#❛ if she dared ❜ ▬ ( feyre archeron headcanon. )
bookishfeylin · 1 year
Some post UTM ACOTAR headcanons of mine are after getting his magic back and he's at his full power, whenever Tamlin steps on the soil, the ground beneath his boots immediately does this:
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Regardless of whatever court he's in. And, for Feyre, instead of having boring elemental magic, her powers are something like the Scarlet Witch's from the MCU.
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starseternelle · 9 months
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" half her face is a tragedy !! "
an edit of human au!feyre's scars
[ non-mutuals and personal blogs do not interact ]
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ircnwrought · 11 months
f.eyre tag dump
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❛ high lady of the night court ❜ ▬ ( freya mavor as feyre archeron. ) ❛ stars eternal ❜ ▬ ( feyre archeron aesthetic. ) ❛ the dreams that are answered ❜ ▬ ( feyre archeron desires. ) ❛ human heart ❜ ▬ ( feyre archeron body claim. ) ❛ the huntress finds her mark ❜ ▬ ( feyre archeron meme. ) ❛ if she dared ❜ ▬ ( feyre archeron headcanon. ) ❛ darkness stared back ❜ ▬ ( feyre archeron appearance. ) ❛ beating drums lead home ❜ ▬ ( feyre archeron music. ) ❛ survivor ❜ ▬ ( feyre archeron musings. ) ❛ master of everything ❜ ▬ ( feyre archeron gif. ) ❛ clothed in stars ❜ ▬ ( feyre archeron wardrobe. ) ❛ whisper of darkness ❜ ▬ ( feyre archeron quote. ) ❛ city of starlight ❜ ▬ ( feyre archeron world. ) otp: the wait was worth it (rhysand x feyre) otp: thorns and all (tamlin x feyre)
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shadowriel · 8 months
ACOTAR Couples & Halloween Costumes: Headcanons 👻 🎃
Feysand: Feyre and Rhys definitely have a cute family costume planned with Nyx, but as soon as they leave him with a babysitter, they have to be the hottest couple in a 25-mile radius. Think Mr. & Mrs. Smith, think mafia AU, think Feyre in a slutty dress and Rhys unable to keep his hands off her
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Nessian: Nesta and Cassian start planning their costumes at least a year in advance. No expense is spared, no detail is overlooked. Sure, they get into semi-heated arguments leading up to their favourite day of the year, but it’s well worth it. My vote goes to them being sexy pirates, or a gender bent Hades and Persephone.
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Elucien: The thing about Elain Archeron is that she will always be that bitch, so well-dressed that people can’t help but stare. Lucien LOVES it! He’s also more than happy to take off his shirt at Elain’s request. A Greek god (or warrior) and goddess definitely works for their day court vibes (bonus points if Elain is Aphrodite).
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Azris: Eris and Azriel famously refuse to put effort into Halloween. Azriel has been known to throw on cat ears. Eris has worn a mask or used fake blood on more than one occasion. Yet, somehow they end up surprising everyone by dressing up as a cop (Eris) and sexy criminal (Azriel). Yes, the handcuffs are fully functional. And, yes, Azriel wears a crop top.
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Emorie: Our fave girlies have one goal on Halloween, and that’s to look ridiculously hot. Mor lives by the fact that “hoes don’t get cold” and usually makes a costume out of lingerie. Emerie’s been known to follow her lead or dress in something’s that more comfy. I think they would absolutely slay as an angel and demon.
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Bonus addition: Emerie as a witch (and Mor can tag along as a black cat)
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Gwynriel: These two always go with a costume that’s ridiculously niche or nerdy. Sometimes, Gwyn will get Azriel to dress up as her favourite male characters. Sometimes, she’ll wear a gorgeous costume on her own (and Azriel will just be there, looking at her with hearts in his eyes). Batman and catwoman is a fan favourite, but Gwyn loves the year she found her new favourite book and got them to dress up as a priestess and shadowsinger.
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Elriel: Elain is hot (see above), and Azriel is more than happy to take a supporting role when it comes to couples costumes. Elain wants to wear a fancy dress? Azriel will offer to hold her purse. It’s an Elain Archeron world and Azriel is loving every second of just being in it. I feel like a flower and gardener costume would be cute couples costume for them.
