#ultimate court
askmafiabobvelseb · 8 months
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Part one.
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thebekashow · 11 months
Beka's sworn Enemy: Jacob Mendaxy
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Height: 6'5 (human) 7'2 (true form)
Age: 1,475
Occupation: Jury of Ultimate Court
Tw: human testing mention
Beka and him, for a few years, were good friends until Jacob had promised to make her truly happy, only to "use" her and then abandon her.
After the great war, Jacob had volunteered in the court and tested on thousands of humans, including Beka. He was the one who forced her to be a weapon during and before the second great war.
He disappeared mid dimension deleting and is nowhere to be found. Beka still craves revenge on him to this day.
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departmentq · 7 months
Fans celebrate the casting of Nichelle Nichols as Uhura as a moment for actors of color, which they should be.
But I also wanted to spotlight the casting of these iconic guest starring characters, seen in episodes of TOS.
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Percy Rodriguez was cast as flag officer Commodore Stone, who was Kirk's superior in the chain of command. Stone is one of the officers that presides over Kirk's court martial.
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Booker Bradshaw was the original Dr. M'Benga, seen in two episodes of TOS. at the time, M'Benga was Starfleet's first and only medical specialist in Vulcan Physiology, having spent a year's residency on Vulcan.
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One of the finest minds in computer technology in the 23rd century, and creator of the duotronic computer, Dr. Richard Daystrom, was played by William Marshall, whose work in Shakespeare, and his roles as Paul Robeson and Frederick Douglass, added to the gravitas of his portrayal.
A flag officer, a specialist in Vulcan medicine, and one of the finest minds in a field of technology, played by actors of color, during the turbulent 1960s.
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stardustravens · 5 months
Having a character bleach his hair on page because his (previously unspecified) canon hair colour didn’t match fan consensus is the funniest form of fanservice.
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stick-ball · 7 months
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Happy Women's Day to all who celebrate
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that-vampire-loser · 7 months
Pro aaron neil friendship forever
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kingofanemptyworld · 2 months
so many people draw sakura wearing togame’s shishitoren jacket and they are all absolutely correct, this is the height of romance
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allfor-thegames · 15 days
things i want for jean moreau
to be able sleep through the night without nightmares
to feel peace
to want something and get whatever it is
to love and be loved in return
to be able to take a long, hot shower and find it relaxing
to have someone who loves him so much, jean never questions that love
to have a safe opportunity to put down that racquet and never play exy again if he doesn't want to / to have the opportunity to love the sport, to be able to find joy in it.
to smile and to mean it
to be able to look around one day and realize that he is worth so much more than someone who "exists to serve." to know that he was wronged, to know that he didn't deserve any of what those people did to him, and to know that he doesn't have to endure alone.
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dxxtruction · 1 month
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So in replies to this I've made I think some big brain connections?? The constant associations with the sun and Louis is really working and gelling in my brain especially with the finale moments of s2.
The 'sun king' thing is very reminiscent of the actual sun king of history Louis xiv, and the way he constructed his daily life like it was theatre. The way meals are served the way they are, and everything feels very rehearsed and scheduled. The fact said historical figure lived for 77 years, as did his relationship with Armand. He's not this historical figure though - hint budge wink nod, he cant be the ones Armand wants him to be, including the same Louis he used to love - he's our Louis. And he's not been allowed to fully be himself in this environment where it's been largely fake and manipulative. (Again to the point of Louis XIV, the theatrics were established to protect him and make it plainly aware of his position as king. But there was a common conception that whoever was closest to the king - typically the king's mistress. Controlled the king. You can probably catch what I'm laying down here.)
Just also the way that when he fully has himself he has the sun, because he just is the sun in a metaphorical sense. Arriving to himself he now the light at the end of this tunnel of darkness. The literal sun still holds a deadliness to him, but it holds no power over him to walk into anymore. He doesn't miss it. If he feels an inclination to it at all it's only to prove a point. He's at a place by the end of this that he doesn't need anyone but himself, and knows it, and can finally be free from control over his person.
