shmowder · 9 days
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Pov you took a peak at Clara's phone
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shmowder · 5 months
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my other hand slipped
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shmowder · 2 months
Here's a small request for anytime. I revisited your cute nicknames post because it always makes me happy. What pet names do you think Yulia, Aglaya, and Katerina would use?
🐿️ anon
Yulia Lyuricheva
Be it her rationality or overthinking to blame, Yulia rarely if ever uses petnames. Skeptic of their nature and sincerity, that they do more harm than good in the long run in any relationship.
What is even a petname if not demeaning by nature? Are you her pet, or are you human? Names tell stories, and you'd forsake yours for an adjective so vague and broad that it could apply to a billion different people?
She understands the purpose they serve, a ritualistic act, a reminder of faithfulness, a not-so-subtle reassuriance that your partner is not upset with you.
But Yulia is nothing if not a hypocrite, and life loves nothing more than making her go against her own ideals time after time.
"Honey." Is a one she starts to pick up after you gave her a side-eye one too many times when crossing path with a lovey-dovey couple showering each other with the most suffocatingly sweet petnames possible.
It sounds out of place within her automatonlike speech, sprinkled at the end of a sentence much like a cigarette smoke in a closed room with nowhere else to go.
Aglaya Lilich
The classic petnames are timeless in her opinion.
"Sweetheart" is a one she uses in canon, viewing you as the sugary equivalent to her bitter soul. the tenderness to her steel walls.
"Beloved." Is a term she'd never shy away from using around others to make the intimate nature of your relationship very clear. She is upfront with her emotions, direct with her affection.
"My little sun." Is a one you'll scarcely hear despite it being her favourite. It's the term she refers to you with in both her journals and mind.
While not religious, she still heavily dislikes the term angel or any of its petname equivalents; she knows who she works for, they're rotten to the core. All angels are harbingers of doom and blight, another facade much like the kids playing god.
Katerina Saburova
You get a glimpse of the loving woman she used to be through her choice of endearment terms... before this town twisted her into the broken husk of doll she has become.
"My dear," whispered quietly as she held you through the night, clinging to your arm in fear that the wind might steal you away if she spoke too loud.
"My love," light on her tongue, heavy in the air, she repeats it."My sweet love."
The sweet way "darling" slides off her tongue, full of yearning a if she's missing you before you're even gone.
"My heart" burning with the intensity of a thousand suns yet as quiet as a mouse, spoken like she's entrusting you with a grave secret.
It's not the petname she uses which matter, but the way Katerina grants each word the same reverence reserved for a prayer.
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shmowder · 2 months
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How is she so tall? What have the Saburovs been feeding her?? How is she the same height as an adult woman???
either Katerina is exceptionally short, or the earth really spared no clay in making the Changeling
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shmowder · 4 months
Certain characters that I feel like would be good at accommodating a reader who struggles with chronic pain, especially headaches, are:
Daniil Dankovsky
Most doctors are skeptical of patients, fearing they exaggerate their discomfort, especially when it comes to people with chronic pain.
Dankovsky is not most doctors.
You know your body and limit better than him, so when you complain about your pain levels getting unbeatably high, he takes your word for it.
His room in the still waters is very quiet and dark. You're free to use it to your heart's content until your state gets more manageable. He'll prescribe you relief medicine and bring it to you alongside some water without any fuss. If he happens to stay in the room too, he puts extra effort not to bother you or make any noise.
Yulia Lyuricheva
She's in the same figurative boat as you, with her leg, migraines, and general being as a whole. Yulia recognises the signs of fatigue in you before you realise it. She is incredibly sensitive when it comes to deducing when your pain is starting to act up based on your subconscious behaviour. And therefore, is prepared ahead of you.
The benefit of living in the trammel is how quiet and empty a library tends to be, not that people in this town are big readers.
She'll hand you one of her favourite books. If you're not in the mood for ready, she pats the empty spot next to her on the couch and invites you to lay your head on her shoulder and relax by her side. If massaging the pained like your back or leg might relieve the pain, she would oblige. She'd inquire if you're fine with her smoking in the room, offering you one, too.
Katerina Saburova
Have her morphine.
No, seriously, take it. She doesn't mind, and she doesn't care if you have a prescription or not. You're clearly in pain, and her fragile heart can't stand seeing you suffer like this.
Especially since she's been there, too. When the anxious hollows of her mind were too consuming to function, when only screaming at the ninth doctor summoned from the outer town in a row seemed to finally convince them of how real her suffering is.
At least have a nap? Her bed is very comfortable and no one dares disturb her room. She'd bring you a plate of fruits to eat after you wake up, cutting them up and preparing it herself. Watching over you sleeping, hoping that her presence would at least keep the bad dreams away.
Made this while waiting for my pain meds to be absorbed and worked into my bloodstream bc this migrane is killing me rn.
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shmowder · 4 months
Okay but a secret romance with Katerina Saburova? It starts innocently enough, inviting her over for tea in the evening or even drinks at night, including her in your plans and giving her a genuine friendship after the years of loneliness she suffered.
And she finds herself liking you more than a friend, confiding in you about her worrying visions, the whispering earth, and how she feels like she is spiralling. How your little shared time together has become akin to a haven for her, for a short evening she gets to forget her worries by your side.
Then things start becoming. less innocent. Her hand lingers around your arm as you walk her home, saying how it's the only proper way for a lady like her to hold you. Her perfume lingers in the air and clings to your clothes after the hours spent together from how close by she'd sit, her head laying against your shoulder, her tired eyes staring at you with a sparkle of hope, you can't help but quickly glance at her parted lips and she feels your heart quickens.
She lets you stay over, asks you with help brushing her hair. An excuse to feel you sitting intimately behind her on the bed. Or maybe she's on a chair in front of her dresser while you stand behind, gently moving the brush through her soft black hair strands.
Your gazes lock in the mirror, both aware of how perfect of a picture this reflection paints. Of the warm blush dusting her cheeks, how alive she looks since she started getting more sunlight during your outings together.
How much healthier she looks in contrast to how fragile she seemed the first time you met her, hollow cheeks and dark circles under her sad eyes, as if the slightest breeze could make her fall to the ground.
Katerina asks for your opinion on a shade of lipstick she's putting on, hands having the slight tremble to them as she tries to paint her lips with faux confidence only to end up with a smuged corner. It's clearly been a while, and the passage of time is just downing at her.
Her face is rounder now, beautiful smile lines beginning to form after a lifetime of sorrows. She's been getting more sleep, resting in those sparce naps she'd take while cuddling by your side.
You move your thumb to the corner of her lips, delicately wiping the smudged part. Her breath stills as she freezes in her chair.
You leave her bedroom with the faintest marks of lipstick decorating the edge of your cheek, near your jaw, and just shy of your neck. You swear you can still feel the warmth of her lips pressing against your skin as you walk in the chilly air to head home.
But also on the other side... Her husband, Alexander Saburov, might put you in front of a firing squad if he ever finds out so-
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shmowder · 3 months
Would the Saburovs have a threesome with the reader? What would that be like?
Just what kind of person would it require to catch both of their attention at once?
Despite being married, Katerina and Alexander feel worlds apart in terms of morality, traits, and motivations. Alexander ran into a burning building to rescue a child once while Katerina might just sacrifice a person or two if her "earth" told her to.
A morally grey reader? Katerina needs someone more capable than her while Alexander requires someone weaker to look after. You'd be torn in a game of pull between those two, overestimating your virtues on one side while underestimating your strength on the other.
Either way, these two share one thing in common and it is Grade A+ in yearning. It would take months of pinning after you in order for them to eventually work up the courage to actually suggest that threesome.
Imagine the catastrophe if word spread around.
Well... it wouldn't be that damming; the utopians of the town are notorious for their "sexual deviation," so it's not like people would chase them out with pitchforks or anything.
But, the Saburov would still lose face amongst the righteous court they hold and keep company. They're not the Kains, after all. It's better to keep this affair on the hush-hush side. The invitation you received was vague in nature, either that or it merely masqueraded as a courtesy dinner invite by the level-headed couple, a way to show grace to the newly arrival in town and establish themselves as your ever helpful leaders, so to say.
Because they cannot leave behind evidences, Alexander insisted they must discuss this rather private matter with you in person. Who knows where letters end up when they're misplaced or who simply happened to be nearby when you receive it?
In a way, he also wants to shield Katerina from your rejection as a possibility. Her heart is too fragile, her nerves are worn too thin, and she requires delicate handling, at least from his point of view.
That's why he goes behind her back to invite you to his private office a day before the actual dinner takes place.
It's just a precaution to make sure you're actually aware of what you're getting into, you do understand the implication of this dinner, correct?
Despite his seemingly composed demeanour, it's clear the man is a fish out of water. With little prodding you can weasel out more information from him, how they haven't done anything like this before, how it was Katerina's idea because he was too ashamed of his feelings of infidelity to even bring it up.
