#milgram fanfic
amugoffandoms · 7 months
Woo!! It's time! It's time for the gift exchange!! (@milgram-valentines-exchange) Happy Valentine's Day to @mrcrazyvillainvillainn!! I had such a fun time writing your gift!! Truly gotta let Mahiru and Mikoto be silly and happy! I really hope you enjoy!! I've never written a ship fic for any of the prisoners, so I guess we ball?? (Also, let me know if you want the art without the titles!!) JIAWODJIAOW Anyways, here we go! Please enjoy...
do i dare love you? (i have always loved you)
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Is this selfish? This isn’t too much, is it? I just love you so much. How long would this dream go on? I guess we can just say that this feeling is happiness~ Do you really think you know what love is? You don’t have to keep it in and hide it away. "I love you", the reason why I'm here This is how "I" will love "you"! --- "To be honest, Mikoto Kayano didn't know what to expect." "Mahiru Shiina fixes the flowers in a bouquet and hands it off to the customer." (Mikoto Kayano and Mahiru Shiina love each other in the smallest of moments.)
To be honest, Mikoto Kayano didn't know what to expect. Getting a mysterious call out of the blue? Well, ah… That’s sure to scare him.
No, no, everything’s fine. No need to resort to anything crazy. 
Mikoto exhales and splashes some water on his face. Turning off the sink, he looks up at the mirror and flashes himself a smile. 
…ah, okay, that was a little embarrassing. Mikoto laughs to himself as he walks out of the bathroom and back to his desk.
He drums his pen against his desk as he moves his mouse around to turn his computer back on. Placing his head on his hand, he scrolls through emails and emails.
It’s just the same emails. “Fix that.” “I liked the original design better; can you do it again?” “The deadline moved. Make sure your designs are ready for–”
Mikoto blinks and glances over at his phone. 
New Message: make sure to come soon! 
Right, yeah. Mikoto has to head back home soon. Okay, he should really get a start on his work so he can head home early!
Sitting straight, Mikoto pulls up some designs on his computer and grabs the small stack of papers. 
With one more glance at the ideas given, Mikoto starts designing.
Mikoto leans back in his chair and slumps back. The design… is done! This is where Mikoto pretends to hear a soft achievement noise. Ding!
Anyways, Mikoto exhales and looks at the papers on his desk. The design is nice! One of his finest designs, actually. He flips through the papers and nods to himself, happy with the result. 
In the corner of his eye, he notices his boss and quickly waves him down. The second his boss looks at him with a small smile, Mikoto realizes his desk is an absolute mess. 
Ack–! Why did he leave his energy drink can here? Oh, these papers need to be in a folder–
Right after Mikoto finishes rearranging his desk, his boss finally makes it to his desk.
“Chief! I finished the design you wanted me to make!” Mikoto hands the stack of designs with a small smile. His boss blinks, clearly surprised at how fast Mikoto finished the designs. He flips through the small stack, checking each design.
His serious expression seriously doesn’t tell me anything… Mikoto internally groans.
“Good job, Kayano.” His boss places the stack underneath his arm. “These will probably suffice for our client. Do you have other designs that need to be completed?” “Ah, um–” Mikoto looks around at his desk. He doesn’t think he does. “...No…?’
“Oh?” His boss asks, surprised for some reason. Hey, Mikoto knows how to finish his work if it isn’t being constantly changed! “Ah… Alright then… I guess you…” His boss looks around the office. “...Actually, it looks like everyone is preoccupied.”
Mikoto shifts uncomfortably in his seat. Please don’t give him more work. Please don’t give him more work. 
His boss lifts his wrist and looks at his watch. “Hm… It’s seven. Earlier than I would like to let anyone out.” 
Oh, please. Please. Please-!!
His boss sighs. “Alright, Kayano. You may head home early today. I’m only doing this because you’ve got most of your work under control and I unfortunately don’t want to bother your coworkers with giving you their work.” You would anyway, but you seem to be in good spirits today…? “Thank you, Chief!” Mikoto smiles. “Don’t expect this often from me. Have a good night.” His boss turns right around and walks away, going over to a different cubicle. Mikoto watches as his boss walks away and pumps his fist.
Woo! I’m free! Mikoto grins to himself as he packs his stuff into his bag. Standing up, he shuts his computer off and looks around.  To be honest, he feels really bad for his coworkers… 
But, he promised to get home as soon as he could. Mikoto glances at his phone, specifically that one notification.
make sure to come soon!
He doesn’t want to break his promise. So, with a quiet exhale, he walks to the elevator and clicks the button to go down. The elevator doors open.
He walks in.
“…oh, I forgot to press the button to the lobby–” Mikoto mumbles as he quickly clicks the button down.
Mikoto hears the key click in the lock and turns the doorknob. As he walks into his apartment, the lights are all out.
“I could’ve sworn I left the lights on…?” Mikoto mumbles as he takes the key out of the lock and shrugs off his coat. He slowly walks through his apartment, fumbling for the lights. 
His hands land on the switch and Mikoto flips the lights on–
Arms wrap around Mikoto’s neck. Something makes Mikoto twitch. “Surprise~!”
Mikoto jumps. 
Mahiru laughs above him as Mikoto lies on the ground, dazed. “Ma– Mappi???” Someone relaxes.
“Hehe~ Did I scare you?” Mahiru giggles, absolutely beaming. “A… a little, yeah!” Mikoto dusts himself off. “I think I hit my head… Ow…”
Mahiru’s laughter immediately stops. “Ah– did I hurt you? Hey, let me see–”  Mahiru quickly kneels on the floor and scoots next to Mikoto. “No, no. I’m okay, I promise– Please don’t worry!” Mikoto gives a weak smile. “Let me just look, okay?” Mahiru says, with a soft voice filled with concern. (Her voice is always soft, but these moments, they're just a little bit more comforting. Maybe it’s Mikoto being too detail-oriented recently, but he’s decided to notice the smaller things.)
Mikoto swallows. “Okay.”
She looks at the back of Mikoto’s head, checking for any bumps or bruises.  The moment is silent as Mahiru looks all over Mikoto’s head for anything and Mikoto sits there, quiet.
To be honest, he doesn’t want to say anything. He doesn’t want to ruin it. It’s… those small moments, right? When you know someone loves you. Those are the moments you want to hold in your hands because they’re so fuzzy and warm. 
“I love you,” Mikoto whispers. 
There’s a pause. Mahiru stops checking his hair. Her hands are still. She’s not moving. 
Did he ruin it? Maybe he should apologize and–
“I love you, too,” Mahiru whispers back.
And, they’re back to silence.
Mahiru scoots back in front of him. “You’re okay. Nothing too bad, okay?” 
She says it with a voice that makes him know she cares: a warm, loving voice. It makes him want to cry just because she loves him. 
And, he loves her. And, he'll make sure she knows that.
“Okay,” Mahiru says, her voice oddly strained. Is… is she about to cry? “Um… Okay, I made some food for you. I– I know you don’t usually like big gestures and I really shouldn’t push myself, but… I think you deserve it, okay?”  “Okay.” Mikoto nods. He stands up and gives a hand to Mahiru, who takes it with a small giggle. “Hehe, this feels like a fairy tale~” She hums.
“Hey, can I…?” “Eh? Do what?” Mahiru asks, with a tilted head. “I mean, whatever it is, I don’t mind~”  
Mikoto places a small kiss on Mahiru’s cheek.  “Ah–!! Hey–! Oh–” She’s red, blushing from ear to ear. 
Mikoto laughs. “That was payback.” “Oh, you-!!” Mahiru has an angry look, but her smile says otherwise. “Fine, fine! That’s fair. Okay, come on, let’s eat~ I don’t want our food to be cold!” Mahiru grabs Mikoto’s hand in hers, trying to drag him over to the table.
Her hands are warm.  Mahiru quickly pauses as she looks at Mikoto and their hands. “Is everything okay…?” Mikoto nods.
“Everything’s perfect.”
Mahiru Shiina fixes the flowers in a bouquet and hands it off to the customer. “Have a good afternoon~” She grins.
