#「 arrest warrant: promo. 」
cxnvicts · 2 years
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❝ Painters want to make a living by painting, and the buyers want to purchase famous paintings. I’ve helped them realize their dreams. Why are you mad at me, Chief? ❞
cxnvicts   ー   an independent, semi-selective, and low-activity multi-muse for Path to Nowhere’s certainly up to no good Sinners: Chameleon, Cinnabar, Che, Ignis, K.K. & McQueen as written by Milky !!
report   //   dispatch assignments  
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alicepao13 · 7 months
So. The 7th episode of Hudson and Rex after a long and fully undeserved hiatus. First of all, good episode. Even if the plot is ridiculous and overdone in other crime shows, and the concept “Russian spy in St. John’s” is kinda laughable. But hey, I’ve heard more improbable stories in the news lately, so who am I to judge what’s realistic anymore?
How many English speaking people would be able to differentiate a French accent from an Eastern European accent in three words? Just wondering.
I don’t usually laugh in this show (not where I’m supposed to, anyway) but Jesse’s deadpan delivery of "Is it interesting?" was spot on.
Absolutely thought the boyfriend would have somehow ended up being tied to the murder. That didn’t happen. Then I thought the professor would have something to do with it. Didn’t happen either. Either I’m broken or they finally wrote a good script.
Charlie speaking out loud his findings as he searched the victim's library. It's probably for Rex who can't read lol
"I'm not a caveperson". Nope, it's still caveman, you can have this one, boys.
A Canadian getting banned from entering the US for violence? That’s truly a bad guy.
I did not understand anything about oil rigging in the Arctic. Nor do I want to. You guys can keep your Canadian secrets.
It happens in every show. If it's a cop show, we hate the feds. If it's a show about feds, the cops are morons.
How come I've watched so many shows referencing Russian spies and I don't remember Novichok nerve agents being mentioned by that name?
The moment Sarah gave Charlie the antidote that was pretty much where my hopes for a ride to the hospital were dashed. Like, come on, man, let me live a little.
Joe was rightfully pissed about getting stonewalled, although I don't think this case would have been necessarily solved faster if CSIS shared their intel.
Ah, Trina. That must have been her on the phone. It's nice to see they kept in contact.
Charlie’s house??? On my screen???
Charlie and Sarah in Charlie’s house??? On my screen???
Charlie knows the story of Sarah’s family. That’s cute.
Some mentions of Sarah’s family this season. I’m getting my hopes up.
*Charlie and Sarah about to kiss* Rex: Oh shit they’re gonna fuck again. *runs away* Charlie truly meant it when he said that Rex knows to make himself scarce.
“CSIS Safehouse” in large, Arial font letters. Oh boy, I’d like to see the audience screening that warranted that. (People are dumb. I know.)
So the first three letters of CSIS are for Canadian Security Idiot :P
Rex with the syringe in his mouth: Anyone with thumbs around?
Of course Charlie would inject himself with the antidote as he was dying like we’re in some Die Hard movie (I’ve never actually seen them). This was like 5% of the whump I was hoping for.
And then he gets up and stumbles a little and that’s it? How is it that difficult to write some whump? Arrest him and then pass out!
I liked that they finally managed to set up something comedic in the first arc and finished it in the last scene, with Jesse’s interpretation of what every other character’s reactions meant. I agree with them, by the way, Austin Powers is a bad choice, Jesse.
Also, Rex would make a fine ballerina apparently. Charlie secretly agrees.
It was a good episode, I don’t feel let down. As I’ve said before, it’s hard to have that promo hanging out there for 3.5 months and have the episode live up to the expectations. But it had the team working as a team again, Charlie’s house came back from the war, there were cute Charah moments again, there was team banter and funny scenes and Rex saved Charlie's life a bunch lol. I’m not sure what they were trying to do with the first couple of episodes. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.
The next episode is promising me whump again. I refuse to get my hopes up again but at least it will be only a week until then. Sadly, it seems like Rex is inside the prison. Like, what the fuck. That alone would be a major red flag for any inmate, they wouldn’t even need to know he’s a cop. Although if Charlie ends up getting beaten to protect him, I’ll forgive them for that and for that atrocious undercover hairstyle. However, it truly was an opportunity to see them working separately.
I love that they mention that Charlie has arrested so many guys in there. Maybe it would work if Charlie slicked his hair back… and Rex turned into a cat.
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dankusner · 3 months
The Many Crusades of Adam Reposa
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Months after being raided, lawyer continues to taunt the courts, the cops, and Ken Paxton
I doubt the SWAT van had even been refueled before Adam Reposa began scheming on how to turn getting raided into an opportunity for new freedom-pushing antics.
The brazen attorney – whose lawyering sometimes resembles villainous wrestler promo – had been running an unlicensed cannabis dispensary out of an East Austin home before officers representing three different agencies stormed in for a morning raid on Jan. 22, seizing roughly 100 pounds of purported marijuana, plus edibles and cash.
As reported in the first installment of this serialized saga (see “Notorious Lawyer Adam Reposa Gets Raided For Running an Illegal Dispensary,” March 15), charges have yet to be filed against Reposa or the two associates present for the raid, and District Attorney José Garza was granted a motion to be recused from prosecuting the case. A D.A. official, on background, later told The Austin Chronic that the recusal had been done to avoid conflicts of interest with Reposa being a practicing defense attorney and someone who office staff knows personally.
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No other court has since filed charges against Reposa.
You’d assume that someone who’d just had flash-bang grenades thrown into their home would quietly check themselves out of the game, not fly into fuck-you mode.
But since Adam Reposa already firmly exists in fuck-you mode, it was time to lean in.
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His ATX Budtenders business – which he described in a recent legal filing as a “Washington D.C. style gifting dispensary” – would soon begin selling a line of Mr. Chinga T-shirts printed with a variety of imaginatively illustrated caricatures.
Among them are an unshapely Ken Paxton (“Ken Sucks Ton”) with pockets full of bribe money, Greg Abbott depicted as a Nazi scientist, and a rendering of Deputy Sheriff Mario Sotelo – who was the affiant of the search warrant – as Nintendo’s Mario, on a ghost ship with bags marked “Property of Adam Reposa.”
And what would any public spite campaign be without a theme song?
In a parody of Motörhead’s “Ace of Spades,” Reposa manages a surprisingly solid Lemmy Kilmister impression, replacing the titular phrase with “Ounce of Weed.”
The song taunts both TCSO officers, who he calls “Plastic badge federales,” and the courts, snarling:
“I see it in your style / Let’s have a jury trial.”
The motive of the aforementioned antics are obvious:
Reposa, a freedom junkie born on the Fourth of July, is taking aim at people and institutions he views as infringing on Americans’ fundamental rights: life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, and smoking blunts.
Meanwhile, other extracurricular crusades can blur the lines between righteousness and antagonism.
Outside the Travis County D.A.’s Office in late May, Reposa looked like an attorney from the shoulders down: cuffed dress shirt, suspenders, pleated trousers.
Up top, he wore the shaggy mane of a Weedwolf character, while holding a picket sign that says:
“No Way José!!! Do Your Job!”
Three costumed associates held signs reading: “No Child Should Have to Look at Olde Man-Dyck.”
Reposa’s admitted animosity toward Austin’s courts, which have twice jailed him on contempt charges, has inspired this side quest, spotlighting the bias and “white entitlement” that he claims is ingrained in the local municipal culture.
On that day he was proclaiming that a prominent Austin defense attorney is being undercharged after allegedly masturbating in front of children and their mother on a walking trail.
