d0enti · 4 months
Oh my gosh, you write for HxH!!! Hi, can I please have headcanons of Killua with a big sibling-figure reader? Reader has been a butler of the Zoldycks since they were a teen and Killua a toddler. Like, Killua always wanna hang out with reader and reader would patch him up after his training. Sometimes I wish I could be there for my baby boy when he was growing up!!
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HxH—“Find your inner strength.”
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➵Summary:Killua with big sibling-figure reader
➵Warning:mention of family abuse
➵A/N:Hello there dear! And of course you can have that, and honestly same I wish I had been there for Killua but anyway enjoy your order
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Just like the request said Killua would always want to be around you, he didn't feel true family love, the only thing he ever experienced was training and what he believed was his father loving him
Since you were Killua's family butler he probably wants you to escape with him, I mean you were with Killua 24/7 his family it's out to kill you and he doesn't want that especially since you his true family
Killua gets injured often so you bandaging him means a lot to him,I mean even though he has to be strong he truly wants to be weak around someone and that someone being you
I feel like Killua may have accidentally referred to you as his sibling, Killua probably was embarrassed if you heard him panicking saying he was joking though everyone knows he didn't
Since Killua sees you as his older sibling he's out to be pissed if someone asks you out, yes you are allowed to date he wouldn't stop you no way, but there is no way he will trust someone who is a dumbass he doesn't want you to get hurt by someone so useless
Killua isn't a fan of PDA for obvious reasons he didn't experience it and Illumi already fucked it up for him, but speaking truthfully he loves it when you hug him like I mentioned he just wants to be allowed to be weak around someone
Alluka probably also sees you as a good sibling(that includes Nanika) if you were around Killua 24/7 when he was younger which you probably were Alluka probably met you and so did Nanika and because of that you were as good as a person as Killua in Nanika eyes
If Killua is hanging out with Gon you probably are around these two worrying about them especially about Killua, I mean have you seen how they ate the spaghetti in greed island?! Holy shit that would be concerning at least for me, 30 minutes and eating that amount of spaghetti would cause me a stomachache
Also Killua tries to keep you as far away from Hisoka as possible, he's not about to have him around someone who is like family to him even though you are probably the same age as Hisoka or a little younger
Killua probably protects you as much as he can't if you are not able to fight, and if you are Killua is so damn proud that is nuts complementing you Infront Gon and the rest
Honestly he probably doesn't mention having any siblings except you and Alluka to other people of course if you are not around if you are he's too embarrassed to say it, because honestly you are an inspiration to him just how Gon is
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moonlight-alphafemale · 10 months
Omega Pickle with his babies? 🥹
Omggg Omega!Pickle with his pups 🥺💕
Idk if you wanted a story or headcanons... So I did headcanons.
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He so eepy... ❤
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Omega!Pickle interacting his babies💕
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Pickle would definitely have identical triplet sons. He'd definitely have a hard time telling them apart so he'd color code them, giving them different colored bracelets (Baki gave him the bracelets)
When they were first born he definitely did the little 'Lion King' thing, holding the babies up to the sun.
For the first two years Pickle wouldn't dare let the little ones out of his sight. He'd keep them in the nest 24/7 and wouldn't leave.
Nobody is allowed around the triplets, at all. He'd go feral and try to eat anyone that gets too close to the triplets.
He's always holding them. Even when he's asleep, the triplets are always resting peacefully on his chest or in his lap.
He isn't very fond of breastfeeding but he refuses to bottle feed the triplets, so he simply deals with the discomfort to make sure his babies are healthy.
He's late when weening the triplets off of his milk and they don't start eating solid food until they're around three years old. (Only because he stopped producing milk..)
He's also constantly scenting them, rubbing the scent glands on his wrist all over his babies.
He's a very attentive papa. Giving his babies all the love and attention they could ever want. He loves playing with his babies and even humming soft melodies that he's learned from the modern world.
Once the triplets have turned 5 years old he'll finally go back to normal. Partially. He'll leave the nest but he won't go too far.
He'd make little dolls from them out of things he finds outside. The triplets were already supplied with modern toys and games but he still does it just to make the triplets smile.
He taught the triplets how to hide in the nest when he's away.
He finally let's the other fighters meet the triplets, but he's still a little weary.
He'll finally allow the babies to be taught how to speak and walk (only if he's watching) But he won't let them go to school.
He'll teach the little ones how to hunt (even though they don't need it)
He's totally a helicopter parent.
Baki and Mitsunari are the only people Pickle trusts to babysit his triplets.
When the triplets reach 10 years old, he finally let's them be more independent.
Pickle still won't let them go to school so Mitsunari finally decided to hire a private tutor for the triplets.
