#❛ ― loves. / my heart lies with wakanda and her people.
axailslink · 2 years
Would you like me to be gentle?
Shuri x FEM reader
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Summary: you are invited to Wakanda they were trying to open their doors more even though there are people who want and will steal from them. Princess Shuri assumes the type of person you are only to be proved wrong.
You sit outside the palace too afraid to go in you heard there was another princess but what if she's snobby and thinks she knows everything? You look at your personal body guard "do you have to follow me around everywhere? What if I just want to go to the market?" The body guard sighs "princess we've been through this for your safety and ours I must stay who knows what you'll get into" you suck your teeth "I am a grown wom-" he stops you mid sentence "yes yes you are and so is your mother yet she still has protection. This place is gorgeous but this is not your home these people could care less if you were hurt-" the guard continues rambling giving you a moment to slip away into the palace alone. Truth be told you weren't actually afraid of going inside and meeting the princess you just didn't want someone lurking behind your back as you try to seem interested. Nope you're definitely afraid to meet her.
The palace was a beautiful labyrinth you knew nothing of where you were and there seemed to be no one in the halls to help. It didn't help that you were trying to stay out of sight of your guard who was surely enough aware that you took off. After minutes of getting lost and entering rooms you've never seen you fall upon one room that amazes you. It looks to be a lab there's no one here either. Everything seems to be beautifully made here and you have quite the view of the magnetic levitational trains "wow Wakanda really is advanced and there is vibranium everywhere" you glance around to only be met with a admiring Shuri your heart drops into the palms of your hands as her gaze meets your own "I uhm feel as if I should know you" she smiles "sorry I froze for a moment I'm princess Shuri this is my lab that you shouldn't be in by the way" you nod slowly if this wasn't the worst way to meet someone you admired you never actually saw her though only her work. "You're really the beautiful face behind the vibranium tools? Black Panthers suit and the stabilizers down there?" Shuri laughs "so you know of me I was told you didn't" you nod once again "I lied I thought they wouldn't let me meet you if I said I had heard of you I just never knew you'd be so... Please forgive me if this is inappropriate but you're beautiful. I mean you're lovely you have the jaw line sculpted to perfection, your eyes are so beautiful they are the great mix between seduction and pure intimidation I'm infatuated" Shuri can't help smile at your words "please tell me you aren't obsessed with me or anything?" You shake your head "no not you exactly but I'm a fan of your work I'm definitely not as smart as you but the way you work and your mind works it's amazing. You think things others don't it takes the smartest in the people I'm the world years to find out things you find out in a day. For example the heart shaped herb you really brought it back with science that's amazing. You're amazing." Griot interrupts the conversation and Shuri just smiles at you as the AI speaks "princess there's an unknown visitor" Shuri turns away from you and grabs the nearest tools close to her which are her vibranium gauntlets "you were not invited in I suggest you leave before you're forced out" you watch with admiration as she projects her voice the visitor pauses in his actions when he sees you standing behind her. It was your guard that you hoped you had gotten rid of. "With all do respect princess I'm supposed to be protecting her from any type of harm" the princess glances back at you "do you want him here?" You shake your head "no not really I can barely piss alone" Shuri looks at him "you heard her trust me she is in very capable hands if she is harmed in any shape or form my people will be at fault. Leave I did not invite you it's the same door you entered."
Shuri places down here gauntlets before returning back to you "so you like my work? I can understand that but what can you do?" You glitch like a video game you have no answer you're not incredibly smart well not as smart as she "I'm not as smart as you but I admire that even though you're a princess you have a calling" she stops you by grabbing one of your hands causing you to release a breath you didn't know you were holding. Her hands are surprisingly cold and rough you expect nothing less from a scientist you glance at her hands and the tattoos on it. You were wondering things you've never wondered like how her hands would look on you wrapped around your waist, ass or throat. You're snapped out of it when she starts speaking "you don't have to be as smart as me to have a calling if you want something you make it true" you nod slowly gently taking your hands from hers and rubbing them against your clothes.
You glance at her desk to see a paper and pen "could you perhaps give me a paper and pen?" Shuri nods she walks right past the one in front of you and goes upstairs to find the items as soon as she's out sight you grab the pen and jot down your number before writing "if you want something make it true." You look at her when she comes back downstairs giving you time to admire her walk she walks with elegance she knows she's beautiful she knows she is powerful. You take the paper and pen "just needed to jot down an idea before I forget" you don't write anything down but you make it seem as if you do before stuffing the paper in your pocket. "I should go I would hate to impose I mean I wasn't invited in" she smiles at you "no but you are the next time you decide you want to run away from being followed" Shuri grabs your hand again and looks into your eyes with those damned eyes of hers she knows what she's doing how she's making you weak in the knees.
"you don't understand Okoye she said my eyes 'are so beautiful they are the great mix between seduction and pure intimidation' oh she wants me so bad. I would corrupt her though she's so gentle and weakens from a hand hold." Okoye glances over at her and groans "you do know it's been three days?" Shuri rolls her eyes "three days of boredom without her. I'm making new inventions just so we can have conversation starters when she does decide to come visit the lab again." Okoye dusts off her spear "and I'm done with this conversation I'm just going to retrieve her and tell her the princess has requested to see her" Shuri jumps up "no no no I don't want to come on too forward or use my power like that I want her to come to me" Okoye looks glances at the lab stairs "she couldn't even give you her number face to face good luck" Okoye says smirking and leaving.
"maybe she will come to you this time" you mumble as you walk down the stairs griot notifies Shuri and she jumps up "Griot why did you not inform me of her existence earlier?" "You programmed me to listen to her after she left and she told me not to say a word when she approached the entrance." Shuri sighs "how much of that conversation did you hear?" You laugh to yourself "let me think you want to know the most embarrassing thing you said? I quote 'oh she wants me so bad. I would corrupt her though she's so gentle and weakens from a hand hold.' you think I'm gentle?" Shuri makes an unreadable face "I thought you were smarter than this Shuri I hope I'm not clouding your judgement. You have not done your research that's a first well if you did you would know my people are not gentle we're trained warriors just like your Dora milaje I have more scars than you do inventions. I'm a princess but I'm not gentle so that's embarrassing. However would you like me to be gentle?" Shuri panics and pushes herself up against her lab table "I don't think we're talking about your people anymore are we?" You smile and place your hands on hers as you come face to face with her so close your lips could touch "no we're not talking about my people anymore you never answered the question princess Shuri would you like me to be gentle?" Shuri stares at your lips and smiles "not at all."
A/n: this is very unedited so don't be a dick perhaps? Felt like we needed nervous and pining Shuri instead of reader. I'm thinking of writing for Riri does anyone want to send some requests? (Bruh I never made a part two to this?) *My bad*
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h3artbreakaaaaaa · 11 months
Often (REPOST)
Shuri Udaku x Reader
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A/n: hey everyone so I’m slowly coming back into my tumblr era I have just been busy with school and stuff. And so I simply was bored and just rewrite this fic and it’s literally one of my favorites I had wrote but I hope you enjoy:)
Warnings/Fluff, Cusring.
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You sat at the makeshift vanity you made in your tiny apartment that you could barely afford because of being a poor college student. You were doing some final touches to your hair when your best friend came in “ Are you almost ready “ your best friend said as she watched you do your final touch to your hair as you were brushing your edges out. You then made the first swoop trying not to mess up your quick weave slick back high ponytail, Which you were proud of that you did yourself.“ All I have to do is my edges “ you say annoyed that she was rushing you to get ready knowing that when she did that it reminded you of one person.
Shuri mf Udaku
The princess of Wakanda, but to you she is your ex-girlfriend. You and Shuri were together for a very what felt like forever 2 years. And you always thought you were going to spend the rest of your life with her.
I mean she was perfect she was like an angel to you that you knew would never do anything to hurt you. At least not physically but everything that is gold doesn’t shine but that didn’t mean shit. She was a compulsive liar, staying in her lab “ working “ at ungodly hours. Always leaving In the middle of the night, staying on her phone 24/7, I mean the list goes on and on.
But you stayed because you truly loved Shuri and believed that she could change. And you knew she was going through tough times since the death of her mother and brother so you were patient with her. But that patience ran out very quickly and went into some complete bullshit because each time she made a mistake she would apologize “ I promise I can make it up to you y/n please “ or she would say some shitty ass apology and make it sound believable enough that your heart believed it.
But that was what all you thought when it came to your heart she wouldn’t play with it. at this point, you felt like were completely heartbroken after wasting 2 years of your life on someone who just lied and cheated on you.
You remember vividly the day you 2 broke up. It was about 5 months ago and all you can remember was you wanting to put your foot down in the relationship and maybe come to some type of compromise that could help benefit your relationship.
You walked into the lab and you saw Shuri at her desk smirking and typing on her phone. When she saw you she gave you a look of despair knowing that she told you before not to come into her lab without permission. You always wondered why you needed permission to come into a space where people are only working.
“ y/n,” Shuri said as she looked you in the eye, clearly annoyed with your presence.
“ What did I tell you usana, about coming in here.” Shuri said firmly with her jaw clenched as she was gripping her phone trying to hide the screen away from you.“ You don’t have to hide that you texting your little side hoe’s it ain’t even a secret that you a hoe your damn self!” you scoffed as Shuri then stood up in front of you as her height towered over you.
“ Don’t start that shit right now “
“ Don’t what? Call your ass out “ you yelled as it echoed in the lab while you and Shuri continued to look each other in the eye with obvious rage.
Shuri then gently grabbed your chin as she leaned into your ear “You don’t wanna do this right now usana, so I suggest you stop” Shuri whispered in your ear and then backed up to turn around and go sit back at her desk. She didn’t want to cause a scene in here, especially in front of the other scientists but you didn’t care you were angry and you had an issue you wanted to be handled now.
Before she could even sit down you quickly grabbed her phone and hid it behind your back as she turned around and gave you an annoyed look as she was already irritated. “ y/n/n, I don’t have time for this shit “ she said trying to get her phone back as you continued to hide it from her.
All you can remember was all hell broke loose as you and Shuri started to fight(not physically), and no not over a phone but because of all of the animosity between you too in the relationship. After that Shuri broke up with you as she claimed she was Tired of your “ complaining and whining” all the time. You then walked out of the apartment lobby that you have been living in for the past month since you had to move out of the palace and move back to the States after permanently leaving Wakanda for good not ever daring to look back.
“ Hey girl,” y/b/n said as you got in the car and put on your seatbelt. “ Hey “ you replied as she took the car out of the park and started to drive to the club. It was a silent drive for a little while until your y/b/n broke that silence.
“ you okay?”
“Yeah, why?”
“ I mean y/n/n I know you haven’t been quite the same since the break up you know.”
“ What do you mean I’m fine”
But you weren’t fine, you were still heartbroken and even though all of your friends said you deserved better were you gonna find someone better? You couldn’t they just weren’t Shuri.
I mean yeah Shuri cheated and was manipulative but you still sometimes liked the way she made you feel and it wasn’t like you haven’t been with anybody since then because you know it wouldn’t feel or be the same. Because Shuri knew you and she knew you and your boundaries it just didn’t feel right to give that to someone else.
Before you knew it you were at the club you and y/b/n got out of the car and made your way inside and you both rushed over to the bar to order drinks. You both sat at the bar and talked as you both waited for your drinks. But then you were soon alone as a guy asked your best friend to dance. You glanced on the dance floor seeing her grind all over this guy, you smiled glad to see that at least she was enjoying herself.
You were never a big fan of going to clubs or partying. You are normally just always focused on school since you attended a local university here in Wakanda. You just then happen to glance up and that’s when you completely froze. You saw a Dora Milaje standing in the corner with a spear in bed and glaring at the crowd making sure nothing was happening.
You knew if you saw a Dora you knew only one person was here.
As you quickly looked around you didn’t even realize she was standing behind you. All you felt then was their hand on your shoulder as you turned your head and what met with your ex-girlfriend. She had on black shades and a suit that looked so good on her it made you weak in the knees, Gold rings all along her long fingers and her curls were perfect. She smirked making eye contact with you as you could visibly see the gold grills on her perfect bottom teeth.
She then looked you up and down and licked her lips as she saw the sight of you.“ what are you doing here” you said a little nervous and she could tell as your body had tensed up.
“ Do I make you nervous?”
“ you didn’t answer my question”
“ Listen I didn’t know you were gonna be here but I wanna talk to you alone.”
“ hell no “
“ eh? Is it only because of us”
“ Please y/n I just really need to talk to you,” Shuri said as she now had both of your hands in hers as she was rubbing her thumb gently on the back of your hand.
“ Fine,” you said firmly as you rolled your eyes. But it was only because she looked good as hell.
You stood up and grabbed your purse and phone as you followed Shuri out of the club to get into her car, which was a black and purple Maserati.
She opened the door for you which made you roll your eyes as you got in but you couldn’t ignore the feeling that Shuri was looking at your ass.
You and Shuri walked into the palace and you followed her to your old shared bedroom.
As you were walking through the palace you started to get flashbacks to all the good things at least happened in you and Shuri’s relationship.
When you finally reached the bedroom Shuri held the door open as she let you walk in first before coming in and closing the door behind her.
“ So….” You say awkwardly standing in the middle of the room facing Shuri who was sitting on the edge of her bed.
“ y/n I’m gonna be completely honest I miss you. I miss you.” Shuri said as she took off her shades and laid them on the bedside table.’“ And I know you miss me too “ She said with a smirk wide across her face. You stood there as if you felt like you were going to melt right then and because it was true you did miss her you couldn’t deny it. Shuri then walked closer to you and put her hands around your waist.
At that moment it felt like your whole body was frozen. You knew that you couldn’t take her back after months of your trying to move on would be for nothing. If you had told yourself a couple of months ago you would be in a situation where you could take Shuri back you would do it. But it was like a devil and an angel were on your shoulder one side was telling you to take her back and the other told you to stop her.
But your body didn’t want to move you were stuck because you knew you needed Shuri mentally it was like you couldn’t live without her those months you spent wondering what she was doing forgive her for the times she neglected you had gone away in the one single moment
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namorkawaiiwife · 2 years
My kid.
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Tw: kinda mean namor and reader? Sad content but whit good ending😍
"you lied to me! you deceive me!"
he says to you.
"you tried to deceive me too."
"I'm tired of listening to you!"
"you gave me your heart, you know?.."
a silence stretched for a few seconds.
"would you like me to give it back? whole again?"
you turned to look out to sea.
"you lived a long time namor and an eternity without me! you looked at the surface people waiting for something or someone that for an instant, BROUGHT ME BACK TO YOU!"
you turned to him seeing a tear on his face but still you didn't want to feel sorry for him.
"you will find moonlit nights strangely empty. why when you called me, you never got an answer."
why were you treating him like that?
Oh, darling..
why do you ask?
he never listened to you.
didn't listen to your opinion on the war of wakanda and talokan.
and when you would try to talk to him, he would only think of shuri.
Was she really that perfect?
did he say the same things he said to you before you got married?
you couldn't believe that the only being you thought wasn't like the others did that.. you couldn't believe he didn't love you like he loved shuri.
you ran away from talokan, you went far away.
the only thing you knew was that the entire talokan was worried about you, their queen, the first queen..
but surely shuri would do a better job as a queen, wouldn't she?
she would have the heir she so wanted.
a strong heir to talokan.
then you found out.
was pregnant.
pregnant to him.
you accepted the pregnancy, and months passed.
until she was born.
your daughter, you named her kiri.
she was perfect.
you didn't mind that she had two little dashes of namor
you loved her anyway.
you didn't want to tell namor
until now he finds you.
"why did you run away?!"
he said.
you chuckled trying to hold back the tears.
"are you serious? you didn't care about me since you saw HER! shuri! you didn't listen to my opinion. just spoke of her, she is perfect, the perfect queen, the perfect wife SHE IS WHAT YOU WISH YOU HAD... it's not me anymore.. it's her.. she is the woman you could kill millions to erase your memories of with me and put her in them... am i not right?"
a cry came from inside you house, your daughter's cry, you ran inside ignoring him, soon arriving in your daughter's room who was in her crib crying.
you approached her and took her in your arms, soon calming her down, forgetting that namor was now at the bedroom door looking at you.
"you have a daughter?.. "
he asks and your attention returns to him.
"your daughter."
you took off your daughter's blanket and he slowly approached you, looking at all the perfections your daughter carried..
the pointed ears, the little wings on the feet.
you looked at him.
he was crying.
What did I do.."
he said.
"I made you run away, because of my selfishness, I forgot everything we went through together, everything you did to see me happy, I don't deserve you, I don't deserve to have a daughter from you and be so perfect... just like you... You worked so hard for me and Talokan and I just played it like it was nothing, I played it all just because of someone who doesn't even come close to you."
he gently cupped your daughter's cheeks and she gave a sweet laugh, you looked at him and saw the regret in his eyes, you remembered that every time he took too long to come see you before you left for talokan, he always apologized to you with that look of regret.
"do you regret what you did?.."
you asked in a low tone but he could hear.
"I regret being such a jerk to you..I know you won't forgive me, and I really don't deserve your forgiveness."
you looked at your daughter and then at him.
"kiri do you think he deserves forgiveness?"
kiri reaches out her tiny hands to namor.
"hold her."
you said and soon namor took her in his arms, you watched them while Kiri played with the necklaces that namor had.
"I forgive you."
you said.
"y/n..I don't deserve your forgiveness.."
You held his face gently and then kissed him.
Namor returned the kiss, a kiss full of longing and love.
you broke away from the kiss.
"my queen.."
he said and then looked at kiri.
"and my little princess."
kiri smiled sweetly as she looked at him.
you touched his cheek and felt a scar and soon looked better.
"what is it?"
Namor looked at you and then gave a desperate laugh.
"how can I explain.."
he nodded.
you chuckled.
"it's not funny."
"she did that too?"
you say referring to the wing of his foot that was bandaged.
"it still hurts."
"my king didn't win the war hmm?"
you say while picking up kiri in your arms.
"See Kiri? Your father isn't as good as he says is he?"
you say while laughing softly.
"yeah yeah I'm an idiot I know, but no need to throw it in the face."
he says.
"kiri, isn't your mother boring?"
he says and you look at him.
"Kiri, isn't your father selfish?"
"oh stop honey"
"you started!"
you guys were fighting over who started it while kiri was confused.
"okay okay I started!"
you said feeling defeated.
"I know."
you looked at Kiri.
"kiri is going to talokan when?"
"whenever you want dear."
"What if I want to go now whit her?"
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bestfriend491 · 2 years
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Date Created : 13 - 12 - 2022 | Last Updated : 20 - 03 - 2024
Fic Total: 28
~ Through This : Angst, Hurt/ Comfort
Summary Sentence: After Okoye is dismissed of her title as General by Queen Ramonda, she meets you at home and you comfort her.
~ Lies of Omission Part.1 : Angst
Summary Sentence: After months of lying to Okoye about a medical condition, secrets are revealed.
~ Lies of Omission Part.2 : Angst, Fluff
Summary Sentence: Okoye deals with the aftermath of learning about your past and your secrets.
~ Reality Check (Lies of Omission Part.3 : Fluff, Hurt/Comfort
Summary Sentence: After a good day with Okoye, your past come back to haunt you.
~ Told You So : Fluff
Summary Sentence: You get hurt because of your confidence and Okoye helps you with your injury.
~ Morning Sun : Fluff
Summary Sentence: A morning with Okoye
~ The Honour Would Be Mine : Comfort, Fluff, Angst
Summary Sentence: You tell the beautiful General that you love her, and so much more.
~ I'm here : Angst, Hurt, Slight Comfort
Summary Sentence: Your sister is killed during the battle of Wakanda and Talokan. Now you and Okoye must adjust to the news.
~ Jealously Jealously : Angst, Hurt/ Comfort
Summary Sentence: Okoye struggles with your Friends with Benefits situation.
~ Maybe, Maybe not, I wouldn't be able to tell you : Fluff
Summary Sentence: You don't have a sense of smell, and Okoye is the only one that knows that
~ Avoidance : Hurt/ Loads of comfort, Fluff
Summary Sentence: You avoid telling Okoye about an old injury in fear that she will leave you.
~ Kill Okoye : Angst, Hurt, No Comfort,
Summary Sentence: Sza's Kill Bill mixed with Tyler Perry's Acrimony
~ You can deny it all you want : Domestic Fluff
Summary Sentence: You bring a stray home and Okoye tries to deny her love for them.
~ Realizations : Soft Relationship
Summary Sentence: Okoye sees with kids and suddenly her desires for the future are very clear.
~ Worthy : Comfort
Summary Sentence: Your love language is words of affirmation and Okoye isn't used to that kind of love.
~ Want Me Back Part.1 : Hurt, Angst
Summary Sentence: Okoye has become neglectful in your relationship and you finally snap.
~ Want Me Back Part.2 : Angst, Comfort. Fluff Ending
Summary Sentence: Okoye has bettered herself and wants you back.
~ Hateful Love : Angsty Fluff
Summary Sentence: yours and Okoye's relationship dynamics tends to make people think that you hate each other. That's far from the truth though.
~ Smooth Talker: Fluff
Summary Sentence: You've used pickup lines to woo your way into Okoye's heart, and at some point she falls in love with your goofy self.
~ Super Powers : Fluff
Summary Sentence: Everyone wants to know what superpowers you have that make Okoye change completely.
~ Fooling Around: Fluff
Summary Summary: You're a very unserious Dora Milaje when Okoye's around. Or maybe you're just unserious in general.
~ I'd do it all over again : Angst, Hurt and Comfort, Happy Ending
Summary Sentence: You waited a long time to be with the one you love.
~ Propriety: fluff, getting together, soft
Summary Sentence: Your crush on Ramonda is exposed by accident.
~ Holding you tight tonight: Angst, Hurt and Comfort
Summary Sentence: Ramonda doesn't know everything about your past, but she's there to listen.
~ Introspection Part 1: hurt, angst, fluff,
Summary Sentence: A childhood event leaves Nakia searching for answers, and searching for you.
~ Introspection Part 2 : Angst, Hurt, Comfort, Healing
Summary Sentence: Nakia fights for you even when you don't know how to fight for yourself.
✐Ayo x Aneka x Reader
Coming Soon...
