themisplaceddemigod · 8 months
i'm immortal, i can wait
PJ!Apollo x F!Reader
summary - Apollo has loved you since he first saw you, but he's had to wait several years before he could make such a confession. Especially since you're the child of his scariest uncle, Poseidon.
warnings - Apollo is his own warning. that and his haikus, also i am KEEPING JASON ALIVE in the Trials of Apollo part of this (curse you Rick)
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He met you in person when you were fourteen.
Westover Hall, you had been summoned to collect two demigod kids with your brother Percy and friends Annabeth and Thalia. The mission turned sour, Annabeth was kidnapped, and Artemis saved the day before calling him to give you all a lift back to camp.
Both of you could remember how red your face turned when you'd seen him, and he wouldn't tell you but he'd heard you talking about how hot he was with Thalia. It boosted his ego (which quite frankly does not need any more boosting), and he was smug the whole ride.
"Percy, you never told me you had a sister!" He spoke so loudly the whole bus could hear him.
"Um, because we've never met in person?" You brother suggested, a little nervously. Apollo was pretty chill, but that made him even scarier.
The god of the sun just laughed, before turning to look at you. The way his eyes roamed your figure felt less-than-innocent, and your face flushed as you yet again turned a bright shade of red. You couldn't believe the Apollo, the hottest Olympian, was actually staring at you with interest. Like he found you pretty enough to be stared at.
"What's your name, sweetheart?" He smiled flirtatiously, earning some aggressive threats from the Hunters behind you, which he ignored. "Just kidding, I know it already. (Name), right? Pretty name."
You felt as if you might explode. From embarrassment, from being flustered, you didn't know. Maybe he was toying with you, as gods tended to do, but then he looked at you again and genuine interest and attraction glimmered in his stunning blue eyes.
"Thank you, Lord Apollo," you stammered out, unsure of what else to say.
"So shy," he teased, grinning, "Cute. I like you."
Of course, he had to restrain himself from charming you entirely, since you were still a minor. Poseidon would have his head if he touched you at this age, so he decided it was best to wait a few years.
Those few years were full of struggle and pain for you, losing so many friends in the battles with Kronos and then Gaea. Apollo almost intervened just to comfort you several times, but was stopped by his sister convincing him to give you a few more years - and also reminding him that the Olympians could not intervene.
But you grew into such a beautiful, smart, brave woman - and extremely sexy, but he would have to keep that to himself - and Apollo felt lucky to have watched this growth. It made his attraction to you all the more prominent, and he began to feel something he hasn't felt in centuries - genuine. true love.
And it scared him.
His past lovers that he had really, truly loved had both been killed in gruesome ways. He was afraid of what being with him would mean for you, but ultimately decided on getting Poseidon's permission first.
The god of the sea said no.
Then came his trials.
The first demigods he went to were you and Percy, of course. Since he was stuck with an infuriating little girl, he hoped that you might tag along on his perilous journey to make it a little better.
To his delight, you agreed.
"What's so funny?" He demanded when he caught you snickering during a break from all the running.
"You," you laughed, "Never thought the god Apollo would be reduced to an average teenage boy with acne." You laughed even more at that, and he pouted, but enjoyed hearing you laugh nonetheless.
His first sign that you might have a crush on him too came when he mentioned he'd turned some gossipers into ravens just for telling on his previous cheating girlfriend. The mere mention of his ex-girlfriend seemed to irritate you, and Apollo was amused.
Though his turn for jealousy came when he noticed how close you were to Jason Grace. He couldn't do anything, though, so he watched miserably as you got along with the son of Jupiter so well that any outsider would think you were dating.
"What's with the pout, then?" You had asked him when you noticed how upset he looked.
"I am not pouting!"
"Yes you are."
You stepped closer, and your intoxicating scent filled his nostrils. He felt like a schoolboy with a massive crush, just you being that close scrambling his thoughts and making it difficult for him to answer.
"Alright, keep your secrets," you laughed, then walked away, and Apollo was left disappointed.
