#⭐ — ❝ slumber party ❞
sapphicshav · 10 months
— PAMPERED NIGHTS | rindou haitani.
genre . . . fluff [ event drabble ]
synopsis . . . in which you spend the night pampering your annoying boyfriend, rindou haitani.
note . . . for @corpseslace
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"rin babe, stay still".
"no it's cold and it's smells weird"
rindou haitani, a ruthless killer part of a criminal organisation, who flinches at your touch as you plaster black seaweed peel off mask all over his face which is littered with scars. "stop whining and keep still" you mutter placing your hands at both sides of his head to keep it steady. "are you done yet?" he huffs and rolls his eyes, leaning into your touch. "yes you big baby, now don't touch your face". although your instructions were clear, you know how annoying your boyfriend can be. you feel his hand press against your back, scrunching up the material of you cotton shirt and then releasing it from his palm. "what was that for" you questioned, raising an eyebrow at his actions. "i got this shit on my hands when i touched my face, so i used your shirt as a towel". he walks back to the couch with pride, a smirk sewn onto his face waiting for your response. you finally registered what he said, "i hate everything about you" you murmur grabbing the back of your shirt in annoyance.
"i love you too babe"
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slumber party!
Yandere friend group x fem!reader
Tw: none that I can think of, reader is mentioned to have a childhood author randomly thought of, you can change it in your mind if you like. Not proofread 🌺
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⭐you grew up with your friends, having known eachother since diapers! Your parents often left you in a daycare since they were busy with their jobs, and that's how you met Cassidy. A bright and cheerful girl, capable of lighting up a room with her toothy smile. When she saw you crying in a corner, missing your parents, she hastily snatched a couple of crayons and rushed over. Sitting next to you and holding out a pudgy hand, offering the red crayon.
"hi! I'm Cassidy! But you can call me cassie.. what's your name?"
🛍️ skipping a few years, you and Cassidy were in first grade. Obsessing over my little pony and worms, when suddenly you came across Michelle. A prickly girl you've known since kindergarten, but she was always too stuck up and bossy to ever get along with anyone. She held out a chocolate with a furrowed brow, looking flustered as she moved from side to side, the way your choir teacher hated
"can.. may i.. play with you, please..?" You swore you could hear your homeroom teacher cheering in the background
🎀it was 4th grade, you, Michelle and cassidy were in that ripe age where all boys were Icky and gross and had all types of nasty cooties. The constant squabbling and booger picking you'd see from the aforementioned solidly confirmed it. You spotted the new girl, Vivian getting harassed by the class weirdo, some Asian fetishizer. So you bravely stood up, walked over.. and tripped on your untied shoe laces, landing face first into the carpeted floor. Viv gasped and quickly rushed over to you, making sure you were alright before letting out a soft giggle
"you should be more careful.. you're y/n right? You have a very lovely name"
💀 7th grade, the emo and dragon ball z kids were making themselves known. You were laying on the classroom floor, resting your head in Vivian's lap as Michelle dangled a vine of grapes Infront of your mouth. Giggling when you obediently opened and bit one off. The giggling stopped and you opened your eyes to see a hot topic magazine boy standing over you all.
"hey! You on the other girls lap! You're my girlfriend now." "...what."
After the boy almost got his shit rocked by your scarily protective friends, you Introduced yourself "y/n" "kiross.." the girls were glaring daggers at him
💕 9th grade, you were starting to see a pattern, a new member of your group joins every few years. So you were preparing yourself mentally, all while Talking and suddenly turning around to walk backwards. Not noticing the boy you were just about to bump into. Your friends quickly rushed forward to try and catch your ass, but it was no use. You fell straight into.. a soft body. The boy you fell ontop of blinked owlishly, before realizing it was you and giving a devilish grin. surprisingly he looked hotter than most guys in your class
"haha, looks like god answered my prayers to send me an angel, my name's Alexis. Nice to meet you"
🔪12th grade came, soon you'd be free from the hell hole known as public high school. You clinged and sobbed in Cassidy's arms, only 6 more months to go. Whining something about not having a boyfriend, ignoring how offended kaiross looked. You dramatically fell to your knees and held your hands clasped together towards the sky, yelling that you wanted a hot hunk and you wanted him right now... Only for an incredibly heavy object to land straight into your back. Sending you both to the ground as the thing made a grunt. Looking up, you damn near had a nosebleed to see the hottest man you've ever seen, daichio
"ah.. sorry pretty girl, you okay down there?" "yeah.. more than okay.." "alright break it up! No soliciting"
⭐after daichio joined, tensions rose in the little friend haven. Vivian and Michelle would squabble over anything involving you, daichio would purposely provoke kaiross to a fight, alexis would pick on Cassidy for always being so close to you. Until you finally had enough. Giving them the biggest tongue lashing they ever had as you yelled at them to be normal people for once and get along
🛍️...maybe it would have been better if they kept fighting, because now they were a hive mind. After secretly talking behind your back, Daichio and kaiross were like your guards dogs since they had the most muscle. Cassidy was your right hand, Alexis being your tutor. Vivian was your emotional support human, and Michelle was your fashion critic and healthy lifestyle planner. You didn't really mind since now they stopped being little bitches and you had free unpaid workers like Kim Kardashian
🎀you didn't even realize when your group suddenly started gathering attention. Becoming the most popular in the span of a few weeks, how? You didn't know. And quite frankly you didn't want to know. You just wanted a partner, good grades and a scholarship. Looks like your getting all three. People often crowded around your table or desk, trying to get all buddy buddy with you. Just for a little recognition. Your friends were docile until, well, the confessions came rolling in. But that's another story
Fun facts:
Cassidy goes by she/them and is a very friendly person. Naturally, people confess to her everyday but she only has eyes for you, bisexual!
Michelle's mom is a cop, and her dad a businessman so she comes from a somewhat well off family. She likes to go on shopping sprees and gives you any clothes she doesn't want, a lesbian in denial
Vivian is soft spoken and shy, wherever you are rest assured she's close behind, pansexual
kiross is inlove with you and it's very obvious, it's just that nobody brings it up, he goes by he/them and bisexual
Alexis is very demanding, you could consider him a female version of Michelle. Sometimes mich gives him any clothes she doesn't want, pansexual!
