love-iathan · 1 year
Sweet Boy
Masterlist | Seelie Key
Fandom: Genshin Impact
Character(s): Wanderer, Ei (brief)
Reader: Gender Neutral, Creator
Warning(s): Does not follow cannon
Word Count: 1681
Note(s): I wrote this on and off while I was sick, like 2 weeks ago, so it might be garbage and all over the place :)
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You peacefully watched the rain storm, the downpour watering your crops. Suddenly pulled from your daydream by a knock at the door, you walked over and opened it, preparing to reprimand whomever disturbed you. Stopping in your tracks when you realised it was Ei, who was holding a much smaller boy in her arms.
"Your Grace, I've made a mistake." Hearing Ei admit to such a thing was unheard of.
Allowing her into your home, you sat at the table. "Who's the child?" You asked, gesturing to the seat across from you.
With a bit of hesitation, Ei sat down, the boy cradled in her lap. "Do you remember when I asked your permission to make a puppet?"
"I do," you replied, growing a bit concerned where this was going.
Ei's mouth opened and closed, but nothing came out. After a few seconds of silence, she finally got the words out. "I can't force him to be my puppet."
Cocking an eyebrow, you reached over to your teapot, pouring both of you a cup. "Care to elaborate?"
Once again, she looked like a fish out of water, trying to organise her thoughts. "Last night, he shed tears. I'd never forgive myself if I forced him to be my puppet."
Slowly gathering the main issue, you chuckled. "All of you have always had such complex emotions, whether you'd like to admit it or not." You joked, referring to her and the rest of the Archons. "You think of him as your son, don't you?"
Ei's silence said it all. "Your Grace, what should I do?" She seemed to grow more distressed as time went on.
"Well, you have a few options. 1, you can keep him, raise him, not as a puppet, but as your son. Create a new puppet using what you've learned making him. 2, let fate decide what should happen to him."
"Do you mean abandon him?" She asked, almost panicked, forgetting her manners. With a gasp, she whispered, "my apologies."
"Or, 3, let him be your puppet, as originally planned, and let him prove his worth."
Ei sighed, looking down at her puppet. "It's not that he isn't worthy, Your Grace." She trailed off, uncomfortable with needing to make this choice, wishing you'd just do it for her.
"Ei, I know this is a difficult decision for you to make, but I cannot make it for you. I also can't take him," you sipped on your tea. "Me taking him would be equivalent to creating another Archon, which could potentially lead to a 2nd Archon War. I'm sorry dear Ei, but I cannot risk that."
Ei sighed, knowing you were right, asking you to take on the boy would be disrespectful.
Walking around the table to stand next to her, you placed your hand on her shoulder. "Drink your tea and give it some thought. You both may stay here tonight, I hope you have your decision by tomorrow."
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The next day, you saw Ei in the same spot you left her last night, although the boy was sleeping on the futon in the living area. Despite her not needing sleep, she had dark bags under her eyes, as if she'd been up for days. "Ei, are you alright?"
Startled by your question, she jumped, "yes, my apologies, Your Grace. I've just been thinking about what I should do."
"Well, it's still quite early, how about we eat something and then we'll discuss your options more in depth."
With a quick nod, you began making something simple. Dishing out 3 portions, you set Ei's in front of her, one in your spot and the last at the end of the table. You walked into the living area, slowly approaching the still sleeping boy.
Kneeling down, you gently shook him awake. "Sweetheart? Wake up, you should eat something." Being this close to him for the first time, you really noticed the resemblance between him and Ei.
The boy slowly opened his eyes, the same purple as his mother. "Hello." He said meekly.
You smiled, taking his hand. "Come over here, eat with us." He followed you, visibly relaxing when he saw Ei, a familiar face. Gesturing to the table, you sat down, waiting for him to sit as well. Ei sat in silence, staring at her plate. "You may eat, now."