As the shopkeeper’s bell rings to show the customer has left, Mahiru sighs and melts into the counter.  “Shiina…? Are you alright?” One of her coworkers asks as they walk over. Mahiru mumbles something into the counter.  “Uh…” They laugh. “Okay, I’m guessing you’re not okay. Um…”
Mahiru keeps her head on the counter as she hears her coworker’s footsteps slowly disappear.
Mahiru sighs. She’s really tired… She wasn’t able to get any sleep last night. She doesn’t even know why. She just couldn’t sleep. A lady like her should be getting her beauty sleep! 
Oh, well… She’ll just have to brave the storm! 
Mahiru quickly lifts her head up and instantly gets hit with a fit of dizziness. 
Ah, that was a bad idea…
As Mahiru quickly blinks away the dizziness, she notices her boss and coworker walking over. 
“I wasn’t doing anything–! I mean, I was doing something, I promise!” Mahiru awkwardly laughs as she waves her hands around defensively. Her boss shakes her head. “Mahiru, you can head home. We don’t expect that many people today, and you seem tired. I can cover whatever is left of your shift.” “Ah, but–” “I’ll pay you for your full shift, alright? Just head home.” “Okay.” Mahiru hesitantly nods and takes off her apron as she heads to the break room to grab her stuff. 
When Mahiru returns with her belongings, her coworker hands her a small bouquet with lilyturf, dahlias, forget-me-nots, and red lilies. 
“I know you’ve enjoyed taking these kinds of flowers home recently, so here you are!” As Mahiru opens her mouth to speak, her coworker continues, “And, don’t worry about the charge. I already paid for it.” Mahiru blinks, taking the bouquet and looking at it. “Ah… Oh. Thank you.” Mahiru smiles at the flowers.
“Of course! Now, rest well!”
Mahiru smiles at her coworker before leaving the store, the shopkeeper’s bell ringing behind her.
Mahiru hums as she enters her apartment and quickly walks over to her table near the couch, grabbing water from the kitchen. She places her bag on the floor next to the couch.
Sitting on the couch, she pours some water into a glass vase. Then, she places her bouquet in the vase.
Mahiru looks at the bouquet for a few moments, admiring each flower.
When she yawns, she finally lowers her head on a pillow and slowly…
Her eyes…
There’s a smell of food cooking in the air.  She feels warm.
Mahiru slowly blinks the sleepiness from her eyes and looks around. 
…why is there a blanket on her…?  Is someone cooking?
Confused, she pushes herself upright and glances at the kitchen.
Mikoto is cooking.
“Huh…?” Mahiru blurts out, sleepy and confused. Mikoto looks over at Mahiru. “Oh, hey! You’re awake! Sorry, I tried calling you, but you were asleep. Um, so I let myself in with the spare key!” 
Mahiru glances at her bag on the floor and quickly picks it up. Opening it, she searches for her phone. When she finally finds it, she turns it on and sees the notifications flood her lock screen.
3 Missed Calls
10 New Messages:
hey, mappi ^^!!
i’m off from work so i’m coming to visit!
Ah wait you might be at work
Go back to work!!
i think your door is locked??
i’m letting myself in, ok?
oh dear where’s your key
found it!! Coming in now :D
Mahiru rambles as she stares at the notifications, “Ah– I didn’t realize you were calling. I’m so sorry, please forgive me–”
“Hey, hey. It’s all good!” Mikoto smiles. “You were tired, so I let you sleep. I grabbed a blanket from your closet. Hope that’s okay!”
Mahiru nods and sits there for a moment, not sure what to do.
She glances over at the table, spotting the bouquet. She looks at Mikoto, who has a smile on his face as he tries to cook some soup. 
She knows why she likes getting these flowers.
They remind her of Mikoto.
They remind her of how much she loves him.
She loves him.
“Hey, let me help you, okay~?” Mahiru sings as she hops up and skips over to the kitchen. “No, I’m okay. I can cook, see?” Mahiru looks at the small pot Mikoto is using to cook soup. 
It’s… hm… not the best soup…?
“Just let me help you, alright?” “Alright, alright.” Mikoto, stepping back, raises his hands. “Show me what you want to do.”
Mahiru quickly slides in front of Mikoto and glances at the pot. "Can you wrap your arms around me?"
"Eh–?" Mikoto coughs in shock. "Yeah, yeah– Um…" 
Mikoto quickly wraps her arms around Mahiru and looks over her shoulder as he tries to stir.
“Mhm~” Mahiru hums. “You’re stirring a little too harshly. Relax, okay?”  “Alright.” Mikoto slowly stirs the soup.  “Still too tense. Okay, hold on.” Mahiru places her hands on his. “Okay, now… We’ll do this together, okay?” 
Mikoto is quiet. Mahiru takes that as his yes.
Mahiru, with Mikoto’s hands in hers, slowly stirs the soup. She murmurs some small compliments.
Mahiru lets go of his hands and smiles. “See, you’re doing it now!”  Mikoto breathes a sigh of relief. “Is it better? Honestly, I really couldn’t tell the difference.” “Hmm… Well, I guess there really isn’t.” Mahiru shrugs. “But, I think the amount of quiet, slow care you put into something will show itself." She's made herself learn that love can be soft and strong. Ever since her last boyfriend and she broke up on... amicable terms, she's tried being better. For love, and for who she loves. “I see.” “...I know it really doesn’t make sense. I’m sorry.” Mahiru shakes her head and slides out from in front of Mikoto.
“No, no. It makes sense, I promise.” Mikoto looks over at Mahiru with a smile. “It shows that you care.”
Mahiru smiles back.
After a few moments with Mahiru helping Mikoto cook, they finally eat together at the table. 
“Mappi?” Mikoto fidgets with his spoon. “Hmm?” Mahiru hums, food in her mouth. “Thank you.”
Mahiru blinks and just nods. “Y-yeah, of course…!”
Ah– That was so embarrassing…! Not at all lady-like! I should’ve just…!!
“I really don’t cook often, so that was really helpful. Haha…” Mikoto rubs his neck with a smile. “I mean, I do cook! It’s just… noodles and stuff.” “Well, now you know how to cook one more thing!” Mahiru smiles.
“Yeah.” Mikoto looks at Mahiru with a loving smile on his face.
His smile is so sweet. He even tries to do stuff he’s never done before for me! Ack… My heart can’t take it–!!
I love you.
Mikoto stares at Mahiru before laughing. 
“E-eh?? What did I do??” “Nothing, nothing. I love you, too.” Mikoto grins.
…she said that out loud…
Mahiru is instantly embarrassed. She feels warm again, but she’s not wearing a blanket. “Oh… Ah–”  “Hey, hey. It’s okay. It’s sort of cute, I think…?” Mikoto rubs his neck. “Ah– If you say so…!!”
The two of them continue eating when Mikoto suddenly speaks up again. “Hey, did you mean to make you help me feel like one of those scenes from a movie…?” “E-eh?? No, no, wait– Ah. I really didn’t, I swear!!” Mahiru frantically shakes her head. Mikoto blinks, seeming to realize Mahiru is a little panicked. “Hey, no! I thought it was sweet–!”
Mahiru awkwardly laughs. “I’m glad you do… Um… Maybe I was subconsciously inspired by something…?”
“That’s okay.” Mikoto shrugs. “Everything you do is sweet.”
Mahiru beams. 
“If it’s for you, I’ll make sure it’s worth everything.”
