#❛ ― ooc. / throned imposter.
ixiot-ghostrebel · 10 months
Hello! I saw that your requests are open so I thought, I'll shoot my shot
So, it'll be SAGAU with Impostor and Isekai trope. The reader is a real Creator, while the fake one is on the throne. But! What if they look completely different? Characters don't hunt reader because well, they don't look like their beloved grace and they're unaware that their sweet creator is in fact a real impostor.
But when you look at reader and the fake creator, you can see a total difference in their surroundings. The real Creator - Reader, is connected to the Teyvat, right? The flowers bloom everywhere where they stand, the trees are more green and lively, while there's nothing like this with the impostor in the throne.
So! To the idea- How about Zhongli and Kaeya's (or any other characters you'd like to add here) to see their Reader cut themselves and suddenly bleed gold - while they saw their beloved Grace bleed red and suddenly, they connect the dots?
Ooh, this is certainly interesting, @ilumin! I'll see what I can come up with :)
Zhongli & Kaeya Find Out The Imposta :)
You weren't gonna lie—you kinda freaked when you realize the isekai and sagau trope thing happened on you. Reading fanfiction from the internet, you knew how things were gonna go down. You read the signs.
Safe to say you were not expecting you yourself to be the "lucky winner" of this entire thing. Nu-uh. Not one bit. You knew this was gonna be a hellhole.
That is, of course....you realized that the Imposter did not look like you at all. You were kinda stoked about it—that means you weren't gonna get ratted out, or killed, or hunted—so yay you! Time to chill with some bros! Time to free ball it while you still can!
And thennn... one night you were hanging with some ppl, and you accidentally nicked your finger.
You guessed it right, fellas, you bled gold. And that did not go unnoticed.
Good luck.
(Warning: Might be OOC!)
When he first met you, Zhongli thought you were like The Traveler—you were someone who passed the Celestial Atmosphere above, and descended down to traverse the world.
With Their Grace present, their world has prospered and Zhongi is proud to say that Liyue was doing well under their rule. But when you came, he was a little surprised to see how the earth seemed to connect with you. Flowers around you seemed brighter, precious rocks seem to surface at your presence..and you somehow manage to always be able to get the most freshest fruit anyone can come across.
You were truly an interesting enigma that Zhongli is curious to learn more of. He commits every detail about you to memory. The day the wind conveniently came to the rescue when the days were boiling hot. The time where you managed to restock your food stalls even though so many Liyueans were nabbing them and almost leaving you nothing. Everything Zhongli saw, he noted down in his mind.
You eventually became acquainted with him the moment he walks up to your food stall. It wasn't that packed in the morning (somehow), and it allowed the two of you to get to know one another better. Safe to say your relationship was solid.
And then you bled gold that one night. Zhongli eyes your blood with wide expressions, before immediately excusing the both of you out of the situation.
He cannot believe that the person that sits on the Creator's Throne was not the Creator. He's constantly being bombarded with the "Creator" and their meetings, while you were just selling goods on the streets of Liyue.
"...Your Grace..." Zhongli looks at you as he puts a bandage over your finger. "...Truly, we have all been deceived." And while you're glad that he wasn't suggesting you start up a riot, you were kind of worried about what he'll do to the Imposter the next time Zhongli sees him.
Safe to say he did have a "Chat" with them that consisted of a meteor and a lot of "I will have Order!" voicelines repeating over and over again.
When you got plopped into Mondstadt, somehow, the winds started becoming more gentle and a lot more carefree. Everyone saw this as a sign of Barbatos, you saw this as a sign of the world trying to rat you out or something.
You decided to get a job at the Tavern to get info, and boom you meet Kaeya. You should've expected this when you got a job at Angel's Share, because this hottie bro is very much interested on your merchandise.
Safe to say, though, Kaeya was very interested in you. Like Zhongli, he takes note of your every move. But, unlike Zhongli, Kaeya's trying to see how your...unique superpowers work, and how they can be used to help protect Mondstadt—assuming he manages to convince you to join.
Kaeya is very talkative in the Tavern, so he usually talks to the bartenders. Diluc is pulling his hair out to see how much info Kaeya's spilling to you during your shifts, half of which are just boasting about the Knights of Favonius.
When you nicked your finger, though, you knew things were going down. It didn't help that Kaeya noticed. His eyes widen for a fraction, before he stands up and suggests that you both should take a walk around the streets of Mondstadt when your shift was done.
You agree, seeing as there's no way out of this, and quickly grab a bandaid to patch up the scratch. Once you were both out, Kaeya speaks first, in a low tone.
"My...I never knew the Almighty Creator could be this sneaky, to have an imposter sit on the throne while they serve cups at my favorite tavern." You look at him incredulously. He took the situation to praise you to make himself sound like he was blessed?
Good sir, this was the opposite of how your life got thrown upside down when you entered Teyvat. Then again, this sounded a lot better than getting killed, so you'll take it as a win. For now.
Kaeya promises to keep this a secret, but safe to say Diluc is rubbing his temples when he hears the Calvary Captain himself trying to offer you a position in the Knights of Favonius, saying you had potential and whatnot.
Honestly, he just wants to spend more time with you outside of the tavern.
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Ghost Rebel Side Notes: Why the heck did this take SO MUCH LONGER than I expected sobbing. Sorry y'all—istg life is hitting me like Truck-Kun.
Also one more thing: Furina is my new child now. She and Fremmi are my Fontantian Children. Love 'em both too much ppl will have to pry them out of my cold-dead hands.
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Lost and found
Self-Aware BSD AU x SAGAU Imposter crossover
Self-Aware! BSD Characters x GN! Reader
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Description: You dissapeared a month ago. You finally returned home.
Warning: OOC. Religious fanaticism. Non-descriptive torture. Reader almost get killed. English is my second language.
Normally, the atmosphere in the house was happy. Kids were playing on the playground, Akutagawa siblings often watch movies in the living room, Oda and Kunikida discussed books in the library. Sigma can start a spontaneous poker game. And much, much more.
But, most importantly, there were you.
In one moment, you were reading books with Poe, and Karl was sitting on your lap.
Next moment you were fooling around with Nikolai.
Then you were having a competition, where Tachihara with Teruko on his shoulders were racing against Tetchou with you on his back.
It was fun.
It didn't last.
The day you disappeared became the worst day of their lives.
No more laughing.
No more having fun.
They were searching for you.
Looking under every branch in the forest.
Breaking in every house, where people, that have even smallest disagreement with you.
Sleepless nights.
And constant search.
For their Dear Guiding Light.
Different religions have different things, that can be considered blasphemy. Yes, some acts can be called "universal" blasphemy. That everyone, no matter, where they are from and what their beliefs are, would call such acts blasphemy.
But, some religions, have something, that only for them will be viewed as blasphemy.
In Teyvat any resemblance to the All-Creator was the act of blasphemy. The worst sin. The High treason.
And sinners must be punished for the heinous act.
Creator would sit on their ivory throne and command their holy knights to destroy the Corruption.
Because The Embodiment of Divinity can't be wrong. Because The One, who brought life, are doing it for the good of the Teyvat.
So, when the news about another Sinner being spotted in Mondstadt reach Creator, they ordered their Divine Knights to Purge the Sin from Teyvat.
Creator love Teyvat. Creator love humans. Creator destroyed Celestia, an embodiment of Sin, that tried to destroy Creator, the moment they sat on the ivory throne.
Creator were freedom. That's why Barbatos didn't feel bad, commanding wings of Teyvat to feed the fire, that Knights of Favonius set, to burn the small cottage with you inside.
Creator were following their contact, the promise to protect Teyvat. That's why Morax didn't bat an eye, throwing a stone spear at a boat, where you were hiding.
Creator were internal. So Baal didn't regret unleashing the power of lightning on you.
Creator were a fake. It was real knowledge. But Real Sinner have power. Nahida were sorry, that she and Aranara's could give you only a small break.
Creator were Justice. Fontaine people were ready to hung you up. Real Sinner have power. Furina and Melusines were hiding you as long as they can. When you saw the enraged Neuvillette, who was ready to destroy the village, you left by your own accord.
For Creator, they would start a war. In Natlan you were almost caught. By pure luck, Columbina's attack didn't end your life.
Fatui's dream became reality, because of the Creator. Snezhnaya's people were ready to tear you apart.
Instead, they tie you up and drag you to the Ivory Throne.
You didn't like being transported to Teyvat.
Yes, it was beautiful. But, you missed your friends and family. You missed BSD Gang.
Worst of all, you didn't have your phone with you. You can't even try to reach out to your world.
You decide to find Traveler, or Abyss Sibling, or Alice. Maybe, they can send you home?
You wished you stay in the wilderness.
People of Teyvat hated you. Traveler hated you. Abyss Sibling hated you.
Everyone called you a disgrace. Sinner. Corruption, that must be purged.
They try to burn you alive.
They chased you like a wild animal.
They wanted to kill you.