✐Ayo x Aneka
~ Jurisdiction: Angst
Summary Sentence: In the wake of Talokan, and after Aneka quits the Dora Milaje, Ayo is left to deal with the aftereffects
~ My Adored One : Getting Together
Summary Sentence: Not even the fiercest of warriors can deny love.
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Drabbles and Headcannon total: 10
~ Thought 1: Exaggerated Storylines
~ Thought 2: She catches you singing in the kitchen
~ Thought 1: When she’s jealous
~ Thought 2: She makes you reckless
~ Thought 3: When you have an argument
~ Thought 4: Is she competitive?
~ Thought 5: Is she competitive? part 2
~ Thought 6: You know you saved my life, right?
~ Thought 7: Your shield of protection
Coming soon...
✐Multiple Characters
(N=Nakia, Okoye=Okoye, R=Ramonda, AAR= Aneka x Ayo x Reader, AA=Aneka x Ayo)
~ Thought 1: What's Wrong? (N, O, R)
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imagineandwrite · 1 year
𝘖𝘣𝘴𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘷𝘴 𝘓𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘝𝘐𝘐𝘐 (𝒪𝒷𝓈𝑒𝓈𝓈𝒾𝑜𝓃 𝑅𝑜𝓊𝓉𝑒)
You Won't Leave Me
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Word Count: 2.6k Warnings: I have no clue wtf I'm doing, Erik Killmonger?, Shuri and Reader are keeping secrets from each other, don't worry they calm down, M'Baku is intimidated by Y/N, Y/N and Shuri are obviously not okay A/N: Y'all are spoiled as hell
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"Shouldn't we burn incense or something?"
Nakia stands at a table crushing the Heart-Shaped Herb, recreated by Shuri, into a liquid. Shuri sits hunched over another table with her head in her hands. Briefly, Nakia explained the purpose of the ritual and how important being surrounded by loved ones was for it. 
"Bast only knows how the ancestors will get to this place."
During this whole time, Shuri hadn't said anything. Nakia finished the preparation and walked to where Shuri sat. "Are you sure we shouldn't bury you?"
"No-" Shuri shakes her head as she lies on the table, crossing her arms in the Wakandan salute. "I need you to have access to my chest." She explains, quickly moving her arms to rest at her sides.
"In case I go into cardiac arrest."
"Sorry?" You ask, your eyes darting between Nakia and Shuri. Riri chuckles in disbelief, "She joking, right?"
Instead of answering, Nakia places her Kimoyo bead in the center of Shuri's chest. She guides you to the head of the table and your hands on either side of Shuri's head. You lean forward slightly to block the light from shining in Shuri's eyes and glare at her. 
"If something goes wrong, I'll pull your ass out of there and kill you," You mutter, and though your words are harsh, your voice is quiet and raspy. 
"Good," Shuri chuckles, her eyes flickering between yours before she smiles softly. "You okay?" You'll be here when I wake up?
"I'm always okay," You whisper. Always.
Nakia lifts the bowl and recites the traditional quote, calling forth Bast, the ancestors, T'Challa, and the late Queen Ramonda. She places the bowl on Shuri's lips and guides her to drink the purple liquid. Purple and black veins cover Shuri's skin, and she twitches as her face contorts in discomfort.
"Praise the ancestors," You, Nakia, and Riri continue calling the ancestors until Shuri's body relaxed.
"How long do we wait?" Riri questioned, watching Shuri's breathing slow.
"Until the ancestors are finished with her," Nakia answers, rubbing her thumb across Shuri's hand.
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Pulling herself out of the water, she looked around before standing up. She was in the throne room, the sky a beautiful mix of purple and blue. Shuri slowly walked around the throne before freezing. Erik Killmonger sat in all white, his leg propped on the throne with a soft smile. "Lil cousin."
"How is never as important as why, right? You chose me," Erki said.
"I'd never choose you," She denied, shaking her head in disbelief. Erik scoffed softly, shifting on the throne before looking around. "Why did you take the herb?"
"To see my family," Shuri answered, immediately being cut off by Erik. 
"Nah, that's bullshit. You didn't believe the ancestral plane was real, did you?" He stood up and slowly stepped towards Shuri. She sighed, "No."
"Then why take it? Don't lie."
"So I can be strong," She answered, squeezing her fist.
"Strong to do what?"
Shuri stared back at him, and after a moment, Erik sighed. "See? We're more alike than you think." He walked past her, eyes trailing the walls of the throne room. "I took it to avenge my ancestors too."
"I'm nothing like you," Shuri scoffed, turning to glare at his back. "You took it for yourself and then destroyed the rest. Unworthy King, afraid of being replaced. Just a coward."
"No, I had courage," He snapped, turning to glare down at her. "Courage to do what was necessary to change Wakanda." 
"How many people like your scientist or your girlfriend did Wakanda protect before I took the throne?" He asked, knowing he won as soon as she looked away.
"The Panthers before me? Cowards. Before T'Challa? Cowards." He added.
"Don't mention my brother," Shuri snapped, stepping forward. "You're the reason why he's dead. You burned the herb, left us with no protector. Then Namor struck and killed my mother." As she spoke, fire climbed the walls representing her anger and need for vengeance. "Their blood is on your hands."
"That ain't on me," He chuckled, softly shaking his head before pausing. 
"Don't you dare take that away from your mother," He glared, slowly circling her. "She sacrificed her life protecting a young girl from the lost tribe."
"Your father was a hypocrite. He would've killed that girl. Shit, he killed his own brother," He stated, still circling her. "And he definitely would've killed your girl."
"What is it?" He hummed in thought, feigning confusion. "I forget what she goes by, Taraji or Y/N?"
"Do not speak her name," Shuri snapped as she glared at him. 
"We'll come back to that later," Erik rolled his eyes before continuing, "T'Challa was too noble. He let the man who murdered your father live. And here you stand. Are you gonna be noble like your brother? Or take care of business, like me?"
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Her body lurched forward with a small scream as her eyes darted around the room. There was a glint in her eyes and Nakia asked if she was okay. Shuri replied with a weak 'I failed'.
Placing your hand on Shuri's shoulder, you lean forward to whisper, "Who'd you see?"
It took a second for her to respond, she slipped off the table and away from you. Creating distance between herself and everyone, "No one."
"You're lying," You said, following her. Shuri turned to you with tears in her eyes, "They abandoned me."
"They would never do that," Nakia denied, placing her hand on Shuri's arms. She flinched back when Shuri slammed her hand on the table.
"I did everything I was supposed to do! I recreated the herb! I did your stupid ritual, and for what?!"
"Okay," You whispered, slowly guiding Shuri to your chest. She smacked your stomach in frustration, and she whimpered, "Why didn't they come for me?"
Walking away from you, Shuri sighed before punching a manikin and sending it flying into a stone wall. Nakia and Riri step behind you in shock as you purse your lips. "Shit," Nakia and Riri whisper.
"Can I get some of that?" Riri asked, turning to Nakia. Nakia sighs, softly shaking her head, "I think you'll need a suit."
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"More people are coming from the city," Someone said.
"They need more space," Another elder spoke.
"You people understand that you are visitors? It is a wonder how anything gets done with you all." M'Baku complained, munching on a carrot as he watched the elders squabble about the upcoming war.
 Suddenly an aircraft hovered above them, dropping the Black Panther and landing in the center. The helmet came off, revealing Shuri to everyone. M'Baku stood from his throne and stepped down to face her. Ayo held her arm out in front of the Dora Milaje to hold them back.
They stand in front of each other before slamming their hands together in an arm wrestle. M'Baku was defeated, and he raised her hand high, "The Black Panther lives!"
The elders place their hands on her shoulders and back as the Jabari chants around her. Once they finished, they stepped back and allowed Shuri room to speak.
Before she speaks, a flash of blue catches her eye. Y/N is quiet as she crawls along the walls of the cave. They share a soft smile before Shuri looks at the elders.
"Namor believes Wakanda is on her knees. Our Queen is dead, and we have no protector. But now is our time to strike."
"We don't even know how to find him," An elder spoke.
"We will bring Namor to us," Shuri stated, slowly looking at each elder. "At a distant location."
Alright, let's say this does work," M'Baku interrupted, rubbing his head in thought. "Assuming we can kill this man who can fly and is potentially as strong as the Hulk. Is murdering him the right solution?"
"You were calling for his death when his crime was only intimidation," The River tribe elder said.
"What has changed lord M'Baku?" Another elder asked. M'Baku scoffed as he held his hand up, "His soldiers. They do not call him General, or King. They call him K'uk'ulkan."
"Feather serpent god," Y/N answered, dropping to the floor and walking through the crowd. She looks down at the people whispering in shock and backing away from her.
"Y/N! The blue woman!" M'Baku shouts, tossing his arms up as he looks her up and down. The woman was tall and had to duck, so she'd miss the icicles hanging from the cave top.
"Elders, with your permission, I would like to talk with Lord M'Baku alone," Shuri said, staring ahead at M'Baku ignoring Y/N's tail grazing her head. The elders agreed and everyone left, some pointing and poking at Y/N's legs in wonder. Y/N went to follow them but Shuri called out, "Don't."
Nodding, Y/N sat crisis cross behind her, fiddling with a chunk of ice that had fallen when she bumped into it. 
"War," M'Baku said as if it were obvious. He glanced at the Nymerian when she hummed in thought before looking back at Shuri. "If Namor is indeed a God to his people, killing him will risk eternal war."
"And so what?" Shuri asked, "Was my mother's life unworthy of eternal war?"
"Of course, she was," M'Baku sighed shakily before continuing, "But it is not what she would've wanted for you, and it is not what I want for my people."
"You speak of my mother as if she's still here. Of what she wanted for me," She said, the images of when her mother was truthfully happy crossing her mind. Then the vision of her mother being saved by Nakia. Ramonda and Y/N's chests slammed back into the ground after a failed shock.
"Namor drowned her, right in front of me!" Shuri cried, and M'Baku frowned. "So her goals, her hopes, and dreams for me... It doesn't exist. It doesn't matter." Shifting her stance, she glared at M'Baku through her tears, "What matters is what I want. And what I want, is Namor dead." 
"And you're going to help me get it," She points at him, and M'Baku glances at Y/N. She shrugged at him. What was she supposed to say?
"We leave in the morning," Shuri stated, turning to leave, and Y/N followed behind her, crawling out of the cave before walking behind her.
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Y/N sat in the bath completely nude. The lights are deemed slightly, a soft purple glow covering the bathroom. Outside is quiet from its lack of population. You remember your grandmother's torn body pulling you further into the water and away from the surface. 
You remember Shuri clinging to you when they finally decided it was safe for you to move. Remember her refusing to let you leave her sight.
Suddenly, the water turns cold. When you look down, it's changed to black. You look up and take a breath before slumping into the tub. 
Completely submerged in the water, you take a moment to study your surroundings. Surrounding you was a black void filled with nothing but cold water. The ocean is calm and something lulls you deeper into the abyss. 
Eyes. Large bright white eyes stare at you from afar. They slowly grow in size as the creature swims toward you. The water pulls you to them as it swims closer.
"𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐟𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐜𝐚𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐨𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐍𝐲𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐚." 
It moves to swim around you, the water turning you in a circle. You inhale the water into your lungs before breathing it out of your nose.
"𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐬 𝐟𝐚𝐫 𝐛𝐞𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐮𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐟𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰 𝐢𝐧 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐨𝐭𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐩𝐬," As it speaks, it swims around you until you're caged in its body. "𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐢𝐝 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐝𝐢𝐝 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫." 
 "𝐀𝐧 𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐜𝐲𝐜𝐥𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐩 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮," It growls as light floods the void, and a giant sea creature mixed with squid and dragon glares down at you. 
"𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐚 𝐈 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧𝐬 𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐫 𝐚𝐛𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐞. 𝐁𝐮𝐭 𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐈 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐚𝐬 𝐮𝐧𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐲 𝐚𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮," It slams a tentacle down almost crushing you as you swim around it.
"𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦 𝐚 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐞. 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐈 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥-"
"𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐦𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐈 𝐝𝐨 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞," You interrupt, pointing up at her. 
"I left because I needed to. 𝐈 𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐩𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐜𝐫𝐚𝐳𝐲 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞," You breathed, looking back at the creature who slowly lifted her tentacles away.
"𝐖𝐡𝐲?" Her voice is soft, completely contrasting the rough growls from before.
"What I had in Nymeria," You whispered, still reminiscing on memories of your friends. With a scoff, you looked up at the creature whose eyes have turned a soft black. "I was a means to an end. Grandfather allowed me to live because he needed someone to continue his legacy. Someone young and naive."
"They told me to pray," You sigh, thankful that the sea washes your tears away. "𝐁𝐮𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐨𝐨𝐤. So I left to find my own."
"𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐥," She hums, lowering herself to the floor and looking right at you. "𝐃𝐢𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐨𝐫?"
You smile softly, looking down in thought. "𝐈 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞."
"𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐬𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞."
"𝐘𝐞𝐬," You emphasized, smiling at her before sighing softly. "𝐀𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐰𝐚𝐫, 𝐈 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐚𝐬𝐤 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐨 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐩 𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐦𝐲 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐝𝐨𝐦."
"𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐬𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐩 𝐲𝐨𝐮?"
"𝐁𝐞𝐜𝐚𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐚𝐬 𝐈 𝐚𝐦 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐚𝐲 𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐝𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐡𝐞𝐫, I know she will do the same for me," You say, swimming up to be eye level with her. "𝐈 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥 𝐢𝐭."
"𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐠𝐨."
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Y/N's body shot up and out of the water, breathing heavily as she looked around the bathroom. The lights had turned off, the only light source from the window in her room shining on the mirror.
Ms. Taraji, would you like me to alert the princess of your current state? She is awake, and in the lab, it is her break time. 
"Then let her spend her break relaxing, not taking care of me," You sighed, slowly standing from the now cold bath water. Slowly stepping out, you slam your hand against the wall when you tipped to the side.
Ms. Taraji, I advise that you let me alert the-
"Griot, I said no," You said, treading towards your bed, occasionally grabbing nearby furniture to prevent yourself from falling. "I don't need to bother her when she's already got a lot of shit on her plate."
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"Not now, Griot."
But Princess-
"Not now!" Slamming her hand down, the thud echoes through the empty lab.
Taraji requires assistance.
Dropping the pen on the floor, Shuri grabs a small box from the table and walks out of the lab. "Where is she?"
She is in the middle of a panic attack in her room, it seems she hasn't noticed yet. 
"What happened?" She asked, waiting for the elevator to get to the main hallways. Silently, she thanked Griot for speeding up the process.
I assume she had a vision while bathing. Her heart rate fluctuated just before she rose from the water. Her heart rate has only increased from there, and she's almost fallen five times.
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You're bedroom door opening breaks you from your thoughts, and you're aware of the footsteps walking toward you before they stop.
Shuri lays down, lifting your arm to lean into your side. Her clothes press into your skin, and she sighs as she gets up to strip herself clothes free. Laying back down, your skin presses against each other. Your body is still clammy from the bath, and she's soft from the cocoa butter she uses.
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When you wake to soft humming in your ear. A hand rubbing down the side of your face, from your temple to your chin. You're turned away from the window, your and Shuri's bodies leaving a shadow on the wall. You watch as her shadow self lowers her hand to rub your back and feel the soothing circles ease you out of drowsiness.
"Sthandwa Sami," She starts, "Are you okay?"
"No, but I will be," You assure, voice rough and cracking from sleep. You hum, smiling when Shuri begins humming with you to a tune you've both created at the moment. 
"Tell me about Namor," You sigh, and she freezes. "What do you want?"
"I want him dead," She says. Though her voice is quiet, an icy dark tone lies underneath it. "I want him to suffer."
"Then he will."
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Tags: @rxcently, @kgao, @6-noir, @youralphawolf72, @ziayamikaelson, @nooshytushie, @naomis-daydream, @lppriceisright, @ddb667, @shuriislut, @sakurayuki8655-blog, @k3nn3dyxo @niyah1101 @oracle-code @leekeeboo @aiden-presscott
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evita-shelby · 1 year
Of Gods and Witches
Chapter 19
A/N: so imma be going on hiatus for a while and we know the reason why. So until the situation with Tenoch Huerta is resolved, i will be putting off updating this fic as i cannot write it without feeling a bit 😬 about it all
Enjoy, anyways
Gif by @kukvlkan
Taglist: @thegreatdragonfruta @urgonnaneedabiggership @v3d3rl1cht
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Eva has never considered herself cowardly, but then again, she has been lying about her health for the past two years to avoid the talks that come with it and those looks of pity she loathes so much.
So, after Ch’ah shows Shuri the beauty of Talokan’s main city-state and the sun that rises over it, she finally answers the young woman’s burning question.
“You are not a mutant like him.” She points out when they return to the hut and find her giving Itza to her nanny.
They usually do not employ a nursemaid for the girls, but Eva’s waning health does not allow her to keep up with her five-year-old child anymore.
Once this is over, she will make up for lost time.
“Yes, and no. I am more like the woman called the Scarlett Witch, in that I am both capable of magic, but also have genetic mutations passed down to me from my ancestors.
Despite how great I look; I am actually quite old. You see I was born in the year 1896 in a period known in Mexico as the Porfierato and grew up during the Second Revolution. When I was twenty-two, I was put under house arrest for sedition and due to the immense boredom, that came with it, I decided to try my hand at summoning Quetzalcoatl.” The witch decides against a detailed story about her life, there will be time for that later and while, Shuri seems to have done research on Post classical Mayan artefacts, she likely has no knowledge of Mexico’s history.
“Instead of summoning the true Feathered Serpent God, she somehow managed to summon me.” K’uk’ulkan said with a rather nostalgic smile and a firm squeeze of Eva’s hand. “I saw her dancing on the beach outside of her home and felt a connection to her as if I had always known her.”
“Later I would discover the spell I had found was to summon one’s soulmate but by then we had met, fallen in love and been married for several years.” This was the story they told everyone.
And yet all those details that they hold deep in their hearts occasionally manage to be found in murals, novels and stage productions of how Talokan came to have its queen.
“How did you manage to live underwater, if you don’t mind me asking.” Shuri, who has no real interest in romance asks the question they needed her to ask.
Eva answers by showing her the bracelet.
“The chief sorceress of Talokan taught me the runes that allowed to appear as human in the surface without the need for a rebreather. K’uk’ulkan, as a token of his love, gave me the bracelet made with the fibers of the plant that saved the life of his people, but most importantly, his mother.
I was able to cast the runes on it due to its significance and origin and live just as he does.”
And because it is all that is left of the vibranium flowers, she will have to give it up to live like him in truth instead of dying like the Black Panther did.
When Namor gets summoned onto the surface by the queen, Eva takes her chance.
“There is something else, Shuri. Something I need you to swear you will do no matter what happens.” The seriousness in her face causes worry in the young princess.
Her eyes widen thinking she is asking her to protect her children and the Talokanil, something Eva knows she doesn’t even have to ask for.
“I give you my word, as Princess of Wakanda.” She says readily.
And yet it doesn’t stop her from gasping when Eva removes the bracelet from her wrist.
The glamour fades away and Shuri is presented with a ghost of her past.
Her brother.
“The key ingredient to the cure lies in the vibranium flowers. I cannot make it grow, the soil here does not allow it to, and I cannot risk the surface world.” Eva begins explaining. “You are my only hope.”
“What do you wish me to do?” she asks, and Eva just gives a grateful smile as she gives her the bracelet.
“Take it and recreate the flower in your laboratory. Your people need the Black Panther just as my disease needs a cure.
One flower is all I need to live.”
Eva had not expected the Wakandan warrior woman.
Nakia, mother to Prince T’Challa son of T’Challa, she could see it even as the guards hurried to protect the queen and prevent her from freeing their prisoners.
“Let them go.” She orders the guards who no longer think she is as powerful as she had been.
“My queen, what has she done to you?” the guard holding a knife to Shuri’s throat asks thinking the worse.
“We must kill them.” The senior guard overrides her command due to her sudden change in health. “They have hurt our queen!”
And when Eva lifts her arms to cast a shield on the girls, Nakia fires her weapon and doesn’t miss.
Eva sees the blood on her chest as she slumps forward, and all hell breaks loose.
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They took her.
It was a trap.
All there was left was a dying soldier and blood.
So much blood.
This was an act of war.
“Our people invoke my name when they pray for protection. Their deaths will not go unpunished.
Gather the city.”
They took his wife and mother of his children and Wakanda will pay the price.
He had been blinded by the hope of finding an ally in the Wakandan Princess.
To find a way to keep Talokan safe and know there would be someone out there to aid him in that.
And they had killed his wife the moment his back was turned.
If the queen wanted war, Namor would give her what she wanted.
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Eva hates the cold white of modernity.
Hates the pastel colors of hospitals and the thin papery feel of the clothes they make her wear.
Her queen’s regalia is replaced by bandages under a loose button-down shirt and pajama shorts.
These too were white.
She’d kill for something darker, like black.
Black is such a nice color.
The nurses and doctors speak in a strange language, Wakandan or Xhosa, she cannot quite place it.
She is awake, she is alive, that much she can understand.
“Easy, your grace, your injury has been giving us a challenging time. Your illness complicates the healing process I am afraid.” One of the women, a bald one with an overly sweet nature, said as they helped her sit up.
Fluffed her pillows and offered her something to drink and everything.
“Where am I?” she asks in English.
“You are in Wakanda.”
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chicagosfinest2021 · 1 year
Doing another one of these because I don't feel like waiting for my followers to ask me nuthin LOL
0:Height Useless 5'3''
1:Virgin? No but I wish I was sometimes (even though virginity is a man-made social construct that has no bearing in reality)
2:Shoe size 9
3:Do you smoke? Just on the dance floor
4:Do you drink? Socially
5:Do you take drugs? Just my anti-baby pills!!
