askmafiabobvelseb · 11 months
Breaking out (2/2)
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Uh oh..
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the-one-who-waits · 1 year
The one who waits I have a question. Your third eye is it special like seeing the future that kind of thing or is it just a normal eye on ya forhead?
It works both ways. Both randomly and on command. I can sometimes see into the future but it isn't as strong as Shamura's abilities, I did learn from them and I'm still working on it as well.
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honeyxmonkey · 2 years
Will Joel know Carter and Douxie's kids? Will he be classified as uncle and will Carter ever forgive him for what happened with Vamous?
Wonderful question!
As of my plans for the futures of these characters, yes, Joel will know their children. He is in his late 40s/early 50s by the time they're around, but yes he loves them like they're his own kids.
Carter and Joel have their differences, and will continue to have them for a very long time. But eventually, they reach a point in their relationship when they both realize, "shit he's ACTUALLY my brother and I ACTUALLY see him that way". It's a very sweet moment, and you actually get to see that exact happenstance in Book 3.
On Carter's own part, it takes him a very long time to truly forgive Joel for what he did. Like, yes by the time two years have passed and we see them again in Book 2, it's obvious they're much closer, but it does take Carter longer to let go of those nasty feelings of betrayal whenever he looks at Joel.
He hides his feelings though, so I don't think anyone other than Douxie would really know Carter’s still bitter about it before it gets resolved.
But funnily enough, Carter gets the label of "uncle" before Joel does. Because Joel has a daughter. And Carter absolutely adores his niece. Isabel is a spunky kid with a penchant for mischief and mayhem and Carter absolutely 100% enables her chaos.
The fact that Isabel is also the daughter of a Magician is probably why she's Chaos Incarnate once she really gets going. I love her
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idolverse-official · 3 months
Who is the most popular idol?
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ashwii · 1 year
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ALSO, screenshot redraw of that one shot from the movie, except I made it my rottmnt sona, Night :3c.
Man's abt to fuck the Krang up
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dragologist · 2 months
Now tell me why it took this man TWELVE YEARS to have a child after his "best friend's" death?? 🧐
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Y'all think he was envious & jealous of Zeisan too?? 😭
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💀Some bonus points:
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But anyways, stop giving us cliff hangers or clues and just admit they banged already
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😭 Actually, I can see why Rozin isn't really "official" in the series. Cuz this would 100% be Roku if he wasn't the Avatar:
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fruitybashir · 2 months
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I'm re reading holidate for the second time and im finding all these little notes that I left in the epub last time, and honestly i think me of the past was inspired for this one
oops, my hand slipped 😗
“Red please!” Bojan declares cheerfully as he slaps down a “+4” with a colour wheel. “And I am down to my last card.”
There’s a collective groan around the table and Bojan bounces up and down on the couch next to Kris, a big, happy grin on his face. Kris is fuming. He stares down at his fan of cards. Lots of green, some yellow, not a single red one. He grinds his teeth and draws another card.
“Aw, no reds? I’m sorry bejbi,” Bojan coos and presses a quick peck to his cheek. Kris feels like he might actually start biting.
Jure reluctantly lays down a red four, Jan follows with a red zero, defeat already painted on his face. Nace hesitates for a second, then a smile spreads on his face and he puts down a blue zero. There’s a collective Ooooh around the table and Kris feels a sense of righteous satisfaction that almost borders on concerning.
He turns to look at Bojan, expecting to see disappointment, annoyance even at having his win stolen from him for at least one more round, but instead what he sees is a wide grin, teeth shining, eyes wide. Victorious. Oh no.
Bojan lays down a blue six.
Everyone tosses their cards on the table in frustration while Bojan giggles happily, already shuffling the cards for another round. Jure lights himself another cigarette, offering another to Jan. Jan puts it between his lips with an appreciative noise, then presses it against Jure’s to light it as well.