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Jassa: Jurian and Vassa are here to have fun. All of their costumes are easy-going and definitely bought last-minute, but they still look amazing. They’re known to find things around the house, and wear a costume that they insist is a pun. Some years, they remember they have these race car outfits at the back of their closet.
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Gwynlain: Gwyn and Elain are for the Pinterest girlies. They always have the most gorgeous costumes, and their makeup is impeccably done. Dare I say, they’re the second hottest couple in a 25-mile radius. My brain is literally malfunctioning at the thought of them dressing up like Bloom and Flora from Winx Club.
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I honestly could go on and on (and on…)
[All images were found on pinterest]
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ladyelain · 2 years
I feel like some people need to hear and accept that it’s very reasonable for casual readers to dislike Elain and Nesta after the og trilogy (and later on, but especially pre-acosf).
It’s a writer’s job to give their readers a better understanding of the characters they’re creating. If they don’t, there might be reasons, it might be due to lazy writing. Anyway, it’s only natural people have a hard time relating to one-dimensional characters. As a reader, I’m not obligated to create headcanons for each underdeveloped side character. I do it for fun, if I feel like it. I’m also not obligated to agree with other people’s headcanons.
Personally, I wasn’t a big Nesta fan prior to acosf. I felt like she was overhyped, I knew she was going to get that big, relatable redemption arc, but I couldn’t imagine it would explain her attitude. What can I say, Nesta Archeron owns me today and I’m completely fine with that. Opinions change, characters evolve, it’s the whole point.
I just can’t stand the way it has now become a thing to pull the uno reverse card and hate on the popular, less polarizing characters without valid arguments.
Feyre is bathing in her mate’s money and Gwyn has no story / isn’t involved with the IC whatsoever…?
Do y’all realize how pathetic that sounds? People will defend Nesta or Elain until their last breath, yet dare make up such things about other female protagonists. It’s so cringe, I can’t even. Those same exact accusations have been made against Elain and Nesta for years and now people are channeling their anger and try to shoot back, just, it misses the point because Feyre is the one carrying this whole entire series since book one and Gwyn has never done a thing wrong in her life.
You don’t need a reason to dislike a character, but if you don’t have one, stop making rants with no substance. It’s only backfiring on you.
Not everybody needs to see potential in your fave. People are absolutely right to question Elain’s purpose in the Night Court and the series in general because we haven’t gotten much to read about her yet. And people are right to think Nesta is a viper before getting into acosf. Stop taking everything on here personal… it’s literally just opinions, most people really don’t put that much thought into what they’re saying.
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lidiacervos · 2 years
"Elain would never leave her sisters and she shouldn't, how dare you?!"
Elain was totally fine living without Feyre before she turned fae. Elain was also fine living without Nesta in acofas and acosf- I mean.. y'all always insist that Elain is doing fine and healing and she did look well in acosf before her arguments with Nesta. Elain living somewhere else does not break sh*t- she can literally write them and visit them. People leave their family to live on their own all the time.
Quit the double standards. Elain should not leave her sisters but she also should leave the NC to become the high lady of a court that doesn't even exist? Would that not force Azriel to leave his brothers as well? Hm.
But I think we all know the actual reason as to why they’re so mad when someone headcanons that Elain will live somewhere else and it has nothing to do with the sisters bond.
Very true. 1000% it doesn’t actually have anything to do with the sisters being close to each other.
The Archerons can still have a close relationship without living on top of each other. They are adults, it’s a perfectly normal and healthy thing to move away from family. Plus, there’s also the fantastic power of winnowing, which would cut down travel time.
It seems pretty clear to me that with SJM writing Feyre and Nesta’s found families the way she did, Elain will have her own group as well. Feyre, Nesta and Elain can have a supportive, loving bond but I don’t think SJM plans for them to be besties, which is fine!(This is coming from someone whose sister is her bff and we want to buy houses next door to each other lol)
It’s just another cheap excuse to try to justify wanting Elain to remain stagnant.