6:Age you get mistaken for mid 20's usually
7:Have tattoos? On this chocolate brown skin?? Nah baby
8:Want any tattoos? I'm good
9:Got any piercings? Just my ears right now
10:Want any piercings? If I can shrink my fupa down a bit I might get my navel done
11:Best friend? My sister
12:Relationship status Perpetually single at heart/by choice
13:Biggest turn ons Emotional maturity and introspection
14:Biggest turn offs Emotionally stunted people
15:Favorite movie Toss up between Queen, Bend It Like Beckham and Wakanda Forever
16:I’ll love you if You feed me food
17:Someone you miss My grandma </3
18:Most traumatic experience Being SA'ed by different men
19:A fact about your personality I'm just a straight up catch
20:What I hate most about myself I procrastinate too much, I also can't lose this belly meat for sh*t
21:What I love most about myself I'm smart, pretty, cultured, funny, and have an overall dope vibe
22:What I want to be when I get older The rich auntie with no kids that's always traveling and spoils her niblings with money and gifts
23:My relationship with my sibling(s) Me and my middle sister are basically twins and are super close, I have a half sister whom I love but she's not into the lovey-dovey stuff. She also didn't grow up with us so we're all still getting to know each other, but we're cool for the most part.
24:My relationship with my parent(s) They're not perfect but I'm both a mommy's girl and a daddy's girl
25:My idea of a perfect date It's been so long since I've been on a real date I can't even picture what a perfect date would look like to me at this point. I guess any situation where I'm not silently wishing I had stayed at home would be a step up to me.
26:My biggest pet peeves People who insist on bringing their kids everywhere and expect the general public to help them babysit. Also when I try to pay at the pump and they tell me I have to go pay inside. I'll just get back in my car and leave.
27:A description of the girl/boy I like This guy I'm currently in a situationship right now (not proud of it). He's Latino, we've known each other since we were 13, he's funny, very eloquent when he speaks, is a really good kisser, is kind of a fuckboi and is probably aware of it. . .
28:A description of the person I dislike the most Homophobic/transphobic people in general
29:A reason I’ve lied to a friend So she would stop asking me invasive questions
30:What I hate the most about work/school I actually really like my job, my pay is nice but it could always be better tho, nah mean?
31:What your last text message says My phone is charging right now but I was texting someone about details for brunch tomorrow
32:What words upset me the most "Item is no longer in stock"
33:What words make me feel the best about myself "You just have such a deep and passionate soul"
34:What I find attractive in women Everything, women as a rule are sexy AF
35:What I find attractive in men Security in who they are and what they're about so they don't constantly feel the need to dominate or be "submitted to".
36:Where I would like to live Ireland or England
37:One of my insecurities My big boobs, I feel like people oversexualize me because that's all they see
38:My childhood career choice I wanted to play piano but then I wanted to be a writer
39:My favorite ice cream flavor I want it to be rum raisin
40:Who wish I could be I don't want to be anyone but me honestly
41:Where I want to be right now Underneath my situationship pinned to the bed
42:The last thing I ate This casserole I made that was bangin
43:Sexiest person that comes to my mind immediately Alex Livinalli
44:A random fact about anything Queen Nefertiti was the stepmother of King Tut
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teacupcollector · 3 years
Updated 11/19/22
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Main Masterlist
My Discord
(Please feel free to make requests!)
Fluff Dialogue Prompt List Angst Dialogue Prompt List Smut Dialogue Prompt list
Bucky Barnes:
The Undead Kind Of Love: Vampire Bucky Barnes x Reader Updated: 1/21/22 Series Masterlist Summary: When Y/N’s art project lands her in Romania she is met with very peculiar circumstances. Such as a weird old man speaking mythical nonsense, murders of both people and animals, an oncoming threat to her life, as well as her mysterious yet very hot next door neighbor with a weird obsession with beetroot juice. A Love Sweeter The Sugar Chubby Bucky x Baker Reader A/N: If you want this turned into a series let me know!
Summary: James Barnes was honorably discharged and since coming back he hasn’t adjusted well. His form of adjusting to the civilian lifestyle was in the form of comfort eating. When friends notice the recent change he finds himself at a local bakery and coffee shop try to get his life back together. While there he meets someone who is even sweeter then the pastries inside.
Insatiable: Winter Soldier x Reader, Possible Steve Kemp x Reader A/N: This will be getting really dark and have smut in it.
Summary: Y/N has moved across the country to the nice state of Oregon after a fall out with her family.  As she continues her journey down the desolate road she comes upon a mysterious stranger. Despite her inner confliction she befriends him. Little did she know, knowing him would change her life.
Frank Castle:
Rebel: Completed Father Matt Murdock x Daughter Reader x Platonic Frank Castle: 
Series Masterlist Summary-  (Y/N) Is a Matt Murdocks 14 year old daughter who is just entering high school and is really struggling. She doesn't have a regular life having a blind father. He can't help with homework, Can't give her a have a ride to school, He can't see how often her face falls when she lies to him. Of course she has her Uncle Foggy and Aunt Karen but (Y/N) feels like to much of a burden until the one and only Frank Castle comes into her life and seems to be more of a father figure  then Matt ever has.
Loki and His Follower: Completed
Series Masterlist 
Summary - When Loki's time on Earth is interrupted by a sudden voice in his head, everyone around him are suddenly suspicious. In order to determine that he is not a danger to those around him with his constant talking to himself they send him to a secluded location in a disguise. What happens when he meets a young woman who is also a  magical practitioner  and has been speaking to Loki all along.
The Snake and The Panther:  Discontinued Until Further Notice Cheating Loki Laufeyson x Wife Reader x T’Challa
Series Masterlist 
Summary-  Being married to Loki was all you wanted when he first decided to court you. It was like a Cinderella story and this was your happy ending. Sadly that was short lived when you found out about his infidelity. You are now on the planet Earth on the run from your inevitable confrontation. Living off the lands of Wakanda under the great leadership of the Black Panther himself and he seems to have taken an interest in you.
Moon Knight:
My Over-whelmed Heart Jake Lockley x GN Autistic Reader, (Minor) Steven Grant x GN Autistic Reader, (Minor) Marc Spector x GN Autistic Reader
Summary: Steven comes home to a situation he wasn’t prepared for so Jake immediately takes the reins for everyone's safety and helps you through your meltdown.
Head Cannons:
How The Moon Knight System React To You Being Misgendered 
Matt Murdock:
Rebel: Completed Father Matt Murdock x Daughter Reader x Platonic Frank Castle: Series Masterlist Summary-  (Y/N) Is a Matt Murdocks 14 year old daughter who is just entering high school and is really struggling. She doesn't have a regular life having a blind father. He can't help with homework, Can't give her a have a ride to school, He can't see how often her face falls when she lies to him. Of course she has her Uncle Foggy and Aunt Karen but (Y/N) feels like to much of a burden until the one and only Frank Castle comes into her life and seems to be more of a father figure  then Matt ever has.
Peter Parker/Spiderman:
My Missing Piece: Updated 8/18/22
Series Masterlist 
Summary - After harsh words are said by the Avengers you decide to put your powers to the test and forget everything about them. With only a note of where to go you can only hope that this Peter person can help you figure out what really happened.
Steve Rogers/Captain America
Incorrect Quotes:
Steves Thots
T’challa/Black Panther:
The Snake and The Panther:  Discontinued Until Further Notice Cheating Loki Laufeyson x Wife Reader x T’Challa
Series Masterlist
Summary-  Being married to Loki was all you wanted when he first decided to court you. It was like a Cinderella story and this was your happy ending. Sadly that was short lived when you found out about his infidelity. You are now on the planet Earth on the run from your inevitable confrontation. Living off the lands of Wakanda under the great leadership of the Black Panther himself and he seems to have taken an interest in you.
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favefandomimagines · 3 years
Give Me A Reason to Stay (b.b.)
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Summary: the battle is over, you can finally breathe. but will bucky give you a reason to stay with him in Louisiana? 
AN: inspired by the finale of tfaws! so potential spoilers and obvs i’m gonna include some angst (stark!reader)
You finally caught a moment to breathe after what felt like years of fighting. After so long of going from one disaster to the next, you could finally stop and pause. Actually enjoy life for once. 
Since your father died, you never stopped moving. Being CFO of Stark Industries, helping Wanda escape the authorities after her grief induced episode and then Sam and Bucky called you for help. It never seemed to stop. 
But, after Karli died and the rest of the Flag Smashers gone, you could take your well deserved pause. At least for a little while before your inherited work called. 
Sam invited you to come to his home town in Louisiana for a celebration of sorts and you couldn’t say no. Him telling you that Bucky was going to be there was also a selling point. 
You and Bucky had a complicated history. You helped Sam and Steve stop him and HYDRA and then went on the manhunt for him. Even after finding out he killed your grandparents, you were still there. You understood that it wasn’t Bucky’s mind, just his body. You were there in Wakanda and helped set him free from his trigger words. 
But nothing ever progressed from the stolen looks, the longing glances and the quick touches. The amount of times Bucky Barnes saved your life and threatened others who tried to hurt you, you thought he felt something for you. But the nagging feeling in the back of your head told you that you were wrong. 
At the celebration, the many neighborhood kids were gathered around you as you created stars in your hands, almost like your own personal galaxy. The kids thought it was magic and you rather liked that perspective on your powers. 
Bucky and Sam were talking with Sarah and some other neighbors but Bucky couldn’t focus on the conversation when he was too busy watching you. 
Your smile was so wide that he thought it could light up a city block. You looked genuinely happy, a look he hadn’t seen on you in a long time. It was refreshing and your happiness made him happy. 
“You’re being creepy.” Sam commented, nudging the super soldier. “What?” Bucky asked. “You’re staring.” Sam said. “I-I was not staring.” He stammered. “You so were. Just tell her how you feel already. I can assure you she feels the same way.” Sam told him. “I can’t just tell her.” Bucky rebutted. “Yes, yes you can. What are you afraid of?” Sam asked.
The 106 year-old man paused for a moment as he continued to stare at you. “I can’t be the one that causes her more pain.” He said. Sam furrowed his eyebrows at Bucky’s answer. “She’s been through too much already. Losing Natasha, watching her father die, the nightmares she has. I’m not back to myself yet and I can’t cause her anymore pain.” Bucky explained. 
The conversation was cut short when you approached the two men. “I’m so sorry, Sam. Pepper just called and said the donors are pulling out of the eco-friendly power source project we’re working on. She needs my help fixing it.” You told them. 
“Do you really have to go?” Sam asked. “Unfortunately. Pepper says she can do it on her own, she did it before I was old enough but since my name is still attached to the company, I have to go. Board meeting at 9 tomorrow.” You explained. “I’ll go grab Sarah, she’s going to insist on giving you leftovers to take.” Sam said, giving you a nice smile. 
You turned to Bucky who was very quiet since you walked over. “So, you’re really going back?” He asked you. “Yeah. Unless you give me a reason to stay.” You answered honestly. And rather boldly.
Bucky wanted to say something so bad. He wanted to tell you that he loved you and wanted you to stay with him there but the words didn’t come out. And if he was already feeling bad before, the look on your face broke his heart. 
You gave him a tight lipped smile, a small head nod before you walked away from him. He watched as you slapped a fake smile on, say goodbye to Sarah and Sam before leaving the party rather quickly. 
“What the happened with Y/N?” Sarah asked approaching Bucky. “Nothing. She just had to go.” Bucky lied. Sam saw right through it obviously. Something had happened between you and Bucky and he was determined to find out and play cupid. 
“What really happened?” Sam asked. “She asked me to give her a reason to stay. And I didn’t say anything.” Bucky answered. “Come on, man. You love her, she loves you. Y/N wouldn’t give you the time of day if she couldn’t handle your baggage. You need each other more than you want to admit, Buck.” Sam said.
Bucky sighed and cursed himself for letting you go. “Okay, what do I do?” He asked. “Go to New York. Pull a rom-com move and crash that board meeting and tell her that you love her.” Sam answered.
And Bucky did just that. He got on the first flight to New York and came up with a whole speech in his head for what he was going to say to you.
He made it at the nick of time and was surprised he still had security clearance to the building. When he arrived to the correct floor, he saw Pepper standing in the hallway.
“Bucky, I didn’t expect to see you here.” She said to him. “Where’s Y/N? I need to talk to her.” Bucky said. “She’s in the conference room, preparing for the meeting.” Pepper answered.
Bucky practically ran to the conference room and almost broke down the door.
“B-Bucky?” You questioned. “I love you, Y/N. You asked me to give you a reason to stay and I was scared. Scared that I’d cause you more pain and you don’t deserve that after what you’ve been through. But I can’t deny that I love you anymore.” Bucky confessed.
You were at a loss for words, not really expecting a love confession from Bucky Barnes. “You love me?” You questioned quietly. “Yes. I love you.” He said. “Come back to Louisiana with me. We can start over, have the life we both deserve. Or, I can come back here and you can still help Pepper run Stark Industries. I don’t care as long as I get a chance at a life with you.” Bucky added.
“You really mean that?” You asked. “I really do mean that.” He answered. He watched you intently as you processed everything Bucky had just told you.
You looked down at your presentation notes before you picked them up and folded the papers in half. “Friday, can you bring Pepper into the conference room please?” You asked the AI. “Of course, Ms. Stark.” It said.
You and Bucky waited in a tension filled silence when the door opened. “What’s going on?” Pepper asked. “I think it’s time I sign those papers.” You told her.
Pepper smiled widely at you, happy that you were choosing yourself over the company for once. “It’s about time.” She commented. “I’ll go get them drawn up.” She added before leaving the room.
“Wait what papers?” Bucky asked. “I’m giving every aspect of the company to Pepper. I’ll no longer be listed as an executive for Stark Industries. Which means, I can go anywhere I want for as long as I want.” You explained.
“You mean-“ Bucky started. “I’m going to Louisiana with you. For however long you’ll have me.” You interjected. Bucky laughed lightly as he made his way over to you, cupped your face in his hands and kissed you deeply.
It was a feeling you both had been waiting for and it was one that was definitely worth the wait. You had been putting off your personal life out of fear it wouldn’t work but now you just wanted to be with each other. No matter what happens down the line.
“And if it wasn’t obvious, I love you too.” You said once you parted. “I’d hope so, doll.” Bucky replied.
You and Bucky approached the large gathering of people with food in your hands, saying your hellos and giving out hugs and handshakes.
“There you two are! I was wondering if you’d ever show!” Sam scolded you two. “What do you expect? We’re newlyweds.” You laughed. “And it’s about damn time it happened too.” Sarah commented.
You sat down at the picnic table, Bucky resting his flesh hand on your thigh. You stared down at the ring on your finger quite fondly and thought of your dad. Hoping he’d be proud of letting the company go three years ago and living your life to its fullest.
“Aunt Y/N! Can we see the stars again?” Cass asked with all of his friends behind him. “Can’t say no to a future leading astronomer now can I?” You teased the boy. You got up from the table and stood a few feet away, creating the stars with your hands like you had years prior.
Again, Bucky watched you fondly but this time he wasn’t pining after you, hoping he’d build the courage to tell you how he felt. He was watching you as his wife and as his future.
“You really do love her, don’t you?” Sam asked. “Yeah. I really do.” Bucky answered, a smile adorning his face. “You’re going to be amazing parents.” Sarah added. “Parents?” Bucky questioned. “Oh no she hasn’t told you yet.” Sarah said, standing up from the table.
“Is Y/N,” Bucky started. “Am I what?” You asked. Bucky turned to you and rose from his seat so he could stand eye to eye with you. “Are you pregnant?” He asked.
You looked behind him and glared at Sarah before staring back at Bucky. “Yeah, yeah I am. You’re gonna be dad James Bucky Barnes.” You told him with a watery smile.
Just the thought of bringing a child into the world with Bucky made you more emotional than you thought possible.
“I’m gonna be a dad?” Bucky questioned. You nodded your head and Bucky scooped you up in his arms and if felt like everything was falling into place.
After 109 years of not having an ounce of peace or feeling as if he was a monster and a burden, he was getting the life he had always dreamed of. And he got to do it all with you.
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justfandomwritings · 3 years
By The Norns (Part One - Soulmate!Loki)
Pairing: Loki x Reader, Soulmates AU
Word count: 2.1k
Warnings: Nobody was harmed in any way in the making of this story... but there was some arson.
Summary: She wasn’t a goddess. She wasn’t even an elf or a dwarf. She was a mortal, a Midgardian, a human. To Odin, she was a curse. To Loki, she was a second chance.
Notes: Don’t worry. Despite what the chapter and the description may make you think anyone whose read my stories before will know I am not a fan of soulmate aus that take away the character’s choice. This chapter is set up. Stick with me on this. I promise. Posted in honor of @muna1412​ being very excited at the prospect of another soulmate au.
This is not related to Loyalty in any way... I just have an unhealthy obsession with Soulmate aus. 
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Fate was a funny, fickle thing. Loki knew that much. After all, he’d met her. 
Them, to be more precise. The Norns.
Urdr, Skuld, and Verdandi were their names: Past, Present, and Future, as they should be known.
It was they who watered the tree, and they who grew its leaves. The task fell to the Norns to write, shape, create, and control the fate of every being under the branches of Yggdrasil. 
A poor, dwarven craftsman working on the surface of Nidavellir, a beautiful, golden elf living on a hill in Alfheim, a meager, puny human scurrying around the surface of Midgard. It was they who made the dwarf rich, who killed the elf in his sleep, who let the human sow the land. They did not exchange the gold; they did not wield the dagger; they did not draw the plow. But it was by their hand, by their grace and mercy, that the worlds turned, that life waxed and waned, that the Realms drew breath. 
Every birth was through their will. Every death was by their hand, and everything in between was because they decided it would be so.
All fell under the gaze of the Norns. The kitchen cook, Andhrimnir, who served the Aesir’s table at night, owed everything to the Norns. They allowed his birth into Asgard. They raised him above the station of a lowly tavern boy. They gifted him the family he cradled so dearly to his chest.
Odin, King of the Nine Realms, Protector of Asgard, owed everything to the Norns. He was born by their choice. He survived a thousand battles because they said he would do so. He married Frigga because they put her on his path. His sons… 
Well, one of his sons.
Loki knew the exact moment Odin stopped looking at him as a son, the exact moment Odin chose Thor over him, the exact moment Odin turned his back on him, the exact moment his father marked him disappointment.
It was, like all things, the doing of the Fates. The Norns.
Fates were theirs to command from the highest branches of Yggdrasil down to its very roots. From king to beggar, slave to master, aristocrat to pauper, farmer to merchant, sailor to soldier. From Loki to her. She was their doing.
Love was an inevitable part of life. Not even the Norns, with all of the power of the gods and then some, could stop that. Humans, Aesir, Elves, Vanir, the sentient beings of the Nine Realms felt an overwhelming urge towards emotion, and one of the strongest, one of the most inevitable, was love.
They couldn’t stop it, but they could direct it.
It fell under the purview of Fate to decide who one loved. People, god and mortal alike, fell in and out of love all the time. 
Sometimes, though, every now and then, the Norns would reach down and touch two beings. The Norns would take two souls in two bodies and braid them together, weave them together, mold them together, as if they were one.
Those who knew magic well, those like Loki, could see them, watch them, doing this. 
They could see Urdr floating, invisible amongst them, deciding the pair. They could see Skuld, plucking up their souls. They could see Verdandi tying them together.
Loki watched them when they took his soul.
“Mother, Mother,” Loki tugged on his other’s silk skirts and pointed up into the rafters of the Grand Hall. “What’s that?”
Frigga followed her son’s gaze and gasped. Magic was not her proficiency, though what little she had she wielded well. She had enough to see the Norns, floating ghostlike in the air over her younger son. She had enough to see his soul in their hands, and another at their side. 
In the old days, before that fateful night, it was considered an honor to be chosen by the Norns. It was a guarantee of a great, powerful destiny in the future. It was a promise of passion, understanding, and respect on the horizon. It was the mark of one who would know true love. 
The Midgardians called them soulmates. The Aesir called them the destined. 
“The Norns have touched Loki,” Frigga whispered to Odin at her side. “They are gifting him a match.”
“With who?” Odin asked because he could not see them for himself.
Frigga squinted in the direction of the apparitions tying together Loki’s future. “I cannot tell. She appears to be…” Frigga’s eyes whipped around to Odin, “Midgardian.”
Odin turned up his nose and sniffed.
Midgard. The word, the world, that had sentenced Loki to a lifetime of second best. 
His ‘destined’, his ‘soulmate’, his curse.
It was centuries before the soul tied to Loki’s found the body it would spend its own life in.
(Y/n), her parents named her. 
They weren’t sure why they named her that. When asked, they said they saw the name once in a book. Or was it on the tv? Or in a dream? 
Neither could really remember. All they knew was that, as she grew, the name suited her perfectly. Almost as if fate itself had chosen it for her.
For centuries, millennia even, her soul had been lingering on the edges of reality, existing but not quite feeling. She floated through time and space, following the ties that bound her to existence, waiting.
By the time her soul entered her body on Earth, she had existed longer  than any other Midgardian ever had or would in all of history. She had lingered for years just out of reach of one of the most powerful beings on Asgard, her soulmate. Lifetimes had passed her by in the blink of an eye, and though she didn’t remember any of them, they remembered her.
Her soul hovered above its mate, basking in the magic that dissipated into the air around him like smoke. She breathed it in, soaked it in, drew it in.
In many ways, even subconsciously, she showed her age, her mate.
Even as a baby, she never woke her mother up screaming, to the jealousy of her mom’s friends. She was the model toddler, even through her terrible twos. She almost never cried and rarely threw temper tantrums. They called her a prodigy when she started speaking in full sentences before time doctors even expected her to be learning her first words, and they called her a genius when she learned to read full children’s books while other kids were still struggling through their first alphabet flashcards. Even though she ran around playing in the mud or splashing in puddles, somehow her clothes were always pristine. She taught herself faster than the teachers could and skipped two grades in elementary school alone. She was suspiciously charismatic for such a little girl and made, literally, hundreds of dollars off her lemonade stand. She listened to a family speaking another language in the store once and ran up to them to answer a question they had; when her parents asked her how she’d learned to understand or say that in another language, she had no idea what they were talking about and seemingly hadn’t even realized she’d done it. 
And yet there were other things, darker things. 
When she was born, the nurses didn’t question the little shock of static that jolted through them as they held her. No one commented how, in the right light, the baby’s eyes could look terrifyingly aware. She lied as easily as she breathed and almost never got caught. A girl made fun of her friend's hair once at school, and that night ended up being rushed to the hospital by her parents with all the signs of a heart attack in a five year old child. She liked having things her way, and even when her parents refused her, they always found themselves oddly compelled to do whatever it was anyways. She had an affinity for snakes that often found her letting them in the house. The pranks she pulled on her little brother sometimes got out of hand and often resulted in loud crashes and screams, though by the time any adult arrived nothing ever seemed broken. Her father used to joke that she must be some kind of shape shifter because he swore that, from day to day, her eye would change their color. Sometimes, when he looked in them, he swore they weren’t his daughters, but when he blinked and looked back they always returned to normal. 
