was just you and John. 
The five peaceful years you had together of bonding and healing, of growing together until it was cruelly ripped away. Reality had struck a match and burned down the little life you two had built together. 
It felt like a new type of sickness seeing the true wreckage of what once was your little safety net, your home. Yet, it still didn’t hold a light to the carnage it faced the night John lost you. To him it hadn’t truly been a home since then.
You walked through the piles of rubble attempting to place together where each room would be. From memory you make it to what used to be your room, still able to envision it vividly. You closed your eyes, allowing yourself a moment to truly encapsulate what used to be.
Your chest tightened at the thought of what used to sit on top of your nightstand, the only picture you’ve had of you and John. All of the evidence of the time you two dedicated to each other has been ripped away, leaving no trace. To the world there has been no John and you.
You should’ve stolen something when you were forced to leave. It was the one thing you were good at and you didn’t use it. If you had you’d still have a piece of him left.
John used to tell you that his Helen was his everlasting sun, the one thing that could shine brighter than the darkest depths of his haunting past. It only felt fitting to have his funeral set unconventionally early. It allowed for him to rise with the sun, with her.
You didn’t have it in you to move from your spot right at the front. You didn’t hold a ceremony, bitterly you wouldn’t know who to invite. It took his death for you to realize how truly little you were involved in the underground area of his life. 
You just stood and stared, no conversation needed to be imagined because you two were never really good with words. In your peripheral you watched as people you’ve never seen before came to say their goodbyes to John, paying you no mind.
The only time you broke your train of focus was to reunite with Dog. It was the first moment of genuine joy you’ve felt since you’ve lost John. It’s been two years since you’ve been separated from her and it was soothing to be able to hold her again after so long.
She curled up at your feet just like she used to, joining you in your mourning. Bowery King stood back to not interrupt. All minor peace was ruined with Winston’s gentle hand being placed on your shoulder.
He dragged you back to reality and suddenly it didn’t feel like something you could wake up from anymore. “He decided I was worth dying for… what if he made the wrong choice?”
It was hard to feel like you held an important part of his life when at his funeral you were the stranger that no one knew of. Someone he had so easily given up on. 
Winston’s grip on your shoulder tightened. “Johnathan has made a lot of mistakes in his life. Many.” Your eyebrows furrowed with effort as you tried to focus on the gravestone past the tears blurring your vision. “But acting as your father was never one of them.”
“That’s why his grave is marked with that.” He points to the head stone; Loving husband and father. “You were all he ever needed.”
You wish he was here to wrap you up in the safety of his jacket like he had before. “I’ve never had someone to miss this much before.”
taglist: @khaleesihavilliard @ihatemyselfmorethanmydepression @tamnight @hesvoid34 @scarletmeii @romanreignsluver1 @wi1steria @not-a-big-slay @howlerwolfmax @mizzy-pop @sarapaprikas-blog @angrykitsune01 @commanderfreethatdust @wisepizzatart
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xglassx · 9 months
🎱🎲♟️The celestial toymaker x child reader 🧸🧩
⚠️not show accurate please do not hate I am only trying too share my work with the world and hope you will fine as much joy from reading it as I did wrighting⚠️
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You didn't know how you got here but the doctor was gone and you couldn't see dodo or Steven. You stepped out of the tardis and the world around me looked different. A room full off dolls and toys and cribs.
You leave the safety of the tardis and walk further into this weird looking relm of sort and with a swift glacé you spin round to see the tardis was gone. You started to panic frantically looking about for any sign of any one in this world that could help you get back home. "Steven!" You yell as you walked down the twist off corners and walls."Dodo!" I yell out hoping someone would respond.
After some time off walking you come across a door with light gold tints and red varnis. You walk up to the door your nervs pooling at the bottom of your stomach as you opened the door slowly to see and man in Persian robes (I know they are Chinese just go with it)standing in front of a table he smiles at me and takes a step towards you.
You cautiously take a step back only to your back too collide with the door that had now been locked shut without making as much as startling a mouse.you panicked as you ratteld the door handle with haste trying to get it to open."Don't be frighten (y/n)-" "How do you know my name!" You ask him before he had the chance to finish his sentence.
He didn't seem frustrated at your impatients but rather fond of it because the only response he gave you was another shallow smile before walking behind the table and pulling out the chair that was facing away from the door and gesturing for you too sit in it. You walk towards the table with caution as you sit down in the seat and he swiftly tucks it in before sitting on the chair that was opposite it.
"I know many things about you (y/n) like how you love to play rummy" withing a blink the deck of cards on the table change from a neet pile to a stack of ten cards each and stock pile with a single cards in the discard pile. "How did you..." you ask in disbelief "does it really matter? Just as long as you play with me?". He asks me with a devilish smile. "WHAT do I get out off it? Where is dodo and Steven!" He only seems to dismiss you yells"you know what? If you win I will tell you where they are but if I win...well we can discuss the details later"
You nod you head as you began to play. You picked up you deck and looked at your cards sutily before glancing back at him to see he had his cards in his hands but was pering over at you with that same look plaster apon his face. You could only roll you eyes as you began to play.
"You first my love"
You started to play whilst you where high on guard asking questions about you friends "so what happens to the doctor,Steven and dodo" "thats cheating, i said i would tell you that when you win you cheaky minx" "Fine then, who are you?" "Does that really matter?" "Yes" you replied with a cold stair "I am the toymaker" you paused what you where doing before briefly looking up for the first time Turing the game forgetting the fact you where trying to focus "doctor spoke off you once"
"Did he now?" He seemed rather fond off himself "Yes doctor said you took his friend away is that ture?" He laughed "more or less" "what did you do with him" you said firmly. "You are funny one trying to act all serious. But I think it's my turn to be asking the questions" you sigh "okay then ask away "do you like you friends (y/n)?" You paused and looked up "Yes why would you even ask a question like that" "because you are not trying very hard to win this game and get them back" "Yes I am!" "Really? Because you just let me win" you looked down to see you had 5 cards in you hand and he had non.
I had let him won.but how? I was paying full attention and he had attention 7 cards a second ago "not fair you cheated!" You yelled at him "but did I? It doesnt matter.what matters is that i won and you lost now you are stuck with me forever" What? You asked at Steven and dodo plburst through the door "(y/n)! What are you doing get away from him! Don't play a game there all rigged!" Dodo yelled at "its too late...I already lost" I said "well then I got what I came here for"The toymaker says before dodo and Steven where whisked off by 2 clowns and you try to race after them but the toymaker grabbed my arm as I watched dodo and Steven get dragged away.
"LET ME GO" you yelled at you tried to push him away as you kicked and screamed and cried. You wails depleted into sobs and you grew tired of kicking and screaming the toymaker picked you up in his arms and swayed you side to side and cooed in you ear " its okay my little doll I will take care off you"
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cloudbitch · 4 months
(Holds out my hands) spare ♧?
(I read it in a british accent as intented)
You’re my: another victim of the boop wars of 2024. (Time flies fast cant believe is june already) and my precious mutual
How I met you: battled eachother untill our weapons (boops) were HARSHLY ripped away from our bloody hands (april fools ended 😔)
Why I follow you: always fun reblogs, your profile is enrichment for my tiny brain. Love having you show up in my tags
Your blog is: atlantis, for some reason my brain has connected you to a underwater city, so your blog is now too. Its full of life from marine animals and the buildings still look as new except for the plants that now grown on them.
Your URL is: weatherelectric. Youre nicknamed thunder in my brain. Weather + electricity = lighting. And thunder follows. Listen it made sense in my brain
Your icon is: i am not entirety sure tbh, i know it says "rejoice" with some kind of eye on the background. It always looks like youre peeking around a corner in my notifications
A random fact I know about you: for some reason you think i would win in a fight. Agrees wwdits werewolfs suck ass and vampires are much better.
General opinion: fun goober, love seeing your tags show up in my notifications. Gives me something to read and interactions yippeeee. I appreciate your comments on my art, thank you<33 hope to see you pop up (even) more often
A random thought I have: honestly my brain is empty atm because of migraine meds. So have a long pause instead.....................................................................
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snwusberry · 10 months
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warning(s): language
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♧ beomgyu's point of view ♧
okay this isn't that bad, he's playing a prank on me like he usually does. haha.
"what do you mean he lost the ring?" i calmly ask jongho who just shrugs.
