cloudpools · 9 months
Emoji RP Prompts
Send me an emoji and I will write about our muses....
🎉Planning a surprise birthday party together. 🌹 Meeting at a quaint coffee shop for a first date. 📚Bonding over a shared love for books at a library event. 🍕Having a cozy pizza night and sharing childhood stories. 🎈Taking a hot air balloon ride. 🌟Attending a community stargazing event and sharing telescope views. 🚲Going on a weekend bike ride adventure. 🏖️Building sandcastles and watching the sunset at the beach. 🎤Singing at Karaoke night and discovering each other's favorite songs. 🍜Trying out a new recipe together in the kitchen. 🚀Embarking on a DIY home project and getting creative. 🚢Taking a boat ride on a serene lake. 🎭Participating in a community theater production. 🚗Road tripping to explore hidden gems in their own city. 🍓Picnicking in a beautiful botanical garden. 🎮Playing video games together and discovering friendly competition. ⛰️Hiking to a breathtaking viewpoint and sharing deep conversations. 🍨Trying unique ice cream flavors at a local parlor. 🎸Jamming together in a impromptu music session. 🎳Having a friendly bowling competition with lots of laughter. 🚂Taking a scenic train journey to a charming town. 🌆Exploring the city's nightlife on a vibrant evening out. 🎨Painting each other's portraits in a cozy art studio.
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angel-anachronism · 4 months
The "Victor Frankenstein vs Henry Jekyll, who would win" debate, but explained on short, as to show who's the superior evil scientist
Henry Jekyll: Alright Hyde now punch the child
Thank you for listening, follow for more of Eden Rambles about classic literature 🫶
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offorestsongs · 20 days
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Rook + Lysander ― ship introduction ♡
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it only took me like, a good few months but finally! an official (somewhat of an) introduction post for the main OC x canon ship i post about on here - Rook x Lysander aka lilyarrow. Lysander is my Yuu and you can read more about him here <3
i didn't write out their entire relationship timeline because 1. this post is already pretty long and 2. i want to give myself some space to just, make up scenarios lmao. there are some things about the development of their relationship that i consider to be pretty set-in-stone so maybe one day i'll make a post about that too
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Lysander has met most of the characters earlier than in the game canon (mostly because i think that makes for some fun dynamics), including Rook. they've met shortly after book 2. Lysander was actually trying to make Ramshackle more liveable; cleaning, moving out some of the old furniture that had was too broken to use, fixing up some things here and there. Rook just kind of,, appeared out of nowhere (he was actually watching Lysander for a while now), spooking poor Grim out, and offered his help. he also kissed Lysander's hand.
when Lysander tried to introduce himself, Rook interrupted him, saying that he already knows it. he also knows what class Lysander is in, his seat number, height and interests.
Lysander, in turn, blushed. he thought it was cute. he did, however, firmly refused any help, since he likes to do everything by himself (Grim thought that was very stupid of him). but Rook insisted until Lysander had given in and agreed to it, so in the end they've spent the entire day moving furniture and painting walls. turns out, Rook had a lot to say about Lysander's interior design choices.
Lysander: as i said, presented with Rook's stalker tendencies right off the bat, instead of being weirded out, he thought it's kind of sweet. he's not really used to people noticing him or paying attention to him, so he naturally got kind of flustered by the idea of somebody having any sort of interest in him. he also needed only about five seconds before going "oh! i like him!" ― he just tends to cling to people who are more extroverted and more talkative than him, and he found the fact that Rook seems to have more knowledge about a lot of things pretty interesting. he was a bit overwhelmed by Rook's general Everything, but he pretty quickly got used to it. Rook: he was actually watching Lysander for a lot longer than the day they first met; he was quite taken by Lysander's delicate beauty. he thought that Lysander is like a pretty little flower ― Rook would be failing his life's mission if he didn't help Lysander bloom into his full potential! he was also kind of impressed with the fact that for a tiny, frail, magicless human, Lysander seemed to fare pretty well (especially watching him haul all that heavy furniture).