#mug writes#mug draws#milgram#milgram project#mikoto kayano#kayano mikoto#mahiru shiina#shiina mahiru#milgram fanfic#milgramvalentine's2024#milgram valentine's exchange#we're going to have some afterward notes so let's see uhh#the notes are more detailed on ao3 so you can also check int out there lol#i wanted to have small references to what their crimes were#so you can see John pop in for a moment because he believed Mikoto was about to get attacked but once John realized it was Mahiru he relaxe#I wanted Mahiru and her boyfriend to break up amicably because their relationship is really crucial to Mahiru's character#I think actually beans' break-up fic they wrote was REALLY good and was what I was thinking about when I wrote that#I wanna say that Mahiru and Mikoto are both trying to get better at the things they messed up at#They should go to therapy actually /j#I wrote this before Mikoto's interrogation came out so that marriage question came flying back at me#he probably hasn't accumulated a “track record” yet to make his own business but i'd say mahiru might get him to quit early and go work#elsewhere because of how much his job is putting him through#Mahiru checking Mikoto's hair was supposed to be Mahiru carrying Mikoto to the couch but I didn't know how to write it without making it#awkward so I'm sorry wome#Looking back on it I think I realized that the lines that end both sides of the fic kinda...#go straight back to MILGRAM but trying to be better?#Everything's perfect - Mikoto said his life was fine; that he had done nothing wrong (An unconscious lie)#Here you have Mikoto actually believing he's doing okay; that he's fine and everything is okay#And while work is a hassle at least there's some aspect of his life that he connects to#If it's for you I'll make sure it's worth everything. - Mahiru wants to love perfectly she wants to love because it's the reason she elives
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whats-it-mean · 9 months
Hello Mairu!
I’ve enjoyed your milgram fics for a long time - they’re all amazing you’re such a talented writer!
I am new on tumblr, I apologise in advance if this was not the right place or timing to ask for requests.
May I request another Mikoto Kayano x Reader? Ideally involving both Mikoto and John - but anything is fine.
Again, love your works, please continue what you’re doing!!!
Thank you so much.
Baking with… Mikoto ?
Mikoto/John Kayano x Reader
A/N - giggles. I love getting requests for mikoto HES SO. WHAJJSJ AWWWWW the boy i love him. hahahah i wonder how obvious it is that whenever i write for him i try so hard to avoid actually using the name john LMAO
C/W - None! :D
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
With all the varying traditions that came with people of different ages, cities, and families in MILGRAM, one of the few things that everyone seemed able to agree on doing together was baking cookies. Mahiru had everyone together in the kitchen, different areas organized into little task forces, everyone with a different mission, like some sort of assembly line. Everyone had been set in pairs, decided by Mahiru herself, and you found yourself next to the one and only prisoner 009, ingredients for icing scattered about in front of you.
You’d taken yourself up with reading over the instructions Mahiru had given you, struggling for a moment to decipher her cursive handwriting when you felt a sudden weight on your shoulder.
“Mmm.” He simply let out something of a tired grumble before sort of… nuzzling his face into your shoulder, arms wrapping around your waist. It made sense for him to be sleepy considering the overall lack of sleep each of the guilty prisoners had been experiencing, but the non-verbal response left you immediately confused.
“Shut up and let me have this for a moment, okay?” 
His voice was a low grumble, barely audible so that just you could hear it. You couldn’t see his face all that well from the way he held you from behind, but you could almost feel his expression against your shoulder- tired, slightly disgruntled, and very much not in the mood for idle chit-chat. Certainly not the Mikoto you were used to, and you could feel the difference in him.
You let out a sigh and the little voice in your mind telling you to keep up with whatever Mahiru had wanted you to do caved completely. 
“...Is everything okay..?” Your voice was timid as you spoke, quiet and cautious since you could tell it wasn’t Mikoto you were talking to, and again you felt his arms tighten around you.
“....Tired.” You could feel him nuzzle into your shoulder again, and tried desperately to ignore the way your stomach fluttered. You shifted in his hold, and immediately you could feel him gripping at your shirt. “Don’t go.” His voice was uncharacteristically soft as it brushed against your neck from where he was, and you couldn’t help but notice a tinge of an almost lonely sound in the way he spoke. One of his hands, which had been resting on your waist up until now, reached out lazily until it brushed against your own, and he intertwined his fingers with you. His hands were unreasonably warm, and your attention was immediately caught off guard with the way a flush fell over your features.
“You good?” His voice was gruff, almost questioning your behavior as if it was perfectly normal for him to be clinging to you like this.
You took a moment to respond, your breath catching itself in your throat and your free hand fidgeting with the hem of your shirt. “Y- Yeah. Yeah, I’m fine.” There was a sort of contented sigh from him, nuzzling himself into your shoulder once again, and you could hear a tired smile in his voice.
“It’s cool if i fall asleep on you, right?”
You were in for quite a ride.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── End
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You know what I’m most curious about for Milgram? How did the first few days go over? Milgram kidnapped eleven people and threw them in a building with no exits or even a window, had one announce to the others that they were all murderers and they were going to investigate, and how well do you think that went over?
I can see those who were indirect murderers being much more sociable than those who directly took a life. Like Mikoto, who is so sure that all he did was dream and believed that this was some sort of game show, thinks the term murderer is made up and is just chatting away. Or Shidou, whose murder seems to involve his shitty bedside manner (pressuring families of brain dead patients to pull the plug and I think pressuring other patients to go through with risky organ transplants), is probably like yes, everyone must be involved with a death that would be hard to prosecute, I bet little Amane probably was playing with a friend who fell off the playground, cracked their head open, and died. Does she need a trusted adult?
Then you have Haruka and Muu, who directly killed their victims through very personal methods (strangulation and stabbing), who are rightly terrified that the others must have killed like they have and could be killed so they try to stay out of the spotlight. Kotoko, who stomped her victim to death, having the same line of thought as Kazui, a policeman, with needing to carefully evaluate the situation and not act rashly because they both realize that the chances of everyone having the same story as them is slim.
Just imagine the first meal together. It’s tense and awkward, as everyone steals glances at each other and pokes at the food, and then someone (Shidou or Mikoto, probably) breaks the ice.
Shidou: “Why don’t we go around the room and introduce ourselves? I’m Shidou Kirisaki. I’m 29 years old, and I worked as a doctor before coming here.”
Mikoto: “That’s a great idea! I’m-”
Fuuta: “Why are we doing this kiddie crap? We were kidnapped. And why are we eating with this cosplaying brat and a rabbit?”
Es: refuses to react
Jackalope: angry ear twitch
Mikoto: “Chillax. This is probably just one of those new reality shows.”
Fuuta: “You sign up for those, stupid. Do you remember signing up for this, because I sure as hell don’t remember-”
Shidou: cutting in “Language.”
Fuuta: “Are you fu-”
Mikoto: quickly “So, I’m Mikoto Kayano, 23, and I worked for a top of the line advertising company down in Tokyo! What about you, uh?”
Kotoko: “Kotoko Yuzuriha. 20. I was studying law, but I was taking a brief sabbatical before… this.”
Mikoto: “Cool! I don’t think I could be a lawyer. I’m terrible at conflict.”
Mahiru: “Same here! I’m Mahiru Shiina, and I’m 22 years old. I’m in my final year of studying literature at university.”
Shidou: “What about you? You must be in your last year of high school, right? What are you thinking of studying?”
Fuuta: sputtering “I-I’m in college! I’m 20, for God’s sake! I haven’t been in high school for a while. You need to get your eyes checked.”
Kazui: to Amane “Would you like to go next or should I?”
Amane: “You can go first. I don’t mind.”
Fuuta: loudly “I’m not done yet!”
Mikoto: “I thought you didn’t want to do this-”
Fuuta: interrupts “The name’s Fuuta Kajiyama.”
Kazui: “And I’m Kazui Mukuhara. 39. I’m a police officer.”
Kotoko: narrows eyes “A police officer? And you’re here?”
Shidou: to the four remaining “And you all?”
Amane: “My name is Amane Momose, and I am 12 years old. I’m in the sixth grade.”
Mikoto: disbelief “My God, you’re so young.”
Amane: “I’d prefer it if you didn’t offer me any sort of special treatment because of my age. Treat me as you would any other prisoner.”
Shidou: aghast “But you are a child.”
Amane: angry pout and about to argue when
Yuno: does not want to listen to them argue “I suppose I’ll go next. I’m Yuno Kashiki. 18. I’m in my final year of high school. And you?”
Muu: “M-my name is M-Muu Kusonoki. I am 16 years old and in my first year of high school. Please don’t hurt me.”
Kotoko: flatly “The grade-schooler has more guts than you.”
Shidou: “I would argue that she isn’t being foolish.”