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Indeed, an arrest affidavit obtained by the Chronicle reports that Christopher Gunter, who actually served as Travis County’s assistant D.A. in the Eighties, was arrested on April 27 in the Mills Pond park on an indecent exposure charge.
The police filing includes this passage:
“The victim was informed by her 14-year-old child that he knew Christopher was masturbating and that his, Christopher, penis was fully erect because they just talked about sex education in school.”
Reposa was stoking outrage over Gunter’s alleged incident being classified as indecent exposure, a misdemeanor, with no bond conditions restricting his contact with children.
Reposa views it as a clear felony case because kids were involved.
As proof, he’s produced an affidavit of a June 23 arrest involving a separate individual also masturbating near a local running trail, also in the vicinity of a 14-year-old, that resulted in felony charges of indecency with a child.
“The question is: Is it a threat to our democracy that a high-profile lawyer gets to jerk off in front of kids without the same liability that this Black dude gets?” Reposa challenges. “And if you ask that to these West Austin people, they’re going to look at you like you’re speaking Mandarin fuckin’ Chinese. That’s what white entitlement is.”
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Attorney Gene Anthes, a law partner of Christopher Gunter who’s representing him on this matter, says Gunter is innocent and characterizes the arrest as “clearly a case of misidentification on the part of the complaining witness.”
Anthes believes he and Gunter proved as much to the case detective by taking him to the scene of the alleged incident last week and showing him where Gunter had been at the time.
Asked if he considers Gunter and Reposa rivals, Anthes said: “You know, goddammit, Adam is an excellent litigator, but I think the thing that makes him an excellent litigator is his mental instability. So I wouldn’t say they’re rivals, I’d say we’re all tired of Adam’s shenanigans.”
Our D.A. source explained that the D.A.’s Office has no input on initial charging decisions – which, in this case, were made by TCSO officers.
As a misdemeanor, the case goes to the county court and, for it to be elevated to a felony, it would need to be presented to a grand jury.
Speaking of legal disagreements, Ken Paxton’s lawsuit against the city of Austin, aiming to reverse a voter-approved ordinance that decriminalized marijuana possession locally, saw its earliest in-person court hearing on June 10 in Travis County District Court.
Prior to the hearing, a representative for the city’s litigation department confirmed that both the city of Austin and local progressive organizers Ground Game Texas have filed motions to dismiss the attorney general’s suit.
On June 4, Adam Reposa joined the fray, filing his own motion to dismiss.
While the other two motions read with measured legalese and contain vast case law references, Reposa’s filing comes in hot, calling Ken Paxton a “Nazi party throwback,” comparing Texas’ handling of cannabis laws to a “new era of Juneteenth,” and declaring the dangers of marijuana to be a myth created by government actors, while making a constitutional claim on the 14th Amendment.
“Americans have a fundamental right to be free from government lies as a promise of life liberty and the pursuit of happiness,” Reposa’s motion reads. “Adam Reposa, having been lied on by government, robbed by government, and unafraid of government, represents the fundamental nature of American freedom and comes to ask this Court as an American and a Texan to find with total clarity once and for all that the facts are clear, Marijuana is not dangerous, and to characterize marijuana as such in your search warrant affidavit violates the protections guaranteed by the Texas Constitution and the U.S. Constitution, and is rank player hating.”
Then in a legendary move that seems daring even by his standards, Reposa included the ATX Budtenders current menu on the legal filing against the attorney general:
“21 strains from $80 an ounce to $240 an ounce
Gummies up to 200 mg of CDB
Pens vapes and all that
Concentrated Chinga, Mr. Chinga, Chinga Dinga Bringa Thinga to Ringa and Singa
Pre-rolls 5 pack $20.”
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theyoungturks · 1 year
The Supreme Court has blocked Biden’s student loan forgiveness and we discuss the reactions to the ruling. A man with a January 6th warrant was arrested near Obama’s house. Marjorie Greene unveils her new promo photo for her podcast. Two Mississippi cops were fired after two black men alleged they were tortured and sexually abused. G/O media is going to start using AI-generated content on their websites. Dylan Mulvaney bashes Bud Light. Find out who John, Brett, and you (yes, you!) picked as the Garbage Person of the week. by The Young Turks
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cyarskj1899 · 2 years
https://www.theroot.com/body-cam-footage-of-tyre-nichols-arrest-is-as-horrid-as-1850041925?mibextid=q5o4bk HOMELATESTCULTUREENTERTAINMENTBEAUTY/STYLEAWARDS SEASON 2023
Dear God! Body Cam Footage of Tyre Nichols Arrest is as Horrid as We Expected
The contents of the footage were described ad "heinous" and "inhumane."
Kalyn Womack
PublishedFriday 7:55PM
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After a few weeks of anxiously waiting, the Memphis Police Department released the footage of the Tyre Nichols traffic stop to the public. Given the graphic description of Nichols being beaten, Tased and pepper-sprayed during the traffic stop, the contents of the video prove what many had speculated already happened: those cops abused their use of force beyond measure.
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Police Chief Cerelyn CJ Davis, attorney Benjamin Crump and FBI Director Chris Wray shared an appalled reactions upon viewing the footage privately. Images of Nichols in the hospital following the traffic stop rendered him nearly unrecognizable compared to prior photos shared by the family. RowVaughn Wells, Nichols’ mother, claimed her son was already dead by the time they got to the hospital to see him and that his neck was broken. 
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Two instances were caught on camera: the moment he was pulled over and allegedly fled the police and the second alleged attempt to flee when he encountered a few more officers. Nichols’ family insist his attempt to run wasn’t an indication of guilt but rather of fear as he tried to reach home, 80 yards away.
The officers seem to be joking about how they grabbed him before he got away. 
Read the description of the footage from NBC News:
Officers deployed a Taser and pepper spray, much of which ended up on themselves during the melee, footage released by Memphis officials showed. One officer appeared to be in pain as a colleague poured water on his eyes multiple times.
“I can’t see jack s—-,” the officer said.
Another officer said he was nearly hit with pepper spray and appeared to threaten revenge on Nichols. “You sprayed me too but luckily it didn’t get into my eyes, just on my eye brow,” he said. “I hope I stomp his ass.”
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No parent should have to watch their child be essentially jumped and nearly killed on camera - no matter the alleged offense. What’s even more frustrating is the lack of clarity about whether the traffic stop was warranted in the first place. 
Those who choose to watch, be warned. Our thoughts are with the family at this time. 
Click this link to watch the Tyre Nichols body camera footage from the City of Memphis. 