surprisingly, it was Lysander! while Rook was well aware that Lysander returns his feelings (i mean, Lysander was very obvious about it, if anything, it was hard to not notice), he was also willing to wait. you can't make your final move too fast or you'll spook your prey ― Lysander still seemed very skittish and he didn't want to accidentally scare him away. and besides, the wait is as much part of the fun as anything that comes after it (and he enjoyed teasing Lysander and watching him make the most awkward attempts at flirting seen to man).
meanwhile, Lysander made a bet with Vil that if they win the VDC, he'll finally confess to Rook. well. yeah. about that... but Lysander still decided that he's going to do it because, well, they've all had kind of a shitty day, he can at least have this one thing. and he's been hyping himself up all day! he can't all that go to waste!
(and maybe, just maybe he was a lot a bit jealous over a certain celebrity from a rival school. but just maybe!)
Lysander kind of fumbled it tho. he wanted to say something heartfelt and sweet and romantic, but he got too stressed out after like, the first sentence and started to kind of ramble. but Rook thought that it was cute, so it was all okay <3
well technically their first date was going to get Vil, Grim & co out of S.T.Y.X while Epel was thirdwheeling them but that doesn't count lmao
it was surprisingly normal and kind of, low-key. very private, very cozy. even before getting together, they would often go on walks and just kind of wander around, especially in the woods near the school.
so they went on a picnic in a little meadow that the often used to meet up at. Rook was the one who organized it, so he was the one who got all the food and all ― Lysander would be happy to do so himself, but Rook didn't want him to do any work before their date <3. Lysander has a real sweet tooth, so Rook had mostly got them Lysander's favorite sweets.
also they got caught in the rain about half way through and had to run back but Lysander got to wear Rook's jacket so it's still a profit? he never gave it back
it was actually during their first date! they were both laying on the blanket and chatting and it just kind of,,, happened. for the romance of it all, i would love to say that Rook is a good kisser but realistically speaking i don't think he actually has much experience, same with Lysander, so it was just kind of awkward, but still pretty sweet! tho Lysander did start laughing because he got too overwhelmed.
also it was almost right after that it started raining. they don't have the best luck lmao.
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Lysander: first of all, he really likes and appreciates the fact that Rook can read him pretty well!! Rook is one of the few people who understand that Lysander really isn't shy or anything, he just doesn't like talking too much and never pushed him into it. Rook is also very good at noticing when Lysander gets too overwhelmed by social situations and is quick to pull him out of them.
for his whole life, Lysander had to work hard to prove that he's worth anything, so he really appreciates the way Rook just,, sees him and loves him for who he is, wholeheartedly and without any conditions. it's maybe the first time Lysander feels really appreciated without having to do anything to "deserve" it.
he likes that Rook is emotional and earnest and genuine!! even if Rook is secretive and weird about some things, Lysander could never distrust him, because he knows that he's honest about the things that matter (especially, his feelings towards other people).
and he also likes the way Rook is so passionate about so many things!! he likes that Rook knows so much about many different topics and that he's always willing to talk at length about them!! and he likes the way Rook gets all excited over it too, he thinks its so cute <3.
Rook: he likes that Lysander is kind and warm and sweet. and most importantly, he likes that Lysander is somebody who chooses to be kind, no matter what — the thinks that's really admirable
he likes that Lysander is so resilient! again, he thinks the way Lysander is so bent on building a life for himself in a unfamiliar world, that he's never deterred by people treating him awfully, that he's willing to be stubborn when the situation demands it and that he doesn't give up easily.
he really appreciates how good of a listener Lysander is. while sure, Rook will gladly just talk at people, he's happy to have someone whos willing to actually listen to him, who's genuinely interested, who's asking questions and who actually tries to look at the world from Rook's perspective.
he also likes how busy Lysander always is. he likes that Lysander is always working on something, always has some project in mind, especially since he likes watching Lysander at work. he also finds Lysander’s wide array of home renovation skills absolutely delightful.