Maybe if you lean towards him a little closer, sound his name out in a certain tone and watch the blood rush to his face, he'll accidentally let it slip out that the only reason they know how it's done is because they have received a similar proposition in the past.
From a certain Victor Kain and Nina Kaina.
But it was politely shut down which the other two respected with grace, which is why he invited you here before hand... He still clearly remembers how embarrassing that dinner was when the true reason behind it finally clicked to the Saburovs.
He understands he is rambling- Look, you're a very attractive person and you still have your life ahead of you, he completely understands if you want nothing to do with an old married couple in their 40s, you could easily get someone more suitable for your age.... Just steer clear of Andrey- No, both the Stamatin twins as a whole, that's Alexander's only advice if you take nothing else from this meeting.
Give him your final answer so he can gently relay the word to his wife. A yes or no would suffice, no need to explain yourself further.
...Alexander's genuine look of surprise after your firm agreement was quickly masked away behind a reassured smile.
To say that he was delighted by your answer would be an underestimation.
What he's completely oblivious of, is the fact his wife had this exact same conversation with you a mere day ago behind his back. Katerina wanted to hear the truth from your lips rather than wait around in her room, she wanted your honest answer no matter what, she swore she could handle it.
And similarly to how her sweet lips met the corner of your mouth in a tantalising display after you voiced your agreements, Alexander pressed the back of your hand to his lips, a gentle mannered kiss that held the promise of much more from the way his lips brushed against your knuckles.
Both asking you to keep this meeting a secret from their spouse, they would rather lessen their burden than add to it.
It was clear how much they adored each other and yet the Saburovs couldn't communicate to save their lives.
Both the husband and the wife would rather treat their assumptions as facts than simply ask the other person, they'd rather go the long way around the house than unlock the hallway door separating their bedrooms, they'd rather secretly invite you over to have this long and convoluted chat than simply sit down and talk to one another.
Oh how you wish to have been a fly on the wall during their infamous wedding day just to have stood witness to the chaos that surely went down.
The threesome itself
No matter your gender, Alexander would still try to take the lead because, of course, he does.
It's less of a show of being dominate and more of a noble sacrifice? The unwilling group leader who has to overseer the project and carry the responsibility because he knows no one else wants to take on that burden. Or at least that's what he assumes because Katerina certainly never showed any enthusiasm for being on top while together.
If you attempt to flip the tables on him and steal the reigns, he will go down without a fight. Slightly impressed by your courage to stand him to him and ask the Alexander Saburov to submit to you.
Which he enjoys more than he likes to admit.
Katerina meanwhile is as intense as a touchstarved storm, as if she hasn't felt another's touch in decades from the way she melts into your every kiss and grope. How she eagerly follows after your lips in attempt to greedly capture them once more, the way she grinds her hips against yours, coaxing your hands to run all over her body.
All her self restraint is out the window as vulgar words spill from her dainty painted lips, asking you to make her feel alive, pleading with you to pay attention to her.
Both of them are in total coordination in bed, completely balancing each other out with effortless unison.
You realise just why they tend to blindly trust their institution, they never have to speak their thoughts or plans out loud in order to enact it.
Alexander completely understands what Katerina wants to do when she climbs onto your lap and he helps guide your hips to grind against her desperate heat.
Katerina guides your hand to her husband's leaking cocking as she wordlessly teaches you exactly how he likes it, how hard to tug and how much pressure makes him whimper out.
It's hard to keep up with them, both are hungry for you beyond what's bearable. Veying for your attention while selflessly sharing you between one another.
At certain moments, your mind is too consumed with pleasure for you to be able to tell apart whose mouth is against yours and whose fingers are deep within you.
Alexander prefers to have you face him, to be able to see your expression and look into your glossy eyes as you cry out in pleasure.
Squeezing your thighs and spreading your hips wider, he's obsessed with every curve and soft spot on your body. Hands trailing down your stomach, groping your ass and Squeezing your hips until his handprint is left behind.
While Katerina enjoys putting her mouth on every part she can reach of you, littering the back of your neck with hickeys, biting your neck, and leaving marks of her teeth behine. Trailing kisses down every hardened and sharp point on your body, feeling you shiver and squirm as she grazes her teeth against your most sensitive areas.
She absolutely wants to see you taking her husband's cock, she wants to push down your body onto it until he's balls deep inside you, having grind against your sweet spot while you bury your face into her plush chest.
Alexander completely obeys her when she tells him to fill you with cum over and over again until its overflowing, her moans mixing with your own and filling the room as you mouth against her chest, taking her nipple in your mouth and nursing on it like a very good doll. Oh how she sings your praises while you're taking load after load inside.
You're exhausted by the end, Alexander sharing the sentiment as he attempts to regain his breath. His wife surprisingly still full of vigor and energy as she gets up from the bed, tying her hair back up and heading into the shower.
Alexander pulls you closer meanwhile, protectively wrapping his body around yours, massaging your sore muscles with his hands, softly apologising for accidentally pressing against a forming bruise or two.
He's attentive to your body, getting up to pour you a glass of water without you having to ask. Helping you sit up and asking how you're feeling, are you holding up well?
Oh how amazing you were.
Katerina helps you to the shower afterwards while her husband takes care of changing the sheets. After everything is tidy and clean, it's Katerina who suggests you spend the night in her room.
Maybe share breakfast with them in the morning? It's the least hospitality they could offer to the new arrival in town, Alexander adds.
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shmowder · 3 months
It was such a treat to read your Yulia hcs!! Earlier you'd made a post wondering what your writing feels like to others. Sometimes I'd liken it to bubble gum - like a big gumball I just want to bite into and chew for a long time (don't worry, it's a magical gumball that doesn't lose its flavor).
The Yulia hcs were like a pastry with powdered sugar and cream (no doubt this is influenced by you mentioning the pastry at the beginning) - something delicate. Like snow falling in a snow globe and like a warm hug at the same time. Lovely ♡ I appreciate that you always take care to mention her leg as well.
I love both kinds of food!!!!! Thank you for taking the time to write my requests :) <3
Ooh, ships! I haven't ventured very far into any Patho ships tbh! I know the big one is Daniil x Artemy ofc. I'm really hoping that the Marble Nest and P1 will help me connect with Daniil more. And I do enjoy Artemy x Aglaya.
What I meant was more along the lines of what personality traits in a reader would make them a good match for those characters? Uhh I cannot phrase this to save my life. In your Victor x reader fluff, you said that a stubborn confident reader would do well with him, so something like that!
But you basically answered my question anyway ^^ "Someone who can stand her enough to live together" for Yulia lmfao. Your description of Peter and Yulia is killing me. This too is #girlrotting.
I'm interested to see how Yulia x Eva plays out in P1 or if it's just mentioned in passing. Somebody on reddit described Eva as "a dreamer without a dream" - I barely know her but that seems to match up with what you're saying and I LOVE that phrase.
I see both of your Bad Grief visions and I've actually seen some vaguely shippy Victor x Grief art before.
I'm not too invested in any ships. If you want to know something terrible... I've briefly entertained the idea of Big Vlad x Artemy........ if he didn't always call Artemy "my boy" and if other characters weren't frequently accusing Artemy of being like, owned by him or whatever, then I wouldn't be like this..... it's the guard dog trope. Obviously this would have to be in an alternate universe where Artemy's dialogue choices didn't strongly imply he's not on board 😆 Well, there's my cursed opinion of the day.
🐿️ anon
Oh! I'm sorry, i must have misunderstood your request then.
Here is what I think the "ideal" Reader for each character would be:
Katerina Saburova
Someone who would never lose faith in her no matter how dire her state becomes. To see her value hidden beneath the role she failed to play, the responsibility she failed to fullfill and the Misteress she couldn't amount to.
To understand her pain, take it from her shoulder and carry it before her collarbones crack. Wipe her tears and tell her it will be okay, allow her the small relief of medicine and never judge her because her cruel harsh mind already does that.
She knows she is a mess, she knows her addiction to morphine is wrong. Moments of lucidity sneak up on her from time to time, the guilt suffocating and the shame like razors dragging down her throat.
She is aware of what the town people whisper behind her back, of her ruined reputation. Don't become one of them too, please, more than anything she needs a friend right now.
Someone to love her unconditionally, but also someone to take the difficult steps her in stead. To hold her and comfort her as withdrawal set her nerves on fire and her nails dig into her skin.
To make her forget about this damned town or her barren womb, grant her a moment of genuine peace, a facade of normalcy. Take her outside, let her remember the smell of fresh air, pluck stray dandelions to gently tuck between her hairstrands, keep her warm in your arms as the chilly autumn winds breeze by.
Remind her how life was before all of this madness, who she was. Katerina can't even recall her own hobbies or interests, she is lost and only she can save herself.
