#⚘◡ฅ Caelestis Writes 🩵
darknixx · 5 months
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~ Picture was taken from Pinterest.
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I wonder, who is the villain?
After a long fight that would determine the fate and history of the kingdom and its people, not all's well that ends well. Their dearest Hero should've been victorious- So why... Why is everything falling apart? Why is everything on fire? Why has the Villain won?
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Well, well, well...
Would you look at this horrific spectacular sight? Do you see it?
Just right below your feet lies the kingdom you sought to protect now crumbling apart. But there's an even more terribly pleasant sight- You.
Oh, valiant 'Hero', look at you now— on your knees, amidst the ruins of the very kingdom you swore to protect. But here we stand, or should I say, here you kneel, defeated, broken, a shadow of your former glory.
I can't help but feel a pang of pity... Mixed, of course, with a bitter satisfaction. Who would have thought that this so-called 'Hero' would be the architect of their own downfall, blinded by arrogance and misplaced confidence?
It's almost ironic. Here I am, the villain of this tale, lamenting the fate of a kingdom I sought to conquer. What does that make me?
The cries of your people, do you hear them? They mourn not just for their fallen kingdom but for their misplaced hope. They believed in you and hailed you as their savior. Yet, here we are, surrounded by nothing but the consequences of your folly.
You aimed to be the hero, the beacon of hope. Instead, you gambled everything they had, everything they were, on your own hubris. And in doing so, you did not just fail them—you condemned them.
Look around you— what do you see?
The ruins, the despair, the lost hope?
This is the reality you've crafted with your own hands, blinded by your arrogance, seduced by the siren song of your own legend. You risked everything, gambled the fate of many on what? A chance to prove yourself against me? And for what? So that in the end, you could be the 'hero' in your story?
But in this twisted tale, who indeed is the villain? Is it I, who played my part, bound by the chains of destiny, or is it you, who, in your hubris, brought ruin upon the very souls you vowed to shield? You sought to write history, yet you penned a tragedy.
So, who truly is the villain? Tell me, 'Hero'. Who is it?
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darknixx · 5 months
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All good things come to an end...
TW: Mentions of Death.
The Hero, despite their valiant heart and unyielding spirit, could not withstand the onslaught of the Villain. The Villain has finally triumphed as the light fades from our beloved Hero's eyes...
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Thunder rumbled in the distance as an ominous storm brewed over the once-thriving kingdom, now a bastion of shadows and despair. Two figures stood amidst the wreckage.
One was the Hero, their body swaying and struggling to stand, strength waning and spirit completely shattering; the emblem of hope now tarnished and torn. Opposite them, the Villain stood, shakily breathing out, relishing in their long-awaited victory and the adrenaline that pumped through them.
As the Hero watched the Villain take a few languid steps closer, there was a spark of wavering defiance in their eyes, a flicker of a fire that had once driven them to stand against evil now dying out. Their body, battered and bruised, pushed beyond its limits and barely able to withstand the pressure of their own weight, finally slump down as they are brought to their knees.
The Villain took one final step forward, their body looming over the hero's kneeling form, their presence oppressive, their power undeniable, and the growing shadow they cast over serving as a bitter reminder of their defeat.
A twisted smile plays on the Villain's lips at this, a light chuckle slipping past their lips before bursting out into a loud laugh. The Villain's laughter echoed through the desolation, a chilling reminder of their triumph. Amid the echoes, a moment of silence filled the air. The world seemed to hold its breath, mourning the fall of its champion.
“All good things come to an end...”
The Villain chides in, their voice a symphony of malice as they stood in front of the Hero, eyes peering down upon them, a glimmering sword brought to under the Hero's jaw, tilting their chin up. Upon taking action, the Hero's disdainful eyes met the Villain's deprecating gaze.
“And, oh... You were so good."
The praise, if it could be called that, was laced with a venom that made the Hero's blood burn, especially at the condescending, pitiful tone it took on. The Villain drags the cold tip of the blade against the Hero's skin to the side of their neck, resting it just right above the very bridge of the heart and mind.
Chills ran down the Hero's spine, eyes gazing up and visibly widening at the tender expression plastered across the Villain's face a moment ago that suddenly shifted and faded into a sickeningly sweet one. Manic clouded the Villain's eyes as they lightly pressed the blade onto the Hero's throat, an ear-to-ear grin tugging at their lips.
“But now— Farewell, Hero."
With those words, the pitiful Hero couldn't even begin to react, the Villain raising the sword before bringing it down onto the Hero's throat and swiftly slitting their throat, high pressure blood gushing out. The once cold blade is now warm, with the Hero's fresh red blood spilling over it, a rather raspy, choked gasp leaving the Hero.
Garbled words spill out of them, followed by a few bloody coughs, their hand planting itself on the large slit over their throat in a pathetic attempt to stop the life from rushing out of them. But much to their dismay, their body succumb to the tragedy that has befallen them, slowly laying down on the cold cement ground; convulsing once or twice before going limp.