Amane: “It would be foolish to ask for special treatment. I do agree with the sentiment but I don’t fear any of you.”
Fuuta: “You’re literally 12. How are you not pissing your-”
Shidou: “Language!”
Amane: “There is no need for censorship on my account. I know all the bad words already. Speak freely around me.”
Fuuta: smugly “Yeah, see? She’s probably heard worse from her classmates.” Points to Haruka. “What about you?”
Haruka: shrinks down in his chair “U-uh, I’m, um, I’m Haruka Sakurai. I’m 17, I think. I’m uh, not very bright. Please be patient with me.”
Shidou: “There’s no need to put yourself down. What year of high school are you in?”
Haruka: “I’m, I’m not. My parents said that, that they’d rather light the money on fire for warmth than send me to high school just for me to flunk out. It would be a better use of-”
Fuuta: angry “That’s fucked!”
Shidou: “Language!”
Yuno: “Hate to say it, but he’s right. It is messed up.”
Shidou: “It is, but there is no reason to use such language in front of a child.”
Amane: “You don’t have to protect me from foul language. I just said-”
Shidou: “What about you, Es? How old are you?”
Es: “15.”
Fuuta: “You have gotta be kidding me! The fate of our lives hang in the hands of a junior high student!”
Mikoto: “Relax. Our lives don’t really hang in their hands. It’s just a TV show.”
Fuuta: “This isn’t a TV show!”
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d0enti · 3 months
I like your works:3
I'm honestly embarrassed to ask for this😭If possible, can you make Yan!Mikoto and a Reader with ADHD?
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MILGRAM—“I want you.”
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➵Summary:Yan! Mikoto x ADHD reader
➵Warning:mention of murder
➵A/N: Don't be embarrassed! I certainly can do that, but also important thing I read something about ADHD so hopefully I won't fuck up but if I did feel free to correct me
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Mikoto automatically thinks you are adorable, yes ADHD is a hard thing don't get him wrong but with how you can just randomly change topic is adorable
Mikoto will gladly listen when you talk even if it's too loud or too fast, he certainly can understand you
Mikoto does not accept people saying mean stuff to you or putting you under stress, he knows you can't cope very well with stress,and with that said some sharpening knife sounds will be heard
Mikoto knows you have trouble knowing when to speak, and so if it's your turn he will squeeze your hand as softly as possible but still enough you know
If Mikoto has the time and isn't working he gladly listens to you ramble, he thinks it's the cutest
If you are working with Mikoto and start to ramble and your co-worker tells you to stop because it's annoying, Mikoto will definitely be pissed, and when you are not looking he would go to the co-workers and ask them to meet him at the train station, only when they do alive they immediately get hit with a baseball until they die
Mikoto knows you tend to overshare, so he's even more careful with his crimes so if you find out you won't overshare it
Mikoto doesn't mind randomly changing topics, if you do so he will just follow it, if you change the topic he will talk about it
Mikoto knows people tend to be socially anxious, and if you are one of those people he will definitely support you, and brutally murder the person who didn't intend to do the same
Mikoto will also do his best to follow your mood swings, if you are angry and suddenly sad he will comfort you to the best of his capability
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iris-drawing-stuff · 4 months
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: MILGRAM (Music Videos), OMORI (Video Game) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Kusunoki Mu & Sakurai Haruka Characters: Sakurai Haruka, Kusunoki Mu, Kayano Mikoto, Kajiyama Fuuta, Yuzuriha Kotoko Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - OMORI Fusion, Digital Art, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Canon-Typical OMORI Warnings, Haruka is Sunny/Omori, Muu is Basil, Haruka's Victim's name is Mirai, Mikoto is Hero, Fuuta is Kel, Kotoko is Aubrey, Suicide Attempt Summary:
Haruka spends a nice day with his friends in Headspace. ...But he can't help but feel like he is forgetting something.
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reixtsu · 1 year
*nom nom* Opps! You ate him! He was a tasty meal from the menu. Sorry anon that this took a long time! I kept changing how I would write this.
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Jekyll Version (Normal Self):
He was a little shocked when you bit him in the most random moment. You just went behind him and sunk your teeth into the soft spot of his neck, making him yelp in surprise. When he touched the part you bit, he swore he felt the teeth mark. You just smirk at him with two peace signs, totally unbothered by his wounded expression.
Sometimes you would bite him gently. When you do, he smiles slightly and chuckles, commenting about your softness.
When his friends or fellow prisoners comment on his…markings, he would blush and just apologize. Of course he would state the fact that you bite him.
Sometimes you would be hugging him and he would sense your movements, knowing you are about to bite him again. Before you are able to do anything, he would grab both of your wrists and lean forward to gently bite your nose. Mind you, he’s only gentle with his bites.
Okay, maybe he marks you when he’s jealous. Bite he does so just to let others know you're his!
He secretly likes when you bite him (kinky boi???).
If your bite stays for a long time, he doesn’t bother to hide it.
Hyde Version (Alter Ego Self):
You are in danger. I’m serious.
When you bite him, he will slowly turn his entire body to stare at you with a grim, emotionless glare.
Make the wrong move and you might die (he wouldn’t kill you).
He will tolerate no bites from you when he’s like this. In fact it's the reverse. He bites you and makes sure to leave marks. Quite possessive, mind you.
“Ahaha. I see you tried to bite me, my dear. Time for your punishment~”
He will bite you all over the place, making sure you remember to never bite him. As if that works.
Sometimes the two of you have a biting battle. Allow me to explain.
This ‘biting battle’ is when the two of you try to bite the other as many times as you can until the other surrenders. It’s a battle of endurance, strength, and confidence.
Of course Mikoto wins in the end.
All in all, Mikoto loves it when you bite him! Just never bite anyone else or else he will give you a very…possessive reason to stay with him forever.
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fuutakaijyama · 1 year
HAAIIII ITS 🪼ANON REPORTING FOR DUTY!!! ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡ could i request all MILGRAM characters (possibly including es, but if not or if its too many its a okay!) x a reader who is a fashion designer who makes lolita-ish clothes? likee reader designs clothes and asks the chars to model them. Lolita clothes r so pretty i love them so much ajkfaj
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synopsis: You’ve been making clothing for each of the prisoners for what feels like years; now they have a request for something you could make them.
warning: none!
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“ES! C’mere I need you to try something for me!” You’d yell from your cell as you heard ES groan, begrudgingly you watched the 15 year old stomp their way to your cell like a child.
“What?!” ES complained as you held out a pastel colored suit for them, along with a larger cape you had made previously.
“Try these on for me, I put a lot of hard work into making them so you should be appreciative of it!” You remarked proudly as ES took the garments from you going back into their room to change.
Es came out hunched over as you smiled, taking off their hat and ruffling their hair. “Essie!~ Oh your so cute like this!” Es scoffed, rolling their eyes as they swatted your hand from their hair;
“How many times have I told you not to call me that?”
It’d been a few months since you’d given Haruka a piece to wear, you’d been thinking about something to make him when you remembered an idea you had months ago.
“Haruka! C’mere I wanna see something!” You called for the blue haired boy, holding something in the small of your hands; he came into your cell with a small ‘huh’ sounding noise as you placed a blueberry pie themed hat onto his head.
Look! It’s a hat I made! You want it?” You asked gingerly as Haruka pulled the hat from his head flipping it around in his hands.
“Mhm.. can I keep it..? Please..?” He’d look at you with expecting eyes, his brow noticeably tugging upwards as he did his best to hold eye contact.
“Yeah of course! I made it just for you!” You’d grin as you watched his face light up, a wobbly smile on his face as he hugged you. “You're the best [Name]!”
“‘Nother dress for me [Name]?~” Yuno chuckled as you came into her cell with another dress for her to check out. You’d made fairly simple dresses for Yuno as she seemed like the kind of girl to like simple dresses but this time you wanted to be a bit more extravagant.
“Yep! I think you’ll like this one too!~” You smiled, handing Yuno the crinoline lined dress, it had an iconic cupcake shape and special hand threaded lacing on the front, it complemented her hair color.