So at least be there for her, show her that there is more to life. Be gentle, never cruel. Be patient and never judgmental. Be loving and never afraid.
Yulia Lyuricheva
As pathetic as it might sound, Yulia just wants one soul who will stand her enough to spend time together, to live in the same house and share bread and a bed.
She is often quiet around other people, she learned to be. She had to. Being too much was her curse for this lifetime, apparently. Ever since she was young, she quickly understood how saying the wrong things would tremble down the fragile foundation every relationship is built on.
Yulia likes most people, believe it or not. How can she not when everyone is so interesting and unique? Every single person is the accumulative of all the choices and paths they picked during their lifetime. A coin toss of fate during every decision, red strings weaving into a whole person, scouplting their personality out of clay from their history and experiences.
Most humans are interesting and rather adorable. She enjoys observing them, making notes, and connecting the dots. Appreciating the work of art, mathematics' creation.
Each of them like naive children in a playground, pretending to know what they're doing as they wear their adult clothes and go to their adult jobs. Pretending there is some inherent meaning in it all, as if life isn't one big joke, and a rather tactless one at that.
Yulia couldn't fool herself like them. She couldn't play make-believe. She ran by facts and hard evidence, numbers never lied and the grim reality was that humanity's whole existence is just one big coincidence. A blep in the universe, a speck of dust amidst the galaxies and stars.
People didn't like being reminded of those facts, that every birthday is simply one inch deeper into the grave.
Damn her cursed tongue and restless mind.
Therefore she watered herself down, remained content with being an observer. Never causing harm or annoying others, mild mannered and keeping to herself. Isolating, suffocating, forced to be the only victim subjected to the dark corners of her mind.
When the abyss started to whisper to her back, Yulia turned to smoking.
She wants someone who would want her, all of her. The good, the bad, the beautiful and the ugly. Someone to admire her brilliant mind while remaining strong in the face of her occasion episodes of apathy. Someone who will understand or at least sympathise why she hasn't cleaned her room in weeks, why old coffee mugs are rotting on the table, why she barely opens the windows in her home.
Why she simply cannot bother to exist on some days, dissociating as she blankly stares out the window, or at a wall or an equation drawn on the chalk board.
Why the clocks in her residence require frequent repairs, courtesy to being smashed against the wall in a swift motion when their ticking starts making her ears bleed.
Could someone even stand her when she cannot stand her own self on most days? Could someone love her as she is? Or is she really irredeemable, cursed since birth.
She may seem smart, but she is prone to rather stupid impulsive decisions from time to time. Indulging life risking experiments out of curiosity because she might as well go down in her own style rather than wait for time ungratefully reap her soul.
Someone who will get her out of bed on the days where the idea of chewing food seems too exhausting.
Yulia doesn't want someone who will gift her meaning and a purpose on a silver plate, rather she'd like for you to kindly hold the candle and shine the light so she may find her way herself. It's been years, and she's gotten used to living in the dark.
Be sympathetic but not overindulgent. Be forgiving and not vindictive. Be her shoulder to lean on but still let her walk on her own two legs. Steady her steps but do not lead her or attempt to diverge her path.
Peter Stamatin
He might make it seem like he needs a muse, that a shiny new thing is what will get him out of this rut.
But it won't, all the nymphs of the forest will look dull after one night, all the gems will lose its shine after one touch.
What he needs, is to wake up.
To stop mourning things immediately after their birth, to not borrow grief from tomorrow and keep reliving it each day.
What he needs is the mundane, the human animal basic requirements. To remember he is a mammal deep down, he isn't a concept nor an abstract collection of ideas, he isn't a ghost watching people pass by, he is flesh and blood.
Someone who will bring him back down from his journey up in the clouds, who will steal him back from the stars, from all the gaint things bigger than life itself that he got accustomed to befriending and haveing one sided conversations with.
He cuts his own thoughts before he finishes them because he lost interest, he stops mid sentences because he grew bored of the words coming out of his own mouth.
He will complain and throw tantrums, but you must prevail his trails and stand your ground. He will dramatise things and get mad, he will cry and break down, he will act as if you're plucking his heart out of his chest and crushing it in your hand.
You must prevail.
Remind him that he will survive. Sure, he can get mad, but he must stay alive. Peter needs an intervention, someone brave enough to risk upsetting the crowned prince of humanity's best of the best and tell him it's bedtime.
To drag him away from the blank canvas he has been staring at for hours, to hold him accountable for skipping meals or rotting in bed for weeks without going outside.
Someone to reteach him the basic maintenances task of being alive, the ones he neglected and gradually forgot as he couldn't bother to remember he too own a human body that requires care. That his brain is an organ that requires fuel and breaks as much as it is visions-plagued maze.
Take him with you to bathe, gently lather shampoo in his hair as he stiffly sits in the lukewarm water while watching the yellow rubber duck float by. Guide his fingers when it comes time to apply conditioner and let him remember how the texture of his own hair feels like, watch him rediscover how nice it is to let water wash his worries away.
Peter needs the simple pleasures in life, his soul requires a soft served ice cream cone, a cheap candy from a corner store, a hummed melody you made up while hanging your clothes to dry.
The mundane, the ugly, the eggs with burnt edges. Food that is merely food and nothing else, drinks that are simply drinks rather than magical twyrine mixtures that let him hear whispers he will never be able to decipher or understand.
Be firm but never controlling. Be a teacher but never condescending. Be a human, most of all, a real human being to show him that he is too.
Bad Grief
Grief can't decide if he wants someone to see the good in him or if that would cause more harm than good. He has a role to play and he's very good at it.
It is a necessary evil. The gangs will exist with or without him, it's better that he leads them and makes sure they never cross the line than someone else who might not be trusted.
A cause surprisingly more noble than anyone would ever expect of him. This life has fallen directly into his hands, every road led him down his path as if it was custom made for his measurements alone. It was always suspicious, how well things fell into place, how convenient fate was at times.
Does he need someone to see the good in him? peak behind the curtains and view him at his most barest forms? Not really. He is content with playing this role for eternity, a glorified shopkeeper, he can keep the jig up for many years to come.
But is it what he wants? is that what he really wants from life? to surrender to fate and simply take it laying down? He pushes these swarming thoughts away, as if they won't return at dawn.
You didn't fear him, either someone with a death wish, a brave fool or an apathetic idiot.
But he felt weird under your gaze, as if your eyes could see through him, through the facade. You never reacted to his empty threats or intimidation attempts, neither did you acknowledge the fact he is a criminal much. You weren't here to challenge him or take his throne, neither were you here for a favour or to obtain something illegal.
...you were merely here for him? To what... chat?
He did think you were a fool for a while, he won't lie. ulterior motives or not, you were walking into a den of criminals each morning just to what? Talk to him about the weather and how cold autumn is?
You weren't part of the script, clearly an unfated encounter that you deliberately went out of your way to have with him each day.
Until one day, he noticed the lack of any ticking sounds as you approched him. Your usual pocket clock seemed still in place from the chain dangling from your pocket, which could only mean one thing.
"Hand it over dollface."
And you did, as if you anticipated this request.
He fixed it for you, fingers moving by sheer muscle memory alone, a skill he thought he had long forgotten.
Bad Grief wants someone who isn't afraid to be free, who comprehends the role he has to play, who doesn't condemn things they do not understand.
Someone who isn't trying to save him or make him change from this life of crime, but also someone who is brave enough to walk by his side on the streets, to hold his hand in public, to not bend to the whims of the public's opinion.
The air is really chilly, would you like his jacket? ....don't ever call him a gentleman again, he just doesn't want you to freeze to death, that's all.
Grief would love someone who walks their own path, someone who will make the first step for him because deep down he is frozen by fear, too cautious for his own good. Too aware of what's at risk, of what could happen.
Of how much he could endanger you just by knowing your name, just by people seeing you at his side. You do realise what you're sacrificing? the opportunities which will never be presented to you just because you decided to be with someone like him? It's your funeral.
But he really is touched, that someone will see him worth all of that. Bad Grief had to ensure he remains useful to people all his life, that the townfolks need him more than they hate, that he is a necessary foundation that could never be uprooted without the entire structure collapsing.
Even the authorities know that, the Saburov understand his usefulness in keeping the criminal structure plates at bay, how he sets the rules and decides where to draw the line. A mutual beneficial relationship built of begrudging respect and fear.
He needs you to understand that he must. He digged his own grave, he was lead here on a leash by life. It was this or death. Don't look at him with distant, don't let fear cloud your judgements.
Be brave, never afraid. Be direct and always sincere. Be smart and clever but never cautious or cowardly. Be moral but never vendective.
Most important of all, the ideal reader would be different to each character based on what they value most. Someone like Aglaya values personal freedom above all and would fall for an independent Reader with their own convictions rather than blindly follow the herd. Someone authentic and brave.