Most of it was written off as the simple oddities of a child or exaggerations of first time parents. 
Superheroes did not exist when (Y/n) was a child. 
It would be another decade before Tony Stark would stand on a stage and proclaim before the world, “I am Iron Man.” It would be even longer still before Peter Parker would put on a red and blue jumpsuit and call himself, ‘Spiderman’. Bruce Banner hadn’t even begun his research into the serum that would be his ultimate undoing. Dr. Stephen Strange was finishing up med school. Thor hadn’t made his presence known. Wanda had just been born. Hawkeye and Black Widow were still assassins working in the shadows. No one outside Wakanda had ever heard of the Black Panther. Vision hadn’t been built yet, and Captain America had been dead for decades. 
Even if they did exist, it wouldn’t have helped (Y/n). Most of them weren’t born super. Most of them became so by lab experiments or radioactive insects or training or technology. 
In the world (Y/n) grew up in, there were no superheroes. And if there were no superheroes... then what was she? 
She was 12. 
It was her big day. 
Not her birthday, she didn’t particularly care about birthdays. Something about them just felt off to her. When she turned 11, she asked her mom if she could have two of those candles that were shaped like the actual numbers, and she’d put them pressed against each other on top of the cake. She ran around all day telling everyone she was 1,111. Some people laughed, but mostly to humor her.
That was why she hadn’t had a birthday party when she turned 12. She didn’t like people fake laughing. It felt like lying. She didn’t particularly mind lying herself, but she hated thinking that people were lying to her. Especially because she could always tell when they were. 
No, instead, she had this. The Science Fair.
She’d won first prize the night before. She knew she had because one of the judges had told her she’d won.
That morning, they would be handing out the awards, and she was so excited for everyone else to know the secret, to know that she was the best, even better than the older kids in her class.
The judges were walking up on stage, and any moment, once they got past the category winners they were going to call her name.
“In third place we have Jesse Martin with his project in the biology category!” 
A cheer went up that, judging by the pitch, absolutely must have been from Jesse’s mom. The other parents in the room clapped while Jesse ran towards the stage, turning red in the cheeks from his family’s overzealous encouragement. 
“Congratulations, son,” the Dean smiled as he bent down to shake the boy’s hand. The mike picked up a small bit of Jesse’s anxious thanks before he ran to join the line of winners.
“And in second place we have, (Y/n)! With her wonderful….” 
Second place. 
But Mr. Sellers, the science teacher had told her she won. 
Was he lying? Did he honestly think second place was winning? Was he just saying that to shut her up? Or was he being mean? Did he want to laugh at her when his real favorite won? 
The parents were cheering her, including her own. Her father was nudging her towards the stage, but she didn’t at all appreciate the gesture.
No. They told her she was going to win. 
Her face screwed up in pain, and she balled her hands into fists.
At the back of the room something exploded. 
A scream went out. 
“Fire!” Someone shouted. “Fire!”
The poster boards up and down the hall were catching fire. It jumped easily from paper to paper. It didn’t help that there was no smoke, for some odd reason. That the sprinklers, that the fire alarm, didn’t turn on.
Someone grabbed (Y/n) by the waist. Her father no doubt. 
(Y/n) barely noticed. She was still upset staring at the trophy on the stage over his shoulder. 
Slowly, before her eyes, it began to melt.
She smiled. Good. If she couldn’t have it, no one could.
“She caused the fire.” He whispered, staring down at the floor in front of him with glassy eyes. 
“Wayne, that’s crazy; you know it is.” 
“I saw it with my own eyes, Elle. She clenched her first and suddenly Christina Danvers poster exploded. She gets second, and the first place project explodes the moment she throws a fit?”
“Our daughter doesn’t throw fits.”
“Not normally, but she did today. She was about to, and then everything caught fire.”
“Wayne, you can’t be serious about this right now.”
“She was smiling.” He whispered. “When everything burned down, she was smiling.”
(Y/n) listened silently from the hallway as her parents talked.
She loved to eavesdrop on her parents late night. They never knew she was there. It was another one of those odd coincidences of her life that (Y/n) was the only person in the house who never made the steps creak when she walked up and down the stairs. 
She was old enough to know what they were saying, what they were implying. It should’ve bothered her more than it did.
(Y/n) walked back upstairs, silent as the grave, and opened her closet.
She needed the duffle bag her father kept tucked away in the top of her closet, but she was nowhere near tall enough to reach it. As the door slid open, the bag teetered on the edge of the wire shelf and fell to the floor. 
“How convenient,” (Y/n) mumbled to herself. 
“Hey Kid,” The man shouted at her out the window of his semi-truck. “What’re you doin’ out here at night? It ain’t safe!” 
(Y/n) shrugged. “Not safe at home either.” 
The man gave her an understanding look. 
(Y/n) watched him carefully as he opened the door of his rig and offered her a hand. 
Her mother had always told her not to talk to strangers, but (Y/n) had found she could always tell what people wanted. Besides, she was pretty sure she was a greater danger to them than they were to her. 
“Where ya’ headed?” The man asked.
“I can take ya’ as far as Texas.” He offered. 
(Y/n) hopped off the curb and grabbed the man’s offered hand, hauling herself up into the passenger seat. 
She didn’t know where she was going or why she was going there. But something inside of her told her she had somewhere to be.
Next Time On.... Part Two
Thank you very much for reading! I hope you all enjoyed. I have just come back from a hiatus and a great deal of why I went on said hiatus was the stress of managing ‘added features’ for lack of a better expression. I like writing. I don’t like formatting or managing the blog side of things. 
As such, no taglists. Please don’t ask me to be on a taglist. Keeping track of it stresses me out too much. I don’t feel like doing it. I don’t appreciate being pressured into doing it. In the olden days of tumblr, people used to follow each other, and I promise you that feature still works. If you follow me you will see part two when it’s posted. 
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wandaromanova · 3 years
hi! hope you’re well :) this is my first ever request hehe
oneshot angst - wanda maximoff x fem!reader (endgame era)
Based on the song My Tears Are Becoming A Sea by M83
Wanda & r never got along until Wanda is hurt in battle. the injuries are too lethal for her to survive. r sacrifices herself with the soul stone in order to save wanda’s life. that’s when Wanda realised that r loved her
(i imagined r giving the soul stone to Wanda in a necklace as the powers healed her injuries)
you may change this in any way you’d like!
Always Loved You
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader
Warnings: angst, death, cussing
A/N: hi, i lied here's my actual last request for today! im well and im so honored to be your first request! i hope this was somewhat what you were hoping for because ouch, this hurt to write tbh. for the sake of the story, let’s pretend Thanos only needed five stones to do the snap. not proofread. join my taglist here <3
Summary: Wanda Maximoff and Y/N L/N couldn’t stand each other. Did they actually hate each other, or did they just hate that they loved one another?
Word Count: 2.4K
(gif is not mine)
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It was common knowledge in the Avengers compound that you and your teammate, Wanda Maximoff hated each other. You both never seemed to see eye to eye on anything. Ever since Wanda joined the team, you two never got along. It was hell when you both were on a mission together. If you wanted to go left, Wanda wanted to go right. If you thought the best course of action was to sit and wait for backup, Wanda would say it was better if you guys just fought people off yourselves. It was easy for her to be a little reckless since she had powers, but you didn’t.
You possessed the soul stone. You were the caretaker of the infinity stone. So, you would think that you and Wanda would get along, right? Considering her powers come from an infinity stone and you protected one? Nope, absolutely not. Wanda got along with Vision who had the mind stone in his head just fine, but did she get along with you? Nope. Admittedly, you personally had nothing against the Sokovian woman. Sure, she messed with your head back in Sokovia a few years back, but you didn’t hold a grudge against her for it.
Truthfully, you had no idea why you basically had a vendetta against Wanda. So what? She was gorgeous as hell and had soft hair? And who cared if she had a really big heart, but wouldn’t hesitate to fight and stand up for the world and herself? And it wasn’t a big deal if you wanted nothing more than to wake up next to her each and every morning?
Okay, you may or may not have feelings for Wanda and you act like a bitch as a defense mechanism. But you just weren’t in touch with your feelings. You refused to let her know that you were more than smitten towards her, so you built a wall. If you had feelings for her even when you barely knew her, who knows how hard you would fall if you got to truly know Wanda? That wasn’t something you wanted nor were prepared for. So, you were extra cautious with your thoughts around Wanda, with her being a mind reader and all. You didn’t want to expose yourself like that.
Well, now here you are years later, regretting not telling her how you really felt about her. It’s been five years since Thanos defeated the team and half the world was taken away. Wanda being included. You recall the day as if it happened yesterday.
3 years earlier
There was complete chaos on the fields of Wakanda. Avengers and Wakandans were scattered about the forest, fighting the fight of their lives. The sound of explosions and fighting could be heard from miles away. The sight of smoke slightly clouding your vision.
Then all of a sudden, Thanos appeared and tore the mind stone right out of Vision’s head in front of you, Wanda, and Steve. The sight of Vision’s once bright colored body turning grey would haunt you forever. Then suddenly, people around you began to vanish. You watched as Wanda turned to dust. If she stayed a little longer, she would have seen you fall to pieces as soon as she was gone. You sobbed your eyes out and regret immediately filled you as you realized that you may never see her again.
You may never get to see her roll her eyes as you annoy her with your sarcastic remarks. You may never get to argue with her on missions and secretly enjoy how hot she looks when she’s angry. You may never get to tell her about how much you love her. Yes, you love her more than anyone. You felt like an absolute idiot for taking so long to come to terms with it, but it’s not like that mattered now. She was gone and there was nothing you could do about it.
Present (5 years later)
5 years. 5 years since Thanos’ purple, wrinkly ass barged his way into your lives and destroyed everything. So many people lost their loved ones, you included. The people who survived tried their hardest to move on with their lives, but the weight of loss would forever weight heavily on everyone.
You hadn’t gotten any better. Every single day you tried to come up with some sort of way to bring everyone back; to bring her back. However, every thought you had was completely absurd and would most definitely not going to work. You were at a loss. You would do anything just to make things right.
Then suddenly, Scott Lang appeared on the front steps of the compound and all your hope you had carried with you the past 5 years was at its peak. Okay, was his idea absurd too? Absolutely. But there was actual science involved in the plan, and you guys had a Tony Stark. This time travel plan will work. It has to work because you wouldn’t know what to do if it doesn’t .
It worked. It actually worked. You guys had all managed to get the rest of the stones. It was nice to know that you guys only had to collect five out of six of the stones, considering you had the soul stone already. You all knew that it only took five stones to do the snap, but all agreed to just collect all six.
Banner decided he would be best to do the snap, considering the radiation was gamma radiation. He snapped his fingers as everyone in the room shielded themselves from the powerful blast. Banner fell to the floor as his body was charred from the intensity of the snap.
Clint then received a call from his wife, Laura, and the entire room froze. Laura was apart of the blipped people. She was back, so that must mean that everyone was back. It worked. It actually fucking worked! That meant Wanda would be here too, somewhere in Wakanda. However, the joy that the team was experiencing was cut short as a powerful blast struck the compound, effectively knocking you and a few of the other avengers out in the process.
Honestly, how you got here was a little unclear. Everything after the explosion was a huge blur. All you can remember is the impact of the explosives, being saved by Scott, then ending up where you were now; stood beside Steve and the rest of the remaining Avengers as Thanos’ army approached you guys.
It didn’t take a genius to tell that you guys were most definitely outnumbered. But that didn’t stop you guys from trying. As you got into position to fight, the sound of a voice on comms invaded your ears.
“Cap? Cap it’s Sam, can you hear me? On your left.” Your head turned to your right, Steve’s left, as a yellow portal began to open up behind you guys. T’Chall, Shuri, and Okoye made their way out of the portal as a few more portals began to appear out of thin air.
You and the rest of the team watched in shock and relief as more people entered through the portal. Thank god you guys had backup now. There was no way in hell you guys were going to be able to fight Thanos’ army on your own.
As more people, some familiar and some not, filed through the portals, your eyes frantically searched for a certain green-eyes, red-haired woman. Your eyes began to water as you finally caught sight of her floating in the air and landed in front of the crowd. She was back. She was here. She was finally here after all these years. You could now have the chance to make your feelings known.
That would have to wait though. You guys had to defeat this purple bitch and his little lap dogs first. So, as Steve let out an intense “Avengers… assemble,” everyone rushed toward the enemies in anger. It was like that day in Wakanda all over again, but this time, you had more motivation than before. He would have to pay for all the time you had lost with Wanda. He would pay for taking so many people away from the ones the love.
You have no idea how long the fight went on, but you know it’s been awhile that’s for sure. As you finished off one of the ugly ass dog things, you turned around and caught sight of Wanda being struck by one of the explosives that were being shot from a ship above.
You frantically made your way towards Wanda without a single thought. You didn’t give two shits about the battle going on behind you at this point, all that mattered was her. You caught sight of her body and let out a gasp. Her leg was bent in a way that shouldn’t be possible. There was blood pooling from her side where she struck against a rock. And her body was slightly burnt from the heat of the missile.
“Wanda. Hey it’s me, Y/N. Keep your eyes open for me okay? I’m going to try and stop the bleeding.” You spoke gently as Wanda’s eyes wearily landed on you. You tore off the jacket you were wearing and hastily wrapped it around Wanda’s side. You began to apply pressure to the wound, but then blood just seeped through. There was no way she was going to make it through this. You had to do something. You didn’t go through all this trouble for her to die.
“Wh-why are you helping me? Don’t you lik- like hate my guts?” Wanda asked suspiciously, albeit a little weakly from the pain and blood loss. You were genuinely surprised that she hasn’t passed out yet.
“I’m helping you because…” You trailed off to a pause as an idea popped into your head. An idea that would save Wanda’s life, but cost you yours. You could give her the soul stone that was secured around your neck. The stone had the power to protect the person who wore it. You knew it wasn’t going to be pretty when you take the necklace off and gave it to her. You would feel all the pain you’ve experienced in the years you’ve had the stone, all at once. But you had to do it, Wanda’s life depended on it. This was the time to confess, you knew you wouldn’t have the chance again.
“Because I love you, Wanda. I always have and always will.” At your words, Wanda’s eyes widened as far as they could go in her state. She tried to speak, but you quickly interrupted her. She needed to preserve her energy after all.
“I treated you the way I did because I was terrified of falling in love. I’m so so sorry it took me so long to tell you this, but I have to. I have to because I won’t make it after this.” You said as Wanda looked at you confused. What did you mean you weren’t going to make it? How could you say the words shes wanted to hear for so long then follow it up with saying you weren’t going to make it?
Before Wanda could verbally express her thoughts, you leaned down and gave her a kiss so passionate it had you both winded. As you pulled away, you gave Wanda a soft, reassuring smile as you clutched her hand tightly.
“I love you Wanda. Never forget that please.” You finally said as you took the necklace off of your neck. This caused Wanda to go into a panic. “Y/N! No!” Wanda tried to move to stop you, but let out a yell of pain as she was reminded of her state.
You just smiled at the woman you loved with tears in your eyes as you clasped the necklace around her neck. Which was kind of a struggle considering Wanda kept shifting in an attempt to stop you. But, you managed to get it on her and Wanda slowly began to feel better while you felt worse.
Wanda laid there as you began to wail in pain. As an Avenger, you had been through an extensive amount of injuries over time. Now, the full extent of those injuries were hitting you full force and you could do nothing but scream. Wanda began to cry as she helplessly watched you. She tried to take the necklace off of her neck to give it back to you, but her shaky hands couldn’t even grip the clasp, let alone take it off her neck.
All you could think about was the woman in front of you, this was for her. You wouldn’t survive if you had to live in a world without her once again. Not if you could help it. You failed her once and refused to fail her again. Failing her was not an option.
The pain slowly began to go away as you began to lose consciousness. With one last look at Wanda, you forced out a smile as your body fell limp and the life left your body. At this point, Wanda felt normal again. Her body was no longer restricted from pain. She crawled over to your lifeless body as sobs took over her entire being.
She didn’t know what you had planned until it was too late. She didn’t get the chance to tell you how she felt. She wouldn’t be able to thank you for saving her life. All this time, she had thought you hated her, but it was really the opposite of that. So, Wanda took a moment to hold your body close to her as she cried. The sounds of battle turned silent as the grief consumed her. Her pain turned to rage as she looked up at the fighting going on around her. Thanos will pay for your death. He had to.
Wanda clutched the necklace in her hand as she looked down at you. She closed your dull eyes softly before placing a soft kiss against your forehead. She reluctantly placed your body against the floor softly before she stood once more. She would kill that bastard for what he had done to you. He took everything from her. He took all the possibilities of a future with you away from her. He took away her chance to tell you what she’s wanted to tell you since the moment she met you; she always loved you.
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aftqrglow · 3 years
A Blessing, Beautiful And True
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pairing: bucky x fem!reader
word count: 3.2k
warnings: use of she/her pronouns; swearing if you squint; mentions of death; mentions of food
a/n: this is a rewrite of one of my old fics that i absolutely hated with my entire being. i hate this a little bit less djaksjsjs also pls ignore how i literally cannot write a good ending to save my life.
dedicated to @xsamsharons for lending me her name. i hope i did it justice mi amor ily <3
Bucky learnt to value things.
Not the great, terribly material things people around him seemed to rush after. Not money, not even when he was barely getting by.
No, for Bucky, it was the small, seemingly insignificant things.
The tiny toy WWII soldier figurine he found at a yard sale one Tuesday afternoon, the one with the missing arm. The near-exact model of the car his father used to drive—rusted around the tiny steel axel, the rubber wheels worn from use. That yellow screwdriver set that sat at the very back of the tool cabinet in the garage, unusable because of the cracked plastic handles and rusted steel, that looked exactly like the kit he had once used to fix up the plumbing in his first apartment.
Bucky was used to valuing the broken little things.
He never truly understood what loving something whole, something complete felt like—not until he met you.
You, in your white sweater and blue jeans, hair tossed up in a braid. You, your eyes that dancing with unbroken light, like the rays of the sun on the ocean on a bright summer’s day. You, with the sort of kindness he never truly thought he would ever be worthy of, not until you showed him that he was.
You, the girl he fell in love with before he could ever truly know what love was.
Steve might’ve been the first to notice. He was with him that day, the day he first saw you. They had been hunting for a Christmas present for Tony, and even though Bucky wasn’t exactly thrilled to have to attend, he wasn’t about to show up empty handed.  
Steve didn’t even realize that the sly-footed assassin wasn’t by his side until he had walked the two blocks from the mall to his car. Hands ghosting over the gun tucked into the holster hooked into his waistband, Steve retraced his steps, his heart thundering in his throat.
Until he heard Bucky’s laugh.
Not the obviously fake chuckles he used to placate those around him. No, this was the laugh he remembered, the laugh he thought Bucky had lost.
This was Bucky’s laugh—his Bucky’s laugh, before the world stole him away. Pure and innocent.
Happy—so undeniably, inexplicably happy.
The tension eased from his shoulders when he saw you. Steve knew who you were, of course. Everyone did—or at least, everyone who had been around after the Battle of New York. Everyone who had seen you walk among the rubble, bleeding through your jeans, helping dig survivors out of the rubble, guiding them to shelters. Everyone who had seen you do everything you could help those who needed it more than you did, until your legs finally gave way and the only reason you didn’t collapse to the floor was because Steve caught you.
But Steve also happened to know why you’d done it. Because you were kind. Because you were selfless. Because you knew what it was like to lose everyone you loved, and to garner the strength to build yourself up anyway.
You’d lost people too—everyone you loved, killed during the Battle. Your family. Your friends. It might’ve seemed cruel to be spared. Might’ve seemed like a cold, dark twist of fate—and for a time, it did.
Steve had never known anyone to be resilient the way you were.
And maybe, just maybe, he thought to himself, as he watched his friend from through the glass, maybe you would teach him to hold on to the tiniest sliver of hope too.
Bucky didn’t even like books.
The only book he’d read—aside from the coursework assigned to him in his school days—was The Hobbit. And even that had taken him an ungodly amount of time to finish.
So yeah, Bucky didn’t exactly like books.
But he still visited the tiny bookstore on the corner every day.
He didn’t even buy anything. He just looked around, running his fingertips over the spines of the books that jutted out of the wooden shelves, the sunlight turning his eyes into uncharted waters of the oceans, swimming with undiscovered secrets and untold lies.
You would talk to him. All the time, and with no trace of the usual pity or sympathy that he heard when he spoke to people. You talked to him in a way that made him feel like himself, in a way that made him feel like he just might rediscover the man he used to be.
That first time he’d seen you was burned into the back of his brain, the image of you standing there with a hip braced against a bookshelf, dressed in a white sweater and jeans, your hair pulled into a braid over your shoulder. He had watched as a strand escaped, falling into your face.
And him—he'd stood there, watching you talk to another woman he couldn't recall because really, how could he look at anything else but you? Bucky was certain he looked like a gaping idiot, both wanting your attention to turn to him, and dreading the fact that he would surely make a fool of himself if you so much as looked at him.
Back in the 40s, things would've been so much easier. He would already have said something witty to make you laugh, he would already have been telling you about the carnival down at the beach and asking if you wanted to go with him.
But when your friend left, and you asked him if there was anything you could help him with, his voice sounded strange to his own ears as he croaked, "Books?"
You had laughed—and he found himself laughing along. A true laugh—for the first time in a long time, the sound didn’t sound fake to his own ears. For the first time in a long time, he felt like himself.
Bucky had taught himself to value that which wasn’t whole—because he wasn’t, either. Love was give and take. Love was equal.
If he was to deserve your love, he would have to be whole again. If he was to deserve your love, he would make himself whole again.
There was a sudden shift in the way Bucky viewed the world.
It had been three days since he last saw you, but he walked in through those doors anyway. He had no cause, no reason—he just couldn’t go any longer without seeing you.