Daichio is a playboy and is good friends with kameron, he speaks English, japanese and currently learning Spanish, straight asshole. BORINGG
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glambots · 1 year
Can you write some romantic headcanons for a stressed reader with insomnia? For Freddy, Monty, Sundrop and Moondrop
Shocked I haven't done HCs of these before with Moon! (But I have done a scenario...Which reminds me that I still gotta fix the Scenario part of my Masterlist rip...)
🎩Glamrock Freddy + "Insomniac!S/O" HCs:🎩
⭐He is very sorry to hear that you are dealing with these issues, Superstar. This must be why you seem so tired all of the time. Is there anything he can do to help? Would you like a blanket, or a pillow? You may rest on his green room's couch, if you would like.
⭐Speaking of, his green room is a very relaxing environment. Freddy likes to spend most of his nights answering fanmail, so you can spend as much time as you'd like either helping him organize things, or relaxing on the couch. Either way, it's warm, cozy, and quiet.
⭐During the rare times that you have fallen asleep there, you'll often wake up with a blanket draped over your body, a pillow tucked beneath your head, and a Freddy bear snuggled into your arms. He just wants to make sure you're comfortable while you're resting.
🐊Montgomery Gator + "Insomniac!S/O" HCs:🐊
⭐Damn, that sucks. Why didn't you tell him you had so much trouble with eating? (No, Monty, that's not...well, he's got the spirit.) After he figures out what Insomnia actually is, it all clicks into place. Oh, shit! No wonder you look like that! (Like That, he says...)
⭐Seriously! He thought the dark circles under your eyes were a "style" thing. Now that he knows, he's curious about what he can do to help. Well, uh...if you're ever feelin' tired enough, you can crash in his pad. He's got a spare couch. Just...don't ask about the claw marks.
⭐Yeah, Monty's couch might not be the most comfortable place to sleep, but he does his best to keep it comfy for you. He's got a blanket. Like...one good pillow. And a Monty plush! So. Yeah. He's doing his best with what he's got. (Which isn't much, really.)
☀️Sunnydrop + "Insomniac!S/O" HCs:☀️
⭐Ohhh, that's no fun! But you know what that means? It means you can have a Slumber Party! And you can stay up allll night! Don't worry, he's got so many games you can play, you won't be sleepy at all! Just trust him, this is gonna be the funnest night of your whole life!!!
⭐Every time he sees you starting to droop or get increasingly drowsy, he does his best to try and get your energy back up. Sundrops, FizzyFaz, sudden unexpected loud noises...don't fall asleep yet! You've still got...a bunch more hours to go till morning!!!
⭐He knows it's not good for you, but he still can't help but feel a little happy. Because it means he gets to spend more time with you! It's--it's nice. To have this time all by yourselves. He wishes you could do it more often. (N-Not all the time, of course! Just...every now and then...)
🌙Moondrop + "Insomniac!S/O" HCs:🌙
⭐Of course, it bothers Moon the most out of everyone. Mostly because of his programming, but also because he can see the toll it's taking on your health. You need to sleep. And when he's around, he's going to make sure that you will. In one way or another.
⭐You will be wrapped up in a soft blanket, surrounded by pillows and plushies, and lulled into a relaxed state by his internal music box and you will like it. If he's got to force-feed you Moondrops, he'll do it. He's trying to help but...sometimes it's a little much.
⭐He knows it's not good for you to be sleeping "on-the-clock," nor is it good for him to be messing with your sleep schedule like this, but...it's also very hard for him to control. He just wants to help. And, thanks to his programming, it's the only way he really knows how to.
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rating-bears · 3 months
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for the first Bear from My Mind, we have Stevie!!
Stevie is a sun bear from a dnd campaign that I was a player in, created and run by one of my best friends Damien over at @espressoth called A City Of Crows, or ACOC
Stevie joined the party when my character Sean (pictured in the first image) "kidnapped" him from his place as the mascot of a college team, "the sun bears". explaining more about that would take far to long so were gonna leave it there!
Stevie went on to become Seans adopted bear son, and a beloved member of the party!! the cat pictured with Stevie in some of the pictures is Thomas, the cat of Seans partner Miles, and they have a brotherly bond! we had a session where the party went on winter vacation to a cabin and Seans Whole Entire Goal was to put Stevie on Skis (He succeeded)
admittedly, Stevie does not act anything like how a sun bear actually would, but he's MY (Sean's) bear and I will get to Love him and do all the things I wish I could do with real bears!!!!!
ACOC has come to a close for now, but Stevie and all the other characters from the campaign are still near and dear to all of us. Stevie has even morphed into a sort of mascot for my dnd group as a whole, the name of our dnd server is currently "Stevie's Slumbie" as a reference to an extended slumber party at Seans house being one of the last things we did before putting the campaign on hiatus for a bit.
basically i love my bear son very much and my friends very much and I'm so happy to get to share him with you all!!!!
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐/5!!! i am only slightly biased
oh and all the Stevie art (as well as my profile picture) were done by my wonderful amazing talented artist friend Arsenal over at @catella-ars !!! go give them some love, and if you like any of their art as much as I do, consider giving them a commission!! yeah!!
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xxsycamore · 1 year
Hello honey Congratulations for the milestone you deserve every singleone of themand so much more 🌠⭐🌠⭐ I have no words to express how mich I absolutely LOVE this idea for the celebration 💞💕💖💗
I am here to ask can I have for my lovely Jean with 🫂 whipe cuddling on the couch 🙏 Thank you Have a wonderful day 😘😘
Thank you Julie, glad you've been enjoying this too! Have a lovely day and I hope you enjoy the cuddles with your boy! 💕
[🫂] 𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍𝚗'𝚝 𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚒𝚜𝚝 𝚑𝚘𝚠 𝚑𝚞𝚐𝚐𝚊𝚋𝚕𝚎 𝙹𝚎𝚊𝚗 𝚕𝚘𝚘𝚔𝚎𝚍, 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚛𝚎𝚠 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚜𝚎𝚕𝚏 𝚊𝚝 𝚑𝚒𝚖。。。
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"Mmm... ma chérie, is that you?"
When you saw Jean asleep on the couch in the lounge room, your first thought was to go grab a blanket. Then you noticed the various books and notebooks scattered across the coffee table, recently dried ink forming letters and tying them into lengthy sentences... your impulse beat you to it. You HAD to hug him, smooch him, right this instant...!
