#✨the questers✨
haveihitanerve · 5 months
Luxa: would you slap someone you cared about for a million dollars? Ripred: i'd roundhouse kick gregor in the face for free Howard: care to comment gregor? Gregor: all i got from this convo is that Ripred cares about me Gregor: *throws fists in the air in yay* Gregor: *screams* ARES!!! RIPRED LOVES ME!!!! Ripred: thats not what i- Ares: *screeching from very far away* I LOVED YOU FIRST!!!!! Aurora: *quietly* he did love you first Ripred: i never said- Ares: *appearing, tackles ripred to the ground while screaming* NOT MY BOND YOU FAT FUCK!!!! Howard: language Nike: *recording while munching popcorn*
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qftim-c · 7 months
[I love your artwork so much! Your designs for the questers make me have body envy pfft! (Striving for that Quest:C Felix rep ✨)]
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Anyhow, give the man his catnip (You bought it so it's your downfall)/hj
Lots of support for the Questers! 👍Send lots of gifts and trinkets
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Felix w 100% catnip is this, it’s canon cause I said so -🏵️
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sirensea14 · 9 months
Sis... the way you draw cuphead 😩💗💗💗🤌🤌🤌
Istg your catoony/anime artstyle is making me fall for him even more and more 🥺❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
(I am not pressuring you ofc, but please never stop drawing him I need him more in my life awawawawa)
Should i say the same to you, for bendy! (quester bendy was my least liked ver of da bends but i liked him more cuz of youuuu) thank y--
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Cuphead: Why thank you, doll.✨
Cuphead: HAHAHA!! *runs*
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midnightfire830 · 1 year
Ok. So. Cyberpunk. AU. Summary.
I’ve decided that, yes. I’ll give you all a quick summary of my Cyberpunk AU. ‘Cause why not. Also, it might help what I draw make much more sense! I’m open to answering any questions people have so ✨ weeeeeeeeee ✨
Set in the futuristic dystopian society of Toon City, around 2120 in our time, Bendy and Boris’ team live as vigilantes. Or that’s what the higher ups want people to think. When really, they’re just a band of misfits who look out for the little guys. They work a repair shop to support themselves and to help the homeless, the sick, and less fortunate. And at the same time they hunt for the cure for Ink Illness.
The problem is someone seems to not want the questers to succeed in their goals. The Devil and King Dice, the two most powerful men in Toon City, send Cuphead and Mugman, two of their best hit men, to tear the questers apart from the inside out.
Whether they want to or not…
*The timeline follows pretty closely to Inky Mystery so some events and characters may not make much sense if you haven’t read it.*
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a-sexy-asexual-658 · 2 years
The Twin Sister (Part 8)
"Hey," Bianna said as she opened the gates of Everglem to let us in. "You made it."
"Yeah." Sophie managed a half smile which I just ignored and walked right in dragging her. I went on to lean against a tree as I observed them and their conversation.
Somewhere in the distance, a cricket chirped. Yeah, it was quiet and tense.
Sophie pulled on the sleeves of her pale yellow tunic, glad Bianna was also dressed casually—though Bianna's turquoise tunic had pink beaded flowers embroidered around the edges and a pink satin sash. "So, what are we going to do?"
Bianna stared at the ground as she shrugged.
Okay. . . .
"Is your family around?"
Bianna's eyes narrowed. "I knew you'd ask that." Oh drama!
"I know you like my brother."
"Please. It's pretty obvious."
"He's my friend." Sure, sis, sure. I smirked but was then pulled by Sophie as she started to walk away dragging me with her. "This was a bad idea."
Bianna grabbed her arm to stop us from walking away. "Wait. I'm sorry. It's just . . . girls always use me to get to my brother. I guess I sort of expect it."
Sophie just looked at her. Wait—then why was she friendly with me? "that's not what I'm doing—and you invited me over, remember?"
"I know.' Bianna stared at her hands, wringing her fingers so tight it looked painful, anyway so that's why she was acting weird. "Can we maybe start over?" She said interrupting my thoughts and both still ignoring me being there.
Sophie bit her lip. "I guess we can try."
Bianna exhaled, seeming relieved. "Good." Her eyes lit up, cute, but the glint I know that glint, I didn't have time to shudder before she spoke. "I know. We can give each other makeovers. I have all the serums to change our hair color, and we can try on some of my mom's gowns."
That's when I slowly and carefully removed Sophie's hand and tried to sneak away. Makeovers? Yeah, no thanks. Unfortunately, Bianna grabbed my arm, knowing I would try to leave when makeovers were mentioned. Fortunately, my second favorite best friend *cough* I mean second best friend came and saved me.
"Makeovers?' Keefe scoffed behind them. "You girls sure know how to have fun. Maybe you can braid each other's hair and giggle about boys while you're at it. I expected better from you, (Y/N)." I glared at him.