And every person who tried to help you were punished.
You had no idea, what happened to Nahida and Aranaras. And you hopped that Yoimiya, her father, Furina and Melusines were fine.
You were captured a week ago.
Week, full of torture.
Of boiling water, that was poured down your throat.
"Dirty heretic! Accept the cleansing of your soul from impurities!"
Of hot iron on your skin. Of terrible scars on your chest.
And you were forced on your knees before an Ivory Throne.
Your exact double raise their hand.
And Five archons and one Hydro Sovereign attacked.
Arrows of Anemo. Spear of Geo. Sword of Electro. Wave of Hydro. Claymore of Pyro. Wave of Cryo.
You can't even scream. Boiling water burned your tongue and throat.
You were tried and wished for one thing.
To finally be safe.
The moment, before you were hit, the portal appeared under your legs.
It was nighttime.
All of them gather in the living room.
Another day of fruitless search.
And no trace of you.
Suddenly, they heard a noise from the outside. The empty barn was shaking. The wight light was visible through the cracks in the old wood.
Everyone hurried here.
Tetchou got here first and opened the door.
Light faded.
You were there
You were laying on the floor.
Tortured. Branded.
And alive.
Chaos started. No one can stay silent even for a second.
Yosano got near you in a second. Not only because she ran towards you. Tachihara and Akutagawa literally carried her to you. Yosano used her ability without second thought.
Now, healed, you were still laying on the floor. From time to time, you let out a quiet sobs and 'please, I just want to go home'.
Everyone was panicking. Asking if you were alright. If you will be okay.
Fukuchi carried you home.
You were unconscious.
They bathed you, change your clothes and try to make you as safe as possible.
You were laying on your bed, covered in every blanket they can find. They brought even their own blankets. Somewhere in there were laying Rimbaud's coat, that he cover you with.
Your room was full of people.
BSD Cast were sitting on the floor, on the windowsill, on the edge of your bed.
Everyone was there. Even kids were allowed to stay up.
They were sitting close to each other. No one could phantom a thought of leaving you even for a second.
The night was sleepless.
You thought, that you were dead in went to the afterlife.
Because, you can feel, that you were warm and laying on something soft.
You don't want to open your eyes. You wanted to stay in a warm, safe place.
More senses were back.
You heard birds singing.
And quiet sobs. Sound of steps.
And whispers.
"Myshonok, you can't leave us. Please, come back..."
"[Y/N], it's okay, take your time. You will soon be better, right? We will have fun pranking Vagabond..."
"The world without you will never be ideal... [Y/N]... Darling... Come back..."
Some voices sound closer.
"[Y/N]... Please, Birdy, woke up... My Dear, I missed you so much, please, come back!"
Someone was holding your hand, squeezing it. You feel, how, that someone's tears fall on your knuckles.
Another voice. This one touch your shoulder. The voice sounded broken.
"[Y/N], my precious Iris Flower... Wake up... I beg you..."
They also were crying...
Birdy... Iris Flower... Could it be?
You opened your eyes.
Two pair of eyes, one - dark brown, second - green and grayish came into your line of sigh.
Dazai Osamu and Nikolai Gogol.
Were you seeing things? Or you really were back.
You manage to whisper. You feel, that your tongue and throat weren't burned anymore.
"K-Kolya? Osamu?"
You looked around. Your friends were here.
"G-guys... E-Everyone..."
Before you can finish, you were swarmed by your friends.
Everyone tried to see you, to touch you. Kyuusaku, who manage to get to the front, climbed on your bed and hugged you.
"I knew it! I knew that you will be back! That you will return. B-because I told them all... that you will come back... you will certainly come back" Kyuusaku sobbed. Suddenly, they looked angry. "Where were you?! We were waiting for you... Searching for you... but you... completely, completely disappeared!"
You bit your lip and drew blood. For one moment, angry shouts of "SINNER" filled your ears.
Q cried again and hid their smeared face in your chest.
No. They are your friend. They won't hurt you.
You carefully hugged Q. You didn't feel any pain. You remind yourself to thank Yosano later.
"Good question, where were you, [Y/N]? Who... Hurt you?" spoke Mori. And you flinched.
One of the worst thing during The Imposter Hunt was Zhongli. More specifically, his voice, that sounds so similar to Mori's. During Nightmare-filled nights, that voice was cursing you, threaten you, promising to tear you apart.
In reality, you saw Zhongli saying that words. In your Nightmares, you saw Mori.
Zhongli made you scared of your friend!
Everyone noticed your reaction. Yosano spoke.
"[Y/N]... What happened? You were on a brick of death, when we found you..."
You still couldn't say a word. You were scared. You were terrified of returning to Teyvat.
Fukuzawa spoke next. He carefully picked up Kyuusaku and put them down on the floor. Then Fukuzawa with the same carefulness, propped you up against your pillow.
"We will discuss it later. Right now, [Y/N] need some food. Kitten, are you hungry?"
You slowly nodded. Oda, who was standing near the door, immediately left to get food from the kitchen.
The others stay in your room, looking at you.
This exact moment they made a promise to themselves.
They will destroy everything and everyone, who have hurt you.
And they will make sure, that this people will suffer.
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cheianimatez · 5 months
Doubts (Gaming x GN!Reader) (SAGAU IMPOSTER AU)
(Might be a bit OOC, pls correct me 🥲)
Gaming's body froze, you knew his name. He lowered his weapon, his doubts coming back to his mind. Ever since everyone was given an order to kill the "imposter" by their "Divine Creator", he thought "Why the heck would we hunt someone just because they have the same face as them, that's a bit cliche 🫤", but he can't defy his god, for he fears punishment.
But you, you knew his name, like you personally knew him, unlike the one on the throne.
"You're not going to kill me...?"
His thoughts got interrupted by your voice, sensing fear in it. He sighed.
"Honestly, despite everyone claims you impersonated Our Grace, you never did anything wrong at all. You also knew my name, unlike the one on the throne who didn't knew me at all, or maybe anyone else"
You looked at him, your fear dwindling down but still kept your guard.
"Yeah, probably that. In fact, I literally appeared here, then everyone started hunting me, like bro, do I look like I'm going to do some heinous crimes that they don't think their Grace or whatever the heck they call them would do?"
Gaming tried his best to hold his laugh. Somehow, even in tough times, you surprisingly have humor (even speaking his language /j). Maybe that kept you sane while you're being hunted down or something.
Then they heard voices. It's the Milileth. Gaming looked at the "imposter", suddenly feeling bad for them.
And that's when he decided to be against the order, deciding his own fate by himself
"Hey, what are you- UHH WHAT THE F--"
Gaming them immediately gave you a glare to shut you up.
"Oi, quiet! I'm going to help this time because who the frick would order people to kill someone just because they have the same face as them?!"
You looked at him in disbelief. He's helping you? But I guess you should be grateful this time, the last time someone helped you is Bennett, Fischl, Razor, and Mona helping you to escape Mondstadt, then you got killed by the Acting Grandmaster Jean, returned home to your world, then managed improved your life there until you fell asleep at the end of the day, only to find yourself you respawned in Liyue, and now the Milileth, the Qixing, heck even the Geo broke ahh grandpa Archon started chasing you! And I guess I could say it's enough for you to slowly develop distrust against anyone. Until this guy started to help you.
"I'm going to take you to my house. My father will probably understand my doubts of this... order..."
You stayed silent as Gaming carried you on the back away from the hunters, safely hidden from them.
"You know, I really wanted to go home. I had known these types of events that would happen in this world when I came, but I half didn't expect this sht would happen to me. I don't want godhood, I don't want to become a god higher than the Archon, I don't like how really submissive but blind these people are when it comes to faith on their beloved "Creator". All I wanted is a perfectly normal life, here in Teyvat, and now I wanted to go back home because of what I suffered..."
Okay, now he felt really bad. You didn't deserved this! He felt thankful for following his guts.
"Anyways, Gaming, did you know I actually laughed at your voiceline about your troubles? Like the way you said "How much?!" and "I'm not paying for a few extra wet wipes!" got me rolling! Oh, and your thoughts on Qiqi, it's so wholesome! I'm glad Qiqi gets the respect she deserves..."
To be honest, when he brought you to his house, he is already flustered about how much you knew him, praised him, heck even he heard you said a lot people from your world liked him because of his personality. Gaming could feel like jumping to the atmosphere, he felt being recognized.
Meanwhile, you feel your trust coming back again, and it's directed towards the guy whom everyone in the fandom called him the "sunshine boi".
And you're quite thankful that he's not blind like those rodents (blinder than Dora the Explorer lol 💀)
"You know, I feel... happy about how much you knew me and praised me. I feel recognized unlike Our Grace for not answering our prayers."
"Anyways, want some dim sum? 😃"
Yo, this is my first time writing a one shot in Tumblr. I usually write the stories on my notebook at school, and maybe sometimes post in Wattpad (I'm barely active there anymore, just only used it for reading purposes-)
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avocad1s · 1 year
Bring Back What Once Was Mine
Chapter Summary: You concoct a plan to confront the Imposter and the truth is revealed
Characters Mentioned: Multiple Characters Mentioned
Content Warning: Cult and Religious themes ahead! You've been warned.