Lysander: he has some bad jealousy issues, so he tends to get a bit grumpy when Rook starts fawning about other people. he knows Rook doesn't mean it like that, but he's still unhappy
also he doesn't always appreciate how blunt Rook can be with his words, but they usually can talk it out so it's alright
Rook: while he does love how kind Lysander is, yes, he also thinks that sometimes Lysander is being too much of a pushover. yes, it is very noble and beautiful to sacrifice so much of yourself for other people's sake, he wouldn't mind if Lysander also took care of himself while at it!!
Lysander: listen. he's a simple boy. his type is just guys who are Strong. and so as you can imagine, he feels Very normal about Rook's arms. the first time he saw Rook in a t-shirt, he was UNCONSOLABLE. he also likes Rook's hands a lot, he likes that they're the rough hands of somebody who actually uses them to do work
Rook: while he would surely write many pomes about any given part of Lysander’s appearance, he's especially fond of Lysander’s freckles. he always tries to kiss as many of them as he can.
he's also very fond of Lysander’s smile since Lysander doesn't actually smile all that often.
they're both very outdoorsy people so most of their time together is just Going Somewhere. they like to just be in nature, Lysander then can ask Rook about Fun Animal Facts and Rook can be delighted by how animals seem to be naturally drawn to Lysander.
they can and will treat any outing as a date. they also treat everything they do like an adventure!!! no matter where they're going, they're going to find it fun and exciting!! but they especially like discovering new places together; when they're travelling somewhere, they like to go off map and just wander around and Lysander drags Rook to every food place they come across.
when they go on more "fancy" dates, it's usually theatre/opera. back in his home world, Lysander actually never went to theatre and upon learning about it, Rook went to fix it IMMEDIATELY. Lysander is still not that much into it, but he likes that Rook likes it.
they also watch a lot of movies even when they're just chilling together — again, Lysander is mostly happy that Rook can go on and on about cinematography and behind-the-scenes stuff. Rook had introduced him to musicals tho and he does actually like those!!
Rook is not allowed to help Lysander while Lysander is cooking, but sometimes Lysander lets Rook sit in the kitchen and watch. it's one of the few times when Lysander actually gets chatty because he starts to explain what he's doing and Rook is just happy to be able to listen (tho Lysander always makes him do the dishes afterwards). Rook also often helps Lysander with work in Lysander's garden.
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aka all the other things i wanted to mention but i didnt know where to put them lmao
i wanted to put it into the "what do they like about eachother" section but didn't know how to fit it in so it's here BUT. Lysander actually never found Rook weird and gets a bit defensive when others do so because. well. Lysander knows well how it is, to be labelled as "the weird person" simply because your way of interacting with other people is a bit out of the norm
while they aren't overly touchy with eachother in public, they're still very affectionate and combined with the fact that they often act like they're joined by hip, it makes them kind of insufferable to be around
they ARE very touchy in private tho!! they often cuddle/take naps together. Rook likes to put his head on Lysander’s chest so he can listen to Lysander’s heartbeat
while Rook uses A LOT of petnames in general, the one he uses most often is mon fleur, since, as i've said, Lysander reminds him of a flower a lot. Lysander is not big on petnames but he often calls Rook "my love" or "my heart"
they write eachother letters by hand, despite the fact that going to the same school, they have no real need to do so. usually full of dramatic romantic confessions and plans for the future
at one point they've given eachother a lock of their hair
not only did Lysander find Rook's stalking tendencies kind of cute, he would also leave the curtains in his windows opened just in case Rook was watching
obviously, the have eachother photo's as their phone lockscreens
Rook really admires the fact that Lysander does embroidery/sewing! he's fascinated by it since it's such a delicate job that requires a lot of carefullness and patience. he likes to sit with his head in Lysander's lap and watch him do it
Vil had put them in a "there was only one bed" scenario during book 5, making them share Lysander’s bedroom (since there were more people living at Ramshackle than actually liveable rooms, they had to arrange everyone somehow)