"Excuse me, bastard, don't talk to me like your my disappointed dad, and does the death grip on my arm seriously make you believe it's voluntary on my part," I said and he shrugged.
"What are you guys doing here?" Bianna asked, shooting Fitz a pointed look.
"We came to see if you guys want to play base quest," Keefe answered for him.
"What's base quest?"
"What's base quest!?" Me and Sophie said at the same time, her questioning plainly while I was suddenly right in Keefe's face with sparkle eyes and a love-struck smile. How did I suddenly get in his face when I was originally like ten feet away, ✨magic✨. What? A prankster never reveal's their secrets.
"Only the most awesome game ever. I call Foster for my team," Keefe announced.
Jealousy flared in Bianna's eyes as Keefe wrapped an arm around my shoulders and I felt my stomach drop. She liked him, didn't she. It wasn't a question. A small part of my brain tried to reason and comfort me by saying she was jealous because he was touching me but I shut it down. Sadness filled my eyes but I covered it up immediately with a grin. Happy thoughts, happy thoughts. "How about we play boys against girls?" I said shoving Keefe off me harshly when he gave me a concerned look. He couldn't have noticed, unless..... was he an empath?
Fitz explained the rules. One team guarded its base while the other team launched a raid. If the questers made it to the base without getting tagged, they won.
"Light leaping isn't allowed, but special abilities can be used," Fitz added, looking right at Sophie and me like he was saying it for our benefit.
"That's not fair. We don't have . . ." Bianna's voice trailed off when Fitz shot her a warning look. Ass. "Fine. But you guys have to quest first."
Me and Bianna went to search the grounds as Sophie stayed back as a sentry, it was a good idea. The athletic ones hunt and the . . . . Sophie guards. Plus she can track the boys and tell me where they are, something about telepathy and stuff, yeah not important.
Me and Bianna were hunting for the boys I was looking on the ground looking for tracks and other stuff. Bianna was looking at me on the ground doing actual tracking, which she giggled at and called cute. "Bianna it's not cute, it's professional," I said but she ignored me. Suddenly I felt Sophie's voice fill my head, I jumped. I will never get used to that.
'They're near the lake.' I started making my way near the lake and found them there making their way to the tree. Bianna came next to me and as she passed by her hand brushed against the back of mine and a light pink dusted across my cheeks but I shook my head and continued on. We sneaked up behind them at the last second, we jumped letting out war cries and landed on them. I landed on Fitz and he fell to the floor with a squeal, he twisted under me so I was sitting on his front. My legs were left across his chest my knees on either side of him my sitting against his belly. He was about to say something when I good a mischievous idea. I put my hands on his cheeks and leaned down bringing his face forward up. I heard gasps and gags around me and Fitz had wide eyes and was frozen. When we were only an inch apart my pink lips twisted into a smirk.
"Ass." and I slammed his head onto the ground and stood up.
"Ooow!" He whined getting up. "What was that for!?" He yelled at me. I shrugged unbothered.
"You're an ass," I said as Keefe burst out laughing and Bianna was suppressing giggles while Sophie only had a relieved look on her face. I walked over to her and gave her a hug.
"Y'know I wouldn't actually do that to you right?" I said with a smile.
"Yeah, I know." She said and we heard claps.
"Break it up, foster twins, break it up now," Keefe said and we all started to talk with me trying— and failing— to flirt with Bianna. Bianna and Sophie seemed to get closer as they talked and I kept jabbing at Fitz annoying him to no end.
"Do my eyes deceive me, or is that Sophie and (Y/N) Foster?" Alden asked behind us and I jumped, oh how I hate his voice and face and personality and face. Yes, I said that twice, I just really hate his face.
"We've missed you two around here," Della added, rushing over and wrapping me and Sophie up in her arms.
Sophie sank into the hug, but I tensed and then relaxed. I swear why do people give hugs without warning. I took a deep breath to clear my head and my nose crinkled. "Whoa, you smell like smoke. Is there a fire?"
Della glanced at Alden as she pulled out of the hug, backing a few steps away.
Alden cleared his throat. "Just something we're looking into. No reason to worry."
"'No reason to worry' my ass" I mocked him under my breath but was ignored.
"So, what are you guys up to?" Della asked.
"Getting stomped in base quest," Keefe grumbled. "You should've seen it—(Y/N) tagged us out like she knew where we were."
Alden glanced at Fitz—who gave the slightest nod—before he grinned at Keefe. "Sounds like someone's not happy about losing."
"I'd just like to know how she did it, but she insists on being all mysterious." Keefe narrowed his eyes at me and I stuck my tongue out at him. "also Sophie still hasn't explained how she almost slammed (Y/N) into the wall yesterday, also cool save how'd you twist your body like that? Anyway both are mysterious. Hmm, mysterious duo? Ehh I'll figure it out later." (taking suggestions, need them can't figure one out.) 