He was not even going to talk about the whole thing with Reyna. You had suddenly gotten so angry with him after that, you hadn't spoken to him for two days - unless absolutely necessary. It hurt, but he knew you must have been even more hurt by what had been implied.
The end of the trials eventually came and relieved all of you, the defeat of the Triumvirate taking a great weight off the world's - and yours - shoulders. Apollo disappeared after he went to fight Python, and for two weeks you heard no word from him or Olympus.
Then suddenly he was in the middle of camp, spouting the worst haikus you had ever heard in your life. And that was saying something, since all his haikus were pretty terrible.
"Like captured water
You hold me in your cupped hands
I flow on your palm."
Your jaw dropped. That was even worse than you assumed it would be, especially since he chose to center it around the fact that you're a daughter of Poseidon.
"Lord Apollo-"
"See what I did there?" He winked, coming up to you with a cheerful grin. "Did you like it?"
"Fear not! I have another one prepared that is sure to woo you."
Your face flushed, "Please don't say "woo", your kids are listening!"
He was already reciting his next haiku.
"You shatter my sleep
All milk-need and petal lips
You smile and I melt."
You frowned in confusion, "What does that even mean?"
"Aha! See I knew that was the one!"
"I didn't-what?"
He ignored your puzzlement in favour of coming so close to you his overwhelming godly power almost made you pass out.
"I'm sorry I haven't been around for two weeks," he apologised sincerely. "I was in a coma. I swear on the River Styx that it's the truth. But I came here as soon as I woke up, for you." He grinned like that was the best confession he could muster.
"Are you serious?" You breathed out, unable to believe what you were hearing.
"Technically I wanted you when you were fourteen, but that would have come across as creepy apparently," he informed you, "So I had to wait a few years until you turned the right age. That was okay with me, I'm immortal, I can wait."
Your jaw dropped further, "Are you, um-is this-?"
"A love confession? Yes!" He gleefully exclaimed, as if it were perfectly normal for an Olympian to invade camp and profess his love for a demigod.
The entire camp was silent, except for the Aphrodite girls who seemed to be glaring holes into you while trying to curse you - fortunately only the Apollo kids (ironically) had the power to curse a person to speak in rhymes.
"And what did...what did my dad think of this?" You cleared your throat, slightly nervous.
"Oh he was against it at first," Apollo admitted, "BUT he came around. It seems the trials proved a lot more than I thought."
"Well, uh, that's great," you half-smiled, not sure why you felt a sense of dread. This should be the happiest moment of your life.
Apollo's smile faltered, "Do you not-"
"No I do!" You quickly cut him off, sparing him the embarrassment of being rejected in front of a few dozen kids MUCH younger than him. "It's just...you're a god..."
He sighed, "Let's go take a walk."
A few minutes later you were away from prying eyes, sitting by the lake since it always calmed you down. Water soothed you, as cliche as that is for a Poseidon kid.
"I'm just worried," you started after a few minutes of silence, "You know, about all your mortal affairs and having demigod children and all that." You sighed. "I know it's silly. But I just don't think I can go through with it knowing that."
He frowned, but understood, "I can always stop-"
You laughed bitterly, "All the gods promised a woman what. Zeus promised Hera, but there's Jason and Thalia. Poseidon promised Amphitrite, but here Percy, Tyson and I are. It's in your nature, you can't help it."
He felt offended by that, "Yes well, none of them had the displeasure of being turned into mortal for a few months. It changes a god, you know."
You turned to look at him, "Are you really sure about this? That this is what you want? I'm what you want?"
"I've waited for you since you were fourteen," he reminded you, "Of course I'm sure." Despite your reluctance, he took your hand. "Please, just give me a chance."
You thought it over for a moment, before smiling softly, "Fine. You have your chance. But the first mortal affair you have-"
"I won't need them," he smiled, moving closer, "You can have all my children."
Your jaw dropped at his blatant suggestion, a deep blush forming on your cheeks, "Are you crazy?! I can't-"
"You can," he leaned in even closer, "Once I make you immortal."