Pickle takes the triplets to walk around in the forest and hunts with them. They'll stay in the forest for hours, just hunting and eating. The perfect bonding moment.
Pickle still scents the triplets. Even though it annoys them to some degree.
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willow-the-lyxra · 1 year
Agere!Kuon 💕 headcanons
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Everyone found out about it during Team Z's training for their first ever match after Kuon broke down crying while arguing with Raichi.
(Raichi still feels bad but never fully apologized)
Isagi, Bachira and Kunigami and Gagamaru were the most accepting. (And Raichi but he refuses to admit it)
Ego almost kicked Kuon out but ultimately allowed him to stay because of Anri's "incessant nagging".
Anri thought it was cute and did her best make Kuon comfortable by getting him a bunch of plush toys, pacifiers, etc.
Kuon's a good boy. He's a bit rowdy but can easily be calmed down by reading him a story or singing to him.
He's extremely clingy with Raichi and Isagi. Raichi pretends to hate it but he actually really enjoys it.
He almost regressed one time during a match but Isagi managed to coax him out of it.
He usually regresses to age 6-4 years old.
He doesn't talk a lot and usually is content with holding onto Isagi while reading a book or roughhousing with Bachira.
He was able to keep all the things Anri gave him when he was eliminated.
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poisenous · 6 years
❤ ♡ ❥ ღ 💕 💘 💓 💌 💟 💙 💚 💜 💛
❤: does my muse consider themselves a romantic?
she wouldn’t, although that’s only because she doesn’t date. however, in reality she is actually quite romantic, should she be in love. not in the write you poems or paint you portraits or write you songs kind of way, but in small affectionate ways such as holding onto you whether it be your hand, or your finger or your clothing. she’ll always put her coat around you if you’re cold, even if it’s too small. she’ll play with your hair until you fall asleep & she’ll kiss you frequently on your cheek or your forehead or your shoulder or your hands. she’ll also buy you gifts, but usually it’s your favourite food or cake & it’ll get to a point where you’ll definitely think she’s trying to fatten you up. just little things that let you know she’s taking care of you.
♡: how does my muse act, consciously and/or subconsciously, around people they are romantically interested in?
consciously she gets incredibly shy. she’ll do her best to cover it up, but it’s not hard to see that she’s acting out of character. she’s so sensitive to the sensation of having feelings for others & because it doesn’t happen very often it leaves her flustered & embarrassed, but usually only when they flirt with her, get too close or touch her. so when she’s at a safe distance she’ll act as her usual nonchalant self, or perhaps even be a little meaner. as for subconsciously she stares. she’ll gaze off at them in the distance, admiring them until her attention is pulled away & she comes to her senses. she also daydreams about them & will potentially have dreams about them wink wonk ;)
❥: what is my muse’s ideal date?
probably something simple & fun & easy & during the day. something she doesn’t have to try to hard for & that’s in an atmosphere that’s comfortable. but maybe something she doesn’t do often ? because if she has to do one more dinner date where she sits in a restaurant all night she’s gonna SCREAM. it’s boring.
ღ: how does my muse feel about displays of affection in public and/or in private?
indifferent ? due to her work she’s used to being touched in all sorts of ways both in public& private so she’s a little desensitised. even if by a stranger, she doesn’t immediately act out to being touched affectionately due to it being a familiar sensation. although if it’s by someone she cares about then she’s more inclined to indulge in it, as opposed to declining the actions of a stranger. & if it’s someone she has feelings for, then that’s an entirely different story. again, she gets a little shy but she definitely adores physical contact both in public & private.
💕: how does my muse express their feelings? do they do through small but meaningful gestures, or through bold declarations?
definitely through small meaningful gestures. to quote what i covered in the first hc: [ … such as holding onto you whether it be your hand, or your finger or your clothing. she’ll always put her coat around you if you’re cold, even if it’s too small. she’ll play with your hair until you fall asleep & she’ll kiss you frequently on your cheek or your forehead or your shoulder or your hands. she’ll also buy you gifts, but usually it’s your favourite food or cake & it’ll get to a point where you’ll definitely think she’s trying to fatten you up. just little things that let you know she’s taking care of you. ] but in saying that she would literally murder for you so that’s kinda bold.
💘: how does my muse act/react when they first realize that they had a crush on somebody?
she goes into denial & she’ll try to make it stop. according to her having feelings for others doesn’t fit into her lifestyle & it’s an unnecessary distraction. she’s convinced herself that love is childish & that she is not a child. eventually she’ll come around to acceptance but will continue to keep her feelings to herself for as long as it’s possible.
💓: how does my muse feel about physical intimacy?
headcanon can be found here.