Rook often compares Lysander to a hare and once bought him a hare plushie
there's some intersection between Rook's interest in hunting and Lysander’s interest in cooking; somehow, that ended up with Rook teaching Lysander how to skin a rabbit (i feel like i shouldn't be putting this point right after the previous one LMAO)
they actually really love teaching eachother how to do things they're interested in!! Rook had also taught Lysander how to climb trees, some archery and whittling (with varying degrees of success)
Rook has just. so many sketchbook pages filled solely with drawings of Lysander
Lysander very often steals borrows Rook's hoodies/shirts; he likes that they're soft and too big on him and smell like Rook. Rook also often steals borrows Lysander’s clothes — they're too small for him to wear obviously but he just likes Lysander’s smell
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sansloii · 2 months
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soup on a cold day
you're caring, consistent in your kindness, and quiet in your compassion for others. you offer warmth because you were cold for a very long time. and you refuse to stand by while others suffer in the same way. your kindness is not reckless. you count the costs, but you offer it anyway. you have a unique ability at reading people, and knowing when they have a pain that they are trying to cover up. your love language is probably quality time, and you're usually more of a listener in conversations. you probably find yourself taking on a caretaker role with others, almost automatically. so when people try to do the same for you, please don't flinch away. please don't withdraw into what feels like safety. there are people who are waiting to love you in the same way you have loved them. please let them.
tagged by: @rexpyre tagging: @tearenola @royaletiquette @astarab1aze @nezumivc103221
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deceptivemorals · 9 months
reverse meme call
hit the heart if you want me to go through your meme tag. you can also specfiy for which muse you want memes if you're a multi
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drinkitfrommymouthsuou · 10 months
🔥 (whatever you want. Be salty for a hot minute lol)
Send me a “ 🔥 “ for an unpopular opinion. ->
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outofroses: Okay...so. Admittedly, I am a bit nervous about posting this...but...here it goes.
I’ma preface this to say I do not care how someone portrays/roleplays a character.  There is no right or wrong way to respond to a character and draw meaning from them. That is what art is made to do.   
Haruhi Fujioka is not non-binary. She just doesn’t give a flying fridge how people perceive her. Just because she is not bothered by societal expectations, or gender norms, does not automatically equate to her identifying as anything other than female. I do understand where people come from when they assume her gender identity, however, I feel there is ample evidence in the series that suggests otherwise. There are multiple instances in the series when she tells the host club, “I never claimed otherwise.” Simply to mean, the host club [and the audience] first assume she is male; they never asked for clarification (because they assumed her gender) and she never felt the need to correct them (because she doesn’t care).
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Tamaki: You're a girl?
Haruhi: Yes. Never claimed otherwise.
Another example is during Episode 3 – Beware the Physical Exams! The host club worries that she will be found out, resulting in Haruhi having to quit the host club.  Ultimately, Haruhi says she doesn’t care if the school finds out she is a girl, basically an “it is what it is!” the typical kind of attitude from our mc heroine, here. So, if she doesn’t care, then why does she stay in the host club? Well, lol without her staying in the host club, then we wouldn’t have the story in the first place.  Chiefly, she cares about erasing her debt.  Money and food are powerful motivators for Haruhi (incidentally, aren’t these things always powerful motivators for the “poor”?). 
Another example is in Episode 26 – This Is Our Ouran Fair, Haruhi complains that she is the only one dressed as a girl.  Hikaru playfully reminds her that it is cosplay, so it is “okay for her to be dressed as a girl”, to which Haruhi responds with: “I am one, you know?”
It is true that Haruhi enjoys wearing “men’s” clothing simply because they feel more comfortable. Additionally, Haruhi is incredibly frugal.  There are instances where we see the clothes that she wears are often hand-me-downs from her father; why buy an entirely new wardrobe when there is already a perfectly acceptable wardrobe that is not being worn?