You started stuttering and stammering just then, uttering some kind of incomprehensible nonsense that the god of the sun just laughed at. He pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead, before finally leaning in and claiming your lips.
He had waited long enough, now he was going to kiss you every chance he got.
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shcsacrificed · 5 years
A VERY DESCRIPTIVE PROFILE OF YOUR MUSE.              REPOST, DO NOT REBLOG, with the information of your muse,  including headcanons,  etc.  if you fail to achieve some of the facts, add some others of your own!
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name          :          thalia grace. nicknames          :         thals, pinecone face. alias(es)          :          daughter of zeus. age          :      verse dependent. between 12 & 20 in non-hunter verse. species          :         half-blood. gender         :          female.         zodiac         :       capricorn. abilities      /      powers          :       control of lightning, winds & at a small level rain. advanced fighting skills. fatal flaw:       ambition, lust for power.
hogwart house:       slytherin.
fears:      acrophobia, abandonment. interests          :          green day, fighting off monsters. spoken    languages         :          english  ,  ancient  greek profession         :          counselor  of  cabin  one,  lieutenant of artemis (hunter!verse) colors          :      blue & gold fruits          :          strawberries drinks          :         coke, water. alcoholic    beverages          :         none. she does not drink alcohol because of what happened to her mother. smokes          :      no drugs          :      no. drivers    license          :         nope. ever    been    arrested          :     almost when she was on the run but managed to escape.
tagged  by            :      taken from @greystreaked​ tagging            :     @gilaelin​ / @apolafsi​ / @triumphbred​
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sippingdaisies · 3 years
I love that au idea. Like, imagine if Bianca just barely survives the junkyard (with a few ugly scars) and is picked up by Luke’s agents. He goes on his spiel about how much the gods suck and twists her recollection of joining the Hunters in the least-flattering way possible; Artemis manipulated a 12 year old girl into abandoning her brother for selfish indulgence. Obviously, that’s treating the situation at face value, but it would have been SO EASY to goad Bianca into that interpretation.
If she somehow lost her Hunter’s immortality instead of dying and made it back to camp she’d soon start building up resentments. After realising that while she was willing to sacrifice her life for these new friends and their quest, why should she have to? Why should kids like them be forced to carry a hero’s burden? Why should she help the gods when they’re the reason she and Nico no longer have a mother (thanks to Zeus) and they can barely remember her (thanks to Hades).
It would set up this great contrast with Percy - a 12 year old newly found big three kid goes on their first quest and instead of returning unscathed, she comes back with a visible scar (now who does that remind us of??!) and instead of having a solid group of friends she finds herself isolated from the Hunters who were supposed to be her new sisters. Maybe Thalia tries to encourage her to retake the vows but after what she went through in the desert Bianca just can’t, that life doesn’t hold the promise of freedom and adventure for her anymore, as far as she’s concerned it’s just another way for the gods to manipulate you.
And at this point she and Nico are still unclaimed!! So she’d probably have to move into the Hermes cabin. Bianca definitely has an idea of who their father is, and after having just spent a quest with Percy and Thalia of course she knows about the prophecy. So all the pieces start to fall into place in her mind, how her memories span across 2 different centuries, how she can’t quite picture her mother’s face, how the sight of Thalia playing with lightning makes her feel ill. And how suspiciously convenient it is that she and Nico turn up in a boarding school as soon as the Great Prophecy is coming to pass. She comes to the (correct) conclusion that Hades put them there intentionally, that he wants one on them to end up the prophecy child. Of course at this point Bianca wouldn’t know that Hades put them in the Lotus Hotel for their protection or that Hades kids are treated notoriously badly or even be able to remember how much he truly did care for Maria. All she knows is that she can’t trust her father or any of the gods.
And being in Cabin 11 only cements that, the cabin that’s overcrowded even in winter, the place where all the unclaimed kids go, the place where kids whose parents aren’t important enough to be recognised are sent because there is simply no other place for them.