💌: how would my muse go about confessing to someone they liked? would they do it indirectly or directly, or maybe not at all?
usually she wont confess at all, but it may get to a point where she gets a little frustrated &she might have an outburst where she’ll kiss you & call you an idiot for not realising her feelings & she may even lay it all out on the table to clear the air but purely so she can get it off her chest & move on. she would never confess thinking there would be a chance of a relationship & she likely wouldn’t pursue one without encouragement.
💟: what are three traits that my muse looks for in a partner?
kindness / open-mindedness / reliability.
💙: how would my muse handle seeing their object of affection falling in love with someone else?
it’s difficult to say because she’s naturally a bit of a jealous person with romantic partners, but at the same time she’s very practical & given the fact romance doesn’t really work well with everything she had going on right now, that gives her the ability to accept things & let go after time. so deep down she would know it’s inevitable, sure it hurts a bit but she’s a big girl she can handle it.
💚: how does my muse feel about love? about falling in love? about being in love?
love: childish & unrealistic.
falling in love: annoying & a distraction.
being in love: suffering.
💜: how long might it take for my muse to say “i love you” for the first time?
probably a decent little while because it’s all well & good to tell someone you love them if they’re your friend or someone you consider family, but when it’s romantic it’s almost like admitting she’s weak & it’s embarrassing. because of this she will always do it lowkey in a nonchalant way. she’ll probably mumble it when she’s laying on you, half asleep or slip it into a conversation when she’s drunk or breathe it softly into your ear when you’re having sex. but she’ll usually say it in a way that makes it seem like nothing, when it’s really everything.
💛: does my muse believe in love-at-first-sight? in soulmates? in fate?
hell no, no & no. that shit’s for disney princess’ & she is definitely no disney princess.
heart meme / @vanzator !
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d0enti · 3 months
I like your works:3
I'm honestly embarrassed to ask for this😭If possible, can you make Yan!Mikoto and a Reader with ADHD?
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MILGRAM—“I want you.”
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➵Summary:Yan! Mikoto x ADHD reader
➵Warning:mention of murder
➵A/N: Don't be embarrassed! I certainly can do that, but also important thing I read something about ADHD so hopefully I won't fuck up but if I did feel free to correct me
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Mikoto automatically thinks you are adorable, yes ADHD is a hard thing don't get him wrong but with how you can just randomly change topic is adorable
Mikoto will gladly listen when you talk even if it's too loud or too fast, he certainly can understand you
Mikoto does not accept people saying mean stuff to you or putting you under stress, he knows you can't cope very well with stress,and with that said some sharpening knife sounds will be heard
Mikoto knows you have trouble knowing when to speak, and so if it's your turn he will squeeze your hand as softly as possible but still enough you know
If Mikoto has the time and isn't working he gladly listens to you ramble, he thinks it's the cutest
If you are working with Mikoto and start to ramble and your co-worker tells you to stop because it's annoying, Mikoto will definitely be pissed, and when you are not looking he would go to the co-workers and ask them to meet him at the train station, only when they do alive they immediately get hit with a baseball until they die
Mikoto knows you tend to overshare, so he's even more careful with his crimes so if you find out you won't overshare it
Mikoto doesn't mind randomly changing topics, if you do so he will just follow it, if you change the topic he will talk about it
Mikoto knows people tend to be socially anxious, and if you are one of those people he will definitely support you, and brutally murder the person who didn't intend to do the same
Mikoto will also do his best to follow your mood swings, if you are angry and suddenly sad he will comfort you to the best of his capability
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d0enti · 3 months
Hi :) Could you do Tsukasa tenma headcannons where he has significant other who does theater along side him but they absolutely hate doing theater and the only reason they are doing it is because their parents are forcing them to do it
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PJSEKAI—“Stars can't shine without darkness.”