"okay before you kill me it wasn't my intention in the slightest bit."
"what the fuck were you intending on doing with it anyway?"
"let me explain."
"i'm waiting..."
"so basically..."
♧ san's point of view ♧
ohh this is nice.. all the fancy lights, the music, the sealed business deal. i'm feeling lucky tonight.
well there's only one logical thing to do.
"hey, count me in." i say to a random man who's dealing out cards and i sit with them, a glass of whiskey in hand.
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not only am i feeling lucky, i literally am considering i've won 4 consecutive games and one thing about me? i work in multiples of five so i have to go for another round right?
my veins are pumping with adrenaline... or is it the alcohol? either way, i'm more than excited for the next round.
"so what you betting pretty boy?" a man with a cigar hanging off his lips that are loosely keeping it in place asks me.
i look at everything on the table and right in front of me. someone's watch, loads of cash, it's all just luxury. i just need this one last game before i leave so i reach into the pocket of my blazer that's hanging off the back of the chair i'm sitting on and retrieve a box. the box that my dearest brother trusted me to pick up for him on my trip here.
i've already won my other 4 rounds so i'm pretty confident in opening the box and taking the gorgeous ring out, holding it in front of everyone.
"a 4 carat diamond ring. let's go."
we're dealt our cards and i slowly feel my confidence slip but i can definitely turn this around.
"YOU GAMBLED AWAY THE RING??!?!!!?" beomgyu yells.
yeah i couldn't turn it around.
okay he sounds pissed but he can't be that pissed right?
"lower your voice a little, mom might hear." i try to reason, sheepishly smiling a him.
"let her hear. i was gonna propose today you know. like in the next couple of hours, I ALREADY MADE PLANS!"
"what's the yelling about?" yeonjun asks, running in, his shirt wet in one side and a white cloth in his hand.
yeah no. fatherhood looks so rough on him, i'm not even gonna lie. i will pass on that.
"ask your brother." beomgyu tells him, staring daggers into my head. i can even feel them.
"i may or may not have lost the ring-"
"you gambled it away." beomgyu interjects , emphasizing the word gamble.
"talk about everything going to plan." soobin comments in the corner but at this point he seems puzzled and doesn't even know what to do so he just walks out.
"san what the fuck??" yeonjun asks, clearly mad too and i don't even blame him.
"look it's not like i'm too happy with myself right now either."
should i even talk to him? should i give him space? all i know is i need to profusely apologize.
"shit miyoung is home." jongho, who has been quiet tge entire time finally says, standing up and leaving the room we've all decided congregate in.
"fuck hayoon is home." yeonjun says, bolting out of the room too.
"get married they say." soobin said sarcastically and i look back at him.
"bad timing?"
"the worst."
beomgyu walks upstairs without another word leaving soobin and i alone in the living room.
"yeah i'm fucked." i say and soobin nods a little too enthusiastically.
"where is everyone?" miyoung asks and i walk out to greet her and there stands hayoon who's talking to yeonjun and kaya looking around.
i need to HIDE from her asap.
"hi san."
"kaya. how've you been?" i ask her, smiling a little too widely at her.
"i've been good. uhh... is gyu home?"
shoot me. throw me off a bridge. literally ANYTHING.
"he's probably in his room."
"thanks." she runs up the stairs and i'm left feeling horrible.
"you good there san?" hayoon asks, now with minji in her arms while yeonjun fixes up her blanket.
"that's a good question." jongho comments earning a nudge from soobin.
"i'm good. i just... yeah."
♧ kaya's point of view ♧
i jog up the stairs with my shopping bag in hand and make my way to beomgyu's room.
"knock knock."
i peak in and she the man sitting on the bed with his back resting on the headboard. he's looking up at the ceiling with his eyes closed.
is he asleep?
i walk in, closing the door behind me and tip toe to his side of the bed, waving my hand in front of his face.
he opens his eyes, moving them to where i'm standing but he doesn't react.
okay rude...
"okay if you want me to like... leave, just say." he just blinks, closing his eyes again.
okay he's acting weird so i just walk back out and downstairs where hayoon is cooing a crying minji, trying to feed her and soobin is in the living room, watching tv.
"did something happen while we were out? beomgyu is acting weird."
soobin chokes and starts coughing, hitting his chest a little too hard. man why is everyone acting weird.
"yaya, can you quick hold minji? i gotta take this. thank you." she hands me the crying baby and her bottle before i can even react and runs off.
i frown looking at minji, her arms flailing around as she cried loudly.
i put the bottle to her lips and she starts drinking, wide eyes darting around.
"you also feel the weird energy?" i ask her while she quietly drinks from her bottle? "first christmas is gonna be dramatic, i can tell you that much. uncle san is always the life of the party. you know, last year when your grandparents were asleep he went to the convenience store to buy some things to make punch for christmas but we ended up drinking it all and got so wasted."
i look down at the baby to see her eyes closed her breathing steady as she lets out the cutest sounds.
"damn, is my story that boring minnie?" i smile at her, keeping her in my arms in case she's not fast asleep and wakes up the moment i put her in her crib. she's got tendencies.
i feel a presence behind me and i turn to see beomgyu standing there awkwardly.
"and you?"
he makes his way to me, hugging me from behind resting his chin on my shoulder.
"you look so good holding a baby." he whispers in my ear.
"woah now... don't get any ideas."
"i'm not. you know i don't want kids either just stating my observations..."
i hum as we sway side to side together while i hold the sleeping baby.
"i'm sorry for how i acted earlier." he says softly.
"it's okay i guess. i just don't like being ignored."
"i'm sorry."
"it's fine, just tell me what's bothering you, okay? you know i'm always here." i tell him reassuringly and he nods. "now... about our date? are we still going?"
"mhmm. feels like it's been forever since we went to that boardwalk."
my eyes light up like an alcoholic being given a free drink.
"i got the perfect outfit."
"go get ready first, i'll take care of minji, alright?"
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sonicasura · 2 months
Powerful punches and Mighty Kicks
When dealing with Ultra Beasts, you have to be careful about pissing them off. Being extremely powerful creatures from different worlds, they are not to be triffled with, as these are same creatures that went toe to toe with Alola's Island Guardians.
Though all this was completely unkown to the Kaijuverse residents and Gen Narumi was about to experience that first hand, the power of an Ultra Beast.
Yoyogi Park, Shibuya City, Tokyo
It was the middle of the night in Shibuya and many had already retired for the night, save for the few that had too work the graveyard shift. It was quite around the city and the many building illuminated the night. The quiteness was broken however, by the crackling a Ultra Wormhole splitting the very air apart and in a quick flash of light the Ultra Wormhole dissappeared and in it's place stood 2 very odd creatures. One was tall, lithe figure, heavily reseambling a stick bug of sorts, there body a pure white with a bit of yellow hear and there, along with 2 long antennas that almost reached the ground, this is the Ultra Beast Pheromosa. Another figure stood beside Pheromosa and was in many ways the Ultra Beasts Counterpart, a huge mosquito like bug, that was incredibly muscular. Having a glowing blood red body, a stinger nose/mouth, and for bug like legs too walk on, this is the Ultra Beast Buzzwole.
Now what were they doing in this world?
Pheromosa: So this is the world little firefly went too. Hmm not bad a bad world though, seems quite interesting.
Buzzwole: Seems quite interesting, maybe there's some worth while oppenents here. Well that's for later I need to find young Beetle and Incineroar, after all those 2 are my rivals!!!
Pheromosa: Yes and I still want that rematch with Blaziken and it's been far too long since we've seen them. I wonder if little firefly will let us stay with them.
Buzzwole: HAHAHA!!! Of course they will young Beetle is quite the special little human, I am positive that we will be by there side if we just ask. Life is always exciting when there around.
Pheromosa: Yes you are right * looks around* though is little firefly even around here I don't see or smell them anywhere?
The place the 2 Ultra Beasts found themselves was a park square with a water fountain in the center.
Pheromosa: I pretty sure we may be off target from little firefly's place, Buzzwole did you mess up were the Ultra Wormhole was supposed to show-!!!!!
Pheromosa antenna's picked up a disturbance and quickly moved to the side to dodge an incoming bullet.
Narumi: Hmmm? A miss?! Must be off my game today...