She gave you a cheeky grin running away to go try it on; coming out shortly after with her uniform in hand and a large smile on her face as she spun around.
“I might just steal this from you [Name]~”
Fuuta didn't understand the purpose of you bringing him outfits but as time passed he’d ask you to bring him one every few weeks or months, this time around he had come with a request.
A drawing made with Amane’s fresh pack of crayons that he had drawn up on the floor of his cell, showing it to Mahiru before approaching you with it.
It was one of a large bunny sweater, blues and whites with hints of red everywhere.
His face would flush as you listened to his idea of the outfit, happily you obliged, picking out anything that you had to get the job done.
You handed over the bunny sweater watching him pull the large garment over his head as he smiled admiring the feeling of the soft fabric as he felt it through his fingers.
The rough-edged boy seemed dull at that moment, holding your new creation with as much care and delicacy as possible, muttering words of thanks and gratitude as much as he could.
“Thank you.. [Name].. it's fucking amazing..”
Muu was never one to ask you for much, she’d never really talk to you either, Muu had been simple and timid when it came to your ability to make clothing for her she wanted to make your life a little bit easier.
She explained the concept of a yellow chiffon-like dress which she had thought about before not knowing how to make or get one.
Reluctantly you made it for her, adding long droopy sleeves and slimmed boning, finally, you handed it over to her the expression on her face reading of both shock and happiness.
“[Name]..! I didn't actually need you to make this! I.. dunno what to say..”
He’d seen your work with Mahiru and Fuuta, so much so that he wanted to get something from you as well.
You’d look over to the purple patterned fabric lord knows how many times as you stitched it to the inner side of the coat, sighing deeply as your fingers held the needle tightly.
You questioned your ability as you gripped the fabric, feeling your shoulder become warmer with a tight yet soft grip.
“The coat looks good.. I can't wait to see the finished product.”
Mahiru had always been fashionable, looking so dolled up even in her prison uniform. Now Mahiru cuddles up to you while you make her a new dress.
“This fabric is so much cuter than this one.. oh! But this one is so much softer!”
She doted over the fabrics you'd placed in front of her as she felt the difference between them.
“[Name]!~ Help me pick out one of these!~” She’d squeal as she hugged your shoulders playfully, nuzzling her face into the crook of your neck as she smiled at you.
Throughout your time knowing Amane she had never once asked you for anything large, majority of the time the only thing she'd ask of you was just if you could patch up the uniform they supplied her.
Amane seemed to be working with her impulses today instead of usually working against them, coming up to you requesting a green and blue dress.
As to your surprise she wanted to watch you make her dress, not only that but she wanted to be actively involved in it as well, even going as far to ask for large changes throughout the process.
Mikoto was the first person to ask you if you'd be willing to make clothing for him, whether it’d be hats, sweaters, or socks he’d always have something for you.
Tonight was no different, Mikoto and you just sat there in your cell as you stitched together a pair of mittens by hand, he’d just watch over you, his hand over yours as he inspected your handy work.
Your legs thrown over each other as you leaned into his chest, your back pressed up against his body, his chin on your shoulder.
“[Name], can I try these on when you're done?"
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blitz0hno · 6 months
Drabble about the whole mikotosys-night-terror chronicles cuz I don't get to write much.
Post trial 2: Mikoto, still deep in denial (although deep denial doesn't mean ur as unaware as you let on/feel all the time), cries himself to sleep again. He hates the long-time habit, but thinking about his life up to this point, especially now... It makes sense, and unfortunately a lot more starts to make sense too.
It was happening again.
Mikoto was laying on the bed in his cell, staring at the ceiling. It was the only time he knew which way was up these days.
And today had been long, and stressful.
Why must he be this kind of person?
Chained up and interrogated.... Es trying to explain why the words "I saved you" echo in his mind.... a fuzzy ringing in his ears overtaking seemingly every conversation he had with the warden; Mikoto did his best to be attentive but was purely pretending. He was sure he dreamed the crime he was accused of, sure of it. It wasn't real, he couldn't do that! He had a future to look toward, and even if some people in his life were holding him back, his urge for quick relief had been but a horror-movie fantasy. A place for his brain to put his anger so he couldn't find it.
He had always wondered where his emotions went when he made them disappear. It didn't look good that nearly every moment now felt like a dream, either.
Answering questions with pen and paper had been particularly difficult. He didn't remember much of that either. He remembered the first couple questions. He remembered waves of frustration flooding his train of thought. He remembered feeling sick when he realized it was over and he thought he had only answered two or three out of the twenty questions.
Mikoto had started off this strange "Milgram" experience intrigued, but the more he thought about the events that led up to this "reality show," the more scared he got. He had always been a forgetful guy, but felt confident enough in his ability to keep track of important things. School, work, home duties, everything was always nearly lined up in his thoughts. Sometimes he had strong feelings about a task, but he was easily able to power through. He was oddly proud of that ability, from his adolescence up to his office job.
Sure, he had been picked on for living outside the city and never going anywhere. But he was reasonably popular with girls and very on top of his grades, which made other students like him well enough he supposed. No reason to feel lonely with how busy he was anyway. Taking care of home with his mom and sister, making sure he remembered to eat and study before shifts, and cramming for tests had all paid off, hadn't it?
He had a career he was passionate about, an end goal, and a stable job at a famous company. Although this job was... Not as glamorous as he had hoped. Nonetheless, he had worked so hard for it. He wouldn't just throw it away.
Not even when his meal times got shorter and shorter.
Not even when his boss made him redo weeks of work on a whim.
Not even when 60 hour weeks turned to 80 hours.
Not even when he broke down and cried after coming home to an onslaught of texts informing him of a deadline being shortened yet again.
He needed to sleep. Without sleep, he became irritated easily, and hiding it with a polite smile always left him with a permanent lump in his throat, as if he could burst into tears at any moment but wouldn't let it happen. When it all got too loud, Mikoto knew how to put it away for later.
Now was later, and he was crying.
He wished people listened to him. If they got to be cruel with no consequences, chain him to one thing or another, tell him to come and sit and stay until 3AM doing paperwork, he should get a say too. A say in how he was spoken to, in his rest, in his mind, anything.
But he second-guessed himself every time, coming up with nothing and doubling down on his polite diligent worker persona.
His chest heaved as he sobbed. How pitiful and pathetic, if they saw him like this. And to think everyone was scared of him now, not only because he apparently really killed people, but now more things he didn't remember were coming up. Torn up clothing he had tried so hard to laugh about reporting to Es; but all the morning he couldn't stop himself from crying, even through his mask. He had heard from others in the past that he talked in his sleep, but the noises? The shredding and screaming and destroying?
That was all new.
And embarrassing.
And mortifying.
Mikoto had no memory of any of it. He thought and thought, but only recalled feeling overwhelmed, perceiving the stares and the body language around him as tense, and the rush of anxiety which was renewing itself again. Out of habit, he searched for the smile he always tried to force through the tears, even now that he was alone.
Another sob.
And everyone knew it. His boss, his mom, his baby sister, his peers EVERYONE watched him go it alone, pushing and pushing and succeeding at any cost to himself. But that was the goal, too, to be left alone. Not screamed at, following the rules in place, breaking them if it meant a more pleasing outcome for his current audience. His breath picked up as he remembered every comment, every stare every sneer every nitpick EVERYTHING others did to belittle his hardest work. His sweat, blood, and tears turned into a cycle that kept piling more on his back.
He held his hands against his ears as his sobs turned to a choked wail. Again tonight, he felt like he couldn't stop himself. "I HATE THIS! I'm not smart enough to even remember what I do, not strong enough to even control myself! FUCK!"
Again his uniform shirt felt far too tight. The restraints he had become more used to were suddenly like snakes whose every movement he could feel through the fabric, writhing on his skin. Mikoto screwed his eyes shut and begged to disappear, pulling at the jumpsuit.
Then John screamed.
He tore, he ripped, he fell off the bed and threw himself against the wall as if it would give him more force against the restraints. He couldn't stop. He knew it was his fault, and he knew why it was his fault, but they were hurting Mikoto all the same.
