#⸙— cal
vampiiric · 1 hour
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vampire boy in his dumb little jammies
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Character Dragon: Cal
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boydholbrook-fan · 3 days
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Only 1 week until The Bikeriders premiere!
And I can't wait to see the movie! Especially to see Boyd in it! On the big screen again!
I know I've posted all of these wonderful photos previously but I just wanted to share them again as the premiere of the movie is only 1 week away!
And again, I love these photos so much, these are so special! And I'm so grateful to have the Vandals: The Photography of The Bikeriders book. Also so happy that there are so many photos of Boyd as Cal! Again, huge thank you to all who's participated in the making/creation of this book and to the publisher, Insight Editions! It's a treasure!
Again, Boyd is such a handsome man! Such an exceptional talent! He’s incredible! He’s the best! And I love him and admire him so much! And I can’t wait to see him in this movie! ❤️🌟🔥🥰😍❤️‍🔥
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ecoportalnet · 4 days
Cómo hacer tu propia pintura de pared natural y económica
Hoy les comparto la receta o al menos como hacemos nuestra propia pintura de pared a la cal, estamos hablando de una pintura casera que tiene un gran poder cubritivo, que es económica y ante todo que es muy saludable, incluso más que las más costosas y libres de productos tóxicos que existen en el mercado. Sobre la preparación es muy simple, lo único que necesitamos es cal hidratada o cal apagada (hidróxido de calcio) es la cal más blanca que hay, la cal hidráulica no sirve ya que para carbonatar y fraguar (sí, la cal hidráulica hace los 2 procesos) necesita agua y la pintura se seca muy rápidamente, sin embargo el hidróxido de calcio carbonatado (endurece) en presencia de CO2, es por eso que la pintura de pared a la cal queda como si fuese una lámina de piedra. Ahora a esta cal debemos agregarle agua o agua con baba de Nopal (dejado reposar 24 hs para que largue "baba") hasta que el agua cubra por 1 cm a la cal, es de esperar que la cal absorba rápidamente el agua por lo que es posible que deban ir agregando más agua durante el día, también es muy beneficioso batir o mezclar con un palo limpio, agregan el ferrite (color) si lo consideran y dejan reposar 24 hs. Detalles a tener en cuenta al preparar la pintura de pared IMPORTANTE: en ocasiones la cal estuvo mal almacenada y se produjo una carbonatación (La carbonatación en la cal hidratada es un proceso mediante el cual el hidróxido de calcio reacciona con el dióxido de carbono presente en el aire para formar carbonato de calcio, esta reacción química es parte de un fenómeno natural que ocurre a lo largo del tiempo) por lo que puede no servir, así que SIEMPRE debemos usar cal que estuvo bien almacenada en su bolsa bien cerrada y en un lugar seco y fresco. Siguiendo los pasos mencionados solo resta la aplicación de la pintura de pared y es a brocha o pincel y es importante ir revolviendo la pintura para que no decante, es muy similar a pintar con pinturas a la tiza. Algo que no mencioné en el video es que la superficie para aplicar la pintura a la cal debe estar limpia como cualquier otra pintura, en algunos casos habrá que rasquetear un poco para sacar las partes flojas o muy sucias pero nada más. Y por último quería destacar que existen diversos tipos de pinturas de pared naturales, que mucha gente esta interesada en estos temas referidos a la salud en los espacios que habitamos y que también muchas empresas y pequeños emprendedores están haciendo pinturas con mejor impacto en la salud que las típicas en oferta, por último advertir que las pinturas a la cal o tiza comerciales pueden incluir COV por lo que es importante siempre leer con que están hechas, que diga pintura a la cal no garantiza que sea saludable. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2Xe95mciMY Índice 0:00 Introducción 1:58 ¿Dónde puedo pintar con esta pintura? 2:31 Superficies aptas para la pintura a la cal 3:12 Tips para aplicar pintura a la cal 3:47 Qué poder cubritivo tiene la pintura a la cal 4:00 Tips para aplicar pintura a la cal 4:15 ¿Sirve para exteriores? 4:50 Preparación de pintura natural a la cal 7:18 Como debe quedar la pintura a la cal para usar y cómo conservarla 7:54 Tips para aplicar pintura a la cal 8:11 Despejando dudas y despedida Ecoportal.net Con información de: https://www.youtube.com/@PermaculturaHolisticaOficial Read the full article
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faerunsbest · 4 days
sharing fluffy thoughts because they're cute and you deserve it
Laying snuggled up with Cal watching the sunset as he lazily runs his hands in your hair with his tail draped over you to pull you closer randomly
hes so toasty too, it must so hard to wanna wake up laying with him. just the easiest sleep ever
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lostinforestbound · 4 days
Could you do how you think Cal or Lia would be in a relationship?