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bookstantrash · 4 years
A/N: I preordered ACOSF yesterday and I’ve been living in a happy Nessian bubble and decided to take all that energy and write something.
Today is Freddie Mercury’s death anniversary so I thought about taking my favorite headcanon of Nesta being a great singer and have her sing one of Queen’s masterpieces. This is a humble tribute of mine to the great musician and amazing person that Mercury was. May he rest in peace and his legacy live on forever.
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Somebody to Love
There are said to be five steps for overcoming grief.
And acceptance.
Nesta had gone through all of them after her father’s death. She had spent a lot time feeling angry, and her depression was finally getting better after she started seeing a psychologist. Her sisters support had also been vital.
Those same steps could also be applied after a breakup. And that was exactly what Nesta was going through.
However, she was proud to say that after three days of being single, she had only gone through two steps: anger and acceptance.
At least that was what she was trying to convince her sisters and Emerie of.
“I’m fine, El” Nesta repeated for what was the umpteenth time in the past five minutes “It was his loss. I’m much better off alone.”
“Nesta, if you’d only talk to us so we could understand” Elain replied, frustrated by her older sister’s headstrong behaviour.
Because Nesta Archeron had only sent a text that afternoon informing her two sisters that she had called quits at her almost three year relationship with Cassian and dragged them to the karaoke bar. No explanations offered.
“There’s nothing to talk about” Nesta said, taking a sip of her margarita “Oh look! Emerie is coming back, that means it’s my turn”
Feyre and Elain exchanged a worried look, something Nesta didn’t fail to notice before she pumped Emerie’s shoulder playfully while she made her way to the small stage. Emerie only gave her a weak smile, worry also shinning in her eyes.
Nesta Archeron was far from fine. But she didn’t want to worry her sisters. Or admit that to herself.
She was over Cassian. And being here, on the place where they had shared their most precious memories, was the sign that she was taking this place back.
It would be her place. This was an act of burying for good the memories of Cassian.
She would allow herself to think about him this one last time. One last song.
About them. About her feelings.
Stopping in front of the microphone, Nesta sang.
Love of my life, you've hurt me
You've broken my heart and now you leave me
Nesta was nearing her new book’s deadline, so she had locked herself in her apartment and forbidden Cassian from visiting.
“You distract me too much” she had said while she tried to finished the paragraph she was writing, Cassian coming behind her to nuzzle his nose in her neck, promptly making her forget about everything but his touch on her skin.
“You like when I distract you” he had murmured, slowly kissing her neck.
She didn’t do much work on that day. But after that Cassian made a promise to stay away for the week.
Love of my life, can't you see?
Bring it back, bring it back
Nesta finished three days before her deadline. She had had a sudden burst of inspiration and wrote all through the night. So she had thought of surprising Cassian with some homemade food.
Nesta was on her way to his house after her shopping when she saw a familiar man bun in the sidewalk.
She was thinking about honking to gather his attention — they could go back to his place together and cut the surprise short — when she noticed that he was not alone.
Don't take it away from me, because you don't know
What it means to me
There was a blonde woman with him. A very very pretty woman. The kind that you saw on magazines covers. And the way Cassian was looking at her.... it made Nesta’s heart clench.
Cassian hadn’t smiled at her like that for some time. He always looked nervous and about to say something whenever they met, but she had brushed it off.
But maybe... maybe he was trying to say something. Maybe he was trying to say that he had found someone else.
Maybe the blonde woman that hanged on his arm.
Love of my life, don't leave me
You've stolen my love, you now desert me
Nesta had driven back to her apartment in autopilot. She had a loud ringing in her ears and her body was all cold.
Deep down she knew that Cassian would break up with her. She was not the easiest person out there, while Cassian.... he was loved by everyone. He deserved better.
So she broke up with him before he did the same with her.
Through a message. A simple message.
‘I can’t do this anymore. We’re over. Don’t come to my apartment or my life ever again’
Love of my life, can't you see?
Bring it back, bring it back
Nesta had blocked his contact from her phone. Left her apartment and went to the first place she could think of: Emerie’s.
Her best friend was surprised to see her, and Nesta spilled everything to her amidst tears.