Sophie flushed, and I groaned when she turned to Alden. "Fitz said he was going to talk to you about that," she said quietly. "Any theories?"
"None that makes any sense," Alden admitted.
A second of silence passed. Then Della came to the rescue. "Besides, we girls never reveal our secrets. How else can we keep you boys on your toes? So, who's staying for dinner?" She glanced at me and Sophie.
"Sorry. I told Edaline we'd be home. Maybe next time." She flushed probably realizing we'd invited ourselves over.
But Biana smiled. "Sounds good."
"Do you need to use the Leap master?" Alden asked.
"No, Grady and Edaline gave us home crystals." She held up a long silver chain that hung to her waist. The crystal pendant only had a single facet, the path to Havenfield. They'd given us each one that morning, apologizing for not giving her one sooner.
We really felt like family. . . . . . note the sarcasm.
"Don't stay away too long this time," Alden told us. "We've missed you two around here."
"I've missed you guys too. I'll see you soon." Sophie said while I grinned flipping him off saying.
"Yeah, I'll be sure to punch you next time." Walking into the light ignoring people's flabbergasted faces and Alden exclaiming.
"SEE!! She does flip me off, I told you!"
Today Bianna, Fitz, and Keefe sat at our table at lunch and I just spoke with Bianna most of the time, secretly trying to fix my messed-up outfit, I stayed up all night so I wasn't dressed that great. Why was I staying up all night you ask? Stinky. He had somehow gotten out of his tank and stank up the room, I stayed up all night cleaning and getting the stink out as Sophie took Iggy and slept in her room for the night.
Marella kept giving me side eyes of '" knew it' and 'I told you so' while I glared at her. The lunch period soon ended and we went to class, I had healing as my favorite subject that I would willingly go to every day. Anyway, it was just full of Elwin teaching me the differences between types of burn creams and stuff and ingredients. I was disgusted, you put yeti pee on a burn, eww!! Anyway, I ditched study hall because I planned to sneak into Dame Alina's office and pull a prank but she was there so I chose to wait.
Apparently, she didn't leave until a few hours after school and that sucks, but I was determined. I snuck in and started the prank that took a few hours to set up but at exactly midnight I heard voices in the hallway and ducked into a nearby closet. In walked Alden, Dame Alina, Sophie, and her telepathy mentor- Tiergan. I quickly took out my radio recorder, whatever was about to happen was going to be juicy if they were having a meeting at this time. They went on to talk about how Sophie broke a law blah blah blah and then punishments and stuff. Boring, nothing juicy yet. I was about to stop the recording when the juiciest juice of all was spilled.
"It's hardly a secret you tried to stop his wedding to Della," Tiergan said and a grin split across my face. Now that's not really blackmail but really good gossip and juice, wonder if Marella knows.
They went on to talk about punishments and stuff and when they were about to leave Sophie turned and stared at the closet I was in or, more precisely, where I was sitting.
"What's wrong Sophie?" Alden asked and I hoped for dear life I won't be caught. She sighed and it was the type of sigh that said 'we will have a long talk later, but for now I will cover for you, idiot'. Yea she sighs a lot because of me so I kinda know what every one of her sighs means.
"Nothing." Her mentor unfortunately didn't buy it and walked over to the closet I was crouched in and opened the door. It slowly opened and revealed me still crouched on the ground in my uniform.
"Hi?" I said and waved awkwardly and stood up walking out of the closet.
"How long have you been here?" Tiergan asked being the first to recover from the shock.
"Uh since Dame Alina left her office . . . . . . . at 5." They deadpanned.
"And why were you in my office so late?" Dame Alina asked from her position sitting on her chair and I only grinned my lazy grin.
"I think you know why and if you don't want anything to happen I suggest not getting up," I said and she paled and finally looked around her chair seeing all the wires and stuff connected to her chair. Alden ignored her and walked over to me with a stern face.
"(Y/N), you cannot tell anyone of what you heard here, your sister could face serious charges." I only gave a him weirded-out and disgusted face.
"Alden," I spat with venom lacing it like saying his name made me feel sick, which it did," Do you really think I would tell anyone something like this when it could hurt my sister severely? I may seem like a crack-headed idiot but I know how to keep a secret, after all, I've been keeping one to protect me and Sophie for 12 fucking years." I said shoving past him and grabbing Sophie using the home crystal around my neck to get home.
When we got to Havenfeild Grady and Edaline were still in bed and probably thought we were too. We snuck up the stairs and got ready for bed and went to sleep, of course, I fed our sweet little Stinky first though. Poor little thing had to wait so long. We both went to sleep in silence not wanting to talk about the events of tonight.