Reader is the true creator of Teyvat. GN! Reader
Part Five Part Six (You are here!) Part Seven
We got some OOC harbingers but they’re basically obsessed with you so 🗿
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Present Day, Sumeru City
Slowly, the Imposter reached up with a trembling hand. They were displeased to find a bead of sweat swipe at their brow. Anxiety and paranoia overwhelmed them.
They couldn’t shake the feeling that what the Traveler had told them wasn’t the truth. If the Creator had died like Lumine said they did, Teyvat clearly would’ve been devastated.
They leaned back in their throne. A breathy sigh left them and they sank further into their seat. A dark aura filled the throne room.  Since they had descended to Teyvat they knew who they were supposed to be. A mere placeholder, and if they ever stood next to the real deal, they would never compare. All of their actions were dictated by another. The imposter looked to their limbs almost expecting to find strings attached.
“Your Grace…”
“Did you find them?”
They couldn’t shake this feeling of paranoia. It festered, and grew until their suspicions forbade them to do nothing but seek confirmation to ease their worries. They had sent a guard to fetch the body of the real Creator.
“No, I didn’t manage to find them…”
They curl their hand into a fist, “are you really that incompetent that you cannot follow basic instructions? It’s been days, what do you mean you cannot find them?”
The guard falls onto his knees lacing his hands together, “Your Grace, please let me explain… I don’t think the person you’re looking for is dead.”
The Imposter tilts their head to the side at a unnatural angle, “what do you mean, explain yourself.”
The guard lets out a shaky breath staring up at them, “while I was searching I overheard someone in one of the villages talking about how some mysterious person with odd clothing gave them a flower that healed their little sibling. Could that be the person you’re looking for?”
The Imposter pinches the bridge of their nose, “how long have you known this?”
“I found this out yesterday morning, Your Grace.”
“And you’re just now telling me this?” They jump up from the throne as their voice raises, “they could be anywhere in Teyvat by now!”
“Please forgive me! I wanted to be absolutely sure before reporting back to y-“
“Quiet!” They shout, “I knew I should’ve put the General Mahamatra on this! Bring Lumine here this instant!”
The guard quickly scatters out of the room leaving the Imposter alone once again, they slump back into their seat. That feeling they’ve had these past few days was right, the real Creator has been running around Teyvat all this time. Though they were unsure of their motives, why didn’t the Creator immediately come and get rid of them? Surely they had to be aware that someone was pretending to be them.
They shook their head, right now they must deal with the Traveler. She had been a traitor from the start, and they had no reason to care for Outlanders. Getting rid of her and her fairy creature was the next course of action.
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Present Day, an unknown location in Sumeru
“Paimon.” Lumine calls out. “Your practically pacing, could you calm down?”
Paimon stops staring at her friend, “calm down?” She scoffs, “you just told Paimon that the imposter was created by Celestia and that Nahida is going to try and break us out. How is Paimon supposed to calm down?”
Lumine brings her finger to her lips, “don’t talk so loud, if the guards outside hear you we’ll never get out and help the Creator.”
Paimon floats down where Lumine had made herself comfortable on the ground, “this is just getting more complicated. Paimon can’t wrap her head around it.”
Lumine agreed with her companion, this situation was getting more complex as more information is revealed. Was Celestia the enemy? If it was capable of turning against its own creator, what else is it capable of? Was Celestia the one who created the Unknown God?
“Who would’ve thought that the Almighty Traveler could look so defeated.”
Lumine picks her head up looking towards the source of the voice.
“The Wanderer?” Paimon says shocked, “what are you doing here?”
He rolls his eyes, “isn’t it obvious?” The Wanderer pulls the cell door open.
Lumine and Paimon share glances then both head towards the exit of the cell. “Why are you helping us?” Lumine asks once she was standing next to the puppet.
He looks away from the two girls, “Nahida came to me asking about the Fatui’s motives with the Creator.”
That’s right, The Wanderer was one of the Fatui Harbingers before he erased himself from history via Irminsul. If anyone would know the plans Snezhnaya had for Their Grace, it would be him.
“The Fatui had plans of summoning the true Creator to Teyvat once they had collected all of the Gnosis, but if the Creator is already here without the Fatui summoning them. They’re most likely looking for their whereabouts, if they haven’t found them already.”
“And if they do find them?” Lumine questions, “what then?”
The Wanderer smirks, “what’s with that look? You almost look worried for the Creator. Don’t tell me that you actually care about them?”
Paimon stomps in the air angrily, “of course we’re worried! They’re our friend and the Fatui can’t be trusted!”
He laughs at her outburst. “If the Fatui manages to find them then-“
He stops abruptly raising his hand so the two girls behind him stop walking.
“What is it?” Lumine whispers.
“Someone is coming.”
The Wanderer pulls the girl behind a large crate Paimon following close behind. Once out of view, a few gaurds came marching down the hallway to the cell where Lumine once resided.
“Huh? The Traveler is gone!”
“How is that possible?” One calls out.
“We must find her as soon as possible! We cannot return to Their Grace empty handed!”
Hurried and erratic footsteps come back down the hall as the guards quickly leave the dungeon spreading out to find the golden haired outlander.
“Looks like your lie didn’t hold up that well, we need to be more cautious.”
Once the coast was clear, they leave from behind the crate walking towards the exit of the dungeon after confirming that there was no guards waiting for them anywhere. The Wanderer pushes open the heavy door revealing they were right outside of the city. Lumine squints her eyes bringing her hand up to block the sun from her face.
“We’re going this way.” The Wanderer calls out.
“Aren’t we going to Nahida? She’s in Sumeru City”
“Nahida is waiting in Port Ormos,” he replies, “she’s planning on leaving Sumeru to find the Creator and she wants you to go with her.” Lumine speeds up her walking so that she was in step with the Wanderer. He glances at her for a moment, “what?”
“You never answered my question.” She retorts.
“What question?”
“Why are you helping us,” she repeats, “you said Nahida came to you for information but that doesn’t explain why you got us out of here.”
“I have my own reasons for getting you out but what I want is to meet them,” he addresses the Creator by their true name paying no mind to the surprised look Paimon gave him. “I have some… questions I want to them to answer.”
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The Fatui wasted no time to make preparations to leave for Sumeru, and you were departing the nation of Cryo just as quickly as you arrived.
However you weren’t leaving alone.
The Tsaritsa had no intentions of letting you leave and confront the imposter by yourself. As soon as you told her that you needed to leave immediately, she and all of her Harbingers quickly prepared a ship for you all to sail to Sumeru.
Even though you told her multiple times there was no need for them to go and that you could handle it, she remained adamant so you just gave up and let them go with you.
Once you all had boarded the ship and sailed off, you wanted to use this opportunity to make a plan on how you were going to confront the False Creator once you had arrived to the nation of Dendro.
At least that’s what you wanted.
During your limited time in the Zapolyarny Palace, you didn’t get to meet all of the Harbingers. Then when they returned, you were already leaving. Although they were accompanying you on your trip, none of them dared to approach you. Maybe the Tsaritsa had told them you had taken the news about Celestia poorly. You weren’t sure but you were grateful you had this time to think.
“…Your Grace?”
Never mind…
You turn you head to the right and see Childe approaching you slowly, he had a small smile on his face. “Are you okay? You’ve been standing here for a while now.”
You give him a smile, “you don’t have to worry about me, I’m fine.”
His smiles widens, “well we still have a bit of time until we reach Sumeru, would you like to sit down? There’s a free spot near me.”
You were about to accept his offer but before anything could leave your mouth someone else speaks up.
“Stop assuming that Their Grace wants to sit next to you, Tartaglia.”
Childe’s eyes almost roll behind his skull as he turns to address the voice.
“Their Grace only knows me, I just want them to be comfortable Arlecchino.”
It was obvious by the tone of his voice that Childe had a distaste towards the girl who spoke up. Her black and white hair framed her face while she stares at her comrade with a cold look, you would assume she felt the same way toward him.
“It’s only because you are trying to hog all of their attention.” She snaps.
“Fighting in the Creators presence?” Pantalone tsked a closed eye smile on his face. “Such fools. Your Grace, you may sit next to me, I promise I’m not as aggravating as these two”
They both glare in his direction.
“You always come up with a excuse to stay in the Homeland, why did you feel the need to come with us now?” Arlecchino quips.
“The same reason why you came, Her Majesy and Their Grace are here.” Pantalone says in a soft voice as if he was talking down to the girl.
Although Arlecchino was trying to keep up her gracefulness facade in front of you, hearing his remark caused her eye to twitch, but before she could spit out another degrading comment she is interrupted by her senior.