Pheromosa and Buzzwole quickly turned around to meet there attacker. A strange human who looked to be in there early twenties, dawning a strange suit, two toned hair, and a giant bayonet which was currently smokeing from the fried shoot just mere seconds ago.
Unfortunately Narumi didn't know that they were talkin' to him and just heard the angry cry of it's name.
Narumi: Tch! What an annoying sound, I will finish this quickly so I can get back to my PS5, I was so close too Diamond Rank in my fighting game.
Quickly taking a stance, Narumi activated more of suits combat power.
Narumi: Command come in, this is Captain Narumi, I am begining extermination of 2 insectoid Kaiju types.
Pheromosa: Hmph Rude and arrogant, such an ugly combination, it seems you need to be taken down a notch. Buzzwole stay here I will deal with this brat.
Narumi took the first move lungeing forward with great speed ready too slice the Kaiju in 2 with one move. So it came as a great shock when Pheromosa swiftly dodged to the side and delieverd a devasting quick to the abdomen sending Narumi flying through the park.
Pheromosa: He talked with such grandiose confidence and yet a single quick was all it took * Antenna's start acting up again* Hmm? Or maybe not.
Narumi quickly jumped back into the fray, looking no worse for wear, though his hair had been messed up and now had some leaves and branchs poking out of it.
Narumi: What the Hell?! It picked up speed right on the spot, is this kaiju more powerful than I originally thought?! Tch, you got the better of be once, but that's all you will be get-OOOFFFF!
Once again Narumi got sent flying into the park, this time by Buzzwole ( Narumi was way too focused on Pheromosa) who delievered a devasting punch to Narumi's face.
Buzzwole: You call my voice annoying, yet yours is 10 times worse and to add salt to it you just keep on yapping.
Pheromosa: * Walks up to Buzzwole side* I had that situation all under control you know.
Buzzwole: Oh I know, but I couldn't let you take all the fun for yourself.
Before another reply could be made, Narumi once again made his way to the square.
Narumi: THAT'S IT!!! NOW YOU PISSED ME OFF!!! Time to end this right now!!!
Narumi focused and soon his eyes changed to reflect his No. Weapon No. 1 the ability of foresight.
Narumi: I'm ending this hear and now!
Narumi darted foward this time aiming for Buzzwole who was simply going to grab the bayonet and toss it away, however seemingly anticipating this move Narumi swiftly moved to Buzzwole's side at the last second ready to slash, when Pheromosa intercepted the blade and pushed Narumi back.
Both of the Ultra Beasts starred at each other realizing that this fight just got serious and prepared there own stances for the fight.
Narumi's atrack were fast and strong, they easily could wipe out any Kaiju instantly, that compunded with his No. Weapon made him aforce to be reckoned with.
Though there was a couple issue with the No. Weapon. The weapon could only read movements that yhe electrical impluses sent. The weapon could only tell that a punch was being thrown, not that, that punch was going to be a thunder punch, or that kick was going to be an Triple Axel. Not only that it couldn't read what the mind was thinking, leaving Narumi in the dark of what the 2 Ultra Beasts were planning, last was probably the worst, Narumi could tell a quick was coming however
Narumi: GAAAHHHH!!!
Reacting in time to dodge said attack was easier said than done.
While fighting Buzzwole was already a insainely hard task, especially considering the fact that for some reason everytime the Pokemon flexed they became stronger and tougher, along with the fact a Thunder Punch shocked Narumi whe. He blocked with the Bayonet and Buzzwole's Close Combat made him teeter on knife's edge.
Pheromosa was a nightmare incarnate for Narumi
It was already impossible to react to every kick and punch Pheromosa sent his way, but something that never happened to Narumi before when using No. 1's weapon was his mind being overclocked. There was just some many signals being sent through this strange Kaiju's mind, when he read a signal for a right hook, 50 other signals were already sent through Pheromosa's mind, by the time he registered the 1.
It gave him a feeling he hadn't felt in a long time.
It was such a horrid thing for Narumi, eventually the signals became too much for his mind too handle and for his own safety turned off No.1's Weapon.
The fight didn't go on for much longer, losing the one thing that gave him any hope of victory, was the finishing blow to this fight. A punch from Buzzwole nearly shattered the Bayonet and sent him flying, this wa followed by Pheromosa using Electroweb to ensnare Narumi briefly immblozing him.
Narumi gritted his teeth and struggled, fearing that his life was at an end, killed in the dead of night on what was supposed to be a routine patrol.
Though as he looked over too the Kaiju. They didn't go over and try too kill him, instead once they made sure he couldn't move they fled the battle and disappeared into the night. Gaining as much distance as they could before opening another Ultra Wormhole to teleport to Trainer's exact location this time
Ok listen this is very mean too Narumi and I thought about scraping this post, however I wanted to do this too show first hand the power the Pokemon have aganist the Kaijuverse Residence. Especially since they didn't have Trainer there too defuse the situation and the fact that Pheromosa and Buzzwole felt threatend and of course attacked back.
Wether this is a what-if potential encounter or not, I wanted to do something a bit different, and don't worry later on with Trainer, Pheromosa and Buzzwole will apologize.
Anyway tell me what you think and I will more than likely do another less angsty post about Pheromosa and Buzzwole first entering the Kaijuverse.
Narumi definitely didn't know what he was up against since the 3rd Division are the only ones that encountered any Pokemon at all. Luckily the Oran Berry tree already produced some fruit before this occurs so speedy recovery. Though Narumi would be a bit sour about getting help from the 3rd Division.
Alarm bells absolutely rang when not only he's taken to the hospital but explains what had happened. Okonogi is the one to discover footage of both Pokemon first appearing via Ultra Wormhole, the same type Xurkitree came from. It didn't take long to realize both had acted in self defense and seem to be looking for something.
A hunch later proven correct as footage of the two with a surprised Trainer is later found. The three definitely apologize to Narumi, twice. First being a present sent by concerned 'fans': Sitrus Berry Tarts to help speed up his recovery alongside a new game. The second is an actual apology in person after the events of Kafka Vs Isao.
Narumi accepts it but definitely wants a rematch in the future. That defeat pretty much lit a fire under him as it's been a long while since an opponent(s) pushed into the corner like this. It's gonna take a lot more to put the 1st Division Captain down.
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agsmicons · 9 months
stares at you autistcally u already KNOW who it is.
agendr greyro molly icons epithet erased ill shake yaaaa :33
Hehe yes I do! :3c
Here’s the agend gray romantic icons for you Anonn!
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I hope you like them! And as always interact and credit if using
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cloudbends · 4 months
♧<- makes me uncomfortable when the icons and emojis are big which they for some reason are when you put a single one in an ask or caption on here so i had to add something more to make it small mwah
HI HANS!! oh I get you sm I do that too. <3
You’re my: YUUKI KAMATANI MUTUAL of all time. and a wonderful artist seriously it's incredible
How I met you: probably through ferne? when I first learned about nabari and shimanami tasogare. I think when you hear about these manga it's pretty much a rite of passage to visit your blog and take in all the beautiful art.
Why I follow you: wonderful art (seriously How do you render like this HOW), nabari and other yuuki kamatani manga posting, THISTLE POSTING not enough blogs like this, and, of course, tobari kinning, accidental or otherwise.
Your blog is: a place for art inspiration. a lovely haven for us few nabari enjoyers.
Your URL is: real and true... It might have some hidden meaning I'm not familiar with but it truly is a reload error kinda life huh
Your icon is: the one and only cringefail irishman... I miss him I need to reread nabari
A random fact I know about you: you live in norway!! I've always wanted to visit norway and the fact you can just see the northern lights out of your window is insane to me. also you TEACH?? I bow before thee I don't know how you do it.
General opinion: really talented, cool and interesting person. honoured to be mutuals with tbh. I can't believe you post art so often i need to follow suit myself.
A random thought I have: I need to reblog that tiramisu post you sent me. and I should talk to you more in general I am just a bit shy hehe
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sameschmidtdiffname · 7 months
hai i have a request for a mike fic, so i was thinking of a comfort/hurt type of thing and maybe like a “i didn’t know where else to go” kind of trope where reader shows up to his house in the middle of the night distressed and he comforts her
To All I Think is Safe
Mike Schmidt x Gender Neutral! Reader
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Summery: After a family dinner gone awry, something guides you somewhere where your mind can safely wander in better memories than the ones you're making right now.