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➵Summary:Tsukasa x theatre reader
➵A/N:I got nothing to say except enjoy
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Tsukasa likes having a partner that does theatre with him, but he wants you to be happy even more
Tsukasa will try to convince your parents to let you quit theatre, giving them arguments like "they should do it if they want to" "they won't be a true star if you force them"
If that won't work Tsukasa will feel a bit down, but still he will support you and try to make theatre more enjoyable, so until you have your own will to quit you will enjoy it
Tsukasa will attempt to take part in the same performance every time, just so you can smile while practicing and like it more better for you
Tsukasa would often invite you to watch him perform with WxS, to simply make the annoying day with theatre better
Tsukasa fully believes you should do something you love, not what you parents want
Tsukasa asks WxS if they know how he can help you, how to convince your parents to let you quit theatre
Tsukasa offered for you to run away telling you that you were welcome to stay at his place, he genuinely doesn't know how he could help you
If you do decide to run away Tsukasa will welcome you with open arms, comforting you saying you did the right thing because you indeed did
Though if you won't decide to run away, he will understand it and tell you to not force yourself onto stuff you hate, because you never become a true star if you force yourself onto despair
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d0enti · 1 year
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Star Rail—"Ice is the diamond of winter"
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➵Summary:March as your girlfriend
➵A/N:March is such a cutie♡⁠
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March is over energetic and she's excited for a lot of stuff if you are also over energetic that's amazing, if not with March that doesn't really matter she will still love you
She most definitely has a folder in her phone with Pictures of you she thinks you are beautiful and probably has couple pictures laying around her room
Matching key chain? Yes! 100% yes, she probably got you a matching key chain and has hers around her everywhere and probably keeps bragging to Dan Heng how lucky she is
March likes reading Fanfic, you can't tell me otherwise you both could be sitting and obsessing about your favourite ship being cute in one and if you write them, March demands previous(she's joking of course but if you show her she's going to be happy)
March has multiple nicknames for your new day, new nickname, and the most popular nicknames are: love, honey, snowflake,dear and sweetheart
She also definitely has matching icons with you on all Social media if you change you pfp she probably will spam you phone if you have a new favourite character she will find a matching icon with that character and another one
March lives for matching stuff: matching key chain, matching pfp, matching phone case, matching outfits and a lot more but she doesn't need to match everything just a couple of those stuff
She definitely has a Instagram and her bio is probably "you icy March~☆
currently taken by [Y/N]
She asked you out on 14th of April she will have that date on every bio that she can literally
If you wear make up she definitely wants to put it on you
Loves doing your hair and loves adding bows to them even if you tell her to take them off she won't listen unless you make it clear you don't want them then she will listen
March doesn't always enjoy chores but doing them with you, it makes them more fun especially if she can play her playlist(she has a 12 hour playlist)
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d0enti · 3 months
Yan! Fuuta X Kanade! Reader?
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MILGRAM—“Maybe you're right.”
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➵Summary:Yan! Fuuta x Kanade reader
➵Warning:mention of doxing and cyber bullying
➵A/N:well that's certainly a interesting request, I had a lot of fun writing it
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Fuuta probably officially noticed he's a yandere was when you were working to hard for someone because of your hero complex
Since you take online classes, Fuuta tends so message you during classes since you have online ones the teacher wont notice when he messages you on discord or Twitter
Fuuta is probably your number 1 fan, actually he definitely is! Wherever he sees a new post he immediately listens to it,likes it and comments acting like a little girl
Now let's say someone hates on you, saying something about how you compose then Fuuta thinks it's only fair he gets revenge for you doxing the said person, I mean it's only fair he does it isn't it?
Fuuta also has the decency to bully people who hate on you, of course without you knowing and you would never suspect him after all he's so kind to you
Fuuta ironically told your house keeper to quit and said he will look after you, doing the house work and clean for you, does he know how? To decent level yes
Fuuta can get jealous of your teammates especially if your attention goes only towards them, will he hurt them? No it will break you too much... Will he hurt their family members? By doxing and cyberbulling them yes, he knows how to play this game right
Fuuta is also possessive outside, if he sees someone making fun of you, well he certainly doxing them to the max he can bullying everyone they know until they fall
Fuuta sees you as someone weak he has to protect, going far to dox someone no matter their age, though he is careful you won't know
Fuuta loves listening to you working, according to Fuuta you make everything sound angelic just like you
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d0enti · 4 months
hi hi !! if it's okay, could I request kotoko with a s/o who's very clingy/affectionate? like. they always want cuddles, kisses and hugs from her (I can't help it I love her sm,,)
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MILIGRAM—“Got your back.”
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➵Summary:Kotoko with clingy S/O
➵A/N:of course it's okay, I also like Kotoko, but still I 100% believe she should be Guilty and I'm saying this with love
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First and formal, I'm not sure if Kotoko would like a clingy S/O especially because of the thing she does, but still she would love you and simply tell you to not follow her
When Kotoko gets used to you being clingy she returns affection in soft gestures, like holding hands,kissing your forehead etc.