Ei picked up her cutlery, eating in silence. The boy looked between you and Ei in confusion; as far as he knew, Ei was the most powerful being alive. So why did she only begin eating after you allowed it? Who exactly were you, and why did Ei seem on edge around you? Almost scared of you.
"All of your questions will be answered in due time." You affirmed, seemingly reading his mind.
The three of you ate in silence, although questions raced through his head. Would it be rude to ask them? If you were so powerful, surely you'd punish him for speaking out of turn. Deciding to keep his questions to himself for now, he finished his food, opting to look around himself.
Taking in his surrounding, he was startled to hear Ei's voice. "Your Grace," although her voice was barely above a whisper, you looked up from your plate. "I believe I've made my decision." She trailed off, quickly grabbing a cup, which he assumed was water and downing it.
You smiled at her. "Wonderful. We will speak about it later."
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The boy, now known as Scaramouche, was abandoned by his mother, his creator. His last "happy" memory with her was the night he ate with you both. Scaramouche grew to despise you as well. He believed you'd been the one to convinced Ei to leave him, abandon him.
If you created Teyvat, knew everything that was going to happen, and had the power to change the course of history, why didn't you change his destiny? Why did you knowing allow Ei to abandoned him? It didn't make since to him. While still the innocent and curious kabukimono, he'd hoped that you'd come looking for him and take him to your home.
As the days past him by, he'd realised he wasn't wanted, so he gave up, the last of his innocence leaving him when the young boy betrayed him. His heart grew cold, leaving Inazuma, and the pain it cause him, behind.
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Centuries later, you heard news from Sumeru that the Akademiya's Sages were attempting to create an Archon, using none other than Scaramouche. Having rarely left your home since his creation, you didn't know that Sumeru didn't have an active Archon, so when you arrived to aid the blonde traveler, you didn't recognise the small God.
After Scaramouche's defeat, you spoke to the Archon and traveler, learning their names. The traveler told you everything they knew up to this point, about Scaramouche, his life as the Balladeer, and the Sage's plans. "Neither of you need to worry about him, he'll be fine. Nahida, would you mind keeping an eye on him? He's going to be quite weak when he wakes up. I'll come collect him once he's awake."
The Dendro Archon agrees, with a bit of hesitation, understandably so; the puppet had just tried to overtake her position as Archon. When Scaramouche finally woke up, Nahida called for you to collect him. While he was still delirious, he recognised you immediately, trying to get away from you.
Seeing him, you sauntered right up to him, taking his face into your hands gently. "Ah, you've grown so much. I just wish your life hadn't gone down such a dark path."
Irritated, Scaramouche slapped your hands away. "If you're so sorry, why didn't you stop it from happening?" He shouted, turning his back to you.
"It was too dangerous. I wouldn't have been able to ensure Teyvat's, or even your, safety." You turned him back around, one hand on his shoulder. "I remember the night Ei brought you to my home; you were so innocent."
The words felt degrading, yet somehow warm. "Why did you let her abandon me?" His aggressive tone shifted to a vaguely vulnerable one, his voice wavering ever-so slightly.
With a deep breath, you pulled him into your chest, listening as he struggled to hold back tears. "Ei was very attached to you, even though it only been a few days. She didn't want you to be forced into a life of servitude, but she didn't want you to feel as though you'd been replaced."
"I don't... I don't understand," he mumbled.
Running your fingers through his hair, you pulled him tighter against you. "I'm sure you know you were created to be Ei's puppet, but the night before she brought you to me, you cried in your sleep." You rested your chin on his head. "She was worried that, that if she went through with her plan to make you her puppet, you'd be unhappy."
Scaramouche continued to try and push you away for a few minutes before giving in and crying into your chest. "Why was I not good enough?"
"Oh, sweet boy, you are more than enough. That night," you pressed a kiss to the top of his head, "Ei and I wanted you to decide your own fate, let you forge your own path through life. Had I known she'd leave you alone without talking to you about our decision, I would have intervened."
"What?" Confused, the ex-Harbinger pulled away from you.