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bitcofun · 2 years
Key Takeaways A brand-new third-party audit of the Luna Foundation Guard has actually been launched. The report declares that LFG utilized its $2.8 billion of funds in an effort to fortify UST's peg in May. While the audit looks trustworthy, Korean district attorneys keep they have actually frozen funds embezzled by Terra token Do Kwon. The audit asserts that the Luna Foundation Guard invested around $2.8 billion to safeguard UST's peg. LFG Releases Audit The Luna Foundation Guard is attempting to clear its name. The Terra-linked company, developed in January to safeguard the dollar peg of the now-defunct TerraUSD (UST) stablecoin, has launched a third-party audit carried out by accounting company JS Held. The audit declares that LFG invested all of its money and Bitcoin reserves in its effort to safeguard UST's peg in between May 8 and May 16, 2022, contrasting extensive speculation that Terraform Labs co-founder Do Kwon had actually embezzled a part of LFG's funds throughout UST's collapse. According to the report, LFG invested around $2.8 billion, making up 80,081 Bitcoin and $498 million in stablecoins, to protect UST's peg, as LFG declared on Twitter on May16 Furthermore, the audit mentions that Terraform Labs invested an additional $613 countless its own capital to safeguard the algorithmic stablecoin's peg. UST was an algorithmic stablecoin established and provided by Terraform Labs. It increased to appeal due to the extra-large 20% yield holders might make by transferring it into Terraform Labs' Anchor Protocol. Unlike reserve-backed stablecoins such as USDC or BUSD, UST was pegged to the dollar algorithmically. When market forces knocked UST off its peg on May 8, there was insufficient security in reserve to support its worth, triggering it to get in a death spiral, eliminating over $40 billion in worth from the crypto market. Kwon has actually been commonly slammed for the unsustainability of UST's peg system and his reckless promo of the stablecoin as a "safe" possession. In the statement of its third-party audit, LFG asserts the report reveals all its funds were invested to protect UST's dollar peg as stated which its staying balances are the only funds staying. It likewise argues that the audit shows no LFG funds were embezzled, misused, or frozen by police. Is Anyone Convinced? In September, South Korean district attorneys released a demand to freeze properties transferred to central exchanges that were thought to be linked to the Luna Foundation Guard. The Seoul Southern District Prosecutors' Office has actually declared that LFG moved funds to KuCoin and OKX on September 15, a day after a Seoul court released a warrant for Kwon's arrest. Crypto research study company CryptoQuant and OXT Research member Ergo BTC have likewise declared that the funds originated from LFG. Far, KuCoin has actually apparently concurred to the district attorney's demand and frozen the expected LFG properties, however OKX has actually remained quiet. If these claims are to be thought, it would indicate an unknown entity associated in some method with Do Kwon and Terra has its hands on over $140 million in Bitcoin. While district attorneys constructing a case versus Kwon appear to think these funds are linked, not everybody is persuaded as there is no strong evidence that Kwon, Terraform Labs, or LFG have any control over these coins. In an October 5 tweet, Kwon rejected the claims that he had actually embezzled funds. "I do not even utilize Kucoin and OkEx, have no time at all to trade, no funds have actually been frozen," he stated. "I do not understand whose funds they've frozen, however great for them, hope they utilize it for great." However, if Kwon is informing the fact and the $140 million worth of Bitcoin does not come from him, KuCoin would likely get grievances from a big whale for unjustly freezing their funds. As nobody has actually stepped forward, it appears even more most likely that Kwon might be concealing his or LFG's participation.
Still, JS Held, the LFG's third-party auditor, seems a reliable business. It's not likely that it would put its track record on the line to conceal prohibited activity or embezzlement of funds. While it's looking significantly most likely that the $140 million in concern isn't linked to Kwon or Terraform Labs, the Terra neighborhood might be more difficult to persuade. The complete fact of the circumstance might not come out up until Kwon deals with trial-- if he ever does. Kwon has actually supposedly run away Singapore for Europe however keeps that he is not on the run. In any case, even if the audit is genuine, it appears not likely that Kwon will prosper in recovering the crypto neighborhood's trust anytime quickly. Disclosure: At the time of composing this piece, the author owned ETH, BTC, and numerous other crypto possessions. The info on or accessed through this site is acquired from independent sources our company believe to be precise and reputable, however Decentral Media, Inc. makes no representation or guarantee regarding the timeliness, efficiency, or precision of any details on or accessed through this site. Decentral Media, Inc. is not a financial investment consultant. We do not offer tailored financial investment recommendations or other monetary guidance. The details on this site goes through alter without notification. Some or all of the details on this site might end up being out-of-date, or it might be or end up being insufficient or unreliable. We may, however are not obliged to, upgrade any out-of-date, insufficient, or unreliable info. You ought to never ever make a financial investment choice on an ICO, IEO, or other financial investment based upon the info on this site, and you need to never ever translate or otherwise count on any of the info on this site as financial investment guidance. We highly suggest that you seek advice from a certified financial investment consultant or other competent monetary expert if you are looking for financial investment suggestions on an ICO, IEO, or other financial investment. We do decline payment in any type for examining or reporting on any ICO, IEO, cryptocurrency, currency, tokenized sales, securities, or products. See complete conditions Is This Do Kwon's Wallet? Desired Terra Founder May Still Have $140 M ... An unknown entity associated in some method with Do Kwon and Terra has its hands on over $140 million in Bitcoin. The Bitcoin Paper Trail There's an opportunity Terra creator ... Do Kwon Moved LFG's Bitcoin After Court Approved Arrest, Prosecutors ... Despite the quickly magnifying drama surrounding Kwon, the notoriously outspoken blockchain business owner appeared on Twitter Monday to state that he was "making absolutely no effort to conceal" from authorities. Kwon Allegedly ... A Week of Terra: the Story of Do Kwon and His Black Swan Wipeout Terra's implosion will be kept in mind as one of the most significant minutes in crypto history. Chris Williams informs the story of the blockchain and its questionable leader, Do Kwon. Purchasing the ... Read More
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lila-rae · 2 years
Every musician of any significant success flys private. With all the tour dates plus the constant award cycle and promo appearances it is industry standard for decades now so no one questions it. Everyone who can afford to get off the tour bus does it. Same as Nascar where ever major driver has one to fly to the races and weekly sponsor appearances. Taylor also travels with a full security team and she has the stalkers to warrant it. There are regular news articles reporting the arrests.
I’m well aware everyone does it doesn’t make it right, and she’s not currently touring. You can travel with security on commercial.
She by and large has the biggest carbon footprint with her jet than any other celebrity in a year where she’s not touring. That’s the issue.
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strangertheories · 2 years
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I saw people saying that this was something that correlates to Eddie, or at least I assume that was what was being said. Regardless, I don’t think that’s the case. I can’t imagine why in the world a child would end up in prison, but i’m sort’ve leaning toward this being what leads up to Eleven returning to the lab? It’s clear that she’s taken from Rink-O in some kind of van, and then somehow she ends up at a diner way later at night. Again, the issue of her even ending up in police custody strikes as a point of contention, but it’s strange that Eddie of all people would be pulled from jail by a “familiar face” (who i’m 50% sure is Dr. Owens) when he’s a newer character. Also, pretty sure we see two 1980s black sedans out front of the aforementioned diner lol.
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There’s also this little thing I noticed between the cards, but I doubt it’s major.
Iirc Eddie has a dad (that’s what I read at least, take it with a grain of salt), so the kids stopping by the trailer before Lover’s Lake (where he’s hiding, assumedly) could be our intro to him. In the case that it isn’t though, and Eddie is attacked by Vecna, I wonder how it’ll end.
This has changed my POV on that first monopoly card. I originally thought it was Eddie being rescued by one of the older people in the Hawkins gang (Robin, Nancy, Steve) because they were in a black car at the trailer park and seem to be with Eddie later. Whilst this could still happen, I think your analysis makes a lot more sense.
One thing I'm not sure about is why Eleven is arrested. I don't think she is taken from rink though. For one thing, she is wearing different clothes. However we see in a promo image that she is with the Cali gang whilst wearing the same dress that has now been stained meaning she went home after the events. I think at the rink she had a drink thrown on her so she tried to use her powers but failed, which is referenced in the cards and also would be a good subversion of expectations. I think I mentioned this before in response to one of your posts. But if she wasn't taken from the rink, what did she do to warrant an arrest? She doesn't have her powers back when she is arrested because if she was taken into custody because of her powers, why wouldn't Dr Owens who I, like you, believe takes her out of police custody call her out when she says she doesn't have any powers?