You might've underestimated the depth of his accidental nap, because as soon as you hover over the backrest of the couch, Jean's eyelids flutter and he calls out to you in his slumber. The position is restricting and his sleepy response to the hug is to tug you further in... resulting in you ending up rolling over the backrest and right ontop of him. The small shriek you let out startles him, but he's quick to ensure your wellbeing, being comfortingly pushed to lie back down by you.
"Are you comfortable like this?"
You nod enthusiastically, content with the way you ended up entangled in a hug that would require a little creative moving around to escape. You suddenly become Jean's blanket, and you want to let him know that sleeping is not off the table just because you decided to cuddle the heck out of him, expressing your pride in his hard work in studying.
"Then... I'm comfortable too. I don't want to let you go now."
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∎ For You, My Valentine‼️ - xxsycamore’s 1000 followers celebration party | 💌 event masterlist
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Supernatural Masterlist
In an attempt to organize the blog and keep everything in order, masterlists are being made to join together into a masterlist of masterlists to make it easier for those on mobile. Thanks for being patient!
Smut is indicated by ⭐
Dean Winchester
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Get Hurt
Imagine forcing Dean into a ‘Slumber Party’.
Imagine getting drunk with Dean Winchester.
Imagine reminiscing with Dean Winchester.
Imagine baking for Dean Winchester.
Imagine playing videogames with Dean Winchester, and taunting him when you win.
Imagine Dean Winchester not being able to understand you when you undermine yourself.  
Sam Winchester
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I’m Home
Take Care of Each Other
Imagine videochatting with Sam Winchester after a particularly hard case.
Imagine being astounded by all of the frauds Sam has done.
Imagine Sam Winchester trying to think up a romantic compliment.
Imagine losing your usual tomboy style to wear something dressy to go undercover with Sam Winchester on a hunt.
Imagine playing a prank on Sam Winchester by making it seem like vampires got to you.
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Imagine Castiel growing confused by your sarcasm.
Imagine introducing Castiel to Halloween candy.
Imagine Castiel meeting you and feeling sexually attracted to you - and not understanding it.
Adam Milligan
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Imagine Adam Milligan giving up on the angels and praying to you while in Hell.
Imagine finding a way to communicate with Adam while he’s stuck in the pit.
Imagine trying to convince Adam to say no to being Michael’s vessel.
Imagine being the first person Adam looks for when he escapes the pit.
Bobby Singer
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Imagine Sam and Dean leaving you with Bobby, and so you amuse yourself by playing pranks on him.
Imagine taking care of Bobby Singer while he’s in a wheelchair.
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Imagine Garth coming out to you as bi-sexual.
Imagine being given the task of taking care of Garth, and dealing with his nightmares.
Charlie Bradbury
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Imagine being a Reaper, and Death letting you have a day off, and you spend it with Charlie.
Imagine surprising Charlie with a Harry Potter marathon.
Imagine Charlie Bradbury taking you for a ride on her bike.
Imagine asking Charlie Bradbury out on a date, and her being too shocked and shy to verbally say yes.
Benny Lafitte
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Imagine kidnapping a criminal and gifting him to Benny Lafitte when he gets hungry.
Imagine being stuck in Purgatory and Benny tries to stop you from getting yourself killed.
Imagine getting stuck in Purgatory and Benny finding you.
John Winchester
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Imagine stepping in to help John Winchester with the boys, but knowing that you’re always second best.
Imagine pulling John Winchester away for a camping trip after a rough hunt.
Imagine having to drag John Winchester out of a bar after a rough hunt.
Imagine having to rescue John Winchester after he falls through the floor in a haunted house.
Imagine being John Winchester’s daughter and him pranking you to toughen you up.
Imagine being everything that John Winchester was looking for.
Imagine being caught in an intimate moment with John Winchester by Sam and Dean.
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Imagine Samandriel waking you up with Sparrows.
Imagine Samandriel’s reaction when you tell him you know he’s an angel.
Imagine Samandriel being your guardian angel.
Imagine Samandriel worrying about you while his own life is in danger.
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Imagine Balthazar taking care of you after a particularly tough hunt.
Imagine being Sam and Dean’s sister, and dating Balthazar.
Imagine naming your pet after Balthazar and he’s secretly pleased.
Imagine Balthazar seeing you get flustered.
Imagine Balthazar wanting some alone time with you, so he teleported you into his favorite nature spot.
Imagine Balthazar losing his grace so he tries to watch over you as a human.
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Imagine spending a snowy evening inside with Gabriel.
Imagine Gabriel seeing you on a date with someone else.
Imagine Gabriel realizing that he hurt you when he was playing around as the Trickster.
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Imagine being put in charge of Gadreel.
Imagine kissing a stranger to make Gadreel jealous.
Imagine telling Gadreel about your adventures with the Winchesters and he doesn’t approve.
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Imagine Michael trying to use you to make Dean say yes.
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Imagine Crowley approaching you with a deal.
Imagine Crowley kidnapping you, but you end up gaining the respect of the demons, more so than Crowley had.
Imagine summoning up Crowley, after hearing about him from the Winchesters, just to force him into a tea party.
Imagine Crowley confessing to the Winchesters how he feels about you.
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Imagine being a fallen angel, and looking to Lucifer for comfort.
Imagine Lucifer rejecting your soul when you offer to give it to him in exchange for ‘not being broken.’
Imagine Lucifer never forgetting your birthday.
Imagine getting a cold while being trapped with Lucifer.
Imagine forcing Lucifer to sit back and enjoy the sunset.
Imagine being abused by one of the other Gods, and Lucifer standing up for you.
Imagine Lucifer tagging along on one of your dates to try to ruin it.
Kevin Tran
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Imagine stumbling across the bunker while running away.
Imagine buying a secluded cottage for yourself and Kevin to live in, to attempt to escape from the madness of the world.
Imagine helping Kevin Tran decipher the tablets.
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Imagine Chuck acting shy when he first tells you he loves you.
Imagine Chuck surprising you with breakfast of fruit from around the world.
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Imagine showing Cain a birthmark that looks just like his mark.
Imagine visiting Cain’s bee-farm.
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Imagine Rowena giving you a witchy bath.
Imagine Rowena noticing you casting a simple spell.
Imagine trying to get Rowena to come with you to a ‘haunted house’.
Imagine Rowena taking you in and adding you to her small coven.