Tags: No use of Y/N, no specific pronouns for Reader, mentions of arguments, heavy disassociation, heavy nosebleeding, flashbacks, first kiss, date, fear of heights, fair date, author is fucking trying, fluff.
Notes: I think my bosses want me dead. Anyway, here's Wonderwall.
I can handle family. Who can't handle family?
The part of me knocking on the green door illuminated only by the orange streetlight a few yards away, trying to peak through one of the three window slots on the door to see if there's any sign of life inside of the modest house, praying that there is out of selfish desperation. That's who.
I hadn't called. Hadn't given notice. I'd been too caught up in the emotions of myself to do so, worried I'd be turned away if I had. The thought makes me feel ill now, my mind chastising me for such a self interested act.
For a moment I almost turn to leave, sure that no one is awake and that I've simply wasted the gas in the trip over here. But at the loud clunk of the door unlocking, I feel my heart jump and sink simultaneously as Mike peaks his head through the crack in the door, bags under his eyes and hair tossled from sleep.
"Hey," he croaked, blinking away the sleep as his tired face managed a look of surprise.
"Hey," I said softly, trying not to let my voice crack. But it does. "Is this a bad time?"
I don't know what gives my state away. Maybe it's how swollen my face is, puffy and burning from the overexposure to salt water. I can already feel the skin on my eyes balloning in a disastrously unattractive manner. Maybe it's the snot that's still on my face even after trying desperately to wipe it away, my problem being I'd run out of napkins in my car some time ago and hadn't replaced them, so I'd been resorted to just trying my best to sniff back the snot or use the arm of my jacket, which is now soaked and covered by my hand to conceal it, to wipe it away. God, it's fucking sticky and I feel gross. I don't understand why the snot won't just stop fucking flowing.
"Shit, you're bleeding," Mike says. His eyes widen as he steps forward, instantly dragging me into the house, down the hall and into the bathroom.
Oh. That's why my head hurts.
The white light is blinding and overstimulating in the small, disorganized room. One glance in the mirror and I can see the bottom half of my face is grossly smeared in the snot-blood combo running from my nose, my eyes bloodshot and more dry than a British comedy from all of the tears. I stare at myself for a moment, hardly even realizing Mike is yanking my coat off of me, stroking my hair and trying to ask me questions about what happened. I can hear his voice but the words are muffled, and even though my eyes are staring at him now, I don't know when I turned to face him or what I'm really looking at. I'm just staring at anything. My mother used to call it 'staring off into space.' It's actually a disassociation episode. The kind that can make me lose myself in other thoughts, making me distant from reality where I assume the worst of things.
I'm rational enough to know not to lean into him. If I throw myself into his arms I'll smear my shit everywhere and then he'll be grossed out and will have to play nice after I interrupted his sleep to beg for comfort that should come easily enough from my aforementioned mother, but clearly I'm adult enough now that I don't need coddling and I shouldn't have driven here and-
Am I saying this out loud? Because my mouth is moving and I'm trying to say something but I'll be honest, my head is in disarray and Mike looks worried. Me too, buddy. Me too.
My hands try to help his find a wash cloth in his closet, trying to be useful, but they're covered in snot and blood too and it's dried and horrid looking and I just feel like some sticky toddler that's wailing over nothing because that's what I'm doing, and I'm trying not to dissolve into a new wave of tears because my eyes really, really hurt and I'm gonna end up hiccuping and sobbing and I shouldn't even be here right now.
Mike's hands wrap around mine and he's trying to pull me somewhere. But he won't get out of my way, tugging me forward and blocking me like it's some game. Then I realize it's him he's trying to drag me to, and I try to push away, not wanting to get him dirty or let him fulfill some duty of pity just because he feels obligated seeing me in such a state. He's touching my hair and there's snot in that too and this is all just entirely too much, making me burst out sobbing once more as I try to hide my face in my arm, feeling all too vulnerable and alone while in a house that's not mine in any way, shape or form. But his arms feel nice around me, and he's guiding me to the bathtub and helping me lay down inside of it. When he pulls away I'm paranoid for a second that he'll turn the shower head on and wash me like a drunk, especially when he reaches for the shower handles. He presses a clean, white cloth to the spout and let's just a little bit of water out to wet the washcloth before turning the water off and coming closer to me, dabbing and wiping gently at the drying mixture on my face.
There's a long while of silence. Him carefully washing me, his touch gentle and caring as I feel the wet glumps with dried crusts fade away. The pounding in my head begins to dull to an overwhelming ache, making me shut my eyes as I softly groan. When I think he's done I dare peaking at him from under my lashes, trying to read his mind. His brows are furrowed, probably in disgust. Lips pressed together as he sits on the balls of his heels,, watching me carefully. Most likely he'll let me sleep on the couch and then kick me out in the morning. I'll be lucky if I get the "We should see other people" speech. I wouldn't blame him if my calls just couldn't connect when I get home, leaving me to wonder what could've been if I hadn't been so selfish.
I don't even know the time for fucks sake.
"I'm not crazy," I say in this broken voice that only a crazy person would have.
I don't know what's funny, but he's laughing. His hand reaches out to stroke my cheek, and he feels so warm. His callouses have this smooth texture to them. Working hands. It's the first thing I noticed when we held hands the first time. It was at some carnival thing, and Abby was with us. It was sweet under those neon lights. The rides always look so cheap, but there's something enchanting in that. It's what I focus on now as my mind finally begins to relax, allowing me the guilty pleasure of mentally slipping away into an actual memory instead of just static filling my mind and drowning everything else out unpleasantly.
"I know," Mike says softly, his thumb stroking the raw skin under my eye as he watches me with a gentle smile, one probably meant to hide his contempt. "You're okay."
The rides had these giant speakers built into them. And the workers would play songs from them, loud enough it was blaring in your ear on the ride but it was a reasonable volume when you were just walking around on the wet, overgrown and matted grass that curls around the giant cables Mike and I both had to be irritating about reminding Abby not to trip on, both of us looking down to watch for them more than looking at anything else.
"Do you wanna talk about it?" Mike asks gently. He's always so gentle. Well, not always.
"Ope, someone lost their drink," I said to Mike, pointing at a spilled lemonade on the dirt path that had been created by decades of the county fair foot-traffic.
"Five second rule," Mike said, his voice low and teasing in my ear, making me burst out laughing.
"That's fucking disgusting!" I exclaimed, looking at him incredulously. A mother passing by snapped 'hey!' At me, tugging her child harshly behind her as she glared. I blushed, covering my mouth with my hand at the outburst, which made Mike laugh just as hard as I just had.
I suppose I have to talk about it. I can't really just not show up at his doorstep in the middle of the night and not just explain myself. But my teeth feel cemented together, my throat full of glue that halts the words I could use to inform him of why I look like this. And my eyes are too tired to make contact with his. So I just melt into his hand, pressing it between my cheek and my shoulder. And he doesn't press any more.
"I always liked the rides that made me feel like I was flying," Mike said as we watched Abby spin round and round with some girl she often spent her days with. Lisa Something.
"Yeah?" I asked, turning to look at him, taking a drink from the giant lemonade that was not at all real lemonade and was instead some horrid sugar that's taking five years off of our lives mixed with whatever makes the color of the drink the same as construction workers glow-in-the-dark vests that I'm sure will have like, ten different studies on how it gives you some cardiovascular disorder from overexposure in twenty years. There's a waxy ring of chapstick around my straw, so it's easy to tell which one to drink from. Mike had gotten just the one giant drink and two straws, shoving them in with a smooth smile as he handed me the already sweaty, Pepsi branded cup to hold while we walked. I think he didn't know that I noticed the twelve year old boy who'd been five people ahead of us in line do the same thing with his date earlier, but it was a cute gesture nonetheless.
"Yeah. I don't know why, it just felt comforting. Wind fuckin' up my hair and shit," he said, hands shoved in his jean pockets as he watched the two girls, who are sticking their tongues out at us as they whirl by.
"What, like you were flying away from your problems?" I ask, genuinely guessing.
"Nah, I don't really think of it like that. Just felt like I was somewhere else for a bit. Could close my eyes and the only anxiety I felt was whether or not Genie there was gonna fucken drop me," he said, glancing at me and smirking as he points at the giant airbrushed painting of Genie from Aladdin on the side of the ride. That's definitely not licensed.