I feel like Kotoko would think you are too innocent because of your clingy behaviour, she would believe that you would kill anybody or do something wrong, plus she sees you 24/7
Kotoko doesn't want you to get yourself into the stuff she does, simply because of the danger so she tries to return you affection as much as possible so you won't follow her
Kotoko thinks you are adorable, will she mention it straight away? Not really probably when she decides to tease you she will mention it
There are moments where Kotoko will tease you for how clingy you are, but not in a bad way if she had to be honest she feels happy,I mean you feel safe in her arms and she can protect you
Kotoko probably gives you hugs and kisses if you ask her, after all she needs to protect her baby, ake you because you are her baby
I feel like if Kotoko Isn't well brutally murdering people, she definitely cuddles you kissing your forehead maybe even playing with your hair
Kotoko certainly likes affection but there are times where she just can't, ake she about to beat the living shit out of someone because they are a bad guy and she certainly is not about to drag you into this
Kotoko probably finds her information about the criminals she's looking for while cuddling with you, just imagine laying on her while she's playing with your hair looking for someone adress, something like this: ➵
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d0enti · 4 months
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Milgram—"your eyes are my favourite color"
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➵Summary:Es with autistic S/O
➵A/N:Es best Milgram character fr, also I went off topic a few times so sorry for that
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Es might not know you autistic until you tell him or Shidou does, and definitely not Jackalope that rabbit probably didn't know until Es told him
As for how they act, Es will try his best to use more simple words, to you in case you don't understand them, they genuinely want to communicate with you correctly
That especially goes if you are a prisoner, Es wants you to understand them correctly, so they can understand why you are in Milgram, and if they want to vote you innocent
Es is decently patient but they aren't sometimes, they are more patient with you so you can tell them everything at your own pace, and Es will try to follow you pace too
Es would secretly ask you to tell them every interaction you have with other prisoners, why? So they won't manipulate you since autistic people are easily manipulated(not all of course)
Es isn't really sarcastic, and even if sometimes they say something they didn't mean, they will tell you their joking after that though as I said, that rarely happens
Now if you have vocal stims, Es will make sure you won't mask them but slowly of course, by for example repeating them with you so you feel safe
Es wants to learn what sets you off so, it won't happen (if you ask they might ask Jackalope to get you some fidgets, they will still do it later if you won't ask)
And if your vocal stim happened because Es did something, They will try to do it again just for you to be happy or say something if that's the reason
Es will also like spending time with you, and listening to your rants about your favourite subjects, they're genuinely interested(also Es will definitely have the love look)
And because of the ranting part everyone will suspect that Es has a crush on you, will they agree? No will they confess to you? Yes
Es will be in denial, telling themselves that you are a prisoner and they are a prison guard so they can't love you, it will probably take them a little bit of time to just say "Fuck it I'm just in love" and confess
Also Es will probably accidentally make you, think they don't like you because they are just standing there mumbling to themselves about what if they say something wrong
Anyway once you are dating Es, his soft spot isn't shown around others only in private
Es is decently clingy, they enjoy hugs and kisses after they had an interrogation, because honestly those prisoners make them lose sanity
As for pet names, Es doesn't use them around others but in private they will use some but mostly "love" with extra gentlest "Well it's time for the interrogation how are you feeling my love?"
Es will make sure to ask if the material on your uniform is fine, if not they will ask Jackalope if there's a chance to get you a new one with a material you will like
Es will gladly become your personal translator/they need to when Shidou isn't around but even if they do, they don't mind doing it
If something exciting happened for example you were voted innocent, Es will not mind you grabbing their hands and start jumping around with happiness, they will be really happy since you are happy
Es will do research on autism but also ask you about it, since not everyone has the same traits
As for the voting part, Es will try to vote fairly but put the fact they learn about autism In case it's a big part of the reason you here
If Es is in between what to vote, they will vote you innocent, you being their partner breaks the tie + Es think is adorable when you get excited for being voted innocent
Now if you get voted guilty, Es would either 1. Act more cold just a little bit though or 2.talk to you about it to find out more about it, it mainly depends on how long you were in a relationship and which trial it is
Even if they were to act cold, Es would be worried once he sees you being beaten up by Kotoko and would immediately hug you
Honestly Es doesn't change much with autistic reader but still tries to be more soft towards them+ look after them
୨⎯ "Silly Scenario" ⎯୧
You were inside the integration room waiting for Es to come and start it, you were getting bored and started playing with your fingers eventually moving to your nails before you could hurt yourself by picking them Es arrives and stops you
"sorry for coming late love, Fuuta was well being Fuuta"
"ah it's alright so are we starting the integration?"
"yes but before that do you want to hold my hand and maybe play with it? It looks like you need to do something with your hands"
"could I?"
"yeah sure I don't mind as long as you will answer my questions honestly"
"of course I will!"
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d0enti · 3 months
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MILGRAM—“Believe you can do it”
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➵Summary:Es with reader that is delulu
➵A/N:Es is honestly my favourite Milgram character, anyway enjoy this lovely story with you being delulu
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Es was walking towards the integration room to start the integration, if they remember correctly Jackalope mentioned something about you being crazy? Delusional? Something like that, Es already dealt with Mikoto and his other personality honestly they just wanted to rest but they had to integrate you too, Es wonders how you will act will you be as crazy as the other Mikoto or was Jackalope mistaken?