I think it is perfectly okay for her to identify as female and not “fit into” what society deems is female, or even what society deems as non-binary.  Why do these characteristics need to point to her being non-binary? I don’t get it.  Why can’t cis women wear “men’s” clothing because they are comfy? Why can’t cis women not care about gender conformity?  Why is it, if she is all these things, do these things equate to her possibly being non-binary? She only ever confirms (several times to the host club and audience) that she is female.
I do not dismiss this character’s contribution to the non-binary community in general.  It is true that she had a profound influence on me while I was growing up, and just figuring out who I am.  As I was prepping to answer this ask, I came across this…
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"It's what's on the inside that counts": How Haruhi Fujioka helped me embrace being genderfluid.
While I do not think Haruhi is genderfluid, I do believe she has helped many people understand that no matter who you are, appearances and labels do not matter.  I found comfort in the fact that someone like Haruhi, who never once states that she IS male, or THEM, but purely a cis female, could readily accept and hold space for people who are just like me.  She is a powerful ALLY. She does not care…she is the most unbothered person in the world.
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Haruhi: Besides, it doesn't really matter does it? Guy, girl, or appearance (I don't understand why this kind of club exists). Its what's on the inside what counts, right?"
Tamaki: ...Well, true...
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swevene · 2 months
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you know sometimes i get on here properly and forget about memes i've thrown in the next several weeks. it's like surprise !! thank you all for sending all the asks <3 i will try to get to them soon but maybe be a few days or a couple weeks. but i promise to get to all of them so if you want to send more than is totally fine !!
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katwritesshit · 6 months
a meme
say tee hee. say tee hee rn.
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the sillies in question :
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ealiyah · 8 months
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@elenaes asked: ❛❛ could i make a difference? ❜❜
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"that   depends   on   you,   elena.   sometimes   the   difference   you   make   is   a   small   one,   but   noticable."   a   short   pause   as   the   original   ponders   on   the   question   itself.   fame   and   reputation   had   been   part   of   his   life   for   as   long   as   he   remembers,   even   as   a   human,   his   family   had   a   reputation,   the   sons   of   mikael   and   esther,   brought   from   the   old   world   into   the   new   one   after   a   tragedy.   "humans   make   difference   in   small   doses,   and   perhaps   you   would   think   that   their   impact   is   reduced   but   i   find   it's   quite   the   opposite."
  he   forgets   himself   at   times.   that   he   had   been   human   once,   the   grandour   of   his   life,   and   who   he   is,   his   family,   can   get   to   his   head,   like   it   does   to   everyone   in   his   family.   "personally,   I   believe   you   do   make   one.   but   perhaps   the   perception   is   what   troubles   you."   elijah   turns   to   look   back,   head   canted   to   the   side,   as   eyebrows   borrow   together   into   a   frown.   "are   you   concerned   with   how   the   world   will   look   at   you?   because   I   can   assure   you,   legacies   are   quite   a   troublesome   topic   in   my   family."
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Love streaming SR2 walkthroughs for friends and then getting to see their reaction to the 'Bank Error in Your Favor' mission. One of the downright coldest things the Boss could've done to a motherfucker.
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sanpatron · 2 years
QWINCY 🥹 be gentle bls
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Send me a url and I'll record my voice saying the url along with what I think of them.
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cloudpools · 8 months
⚜ @lostusagis
Nara sits on the hillside of her hometown taking in the sight of dwindling candlelight from the windows of homes and businesses she was no longer welcome in. It had taken her more time than usual to make it to her camping spot, stone ring still formed where she'd last left it a year ago. Visiting this place on the anniversary of her mother's passing had become an annual tradition, but still there was something unnerving about being here.
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But this was her home, whether the residence liked it or not, and as she starts the fire, she relaxes into the familiar and comforting task of cooking a hearty meal.
It had been a few weeks since her encounter with the stranger. No. Kamui. Was one really a stranger after battle? A form of deadly intimacy that only true warriors understood. She was heavily injured, bones aching and sleep evading her the first few nights as her ribs healed. Though they say, life goes on. It hadn't stopped the bandits from trying to take her things, to which they were met with a swift end. And the bear she was preparing now for dinner had to be taken care of, so she could live on to make it to this moment.