"Have you eaten?" Mike asks softly, coming a little closer to me as his other hand cups my opposite cheek. At that I shake my head, pressing my lips together.
"It was all just some giant fiasco," I said as I laughed while trying to aim my basketball for the hoop several feet in front of me. Mike's made like five goals in a row and is proudly holding a very cheap rainbow dolphin with lopsided eyes for me while he watches me struggle just to get one.
"What, your prom date?" He teased, leaning closer to my ear as I take a shot. And miss. Again. "Or this?"
I turned to him, glaring and trying to suppress my amused smile.
"The date was fine, my hair was horrid," I said, turning away from the man working the booth who was trying to convince me to try again.
"I always like your hair," Mike says softly, one hand stroking my hair as he presses his forehead against mine. God, why won't he just tear into me already? The anticipation is fucking killing me.
I open my mouth to respond, but I just hiccup instead. At that he gently helps me up, guiding me out of the bathroom and leading me into the kitchen where he promises a leftover bowl of chicken noodle soup has my name written all over it in the fridge.
There's a thousand insecure questions I want to ask right now. Does he hate me? Will he hate me? Is this just a prelude to an awful breakup? But instead I just cling to my thoughts quietly, not wanting an answer to anything. Reality fading in and out of focus.
The kitchen is quiet as he moves about, dishing out the leftovers and putting them in the cheap, stained microwave he'd had to buy when Abby blew up the last one with a pitiful attempt at making her own rice Krispy treats. He leans against the counter as we wait for the rattling machine to finish, neither of us really saying anything as my leg bounces wildly in anxiety.
"Are you okay?" Mike asks softly after a moment, tilting his head. His arms are crossed in front of him, which is normal for Mike but it still makes me on edge.
I try again to speak, but I can't. It feels like I'll just blow up again if I do. So I just shrug instead, not wanting to talk about the lengthy screaming match I'd managed to find myself in earlier that night.
The microwave beeps loudly, causing us both to start, Mike pulling the door open quickly to shut it up and take out the now hot bowl, hissing under his breath at himself for not grabbing a towel as he quickly moves to set it down in front of me. If I'd been in a better state I would've laughed at the admittedly comical sight, but I felt like I'd done enough at his expense for one night.
Once situated, there's long while of silence. No other noise except for my spoon clinking against my bowl as I eat quietly, Mike watching me across the glass table as he takes a few drinks from his clear glass of water, head on his large hand. A clock ticks in the other room, the hour later than I'd wanted to be when I showed up unannounced.
"I'm sorry," I finally say in a soft voice, my spoon scraping soundlessly against the maroon bowl. "I just didn't know where else to go."
He smiles softly at that, his hand reaching across the table for mine. The touch meant to be comforting instead sends me back into my thoughts, my body stiffening as my mind tries to distract me from my anxiety and doubt.
Our hands had been brushing against each other for hours as we'd walked. Both of us were too nervous to take the others, which is a bit silly since we were grown adults. But really we hadn't had any serious discussions yet. We were still in the dinners and texting phase, dancing around any serious 'what is this' talks until we felt like we would both have similar answers ready for any questions. The night had settled in solidly now, the fairgrounds only alive by the bright lights of the rides.
The grazing, however, had come to an end when the ferris wheel started clicking towards what felt like my untimely demise.
I fucking hate ferris wheels, fun fact.
I don't think Mike particularly likes them either, based off of how stiff his body was next to mine, his eyes trained dead ahead, his jaw clenched. I think he might break a tooth. Or maybe I'm projecting.
Abby and Lisa had been insistent on riding it, and had been even more insistent that Mike and I needed to ride something with them before the night was over. And even though we both looked at the thing with a pit in our stomach, neither of us felt ridiculous about being grown adults on that ride as opposed to all the others flooded with teens and kids dodging in and out, stomping in puddles of who knows what on their way to the next ride. So we gritted our teeth, handed over our tickets and got into the cart right behind Abby and Lisa, who wouldn't stop looking back at us with amused eyes, whispering into each other's each as they covered their mouths.
"My dad worked as a carnie," I blurted out as we hung mid air, halfway up the ride while they still loaded people in. "These things are fucken sturdy."
Mike didn't look at me. Or at least he didn't turn his head. I didn't either. His silence makes my anxiety a bit worse, wondering if my random fact had somehow irritated him, or if there was something I was supposed to do that I wasn't picking up on.
"... I'm gonna die to Creed," he finally said between his gritted teeth.
My brows furrow for a moment before I realize what song is playing, and then I'm laughing. Maybe a little too much, but that's the anxiety. Abby and Lisa are darting their heads around to look down at us, trying to see what's set me off, and Creed's taking One Last Breath on the blaring radio somewhere around us as they have been for the past however many months with the top song.
"I'm never gonna escape this, they play this way too much at work," I laughed. And he started laughing too, both of us white knuckled as we gripped the bar in front of us. Then we move up again, and the cart is slightly rocking, making me feel ill.
"That's okay," Mike says softly, his thumb trailing across my knuckles as I stare down at our hands. "I was missing you, anyways."
I look up at him, trying to read his expression, my head still trying to balance my focuses. There's concern in his eyes, obvious as he realizes how awful this particular episode is.
Abby is yelling something at us, but my head is buzzing with too much anxiety to hear her.
"Go away!" Mike yells back at her, waving his hand in irritation, then stopping as he realizes he's rocking the cart. He looked back at me anxiously, trying to smile. It just looked like he'd been shot instead. "Sisters," he said shyly.
"What's she saying?" I asked him, leaning closer to hear him better over the heavy guitar.
"Nothing," he insisted. "She's just being twelve."
I go to look up, only to feel his hand on top of mine, warm and strong as he grips it a little too hard for the first time, but I think that's out of anxiety too. No matter what, the first move makes me more dizzy.
"Your dad worked fairs?" He asked anxiously, obviously trying to change the subject.
"I should've called first," I say softly, leaning onto the table and pushing the empty bowl away from me as I lay on top of my arm.
"It's okay," he reminds me in a soft voice, rising from his chair while still holding my hand. "You're home now."
"Well, I'm at your home now," I hiccup into my arm. His arms wrap around me, guiding me up and into his warm embrace that I'd been longing for for what felt like hours.
"I thought you said you liked flying!" I laughed, terrified.
"Flying! This is sitting still while dangling above death!" Mike clarified. The carts began clicking again, and we now had an easier view of the two girls in front of us, making him gasp and yell out Abby's full name in scolding.
I see why he didn't want me to look up. Abby and Lisa are miming a make-out session while they giggle obnoxiously.
"Oh my God, I'm gonna fucking ground her," he groaned, covering his forehead with his other hand. His face is completely red, his body so stiff it feels like I could break off his arm with barely any pressure, and my own heart is slamming so hard against my chest I think it's visible.
One more click and we'll be at the top. Great.
He's looking down at me, I think he's trying to get me to refocus but I just can't. I've done my duties for the night, and now I'm stuck in this emotional pit of hatred and numbness as my mind tries to remind me of a better time that just makes me feel worse because Mike is speaking again and I just can't hear him.
"She's being a wingman. Really, she's just spotting a good opportunity," I rambled in Abby's defense. Mike glanced at me, then at the tweens in front of us.
"Yeah?" He asked, his voice nerve wracked.
"Oh yeah. Every little sister does it. I mean, it's partially based in torture, but overall she's trying to help," I said quickly, my breath shortening.
"Are you okay?" He asked, looking just as pale as me.
"I fucking hate heights, please distract me," I pleaded quickly, only to immediately feel his teeth click loudly against mine as he kissed me, his lips sweet with sugar and hands nearly breaking mine from his tight grip, Abby and Lisa whooping obnoxiously in front of us as we freeze in the moment. It's clumsy, certainly. And it's obvious on both ends how long it's been since either of us have done this. But it's an effective method, my mind beginning to refocus on the taste of the borderline awful lemonade fresh on his breath, his shaking hand moving from the bar to cup my cheek cold from the wind. My eyes widen in surprise, the music swelling around us and the lights somehow brighter as we rock above the rest of the fair in the squeaking booth.
When he pulls away, there's a soft smile on his face, his tongue quickly darting out to taste his own lips.
"... I like your chapstick," he said shyly, neither of us focused on the fact that we're now moving steadily in the ride, fully tuned in to the other.