Maybe the bullies frame Eleven for something that they did? But I don't know if they'd have two framings (Eddie) within one season. Eleven could've maybe done something illegal out of anger but again I'm not sure what this could be. It could've been an accident such as stealing something (she's done it before except on purpose) due to a misunderstanding of social signals which I assume she'll struggle with because she spent her childhood in a lab? I think a misunderstanding is the most likely solution, but this is something I'm not too sure of. Either way, she gets arrested, picked up by Dr Owens and then that night she is taken to the diner to discuss her future.
I'm not sure what you're saying about Eddie's dad. But yes, I think Eddie could get put in a Vecna trance. The card could also be referring to Chrissy as I believe she'll live in the trailer park hence the body bag in the st4 trailer. But I think it is more likely Eddie as his trailer seems to be involved in Upside Down shenanigans as it is a location in the monopoly game and also where Eddie seems to be playing his guitar in the trailer.
Thanks for the ask! (:
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jaylamcd68 · 3 years
The Rookie 3x14
GUYS I CAN’T I AM TOO SHOOK.. but I will .. god this episode was SO good though, literally the entire time I was giddy, but you just KNEW they were going to do us dirty with a cliffhanger!!!
Last week I broke it down into character arcs but it was way to blended this week so its basically going to be a walk-through of the whole episode scene by scene.
Nyla gives Lucy one last talk as she prepares to go under. Lucy then is seen just wasting time in her time in her cover motel room waiting to see if someone is going to contact her. Wopez’s wedding venue was raided by the FBI - she says they’re getting married on Saturday at the court house Tamara and Silos help out Wesley’s mother to plan a new wedding in 2 days time. Nolan gets a knock on the door from a girl dog sitting for his neighbours who got locked out. He helps her out and they plan to see each other later. Smitty is Nolan’s TO for the day (Hilarious) Aldo’s brother Dahrio Salonga and crew break into Lucy’s motel room and tell her she needs to cook for them, they tell her they are taking her for a ride somewhere and make her leave her gun but Lucy gets her spare from the closet. They make her leave her phone behind. The wedding planning trio arrive at the new venue which is closed for repairs. Wesley’s mother tells the man in charge there that her son is getting married here on Saturday - Nolan connected with some construction contacts to have the repairs finished early so they could use the venue. Nolan talks with Cesar’s girlfriend to try and get her to convince him to contact the police to make a deal to torpedo his old business since it’s now under the control of La Fiera. Nolan then dislocates his finger chasing down a shoplifting suspect. Lucy is driving with Dahrio and Bob Morely’s character who’s name I didn’t catch, they tell her they are robbing a chemical supply store to get the necessary supplies to make what they need. Lucy speeds through an intersection and gets pulled over BUT ITS JACKSON AND TIM. Dahrio says he’s going to shoot the officers because she is supposedly out on bail, Bob Morely’s character has a warrant for his arrest and the car they are driving is stolen, so of course Lucy is like WHAT no, so she tells them she hasn’t gotten a ticket since she was 16 because she always flirts her way out of it so when Tim asks her for her license and registration Lucy PAINFULLY flirts with Tim, I honestly couldn’t even enjoy it because it was SO bad, but imma let my girl slide on this one since Tim and Jackson’s lives were at stake. Anyways Tim gets what she is trying to do and let’s them go, with Lucy giving them some info to pass onto Nyla as well in secret by saying they were late to pick up party supplies for her brother so they catch on that its Aldo’s brother and the supplies are to cook something. They hit up the chemical supply store, and Bob Morely’s character is a creep and is purposely toying with one of the girls who works there, terrifying her. Lucy is not having it and almost gets into it with him. Lucy notices a camera at the warehouse and doesn’t leave the property with any of the stolen merchandise meaning she didn’t commit a crime and she is good for being a UC. Nolan and Smitty get in contact with Cesar but one of La Fiera’s snipers is there who shoots him! A wonderful moment of Tim being worried about Lucy talking with Nyla and how he thinks she’s over her head and she won’t tell people to pull her out because she’s not a quitter. Nyla says Lucy is supposed to have a check in at midnight so she will check if she’s still good, Tim tells Nyla to call him as soon as she hears from Lucy. I AM IN LOVE with the wedding planning committee - Tamara, Silos, Jackson, Tim, Wesley and his mom organizing the last minute details, Tamara talking about Cardi B and Wesleys mom wanting to know who she is and Wesley being like hell naw😂 Nolan’s date comes over and his ethics professor is there because he wants to talk about his options re: the DA wanting to charge the suspect he was chasing when he dislocated his finger with a felony assault charge. Professor Ryan talks about the systemic problem of the DA’s office over charging people. Nyla tells Tim that Lucy missed her check in. They are super worried because any product that Lucy makes cannot end up on the street or she’ll have committed a crime so they know she will die trying to stop it from happening if they can’t find her before then.
Lucy has made a batch of meth and they want to deliver it and she is panicking trying to come up with a way to delay that when they get rolled up on by La Fiera and her people. In the chaos Lucy is able to call in to let them know where she is. La Fiera recognizes Lucy but doesn’t know from where. Lucy hears her backup arrive and maneuvers the gun pulled to her head away from the guy holding it and aims it at La Fiera telling her she’s a cop and she’s under arrest. At that moment Lopez comes in saying she stole her line. Tim is with her and when Lucy asks how they got there so fast he tells her when she didn’t check in they had 400 officers searching for her all night. Nolan teams up with Grey to talk with the DA lawyer. Grey spoke with different police officers organizing so that they won’t cooperate with the DA’s office if they are overcharging people. Nolan made an enemy in the DA’s office!! Speaking of people making enemies, Lopez is locking up La Fiera in a cell and La Fiera says that she isn’t going to stay in jail to which Lopez tells her stop kidding herself. Lopez then goes for the jugular telling La Fiera that she is the reason why Diego is dead, because she used him as a cover to speak with Cesar’s father. Lopez closes the door and La Fiera looks like she’s trying to murder Angela with her eyes!!! ITS FINALLY WEDDING TIME (AND LUCY ISN’T UNDERCOVER!!) Tim is speaking with Angela and telling her that she owes him for life. Tamara comes up to Tim asking for superglue, hair pins, and HIS BADGE?! he is like uhm why?? and Tamara just gives him a look like we don’t have time for stupid questions and he just says he will handle whatever this is and tells Angela to go get ready. Jackson comes up to Wesley and his mother because Angela doesn’t have her something old/new/borrowed/blue. Wesley’s mom gives her an antique broach that her own grandmother wore at her wedding. Nolan brought his new friend Bailey to the wedding and Jackson asks to borrow something from him. Nolan gives Jackson a key chain Henry made for him as a child. Jackson steals Grey’s pocket square because it’s blue. CUE SCREAMING FOR THE CHENFORD MOMENT: Grey is speaking with Nyla when Lucy walks up to them, they are telling her she is back to normal come Monday and Lucy says she actually misses normal AS SHE IS LOOKING AT TIM. Then she goes up to him and compliments him on the nice suit and that Nova would approve, Tim banters back by saying Nova was a little thirsty 😂😍😂😍 to which Lucy responds that Nova was assertive😍❤️. Tim compliments Chen on her good work undercover taking down two major drug traffickers in her first solo undercover assignment. Cue the amazing Chen, save me a dance quote from the promo. Then we have Jackson delivering all his rounded up supplies to Angela. They share an emotional hug.