Es finally arrived in the integration room only to notice nobody was there, which was strange... Where the hell were you? They definitely didn't see you in your cell when they were walking here, well seems they are going to have to look for yo-
"Hello there stranger"
"Jesus you scared me!"
...and you didn't say anything
"uhh how about you sit down and we talk?"
Once again you ignored him
"ehh what can I do for you to sit down?"
"Kneel down and ask"
"...I can't believe I'm doing this..."
Es took a deep breath before kneeling down Infront of you
"can you please sit down?"
"add 'you Highness' and I will"
"you gotta be kidding me..."
"ehhh... Can you please sit down you highness?"
You walked up to a chair and sat down, and when you did that Es stood up and walked up to their chair sitting down, well at least they knows you are not crazy like Mikoto's other personality... Still you are 100% delusional! Well I guess Es will have to refer to you as you highness
"name,age and crime please"
"you highness"
"[Y/N] [L/N], I'm [age] and as for my crime I done nothing"
"I have been told all 11 of you killed someone that includes you"
"hmm well I certainly don't recall hurting someone"
"ehhh I guess I won't go anywhere with you"
"listen here Milgram exists for me to judge you"
"really? Well that's certainly not fair"
"and what could you mean by that"
"favouritism, you might fall for someone and vote them innocent because you love them, or someone will help you and you will vote them innocent because of that, which is unfair"
"we are on two different sides you are a prisoner and I'm a warden, so what ever you say means nothing"
"is that so? Then I won't answer any of your questions!"
"I swear to god..."
That was when you first met Es, and also one of the reasons you got closer to him... especially since you verdict was guilty after that you got beaten by Kotoko and 2nd trial begun
"good morning"
"just give me your questions..."
"huh? Not going to tell me to call you your highness?"
"you got beaten pretty badly haven't you?"
"isn't it obvious?"
Well that was odd you didn't speak in your fantasy ways? Es hated that yes but now that you stopped it feels like an important part of you died out, Es hated that even more
"will you finally tell me who you murder?"
"no...I won't tell you a thing about what I did...I don't trust you"
"your trust doesn't matter, what matters is you telling me what did you do"
"will you finally answer me?"
Silence again
"I swear to god, will you finally act your age?! life isn't all about rainbows!"
"you think I don't know that?!"
Es got quite hearing you scream they certainly didn't expect it
"You don't even understand why I act like I do"
"how should I know you act like a 4 year old"
"then I guess you never heard about people being delusional!"
Es got quiet once more...you were right in some parts but still why? What happened why did you suddenly change now that you are acting normal Es hates it, is it because they hate liars? But if they do shouldn't they hate you for being delusional? They're confused
Well how about I cut the little angst part short, because who wants angst when Milgram already gives a lot,so now here cute Headcanons with our dear prison guard
୨⎯ "Headcanons" ⎯୧
The quite long scenario before this probably already answered you question how would Es react to you being delulu
Es geniually wouldn't be a fan of this kind of behaviour, but only at the start later on they will somewhat follow through especially when you learn more about delulu people
After learning more Es will act how you wish, but still they have a limit especially since they are a prison guard
Now if two start dating after them voting you guilty for the first time,Es geniually enjoys your behaviour it's unique in many ways and they love that!
Also Es sometimes finds it pleasing to refer to you as 'you highness' but only sometimes don't tell anybody
Though who am I kidding Kotoko probably notices it, and honestly maybe Yuno will personally ask if you see Es as your King or fellow royalty in front of them for a little tease(Es was a tomato because of that)
I think Es will protect your honor around Jackalope especially since he will definitely think you are crazy,I mean he thought that before anyway
I feel like there's a chance Es would get you a little tiara when getting supplies for the other prisoners,and personally they just want to see you happy
Es also probably more calm? Around you of course after you start dating wanting for you to remain happy if delusion does that then they are glad, but they still want you to not be delusional maybe becoming your safe place so you stop, but truthfully speaking Es doesn't want you lying to yourself pretending to not be delusional only because people think it's weird, they know you will heal eventually and until then, Es will be you fellow royalty in Milgram prison
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d0enti · 4 months
Kotoko x silently ptsd fem!reader please (reader’s personality like sunny from omori)
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MILGRAM—“I trust you.”
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➵Summary:Kotoko x silently PTSD reader!Fem!
➵Warning:mention of suicide and murder
➵A/N:I don't know Omori that well so I had to use Wikipedia for safety, so if I fucked up the personality like Sunny I'm sorry, anyway two things this takes part during Milgram and second enjoy!
