#「 verse 」 — ❛ main v2٬ the wrath of saint anger. ❜
angerworn · 1 year
------@sainterror (theia): ❛  i  noticed  you  already  ‘ borrowed ’  all of my whiskey .  ❜ (here.)
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------MORGAN HAD A bad habit of letting herself in . something she'd learned from her mentor - bishop had been a hell of a lot more than just her sincere push into the underbelly of crime . and she was really alright with that . contracts came and went , contacts were forged from those deals and at the end of the day her life looked more like a spiderweb or a pin board with red strings connecting everyone and everything impossibly . theia was one such connection .
she didn't know the woman well , but when the name of saint anger passed through word of mouth from one person to another it was typically because her services were needed . she didn't ask questions , she didn't care for the answers , and when people called she came knocking with her neat little bag and her black cherry cigarettes . there was no better cleaner in the american continents than her . she'd say europe if she was assed to go there , but it felt pretentious .
" i was expecting you home an hour ago . maybe my information was wrong , or you changed schedule . " fingers curled around the rocks glass , mostly empty from the last sips of the decanter of whiskey she'd found and claimed . cheek pressed into the curled fingers of her free hand , elbow on the table , pitch eyes studying the figure of the woman shamelessly . " welcome home . "
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angerworn · 1 year
------@e1verdugo: ❛  i  noticed  you  already  ‘ borrowed ’  all of my whiskey .  ❜ (here.)
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------SHE SAT IN his apartment as if she had been invited in permanently - as if she owned it : back against the kitchen chair , toes of one foot pressing against the floor where she tipped back in the seat while the other was tucked up so her knee was against her chest . the bottle of whiskey in question sat on the table , poured several times over into the glass in her grasp . if she wasn't careful she'd fall backward , but morgan's balance was better than that - better than she gave herself credit for .
her shoes had been deposited by the front door on the way in - whether or not it was a means to be sneaky or not to track dirt into his home was unclear . it was strange to see her in any form of girly , yet her toes bore fresh coats of black polish ( done out of boredom at home ) that caught under the nearly liminal lighting of the fluorescents above her . her head canted to the side , impossibly dark gaze considering the wide form of him as it filled the space of the kitchen doorway . smiles never met those eyes - but so often they lit something other behind the pitch there , something had had been attributed to sinister more times than not .
" i could give it back , if you'd like . " she didn't raise her hand but her gaze suggested come here, then - an offer perhaps serious ... left best for him to wager . not for the last time that night she lifted the glass to her lips and swallowed a mouthful of whiskey , then let it rest against her raised knee once more - fingers a cage around it . " i would've pegged you for a beer man , papi . you surprised me . " a beat , and finally morgan nodded to the empty chair beside her ... inviting him to sit in his own home , " i was starting to think you wouldn't come home . or that you'd have company . "
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angerworn · 11 months
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------the cleaner.
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angerworn · 11 months
------@e1verdugo: [ BEG ]:  sender  begs  receiver  to  touch  /  fuck  them. (here.)
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------THE PARTY OUTSIDE was raucous and lively , exactly what she'd come to expect in her time with the saints . teo never hosted anything half - assed and there never seemed to be any shortage of reasons to celebrate . morgan couldn't track why they were , but she didn't particularly care either . she didn't usually bother to come by ... the last time ... the last time ...
she'd occupied her time with one of the hangarounds , a pretty young girl with big green eyes and legs a mile long . like a siren she'd lured santi into one of the back bedrooms and allowed him to watch with the caveat : if you touch , you're out .
he'd listened . he could be good like that .
this time she'd slipped inside for some of the high shelf whiskey she knew teo kept in a dingy bottle that looked like it was nothing special . while everyone laughed and drank themselves stupid outside ( it was always the same , boys in the gang did their best to scout the hangarounds they wanted to fuck that night , horsed around , and generally caused mayhem ) santi had slipped in for his own brand of trouble .
she'd told herself it would just be once . and when it happened again it'd just be that time , that one last time ... but even morgan was smart - enough to know when she was lying to herself . men were good for a night , maybe , and forgotten once the deed was done . it was harder when you worked with them - the reason for that golden rule morgan had initially used to push back against him when he'd made his interest clear . she'd still have to be around him after , and sex always complicated shit .
but there was something enticing about the way he wanted her . he teased her in turn , took the insults she doled out and turned them into a game . it was infuriating . but not as infuriating as how good he was . not that morgan would admit that aloud , even under penalty of pain or death . his ego was big - enough , he didn't need that particular stroke .
she'd backed him into the wall when he'd teased at her this time , insisted herself against him to trap him as if she wasn't almost an entire foot shorter than he was . santiago alma was a brick house with anvils for fists ---el verdugo , the butcher and she'd seen the reason behind that name . their working relationship began with cleaning up the messes those fists caused and on some professional level she admired the destruction . but he seemed keen on letting her be his personal succubus , to torment him in the way that had him huffing and groaning in strained pleasure for the effort of it .