Nara didn't like killing animals. She was aware that is was a necessity to survive, but she hated to waste them. Secretly she wished that the bear had never engaged her in the first place, but here she was preparing jerky for her future journey ahead. "Could use a bit more-" she starts to mumble under her breath as the rustle of the forest behind stirs her from the thought.
She's up in a moment, eyes wild, blade drawn. "Show yourself," her voice booms.
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douzeepees · 2 years
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There’s an odd disturbance in the air, a very foreboding feeling. “Hmm... something doesn’t seem right? But what...”
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ᴛᴀɢ ᴅᴜᴍᴘ 𝟏 / ?
⋆༺𓆩⚜𓆪༻⋆ ⸺ off duty. 🢐 ooc 🢒 ⋆༺𓆩⚜𓆪༻⋆ ⸺ criminal history. 🢐 headcanons 🢒 ⋆༺𓆩⚜𓆪༻⋆ ⸺ on duty. 🢐 ic 🢒 ⋆༺𓆩⚜𓆪༻⋆ ⸺ fight card. 🢐 pinned 🢒 ⋆༺𓆩⚜𓆪༻⋆ ⸺ death penalty. 🢐 dni 🢒 ⋆༺𓆩⚜𓆪༻⋆ ⸺ be on the lookout. 🢐 psa 🢒 ⋆༺𓆩⚜𓆪༻⋆ ⸺ witness statement. 🢐 answered asks 🢒 ⋆༺𓆩⚜𓆪༻⋆ ⸺ interrogation. 🢐 ask prompt 🢒 ⋆༺𓆩⚜𓆪༻⋆ ⸺ go the distance.  🢐 promo 🢒 ⋆༺𓆩⚜𓆪༻⋆ ⸺ administrative log. 🢐 queue 🢒 ⋆༺𓆩⚜𓆪༻⋆ ⸺ deliberation. 🢐 musings 🢒 ⋆༺𓆩⚜𓆪༻⋆ ⸺ riot. 🢐 meme 🢒 ⋆༺𓆩⚜𓆪༻⋆ ⸺ roughhousing. 🢐 dash games 🢒 ⋆༺𓆩⚜𓆪༻⋆ ⸺ ringside. 🢐 dash commentary 🢒 ⋆༺𓆩⚜𓆪༻⋆ ⸺ paraphernalia. 🢐 crack 🢒 ⋆༺𓆩⚜𓆪༻⋆ ⸺ law & order. 🢐 self-promo 🢒 ⋆༺𓆩⚜𓆪༻⋆ ⸺ video evidence. 🢐 video 🢒 ⋆༺𓆩⚜𓆪༻⋆ ⸺ composite sketch. 🢐 art 🢒 ⋆༺𓆩⚜𓆪༻⋆ ⸺ forensic artist. 🢐 my art 🢒 ⋆༺𓆩⚜𓆪༻⋆ ⸺ categorical approach. 🢐 wip 🢒 ⋆༺𓆩⚜𓆪༻⋆ ⸺ prison break. 🢐 open starter 🢒 ⋆༺𓆩⚜𓆪༻⋆ ⸺ arraignment. 🢐 closed starter 🢒 ⋆༺𓆩⚜𓆪༻⋆ ⸺ continuance. 🢐 thread 🢒 ⋆༺𓆩⚜𓆪༻⋆ ⸺ indictment. 🢐 thread end 🢒 ⋆༺𓆩⚜𓆪༻⋆ ⸺ the warden. 🢐 visage 🢒 ⋆༺𓆩⚜𓆪༻⋆ ⸺ phonograph. 🢐 music 🢒 ⋆༺𓆩⚜𓆪༻⋆ ⸺ confession. 🢐 one-shot 🢒 ⋆༺𓆩⚜𓆪༻⋆ ⸺ crime scene investigation. 🢐 introspection 🢒 ⋆༺𓆩⚜𓆪༻⋆ ⸺ cogs & wheels. 🢐 aesthetic 🢒
