#oc rp blog prompts
cloudpools · 9 months
Emoji RP Prompts
Send me an emoji and I will write about our muses....
🎉Planning a surprise birthday party together. 🌹 Meeting at a quaint coffee shop for a first date. 📚Bonding over a shared love for books at a library event. 🍕Having a cozy pizza night and sharing childhood stories. 🎈Taking a hot air balloon ride. 🌟Attending a community stargazing event and sharing telescope views. 🚲Going on a weekend bike ride adventure. 🏖️Building sandcastles and watching the sunset at the beach. 🎤Singing at Karaoke night and discovering each other's favorite songs. 🍜Trying out a new recipe together in the kitchen. 🚀Embarking on a DIY home project and getting creative. 🚢Taking a boat ride on a serene lake. 🎭Participating in a community theater production. 🚗Road tripping to explore hidden gems in their own city. 🍓Picnicking in a beautiful botanical garden. 🎮Playing video games together and discovering friendly competition. ⛰️Hiking to a breathtaking viewpoint and sharing deep conversations. 🍨Trying unique ice cream flavors at a local parlor. 🎸Jamming together in a impromptu music session. 🎳Having a friendly bowling competition with lots of laughter. 🚂Taking a scenic train journey to a charming town. 🌆Exploring the city's nightlife on a vibrant evening out. 🎨Painting each other's portraits in a cozy art studio.
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whumpusgumpus · 2 months
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Poor Konnie has been getting hit with false start ups lately. He can’t ever get a break from me 😭 Ever since Konrad returned from the Feywild, he’s altered in many ways and unfortunately for me and luckily for him, his constitution went from an 8 to an 18 😭 First campaign (a year ago) he was super sneezy cus his constitution was bad and now that it’s good I had to come up with some way to torture him. So now he literally cannot sneeze, but instead suffers intense false starts whenever his nose is triggered, whether it be by allergies, colds, or being touched the wrong way (it’s broken so it’s pretty sensitive.) His false start ups almost sound like unusual sneezes, so much so sometimes he’ll get a “bless you.. I think?” Bro’s nose has literally not gotten relief in a year…. 😏
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hyper-lynx · 4 months
Two Cats Attend the Blue Moon Ball
Chapter 1: Dusk
Featuring @wizblr-blue-moon-ball's Lurien and @flowers-the-sun-witch, along with Hemi and Liam of course. This is the first chapter of probably several that I will make for some of the prompts. Character appearances will vary and can be removed on request!
A calm wind blew over Wizard Island Island’s coastal region, bringing a mild warmth over the old stones and dozens of pointy-hatted towers dotting the landscape. The sky was overcast, but it was clear despite this that the sun was near the horizon. The shimmering line of the ocean adorned the horizon. Along a path of well-trodden cobbles, the air bent and tore, until, with a burst of chromatic power, two felines landed onto the earth. Hemi, wreathed in the gentle fabric of his deep indigo dress, felt the lukewarm air suddenly about his legs until the dress behaved itself. The emblem of the moon was dim in the low light, but still plainly visible. Shortly behind him, Liam practically flowed out of the rift. His gown had the general design of the lunar hibiscus -- pink and, in Hemi’s opinion, somewhat bulbous, but still quite elegant. He held the corners of the dress in a way that suggested he had experience landing from a dimensional vortex in such attire. Once both cats exited the distortion, reality was quick to mend itself.
“Aha, we’re-- um.” Hemi looked around, then let his head tilt. “Where’s--”
They stood at the long-forgotten gates to a property that was seemingly completely absent. There was not a trace of any building -- in its place, an immense crater marred the landscape. The only thing that remained was a tarnished silver archway and a few mana crystals that poked out from the ground at the edges of the place.
Liam gasped. “Did something--?”
“Impossible. If something this big was -- gone, I’d have heard about it. Besides, that gate… must have been abandoned for a hundred years.” Hemi closed his eyes and tried to visualize the route on the invitation he’d been given, but he was certain it led to this general area, and there shouldn’t be any other large estate in the vicinity. Were all his days of anticipation really --
“Oh--! Hemi, look!”
Hemi opened his eyes to the sight of what looked like an angelic being descending through the clouds. He plummeted rapidly and then came to a sudden stop in the air just beyond the gate, not displacing any air or showing any discomfort in the process. An elf with radiant wings, blue into yellow, clothed in shining white silks. Despite his short stature, the elf had a golden power behind his eyes that commanded respect. The emblem of the Blue Moon shone in iridescent stone, adorning his crown.