You were sitting by the bay window at the very back, reading a book. He took a second just to take you in, to get used to the fact that you weren’t just a figment of his imagination.
The second you looked up, your face split into a grin, like you were truly, genuinely happy to see him. He couldn’t remember the last time someone had smiled at him that way. “Hey, you’re back! It’s Bucky, right?”
He nodded. He couldn't trust himself to speak, not when he was sure he would stumble over his words, not when he couldn't bring himself to string together a coherent sentence in your presence. 
"What can I help you with today?" you asked, snapping your book shut and placing it on the table. 
"Uh... What're you reading?"
You glanced down at your book before looking up to meet his eyes again. Blue, you thought, supressing a smile. Icy blue, but warm nonetheless—familiar in the way most things aren’t. "Wuthering Heights. You've never read it?"
He shook his head no. "Never been much of a reader, no. Is it any good?"
"It's one of my favourites," was your answer, watching as he shifted his weight from one foot to the other. The light caught the steel of the chain around his neck—the chain of one of those military-issue dog tags.
And maybe that was how it started—on that dreary cold Wednesday, when you'd stood next to the bookshelf by the window, telling him about your favourite book, but really all he could focus on was the late afternoon sun rendering the hue of your eyes several shades lighter, the soft slope of your nose, the fullness of your mouth. Every little detail about you was etched permanently into his mind—and he wanted to learn more.
He wanted to know everything there was to know about you. 
It was about closing time when he decided he had to go. Not because he wanted to, but because he had promised he would have dinner with Sam and Steve. And as much as Bucky wanted to stay, he was a man of his word.
Which is why when he promised you he would come see you as soon as he finished reading the book, you knew he meant it.
And you were right.
Two days later, he was back. 
It was raining that day, early in the morning when you were just about to open up. And there, standing under the awning in the freezing rain, was Bucky, the collar of his coat turned up against the wind, drenched to the bone.
"What're you doing here?" you asked, eyes wide.
"I just... I don't know," he said. Because he didn't. Bucky didn't even like books—but he did like being around you. There was a strange sort of calm about you, a sense of peace he'd only known in Wakanda. Around you, he was just Bucky—not Sargent Barnes, not the Winter Soldier—just Bucky. 
He liked being just Bucky.
You shook your head, but he could've sworn he saw the corner of your mouth tilt upwards as you fished your keys out of your pocket and unlocked the door. "Well, come on inside. I'll turn up the heat and get you something warm to drink. Christ, Buck, you could get pneumonia or something.”
He only nodded once. It didn't matter that he wouldn't get sick—not when the serum in his veins healed his body faster than normal. It didn’t matter that even if he could sick, he wouldn’t have cared, not when you were looking at him like that, with concern in your eyes for something other than your own safety.
You had a coffee machine in the back room, you told him. He followed you, lingering in the doorway as you bustled about, humming a tune under your breath. He recognized it as a song from that one Marvin Gaye album Sam couldn’t stop talking about. He recognized it as a song he wanted to listen to for the rest of his life, if only you were the one singing it.
He recognized that, for better or for worse, you would be his undoing.
After that, he came to see you every day.
When the weather got colder still, he brought you steaming cups of hot chocolate from your friend Bella’s café down the street. And on the days when he didn’t, he would head into the back room and make you coffee. You’d never had to tell him how you took it—after that in the rain, he’d somehow remembered what you liked.
You weren’t about to tell him, but you remembered what he liked too.
It started out simple—plum cider that you found on your weekly trip to the farmer’s market. An old vintage copy of The Hobbit from the forties. Rubber silencers for his dog tags that he never used but carried around in his pocket anyway—until eventually, you had something new for him every week, some insignificant thing that he looked at with the kind of childlike awe that made your heart twist into knots in your chest.
He walked you home too. Every evening, with his hands stuffed in his pockets, slowing his stride so that he could walk alongside you. He would stand outside, across the street, hands in his pockets, waiting for you to walk into the apartment you shared with Bella. Only leaving when the lights came on and he knew you were safe.
Bucky wasn’t much of a talker—you learnt that about him. He would spend all day sitting quietly in a corner of your store, reading one of the books he found on the shelf of used copies you kept in the back of the room.
He seemed to love those used books more than the new ones—books someone had already read, books that had already been loved.
He felt a little that way sometimes, too. A little too used for love, not loved enough for use.
But never when he was with you.
And you—you were falling for Bucky Barnes. A little by little, day by day, without even realizing it—not until it all came rushing to you one afternoon, like a dam breaking, like the ocean of his eyes pulling you under, especially when you felt his gaze on you from time to time, watching you as you worked.
That afternoon, a new shipment of books came in. You didn’t even have to ask him for help—he was already on his feet, snapping his copy of Anna Karenina shut, mumbling a soft, “I’ve got it,” as you signed for the order. Hefted the two cartons of books like they weighed nothing at all, and carried them inside.
There was a strange tightness in your stomach as you watched him, standing in the middle of your store—the only thing the Battle of New York hadn’t taken away from you—and you wondered just how it took so damn long to realize that the feeling of familiarity didn’t lie among these books, but rather, in Bucky himself.
It was a slow day, so the two of you spent the rest of the afternoon restocking the shelves. He asked you about each of the books, watching your eyes light up as you talked about your favourite ones, until conversation lapsed into a comfortable silence, the two of you basking in each other’s company as you worked.
You didn't even realize how much time had passed until you heard the door open and your friend Bella breezed in. She'd been here the first day Bucky had walked in, had noticed the way your eyes shifted to him mid-conversation like you couldn’t focus on much else when he was around. “Ready for lunch, y/n?”
You looked at Bucky, opening your mouth to ask if he wanted to come along. Not because you didn’t trust him to be alone at the store, but because you wanted his company. Because being around him felt like coming home.
He only waved you off. "Go ahead. I've got plans with Stevie. I'll be here when you're back though."
You believed him. You believed that he would always be around, for as long as you wanted. And you wanted forever.
"Was that the guy from before?" Bella asked, looping an arm through yours as you left the store, walking down the street. She brushed her fiery hair out of her eyes, turning her head slightly to look at you, yellow-green eyes filled with curiosity. “What’s his name?”
"Bucky. He... He's a friend," you said. 
"Well," Bella said. "He sure doesn't feel the same way."
"What do you mean?" you asked, confused.
"Y/n, he looks at you like you put the stars in his sky. Are you sure he's just a friend?"
"I... I don't know, Bella."
Because you didn't know what else to call him. Because you and him weren't friends in the way people usually are—you had always been more.
Bucky was always more.
"I've barely seen you," Steve said, picking up his can of Diet Pepsi and taking a sip. "Where have you been?"
"Around," Bucky mumbled. Because how could he explain why he was spending so much time at the bookstore with someone he'd only just met? How could he explain the magnetic pull he felt toward you, the inexplicable desire to just be around you?
How could he explain the way you made him feel like himself again?
But Steve knew. Steve always knew. He saw the growing stack of novels on his friend's bedside table, saw him reading at the kitchen table, book propped up against the jug of milk.
He also knew that all this was because of y/n. Because Bucky mumbled that name when he was too exhausted to even know what he was saying. Because Bucky talked in his sleep—and Steve could hear him calling that name through the thin walls that separated their rooms. "You've been at the bookstore?"
Bucky set his drink down. There was so use denying it—his friend would see right through him. Steve had known him for too damn long to believe in his lies. "She's so... I can't even put it into words. She makes me believe that there's good in this world. That all the things I did wrong don't even matter—not when I'm with her. It’s the way she looks at things, the way she’s capable of finding a little bit of good in everything. Like she found something good in me, Steve."
Steve knew it was true. Because he hadn’t seen Bucky this way for a very long time. Because he hadn’t seen that light in his friend’s eyes in a very long time, and ever since he met you, it hadn’t gone away.
Bucky had to leave for a couple of days.
He didn't tell you why—just that it was a work thing. How long would he be gone? He didn't know.
"I'll be back soon," he said. "I promise."
And he was. Five days later.
But Bucky was quiet—quieter than usual. 
It was a Sunday, and you’d somehow managed to drag him along to the farmer’s market with you. He walked alongside you, hands in his pockets, like he was aching to reach out and touch you but desperately holding himself back.
He’d almost gotten himself killed on that mission.
You took up too many thoughts in his head, too much space in his heart. And when the bullet narrowly missed him, grazing his ribs, his only thought was whether or not you’d miss him if he was gone.
You deserved better than someone who’s life was tied to the death of others. Someone who didn’t have so much blood on his hands.
A few paces ahead of you, Bella walked hand-in-hand with Bucky’s friend Sam. You were glad that Bucky had introduced them, glad that Sam made Bella happy in ways you’d never really known or understood before.
“Look at them,” you said, watching with a smile on your face as Sam quietly slipped a couple of oranges into Bella’s bag. “They look real happy.”
Then, turning to look at him, you smiled, and he couldn’t hold himself back anymore. Because you might deserve better, but he was selfish and stubborn, and the only thing he had wanted in so goddamn long was you you you.
“Go out with me,” he blurted, every thread of self-control he had so carefully cultivated to keep his head in your presence snapping. He felt like he was taken back to that December evening he saw you for the first time, when the words refused to leave his mouth, when you’d rendered him tongue-tied and helpless. Only this time, he couldn’t stop the words from coming out, not as he said, “One date, y/n. One date, and if you don’t have a good time, we can just forget it ever happened and move on.”
His heart shuttered when he saw the small frown creasing your brow, your voice soft as you asked, “Are you sure?”
“I’ve never been more sure of anything. I want to do this for the rest of my life with you, y/n,” he said quietly. “But for now, I’ll take that date.”
“Okay,” you said, nodding slowly. “Okay, Bucky, I’ll go out with you.”
He couldn’t help it. Bucky wrapped his arms around your waist, drawing you to him, lifting you off your feet and spinning you around until you were both laughing, childlike and breathless, blissfully unconscious of the knowing look on Sam and Bella’s faces.
Because really, how could he see anything but you? You had been it from the first day he saw, and you were it now—a blessing, beautiful and true.
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donutloverxo · 4 years
Messed up
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*gif is not mine*
Kinktober day 5 - face sitting
Note - This is a sequel to past self. But can be read as a stand alone as well I think. Dividers by @whimsicalrogers.
Summary - Steve messed up and he's determined to make it upto you.
Warnings - 18+ only please, smut (m/f), daddy kink, age gap.
Pairing - Nomad!Steve Rogers x reader
Word count - 3.4k
Masterlist is linked in the bio!
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“Absolutely not.”
You weren’t used to being told no, at least not after you used your secret weapon, if he was anything like his best pal it has to work. Blinking and fluttering your lashes you broke out your Disney princess eyes, “Buck buck, please let me braid your hair,” you cooed.
He stared at you, his lips pressed in a thin line, “Fine,” he sighed finally, giving in.
You squealed, running off to your bedroom to get a brush.
“I remember I used to braid my friends hair at sleepovers, it was such fun,” you said, dividing a strand of his hair in three parts, one over the other, “Before I got my powers anyway, after that they’d all just be scared of me...” you trailed off.
“Steve’s excited to see you,” he told you after a beat of silence.
He had only been living with you for a week or so, it was surprising how close he already felt to you. You had a certain vulnerability that made him want to protect you. That and it was obvious how far gone Steve was for you. You were down so he had to say something to cheer you up.
“Wait what?” your hands stopped, “He’s coming here?”
“Yeah, he left yesterday. Should be here this evening. He wanted it to be a surprise.”
You took a sharp breath, remembering how he had so cruelly rejected you and sent you off to Wakanda just so he wouldn’t have to deal with you.
He abandoned you.
“I don’t want to meet him. I’ll stay over at Shuri’s, she wanted to have a girls night anyway,” you grumbled.
After you had gushed your love for them, baking brownies in your jammies and talking about boys while watching chick flicks, she seemed curious and fascinated, wanting to try one with you.
He hummed at that. He knew something had went down between the two of you, Steve said so himself, ‘I have a lot to make up for.’ He was curious as to how his clueless friend had messed up, but it wasn’t his place to ask.
Which is why he brought Steve to the cottage he shared with you. Listening to him talking about all the missions in Europe and Russia, how he was excited to see you, how he had missed him terribly. Bucky told him he spends his time taking care of his new goat and his beautiful cat. They often keep him occupied.
“Y/N said that I’m ‘totally a cat person’,” his lips curling up at how you had helped him pick a name for her.
“Hm, that’s true. Are you... you live with her... are you two close?” Steve stumbled over his words, his jaw clenching as he stared his dear friend down. He was more than happy to see him, but couldn’t help but feel a pang of jealousy at the thought of you getting too cosy with him.
“In a way,” he smirked. “She’s a bit upset with you, just a heads up.”
“Yeah, I know, I deserve it,” he hung his head.
His palms shaky as they both entered the small cottage, going over what he would say to you. You were sitting on the couch in the, your feet propped up on it as you flipped through a magazine.
“You’re home early,” you smiled as you looked up at him. Your sweet smile turning into a frown when you saw him.
“Hey there, doll,” he rubbed the back of his neck.
You slapped the magazine on the couch, standing to your feet, your arms over your chest. “Captain,” you spat
His heart ached at that. He knew you were upset but to have you be so hostile to him, he didn’t know if he could take it.
He could easy handle being tortured by hydra agents but not this.
“I’ll leave you to it then,” Bucky interrupted you both before taking off to find his cat, who knew where Alpine had wandered off to this time.
You both stood awkwardly, a few feet away from each other while you looked anywhere but his eyes, refusing to even look at him.
“How have you been?” he asked.
“Fine, I guess,” you mumbled, finally looking up, “as fine as I can be after being shrugged off like yesterday’s news.”
“Honey,” he took a step towards you but then stopped in his tracks when you backed away. “I’m sorry, I made a terrible mistake. I.. just couldn’t deal with my feelings, I thought I’d be taking advantage of you.”
You scoffed, “Taking advantage of me? Really? I’m not a child! I can decide for myself what’s good for me and what’s not.”
“I know that now. But... you’re so young and I’m supposed to be looking out for you and helping you,” he tried to reason with you while you shook your head in disbelief.
“Right, because you’re Captain America. Everyone should just do whatever you say. You always know what’s best, unlike us mere mortals,” you rolled your eyes.
He was in front of you in just two long strides, his brows furrowed and his patience running thin. “I’m not Captain America anymore,” he reminded you as he inhaled your soothing scent.
“You’ll always be Captain America he’s a part of you. And I’ll... never be good enough for you.” You stared at the henley stretched out over his broad chest, willing yourself to resist the urge to hug him. Him standing so close to you, you could inhale his unique scent you had grown to love so much.
“What?” he frowned. “Where did you get that idea?” It was absolutely ludicrous. He would have to pay a visit to whoever it was that said that to you.
“It’s the truth... that’s why you don’t want me. And I don’t blame you.” Why would someone like him be interested in you anyway.
“Doll,” he cupped your cheeks, tilting you’d head up to make you look at him, “I’m the one that doesn’t deserve you. I mean look at me.”
You arched a brow, giving him a once over before looking at his blue orbs again, his strong jaw covered in a thick beard, long locks that feel so silky in your hands, “You look like you belong on the cover of GQ, and before you have to ask, I’ll spell it out for you, since you’re like a thousand years old - GQs a magazine with pretty people on it.”
“I didn’t always look like this. I used to be very small, smaller than you.”
“Yeah, I know,” you smiled. “I’ve seen pictures, you were adorable.”
“Would you believe me if I told you a secret?”
“Yeah...” you’d believe him if he told you the sky was falling. Steve never lied.
“I love you,” he confessed as your jaw dropped, “I’ve loved you since the moment I met you. And I might not deserve you but if you consider me worthy of you, then I’d... like to have you.”
Your breath hitched as you stared at him, completely dumbfounded. “Wh - really? Nobody’s ever said that to me,” you blinked as tears started welling up in your eyes.
“I love you more than life itself. And I have a feeling that we will end up together,” he grinned.
“Well, don’t get too cocky now, I haven’t said yes yet,” you slapped his chest.
He grazed his fingers over your knuckles before holding your smaller hand in his, “So? What do you think?”
“I think... if you hurt me again I’ll punch you so hard. And my punches are much better now, thanks to Bucky, he’s been teaching me lots of stuff.”
“Never,” he shook his head, “I’d never hurt you. You’re so precious,” he kissed your knuckles.
“And you’d never leave me again,” you wanted it to be a fierce demand but your pout made it more of a needy request.
“I’m never letting you out of my sight again. We’re partners. Captain America is gone. It’s just you and me now,” he promised.
You blinked your tears away, standing on your tippy toes to place a lingering kiss to his soft plump lips.
Smiling as you pulled away, you grabbed his hand, leading him to your bedroom.
“Where are we going, doll?” he chuckled, holding onto your hips and pulling your back against his chest, attacking your neck with a flurry of kisses, unable to keep his hands off of you for even a moment.
Your squirmed in his hold, “To the bedroom. Just in case Bucky comes back,” you let out a giggle when he blew a raspberry in the crook of your neck, which then quickly turned into a moan as he sucked a mark on it.
Somehow, you managed to drag him to your small bedroom, if he had his way you’d have fucked in the hallway.
Straddling his lap on your twin bed, which looked much smaller now, what with a super soldier on top of it.
Kissing him deeply, you pulled away, breathless but only to say, “I love you, too, this is just too good to be true,” you heaved.
“A lot of unbelievable things have been happening to me lately,” he pulled you back, groaning into your mouth as you rolled your hips against his crotch. Looking at you sternly, “Doll,” he warned you.
“Please,” you whined, humping his growing erection through his jeans and your thin shorts, you could feel your panties getting wet with your arousal. “I want you, so bad,” you kept rolling your hips till he stopped you by digging his fingers in them.
“This is not how it’s done... I’m supposed to take you out on dates and buy you flowers and chocolates - ” he choked on a moan as you palmed him through his pants.
“You don’t know what you’re getting yourself into,” he gritted, snaking his fingers in your short shorts, he brushed his fingers over your weeping folds. “You want me?” he asked as you desperately nodded your head. “What do you want, sweetheart?”
You gulped, looking into his eyes and opening your mouth to answer him, his intense gaze intimidating you as you hid your face in his neck, “You know...”
“What?” he asked again, “I’m like over a thousand years old, I’m rusty, you have to tell me,” he teased you, swirling your juices around on your soft petals.
He wasn’t rusty. He had been with 'you' just a week ago, only it wasn’t you. This would be your first time with him but not his with you. It was still strange, he couldn’t really wrap his head around it or bring himself to care.
“I want you... to.. to make love to me,” you said.
“You know I would never say no to you, sweetheart,” he kissed your hair, retracting his hand from your shorts he sucks your juices off his fingers, you taste the same.
You helped him as he rolled your shorts and your panties down your legs, pulling your tank top up and tossing it away. You fumbled, making yourself small and covering yourself up with your arms. But he wasn’t having any of it, he pinned your hands behind your back, latching onto your nipple.
“I’m...,” you gasped as he bit your hardened bud, bunching his henley up in your hand, “you’re wearing too making clothes,” you complained.
“Then why don’t you help me take them off, doll?”
Your eager hands pulled him out his pesky clothes, hiding his magnificent physique from you. You had seen him shirtless a handful of times, while dressing his wounds, but you always stared at him in awe. He did look like he was made in a laboratory.
You knelt before him, between his legs, eager to find out if he tastes as good as he looks.
He tried to stop you but you swatted his hands away, “You’ll hurt your knees, doll,” he reasoned.
You snorted, wrapping your hand around his thick girth, “I thought we were partners. I won’t have you treat me like I’m some damsel in distress again.”
He pouted, pulling at your kiss swollen bottom lip with his thumb, “That’s too bad because I’m always going to take care of you, especially now that I’m your man.”
You rolled your eyes, he really was getting ahead of himself, he’ll have to do a lot more to prove himself before you accept him as ‘your man’.
But you decide to let that go for now, instead focusing on his cock glistening with precum, peaking your tongue out to taste some of it and swirling your tongue around on his bulbous head.
“Don’t tease, doll,” he groaned, holding onto the back of your head, not really pushing but to urge you to take more of him because he was at the end of his rope, feeling as if he’d burst right there.
You pushed away at his hand, “I’m in control,” you stated, “no touching till I say so. Is that understood?”
He didn’t care, he just wanted you to stop your cruelty and put your mouth on him so he simply nodded, not knowing if he could actually keep the promise.
With a victorious smile you wrapped your mouth around his head, leisurely sucking on it, moaning at the taste of him before taking in as much as you could, pumping the rest of his length, fondling his balls with the other hand.
He was about to touch your perky breasts, but then remembered your ridiculous ‘no touching' rule so he ran a hand through his head hair, wiping the sheen of sweat off his forehead with the back of his hand.
“God that mouth of yours,” he growled when you pulled him out with a loud ‘pop’.
A string of saliva connecting your lips to him, “I want you to come in my mouth,” you instructed.
“You want to swallow daddys cum?” he couldn’t help but laugh out loud at the incredulous look on his face.
“Who would’ve known... Steven 'golden boy’ Rogers, of all people...” you shook your head, a small smile on your face as you thought about the times you had called him that in your head while rubbing one out to the thought of him.
You pressed your lips to the vein on the underside of his cock, sucking on it, “You’re going to come in my mouth, daddy, and stay there until I swallow all of it,” you told him, if only to remind him that you were in control, even if he ‘convinced' you to call him that.
You lightly scraped your teeth over his length before swallowing around him, gagging a bit as you tried to take more of him, but it seemed impossible to fit him whole no matter how hard your tried.
“I’ll try,” he teased, releasing a shaky exhale, his balls tightening in your palm as he held onto the sheets, painting the back of your throat with ropes of his spend.
You swallowed all of him, suckling on his length till you felt him softening in your mouth, you opened your mouth to show him, “Told you I’d swallow it all,” you licked your lips, just in case you missed anything.
“You’re such a good girl.” He praised, cupping your head and leaning down to kiss you, tasting himself on your lips. Easily picking you up and flipping you so that you were on your back, he spread your thighs, licking his lips as he caught a glimpse of your cunt. “What do you want to do now, sweetheart?” he asked again.