“I’m out,” Kris grumbles and slumps back into the couch. Jan shoots him a sympathetic look and bumps his foot under the coffee table. Kris’ patience for losing to Bojan usually doesn't last longer than five or six rounds.
“How did you even– but you asked for red.” Nace stammers, staring down at Bojan's blue six as if it held the answers. Bojan shrugs.
“I'm just that good,” he grins. Kris groans.
“You're so full of yourself.”
Jan pats Nace's thigh in consolation. “You did the best you could.” He takes a drag of his cigarette, then leans in and lets the smoke ghost over Nace's lips as he speaks. “I'm still proud of you.”
Kris wrinkles his nose as he watches them unashamedly make out right in front of all of them. Jure deals out new stacks of cards as if he doesn't even see them.
“Kris, you sure you're out?”
“Yeah, I need a break.” Kris says and Jure nods, skips his spot as he hands out the cards.
“You can be my cheerleader,” Bojan suggests, leaning close into Kris and with a giddy uplift to his voice that makes Kris want to drag him home, push his face into the pillows and shut him up. He takes a deep breath.
“Sure,” he says and turns to Bojan with the brightest fake smile he can manage. “Because you definitely need cheering on to win.”
“If I win the next game for you,” Bojan starts and does an unfortunately very good job at looking at Kris sweetly from under his eyelashes. “Do I get to kiss the cheerleader?”
Kris flexes his jaw.
“You know what?” he smiles and he rests his elbow on the backrest of the couch, reaches up to tuck a strand of Bojan's hair behind his ear. “If you win the next game, I'll wear the blue set tonight.”
There's a choking sound from the other side of the coffee table, then coughing as Jan and Nace's little shotgunning session comes to an abrupt end. Jure whistles.
Bojan's face lights up like the sun.
“Easy!” he declares, already reaching for his new stack of cards. “Fastest win of my Uno career.”
Jan shoots Kris a disbelieving look, deep betrayal written on his face. Kris just shrugs. He has a plan.
Kris leaves his arm on the back of the couch as the rest of the guys start the next round. He traces his fingers along the neck of Bojan’s shirt, just barely grazing the skin enough to cause a light shiver.
He lets Bojan enjoy his feeling of safety for two turns, then he lets his fingers wander up into Bojan’s hair. He twirls a few strands around his fingers, toys with them, then runs his fingers down again, along the side of Bojan’s neck and over his collarbones.
“Kris…” Bojan mumbles and his shoulder twitches, trying to shrug off Kris. He puts down a red seven, concentrating on the cards in his hands and closely watching what colours the others follow up with.
Kris has no intention of letting up anytime soon. He’s barely even started. He dips his hand under the hem of Bojan’s shirt, pressing his palm flat against the other’s chest and letting his fingertips brush over the dusting of chest hair there. Bojan sighs, but other than that, shows impressive restraint. He counters Nace’s yellow zero with a green one. Kris moves in closer.
He presses a kiss into Bojan’s hair, then brings his hand up further a little, to the base of Bojan’s neck. He doesn’t press down, but Bojan still tenses against him, and Kris can feel him swallow under his fingers. Bojan has to draw two cards.
Jan raises his eyebrow at Kris across the table, lips twitching with a barely suppressed smile. He’s definitely figured it out by now.
Kris grins, and draws his hand back. Bojan instantly lets out a breath that he probably wasn’t even aware he was holding, and Kris thinks it’s almost a little cute that he thinks he’s safe now. He runs his fingertips over Bojan’s back, along his spine and down, until he can lift up the other’s shirt enough to touch Bojan’s skin again.
“Kris,” Bojan makes, again, and there is a warning in there, but Kris knows that tone well. He leans down to press a kiss to Bojan’s neck. Bojan shivers. He hesitates, then places a green five.
Kris runs his fingers along the waistband of Bojan’s sweatpants to his sides, let’s his fingertips dance up and down, drawing patterns over the skin and he feels Bojan’s muscles twitch under his touch, his breath hitch when Kris traces over a spot that he knows drives Bojan crazy.