“Greetings! Hyperlynx Hemi, I presume?” The elf spoke with a quiet tone that nonetheless carried through the emptiness. “I see you’ve found our ‘back entrance’.”
“Oh--! Um, hello, sir--?” Hemi stammered in response as both cats approached the gate.
“Lurien is fine. In any case, I’ve arranged transport for you and your partner. Please proceed through the gate.”
Hemi tilted his head to the opposite side and gazed into the spiky, terrifying chasm just beyond the rusted passage. “Um-- I ah, don’t have any flight spell active…” He glanced at Liam, who shook his head silently.
“That’s fine, sir. I assure you there are accommodations for all creatures at the Blue Moon Ball.” He looked down at some kind of brass handheld timekeeping device. “Although, I would insist you move swiftly. The event will be starting momentarily.”
Hemi huffed softly and looked to Liam, who took the lead. Liam gathered his gown about his feet and cautiously stepped through the gate. He half expected the world to suddenly burst into light and color around him, but no such thing happened. Instead, his foot met with a soft resistance, an invisible surface. It felt a bit like walking across a mattress. Seeing the leopard defy gravity, Hemi followed suit.
“Impressive spell, but where is--” Hemi was cut off when the platform was suddenly thrust skyward. The earth fell away, and waves of amber light emanated from the invisible surface above them as it blocked the wind. Lucien cracked a soft smile -- the emblem across his chest shimmered softly as the three beings were brought up. Even the clouds broke around the barrier above them, until--!
The sun, from its place ever-lower on the horizon, lavished golden light across a wondrous skyscape. A great layer of clouds the size of mountains formed the base, speckled with tiny sections of floating stone -- likely pieces of distant floating islands that came in the wind across the sea. Beyond the shelf of clouds, the light glinted on the water. Above it all, though, a grand estate was situated. The main island consisted of an immense floating mansion. In a way, it was almost more like a town  -- the lower section was something of a hull, with docking ports for flying ships and tiered gardens protruding from openings in its sides. Atop, the mansion sprawled across a massive expanse of once-natural earth, with what must have been hundreds of rooms and halls. Near the center, the peak of a wizard’s tower wis visible, adorned with the same lunar emblem.
Lucien watched the two cats take it all in as he platform moved in a grand circuit through the air above the venue. “Sunset really is wonderful at this altitude, isn’t it?” He noted. The light cast off everything, and the shadow of the floating manor lengthened forever across the clouds. Hemi took a moment to glance down at Liam, whose eyes were literally wide with wonder. 
Their dutiful invisible chariot let them down in the plaza just before the main gates. It seemed nearly everyone else was already somewhere inside, since this courtyard was otherwise occupied only by a trio of gnomes who seemed to pay the cat-men no mind. Lucien directed their attention to a statue of a human woman, depicted 20 feet tall in marble stricken with veins of some shimmering blue mineral. Water flowed from small slots below the woman’s feet into small channels that fed this section of the gardens.
“This is the original owner of the manor, Mistress Areth Lunacai. It’s said she discovered the arcane properties of lunar sapphire, and therefore mastered the art of permanent levitation. In her time, her genius was not recognized, so she wrested her family’s estate into the skies, where it still remains.”
“Wow…” Liam looked up at her. Hemi, however, was already distracted by looking at the venue itself. As the light of dusk began to fade, Hemi crossed his arms over his chest.
“Lucien, sir?” He interjected. “Are we late for-- anything?”
Lucien raised an eyebrow. “You accuse me of being late to my own ball?”
“Um--! Well, no, I--”
The host smiled. “No, it’s understandable. You are actually somewhat early. While most attendees have made their way to the main hall and its waiting rooms, the formal schedule will not commence for half an hour at minimum. Plenty of time, no?” Hemi nodded and looked to the side. He thanked the gods for the impenetrably thick fur that hid his now-red cheeks from view, then took a deep breath. There was no great rush. This was an event for fun, after all. The sleepless night before preparing… the weeks of anticipation… It all led to this night, where everything was arranged for him. He walked closer beside Liam.
Lurien turned over his shoulder, towards a figure in a blue dress who had appeared amidst the gardens. “Ah, I see a new guest has arrived. Excuse me.” Lucien bowed and began to gracefully stride towards the newcomer.
“Hey Hemi, do you want to go meet them? The person over there, I mean?”