“Stop with all the childish bickering.” Pierro orders and immediately all of the harbingers stop talking. Once it was quiet he turns his attention to you, “Divine One, Her Majesty would like to speak with you.”
You let out a sigh of relief, “okay, where is she? I can go to her.”
Pierro gestures for you to follow him to the front of the ship where you notice the Tsaritsa standing looking out at the ocean. Once she turns to greet you with a bow, Pierro leaves so it was just the two of you alone.
“Thank you for accepting my request, Your Grace.” She says softly, her hair blowing in the wind.
“I didn’t mind, they were all starting to argue so I was going to slip away at the first chance I got.”
She nods her smile fading a bit, “I apologize for their behavior.”
You shake your head approaching the woman, “no need, honestly it was refreshing to watch since I know what’s waiting for me in Sumeru.”
It falls silent for a moment, the only sound that can be heard is the crashing of waves against the ship.
“Your Grace,” the Tsaritsa begins again, “what is your plan once we reach Sumeru?”
“Actually that’s something I was planning to talk to you about.” You state, “since Snezhnaya citizens aren’t welcome pretty much anywhere, once we get to Port Ormos it’ll draw lots of attention to us. So I was thinking-“
“-thinking of what?” She asks.
“You should apologize to the Imposter.” You finish.
Her eyes widen, “what? Why?”
You rest a hand on her arm to calm her nerves, “not actually apologize but tell everyone that’s what you’re here to do, that’s the only way we will be able to roam Sumeru without the entire nation watching us and probably the only way we’ll be able to get face-to-face with them with no one else getting in the way.”
She looks away from you for a moment staring at the endless ocean, “alright I’ll do it, only for you.”
“Good.” You praise, “then here’s what else I was thinking…”
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Port Ormos
Traveling with the Wanderer to Nahida’s location was tense.
Anytime Lumine brought up the Creator the Wanderer talked about them so casually and he even used their real name. It didn’t seem like he disliked the Creator, but his feelings to them still seemed unclear to the outlander. Maybe it was because he got his Fatui memories back, Lumine remembers that during her time in Inazuma the Raiden Shogun was very devoted to Their Grace, so it would only make sense that the devotion would bleed into her creation as well.
“Nahida is waiting for us over there,” The Wanderer point to Wikala Funduq, where her and Dehya hid when they were perusing the Doctor last year.
The trio enters seeing Nahida standing off to the side, once she notices that they’ve entered, she smiles brightly approaching them.
“You’ve made it, I was worried you all wouldn’t get out of the City.” Nahida confesses bringing a hand up to her chest.
“Paimon was worried we wouldn’t make it, there was so much security on the way here.”
“That makes sense,” the Archon replies, “if the Imposter really found out you lied they must’ve put out a search to find you, while at the same time, keeping it under wraps so other nations don’t find out.”
“The Wanderer said you had a plan that you wanted my help with,” Lumine says.
“Yes that’s true. I want to leave Sumeru city and locate Their Grace.”
“Do you know where they went?” Paimon asks and Nahida shakes her head.
“No, but I have a guess where they could be. My first guess would’ve been Liyue but after talking to the Wanderer I believe they’re in Snezhnaya.”
“Do you believe they’re in danger?” Lumine queries.
The Wanderer scoffs rolling his eyes, “the only one in danger there would be the Harbingers themselves. Those idiots won’t be able to stop themselves from fighting once the Creator is near.”
The girls look over at the puppet, “what do you mean?” Paimon is the first to speak.
“Just like everyone else in Teyvat they worship the Creator but none of them get along so I would bet they’d kill each other to spend time with them.”
Paimon’s face goes pale, “oh that’s terrifying! Paimon expects nothing less from the Fatui”
“Are you going to come with us, we could use someone familiar with Snezhnaya after all.” Nahida says the Wanderer.
He shakes his head crossing his arms, “not happening, I have no interest in seeing my old co-workers…”
The girls say nothing but they all understand, they did see all of the horrible things the Doctor had done to him in the memories of Irminsul. Not that he’s innocent himself, but he’s trying to change and that’s all that matters.
“Hey erm,” Paimon suddenly calls out,” isn’t that the Creator right there? On that ship?” The fairy points to a ship that just anchored by the dock.
She was right, it was Their Grace on the ship but they were talking to a pale woman with white hair.
The Wanderer let’s out a sigh, “It’s the Fatui, the one with thd Creator is the Tsaritsa.”
“The Tsaritsa? The leader of the Fatui?”
He nods at Lumines exclamation.
“Well you don’t have to travel to Snezhnaya anymore but I’m not staying here.” The Wanderer glares at the ship, “I’m not sure I’ll be able to control myself if I see him.”
He leaves without another word and Nahida and the Traveler approach the ship.
“Comrade?” Childe questions once he steps off staring at Lumine, “what are you doing here?”
Lumine looks behind him to keep her gaze on the Creator, “we are here for Their Grace.”
“Huh? You already know about them?”
“Lumine? Buer?” You say once you leave the ship, “what are you doing here?”
Lumine’s faces practically beams once you acknowledge her presence, Nahida looked exactly the same.
“We were about to leave Sumeru to find you, there so much we have to say.” Nahida explains.
You raise your eyebrows, “you do? What is it?”
“The Imposter, they come from-“
“-Celestia” you interrupt, “I already know.”
Lumine tries not to roll her eyes at the smug looks from the Harbingers that stood behind you, would it be childish of her to brag how she was the first to find and help you?
“I’ve returned to Sumeru to finish the job.” You explain, “which reminds me, did they believe that I died?”
Lumine looks away ashamed, “for a while they did, but they just found out that I lied. They even kept me locked away after I told them.”
You frown at her explanation resting a hand on her shoulder, “I’m sorry that you went through that, it was negligent of me to ask for your help”
The Outlander shakes her head giving you a smile, now it was her time to boast, the Fatui gives her a dirty look at their close interaction.
A guard approaches the group shakily, “Snezhnayians nor the Fatui are welcome in Sumeru, please return to your ship and leave immediately.”
It was clear the he was intimidated, it wasn’t that long ago when one of the Harbingers was working with the Sages, he must be fully aware of their power.
“I am here to see… Their Grace…” The Tsaritsa states, “to apologize.”
The guard eyes widen as his fixes his posture, “you are?” He clears his throat, “well then, Their Grace is in Sumeru City. I’m not sure if they’ll see you. I’ve heard they are in a horrible mood today, maybe your apology will brighten their day.” The Cryo Archon nods curtly and the guard leaves the group to their own devices.
“Your Grace,” Lumine says once the guard was out of earshot, “you should come with us,”
“Hold on Comrade,” Childe interjected laughing dryly, “why would Their Grace come with you?”
“The Fatui’s reputation is down the drain in every nation, if they go with you it will only draw more attention. I can escort them to Sumeru city without anyone knowing.”
“Correct me if I’m wrong,” Dottore finally speaks up, “didn’t you just say that the Imposter didn’t believe your lie, and with all of the heightened security and how tense you are, I can only assume they’re looking for you.”
Lumine feels her face heat up, he was right but she didn’t want you traveling with them. No matter what the Wanderer said, she would never trust them. They’ve already hurt way too many of her friends.
The Doctor smiles arrogantly, “Based of your silence I’m guessing I’m right. Their Grace should travel with me. I have many projects that could easily get them to the City without being detected. Not only that, this is my homeland.”
They group begins bickering once more on who was going with you and who wasn’t, it was a childish argument. Especially to do it right in front of you who was getting increasingly annoyed as they continue to yell and degrade each other.
“Stop fighting!”
The group falls silent staring at you.
“I’ve already decided, I will go with the Tsaritsa. Dottore and Lumine will also go with me.”
Everyone else sighs besides Pierro and Nahida who seemed more interested in what the plan was.
“You two-“ you point at the Cryo Archon and the Doctor, “-will go in and pretend to apologize and if they don’t believe you Lumine will be your bargaining chip, if they are looking for the Traveler, this should work.”
You glance at Lumine who looked like she was about to reject this plan any second now. “I know how this sounds but I won’t let anything bad happen again, okay? Once they let their guard down I will take over everything.”
The Traveler nods slowly, now feeling reassured about the plan.
“The rest of you should stay on the ship, we will return as soon as possible.”
They all say good luck before returning to the ship like you ordered, Nahida leaves in the other direction, Lumine couldn’t blame her, she wouldn’t want to be with them either.
You and your newly founded group leave Port Ormos with Dottore leading, he wasn’t lying when he said he knew this place well. No one in the group said anything, maybe because nothing needed to be said or because of the stunt they were going to pull off in the next hour. Whatever it was, the silence was still comforting.
It would only be an hour before Teyvat was fully yours again, but if what you fear is true, then Celestia’s betrayal will be a new problem for you to overcome.
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Note: my plan was to have this out two days earlier… that did not happen 💀 Anyways only two more chapters left, are you ready to confront your doppelgänger?