Wiping the stray tears from his cheeks, "I didn't learn what happened to you until after Ei made the Raiden Shogun, even then, I had to ask. She was still upset about her sister's death, it's not a excuse and she was punished justly."
"I'm sorry," he muttered.
You smiled, "for what, darling? You didn't nothing wrong."
"I've hurt so many people. Killed so many people. I'm sorry."
"Sweetheart, look at me," you lifted his chin. "You were hurting. While it is no more an excuse than Ei's, it is an explanation. You just need to be prepared for the consequences, sweet boy."
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Using "x male reader" tags to summon the audience I want 🙏
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nomohmoss · 8 months
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vaultnewt · 3 months
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UPDATE: he finally got his donuts :]
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elixrr · 6 months
“could you be seen with me and still act proud?”
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➢ Jing Yuan, Argenti, Aventurine, Dan Heng, Blade, Xiao, Childe, Wanderer, Zhongli
➢ Star Rail / Genshin x [GN] Reader
➥ (their answer + reaction to this question)
➥ (comfort / fluff)
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“Why, of course. I would hold your hand up for the whole of the Xianzhou to see.”
This was pretty expected of the sly general. However, what was unexpected was the way he took you in his arms and lifted you up—bridal style. You begged him to put you down as he opened the doors of his and your room, now making his way outside to remind the whole Xianzhou that you're his and he's yours.
“Dearest love—of course, I would be so proud to have the chance to take the hand of mortal beauty itself, and, if it were chivalrous, I would boast about your beauty everywhere I go.”
Ever so poetic, Argenti pulls your heart strings again with his creative (yet cheesy) lines. He loves you; that's a fact that nobody can deny, and he believes that you were sent down by Idrila herself with how attractive you are. Without a hesitant thought, he backs away and offers you his hand—will you accept the offer in which he takes you from place to place, hand in hand, to show the whole world that your his love?
“You wanna take a bet? Here, I'll take you out to dinner if you guess my answer correctly—get it wrong, and I decide on what I'll do with you.”
With a wink and a smile turning into a smirk, it's always hard to guess what Aventurine is thinking, but with the clock ticking, you hardly get time to really think, and so you curiously answer with “no.” A smile grows on his face, and he leans in close, holding your arms. He whispers in your ear, “I guess that means you have to do what I tell you tonight.”
“Of course. I do... I do love you, after all.”
His sentences are kept short and simple (with a little bit of blush), just like how they always are. Now, unlike most people on this list, he isn't bringing you outside to let the world know that you're dating, but he would feel and does absolutely feel proud to have you as his love. He reassures you that he would never feel embarrassed or feel the need to hide his love for you, no matter the crowd he's surrounded by.
“Yes. Nobody's taking you, and nobody's taking me. Everyone had better know that you're mine, and the same goes for me.”
His response was rather threatening, but that's typical with Blade. His words are as sharp as his sword, but they're also as meaningful as sharp; his intent is nowhere near ill towards you, and he only means that he's dedicated himself to you already, and it's a dedication that he would never feel embarrassed or guilty for. Now, take his hand—he'll promise the world that you're his tonight.
✧ - XIAO
“Yes. Why wouldn't I be?”
In Adeptus Xiao language, he means, “yes, of course I would. Archons, holding your hand is a blessing itself.” And, though he doesn't admit it, he still feels it. You are his first and only love in several millennia. You, of every person to ever set foot in Liyue, managed to capture his heart when nobody else could. Xiao loves you, and he feels that he will forever, so he prays you'd banish him if he ever hurts you or hides his love away for something trivial because that means the karma got to him and that he's gone mad.
“Of course, babe! You know what? Let's go on a date right now— everything's on me!”
And that's simply Childe. Without a word, he disappears and reappears with your favorite outfit in hand, and has you put it on (in private as he waits outside the bedroom door), and when you're done, he's suddenly dressed nicely with roses in hand, and he takes you out on a date. How? No clue, but know that he's letting the whole region know that you're his right here and right now.
“Huh? That's a stupid question. Why are you asking me, anyway?”