And maybe she comes to the decision on her own or maybe she has a few pointed conversations with other campers, but Bianca decides she hates the gods and that they have to pay for everything they’ve done.
If there is one thing children of Hades are good at it’s holding grudges.
So instead of Nico, it’s Bianca who runs away, Bianca who has the confrontation with Percy, and ends up on Luke’s side of the war.
I genuinely think that Nico would remain at camp rather than go with her purely because without her death there isn’t really a reason for him to resent either Percy or this new home. Throughout the first part of TTC Nico is seen having a good time and adjusting really well, if my memory serves the Stoll brothers in particular make friends with him. I don’t think that would change after Bianca runs away, after all who knows better than the Hermes cabin how it feels when your older sibling who you love and trust goes off the deep end. They probably make Nico feel even more at home because they know exactly what he’s going through!!
It would be so interesting to see how Nico’s powers would develop without grief as his motivator. Instead he’s allowed to explore his limits with shadow travel in a safe environment and with some proper training (Chiron has to be good for something) he would be less likely to overexert himself. I can see him going to the underworld to confront Hades about his shitty actions and their relationship would probably develop play out in the same way as the books. But rather than having all these insecurities because of who his godly parent is Nico would be fully invested in saving camp because it immediately becomes a home to him.
Meanwhile Bianca has all of her worst traits and impulses indulged by Luke (and Kronos). I can’t imagine the training methods in a Titan/Monster army are in any way healthy or safe. She would be 14/15 at the time of the battle of Manhattan (we don’t actually know when her birthday is). It would be interesting to see 2 full siblings on different sides of the war, they love each other but are utterly convinced the other one is in the wrong.
I do think that ultimately Bianca knows no matter what dark things she’s capable of, she could never bring herself to harm her brother. I think she’d make the right choice in the end but she’d probably find it really difficult to adjust to life in camp after the war and no doubt she and Percy would have a lot of unresolved tension.
I have more ideas about what her role would be throughout HOO but this is already so long
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pjo for any mix of 2, 5, 8, 14, 19, 20, and/or 21?
I have a bunch of asks for this meme but I have finally seen MY BOY again in Son of Neptune and I missed him desperately, so.
2) Emotional/moral weak spots
Percy “let the world burn to save a friend” Jackson’s emotional weak spot--his Achilles heel, if you will--is always the people around him.  Not always just friends, either.  Anyone he thinks of as his responsibility will qualify, from his civilian parents to his camp rivals to outright enemies (Ethan Nakamura, anyone?).  He’s good at muscling through it, at bearing up and fighting on, but deep down he’s still a twelve-year-old kid who’s risking his life for someone who lied to him and watching his mother turn to dust.  Deep down, Percy never really left that hill, and you can tell.
This is also the single most powerful trap that Percy’s good heart can fall into, the biggest moral blindspot he has.  Once someone crosses that line, hurts someone Percy considers his to protect, they’d better hope the judges of Hades have mercy on them, because Percy sure won’t.
5) Guilty pleasures
Percy mostly embraces the attitude that if anyone has earned some junk food and trash TV, it’s him.  He and Annabeth watch cooking shows when they’re too tired or insomniac to function--stuff like Cutthroat Kitchen, where they can watch people get really intense and high-adrenaline about relatively low-stakes issues.  They find it calming.  The closest Percy really comes to a guilty pleasure--in the sense of never ever admitting to anyone how much he genuinely enjoys it--is watching Annabeth’s architectural shows.  You know those shows on Netflix and YouTube that are just a couple of people gushing over weird buildings?  Annabeth loves those.  Percy has never retained a single piece of information from the shows themselves, but he likes to sit with Annabeth’s back against his chest and his chin on her shoulder and his arms around her waist, so that she can pause it every five minutes to provide color commentary without asking him to move.  Annabeth has Some Thoughts about the pseudo-brutalist concrete-facing-and-bulky-squares aesthetic and Percy can repeat that rant word for word.  He has no idea what half the words mean but he sure does know every single one of them.  He puts up a good front of being dragged into watching her nerd shit, but Annabeth Knows The Truth.