Hemi looked to the newcomer, then back at the red wisps of frozen clouds high above. “I think I’ll watch the sunset for now. You go ahead -- we’re all going to the main hall anyway, right?”
Liam nodded and followed Lurien’s path through the gardens as quickly as he could without letting any dirt get on his outfit. By the time he arrived, the host was already leading the other person back up a scenic route along the terrain’s edge towards the fountain. Their long brown hair -- adorned with red flowers -- was tied into a set of four pigtails that dangled about elven ears and onto the shoulders of a truly cute blue dress, tied with a red belt bearing a once-live sunflower. They looked up at the approaching beastman with only momentary confusion. Lucien, without even looking in Liam’s direction, nodded. 
“I’ll allow you two a moment to become acquainted. There’s a matter I’ll need to attend to.” Lucien announced. A moment later, a great eagle flew dangerously close to the edge of the island and began circling the courtyard. Lucien sighed and, with a subtle movement of his wings, lifted off to redirect the bird’s rider.
“Oh gosh!” The witch put a hand against her mouth and giggled.
Liam shook his head. “Some people…” He turned his attention back to the immediate environs. “Well-- ah, greetings!” Liam gave a curtsy. “My name’s Liam.”
The witch returned the favor. “I’m Flowers, the Sun Witch. It’s nice to meet you! I like your dress.”
“Thank you~!” Liam twirled around a little. “Yours is very cute.”
The witch smiled, but didn’t reply verbally. The two watched for a moment as the now distant eagle followed Lucien -- from this range, a point of light -- towards the arcane beast stables on the lower levels. “I’ve not seen a dress of that style in a while. Lunar hibiscus, right?” Liam’s head tilted slightly. “How did you--”
“I don’t call myself ‘Flowers’ for no reason. The color’s pretty accurate, too. Though, those flowers are pretty rare on the island…”
“Ah, I’m not actually from here. I’m not even properly a wizard -- that title belongs to my partner. I’m his plus-one.”
“Oh!” Flowers looked along the rim of the floating landmass. “Is that him?” She pointed out Hemi, sitting alone on an outcropping, watching the redness leave the sky as night took over.
“Yeah…” Liam put his hand behind his head. “He’s a little shy. I’m sure he’ll warm up when things kick off.”
“Flowers nodded, then tapped her foot. “I hope the host is back soon… I hope everything’s alright with the bird situation.”
As if on cue, on a beam of light, Lucien appeared next to the two guests. “I apologize for the wait, Mx. Flowers. I hope you’ll forgive  my cutting your tour short for the moment, as the floor will open momentarily. I suggest you both make your way to the main hall and meet some more of the guests in the meantime.”
“Ah-! Of course, thank you.” Flowers began to walk down the garden path towards Hemi. Lucien, apparently satisfied, vanished into light.
“Um--” Liam trotted after her surprisingly quick gait. “The fastest path is to the right.”
“We need to collect your partner, don’t we?” The sun witch glanced back at him. “Besides, I need to compliment his dress, too.”
By the time they arrived, the sun had completely set, so Hemi was just staring off into the swirling expanse of the clouds below. His ears were somewhat askew-- when Liam approached, they swiveled to face him.
“Hey, we’re supposed to go inside soon.” Liam let a gentleness into his tone.
Hemi stretched and stood. He used a quick gesture to disconnect the dirt from his dress’ fabric, so it became fully clean in an instant. When he turned around, he started at the sight of the witch who accompanied Liam.
“Oh--! Um--” Hemi gave a clumsy bow. “Hello-- I’m sorry, I didn’t notice you.”
The witch extended her hand. “I’m Flowers. What’s your name?”
“...Hemi.” He said, and shook her hand with his paw. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
“You as well. I like your dress~!” She told him. Hemi’s ears flipped, but he smiled in response.
A latch sounded at the main door. “Ah, it seems it’s time to enter. Have a wonderful time, you two--!” Flowers curtseyed again, and was off.
Liam looked at Hemi with a soft grin..
“What? I was surprised…”
“Nothing, nothing.” He took Hemi’s hand. “Another adventure, right?”
The two cats proceeded towards the gathering group of wizards and the great oaken doors. The blue moon shone bright overhead.
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Ive been seeing so many people- even Vil-kun!- start ask blogs(?) and they seem like so much fun, and a good way to connect with fans, so i made one! There are a few rules though, so please keep them in mind.