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jtargaryen18 · 1 year
Hello, my beautiful friend! For the-slumberparty reader activity today, my question for you is about our Dark Commander.
In Part 13, would you be able to share any insight into what was going on in Cap's mind as he was forced to watch?
Such a wonderful dark tale and you should be proud! ❤️
Hi there. HUGS Congratulations on the slumber party. What I've seen so far looks absolutely amazing. What a wonderful event 🙏💕⭐
Dark Commander...
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Thank you for asking about this one. We found out in the later chapters of this series that there is Steve Rogers -- and he's still good -- and his evil twin Stevil who is someone else and he has our physicist reader as his hostage.
Stevil hasn't treated our reader gently. Far from it. In the last chapter, he used her to put on a show for Steve, threatening her with harm if the good Steve made a move or stopped watching. We were in the reader's POV. It's a move intended to make sure the Avengers stay out of Hydra's way in fleeing their current location.
But Stevil has another agenda, doesn't he?
What was Steve thinking watching this?
Well, Captain America was horrified at having to watch a woman be sexually assaulted. His mind is as enhanced as the rest of him and he scrambled to think of a way he could save the woman, rescue her. Because that's what good people do. It's the right thing to do.
The man? If what Stevil says is true and they are the same (from different timelines or...?) he knew exactly what he was doing. They would have the same taste in women. Stevil had a way to defile Steve because while he made him watch what he did to her, he knew on some level, Steve enjoyed it. He was aroused by it. While Steve will be aware of that reaction, the guilt, and shame he'll place on himself for even thinking that will be unimaginable.
Stevil knows they are physically evenly matched. He's trying to get into his counterpart's head. His game is psychological. For now.
If Steve manages to save the reader, can he keep her safe from Stevil?
Can he keep her safe from himself?
More to come very soon. Thank you so much 💕🙏💕 HUGS
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dagss · 2 months
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🎞 mars 2024
l'été dernier (2023) 2.5⭐ lisa frankenstein (2024) 3.5⭐ daaaaaali ! (2023) 4⭐ sage-homme (2023) 4⭐ le livre des solutions (2023) 2.5⭐ das lehrerzimmer (2023) 3.5⭐ rien à perdre (2023) 3.5⭐ dune (1984) 1.5⭐ mean girls (2024) 3.5⭐ le roi et l'oiseau (1980) 3.5⭐ all of us strangers (2023) 3.5⭐ シン・ゴジラ / shin godzilla (2016) 3.5⭐ irish wish (2024) 2⭐ the brood (1979) 3⭐ the slumber party massacre (1982) 3.5⭐ loverboy (1989) 3⭐ pride & prejudice (2005) 3.5⭐
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mixed-up-multiverse · 10 months
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@farflungstarlightmuses sent: ⭐⭐⭐ (one each for Uzi, V and Lizzie?)
For every star I get... | Accepting
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Uzi is constantly updating her 'Cute pictures of baby cows' slideshow, using doing so between the events of every episode so far (1 through 5). She finds that cows are the most adorable animals in the universe, and even has some (but not all) of the pictures she finds on her phone, so that she can look at them when not on her computer in the Colony. Baby cows kind of just calm her down, and she'll MURDER anyone who thinks otherwise (unless it's N, V, Dad or Thad of course).
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Despite not needing them to see any more, V still keeps the glasses she had as a worker drone, having popped out the lenses due to her eyesight being good now. She puts them on whenever she reads things (and if asked about it, she'll just say "it feels nicer to have them on"). And on the topic of what she reads, she reads a lot of books about Golden retrievers for reasons that definitely aren't N's cute-ass fault. But she also likes books about murder, too.
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Prior to everything going downhill, Lizzy and Doll had a tendency to do almost everything together. From skipping class to club-related things to even attending slumber parties with others they considered 'their level' of popularity. Heck, it was common for drones to joke about them being a couple. And even though they weren't officially, Lizzy practically embraced that since she kinda crushed on Doll. But now that Doll has practically vanished following the Prom incident, they just... don't. Not anymore. Lizzy won't admit it to anyone, but she greatly misses Doll and wants nothing more than to see her again. Despite seeming like she's moved on with the other popular kids, she still misses Doll a lot and thinks about her all the time.
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cywatcheshorror · 2 years
The Prowler
Personal rating: 3½ ⭐
Release year: 1981
Watched: free on YouTube
First or rewatch: first
Content warnings: Gore, implications of post-war untreated PTSD
Summary: An unknown killer, clad in World War II U.S. Army fatigues, stalks a small New Jersey town bent on reliving a 35-year-old double murder by focusing on a group of college kids holding an annual graduation dance. (—taken from IMDb)
Review and thoughts below the cut:
Where to begin with this one. This came up in recommendations after I made my way through the remaining movies in the Slumber Party Massacre franchise on YouTube. Other than basic awareness this was a slasher movie, this was another case of flying blind, and I added it to my Watch Later list. (Hey, why pass up another chance to watch a movie for free without having to scour the internet for a "totally legal" site that has it?) After having finished The Driller Killer and being deeply disappointed however, I was admittedly hesitant to give this one a shot.  I didn’t want another complete flop leaving me feeling like I’d wasted my time.
Thankfully that wasn’t the case.  While admittedly I struggled to connect with any characters other than our two focus MCs, Pam and Deputy Mark, the plot was alright, the logic and pacing were fairly sound, and the movie did do an excellent job building a tense atmosphere.  It’s teased at in the prologue scene where we see the first kills in the 40s, then takes its time building the tension back up and leaving Pam and Mark to try to solve the mystery while other kids around them drop like flies.
Perhaps the biggest thing that I appreciate in this film is the meshing of the two eras fears into one? There’s the post-war fear of the mid-40s and the fact that PTSD was still being researched and not fully understood, mixed with the 80s fear of small town murders. Threaded through all that is that theme of revenge carried out by a jilted lover, and while I’m not sure the movie entirely states it in a bald way, my understanding is that the same killer was the one carrying out the murders in both time periods.  From what I understand, this movie gets compared a lot to My Bloody Valentine for the similarities in plot elements and execution (and because the two movies released the same year iirc,) but it was a nice change for it to actually be the same killer in both instances in this movie.
Overall, while I don’t think this is one I’ll return to much at all, I did enjoy my time with it, and I think it’s worth watching at least once. It’s a severely underrated, undersung 80s slasher movie.