You whimpered, mumbling nonsense but you knew, once Steve set his mind to something it was impossible to convince him otherwise. He was really gonna make you say it out loud. “I want your mouth on me,” you turned your head to the side, shutting your eyes, completely flustered.
He dove in for his prize, giving your bundle of nerves a soft kiss before smearing your juices around your cunt with his fingers, prodding one at your entrance he plunged it in, your walls hugging it so wonderfully, “You’re so tight, all for me...” he blew a breath of air on it, kissing the soft patch of hair on top of your mould.
You were much too delirious to think of anything but his fingers teasing you, his lips pressing butterfly kisses to your thighs, his hands massaging your titts, but you vaguely heard him call out your name.
“What?” you rasped, propping yourself up on your elbows.
“Come, sit on my face. You said you wanted to be in control,” he shrugged.
“Wh - what... do you even know how that works?” you heaved. You had never done something like that before, while it sounds enticing, it would be impractical... maybe...
“I thought they had like two sex positions in the forties. The missionary, and uh...”
He shushed you, “I’ve never been a prude, you should know that by now,” lying on his back, he felt his dick hardening again and aching for any kind of attention from you, but he’d have to take care of you first.
“Come here...” He held onto your hips, pulling you up till you were over his mouth, “Take what you need, doll.”
You hummed, running your drenched pussy over his face, a shiver went up your spine at the feel of his coarse bread on your sensitive skin, “I can’t,” you mewled.
“Yes, you can, doll. Come on, be good for your daddy,” he spurred you on.
Taking a deep breath, you held onto the headboard, arching your back as he wrapped his mouth around your bundle of nerves, you started grinding your hips over him, soon getting accustomed and even liking the burn his glorious beard gave you.
“I’m gonna... come, daddy,” your voice breathy, your hand massaging your breast as you gushed around his beard.
You held onto the board, trying to catch your breath, your other hand in his long locks as he kept lapping you up.
You shuddered as you crawled down his body, hovering over his hard cock which was pressing against his taut stomach. You spread your lips with your fingers, peaking up to see him looking at you with dark, lust ridden eyes, coating him in your juices by running your clit up and down his length.
It was too much for your sensitive clit to be rubbing against the velvety skin of his cock but not nearly enough for him.
He digs his nails into your hips, growling, “Get on with it,” he held onto the base of his length, nudging your lips aside before plunging into your heat.
“Oh,” you gulped, trying to sink your hips down on him but even after all that preparation he was too big for you.
“You’re so small, doll,” he smiled, noticing your evident struggle as he caressed your cheek, his eyes fixed on you trying to take him in, “is it too hard?”
You nodded, “I can still do it though,” still so eager to please him...
“You don’t have to. You’ve done so much already, you must be tired.”
You opened your mouth, to argue that he was the one who had taken a long journey to get here, but he circled a hand around your waist, bringing you down, flush against his chest.
“You just lay there and let me do the work, okay, sweetheart?” you whimpered but nodded with your cheek pressed to his heart as he thrusted deep into you.
“Okay, daddy, I’ll try,” you murmured, tears streaming down your cheek when he brushed against your sweet spot.
He stopped his hips when he heard you son, “You all right, doll?” he asked, looking down at you.
“Yes, it’s just so good, please don’t stop,” you requested.
And he had promised to never say no to you so he kept fucking up into your tight hole, whispering sweet words to you, telling you just how good you were at taking him, how well you were doing.
“My one and only,” he kissed your head as you cried into his chest, clenching around his cock. Triggering his own climax as he came inside you, staying inside you even after he was done.
Content with knowing that you’ll be his forever.
As long as he doesn’t fuck up again...
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I guess that was cheating because the face sitting was just a small part of it😅😅 But I hope you still liked it! Comments and reblogs are really appreciated💖💖 I'll try to write one more part with jealous endgame!Steve.
Please note that my work is not to be reposted or published anywhere other than my Tumblr or AO3 account without my permission. Reblogs are most welcome though!
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If you’ll have me
Bucky x insecure!reader
Summary: my entry to “The Other Punk’s 500 Writing Challenge” by the lovely @buckys-other-punk I chose the prompt: “I want you to remember: you deserve this”
The reader moves to the avengers compound, she soon learns how easy it is to fall for a certain supersoldier and how easy it is to give into the lies your brain tells you, and how hard it is to see your own worth in a building full of superheroes.
Warning: panic attacks, self-image issues, anxiety, bad writing, fluff of course, all the themes from the 2012 avengers mindset, endgame!steve is non-existent and everyone is alive bc wow I changed the timeline!
Word count: 4,677
A/N: this prompt could have gone in a spideypool comic kinda way- sarcastic and witty and funny; Or in the direction that I took, I’m at a rough spot so I decided to write the kind of fic that I could use right now. This is the first time I’m sharing my writing, to anyone. So hopefully my nerves won’t be the death of me.
A/N 2: so, I planned this to be around 2k but it got out of hand and the characters did whatever they wanted, I had no control and so the plot is different than what I originally thought.
You can’t say no to Tony Stark, you learned that very early on in your friendship. It was absolutely impossible. So when he out of the blue showed up at your apartment at 2am with a request to move out of your house and into the Avengers compound… you knew there was no way out.
Unlike your best friend, you were more introverted, the thought of moving into a big compound full of superheroes and gods was scary for a civilian. But tony needed you, and you are nothing if not loyal to him.
Ever since the fight between tony and Steve, he told you how lonely he felt in the big tower, after they made peace and settled back into the tower- even though they talked it out and were understanding, tony wanted you around.
“It’s to ease the tension, you are easy to get along with, they will all love you. And you got me to talk about my emotions so maybe you could help them. A little normal in our chaotic life, it’s purely logical.” He said to you, but you could read him better than that. Yes, his argument was logical, but he just wanted a friend.
So of course, you agreed. Working for Pepper was so much better than your old stupid job, she was an angel compared to your mean boss. So a month later you moved into the compound and settled in with Pepper on your new job as her assistant.
When you first met the infamous Winter Soldier he was back from a visit to Wakanda just a few days after you moved in. You noticed his left arm was different from what you’ve seen on the news- it was now black and a little golden, no red star in sight.
He was laughing with The Falcon and ran his fingers through his short hair when tony walked with you into the common room his arm around your shoulder as you walked towards the two avengers. Tony told you everything, so you knew about their past and while he told you how they both decided to move on from that you where still a little nervous.
“Y/N meet: Birdie and Spiky.” Tony gestured forward as he took you to meet the two avengers “Guys, this is the incredible Y/N.”
“I’m Sam, pleasure to meet you.” He nodded to you and shook your hand “this is Spiky.”
“Spiky? Really Tony, you could do better than that, my hair is not that spiky.” He shook his head but you could hear the amusement in his voice. That was a good sign you thought, but that was before he looked at you and you saw his eyes, the blue piercing through your soul. “I’m Bucky.”
“Y/N” you raised your left hand to shake his, you could see a slight tension forming in his eyes as he raised his vibranium hand to meet yours, eyes studying you. You smiled at him.
He flashed you a smile that made your heart skip a bit. This is definitely going to be a problem.
“Are you a new recruit?” Sam had asked you then.
“Oh no, I’m just a friend.” You looked at tony with a smirk “apparently this guy can’t function without me so I decided to move here, for the sake of saving the world from the worst cook ever.”
“It was one time Y/N! I did not mean to blow up your microwave.” Tony looked betrayed as he looked at you.
“I present to you one of the world’s greatest mechanics ladies and gentlemen!” you waved your hands towards Tony. You could see the amusement in his eyes, giving in his failed look of annoyance.
“I already regret my decision,” he groaned and rolled his eyes at you. “I hate you.”
“No you don’t.”
“Well, it was very nice to meet you Y/N,” Bucky redirected the conversation to you again, A sincere look on his face. “I hope we will see you around more then.”
“Unfortunately, we have to go, Cap is waiting for us.” Sam nodded towards you and Tony. You returned a goodbye before tony swept you away to show you his new project.
“What was it back there lover boy?” Sam teased Bucky when you were out of earshot. Bucky looked back at you and shook his head.
“Don’t know what you are talking about, Wilson.”
“Sure” Sam laughed at him but let it go.
As much as you hated to admit that tony was right, it didn’t take long for the team to warm up to you and take you as one of their own. Two weeks later and you found your place there. Natasha and you became quite close as you, Wanda, and Pepper occasionally had girls night.
Tony was smug all day long when one day at the lab Bruce told you that you’re very calming to have around. When Steve and Sam agreed and said it could have a good effect on the team Tony’s smugness somehow increased. It was very annoying. No one should ever let Tony be proved right.
Thor was the biggest puppy you have ever met, basically a Labrador. You found out his slight obsession with pop tarts, and you took it on yourself to educate him on some pop culture because let’s be honest who would turn down an opportunity to watch your favorite movies with someone who wouldn’t object to any of them. When you one time watched the Sherlock Holmes movie with Thor and Steve came in and said he didn’t watch it, you decided it is absolutely essential to have a movie night. You found Clint in the vents shouting an agreement to you.
Even though you managed to befriend Thor, Loki and you soon became good friends. He appreciated your skill of lie detecting and you two often sat and read books together.
Then there was Bucky, your friendship started to form when you joined in on a prank on Sam. You and Bucky ran so fast, dying of laughter, as Sam chased you around with his brand new sparkly pink wings.
From there you friendship blossomed, but to your dismay so did your little crush. It started from invitations to go on walks, to him coming to your door in the dead of the night in seek for comfort after a nightmare. You always let him in. you’d listen to him if he wanted you to, and you distracted him when he didn’t.
Your best friend never showed up to breakfast so you’d sit next to Bucky instead. In movie nights you found Bucky saving you a seat next to him every time until he didn’t have to, it was a silent agreement amongst the team.
You never would have expected the next development though: Bucky was a cuddler. It started small, a hand on the small of your back in the morning when he entered the kitchen. Then an arm in the dark around your shoulder, stroking your arm as you all sat and watched a movie.
“Can I just maybe lie down?” he asked one night. It was 3am and the dark circles under his eyes made your heart ache. You just nodded but were surprised at his actions. You assumed he meant to lie down on the bed rather than sitting against the headboard. He lowered himself on the bed and put his head on your thighs and began to talk to you. You got over your momentary shock to listen to what he wants to talk about, absentmindedly you found yourself stroking his short hair. It was soft and from his content sigh he seemed to enjoy it too.
Imagine the Fourth of July. Now, imagine it with a bit more… Tony. That’s exactly what happened to Steve’s birthday party. Tony told you all about what he was planning weeks before, and you two worked about it endlessly since then. You were a bit annoyed at first, it was way too extravagant to your taste but now that you’re standing at the entrance, looking down from the stairs at all the people there, you couldn’t help but feel proud. The people there varied, from the avengers to the agents you didn’t recognize and all sorts of people who you assumed were high profiled? Never the one to initiate a conversation with a stranger you went ahead to the bar to try and find Tony.
Instead, at the bar you found Natasha who sat there with a drink, scaring away anyone who tried to bother her, you of course she welcomed.
“I’m so glad you came! I know it’s not really your thing but this place looks amazing, so is your dress!” Natasha gashed at you.
“You look absolutely incredible Nat!” you took in her tight short stress and how well she looked in it, she was your friend but you could feel the discomfort start to grow. You smoothed down your skirt. “Do you know where tony is?”
“he is probably talking to some rich assholes who are leaning in to his every word” she joked with you, “I think I saw him with our birthday boy so maybe you should ask him.” She nodded to behind you.
“Steve! Happy birthday!” you rushed to hug him. “How do you like the party?”
“Well, tony sure has expensive taste, it’s lovely Y/N.” America’s golden boy smiled at you.
“Speaking of tony, have you seen him?”
“Yeah, he was actually looking for you earlier, he’s right there.” Steve pointed to the other side of the room where tony stood with Pepper, surrounded by a group of people.
With a short thank you, you attempted to make your way there, casting tens of apologies as you tried to shuffle through the dancing crowd. From the corner of your eye you spotted Bucky, sitting on the couch next to a girl who was basically sitting in his lap, you saw the smile on his face, you never saw that kind of smile on him before. In an attempt to ignore the twist in your stomach, you continued pushing people until you found Tony, surrounded by a whole new group now. When he noticed you and the look on your face, he whispered to Pepper who then diverted the conversation away from Tony- who slipped away towards you.
“Hey darling, I tried to find you earlier.” He told you as he gave you a hug.
“It took me a little longer to get ready I guess.” You looked behind you to see Bucky still with that girl, you adjusted your dress.
Tony took in your actions. He knew you too well.
“Do you want to go outside, a little bit of fresh air could help?”
“No, no you love these parties! I can’t take you away from that.” You dismissed it quickly.
“Well fine, if you want me to enjoy it so much then dance with me.” He dragged you to the DJ and you heard him ask for a couple of slower songs, and then dragged you to the middle of the dance floor. You heard your favorite song playing and tony enveloped you in his arms, immediately comforting you. “Do you want to talk about it?”
“There isn’t really much to talk about, you know how sometimes these parties can trigger me. Sometimes it can make a person like me feel a bit inadequate I guess.” You leaned your head on his chest.
“You’re better than all of these people sweetheart, you’re my best friend tell me who made you feel like this and I will personally give them a free ride to Antarctica.” You could see him doing that which made you laugh.
“With all the penguins? That sounds fun though.” You argued.
“Oh you’re right. I guess I’ll have to think of a different place then. Do you think Barnes would like the desert? I mean with that metal arm it must heat up-”
“Wait what? Why would you say Bucky?” that sneaky son of a bitch.
“Come on, I saw you look at him, did he make you feel bad?” tony looked you in the eyes this time, sincere.
“No,” you shrugged. “I just saw Nat and all these beautiful agents and then I saw him with one and I guess it just made me feel bad way too fast. He didn’t do anything wrong.”
Some days were worse than others, some days it was just a few passing thoughts, some it was thunder and dark lingering clouds.
“Well, there isn’t a point in me telling you how gorgeous you are because you will never believe me, even though you are and I should probably get you an eye doctor, maybe schedule something with Dr. Cho. Anyway, if this is because of Barnes, then I can assure you he only has eyes for you.”
“I don’t need an eye doctor!” you hit his arm and laughed, before putting your head back on his chest. “And about the other thing, I doubt that. I think maybe he should be with someone more like him, which makes more sense.” You still looked around, not seeing Bucky anywhere.
“I don’t think you should make any sort of decision when you’re this anxious. I don’t think you’re capable of clear judgment in this situation darling.” He said to you quietly, worried overtones in his voice.
“I’m fine Tony, I’m not that anxious.”
“your hands are shaking Y/N…” as he told you that, you looked at the hand you put on his chest, his hand now cradled it as you saw it shaking. How did you not notice it? When tony saw as you realized what was happening he knew there was no room for argument. “I’m taking you away.”
You put up no fight as he quickly managed to take you away without drawing too much attention. You didn’t see Bucky searching for you in the crowd after that.
Bucky sat there on the couch, happy for his best friend as he enjoyed his party. He was smiling uncomfortably as the girl next to him scooted closer to him. His mental health got a lot better, and his confidence grew- he felt the man he once was but newer, most of the time. Big crowds still managed to get to him though. He nodded along to the girl next to him who refused to call him anything but James, he tried to be polite. He hated the crowds, you would know that. He thought. Then he heard your favorite song playing from the far side of the room, there he finally saw you, dancing with Tony. He knew tony was your best friend, but he still felt a tug at his heart as you put your head near his arc reactor.
He has been pondering on when to tell you about his feelings for you, confident that you wouldn’t turn him down. The two of you grew so close, you were an absolute angel to him. He saw you hit Tony’s arm and suddenly his smile turned genuine. He knew you felt the same way as him, it was hard to ignore. You seemed almost as happy as he is when the two of you are alone. Maybe he could tell you tonight.
“James? Are you even listening to me?” the girl called him.
“Yes, sorry, your name is August right?” she nodded at him. “Sorry but I have to go, I have a couple of things to do.” He got up then and went towards where he last saw you, but you where nowhere to be found.
The next day tony seemed to be stuck at your side, you tried to tell him that you’re fine but he insisted to “borrow you from Pepper because he needs an assistant.” Or so he claims. Apparently he needed an assistant to buy him ice cream in your favorite flavor or to cook him a meal which coincidentally happens to be your favorite desert- to give him credit he did try to help but he might have tried to mix the eggs with the flour and got it all over the counter. You burst into a fit of laughter and he told F.R.I.D.A.Y to order pizza. So, the two of you sat in the kitchen with your pizza, after cleaning the place.
“I might have to borrow you from Pepper more often, you are a great assistant.”
“Yeah, sure” you played along before setting your pizza down. “Thank you Tony.”
“Anytime” He smiled at you through a mouthful of pizza.
The kitchen door opened, and in stumbled Steve and Bucky, who for once slept in today.
“Well hello boys, what got you looking so bad?” Tony smirked at them.
“It’s all Thor’s fault, he brought the Asgardian mead.” Steve said, you laughed at his hangover state, it was rare but precious.
“Hey doll, I didn’t get to talk to you yesterday, couldn’t find you.” He smiled at you, his rough voice nearly killed you- you were certain. You looked over at tony as you stumbled over what to say.
“We left early, she claimed I was too drunk and should get some air.” He winked at you “isn’t she just the best Barnes?” he then looked at Bucky; you swear you hated him sometimes.
“An absolute angel,” Bucky replied, assessing tony. “But you seem okay enough.”
“Yes well I tried telling her, but she insisted.” Tony easily replied and matched Bucky’s stare.
“How did you manage to get him to actually listen to you Y/N? That’s impressive.” Steve commented, oblivious to the slight tension as he made coffee.
“Years of practice I guess, it is hard to accomplish because he sure can be an ass sometimes.” You kicked Tony under the table to look at you. He only smiled.
“Capcicle doesn’t like that kind of language Y/N.” you heard Steve groaning as he put a coffee cup in front of Bucky who was seated next to you, and sat in front of him next to tony.
“That happened years ago Tony!”
“Doll, I was wondering if you wanted to watch a movie later maybe?” Bucky leaned in to ask you, before you could answer though, Steve spoke up.
“Why is there flour on the counter?”
“On your ass too, you picked the wrong chair.” Tony helpfully chimed in “you know, those pants do nothing for your ass.”
“Tony messed up the kitchen, I guess we didn’t clean it all.” You said apologetically and got up. “I actually have a lot of things to do for Pepper today, since tony stole me, so I should probably go start on that.” You exited the room, looking forward to a distraction at work.
“Tony, you know you shouldn’t cook!” Steve patted the chair, and then sat on it again.
“Hey, I was only trying to help Y/N in baking a cake, I had good intentions!” tony defended.
“Why was she making a cake in the afternoon?”
“Relax Barnes, I asked her to bake me a cake but when it tragically somehow blew up we settled on pizza.” Tony lifted up his slice of pizza in proof. “Why do you care anyway?”
“What kind of question is that?” Bucky looked at him quizzically. “Tony, is there some sort of a problem?”
“I’m just asking, why do you care about her?” Steve noticed the change in the question but Bucky just looked confused.
“I care about her because she is my friend, just like the rest of you here!” Bucky was getting angry by the second, where was this all coming from?
“Yes, but do you care about her only as a friend?” tony asked and this time Bucky noticed the change and his anger all melted away.
“No.” he admitted, not bothering to hide it. “Were you just trying to get me to confess my feelings?”
“They learn things so fast, don’t they Steve?” he looked at an amused Steve who just nodded.
“Even I couldn’t get him to say something. Good job Tony.”
“Okay, I am leaving, this is clearly an ambush.” Bucky left the kitchen then.
Bucky was headed to his room to clear his head, hoping you won’t be as busy tomorrow. He was in the hallway when he passed your room, it was then that he heard your TV on; he recognized the theme song of Brooklyn Nine-Nine playing. Why were you watching TV when you said you’re working? Bucky went to his room and decided to let it go.
For the next week Bucky studied your moves carefully. You started to avoid going out with him, making excuses that he could easily read as lies. At night you accepted him with open arms to talk about his nightmares, but he noticed you smiled less now. When movie night came along he found the seat next to him empty as you sat next to tony, he wasn’t the only one to notice it. That was it for him.
“Nat,” he found Natasha the next day alone in the common room. “Do you know if Y/N is upset with me?”
“Probably, yes, I don’t know why though.” Natasha shrugged.
“I don’t know what I did, she is still nice to me but she avoids even being in the same room as me.” Bucky sat next to her. The assassin put her book down finally and paid attention to Bucky. “I don’t know what to do; I can’t accuse her of anything. I just feel something is wrong. We were really close.”
“I’m sure it’s nothing major, you should talk to her.” Natasha put her hand on his, to try and comfort her friend. She’s seen the way you looked at each other, it was impossible to miss the connection.
You entered the room, unaware of the conversation until you looked up and the two avengers stopped talking and looked at you, but you looked at the position they were in, you were clearly interrupting a private conversation.
“Oh, sorry, I didn’t realize you were here. Sorry, I’ll leave you two alone.” You exited the room before Bucky even stood up, he came to seat back down but Nat kicked him.
“What are you doing? Go and talk to her!” she all but commanded him. He wasn’t going to fight Natasha, that’s just a lost cause.
You were safe in your room, it was all fine. Everything was fine. You couldn’t have expected that falling for an avenger would be a good idea. They are different from you, you’re just… you. They are superheroes. Everyone in the building is either a highly trained agent or one of the top scientists in the world. You were just Tony’s friend, here to support him and maybe bring some normalcy to the superheroes. How could you possibly compete with all that? Your lungs felt too tight, it’s like you could barely breathe.
“Miss Y/N I am recognizing symptoms of a possible panic attack, would you like me to call Mr. Stark?” F.R.I.D.A.Y called to you, snapping you out of your daze.
“No, don’t call tony, or anyone, can you just talk me through breathing?” the AI complied until you managed to calm down and get your breathing right. Bless Tony Stark, anxiety can fuck off.
“Miss, Sergeant Barnes is requesting to open the door; I have shut it alongside any outside noise, would you like me to lift it?”
“Yes F.R.I.D.A.Y, thank you.” You could handle it. You opened the door to see a frustrated Bucky. “Hi Bucky, what do you need?”
Bucky just stepped right into your room and shut the door behind him.
“I need you to tell me what did I do wrong?”