like now , with his pants unbuckled and splayed open , hard length of him pressed into her palm where she worked at him with amused concentration . dark eyes shifted between the expressions that painted his features and the steady roll of his hips - growing insistence as he fucked into her hand and let his head roll back against the wall . it was an awful lot of power to give someone like morgan sanders , but she drank it all down and came back looking for more . every . damn . time .
he looked beautiful like this . vulnerable , wanting , aching in the way he pulsed against her and morgan toyed with the idea of giving in just this once . making it easier than she ever had ; cutting the cat - and - mouse that often ramped up the effort between them . where was the fun in that ? thumb danced over the head of him , collected the slick that oozed there and pulled away entirely . immediately santi's eyes pulled open , slack - jaw stuttering when he watched to find why she'd stopped . morgan let her tongue slip from between full lips , lick at the pad of her thumb before she drew it into her maw , and smiled around the digit . wicked .
" please , " god he sounded desperate . it made her stomach tighten . she refused to let her gaze leave his . " please fuck me . please . "
she wanted to . oh , she really did . nobody had ever made her feel it the way he did . nobody moved the way he did , read her , gave into her but still somehow pushed back like santiago alma . she let her tongue part her lips to wet them , pointed in how slow she dragged it along their pouted shape , and returned her hand to the straining length of him . he gasped , groaned and clenched his jaw . it moved the muscle in his cheeks the way morgan knew men did when they were frustrated and the laugh that left her was rich , airy .
" maybe . " she would . but she wanted to tease him more , first . " if you're a good boy. " his chest rose with how sharp he inhaled , and again he rolled his hips forward , pushing himself into her palm , insisting .
because the more she teased the more she knew he'd get her back . and fuck , that was sweet .
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angerworn · 11 months
------@prettybrawler: ❛  eye contact with you always feels like foreplay.  ❜ (here.)
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------THE SMIRK EASED itself across her lips , spread thick like a generous smear of jelly on white bread - just to taste . there's something playful and untrustworthy lurking behind the nearly black sheen of her gaze , one that doesn't break from his own pretty blue oceans . she's never the first to look away if she can help it ... a trick that worked with people as well as animals just the same ... an establishment of dominance subtle - enough to usually work .
typically people looked away . they didn't like being surveyed , espied in the way that her expression usually hinted she was looking through them . but caed did not . he merely offered the same intensity she gave : a mirror or reflecting pool in the same mind , and morgan wondered if he would be just as cool as ... or burning hot to the touch .
" it should , " tongue parted her lips, wet them with purpose as her eyes narrowed in slight . even if she blinked she wouldn't peel her gaze from his own . peripherals let her take in the roll of his shoulders , the curve of his neck , the sharpness of his jaw , the smirk slathered across his own tiers . boyish . wolfish . the same damn thing . " considering i often undress you with my eyes . "
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angerworn · 11 months
------@e1verdugo: " don't be stupid. you're not going anywhere. come on, back into bed... " (here.)
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------EVERY PART OF her body ached from tensing so harshly . the worst of it were open wounds - compounding scarred flesh with abrasions and a gash or two that had been picked clean of gravel and dirt by the hands of el verdugo . people knew him as rough ... an entity that you dared not mess with , the executioner sent to take care of a problem when it was particularly difficult .
nobody saw how soft he could be , but morgan knew .
realistically she kept her head out of any gang business . she was contracted to clean up their messes , to clean up when santi painted walls and floors with deep red ichor and gore ... but occasionally she got caught in the shit . she had no memory of coming back to his place , no memory of the car ride there or getting undressed . she wondered if he'd needed to sedate her when he cleaned her up and stitched her back together or if she'd just been so exhausted from the whole ordeal that she'd slept through it .
to be fair , her tolerance for pain was ridiculous .
and she was always so goddamn tired .
when her eye cracked open she knew she wasn't home , but had no idea how much time had passed . a day ? a few hours ? the soft , low blue of dusk cracked through the blinds , illuminated the room just - enough that morgan could decipher where she was . santiago's apartment .
it hurt to move . limbs protested , stiff from whatever position she'd been sent to bed in , and the sorest bits of her screamed as she pushed to sit up in his bed . it smelled like him in here . the pillow had smelled like him --- lifting her arms to brush back untamed brown hair showed the shirt would smell like him , too . one of his many red flannels , buttoned loosely around her stomach twice , hanging too large on her shapely frame .
she had to go home .
lingering here would be a bad idea - especially with her head like this , dazed and caught in twilight . her groan was soft as her feet touched the floor , the swing of her legs enough to make her see a flash of hot white , and when she'd exuded enough energy to pull her up to her feet she heard the boot falls ... then the door .