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sapphicshav · 10 months
— PILLOW FORT | katsuki bakugo.
genre . . . fluff [ event drabble ]
note . . . i genuinely struggle to write for this man 💔 for @xphntmhvx
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"we need more pillows on this side bakugo"
"no we don't you idiot, the entire thing is gonna fall if we add more on your side" you roll your eyes at your boyfriend, bakugo, and his common yet stubborn behaviour but you comply regardless. "give me the blanket, it goes on top" he demands, reaching out his hand for the blanket in your hand. you celebrate looking at the finished product of the pillow fort. "yay it's all done!" you beam with excitement wasting no time to crawl inside the fort and get comfortable. "don't take all the credit, you act like you did all the work y/n" he utters joining you under the blanket in the fort. you ignore his snarky response and enjoy how well decorated the fort is. you have to admit, considering the fact that your dating a hot head with an exposing quirk - he took his time with the decor making sure it was perfect. all perfect for you. you ignore his snarky response and continue smiling aimlessly, slowly laying into his arms. as much as he wants to resist, he knows he can't. he knows he doesn't want to.
"i love you y/n"
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shark-indisguise · 2 years
Hi, I'm Saturn! This is my f/o & s/i page where I'll post some of my own short stories as well as maybe art. This is a personal thing for me so I request you be respectful <3 thank you!! The ones in blue are f/o's I'm not comfortable sharing, feel free to block or ignore if you wish
carrd (dni included)
F/O+S/I List
🚬 Johnson + ⭐ Matty (Reprisal) & Emile Meliez
🎸 Dewey Finn (School of Rock) & Marian Price
🕯️Eddie Munson (Stranger Things) & Blair Alemire
⚔️Lobo (DC Universe) & Vera Cressida
🔗Driller Killer (Slumber Party Massacre 2) & Bailey Stevens
🪲Beetlejuice (Beetlejuice) & Frankie Harlow
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jimsmovieworld · 2 years
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Drink every time you see a sleeping bag.
This enjoyable indie drama follows a group of teenagers on there last weekend before school starts back. They go back and forth between sleepovers and slumber partys, playing games and looking for love.
Directorial debut of David Robert Mitchell who went on to direct It Follows.
Was filmed on a budget of $30,000.
Its a good hangout movie, its very reserved, and avoids anything crazy happening which i liked. The characters spend theyre time drinking, trying ouija boards and exploring.
Lots of characters coming to grips with moving in to the next stage of there lives.
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solitasims4 · 2 years
(Updated March 15, 2023) I always get asked what mods I use, & I plan on making a mods showcase on majority of these mods/already have made a showcase on a few of these on my Tiktok @solitasims, but I don’t gatekeep😏 So, here’s my official mods list. I will update this whenever I get a new mod & this will always be available by clicking the link in my bio on Tiktok.
If I made any mistakes/you have any questions, feel free to let me know/ask.
⭐ = My personal favorites.
❌ = I no longer use the mod.
Like always, make sure you read the mod requirements & read & respect the creator’s terms of use!
Basemental Dr*gs (18+)  ⭐
Basemental Gangs (18+)  ⭐
Wicked Whims (18+)  ⭐
Extreme Violence (18+)  ⭐
Deadly Toddlers (18+) 
Hoe It Up (18+)❌
AEP P*rn*gr*phy (18+)
Sugar Baby (18+)
RedAppleNet (18+) ❌
Slice of Life
Woohoo Wellness & Pregnancy Overhaul ⭐
Go to School  ⭐❌
Kneel Anywhere
XML Injector
Andrew’s Pose Player  ⭐
Teleport Any Sim   ⭐
MC Command Center  ⭐
UI Cheats  ⭐
Passionate Romance
Life’s Drama
Fairies vs Witches  ⭐
Romantic Skygaze
Slow Dancing❌
Remove Sim from Conversation  ⭐
Bed Cuddle
Simulation Lag Fix
Simulation Unclogger
Road to Fame  ⭐
Party Anywhere
Holiday Home
Meaningful Stories
Urban Socials❌
Set Family Relationships
Realistic Childbirth ⭐
Ballroom Dance
Immersive Vampires
Mental Health
Ability to Read
LGBT Mod  ⭐❌
Better Babies❌
Better Toddlers❌
Faster Sim Spawning
First Love
Improved Practical Spells
New Vampire Powers  ⭐
No Restaurant Bill When Invited
Send to Bed
Simda Dating
Spend Weekend With
Ultrasound Scan
Longer Parties + More Guests
Invite Any Guests To Parties
20 Sim Cap Remover
Contextual Social Interactions
Road to Romance
Slumber Party ❌
Baby Shower ❌
ISO Love  ⭐
Be A Burglar
Insimnia Eats❌
More Traits in CAS
Lie on Lap
No Strings Attached
Mood Pack
Parenting Skill for Teens
More Away Actions  ⭐
Life Tragedies
Tattoo Shop
Education System Bundle  ⭐❌
Simflix & Chill❌
Chingyu CAS Traits
Playable Pets
OMSP Shelf
More Columns in CAS  ⭐
Expandable Build/Buy
More Best Friends
Switch Streaming❌
Advanced Birth Certificate
Copy Graduation Photos & Diplomas
Restaurant Faster Cooking
Honey, What’s Cooking?❌
UI Dark Mode❌
Better Maps❌
Playful Toddler Pack (Functional Crib, Playdoh, etc.)
june 15 2022
Mario Carts❌
Functional Cars❌
Functional Ice Cream Truck❌
Food Truck❌
Funny Pranks❌
Sims 3 Romance Interactions ❌
Spring Rider
Weighed Barbell
Kids Can Paint
Mechanical Bull from The Sims 3
Take Off Shoes Animation❌
Proper Interaction
Five New Vehicles❌
Functional Garage Doors ❌
No Kids Outdoors During a Storm
Open Love Life
Fortnite Dance Mod
Buy Tomes on Computer
Faster Run to University
Plasma Renamed to Blood
Higher Stereo Volume
Call Over High Distance
Famous Sims Gain Followers Automatically
Flower Arrangements Slower Decay
Fan Stans Only Homeless Sims
No Celeb Outfit Copying
Functional Toddler Makeup Kit
Teens Can Buy Lottery Tickets
Umbrella Auto Opens on Rainy Days Only
Sack Lunch Into Inventory
Vampires No Cold Breath
Less Idle Animation
Child Slow Dance
Ballet Barre
Pillow Talk After Woohoo
Double Cheek Kiss
Flying Broom
Personality Please!