“Bojan?” Jure asks and there is audible amusement in his voice. “It’s your turn.”
“Huh?” Bojan startles, then he suddenly sits up straighter, letting out an annoyed noise as he rolls his shoulders to get Kris’ mouth off his neck. There’s a snort from Nace as Bojan places his “Skip turn” card and Kris is sure that if he could see Bojan’s face right now, he would find that the other is blushing.
He keeps his hand on Bojan’s side for another turn, showing at least a little bit of mercy before he brings his hand back around, rests his fingers against the base of Bojan’s spine. He lets his eyes wander over the table. Jan is only holding two cards now. Bojan is still holding four.
Kris dips his fingers under the waistband of Bojan’s pants, then the waistband of his briefs. Bojan tenses. Kris doesn’t stop. He pushes down a little further, his middle finger now resting over the dip of Bojan’s ass.
“One card left.” Jan announces on his turn.
“What- How?” Bojan stares down at his own cards, his finger worrying the corner of a “+2” card he’s holding. He’s trying so hard to stay focussed. Kris dips his middle finger between Bojan’s cheeks and Bojan straightens his back like he’s got hit by lightning. When Kris keeps shooting innocent looks around the table, he can almost see the pity on Nace’s face when the other places down a red “+2”.
Kris’s finger finds Bojan’s hole and Bojan’s breath hitches. He shivers. Kris pushes down, just lightly, but it’s enough for a small noise to escape Bojan’s throat, quiet enough that Kris is sure he’s the only one to hear it. Bojan draws two cards. Kris grins victorious.
Jure places a red four, Jan follows with a red zero.
“Uno!” he declares and the table cheers. Kris pulls back his hand and leans back on the sofa, away from Bojan.
Bojan gapes at Jan’s last card on the stack, as if they had somehow personally betrayed him. His head flies around to glare at Kris.
“You-” he starts and Kris shrugs.
“Well, that’s a bummer,” Kris says, purposely nonchalant. “I always thought the blue one really compliments my eyes.”
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mogamingthe1st · 21 days
Guys you don't understand how absolutely hilarious it would be to me if Jimmy got out first again in life series season 6
I would laugh so hard it would be so fucking funny
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askmafiabobvelseb · 11 months
Breaking out (1/2)
Cw: choking
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blighted-lights · 3 months
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thinking about how steeljaw was apparently on the lost light but was in exactly one panel in mtmte, giving him just two appearances in all of idw. bro,,, why are you never on screen. also hi overkill
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sailorb00 · 5 months
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So badly coping with RWBY hiatus already that I doodled my dream RWBY Beyond episode about a cheeky monkey faunus and his tired older cousin as they make the journey across the desert to Vacuo ✨️👉👈🥺✨️
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synth-spinner · 1 year
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Listened to a song so good i drew a scary little guy
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idolverse-official · 3 months
yooo congrats on being able to revive questions again!!
i wonder how busy the idols are if they’re in costume that often lol
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cicada-candy · 9 days
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a shirt i Want Very Badly. maybe i will make it.
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confusedgeckotree · 3 months
Random thoughts for the Bifrost / Void / Yog-Sothoth / whatever:
Swirling cosmic rainbow madness is FUN,
But hear me out:
Shits a fucking png. In real life.no matter what angle you look at it. No matter how far you move. It's the same gods damned still image of swirled rainbow madness. It's like an image burned into your corneas. Because it's so fucking big and you are so insignificant that no matter how close you are its still the same static image. Enough to drive someone to insanity. On security footage, it's the same. In black and white footage, it is the same cosmic rainbow mess but it's s t i l l.
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shot-messenger · 3 months
there's something about relating to dogs and having a father who got dogs when you were young, only to get tired of them and let them run away. something about relating to dogs and your mother leaving them too, but blaming your father for abandoning them. giving you white lies about not being able to find them when she gave up too.
something about how i always found myself left in a hot car in the summer and thought it was love. do you think dogs thought it was love too?
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