-I may be famous, but I'm still a person- 17 at that, so please keep the inbox kind/sfw
- referring to no.1, I may be busy- so asks and such might not be answered immediately.
-Not much of a rule, but I never mind pings & stuff, and id love for you to come talk!
I think thats all for now? More may be added...
Art credits to:: @r1kuuw on twitter!!
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xxm1sspurp1eriv3rs · 1 month
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Welcome to Ask Prompts!
Are you not sure on how to make your own questions to the characters? Well fear not, there is a ask prompt I had made!
Choose either for Lavender and Charlotte to make them ask questions! One simple ask and they will be glad to answer them! And since I saw few nor some of my moots doing it, I thought of doing my own.
Here it is! ↓
❤️ — What universe you went?
🍕 — One event you encounter.
🌠 — Favorite poem you wrote?
🍒 — Opinion(s) about _____?
🍫 — A dream you had.
🌸 — Tell us a story!
And also, this will expand the lore's story wise! And I hope you enjoy it!
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[ also the two headers I found are on Pinterest. ]
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corbytheking · 6 months
Are there any whump rp discord servers that have more of an 18+ audience (not in an nsfw way just in a mostly older base) ⁉️ I can't find many on Disboard. I joined one, and it is okay, but there are people that are just like 3 years younger than me, but the differences between us and maturity are insane. Which is fine. I just don't fit in, and some of the culture they have created and allowed there isn't something I'm 100% comfortable with.
I am a part of another server that I LOVEE and will never abandon. It's just in a lower activity wave at the moment, and I want more whump anyway and have time for more.
Any promo or suggestions I am looking for 🔥🔥
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willows-pjo-ocs · 10 days
Guys i need writing prompts/open starter ideas pretty please
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welcometomylittlelife · 5 months
Dream Journal!
April 15
So, I had this crazy dream last night. I was in SPACE! It was kind of like Ender's Game, but I was floating around in this crazy training area with all of these geometric cubes and pyramids and prisms flying around. I was completely weightless and was bouncing around from place to place trying to avoid the enemy.
The panels were transparent, like they were made of a rainbow glass, and had lights along the edges that glowed when I touched them. It was probably some kind of signal to let the enemy or other teammates know my location.
I don't remember the main reason we were there, but seeing the vast darkness of space with all the stars and bouncing around weightless was reason enough for me!
Anyone else like flying dreams? Space and flying are my two favorite dream types to have, and I got both!
Anyway, thanks for reading. Welcome to my little life!
So long! Parker
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a-puppets-hell · 1 month
"Kyyyykkooo~! I've got your meds for y- oh."
It called out for the segment it knew, only to be greeted with an, unfortunately, familiar face.
"... Snapdragon."
They crossed their arms, glaring at the other.
"h-heeeeyyy Gefen- uhm- is Kyko around?"
Snapdragon nervously laughed, glancing around and avoiding looking at Gefen.
"No. I don't know where he's gone. Why are you even here?"
"Well, I mean- I- You heard my reasoning-"
"Well he's not here. So leave."
"I'll just set these dow-"
It went to put down a bag it carried over its shoulder, getting interrupted mid-action.
"I said leave."
"... okay-"
It frowned, nodding and walking away from them.
Don't you just love some ✨tension✨?
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ask-the-supers · 7 months
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Part 2 of this comic: https://www.tumblr.com/ask-the-supers/743857623425826816/hey-sally-how-good-are-you-at-cooking?source=share
The fire tasted a bit undecooked but still pretty good :)
-Pyro Burnington
Asks are always open! (except when they’re not)
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hyliascommonwealth · 4 months
Castlevania; Lament of Innocence “Ghostly Theater”
I could see their battle being like a dance, a performance. Your Joker Gilbert being a damage dealer, striking out and landing impressive blows with his weapon or other magical attacks. They protect one another, Uli uses his magic and weapons to parry enemy attacks and defend Gilbert while making sure to strike if their opponent loses their guard for a strike.
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you guys look like fnaf ocs
we do?? i mean, i guezz what we do iz zimilar to fnaf.....
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exorcist-milan420 · 3 months
Hey, Milan.
Look, I know we weren't close or anything, but word gets around in Hell. From the sounds of it, the Commander's been up your ass- and not in the fun way- over just about everything. So, like... you doin' okay? I hear she might be getting busy soon. If you need a place to crash and just be away for a minute, I'm sure you can find your way down here and you know where the Hotel is at. No questions asked.
Just an offer.