She spent the rest of the day crying over wine and ice cream.
The next day , Nesta woke up with an horrible headache. And anger that burned so hot it threatened to destroy her.
Don't take it away from me
Because you don't know
What it means to me
She had cursed Cassian till the end of his bloodline, and decided that never again would give anyone the key to her heart.
Emerie tried to convince her to allow Cassian to explain himself.
“He left me over twenty messages Nesta!” Emerie had argued “He has been calling nonstop!”
“I have no time to hear his excuses” she spat back, clenching her fists “I saw him with my own eyes”
You will remember
When this is blown over
Everything's all by the way
Emerie had just sighed in defeat.
And by the third day Nesta had made up her mind to forget she even knew Cassian.
She messaged her sisters — which had been worried sick about her, given that he had also contacted them — and they met at the karaoke.
Their karaoke.
When I grow older
I will be there at your side to remind you
How I still love you (I still love you)
Their first date spot.
Their first kiss.
Where he had asked her to be his girlfriend.
I still love you
Nesta felt silent tears running down her cheeks. She hoped the poor illumination helped conceal them.
She was nearing the end of the song when she felt a gaze on her, what shouldn’t be a surprise given that she was singing in front of the whole bar.
Yet she knew that gaze.
A gaze that made her stomach flutter.
A gaze that made her knees weak.
Oh, hurry back, hurry back
Don't take it away from me
You don't know what it means to me
She was going to bloody murder Feyre. She had asked them not to tell where she was. But Feyre was never known for keeping a secret. And she did go out with Cassian’s best friend and surrogate brother, Rhysand.
Love of my life
Love of my life
Nesta had barely sung the last note when she stormed off the stage and started to fight with Feyre.
“How could you! I asked you not to say a word about where I was!” she didn’t know how, but she managed not to scream, only whisper yell at her surprised sister.
“I— Nesta I didn’t say a word! I swear I don’t know how he got here!” Feyre said, hurt in her eyes.
Nesta dared to glance at him. What only made her anger soar even higher.
For he had not come alone.
No, he had come with companions of his own.
Rhysand, Azriel, Amren, the blonde woman from before and a redhead she had never seen.
“How could he! How could he bring her here!” Nesta felt tears come to her eyes again.
She needed to leave before she had a mental breakdown in front of the whole bar.
‘So much for being over Cassian’ she bitterly thought.
“Nesta, what are you talking about?” Feyre asked, grabbing her shoulders.
“S-she! The blonde beside him!”
“But Nesta—”
“I don’t wanna hear it!” she cried, brushing Feyre’s hands off of her
“Nesta—” Emerie began.
“I’m leaving. You girls have fun” Nesta made to grab her purse while Feyre and Emerie in vain tried to talk with her.
But it was Elain — who had been awfully quiet — that caught her attention.
“You should really see this Nesta” Elain said, her voice laced with curiosity.
“What? I already said that—” she stopped herself mid sentence, her heart skipping a beat.
Because Cassian was on the stage.
And he was looking at her.
“Nesta Archeron?” he called, his deep voice resonating all through the bar.
Nesta could only nod in response, momentarily frozen in place.
“This song is for you”
Tags: @sayosdreams @thewayshedreamed @sjm-things @perseusannabeth @arin1030-blog @caotica-e-quieta @vidalinav @swankii-art-teacher @ireallyshouldsleeprn @duskandstarlight @greerlunna @thegoddessaltenia @dayanna-hatter @verypaleninja
{Please let me know if you’d like to be added to my tag list}
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starseternelle · 10 months
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just a quick lil post about feyre and painting nesta particularly in acosf. feyre loves her sisters and while they may all struggle to express it in the earlier narrative, it is something that is very fundamental to my characterization. feyre didn't have any paintings of nesta hung in the house, but that doesn't mean she didn't paint her sister. in fact, i hc that the backroom of feyre's studio has numerous unfinished paintings of nesta, but because of their strained relationship, she never felt like she quite got the essence right. she wanted to do her sister justice and show her strength and bravery and her love for nesta, but could never finish a painting she started and thus had nothing to hang. it's not until later, when the sisters repair their relationship, that feyre can finish and hang her paintings. the act of painting for feyre is just as much an emotional journey as the actual relationship with nesta and as that relationship evolves and grows, so does feyre's ability to capture all her emotions into a painting.