Prefer Leftovers
Allow Stoves on University Lots
august 14 2022
Skate Everywhere
Smore Options
Photographic Memory
Time Out
High School Years More Classmates
Adult Life ❌
Let’s Get Fit
Better Exceptions
Toddlers Can Use Activity Table
Slide Into Your Mods
Andrew’s Studio Effect Player⭐
september 17 2022
Wicked Whims Inappropriate Unlock (18+)
Functional Photo Frames
Calendar Tweaks
No High School Situation Outfit
TS2 CAS Background
Stop Change Phone Color Obsession ❌
Bonehilda Loading Screen ❌
Phone Animation For Teens Only
Hopes & Fears Mod (Wants & Fears Overhaul)
Teenage Interaction Reactions
All Worlds Are Residential
Self-Soothing Toddlers
Leave Me Alone About Early Graduation
Color Picker (Color Wheel) ❌
Agnes Crumplebottom Loading Screen ❌
october 19 2022
Functional Personal Care Products
Twister ❌
Patty Cake
More Restaurant Options ❌
Functional Spiral Staircase ❌
Social Bunny Overhaul
Dance Override
november 13 2022
Don’t Wash Dishes Where You Angry Poop
Ink For Yourself Memory Keeper (Customizable Journal)
Fantastical Play Rug + Tent
Functional Bar Cart
Run Here
Lemonade Stand
Walk in Style
Interactions From The Past
Resorts and Hotels
Nursery Playroom Set
Customizable Graves
Little Chef’s Toy Kitchen
Scent To Be Oil Diffuser
december 17 2022
Memory Panel
Online Homework
Less Intrusive Sims
Can I Come Over?
Social Activities
january 12 2023
Carry & Kiss
Grannie’s Cookbook
Cookbook S&S
Auto Zodiacs
Playable Harp
Cutting Board Override
Cute Romance
Functional Sleeping Bags
Always Towel After Shower
My Grocery Shopping List
Obsessed Teen❌
february 13 2023
Bouncy Boobs (18+)
Hot Chocolate Machine
Functional Airpods Max
Education System
Family Portraits
Functional Wine
Kids Can Cook
Story Progression Viewer
Auto Repair
School Holidays
Online Learning System
Simoleonz Online Jobs
Indoor Dog Potty Mats
Phone UI Overhaul
Waffle Maker
Selfie Override
Nectar Maker
Functional Perfume and Sunblock
Functional DDR Machine
Custom Food Interactions
Functional Perfumes
Crafting Enabler
march 15 2023
Thee Salad Bowl
Werewolf Tail
TS3 Time Controls Sound Effect ⭐
TS3 Pie Menu Sound Effect ⭐
TS3 Wants Sound Effect ⭐
Edit Lights in Build Mode
Color Sliders
Better Build Buy
School Food Tray Replacement
Healthcare Redux
Don’t Prep Food Where You Angry Poop
Call Anytime + Relationship 
Smarter Baby Care
More Traumatic Divorce For Children
Keep Instruments in Inventory
Set Filters on Paintings by Reference
Piano Play Regency Era Music
Sit on Ground
Functional Perfume Bottles
Custom Food Interactions
Smoothie Blender
More Kisses ⭐
More Traits
Country Club
100 Social Interactions ⭐
Mean Interactions No Impact ⭐
Music Lessons
Autonomous Proposals
Active Lawyer Career
Immersive Social Bunny
No Constant Phone
Control Any Sim ⭐
Unlock Door For Chosen Sims
Functional Lotion
Expanded Mermaids
Beach Yoga
Cool Pools CC
Beer Barrels
Drink Platter ⭐
Stand Still in CAS
Higher Acting Gigs and Royalty Payouts
Ask to Cook/Bake/Grill
Ask to Go For a Walk and More
Ask to Upgrade
Auto Pay Bills PC
Auto Repair
Auto Upgrade
Better Autonomous Homework
Go For a Walk
Kids Walk Dogs
No Auto Grab Food After Cooking
Romantic Massage
Auto Check Toddler Tweaks
Less Ping Pong With
Transfer Inventory
Science Baby Tweaks
Pole Dance
No Empty Venues When Arriving
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trashyswitch · 2 years
Michael Meets The Daycare Attendant
Michael just took a job as a security guard at the new Pizzaplex. Somehow, Michael finds himself in the daycare, where he meets the infamous Sun animatronic.
This fanfic was suggested by an anonymous user known to me as "star (⭐) anon". I hope you enjoy!
“Whooooooaaa…” The man said as he looked around the entrance. “This is…a lot bigger than I expected.” He admitted. The man walked into the big Pizzaplex and observed the entire place. It was HUGE! It was like the size of an overly decorated city mall! The man hopped over the entrance gates and observed the GIGANTIC golden statue of a singing Freddy. It was ENORMOUS. On either side of the golden statue, were 8 light-up fake palm trees, with 4 on each side. It was definitely a sight to see. How in the hell did Fazbear Entertainment grow to be this oustanding company?! HOW?!
The man cleared his throat and looked down at his pocket. He pulled out something out of his pocket that made him smile a little. It was his favorite watch. He flipped it around to read the name on the back:
[Michael Afton]
The man put the watch onto his wrist and looked around for a second at the balconies, the many neon lights, and the neon sign that said “Glamrock Gifts” in cursive. there was a gift shop at the entrance? Why? Beside the gift shop were pictures of the brand new Freddy Fazbear and the brand new Chica. Well well well…So THIS is what they look like now…
The man stared at the banners as he started to walk up the stairs. The escalator was shut down for the night, and there were two sets of stairs on either side of the palm trees and statue. It was incredible. Though, there was something missing from the room:
A ramp. How are people in wheelchairs gonna enjoy the sights and the attractions here? What a stupid thing to forget. Well…then again…The original owner of Fazbear Entertainment wasn’t exactly a considerate person…Hehe…Michael sighed. Michael walked up to the top of the steps and admired the many things above the steps. It was getting bigger and bigger by the minute!