~The Next Day~
Well me and Sophie had detention the next day, obviously. Sophie because she broke a law - go girl! I'm clearly after 12 fucking years rubbing off on her- and me because of my prank. Apparently, they couldn't find a way for Alina to avoid the prank and she showed up at school or work for her with hot pink sparkly hair and crimson red eyes. She also had paper white skin, a total upgrade in my opinion, but not in hers because I'm still going to detention. If it makes it any better the whole school laughed, even the teachers!
Dex questioned where we were going but I ignored him and walked away, being grumpy because I wanted more sleep. Why does school start at 8 fucking am in the morning? And then the teachers have the AUDACITY to expect us to be up and chirpy, let alone want to learn! Insane, these people, insane. Even more than I am- and that's saying something! I just went straight to the corner and put my head down to take a nap, about five minutes later I felt a prodding at my side but ignored it. The poking got harsher and harsher until I shot my head up in frustration and was too late to dodge the finger coming for my face.
I met Keefe's stupid playful eyes as the finger took a 180 from aiming for my cheek to my nose. It touched my nose softly as he let out a soft 'boop' with a grin on his face. I glared nastily at him as I took his finger and dislocated it with my index finger and thumb. Elwin taught me this, it was supposed to force the finger back into place but I did the opposite move and it popped right out. Keefe let out a streak that caught the attention of the whole class as the teacher walked over.
"What's wrong?" He asked and Keefe still stunned and in pain - the little wimp even I can take a little dislocation, after all, I have in the past, don't read too much into that- and the teacher after confirming it was dislocated turned to me with an urgent and expectant stare. "You- you study under Elwin right? Can you put his finger back in place?" He asked and I morphed my face to look cute sad eyes and a pout. Everyone falls for it.
"I'm sorry sir! But Elwin hasn't taught me stuff like that yet, he said for now I should stick with how to identify injuries before curing them." I said with a tilt of my head and Keefe gave me a glare knowing I was lying because this was my signature way of getting away with what I wanted and succeeding. After all, everyone fell for it. The boys in the room either blushed, melted or both at my face and the teacher seemed to think I was telling the truth, I did though notice a few girls look away with red cheeks.
"Very well, Keefe you can walk yourself to the healing center yes?" The teacher said and Keefe huffed walking out with his bag to get his finger fixed. I then looked at Sophie who was sitting in the chair in front of me as I grinned when the teacher wasn't looking and she sighed shaking her head.
Anyway, the rest of the day was boring and the author was lazy (What it is true) so let's skip to tomorrow. Apparently, we had ballroom dancing for detention and Keefe tried to grab Sophie but the teacher quickly assigned her to some greasy-looking kid, then he tried to grab me but me not wanting to also get partnered with a greasy kid because of Lady Belva's jealous wrath quickly grabbed a random non-greasy looking boy.
The music started and soon we started to dance, unfortunately, since it was ballroom dancing the boys' hands were on my hips, and mine were on his shoulders while we got close to each other so that we were only a few inches apart. My head was turned down the whole time, making sure I don't step on him when He started to strike up a conversation.
"Uh- hi. My name is Jay, I'm guessing your (Y/N) Foster?" I nodded as I finally looked up into the boy's blue eyes. He had dazzling bright blue eyes that seemed to shine brighter than any star I had seen, but not to put him down, I've only ever seen like two stars and they weren't that bright. He also had seemingly dyed hair, blonde fading into red with splotches of a dark shade of something that I couldn't name and it all just looked so . . . .. . natural. He had pale brown skin. He was gorgeous. Hey, am I capable of having more than one crush? Actually, who cares! I most likely won't end up with any of my crushes so fuck it! (If only you knew darling, if only you knew)
"Uh- y-yes!" I said stuttering trying to gather my thoughts. I smiled and I blushed, we went on to talk completely forgetting we were dancing, only doing it mindlessly now. Once I made eye contact with Keefe and grinned at me with a suggestive wink glancing at Jay with wiggled brows. I rolled my eyes and looked away, but I checked his emotions for some reason and when I did I felt something weird, it felt like jealousy. I shrugged probably tuned into some other boy, after all, boys love me. If only girls did too.
We were interrupted by the bell and as I grabbed my things Jay walked up to me. "Hey, do you wanna sit with me at lunch tomorrow?" he asked and I felt myself beam, but then I remembered I still have detention.
"Sorry I still have detention, for the rest of the week," I said and he nodded, he then caught a mischievous glint in his eye and turned around. He yelled over the rushing kids to Lady Belva who was about to leave.
"Hey! Lady Belva! You're a pedophilic whore!!" He yelled and she gasped storming over in anger. Her whole face was red and it took everything in me not to laugh, I mean it was true though.
"Mr. Dickson! How dare you talk to a mentor like that!! Detention for a week!" She said and calmed herself down before she did anything, she seriously looked like she was about to hit him. As she walked away Jay grinned at me.
"Well, now you have company!" He said while he swung his bag over his shoulder.