Yes. He means yes in every way possible. His sharp tongue speaks the opposite, but Wanderer truly means that he would show you off to the world if he had to. If he has to, mainly because he finds the concept of love in its entirety as stupid, but he also loves you too much to let you leave him, let alone have someone else think that you're some vacant partner just waiting to be taken. Now, hold both of his hands. He'll glide you above Sumeru City and show everyone there that you're his if you're still thinking about the question.
“Well, of course. Would you like to take a walk around the harbor for me to prove that?”
Zhongli senses your insecurity, and he wishes to alleviate your worries, so he takes you to a popular teahouse by a bridge. It's not that grand or special, but he keeps you close to him as you both sip away at your tea and embrace the company of one another.
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yes, this was a heathers reference.
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pachimation · 9 months
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the harbinger theatre troupe decided to put on a production of the nutcracker this year! now if only the choreo choices weren’t so questionable,,,,,
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 3 months
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The girls are back (from the grave)
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cynicalmusings · 23 days
i know this would never take off, because trying to get a group of people on tumblr to do something is like herding cats, but could the x reader fandom agree on a collective tag to use for ambiguous drabble-style posts with multiple character names at the bottom? e.g. ‘#adapt drabbles’ or ‘#archetype drabbles’ or something along those lines, just so that people who don’t like reading them can block the tag (and that those who do can follow it!)
(for clarity, i’m referring to the post style which is roughly as follows:)
[a piece of text — usually a description or short passage of some sort, using the characters’ pronouns but without specifying a name] CHARACTER, character, character, character, CHARACTER, character, CHARACTER, character + your favs!
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erabu-san · 2 months
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Event spoil 4.8
The last quest healed something in me
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rene-darling · 1 month
KISSES- breathless, kisses.
...you make him feel many things, but being breathless is one he makes you feel...he makes you feel breathless something you can't make him feel...
Slight power bottom wanderer? Credits [mint.tan] insta
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He doesn't know what gotten into you, you say that you miss him, you're just tired. But you'll eat him whole at this rate!
Encircling your arms from behind around your darlings waist, shoving your face in the crevice of his neck. "What the fu-" he tries pushing you away, at the start that is. He always does, acting annoyed as if he isn't enjoying himself.
"Ah- mhm..I told you don't do that..." Soft noises as you kiss the electro symbol on his nape. His groans of annoyance turning into breathy giggles. he tries to hide them so hard.
Soft giggles as you kiss the sides of his face, biting softly at the flesh of his cheek.
Turning around in your arms as his encircle you, "I want one here too." In a whisper is how he voices his desires, his lips are cold, so very cold. He's a lifeless puppet after all. He's cold, and- he doesn't need to breathe.
You- on the other hand...
You love making your darling cry out for you, whine, and be just so shaky to the touch for you. But, to your dismay, you can't make your darling breathless. That's the one thing he beats you at every time.
You might press him back against the counter, but as he pushes against your lips you can't help but be pushed back yourself.
It's like he's restless, the yearning for touch and want is being completed after a painful 500 years, he doesn't want to part, he wants to do this for yet another eternity.
Trying to pull away, he seeks you out immediately again, grabbing at your collar as if he would let go, so would you slip from his fingers,
"mhm-, ah!" Grabbing a fistful of his hair and yanking it back, panting breathlessly "my darl' you-..might not need to breath- but I do- hah." Soft giggles erupt from his throat, Ah- he loves seeing you breathless. Just for him.
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siomaoart · 3 months
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new gays spotted
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molinaesque · 5 months
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The Ghoul (Cooper Howard) | Official Perks (x)
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Screenshots from 원신 x 메가MGC커피 콜라보 PV
(Genshin x Mega MGC Coffee PV)
Download Link (Google Drive)
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danijaci · 1 year
"jealous, jealous, jealous boyy.." ft. scara
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livelaughlovesubs · 4 months
Nini I want to fuck a demon boy so bad I can't. I'm so sleep deprived and this is the only thing on my mind. The idea of this powerful demon who's not used to being challenged, just ending up ass up face down on the floor, bed WHEREVER. It's not important. Ending up like that is just peak. Also I like to think they'd have sensitive tails. So. Like. I totally.