Taglist: @esthelily @the-dumber-scaramouche @grimreapersscythe @seawater-aurelia-writing @probablynoposts @genshin-impacts-me @itsredactedlove @chidouna @thedevioussmirk @hoo-hoo @chaoticfivesworld @akemiixx01 @lunarapple @nowords-onlybreathing @fangirlinindia @veyu002 @blackcoffex @kaveh-is-pretty @ariasdream @averycuriousperson @bloopthebat @chuuya-brainrot @crazydreamcat @sparklyphantom @multistanbee @bluebelony @mokakoto @mega-trash-cringe CLOSED
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bloodydayshq · 1 year
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Bloody Days ‘A Rose With Thorns’
𝐍𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟓𝟓𝟗: The English court must wage a war for the soul of their nation on two fronts.
The King, Queen Dowager, and Princess Elizabeth have not been seen by their subjects for over a week, driven from the heady epicenter of Hampton Court by highly secreted and contentious negotiations between England and Spain that leave the English court in frightful limbo. As rumours rage across the palace, attempting to rationalize the King’s absence – some suggesting that William and his sister had fallen ill of plague – the King and his council make swift preparations for travel. With only a small delegation of courtiers William and his Lady Mother ride fiercely out to Dover, bound by restraints of privacy and, all the while, facing a tide of betrayal, opposition, and distrust from within and without their inner sanctum …
On the sixth day of the King’s exile, however, the rains that have been driving relentlessly over England come to a sudden halt and, like a bolt from the blue, a merry messenger arrives from Calais. The King, so the courier reports, has received his sister, Queen Mary of Spain, in a great show of pomp, ceremony, and national accord. Mary and her husband, Philip of Spain, have agreed to spend the autumn with the King and his court, ostensibly holding an olive branch out to her half-brother, though tongues wag the Queen has her eyes on much more than merely diffusing tensions – perhaps intending to bestow favour upon England’s Catholic subjects, promoting the case of the Greys, and pressing the suit of her sister-in-law, Joanna of Spain – a task for which she has been intimately primed by the Emperor.
Amid nearly a week of feasting, tourneys, and private political summits held at Dover, the royal family must contend with bitter familial feuds whilst staving off the enmity of Mary’s Spanish retinue, many of which cast overt doubts upon the King’s legitimacy…
Whilst only a small group of courtiers were employed by the Boleyns to travel to Dover, those who remain in London have themselves a game of cat-and-mouse – or, for some, life-and-death – to play. Soon after the merry messenger departs for Calais, another cloudburst arrives at the court’s doorstep, and this time, the news is far from auspicious. The de’ Medici family in Florence announces that a certain Edward Seymour – presumed, for over two decades, dead – has turned up, seeking favour and aid. If England’s troops will not assist in warding off Papal encroachment into Florence, Edward Seymour – the illegitimate son of Henry VIII’s Catholic mistress – will be given the funds and mercenary necessary to muster a coup upon William’s yet fragile kingdom, returning England to the holy Catholic fold.
Immediately dispatched to Florence are James Cecil, Thomas Walsingham, and Julian de Vere to determine incognito if this imposter is truly the ‘lost’ Edward Seymour, or a mere pretender to the throne. At home, however, courtiers must face the mission of a lifetime in snuffing out juicy intel from those who knew the Seymours. And for recusant Catholics in particular, hiding their delight at news that Catholic hope may thrive again in sodden England will be no easy task…
Will the feuds between brothers threaten to cleave England at its core?
NOTE TO MEMBERS: This plot drop will be accompanied by over a dozen unique new Bloody Days muses that will be released in the coming days/hours/weeks/years (we prefer to spring it on you, so beware!). Mary Tudor will also be making an appearance here at Bloody Days, played by our own Bonnie (more details to be announced). Lastly, this event marks the end of the month of September.
OOC Details:
Welcome to our second plot drop / third event! This event will last from Saturday (noon EST) until Sunday the 23rd; however, if you so choose, by Thursday you may begin posting non-event related threads. 'ARWT’ will take place, in character, at two separate locations: Hampton Court and Dover Castle, Kent, the 'Key to England'. Four characters (Walsingham, de Vere, Cecil, and Sibella Percy) will be absent while undertaking espionage in Florence. All characters have been asked to participate – so please be sure to join us! Tag all threads and starters with #bd.event003.
Characters dispatched to Dover:
William Tudor
Thomas Wyatt
Anne Boleyn
Edmund Percy
Isobel Percy
Nicholas Sutton
Elinor Fitzroy
Robert Dudley
Amy Dudley
Bridget Parr
Richard Boleyn
Francisco de Guzman
Catherine of Spain
Annemarie Devereux
George Boleyn
Characters remaining at Hampton Court:
Amelia Grey
Aysun Dudley
Jane Boleyn
Elizabeth Tudor
Kismet Dudley
Maria de Mendoza
Meg Welles
Margery Holland
Elisabeth of Valois
Eleanor Grey
Katharine Grey
Philippa Grey
John Seymour
Alice Seymour
Penelope Walsingham
Gabriel Montgomery
Characters dispatched to Florence:
Julian de Vere
James Cecil
Thomas Walsingham
Sibella Percy (translator)
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luckydxy · 2 years
Hc of the Day : Ara genuinely misses Sheo & will occasionally glance behind herself to look for Him when someone calls her by his name / many titles.
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yibvmbe · 6 years
❛ ― tag. / words. 
0 notes
potemama-archive · 7 years
tag dump
0 notes
Mora makes Teyvat go round
Self-Aware! BSD x SAGAU Imposter crossover
Self-Aware! Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald x GN! Reader
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Description: Ningguang and Pantalone are proud of being of Creator's good side. With power of mora and buisnesses, they will gain more strength, gaining even more favours from Creator to their nations.
Unfortunately, mora is low due to attacks on caravans.
But, this new possible partner, who wants to offer organise trades between nations, peak their interest.
Warning: OOC. English is my second language. Slight mutilation (non-descriptive). Dehumanisation (Reader called 'it'.
Mora is stability.
Mora is power.
Mora is respect.
People need mora to get food, clothes, houses. Everything.
People need mora to build shrines for Creator.
Ningguang and Pantalone use mora to give Creator respect and happiness.
Pantalone's eyes twitched.
Another ship was sailed, another caravan was attacked.
And nothing can be done about it.
Dottore tried. And look, where he is now? Went completely mad, tried to kill Creator, and now is locked in a cell.
It became another hit on Snezhnaya's reputation in the eyes of other nations.
And in the eyes of Creator.
Their Holiness, after Dirty Imposter disappeared, were wrecked with sorrow.
Each day, nations brought gifts to the ivory throne.
Each day, people were searching for an Imposter.
Both of these actions were focused on bringing back Creator's smile.
And both actions required mora.
Mora, that Snezhnaya start becoming low.
Pantalone breathe in.
The situation was bad.
Yes, he has enough mora to spoil Creator for the next hundreds of years.
Yet, in this situation, he needs more mora.
Much more.
Pantalone looked at the pile of open letters he had on his table. Offers, coming from different groups. Travelers, mercenary, wanderers.
All of them offered their help in moving goods from nation to nation.
All of them failed.
Pantalone took another unopened letter.
He read through it.
Another offer. And he has no other choice, except it.
Ningguang read through the contract one more time. It was written on a fancy paper with an ornament around the edges. Pantalone, who was sitting next to her, read through his own contract.
Pantalone spoke, looking at possible businesses partner above glasses.
"I must say, Mister Fitzgerald, it's quite an interesting offer."
Blonde businessman smiles politely.
Pantalone cast an interested gaze on the gems, that were laying in the middle of the table.
Gems looked stunning. They looked almost perfect, they varied in sizes.
"Are you sure, that you could transport all the goods safely? You are aware of the situation, right?"
Fitzgerald took one of the gems.
"Mister Pantalone, Miss Ningguang, I assure you, My Team and I are more than capable of doing it. As you can see."
Fitzgerald pointed at the gems. "We have this gems here. From Fontaine. And we did a great job transporting them."
Pantalone and Ningguang looked at each other. Everyone said that. Everyone failed. Ningguang and Pantalone don't have any other choice.
Ningguang spoke.
"True. Let's try to do it. We spent a lot of mora on the Imposter Hunt. All these rewards and mercenaries."
Pantalone chuckled.
"But it was worth it. I even got a precious relic from it."
There were envy in Ningguang's eyes. She also has a little souvenir from the Hunt. Yet, in comparison to Pantalone's, her trophy was simpler.
"Anyway, It's a deal, Mr Fitzgerald."
Both contracts were signed.
Francis broke a tree trunk, when he left Liyue.
Pantalone lost a lot of jewelry because of it.
The first trade was from Liyue to Mondstadt.
If someone saw a new trade caravan, they would think, that they have gone mad.
First, instead of a horse or ox, a white tiger was (somehow) harnessed to the cart. Atsushi chuffed from time to time, but did his job perfectly.
Fitzgerald was walking beside white tiger, looking around. He spoke out loud.