The major spoilers are below: CUE THE SCREAMS OF TERROR because the next scene is La Fiera in the transport van and you just know things are going downhill from here 😭😭😭 the van gets ambushed and La Fiera escapes. Tamara was looking for Jackson to deliver the wedding bouquet and John says he can deliver it to Lopez. But the camera pans back and Angela is being held at gunpoint by a masked man. When John arrives the room is empty and he doesn’t think anything of it until he sees the bracelet that Angela has been wearing every day since La Fiera gave it to her on the floor .. AND THEN ITS JUST OVER!!! I CANT. NO WEDDING, NO IDEA WHERE LOPEZ IS, IF SHES ALIVE, NOTHING. AHHHHHHHH I CANT. (Also my chenford heart is so sad that we aren’t going to get the dance even though I didn’t think we would but I thought it would be because she went UC not because the episode ends on a cliffhanger on whether the bride even made it😭😭😭)
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sepublic · 4 years
The Season Finale Promo...!
           New promo! The Season Finale promo, my heart can NOT take this…!
           We get our very traumatic flashback to Eda’s transformation… Then we have a close-up shot of an Emperor’s Guard doing the drums! It’s probably a parade making a big announcement that YO, Eda the Owl Lady, the allegedly most powerful Witch on the Boiling Isles, has fallen to Emperor Belos! That’s right people if you think you had a chance against him before, well- Not anymore! Considering how young his reign is, Belos is 100% taking any chance to solidify and make it look good.
           We see the book from the previous image, and I was right! It’s Belos! We get some little snippets of text, I can catch, “Belos…”, “The Savage Ages”, “from that and his past remains [unknown]”, “Savage Ages caused”, and “many people have proved willing to”… Obviously it’s making a big deal what an allegedly benevolent civilizer he is, how nobody knows where Belos came from (of course), and that if I had to guess, many were willing to fall in line with his Coven System! While I have no doubt that Belos had his fair share of voluntary supporters, I also wonder about, you know… Just how many WEREN’T in line. We also see him surrounded by flame, which further alludes to the fire in his throne room, as well as his implied genocides and executions!
           We have Eda being released from Lilith’s bubble into the throne room of Belos, likely our first scene looking back at her since Agony of a Witch… And then we have King warning Luz against her crusade against Belos! We have a better look at the book cover, it’s called “The unauthorized Boiling Isles history,” yet it has the Emperor’s Coven symbol behind it? Did the EC spread its propaganda as having been the always-hidden truth, or is this someone basically taking the symbol of the EC and slapping a title over that screams, “Yeah these guys are SKETCHY, here’s why!”
           The author’s name has been faded out, which only makes me more curious, but it’s also possible this won’t matter! There are no doubt many of who have defied him in the past and died… Regardless, we also get our code at the bottom of the cover, which- Whoops! It’s Blood, I guessed, you guessed it, we ALL guessed it! It’s Lilith, she’s the betrayal of blood.
           NOW we have a shot of Belos with blue eyes, and I think these are his ‘regular’ eyes, because we can actually see his pupils (instead of them being drowned-out amidst the energy of a palisman’s bile)! His eyes are IDENTICAL to those of an Emperor’s Guard, which really makes me wonder if they’re the same species as him, or homunculu off-shoots made in his image? Regular Boiling Isles residents transformed by Belos’ brand to fit his ideal mold as magic-less enforcers? Or for all we know he stole the eyes of some poor Emperor’s Guard to replace his own… THAT would be a freaky thought, because…
           We see him in what could be another section of his castle (there seems to be some weird, organic thing in the bottom-left corner), manifesting behind Luz initially as some… Mixed-up blob version of himself that properly solidifies into his ACTUAL intended shape! This practically confirms for me that Belos’ body isn’t all that well put-together, but there’s at least some benefit to this perhaps? Mostly it seems to be a hindrance to him. You know, I wonder if there’s some symbolism about a character who forces people to fit into a specific mold, having to do the same literally with his own deteriorating body…
           What’s interesting is that he’s glowing RED when he manifests behind Luz, who KNOWS she’s messed up! Is this his natural spell-color, does this come from the Titan or some other previous victim? Regardless, the way he seems to form from the floor, this makes me wonder if the castle is essentially just another extension of him (as seen with his “I will know” line from earlier), and that because it’s a part of Belos, his body can just… disseminate within the structure and reassemble itself as it pleases!
His VA calls him ‘omnipotent’, I have to wonder if this is the result of his connection to the Titan’s Heart, and possibly the rest of the Boiling Isles; Like he can form ANYWHERE from the earth, which when coupled with my speculation about the growing limbs… It makes me wonder if Belos is basically destroying his body and constantly recreating/growing it from the ground-up to ‘teleport’! Pretty metal…
We have Luz not caring about Belos’ status, and GOOD FOR HER! She’s always had misguided optimism sure, but she’s also been someone who will take on the odds when she KNOWS what she’s doing is right! I love that defiant confidence, that she’ll give people space and room and be kind and gentle, but when it gets down to it she’s tougher than anyone else! You go, girl! I just… WANT her to go apeshit, Luz deserves it just this once, to utterly wreck her enemies!
Then we have Luz hiding as the same dude who reported on the Greater Basilisk attacks is on some orbs, announcing stuff –possibly Eda’s capture, Luz’s arrest warrant, a new big announcement by Belos for the next stage of his plan- and I have to wonder if Luz has a Wanted Poster now as well. Granted, if she did it’s a bit weird that the Emperor’s Coven didn’t bother capturing her back when she was RIGHT there at the end of Agony of a Witch… But at the same time, Luz roaming about might come as an alarm especially if she’s trying to sneak somewhere, so we’ll see.
We see Lilith by herself, holding Eda’s staff without Owlbert... But I think we see Owlbert in her other hand? I guess this confirms she’s okay, but it seems the throne room doors are closing on her, leaving her alone. I have to wonder if Belos is essentially telling her to ‘stay out of this’ while he does his own thing, and perhaps being in the same room with Owlbert is going to make Lilith have an epiphany... I HOPE at least...
We have a shot of Gus and Willow in their casual outfits but with their school cowls draped on, so I presume there’s been a sudden call for a town meeting by the Emperor’s Guard for an announcement! We can see Boscha’s green-haired friend, another Hexside student from the Oracle track (they were BOTH on the field trip to Belos’ castle), and what even appears to be the Lead Demon Hunter! I wonder how the Demon Hunters feel about the Coven System, if they were once Wild Witches and technically were when they debuted, but then they had to be bound to a coven after Willow destroyed their livelihood!
Then we have a tapestry of Belos being torn down, possibly by Eda while she’s messing around in her beast-form! Next is a shot of Eda’s portal to the human world opening up in a dungeon, which could be the conformatorium, but it could also be another section of Belos’ castle… And this WORRIES me, because. What if someone took Eda’s key and is banishing Luz into the human realm, like I feared- And THIS is our season finale cliffhanger!? On the bright side we’ll likely get a quick resolution on the whole Creepy Luz subplot, but…
…Honestly I do NOT want this girl separated from her family again! Even if it’s Eda turning back and thanking Luz for rescuing her, but still having to save her apprentice again as she sends Luz to the human world! Dana PLEASE…!