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Kotoko was suspicious of you to say simply, you had that emotionless face, and you were really quiet even during the integration with Es you were quiet but this didn't stop Kotoko from loving you
Now into the current time,Kotoko is mad at herself a little, the person she's crushing on is also someone she's against so before anything she wanted to know the truth why you in Milgram if it's similar to Sunny you pushed your sister accidentally out of anger she might forgive you, especially if you tried to commit suicide like Sunny did
Kotoko certainly notices that you are simply shy and don't talk to people, so she offers to do it for you, and she does while being somewhat kind though she will be passive aggressive if they mention you not talking
Kotoko notices how you care for your friends when she sees you talking to the guilty prisoners she beat up before, and she can't help but smile
Kotoko would start believing that you are completely innocent, I mean you sister died because you accidentally pushed her out of anger and you did feel guilty enough you wanted to join her
Kotoko notices you talking badly about yourself saying you are worthless and weak, she would be a liar if she said that didn't upset her so she had to comfort you
If you accidentally get injured in Milgram, Kotoko will bandage you up and if you feel guilty for that too, she will give you a peck on the forehead telling you that she doesn't mind looking after her adorable girlfriend
Kotoko gets surprised when you get mad and start yelling at someone, she will find it odd but intriguing(proud girlfriend) Kotoko is happy to know you can somewhat protect yourself
Kotoko doesn't mind listening to the daydreams you have, though if she notices you doing this out fear about the truth she tries to help, attempting to make Milgram a little better for you
Kotoko also tells you to let her spoil you, saying that you being the baby of the group isn't bad, and that it makes you even more adorable, come on you her adorable girlfriend
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d0enti · 4 months
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MILGRAM—"Don't give up, ever."
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➵Summary:Fuuta x stripper reader
➵Warning:mention of stalking,doxing and words like slut and whore
➵A/N:first and formar reader is 18+ because you can't be a stripper unless you 18 or older but then again it depends on the country so yeah anyway enjoy
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He's not going to question you,Fuuta loves you and if being a stripper is what you want then go for it you probably don't participate in a part of it where you will start acting more inappropriate? By that I mean you only dance on the poll and that's all no private shows for hungry people
Fuuta is worried for your safety and even though he hates it he will go with you, but he won't watch other people because honestly he's embarrassed to do so and stuff happens in there
Strippers probably have cases where someone enjoys their performance that they follow them, and in your case if that happens Fuuta is there to protect you(in reality he just sprays them with a paper spray he got for you, how? That is something you will never know)
Fuuta will dox someone if they attempt to hurt you or they stalk you and they have social media, which is about 99% chance they do but if they don't well school pictures exist don't they?
Fuuta asks you to have a paper spray around you, like I mentioned before old man and sometimes women too need to keep their hands away from people who only do stuff to have a happy life later
Fuuta is curious why you decided to be a stripper, he doesn't care but if it's something like you got forced into it by for example a dept given by a bully, doxing is an option isn't it? I mean they deserve it
Also if he's out of Milgram he probably tells Yuno about you if he's in contact with her, saying stuff about how you two are similar about people thinking you are naive and a poor little soul even though you not
Speaking about a naive soul, Fuuta doesn't see you as one and honestly doesn't care if you want to do it then do it(he does care he's worried about what will happen if you keep going with it)
Fuuta is aware about what it is like being a stripper especially if you are a university student, I mean if they find out you will probably be bullied being called a slut or a whore maybe even other stuff
Fuuta tries to protect you during those moments even if you don't need it, I mean why do they care what your job is?! It's your body and your choice
Also Fuuta will probably sometimes find it funny when one of his friends comes running screaming you cheating on him because you are working in a strip club but Fuuta knows that and goes there with you to protect you(he usually has a mask on and a hoodie so nobody recognizes him)
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d0enti · 4 months
Can you do yan! Kotoko x reader who's similar to Saki from Project SEKAI?
Platonic or romantic, you're choice.
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MILGRAM—“I think, therefore I am.”