Also, related, but Percy finds it very soothing to have Annabeth on his lap or asleep on his chest and something like a firm couch or a wall at his back.  He thinks it’s something about the pressure--it’s a little like being underwater.
8) Bad memories/experiences
What isn’t, to be honest.  But I think for a while there after Mount Saint Helens, Percy was really, truly, deeply afraid of fire.  Hard to hold onto a phobia when you’ve got a world to save, but sometimes when he’s standing too near to a fire, he still feels the heat seize up in his chest and the instinctive craving for water.
14) Ingrained habits/forces of habit
Percy’s number one top habits are clearly being enthralled with Annabeth, taking over armies, and terrifying acts of demigod, based on the 20% of Son of Neptune I’ve gotten through.  In that order.
As far as headcanons go, I’m firmly convinced that Percy is the worst fidgeter in two camps full of fidgeters.  He plays with his necklace and drums Riptide on tables and knocks his knuckles into his ribs or knees or temple and clicks his tongue and paces and plays with Annabeth’s hair and and and--  Annabeth, whose ADHD is much more inattentive type than Percy’s raging combined type, finds it charming, her personal perpetual motion machine.  She jokes that if she hooked him up to a generator, she could power all of New York.  Really, some kind of pressure stim, putting him under five blankets or putting someone on his lap or something, is the only way to get him to hold still.
19) People they’ve hurt or indirectly killed, and how it affected them
I already mentioned Michael Yew, but honestly I think Percy is...pretty haunted by the Battle of Manhattan.  He’s a leader by nature and a soldier by training and a hero by blood and none of those things make him okay with knowing how many people died on his orders.
On a slightly less morbid and more ADHD note, Percy has a mental list in excruciating detail of every single time he’s made Annabeth cry and sometimes when he’s already in a bad headspace he finds himself kind of obsessing over it.  He thinks a lot about her face while she burned his shroud.
20) What Ifs/Alternate Timelines
I described this to my girlfriend as “Big Three kids but one to the left,” soooo.
When Annabeth is twelve, she tries to go home, because her father just moved to California and all but begged her to come.  It lasts like three weeks and then she’s got her bag and her knife and a sour expression and she’s...figuring out transportation back to Long Island.  “Hitchhiking” makes it sound so dangerous.  Technically the driver of this truck doesn’t even know she’s here.  She just waits for him to stop and bails out and counts her forty-nine dollars and tries to decide what she’s going to do.  She’s already used one of her three drachma to tell Chiron she’s on her way, and really she shouldn’t use any more until she hears that they’ve sent someone to meet her, and--
And gods she’s tired.  She thinks she’s maybe in Vegas?  It’s only October, so it’s not real cold, but she’s angry with herself, for thinking it would be different with her dad, and angry with the truck driver, for stopping somewhere so glittery and confusing, and angry with the whole damn world for being like this.  She’s so angry that she doesn’t realize she’s gotten off the Strip until she practically slams into a wide gilt-glass door, which a doorman opens for her with a huge beaming smile.
“Welcome,” the doorman says warmly as Annabeth eyes him.  “We’ve been expecting you.”
Annabeth spends a few hours in the hotel’s game room, before she finds a strange boy about her own age who mentions offhand that he’s expecting his mother to come get him, after the war has settled down a bit.  They talk a little, and then the boy blinks at her, narrows his eyes, and says, “Something’s--not right here.”
Perseus--Percy, he tells her after giving her his full name, with a rueful smirk like it’s an old argument with someone else--hauls her out of the Lotus Hotel and Casino just after the winter solstice, and he has a few hours to gape around at Las Vegas before every monster in a forty mile radius descends on them.  Percy, in something of a panic, yells, and an entire graveyard bursts out of the ground.
Oh boy howdy is Olympus not amused at the sudden appearance of a son of Hades, two days after Zeus’ master bolt goes missing.