And then we have Luz and King looking justifiably wrathful as Luz asks someone that is apparently in some crystalline-magic prison, “Where’s Eda?!” And she is PISSED, do NOT mess with this girl, you go for it! Go get ‘em! I have to wonder if she’s defeated Lilith or some random Emperor’s Guard/Witch, maybe even Kikimora or Warden Wrath? We still have two shots of them from the Season 1B trailer that haven’t debuted yet!
…Either way my heart can NOT take this, so bring it OOOONNNN!!!!!
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This Week in Gundam Wing (April 26-May 9, 2020)
Oops!  Looks like we missed a week.  Our bad!  But that just means you get a two-fer double-helping of Gundam Wing goodness!  
Show your creators some love!  We also got a lot of headcanons and discussion going over the last two weeks, so definitely take a look and share some thoughts of your own!!
--Mod LAM
PS: this WAS queued for a noon release, but Tumblr freaked out. Sorry for the delay everyone!  I promise we aren’t usually this technically challenged.  ^^;;
Grocery Shopping with the G-Boys (Ch.4) by @bobo-is-tha-bomb​
Pairing: N/A
Characters: Quatre
Rating: General
Tags / Warnings: crack, humor, silliness, script-fic, self-insert
Summary:  Grocery shopping can’t be such a hard task, right? Well... you’re about to find out!
Moon Power and Wine by @bobo-is-tha-bomb​
Pairing: Trowa x Reader
Characters: Trowa, Reader
Rating: Teen and Up
Tags / Warnings: romance, fluff, ritual bathing
Summary: Trowa eyed the label on the empty bottle that stood next to the tub, noticing it was one of the expensive wines that Relena had gifted for Christmas last year.  “Don’t say it’s a waste.” Your voice drifted towards him, with a hint of humor, a teasing little smile playing over your lips.
For the Heart I Once Had (Ch.1-2/13) by @bobo-is-tha-bomb​
Pairing: Trowa x Female OC
Characters: 5 pilots + Lady Une, Rashid
Rating: MATURE
Tags / Warnings: romance, drama, angst, violence
Summary:  The discovery of a young woman in a basement leads to a dive in Trowa's past, the Barton Foundation, and a promise he made at the age of thirteen. Who is this woman and how is she related to Quatre? The criminal that kept the woman locked up is arrested, but she is far from safe. Trowa does his best to honor his promise, but will he be able to protect her when a assassin is send after her? 
Twenty Kisses by @bobo-is-tha-bomb​
Pairing: Heero x Reader
Characters: Heero, Reader
Rating: Teen and Up
Tags / Warnings: romance, kissing, drabble collection, reader-insert
Summary:  Kissing Heero is something special.
LAM!verse Snippet Saturday by @lifeaftermeteor​
Pairing: Wufei x Relena
Characters: Wufei, Sally
Rating: General
Tags / Warnings: post-canon, slice of life, Preventers 
Summary: Wufei asks for a private conversation with Sally Po
LAM!verse Snippet Saturday by @lifeaftermeteor​
Pairing: Wufei x Relena
Characters: 5 pilots + Relena, Hilde
Rating: General
Tags / Warnings: post-canon, slice of life, humor, fluff
Summary: The team assembles over video chat to talk through wedding logistics and plans
Traitor to the Cause (Ch.18-26/30) by @destinysblackrose​
Pairing:  Heero x Relena, Duo x Hilde, Zechs x Noin
Characters:  Heero, Duo, Trowa, Wufei, Zechs, Relena, Noin, Cathy, Sally
Rating: Teen and Up
Tags / Warnings:  angst, drama, action, series continuation, no Frozen Teardrop, political intrigue
Summary:  Set starting in AC 199, the ESUN government decides that the most dangerous threat to peace is the still-anonymous Gundam Pilots. The government demands that Relena identify them and turn over all records from their time in the Sanq (Cinq) kingdom. Relena refuses and is branded a traitor; she escapes, and thus lives in exile. A warrant has been issued; no territory within ESUN is safe… Meanwhile, the Gundam pilots do their best to move on, trying to live normal lives.
Earshot (drabble) by @janaverse
Pairing: Heero x Duo (implied)
Characters: Heero, Duo
Rating: General
Tags / Warnings: slice of life 
Summary:  The apartment they had chosen was not ideal.
Shopping with the Gundam Boys: Attempt 4 by @hiddenmangaka​ 
Shopping with the Gundam Boys: Attempt 5 by @hiddenmangaka​
Dorothy, in Society by @alexecinz​
Cathy and Dorothy by @feanaro07​
Heero and Relena by @noromax​
Relena by @redead-red
Wufei by @oekakimemo
Duo by @ksam7
Duo by @gundayum
Heero and Trowa by @hanryuu​
Trowa and Wufei by @2pcb (NSFW)
Other Fan Works
Swag, Gunpla, and Cosplay
Wing Zero progress and Wing Zero posing by @bobo-is-tha-bomb​
Tallgeese Squad by @bobo-is-tha-bomb​
Duo Maxwell cosplay by @distracteddream​
Heero and Cabbage, plus Duo by @janaverse​
Gundam Wing lunchbox by @vegalume
EW Deathscythe Hell by @lifeaftermeteor
Quotes, Scans, Edits, and Multimedia
Two fan soundtracks by @lifeaftermeteor
80s Style Just Communication shared by @vegalume
@incorrectgundamwingquotes is still going strong (case in point)
Zayeed Winner isn’t the greatest... by @fubuki-shiro
On the taste of lava by @fubuki-shiro
GW x Sailor Senshi Crossover by @sailorheadcanons
Endless Waltz GIF set by @studentmyself​
Wing Self-Detonation GIF set by @therosecrest​
(Some) Gundam Pilots in a nutshell by @awfulanimemes
Wing Zero Proto (GOL Scan) by @disturbed02girl
Hilde AC:NH by @gundayum
Headcanons and Discussion
@memoriesofgundamwing is posting discussion questions in honor of the series’ 25th anniversary.  Be sure to share your thoughts!!
Day 24: Favorite Trowa Quote
Day 25: Favorite Quatre Battlefield Moment
Day 26: Favorite Wufei Outer Space Scene
Day 27: Favorite Fanfiction (get those recs going folks!)
Day 28: Favorite Fanart (get those recs going folks!)
Day 29: Favorite Official Promotional Art
Day 30: Dealer’s Choice - anything Gundam Wing related
@tziganecaffiends shares some thoughts over here
@seikunsbuilds and @fruitso​ also shares some memories
Roadtrip Headcanons by @robo-rad​
Studying Headcanons by @robo-rad
Settling Down Headcanons by @theresareasonforthiswritingblog
Marvel AU Headcanons by @theresareasonforthiswritingblog
Wufei x Relena for the ship ask meme by @lifeaftermeteor​
Responses (one, two) to the salty ask meme by @lifeaftermeteor​
Duo’s Chaotic Energy by @incorrectgundamwingquotes​, @janaverse​, and @deejayers​
GW (Casual) Fashion: Quatre by @disturbed02girl​
FYI: no 1+3 roadtrip of forgiveness in GOL by @disturbed02girl​ and @cuteciboulette​
Calendar Events
Cocktail Fridays continue with @gwcocktailfriday​
Post your submissions on Friday between 3-5PM
The most recent prompt is over here
@wingqueero​ is hosting Gundam Wing Pride Party 2020
Sign-ups are officially closed and participants are hard at work creating some excellent things to share.
Be sure to follow the account for more great promo graphics
Fanworks will be posted on the account between June 21-30
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There’s some stuff to unpack here like how rwby must get away from the AceOps (or get arrested and break out) for them to be on a wanted poster, which isn’t so surprising honestly. 