"Thanks," I said softly, cheeks burning against his touch. "Strawberry."
There's a long second of nothing, and I'm vaguely aware of Abby and Lisa screaming "Can You Feel the Love Tonight?" And someone is trying to shush them. I know it's not Mike because he's staring at me like an idiot. Completely satisfied and dramatically more calm as he leans in for another kiss, this time pulling me fully into his embrace.
"You're home," Mike repeats against my lips, then moving to trail along my cheeks, his hands carefully cupping my face once more as his touch grounds me back in reality. "I'll be here when your mind gets back."
As my own hands graze along his soft, cotton shirt, I feel my pulse begin to relax. Doubt beginning to creep away as his lips trail along my jaw, slowly working to my neck. It's not a demanding touch. It's just comfort. And he'll keep doing this until I return to him like I always do, and then he'll keep doing it until we both fall asleep in a tight embrace under a dozen blankets, half of which will be gone by morning as we wake in a pool of sweat across the bed from each other, only to seek the other out again in wakefulness. And there will be answers for his questions, and I'll be fine.
I'm home now.
I FINALLY FUCKING PUBLISHED SOMETHING. HOLY FUCK I'M OVERWORKED. (Fun fact, this was fucking hard because I was actively disassociating while writing the whole thing. Reader just like me frfr)
@cassiecasluciluce @gh0u1ishly @joshhutchersons-slut @schmidtsbimbo @sugarevans @wompwompwomp57 @jhutchissupercool. Thank you for your support pookies!!! <3
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♧ DANGANRONPA: Severe, Silencé, Salem | SalemRonpa ♤ [ Danganronpa x Town of Salem ]
All we see are vines hanging on the wall, the lightings are broken...but it seemed that someone is using this plot.
Elliot (LO): "This is useless. Just old sh*t."
Oliver (inv): "You be on the *lookout*, then!"
Elliot (LO): "VERY F*CKIN' FUNNY."
Shiloh (sher): "I suggest we look around, look for an escape. Maybe other people, as well?" I looked at Ada, she looks very silent after the Potion Master has said her full name. Childhood trauma? She was crossing her armsz uncomfortable.
Oliver (inv): "Well then! There might be other people who are tryna to oppose us. Maybe, maybe not!"
Elliot (LO): "I'm starting to dislike you, really."
Oliver (inv): "Hah! Just because your jealous?~" His tone started to be playful, while Elliot is angry...
Oliver (inv): "You look so cute when your angry! What' the matter? I'm tryin' to compliment you!" Boys, they never change.
Elliot (LO): "You are SO dead—"
???: "The hell is the noise around here?" A random stranger turned and peaked around the conor, where we are standing— besides the classroom. "Y'know, it ain't safe too hang around here."
Oliver (inv): "I see, I see! Newcomers!"
???: "You can...say that." There, that's a four-persons group.
Shiloh (sher): "You must be stuck here, too. I assume you also don't remember how exactly why you got here?"
???: "Neither. Only my name and my lads here." I guess they both know each other, even since from the start?
Elliot (LO): "You a band or somethin'?"
???: "No. Just a very infamous group here. We...*kill* evil-doers and criminals based off our occupations. Secret or not, we here are like...hitmen."
???: "I ain't a man here."
???: "...And hitwoman." I see. An infamous group who kills criminals and evil-doers based off their occupations. In Murder mystery games, they make the Sheriff that owns a gun... I DON'T HYSTORICALLY OWN A GUN.
Oliver (inv): "Interesting! What are your names, you guys?!" His eyes were sparkling in interest.
???: "William Thatcher. The Jailor...it seems a weird occupaton, but I don't care. I'm the leader in this group, and will always take whatever death will provide them!" He looks half as a leader.
???: "...Luke Wilson. I'm known as the youngest soilder during my time. Now? I'm a..war veteran. Is somebody here or is it just us?" He chuckled nervously.
Elliot (LO): "Paranoria soilder..." [muttered]
Luke (vet): "...No thanks..." He looks p
Elliot (LO): "Vampires don't exists. Are you a child or some sh!t..?"
Williow (VH): "No, but I do recall b*tches like you exists in my photo that was NEVER PRINTED!"
Elliot (LO): "DEAD. NOW."
Williow (VH): "AHA!"
William (jail): "Stop this nonsense, if your gonna fight, go outside."
Elliot (LO): "...Lucky." I chuckled a little. As I notice, I see a person who hasn't introduce to himself— he was in William's back.
Shiloh (sher): "I suppose that's the last member in your group? The one...behind you?"
William (jail): "Ah, yea. Sorry for him, he doesn't like meeting new people."
Shiloh (sher): "I— I see."
William (jail): "This is...Evan. Evan Edwards. He is known to be he Heroic, justice-formed— The Vigilante." Wait, that's...
Elliot (LO): "Wasn't he in jail for threatning and beating up jaywalkers, gangsters, and tresspassers without legal authorities? Like, what the absolute f*ck? He's a *monster* to bad guys and good guys! HE CAN'T BE THAT SOFT!"
William (jail): "Amnesia. It's because of amnesia. Right, Ev—" He...dissappeared.
Williow (VH): "He dissapears occasionly whenever he's scaeed or embarrased. Yea, don't mind him at all."
Shiloh (sher): "If he was jailed, did you pay for that dept?"
William (jail): "Hell yea, I did. After that...it's personal. Anyways, you should tell your names."
Shiloh (sher): "Ah, yea. Name's Shiloh Lopézz the Sheriff in my town."
Luke (vet): "Despite your position, you don't look like the sheriff I picture. Just a ordinary western outfit. Y'know what, I respect that."
Oliver (inv): "Aha— uhh...what were we talkin' about?"
Elliot (LO): "Introductions, a*s-hole. Were you daydreamin'?"
William (jail): "You already said your name."
Oliver (inv): "THEN WHAT IS MY NAME HUH??"
William (jail): "...Oliver Rodrigo, isn't it?"
Oliver (inv): "Huh...then you must've followed me in Instagram..." (skull)
William (jail): "Does he live in the ci—"
Elliot (LO): "Right, right. I'm Elliot Adler, the Lookout. Look, I may know I don't exactly look like a lookout, so I clearly look like a f*ckin' civillian too you."
Ada (psy): "I'm... Ada Adkins and all..."
Oliver (inv): "She's our psychic with a long staff and this mas who snitches emotions too her!"
Williow (VH): "I suggest you should not explain the things untill she's comfortable."
Ada (psy): "It's...fine." She softly sigh. The mask told us she's rather exhausted.
William (jail): "Right. I'll be heading and look wherever Evan is. Luke? Williow?"
Luke (vet): "Yea, right. I'll catch up on you, invetigative related people!"
Williow (VH): "Yea. Cya."
Shiloh (sher): "I hoe you find wherever Evan is at." Their personality is actually chill, despite them being officer related people. No wonder why they are quite infamous...
Elliot (LO): "Let' explore the whole f*ckin' campus and see what we can find, yea?"
Ada (psy): "I— HEY! AIT FOR ME IDIOTS!" Itt' funny too see them finally developong a platonic relationship, but...despite their personality, their issues— And...Evan...he didn't talked much. I looked around before I run with them, seeing...him behind my back, peaking against the conor.
Evan (vigi): "...I'm *sorry*." He's sorry? For what? As I blink, HE WASN'T THERE. A hallucination, perhaps.
Shiloh (sher): "RIGHT, I'LL BE THERE!" There is a question behind them...
What are they exactly called and do they have a dark history behind?
lol haha group go brr— anywaysz this is very long so hope you enjoyed aaaa
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sillytaetime · 2 years
Seventeen reaction: Forgetting a date.
I'm going to start doing reactions by unit/hyung and maknae lines. Since I can only put 10 gifs on a post it's easier that way
Vocal | hip hop | performance
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This dude, he got too busy at practice. He was the last one to leave. Like, he started getting his sweaty clothes and putting them into his bag, throwing a shirt on and as he was about to leave, you came storming in.
"What the hell seungcheol?!?" "Oh shit."
"I'm so sorry babe, ill make it up to you."
"Yeah? How? We've already missed our reservation."
"I'll have Mingyu make us dinner at the dorm and we can watch your favorite movie and cuddle."
You happily agreed and held his hand, walking towards the dorms. Even with cheol forgetting your date, it was still an amazing evening because you got to be with him and spend time with him which is what you wanted.