While someone like Alexander Saburov would rather be that person for the reader. Preferring that you're more dependent on him and believe in his notions and principles, having faith in his justice and righteousness. To rely on him to tell you what's right and what's wrong. It's important to only indulge within limit and never stray too far from the path of what's wrong and right.
On the other extreme, Andrey also values freedom but it is his own freedom he cares most about. Your freedom shouldn't challenge his too much nor ask him to change his ways, if you love him then you must love him for who he is because he doesn't plan on changing for anyone. Morals are treated as another cage that suppresses his freedom rather than human decency.
My own writing tastes like a gumball to you- I know you meant it as a good thing but ouch. Does my writing really seem childish and overwhelmingly sugary? Ah-
It's not a bad thing, it's just not what I was aiming for either. At least you seem to enjoy it so yeah. I hoped my style would seem more... poetic to you? Sincere?
I'm grateful regardless. I liked the pastry comparison in Yulia's story, however. It fits the vibe I was aiming for.
I hope your day is amazing, do please take care of yourself.
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shmowder · 2 months
Could I please request a second part to the "What their kiss feels like" drabbles? With Yulia, Aglaya, Katerina, + Victor if you can forgive me for breaking the unspoken girls-only rule (that I just made up in my head)
🐿️ anon
Don't worry, Vicky is basically one of the girls, so it's fine to include him as a little treat. Hell, I'll throw in his oomfie Sasha as well.
What their kiss feels like
[fluff, kissing, romance, GN Reader]
Aglaya Lilich
Her lips are cold, bare and soft like cotton. They press against yours with reassured confidence, slotting perfectly in place. Ghosting her lips over yours for a stretched out second, observing you squirming in anticipation. Just as you're about to speak, she fully closes her mouth against yours, swallowing your words and relishing in the look of surprise on your face. The flat of her palm resting against your chest, as if toying with the strings of your heart. She tastes of nothing, strangely.
She kisses you as if it was her one purpose in life, as if this one simple act was all that this universe was created for. More sensual than you'd ever expect from the fearsome inquisitor, it's tantalising and calm, soothing yet blunt. A faint smile adorns her lips in the aftermath, Aglaya seems content with her life for a moment.
Yulia Lyuricheva
Her lips are dry more often than not. She tends to forget to occasionally drink water and other menial tasks alike. Sometimes, you taste bitter coffee at the tip of her tongue, othertimes it's the sour aftermath taste of a cigarette smoke. It takes coaxing to get her to fully melt into a kiss, let her guard down, snuff out the cigarette and replace it with your lips against hers. And then it takes even more effort to get her to let go when all she wants is to overdose on your taste.
She kisses you as if it's her one solace from despair, lethargic in her slow movement, slowly regaining her vigour through each peck and kiss. Kissing her is the only way to get her to shut up when nothing kind seems to come out of her mouth that day.
Katerina Saburova
Erratic and hungry, greedly chasing after your lips whenever you pull away for air, your lungs burning inside your chest as her blown wide pupils meet your eyes, silently pleading for you to give her just a little bit more. The taste of her lipstick is... exactly how you'd expect makeup to taste like, leaving stains and marks alongside your lips and smearing around the corners of your mouth. Her arms fully wrap around your shoulders, taking a hold of your nape and guiding you towards her. You're pressed impossible close that her perfume latches onto you for hours to come afterwards, a lavender fragrance following in your trail.
She kisses you as if she's only been kissed once before and spent the rest of her life chasing after that high, attempt after attempt to replicate that feeling, starved for affection and devotion.
Victor Kain
His lips are relatively soft, well taken care of. There's a subtle taste of mint that becomes more prominent the deeper the kiss goes. Was it his morning toothpaste or one of the chocolate mint candies he kept in a bowl on his desk for guests? His hands immediately find your waist, simply holding you there, thumbs moving back and forth on your sides. You almost get the impression he'd rather do this sitting down, to get you comfortable on his lap so he may prolong this act of intimacy to his heart's content.
He kisses you with gentleness, it's almost suffocating how delicately he treats you. Measured movement preventing him from crossing the line of "barely enough" Keeping you aching and seeking more. Never quite satisfying your appetite as he pulls away before you could have your fill, only to start the process all over again.
Alexander Saburov
His lips are thin, chapped almost, and pressed tightly closed more often than not. the after shave stubble surrounding his mouth scratches your skin in a good way, slightly ticklish. He apologetically changes his position in an attempt to get you more comfortable. His posture is straight, stiff shoulders loosening as he melts into your kiss as the tips of his fingers glide down your back. Sometimes, he tastes like honey, just like how sweet he likes his morning tea.
He kisses you in moderation, with abstinence in mind. As if you're the world's greatest temptation, his very own personal tormentor. The river of styx, he must resist drinking from least everything else he deems important might vanish from his memory.
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shmowder · 1 month
Hi!! Love your blog, look forward to seeing your posts!! Every time they show up even if I’m not personally interested in the character/topic it’s about And since you seem to have a very good grasp on lore and the characters! I have a question about how something I’ve been thinking about would work/could it work? So how would the towns dynamic change if there was a fourth mistress? That only seems to really pop up during the events of the game? Since the playing field of the town is always getting shaken up so what better way to shake things up then have a fourth mistress who only reveals themself at the final moment? Maybe this persons family hid them/ their abilities away from the rest of the town for their protection? And now that the town is in disarray there’s no way to hid any longer? Or Meta reasons they only get added in because the kids got a new doll they wanted to add into a preexisting story?. I’m curious on how you personally think something like that would work/if it could work as a concept!? Since you seem to have a really good understanding on those kinda things! so I trust your judgment sorry if this is annoying I promise I’m not trying to be!!
also here’s a flower since your writing and memes are rlly cool 🪻
There are Mistresses with a capital M, and then there are mistress candidates.
In the town–not the Kin/steppe–there are only two Mistresses, light and dark, Nin and Victoria. Katerina is a false Mistress, she never counted to begin with.
However, there are currently three mistress candidates ingame and zero actual Mistresses. We never see one come into her full power, it simply ends too soon.
Maria, Capella, and Katerina. All three of them are only candidates. A Mistress's power extends much more beyond mere clairvoyance, sure they have "magical" abilities, but they haven't earned the title yet. Much like Artemy needed to earn the Menkhu title and not just be good at surgery.
The Light and Dark Mistresses are both new additions to the town. Their dichotomy belongs to the Capital, they're not native to the place.
Now for Kin "Mistresses" the definition is a little...vague.
They only have one, it's the Earth Mistress.
Let's make one thing clear, the Mistresses's powers are not part of them, it does not belong to them, they simply borrow it. Weaving magic through the air.
Much like one would wield a sword, it takes a tremendous amount of training and strife. And when you die, the sword doesn't wither alongside your body, instead it remains next to your corpse, waiting for another to come along.
Anyone can pick it up and wield it. That's how the powers are "passed" between generations. These swords do not actually belong to certain families despite what they may claim. The roles are more fluid than anyone thinks.
Katerina became a mistress candidate for dark after the passing of Nina as a way to keep balance, but by the time she started getting kinda of decent at wielding her sword, Victoria passed away and Katerina threw her weapon and powers out the window, rushing to the light and to take Victoria's place.
A light Mistress's role is more favourable, your visions leave you joyous, and you're well beloved amongst the people.
But by doing that, Katerina reset all of her progress, and she was back to learning how to wield this new magic from square one. Losing both tracks in the process since Maria and Capella's abilities far surpass hers by that point despite the early start advantage she was granted.
So...her eyes turned to another role, the Earth.
But she's not from the Kin. She can never hear the twyre whispers or trace the lines.
That's where the Rat Prophet comes in.
Remember how Mistress powers are only borrowed? Their visions are hazy, and prophecies are vague?
Well, the Rat Prophet IS the sword himself in this scenario. Those are his powers, always was, always will be. Part of the earth yes but an independent part, like one of your limbs suddenly gaining sentience and doing their own thing.
In the P1 Haruspex route, you can get a prophetic vision from him. Not about you, but about The Changeling, who starts doubting her powers and begs you to go ask the Prophet because he simply refuses to talk to her.
You ask him–or pretend to fool him and he immediately realises what you're doing–then answers directly. No beating around the bush, no weird euphemism, not a single room for doubt
The Changeling will lose her powers if she realises she has them, simple as that. Everything she says becomes reality. Every lie will twist into truth, and the second she becomes aware of it, all of her powers will vanish.
To the Haruspex it sounds like gibberish, but to you? The player who knows better? Oh, he hits the nail on the head. Because that's the thing, he never was talking to Artemy! He was talking to you. In every interaction, he is always addressing you the player.
That's the true "magic" everyone is so obsessed over, breaking the fourth wall, realising this is a game. That's why Clara powers surpass her age and time, because she is already past one layer of meta narrative, she knows this is a game which grants her better access to magic...She just thinks it's a kids' game, a sandcastle built by two kids and nothing more.