I love Rolan, but the other siblings deserve some love 💖
YESSS I've been waiting for someone to ask this! I have so many thoughts on this alone!! Thank you for asking, now I can ramble about the siblings more!
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I swear to god he is literally the sweetest person you'll ever date. He so loving, doting, patient, and just a walking green flag. He's a bit shy to even hold your hand for the first time, and he wear his heart on his sleeve, but he is devoted to his partner.
His main love language is definitely Acts of Service. Does his partner need help with a bag? He's grabs it immediately. Do they need something from the market? He's already out the door. Have they idly looked at an item they need? He buys it within the hour.
As he, Lia, and Rolan's mother was a seamstress (a headcanon I mentioned in the past), he would also patch up his partner's clothes if they need it. He takes care of it with such skill his partner can't even tell where that tear, cut, or hole was anymore.
One of my man headcanons with Cal is out of the three siblings, he is the cook of the family. He will absolutely cook for his partner, and he will try to create anything they ask for, or bake a sweet they've been craving.
I also have this idea that Cal would bake he and his partner's wedding cake for their special day! Not completely by himself of course, he's the groom for the gods sake! Rolan is also a decent baker, so he will insist when the time comes.
No matter how far he's in a relationship with his partner, he still becomes a flustered mess when they do something romantic with him. It could be only three months in or five years, but he will still blush if his partner gives him flowers.
That brings us to the love language he prefers on the receiving end: Gift Giving! All love languages his partner may or may not have he loves, but gift giving is something that catches him off guard every time!
Some gifts he would enjoy is flowers, a sweet, some new clothes, or anything his partner decides to give! "I saw this and I thought about you" kind of gifts make his heart beat for sure! He loves every single one they give and sometimes has to fight tears if he's having a particularly tough day.
At the very beginning of the relationship, he's definitely on the more shy side of things as I mentioned briefly earlier! Holding hands already gets him flustered, and the first kiss might be a little awkward, but once he's comfortable it's absolute heaven.
Speaking of being comfortable, once a relationship is established, he ends up being very playful and loves to tease! Tickling, stealing food off of their plate, suddenly biting them, etc.
He is such a wonderful listener. If his partner wants to vent for a little while without necessarily wanting advice, he is the perfect person for it. He'll listen, ask questions if allowed, comfort, and be a grounding presence.
At the same time, give him room to also talk! Let him vent if he needs it. He's been the listener all his life, playing peacekeeper to both of his very headstrong siblings. He'll never appreciate anything more than a partner who gives him a chance to speak.
If cuddling was a person, it would absolutely be Cal. He tends to be the big spoon during cuddles, and his body is usually pressed against his partner's pretty closely.
Cal talks about his partner very often, to the point that it seems like he's bragging about them (he totally is and is not ashamed one bit). It's obvious he's so, so in love just by the way he speaks about them, and it warms Rolan and Lia's hearts.
Lia is very headstrong, so she is most likely the one who makes the first move. She doesn't do a grand display or anything, but on the first date, she's definitely the one who brings a small bouquet of flowers!
She knows plenty of survival and plants in general, so she absolutely would use flowers language. I would say she brings White Camellia's, which if I remember correctly mean "You're Adorable".
Gods forbid if anyone tries to hurt her partner, it would be absolute hell on Toril. She is not above getting into a fist fight with people who try to talk shit about them, and always wins no matter how tough the person may be. She'll tone it down if her partner doesn't appreciate it, but she will protect them in any way she can.
Her love language is Words of Affirmation! She compliments her partner all the time, and plays up any achievement they may have. She is their personal cheerleader for everything they do, even if it's something relatively small, she doesn't care what it is!
"That is amazing love! Everyone, look at this, aren't they just the coolest person ever? Can your partner do this Rolan? No? Didn't think so. They are just the best!"
In terms of receiving, the love language she prefers is Quality Time! She loves spending time with her partner, so she plans dates pretty often so she can have that time without anything getting in the way. She doesn't mind planning them, but if her partner plans one to surprise her, she'll be over the moon with both love and excitement.
Some times the quality time could be as simple as them solving a puzzle together, watching her do some crafting, helping take care of the many plants she would own, watching her train with her bow or crossbow. Even if they don't speak, she appreciates every single minute.
Lia loves surprises, the good ones! A surprise gift? A surprise date? A surprise back massage? She loves them all. (I keep thinking about how the best surprise, one that she'll never forget, is her partner proposing to her. She'll sob so hard but would be so incredibly happy)
Just like Cal, she loves to brag about her partner. Anything they accomplished, Rolan and Cal are the first people to hear about it, the next people most likely her friends, but she even brags to strangers about them. She'll even do it with her partner right there, no matter how flustered they may get about the whole thing.