There's other associations with it too, like taking up photography. A medium reliant on light to do. How that doesn't pan out for him, but what does is documenting. Him, taking on a path to document, to bring about the light - the truth - hidden in the image of his memories. It's through light that he can be destroyed but it's through light that he reconciles with himself and becomes whole.
The night is all his, because he's mastered the light. He owns it.
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yaralulu · 5 months
@lorcandidlucienwill I cannot stop thinking about your tamlin post of him possibly abdicating his throne so I wanna share my two cents on this.
While you’re probably gonna end up being right, I really do hope you’re wrong lol.The main thing I wanna see with tamlin is him healing and tamlin abdicating his throne and “quitting” just feels like he’s giving up on his people,his court and himself and nothing about that screams healing to me.I think tamlin is deeply connected to his people and his lands and a big part of his healing journey should be him embracing and making peace with his high lord position—as well as regaining the trust of his people and rebuilding the spring court.Tamlin has shown that he cherishes his people deeply and everything he does is for them and I don’t believe he’d abandon them so easily.He is a good high lord,he just needs to accept his place and find some peace and enjoyment in it.I believe tamlin healing is deeply connected to the spring court healing and vice versa.One won’t happen without the other.
Right now tamlin’s too deep in his own shit to see what’s really going on around him so I think it’s a lot more complicated than “he has no interest in ruling over spring anymore”.He doesn’t want to be alive anymore and him living in his beast form is basically his way of fulfilling that without completely fucking up the spring court and leaving his people with nothing.Once he’s out of this depressive episode(because really that’s what it is)the one thing that’ll keep him going will be his court and the effort of trying to be better for them after failing them so terribly.Tamlin healing through the SC and the SC healing through tamlin is what I wanna see happen and it would be much more fulfilling than him giving up and handing his court to someone else —or worse him dying.
And as much as I love lucien and I know that he would make a great high lord,I don’t believe spring would flourish under the rule of some guy whose half autumn half day.They need tamlin— someone who has spring literally running through his veins and blood, someone who is connected to the very lands and core of the spring court.Tamlin has lived in the forests and has dug his hands through the literal ground of his lands.He IS the spring court.
Now do I think SJM will do tamlin’s story justice? Absolutely not but a girl can dream 😁!!
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sisaloofafump · 4 months
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(The sizes are based on common international dimensions, but some vary a lot between locations)
After you vote, the answer is below:
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An exy court is the exact same dimensions as a field hockey court (it even uses the same dividing lines)!
100 yds x 60 yds (91m x 55x), and is 10 yds (9m) tall.
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askmafiabobvelseb · 11 months
Breaking out (2/2)
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Uh oh..
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dayurno · 1 month
how do you feel about the whole jean is a better exy player than kevin when at his healthiest
jean isn’t even better than thea
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be-queer-do-arson · 2 years
I know that Dan said she made the foxes color orange so that they couldn't be ignored, but personally I think the real reason was that she had a beef with Allison in her first year and Dan picked the color she thought would annoy her the most
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riceballannie · 2 years
I've seen many people placing Andrew in Gryffindor and I find it baffling because Hufflepuff is right there???
The man who killed for his brother? The man who beat up four guys for his cousin? The man who stood by Kevin's side at all times? The man who promised to protect Neil? If that's not hardcore loyalty then I don't know what is.
Andrew Minyard is a Hufflepuff and no one can tell me otherwise.
And Neil is definitely a Slytherin, not a Gryffindor like I have read it some fanfictions.
Of course he can be brash and reckless and he has a severe lack of self-preservation which could favour Gryffindor as his house but all of that is overshadowed by his pure ambition and determination to play Exy, devoting himself so entirely to his passion that he was fully prepared to throw his life away. Before that he was clever and resourceful enough to survive a whole year without his mother and he is extremely perceptive, seeing as he immediately noticed the difference between Andrew and Aaron.
But above all, Andrew and Neil are not Gryffindors because they do not have the strong moral compass and sense for justice that Gryffindors are mostly known for as they tend to not give a shit about people who they're not close to.
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alltheshadesofamber · 3 months
don’t mind me i’m just imagining the instinctive feral panic i think neil josten, recovering squirrelly runaway, would feel upon first realizing he had a wikipedia page
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