"Look, Weretiger boy, a dangerous monster."
Francis points at the hydro slime, that was more interested in berries, then caravan.
Meanwhile, Francis activated his ability.
"This beast can be defeated only with 100000000 mora punch. Mister Pantalone and Miss Ningguang were so generous, agreeing to give away all their mora, all their possessions to us, right?"
Atsushi scoffed.
Fitzgerald's punch left just a few hydro droplets from the slime.
Somewhere in Snezhnaya, in one of Pantalone's safes, 100000000 disappeared.
"We are saved... Oh, no! Another one!" theatrically gasped Fitzgerald, pointing at lizard, that was staring at the cart.
"This one is more deadly! I must double the effort!"
When the caravan arrived at Mondstadt (Atsushi turned back before someone could notice his tiger form), Ningguang's and Pantalone's safes became more spacious. And Teyvat wildlife get some damage.
Fitzgerald's plan was risky, to tell the truth. According to you and books Jouno and others have brought from Teyvat, there was only one language in Teyvat. At least, the only official language. There was no information, if other languages existed. But Francis decided to take this risk.
With some help from Poe, Natsume, Rimbaud and Fyodor, Fitzgerald created an 'ornament'. A synthetic language, that was made from mix of English, French and Russian alphabet and grammar. With Poe's writing, new words looked like an ornament.
The ornament, that proclaims, that person, who sigh the contract, will give away all their money and possessions to Fitzgerald.
And he has a nice little ability to use with new finance help.
Francis stared at what was before him.
He proved, that he can be trusted. And, his businesses 'partners' show them, what their trophy's from the Imposter Hunt were.
Ningguang had four bloodied canines....
Dirty Sinner were put in stocks in the middle of Liyue's Harbor. It looked half dead.
It wasn't enough. Tommorow it will be executed. It still have too much dignity.
Rocks, dirt, rotten fruits, manure...
Everything were thrown in Imposter.
It wasn't enough.
Ningguang stare at Imposter.
Its mouth were in blisters.
Its teeth were intact...
A dagger and her fingers weren't the best instruments for a dental practice.
But, Ningguang managed.
And Pantalone had two pinkie fingers in the jar....
It screamed, when its injured feet made contact with snow. Pantalone grinned.
He got a great trophy.
First one, who did it.
Soon, Imposter will lose even more.
Acolytes needs mementos from their great victory.
Fitzgerald saw the mountains of gifts. Gifts for that beast, who ordered to hunt after his treasure.
And he, Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald, must be the one, who delivered it.
Francis can't stay here. In Teyvat.
He needs some real world.
He hopped, that he would reached Lowecraft 'waiting' place, before the sunrise.
Fitzgerald stumbled from the portal, back to their world. He wasn't looking, where he was going. He needs to see you. To make sure, that you aren't in pain.
"What have you learned about, Fitzgerald?" Yosano's voice was sympathetic.
Francis looked at her. She was waiting for his answer.
She was the only one, who knew everything about your injuries.
Before that night, Fitzgerald only knew about burns.
He finally found his voice.
"Teeth... Toes..."
His voice was muffled, when Yosano hugged him, pressing his face to her shoulder.
She let him cry.
Pantalone was happy. Fitzgerald did a great job. Trades between nations slowly start anew.
Slowly, mire mora will come to Snezhnaya and his vault. And he will spend it to make Creator happy.
Suddenly, his mansion starts shaking.
The next moment, Pantalone was sitting on the Shezhnaya's snow. His home was nowhere in sight.
In Guyun Stone Forest some of the stone spears, that Morax threw during Archon War, collapsed. Fitzgerald was sure, that crystalfly was a dangerous predator.
Ningguang grabbed the table, trying to stay on her feet. She was having a conversation with other Qixing, discussing, what other things they could trade with other nations, to use new mora on gifts for Creator, when half of the pillars in Guyun Stone Forest collapsed. Before anyone could react, a second earthquake came, destroying the rest of the stone pillars.
Outside, people of Liyue saw, how Jade chamber disappeared right before the earthquake.
Fitzgerald saw a second crystalfly.
Both Ningguang and Pantalone have a headache.
They have lost their houses. And, somehow, almost all mora they owned. There were no sighs of treasure horders or weasel thieves. Both Ningguang and Pantalone knew, how to be careful with spending mora.
Yet, both now have one thousand mora each.
The knock on the door made Pantalone and Ningguang turned their heads towards the exit.
Baisi noticeably flinched. She looked terrified.
"We finished looking through taxes declarations... And..."
Baisi put the documents on the table and left.
In a few moments, two loud shouts were heard.
Spa was quiet. Spa was good.
And this spa was completely yours and Fitzgerald's for today.
Fitzgerald announced, earlier today, that you two will have a self-care day. And 'drag' you here.
You had some sweets prepared for you.p
"Now, try this, Treasure" Fitzgerald put a sweet roll right to your lips. You took a generous bite.
Francis secretly smiles.
All your teeth were intact.
He cast a quick glance to your feet.
Currently, you two enjoyed foot massage.
Francis smiles. Your pinkies were here.
He squeezed your hand.
And promised to himself, to keep you safe and sound. And make sure, that no one will even think about taking something from you as a trophy.
You raise an eyebrow, looking at all the mora Mark, Steinbeck, Dazai, Anglo, Fyodor and Sigma brought in the house.
You took one of the coins. It glimmered in daylight.
Without looking away from the coin, you asked.
"Okay, I will ask. How?"
Twain looked pleased with himself.
"We rob one of the banks, that belonged to that one, in glasses."
Steinbeck added.
"Fitzgerald won't be the only one, who could rob Mr Pants."
Dazai looked extremely proud.
"Ango and I are scumming people. We put some fake donation boxes. People are glad to spare some mora."
Ango, who was counting mora coins, spoke carefully. He was looking at you, observing your reaction.
"We tell everyone, that this mora will be used for a new shrine."
You didn't need an effort to not flinch. You spent enough time with Hawthorne to stop flinching every time the topic of religion came up.
Fyodor spoke next.
"And Sigma and I created a casino. Cards, some machines with toys for kids. Some prizes are unique and appealing to many. And almost impossible to win. But, as you know, everyone wants to play again."
Sigma shrugged.
"The prizes for everyone were my idea."
You dropped the coin back to the pile. Your mouth moved, before you can think.
"It reminds me of an anecdote. Want to hear it? A funny short story?"
Everyone immediately perked up. They took it as a sign of your recovery. It was good, that you start recalling something funny.
"Okay, [Y/N], we are ready for the story!" Naomi pretend to be impatient.
Well, there is no going back. You cleared your throat and started.
"One day, American man, Japanese man and Russian man decided to have a competition and see, who will make cat eat mustard by its own violation. American man immediately grabbed a jar and force mustard down cat's throat."
"Hey, that's violence!" Russian man objects. “You have failed!”
A Japanese man spread mustard between two pieces of fish and wrapped it in bacon.
“Hey, that's a hoax!” Russian man objects. “You have failed!”
“Well, your turn!” Japanese man and the American man grin.
Russian man, without thinking twice, takes the jar and smears mustard under the cat’s tail. It, of course, immediately starts to lick mustard, trying to get it off. Cat licks and licks, even though she is yowling.
“Do you see that?!” - Russian man rejoices “Voluntarily and with a song!”
"You have an interesting taste in jokes, Myshonok." corners of Fyodor lips slightly raised up. On the background, Nikolai and Pushkin were howling with laughter.
Actually, everyone was at least smirking. Even Natsume look a little bit amused.
Francis scoffed.
He was making sure, that Ningguang and Pantalone will rot in slums.
And, it was a good thing, that no one would be able to help them.
Tag list: @withered-blossoms , @myluckymoon @cocodrilofeliz @c4xcocoa @vvyeislazzy @whisperingwinters
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ixiot-ghostrebel · 1 year
𝐀𝐧 𝐔𝐧𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐓𝐫𝐢𝐩 𝐭𝐨 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞.
Alright, here's the oneshot I promised! Sorry if it isn't up to your standards- my motivation was running low on this series. This might be the "Grand finale" to end it all- I don't think I'll be able to provide another part after this. I'm sorry, everyone.
Key Information: This will be in Reader's POV. The Reader has made it to the Abyss, and found out more information about themselves. They almost know who they are, but something is missing. Something big, something major.
Before they could discover what it was, though, they were captured by the Imposter's puppets after they had left the abyss, with no chance of escaping. They are being escorted to the Palace under the (literal) watch of the Imposter themself, through the character's eyes.
And the Reader sees just how much of a tyrant and evil doer this imposter of theirs truly is. And what seems to be the aftermath of Nahida and Venti's punishment.
Click Me For Part 1!
Click Me For Part 2!
Warnings: Bad Grammar, Spelling Mistakes, Not Beta Read, OOC Characters, Violence, Rushed Plot & Mind Control/Mind Manipulation.
Read if you are okay with these terms. Please also let me know if I missed a warning!