She's a biter. Not even in a sexual way! I believe she gets some form of cuteness aggression with her partner and will bite them out of nowhere, playfully of course.
Speaking of playful, she loves to play fight! Pillow fights are the go-to since food fights can get messy. She's got a strong art, so she has to be careful not to slam the pillow too hard hahaha! Although she does genuinely enjoy them, the main reason she play fights is to hear her partner laugh. She loves their laugh and will do anything to listen to it!
She would take her partner out around Baldur's gate for long walks to feed the stray cats! She loves animals, and when she and her partner at one point move in with each other, she will beg to get a cat or two.
In private moments, she tends to get a little sappy when she's emotional or having a tough day. She's aware how headstrong she can be, so she sometimes wants to reassure her partner of her love, even when she doesn't have to. "You know I love you very much, right?"
Lia can be very sweet in those private moments too! Lacing her fingers through her partner's, staring into their eyes with a tenderness she barely reveals, and cuddles pretty close. Only her partner can see her like that, and they wouldn't have it any other way.
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dedalvs · 4 days
New interview I did with a Bay Area radio station. Talking about conlanging and my time at Berkeley.
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dutifullylazybread · 4 days
For the WIP game: Cal is Polymorphed! And Sad Kar’niss (I adore sad Kar’niss hahaha)
8DDD Yeeees!!! I'm having fun playing with both of these!!
Writing under cut!
Cal is Polymorphed:
"You don't have to feed him from your hand, Tav," Rolan said. "He's just as capable of eating out of his bowl--"
Cal bleated loudly, fixing something akin to a glare on Rolan, who immediately shut his mouth.
"I don't mind," Tav said over her shoulder. She grasped up three more grapes and opened her palm for Cal.
"I'm starting to think he's enjoying this," Lia said over the rim of her cup.
Sad Kar'niss:
"You will take this blade and plunge it into your beloved's heart," the priestess whispered.
She gripped Kar'niss roughly around the wrist, pressing the dagger's hilt against his palm, the sharp tines digging into his flesh. He swallowed his hiss of pain, forced his features into an unreadable mask.
His goddess called for him to act, to prove his loyalty.
And yet he had none to give her. Not anymore.
Not when he had tasted sunlight and laid in warmth.
And now his goddess asked this, of all things, of him. He'd have better fortune carving his heart from his chest.
"I..." he said, his refusal heavy on his tongue.
Just beyond where he knelt, just outside of the temple's cold firelight, spiders tapped a dangerous staccato.
Kar'niss bowed his head. "As my goddess wishes."
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vampiiric · 5 days
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good evening cal nation
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ilovewhiteroses · 6 days
New pic from 'The Bikeriders' (from: hollywoodreporter.com)
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seattlemarinerz · 6 days
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this picture is crazy bc that’s a man and his son
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tubulargargoyle · 10 days
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mysticlillybett · 11 days
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My sketches from yesterday's Stabbyness fashion game!
I got Sexy Fantasy Cal, and Practical Nobility Tacca! (Hope I did them justice!)
I gotta lot more great prompts that I can't wait to do when I have the time.
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faerunsbest · 7 days
A question: how old is Rolan exactly according to your HC? I mean, the moment they are at Emerald Grove and when they arrive at Baldur's Gate... And how old are Lia and Cal. Cal seems really young!
so in my mind i see a big age gap. Rolan is likely 8-10 years older than them so taking on the role of guardian for them was less awkward. this is easy for me too as my own brother is 8 years older than me and my kids have 10 year age gap so i can see it. also he was probably a bit older when he was adopted it never specifies when he was taken in, so i like to think he was about 9 or ten when his 'mum' found him and she was already pregnant with lia
okay so lets assume rolan is 36 and has been in charge of his siblings for a long while it mentions that their mom dies but im not sure when she died- so in my mind lia is older than cal Lia would be about 25 or 26 and cal is closer to having just hit 20.
i know im wilin but it makes sense with such big age gaps that they would butt heads so frequently. staying civil with siblings so much older is often difficult especially when one is basically your parent. and thats what rolan is, he grew up and soon as he was able he got a job and started helping at home. so it was an unfortunately natural transition that he should be caring for his siblings when their mum passed
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thewanderingmask · 12 days
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randomized Cal costumes from last night's stream! Goth, Cocktail Dress, Knight, and ELDRITCH
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jonberry555 · 12 days
When things look the Same, Focus on What is Different #starwarsjedisurvivor #starwars #gaming
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