Wanna make them fuck themselves with their own tail. I think that'd be great. I think it would be awesome.
I want them to get so flustered at the idea of doing it, but do it anyway just coz I told them to. I can almost imagine them finding their own prostate with their tail, and really they can't decide which sensation to focus on. Feeling themselves clench around their own tail, or the way the slightly pointed end slams into their prostate. And bonus points if they cum and you overstim them by grabbing their tail and fucking them so much harder than they could themselves. Hooray, now they've got
your hand around their already much too sensitive tail
said sensitive tail is being slammed into their ass
it's gotta feel so good, they'd probably be so tight around themselves
your hand is gonna slip a few times, which is gonna end up in stroking their tail, which has got to feel like heaven for them
not to forget that you're thrusting their tails directly onto their prostate without letting them breathe
I just. I don't know. I think they'd look so pretty, flushed and begging to stop, even though it's them that keeps weakly trying to thrust their tail back into themselves. Also, they'd look so pathetic, sobbing from the overstimulation. I'm a sucker for tears trailing down their faces, eyes red and a little puffy. It'd almost make you wanna be nice to them. Almost.
But yknow, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. And sometimes what a girl's gotta do is fuck a demon stupid with their own tail. (I don't have the same way with words as some people, but like do you see the vision)
~a sleep deprived,🧁anon
You are so smart holy shit. You don’t give yourself enough credit. Fucking a demon with their own tail? Why didn’t I think of something as great as this??! Lemme write down my thoughts for a sec- (btw I thought you are like, very religious?)
Dom!reader x sub!character
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You had a long day behind you, and there was nothing sweeter than the thought of finally getting some sleep. All you wanted was to have a good rest, but to your demise you woke up in the middle of the night with something heavy on top of you. “Ops, I didn’t mean to wake you up. Oh well this will do too.” What the hell? It was a fucking person?? First thing you did was push him off of you and turning on the lights, then you thought this was some kind of weird joke. He had two horns growing out of his forehead, as well as a super long tail with a heart shaped tip. Not to mention the pink, glowing tattoo on his pelvis. When he opened his mouth again, you thought you didn’t hear right. “I’m an incubus, pleasant to meet you~ now let me feast on you, pretty please?”
An incubus, so, in other words a demon. What in the- never mind. He said he wanted to feast on you? Heck no, he woke you up in the middle of the night and is expecting you to have the energy to fuck him? As soon as he got up to try make a move on you, you flipped him over and tangled your hand in his hair, then pressed his face into your pillow. “If you are that desperate do it yourself.” Of course that little slut was into that.
He reached for his dick, but you slapped his hand away and instead grabbed his tail. “MhMngh- aaAAHhnn~!” A surprised yet blissful moan escaped him, face all red as lust fills their already sinful body. Anticipation swelling inside them at the thought of what you might do with them. That’s when they felt their own tail poking against their butt… wait wha? In the mean time you stroked it gently while whispering, “I want to watch you fuck yourself, who knows, I might reward you afterwards.” Suddenly all their previous confidence vanished as embarrassment took over. With their own tail..?? How did you even get that idea! Not even something as perverted as them had such outrageous ideas..!
In the end they could only obey without protesting, trusting their already super sensitive tail into their tight, wet hole. Each time they accidentally hit their prostate, they’d yelp and whimpers. Pretty tears are already rolling down their even prettier faces. Eyes half lidded as they whine, “mhm! Ah-ahhHh.. nghHnn~!!” All while their poor, useless dick is twitching around on its own, making a mess everywhere <3
Gojo, Sukuna, Dazai, Fyodor, Nikolai, jouno, Scaramouch, Kaeya, lyney, Ayato, Aventurine, Sampo, Jing Yuan (?), Douma - your favourites
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genacity · 1 year
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cw. sub character & gn dom reader, anal pen, reader has a dick that can be interpreted as a strap
thinking about a pretty boy letting out the sweetest moans; back against the mattress as you fucked him. legs up over your shoulders as he whined and begged for more, hands over his eyes or grabbing at the sheets with every thrust. head thrown back with a pretty gasp, you couldn’t help but laugh.