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starseternelle · 10 months
tag dump
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❛ high lady of the night court ❜ ▬ ( freya mavor as feyre archeron. ) ❛ stars eternal ❜ ▬ ( aesthetic. ) ❛ the dreams that are answered ❜ ▬ ( desires. ) ❛ human heart ❜ ▬ ( body claim. ) ❛ the huntress finds her mark ❜ ▬ ( meme. ) ❛ if she dared ❜ ▬ ( headcanon. ) ❛ darkness stared back ❜ ▬ ( appearance. ) ❛ beating drums lead home ❜ ▬ ( music. ) ❛ survivor ❜ ▬ ( musings. ) ❛ master of everything ❜ ▬ ( gif. ) ❛ clothed in stars ❜ ▬ ( wardrobe. ) ❛ whisper of darkness ❜ ▬ ( quote. ) ❛ city of starlight ❜ ▬ ( world. ) otp: the wait was worth it (rhysand x feyre) otp: thorns and all (tamlin x feyre) otp: the beginning and the end of everything (nightstriumph) v; court of dreams (main) au; never doubt my love (memory au)
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tswaney17 · 3 years
Headcanon of Elriel having the first date, or the first time 😈, or being parents, or adopting a little boy, or going to be jealous of each other, or their first argument.
Oh Baby!
Okay, so I'm combining the adoption request and @gracie-rosee's babies request. This became a whole thing and I’m not even sorry. I’ve already got a part 2 planned for this because I’m obsessed (it honestly should’ve been a fic and not a headcanon, but here we are...). This is set in a canon universe. Hope you enjoy. 😘
When Elain gets pregnant, Azriel is absolutely over the moon.
Over the moon, worried, territorial, and every other emotion under the sun.
Elain has to calm him down, especially the first time they head back to Illyria where she volunteers at the orphanage that Feyre and Rhys established.
The Illyrians took in her new scent and the Shadowsinger's wrathful stare and kept a healthy distance away from her. Only the ones who were itching for a fight dared to toe that line - and those were few and far between.
As Elain helped around the orphanage, she took to the young Illyrian children.
One in particular.
Little Kaden. He couldn't have been more than four years old but was much smaller than the other children his age.
He was incredibly shy, kept to the back of the group, and never spoke.
Elain approached him one day, fairly early in her pregnancy. She wasn’t even showing at this point. 
He was clutching a tattered book to his chest.
"Hi Kaden," she greeted, squatting down to put herself at eye level with him. "Whatcha got there? A book?"
A small nod.
She smiled. "Would you like me to read it to you?" she asked, sitting down on the floor.
The little boy hesitated, but eventually caved and crawled into her lap, falling asleep within a couple of minutes of her reading.
Azriel found his wife, holding the sleeping Illyrian when he returned to the orphanage that afternoon.
Over the next several months, Kaden seemed glued to Elain's side. Even when Azriel reappeared - the fearsome Shadowsinger held a reputation even amongst the children - Kaden stuck by her side, hand on her dress as if afraid she would be taken from him.
He still hadn't spoken to her, but that never stopped Elain from talking to him, hoping that perhaps he would feel comfortable enough one day to speak.
Concerned over his development, Elain asked Azriel to see if he could find any information about his parents. Anything to help her bring him out of his shell.
Unfortunately, the information doesn't come before Elain becomes too pregnant to continue volunteering at the orphanage. At 9 months and measuring ahead of schedule, Elain and Azriel decide it would be best for her to stay at their cottage with the wraith twins until the baby was born.
Though he knew Kaden would be looking for his wife, Azriel is still surprised to feel the tug on the pant leg of his leathers the day he shows up without Elain. 
He smiles, kneeling to make himself less imposing for the little Illyrian. "Hello, Kaden."
As expected, he gets no vocal response, but he knows exactly what the child wants to know. "I'm sorry, Kaden. Elain is too pregnant to come visit right now. But she did give me something to give to you." He pulls out a wrapped cookie, baked by his lovely wife when she realized she wouldn't be able to come see him for a while.