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➵Summary:Yan! Kotoko x Saki reader
➵Warning:mention of murder
➵A/N:Sure! Honestly I got a few Kotoko requests It seems like I'm writing her well, anyway I'm giving you the reader the choice if you want to see this as romantic or platonic
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Kotoko thinks your personality is adorable, and wants to protect you smile as much as she can and she means it
Kotoko feels upset when you are sad because of your sickness, genuinely speaking she would want you to be healthy
Kotoko notices few people talking about your illness some of them completely ignoring your personality because of it, and that makes her annoyed and well she can't help but kill them
Kotoko is good at manipulation so you won't know what she has done or is doing, you probably won't suspect all the murders happening being her fault
Kotoko wouldn't dare kill your childhood friends, you were isolated from them and she doesn't want to make it worse for you, Kotoko thinks about who she murders for you
Kotoko thinks decently highly of your brother mostly because just like her he wants you to be happy, she just thinks that he's one of the few people in the world who aren't corrupted and it makes her glad
Kotoko visits you while you are working at the café, and if possible protects you from creeps though you won't know she will tell you that she's only there to get a drink, and you working there is just a nice point
Kotoko watches you while you play soft tennis, feeling happy that even though you still ill you know how to have fun and do some kind of sport which won't make you feel unwell
Kotoko definitely visits you during your practice with your friends, while mainly watching you play the piano looking so gentle and peaceful
Kotoko notices you liking fashion and takes you shopping, if she notices someone making you uncomfortable or flirting with you while you trying something on she will leave immediately and kill them later
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d0enti · 11 months
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Genshin impact—“All you need is love”
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➵Summary:Albedo as your boyfriend
➵A/N:Albedo is such a cutie
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Albedo has a lot of work as an alchemist and member of the knights of favonius, so he probably won't have much time though he will try his best to give you a lot of affection
Albedo gets to collect a lot of flowers since he's an alchemist and with that fact he loves to give you flowers, he never gives you one he gives up multiple of many types either a bouquet full of Mondstadt flowers or one with only Liyue flowers
Albedo loves cuddling with you, if you are cuddling he loves holding you though if he has a feeling like he wants you to hold him it's because he's in a bad mood or because he failed an experiment if so just hold him and he will feel better
Albedo loves Klee dearly and he wants his partner to also like her or at least protect her in case he's busy and she will try to put herself in danger and she tends to do it he appreciates it a lot literally
Albedo likes drawing you and doesn't approve if you think you're ugly but will understand if you have your insecurities since he himself does and he will always kiss the places where you are insecure did I say always yes always unless you are uncomfortable with him kissing that place
Albedo isn't human he's made of chalk and he knows that so if there's anybody who's flirting with you and he feels a bit jealous since hello you his partner, who tf do they think they are?! But also it causes him an odd feeling like he's not worthy of you
Albedo spends a lot of time researching that he can give you interesting facts or he gladly listens if you have any, found something interesting about rocks? Well go on tell him he gladly listens
At some point you probably got dragged into a tea party with Klee and Albedo, and well you certainly found out little pig tails fit Albedo very well (and that he also looks funny)
Albedo would definitely know how to sing but not because he wants to, it's because he accidentally learned how to when walking around Mondstadt, and well he's good at it and won't mind singing to you if you want him to
Ahh Pet names Albedo tends to use them and funny enough some of them have meaning behind time here some examples: darling-he's in a bad mood or jealous dearest-he has a request for you involving babysitting Klee because he's busy sweetheart-he feels like he upset you and wants to do something for you. Other nicknames either don't have a meaning or you Didn't notice one, Albedo tends to use old-fashioned nicknames for you
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d0enti · 11 months
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Star Rail—“Home is wherever I’m with you"
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➵Summary:going trick or treat with them
➵A/N:Happy Halloween loves~! Hope you are having a great time
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⎯ 〈Trailblazer〉
Trailblazer got quite interested when you mentioned going out to go trick or treat, you both decided to go to collect some though Trailblazer didn't know much about it yet still wanted to try.
When you were walking around in your costumes people would compliment how you guys outfit match.
If someone would choose a trick Trailblazer would grab a pen and draw a huge trashcan drawing
Trailblazer will definitely enjoy making jack lanterns she/He would cut out trash cans or silly drawing of her/his friends and you
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⎯ 〈March 7th〉
There's nobody more excited than March for Halloween the moment she wakes up she runs to your room yelling "it's Halloween!!!" She probably woke up the full astral express but she's just so excited to go trick or treat with you when you ask
Matching Halloween costumes 100% she's not accepting anything else (joking she is accepting if you don't want to you are her main priority) anyway I feel like March will take multiple pictures of you guys together and maybe post them on Instagram if you are comfortable
If someone was to choose trick March would have creepy photos printed and slide them under their doors, and if she knows it's an old person she worries they might have a heart attack so she will slide a picture with trash can, she has a couple of them because of trailblazer
March enjoys everything on Halloween but she probably likes to decorate the express a lot or going trick or treat
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⎯ 〈Dan Heng〉
He probably wouldn't mind, he got used to March asking him to go so he started going himself so Dan heng doesn't really mind going with you
I feel like Dan heng wouldn't mind matching outfits but he just asked for them to not be too clingy simply because March used to make him dress like a ketchup bottle and her as mayonnaise
If someone chose trick Dan heng would just let you do something and if you don't want to then he would just play the Shrek song the loudness he can and run quickly when he hears(somehow) that the person is coming back outside
Dan heng definitely likes baking Halloween cookies and let's everyone decorate them he also bakes them with Himeko since she has amazing ideas and likes his too
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