“baby,” you cooed to your pretty boy, trying to catch his eyes. “look at me.”
“c-can’t,” would be all he could say, hiccuping and whimpering as he covered his face with his hands. “oh god, can’t— so full!”
you feigned disappointment, jutting your bottom lip out into a pout. “oh baby.” you said. “you know i wanna see your pretty face. if you can’t show me, i’ll have to pull out.”
“no!” your pretty boy would almost yell as his head shot up, looking at you with wide eyes as his chest heaved in sharp breaths. it wasn’t until he saw the way your expression morphed into something stern did he cower, eyes blowing into saucers, even if you think they couldn’t get any bigger.
“no?” you repeated, tone no longer the soft coo that made your pretty baby’s head spin as he begged for more.
“sorry, ‘m sorry, please!” he quickly scrambled to apologize, trying to sit up onto his elbows until you shoved him back down by a hand on his chest; a drawn out whine slipping his lips as his back hit the mattress again. “please, i’m sorry! i- i didn’t mean it, please—”
you pressed your cock right against his sweet spot, making your pretty boy let out a garbled moan as his back arched up off of the mattress. you were quick to push him back down and tower over him, leaning in to whisper into his ear.
“you know i don’t like it when you raise your voice,” you said. “maybe i’ll have to remind you how to speak to me.”
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scaramouche, gorou, blade, heizou, venti, kaveh, childe, kaeya, itto, your faves
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cupidkyu · 24 days
✧゚・: A GOOD PET,OR A DISOBEDIENT ONE? which does he prefer?
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a/n: kinda disappeared srry guys 🧍🏻I promise I will try 2 make moree,,but yea an anonymous requested me with genshin/star rail men. . . but u can imagine it with any charc u like
sub!gn!reader x dom!male!charc
OBEDIENT . men who likes it when you're behaving right, being the good boy/girl you are. constantly praising and just slamming into your sweet spot as a reward. don't fight back, don't backtalk,all of that will just get you in trouble! he doesn't wanna punish a sweet thing like you. the way you clench around his cock when he's deep inside you, intertwining fingers with him.
your thighs are trembling and he's cooeing sweetly to you, whispering sweet nothings into your ears,you know he loves how angelic you look,he just can't resist you. you just lay there and take it like the good cockwhore you were for him,and just for him.
“you take me in so well, darling.. just a little more, yeah? you can? hngh—.. wouldn't wanna waste a single drop of you.”
jingyuan,cyno, neuvillette,heizou, aether,dan heng,boothill,,jiaoqiu,welt, zhongli,scaramouche,ayato,your faves
DIRTY BITCH . men who likes it when you're being bratty,who likes it when you're whining and complaining about him not giving you attention. he'd pretend to get annoyed and sigh at your dumb rambling. you're tugging on his sleeve as an attempt for him to shift his focus towards you,but he doesn't budge,no he doesn't. he wants you to act more and more disobedient so when he finally snaps,he can take it all out on you.
he's purposefully ignoring that specific spot, watching you struggle and insulting him. telling him to hurry up already. but once he does? oh dear..he's going crazy,fucking you like there's no tomorrow. he's looking down at you,his nails digging deep into your hips, reducing you to a whimpering and messy slut. your eyes roll back at the pace he's going,your waist,shoulders, anywhere he can get his mouth on bruised with hickies,he's smug about it too.
“whats wrong,baby? I know you can take it. for me,okay? mhmm..~ you feel so warm around me,you're so pathetic..”
tighnari,blade,wanderer, childe, venti,pantalone,kinich,wriothesley,your faves
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