John forcefully wiped the tears from his face. His breathing was ragged as he felt himself grabbing at his hair. This was bad.
He couldn't calm down. Mikoto was beyond upset, he was terrified. John's own anger and Mikoto's fear had them in a frenzy, their hands pulling at anything they could grasp. What could he do? He had to help Mikoto. After all, it was John's fault, John's anger, John's actions that caused him this agony. Mikoto wouldn't hurt someone like that. He couldn't!
"I COULD. I DIDN'T WANT TO!" A shriek escaped his mouth. John didn't feel like that words were his. He took a deep breath, one hand still keeping his hair in a death grip.
The other was over his mouth. John had heard enough of what the other prisoners were able to hear. He was sure that they would be punished if they were any louder; or maybe Mikoto was sure.
He just didn't know anymore.
"They were killing you," John whispered, voice strained. "Even if you didn't do i-"
The words caught in his throat, and John's breath hitched as he felt the world start to blur around him.
"I do remember that I wanted to," came a choked whisper from Mikoto. "I wanted nothing more. Those people - those men... My life was hell. I was too slow with turnarounds no matter how long I submitted before the deadline. They called me day and night like a dog to their side. And th- the way they spoke to me and my coworkers - realizing their contempt toward the working men alone but god the WOMEN-" He sobbed loudly, burying their head in his hands. "The- these are the people our baby sister gets to meet next. The ones our mom married, the ones who lie and cheat and demand and force- they should be GONE they SHOULD. BUT- but I never thought-" he trailed off, curled into a tense ball. He could hardly feel John anymore -
Oh god.
He could feel John.
Like another person in the room, he felt another presence almost by his side. Another sob turned into a laugh at the absurdity of it all. The warden had no dog - Mikoto did.
And it was himself.
And that's why there was another "him," blaming his newfound self for Mikoto's plans and actions.
He felt terrible, in a hundred different ways. "John, it wasn't your fa-" Mikoto stopped mid-sentence, torn between guilt for his other self and the terror of realization hitting. He pressed himself against the cold wall and breathed slowly as he could, suddenly overcome with a clammy, nauseous feeling.
It wasn't a dream.
Mikoto had been sick in his cell once before, during a particularly bad panic episode. He had cleaned it up well and told no one, but somehow he was still met with looks of concern and pity and fear ten times over the following morning. Damn thin walls. The already isolated prisoner was not about to let that happen again. He slumped against the wall, closed his eyes, and grit his teeth as the room spun, wanting only to sleep. If only he could shut down, wake up in his apartment and cry about his shitty day at his shitty job surrounded by shitty people that his shitty singular self did not kill.
The weight of that possibility leaving forever made him feel like he would never eat again.
John felt the pressure mounting in their head and body, powerless to help. Just behind front, able to listen to the perspective he'd been wishing to hear for so long, and unable to do a damn thing. After all the begging to be acknowledged, he still hadn't saved Mikoto. Not by a long shot.
They were both stricken with panic by now, John beginning to pace around the cell and breathing deeply to the point of pain. Anything to keep from spiraling, from causing a mess, from snapping again, from hurting someone or even needing them.
And then they froze, a third voice that felt equally unreal catching their attention. Difference was, she and another were outside themselves , and outside the door to their room.
"He's at it again..." John heard Kotoko sigh faintly, breathing shallow as he stood at a standstill. He was so at a loss that he forgot to be angry at her treatment of Mikoto. Mikoto wasn't a killer. John was. Leave Mikoto out of it, let him live without this pain. It's why John was here to begin with! Did he fail? Did he drive any other help away?
"Ugh. I'll wait here, as you requested. Give him this." John heard a small acknowledgement from Es as they took the mystery item. He flinched, bracing himself.
Were they chaining him up again? Drugging him? What did he get Mikoto into now??
Whether he knew it or not, Mikoto was feeling the same guilt towards John, ashamed for not having noticed and feeling cowardly for running from him.
"John..." Es brought the protector to attention, gently holding out a water bottle. He hadn't even registered that they opened the door. He stared for a second, feeling shamefully and ridiculously dog-like, but took the offering. "How did you know..."
"Because Mikoto puts on airs," Es replied plainly. "He would have forced a posture that was more relaxed, perhaps greeting me as 'Guard-kun.'" Their voice went up a tad as they imitated Mikoto's tone, first amusing and then startling John. Was the switch that obvious? Had he ruined any chance of Mikoto being normal again?
"So you can... You can tell. We really are that different?"
"Afraid so," Es replied. "John, do you two... Do you know how DID happens?" They stood across from him, gauging his reaction. John seemed to be struggling to stay grounded as he explained.
"We never thought we had any sort of amnesia... We once read that it happens when... Oh," John sighed. "I have no idea what happened. But I know... I know..."
"When a child is hurt badly over a period of time, in their very early stages-"
"Yeah I know how it goes." He snapped like John, but John felt the words come from elsewhere. The voice also sound absolutely defeated, the truth having come to reveal itself.
Mikoto felt.
He was aware, he knew what he was saying, but his voice was bitter and monotone. He didn't know what to feel. He just felt.
"I don't fuckin know anymore," he sighed. Es was not entirely convinced it was only him - his voice was cold, and while quieter than John's, Es wasn't even sure they had heard Mikoto curse before. Of course, Mikoto was subject to change as any other prisoner, and his demeanor almost reminded them of Fuuta's current state.
Mikoto took a deep breath, standing a little straighter. "I... Suspected it, when I heard about it from some class, and then forgot about it. But yeah, when a mother and a father hate each other, and possibly you, very very much... I know how it happens." His eyes darkened. "Life got better, I think, when Dad left. Mom wouldn't talk about him, and she'd get mad if I even said something that she thought he would... But I could tell she missed him. My baby sis seems okay for her age, on track development and all, but despite all the responsibility I could handle I could never quite get it right."
Es nodded thoughtfully. "So you were ridiculed and blamed for things you weren't even aware was upsetting to your parents? Did they take things out on you, because you were older?"
"I... I guess. I never thought it was that bad," Mikoto sighed. "But living on my own, I started to feel more and more disconnected. More angry, more paranoid... And I started having nightmares. I forgot about those for awhile too. When it started affecting my work, I even tried to forget I was stressed at all."
"Or rather, your mind helped you forget," Es mused.
"It should have stayed forgotten," the prisoner growled. "I can't believe I ruined everything, and I didn't even know it. John wanted to protect someone who forced him to exist because I COULDN'T protect me!" He pulled at the strap over his chest, struggling to keep composure. There was no trace of his fake smile.
"You didn't force anything," Es corrected him softly. "The brain is an organ that adapts to survive. Even had you known, it's not something that can be harnessed and commanded. It's adaptation." It was a simple matter-of-fact, complex as it was. Es hoped they had their facts straight now, anyway.
"So how do we go back to normal?!" Mikoto cried. His hands were shaking now and was sobbing again; he quickly realized how dizzy he was becoming. "I-I need to sit." He lowered himself back to the floor and slumped against the wall, arms childishly wrapped around his knees. He felt nothing but shame presenting himself this way. He was 23, he was a graphic design agent, a working man! He couldn't break down like this! He couldn't have it this bad! Even if he didn't even feel like himself at the moment, even if reality felt completely made up... "There's got- there's got to be a way to fix this."
To his surprise, Es didn't look at him with judgement or pity. The only thing that stood out was curiosity, and they gently sat beside him as they gathered their words. "It's not a matter of fixing, Kayano-kun. You all need... Healing," Es spoke carefully. They figured the nickname would do for now.
"Can't heal from a murder charge," the prisoner scoffed. Mikoto felt reality spin as John spat out his remark. John ran a hand through his hair, smoothing some parts and causing others to stick out awkwardly. "It's still my fault. Those urges, those feelings... They're mine to carry, to protect him from."