"Actually, my sister was my company because she's here till midterms but oh well," I said and we shared a smile as we both walked out. We separated and I caught up with Keefe and Sophie. As Sophie saw me she pointed at Keefe.
"Did you know he was an empath!?" She asked or more like yelled.
"Yup," I said simply, popping the p.
Anyway since the author is still lazy and she is using her parents lap top since she doesn't have one and has to hurry the fuck up so she can finish this before they get back from where ever the fuck they are, she didn't go because her father threw all her clothes in the washer and she had nothing to wear (Hey get out of my personal life!!!) let's hurry this up to the dreaded midterms, it just feels so wrong in my mouth.
I would usually skip but Sophie made an effort to escort me to all my classes. They wanted to pack all the tests in one day, because their all asswholes, so we had a busy day. I wrote an essay for history then Elwin, being the lovable easy going guy he is, just had had me brew a sting-reducing cream by myself and try to get it right. After I had empathy and the mentor just had me try to read the emotions of someone he had set up across the campus, yeah he went harder on me since I could read emotions without physical contact. Then after that, I just had to bottle a lightning storm.
Finally, it was lunch so we had a break, I sat down with my tray and just ate ignoring everything around me. Lunch went quickly- too quickly, I had named a bunch of stars in the universe then had channeling for phys. ed. Finally, it was alchemy, I walked in completely ignoring Lady Galvin, or as I call Lady Grumpypants. I walked over to the desk waving at her.
"Let's get this over with." She huffed, oh she was so done with me. Luckily because Sophie had read her mind she changed her test from the hardest thing to removing iron with ruckleberries.
I picked up one and looked at it, she taught me to squeeze them but what would happen if I just open them and rub them on the iron. So guess what I did. I popped it open. It released a stink that smelt of feet but I didn't care, I've smelt worse. I started rubbing the inside part on the iron and it worked. I finished in five minutes and only a few drops got on my skin, I walked up to Lady Galvin with a grin and handed her the key, and walked out. I heard her mumble 'that's not how you do it' under her breath as I left and I laughed.
"Well, that was brutal," Dex whined when we met up at the lockers later that day. He slammed his locker closed. "How'd it go for you?"
"Almost died, you think I do that for kicks?" I said with a grin. Now that I think about it I never grinned or smiled when with humans so my jaw hurts.
"Yes," Dex said with no hesitation, ha he knows me. Of course, I almost died for fun! Well not this time, tests aren't fun. Still hurts he said it with no hesitation let alone staring blankly at me too.
"Hmph!" I pouted as he and Sophie spoke. Anyway, let's end this here because I'm tired of narrating my life.
4287 words
I'M SO SORRY!!! I haven't updated for like a month!! I'm sorry, its just school and other things! Plus I mainly work on my wattpad account (in bio).
Well I hope you all survive school and drink water and eat food!! Or else I'll force (Y/N) to have Valin as a love interest.
Anyway goodbye fellow people who come to this website to dream about living a life we don't have and escape reality to the world of wear we can simp all we want shamelessly. 
Now to go do my homework, ugh.
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rookie-choco · 2 years
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I present headcannons ✨
Based on:
Monster au
Emotional Drift
And anything else
1. Vexey and avidan knew each other before everyone else
2. Bendy and Bethany are friends but act like brother and sister
3. Tord and bopsin are very VERY good friends
4. Between the BD gang and the questers bexey and Q!Cuphead are the two who barely get along
5. In Emotional Drift, bopsin is very kind to people with disabilities
Let me know if y'all want part two 👀
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surohsopsisofclouds · 3 years
so this old guy was a retired Diggerling (Garden Helpers who work in the mines that u unlock at a certain level and is actually the only way u can obtain the Dragonache Egg but Jardiniero didn't know this yet so consider yourself Smarter than him❤️) so the Diggerling tells him about the egg 🥚 and carries him to the shore and they both leave for Pinata Island. 🥚🥚🥚🥚🥚🥚egg
iirc Jardiniero builds himself a funky wheelchair when he's back on Pinata Island but then he finds his garden all fucked up with Ruffians n shit and all his plants r dead and THIS THIS. THIS IS WHERE JARDINIERO FINALLY CALLS LESTER "PESTER". Professor Pester in THE flesh. kick ass name for a kick ass..... guy. so bla bla he's distraught and stuff and doesnt recognise HIS OWN SON. So Yeah. Tadaaaa✨✨ :D
This is kinda where the game starts. like, u find Leafos crying in the garden full of hard baked soil and junk and u talk to her
oh its worth mentioning this game is NOTHING like the lore im telling you, the actual gameplay is just. building up the garden from scratch. thats literally it <3
First off sorry for taking so long to answer this but our brain died at some point when you were sending these and we wanted to be able to respond genuinely <3
-Second off haha smarter than Jardiniero lol /lh
-egg 🥚🥚🥚🥚🥚
-ooo wheelchair also oh no the plants! but also haha lester pester quester mester idk where I was going with this but this is meant to be stream-of-thought so yolo lol
-oh that's gotta sting
-ah, plants
anywaves again thank you for the ramble even though I'm literally answering the last one months after the first two <3
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haveihitanerve · 8 months
Gregor: I’m fine.