The brief clattering of metal fills the weighted silence in the air when the Villain drops the sword, senses barely picking up anything, their surroundings nothing but a blur, except for the body.
The skies began to weep as if mourning the loss, the storm's fury reflecting the brewing chaos that would now consume the kingdom. Shadows lengthened, monsters roamed freely, and despair suffocated the last flickers of light and hope within humanity.
As the light fades from the Hero's eyes, another individual gains its once lost shine, a satisfied hum leaving them when they take in the sight of their doing in front of them. Realization slowly hitting the Villain...
The Hero has finally fallen.
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darknixx · 3 months
You will be safe... Even from me.
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When you are chosen to be sacrificed to whatever damn God there is in this world of devastation, you are given a protector. Someone who would be protecting you from all the dangers of the world, till the day you are sacrificed. You had fallen for him. And he fell for you too. But, it definitely doesn't make it any better when you know he'll be the one to sacrifice you in the end…
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"You are safe under my protection. Nothing and no one shall harm you while you are under my care."
His gruff voice reminds you again. They were words that you have repeatedly heard since the day you met him. However, those words of reassurance have lost their meaning to you— No longer enough to quell the brewing storm of anxiety and fear inside of you.
Sensing something was amiss, he stops dead right in his tracks, slowly turning around to face you. With a heavy sigh, he walked over to you, dry leaves and twigs crunching and snapping underneath him. Stopping a few inches shortly in front of you, the both of you bask in the cool, late afternoon breeze and silence of the forest as he blankly gazes at you.
He doesn't say anything, waiting for you to even spare a glance at him. And once you do, he holds out his hand, palm up, a small golden bullet in it. The sunlight caught on its surface, casting a brilliant glare that blinded anyone who dared to look directly at it.
"The price of your safety…" His voice trailed off as he rolled the bullet between his fingers, watching the reflection of it in your eyes. "…Is death to those who seek to harm you."
There it goes. Just another few more words that may no longer bear any importance to you, but it sure as hell did for him. Your safety... Was no longer a duty he had initially served to fulfill.
But, now a promise he took to heart.
Once the bullet rolls onto his palm, you place your hand in his. Eyes filled with raw emotions of pain gaze up at him. "And if you were to hurt me?" You whisper, voice shaky with ache, knowing what inevitable fate awaits for you in the future.
. . .
Silence. So deafening.
Silence hung heavily in the air.
He pulls his hand away from yours, remaining completely silent. Not a single word leaves his lips because he knew. He knew how this insufferable world would take you away.
And, oh how he hated the cruelty of it to let him be the 'privileged' one to take your life with his own wretched hands...
Eyes drifting from your face, he eyes the golden, lustrous bullet momentarily. For once, you could see how he barely manages to conceal the turmoil within him. But could you blame him when your words bring him so much agony?
It sinks into him and plagues him, his heart aching just as much as yours.
After a moment or two, he swallows down the lump that had unknowingly formed in his throat, a stoic expression across his face. He slips the bullet into the chamber of his revolver and cocks it with a swift motion. He then takes your hand in his calloused ones and slowly wraps it around the grip of the revolver, locking his eyes with your own.
Guiding and moving your hand up, his intense gaze never leaves yours— Even when he presses the barrel onto the side of his head. Tears began to well up in your eyes, your breath hitching and lips quivering as he does so. His actions quietly hint at his very own sacrifice soon.
You hadn't expected this at all. Shaking your head frantically, ready to protest in a voice you were desperately looking for, tears began to trickle down your cheeks. You had hoped he would change his mind, expected him to falter.
But there was no hesitation evident in his earthly eyes that now soften ever so slightly, his rough voice cracking barely above a whisper as he says "Then, I'll end myself too."
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🤍 A/N: Decided to edit it a bit. Can't tell if I made it worse or better, honestly. But it's my first Y/N story ^^
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darknixx · 5 months
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Engulf it with the flames that destroyed us...
The hero and villain's once-used-to-be tormenters now appear before them. The same tormenters who caused their separation and led these two souls on a different path from each other. The hero with their forgiving heart is willing to move on from the incident of their past, finding vengeance to be completely unnecessary. But what will go down when the villain tilts the hero's head just a tad bit to the side to see their view...
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Ah, my dear, doesn't the sight before us just stir the soul?
The tremors of fear, the shivering pleas for mercy—they're truly intoxicating. It's almost… pitiful, isn't it? How these mighty figures, who once stood towering over us, now cower like frightened children.
It’s almost poetic, the way they now grovel at our feet, unknowing that with a single nod, we could extinguish the very light from their eyes.
It brings a certain… amusement, doesn't it? To see how the tables have turned.
But let me ask you. Why should we stop at mere amusement? Why not savor this moment a bit more… intimately?
You see, they've wronged us— deeply, irrevocably. They lit the fire that sought to consume us, to reduce our legacy to ashes. But oh, how fate loves her ironic twists.