" what are you doing ? "
she squinted , adjusting to the streams of artificial light as they pushed around his frame in the doorway --- too bright . morgan lifted her arm to block some of it , let the overage of the shirt cuffs dangle shadows to shade her eyes so she could see more clearly . " i need to go home . "
" don't be stupid. you're not going anywhere. come on, back into bed... "
apparently he wouldn't take no for an answer . he hadn't even given her a chance to protest . in two long strides he was by her side , hands so gentle it ached worse than the wounds guided her to the bedside once more and he let himself be a brace so she could ease back under the sheets .
she needed to go home . this was a bad idea .
" stubborn . " she might be dazy but she still heard him . and when he turned to seal her back into the room she reached up and snagged his wrist . despite the ache of it , her grip was strong - enough .
" at least keep me company until i fall asleep , papito . please . "
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angerworn · 1 year
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------FINGERS SLIPPED THE well-worn pages from her palm into his lap , wingspan significant in the way he seemed to spread himself out in his seat . DON QUIXOTE engraved in mock gold on the the hard cover , it's obvious the book is old and loved . " exercise your mind , for once . " her lips press into a line, one brow raised , " or you're a shameful mexican . and maybe you'll learn how to flirt better , papi . " a beat , " and i want that back . it was my brothers . "
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angerworn · 1 year
tag drop.
「 ooc 」 — ❛ hold on٬ cat aggro. ❜ 「 promo 」 — ❛ take a penny٬ have a penny. ❜ 「 memes 」 — ❛ they're gonna get it٬ all i have. ❜ 「 starter call 」 — ❛ i could care less than for your grandiosity. ❜ 「 crack 」 — ❛ counting bodies. ❜ 「 queue 」 — ❛ hollow heart is all i have today. ❜
「 about 」 — ❛ dressed in metal٬ dressed in rain. ❜ 「 meta 」 — ❛ no one can hurt me now. ❜
「 images 」 — ❛ she was divinity's creature that kissed in cold mirrors. ❜ 「 music 」 — ❛ convulse together٬ sing violently. ❜ 「 desires 」 — ❛ i thought i found what i always wanted there with me. ❜
「 answers 」 — ❛ feeling fine٬ just a little tongue tied. ❜ 「 speech 」 — ❛ love would have conquered hate٬ hate٬ hate. ❜
「 alex 」 — ❛ and i just want to have you back again. ❜ 「 eli 」 — ❛ i should have been yours٬ you should have been mine. ❜ 「 silas 」 — ❛ i will fly you to the moon and back if you'll be my baby. ❜ 「 santi 」 — ❛ could be anyone at all٬ but don't lead me along. ❜ 「 aleja 」 — ❛ my little moon and all the stars in the goddamn sky. ❜ 「 quantis 」 — ❛ you move forward٬ i move backward and together we make nothing at all ❜ 「 verse 」 — ❛ main٬ our temple & your tomb. ❜ 「 verse 」 — ❛ main v2٬ the wrath of saint anger. ❜ 「 verse 」 — ❛ a game of thrones٬ i am nothing. no one. ❜ 「 verse 」 — ❛ inception٬ sweet dreams are made of this. ❜
#「 ooc 」 — ❛ hold on٬ cat aggro. ❜#「 promo 」 — ❛ take a penny٬ have a penny. ❜#「 memes 」 — ❛ they're gonna get it٬ all i have. ❜#「 starter call 」 — ❛ i could care less than for your grandiosity. ❜#「 crack 」 — ❛ counting bodies. ❜#「 queue 」 — ❛ hollow heart is all i have today. ❜#「 about 」 — ❛ dressed in metal٬ dressed in rain. ❜#「 meta 」 — ❛ no one can hurt me now. ❜#「 images 」 — ❛ she was divinity's creature that kissed in cold mirrors. ❜#「 music 」 — ❛ convulse together٬ sing violently. ❜#「 desires 」 — ❛ i thought i found what i always wanted there with me. ❜#「 answers 」 — ❛ feeling fine٬ just a little tongue tied. ❜#「 speech 」 — ❛ love would have conquered hate٬ hate٬ hate. ❜#「 alex 」 — ❛ and i just want to have you back again. ❜#「 eli 」 — ❛ i should have been yours٬ you should have been mine. ❜#「 verse 」 — ❛ main٬ our temple & your tomb. ❜#tag drop.#「 silas 」 — ❛ i will fly you to the moon and back if you'll be my baby. ❜#「 santi 」 — ❛ could be anyone at all٬ but don't lead me along. ❜#「 aleja 」 — ❛ my little moon and all the stars in the goddamn sky. ❜#「 verse 」 — ❛ main v2٬ the wrath of saint anger. ❜#「 quantis 」 — ❛ you move forward٬ i move backward and together we make nothing at all ❜#「 verse 」 — ❛ a game of thrones٬ i am nothing. no one. ❜#「 verse 」 — ❛ inception٬ sweet dreams are made of this. ❜
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