Ripred: Lol, no you’re not. But lucky for you, I don’t care. Wanna go fight other rats?
Ares: I’m fine.
Luxa: Okay, I thought you were fine, but now I’m worried.
Gregor: I’m fine.
Howard: Is no one going to mention the fact that he’s bleeding from a stab wound?
Luxa: I’m fine.
Aurora: Going by historical precedent, I have the feeling I should’ve called Howard an hour ago.
Ripred: I’m fine.
Vikus: Perhaps I should invest in a dictionary. It seems that this entire family lacks an understanding of basic English vocabulary.
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haveihitanerve · 7 months
How I Think The Underlanders Would React To Gregor Fainting-
Luxa: Haha! Clumsy. Luxa: … Luxa: Gregor? Gregor? Luxa: *bends down* Luxa: *kisses him* Luxa: *waits* Luxa:  liar Luxa: *sighs, picks up one arm and manages to bring him to howard*
Ares: woah! Ares: *snags him before he hits the ground with one wing* Ares: *carries him to the hospital in his wings just hopping along*
Howard: Gregor?  Howard: *checks wrist* he has a pulse Howard: WHY IS NO ONE DRINKING WATER Howard: *literally brings him back to life*
Ripred: ha. Dumb Ripred:.... Ripred: *whispers* gregor? Ripred: *looks around* *kicks him* Pup? Ripred: *sighs* *looks around so no one sees* *picks him up and carries him to hospital* Ripred: *makes howard swear not to tell anyone* Howard: *totally tells everyone*
Flyfur and Sixclaw: “haha dumbass Sixclaw: wait. *sniffs* oh shit Flyfur: gregor? Sixclaw: are you dead? Sixclaw: *slaps him* Flyfur: sixclaw! Sixclaw: what? Hes dead! Flyfur: you can clearly smell hes not! *literally have an entire argument above gregor's half dead body* Finally Sixclaw:*grabs leg* Flyfur: *grabs other leg* Both: *literally drag him to hospital*  Howard: *very near has a panic attack* dO Not MISTREAT MY paTIENT!!!!
Lapblood: *catches him* oh you poor darling Lapblood: *carries him to bed and lays down curled around him.* *Can smell its nothing serious*
Nike and Aurora and Andromeda: Gregor you good? *just leave him laying there because they thinks its a prank. Come back a while later and have an, ‘oh shit its not a prank’ moment. Its cool though, bring him to howard*
Mareth: *catches him* gregor? Mareth: *shakes him gently* bro you alright? Mareth: *carries him bridal style to howard who is like, ‘WHY THE FUCK DOES EVERYONE BRING ME A PASSED OUT GREGOR!?!?! DRINK WATER*
Boots: *just watches him fall* Boots: ge-go? Boots: *begins to cry when he doesn't wake up which alerts entire castle and they wake him so he can calm boots*
Hazard: *watches him* i guess we’re all dead now Hazard: *lies next to him because he knows if gregor's dead theres no hope* (they later find the two passed out, gregor woke up and was fine then just fell asleep)
Temp: dead the boy be, dead *everyone has a heart attack because he says it so matter of factly but then howard and gregor emerge and laugh saying its just a prank because howard was tired of the freaking idiot dying on him so while he was forcing him to drink water temp came in and they were like, lets prank the bros*
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haveihitanerve · 3 months
The Betrayal
Gregor didn’t know how it had come to this. He was crouched inside a cupboard, holding a back scratcher like a sword, and trusted no one anymore. Not even his own bond. A shadow passed in front of the cupboard and Gregor held his breath. Not that it would do anything, almost everyone that was against him had echolocation. But the person's scan was completed quickly and they moved on. Gregor breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed marginally. It had all started a week ago, when his father, James, had brought home a book on rats for Gregor. At first, Gregor had wrinkled his nose in distaste, he lived with rats, he knew how they worked, he didn’t need a book on them! But James had had a mysterious glint in his eyes, so Gregor had picked up the book and started reading. And the information he had gained. It was glorious. He had planned an experiment, recruiting his bond and luxa to help. The two had grinned evilly when he had informed them of his plan. It had been perfect. Luxa was supposed to lure ripred into their room, where ares would then block the door, and Gregor would move in. And they executed it perfectly. Except for one small flaw. Gregor had never questioned his bond and girlfriends loyalty. And that had been his downfall. The plan was perfect, ripred was in position. Ares hadn't blocked the door yet but gregor figured he was staying out of sight. Ready to jump to gregor's defense if he needed it. Oh how naive he had been. Gregor walked in with all the confidence of a warrior who had looked death right in the eye and had not run. He strolled over to ripred, and raised his hand, ready to strike. Before he could move though, the rats tail shot out and wrapped around gregor waist, throwing and pining him to the ground. “Wha-? Ares!” gregor bellowed, but his bond did not appear. “You thought you were clever eh warrior?” Ripred hissed, hunching over him. “Well, you might be smart boy. But nowhere near as smart as i am.” Gregor flinched. “No!!!!” he screamed, but there was no escape. Ripreds claws dug into his sides and gregor screamed, flailing. But it was fruitless. Before he could stop it, the giggle had escaped his mouth. Ripred lit up with glee. Gregor tried to fight, his arms jerking restlessly, trying to escape, but suddenly there were claws wrapped around his wrists and gregor looked up to see his bond standing above him. “Ares.” he breathed in disbelief. Ares stared down at him coldly. “No.” gregor whispered. Luxa appeared in his vision. “Babe!” he screamed. She looked down cooly at him. “Do it ripred.” she ordered, no trace of his lover in her eyes. Ripreds eyes hardened. “No! No! No no no please!” gregor begged. But it was too late. 