The ouch-moment of Ironwood starting this volume giving his dear friend Qrow a hug and seeming genuinely glad to see him only to end the volume putting out a warrant for that dear friend’s arrest.
JNR is on here meaning either they do something acting against Ironwood or they get on there out of sheer association cause Ironwood knows they probably aren’t on his side. Tbh, both seem plausible. 
Oscar is on there which means he’s also there purely from association since he’s literally missing, or it’s actually going the route of he ran off with the relic because the guards came after him and therefore is a traitor in Ironwood’s eyes
Also Robyn isn’t on there but you know she absolutely would be a “traitor” in Ironwood’s eyes but also like this is just a promo graphic to hype us up and putting 9 people on it is plenty enough. No AceOps-turned-”traitor” either but duh cause that’d spoil what might be a big moment if you just see like Marrow or something on a twitter graphic lol
I’m absolutely reading too far into what’s literally just a promo/hype graphic but this is me coping with the wait for chapter 12 tomorrow guys
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rosiescarbs · 5 years
Hello ladies and gentlemen! Please analyze promo pictures with me:
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Here you can see where Ziva clearly has Torres’s six. You guys know that after all this Ziva wouldn’t trust just anyone.
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This two given the lighting and the overall atmosphere have to take place right after we left off in Out Of the Darkness.
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So we got a wardrobe change and cleaned up. Here you can see Ziva smiling, her shoulders have released tension. You can see in the picture where she’s wearing black that she was tense. Gibbs is looking at her in a very “oh my kids...” way
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Important one here: how did we end up at a government/federal office right after that Sahar arrest/ gundrawn moment? What letters y’all naming? FBI? Is that why there’s a warrant for her arrest?
In conclusion: We are as confused as Kasie. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk
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lauryn-order · 5 years
Trigger Warning
You know what makes me sad and enraged?
Clicking on a SW to look for some cute promo posts to reblog and seeing a post she’s made ranting about seeing women calling out sexual assaults and how it’s on the rise when they have no physical proof for everyone to see that backs them up. How in reality they just regret the sex. How the “me too” movement is sexist and harmful and ruining innocent men’s lives. How believing the victim culture is wrong.
I did a really quick count, so I may be missing a few non-memorable guys on my list, but I’ve had some sort of sexual experience (hands/fingers, oral, and/or intercourse) with at least 27 men.
Out of those men:
1 - Pedophile
3 - Rapes
2 - Other Assaults/Consent Violations
1 - Attempted Rape
4 - Regrets
7/27 times were assaults of some sort. More than 25%. (Also, I’ve been with at least 13 girls/NB people and not one of them has ever assaulted me.) There is a very clear difference between regretting sex and being assaulted. There’s no in between when it happens to you.
There’s also often no physical proof, as was the case with most of mine.
I didn’t have any kind of proof of the attempted rape. Luckily the shop owner believed me. He confronted him, and he denied it. The shop owner then bluffed and lied saying that he had it on the security camera, to which the guy finally admitted it and was fired.
I went through police twice.
The first time I didn’t report for three months out of fear, so I had zero evidence. I had to call him and listen to my rapist’s voice again while the police recorded it and try to get him to admit it was rape. Do you have any idea how traumatizing that is? He was interrogated, but never charged. I have had PTSD from it for almost 10 years now. I didn’t have the proof to show, but it happened.
The other resulted in an arrest warrant, but the cops told me since his family was rich he could afford good lawyers and the physical evidence was thin, really only that I could identify a surgery he had by marks on his body, knew his job, had an email address/usernames of his, and that I knew what car we were in, but nothing to really prove something happened, so this would likely get thrown out in court.
He killed himself the day before he was to turn himself in because he was guilty and it really did happen, but if he were to go to court he would’ve likely been found innocent.
Not having proof proves nothing.
That case was on the news. People were not kind to me because of it. For example, a coworker of mine heard it on the news and came in to work and immediately stared harassing me about it and calling me names. I also had a life now on my conscience. That’s what I got for speaking out. You think I wanted that?
You think any of the people who speak out about a trauma that happened to them and then they’re called a liar, sent hate, lose friends, lose support, etc., want that?
It doesn’t matter how much proof the victim has, if you like the person they accuse, if the person is popular, if they’re nice to you/other people you know, if they’ve been with or are with other people they didn’t assault/abuse, etc.
Believing victims is and always will be important.
At the very least, even if you have doubts about something, don’t publicly call people a liar for it because what if you’re wrong. Think of the damage you’d be doing and how you’d feel if that happened to you. Keep your opinions to yourself and move on.
If you don’t believe in believing victims, show yourself out and get the fuck off my blog.
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eponymous-rose · 6 years
Talks Machina Highlights - Critical Role C2E43 (December 4, 2018)
Tonight’s episode features Marisha Ray and Travis Willingham!
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Announcements for tonight: 
New Pumat shirt! Matt and Taliesin will also be playing some Fortnite with a Pumat voice pack. As you do.
#EverythingisContent stream tomorrow at 4PM Pacific: games on the all-new MAME cabinet!
Travis’ FPS stream will be happening next week!
Travis strongly recommends tuning in right at the start of the episode on Thursday. Right at the start. You and all your friends. Don’t miss it. There’s a sneak preview of some sort of animation!
Check out Gil Ramirez’s (an amazing smith, but also of “don’t fuck me Gil” fame) kickstarter!
This episode had more spells cast than any previous episode: 76.
3rd time Beau has attempted to Extort Truth, and the 2nd time it’s succeeded.
Fjord has used four potions, all administered to other people. Brian: “For as much as you like swallowing... potions, not so much.”
Fjord has just passed Molly’s natural 20 count, reaching 26. Beau still sits at the top, with 49.
Travis and Marisha agree that this was one of their top five episodes of the show.
Fjord “totally dug” Caleb’s call to go with Wall of Flame to bring the situation with Avantika to a head. He points out that they’d had a conversation about keeping this whole situation in check if need be.
Brian: “You sound like McCree’s drunk uncle.”
The group planned (”we obsessed”) over the game for the entire two weeks, hundreds and hundreds of messages. It pretty much went according to plan. Marisha: “We had contingency plans. We had an ideal initiative, but we were like, if we fuck up, then Nott will take the journal. We had main roles and then understudies.”
Fjord thinks being able to summon demons is pretty much in line with all the weird shit that’s happened to him up to this point. He hasn’t even considered the consequences. Marisha: “I feel like that’s this entire mission. We’ll consider the consequences later.”
During the “I... wait” scene, Brian and Dani were yelling at their TVs, Travis was trying to telepathically communicate, and Marisha had complete tunnel-vision. She knew that if she’d fucked that up, they would have all died. She turned to Travis after Beau got up there and realized, “It’s just me and my words.”
Gif of the Week: the executive goth approves of Fjord’s demon-summoning! Henry models the prize:
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Travis gets asked why Fjord slipped into his real voice when yelling that Caleb needed help. Travis pleads the Fifth: “My what?”
Marisha had no idea her mention of the Cobalt Soul would carry so much weight with the Plank King. It was a last-ditch effort after Fjord’s diplomacy fell flat with him. Travis desperately wants to know how much of what Beau said was true.
Brian: “Only Mercer could make Plank King cool again... Planking? Remember?” There is a brief threat of mutiny in the studio. It’s a Tuesday.
Matt mentioned to Marisha that, if Avantika had been allowed to speak, she would’ve called for a trial. Things could’ve gone very wrong for the Nein.