“What? You didn’t do anything wrong.” You were confused now.
“Then why the hell are you avoiding me? I thought you were happy, I thought you wanted me around.” Oh, how could you explain this to him without him taking pity on you?
“Of course I want you around Bucky, it’s okay it’s not that. I’m just giving you space. It’s alright.” You tried to assure him, while also hoping you could convince yourself.
“Giving me space? Doll I don’t want space away from you. Why are you pulling away from me?” he reached for your hand, his metal arm trying to bring you closer.
“Bucky, really it’s alright. Just let this go.” You pleaded him.
“No it’s not alright, I’m not alright. Because the woman I’m in love with is pushing me away and I don’t know what to do to bring her back to me!” He confessed to you, the frustration in his voice gave away to the longing look in his blue eyes.
“You- you what?” you stopped trying to resist him, your shock letting him pull you closer, he was holding both your arms now, keeping you close.
“I’m in love with you. Is it really that hard to believe?” He questions, his voice low now, as if someone might hear, and he wanted to keep this intimate moment just for the two of you.
“No.” you said before collecting yourself. “No, you can’t be in love with me.”
“Of course I can, it’s really easy to fall for you doll.” Bucky huffed a laugh. “I thought you felt the same way, do you?”
“I…” Could you really lie to a supersoldier? Would you lie to Bucky? “I do. Of course I do, but you don’t understand. Bucky, you’re a superhero, a supersoldier. I’m on the other hand just a girl with too much anxiety who happens to have the best friend in the world which is why I was even allowed to live here in the first place. You deserve so much better Bucky, you really do. And I- I don’t deserve you.” You hang your head low, if only he could realize that, it will hurt less. Your eyes were watering but you blinked them shut.
Bucky’s right hand came to your chin and held it up. You are an absolute idiot. Bucky mused at what you said.
“Doll, if there is one thing that I learned in therapy is that even after everything I did, I can still become the man I want to be and I deserve to get happiness. You make me so happy doll, you really do. But you deserve happiness too. Tell me, do I make you happy?”
“Yes, very much. But-”
“No. You deserve all the love and happiness in the world and if you’ll have me, I promise to keep you happy, always. I know I can’t solve anxiety, I have it too. But you help me with it, so I’ll do whatever I can to help you.”
You looked into the sea in his eyes, trying to find any doubt, but all you found was determination to make you understand, to make you believe it. And for a moment you did. That was all it took.
“If you’ll have me, I promise to make you happy and make sure you are loved, always.” You whispered. “Thank you.”
“No need to thank me, I just- I want you to remember, you deserve this. Whether it’s happiness with me or with someone else. You deserve to be loved by your friends, and if it’s here than this is your home and we’re your family. You deserve love and support and if it’s me then please, will you have me?”
“Yes. I don’t want anyone else.”
The next thing you knew, his lips crushed into yours, pouring out all of your emotion to the kiss. This feels right, this is right. Maybe you’re worthy of a happy ending after all. Maybe you’ll find it right here, in this compound, with Bucky.
Little did you know, in the far away land that is Tony’s messy lab, F.R.I.D.A.Y notified him per his request about your panic attack. Now, with the monitors turned on, he watched the two of you with a smile at his lips.
“F.R.I.D.A.Y? Tell Steve he owes me 20 bucks.”
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carelessannie · 3 years
lookin for love (in all the wrong places)
chapter five
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Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four
In CA:CW Steve kicks Spider-Man in the chest, awakening a soul deep bond and sending Peter into his first heat, before running away to Wakanda.
The soul bond, omegaverse, Spidershield angsty romance everyone needs.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Peter Parker Chapters: 5/ Chapter word count: 6.5K Fic Rating: E Warnings: mild violence and implied sex trafficking, extreme levels of fluff Read it here on AO3 Title is from this song by Johnny Lee
The ferry docks in the Åland Islands for a few hours overnight, allowing the two of them to sleep in shifts to be safe. After dinner, they had swept the ship for suspicious persons and bugs, tagging three places around their hallway with ears to keep an eye out for possible threats.
Even with the precautions, Steve feels on edge as they sail in the morning. Neither he nor Natasha get more than a few hours of sleep, and once the sun rises, they decide to spend the rest of the journey on the upper deck. Separating for the duration of the trip, Steve takes the helm while Natasha lounges closer to the stern.
There’s no attack, no threat to be concerned about— so when the ferry docks a few hours later, the two of them are already seated in their car and driving down the off-ramp. Steve takes the wheel first, while Natasha guides him East, following the sun until it sits high in the sky.
They stop at the border to Russia and switch vehicles, easily slipping through as the newly-mated Alpha and Omega couple on their Russian passports.
And if Natasha bats her eyes and gets them a free passage to St. Petersburg, Steve isn’t complaining.
It’s as they’re driving away that Natasha flinches at something one of the border police says under their breath, and Steve raises his eyebrow in question as he steers to merge back onto the highway. If Natasha is showing her reactions, it has to be important.
“They thought…” she pauses, chewing on her lower lip, before starting over, “When they reviewed our documents, they thought you might be my... trophy Alpha.”
“Okay,” Steve says slowly, furrowing his eyebrows, “Is that bad for us?” He doesn’t quite understand what the issue is, or why Natasha might be anxious. The two men— Betas, probably— had given them a suspicious onceover, but otherwise let them travel in peace.
Natasha makes a frustrated noise, “I’m not translating it right. They think you’re my stud— that I brought you in from America or England to… breed.”
Horrified, Steve almost swerves the car off the road. “What— does that happen often?”
“Often enough that they may call it in. It’s not illegal, technically, but if they catch wind of possible trafficking…”
“Oh,” Steve checks the rearview mirror, suddenly all too aware of the surrounding cars and trucks. “What’s our move, Nat? Do you think they’ll actually come after us?”
She shakes her head again, “Best to get to St. Petersburg. We can call Tony from there, and switch out cars. If someone’s on our tail, they’re bound to know where we’re headed anyways. Stark can get us new documents by the time we reach the base.”
“Fine. I assume you know your way around the city?”
“Steve,” Natasha coos, “haven’t I taught you not to ask questions you already know the answer to?”
He shoots her a grin, “Good, then you’re in charge of ditching our ride. I’ll make a few calls.”
“Teamwork makes the dream work,” Natasha murmurs as she reclines in the seat, shifting to give herself a good view of both side mirrors while still seeing clearly out the front windshield. She crosses her feet at the ankle and pulls down the lid of a carefully worn baseball cap. If Steve didn’t know better, he would assume she fell asleep in the passenger seat.
They spend the last two hours of the drive in a tense silence, both of them on high alert. Steve knows from experience that Hydra likes to hide in plain sight— so he scans license plates, calculates distances, and carefully surveys the people in each car, looking for anything out of the ordinary. So far, nothing.
That changes when they enter the city.
Immediately, both of them sit up straighter, scanning the surrounding lanes for a threat.
“Do you—”
“Yes, stay alert,” Natasha hisses. Her hands are digging rapidly through her backpack until they pull out their last international phone. In one swift motion, she destroys it on the dashboard, lowering the window to sprinkle pieces onto the highway, sure to be crushed further by oncoming vehicles.
Steve changes lanes, inching closer to the quickly passing exit ramps. He doesn’t see a suspicious car— no black sedans, no tinted windows— but the feeling of being watched is undeniable.
“Exit here.”
Natasha’s voice is flat, and if Steve wasn’t listening for it, he would have missed the direction. Instead, he steps on the gas and throws the car into the right lane, barely avoiding the traffic cones as he speeds down the single exit ramp.
“Slower,” Natasha is reaching behind him as he merges back into traffic, this time heading West into the heart of the city. “When we get into the city, look for a coffee shop. You’re going to drop me off. Drive around the corner and watch for me— I’ll order you a drink inside and pretend I’m grabbing an item from my car. Instead, you will switch places with me, and sit outdoors drinking what I order. Keep your eyes up, run if you need to. I’ll rendezvous within an hour. Got it?”
“Got it,” Steve confirms, already slowing down as they breach the populated city limits. It isn’t long until he’s pulling up to a small café and Natasha is sauntering down the sidewalk, drawing any nearby attention to herself as he swings the car around back.
Traffic is thick, stifling, and he’s grateful to have the intel portion of this operation. Within five minutes, Natasha is in his rearview mirror, and he steps out of the vehicle to offer her the wheel.
He pulls his own hat lower to shield his face before slipping into the coffee shop, sidestepping immediately and settling into a corner table. There are three other patrons, all scattered throughout the space and engaged in the work in front of them. No threats yet.
“Peter?” a heavily accented voice calls, and Steve has to stop himself from flinching. It’s a common name— he needs to get himself under control. The voice calls out, “Peter?” once more, just as a tall, well-built man strides through the door, walking up the counter and picking up the drink.
The man turns around, “Huh. Didn’t know you were goin’ by Peter these days.”
“Sam,” Steve breathes, meeting his friends’ eyes with a shocked smile. He jumps to his feet and pulls the other man into a hug. It’s shakey— both of them chuckling and holding on tight— but the embrace is warm and feels like home.
“The hell are you doing here?” Steve grabs his arm, steering them both outside and towards the patio. “Not that I’m not grateful to see you, but… how did you find us?”
Sam shoots him a disbelieving look, placing the coffee cup between them before reclining back in his seat, “I got a tip a few days ago— something about Hydra and a base nearby. Stark got me a ride over yesterday and said I could plan on intercepting you here.”
Something in his face turns thoughtful, “You seriously didn’t see Redwing on the way in?”
“Uh,” Steve sorts through the details of their fast paced cut into the city, but can’t remember Sam’s drone being anywhere in sight.
Sam chuckles, “I followed you from the moment you entered the city— c’mon, you can’t tell me you didn’t see him, not with the way you were driving.”
“Dammit, Sam,” Steve curses. “We thought…” and then he laughs, slumping back into the patio chair and scrubbing his face. “You’re an asshole, you know that?”
Sam spreads his arms wide, and gives Steve his widest, most charming smile, “Takes one to know one, Cap.”
There’s a beat of silence as Steve sips his drink— it’s perfect, not that he expected anything less from Natasha. Sam looks good, if not a bit tired. The smile on his face is practiced, and Steve knows it’s more for his sake than anything. They’ve never lied to each other, never had the opportunity to, so if Sam is appearing strained and weary, Steve knows he’s supposed to notice.
“Decide not to take a pardon, then?” Steve hedges, watching as Sam raises an eyebrow in amusement.
“No, Steve,” he looks out into traffic, carefully thoughtful, “it’s been a rough few months since Germany, but Sharon and I have been doing some ground work wherever King T’Challa is willing to send us. There’s a lot of shit going down, and— up until now— the only goal I really had was finding you again.”
A rush of guilt hits Steve in the chest, and he winces, “Look, I’m sorry for leaving you—”
“Hey, no— don’t do that,” Sam dismisses him, waving away the apology with one hand, “I knew you had to go to Wakanda, I had other shit that needed to get done.”
“Still, you deserved a better friend than that.”
Sam laughs, but the sound lacks any real joy, “I think we all deserved better than we got.”
There’s not much to say after, and Steve takes a long pull of his drink, trying discreetly to check his watch. Forty minutes until Natasha returns.
And speaking of, “So where did the Widow herself head off to?” Sam asks, checking his own watch. “Thought I’d catch both of you here.”
“Switching out cars. We assumed Hydra was tracking us into the city,” Steve narrows his eyes across the table, and it makes Sam laugh again.
“Damn, well... can’t say I’m sorry. Stark wanted me to keep a low profile until we crossed paths, and…” Sam sits up taller and leans across the table, forcing Steve to meet his eyes, “he mentioned something about keeping you stable.”
“God dammit—”
“Shut up, Sam,” Steve huffs, scrubbing his face with one hand, “why can’t Tony keep shit to himself.”
“Something I shouldn’t know about?”
Sam’s always been good at coaxing answers out of him, and Steve curses the other Alpha mentally for it. Why does he always attract friends who know him better than he knows himself?
“I found my soulmate, Sam.”
Jerking forward, the other Alpha’s eyes grow wide as his hands come down, hard, on the table. “Shit, Steve. When on earth did you have time—”
“I didn’t, Sam. That’s the thing. Fuck—”
He feels rage flow through his body for the first time in ages, and Steve’s hit with a flash of their bonding moment, marred by fear and devastation from his young Omega. He closes his eyes, remembering the residual pain from each heat. Scared and empty and alone.
There’s a hand on his arm, but Steve shakes it off, “Remember the kid Stark brought to Germany? Spider-man?”
“Sure, Bucky and I fought the kid, and he stuck us to the floor.”
“I fought him, too,” Steve sighs, rolling up the sleeve over his left arm to show the bright red and irritated word etched into his skin, “and I kicked him right in the chest.”
Sam doesn’t reach forward to touch. He barely gives it a glance, reaching over to roll up his own sleeve. Steve has to stop himself from growling in sympathy— the writing is black, smudged and illegible.
With a sad smile, Sam rolls his shirt back in place, “It was years ago— and we bonded in combat. I got a few years with him on active duty, and then I felt when he was shot out of the sky.”
Sam meets his eyes, “Fucked me up good for a few years.”
“I had no idea.”
“I’m better now, sure. Wouldn’t show you if I wasn’t. Just letting you know, whatever you’re going through with this kid— because obviously you’re not with him now— that you’ve gotta value whatever time you get. In our line of business? I’m grateful I got years instead of moments, you know?”
Something clenches in his chest. Steve feels tears prick his eyes. He has to look away, afraid of the suddenly all too real possibility of crying in public. Quickly, he covers it up with a swig of cooling coffee, letting the emotions wash away alongside the bitter, familiar taste.
“I’ve never even met the kid, Sam. All I know is that he’s an Omega, and he has a strong bond with Tony.” Steve sighs, checking his watch again, “We were supposed to be extracted in Oslo, but got the tip instead. I’ll head home to him after we take care of the threat here.”
He can tell Sam disapproves of this choice, but the other Alpha just shakes his head, nodding to draw Steve’s attention back to the street, “Looks like our ride is here,” he chuckles just as a beat up Jeep swerves across traffic, coming to an abrupt stop in front of them.
The window rolls down, and Natasha makes a show of lowering her sunglasses, “Pickin’ up strays, Rogers?”
Both of them stand and approach the car, and Sam smiles as he takes the backseat, “Good to see you too, Romanoff.”
“I hope you brought your uniform,” she muses, swerving back into traffic once both of them are buckled in, “we’re gonna need all the help we can get.”
I think you’d hate my friends, Alpha. I don’t know, maybe not. I think you’d like that they wanna take care of me, even if they’re both little pieces of shit. I bet a visit from Captain America would shut them up. Or… Are you still Captain America, Steve?
Just as Peter finishes the line, the main cafeteria doors slam open. Both of his friends— MJ and Ned— have their arms in the air, gesturing animatedly.
“There you are!”
It’s as if he summoned them. Damn Spidey-senses, never working when he needs them to.
Peter squirms in his seat, “Hey, guys…” he checks his exits, noting quick escape routes. Sure, he’s never actually needed to run from his friends, but it doesn’t hurt to be prepared. “What’s up?”
Ned scoots into the bench next to him, pressing in close and draping an arm over Peter’s shoulders. MJ takes a seat on Peter’s other side, and both of them give Peter award-winning smiles— terrifying, really. Matching smiles only usually mean one thing.
“Can’t we just hang anymore, Parker?” MJ rolls her eyes, taking a discreet look at the pages in front of Peter on the table.
He quickly closes his notebook, “Sure, sure. I mean, we can hang— we hang all the time,” Peter catches them exchanging a glance, and sighs, “is there something you want? I’m trying to get homework done before practice.”
With a shake to his shoulders, Ned chuckles nervously, “No, no… we’re just looking out— ow!”
Peter looks down. MJ definitely kicked him.
“— I mean, we’re just wondering…”
“You wanna go to a Halloween party, Peter?” MJ cuts in, flicking at Ned’s arm where it’s still draped around his shoulder. Her face is open, fairly honest, and it catches Peter off guard.
“When’s Halloween?” he asks, thankful when Ned pulls his arm back.
The two of them exchange another look, “Uh…” Ned clears his throat, “it’s today, Peter. Today’s Halloween.”
“Oh.” Peter peeks into his folders to check the date on today’s homework, and sure enough, October Thirtyfirst is printed clearly across every page. Huh. He’s usually great at remembering holidays like this. “I wonder why May didn’t say anything…”
“Because,” MJ grabs his backpack, starting to shove notebooks and textbooks back inside, “we asked her to keep it a surprise. And your mom, too. We just didn’t think you were enough of a dumbass to miss the whole holiday.”
“Honestly, Peter, I don’t get how clueless you can be.”
He just nods along, letting the two of them pull him out of the cafeteria and walk towards the carpool lane. Maybe some part of him wanted them to find him today— who knows? Several other, better, hiding spots come to mind, but Peter doesn’t have it in him to protest.
A night off sounds like too much fun.
His mood immediately improves when they step outside. Parked closest to them, dark and intimidating on the curb, is one of Mr. Stark’s cars.
Happy is standing outside, holding the back door open, “Hey, kid. C’mon— haven’t got all day.”
“Oh!” Peter turns to his friends, both of their expressions smug and satisfied, “Please tell me the party’s at the compound? Oh god, I literally have nothing to wear. I have no idea—”
“We’ve got it taken care of,” MJ pushes him from behind, and Ned laughs, motioning for Peter to get in the car first.
“How did you—” Peter slides into the back seat, freezing when he sees who’s waiting for him, “Mama!”
Mr. Stark smiles— wide and genuine— and opens his arms wide. “Hey, kid. Surprise?”
Peter melts into the older Omega’s arms and squirms to get closer, ignoring how his friends laugh and tease him as he does so. Mr. Stark ruffles his hair, and rearranges them as the car starts moving. Ducking under his arm, Peter settles into Mr. Stark’s side and lets his eyes slip shut with the steady movement and noise of chatter in the background.
“You have a good day, Pete?”
He looks up to Mr. Stark and smiles, “It was okay, a lot better now. Did you help plan this?”
“What do you think, bambino? These friends of yours are… passionate.”
The description makes Peter chuckle. He’s fully aware just how passionate his friends can be. They are digging through the amenities stored in hidden compartments, and somehow both end up with a can of soda and several boxes of candy.
Peter ignores them in favor of burying himself into the warmth of Mr. Stark’s scent. There are lazy, calloused fingers in his hair, and he relaxes even more— a pleased purr building effortlessly from his chest.
When they eventually pull up to the compound, Ned and MJ are out in a shot— barreling through the doors and screaming into the empty halls.
Before Peter can leave the car, Mr. Stark grabs his shoulders and turns them to face each other, staring intentionally into his eyes. “If you don’t want to do this, Peter, we don’t have to? I have about fifty people coming over for a costume party, but I can cancel it and we can spend the night just us, if you’d like?”
He takes a moment to actually think it over. His skin is crawling, eyes already heavy with exhaustion. The thought of socializing with more than a few people is turning his stomach, and he looks into Mr. Stark’s eyes with a helpless grimace, “I guess I wouldn’t mind a party…”
“But you’d rather not?” Mr. Stark guesses, giving him a knowing smirk. Peter scrunches up his nose and shakes his head, and gets a chuckle in response, “Alright bambino, let me make a few calls. Why don’t you go inside and coral the animals.”
Peter laughs and leans in to give Mr. Stark a quick peck on the cheek, “Okay, Mama. Don’t work too hard.”
He catches a glimpse of Mr. Stark’s embarrassed flush before hopping out of the car, skipping towards the compound joyfully. Now that the threat of social interaction is out of the way, Peter feels excited about Halloween and the evening ahead of them.
“Ned?” He calls out, “MJ? Where are you guys?”
“Try the Eastern living room, Peter,” Friday’s voice rings out in the hallway, and Peter turns around to race down the corridor in the opposite direction, still calling out their names.
“In here, Pete!” Ned hollers.
When he turns the corner, Peter comes face to face with the classiest Halloween party room he’s ever seen. Every wall is covered in glass decorations, backlit with soft lights in various colors. An entire section of the room has been converted to a wardrobe, and both of his friends are rifling through the options.
Peter gravitates towards them, pushing aside different dresses and masks, “What’s…”
“Look, Pete— I’m you!” MJ has a Spider-man mask pulled down over her face as she laughs, pretending to shoot webs from her wrists, “bet I’d be a kick-ass Spider-man.”
He just shakes his head, “I bet you would, MJ.”
“What about me?”
Both of them turn to look at Ned as he wobbles over, legs and arms shoved haphazardly into the wrong end of a Spider-man onesie. His face is so confident as he stands in the middle of the room, and Peter can’t help the cackle that bursts out of his mouth, bringing tears to his eyes as he keels over in laughter.
“Where did… what did…” he can barely breathe, and looking up again at Ned is just a mistake.
MJ isn’t any better. She tears off the mask and coughs loudly, falling to the floor in a heap, “Ned! Where did you find that?”
“What?” Ned whines, striking a pose that sends them back into a fit of hysterics, “I don’t get how you can fight bad guys in this Peter— I feel too sexy for crime right now.”
“Please!” Peter begs as he wipes away tears, “mercy!”
“What’s all the— oh mother of god,” Mr. Stark’s voice rings out in the room, and it sends all three teenagers back into peels of laughter. He stands at the entrance to the living room with his arms crossed and an indulgent smile stretched across his face, and Peter lets himself roll on the floor and laugh and laugh and laugh.
Peter turns onto his back and lets the tears flow. They drench his cheeks and drip onto the rug, creating small spots on both sides of his head. It feels good— freeing. His next inhale is deep, his mind clears completely, and Peter realizes this is the first time he’s laughed in months. That every time he’s cried in the past few weeks has been full of devastation and sorrow.
Their combined scents slowly fill the room and bind them together as the evening progresses, each of them relaxing further and further into the moment. By the time the sun’s setting, Ms. Potts and Aunt May arrive with delivery, and the small group of them curl up on the couches to watch a Halloween movie.
Mr. Stark and Pepper take the love seat, and— with one last, longing gaze at the small spot in between them— Peter settles into a lump of blankets and pillows on the far end of the longer couch. He keeps a good distance between himself and his friends at the other end, but he can tell that there’s some awkward tension in the room as the movie starts to play.