Ripreds paws were on his sides once more and gregor could do nothing but squirm as the rat tickled him mercilessly. “No! Ripred please! Ares!” gregor gasped in between giggles. “Please!” but they were having too much fun, watching with glee as he laughed and squirmed, trying desperately to escape the tickles. Luxas hands soon joined ripred and gregor screamed, legs kicking. The movement dislodged ares claws. In one smooth movement gregor had released his hands and jammed them up into ripreds fur, his fingers moving automatically. Ripred yelped in surprise, a small laugh escaping him and jumped back. Gregor was up in a flash and pounced onto the unsuspecting queen at his side, who screamed before falling into a fit of giggles as he pinned her beneath him and started tickling her sides. “Gregor!’” she gasped. He grinned. “You betrayed me first!” he answered. Something slammed into him and he was thrown off luxa and onto the ground, a golden ball of fur landing on top of him as auroras claws attempted to tickle his sides. Gregor barely managed to fight her off, watching as ares cornered ripred and attempted to tickle the old rat. After that there were no loyalties. Alliances formed and fell again, no one ever staying too long in any relationship. They were all murderous backstabbers. Dinners had once been a peaceful ground, a place where they could all come together and talk peacefully without the threat of tickles, but that was soon broken as howard and nike joined the fray, the only pair that lasted for two days, before nike tickled her bond in the back while he slept. Howard had been out for blood ever since. Boots and Hazard were the only ones who were still together, even though they had both tickled the other on multiple occasions, and their only real enemy seemed to be ripred, for they kept trying to sneak up and tickle him. They never succeeded, but it was always funny to watch them creep up silently behind him and pounce on his back, only for ripred to easily bat them away and snarl, tickling them mercilessly, while all three laughed. 
There was the creak of floorboards(which shouldn't be possible only wood creaks and its made entirely out of stone but whatever shut up darla) and gregor froze. There was light laughter and gregor tensed, angling his back scratcher downwards, like a dagger. “Come out come out wherever you are!” Ripreds sing song voice filled the air and gregor growled. Ripred snickered. “Not trying to stay hidden then are we?” he twittered sweetly. Gregor peered out the crack of the cupboard and slowed his breathing. Ripred turned his head and they locked eyes. Gregor slowly opened the cupboard and stepped out, eyes still locked on ripreds. The rat grinned. “You really wanna fight me pup?” he asked. Gregor swallowed, gripping the back scratcher. “No.” he answered simply. “I was merely the distraction. Ares! Aurora! Now!” Ripred whirled but he was too late. The bats slammed into him from above, sending them all crashing to the floor. “Luxa! Howard!” The two cousins jumped out from behind the doors and charged, each holding an end of the rope gregor had retrieved from the museum and grabbed ripreds paws, tying him up. “Boots! Hazard!” The two little ones came forward, hands up and ready. The group gathered behind gregor, peering down at their trussed up leader. Ripred bared his teeth, snapping at them threateningly. His eyes met gregor's. “You bastard.” he hissed. Gregor's eyes narrowed. “Lets remember who started all this shall we?” Ripred growled. “It was you!” he barked. Gregor shook his head. “So smart yet so dumb. No ripred. It was all of us. We all planned this.” he looked behind him at the Questers gathered. Ripreds eyes widened. “From the very beginning we had it all planned out. Ares and Luxa were supposed to go to you. Reveal my plans. Make it seem like they were loyal to you. But ares released my wrists to allow me to escape. I had to attack luxa to make it seem like we were enemies. Howard and Nike had to ruin the peace treaty at dinner, otherwise we never would have gotten here. The revenge wouldn't be as sweet.” Ripred looked between all of them, wide eyed. “All of this… to stop me?” “for revenge.” Gregor snarled. Ripred lifted his chin. “So be it.” he growled. Gregor scoffed. He turned and nodded at the Questers. “Now.” They advanced. Gregor's hand was the first to make contact, his hand digging deep into the fur at the rats neck, twitching. Ripred struggled, twitching aggressively to stop any sound from escaping, but then the others joined in and the rat broke, laughing. He slipped free of the binds easily and soon they were back in a free for all, a pile of laughing, backstabbing, betraying bonds and lovers and friends. Family. Vikus couldn't even be mad when he found them, four hours later, cuddled together in a heap, watching a movie and tossing popcorn around, shushing each other overly loudly and tickling whenever the mood struck. Even though Luxa had queenly duties to attend to, and gregor and ares were supposed to go to the gnawer lands with ripred early in the morning. The old man merely smiled and closed the door again, leaving the happy family to their fun.