She hasn't been past the second meta narrative layer. She isn't even aware of its existence.
That's why the Mistresses can only weave it. They're just blindly grasping at the games code. No wonder they come out of it very confused.
It's a whole alternative reality to them. They don't have computers, and they don't know what Java Script is! You ask Maria to write you a simple Python IF function, and she'd tell you why the hell would she use a snake like a pen to write with?
The only way they can explain this ability, make sense of these binary codes, is clairvoyance.
Why their prophecies are so distorted and nonsensical, why they can only speak in riddles.
Why the Rat Prophet who casually breaks the 4th wall all the time has the luxury of being direct, crystal clear snippets of the future at the tips of his fingers...rat fingers?
The Rat Prophet is the one who comes to Katerina and lends her crumbs of his powers, just enough to get her to believe him when he starts calling himself the voice of the earth.
For what end? I don't know. His intentions for tricking her are never revealed. But he succeeds, and she fully buys into it, making her a false Mistress. She's not much of an earth mistress when the weapon she's supposed to wield has auto aim on, huh? Katerina is basically playing Pathologic Mistress Simulator with trainer cheats activated.
But, he doesn't give her the right prophecies, deliberately aiming on the wrong targets.
So there are only two actual self-made Mistresses so far.
In the P1 termites ending, Capella mentions how the Mistresses will be reinvented.
In the town, there are three power houses, right? Olgimskay, Kains and Saburovs. Each pulling from different directions.
Well, there is a fourth hidden cog, there always has been based on Capella's theory–the Kin. Not the employees under her father's command, but the real actual Kin indigenous to the town before settlements came here from the outside.
So the death of one Mistress doesn't start a domino effect of catastrophes like last time.
Capella wants to keep the balance of things, restart the cycle and maintain the status quo. The system wasn't broken and doesn't need changing, she claims, people just implanted wrong.
This time around, she will make it even more balanced. Leave fails safes everywhere by spreading out the power even more so there is less room for error and greed.
That's what Isidor saw in her and the termites, the potential to rebuild the town and ensure its survival. Her goals also coincidentally align with the Artemy's whole approach of maintaining traditions and not forsaking the past for a shiny future...at least if you play him as faithful to his role as a Menkhu.
She describes it as a "blend of many colors"
The new Mistresses are:
Grace The Beige Mistress (whatever the fuck that means)
Taya Malachite Mistress (who picked these names??)
Murky Lilac Mistress (Capella get a colourblindness test ffs)
And her. Capella. Still the Light Mistress.
She also claims to be able to see their "aura" and she picked their new roles and powers to suit the colours of their soul–on a side note, the same "aura" is also mentioned when Maria is being put down for never being able to amount to what Nina was because her soul is scarlet, transparent, not black, never an abyssal darkness like her mother.
You might ask, now who will become the next Dark Mistresses? Probably Maria still.
So what...Five total Mistresses in the termites ending?
Yeah! If not more, Clara is on her way to becoming the Earth Mistress right? Katerina needs to die first tho so the Rat Prophet stops using her as a puppet to larp as a Mistress with.
Capella basically said fuck it, everyone gets magic now. Kains and Olgimskays are united so the political tension is gone from the town. Everyone is special so no one is special so this town and its people can finally get a single fucking moment of peace at last.
The roles are shuffled, everyone has a new, more suitable title.
And Capella still needs a colourblindness test still bc Murky's scarf is NAVY BLUE, it's not LILAC.
That's it, that's the whole P1 Mistresses in a nutshell summary :) I am NOT getting into P2 Mistress lore idgaf. It's not finished cooking yet.
They changed so much–things are somehow even more vague? It's like P2 is allergic to giving straight direct answers. Everything is suggested and hinted at rather than clearly stated.
For your questions.
So how would the towns dynamic change if there was a fourth mistress?
Which town? No really, which version of the town are we talking about her? Pre-plague town? Okay, do you mean the first wave or the second wave? Or post-plague town? Then which ending are we going with?
Honestly, it would change as much as it changed when Clara got introduced. That's basically your best point of reference to what adding a fourth mistress candidate would cause. Take Clara, double it and give it to the 4th.
But keep in mind that the 4th will be a mistress candidate not a Mistress. Especially if she was birthed normally as a human and had to grow up–then her progress would match Maria and Capella who still haven't came into the Mistress title.
Clara is a special case, an outlier, and the spider George of Mistresses, so we are not counting her.
"To receive her full powers and become a Mistress, a future Mistress has to go through a painful process, accompanied by seizures and fainting, and then finally wake up. After that, she will not be the same person. A future Mistress must recognize the next Mistress, passing on continuity. It is not clear whether the role of Mistress is a tradition, or a necessary stage of mystical transformation. "
As long as the 4th is still herself, she has her personality and traits still, and then she hasn't become a Mistress yet. Remember how Capella started changing at the game end in P2? It's the best example there is of what would happen to her, what awaits Maria in the future as well.
Also she needs to be acknowledged by the other Mistress candidates, even if they hate each other they will still acknowledge her if they glimpse actual powers in her.
what better way to shake things up then have a fourth mistress who only reveals themself at the final moment?
Everyone can wield the sword, but not everyone can see the sword on the ground in the first place, which is why most people don't pick it up; they don't realise it's even there. Everyone CAN become a Mistress, but most women won't.
That's a very mild shaking, more like stirring a cup of coffee. It's too late for her to do anything meaningful or affect any outcome. The Mistresses do not decide the game endings, the healers do. (Except anomaly mcguffin Clara again bc fuck me ig)
Block and Lilich do not believe in the Mistresses or respect them much, and it's them you need to convince to spare the town. Clara could brainwash people unless the 4th can do that too then...yeah, no.
Even then, she needed the same 13 days of preparations beforehand and a tremendous amount of human sacrifice. Most reactions to a new Mistress revealed from thin air at the last day would be like
Maybe this persons family hid them/ their abilities away from the rest of the town for their protection?
"oh cool. So like where were you while people were dying?"
Mistresses are mothers. That's basically it. They "mother" the town and its people, they have the heavy presence of a parent you have no choice but to abide to. You want to please them, you feel the need to obey them much like a kid clings to the skirt of their mother.
That's counterproductive. It's Mistresses who protect people, not the other way around. Their abilities are celebrated—even Nina the Evil was adored and respected despite her wrongdoings. No one dared lay a singer finger on her, not just out of fear but out of genuine reverence.
And she has, in fact, killed people.
And if she was hidden, it means she never got properly acknowledged by the other mistress candidates. So she never officially became a candidate herself and hasn't earned the title yet, only managing to hold very little power and influence.
Best case scenario, Capella integrates her into the termites/her vision of the new town. She wanted Clara to join her cause yk, but Clare refused.
... but maybe the ones who hid her did it out of fear they might lose her? Once she ascends to power, she will lose herself, feelings, and everything she once held dear. A complete factory reset of her brain. Sure, she still has her memories, but they feel like a stranger's more than hers.
That's one reason to prevent someone from pursuing their Mistress potential.
Or Meta reasons they only get added in because the kids got a new doll they wanted to add into a preexisting story?
That's clever! She needs to be a hated toy like the rest for them to throw her in there. It will need to be both, tho. The kids AND the hiding thing lore working in unison.
I’m curious on how you personally think something like that would work/if it could work as a concept!?
It's very feasible and could definitely work! But without time, preparation, and coming out of hiding years in advance if she is human, then she won't make much of a difference to the main story except be an interesting sideplot.
Think of it this way, All the herb brides hold the potential to be Earth Mistresses. That's how little it requires to be a mistress candidate. You are somehow connected to any string of magic in any form? Congratulations! You can enroll in the Mistress Academy starting today!
But it doesn't mean you will pass, or be accepted by the current best Mistress candidates.
You also need to want to do it, as in actively train and seek it out. If you ignore it, the power growth stunts.
Since you seem to have a really good understanding on those kinda things! so I trust your judgment sorry if this is annoying I promise I’m not trying to be!!
I...don't think I have that good of an understanding. I don't think I even qualify to answer this. I haven't played the Changeling route yet, nor finished the Bachelor. I just reread the wiki a lot and scoure whatever info I can find on the sub reddit.
Specifically "info" cited screenshots and texts, I don't trust opinions and theories because Pathologic is very abstract and vague, P2 even more so than P1. Two people could easily misinterpret the same concept, then the most popular version gets spread around and everyone thinks its canon.
Like Isidor adopting Rubin when it never happened, yes they planned it but he died before it could happen.
Or Daniil being short? He is pretty tall and strong, he survived a fist fight with Artemy.