Also ft Bianca as a pine tree forming the gate to Camp Halfblood, and Thalia and her baby brother Jason, children of Poseidon, running scared from a manticore.  Thalia martyrs herself saving the quest to recover Annabeth, Bianca becomes lieutenant of the Hunters, and eventually, a kid who calls himself Nico shows up not long after Percy disappears.
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maerrybom · 4 years
Deserved Better
look, i really had to write a diary entry for my girl thalia too because she has feeling and its mainly 70% disappointment and 30% anger sjhdsa so here we go! - this is an interaction between thalia and luminous about him being stupidt for nono, but thalia is dead tired and sick of his nonsense + I finally made a masterlist !
Thalia’s Diary - Entry 2
“Do you think I’m a coward too?”
‘Why am I even here in the first place?’
It’s been a long stressful night. It’s not easy trying to hide Erii from thugs and the Hydras while still running errands for the bossy rich blonde and the ninja with long legs. I don’t even know how I’m coping, but I’m definitely struggling. Now that we’re finally safe at the hotel, Erii went ahead to sleep while Luminous asked to speak with me by the balcony because he wanted to talk about something I couldn’t care less about. Please, just let me sleep.
“Why does my opinion matter to you?” I scoffed, flipping my red locks away from my face. “You’ve heard enough from me already.”
Luminous scratched his head and turned away in embarrassment, “It’s because—”
“Is this about Nono again?”
He shot his head towards me in surprise while I gave him a judging stare, crossing my leg over the other and crossed my arms. Oh boy. He looked so stupid with that incredulous expression on his face right now. Why is he giving me that look? Luminous has always been easy to read; he’s like an open book begging for someone to read how boring this all is.
“Nono only thinks of me as a coward—a plain, useless nobody.” Luminous admitted, “I’m asking for your opinion because Nono respects and likes you a lot. You’re practically her sidekick!”
I raised an eyebrow at the older male and leaned back on the balcony chair. Last time I checked, I wasn’t a therapist. I slay dragon servitors and mess with people. For fun. Where is the correlation between those?
I repeated my question to him, “again, why should my opinion matter to you?”
“Thalia, please just cooperate with me for once—”
“Luminous, I’ve done nothing but cooperate with you ever since Erii dragged us into this shenanigan,” I spat, glaring at him. “If I had a choice in the first place, I wouldn’t be here with you.”
He didn’t say anything back once I said that, most likely trying to take in what I said. My exhaustion let itself speak and I honestly feel a bit bad (but I would never say that out loud). My chemistry with Luminous was rough from the start. It was hard to get along with someone like him. I can’t stand people who choose to give up first before trying anything else because they couldn’t understand or feared their problems. I don’t have time for people who chose consolidation over confrontation. I’ve always picked on and insulted him whenever I got the chance to and he would always shoot back. 
Sometimes it would go too far that Johann has to physically separate us to prevent me from trying to beat Luminous into a pulp. The bossy rich blonde would then force us to write apologies to each other a hundred times on paper. I hated doing those, but it was still funny. I guess.
“I-I’m sorry.” Luminous apologised, “you’ve already done so much for me... I was dumb to forget that, I’m sorry.”
I felt my glare soften and turned away my head from him in response. I was never good at apologies and stayed silent for a bit, taking in the bright city lights before us.
“That wasn’t my point. I don’t need an apology.”
 It was Luminous’ turn to stay silent.
“You and I both know you aren’t the coward you’re claiming to be,” I commented, shifting my gaze to look at him.
“What do you mean?”
“Your first instinct is to run away with your tail between your legs when a problem approaches. The smallest things scare you. You’re reckless with your actions.” I started listing off things that came up to mind, “even though you can be pretty useless and absolutely hopeless at times—”
“Look, if you’re just going to insult me—”
“...it doesn’t mean that what I’ve said is true about you.” I finished.
Luminous gaped at me in confusion, trying to decipher what I was trying to tell him. Geez, I didn’t think you could look any dumber.