I was so close. So close, yet so far.
I remember so much, yet it seems it meant nothing. It probably would mean nothing now, now that I'm caught and everything.
Just great. I'm probably going to be tortured and killed painfully. My mind is probably going to break under that imposter's will or something.
Now that I think about it, is Nahida and Venti alright? They were the two that helped me not get caught during the earlier days. I hope they're alright—but judging how this imposter is, I doubt they are.
Even more "great," I suppose. I am not ready to see how they are.
That son of a...nevermind, actually. I need to think of a plan to escape. I have all of the elements of Teyvat: Abyss, Anemo, Geo, Dendro, Hydro, Cryo, Pyro, and Electro. Mostly undetected.
Yes, surprisingly, I had managed to enter into Inazuma even though it's probably in some sort of lock down with me running loose around Teyvat. But I still got to the statue and that's all I care about.
I nearly jump when I hear the sounds of gates opening. Crap. We were here. I am literally here...at the Imposter's Palace.
Holy crap, doomsday has suddenly started to feel more deadly with each passing breath I took. It felt suffocating with each step that it took to be brought near that Palace's front doors.
Holy crap, I really might just get die today. Holy crap...
I could barely focus on anything else going outside of my moveable prison, as I try to put together my scattered thoughts to form some sort of escape plan.
Perhaps I could create an illusion of myself and quickly leave? Or maybe I can manipulate time and find a way to break through this ridiculously elemental-proof cage. Maybe I can create some form of structure to get myself out of the situation. Or maybe I can use my hydro and pyro abilities together to make a clone of myself and trick them!
I couldn't think of anything more, because, before I knew it, I was pulled out of my thoughts. I was dumped out onto the grime floor of the place I dreaded to be for all my time here in Teyvat. I catch myself, my hands stabilizing my fall under me as my knees bang on the floor.
Gosh...I'm really here. In the most ugliest palace I've ever seen, even with the colors going well with each other.
Because of that one person sitting on that damn throne as I look up. My Imposter. The one that caused everything from the beginning.
"My, my, what do we have here..." They chuckle, their eyes gleaming with malicious intent as their sinister smirk turns into a monstrous grin. "My Imposter, finally caught before me, after a good 8 months of searching. Well done, People of Mondstadt and Sumeru. You certainly don't disappoint." The Imposter's voice was off, but it was clear that they were just simply talking through the other people's voices, their voice being the more dominant one.
And besides, I doubt the People of Mondstadt and Sumeru would've been praised like that if Venti and Nahida hadn't been punished. Whatever the Imposter did to them, it must've also affected their nations as well. And they were going to pay for that.
This world didn't see any blessings, it only gained more curses. Not even the world they stood upon knew that. Not the people, not the world...nobody knew they were in a endless scam.
Not wasting any time, I direct my glare at the Imposter. I don't care if they're going to be all mock-y about it—this is the least they deserved.
If only I could remember...that last missing piece of myself...
"Getting upset already?" The Imposter chuckles. "Such a shame. We haven't even begun your punishment. Not even a second in, and you already think you're better than me, huh?" Their grin widens.
"Such a shame. I guess I'll put use to the Anemo and Dendro Archon to punish you...as a 'Round One,' of course." My eyes widen in shock. Their eyes gleam with amusement.
The audacity of this....this below-grime idiot!
I didn't even get a word in as I see two familiar figures walk my way. I don't need the Imposter to talk to know that they were under the control of the Imposter themselves. It was all too obvious by the way they walk.
It was all too obvious by that grin that doesn't suit them a single bit.
But what shocked me the most was how many bleeding scars they have. Like Xiao in the Perilous Archon Quest, Venti and Nahida bled in the colors of their elements they were dominant in. And it seems like these scars were never meant to heal—the blood was seeping onto the clothes they wore, which were slightly tattered.
It looked like they were victims that had just came out of a war zone. Holy cow.
"What the hell..." I mutter under my breath. I glare back up to the Imposter. "What the hell did you do?!"
"Hm? Oh, you're wondering about their scars?" Their smirk turns more dangerous, more forced. "I made certain...adjustments to their behaviors. After all...to help you certainly meant I had to step in."
"They're traitors!" someone said, and I feel my blood boil. "They should be blessed that the All-Seeing Creator has given them mercy—to be forever blessed under the Creator's presence and guidance!"
"No!" I exclaim. I can't help it—I couldn't take it anymore. "This—this isn't a blessing!" I gesture towards the controlled archons, who were still slowly approaching. "This is the opposite of benevolent! This is the work of a tyrant!"
"You no nothing about the Creator!" someone else exclaims in the throne room. "You dare to spread lies with your face, flinging dirt on their ever graceful image—and now you dare to question their judgement? The audacity!"
The Imposter chuckles. "See? Your efforts are futile." They smile down at me, as if they won. As if they had everything they could ever have, once I'm dead. "Now get them!" They point a finger at me, and that was all the warning I get before Venti shot an arrow towards me.
I use my anemo abilities to fling it elsewhere just in time, but Nahida was already sending dendro towards me without warning. They push me back, as I try my best to use geo to form some sort of shield.
Well crap. I guess I have no choice but to hurt them. With a heavy heart, I summoned the all the power of Anemo, stopping time so that I could knock them out.
When I let time continue, the crowd that was in the Throne Room gasped. The Imposter glared down at me with suspicion...and a hint of jealousy. Hah, loser.
"Hm. Pathetic," they mutter under their breath. "I suppose I'll just finish you myself...with a special little weapon of mine." They summon a black gadget in their hands. Turning it one with a button on the side, it glows. The Imposter smirks as they look down at my shocked expression.
No. Absolute freaking. Way.
How the HELL did they get my freaking phone?!
"How did you—" I interrupt myself, fuming. "You took my phone!" The Imposter laughs.
"Really?" They said, amused. Their eyebrows were quirked up, mockingly. "More like you were the one who doesn't know how to keep their hands to themselves. You stole what was rightfully mine, and I just got it back."
"And I'm going to make sure you regret ever trying to tarnish my reputation—my work."
— — —
The battle was longer than anyone had anticipated, but alas. The "Creator" won, standing over a beaten "imposter." Everyone was cheering. Cheering for a fricking tyrant.
Cheering for the fact that I was about to be killed. Tch, fine then. If I die, I hope they all suffer for their audacity. If I die, I hope this "Creator" dies of a panic attack trying to fix their world. If I die, I hope they realize how big of a mistake they made, taking the position that which doesn't—never—belonged to them.
If I die, I hope this world burns in hell.
"Creator..." Hm? Who said that? Probably someone from the crowd—who else would it be? My imagination? How cliché, even for this manipulated world—
"Creator...get up..." The same voice speaks, and this time, I can hear it better. It's echo-y. It's calm, yet angry. It's blank, but filled with emotion. I look up, and I see a spirit made of light.
But the most fascinating part? The spirit looked like me. The Spirit looks like it came out of my phone.
It smiles down at me. "You see me," it muses. "Good. Come on, get back up."
"I...I can't." My meek voice comes out. It gets covered by all the cheering and all the praises for the Imposter, who stands atop of me, smugly.
"Yes, you can."
"I can't."
"This world needs you."
"This world already betrayed me."
"And are you willing to give up so easily? Knowing that you'd let your..." The spirit looks at the Imposter, who was blissfully unaware of its presence, with distaste. "...your false image of you ruin your creation?"
"I don't even know who I am," I insisted, making sure my voice was but a mere whisper. I don't want the Imposter to notice me. "How can I fight for a world I barely know?"
"You do know it," the spirit muses. "Just from a different perspective. You know it because you became a 'player' of this world. You see it with fresh eyes, but with a body so ancient it knows everything like the back of your hand."
"Why...why do you mention all of this?" I question. "How will this be relevant to the fact that I can't even protect a world I came to cherish—to love with 'new eyes'?" The spirit smiles.
"You want to know where your last piece is," it says. "Yet, you have been staring at it for the past moment." It reaches its hand out towards me. "Tell me, what do you see in me, that makes me special—makes me divine?"
"You aura..." I mutter, too in trance to realize I spoke louder than I intended. The Imposter looks down at me, evil triumph heavy in their eyes.
"Finally tasting my power, huh?" They say, smirking, but I could care less. My eyes were still staring at the spirit. It's still staring at me, smiling at me with a brightness so radiant it could rival the gentle days that were peppered by the sun's golden rays. It sounded so poetic, but I could care less.
"Metaphorically, I am but a mere illusion of the sun—the moon," it says. "But only until the sun has found themself, can the world recognize their true star." They give me their hand.
"If you wish to continue to fight, let us be one, and let the world sing you songs for all civilizations to recognize." I stare at the spirit, awe-struck.
There was no way that my power—the final piece, was being handed over to me on a silver platter. There's no way.
Yet, the very existence of this spirit was proof enough. It was...almost too cliché for me to believe, but it was the truth. Holy cow, I really am the Main Character.