#⋆༺𓆩⚜𓆪༻⋆ ⸺ off duty. 🢐 ooc 🢒#⋆༺𓆩⚜𓆪༻⋆ ⸺ criminal history. 🢐 headcanons 🢒#⋆༺𓆩⚜𓆪༻⋆ ⸺ on duty. 🢐 ic 🢒#⋆༺𓆩⚜𓆪༻⋆ ⸺ fight card. 🢐 pinned 🢒#⋆༺𓆩⚜𓆪༻⋆ ⸺ death penalty. 🢐 dni 🢒#⋆༺𓆩⚜𓆪༻⋆ ⸺ be on the lookout. 🢐 psa 🢒#⋆༺𓆩⚜𓆪༻⋆ ⸺ witness statement. 🢐 answered asks 🢒#⋆༺𓆩⚜𓆪༻⋆ ⸺ interrogation. 🢐 ask prompt 🢒#⋆༺𓆩⚜𓆪༻⋆ ⸺ go the distance.  🢐 promo 🢒#⋆༺𓆩⚜𓆪༻⋆ ⸺ administrative log. 🢐 queue 🢒#⋆༺𓆩⚜𓆪༻⋆ ⸺ deliberation. 🢐 musings 🢒#⋆༺𓆩⚜𓆪༻⋆ ⸺ riot. 🢐 meme 🢒#⋆༺𓆩⚜𓆪༻⋆ ⸺ roughhousing. 🢐 dash games 🢒#⋆༺𓆩⚜𓆪༻⋆ ⸺ ringside. 🢐 dash commentary 🢒#⋆༺𓆩⚜𓆪༻⋆ ⸺ paraphernalia. 🢐 crack 🢒#⋆༺𓆩⚜𓆪༻⋆ ⸺ law & order. 🢐 self-promo 🢒#⋆༺𓆩⚜𓆪༻⋆ ⸺ video evidence. 🢐 video 🢒#⋆༺𓆩⚜𓆪༻⋆ ⸺ composite sketch. 🢐 art 🢒#⋆༺𓆩⚜𓆪༻⋆ ⸺ forensic artist. 🢐 my art 🢒#⋆༺𓆩⚜𓆪༻⋆ ⸺ categorical approach. 🢐 wip 🢒#⋆༺𓆩⚜𓆪༻⋆ ⸺ prison break. 🢐 open starter 🢒#⋆༺𓆩⚜𓆪༻⋆ ⸺ arraignment. 🢐 closed starter 🢒#⋆༺𓆩⚜𓆪༻⋆ ⸺ continuance. 🢐 thread 🢒#⋆༺𓆩⚜𓆪༻⋆ ⸺ indictment. 🢐 thread end 🢒#⋆༺𓆩⚜𓆪༻⋆ ⸺ the warden. 🢐 visage 🢒#⋆༺𓆩⚜𓆪༻⋆ ⸺ phonograph. 🢐 music 🢒#⋆༺𓆩⚜𓆪༻⋆ ⸺ confession. 🢐 one-shot 🢒#⋆༺𓆩⚜𓆪༻⋆ ⸺ crime scene investigation. 🢐 introspection 🢒#⋆༺𓆩⚜𓆪༻⋆ ⸺ cogs & wheels. 🢐 aesthetic 🢒
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sansloii · 5 months
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what is your cosmic persona ? Mun v. Muse (Andris)
tagged by @royaletiquette tagging: @ghoulxn (Avalon) | @of-elitiism (Adrianna, my beloved) | @saiwola (Taylor c:) | @mundanemiseries (Raven)
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wickedlcvely · 1 month
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𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞 ( 𝐭𝐚𝐠 𝐝𝐮𝐦𝐩 )
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⚜ dossier. ft. caroline.
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⚜ musings ft. caroline.
⚜ visage ft. caroline.
⚜ ask memes ft. caroline.
⚜ tasks ft. caroline.
⚜ all posts ft. caroline.
♊ ooc. | ali talks.
♊ ooc. | ali makes.
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