-Ass (formerly Butt- and, yeah, honestly, I prefer Ass, sounds better, I still say you lucked out with your name)
”Oh… I… I remember you.” Milan thinks for a moment.
“…I’ll take you up on the offer sometime. Thanks, A.”
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crow-posting · 5 months
(For all the crew!!!)
Do they celebrate their resurrection day? If so, how? If not, why?
Do they celebrate any holidays? - @mantleoflight
⚠️ long post ⚠️
1. Do they celebrate their resurrection day? If so, how? If not, why?
The Awoken Brigade:
RZ-3 doesn't celebrate, but only because both he and Ori [his Ghost] forgot the exact day. 😅 He does, however, celebrate "Found Light Day," which is the Vanguard's version* of a shared birthday (similar to Tết).
*(Found Light Day is a headcanon, just fyi.)
Takara celebrates her resurrection day like it's a birthday. She doesn't invite a lot of people but she goes all out with food, desserts, and decor. The activities usually start out as high energy (eg really competitive Uno) but always devolve into something low-key, like movies. Truthfully Takara is happy with doing whatever as long as she gets to spend time with her loved ones.
Avraam doesn't celebrate his resurrection day, as he hasn't even got a death certificate from the Reef. It just feels awkward to celebrate his resurrection when people refuse to admit that he died in the first place. RZ-3 and Takara did throw him a living wake, however.
Riley doesn't celebrate his resurrection day for similar reasons to Avraam. The Reefborn keep "volunteering" information about Arsträd [his past self] and it's really uncomfortable for him. But he does enjoy Found Light Day and hopes to have parties like Takara at some point!
Fireteam Nike:
Bai was resurrected in the Dark Age, so he had little time or reason to celebrate such an event. Nowadays he holds a simple celebration around the time he was rezzed (he knows the week but not the day), by eating long noodles - to cherish his new life - and burning incense - to honor his old one.
Duane's resurrection day is too painful for him. Although he doesn't regret being a Guardian, he was the only known Spartan for the longest time and felt severed from everything he had ever known. His resurrection day reminds him of all he's lost and/or set aside for the sake of protecting humanity, so he tends to avoid it as much as possible.
Usad's resurrection day fell on Leap Day, so he chose a completely different day, June 21st, to celebrate it. Since coming to the Last City, he likes to joke that Solstice is his personal party, and usually participates in all festival events.
- - -
2. Do they celebrate any holidays?
The Awoken Brigade:
RZ-3 celebrates every Last City holiday to some extent. Crimson Days, Revelry, Solstice / MoT, Festival of the Lost, Dawning - you name it, he's there. However, he only does the bare minimum for Guardian Games as he finds the competitive event "boring" and "tedious."
Takara will casually take part in most Last City holidays/events, but she really only celebrates Dawning. She isn't sure why, but the general atmosphere speaks to her more than any other holiday or celebration. The "New Year" part of Dawning is her favorite.
Avraam has come to despise Night of Ascents, as The Night reminds him that he chose to stay in the Reef instead of helping Earth as originally planned. He has no opinion on other Awoken holidays, but is intrigued by Day of Arrivals*, an unofficial Earthborn tradition of acknowledging the Awoken who broke away to help humanity. As for Last City holidays, RZ-3 and Takara have pretty much dragged him into every activity at least once, "just so he knows what it's like."
*(Day of Arrivals is also one of my headcanons.)
Riley hasn't been around long enough to decide which holidays he wants to celebrate regularly, but he has observed both Night of Ascents and Dawning! He thinks he would like Revelry and/or Solstice if given the opportunity.
Fireteam Nike:
Bai celebrates a mix of Old Earth and Last City holidays, including Lunar New Year (CNY), Mid-Autumn Festival, Festival of the Lost and Dawning. His work as a Cryptarch has led him to research Golden Age holidays as well, such as the Traveler's arrival, but he has no interest in those beyond academics.
Duane doesn't celebrate holidays, but he'll still accept food and/or gifts if offered.
Usad loves Guardian Games but gets frustrated every time by the scoring system. Since he lived with Bai during the Dark Age, he also celebrates Lunar New Year (Tsagaan Sar) and Naadam. (As stated before, Solstice is more like a party than a holiday.)
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Thanks so much for the ask, @mantleoflight!
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xxm1sspurp1eriv3rs · 23 days
I don't remember this ask here.. but I'm not gonna say it.
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outcasting101 · 6 months
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