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He didn't forget about the date you guys had planned, he just forgot to cancel. He was in a meeting with pledis and when they told him he needed to work late, he told himself he was going to text you after the meeting but it slipped his mind when everyone started practicing.
"Oh hey babe!"
"Wonu. Where are you?"
"Oh shoot. Babe, I'm so sorry I forgot to let you know I needed to cancel. I had to stay late at work?" "Are you still there?" "Yeah..."
"I'm on my way."
Wonu totally didn't mean to not tell you about work, it slipped his mind, but once you arrived at the hybe building, you guys danced and sang like crazy people. Having fun and spending your date night differently tha planned.
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Walks into the dorm late at night, the members are all asleep. There's one light left on for him since they knew he'd be back late. He walks into his room to find you curled up on his bed. He changed into a pair of shorts to sleep in, he doesn't even bother with a shirt because he knows he'll wake up without one anyway.
"Hey baby... I'm so sorry I missed our date."
"It's ok, your here with me now."
He would feel bad, but the fact that you weren't mad at him made it better. After all, time spent with each other is rare even if you're sleeping.
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Vernon's another one who knows he forgets things easily so he'd set a reminder. However, he figured he should remember so he only set it for 5 minutes before the date was supposed to start.
"Oh my God. How am I supposed to shower and be ready for a date in 5 minute?!?"
He would shoot you a quick text saying he'll be running a few minutes late and apologize profusely even when you say it's ok. At least he showed up🤷🏼‍♀️
Svt masterlist
I hope you enjoyed this, if you enjoyed this, please like and follow me? It would mean a lot.
Requests are always welcome!
Have a good day/night everyone!
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kawaiiindian · 2 years
Happy Birthday to my little Butter cube!!! (◍•ᴗ•◍)✧*。
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Baby you light up my world like nobody else 🥺🥺 !!!
In honor of Juuzou, I'm gonaa write an one shot on him.
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~♧ Dream come true ♧~
* Warning! ~ gore, blood.
* Notes ~ I honestly don't know what the fuck I wrote (-_-) , It's just a random idea. Also, avoid the pronouns if you want to.
"It's over, it's over... I don't want to live anymore... I- I am done with this family, these people around me, I hate them all... I am done with this life...", y/n said while crying in her room alone.
Everyone around y/n seemed to hate her or ignore her, even when her family consisted of many members, yet she felt like an orphan. Y/n's parents often compared her with her siblings, cousins and neighborhood kids, which made her feel like a trash and talking about her academic relations, they mostly bullied her. She felt like running far away from this reality. She wanted to kill herself but the only thing that was holding her back till now was her comfort character, Juuzou Suzuya.
Yes, a fictional character was keeping her alive till now because Y/n felt safe when she thought about him, she felt loved, she felt like living a bit more. She used to hug her body pillow and think it was him to make herself feel comfortable, whenever she felt sad and got those nasty suicidal thoughts. But this time things had went way too far that even her comfort character couldn't help her. Y/n felt like if she died everyone around her would be happy and the world wouldn't even cry for her death cause most of the time she used to hear 'You are worthless', 'No one would care if you would die', 'Wish you died the time you took birth', 'You are a disappointment'.
Y/n was tired of hearing all those words, she was tired of living this life. She wanted to end it all.
She took out a sharp blade from her drawer and slashed a deep cut on her wrist, it had already started bleeding and she felt a bit dizzy. Y/n dragged herself till the bed and then laid herself on the bed. She held her body pillow near her chest, "At least... you are here with me... You always made me feel happy... Thanks for everything...", her eyes started to close down, slowly and slowly.
Y/n didn't had any idea of time, when she opened her eyes she found herself lost in dark. Nothing around her was visible, it's just a dark place. After taking a few steps, no difference was felt so she started running as far as she could. After running for, which felt like a few meters or maybe a kilometer, she suddenly saw a bright light. She was trying to reach it but the darkness was pulling her but she didn't gave up, she kept running and running and finally she reached the light.
The light was burning her eyes, so she closed her eyes. When finally her eyes settled with that bright light she slowly opened her eyes, what her eyes saw was a huge city with crowds all around her, am I not supposed to be dead?, she thought. She then looked at herself and saw herself wearing the same clothes she was wearing during the time she commited suicide, then she looked at her wrist and saw that all the scars she had given to herself had vanished, "what is happening?! I remember giving myself a deep cut...".
Y/n then started looking around and all the people she saw around looked different from from, so she decided to go to a nearby store to find out where she exactly was. She then reached to a nearby restaurant, she saw people calmly eating their food. She entered the restaurant and not even a single person seemed to notice her. Y/n sat on a chair which was placed right in front of the food counter, hoping someone would ask about her whereabouts but after waiting for a couple of moments no one came to her, so she decided to approach one of the people near her, "Umm... Excuse me, could you please tell me which place is this?", no response, "Hello! I'm talking to you...", annoyed by the fact that everyone seemed to not notice you, she decided to touch the person she was talking to.
When she laid her hand on that person's body, her hand just passed through their body, this shocked her, "What the hell?! Am I even alive??", she immediately ran outside the store and stood in the middle of the road where cars were passing, a car came approaching towards her, and she closed her eyes but nothing happened. Once again, the car passed through her, "The fuck is happening with me!!", things started to worry her now, Y/n definitely discovered the fact that people neither can see her nor hear her and apparently people and things are passing through your body.
She was roaming around this unknown city cluelessly, not know what to do, where to go and how to get out of here.
"Is this supposed to be afterlife? If yes, then why am I in a city and not in hell and how the hell I even reached here...", y/n said while being disappointed on herself.
What caught y/n's eyes was the time, it was passing in a strange way, like a few moments ago it was morning, and now it is afternoon and soon it is going to be evening, she don't have a clue how the time is running so fast. After walking for a few more steps, y/n reached on a place which seemed like a train station, y/n sat on a bench nearby and thinking about all the things that happened to her today, "So like... I tried to kill myself, and then I got lost in this city and apparently I'm an invisible human... Wow! And I don't even have an idea if I'm alive or dead...", while y/n was talking to herself, she noticed a middle-aged man sit right beside her.
The man was looking like a homeless person and when y/n checked the man she saw that the man was holding something, and he then proceeded to eat it, while the man was eating she looked away and after a couple of moments something came rolling beside her, "Oh no my food!", the man said. Y/n then looked at the food and it was nothing but a human eye. Y/n was traumatized to see this, she looked at the man and the man's eye was having a texture of dark black and red in the middle, "A-a GHOUL??? Is that even a real thing!! GOD!!! what is this I am seeing!", she ran away from the man and hid behind the nearest pole though she knew she was invincible.
After witnessing that sight, y/n saw that a train has arrived at the station. The train was way too vacant, a women came out from the train and she seemed to be pregnant and she was alone too.
Y/n's POV~
"OH NO!! FUCK! He will eat her up!! What am I supposed to do now?? How can I help the woman!!", I was too afraid to witness the situation, so I looked away. I was silently praying that someone would help that women. By now I already heard a few screams of that women, Those people were right who said I'm useless... I-I don't even have the guts to save the women, then I tried to look at the situation and what I saw was the woman was lying on the ground and was dragging herself while her lower part of legs were bleeding severely and there was a huge blade like thing on that man's arm, "Is that- that supposed to be a kagune?! How are these things even real?? What kind of reality is this...".
While I was cursing myself, I heard a sweet voice, "Good evening~ oh my my what do we have here~". I somehow recognized that voice but can't remember whose voice that is exactly of, "I know this voice... I know this voice...", while I was blabbering to myself I looked at the drastic scene and saw that, now the man was lying down and the pregnant woman was sitting nearby and she was looking very terrified. My sight then went towards the person who saved the pregnant woman.
The person seemed to be slim and had an androgynous appearance and was having white hair, I couldn't see much of that person because their back was facing in my direction, "Now who is this supposed to be...", then my sight went towards the weapon the person was holding, it appeared to be a scythe.
"Ma'am could you please mind looking away? I am sure a women who is carrying a child in her womb won't like this scene~", as soon as the women looked away the person with white hair slashed that homeless looking man's body into two half, "Hehe~ it's fun to kill ghouls like you~".