NO! it's Maria's. Yes, she has short hair. It's her board game portrait. That's his daughter, you pricks! stop writing lewd stuff about it and the scene where he has a breakdown in front of it—it was supposed to be a bittersweet thing for him to sit on the ground in front of his daughter's painting, now you just made it about his wife and sexual stuff.
It's a reference to the many paintings of her he had in his P1 office.
My point is. I can get things wrong too, there are huge gaps of information in my brain, I am also very biased towards certian theories.
Treat this whole essay as a suggestion, a reference sheet rather than a guideline. A lot of things are left vague and up to personal interpretation, which I like a lot!
I know a lot of people have issues with Pathologic open-ended plots and optional multie choices that can be contradictions, making it harder to have a set-in-stone canon about the characters.
But I like it :) It is a meta game, after all, right? It makes sense for the player to get the power to alter this version of reality slightly. And the worlds have already changed in each playthrough! it is on purpose, a canon in game because it breaks the 4th wall. So, mulite universes and versions of events can co-exist at the same time.
Capella was right about there being a fourth hidden cog, Daniil, Artemy, and Clara are the obvious clear three.
But she was wrong about it being the Kin, because it actually is you.
The Player.
The Bachelor, The Haruspex, The Changeling, and The Player.
You've always been the hidden fourth power, the extra healer who persistently tries to cure the plague in three different universes.
That's why I love the opening cinematic in the theatre so much! The three of them are on the stage, under the spotlights and in plain view.
While you, the only other person in the room besides them, are hidden up in the corridor. Veiled by the darkness, silent and voiceless, making your way to the same exit they are.
You always belonged to the same group as them. You just were and will always be hidden out of sight and mind. Only spoken with through 4th wall breaks, even then, the characters aren't allowed to acknowledge it or remember it afterwards. You're immediately ereased from the memory of anyone you converse with after the last word is said.
I didn't get a chance to thank you for your sweet words, so thank you! <3 I'm glad you enjoyed my writing. I had fun delving into this, used it as an excuse to avoid my responsibilities - today has been... horrible.
I assure you, you're not annoying or anything. I'm very happy with these types of questions! I like writing x reader as much as I enjoy talking about the game, discussing and analysing the plot! I love dissecting things under a microscope, and if I do get something wrong, I try to go back and fix it.
Also a reminder, this whole post only applies to the canon of P1. It won't add up in P2 lore, neither do i plan analysing much of a game that's still not finished. Without the Bachelor and Changeling routes, we can't say much about the plot.
Thank you for the flower, that was like really endearing and cute—here's a flower back 🌺 I really like hibiscus.
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shmowder · 1 month
Hiya! I’ve come with a platonic request! What would it be like to act as a parental role to Grace? That girl desperately needs a decent influence in her life like any form of support system at all, if Artemy can adopt two kids then I can adopt Grace! The haruspex isn’t the only one who can adopt orphans in this town!! Although that parent role may come with co parenting with Peter which sounds like an utter nightmare.
Peter Stamatin is the best case scenario when you remember the Saburovs' existence.
Peter loved Grace, specifically Grace. He wouldn't have gotten along had it been any other child. While the Saburovs loved having a child, it didn't matter who.
It's easier for you to fill in Peter's negligence and make up for his shortcomings. He forgets to feed himself as much as he forgets to feed Grace. You'll be doing him a favour by setting a mandatory breakfast, lunch, and dinner time for the three of you.
He can be reasoned with. He doesn't object when it has her best interest in mind. If you inform him about her twyrine addiction since she was a child, it might be his wake up call where he finally starts cleaning up the half empty liquor bottles from his flat, lessening his drinking habits as a whole in an attempt to set a good example to her, or at least make her feel less alone in withdrawal.
While the Saburovs are very stubborn and set in their ways, even if they're in the wrong, they rather bury their head in the sand. As long as they are convinced that what they're doing is good for Grace, they won't heed your advice or pay you much attention. It can easily overwhelm her, the sudden obligations of high society, Grace wasn't even part of normal society before this. She wasn't aware of the most common of societal rules. All she knew was the cemetery, graves, and how to care for them.
She didn't even know how to count when they adopted her. Clara was born with the inherited information of the earth, granted common knowledge. While Grace is a mere human, a kid. No one taught her how to read or write, how to brush her hair, or what food to eat.
Her father didn't even give her a name and resented her since birth. Strangers who took pity on her granted her that name. She roamed the first few years of her life completely nameless, being referred to as the "Cemetery caretaker's daughter"
I fear the Saburovs will set too high of expectations for her, underestimate show how behind her knowledge and skills in everything are. They will love each other more than they love her, which is never what you want from your parents.
She's too quick to trust you, it's worrying. too used to following other's orders and abiding to arbitrary rules given to her by grown-ups.
Grace rarely speaks what she wants because she never knows what she wants. She never had the chance to develop preference or a point of reference for anything. The clothes on her back are all that she's ever wore, so she'll be impressed and over the moon by any new piece of clothing you'd offer her.
It takes years of patience, attentiveness, establishing boundaries, and reminding her of her own agency to reverse the teachings of her early childhood in the cemetery.
To allow her to flourish into her own full person rather than an extension of other's expectations of her. She tries to appease the dead so much because she views herself in them, loving the unloved and forgotten souls neglected by the living.
Grace would be content with whoever gains custody of her, even if the judge tries to inquire about who she prefers to be her parent, she doesn't have a strong opinion. Everyone is so kind, she claims, she'll be happy with anything.
Parenting her will be challenging. Not because she is a problem child, quite the opposite, it's concerning how little problems she causes. You need to push her to socialise with kids her age, to plan playdates for her, to invite her friends over because she never would on her own.
You need to be ready for her hoarding food rations under her mattress instead of eating dinner because she is still worried about starvation and the worst-case scenario. You need to be thoughtful and kind, never antagonising, never yell, and treat her with delicate gloves. Otherwise, she will crumble and retreat back into her shell.
For Peter, you could be anyone and he'd allow you to help with raising Grace as long as you prove your usefulness. As long as he actually sees improvement, he's immediately clinging to you and asking what would it take for you to come by often? Money? Drugs? Blackmail? His brother will provide anything, as long as you keep showing up.
For the Saburovs, they'll only let you meddle if you're certified in some way. Be it a child psychologist or at least a school councillor. Their own marriagal problems will stonewall you a lot during your journey with Grace, their insecurity will slow you down, but if you play your cards right, they're much more useful at your side than Peter ever would be.
In fact, the Saburovs are more responsible and resourceful when it comes to raising her. They actually planned out a perfect future, already set aside funds for school, and enrolled her into their healthcare plan and everything. While Peter is a first-time parent who never even thought he'd be one.
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shmowder · 2 months
Wouldn’t kicking out Maria (other than the consequences of her. killing you. probably) be objectively the best seat to sit in? Capella is nice + front row seats to Saburov drama while still being at a comfortable distance + front row seats to Utopian Hell Corner while still being at a comfortable distance + Grace who is behind you won’t bother you + legroom
Maria might be hard to kick out whilst keeping your neck attached to your body, but clairvoyants aren't immune to trickery. In fact, you can deceive her twice in the Bachelor route into unawarly helping you achieve things which will harm her in the long run.
Let's think logically. Why isn't she at the utopians hell corner? She's seen partying it up with the Stamatins before at the broken heart pub so she is no stranger to their shenanigans, Eva deeply admires her as well and Daniil is akin to a puppet in her grasp.
So what's keeping her from her friends?
The Mistresses circle.
It wasn't Maria who sat down next to Capella, it was the other way around. Much like important government officials aren't allowed onto the same flight past a certian number in case of a crash emergency, Maria thought it'd be to her benfit to spread out the Mistresses—and members of the Kain family—throughout the carriage so if a cerian part is damaged, they don't all die together.
Capella had other thoughts, she doesn't want there to be a vacuum in power again like Simon Kain. If one Misteress were to be ereased from the board then all of them should follow suit. That's why she followed her to this seat and will follow her onto other seats if she moves.
Now if Capella sits between the Stamatins, Big Vlad will make it everyone's problem and Maria is aware of that. Which is why she can't move to the empty seat next to Eva and Daniil.
Clara saw two Mistresses playing a game of cat and mouse and thought it'd be fun to involve herself too, Katerina noticed the Mistresses gathering and decided to lowkey be near it to stay informed. That's why I made the rule that ALL Mistresses must be at least within one empty seat of each other.
Simply, If Maria moves, everyone else will follow her to wherever she sits. It's easy for Capella to convince others to give their seats to her, same with Clara for certain people. While Katerina has the all powerful governor husband gaurddog.
It would be nice to sit next to Capella, although a little morose because you realise how grown up a 15y old like her forces herself to act. That she has no real friends and rarely leaves her house, that she's treating her life and current age as a temporary stage, a waiting period until she comes into power rather than an actual part of her life she should be living.
