#❀; the inbetween (ooc)
ruegarding · 6 months
in pjo anytime percy had a problem w a god he'd call them out and if that didn't work he stabbed them. acting like percy is subservient to the gods after pjo is wild.
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ghostwiththeemost · 11 days
⇢ ˗ˏˋ ❜ Just saying, If i ever saw Jay Gatsby I'd want to make out with him. ❛ 
⇢ ˗ˏˋ ❜ Why did I say this? No particular reason. He's just super hot. I'd swap spit. We're talkin' fucking sideways, frontwards, backwards, upside-down, 360 degrees, no condoms, skin on skin, on the living room, on the bedroom, on the fridge, on the closet, on the ceiling, on the walls, on the bathroom, on the couch, on the car and on the street. ❛ 
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bloodyarn · 17 days
Apparently, the wizards in her inbox are having a tea party. That's almost as hot as those [redacted]-parties where one girl gets splooshed with [redacted] and-- *kills her*
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traincarsandstars · 10 days
Okay so before I go into lurking mode, there's some speculation I want to chuck into the wind.
A while back I was still trying to wrap my head around what the heck Preceptor Taoran was doing. Obviously with his youthful appearance, single horn, and hoards of minions he's up to no good. But what stumped me was why the freakin' apple sauce he was out here like: "TWAS I WHO SET THE HOUSE ABLAZE!!"
Dude, there are THREE generals on board the ship. T H R E E!!!! The chances of you getting caught are so expendably high right now. Even if you take out Lingsha, there's still a chance that you could get caught. Why risk it? Thing's are going so smoothy for you guy's so far. You got Hooly out, the heat is turning up for Jing Yuan because of his actions, you have the ipc mucking about: this is the perfect time to lay low and watch the fireworks. So, what is he doing?
Well, I was talking with Ghostie over at @starlighttrain and they pointed this out: there are three generals on the Luofu, but two of the ships are missing theirs. Meaning, that while everyone is focused on the Luofu drama, this could the disciples on the Fanghu and Zhuming time to act.
It kind of makes sense if you think about it. Right now, as things stand on the Luofu, the disciples are in a lot of hot water: Dan Shu (who appears to have been one of the back bones) is gone; the assassination attempt on Bailu failed; Lingsha is here to drain the swamp and take back the Alchemy Commission; and then you have Jing Yuan who's pacing outside their door waiting for them to make a wrong move. So everything from Hooly's jail break to Taoran outing himself could be a means to allow the others to make their moves while going unnoticed. Of course, there are the ships own high elders be we don't know how in tune they are to things going on.
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tidesfate · 18 days
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Utterly repulsive creature [affectionate]
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fishermcn · 3 months
// been seeing it come up a bit on reddit (yes i know, terrible) and honestly? i wouldn't mind a bestiary for future soulsborne titles, even if we only got a line or two for a description in the typical esoteric style.
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gemkun · 7 months
putting aventurine in my pocket and never letting him be harmed again
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the wolfwren brain worms have infiltrated my brain I’ve been writing fanfiction about these two idiots for the past few days EXCLUSIVELY
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helluva-hazbins · 5 months
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gcldenchild · 9 days
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okay im not writing more than that today. important stuff up to the start of the alenthaal arc is now on goldie's about page. really only the yock island part and the gluttony stomach part are focused on with minor emphasis on briggs, but it works. please go read it for now bc alenthaal is mostly timeskip shenanigans anyways .
promised day will be...... a lot, but this sets the groundwork for any threads with other canon characters. there are some minor important events not included but i really dont wanna clog up the page lol
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wargod · 1 month
I found some old old drawings I did of Dawa I did years ago, back with one of their original designs I got all nostalgic awee
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fizzarollitm · 7 months
.soft starter call! Maybe 1 line or paragraph ; lmk muses or if you have a starter preference ('u')
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stillresolved · 24 days
my mood on here is literally either 'i don't want to anything at all' to 'bruh i'm wanna be on here 24/7 so i can do this, this and this-'
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yourfavoritetiefling · 4 months
@vigilant-cleric wants to see the cleric cry:
"It's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all."
   𝙻𝙴𝚃𝚃𝙴𝚁𝚂 .   unprompted interactions ────────────────────────
    𝐀 𝐪𝘂𝐢𝐞𝘁 𝐞𝘃𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝘆 𝘀𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐜𝗿𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐞𝘁𝘀 𝘀𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝘁𝐡𝐞𝐢𝗿 𝐥𝐚𝖟𝘆, 𝘁𝗿𝐚𝐧𝐪𝘂𝐢𝐥𝐢𝖟𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝘀𝐨𝐧𝐠𝘀 𝐢𝐧𝘁𝐨 𝘁𝐡𝐞 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝘁.     Bernard settled next to Ashen hours ago. Where mundane topics like the day's hardships  &  strategies for next steps eventually lead to more complicated territories. A road down the cleric's somewhat shared past, unbeknownst to the tiefling himself. Other than seeing Ashen as a fellow Helmite, a brother, so to speak, he offered wisdom. Naturally so, for his expertise in handling even fates of the most troubled individuals.
He felt like a loser most of the time, all camouflaged behind a boasting personality, an easy smile that betrayed little of the man's pain. Never worked off, all scrunched up behind his chest. 
The priest spoke truth, and it hurt. It hurt like shit. Why did he have to lose   ?   Why not love  &  love  &  never lose. Back in the days   —   that crucial day   —   Bernard would never have guessed to be faced with the ugly faces of his fellow Elturians. Racism was wide-spread  &  oh so normalized after the city ascended again from Avernus. He fought against these prejudices, not giving them a chance to doubt his  &  his remaining family's existence. A proud soldier, helping, defending every citizen. One of the good tieflings, he even often heard them murmur.
It wasn't enough, apparently. His sister wasn't one of the good tieflings, in their eyes. She was no criminal, she was just living like every other god-damn fool in that godforsaken city. Why should she have tried harder, to appeal to others   ?   She was enough.
And he was too late. Too nervous, vision too clouded by tears to make even a simple healing spell work   —   A child could have managed that.
And he loved her with every fiber of his being. They managed to survive Avernus together. Avernus. Only for her to fall victim to some drunken, racist ruffians.
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    ❝ I know it's better. ❞     Bernard huffed.    ❝ That doesn't make the world more fair. Why did I have to lose her   ?   She was innocent. Never hurt a fly. I needed more time to love her. I wasn't done loving her. ❞     The cleric's voice went lower, his usually so bright eyes darken, as they turned to the ground, fighting against the sentiment. Tears swell up, two fingers pinching the bridge of his nose   —   Don't fucking cry now.
     ❝ These bastards can thank Helm himself, they didn't get butchered like the swines they are on that day . . . I don't care for better, Ashen. I care for justice  &  fairness. As far as I know, they never faced consequences for their wrongs. ❞
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itsybitsypeterparker · 2 months
like for a small thing!
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auxmrdr · 2 months
one of stu's favourite movies is sleepaway camp, just literally because of how fucking stupid funny it is. ' eat shit and live ! ' and 'she's a real carpenters dream; flat as board and needs a screw !' also the kills are so deliciously camp.
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