Kaden gives him a toothy grin, taking the cookie from his outstretched hand, and mumbles a very small "Tank you,” the t-h sound not coming through. 
Azriel is stunned into silence, especially when Kaden throws his arms around his neck before running away to enjoy his treat. 
The small act pushes the Shadowsinger to further dig into the child's past.
He definitely doesn’t gloat to his wife that Kaden spoke to him first. 
Elain is rightfully jealous. 
As predicted, Elain gives birth two weeks later to a healthy, beautiful, baby Illyrian girl. The cauldron, once again, blessing its favorite Archeron with a relatively easy birth. 
With her father's dark hair and skin tone, and Elain's eyes, she was easily the most beautiful thing Azriel had ever seen.
He had never thought he could love anyone more than Elain until she set that bundle of joy in his arms.
The fearsome Shadowsinger can count the number of times he’s cried as an adult nearly on a single hand, but while holding his newborn daughter, the floodgates broke open and he sobbed in utter joy. 
They spend the next month on a babymoon at their cottage, sending Rhys and Cassian to the orphanage to check in on Kaden. 
When Elain finally returns to the orphanage, she immediately goes in search of Kaden, a pink bundle still in her arms.
The Illyrian brightens immediately at the sight of her, running to grab at her skirts. 
"Hi Kaden," she says, kneeling in front of him to bring her daughter to his eye level. "I've missed you."
But Kaden's hazel eyes are glued to the little face he can see through the swath of blankets. "What's her name?" he asks in the softest voice.
Elain is so surprised, she takes a second to answer. Once she shakes from her stupor, she says, "Kaden, this is Rosalie."
"Wosawie," he repeats, his r's sounding like w's.
Elain thought he would cling to her now that she returned, but he doesn't. After she deposited Rosalie into a crib to get some work done, she realized Kaden had stuck by her daughter's side, like her own little protector.
Over the next several weeks, Kaden watched over the Seer and the Shadowsinger's daughter like it was his duty.
Elain was watching from the doorway into the nursery section of the orphanage when she felt her husband appear at her side.
"Do you think they're mates?" she asked, curious but also concerned, knowing her first mate wasn't a good match.
Azriel crossed his arms. "No, they're too young for it to be a mate thing."
Elain looked at him then. "You know something?"
His jaw feathered. "Kaden's mother was forced into a marriage with his father. They had him early on. She fell in love with another male and got pregnant. When his father found out, he killed her and the unborn child in a fit of rage."
"Oh my god," Elain breathed, horror coiling in her gut.
"He dropped Kaden off here, not wanting anything connected to his unfaithful wife."
"Was Kaden present for it? The killing of his mother?" she asked, though she already knew the answer.
"Yes, he was." It was barely controlled rage in her husband's tone. Shadows swirled around his ankles, the talons of his wings. "I think Kaden could smell your pregnancy and clung to you, afraid that you would be ripped from him like she was. And now he's watching over Rosalie."
The sibling he never got. 
Elain was struggling not to cry - something that wasn't a result of the hormones still raging in her body. "Is his father still alive?"
Azriel was looking at the two children when he answered. "For now."
He had to release a breath, turning to face his wife who watched the two children with sorrow. “You want to take him home.” It wasn’t a question. 
Elain took his scarred hand in hers, looking up at his face. “Yes. He adores Rosalie and I adore him.” 
The wrath on the Shadowsinger’s face from earlier vanished. “And I adore you,” he whispered, pulling her closer to kiss her. “Two kids. Do you think we’re ready?” 
“There’s nothing we can’t do, my love.” Elain takes his face in her hands and pressed her lips to his again, further proving just how much their love could conquer all.  
“I’ll go speak with the head mother of the orphanage. Go wait with them and we’ll tell him together.” 
Elain squeezed his hands. “I love you, Azriel.” 
“I love you, too, Elain,” he breathed. “And I love this family. Thank you, my love, for giving me this.” 
The Seer and the Shadowsinger watched over the two children with awe on their faces and love in their hearts. 
And then three became four. 
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