He tries to ignore it, but Aunt May keeps giving him a look from her seat on a nearby chair.
“What?” he hisses at her, pouting a bit when she smirks.
May points at the loveseat and whispers, “You should sit with them. I know you wanna.”
“Stop!” Peter shakes his head in denial, “I’m not going to—”
“Hey, pup!” Mr. Stark calls from across the room, and Peter flushes. He knows the nickname is aimed at him.
Peter pulls the blankets up around his face, “Yes, Mama?”
There’s a snort from the MJ-Ned-shaped-lump, but it’s ignored. Mr. Stark and Ms. Potts exchange a few hushed words before motioning for him to join them, “Come on over, Peter,” Pepper says with a confident smile, “plenty of room to join us.”
He’s up and out of the seat before he even processes moving.
At different points in his life, Peter has imagined how it might feel to curl up, safe and warm, between his parents. Never, in a million years, did he think he would get to experience that.
But the space between Mr. Stark and Ms. Potts feels like home. Scents like home. It’s sweet and warm in a way Aunt May’s Beta scent has never been. Peter has never scented Ms. Potts up close, but he’s not surprised when her scent has him immediately relaxing, melting back into the couch cushions.
The only Alpha he’s ever been close to is MJ, and her scent is terrifying .
Pepper lifts her arm and gives him a small smile, “You comfortable, Peter?”
Words won’t come, his senses are on overload. He feels a hand on his shoulder as Mr. Stark moves him, turning him bodily to lay across their laps with his feet in Pepper’s lap, head on Mr. Stark’s shoulder.
“Just relax, bambino,” Mr. Stark whispers, scratching at the baby hairs behind Peter’s ear, “we’ve got you.”
He lets his eyes close slowly. Both of them are scent-marking him subtly— squeezing his arms and legs, kissing his hair, and laying a blanket over him sometime later. The movie passes by completely unnoticed, and Peter dozes comfortably.
Why can’t every night be like tonight?
As the thrill of the night is fading away, Peter hears Mr. Stark offer his friends a ride back to the city. The two of them are fading as well, and it doesn’t take much convincing to get them out the door and into a waiting car.
May kisses him on the head before she leaves, “Sure you don’t want me to stay, Pete?”
“M’sure,” he murmurs, blinking up at her lazily, “you have work in the morning, right?”
“Yeah, champ. I do. You okay staying the night here, or do you want to head back with me?”
Peter looks back at Mr. Stark and Ms. Potts with a hopeful smile. Both of them laugh, and Mr. Stark waves his hand dismissively, “You know you’re always wanted here, Pete.”
“By both of us,” Pepper adds, squeezing his leg where her hand is resting.
“Alright, alright, I can take a hint,” May chuckles. She leans in for another kiss and Mr. Stark gets up to walk her out, leaving Peter and Pepper together on the couch.
He looks up at her. Everything about Pepper screams an intimidating mix of composure and warmth. Now that Mr. Stark is gone, he can separate their scents— and something about her distinct Alpha scent has him ducking his head, shy and submissive.
There’s a light touch on his arm, “Don’t hide from me, Peter,” her grin is soft and reassuring, “if you feel uncomfortable with me like this, you don’t have to stay— you know that, right?”
Her eyes are kind and not at all judgemental. He believes her doubtlessly.
“We haven’t spent much time together, have we?” Peter asks, hesitantly.
Pepper shakes her head, strawberry hair sweeping gracefully over her shoulder, “No, I don’t think so. Tony does come home smelling of you often, though.”
“Oh!” Peter sniffs his shirt, grimacing, “sorry about that, he helps me…”
“No, don’t worry, Peter,” she places a hand on his shoulder again, “I just meant that I’m familiar with your scent already. Tony even puts some of your items in our nest— I know he wants me to get used to our scents together.”
“Why… why would he do that?”
“Oh, Peter,” Pepper sighs. She shakes her head and leans back against the cushions, “we’re gone on you Peter. We really want to adopt you… at least informally.”
“She’s right.”
Mr. Stark’s voice is loud in the living room as he makes his way back to the couch. With a little bit of maneuvering, Peter is stuck in between them again, and this time he’s resting against Pepper’s chest. Her arms easily settle next to him on the sofa, aware of his space and cautious not to close him in.
“We have a secret plot to adopt and steal you away, kid,” Mr. Stark smirks and kicks his legs up, sipping on a drink as they settle together. “I just needed to get proper approval beforehand, you know?”
Peter hums, and he knows his own scent has gone sweet in satisfaction. The thought of being adopted— having a mom and dad, Alpha and Omega— is overwhelming.
“You promise?” Peter whispers. Part of him is scared of the possible rejection, even though he knows Mr. Stark rarely lies to him.
“Of course, bambino— whatever you want.”
As they cuddle together on the couch, trading hushed stories and sweet laughter, Peter has a thought.
It’s not the most responsible thought he’s ever had. If Mr. Stark digs too deep, he’ll chalk it up to being a teenager, being emotional, being an Omega.
“Mama?” Peter stares up at Mr. Stark with his best puppy-dog expression, and pouts his bottom lip, “Can I ask a favor?”
“I’m suspicious already, but sure— what is it?”
Pepper chuckles behind him, and Peter reaches down to hold her hand for comfort, “Can you get my letters to Steve?”
With a loud cough, Mr. Stark chokes on his drink and sputters. His hands fly up and wave around frantically, possibly looking for something to anchor him. Peter curls further into the shield of Pepper’s body and lets her deal with the aftermath— patting Mr. Stark’s back and criticizing him for being so dramatic.
“In what—“ Mr. Stark starts, coughing hard, “In what universe would that be a good idea, Peter?”
“I... I didn’t...”
“Actually,” Pepper interrupts, interlacing their fingers together, “I think that might be a good idea.”
Mr. Stark looks betrayed, affronted. Peter turns to smile up at her, “Really? You think so?”
“Once your hormones are stable, why not?” Pepper asks, kicking at Mr. Stark when her Omega makes a disappointed face, “It might be helpful for your Alpha to hear from you.”
“Get his head on straight,” Mr. Stark grumbles. His hands are clenched, and he refuses to look at them.
There’s a beat of silence where Peter just stares at Mr. Stark, hoping for an answer. He knows it’s a big favor to ask— but if anyone can get it done, he knows Tony Stark can.
Hi Steven Grant Rogers, God. Would you make me take your name? I really hate that. Maybe I’ll ask you to take my name instead. Mr. Stark said I could send you one letter every month, and that if you respond, I can have that letter back. I hope you respond. Uh... I’m not sure what else to say. My name is Peter and I’m in high school. I know that makes things hard for you, being old as dirt, but I hope when we meet that it won’t be too awkward. I hope you stay safe. I’m finally on suppressants and doing better than I was before. Your words on my arm barely hurt anymore. Okay. That’s all for now. Yours, Peter Benjamin Parker Oh! PS I’ve sent a little sample of what I scent like. Mama said that you would like that.
Tag list (let me know if you’d like to be added or removed): @purplefreakwolffish @instantsharkskeletonpizza @justslightlycrazy @angelstarker @femmeparker @starkeraddictbaby @starkentrprises @snowstark @sarcastich
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anbudrky2021 · 3 years
The 𝔇𝔢𝔩𝔦𝔠𝔞𝔱𝔢 Sound of 𝒯𝒽𝓊𝓃𝒹𝑒𝓇 │ 𝕋𝕙𝕠𝕣 𝕆𝕕𝕚𝕟𝕤𝕠𝕟
Smut warning. Please click here for series description and TWs. 💕
Ch 4: Projecting
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“Thor?” I was confused why he is was there.
“Who made you cry, y/n??” He asked again.
“Nobody,” I lied.
“You can’t tell me a lie without me noticing.” Thor stood, patiently waiting. “Was it Buck?” he had a look of concern, but not anger or malice toward Bucky, which surprised me. When I had come back from Wakanda and told him what had happened, he was so angry. I had never seen Thor so...enraged. So to see him calm was...weird.
“Just leave it alone. Please.” I softly spoke, hoping he would listen.
“I will leave it alone. You are not my responsibility. But please...” he looked genuinely into my eyes, “please let me know if I need to squash him.” He smirked for a moment.
“What are you doing here?” My last tear had dried up and I was now breathing like normal.
“Tony sent me. And Peter.” His eyes rolled slightly. “As much as this...man of spiders bothers me...he does care for you. And I can respect that. Also Tony wanted me to do some recon.” He wiggled his eyebrows.
”Recon? On what?” I whispered now, urging him to do the same. “Not King T’Ch-” he cut me off with a hearty laugh.
“No!!” He boomed. “Not T’Challa. He’s great. Tony trust that Black Leopard. Cheetah. No, that’s not it...Cougar. Capybara.” He looked up at the ceiling quizzically.
“Wow, Thor that’s not even a cat...” I laughed out loud. “Panther, hon. It’s black panther. And if you aren’t...spying on him who-”
“That’s why I was actually hoping on running into you...it’s Bucky. Tony wants to make sure he’s ready to come to the-”
“No. He’s not. He’s not coming back with us. He’s not ready. There. Now go home and tell Tony I already did the recon.” I started walking past Thor but he grabbed my arm lightly.
“This is why he sent me..the four of you are biased. He’s Steve’s best friend. Wanda is your best friend. You...have a history. And Nat, well she’s great but we didn’t want to make her be a double-agent. Not again...” he sighed. “So here I am.”
“Tony didn’t think you’d be biased in my favor? Or against it?” I retorted.
“Nah. He knows I can separate a mission from a woman. I do still care for you, y/n.” He paused for a moment. “I really do...I know it’s hard for you to be here with him around. Don’t forget to ask for help when you need it. You’re almost as stubborn as an asguardian woman and that is a feat.”
We both laughed. He’d told me that many times. He always said that was one of the reasons he liked me so much. I had reminded him of the head-strong women from his Home, in which he respected and loved so much.
We parted ways after saying goodbye. I was confused now. Thor made me feel so comfortable. So cared for. But so did Peter. I had destroyed my chances with Thor..but not Peter. Not yet. But being here with Bucky made my heart wrench out of my chest. I felt dirty. Like I had been a cleat chaser for a baseball team or something. Which is fine. I have done my share of sleeping around. But this group...this team I am a part of...it feels wrong sometimes. Nat hasn’t slept with any of them. Wanda only has eyes for Vis. Hope and Scott are basically married. I mean...I just...
“You’re projecting!!” Thor yelled from down the hallway.
“Jesus...” I whispered, now jogging away. How much had I projected?! And to whom?!
My mind started to dizzy. My fingers and toes felt like they were buzzing. My heart raced and my breathing was completely irregular. I propped myself up against the wall and slid down slowly. I took deep breaths, tried to think of something to distract me but my head was spinning.
“Y/n?” Nat’s voice was like music. She helped me up and walked me to my room. By the time we got there, I felt like I could at least stand. “Nat I am so sorry. I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”
She looked around the room. “What happened here?” She asked, pointing at the broken vase I had thrown at Bucky earlier. I didn’t even know what it was until now. Guilt sprang through me. T’Challa was so kind to let us stay here. And I broke his vase.
“Hey, you know you’re projecting right?” She asked, looking alarmed.
“Oh...no. I didn’t know that. That just happened with Thor, too...”
“Thor is here?” Now she was more alarmed.
“I Guess he hasn’t made that known yet...” I shrugged my shoulders.
“I think we need to see Shuri sooner than later, friend..” Nat motioned toward the door. I followed obediently. I was scared to think anything now. Not that I didn’t trust Natasha, but I didn’t know when or why I was projecting...
We reached the familiar medical and science bay, knocking quickly on the door. “Shuri!!!” Nat yelled through the door. “Hey we’re coming in!”
Natasha opened the door and saw Shuri speaking with T’Challa.
“My friends, welcome,” He gestured toward a seating area.
“This is my laboratory. I get to say welcome!!” Shuri almost whined. They both laughed. Their relationship is so sweet. It makes me want a brother. I would kind of have some if I would just keep it in my pants. I rolled my eyes at myself and then realized everyone was staring at me.
“Hey” Shuri said, chipper, trying to lighten the mood as always, “my bro can be yours, too! He’s taken. So he won‘t be trying any of that pants stuff!” She laughed. Everyone else looked horrified by the whole situation.
“So I assume I projected that thought as well, then...” I leaned back in the chair and closed my eyes. How about now? Can someone let me know if you’re hearing this? I thought, trying to purposefully project.
Nobody spoke. I sighed.
“So when I try to project, it hasn’t been working and apparently now when I am not, I’m just doing it?” I asked, and stated. I didn’t know.
Shuri nodded. “Did you just try?”
“Then yeah...that’s what happening. But why?” She asked herself. She waved me and Nat over to follow her. “See you later, brother.” She kissed his cheek and he left.
“How long have I been doing this?” I asked, somewhat to myself but also to Natasha.
“Well, to be honest, on and off for a while. We just all thought you were...” she bit her lip. “remember when you were drunk and-”
“Yes, what about it?” I was exhausted now.
“We thought maybe you had a drinking problem you were hiding...after you and Thor ended things. And that’s why you were randomly projecting. But then Peter said during a meeting-”
“What meeting?” I asked, kind of hurt.
“We had a meeting...a few weeks after you and Pete started...anyway, um. In the meeting, nobody knew at that time that you had been seeing Peter. But he spoke up for you. He said you’d been spending time together-he said it was because he noticed you were sad-and that you hadn’t had a drop of alcohol. So then we all decided that something was up. We stopped sending you on bigger missions...” her tears pricked. “That’s when Steve talked to Bucky and Bucky talked to Shuri. And now we’re here...”
Tears escaped her eyes. Why is she crying? Nat doesn’t cry...
“Because Natasha cares about you. We all do, Y/N. And this isn’t normal for someone with you powers.” Shuri answered my projection.
I took a deep breath. “Ok, so now what?” I asked, concerned.
“Testing. Experimental activities. Anything to figure out what’s going on.” She patted the lab bed and Handed me some electromagnetic stickers with wires attached. “Head and heart please.” She motioned for me to take off my shirt.
I did as I was asked. My scars showed. The one thing I hated most about what happened. The scars. Shuri looked for a moment and then away from me, she shot me a nervous smile.
Nat rubbed my back as I sat, applying the stickers.
I feel like a child. And an alien. I hate this.
“This won’t take too long, y/n” Shuri reassured me. “I promise. And then you can sleep.”
“You’re not an alien. Or a child. We just want you better.” Natasha said softly. She’d be such a good mom; she’s so gentle and kind when she’s not kicking ass.
Both Natasha and Shuri laughed. “Very true. Nat is pretty awesome.” She winked at Nat. Nat’s smile faded and she sat in the chair Beside my bed.
Shit. I forgot. I’m sorry, Nat... I tried to project but it didn’t work.
When Shuri left for a moment I turned to Natasha. “I’m sorry, I forgot...and it was meant to be my own thought...” I looked at Nat with a pained look in my own eyes.
“It’s ok. I took it as a complement.” She smiled genuinely. “Plus, I feel like a mom 99% of the time with you all.” We laughed and then sat in silence.
After Shuri’s tests were done, Nat escorted me back to my room. “Are you sure you don’t want me to stay?” She insisted.
“No, I am ok. Just tired. Plus I don’t know if I will project my dreams and they can be pretty crazy..” I raised my eyebrows.
“Uh, I don’t know if you mean nightmares or sex dreams but I do NOT want to see you having sex with Peter. Or Thor. Or Bucky. Or-”
“I GET IT!” I tossed a small pillow at her and she laughed.
“Alright, get some sleep. I will see in the morning. I will meet you and Wanda at breakfast. Steve is going to spend some time with Bucky.”
I nodded and got undressed when she left the room. I laid out my pajamas and went to the bathroom to shower off and get ready for bed. As I walked out in my towel, Thor was sitting on the same chair Bucky had been in earlier.
“Can I help you” I acted like I wasn’t phased.
“Yeah I have a question.” Thor said, standing up, walking toward me.
What the fuck. “Ok?” I asked.
“What’s a cleat chaser?”
I just stood, hair dripping, confused as ever.
“When you projected in the hallway. You compared yourself to a cleat chaser. What is that?” He asked again.
“Oh, it’s like...people who sleep with baseball players. Like, typically a lot on one team, I guess.” Really, he’s going to come here and ask that?
“That isn’t the only reason I came.” He responded, lightly.
“Y/N...you didn’t ‘destroy’ your chance with me.” He acknowledged my projection from earlier, again. “I just want you to be happy. You can’t be happy with anyone until you get better. And I’m not talking about your powers. I’m talking about your heart. Your soul. Your emotions.” he spoke with such power and authenticity. “You think I ended things because I thought you were selfish. And I did say that. I said you were selfish and cruel. I have pondered on this for months.”
I listened. Trying to to think.
“I am Thor. I am the literal god of thunder. Son of Odin. And I am the selfish one. I did not bother to see how you’re cruelty toward me, or what I saw as cruelty was hurt. It was pain and suffering. It still is. And when I restated what you’d said to me, the night we first hooked up. You’d said it was to numb the pain. And as we progressed in our...relationship or whatever you want to call it. I couldn’t let it go. I was angry. And I brought it back up, after we went to your mother’s house; Odin bless her soul...I brought it up and spat it back out to you. That I was sleeping around to numb my own pain.”
He was very close to me now. I could feel the heat from his large body vibrating onto mine. His voice was soft but somehow still booming. I gripped my towel and swallowed the knot in my throat.
“I was in pain...I’m still in pain. And I understand now. You weren’t being selfish or cruel. You were feeling guilty, hurt, grieving, angry, sad, and alone. And instead of letting you feel those ways, I took them as you not wanting me. Not caring. Not putting me first.”
Thor was still talking but all I wanted to do was hug him.
“I thought I was supposed to be your priority. And I did up until last night..” He laid his hand gently on my cheek, rubbing it with his thumb. “Y/N. I know now, your priority cannot be someone else when you’re hurting. I know that because no matter how many women I lay with, no matter how many ales I drink, my mind goes back to you. I can’t make anyone else my priority when my pain, it‘s you. I love you.”
I burst into tears and just fell into his arms. He patted my head and then held me close to him. I sobbed and sobbed for what felt like hours but he just held me.
“Thor..” I sniffled. “Thor, I can’t express how much that means to me. All I wanted from you was that. To understand I don’t have the capacity to love someone right now. I don’t, even after two years, have the willpower to prioritize someone else. When I do... they hurt me or they fucking DIE.” I sobbed again. This time, doubled over. My knees hit the floor. Thor got on the floor with me for a moment and picked me up. He brought me to the bed and laid me down gently, under the covers.
“Thor, my pajamas...” I cried, holding my towel against me.
“One second...” he grabbed them and helped me put them on. I tried to cover up but it didn’t work.
“Oh stop. I‘ve seen it all before.” He smiled, looking away respectfully. “Yeah, not lately though.” I finished putting them on.
“True...” he smirked. We looked at one another for a moment. I broke the silence. “Thor, will you stay?”
He looked at me solemnly for just a second. “You know I can’t do that...” he tucked me in.
“Y/N. I can’t do that,” he insisted.
“Why?” I nearly pouted.
“Because any time I am in the same bed as you.” he trailed off. “And I respect Peter now.”
I blushed. I forgot about Peter. Maybe I am just as cruel as Thor thought I was before. Maybe he’s wrong. I’m not hurting. I’m just mean.
“You’re not mean, Y/N.” He soothed. “You’re lost.”
He was right...but all I wanted was his mouth on mine. My mind went to the day we decided to walk to the creek near the compound.
We had made it to the creek, just in time for Thor to roughly push me up against a tree. I had worn a sundress in hopes he would take advantage of it. His hands roughly ripped down the straps, releasing my chest from its confines. His right hand massaged one as his his mouth attached to the other. My hands immediately latched to his hair, pulling lightly. I could hear his soft moans from the sensation. The vibration against my nipple made me moan myself. My head rested against the tree for a moment before he popped up and reached his hands up my dress.
He yanked my panties down and I stepped out of them. He picked them up and pocketed them.
I pulled his pants down about to his knees and then his boxer-briefs. His cock was at full attention and ready for me. Although my pussy was literally throbbing for him in that moment, my mouth was also drooling.
I pumped his shaft with my hand for a moment before taking him in my mouth. He had one hand on the tree, bracing himself, and one on the back of my head. He was encouraging me to let him go deeper. I allowed it, prompting a gag from myself. He moaned and thrusted again. As he started to take control, fucking my mouth, my hands busied themselves with his balls and one on his thigh to steady my own self.
“Just like that...you’re doing such a good job. Fuck your mouth is amazing.” His thrusts became unrhythmic. I knew that meant he was close to cumming so I shoved him out of my mouth.
“Hey!” He said.
I turned to face the tree, stood on my tippy toes and lifted up my sundress for him to see how much sucking his cock turned me on.
“Oh, damn...“ he groaned, lowly. I felt his tip against my slit, gathering the glistening slickness, preparing to enter me. I used my hands to prop myself against the tree. He entered me slowly, both of us sighing in pleasure.
He started thrusting immediately, not really giving me time to adjust. Although it was painful for a moment, my body gave way and I let out a loud, shaking moan. “Do you like that?” he cooed in my ear softly. “Be quiet or we’re going to be caught...” he thrusted harder, eliciting a louder moan from me.
He reached down for A moment and before I could figure out what he was doing, he shoved my panties in my mouth.
“Shut it,” he warned. His hands now gripped my hips and he railed into my cunt over and over again. My stomach tightened and my moans were snuffed out by my panties. My eyes started to roll backwards as he reached around, stroking my clit just how I liked.
“I am going to cum,” he warned me. As he spoke, his voice was like grit and it was low.
I came, my cunt spasming around him. He came quickly after that, filling me up, leaking down my thigh. He pulled out of me, and spun me around to kiss my lips. I had already pulled the panties out of my mouth. We shared a moment of making out and then he readjusted my straps. He pulled his pants up and used my panties to clean up my thighs and cunt, placing them back into his pocket.
“I still have those panties,” Thor said, interrupting my thoughts. “They’re washed. But I still have them...” his voice was low, just like it gets when he’s horny. I could see his pants were tighter. We locked eyes for a moment and then he turned around. And he left.
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