With a quick motion, I place my hand on top of theirs. "I will let the world hear me, once and for all," I say, my voice firm and loud. The Imposter sneers down at me, distaste evident in their features.
"What are you on about this time, you slimy little—" They never got to finish their sentence, for I felt the spirit finally intertwine with me.
All the memories I've collected in this long, hard journey come flashing through my mind, as the power that felt oh-so familiar runs through my veins yet again.
"Happy Birthday, Mx. Y/N!" I hear the voice of a young child.
"Thank you, for lending us the knowledge to repel those awful demons, All-Seer," the voice of an elder Priest spoke.
"Please, Mx.! You mustn't overexert yourself for this!" a proud, yet nervous soldier, warning me as I stood firm against the dangers of the time the world first fell into disaster. "Please—let me take you to safety!"
I owe all those people I knew back then their mercy. Mercy for their descendants. And once I'm done with this stupid Imposter, I'll rebuild this world from dust and up if I have to.
The last thing anyone saw, was my form turning into a supernova. I hear the world singing, recognizing me. I hear it hum as it starts to tear and crumble the palace of the Imposter.
With a quick wave of my hand, I let the light of the supernova fade, but trapped the Imposter in a cage. I let all control they had over everyone disappear.
My intense, sharp gaze is what everyone sees, as my form is now cleaner, more graceful. The Imposter cowards, paling as they realize how much of the real deal I am. Haha, the sweet taste of revenge. Of Karma. This is what I longed for, and it's finally at my grasp.
"Since you love playing the 'Creator,'" I mock, sneering down at the Imposter's petite figure. "Why don't we place your little skills to the test, hm?"
𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑬𝒏𝒅.
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Also! It is entirely up to you of what punishment the Imposter gets! Tell me what you think best suits them :) Perhaps I might write a sequel? 👀 No promises on that, but something I can promise on is that Venti and Nahida are now forever being pampered with affection and gifts! <3
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ixiot-ghostrebel · 2 years
𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐈𝐧 𝐌𝐲 𝐇𝐨𝐥𝐝.
The oneshot I promised based off of one of my previous post! Sorry if this is not up to your liking—I have bad writing lol. This oneshot is also, btw, in the Imposter's POV! I hope you enjoy!
Warnings: Bad Grammar, Spelling Mistakes, Not Beta Read, OOC Characters, Implications of Violence, & Mind Control/Mind Manipulation.
Read if you're okay with these terms. Please also let me know if I missed a warning!
— — —
3 weeks. It's been 3 stupid weeks since that darn creator landed into Teyvat. Gah, why?! Why now, when I have everything and anything that I wanted right under my feet? When I had this whole world fooled and all under my control, my grasp?! This was surely going to start a riot if people realize that stupid creator is the real thing.
I smile. No. No, they won't find out. I can make sure of that. I have mind controlled guards stationed everywhere in all seven nations! I have eyes everywhere! This creator will be nothing once I have them in my grasp. I'll torture them for ever thinking they had the right to demolish my work! I suffered too much for this—I am not letting my dirty work go to waste!
I slam my fist on my throne again, catching the Geo Archon's attention. Bah, stupid old dragon. Too keen for his own good. Good thing he's on my side right now.
"Your Grace," his deep voice rings through the room, "is something troubling you?"
"Why of course there's something troubling me, you fool!" I spat back. Normally, I wouldn't raise my voice at one of of most loyal followers, but right now, I'm not having it. "I have this—this dumb imposter renegading around, trying to tarnish my upbringing of reclaiming my own throne!" Zhongli's eyes darken.
"Do not fret, Your Grace. The Imposter will be hunted down soon enough." I scoff, not at all convinced.
Yeah right. That damned creator has survived for 3 weeks. No way in hell would my stupid puppets be able to kill one person in the span of this month. They were all just that stupid. It was frustrating at times, this time beyond boiling point!
"Get out there and help them!" I order Zhongli. "Make sure your nation is actually doing its job and not just lounging around, selling their goods like any other day, counting their stupid mora!"
"Of course, Your Grace." He walks out, leaving me in my throne room of my palace with my own thoughts. Tch, frail, old fool. For someone who's won a seat of Celestia from the Archon War, he acts like a pitiful yet loyal servant.
No wonder Celestia took a liking to him. I sigh, waiting yet again for my puppets to actually find that creator. It was midday, and they still haven't found them.
That was...until I felt something strange. It was faint, but I definitely sensed it. I close my eyes immediately, running through all of the puppets I've selected for this hunt.
Ah. Perfect.
Two of my most prized puppets have found them. Venti and Nahida, cornering a meek, little creator. For someone of such power, they act like a cowardly child. Ha. This will be fun.
Good job, Venti, Nahida~ I tell them in their heads. Bring them to me...I want to personally kill them myself. I grin. I can finally live out my long lasted fantasy! I can finally have that creator grovel in front of me, begging for mercy as I cut them to pieces! Perhaps I might even award these two for their accomplishment—
No... My eyes flew open for a second, shocked. What did that stupid, childish archon just say? And here, I thought of being generous to them! This is wrong! This is all wrong! I...I can feel a warm presence... I hiss at that thought. This stupid God of Wisdom dares to go against me, just because she can feel some sort of warm connection to a pathetic person who can't even fight for themself? Please!
No, no, Nahida. They are tricking you so that they can escape! I boldly tell the Dendro Archon, before slipping into Venti's mind again. Bring this imposter to me, now!
They feel so familiar...Like I've interacted with them before. Came the Anemo Archon. What?! Ugh, can this stupid God of Freedom do anything right for once?! Free...calm and warm...
Gosh, these two idiots. Making me do more work than I need just to kill one person in my way! You would think having puppets would be amazing, especially with two powerful archons at your disposal, but no! Of course not!
No. They are lying to you.
Like a comfy blanket in the coldest of winters...
Stop. They are not the creator.
Like the finest breeze in the wind, a melody as pure as the sun.
They are playing tricks. Get them.
Like a sudden lift of the cage, a strong breeze to lift the bird away...
I...I know them. I do, I swear I do.
No, you do not. They are lying to your sub-consciousness. Take revenge and kill them!
No...No, I can't. They're...They're the creator! the archons say, in sync, at the same time. I gasped, shocked. They dare betray me, after everything I did for them and their precious nations?!
THEY ARE NOT THE CREATOR. BRING THEM TO ME NOW! I shout in their heads. Their bodies moved, albeit sluggishly. Their weapons were raised, even though their consciousness was fighting against my every command, I will make sure I have my revenge for all this ruckus.
Just another step closer...Yes, raise that bow of yours...Make sure that vermin doesn't escape...Yes, good...
The moron tries to break for a run, but dendro quickly stops them. Yes, good...another step closer...good...
"P-please. I don't mean trouble! Please!" The person begins to cower. Hah, pathetic. I wonder how they'll be like when they see me face to face. It will be fun...the utmost fun I'll ever have, in fact...
A surge of both anemo and dendro combined nearly knocks my control over them, but I still held on. I gasp from the sudden burst of elemental power, before banging my fist onto my throne. These half-wits dare to go against me?!
"Y...Your Grace...Run, please..." I hear that voice of a bard say. Oh, how I want to rip out his throat...
"N-no! I can't leave you—leave you both like this!" No. No. No. I refuse to be painted the villain! My hardwork, my dirtied hands weren't for nothing! I REFUSE THIS!
"Please...Your Grace, RUN!" And that was the last straw.
I forced myself into both of their bodies, flinging the archon's consciousness into the darkness again. But it was too late. That wretched vermin escaped. I shout in frustration, before signaling my other, more reliable puppets, to follow that dirty pig.
I could feel a rush of feet running towards it. Good, at least these puppets were functioning properly.
Now...these two...traitors. Glaring down at these idiots wouldn't do anything, so I begin to shout at them.
You dare to defy me, after everything I've done for you?!
Did you forget I was the one who blessed your nations with security, with safety?!
I could feel their cowering as I forced their bodies under my full control.
"Return to the palace, you wretched traitors," I said, speaking through their voices. I feel them trembling, but I don't care. I will make them fear me, if they refuse to adore me. I will change their minds, make them mindless puppets if I had to.
I will make sure to be their everything, to the point they're so loyal, no one will be able to recognize them. I will be all they have praise about. I will be all they care about. They would be so gone, they would even destroy their own precious nations if I commanded them to.
"I will teach you why no one defies me. EVER."
The entering steps of my two traitorous puppets echoes through the halls of my palace. I open my eyes, and glare down at the two once-loyal followers with pure loathing and disdain.
"You have both disappointed me, and to this, I will make sure your punishment is seen to the very end." I feel them quiver under my gaze, and I smiled. How lovely...Their fear is too tempting.
Oh, but I never said their punishment was short, did I?
𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑬𝒏𝒅.
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Ghost Rebel Side Notes: Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed it! Please tell me how I did- the criticism would be greatly appreciated! Please let me know if I need to change the warnings as well, just in case I didn't do it right!
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