"Is this... no no this is not him... it can't be!... It-it's impossible...", I don't know why but this person seemed to be that fictional character which I admire the most. Then the white haired person looked at my direction and our eyes met, my eyes couldn't believe this reality, "You...", my eyes welled up, the figures behind him was just vanishing into the air. I didn't knew about what should I panic, whether the fact that the pregnant women and the ghoul was vanishing into the air or the fact that my comfort character, Juuzou Suzuya, was standing right in front of me. I fell on the ground on my knees while my eyes was fixed on his angelic face and my tears was rolling down my eyes.
"What happened? You can't recognize me?", he asked me.
"You...YOU CAN SEE ME???", I asked.
"Of course I can see you silly~", he said while giving a sweet smile, "But, why are you crying?", he asked me while tilting his head a bit.
My hands were shaking while I tried to touch him, "You... you are re-", he immediately came closer to me and lowered himself to my height and hugged me. At that moments it felt too hard to control my tears, my head was resting on his chest and he was gently caressing my hair.
"No, I'm not real... I am just your imagination and today I'm here to save you~".
I hugged him back and started crying on his chest, "Then... then how can we touch each other?!".
"Well, because it's your soul which I am talking to.", he then stood up and offered me his hand to me, "Come with me, you don't have to worry about anything! You are safe with me~", I held his hand and stood up.
"But why are you even trying to save me? It's not like I matter anyway...".
"For me you matter!", he said in his angelic voice.
"Huh?", not sure why he was saying those things but the words were definitely making me feel good.
"You were trying the kill yourself, isn't it?"
"...yeah", we were talking with each other while walking side by side and holding hands.
"and why?"
"It's because... because everyone hates me, starting from my family to my relatives to my classmates... Everyone hates me..."
"and don't you think you are letting them win by killing yourself? And you know right, that I love you~", Juuzou said while I looked at him with surprise.
"...but it kinda suffocates me to live between them-"
"then why are you letting those toxic people eat you up? You are a strong girl who has fought till now and you know what, you can actually overcome this toxicity!"
"How?", I asked curiously.
"You already have a part time job, isn't it? Also, you can work more hard, if you want to and in a few years you would be a successful person~ you can stay away from these people forever, and I believe you can do this!!!"
I looked at myself, "Am I even alive? If yes then why can't I touch anyone except you??"
"Yes, YOU ARE ALIVE! Didn't I already said you that it's your imagination and this form of you is just you soul and I'm talking with your soul~", Juuzou said with a sweet smile.
"then why am I just existing in my imagination and not in real?? Why?"
Juuzou cupped my cheeks, "It's because in reality you are hanging between life and death... and I am here to bring you back to your life~"
"...Why do you even care if I die?"
"Because I don't want to die in your imagination, if you will die, I will be erased too...", Juuzou then patted on my head, "Don't worry, I am always here with you, by your side and ALSO I want you to keep living~", I was not sure what to say, I was just looking down and droplets of tears were falling down, "I hate those people too, who hurts you but also I am happy that you think about me every time you are sad so that you could smile once again. You have loved me for so long so don't you dare erase me!", he the lifted up my face , "I have seen these tears of you so many times...", then he rubbed off my tears, "... but also I have seen this strong women come out of her room after every mental breakdown."
"Do I really need to continue living?"
"Yes! If you don't want to do it for yourself then do it for me, okay?"
"For you?"
"Yes Y/n, for me! By the way look behind...", I looked behind and saw that the city and everything around us were vanishing into the air, "What do you see?"
"... that t-the world around me is VANISHING??"
"Exactly! It's your time to go~"
"Back to your life silly~ I have worked hard to bring you back to your life so now, don't you dare to commit suicide again!! It's my order that go run for your life, continue to live, please!"
"But I don't want to go away from you...", I said while sobbing.
"Who said you are going away from me? You know right, that I am always there for you~"
"...yes you really were with me every time I needed!!", I looked at Juuzou and smiled a bit.
"And I will ALWAYS be there for you till the very end and will continue loving you~", then I suddenly saw a black hoop appear near me and Juuzou pushed me into it, "NOW GO! You don't have much time left!"
"Thanks... Thanks once again for saving me!", then I started walking into the hoop, it was all dark and once again I looked at Juuzou and he gave me a bright smile and spread his arms wide and I ran towards him and gave him a tight hug.
"I LOVE YOU. I LOVE YOU. I LOVE YOU...", I said while pressing my head on his chest and cried my heart out.
"I love you too~ and I am proud of you for hanging on for so long and please make sure to make me and yourself proud, even in future... I want to see a happy and a successful woman with no toxicity around her!", he then held my face with both his hands and kissed me gently on my forehead and then on my lips, "... please continue to live."
"YES! YES I will... I will try my best to be happy in my life..."
"Now y/n go! Go and touch the thread of your life... oh wait a second! I have to give you something... ", he then tied a red thread on my pinkie finger, "Now go~ this thread will remind you of me~"
I then kissed him one more time, on his cheek, "Thanks for everything!", then I ran into the black hoop, when I looked black I saw everything around Juuzou was vanishing and he was still smiling at me. After running for a few steps, I again saw that bright light, "Maybe... Maybe this is where my life starts again...", then I looked back again but this time I saw Juuzou was vanishing into the dark, still carrying a beautiful smile on his face, "Thanks, my angel, thanks for giving the love I always wanted!", then I ran into the bright light.
Third person's POV~
After one and a half day when y/n woke up from her deathbed, she found herself in a white gloomy room, she rubbed her eyes, "Where am I? Did I managed to live?", she whispered to herself.
"OH my god! Finally you are awake!! Doctors please come here...", a nurse where calling the doctors, it's then Y/n realized she was in hospital.
A doctor came immediately and checked the pulse of y/n, "How are you feeling now?"
"I... my head is kind of paining but I guess I am ok..."
"You know what, you have given yourself such a deep scar that you were hanging between life and death... it's a pretty much a miracle that you actually managed to live."
"Haha... is it?", Y/n asked with a calm smile on her lips.
"There's nothing to laugh about it! Actually it's a punishable act, if you won't be able to prove yourself innocent then congratulation! you will be punished with a few years of imprisonment.", the doctor explained.
"And what if I prove that I attempted suicide because I was depressed and forced to do so?", Y/n asked.
"Then... you would be asked to go for counseling and steps would be taken for you so that you can stay away from things that are making you depressed , but are you really depressed?"
"Yes! I am! And I can even prove it in the court and even point out the reason behind it!"
"Ok then, good luck and do your best! You will be discharged soon."
"Thanks doctor."
The suicide attempt case of y/n has continued for a few months and then finally her family members and her classmates were the once found guilty, though this time they weren't charged for anything but they were warned by the court judge that if this continues then not only y/n's family members and her bullies will be imprisoned but also she will be imprisoned for committing suicide.
Things has finally settled between them and the Judge has ordered and helped y/n to move out of her house.
Time-skip brought you by Juuzou's stitches ~
After seventeen years, Y/n is now happy. Now she works in a music company as a CEO, and more than thousands of people work under her. Away from her bullies and her toxic family, ironically the people with whom y/n was often compared with, now works under y/n, at least a few of them. In those half of people, a few family members of her include too, but she cares the least about them, she also don't mind firing them from the job.
She still has the red thread that once Juuzou gave her, yes it was her imagination but a few years back when she reached home from the hospital, she found a similar thread lying above a picture of her comfort character, Juuzou Suzuya. She still doesn't know if it's the same thread or not but she believes that it is that red thread that Juuzou gave her.
Y/n rested herself on the chair and closed her eyes, "Are you proud of me, Juuzou?"
'Yes! I am proud of you and I love you~', a sweet voice came from her heart.
y/n smiled and blushed a bit and whispered in her big office room, "Some people think that it's weird to fall in love with a fictional character, but little do they know that even a non-existent thing can save you and give you life... I will be always grateful to you, Juuzou... and if it would ever possible to marry you, I DEFINITELY WILL!!", she chuckled, "I always feel like you are watching over me! Even if I can't see you, touch you or feel you, I will continue to love you till the very end!"
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A/n: This was huge and pretty much boring  story but anyways it's a tribute to all those people who love a fictional character or has a comfort character. Thanks for reading this story. I appreciate you if you actually read this whole story because while I was writing this story I actually had a mental breakdown and started crying... XDD. So yeah, Bye for now. See you soon, I LOVE YOU ALL ♡~♡
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