Out-of-context quote of the night: Dani: “Can you fit a puppy in your pocket?” Travis: “Yes, I’m enormous.”
Beau is surrounded by people who can do all sorts of absurd magic, “so of course she’s like, ‘Yeah, I can punch the shit out of you. I’ll start a fucking fight to do it!’”
Travis isn’t working with anything custom for his class, apart from the sword. Brian: “So your gag reflex is right out of the Handbook?” Travis: “That and personal experience.”
Travis on Fjord’s reaction to Avantika’s death: “All great stories are laced with truth. That fucked me up, because I hadn’t realized until that point that if she’s toast, I won’t get to ask her questions.” Not to mention the whole island having reactions to Vandren’s name. “I went back and watched it twice. The ritual, the tattoos, how she found her sphere, all of that shit, I’m feeling more like I knew less of the man than I thought I knew, and she knew more about him than I ever did. It’s fucking me up.”
Fanart of the Week: “I... wait.”
Marisha on Avantika’s very sudden death: “You know how things happen, and you go, wow, I should’ve seen that coming...” The outcome of the first plan was just to get her arrested, and then the fight happened, so she wasn’t thinking about immediate repercussions. She was expecting an arrest, and maybe she’d get executed after they left, but “I mean... that was brutal.” Travis: “It just kept escalating, and then she kept saying nothing after nothing. We’re going to be front row center for this.”
Travis: “Fjord is Lawful Good, clearly--” Brian: “You’re fooling no one with that Lawful Good bullshit, Travis.” Travis: “At least 40% of the audience. Lawful Good. Clearly feels a little distressed that she had to pay with her life.” But he points out that it wasn’t the first time Fjord wanted to see her dead. “If he could’ve seen to it himself, I think he would’ve.” It’s not something he’s very practiced with, but he’s emboldened by his new abilities.
Beau was definitely intimidated by the Plank King, but still had a bit of her contempt for authority figures. “I think it set in pretty hard that she was going to be terse, she was going to be blunt, but she wasn’t going to try anything that was going to get her throat slit immediately.”
Travis hadn’t intended to start picking up pieces of lost friends as part of his identity (Molly’s sword, Vandren’s accent), but it felt like the right fit, since he’s trying to establish his identity for the first time. He’s emulating what he admires about them.
Fjord’s in his early 30s. Beau’s in her early 20s. Playing Beau younger than Marisha lets her give Beau a little extra room for development; it also makes sense with her backstory. For Fjord, he was old enough to have mostly figured out what he was doing... and then everything changed.
Travis: “Fjord saw in Vandren a leadership that empowers people to rise in their station.” It’s about the team succeeding, not one person gaining more power. He’s constantly trying to put people in different situations for success.
Fjord is very attached to this group, but he’s also uncomfortable with how much attention is starting to be put on him. His whole survival mechanism is based on blending in, and being pushed to the front and being forced to make decisions is hard for him (Travis: “And me.”). Fjord is loving everything that’s been happening. The world’s never been richer or more exciting, and he wants to protect that if he can.
Brian: “Are you preparing for when things are as Beau-focused as they are... Fjord-focused right now?” No pun intended. Beau: “It’s a horror that you cannot prepare for. One day Matt will just introduce an NPC and he’s going to look at you and he’s going to be like, ‘Hello, Beau,’ and I’m going to be like ‘AHHH’.” Travis: “The tension is palpable. It’s real.” They compliment Taliesin on his handling of the first character-centric arc in the first campaign.
Brian jokes about everyone stumbling into Yasha’s story while Ashley’s still away, so Travis would have to play her through the whole thing. Travis gives a sneak-preview of how that would go, grabbing Beau’s hand and staring deeply into her eyes.
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A gift for Travis from fans! He’s blown away.
Talks Machina: After Dog
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Essential update on Henry: he likes wearing costumes because “it feels like being hugged”. There’s talk about him doing a Grog cosplay.
Pumat impressions all around. Travis’ is, according to Marisha, “Like Grog doing a Pumat impression.” Marisha has some practice because she was the one who wrote all the Pumat promos. Travis: “Wow, that puts your Swedish accent to shame.”
Fjord and Jester? “Fjord picks up on some subtle things and some not-so-subtle things, and then probably second-guesses those things.” He’s not too sure where they stand.
Everyone’s worried about their favorite artists’ tumblrs.
Travis reads the German on the back of his chocolate. Marisha: “There are way more syllables there than what you said.” Travis offers the last chocolate to Brian, and promptly eats it in front of him instead. “You gotta act fast on that shit.”
There were some ideas that didn’t work out: Travis was going to cast a spell so everyone could breathe underwater, and they were going to jump off the ship.
A question for Henry: Who’s a good boy?
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Quote from the text thread: “Oh shoot. There is an a-hole with a crossbow. Dangit.”
Finally, in case you were losing sleep wondering, Brian is still dabbing every time he says the word “slash” in a URL. Further updates as warranted. 
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alittlebriton · 5 years
I should probably warn you I'll be just fine
Short ficlet based on a what-if and the 3x18 promo! Title from Pharrell’s Happy.
When Magnus opens the door, of course it’s Alexander standing there, flanked by two brutes who look like they share one brain cell.
“Alec,” he says calmly and Alec inclines his head, his eyes hard.
“We have reason to believe Curtis Hart is within the premises. We have a warrant for his arrest. May we come in?”
“Oh by all means,” Magnus says, sweeping his hand obsequiously to beckon the way and sashaying back towards the bedroom, knowing he’s showing off the claw marks on his back. He still has last night’s make up smudged around his eyes and he can feel the marks Curt left on him throbbing with his elevated pulse. Petty, but he feels it speaks volumes. Warlocks were never meant to be celibate and it’s ludicrous to think that he has been in the three years since he’s seen Alexander.
“Curt, darling? It seems you’ve been a naughty boy.”
Curt pokes his dark head out of the bedroom and blanches when he sees Alec and his goons. They anticipate him bolting and flank him easily, holding his struggling body like it’s a tissue.
“What exactly has he done?” he asks Alec, swirling his morning martini idly between his fingers.
“Participated in the murder of three vampires and the attempted murder of two Shadowhunters.”
Magnus shakes his head sadly. “Oh Curt. I thought you knew how to cover your tracks better than that.”
“Magnus!” Alec bites out, shocked and Magnus grins at him. “Oh hush, I’m teasing. You want him deposited in the Guard?” He twirls his fingers and a portal opens up behind them. Alec nods at his team and they drag a protesting Curt with them, but Alec makes no move to join them.
“Was there something else, Shadowhunter?” Magnus finally looks at Alec again, takes in the new frown lines on his forehead, the sliver of grey at his temple.
Alec looks like he’s going to say something and then his face closes. “No. I apologise for interrupting your morning.”
“This morning is the same as all the others, “ Magnus replies lightly, tilting his head to show off his bruises, watching Alec’s face lose colour. “What can I say.”
“As long as you’re happy,” Alec says with a shuddering inhale, turning to go. Magnus frowns, but can’t resist pressing on the wound.
“Of course I am. I have everything I need.” Magnus watches with a sinking triumph as Alec leaves without another word, and then collapses onto his couch, rubbing his hand over his face. Three years and Alec still has the power to reduce him to nothing but the rawest part of him, a heart that only beats for one. It’s not fair, he thinks, his hand clenching into a fist. It’s not fair at all. He raises his head to survey the New York skyline, spread out beneath him, ready and waiting for all his power, and realises he’s never felt quite so small.
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