"John... maybe you can protect each other. Share the burden. It was one body and, according to Milgram, one prisoner. Maybe if you can forgive yourselves... Milgram will show me a better outcome for you both." That was the best Es could think of to help right now. To think it was upon them to say whether this man was forgivable; he had seen so much of the real world that they themselves had yet to remember, and they couldn't even imagine the stress of his perfectionist lifestyle on top of it all. They wanted to cry from how unfair it all was, but prisoner 009 was the priority right now.
As the warden... They had to do what they thought was best. They almost felt guilty for having Kotoko on standby, even though it was she who insisted. But that didn't mean Mikoto, or even John, was dangerous.
"I know I didn't do the right thing," Mikoto sighed, sitting up as he regained composure. "And it still doesn't feel real. I can almost feel the memory slipping again. It hurts, Guard-kun!" He gripped the sides of his head. Es instinctively reached gently for his hands to discourage him from pulling his hair out, and Mikoto flinched. He hit the barrier between them with his hands as he automatically covered himself.
"Shhh... Mikoto..."
"I'm sorry!"
"You didn't hurt me. I startled you," Es said. "Mikoto, you don't need to remember all the time. That's what your alter John, and any others there may be... Are for," they looked away, thinking bitterly about what may lie in their own memories. "It can hurt to remember, Mikoto. Sometimes it's even dangerous."
"I was dangerous when I didn't remember, too," Mikoto sniffed. "John... He wanted to protect us - protect me - so badly that we hurt a lot of things. Even you."
"Well as for me, Mikoto, my physical health is no worse for wear," Es replied. They were only partly lying - they were exhausted constantly, but John's outburst was long down the list of incidents by now. "I forgive you. Do you... Forgive you? Forgive John?"
"John... I barely know John..." Mikoto sighed, feeling defeated as the words he tried to form seemed to fade from his mind. "But I... I forgive his mistakes. I hope he can forgive me too." Mikoto then felt lightheaded again, but although his throat felt stuck and his chest was tight, his left hand gave a small thumbs up.
Es couldn't help but chuckle a bit. "Well, there you go."
Mikoto heaved a sigh, suddenly feeling more exhausted than ever. "Thank you..." He whispered. He began to cry again, but smiled a smile that seemed to come more from genuine gratitude than fear. "Thank you, Guard-kun. I know... John will be happier now. I'm... I'm really scared. But we don't have to be lonely."
Es stood up slowly, offering a hand to help him to the bed. 009 sat still on the floor for a moment, a small frown forming on his face as he took their hand. "It's... It's John." He whispered, although they were partly holding him upright, Milgram ignoring his presence and giving him away. It felt strange, announcing himself like that, but comfortable too. "I know we can't undo what we did... Thank you for helping Mikoto."
"You deserve help, too, John. Mikoto wants to be there for you, too," the small warden looked up at him with almost a sense of urgency, praying John wouldn't try to take it all on himself anymore.
"Well he can start..." John mused, "by not giving away my cigarettes anymore. How's that?"
"Oh yeah, he did tell me to stop giving those to him even if he asks. I think..." They almost didn't suppress a laugh as they walked the system to their cot; although the situation wasn't funny itself, it was an interesting process. "I think finding those over and over is when he knew he forgot more than he knew."
"Damn right..." John sat down on the bed, the body falling over nearly instantly.
"Goodnight, John-kun, Mikoto-kun," Es said softly, heading towards the cell door.
"Goodnight, and thank you again," John's low voice replied.
As they went out the door, they heard another.
"Oh! Goodnight, Guard-kun!" A soft whisper said from across the room. "...And thank you."
That night was the most restful sleep Mikoto's body had gotten in years. He almost felt like he could finally get used to this. He would never get used to "being a killer," though. He didn't know much about the social perception of DID, so he sure hoped that wasn't a general stereotype.
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seariii · 8 months
So, @roseofcards90 said that Stark from Frieren looks like a 0309 fankid, and me loving Frieren + her encouraging me, i made some headcanons for it
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For those who dont know the character, his name is Stark, he is kind, silly, a people pleaser, in general he is a good boy, he is strong, a warrior and fights with a big axe. (Frieren is set in a fantasy world)
Stark + 0309 (probably platonic? not the main focus) found family
Like on the anime, Stark grew up on the shadow of his brother, always training, but without ever getting any recognition or support from his father. His brother on the other side, would always make space for him he was who taught him what kindness and love felt like, always caring for him, always watching over him, till his last breath
After their village got attacked and Stark had to run away, leaving behind everyone he ever knew, believing himself a coward that could never improve, he came across two adventurers
Seeing the red hair of one of them, which reminded him of his family and other people from the village, he felt shame, fear and immense guilt for having left everyone behind for his own survival (HE IS STILL A KID GUYS) 
Mikoto and Fuuta stared at the random kid confused, and when Mikoto noticed that he was about to cry, he kneeled down and tried to talk with him, to make sure he was okay
Fuuta was also worried about the kid, but he has never been good with words or feelings, so he just asked where the kid was from and Stark began to cry, which made Fuuta panic and take a couple steps away from them, leaving the work to Mikoto
Mikoto eventually managed to comfort him and learnt about the tragedy that struck his village. Knowing Fuuta and him wouldnt have what it takes to save the village, and also knowing that he cant leave a child alone, Mikoto decided to offer Stark to join them on their travels, Fuuta was prepared to refute, but when he saw Stark’s face full of fear and guilt, he couldnt help but see a bit of himself on the kid
Mikoto’s plan was to bring Stark with them for a while and then leave him in an orphanage or somewhere that would be safe for him, so he wouldnt have to grow up traveling, and so he could grow up in a nice home
But he didnt take into account of the small group growing attached to each other
Fuuta quickly noticed Stark’s true potential as a warrior, and with a bit of excitement of teaching someone something he loves he asked if he would like him to train him. Stark was scared, remembering how it was to be trained by his father, but agreed, wanting to make himself useful
Stark was terrified, he couldnt bring himself to fight any monsters, even the easiest ones to kill, and Fuuta was starting to grow frustrated with that, but whenever he was about to raise his voice, he would see Stark’s face full of horror, so he would just sigh loudly, kneel beside him and try his best to convince him to try it
It was certainly a learning experience for Fuuta, having to learn basic communication skills
One time, they were on a small town, Mikoto was always in charge of gathering information from the town folk, while Fuuta would take care of buying the supplies for their journey. Stark had grown up a bit and most of the time would stick with Mikoto. But this time he went with Fuuta, they split the list of what they needed and got to work each on their own. After a while he heard a loud noise coming from the forest, doing a quick scan on the area he noticed the people from the town appeared worried and scared, and he assumed it was a monster attacking. He was TERRIFIED, he was about to run to look for Fuuta when he heard someone say that “the adventurer with the silly face went to check on the river bank” which made his heart drop (and the supplies he had bought). Even as terrified as he was, his legs moved on his own and he ran towards the place where he heard the loud noise.
When he arrived he found Mikoto unconscious on the floor and a monster about to eat him, Stark stared at the monster, paralyzed, not knowing what to do, his hands were shaking and he felt like his heart would beat out of his chest. Stark and the monster stared at each other for what felt like an eternity, until the monster launched its attack. Stark quickly drew his axe and defended himself. As they fought, Stark screamed for help, hoping anyone would come to their aid
On the other side of the town, Fuuta heard the first loud noise, and soon after heard more and more loud noises, making him worry about his team, he quickly searched the town, and not finding them he assumed the worst. He ran as quickly as he could, ready to unveil his sword and save his comrades, he kept hearing Stark’s cries for help, but when he finally arrived to the scene, he found Stark, still calling for help, with his axe on the monster’s neck as the monster was slowly disintegrating
Fuuta felt extremely proud of him, and after checking up on Mikoto, he congratulated Stark, which made Stark surprised, not having ever received that treatment from someone else
when they came back to the town, the people received them with cheers and gratefulness, apparently they had been struggling with that monster for a while and they will be able to go back to their normal activities now
After that, Mikoto keeps telling Stark how strong he is, he keeps wrapping an arm around his neck like an affectionate brother, Stark feels slightly embarrassed by this, but cant help but feel happiness. Fuuta just answers with “he is but he needs to keep training” to which Stark nods his head
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pebbleheartcat · 3 months
Fuuta and Haruka brothers for real….