And before Michael could even comprehend, He was near a slide. Michael looked at the colorful slide and bit his lip. He really wanted to know what was down there, but he didn’t wanna get stuck. He slowly slipped his head and shoulders first into the slide to figure out if he could fit. Sure enough, he was just small enough. How hilarious! And ironic!
Michael got out of the slide entrance and put his feet into the slide opening. He held onto the top of the slide.
He pushed himself for leverage and slid down the slide. The slide was very colorful as he slid all the way down. When the exit of the slide came closer, Michael braced for impact and landed into the ballpit below. For Michael, the ballpit reached up to his waist. So Michael started to walk through the ballpit.
“Hooo hooo HOOO!” Something said above him. Michael froze and looked up.
The thing jumped from the highest spot in the daycare and did a perfect dive into the ballpit. “Helloooo! New friend! You're sure up late! Are we having a slumber party? Where are all of your friends?” The sun suddenly said, grabbing onto Michael. “GAH!” Michael yelled, trying to push the animatronic off him. “GET OFF ME!”
The animatronic kept holding onto Michael as he said the next sentence: “We can finger paint, tell stories, drink Fizzy Faz until our heads ex-PLODE and stay up all night!” The animatronic said. “Uuuuh-” Michael looked at the sun animatronic and started to grow more and more creeped out by its appearance. Why in the world does this thing even exist?! It’s horrifying!
“There is only one rule: keep the lights on. ON. On…” The Sun told him.
Michael nodded and listened to him. “Hey kid!” The sun started climbing on his body. “Wanna know my favorite part about being with kids like you?” The sun asked.
“W-What?” Michael replied hesitantly, ignoring the use of the word ‘kid’ when referring to him.
“I love the laughter kids have. It makes me joyful, hearing their bouncy, bouncy laughter!” The daycare attendant told him.
Michael raised an eyebrow. “Laughter? Really? I’m surprised you’ve heard it.” Michael reacted. The sun ignored him and started climbing onto his back like a spider. “Speaking of laughter:” The daycare attendant wrapped his arms around Michael and started skittering. “I wanna hear yours!”
Michael doubled over and tensed up. He tried to push the sun’s hands off him, but the hands were metal and strong! Too strong for Michael, apparently. Quickly, a small wobbly smile started to grow onto his face.
“Come on, kiddo! Just laugh! I know you want to.” The sun teased.
“N-no! Nehever!” Michael accidentally let out.
“Oh! I heard it! I heard it! More, more, more!” The sun encouraged. Michael tried to elbow him off his sides. He tried bashing him with his back, he tried everything. But it was just impossible.
“Tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle!” The sun teased.
Michael covered his mouth as he felt his whole body shaking and convulsing. Michael’s lungs were filled with laughter that desperately needed to come out. Michael was gonna try, but he knew he wasn’t gonna succeed for long. He physically couldn’t.
Michael quickly started to titter and hiss out bits of laughter with a toothy smile on his face. “Kkkkkhehehe- DAHAMIHIT! NOHO!” Michael yelled. “Yes! Yes yes yes! More! More! Gimme gimme!” The Sun ordered.
“Get-” Michael was about to tell him to get off, but right as he started to say it:
“aaAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Michael finally blurted out.
“YES! Tickle tickle tickle! I hit the jackpot!” The sun declared as he pushed and skittered on Michael’s lowest rib.
Michael quickly lost his composure and fell into the ballpit. But this didn’t stop the animatronic’s tickle streak. The animatronic clinged to Michael’s sides just like a spider and skittered along the other ribs too. Michael was howling with new-found laughter. All the laughter he had bundled up in his lungs was now free to fill the daycare and the sun animatronic’s ears. “STAHAHAHAHAP IHIHIHIT’S TOHOHOHOO MUHUHUHUCH!” Michael begged.
“Stop? Why would I possibly stop? You love this! Every kid loves this!” Sun told him.
That’s a complete lie!
…Well, the second part was.
Not everyone enjoys being tickled. Not every kid loves being tickled to bits. Luckily for the sun however, Michael did enjoy being tickled. He wasn’t a complainer when it came to tickling. He rather enjoyed it and found himself quite touch-starved as the years went by.
With Michael’s breath starting to run out, Michael soon started trying to get the air back in. But this only made him snort in the process.
“Oooooh! You SNORT?! Hooo hooo HOOO! What a wonderful surprise!” The sun declared.
“NAHAHAHAT!” Michael argued.
“Definitely IS a surprise!” The sun replied.
Michael’s snorting only embarrassed the poor man more. Michael covered his face with his hands as he laughed and cackled. Only, the laughter was now muffled by his hands.
“Ooooh! I wonder:” The sun started tickling the neck with his nimble fingers. “Is your neck ticklish?”
Michael snorted again and fell into a giggle fit. “Quihihihihit ihihihihihit Ihihi cahahahahan’t tahahahake ihihihihit!” Michael begged. “Come ooooon! I’m barely touching you!” The sun reacted.
“Ihihihi knohohow, juhuhust-”
“Just what? Speak your mind, child! Speak your mind!” The sun encouraged as he skittered under his chin. “Wehell- EEEK!” Michael squeaked as his chin was tickled too. “Another ticklish spot! Another!” The sun jumped and held onto the front of Michael’s middle, and tickled his armpits. “Coochy coochy coochy coochy coo!” The sun teased.
“Awww! Poor…” The sun read the Fazbear Entertainment nametag that Michael was wearing: “Michael! Poor Michael…” The sun teased.
“SHUHUHUT UHUHUP!” Michael shot back. “Ah ah ah~ This is a family friendly daycare!” The sun told him as he skittered and wiggled his fingers on the man’s armpits. Michael whined and continued to laugh and giggle in the arms of the sun animatronic. What a weird creature…Fazbear Entertainment really went all out and made a tickle monster animatronic! What a weird thing to do!
“Ohohohokahahahay, thahahat’s ehehehenohohough!” Michael ordered.
“Ah ah ah~ You’re not going anywhere!” The sun declared. “We’re gonna be best friends! Forever, and ever and ever!” The sun said happily.
Oh no…How about no? Did he even have a say in this situation? Probably not. Michael rolled onto his belly and pounded his fists into the ballpit. This made some of the balls fly up into the air. “PLEHEHEHEHEHEASE! IHIHIHI HAHAHAVE AHAHAHA JOHOHOHOB!” Michael begged.