Then she'd get up, excuse herself politely and go sit where you managed to trick Maria to move to.
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shmowder · 3 months
Two dollars?? Whoa. I'll keep an eye out for a sale. Based on screenshots, it seems like P1 has more dialogue and more opportunities to get to know the characters better? I love the P2 art style so much though so it might be hard to get used to the original. I know some people have the opposite problem and are unhappy with some of the redesigns.
We like the same aspects of yandere <3 Oh I need to rant for a second. There's nothing wrong with legitimately enjoying the violence and kidnapping aspects, but I do feel like there's sometimes too much emphasis on making sure readers don't think you're (general "you") romanticizing yanderes. Like intellectually I know it's unhealthy you don't have to tell me every other sentence that this is wrong and bad and that the reader insert isn't supposed to like it! 🤧 ... Ngl I love willing!reader 🫣🫣 Anyway. Rant over :)
I'll never get over actually being asked for my thoughts?? Thank you, even though I often feel out of my depth lmao. Please tell me about yandere Aspity!
In addition to what you said, I think Maria would be prone to jealousy too but unlike Katerina, would feel more of a sense of entitlement and is more prone to lashing out at others and at you occasionally. Katerina is more likely to internalize perceived rejection and be self-destructive about it. They'd both want to dress you up and do your makeup (even if you don't normally wear any) like a doll >:)
Lara and Peter might be the clingy/obsessive type, would latch on to the idea of you as a lifeline to pull them out of their despair. Lara would try to prove herself to you through acts of service; you'd be the inspiration for Peter's art and he'd give you little gifts all the time.
Victor would be overprotective, treating you like glass and like you've said before, wanting you to feel you can come to him, only, with your troubles. Would also randomly ignore you occasionally lol :( He can't help it he's too lost in thought! Big Vlad would spoil the ever loving fuck out of you *and* intimidate everyone else away.
Btw. I read your Andrey x reader hcs last night and they were really good! I don't really feel anything for this guy but it seems like you've got his personality just right :) I've never wanted piercings in my life, why is that part speaking to me 😭 (ok, that's a lie, I did want snakebites when I was seventeen :o)) I liked the little bit about sketching diagrams afterwards, too. Your smut is so good forreal
🐿️ anon
Delicious juicy food delivered straight to my inbox for FREE? I am in heaven and ascending even higher rn.
I want to let you know that this concept lived in my head rent-free for the past week. Each time I came to answer this ask, I'd get distracted by the brief yandere drabbles you wrote and get lost in the fantasy. Especially the overprotective Victor one, it's my favourite. Oh god, you're a genius. Tell me more I beg!
And yes P1 had a lot more dialogue which is nice because it explains the story a lot more. Especially characters like Aglaya who get a lot of backstory and other things revealed about them. It's a game that does the best it could with the very very limited technology it had at the time, and despite the graphics it's beautiful in some areas.
The music is its crowning gem however! P1 soundtrack literally blows P2 soundtrack out of the water. It's like the devs know the graphic and everything is lacking in P1 so they more than made up for it with fire music that gets you in a trance of how amazing it sounds.
I think the major flaws are how the charactersation and story is slightly different. Some characters like Victor and Aglaya remain the same but other characters like Alexander Saburov are massively different. Also as a majority everyone is more of an asshole in P1, especially Artemy and Daniil at times.
Eva and Andrey are more slutty... do with that what you will.
Yulia in P1 feels like a younger Yulia who's still lost and figuring out life. Like a freshly out of college Yulia. While in P2 she's more of a jaded full grown up who knows how the world works but is displeased by it. I love both versions <3 She is one of the very polite characters in P1... which are surprisingly sparce. P1 is also more funny and silly with the dialogue, it's more whimsical with more realistic options too. Also you get a lot of opportunities to break the 4th wall while in P2 you can only do it while talking with the rat prophet, the replacement Artemy and endgame Mark.
And I agree with you about the yandere thoughts. The horror ones are fun but sometimes I want romanticised obsession and devotion yk? Like a yandere ready to move the earth and bring down the moon for their beloved. Where the conflict is more focused on the emotions and intenal turmoil rather than the murder or horror aspect. Even when it comes to the reader, I enjoy a little toxic reader too 👀 Like someone who encourages their yandere behaviour or doesn't mind it, someone who is okay with the obsession or someone who actively goes out of their way to make it worse. A reader who's a full fledged character rather than a damsel in distress, someone who takes actions and can effect the world around them.
But don't get me wrong! I do like a damsel in distress... as a kink. It's kinda hot to be a useless fawned upon princess that everyone is looking to save and please.
Yeah, I feel you so much on the "Don't have to tell me this is wrong every sentence." Like, oh my god, dude! I hate when stories treat the reader like they're an idiot. You have to have faith in them, especially when your content is marked for adults that they will be able to read between the lines. Like you don't see murder or serial killer stories saying how this is wrong every sentence?? Yandere is just a mix of horror, romance, and smut! It's just an archetype with interesting concepts and maybe even a fetish.
Why do people have to psychoanalyse every kink someone has??
I'll get back to the other characters in a bit, let's focus on the overprotective Victor for example! bc the brainrot is real i legit haven't stopped thinking about him for one second.
In one of his dialogue trees he has this line:
5.Victor Kain: ...If I'd learned about this earlier, I would have torn his head off already. Now give me thirty-five seconds of silence, please. I need to think.
It's when you inform him about the chemist who's helping people hide their dead. The same one who buys body parts from Artemy, he apparently also works for tha kains but manages to hide his shady businesses right under their nose.
And his reaction is just odjwofjwofkwk So Delicious? Like that chemist posed a real threat to tramble down on the fragile castle the Kain built with their reputation, start a domino effect which exposes them as law breakers for the townfolks which they absolutely cannot have.
You see him angry, even if it's just a small glimpse. He could've worded it more elegantly, used so many different expressions. But no, Victor chose the phrase "tear his head off"
THE FERALITY! THE POTENTIAL MY GOD. This man is so good at making himself a safe and trustworthy pragmatic person so much you forget there's a wide awake tiger with deadly focus behind those melancholic eyes, weighting your every word and soaking in all the information you unawarly expose to him. Memorising all the names you mention, drawing a map in his brain of your social circle and connections. Saying so little himself just to get you to keep talking and telling him more and more until a secret or two spill out without you realising it.
The way he's briefly quiet before snapping, composing himself, and holding back the flood of rage in his brain from bubbling to the surface. "I would've torn his head off" only scratches the surface of what he really wanted to do and say.
Even this simple sentence from someone usually so polite and level-headed paints a gruesome picture of a predetor's sharp teeth tearing apart a person's brain, completely dislocating the head from the shoulders and tearing the skin off with one bite. The crunching of the skull as it caves under the pressure of the tiger's jaw.
All that anger directed towards anyone who wishes you harm. It's like you struck a match inside him and now he simply cannot help but watch out for your well being from behind the curtains.
His obsession stems from thinking of you as... lesser to put it kindly. Of course you will never be aware of this condescension nor how he views you as a fragile thing unfit for the real world, a glass figurine that needs to be handled with delicate gloves so you won't crack.
Non the wiser, you think he's just a really good listener. So when he invites you over for tea, you oblige and just spill your heart out to him. Telling him how your week went, talking about the boring details and your hobbies, mentioning the mundane things like your trip to the grocery store.
And he never interrupts, at first you thought it was a little creepy how he'd have you over just to listen to you talk. Only answering with questions and dismissing any questions directed towards him ir his well being, saying he'd rather know about you more.
But with time you warmed him to him, I mean it is Victor Kain? He has never done harm to anyone has he? Sure the Kains have some screws loose but Victor always seemed the calmest one amidst his eccentric family.
You think that maybe he is just lonely and needs company or a friend! He's definitely awkward when it comes to normal conversation, so you're understandable when all he wants to talk about is you.
As far as you're concerned, that's as deep as youre surface relationship goes. It starts with afternoon tea and ands just after the sun sets down when he walks you home, ever the old school gentleman. Strange tho, he never walks anyone else home and lets Maria run loose at any hour of the night. But you've never given it much thought.
You poor sweet thing, so unaware of the monster you're feeding. The obsession you're helping nurture whenever you oblige to his request or head his advice. The rush of satisfaction that runs through his veins when you come running to him to vent after a particularly hard day, the addicting euphoria flooding his system when you thank him for listening, saying how he's the only person you trust with these embarrassing things.
Victor who's pulling strings when you're not looking. Taking over your life and holding power over every aspect of it so he can fine tune it, surgically decide every small detail like he's tinkering with the delicate inner-machinery of a clock.
Making sure he is your sole support system. Coincidentally, the friends you make are offered jobs back at the Capital and have to move away. The grocery near your house relocates, and the closest one is right next to the Kain's resident.