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haveihitanerve · 4 months
Howard: what’s your biggest fear? Gregor: losing my family Luxa: being alone Aurora: not being able to protect my bond Ares: failing my friends Ripred: clowns you depressed fucks
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haveihitanerve · 5 months
just a few gregor memes
Gregor: *nervously* so uh- Luxa, love there’s- um *cough* erm I wanted to uh, ask you something.  Luxa: oh yes finally! You’re proposing! Gregor: w-what?? How did you know that??? Luxa: love, you have dropped the ring at least five times during dinner. I even picked it up once and handed it back. 
Gregor: *drunk, pointing at Luxa* that’s my girlfriend suckers!!! Ares: *quietly* your wife Greg.  Gregor: My WIFE!!! Even better!
Luxa: *carrying a large box* Gregor, what would you say if I brought home ten puppies? Gregor:… Gregor: what’s in the box? Luxa:… Gregor: Luxa what’s in the box? Luxa: I think you know. 
Gregor: I have decided that I am, in fact, a snak. It’s just that nobody’s hungry Luxa: *under her breath* I’m starving Ares: *wheezes* Aurora: *staring at her bond like holy fuck*
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haveihitanerve · 6 months
Ripred: what the FUCK are the birds so excited about at three o’clock in the morning???? The Questers: *staring at him, hunched in the corner in the middle of finishing their ‘who can whistle better’ competition* Gregor: 15% or more can save you 15% on car insurance? 
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haveihitanerve · 7 months
How I Think the Underlanders would react if they walked in on Gregor changing
(i added twitchtip this time)
Luxa: *leans on door* *wolf whistles* it just got hot in here
Ares: *eyes widen* whoops, sorry bro *stands in front of door like good bro and stops others until hes done*
Howard: *blank stare* what the actual fu- Howard: my cousin actually likes you? yoU?!?
Ripred: *gags* *retches* *screams, ‘MY EYES, MY EYES*
Sixclaw: AHHHHHHHHHH Flyfur: GOOD SANDWICH HES GOT HAIR!!!! (are the dramatic bad asses we know and love)
Lapblood: *doesn't even acknowledge him and just goes around the room tidying up*
Aurora: oh! My bad! *just chills and waits for him to finish. Its nothing she hasn't seen before, they friends*
Andromeda: *just casually walks right back out*
Mareth: dude. *shakes head* theres this thing called a lock you know? You should try it. *closes door and leaves*
Hazard: bruh. I wish i looked like that! *just walks out and leaves door open*
Dulcet: Oh! My apologies overlander. *closes door*
Twitchtip: *knows hes changing* *doesn't give two fucks and smashes the door down giving him a heart attack* maybe you should learn to lock the door Gregor: iT WAS LOCKED YOU FU-AAAH!!!! *leaves* Twitchtip: *smirks* Ripred: *takes notes*
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haveihitanerve · 7 months
have some quotes i think the Lead ✨Questers✨ would say-
Luxa: i hate when people ask me what sign i am. Like bitch i am a sign from god. Start running
Ares: i may seem like an angry person on the outside, but inside im actually angrier
Gregor: if a demon possessed me id just be like, ‘ok take it from here, good luck man’
Aurora: its okay when people disagree with you. You can just kill those people
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haveihitanerve · 8 months
Gregor, trying to hype himself up before battle: welcome to your life Luxa:*whispering furiously* Gregor what are you doing? Gregor: theres no turning back Ares: *hyping him up* even while we sleep Ripred: *long sigh, quietly* we will find you Ares+Gregor: *hype* acting on your best behavior turn your back on mother nature! Ripred: *reluctant* everybody wants to rule the world Ares+Gregor: *ecstatic* Aurora: *vibing* Luxa: *confused, but also vibing* Howard: *pls stfu guys we’re gonna die, you're revealing our positions*
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