For now, it is we who stand with the power to engulf. Not just with flames, my friend, but with a fire far more potent— the fire of vengeance.
I… This is all so overwhelming. It's not that I don't feel the pull, the… allure of what you're proposing.
There's a part of me, perhaps a darker part, that finds a bitter sort of satisfaction in their fear, the promise of turning our suffering into their torment. But I… I don't know. This isn't us, or at least, it shouldn't be.
We've suffered, yes. But, doing such things, isn't that just becoming what we despised? How does it make us any different from them? If we give in to this… this instinct for vengeance, aren't we just perpetuating the cycle of harm?
But then again, the thought of letting them off, of letting them think they've won, it… it gnaws at me.
You hesitate, I see it. And oh, how admirable your restraint is, how… humane.
But remember, humanity didn't save us from their wrath, did it? Picture it: the fear that now dances in their eyes, not just a temporary flicker, but a blaze—a blaze that mirrors the very inferno they ignited in our lives.
Imagine the power, the absolute control. It's not just retribution; it's a statement —a declaration that we are no longer the victims, but the architects of their fate. We have the opportunity, here and now, to right the cosmic scale, to ensure that justice, true justice, is served.
You're right. It's hard to admit, but you're right.
The line between right and wrong blurs when you're the one in pain. They never hesitated, not once, to inflict such terror upon us. Never spared us a second thought when they had us under their heel. Why should our conscience restrain us when theirs did not? Why should we grant them mercy now?
Perhaps… it's time they understood and felt every piece of the pain they caused. Yes, let's… Let's do it.
Let's ensure they never forget the pain they caused, that they live with the fear they instilled in us.
And perhaps— In the end… Justice sometimes requires us to embrace the darkness to protect what little light we have left.
You finally see it, don't you? So, darling… Engulf it with the flames that destroyed us.
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darknixx · 5 months
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꒥���꒷Greetings, Tumblr Wanderer!꒷︶꒥
Welcome welcome! Pleasure meeting you!
Once used to be a lurker here and still am but here I am! ^^
That says quite a lot about me to be honest... Aka I don't know how stuff works here.
ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ : ▮▮▮▮▮▮▯▯▯
↠ⁿᵉˣᵗ ˢᵒⁿᵍ ↺ ʳᵉᵖᵉᵃᵗ ⊜ ᵖᵃᵘˢᵉ
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♛↬𝐀𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐌𝐞:
Call me Caelestis, a young female scribe.◠°✩
An 18 year old residing in my body. In a room. In this Earth.
I'm a simple person really with a bit of seasoning...
Likes: You 💍 (platonically), Writing OCs and random stuff, Listening to unhinged character audios or my Spotify playlists, Streaming and voice-acting every once in a while, Playing Otome or rhythm games and Watching anime or action movies.
Some of my interests: Alien Stage, Obey Me, Call of Duty, Toilet Bound Hanako-kun, Hell's Paradise, Dungeon Meshi, etc.
Now, I'm no professional writer. I'm not experienced with it either. Simply one who just loves to write for fun!
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♜↬𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐠:
On this account, I shall drop fragments of my OCs, scenarios, sentences or dialogues — each reflecting its own tale. In short, a haven where I dump my thoughts.
𝘼𝙣𝙜𝙨𝙩 is the ink I favour most. So, expect to see 𝘲𝘶𝘪𝘵𝘦 a lot of it. Whether it is light or dark is up to your interpretation. 'Cause even I'm not sure. I just think it's sad.
Fluff? 𝙒𝙝𝙤𝙡𝙚𝙨𝙤𝙢𝙚? Ah. That's a 𝘵𝘢𝘥 𝘣𝘪𝘵 more rare. It's just more or so difficult for me to conjure up. For me to come up with one feels like a blessing bestowed upon me.
Woah woah, hol' up! 𝙎𝙢𝙪𝙩? Good heavens. I do have ideas every now and then... But it's just not part of my craft. Maybe I will post some but, trust me, they are 𝘴𝘰 𝘴𝘰 badly written.
Most of my writing is just all about the 𝒇 𝒆 𝒆 𝒍 𝒔 . + *
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Masterlist doesn't exist yet...
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⚠︎ Basic DNI Criteria. Please do respect them.
⚠︎ Please do not plagiarize, copy, translate or claim my works.
ପ Inconsistency: I am afraid to say that I don't have a regular posting schedule. Ideas unfortunately just appear and exist randomly.
ପ Source of dividers: @magicalboything @attxnt
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#⚘◡ฅ Caelestis Writes 🩵
For any of my writings/posts.
#Heaven's Children
For my OCs.
(Will enter some more later on)
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Whew! That was quite a lengthy introduction— But yay! You've reached the end of it. Oh! And one last thing... Your thoughts and interactions are the ink to my pen, so don’t hesitate to drop comments or messages! <3
Take care and bye!
𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬,
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“You don't love yourself? If only I could just let you see what I see then maybe you'd learn to love yourself and see what's so darn wonderful about you." - Me 🪻
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