“Not anymore!” The sun declared. “Your new job is with me! Welcome home, Michael!” The sun added. “NOHOHOHOHO!” Michael pleaded. “IHIHI’LL DOHOHO AHAHAHANYTHIHIHING!” Michael begged more. “Anything?” The sun asked, pausing his tickle attack. “Okay! You’ll stay with me forever!” The sun suggested.
Michael lowered his head and breathed heavily. No…No, that’s not what he meant. “Deal?” The sun asked, holding out his hand.
Michael looked at the hand for a hot minute…then pushed the hand away. He was NOT getting roped in with this weird guy. “Hooo hooo HOOO! No deal, huh? HUH?” The animatronic reacted. “Looks like I’ve got some feet to tickle then!” Sun declared as he dove into the ballpit. Michael quickly tried to swim himself away from the animatronic. But something grabbed his foot! Michael yelped and pulled on his foot. But the only thing that got loose was his shoe! Michael screeched and pulled harder as he tried to get out. But the moment his shoe was off, it was all over. Michael was doomed.
The animatronic started tickling his foot right away.
“NoHO! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! AAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Michael laughed heavily. “Goochy goochy goo!” He could hear rather quietly under the ballpit. “LEHEHEHET MEHEHEHE GOOOOHOHOHO!” Michael begged. “Naaah.” The sun replied.
“PLEHEHEHEHEASE!” Michael begged. “No way!” The sun responded. “Yes way!” Someone said near them.
Michael opened his eyes and gasped. Another person? Here?!
The person ran up to a collection of cylinder blocks and knocked them down.
The sun’s reaction was immediate! The animatronic climbed out of the ballpit. “No, no, no, no! What a mess! Oh, which was the bottom? Where is the top? Clean up! Clean up!” He said as he started cleaning up the blocks.
Meanwhile, someone had grabbed Michael’s hand and pulled him away from the daycare. Despite being breathless and missing a shoe, Michael was out of there. “There. You’re free now.” The person said. “Than…Thank you. You’re a lifesaver.” Michael thanked them.
“No problem. You’re the new night guard, right?” the person asked. “Yeah…I am.” Michael replied.
“Good. You’re gonna be checking the perimeters with me on guard too. We need all the help we can get.” The person said.
Michael thought for a moment and wiped off any sweat out from under his bangs. “Sorry. Do you have a name?”
“Of course! It’s Vanessa.” The person said, holding out their hand. “Michael.” Michael replied, shaking her hand. “Nice to meet you, Michael.” She said. “We gotta move.”
Michael stopped. “I only have one shoe though.” Michael admitted. “The animatronic removed it while he was…”
“Tickling you?” She finished.
Suddenly, something hit Michael in the head. Michael grunted and groaned as the thing that hit him, was rather hard. “Ow…” he muttered.
“Ouch…Yikes…” Vanessa reacted. “I…guess you have your shoe back now though.” She said with a chuckle, referring to the item that just smacked Michael in the head.
Michael chuckled too and took a moment to put his shoe on. “Thanks for the help again.” He said, tying his shoe laces.
“No problem.” She replied. “Now let’s get going. We’ve got a long night ahead of us.”
I've officially reached 250 fanfics! YAY!
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bisexual-horror-fan · 4 years
Up top let’s break down what is and isn’t okay!
What I Absolutely Will Not Write:
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It is my biggest no! Please do not send me any asks for writing or in general about mommy kink or character’s mommy issues. If you are gonna send me an ask with the word “mommy” in it, just stop! Do not pass go! Thank you so much in advance for respecting this very important boundary of mine.
I also do not write the following:
Outright non-con. Dub-con is the furthest I will go.
Bathroom related kinks (y’all know what I mean).
Pregnancy kink. (Breeding kink is fine tho. MORE than fine.)
Current Request Status: CLOSED.
What I Will Write!
Now as for what I do write. While requests are not open, I am more than willing to talk to people and hear ideas, sometimes if lightning strikes I will write it, but don’t count on or expect it. I mostly write smut but I can do funny, fluff, angst, whatever, my range is huge. Very comfortable writing for male readers, GN! Reader and trans readers, most comfortable writing from an AFAB! body perspective since that is the body I possess but I myself am not cis. Queer stuff is very at home here, as is sex worker positive fic.
Kinky Fucker Encouraged here! This is the place to come and experience no judgment for your sexual stuff, live and let live, we don’t yuck other people’s yums here.
Here is my writing masterlist.
Characters I Write For:
Freddy Krueger.⭐(A Nightmare On Elm St.)  OG Robert Englund one and New Nightmare. 
Billy Loomis and Stu Macher. ⭐ (Scream 1996.) Single is fine but Poly!Ghostface IS my jam.
Sidney Prescott. (Scream 1996.)
Tatum Riley. (Scream 1996.)
Randy Meeks. (Scream 1996.)
Mickey Altieri. (Scream 2 1997.)
Ethan Landry. (Scream 6 2023.)
Danny Johnson/Jed Olson/ DBD Ghostface. (Dead By Daylight.)
Herbert West. (Re-Animator.)
Leslie Vernon.⭐  (Behind The Mask: The Rise Of Leslie Vernon.)
Doc Halloran. (Behind The Mask: The Rise Of Leslie Vernon.)
Bo Sinclair. (House Of Wax.)
Lester Sinclair. (House Of Wax.)
Vincent Sinclair. (House Of Wax.)
Buddy Swanson/Metal Killer. ⭐ (Stage Fright 2014.)
Sam Wescott/The Wood Carver.⭐  (You Might Be The Killer 2018.)
Gabriel May. (Malignant 2021.)
Ash Williams. (Old movies or the tv show.)
Charles Lee Ray. (Human only for NSFW)
Tiffany Ray-Valentine. (Also human only for NSFW.)
Mayor Buckman. (2001 Maniacs)
Stuart Llyod. (The Last Showing. 2014.)
Warwick Wilson. (The Perfect Host 2011.)
The Driller Killer. (The Slumber Party Massacre 2 1987.)
Nancy Downs. Bonnie. Rochelle. (The Craft 1996.)
The Grabber. (The Black Phone. 2022)
Gus. (The Ref 1994.)
Edward Porris. (Anti-Viral 2012)
I will write for any and all on this list but the boys with a ⭐ are my top tier babes! My ultimate faves that I have endless love for!
That’s all, thanks so much for taking the time to read this before sending me in asks and/or requests.
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