Whichever job you held is deemed too dangerous for someone as helpless as you and he takes it upon himself to talk to someone who talks to someone else who persuades the owner into getting you fired or at least you're out of business if it's privately owned. No one wants your services, they all deeply admire the Kains and would run to please him at the drop of a hat.
No one but Victor who so kindly extends a helping hand. If you refuse chairty money then he immediately suggest working for him instead, he needs a helper you see. No matter what excuse or response you have prepared, he has already accounted for all of them and has a convincing counter-argument.
You don't have to know that in reality, he just thinks the world is too dangerous for you to freely roam and get a job. If you want to play pretend as boss and employee then he will indulge your childish antics and offer you a job, either way the end is the same with you slowly migrating more and more under his wing and care.
Stripped of your income, support system and any opportunity for growth. Once Victor has you in his claws, he will make sure you never slip through his fingers.
Tbf he is content with you just being around, as long as you're safe and sound under his watch he will even if you just see him as a friend and nothing more.
Because while helping you is enthralling, not knowing where you are is the worst withdrawal he has ever experienced. And that man lived at the Capital before, do not let his grown up facade tirck you, he's probably even tried coke and all drugs under the sun at some point in his youth out of sheer boredom or curiosity.
It ircks him thinking you're vulnerable and bare outside for anyone to grab, it makes his brain ache to see you in a situation outside of his own control. He needs you to live in a world of his own making for all of eternity or he feels like ripping his hair out.
Zero expectations are set upon you to do anything. He isn't looking for a slave or a housewife, he just wants to be reassured no harm will ever befall you and keeping you under his watchfull gaze is the best solution he could come up with.
So what if you're basically a glorified pet? You still have your freedom... although limited. You can pursue your hobbies, indulge in his money and even befriend his two kids if you feel like it.
If you get really desperate for company other than his own and the Kains, then maybe he will think about letting you socialise with the other utopians every now and them. The mostly do not pose any dangers but some of them (caught Andrey, Eva and Vlad the Younger) Do really test his patience and boil his blood with jealousy from the shameless sexua advances and romantic propositions they throw your way as if he wasn't in the room.
Still, the utopians are your toys to play with until you're content. Didn't you ask for friends?
But he'd be lying if he said he wasn't thinking of more... forgive his brain, humans are inherently flawed and he cannot help but think of you in rather scandalous ways at times. Animalistic desires of lust and love rearing its head. Whenever you lean too close to him, pat your beautiful eyelashes or call his name out with a faux whine.
He's more than open to a seemingly "normal" relationship with you. As long as you get used to his busy schedule and periods of ignoring the world around him while in deep thought. He lives in his own brain most of the time and you rarely if ever guess what's going on in his life at any give day.
He remains an enigma while settling for nothing less than your whole heart laid bare before him on a silver tray. Proding at the fragile organ, never causing it any harm as he caresses it with gentle fingers. Feigning ignorance of the way his mouth waters, salvia dripping down the sharp fangs.
But again, he's down to compromise. You can only go places if he's by your side, even his own brother, the judge, he doesn't trust to accompany you alone.
God that was a fucking treat to write and think about. Talking with you is always so fun, I can just let go and say everything on my mind. When writing fanfics or sharing my thoughts to others I always trim the edges and make sure I'm not repeating myself yk? I have to put in effort to make my thoughts presentable and tied nicely with a bow, compress it down to bite sizes.
But man i am living the dream! A wall of text! my purpose in life! I wrote so much in such a short time that my fingers actually hurt.
Anyway I have more so let's keep going!
He'd also fall on the overprotective category but not possessive controlling like Victor Kain. No, He'd want you to genuinely be happy.
Spoils you rotten, without decorum or an excuse. Literally buys you anything and everything, even the things you don't ask for he will get you just because he thought you might like them.
The softest thing with you despite how harsh and uncaring he is with others.
Don't get him wrong. He is still a ruthless businessman with shady and amoral practices, he simply does not care. The only things worth it in this life are the people you love, and he loves his family the most.
Including you! Surprise! He starts considering you part of his family. His love is definitely not just platonic however but he does hold the most shame when it comes to getting together with someone after his dead wife yk?
Especially if you're younger, oh my god he lacks morals yes but this is just humiliating. He gets over it easily.
If you want someone who is extremely self-aware and the guilt of lusting after a young adult really eats him up to the core, then look at none other than Alexander Saburov. Not only is his wife still alive so triple the shame and guilt, but also you're a 20/30 something cutie and he well past middle age. He is getting his ass beaten by his conscience inside his own mind and having a moral crisis.
Anyway, back to Big Vlad. I think he'd try to make you get with his son as a way to coerce you into joining the family, especially if you say he is too old for you.
Try saying Victor Kain is too old for you and that old man 404 errors on the spot then quickly recovers pulls up the shady "well the passage of time is subjective and age does not define a human's mind as long as they are a sound adult" argument. I don't think he himself remembers the fact he is almost 60. Age and time is just a suggestion to the Kains.
However Big Vlad would never pull the "becoming your boss" move ever. He wants you to see him as someone close and in an intimate light, that move will just ruin everything he has built. If he wants to throw money your way then he will shamelessly do it without tact and no one can stop him.
You do get your own worms bodyguards and nice herb brides who watch over you courtesy to him however.
Alexander might be the biggest simp in yanderes but he will hesitate before doing something which conflicts with his convictions.
Big Vlad however, will not.
Your suggestions are heard and the changes you demand in his treatment of the kin are immediately obeyed. He tries his best to please you and make you happy, you literally have this man wrapped around your pinky.
A single kiss would have his brain haywire, all it takes is a pat of your pretty eyelashes and a cute pout and all the complaints fizzle from his brain. You immediately win the argument by default.
While sex is good and all, I feel like he is more of a romantic at heart. Genuinely a big doofus in love and would melt over something as simple as hand holding or having you sleep against his chest. He lives for the early morning breakfast where your eyebrows are scrunched from being so sleepy, as you walk over and sink into his arms.
If Victor Kain treats you like a glorified pet and Alexander Saburov like the temptation & sin incarnate then Big Vlad treats you like royalty, a literal prince/princess fallen into his lap and he's the king who will ensure you have the most pampered and spoiled life ever.
You're not helpless in Big Vlad's eyes, he doesn't infantilise you like Victor Kain does. If anything you're the most capable and talented person in the entire world, which is why you deserve everything good and sweet in it.
I have so many more ideas and concepts! I love your idea of Maria and Katerina treating the reader like a doll and dressing you up then making out with you- Like you're just a beautiful thing to them to cuddle with as they fall asleep and string along on dates.
Yandere Maria wouldn't care what you have to say, she never begs or asks, she just takes. The day she decides you are here doll, everyone acknowledges that you are off limits because who in their right mind would oppose Maria??
And while Katerina doesn't hold much power, her husband is the leading authority over the town criminal and justice system. He is also the biggest simp to her and is 100% okay with being a cuck if it means his wife is happy.
If having you as her precious doll to dress up, smooch, and play with will put a stop to her morphine addiction, then he'd step over his own morals and look the other way.
YANDERE ASPITY MY LOVE. She has potential! I adore non-humans obsessing over a human. You're not like other humans, you're full of surprises and she wants to test and study you more. You make her see worth in her life and the world beyond the earth and why she was born.
I also like the implication that since she is literally a piece cut from boddho's heart and moulded into a person like clay, that if she falls in love with you then the earth itself would too. With Yandere Aspity you get a Yandere Boddoh and the entirety of the kin for free!
Maybe even possessive Aspity who doesn't want to share you with the earth, who refuses to hand you over and wants you to be hers. A piece of the earth defying its original self, establishing herself as her own person by choosing to love you and never share you.
But my food already went cold, and my fingers are growing numb, so I will cut it short for now.
Ha. Short. I say while having written the entire front page article of a gossipy small town's newspaper.
Do tell me about your thoughts! I love hearing them and reading what you write! Be it your thoughts about other yanderes or your opinions of what I have written. Or even an entirely different concept in general.
Lastly, thank you so much for the praise! I'm glad you liked my Andrey fic. He was a bit challenging to write because as you can see I specialised in romanticism and down bad old men and he's a fuck boy with anger issues and a renaissance man. So I had to conceade that no, he won't take you on picnics but he will take you to get your nipples pierced and maybe get a matching set of his own.
I'm happy you like my smut! I struggled a lot with figuring out how to write it ironically- I stuided romance and fluff I didn't take any good dick courses! So I only improved through trial and error, I changed my smut style so many times ah- The current one is the one I like most!
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shmowder · 5 months
Pathologic meme dump...3? 4??? I forgor anyway no one stopped me yet so
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shmowder · 2 months
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Throwing yourself out of the window isn't an option
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you're bald + baking soda + horse legs + an aquarius + Aglaya doesn't like trains
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shmowder · 4 months
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What they use to shower and no I do not accept constructive criticism
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