“There’s no reason why you should keep chasing after Nono. Even though I question her’s & Caesar’s relationship, I can admit they make a great team. Nono is an ambitious, head-strong woman and battles through her obstacles with no hesitation. She’s not even interested in you in the first place and probably never will. Nono deserves to be someone who can keep up with her stride and can respect her feelings. You’re... Not what she’s looking for.”
Luminous looked down at his hands sadly. I can tell that he was still trying to accept the cold heart truth.
“I know you know that. I’ve also seen the way you started looking at Erii.” I uncrossed my arms to lean my chin against my palm as my elbow was propped up against the arm chair. “They do look similar, huh?” He hesitantly nodded in response.
“Let me tell you this. Just because you can’t have Nono, it doesn’t mean you can go ahead and try for the next best thing. Erii is not some rebound or a back-up plan. Nono and that kid are separate people with separate feelings. They deserve different people too.”
“Then, who am I deserving of?”
“...I can’t answer that. But I know it’s not them. They deserve better than a man who can’t make their decisions for their own life,” I muttered, before standing up from my seat. “And, you deserve someone who can truly see for who you are and what you’re truly capable of. There’s someone out there who can see past the cowardice... And touch the brave heart of Luminous Lu.”
As I looked down at him, Luminous stared at me in shock and held a strange look in his eyes that made me want to look away out of awkwardness. I don’t understand why he’s surprised. I’ve only said what everyone’s been thinking. Shaking my head away from my thoughts, I turned around to head for bed.
“I’m going to sleep.” But a large hand grabbed my own, preventing me from walking away.
Luminous squeezed my hand gently and said, “thank you, Thalia.”
I didn’t turn around to meet his eyes again, but replied: “Don’t stay up too late or else you’ll lose the rest of your brain cells once you wake up.”
As he let go of my hand, I walked away from the balcony and prepared for bed. While I was quietly shuffling around the room, I quickly looked at Erii’s sleeping form. She looked even more like a child, sleeping peacefully with no care in the world. My heart clenched at the sight of her; she reminded me of someone I couldn’t remember well. I don’t know why, but I felt bad for this kid.
Once I tucked myself in for the night, I felt exhaustion creep into my senses while sleep began to sing its lullaby, lulling me into the dreamland. It’s hard to sleep sometimes; I must’ve been really tired.
But before sleep took over, I felt warmth rest upon the top of my head and my hair being shifted away from my face with a gentle touch. I must be dreaming now; this gesture reminded me of... Her.
And with that, I fell into a silent slumber with a heavy heart.
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wemightfxll-blog · 8 years
░▒▓ ♛ LUKE : @mercurialhero​ . continued from here
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The words escaped her lips so fast that she was unable to restrain them. Vulnerability was something she loathed & yet seeing him made her feel weaker ( even though she would never admit it.) Hell she had trusted him with her life & more. The wounds of when she had first heard of his betrayal were bleeding again and she thought that this was much  worse than a blade cutting through her heart. She had never allowed herself to care after Jason, and her resolution had crumbled down the moment she met HIM. The walls she had built around her heart slowly destroyed. She remembered proclaiming to Halcyon Green that Luke would never betray her, and then to Percy that he would never let her down. Had she been wrong? Now facing him, Thalia couldn’t believe they had come to this. They were supposed to fight together, not against each other.  ❝ but you did! ❞ she doesn’t care if her voice is accusing & sharp. ❝  The greater good?! Are you kidding me? You didn’t do it for me, you did it for yourself. ❞ That stung to, but she was holding herself together, refusing to break for anyone - & especially him. She slowly shook her head, refusing to give in to temptation. Saying that she wasn’t tempted to join him would be a   l i e.  It was Luke after all. Her first ally, her first friend… she cared about him. She cared so much, and that was probably why it hurt every part of her body to lose him now. ❝ What happened to you? ❞ her voice is lower now, her expression slightly softer —  almost begging. Fighting against him was the last thing she wanted – this wasn’t the way it was supposed to be – but if she had to… she would ( even though it would probably crush her heart into pieces. )
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shcsacrificed · 7 years
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