Ps. Kazui does NOT know how to be a father figure. I think it’s funny to force him to try though
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azuremist · 3 months
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Rating: M
Relationship: Fuuta Kajiyama & Amane Momose
Word Count: 2,086
>> [READ IT HERE!] <<
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amugoffandoms · 5 months
hi everyone!! Please enjoy the fanfic that may or may not (hopefully not) hurt you!
I tried my best to make it as interesting as possible, so please enjoy...
Mortuus Es, Ergo Ego Mortuus
It's a fanfic about Yuno Kashiki in second POV, but i promise you it's good ^^!!
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whats-it-mean · 10 months
I loveee your writing <33 Could I req fuuta with a reader who somehow convinced es to get them a bass and they just. Randomly play and it's loud and he always tells them to stop but they never do??
Fuuta's bass player blues ☆
Fuuta Kajiyama x Reader
A/N - TYSM!!! this prompt is soo silly!! i feel like he would like guitar-bass type songs considering his songs… that epic guitar solo in salamander?? hello?? also so fun fact i dont know shit about music or instruments btw and asked my friend so if this is innacurate uhhhh,,,,,,,,,,,, no it isnt
C/W -  None !!
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
For some reason, despite how unreasonable and problematic it most likely was, Es was unable to find a written rule stopping you from requesting an instrument, and Jacklope had been too busy eating when they asked him about it to really care- and so now, in prison, you had your hands on a fender bass guitar, along with the included amp and cords you had begged Es for. 
The moment they reluctantly gave you all the required equipment, you were practically bouncing off the walls with excitement, sprinting to the cafeteria area at full speed.
By the time you arrived, unfortunately not as fast as you’d originally hoped from the weight of the amp, you could see Yuno and Mahiru chatting away near one of the vending machines. Through one of the windows, you could see Shidou and Kazui taking a smoke in the spot Es had set aside for them to use, and most importantly, right by the entrance, Fuuta sat, silently chewing away at a grilled cheese at one of the tables. This was it. Your chance.
You zipped around the cafeteria for a moment before finding a plug. swiftly shoving the amp’s cord inside before turning the volume up all the way. Whilst you fumbled with the cords for a moment, Yuno glanced up at you- meeting your eyes for a moment before a devious grin spread across her face, and suddenly both her and Mahiru were off distracting a certain redhead as you connected the amp to the bass.
The moment you had everything set up, you tugged the guitar strap over your shoulder, spared one glance over the volume gauge to make sure it was as loud as could be- and then raised your hand into the air, pic grasped between your fingers.
“Fuuta! Check this out!!”
Said boy snapped his head in you direction, confused until he spotted you standing triumphantly on a table with a sick little grin, and he deadpanned immediately. Yuno was already struggling to hold in her laughter and you brought your hand down, strumming at the bass with unreasonable speed as the volume blasted throughout the prison. You could barely hear his protests and complaints with how loud everything was turned up, but kept playing nonetheless, most likely to Es’s dismay. They would probably get a pay cut. Do they even… get paid..?
You blinked, and suddenly the redhead was walking towards you, face contorted in annoyance as he huffed something about how pathetic this was, barely audible. You simply grinned, jumping off the table you’d been using as your own little stage and walking right up to him, guitar pic still in hand as you played. 
He scowled at you, crossed his arms, and went to pull down his mask. “Give it a rest, will ya? I’m tryna eat here-”
You smirked. “Can’t hear you!!!”
And by tomorrow you were doing the same thing in the same spot- probably for many days to come until Es found an excuse to rip it away from you. But that would be a while yet, and Fuuta was to easy to annoy to pass up such an opportunity.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── End
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willow-p012 · 3 months
Uhh short Kotoko and Muu conversation fic based on the timeline. Their dynamic is so interesting to me.
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d0enti · 3 months
hello! may i req for a mikoto and john x fem!reader who's blind due to an accident a few years back? like she luckily survived with no injuries, just loosing the sight in her eyes ^^
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MILGRAM—"Happiness is a choice"
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➵Summary:Mikoto & John x blind reader!Fem!
➵Warning:Mention of car crash
➵A/N:I started doing research if there any causes where you can go blind by an accident but no injuries, and I found nothing so a simple car crash will do, Also I wrote them separately but if you want you can put them together
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⎯ 〈Mikoto〉
Mikoto becomes your personal housewife, Mikoto pretty much everything unless he knows you can do something without his help, some people at his job probably called him the wife and you the husband, as a joke of course, still because Mikoto works a lot he tends to make everything in the morning and show you where it is the moment he's done, Mikoto knows you lost you seeing after a car crash and Mikoto doesn't bring it up because he knows it's a hard topic
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⎯ 〈John〉
John is the same but also different, he is more gentle around you knowing you went through a traumatic event, another thing is that John told you if it's him in control he will grab your hand and squeeze it 3 times, John wants to protect Mikoto from stress and now you too so he does pretty much anything in the household, unless you say straight forward that you don't need him to do it, John will stop but not fully he knows human are fragile he may be Mikoto different personality, but he's still himself
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clover0101 · 1 year
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Hello! I made a drabble about little Haruka.
"Why can't I be fixed?"
[Contains discussion about his condition, possible ableism and angst 😭😭]
"What will we do with him?" asked the father, resting his head in one hand, the other tapping restlessly on the table.
"I'm not sure..." she answered, furrowing her brow. "Lately he's been more...problematic."
"He's starting to test my patience." The man's firm voice resonated in the empty, dark room, except for the background noise of the TV and the dim light from the kitchen.
"I can't seem to make it better, no matter how hard I try... I can explain things to him a thousand times, and a thousand times he'll get it wrong."
"How's he doing in school?"
"The teacher says he has the same problems," the mother paused, her tone visibly more irritated, "they suggested we put him in a special program, but I'm not sure. Not being at the same level as the other kids...it's putting us in an awkward position." She looked around, as if wanting to make sure no one could hear them and find out about such an embarrassing topic. "Maybe it's best he studies at home, so his classmates don't notice..."
Meanwhile, that child, the topic of conversation, was standing in the hallway, peeking his head out just enough to pick up his parents' words. His plan was to get some water and go back to sleep so he wouldn't be up past his bedtime, but it didn't seem that would be the case. He leaned his back against the wall, fiddling with the fabric of his pajamas in an effort to keep still and not bother anyone.
Dragging his steps, he went back to his room. Large, full of comforts. The toys of his childhood were strewn across the floor, that stuffed rabbit waiting for him in bed as always. Haruka remembered the day he received it, how his mother hugged him and laughed with him. Tears began welling up in his eyes as he recalled what they were talking about him earlier, finding it true. Things started to get difficult a while ago. When faced with everyday things, like a particular subject or activity, everything was complicated. His hands moved very clumsily and couldn’t regulating themselves, and tasks like talking to others or understanding what was indicated to him were nearly impossible, no matter how hard he tried.
He looked the clock. Midnight. His mother would be upset if she knew he couldn't sleep and went to school tired again. But he couldn't go to sleep like this, he couldn't keep being like this. He tried to think of ways in which he could fix himself, like she said, but it seemed everything that could be attempted already failed.
His defects and the thought of being a shame to his parents accumulated into a pile of frustrations and anxieties that made him wonder if it was really worth their bother to try to mold him into someone who could be useful, normal. He turned 13 just a while ago, but he had come to miss that day, remembering his mother's smile and congratulations. He sighed, thinking about how much he wanted to feel that way again. Cherished, loved, good.
He walked until he was in front of the bed, and knelt before it. He clasped his hands together and closed his eyes, murmuring prayers under his breath. He prayed for his family, trusting that maybe, if he was good enough, God would hear him and fix everything wrong with him.
The pleas went from being general, to more specific. "I want to be good for my mother. I don't want to cause any more problems. I don't want them to think I’m a mistake."
He squeezed his eyes shut, pressing his hands together in concentration. One last wish left his lips, whose only witness was the night and a child who at such a young age was starting to break - "And if I can't fix myself, then...please, make them love me tomorrow."
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